Contractions are increasing. Birth pains. Pushing breathing

Many expectant mothers are worried that they will not be able to recognize the onset of labor in a timely manner. Therefore, they are worried about what sensations arise at this moment. How not to confuse false contractions and incipient labor? What pains arise at this most cherished moment of the appearance of a child?

The expectant mother should know the answers to all questions.

Before starting to describe contractions, every mother should know what it is all about.

Contractions are a kind of contraction of the muscles of the uterus with its further relaxation. At the very beginning of labor, contractions begin to intensify, which makes it possible for the baby to move along the birth canal.

Every woman's body is unique. Therefore, all sensations during the period of contractions will be different. Also feelings during generic process, of which contractions are a component, is different for each organism. But they are united by a wonderful result - this is the emergence of a new person into the world.

The contraction begins at the highest point of the uterus and gradually diverges through all its muscles. In general, such sensations are reminiscent of the tension of muscle fibers, which gradually begin to weaken. In the beginning, contractions are rarely painful. Rather, to a greater extent for a woman in labor, this is a feeling of discomfort.

In some pregnant women, it accompanies the onset of labor pains pain in the lumbar region. Most often, this is caused by the fact that the child turns his face to the spine and moves the back of the head.

For a woman who gives birth for the first time, such sensations are unfamiliar. But pregnant women who have already gone this way will not confuse this condition with anything. As noted, every woman experiences contractions differently. Some feel muscle relaxation, some feel lower back pain, while others have all the symptoms and sensations, as with menstruation.

During this period, the contractions do not give the woman much anxiety, so it is better to relax and try to rest before the upcoming birth. For a quick and correct birth of a child, a mother will need to give maximum strength. After all, the speed of the course largely depends on the woman herself.

But what unites of all is regularity. The first contractions can be at intervals of half an hour or more. Gradually, the gap between them will decrease.

  • Regularity of occurrence;
  • Constant decrease in the interval between each contraction;
  • There is a gradual increase in pain.

Swatches just before childbirth are gradually becoming much more intense and lasting. At first, they are light in nature and last a short time. The pain increases and is felt stronger, and the contractions are more prolonged and painful.

Just before childbirth, the contraction lasts about a minute, and the intervals between them become short.

Almost every woman periodically begins to feel attempts, she wants to constantly go to the toilet. As many mothers say, this feeling cannot be confused with anything, there is always a feeling that a watermelon will appear as a result.

Many mothers who have given birth say that their uterus turned to stone during labor. It is easily felt if you put your hand on the surface of the abdomen. Before the onset of the labor process, pain is felt, mostly in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.

The contractions during childbirth are very rapid and most painful. Even though some argue that there was no severe pain for them, just a feeling of discomfort, as with menstruation.

But nevertheless, one or another painful sensation will be present in everyone, this is natural and normal. Only during childbirth can the pain be aggravated by improper preparation of the mother and her behavior.

During childbirth, the contractions become as intense as possible. With the full disclosure of the uterus, the contraction begins to replace one another. The relaxation period becomes almost imperceptible. Under the influence of emotions, often, a woman can no longer just notice him. It seems to her that a new fight begins immediately after the end of the previous one.

Most often, with strong contractions, a woman gets a desire to push. Such attempts in response to contractions, they speak of the final process of contractions - expulsion. The pain in the lower back and lower abdomen begins to recede. And that's all painful sensations move to the perineal area.

Throughout pregnancy, a woman may feel light contractions that occur with physical exertion or sharp movements... Closer to childbirth, they can increase.

Also, shortly before childbirth, a woman may experience training contractions. They are often called false. Many are afraid to be indistinguishable from the real ones. But do not panic, as such concepts are difficult to confuse.

From the reviews of women who have already given birth, for example, relatives or acquaintances, it is possible to draw up an approximate picture of the sensations during false contractions. During the onset of such contractions, discomfort in the lumbar region and lower abdomen may be felt. As many say, training bouts very similar to the symptoms that are present during menstruation. Gynecologists very often warn women at consultations that false contractions can appear during sleep. The child is usually calm in such situations and does not feel his activity.

Maternal instinct in most cases tells a woman that she should not worry. And the contractions themselves last no more than a minute. Most often they occur about a month before upcoming birth.

More detailed description of sensations you can learn about each type of contractions by watching the video:

In conclusion, I would like to note that expectant mother do not get too carried away with especially scary options for describing the upcoming birth. As experienced obstetricians say, severe pain occurs in women who are pinched, are in constant fear and do not adhere to previously received recommendations on behavior during childbirth.

