What sensations at training fights. Training contractions: symptoms and sensations during "false" contractions during pregnancy. When the workout comes to an end

Pregnancy is the strongest stress for the female body. But every woman is ready to go through this for the sake of the birth of the cherished little lump love.

Women in position will agree that during pregnancy changes occur in the body that affect the health of the expectant mother.

Even if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then a woman will still not be able to avoid training contractions, so she should know what false contractions are and for how long they appear.

Training contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions appear in the middle of pregnancy. They are designed to prepare the birth canal for the birth of a baby.

False contractions are contractions of the muscles of the uterus in an involuntary manner. They are mandatory for a woman in order to prepare the muscles for childbirth.

Don't worry this phenomenon does not harm the baby. But often they are confused with the threat of miscarriage.

Note! The symptoms of miscarriage and training muscle contractions are similar. But their main difference is that the signs of Braxton-Hicks contractions disappear, and the symptoms of the threat of miscarriage increase.

Table: symptoms

Criterion Description
Discomfort There is discomfort in the lower abdomen. When probing, the uterus hardens and its contours are drawn on the stomach. Feelings are similar to the period of menstrual flow.
Allocations There should be no separations. Whitish discharge is allowed. But if a woman notices bloody discharge, then this is a direct threat to the life of the future crumbs.
Pain Pain is not felt. But many note that during contractions they felt how the lower abdomen “sips” a little. But experts assure that up to 35 weeks, false contractions are not sick, but only bring discomfort to a woman.
Spasms False contractions are periodic spasmodic in nature. They appear suddenly, then gradually stop.
Duration The fight lasts from thirty seconds to one minute. She is painless. Sometimes the duration of the fight reaches two minutes.
Interval There are up to four contractions per hour. They are frequent, and it is impossible to call them regular, cyclical.

If the contractions are frequent, regular, strong and bring pain then this is the beginning labor activity or threatened miscarriage.

It is worth remembering that training contractions do not cause severe pain. But a woman still needs to rest or change her body position. This will make it easier for contractions to flow.

If they bring severe discomfort, then it is worth using the technique of rhythmic breathing.

How long before birth do contractions start?

Each female body is individual, so it is very difficult to say exactly from which week such changes begin.

But it can be noted unambiguously that this phenomenon begins to manifest itself after the twentieth week of pregnancy.

But it is worth noting that this process sometimes it occurs completely without symptoms, so many women during pregnancy may not be aware that preparations for childbirth have begun in their body. But this happens very rarely.

When practice bouts start:

  1. During the first pregnancy. If a woman is pregnant for the first time, then it is more difficult for her to recognize this process.

    Experts say that Braxton Hicks contractions appear as early as the sixth week. interesting position. But the first symptoms are felt only in the second trimester.

    As mentioned earlier, each organism is individual and it is impossible to predict their exact appearance. Many expectant mothers experience this phenomenon only from 37 weeks.

    In nulliparous women, the process is more painful in most cases. If the expectant mother is already later dates noticed contractions of the uterus, it is better for her to immediately consult a doctor.

    After all, sometimes false contractions quickly flow into labor, that is, they are harbingers of childbirth.

  2. During the second pregnancy. The second pregnancy is often easier for women, so in multiparous contractions appear closer to the end of the third trimester.

Important! If during pregnancy the expectant mother has a uterine tone, then she will not feel the harbingers of childbirth.

Causes of Braxton Hicks contractions

Often the appearance of training contractions of the muscles of the uterus provokes:

  1. Excessive activity of a pregnant girl.
  2. Excessive activity of the fetus in the womb.
  3. Insufficient amount of moisture in the female body.
  4. Full bladder.
  5. Nervous tension.
  6. Stress, anxiety, fatigue.
  7. Completion of sexual intercourse.
  8. Frequent touching and stroking of the abdomen.

If this process brings discomfort, it is worth:

  1. Control fluid intake.
  2. Reduce physical activity.
  3. Stop having sex for a while.

How to distinguish contractions from training: symptoms

False contractions are not difficult to distinguish from real ones. But it's hard to figure it out on your own.

In order to know how to determine real abbreviations from false ones, you must first find out what they are for. Training contractions are aimed at stretching the muscles of the uterus for further childbirth.

They increase blood flow to the uterus and help transport oxygen to the unborn baby.

Note! With the onset of labor, the cervix gradually opens, preparing for the birth of the baby.

At false neck uterus remains closed. This is the main criterion for determining false or real abbreviations.

It is impossible to independently determine the condition of the cervix, so a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Table: differences between false contractions and real ones

Criterion real contractions Training bouts
cyclicity Cyclic interval between contractions. The onset of labor is characterized by the fact that the marriages become more frequent, their duration increases with time. Irregular interval between contractions. If after the first contraction the second does not appear for a long time, then the female body began to prepare the muscles of the uterus for childbirth.
Pain Pain is felt. In most cases, contractions go away without pain. In rare cases, lower back pain.
Neutralization of pain Painful sensations at the beginning of labor cannot be removed on their own. This can only be done with the help of painkillers. If, after changing the position of the body, the contractions stopped, then this is a sign of the onset of training fights.

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Why do women come to the maternity hospital shouting "I'm giving birth!", And then they calmly go home? It's all due to practice fights. They are able to confuse an inexperienced mother and send her on a cruise to the hospital and back several times a month. Let's figure out what training uterine contractions are and how to behave with them.

In contact with

general information

Medicine cannot give an absolutely firm answer to the question, what is it - training bouts? There is only a theory that no one can disprove, as well as prove: this preparation of the body for future childbirth.

