Ointment from severe peeling face. How to choose a homemade face cream from skin peeling. Pharmacy ointment and cream

Skin peeling is one of the signs of the outgoing tan, avitaminosis, poor care, genetic predisposition, illness. How to get rid of it unpleasant phenomenon? What kind of cream to choose?

If a bold cream It does not help, perhaps the skin flakes not just like that. Wrong care The problem area may aggravate the situation. Correct care Normalizes natural processes in body. Skin condition is harmony combination of work song hardware, water balance, peeling and regeneration processes. Active peeling skin is needed additional moisture, a full-fledged complex of vitamins, normal elasticity.

This must be done under the supervision of the doctor. Some types of chemical peeling. Glycolic acid peeling is usually used to treat face, neck and hands. Glycolic acid Carefully apply on the skin, leaving wrinkles softer and less noticeable after processing. They are excellent not only for treatment harmful influences Suns like early appearance wrinkles and - but also skin with stretch marks.

Phenol peelings contribute to intensive face rejuvenation in a 30-minute procedure. At the same time, restoring the patient's youth. Since it provides best results Face rejuvenation, phenolic peeling is shown only for the most severe cases of skin aging.

1 Why appeared symptoms

The causes of the illness may be as follows:

  • allergic reaction;
  • dry skin type;
  • disease;
  • wrong skin care;
  • avitaminosis;
  • reaction to experience.

2 Endocrine System

Dermatites are very interesting, poorly studied diseases. Some of dermatitis have genetic justifications. These are the so-called autoimmune diseases. Most often, nervous overvoltage is influenced by their development, impaired immunity, damaging effect. The incurable diseases that make a genetic code in themselves make scientists beat the alarm. How many diseases include the genetic code of each person? If something is wrong with the skin, peeling appeared, itching, rash, it is worth paying more attention to health. Perhaps the problem in the work of the endocrine glands.

Do not forget the one that has a minimum coefficient 30 that protects against reuses at least every four hours. Physical the sun protective funds are best optionsBecause their compounds are chemically less reacting with leather compared to chemical sunscreen, which reduces the chances of irritation. Prefers with a smaller probability to cause irritation on sensitized skin.

Home Peelings: 3 Powerful Recipe

After normalizing the skin you need to install preventive treatment And daily service. Although the deepest peelings are medical procedures and should be carried out only in specialized centers and under professional control, there are several types of surface peelings that you can do at home and provide very nice results. They are called exfoliating, which you can buy in stores or make them homemade, for effects from skin whitening, open pores, an acne improvement and oily skinTo reduce surface wrinkles.

The endocrine system is responsible for the production of all hormones. She regulates work internal organs. In its task, the reaction to changes ambient and maintaining the so-called homeostasis - normal, healthy, functional state organism. The skin is a protective shell, its health depends on the work of the endocrine glands. Genetic predisposition, if the body and immunity are normally formed, adequately function, can often and do not express themselves. The endocrine system includes 9 glands. This includes:

Peeling face for wrinkled skin

It is important that you strictly follow all instructions and never apply them more than three times a week. As we give you three suggestions about cleaning, which you can cook in your home.

In a small bowl, mix the tablespoon of cutle sugar with a spoon until you get a soft paste. Before bathing, apply a mixture on the moisturized skin with a slight circular massage, trying not to press too much. Apply it on the forehead and on the whole face. Remember that the skin around the eyes and neck is thinner, so massage in these areas should not exceed 2 minutes.

  • thyroid;
  • parathyroid;
  • milk iron (thymus);
  • adrenal glands;
  • paragargy;
  • incretuary of the pancreas;
  • hypothalamic-pituitary system (hypothalamus, pituitary gland);
  • epiphysis;
  • sex glands.

Consider the work of each separately.

  1. The thyroid gland has a straight effect on the skin. Symptoms such as skin peeling, redness, dryness, appearance of flagrated plots, can tell about improper work of the thyroid.
  2. Adrenal glands have great importance, influence on hair Pokrov, Pigmentation, allergic reactions.
  3. Pancreas prevents the formation of boils.
  4. The hypothalamic-pituitary system, namely the pituitary, affects the formation of subcutaneous fat. If in the work of the pituitary, some failure, the elasticity of the skin is lost, wrinkles can appear, dry plots.
  5. Sex glands produce sex hormones. Their work affects the sebaceous glands.

Hormonal background in human body depends on food recent cold illness, sports, etc. Exactly hormonal background Sometimes explains why the skin peels off. Get rid of skin peeling at hormonal disorders will help full nutrition With the focus on the products you need.