It is necessary to go to give birth with good mood emotionally tuned, because the birth of a child is a great joy.

Do you understand what contractions feel like? You can read the experience of others on the forum. Leave your opinion or review for everyone.

Each woman has individual sensations of contractions. The exact time of the onset of labor is actually not always possible to establish. However, some specific changes that occur between 37 and 40 weeks of gestation will help you recognize that labor is on the way. How to understand that contractions have begun What to do - These are questions often asked by pregnant women.

How do you feel when the contractions start?

General physical symptoms

Towards the end of pregnancy, you may feel pressure in the area pelvic bones or cramping pain in the rectal area. How to find out whether it is a contraction or not. Pelvic cramps, which are similar to monthly menstrual cramps, are harbingers of labor. Lower back pain that comes and goes is also characteristic of this period.

Real or training fights?

There is one more type of contractions: false, or training. How do you know when training bouts have begun? One of the most common symptoms of impending labor is an increase in the strength and frequency of labor, which can occur up to four times per hour. These are fake or training contractions (Braxton Hicks contractions). The purpose of these painful sensations is to prepare the uterus for childbirth. Some women find Braxton Hicks contractions relatively comfortable, while others find these contractions quite painful, especially if the baby is very low and there is an increase in pressure in the pelvis.

How to understand that contractions have begun, which are a sign of childbirth?

Aside from the level of pain, one of the main ways to distinguish Braxton Hicks contractions from real contractions is that the former, although regular, disappear, while real labor contractions occur at regular intervals and gradually get stronger and more frequent. Other main difference between Braxton-Hicks contractions and real contractions, which, unlike Braxton-Hicks, real contractions cause softening and opening of the cervix, indicating that labor has begun.

False contractions occur every 7-10 minutes for 2-3 hours and then suddenly stop. Sometimes women experience more discomfort and anxiety from Braxton Hicks contractions than from labor contractions, as training contractions can be quite painful.

Real contractions appear for 20-25 seconds and by the beginning of the period of attempts they reach 70-90 seconds. The interval between them is from 5-6 minutes and decreases to 1-0.5 minutes.

What to do with pain and unpleasant symptoms

An urgent need to call a doctor if:
  1. you feel that amniotic fluid leaking;
  2. your child is moving less than usual;
  3. you have vaginal bleeding of any intensity;
  4. you heat, severe headaches, changes in vision, sharp pain in the epigastric region or in the abdomen.

How to understand that the waters have moved away?

In some cases, this is difficult. Many women feel a warm stream of fluid. This is one of the important symptoms of the onset of labor. Unfortunately, this does not happen often, and it is important to recognize the signs of a rupture. fetal bladder, especially with an abnormal tear. It is difficult because the amniotic fluid is colorless and odorless.

You can feel:
  1. warm fluid flow;
  2. meager liquid discharge from the vagina;
  3. sensation as if voluntary urination has occurred;
  4. a slow but constant trickle of warm liquid;
  5. intermittent trickle of warm liquid.
Please note that this is not always amenable to control, be it a waterfall or a trickle. Break detection in amniotic cavity can be very helpful. In a woman, the fetal bladder can rupture while she was in the shower or while urinating. In this case, the trickle of liquid is difficult to detect. In any case, it is necessary to urgently visit a doctor who, with the help of a special test, will determine whether amniotic fluid is really leaking.

Your behavior and what to do

By staying calm, you help the body to develop enough the hormone oxytocin, which is essential for labor. It will also help you cope with contractions. Do things that will help you stay relaxed.

Try taking a warm bath or shower to relieve pain. If after a warm bath the pain has passed, it means that these are false contractions. If you can, take some rest to prepare yourself for the upcoming birth.

At the beginning of labor, you feel hungry, so you can and should eat and drink. This will help calm you down and may even give you strength during labor.

First birth is the time to try out certain positions and breathing techniques to see how they help you manage contractions.

Is it possible not to understand that the contractions have begun? Yes, this happens in women who have a lowered threshold pain sensitivity... Such pregnant women experience only periodic pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, or they may not feel anything.

From all this it follows that:

  1. contractions are the beginning of the first stage of labor;
  2. the pain of contractions depends on the characteristics female body;
  3. straining and screaming during pain is not recommended, it is better to breathe or sing;
  4. breathe correctly - indispensable condition to prevent baby hypoxia;
  5. in primiparous women, the period of contractions is longer than in multiparous women;
  6. false contractions last for several days and sometimes deliver more significant discomfort than generic.