Briton Braxton-Hicks, being a gynecologist, was the founder of this theory and was the first to suggest that all the false urges that a woman experiences, but does not give birth as a result, is nothing more than a test of the body.

Training bouts as a medical term with its easy filing came into use and got its second name - Braxton-Hicks contractions.

Not all women experience this condition.

Some first hear about it from their friend who gave birth two years later, some experience them already in the second trimester, some simply do not know how to identify them. The reason for this scatter in time is not explained by science. There are only bare facts. Theoretically, the process is explained by the individual characteristics of the body of each individual woman.

Someone is very sensitive, someone went in for sports for a long time and hard, someone has a low / high pain threshold, what kind of pregnancy can also affect the sensations and behavior of the body. It’s not worth waiting with a shudder when these same training bouts come. They will come - it will be clear. If they don't come - less nerves. On the process of gestation and childbirth, the presence or absence does not affect.

real data

It is worth talking about specific figures that, over many years of practice, gynecologists-obstetricians have systematized and deduced a certain scheme.

What week do practice bouts start? The earliest time a woman can feel a contraction is 20 weeks pregnant. Doctors recorded seizures at the 6th week of pregnancy, but the woman is not able to feel them at this time.

How long before birth do contractions start? False contractions often occur towards the end of the third trimester.

After 38 weeks, the baby is considered fully term and viable. During this period, training contractions that have not stopped can turn into prenatal.

It's too early to panic. It is necessary to write down the intensity of contractions on a piece of paper, call the leading gynecologist or an ambulance and dictate the data. Then the doctors will figure it out.

How long do practice bouts last? The duration of one contraction may vary within 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Writing down the numbers in a notebook, you should calculate the time between contractions. Depending on how long the contractions and gaps last, the specialist will be able to determine whether they are false or prenatal.

How exactly are training bouts going? The uterus tenses up and the abdomen becomes very hard. Relaxation occurs after a maximum of 2 minutes.

How often do seizures occur? The norm is considered to be a maximum of 12 attacks per day.


What is the difference between prenatal and training contractions? Feelings and intensity are completely different.

Important! How to understand what is in primiparous: symptoms and signs

When start to birth pains, the following is observed:

  • increase in the duration of one contraction;
  • reduced time between contractions;
  • increased pain with each contraction;
  • pain is felt not only in the uterus, but also in the lower back.

False similar phenomena should not be observed.

For false, the following signs are characteristic:

  • irregularity;
  • different time intervals between contractions;
  • short duration of time;
  • sensations are concentrated exclusively in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus.

The closer the date of birth, the more noticeable the seizures can be, but not necessarily. How to determine 100% that childbirth has begun? On the cervix. - another feature started childbirth. But only a specialist can see this and state it. The woman in labor herself is not able to understand what is happening purely physiological reasons. Asking your husband/mother/sister/girlfriend, etc. "look" is useless. A person who is far from obstetrics will not understand anything.

When to See a Doctor

You should immediately contact a specialist in situations where training bouts begin and a woman observes a number of specific signs:

  • a sharp increase in the volume of secretions;
  • bloody impurities in the secretions;
  • pain, nausea, dizziness;
  • one or more symptoms of prenatal contractions.

Note! If, along with false attacks with secretions, cork particles come out, it means that you will soon give birth.

If a water has broken or is starting to break- bags in hand and on an ambulance to the hospital. It is not recommended to travel by personal transport, because rapid labor can begin.

This is purely individual process, which is difficult to predict, and only doctors can respond correctly.

You're having a spasm and you're still two weeks away from your due date? Worried that they started prematurely? It's too early to go to the hospital. You can relieve stress at home and continue bearing your child.

Contractions are muscle spasms, nothing more. There are a few simple ways relieve tension from any muscle, including the uterus:

  • warm shower. warm water always relaxing. Taking a bath can be uncomfortable due to big belly either contraindicated, and the shower is always allowed and for everyone;
  • change of position. This refers to the need to change the current state of a particular muscle. If she is relaxed (the woman is lying) - get up and walk around. If tense - lie down / sit down;
  • antispasmodics. This is an extreme case, not always recommended by experts. First, you may not notice prenatal contractions. Secondly, the body will get used to reacting sluggishly, and childbirth will be very difficult.

One of the popular methods of dealing with uterine contractions, both at home and in the hospital, is breathing. Many people say that if breathe properly during labor and pushing - it will become easier. Perhaps, if you fully follow the instructions of the midwife, this helps, but not always the woman in labor has the opportunity to carefully listen and follow the instructions. However, you need to try. It's distracting. When trying to focus on what and when the air is inhaled, under certain circumstances, you can be distracted and forget about what is happening for a couple of minutes. Sometimes it saves.

Three effective breathing techniques:

  • candle. Slowly inhale air through the nose, and then exhale sharply through the mouth, folding the lips with a tube, as if blowing out a candle;
  • during the contraction, exhale slowly, and in the interval, inhale deeply and quickly;
  • Like a dog. Short inhalations and exhalations, shallow and frequent. Do not use for more than 30 seconds - dizziness will begin.

It is recommended to just ignore it. Easy to say, but not easy to do. Alternatively, you can do your home routine - download washing machine, rearrange the products in the refrigerator, wipe the dust off the shelves - switching the body from moral concentration to physical will take place automatically. You can dive into computer game. This is a great way to disconnect from reality.


The uterus, like any muscle, responds to a "stimulus" with tension. Accordingly, the causes of false seizures can be any physical impact on the uterus or psychological condition women:

  • sexual intercourse, in particular, orgasm;
  • physical exercise;
  • child;
  • dehydration;
  • full bladder;
  • external factors.

Physical activity during pregnancy is a relative concept. AT this case I mean overactive.