Effective creams and ointments from skin peeling on face

This peeling is able to soften small wrinklesthat appear with age and can be performed every other day. While sugar updates skin cells, olive oil olive oil Penetrates deeply, nourishes and regenerates deeper layers. This peeling can also be used on hand.

You will need only oats and yogurt. Mix a tablespoon in a bowl. Constant use of makeup, creams and other facial products impairs appearance Skin day from day. Although we can sometimes "solve" the topic with exfoliating cream, ultimately we need a deeper decision, and the name of the famous "peels" arises.

Three skin types

There are several skin types. it external manifestation Work features endocrine system and heredity within the normal range. Daily care Also changes its properties. The chemical composition of the water that the modern person uses is very different from chemical composition Natural water.

Of course, as it was a long time for many women and men, they heard the name, but did not know very well what it was. That is why, and now that the skin begins to suffer from the consequences of the cold, we ask Pamela Sea, director of a large cosmetic center, explain everything you need to know about this face.

Simple skin recipes

First, the word "peeling" comes from English and means "peeling". Just as a man "cleans" the potatoes from the shell and exposes a brighter interior, peelings are procedures that remove the surface leather layer to set a new, softer, young and shiny. There are three types of peeling: chemicals, enzymes and mechanics. And Pamela explained everything you need to know about each.

Digitly affect the skin water purification system with chemical agents, frequent water treatments. Eternal nutrition of mother and child, incorrect physical activity Can change the process of formation of the body. Immunity will be in a weakened state. Leather as a protection element will begin to fail. Horny parts of the human epithelium dead cells, inferior in the strength of the cancer shell. They are not so perfect, wear out faster, lose elasticity, constantly updated.

Cream against peeling

This is a skin rejuvenation procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to remove damaged upper layers. Skin layers identified after chemical peeling are more new and, therefore, softer and younger. Chemical peelings can be used to treat wrinkles, expression lines, eliminating facial spots, scars from acne and scars, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe person where they have a rather wonderful rejuvenating effect. Polishing and chemical peeling can be carried out independently or in combination with others cosmetic treatments- explains Pamela.

4 types of skin are distinguished: normal, dry, fat, combined. It is mistaken that one of the skin types is better than the other, but it can be closer to another. Why does the skin peel? It may be dry in the type.

4 Medical events

Get rid of peeling with fat. How to get rid of skin peeling on the face? The skin irritations arising due to mechanical damage, with a long peel, suggest that the regeneration process is broken. For example, if the reasons are friction, cold, heat, wind, but the impact has already ceased, the normal is considered fast healing without consequences. What features are the skin of the face? The characteristics of the epithelium as a whole are pronounced on the face. The skin is constantly subject to external influences: Doodle, frostbite, sunny burns. It is hardened by the fact that it does not affect the rest of the body modern man: Long, regular effects of habitat. Because of this requires more radical means. It's one thing when irritation can be hidden by clothes, the other - when the scales are covered with the skin on the face. Well, if you simply register a tan and help soft scrub. incomprehensible etiology if they are abundant, demand comprehensive examination The whole organism and choose the right treatment.

The most commonly used connections. Glycolic: It is useful for the treatment of acne and discoloration of the skin, as well as other dark spotswhich may appear on it. Collaborate with the elimination of acne. Mandeliko: It's good for people who are prone to acne. Eliminates and exfoliates dead skin cells. Used in people with Rosacea. Salicylic acid: Well cleaned from the pores. Suitable for oily skin, prone to acne.

  • Can be used for all skin types.
  • It makes the dark labels disappear.
  • Improves the appearance of wrinkles caused by sunlight.
What should be taken into account before chemical peeling?

And a little about secrets ...

Have you ever had problems with Itching and irritation? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article - you have no experience. And of course you do not know what is:

  • scratch irritation
  • wake up in the morning with the next itchy bluster in a new place
  • permanent unbearable itch
  • hard restrictions in nutrition, diets
  • inflamed, buggy skin, stains ....

And now answer the question: does it suit you? Is it possible to endure? And how much money did you "merge" for ineffective treatment? Right - it's time to end with them! Agree? That is why we decided to publish an interview with Elena Malysheva, in which it discloses the secret in detail why zudit leather And how to deal with it. Read an article ...

Ideally, before performing chemical peeling, you must prepare the skin with deep cleaning With extraction and hydration or mechanical peeling. "After a chemical peeling session, it is vital to use the protection of the Sun to protect the skin."