How to assess the sensations during the first and repeated pregnancy?

As your pregnancy nears its end, you will probably be reminded of what happened during your first birth. It is only natural that I wonder if this will feel like that this time. How to understand that contractions have begun in multiparous, whether the sensations will be similar - all these features are individual.

If you have had a normal, uncomplicated labor, you are more likely to be relaxed and not intimidated. But if there was a bad experience or long break between pregnancies, you may be nervous.

Sometimes you can feel your baby's head sinking into the pelvis a little later than in the first pregnancy. In fact, you may not feel these contractions.

Your pain is the same as the first time, but the birth process is faster, since the muscles pelvic floor and the elastic walls of the vagina were stretched during the first birth.

Your birth is likely to be much shorter than your first birth. For those who become a mom for the first time, the active first stage of labor (when the cervix opens from 4 cm to 10 cm) lasts an average of eight hours and is unlikely to last longer than 18 hours. For women who have already given birth to a child earlier, this figure averages five hours and is unlikely to last longer than 12 hours.

What most often scares a young woman preparing to become a mother for the first time (or what is most often scaring her)? The answer is obvious - contractions. The anticipation of pain can cause more panic than the pain itself. And the closer the cherished date, the more obsessive this fear haunts. The most sure remedy get rid of fear - stop hiding from it and hide it from yourself, meet it face to face, “talk” with it. Are you afraid of contractions? So let's figure out what it is.

What are contractions?

In medical terms, birth pains- These are involuntary regular contractions of the uterus, along with attempts related to the generic forces expelling the fetus. Contractions indicate that childbirth has begun. (In addition to contractions, the onset of labor may be indicated by symptoms such as the outpouring of amniotic fluid and the discharge of a mucous plug that closes the lumen of the cervix 1; the mucous plug can move away 2-3 days before childbirth, so its discharge does not always mean that it is time go to the hospital). Many works have been written about what, in fact, provokes the onset of childbirth. Diverging in particulars, all researchers agree on the main thing: the organisms of the mother and the child, being in close interaction, as if "agree", transmit the necessary impulses to each other. Shortly before the onset of labor, the woman's placenta and the baby's pituitary gland begin to produce specific substances (in particular prostaglandins and the hormone oxytocin), which cause contractions of the muscles of the uterus, called contractions. During pregnancy, the cervix is ​​tightly closed. With the onset of labor pains, its opening begins: the pharynx of the uterus gradually expands to 10-12 cm in diameter ( full disclosure). Birth canal are preparing to "release" the child from maternal womb... Intrauterine pressure increases during labor as the uterus itself contracts in volume. Ultimately, this leads to rupture of the fetal bladder and the outpouring of part of the amniotic fluid. If it coincides in time with full opening uterine pharynx, speak of the timely outpouring of water, but if the uterine pharynx at the time of rupture of the fetal bladder did not open enough, such an outpouring is called early. The first, preparatory period of childbirth takes, on average, 12 hours if a woman gives birth for the first time, and 2-4 hours less for those who have not given birth for the first time. At the beginning of the second stage of labor (the period of expulsion of the fetus), attempts are added to the contractions - muscle contractions abdominal wall and diaphragm. In addition to the fact that they participate in fights and attempts different groups muscles, they have one more important difference: contractions are an involuntary and uncontrollable phenomenon, neither their strength nor frequency depend on the woman in labor, while attempts to a certain extent obey her will, she can delay or intensify them.

What to expect from contractions?

Feelings during contractions are individual. Sometimes the first tremors are felt in the lumbar region, then spread to the abdomen, become encircling. Pulling sensations can occur in the uterus itself, and not in the lumbar region. Pain during labor(in case you cannot relax or find a comfortable position), resembles the pain that often accompanies menstrual bleeding. However, you should not be afraid of contractions in panic. You can often hear from women giving birth that the contractions were either completely painless, or the pain was quite bearable. First, during contractions, the body secretes its own pain relievers. In addition, the techniques of relaxation and proper breathing learned during pregnancy help to get rid of painful sensations. Finally, there are drug methods pain relief, however, they are recommended to be used only in extreme cases, since they all, to one degree or another, affect the baby. Real (and not false - see below) "banishing forces" come at regular intervals. At first, the intervals between contractions are about half an hour, and sometimes more, the contraction of the uterus itself lasts 5-10 seconds. Gradually, the frequency, intensity and duration of contractions increase. The most intense and long-lasting (and sometimes - although not always - painful) last contractions preceding attempts. When to go to the hospital? In the case of the first birth (and if it is not far from the hospital), you can wait until the interval between contractions is reduced to 5-7 minutes. If a clear interval between contractions has not yet been established, but the pain intensifies and becomes more and more prolonged, then it's still time to go to the hospital. If childbirth is repeated, then with the onset of regular contractions, it is better to immediately go to the hospital (often re-birth are fast, so it's better not to hesitate) 2. With the onset of contractions, mucous discharge with a slight admixture of blood may appear - this is the very mucous plug that "clogged" the entrance to the uterus. Blood (in small amount) gets into the mucus due to the smoothing and dilation of the cervix. it natural process, which should not be scared, however, when profuse bleeding immediate examination is necessary.