General cleaning with a vacuum cleaner in one hand and a mop in the other is a living example of this.

The baby in the mother's belly kicks, kicks and pushes. It is quite natural that after another poke, the uterus can shrink sharply.

Constantly stroking the belly, feeling it, trying to hear what is happening in it is insanely cute, but the body does not always like it.

Even a banal turn to the other side is enough for an attack.

Important! Lack of fluid in the body causes many unpleasant reactions. The uterus presses on the bladder, the bladder presses on the uterus, as a result, muscle contraction occurs.

Useful video: training fights


The emotional state of a pregnant woman is an amazing phenomenon. A woman can even convince herself to give birth “right today and right here,” and this is medical practice, not myths. strong commotion and emotional swings I can easily provoke not only training, but also labor pains. Therefore, at the deadlines, it is recommended to maintain titanic calmness. The main thing is not to be afraid and talk. Asking your gynecologist about everything and always writing down his answers - no one canceled absent-mindedness. Then both false contractions and childbirth will not be a sharp surprise, and all actions will be performed on time and correctly.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Pregnancy for a woman becomes difficult, important period when the body undergoes a serious test. Training fights are false sensations, which can begin either in the second half of pregnancy, or closer to the 40th week. These are not deviations in the development of the fetus and not a reason to immediately sound the alarm. Most of the sensations that a woman experiences are aimed at preparing the body for labor.

What are practice bouts

This phenomenon is characterized by paroxysmal tension of the uterus, it does not bring discomfort and does not cause discomfort. This muscle contraction is also called Braxton-Hicks contractions. They can start suddenly with irregular frequency. Some women say that they have preparatory contractions once a day, and for some almost every hour. During false contractions, the expectant mother experiences how the muscles of the uterus tighten, attacks of abdominal tension have different intervals.

The reasons

Braxton-Hicks contractions do not occur in everyone; there are a number of reasons for the appearance of false muscle contractions. There are the following factors that can affect this:

  • excessive activity of the mother or fetus;
  • touch on the stomach;
  • dehydration;
  • serious physical activity;
  • stormy intimate life;
  • psycho-emotional overstrain;
  • overfilled bladder.

During a real birth, a woman will have to make a lot of effort, so this process prepares the uterus. If during the entire period of pregnancy the muscles have never tensed, they will remain in a relaxed state and during real labor activity, there may simply not be enough strength. Just before birth, this phenomenon helps to soften the cervix, by contracting it becomes shorter, which leads to the opening of the cervix. This is a kind of body training to facilitate the process.

Does everyone have

Exists a large number of women who did not experience any training contractions. This does not mean that the muscles of the uterus did not work before childbirth. Expectant mothers may simply not notice them due to pain threshold, lifestyle and other factors. Much depends on individual tolerance, but the uterus will certainly strain and prepare for labor at certain intervals. Often, primiparas do not experience any sensations, but during the second pregnancy, uterine contractions are already noticed.

How to distinguish practice contractions from real ones

Moms should listen carefully to what is happening in their body. For this reason, it is important to know how to distinguish real contractions from training ones. The main difference is that during prenatal contractions, the cervix opens, while this does not happen during training, which indicates false contractions. There are two main factors that help women distinguish real labor from false:

  • rhythmic contractions;
  • painful sensations.


A girl should know how to distinguish real contractions from false ones. As a rule, during training contractions, there is a slight tension in the lower abdomen. Often the sensation is localized on one side (left or right), lasts a couple of seconds or minutes and passes. Visually, this may look like a protrusion of the buttocks or head of a child, and the stomach takes on a “pointed” shape. future mommy can further benefit from false contractions by starting breathing exercises.

As a rule, training contractions are painless. Their intensity can grow along with the duration of pregnancy, sometimes there is a slight pain. You can recognize them by 4 main features:

  • the gap between them is not equal, there is no predictability, the next contraction may last longer or occur earlier than the previous one;
  • irregularity, less than 6 voltages in 1 hour;
  • concentration of contraction in one area, may be localized in the lower abdomen, upper uterus or groin;
  • physical discomfort is felt, but not pain, it gradually subsides and completely disappears.


Women describe this condition as a sudden tension in the abdomen. Feelings during training bouts do not bring pain, they appear spontaneously, sometimes they increase, but more often sharply. The duration of the training contraction is not more than 2 minutes, they pass completely or repeat after some time. In rare cases, frequent contractions are accompanied by pain. If it is long and acute, accompanied by discharge, you should immediately call the doctor and go to the hospital.

What week do training bouts start?

Girls want to know when false cramps can start, but exact week Even a gynecologist can't tell you. In some women, they occur in the second trimester of pregnancy if there are abnormalities in the functioning of the organs. internal secretion. In most cases, they begin 2 weeks before and become a harbinger of childbirth. Hormonal system begins to correct the biochemical reactions that are needed for real labor activity. The frequency of occurrence is higher if the fetus has grown too large.

How long do false contractions last

The duration of the attacks is one of the factors indicating that these are training contractions. False contractions last no more than 2 minutes, often even a few seconds. The closer to childbirth, the more frequent contractions will occur, but the duration will not change. If you experience discomfort, then it can be reduced by certain methods. Technique often helps ancestral breath or switching attention to something more interesting.

What to do during training bouts

As a rule, nothing needs to be done, some mothers do not even notice the tension. If they appear bloody issues, severe pain, this indicates a possible premature birth - you should immediately consult a doctor in a hospital. To reduce discomfort during training contractions, you can use the following methods:

  1. Change your body position. Moms who have experience are advised to lie on their left side and drink a glass of water without gas before that. Rest is good for relieving pain. When it is not possible to lie down, it is recommended to sit down.
  2. Warm shower. Water helps relieve tension, relax the muscles of the body.
  3. Take No-shpa or Papaverine. These are medicines from the group of antispasmodics, they help relieve pain, but you should not drink them on your own. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking.