This is the procedure for deep hygiene with the extraction of acne, comedones and acne. It is combined with the masks of acrodes with the patient's skin biotype. " Mechanical peeling You can do round year, and if you need treatment procedure, such as chemical or intense peeling, like enzymatic peeling, This is a list of skin. " What should be taken into account when carrying out this treatment?

An unpleasant phenomenon of dryness and peeling of the skin on the face is quite possible to remove the use of special means.

Most of these cosmetic series have the appropriate labeling, but it is best to look at the composition of the cream.

What should enter active components such means as well as names best creams From the peeling of the skin are presented in our article.

"First of all, make them certified professional cosmetologistand then take care of the subsequent skin processing with sunscreen"He added. Well, its advantages are somewhat. It can be used to remove it. dead cells Skin, thereby speeding up the update of cells, reducing skin defects and thin lines, improving the appearance of scars and stretch marks, as well as reducing discoloration and damage caused by the Sun, adds an expert.

This type of peeling is specified for people whose skin is sensitive to acids and is suitable for all skin types. When and how often does this treatment be done? "Enzyme peeling can be done all year round and ideally 2-4 times a year." What should be taken into account before or after this treatment?

The symptoms of the first problems in the work of the internal organs are usually manifested on the skin.

At the same time, you should not ignore frequent rash, pigmentation and peeling on the skin.
In addition to clean cosmetic causes (incorrectly selected cosmetics, insufficient hygienic care), It can be a signal to internal problems.
Dermatologist will help to understand exact reasons. If it is caused by viral or fungal infections, it is this specialist that will help appoint proper treatment.

"Before, let the one who does this will be a doctor or a professional cosmetologist, and then use the Sun protection to protect the skin." Peeling is a dermato-cosmetic method used to remove dead cells from the skin surface to stimulate the function of deep layers. Most methods do not have a significant effect on the architecture of the dermis, since it acts mainly on the epidermis, but there are more aggressive methods that can even change the structure of proteins in the epidermis.

Peeling can be divided into two categories, depending on the action: mechanical and chemical. Mechanical peeling uses the exfoliating effect of the granules and abrasive particles contained in various creams or natural maskswhich, with lightweight and surface massage, remove dead cells from the epidermis. But it is based on the use of liquid chemical solution or creamy consistency on the skin. After applying the solution, let the time to penetrate the skin. Subsequently, for 1-4 days, depending on the penetrating ability of the skin structures, the epidermis starts the process.

To make sure of such symptoms forever, it is also necessary to properly use special protective agents that help properly moisturize the skin, creating the necessary barrier from external influences.

Video about the causes of skin peeling

The purpose of this procedure is to destroy and remove degraded skin parts controlled and under the supervision of specialists to speed up the skin regeneration process. The chemicals used are part of the exfoliated category. In addition, the chemicals used in chemical peeling, differ depending on the effective depth of action, as well as on the chemical nature of the solution on which they are based. To factors affecting the ability of penetration chemical substancesbelongs: the degree of acidity of the calibration agent, the number of cases applied and the time of action to neutralization of the acid.

Cream against peeling

Such methods are justified in the case of external reasons The appearance of peeling.

This is primarily weather influences, ultra-violet rays and mechanical damage. In this case, the use of creams will be justified.
To choose suitable option The easiest way to make up.

What should be part

  • Panthenol. In addition to healing small wounds and cracks, this substance contributes to cell regeneration.
  • Hydrotisut. It has excellent antibacterial properties, Therefore, it is often used in medicine. Application must be necessarily coordinated with the doctor.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Supports water balance in deep layers of epidermis.
  • Collagen. It gives skin fibers an elasticity and contributes to the rapid recovery of damage.
  • Allantoin. Used to remove the top layer of dead cells. Provides skin rejuvenation and rapid regeneration.
  • Natural essential I. vegetable oils . Provide food and vitaminization of the skin, smoothed and restore.
  • Natural plants extracts. It may be aloe, healing herbs, Berries and fruits. Properly selected composition provides a wide range of action, feeding and healing skin structure.

Among natural components There are unconditional leather benefits leaders.

But it should be borne in mind that deep treatment Tied with risks that the patient should know is more painful, and the period of recovery and healing is longer. You can access the article at any time, on any device, from your website or from your mobile application. Recommendations from the doctor. . There are three main types of gossip.

Surface peeling is the easiest form of peeling and has the advantage that it can be made for all skin types. This method uses weak acid. In some cases, you can also use dry ice. Frequently used substances are trichloroacetic acid or there is a variant in which the patient follows superficial peelingcarried out with other gentle agents and then applied.