True or False?

It should be borne in mind that after 20 weeks of pregnancy, some (not all) women develop so-called false contractions, or Braxton-Hicks contractions, and 2-3 weeks before childbirth, women begin to feel precursor contractions. Neither one nor the other, unlike true contractions, does not lead to the opening of the cervix. Arise pulling sensation in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, the uterus, as it were, turns to stone - if you put your hand to the stomach, you can clearly feel it. The same, in fact, happens with labor pains therefore, Braxton Hicks and the harbingers often confuse first-time women. How to understand if labor is really starting and it's time to go to the hospital, or is it just false contractions?

  • Braxton Hicks contractions, unlike true labor pains, are rare and irregular. Contractions last up to a minute, can be repeated after 4-5 hours.
  • False contractions are painless. Walking or taking a warm bath will most often help completely relieve discomfort... The role of false contractions has not yet been fully elucidated. Their appearance is associated with an increase in the excitability of the uterus, it is believed that shortly before childbirth, precursor contractions contribute to the softening and shortening of its neck.

What to do in case of contractions?

It is noticed that the more a pregnant woman is scared, the less she knows about what is happening to her and what she is facing, the more difficult, longer and more painful her childbirth is. Even in the very recent past, the phrase "preparation for childbirth" seemed to be complete nonsense in Russia. Fortunately, over the past decade, there have been qualitative changes in this area, many courses and schools for preparing for childbirth are open, where for this important event not only future mothers are preparing, but also future fathers. Enough books have been published. And most importantly, psychology has changed. Now, if not all, then most women understand that it is necessary to prepare for childbirth, as for any difficult and important work... And the main goal of such training is to get rid of fear and pain. What do experts usually recommend to make contractions as easy and painless as possible? As already mentioned, you will not be able to control the frequency and strength of contractions, it does not depend on you. But you can quite help yourself and your child to survive these contractions.

  • At first, when the contractions have just begun, it is better not to lie down, but to move: this will speed up the process of opening the uterine pharynx, which means it will shorten the time of labor.
  • Concentrate calmly and try to find the position of your body in which you are most comfortable.
  • Do not hesitate if you feel like standing on all fours, lying on a large inflatable ball, or even ... dancing. Believe me, no one would ever think of condemning you for being extravagant.
  • Circling and swinging your pelvis can help relieve tension and relieve pain.
  • If possible, try to sleep between contractions or at least "pretend to be asleep" (this will help to relax the body).
  • You can lie down for ten minutes in a bath with warm water- of course, if you are not alone in the apartment and, if necessary, they can help you.
  • Lightly stroking the skin of the lower abdomen with the pads of the fingers eases the contractions at the beginning of the path.
  • With the beginning of the fight, you need to take a breath and direct the movement of the hands from midline to the sides, as you exhale, the arms move in the opposite direction.
  • When contractions intensify, strong and frequent pressure helps to relieve pain thumbs hands on points in the area of ​​the anterior-upper spines iliac bones(these are the most protruding parts of the pelvis).
  • Place your hands comfortably with your palms along your hips. Massage of the sacral area of ​​the spine is very useful. It is effective not only at the beginning of labor, but as long as the expelling forces are at work in your body.
  • As the contractions intensify, all greater importance acquires correct breathing 3

But the most important thing is to tune in, listen to your own feelings and ... remember the child. Both of you have to hard work, but its result will be a meeting!