Each human body unique, so there is no recipe that would suit all girls. Only the girl herself will be able to recognize training spasms, feel them and understand what can be done to relieve them. If this is the first child, then it is necessary to understand very clearly whether this is not the birth, before which irregular and short-term contractions should become more frequent. Otherwise, you will violate natural process tribal activity. You need to see a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • the waters break;
  • bloody issues;
  • pain in the lower back, lower back;
  • the fetus began to move noticeably less;
  • diarrhea, nausea;
  • bleeding;
  • painful contractions, convulsions.

How long after training contractions does labor begin?

The standard gestation period is 9 months, but the process begins in every woman at different time: someone gives birth at 27 weeks, others at 41. Training contractions are even less predictable, they begin for each mother individually, they proceed in different ways. It is noted that some pregnant women feel them all last trimester constantly, so the body increases muscle tone.

The earliest recorded date is 20 weeks. At this time, they are very weak, so not every woman can feel them. The contractions will intensify over time due to the growth of the fetus, may appear discomfort, and the voltage will be longer. The woman in labor clearly feels a contraction at 32-34 weeks. AT last days before childbirth, they strongly resemble labor activity.


The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

But the expectant mother is simply not able to let everything take its course, she listens to each baby, and if the baby does not move for a long time, the mother starts to get nervous.

And when it starts to reduce the stomach, pull the lower back, and everything seems to be like contractions (is it really time to give birth?), And the period is still short, then you will definitely think: are these or training (false) contractions before childbirth?

How to recognize and how training contractions manifest themselves? Let's try to figure it out together.

It is very important to distinguish labor pains from training otherwise, the expectant mother will simply exhaust herself with unnecessary questions and suspicions. However, if you clearly know the differences and what to do, then you can not be afraid of real or training fights.

Training fights are also called false. They were first described by the Englishman Braxton Hicks in 1872, so Also known as Braxton Hicks contractions.

It's believed that nature specially invented them in order for the cervix and the uterus itself to prepare for childbirth during such contractions, as it were, to train (hence the name - training contractions).

Exploring similarities and differences

In order not to confuse false contractions with generic ones, it is necessary to know exactly their differences.

False contractions (their symptoms and signs):

  • irregular, the intervals between them can be any, not cyclical. Contractions may disturb once a day or several, and possibly once a week;
  • painless, in very rare cases they bring discomfort (painful false contractions are very rare);
  • attacks can be neutralized by a change of position, a warm bath or shower, just get up to walk or, on the contrary, lie down, do breathing exercises and think about something good;
  • the cervix does not open.

Birth pains:

  • differ in regularity and clear periodicity. Gradually, the time intervals between contractions decrease, and the duration of the contractions themselves increases;
  • very painful, they cannot be anesthetized or relieve seizures;
  • contractions continue until the baby is born;
  • the cervix opens and prepares for childbirth.

When do contractions start and how long do they last?

False contractions can appear already during pregnancy and, of course, this does not mean that it is time to give birth. Relax and calm down. Just listen to yourself and your feelings.

With false contractions the uterus, as it were, becomes stony, as the muscles come into tone. At the same time, the lower back can ache and sip the lower abdomen.

But these contractions pass, do not grow, they are very easy to remove (unlike the real ones, which no longer calm down and calm down, but, on the contrary, become more frequent).

Many women do not experience false contractions at all throughout their pregnancy, so at the time of their appearance can scare any mother, especially - primiparous. Young women get scared, confuse them with real ones and prepare for the upcoming birth.

Therefore, in order not to worry in vain, try to walk around, change your body position, drink water, tea or juice, and most importantly, calm down. If contractions do not recur at regular intervals, then this is definitely a "false alarm" and you can still wait.

False contractions last 30-60 seconds and pass, may appear once an hour, or twice a day.

Their timing is impossible to predict. This can happen when you are walking with bags from the store, on a walk, at home. The longer the period, the more noticeable false contractions can be. But it’s easy enough to deal with them by learning breathing exercises.

With training fights, this is just a miraculous method for removing them. However, Each woman can have her own individual method of getting rid of false contractions.: it is enough for one to take a walk, and the other to drink something sweet. Try different ways and you are sure to find the right one.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

With pregnancy and more, the woman is already ready for childbirth. At this time, you already need to be more attentive to your condition.

In some cases, it is simply necessary to immediately consult a doctor, namely, when contractions are accompanied by:

  • watery or bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • severe back pain;
  • if you feel like your water has broken;
  • if you notice that at the same time the fetus froze or the movement weakened.

Pregnant women very often ask doctors a question, How not to confuse Braxton Hicks practice contractions with labor contractions. Doctors answer this unequivocally that it is impossible to confuse real contractions with anything.

That's why, dear mothers, listen to yourself, compare the signs of real and false contractions with your feelings.

If, however, suspicions bother you, and you are not sure that you have correctly identified, best to see a doctor, who will examine you, listen to your story about his feelings and, based on this, tell you if something threatens you or you should not worry.

So you will feel more confident and will not be nervous, keeping calm and strength for the upcoming birth.

They last for hours or even days. But many doctors believe that debilitating, frequent training contractions can lead to fetal suffering as a result of oxygen deficiency. It is for this reason that in the case of a woman being hospitalized in a hospital, she will regularly undergo CTG and watch the child's blood flow on Doppler ultrasound. If the symptoms of training contractions are pronounced, a woman can relieve spasms with the help of medications. It is not at all dangerous, contrary to popular belief. And will not lead to weakness of labor activity. Thus, doctors do not slow down the onset of childbirth, but rather, on the contrary, contribute to their future. normal course. Knowing how long training bouts last, and this, to be precise, up to 240 hours, these actions are quite logical.