In addition to the above, it is cocoa butter, exhaust sea algae and honey.

The composition of regenerating agents from skin peeling must be included in these components.

Suitable means

Buying cream to eliminate peeling on the skin, you should pay attention to special means. You can buy them in a pharmacy, and their use is not limited to the cosmetic sphere.

This type gambling It is a series of contraindications, such as dark skin. This effect is manifested even in case of more dark skin. Deep peeling - this is a treatment that should be applied only once and with maximum caution because of his side Effects. This method is intended only for people with serious dermatological problems and must only be performed by a dermatologist.

A dermatologist is recommended to recommend to the patient, what type of peeling it is suitable, and which is the most suitable decision For each of them, taking into account the type of person to be treated, the area to be repaired, the expected result and risks that the patient is ready to accept. To help the patient decide and help him understand that he / she should do, and that will be the result of this procedure, the doctor can make a test spot, which involves the use of treatment on a narrow and less visible area of \u200b\u200baffected skin.

Famous creams

  • Panthenol Provides fast recovery and healing small wounds and cracks.
  • Balm "Rescuer" Helps restore damaged or burned skin.
  • Acrider Produced in two dosage forms: Cream and ointment. Helps to remove allergic manifestations, used in the treatment of dermatitis various origin, psoriasis and eczema.
  • Used as an active substance for regeneration skin cover. Promotes rapid growth Epidermis cells are used in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis and eliminate age-related changes.
  • Pantoderm It is used in significant areas of peeling on the skin. As part active substanceshelping to remove itching and peeling.
  • Radevit Used in the form of ointments. It has an excellent moisturizing effect, dermatitis and uninfected wounds treats.

Usually in each cosmetic series there are special products that contribute to smoothness and moisturizing the skin of the face. It is possible to select suitable funds with the age criteria, as well as using the consultation of a specialist.

With hyaluronic acid

Special category suitable funds Appeared relatively recently. This is due to the discovery of synthetic hyaluronic acid - an analogue of the natural, participating in all processes of the life and regeneration of skin cells.

Such means are distinguished special property Peel into the epidermis layers deeply and actively fill out natural moisture. The popularity of hyaluronic acid is now not accidental at all, because this is the main ingredient of effective anti-aging compositions.

Choosing Cream S. hyaluronic acid As part, it should be carefully familiar with the manufacturer's reputation. Too small cost of such funds should be alert, because the proven high-quality cosmetics, even by default, cannot be cheap.


Application of children's cream

"Classic" recipe for skin peeling - use children's cream.

One side, such a composition of hypoalgengen and the most natural as possible.

On the other hand, Needs adult skin He will not satisfy.

That is why the use of such funds should not be permanent.

It is best to alternate suitable moisturizers with nutritious fat composition Good baby cream.

Video from the mandarine mask from dryness and peeling from everything Budder

Recipe at home

The use of independently prepared cosmetics Now, more than ever, popular. Assortment of pharmacies I. specialized stores Significantly expanded at the expense of suitable components, so it will be completely easy to find everything.

Best home cream recipes:

  • Oil as a base substance - 30 grams. Orange water - 70 grams, approximately 5 ml. Pharmacy vitamin E, 2 grams of wax and 10 peppers of geranium oil. Such a composition perfectly feeds dry and peeling skin.
  • Oil - 30 ml. Basil scalar - 60 grams, 5 ml. Natural ginger extract and 2 grams of sugar stearate (sold in a pharmacy). For smell you can add 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. The mixture must be heated and mix to a homogeneous state. Store cooked cream in the refrigerator no more than a month.
  • Frame ragger chamomile - 4 tablespoons. Add a teaspoon of honey and pharmacy. Separately melt on the tablespoon of olive and butter, tablespoon camphor oil And whipped egg yolk. Both mixes mix well and use. This mixture is suitable for combined and dry skin.
  • Creamy oil - 1 tablespoon. Add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of a softened banana (you can take the flesh pulp).

Take the recipes in the piggy bank

The problem of skin peeling on the face quite often stands in front of us. It may be a seasonal avitaminosis, the consequences of an unsuccessful tan and just a predisposition to dryness and damage.
Depending on the causes of dryness and peeling, it is necessary to select the optimal treatment plan.

Purely cosmetic problem help eliminate special moisturizers and nutritious means, koi now a lot.

Basic principles of choosing cream from skin peeling, useful recommendations And homemade recipes are given in our article.