What to drink for dry skin. Causes of dry skin and treatment with folk remedies. Cleansing cosmetics

Many people who are faced with dry skin know that it can cause a lot of problems. Constriction, fine pore structure, irritation, dull color, peeling and - these uncomfortable sensations can frustrate and make you think about finding ways to deal with them. In addition, dry skin is more prone to wrinkle formation and ages faster.

In this article, we will tell you about the causes of dry skin and how to treat it. Such knowledge will help get rid of the unpleasant sensations that it is capable of delivering, and prevent the formation of premature wrinkles.

Signs of dry skin

You can determine the dryness of the skin yourself: when you press with your fingers on its surface, traces do not disappear for a long time. There are also other signs:

  • tightness;
  • invisible pores;
  • frequent irritation (redness);
  • peeling;
  • lack of elasticity;
  • cracks.

With the drying of the upper layer of the skin, it loses its integrity and through the formed microcracks it can pass dirt, bacteria and chemicals. Subsequently, these foreign agents can cause irritation and itching.


Frequent sun exposure contributes to dry skin.

Inhibition of sebum production leads to dry skin, which is provoked by a number of reasons. In some cases, such ineffective work sebaceous glands caused by a hereditary predisposition. Dermatologists note that dry skin in young people often indicates a genetic feature, and in people more mature age appears due to other internal or external factors.

The main external reasons dry skin are as follows:

  • dry air;
  • climate;
  • hot and cold water;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • freezing;
  • not proper care behind the skin (aggressive cosmetical tools, frequent washing with soap, etc.).

The main internal reasons dry skin:

  • (insufficient water intake, indigestion, heat etc.);
  • hormonal disruptions (, hypothyroidism, menopause, etc.);
  • metabolic disease;
  • frequent stress;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • (especially A and E);
  • skin diseases (allergies, keratosis, fungal infections and etc.);
  • poor nutrition and grueling diets;
  • bad habits (smoking, overuse sweet tea and coffee, carbonated drinks);
  • aging.

Dry skin can be general or affect specific areas of the body. One or another localization of such zones may indicate the cause of their appearance, and different means can be used to eliminate and treat it.

Treatments for dry hands and fingers

Dry hands and fingers are more likely to be caused by external factors. Washing dishes without gloves with aggressive substances or in hot water, cold air, using antibacterial or deodorized soaps, working on the ground, working with building mixtures - these are not all factors that contribute to dry skin. Special attention should be given the formation of cracks on the fingers. Such a symptom may indicate an insufficient intake of vitamins A, E and group B into the body.

To eliminate and treat dry skin of the hands and fingers, a number of measures should be taken:

  • use cotton or rubber gloves when working with aggressive substances;
  • wear warm mittens or gloves during the cold season;
  • use sunscreen;
  • gently wipe the skin of your hands after washing with a soft towel;
  • use soft and high quality hand wash detergents;
  • normalize nutrition;
  • pay attention to a sufficient intake of vitamins A, E and group B.

Treatment of dry skin of the hands can be carried out with the help of pharmacy wound-healing creams and various folk recipes.

  1. Potato mask - boil potatoes in their uniforms, peel and knead into gruel. Add a tablespoon of warm milk to it. Apply a warm mask to the skin of the hands for 20 minutes for several days in a row, 2-3 times a day.
  2. Compress of honey and glycerin - take 1 teaspoon of honey, glycerin, water and flour. Mix the ingredients until smooth and brush the mixture on your hands. Wear cotton gloves for 20 minutes. Such compresses are best done several times a day for a week.
  3. Sour cream compress - glass fat sour cream mix with egg yolk and lemon juice. Moisten gauze with the resulting mixture and apply it to your hands, fix it on top cling film and wear gloves or wrap your hands in a warm towel. After 20 minutes, remove the rest of the compress with a cotton pad and put on clean cotton gloves. These compresses are best done before going to bed for several days.
  4. Olive oil and lemon juice mask - mix a tablespoon of oil with 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of hand cream. Before going to bed, apply the mixture to the skin of the hands and wear cotton gloves. This mask can be applied once a week for prophylaxis or for several days to treat dry hands.
  5. Oil bath - pour olive, sunflower or linseed oil and heat up in a water bath until comfortable temperature(it should be very warm). Immerse your hands in oil for 20 minutes. After that, blot your hands with a napkin. Such procedures are recommended to be carried out 2 times a week.