Tatiana Kipriyanova

First contractions I hardly recognized. The fact is that they were very similar to "training" contractions - the so-called "Braxton-Hicks contractions", which followed me from the 7th month almost every evening. And at first I could not understand - is it still they or already the beginning of labor. Feels like - as if the belly freezes below, then "lets go". The intervals between contractions were uneven: now after 20 minutes, then after 5; but still they walked regularly (longer than two hours) - this influenced the decision to go to the hospital. The first contractions were quite bearable - just a little bit of discomfort. There were significant gaps between them, which made it possible to relax, and I even began to doubt that I was really giving birth. Upon arrival at the maternity hospital, the examination showed an opening of the cervix of 1 cm.When the bladder was pierced (by the way, it did not hurt at all), the contractions were already more effective, the pain became quite noticeable, the intervals were about 5-10 minutes (opening 4 cm). I used to have quite painful periods, and this pain seemed to me similar to menstrual pain. Over the next hours (the child moved towards the exit), the pain became more and more intense. It was hard. I was helped a little by the massage of the lower back, which my husband did, and breathing, which I read about in books (the medical staff also suggested how to breathe better). When the pain became simply unbearable, attempts began (by the way, I have heard more than once from others that when you feel that the limit has come and there is no more urine to endure the pain, it means that everything will be over soon). Attempts are easy to recognize - you involuntarily begin to push (I could compare this process with the urge to go to the toilet). Attempts are also painful, but the cardiography machine began to listen poorly to the baby's heart, and I had to give birth as quickly as possible. Therefore, from about the fifth attempt, I already gave birth to my boy (not without an episitomy). The whole process took us 12 hours (this was my first birth).

Anna Goncharova

The contractions were like a very violent and painful period. At first they were very weak and I didn't even feel discomfort. It looked like a very mild (not painful) spasm inside the abdomen. Painful contractions became only four hours later. And it most resembled painful menstruation. But it only hurt for about an hour. It was possible to endure, but with difficulty. My husband helped a lot. Even in the most intense moment, the pain was not constant. Everything went on with a frequency of 5 minutes. At first, the pain quickly increased, reached its maximum, and then disappeared just as quickly. Each fight took about two minutes. For about three minutes there was no pain at all! The worst thing for me was at the moment of the beginning of a new fight - when it didn’t hurt yet, but you understand that everything started from the beginning. Unpleasant, but bearable. And only one hour. As soon as I was allowed to push, the pain stopped. I didn't have any more pains, which are sometimes written about (in the lower back, or somewhere else). By the time the contractions began, I was already in the hospital, so I immediately went to the doctor, and the doctor confirmed that childbirth started. The doctor and midwife said when to start pushing. It didn't hurt at all, and it didn't hurt at all to give birth. Although they made an incision, I did not notice it at all. In general, I remember childbirth very well, but the pain is forgotten very quickly. I remember more with pleasure - and, first of all, all sorts of funny moments. The feeling of horror and "never again" was not there at all. Maybe because it was good maternity hospital and I gave birth with my husband!

Elizaveta Samoletova

Unfortunately, to childbirth I was psychologically completely unprepared. Therefore, already being in the delivery room (I was in the maternity hospital on preservation), I felt that my stomach ached very badly, and was frightened. Of course, "theoretically" I knew that I was going to have contractions, but I had little idea of ​​what it was. Of course, there was no question of counting the intervals between contractions (this was suggested by the midwife, who was sitting next to the table and writing something). It seemed to me that I was dying, and in a weakening voice I asked to do me cesarean section... The midwife laughed cheerfully for some reason. I ask: "What are you laughing at?" And she told me: "According to my calculations, every second woman in childbirth asks to do her caesarean." I suffered for about an hour. I was very offended that the people who were around (nurses, midwives, department heads and even some trainees who showed me as an example of an "old primiparous woman with a slightly narrowed pelvis") took my suffering for granted and like nothing sometimes they tried to talk to me about some boring everyday topics(they asked where I work, where did I get this strange surname and how I will name my unborn child). And when my stomach started to hurt especially badly, the midwife came up and mockingly (as it seemed to me then) told me how I should breathe. When the attempts began, it became easier and even, I would say, more interesting, because the "result of labor" was about to appear. He appeared. It had 3 kg 600 g. Then I apologized to the doctors, but they laughed again and said that almost everyone behaved like me. And I decided that to next genera I will prepare for a long time and seriously.

1 About the symptoms of the onset of labor, their periodization and course, you can read in detail in №4 / 2001: L. Komissarova.
2 We also recommend reading the article by N. Zaretskaya in №1 / 2001 of the magazine "9 MONTHS".
3 For the technique of correct breathing during childbirth, which is recommended to be mastered during pregnancy, see: E. Pechnikova, No. 7-8 / 2001.

The last weeks of the third trimester of pregnancy are a time of exciting anticipation for the expectant mother.