Signs and differences from the real

1. Appear at any time of the day, are irregular, pain does not increase. They can be either frequent or rare.

2. The head of the fetus (with cephalic presentation) remains mobile, does not fully enter the mother's pelvis.

3. structural changes training cervix does not provoke. If the doctor conducts an examination, he will see an unfinished neck, dense, with no or minimal opening.

4. There is hypertonicity of the uterus. True, it is quite easy in most cases to be removed with an antispasmodic. Painful training contractions also sometimes happen, but in this case it is better to trust the doctors. They will help to relieve the tone with more effective means and will tell you exactly what training contractions cause sensations, and what you can feel when the birth is approaching. How not to miss this moment, not to be late for the hospital, if at this time the woman is at home.

5. A woman experiences great excitement. And this excitement is not good. That is why all women in hospitals are prescribed lungs sedatives, and sometimes even heavier artillery in the form of the Relanium.

6. Although training contractions differ from real contractions in weakness, they sometimes lead to the discharge of amniotic fluid. And then you can't wait any longer. Doctors provoke the maturation of the cervix and start labor with medication if the independent onset is delayed. Can training contractions turn into real ones on their own, without the help of doctors. Yes, this is possible, especially if the pregnancy is already full-term, but in the case of an existing gap amniotic sac, doctors will not wait for the independent start of childbirth. After all, a woman in this period has a very high risk penetration of various infectious pathogens into the uterus to the child.

Training bouts start at about 30 weeks. Often they occur when the body position is not too comfortable, excitement, during movement. Often the tone is simply provoked by the horizontal position of the body, since with it the inferior vena cava is squeezed. There are tangible training, sometimes pain. For a child, this position of the mother's body is dangerous due to the occurrence of hypoxia. Sleeping and lying on your back when the tummy is already tangible in size should not be. To prevent sleeping on your back at night, you can go to bed with a special pillow for pregnant women. The woman lies on her side, puts this pillow under her back, and puts the other end between her legs. Pillow for pregnant women has elongated shape and allows such manipulations.

When training contractions begin, doctors advise not to panic. You can just try to sleep or take a warm bath. Bathing is not prohibited if the mucus plug and amniotic fluid in place. You can take an antispasmodic. Another very simple and effective remedy is to urinate. Often a full bladder compresses the uterus and thus leads to its tone.

Remember in advance so as not to get confused at a crucial moment. But even if the contractions are irregular, but you just feel bad, your head hurts, your blood pressure has risen, flies flash before your eyes - you need to urgently call an ambulance.

During the bearing of the baby, the expectant mother can be disturbed by many phenomena. In the first half of pregnancy, the most common problem, with which women turn to a gynecologist, is toxicosis and pulling pains in the abdomen. After 20 weeks, other symptoms may appear. This article will describe the feeling of training fights. You will find out what they are and when they appear. It is also worth mentioning how to distinguish contractions from training ones.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Both of these processes are interrelated. So, after conception, attachment occurs gestational sac against the wall reproductive organ. Here he will be in the coming months. Very soon, a little man will be formed from a microscopic set of cells, ready for life outside the womb.

Most pregnancies end in childbirth. There are only a few exceptions. This includes unwanted conception and, as a result, abortion. Also, some women experience miscarriage and miscarriage. Childbirth can occur between the 28th and 42nd weeks of pregnancy. If the baby comes early specified period, then we are talking about a miscarriage. It is worth noting that a child who has been in the mother’s tummy for at least 36 weeks is considered full-term and ready for birth.

Childbirth can be urgent and planned. The second option is chosen for post-term pregnancy, when in right time there is no ancestral activity. In addition, the process can be natural or carried out by caesarean section.

Feeling of training contractions

Most expectant mothers face this phenomenon. This process is called Braxton-Hicks contractions. It was this physician who first discovered this process.

The feeling of training contractions is not the same as at the beginning of labor. Every expectant mother should know about this. Often women confuse these processes and prematurely go to the walls maternity hospital. However, doctors, having examined the expectant mother, establish that childbirth has not yet begun. What is the feeling of training fights?

Feelings of the expectant mother

Most often, a woman experiences uterine tension, sometimes it becomes noticeable to the naked eye. The stomach becomes as if wrong or even square shape. The baby at this time calms down and stops moving.

If you touch the anterior abdominal wall of the expectant mother, it can be noted that it looks like a stone. The abdomen becomes very hard and presses on neighboring organs. Often during this period, a woman catches her breath and she wants to empty her bladder. Sometimes there may be an urge to defecate. All this is explained by the fact that a tense uterus presses on the pelvic organs.

Why do practice fights happen?

This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that the uterus is a muscular organ. It tends to shrink periodically. If at an earlier date you did not notice such a phenomenon due to the fact that the baby was deep in the small pelvis, then in the second half of pregnancy you can quite clearly feel this process. At this time, the uterus is preparing for childbirth. However, this does not mean that the process will begin in the coming days or weeks.

It is worth noting that not all expectant mothers feel such a manifestation. Some representatives of the weaker sex simply do not notice such uterine tension.

When do Braxton Hicks contractions start?

When do practice bouts start? This question is often asked by the representatives of the weaker sex, who are preparing to become mothers.

Doctors say that for the first time such sensations may appear as early as 20 weeks of pregnancy. However, this is quite rare. Usually, the first preparatory contractions of the uterus occur after 30 weeks of gestation. During this period, the tummy is already quite impressive in size, and a woman can clearly feel his tension.