The following folk recipes are used on the fingers:

  1. Ointment from resin and honey - in a metal bowl, mix 10 g of resin, 10 g of honey, 15 g beeswax and 30 ml of vodka. Put on fire and, stirring constantly, wait until all ingredients are completely dissolved. Pour the ointment into a clean glass container and store in the refrigerator. For treatment, apply the agent to the crack and seal with a bactericidal adhesive plaster. Leave on for 7-8 hours.
  2. Plantain ointment - grind dry grass into powder, mix with 3 drops of oil and add petroleum jelly (in a ratio of 1: 9). Apply in the same way as ointment from resin and honey.
  3. Calendula ointment - grind half a glass of dried calendula flowers into powder and mix with one glass of melted interior lard... Put the mixture on water bath and, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, bring to a homogeneous consistency. Transfer to glass and refrigerate. Apply in the same way as ointment from resin and honey.

With dry hands and cracked fingers, a dermatologist may recommend vitamin and mineral complexes for you - it is not recommended to choose them yourself.

In some cases, dry and flaky hands can be caused. The skin is covered with spots of various sizes and colors (from pink to slightly bluish), and the patient may experience itching and burning. At the folds, it can crack and form white flaky islets. The correct treatment of such fungal lesions of the skin of the hands is prescribed only by a dermatologist after laboratory analyzes to determine the type of fungus. Only then will the doctor be able to prescribe antifungal drugs and determine the duration of their use.

Treatments for dry elbows

Dry skin on the elbows can be caused by many external and internal causes. Peeling in this area is provoked mechanical impact(for example, when working in an office) or frequent bathing. It can also be caused by various diseases.

The most common conditions for elbow dryness are:

  • hypothyroidism - this disease slows down the metabolism and regeneration of the skin, the cells of the epidermis die off, do not have time to peel off and the skin becomes dry and rough;
  • - iron deficiency leads to a decrease in hemoglobin and a lack of oxygen in the tissues, metabolic disorders cause dry skin;
  • diabetes mellitus - a malfunction in the metabolism causes a malnutrition of all body tissues, the skin becomes dehydrated, becomes vulnerable and thin, areas of inflammation and itching appear;
  • autoimmune and dermatological diseasesatopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, ichthyosis of the skin and other diseases, lead to peeling and roughness of the skin.

Treatment for dry skin on the elbows is aimed at eliminating the cause of this symptom. In addition to treating the underlying disease, it may be recommended to use creams with chamomile and alfalfa, Lipikar balsam, Pitival and Atoderm creams, Radevit ointments, oils (cocoa, shea, mango, etc.) and folk recipes.

Traditional medicine advises the following remedies for dry skin on the elbows:

  1. Scrub from coffee grounds and honey - in coffee grounds add honey, apply to elbows and massage in a circular motion to remove dead skin cells. Wash off warm water and apply nutritious cream or oil.
  2. Sour cream compresses and sunflower oil- mix the ingredients in equal proportions, apply the mixture on cheesecloth and attach to the elbows, wrap warm cloth and leave for 10–20 minutes.
  3. Milk baths - heat the milk and immerse the elbow in it for 20 minutes. Blot with a napkin and repeat the procedure on the other hand.

Treatments for dry skin

Masks made from natural ingredients will help to cope with dry skin at home.

Dry skin of the face can be explained by a hereditary predisposition, external factors, age-related changes or a violation of the sebaceous glands. Decreased sebum production can provoke various diseases Gastrointestinal tract, endocrine or nervous system and a lack of vitamins A, E and group B. For the treatment of these pathologies, a doctor's consultation is necessary, which will identify the cause and determine the course of treatment for the underlying ailment.

To prevent the development of this problem, it is necessary to minimize the aggressive impact environment and provide the skin with proper care. Washing and caring for such skin should be carried out only with special means... You can also use a variety of homemade nutrients and moisturizers.

Traditional medicine suggests using such masks for dry skin:

  1. Plum, melon mask and jojoba oil - take all the ingredients in equal proportions. Grind the pulp of the plum and ripe melon with a fork until puree. Add oil and mix thoroughly. Apply to face and rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water.
  2. Egg yolk, vegetable oil and chamomile mask - egg yolk beat with a teaspoon of vegetable oil (almond, linseed, sunflower, olive, etc.), add a tablespoon of the pharmacy chamomile extract and beat again. Apply the mixture to your face and rinse off after 10-15 minutes with lukewarm water.
  3. Mask out oatmeal and olive oil - boil the flakes in milk. Take 3-4 tablespoons of porridge, add the same amount of olive oil to it and beat. Apply to face in a thick layer. Wash off after 15 minutes with warm water and rinse your face with cool water.