One of the most interesting questions for a woman is how the contractions will go before childbirth.

Contractions are the most sure signs the fact that the baby is already ready to be born.

Prenatal contractions are not at all like training contractions (Braxton Higgs contractions, which the pregnant woman has probably already encountered).

In real contractions, action must be taken immediately. How exactly - we will consider further.

Contractions: how to understand that they have begun?

The onset of labor is different for each woman. Soreness and intensity of contractions will depend on the state of health of the pregnant woman and the presentation of the baby.

Answering the question "what are contractions like?", Some women compare their feelings with the discomfort that they experienced in the first days of menstruation.

And other mothers note that at the beginning of the contractions they felt weak aching pain in the lumbar region, eventually spreading to the lower abdomen.

During contractions, there is always a feeling that the stomach turns to stone - before childbirth, it can become hard, tense.

Nevertheless, similar sensations sometimes appear during training fights. The following signs will help to more accurately distinguish true contractions from false ones:

1 Regularity. do not last longer than 8-10 minutes. A woman can stop them by herself by taking a warm bath or walking around the room.

True contractions appear rhythmically, they do not stop when the position of the body changes.

2 Frequency rise. The interval between false contractions can be up to several hours. Before giving birth, the interval between contractions is getting shorter.

3 Progressive pain. Brexton Higgs contractions are most often painless, and at the onset of labor, the pain is increasing.

There are three phases in the prenatal contraction process:

  • initial;
  • active;
  • transitional (slowdown period).

The latent (initial) phase is the longest. It usually takes 6-8 hours from the onset of contractions to their transition to the active phase. During this time, the cervix should open by 3-3.5 cm.

In this case, the contractions will last no more than half a minute, and the interval between them is up to 5 minutes.

The duration of contractions in the active phase reaches 1 minute. The gap between them is reduced to 2-3 minutes. At the right course contractions, the cervix during this period opens up to 7 cm.

In the active phase, a woman usually experiences severe pain in the uterus. At the request of the woman in labor, antispasmodic drugs can be used.

In the active phase, the fetal bladder is opened, and the discharge of the amniotic fluid increases. The outpouring of water can occur earlier. If no complications of pregnancy have been identified, then late discharge will not be considered a pathology.

A pregnant woman can take a stopwatch and a piece of paper in order to record the duration of contractions and the sensations that accompany them.

Call ambulance you need at the very beginning of the contractions.

When the duration of the intervals between contractions is about 7 minutes, the woman already needs to be in the maternity ward.

At a time when the interval is still large enough (up to 30 minutes), start collecting the necessary things. If you wish, you can accept warm shower... Let someone close to you go to the shower - this way you will be much calmer.

In no case should you take a shower or a bath if the waters have already departed. Amniotic fluid plays a protective role for the child. Therefore, now the risk of getting an infection to the baby is too great.

How to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth?

To avoid pain during labor and childbirth, you can use drug methods... The most popular is in which pain medication is injected into the epidural space of the spine.

Anesthesia has its advantages, but it is not safe for all women to use it.

The correct breathing system can significantly relieve pain during labor and childbirth. Its principle is to concentrate on inhalation and exhalation.

Start performing breathing exercises for childbirth, a pregnant woman can in advance. Correct breathing should be mastered at the end of the second trimester. It takes a long time to learn to build the correct breathing rhythm; regular training is also required.

The principle of breathing should be memorized so that it can be easily recalled in a stressful situation.

When a woman feels that the contraction is about to begin (there is a feeling of tone in the pelvic region), inhale and exhale deeply.

With increasing pain, the rhythm changes, becomes frequent and superficial.

At the peak moment of pain, you need to take several frequent and quick breaths, and only then slowly exhale the air.

In the interval between contractions, the respiratory rhythm is restored, becomes normal. At this time, the woman in labor needs to rest and gain strength for a new cycle of contractions.

Interesting! Prenatal yoga

In addition to breathing, massage can reduce pain during labor. lumbar back.

A woman can be in a standing position, resting her hands on the headboard of a bed or chair. Massaging movements in the lumbar region block the passage of pain impulses from the sacral nerve to the spinal cord.

How to induce labor pains?

The optimal time for the end of bearing a child is 37-40 obstetric week... It happens that the harbingers of childbirth do not come even at 41-43 weeks. This abnormality is undesirable and your doctor is likely to share your concerns.

The negative consequences of too long pregnancy are sometimes very tragic. By 42-43 weeks, the aging of the placenta begins - a natural process in which the walls of the placenta cease to perform their functions.