There are also women who do not feel such contractions at all until childbirth. This is completely normal.

How long do training bouts last and at what interval do they occur?

If a woman notes such contractions of the genital organ, then it is quite logical for her to ask how long they can last. Experts say that it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the gestational age and what provoked the phenomenon.

Most often, such sensations do not last more than a few seconds. At the same time, the woman clearly notes the beginning of abdominal tension, but cannot clearly determine when it ended. The next contraction may appear in 20 minutes or several hours. There is no definite interval between voltages. This is what distinguishes preparatory contractions from true ones.

What should be done with tension in the abdomen?

If you are worried about frequent training contractions, then you should address this problem to the gynecologist leading your pregnancy. Most likely, the doctor will examine you on the chair and find out what condition the cervix is ​​in. If the tension of the abdomen does not affect the size and width of the cervical canal, then the woman is not prescribed treatment. However, doctors strongly recommend avoiding factors that cause painful training contractions. This may include:

  • sexual contacts;
  • nipple stimulation;
  • car trip;
  • physical exercise;
  • psychological tension and stress.

If the preparatory contractions of the uterus lead to the fact that it begins to shorten cervical canal, then a certain treatment is prescribed. Most often it is carried out within the walls of the hospital. Wherein expectant mother recommend taking sedatives and drugs that relieve spasm. Be sure to observe bed rest.

Training fights and childbirth

So, you know what training contractions are: when they start, how long they last, and how they manifest themselves. Many women ask if they can be confused with the onset of labor.

Doctors say the following: training contractions practically do not bring discomfort. Woman feeling tension in front abdominal wall. However, there is no pain and regularity of sensations. If such tensions began to appear at regular intervals or were noted more than four times in one hour, then you should immediately call an emergency and go to the maternity ward.

If bleeding occurs during such stresses, it is worth seeing a doctor as soon as possible. It happens that training contractions cause placental abruption. This happens quite rarely, but such cases are known to medicine. Take care of yourself and take care of your health!

After the twentieth week of pregnancy, a woman's body begins to prepare for the birth of a child. What are Braxton Hicks training contractions and how to distinguish them from the true ones that accompany the onset of labor? Will there be painful training contractions before childbirth? How long can Braxton Higgs training contractions last? How long do false contractions last during pregnancy? A pregnant woman has a lot of questions and therefore we will try to give the most clear and detailed answer to each of them.

What it is

In order to understand what pre-contractions are, it is necessary to imagine what happens to the uterus during pregnancy and before childbirth.

With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, there is a stretching of the walls of the uterus and, as a result, a decrease in tone. But in order for the process of giving birth to a baby to be successful and safe, the uterus must be greatly reduced at the time of childbirth. Pre-contractions during pregnancy mimic labor activity, creating the conditions for a little training before childbirth.

Therefore, such Braxton Higgs training contractions serve as a preliminary test of the body's readiness for the end of pregnancy. A woman should not be afraid of false uterine contractions during pregnancy. However, you should carefully monitor the state of your body so that Braxton Hicks contractions do not develop into genuine uterine contractions before childbirth.

How to distinguish between real and preparatory abbreviations?

Having asked such a question, a young woman preparing for the first time to become a mother will surely hear the same answer: “When real contractions begin, this cannot be confused with anything!”. That's right, but how can a woman who does not know how to distinguish between true and false contractions understand that childbirth has already begun? What sensations does the pregnant woman experience at this moment? How long do they last? Indeed, in some women, childbirth is painless or rapid.

There are certain signs by which training and true contractions in pregnant women can be distinguished. Feelings are the main symptom. So, Hicks' false contractions, what are they?

What to do

In order to alleviate your condition and diagnose Braxton Hicks training contractions, experts recommend changing position or taking a short walk.

This does not mean that you need to leave the house alone and go for a walk in the nearest park. Just walk around the apartment or change position. Move from the sofa to an armchair or go to the kitchen and put a kettle on the stove.

If at the same time all the discomfort disappeared, then the symptoms were false. If true uterine contractions have begun before childbirth, then you should call an ambulance team or go to the hospital on your own.

Is it worth it to see a doctor

Regardless of the fact that false Higgs contractions pass without the intervention of specialists and it makes no sense to go to the hospital, there are Braxton Hicks symptoms when you should call a doctor or go to the hospital yourself. What symptoms should alert a pregnant woman?

  • Vaginal discharge during pregnancy. Bloody or mucous, combined with training muscle contractions, which have been given the name of the doctor Braxton Hicks, they may indicate that preterm labor is beginning.
  • Sharp pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, which does not stop after a change in position and is disturbing between uterine contractions.
  • Lower back pain or blood stains on underwear. This is the case when you should immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital.
  • If these symptoms appear at more than 37 weeks of gestation, it is recommended to see your doctor or immediately go to the hospital, since the likelihood that begins birth process, is very large.

Some of us have never heard of training bouts before pregnancy, well, except that our friends who have already become mothers enlightened. But even for those who knew about the “dress rehearsal” before childbirth, the appearance of training fights often comes as a surprise, scares and makes you urgently drop everything and go to the hospital, even if the preliminary date of birth is only a few weeks away.

What is it, training fights? Why do they appear, do they all have them, and how to distinguish a false alarm from a combat one?


Theoretical knowledge is a good and necessary thing, so that at least in in general terms represent what is happening. So let's start with theory.

First, let's deal with the terminology. Training, false or Braxton-Hicks contractions (named after the gynecologist who first described them back in the 19th century) are all about them, those very “rehearsal” moments. Contractions that appear at the end of pregnancy are called precursor contractions.