Treatments for dry skin of the body

General dryness of the skin on the body can also be caused by external factors, but most often it is provoked by diseases internal organs... To treat it, it is necessary to identify the cause and eliminate it. In addition to getting rid of the influence of external factors ( hot water, aggressive detergents, prolonged exposure to the sun, etc.) and the treatment of the underlying disease, it is recommended to observe the normal drinking regimen, to eat enough dairy products, fish, vegetable oils, broccoli, nuts and seafood.

For moisturizing and nourishing the skin after hygiene procedures various cosmetics for dry skin with ceramides, fatty acids and lipids should be used. You can also use various folk recipes for baths, masks and peels:

  1. Peeling with honey, sea salt and olive oil- mix 4 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of fine sea ​​salt, add a tablespoon of olive oil to the mixture and stir. Apply to cleansed skin and massage gently. After 5 minutes, take a warm shower.
  2. Bath from a decoction of flaxseed and chamomile - boil 5 teaspoons of flax seeds in a liter of water for about 15 minutes, prepare a decoction of chamomile (the recipe is indicated on the package). Mix both broths in a 1: 1 ratio and add to 1/2 bath. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.
  3. Bath of milk, almond oil and honey - warm up a liter of milk and add 200 honey to it, mix with a dessert spoon of almond oil. Pour the composition into the bath. The duration of the procedure is about 15–20 minutes.
  4. Honey and olive oil mask - mix honey and oil in a 1: 1 ratio, apply to cleansed skin and leave for 20 minutes. Take a warm shower.
  5. Avocado, banana, cream and butter- chop the pulp of one avocado and a banana with a fork until puree, add 100 g of butter, 1/2 cup of cream to the mixture and beat everything thoroughly. Add a few drops rose oil and beat the mask again. Apply to cleansed body skin for 15 minutes. Take a warm shower using a washcloth.

Treatments for dry skin of feet and heels

May be caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes, insufficient vitamins A and E, medical conditions endocrine system and fungal infections. In some cases, all these reasons can lead to the formation of cracks in the area of ​​the hardened skin, which cause a lot of discomfort and pain.

If such a problem was caused by uncomfortable shoes, then it is enough to get rid of it and choose shoes taking into account the size and shape of your feet. Treatment of dry skin of the feet and heels should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. This will require consultation with an endocrinologist or dermatologist. Absence adequate treatment will lead to aggravation of the underlying disease and the development of complications.

For local treatment dry skin of heels and feet can be applied various means: softening, exfoliating, antibacterial and wound healing. Their choice depends on the condition of the skin.

For removing very dry skin on heels and feet ethnoscience offers the following recipes:

  1. Green apple mask - grate one apple on a fine grater, put the puree on cheesecloth and apply it to the foot. Put on your socks. Leave the compress overnight. In the morning, wash off the mask and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.
  2. Potato and flaxseed mask - raw potatoes grate on a fine grater, add the same amount of flaxseed, add a little water and boil the mixture until thickened. Allow to cool slightly and apply to feet. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, remove flaky skin and lubricate the feet with iodine.
  3. Masks with castor oil- moisten gauze with oil and apply to the foot or heel. Wear warm socks and leave overnight. In the morning, blot the skin with a napkin.

To treat cracked heels, you can use the folk recipes that were described above for treating cracked fingers. Nice results the use of such means also gives.

Often, peeling of the skin is a temporary phenomenon, often disturbing in winter. However, some girls have to fight him for years... Xerosis can appear due to a variety of reasons. Treating dry skin of the body with folk remedies will help get rid of this problem.

The causes of dry skin on the body can be both external and internal. The main sources of the problem:

  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. Lack of fluid in the body. Daily use from 1.5 to 2 liters of water helps to normalize the water-salt balance, eliminate toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
  3. Natural aging of the body. After 40 years, there is hormonal changes organism affecting sebaceous glands that regulate water balance in the body.
  4. Unbalanced diet. Eating instant foods that contain carcinogens, dyes, stabilizers, etc.
  5. Deficiency of vitamins A, E and C and microelements.
  6. Improper body care adversely affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which protect the skin from excessive moisture loss.
  7. Regular use of cosmetics that contain aggressive ingredients.
  8. Wearing synthetic clothing can disrupt heat exchange processes and can cause dry body skin.
  9. A visit to the pool with chlorinated water.
  10. Sudden temperature changes strong wind scorching Sun rays, low air humidity.
  11. Side effect of taking medication.
  12. Bad habits.
  13. Bathing too often helps to wash out the protective film of fat that protects the skin.