The baby ceases to be sufficiently protected, oxygen and nutrients much less may come to him.

If there is a suspicion of aging of the placenta, the doctor may suggest stimulation of labor. You shouldn't refuse stimulation. Timely measures will help keep your baby healthy.

It is not always necessary to induce labor. If the harbingers of childbirth are late date pregnancy is not observed, and the analysis of amniotic fluid does not reveal any impurities, then you can wait with the stimulation of labor.

When pregnancy comes to an end, you can try to speed up the onset of contractions on your own. Such factors can provoke labor activity:

1 Traffic. Do not spend last week pregnancy lying.

Take time for the usual household chores: prepare the room for the newborn, collect the necessary things in the hospital.

Go for walks, but do not stray too far from home and try to walk with someone close to you.

It is also not worth overworking, this is unlikely to be of any benefit.

Many primiparous women are interested in the question of how to understand that contractions have begun? Normally, childbirth begins with the appearance of systematic contractions at certain time intervals. However, labor can start incorrectly, with the amniotic fluid flowing away, and not with contractions. In such a situation, everything is clear, as soon as the waters have departed, you should: calm down and not worry, get together, notify your relatives, call an ambulance or get there on your own. With the withdrawal of waters, everything is clear, but what about when the contractions come? It is very important here to know exactly how to recognize the first contractions. Let's talk about this in more detail.

First birth: how to understand that contractions have begun

Contractions are signs of labor during pregnancy. Therefore, there is an adequate question, how to understand that the contractions will begin? To answer the question posed, you need to understand what contractions are and what they are for. Contractions are the process of contraction of the longitudinal smooth muscles of the main female organ, which provokes the dilatation of the cervix.

All childbirth is characterized by the following periods:

  • Dilation of the cervix;
  • Expulsion of the fetus;
  • The birth of the placenta.

The period of cervical dilatation includes several phases: latent, active, deceleration phase. The first phase is the longest. This is the time of the onset of the contractions. Over time, they lead to smoothing of the uterine cervix and its opening. But for this you need to wait certain period time.

Therefore, if the contractions begin, then in order to assess the process of changes in the structure of the uterine cervix, you should wait 2-3 hours.

To the end, to figure out that the contractions have come, will help the study of the woman's vagina. Prenatal examinations of pregnant women help to find out the degree of dilatation of the uterine pharynx, as well as to understand whether the uterine cervix has smoothed. CTG should be done by an obstetrician in maternity hospital, mandatory for strict indications. The onset of labor is not a reason for examining the vagina. As already mentioned, the development of full-fledged labor should be monitored for several hours.

Signs of labor

The main symptom of approaching delivery is lowering the abdomen. The fact is that the child must go downstairs to prepare for his birth. If carrying a baby goes well, then this process will begin at 36-37 weeks. At the same time, the pregnant woman even begins to breathe more freely, but many experience discomfort, discomfort due to frequent going to the toilet and the development of edema. The lower and upper limbs may swell.

This is explained by the fact that the baby, going downstairs, presses on the paired organ / bladder, so you should not be afraid of swelling, this condition only indicates that childbirth is close.

Another sign of a close delivery is a decrease in body weight. During the entire period of gestation, a woman is gaining kilograms, but suddenly realizes that she has thrown off a couple of kilos, you should not panic, this means that labor will begin soon, which is why it is so important to systematically weigh yourself and record the weight. The reduction in body weight occurs due to the fact that the amniotic fluid is absorbed, and there is no need to panic. Symptoms that labor will soon begin are different.

One of the main signs is a change in tastes. If a pregnant woman has lost her appetite, and suddenly stopped eating for pleasure, this means that it is time to get ready for the hospital.

The approach of childbirth can also accompany an increase in appetite, if during the entire period of gestation the woman ate moderately. The second sign that makes it possible to determine that delivery will begin in a few days is nagging pain in the pubic area. If back and lower back pain during pregnancy were considered normal, now all pain is coordinated precisely in the pubic region. The fact is that for delivery, it is necessary for the bone tissue to soften in order to facilitate the process, so there is some kind of softening, which is accompanied by a dull pain syndrome. You should not be afraid of such manifestations, you must: prepare to go to the hospital. In addition to physiology, there are also psychological changes.

The nature and mood of a pregnant woman changes:

  • Then she cries;
  • It becomes irritable;
  • Then he laughs.