All these different names mean the same thing and they represent the preparation of the uterus (which, as everyone knows, is a muscular organ), for the upcoming hard work. Muscles can and should be trained. Here the uterus is training to right moment do whatever is required of her. Such a “rehearsal” should not frighten the expectant mother. Therefore, let's take a look at the points, how and what happens during training bouts, so that later, when everything starts, do not panic.

Fact #1

It feels like training contractions are similar to periodic pain during menstruation. Moreover, many (but far from all) expectant mothers find that if their periods are usually painful, then false contractions are also strong.

What else, besides unpleasant sensations similar to menstrual pain, can a woman feel or see if she has false contractions:

  • tension in the abdomen, similar to spasms, in its different parts (upper, lower, or even closer to the inguinal region), but not all at once
  • during them, the uterus is easy to feel, as it is often said, it “hardens”
  • sometimes you can see the clear contours of a tense uterus
  • gradually there is a "fading" of contractions, a decrease in their intensity (while the strength of prenatal contractions normally only increases)

Fact #2

Most often, training contractions occur in the morning and evening, although, of course, not always and not for everyone. Moreover, if the contractions began in the evening, then at night they usually subside, and in the morning they can resume again.

The duration of the period of false contractions usually does not exceed two - three hours but there are exceptions to this rule too. What to do - we are all different, and the female body, as one of the Orthodox priests noted, can be compared with the most complex computer, while the male, in his own funny expression, is just a typewriter.

Fact #3

Not all women are faced with training fights. Or rather, not everyone feels them. Since the frequency, intensity, duration of contractions, as well as the individual pain threshold, are different for everyone. Therefore, some pregnant women may feel them already after 20 weeks, others only towards the end of the nine-month wait, and still others do not know what it is at all.

So do not worry if things are steadily moving towards a "performance" and there has not been a "dress rehearsal" yet. Most likely, you just do not feel false contractions.

Fact #4

Although in the special literature you can often read that training contractions do not cause much discomfort to pregnant women, many mothers categorically disagree with this far from indisputable statement.

Often false contractions are quite long in time and strong. They are able to exhaust even very persistent and positive-minded expectant mothers. And, if you are going to give birth for the first time, then you may well take them for real contractions. Therefore, if in doubt, go to the doctor or call ambulance. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Here you will wait for the second, third and so on child - and without doctors you will understand what's what. In the meantime, you have no experience in this matter and it is better not to risk it. Let the experts put your mind at ease.

Fact #5

Yes, training contractions are completely normal, but if they are long (longer than 3-4 hours in a row) and exhaust you, then you should definitely tell your doctor about them. Perhaps this is a symptom of some kind of trouble.

Fact #6

It is difficult to predict the appearance of training fights. However, it has been observed that they often occur:

  • at full bladder(so try not to bring it up)
  • after an experienced orgasm or during an active sexual life
  • if the expectant mother is stressed
  • with large ones experienced by a pregnant woman
  • in cases of maternal dehydration

Although, of course, everything is individual. What causes your girlfriends or even your sister to start training contractions may well not have any effect on you. Just try to observe your feelings and perhaps you will be able to catch the relationship between some of your actions and the subsequent onset of training bouts.

Fact #7

Many fear that, having become accustomed to training bouts, they simply will not understand when it comes down to it.

Do not worry! It is difficult to confuse forerunner contractions (even if they are quite strong) with real ones. But at the same time, you should not relax. After all, training contractions may well turn into prenatal. Therefore, even if false or predictive contractions have become ordinary and familiar to you, still listen to your body, pay attention to the frequency, duration and regularity of contractions.

Fact #8

You can distinguish training contractions from the onset of labor by the following features:

  • intervals between contractions of different duration
  • contractions are irregular
  • often pain sensations decrease, or even disappear altogether with a change in body position; try to lie down if you were sitting or standing, or get up and walk around if, on the contrary, you were lying

Fact #9

False contractions can bring many unpleasant minutes to the expectant mother, but they are absolutely safe and painless for the child. So you don't have to worry about the baby either.

Fact #10

If the “rehearsal” continues, albeit intermittently, for several days, then even the most persistent and calm expectant mothers begin to fear that this is still not training, but the beginning of childbirth. And they have a fear of not being in time for the hospital.

Don't worry, doctors say that training or premonitory contractions never do not anticipate fast (4 - 5 hours) or rapid (3 hours) childbirth. So you will definitely have time to get to the hospital. And this, you see, inspires some optimism.

Training bouts. We alleviate the condition

If you are unlucky and training the body before childbirth, contrary to the assurances of smart books for pregnant women, gives you discomfort and exhausting, you can try to alleviate your condition in the following ways:

  • lie on your left side or just try to find comfortable position using a pregnancy pillow or ordinary pillows
  • take a knee-elbow pose or kneel by the bed and lean on it with your hands
  • drink water, sometimes it helps relieve stress
  • get busy breathing exercises, try those breathing methods that are advised to use during childbirth (at the same time you will practice)
  • try counting during contractions: on the inhale - up to four, on the exhale - up to six, the need to focus on the count distracts from thoughts of pain
  • take a shower
  • watch a good funny movie

Experienced mothers recall that these simple methods helped many of them and, if not completely removed the discomfort, then at least distracted from them and allowed them to forget about the discomfort for a while.

Is it time or not?

The first sign that the time has come to move from training to “performance” is the systematic and regularity of contractions. For one to two hours, record the frequency of contractions, their duration and the time intervals between them, or use special contraction counters that are available on many sites for expectant mothers. If you understand that contractions are regular, their duration increases, and the time intervals between them, on the contrary, are reduced - get ready for the hospital.