The epidermis can also dry very strongly due to dermatological diseases: seborrhea, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis.

As well as endocrine diseases such as hypothyroidism ( reduced amount hormones thyroid gland) and diabetes mellitus are sources of dry skin.

Control methods

Before you start caring for dry skin of the body, you need to determine what type of xerosis. There are two types of dry skin:

  • with normal tone - there is dryness, but the epidermis remains smooth and elastic;
  • with decreased tone- at the same time, cracks, wrinkles are quickly formed, and the skin itself is thinned.

You can get rid of the first variant of the disease with folk remedies, moisturizers and ointments. For the second, complex therapy is needed.


If your skin itches and itches, you can fight this problem with cold compresses, ointments or creams. Moisturizing masks, which are required to be done twice a week, as well as baths with herbal decoctions, also have a beneficial effect. These treatments also soothe, cleanse and regenerate the skin.

Healing baths

A bath with a decoction of flaxseed and chamomile must be taken within a quarter of an hour. To prepare the herbal liquid, add a couple of small spoons of flax and chamomile seeds to 1 liter of water and cook for about 15 minutes. And then you need to filter the composition and pour it into the bath.

The glycerin bath is good. For her, you need to add half a glass to the water liquid glycerin... This procedure will help restore dry skin.

For a milk-honey bath, you need to warm up the milk a little and melt 200 g of honey. And then you should slowly mix these components and pour 2 teaspoons of almond oil into the composition. Next, the resulting mixture must be added to the bath.

An oatmeal bath is great if the skin is itchy and flaky. For her, you need to pour oatmeal flakes into a bag made of material and tie. Then he demands to hang it under a small stream of water. It is necessary to take such a bath for a quarter of an hour.

It should be noted that the water in the bathroom should not be very hot, as it leads to dehydration of the skin.

Peels and masks

To get rid of dryness, you can also use peels, which are easy to prepare yourself. In a ratio of 4: 1: 1, you need to mix not thick natural honey, vegetable oil and salt, and then treat the skin with this scrubber and leave for 5 minutes. Next, you need to carefully wash off the composition and rinse with warm water.

Second scrub: first of all, grind oatmeal and almonds in a coffee grinder, and then add two large tablespoons of fatty sour cream to them. The product is applied to the epidermis and washed off after 5 minutes.

To make a nourishing and moisturizing mask at home, you need to mix two tablespoons of honey and olive oil, and then lubricate the skin with the composition and wait for 20 minutes. Finally, rinse off the mask with heated water.

And you can also use another version of the mask: you need to combine and thoroughly mix the pulp of an avocado, banana, half a glass of cream, 100 gr. butter and 3 drops of rose ether. This product must be rubbed into the skin and washed after 15 minutes.

For dry skin with poor tone, in addition to homemade cosmetic procedures, you need to follow a diet: eat seafood, dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats and nuts, and also drink about 2 liters of liquid per day. Do not drink alcohol or smoke.

For skin care, you can use milk, mousses and lotions that do not contain alcohol. To soften the epidermis, it is recommended to use ointments and creams based on plant extracts, fats and vitamins.

Vitamins for skin health

Often, dryness of the skin appears if there is not enough vitamins. Many of them play a large role in keeping the skin in normal condition... They are vitamins of group B, C, A and E. Therefore, with unbalanced diet simply it is necessary to introduce multivitamin complexes into the diet.

Vitamin C ( vitamin C) - basic for skin health. It participates in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which makes the epidermis elastic and velvety. Its lack leads to dehydration and increased peeling of the skin. You can fill the deficit by eating citrus fruits, sauerkraut, liver, black currant.

Vitamins E (tocopherol) and A (retinol) have antioxidant properties. Tocopherol is found in eggs, butter, dairy products, carrots, wheat germ, and nuts. Retinol is found in asparagus, tomatoes, peaches, pumpkin, and green peas.

B vitamins are also important, which affect the breakdown and synthesis of amino acids, which are the building blocks of many cellular structures. There are these vitamins in flour products, cereals, meat, seafood, vegetables and fruits.

Thus, dry skin can be triggered by many factors. To fix the problem, first of all, you need to find out why the skin becomes dry, and only then start treatment. Folk recipes help very well in this case.