A woman may have apathy, she behaves unusually. During the gestation period, this is not so noticeable than the other day before delivery, so you should also pay attention to this symptom of the upcoming birth. A woman is tormented by insomnia, or she can sleep for a very long time, she is worried about trifles, has become aggressive or, on the contrary, indifferent to everything. You should not worry - this is how labor is approaching. As soon as you give birth and see your child, these symptoms disappear, with the exception of postpartum depression.

The beginning of labor: what to do

If the pregnant woman noticed several of the symptoms described above, and if these signs intensify, then it's time to give birth.

After about 7 days. But, on time last trimester be careful:

  • To lead healthy image life;
  • Do not lift weights;
  • Rest more and walk in the fresh air.

But, the lungs physical exercise will be useful, otherwise you can go over the pregnancy, that is, the baby will be born later than it should. As doctors say, this negatively affects the body of a woman and a baby. It would be right to walk for 2-3 hours on the street, in a park area, in a garden, to do light household chores - to wipe dust, wash dishes, “fiddle” with food, iron, but from washing floors to a slope or hand wash there will be no benefit.

It is better to shift these matters to your beloved relatives, let your relatives help you, or you can wipe the floors with a mop with a comfortable long handle, and wash the linen in the washing machine.

Attention! The main thing, before giving birth, is positive emotions that the pregnant woman should experience as often as possible so that the child feels excellent condition mom, he should not feel any stress, so that nothing scared him before birth. Depends on the condition of the woman and emotional condition child.

How labor begins

All the precursors of childbirth, manifested in pregnant women, make it clear that childbirth is about to occur, that it is necessary to be on the alert, the necessary things should be prepared that will be required in the maternity hospital. But than closer time upcoming birth, so more woman worries if she can tell when labor is starting. How not to miss the beginning?

To determine that the onset of delivery is taking place, attention should be paid to the obvious symptoms of a change in the state of the pregnant woman:

  1. There is an adrenaline rush, palms and feet become wet, she begins to worry a lot.
  2. V mandatory a certain liquid is released from reproductive organ, sometimes with blood - this is a special mucus that resembles a cork, which protected the fetus throughout the entire period of gestation. But, sometimes, when she leaves a couple of days before delivery, but usually this happens right before childbirth.
  3. There are contractions. The first contractions are slightly painful, pain syndrome which moves from the lower abdomen to the lumbar region. If a woman does not immediately understand that she has contractions, do not panic, the first birth can last up to 14 hours, there will be even more prolonged ones, there will be time to get to the doctor. Gradually, the strength and duration of the contractions increase. What are the intervals between contractions? Prenatal is at intervals of about 5 minutes. and more and more.
  4. It must be understood that when the waters recede, it is already necessary to prepare for childbirth. You can't hesitate. Why? The most Negative consequences... If the pregnant woman, when the waters did not leave the hospital, should record the time the waters left, how they looked, how many there were, how they smelled. This data is needed by the obstetrician.

For multiparous women, the process is normal, and primiparous from excitement can be very worried, they can have chills and heartburn.

Preterm labor symptoms

How much is the bearing rate? Pregnancies are considered normal when the baby is carried for about 40 weeks.

A doctor should be consulted if:

  1. Contractions began, which are repeated every 10 minutes.
  2. A watery liquid was released, which may mean damage to the bladder with amniotic fluid.
  3. Cramps began in the lower abdomen, similar to those that occur with menstruation.
  4. Pain syndrome developed in the lower back. The types of pain can vary.
  5. Presses in the pelvic region.
  6. Abdominal cramps are observed.

If these symptoms are found, no matter during the first, second, third or subsequent pregnancy, you should call your doctor. This will help prevent premature birth.

If a pregnant woman already regularly has contractions, gradually the interval between them becomes smaller and smaller, and the pain syndrome increases - then delivery is about to begin.

Childbirth is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Elementary... A pregnant woman may feel mild cramping pain, while the attacks last no more than 45 seconds, and the interval between them is about 8 hours.
  2. Active... The duration of the attacks increases to a minute, and the intervals become shorter - 3-5 hours.
  3. Transition... The most rapid stage of delivery, on average it lasts 30-90 minutes. The duration of contractions of the uterus is about one and a half minutes, and the interval between them is not hours, but minutes.

It is important to immediately call an ambulance at the onset of contractions or quickly arrive at the hospital on your own. Preparing generic activity long before the baby is born.

The beginning of labor (video)

Attention! As soon as there is a delay, you need to do a test and visit a gynecologist. Pregnancy should be monitored by doctors before the baby is born.