In addition, you should consult a doctor, the sooner the better, if, in addition to training bouts:

  • spotting appeared (this may be a symptom of placental abruption)
  • amniotic fluid has poured out or started to leak (the information in the article will help you understand this)
  • the child "calmed down", almost does not move
  • appeared drawing pains in the lower back, diarrhea or nausea

So be attentive to yourself, sensitively listen to the slightest changes taking place in your body, do not take unusual signals too lightly, but do not be nervous in vain. And everything will definitely be fine.

Photo - photobank Lori

All women are well aware that the onset of labor is the precursor to childbirth. As a result of uterine contractions, its cervix opens, through which the baby is born. Starting in the middle of pregnancy, women often experience training contractions. How long before birth they occur and how to recognize them is described in this article.

Training fights - the norm or a reason to sound the alarm?

The uterus is an organ made up of muscle tissue. Her cuts are natural physiological process. During pregnancy, the uterus may contract, but women often do not notice this.

Long before giving birth, pregnant women may feel aching pain in the abdomen. In this case, the uterus, when probed, can either harden or relax. The resulting spasm resembles prenatal contractions, but in fact the body is only preparing for childbirth. In this case, the cervix does not open.

They were first described in late XIX century by a British gynecologist named John Braxton-Hicks, after whom they are named. Another common name for training contractions is false contractions.

Doctors in some countries see training contractions as a threat premature birth and at the first symptoms, the woman is hospitalized to stop the activity of the uterus and relax her muscles.

Braxton Hicks contractions are a natural physiological process, indicating that the body of a pregnant woman is preparing for childbirth and no medical intervention not required.

Over the past hundred years, medicine has studied in detail what training contractions are, how long before birth they can manifest themselves and how to recognize them.

How to determine

It is very important that every pregnant woman is still early dates learned information about training bouts. Women who have undergone theoretical training are more attentive to their health and observe the changes taking place. They can recognize for themselves when they are having training contractions and know how to respond to them.

The main symptoms of training fights:

  1. A feeling of constriction and aching in the groin and lower abdomen.
  2. Irregular and irregular contractions.
  3. They appear in only one area of ​​the abdomen.
  4. Contractions can occur up to 6 times per hour.
  5. False contractions do not give in the back, as is the case with real contractions.
  6. Do not cause severe pain. Inattentive women may not even notice such contractions.
  7. Gradually disappear. Later a small amount time the uterus calms down and becomes soft.

Some pregnant women calculate the due date by paying attention to training contractions. How long before birth they occur, it is difficult to determine exactly. Typically, training contractions appear in the second and third trimesters. After how many births after training bouts, it is impossible to answer. The presence or absence of false contractions is not an indicator by which one can judge the course of pregnancy.

Duration of contractions

Any woman can identify false contractions without the help of a doctor. To do this, you should know how long training contractions last before childbirth. With such contractions of the uterus, the duration of muscle tension can be up to 2 minutes. Typically, training bouts last no more than a minute. And their frequency of manifestation is up to several times per hour.

False contractions do not increase in frequency or intensity.

Reasons for the appearance

Often Braxton Hicks contractions are caused by certain behaviors of a pregnant woman:

  • excessive activity, physical activity;
  • psycho-emotional stress (for example, worries and worries due to future childbirth);
  • keeping a full bladder
  • sexual arousal, intimate contact.

In most cases, a woman can avoid training uterine contractions. Doctors advise pregnant women to drink required amount water, do not be nervous and remain calm until the very birth. These recommendations should be followed even when training bouts appeared. After how many births, doctors determine in the early stages. Compliance medical advice allows you to normally endure the baby and give birth to him at the set time.

False contractions in the early stages

Not in medicine exact definition when training contractions should appear. How long before birth contractions begin depends on the body of the expectant mother. Often there are cases that false contractions appear even in the first months of bearing a child.

False contractions at the beginning of pregnancy are almost not felt. Their intensity and frequency increases closer to childbirth. To exclude and prevent the development dangerous pathologies, with slight discomfort in the lower abdomen, you should consult a doctor.

What to do when training contractions begin

No matter how long before the birth they appear, a pregnant woman should not panic. give you the opportunity to prepare for real fights. So, during an attack, a pregnant woman can practice breathing systems that are used during childbirth:

  1. Take frequent shallow breaths during the next contraction. Such an exercise trains the lungs and facilitates the passage of an attack.
  2. After the end of the fight, take a deep breath and exhale, and slowly exhale during the fight.
  3. Take slow breaths in through your nose and exhale sharply through your mouth.

Even to facilitate training fights, you can try to reduce discomfort in the following ways:

  • lie down on the bed and take a comfortable position;
  • drink water;
  • take a walk;
  • take a warm shower;
  • turn on relaxing music.
  • calm down and tune in to positive thoughts.


Distinguish symptoms that require medical care. In some cases, the threat of gestation can be identified when training contractions occur. How long before childbirth and how intensely the uterus contracts, all pregnant women should observe the presence of secretions.

Symptoms, the manifestation of which signals the need to see a doctor:

  • severe pain in the back and lower abdomen;
  • bloody, mucous or watery discharge;
  • decreased fetal activity;
  • increased frequency of spasms.

False contractions before childbirth

On the recent weeks pregnancy, training contractions intensify. After how much childbirth begins, in the later stages only a doctor can accurately determine. False contractions in recent weeks are more painful and because of this, it seems to women that they are already starting to give birth. You can set the onset of labor by the frequency and intensity of contractions, which is accurately calculated by the cardiotocography method. With it, you can set the exact number of uterine contractions, their strength and duration.

Training bouts in recent weeks are most often such reductions are observed in the mornings and evenings.

False contractions are very important for labor, as they help smooth and soften the cervix and prepare it for the upcoming birth.