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In this article, we will talk about the causes and methods of treating dry body skin. You will determine if you have such a problem and what to do if there are obvious symptoms. Learn about folk remedies and preventive measures in the treatment of the disease.

Dry skin occurs due to a lack of moisture in top layer skin, which provokes inflammation, cracks, peeling. Itching aggravates the problem, it is difficult to control yourself when you just want to scratch it.

Symptoms of dry body skin

Press your finger on the skin, watch the reaction. If the mark from pressing remains for some time, it means that the skin is dry and requires care.

Signs of dry skin:

  • Feeling of tightness after water procedures.
  • Small cracks.
  • Itching, redness.
  • Invisible pores.
  • The skin is rough, inelastic.

Causes of dry skin

The condition of the skin is influenced by the environment, lifestyle, nutrition, transferred or chronic diseases... Dryness is provoked by:

  • Disorders of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Avitaminosis (lack of vitamins).
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Infections.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Renal failure
  • Abnormal keratinization of the skin.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (digestive system).

The condition of the skin is normalized by itself, as soon as a person is cured of the disease.

Causes of problems with the skin of the body and face

  • Heredity.
  • Dry air.
  • Hard hot water.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun or frost.
  • Unsuitable cosmetics.
  • Nutrition and bad habits.
  • Climate change.
  • Aging.

Treatment with folk remedies

There is no need to resort to expensive treatments to treat dry skin. Exists folk methods that eliminate dryness and other unpleasant symptoms.

What to do with problem skin

Start small, reconsider your lifestyle, make a change in your diet, eliminate bad habits.

Proper nutrition

Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body provokes the development of diseases, deterioration skin, brittle nails and other problems.

Lack of vitamin B, which cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, negatively affects the appearance. It is found in large quantities in: eggs, herbs, brown rice, fresh fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

Vitamins E and A are helpers in the production of the sebaceous glands and the secretion of secretions. To replenish the body with these vitamins, eat carrots, apples, apricots, tomatoes, bell pepper, dairy products.

The reason for dry and itchy skin is the abuse of sweets.

Water saturates the cells with oxygen, the lack of fluid affects, first of all, the appearance. Drink enough water per day for your body.

Moisturizing body mask


  • cottage cheese - 25 g;
  • sour cream - 1 tablespoon;
  • cream - 2 teaspoons;
  • milk - 2 teaspoons.

How to cook: Stir the food until smooth.

How to use: Apply moisturizer for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Result: The mask moisturizes the epidermis.

Moisturizing face mask


  • cottage cheese (5-9% fat) - 25 g;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook: Heat honey in a water bath, combine with cottage cheese. Stir the ingredients.

How to use: Apply the mask to a previously cleansed face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with water.

Result: The mask eliminates dryness of the face thanks to moisturizing and nutritional properties... Honey regenerates the epidermis. Cottage cheese heals small cracks... The product saturates the skin with vitamins, which has a positive effect on the complexion.

Moisturizing with coconut oil

Coconut oil treats problem areas like elbows and knees. Coarse areas do not look aesthetically pleasing, so you need to deal with them by any means.

Apply Coconut oil light massaging movements on problem areas... Wait until it is absorbed.

Mask for the face


  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons.

How to cook: Peel medium-sized carrots, grate. Mix with sour cream. Stir until smooth.

How to use: The exposure time is 15 minutes. Wash your face and lubricate your face with moisturizer.

Result: Carrot - natural moisturizer, a fermented milk product saturates with collagen, which nourishes, moisturizes and slightly whitens.

Dry skin of the hands

Our hands are not for boredom, and therefore the skin on them is most susceptible negative impact environment. As a result, dryness, roughness, flaking or tightness appears.

Use a mild toilet soap.

Hand washing is a real challenge for the skin. There are no sebaceous glands on the epidermis of the hands that secrete secretions, thereby protecting against premature aging... Use a protective or nourishing cream.

Do household chores with gloves. All women know about this, but for some reason they ignore the rule, which they regret as a result.

In winter, wear gloves to protect your hands from frost and chapping.


  • Use moisturizing lotions after your bath or shower.
  • Replace harsh scrubbers with light peels.
  • Wear things from natural materials air-permeable.
  • Take softening baths with herbs, honey, milk.
  • Watch your diet: control your intake of sugary and fatty foods.
  • Monitor your habits: control the amount of alcohol you drink and give up cigarettes.

Dry skin of the body is manifested by a feeling of tightness and flaking. She is easily irritated, instantly dry out to a state similar to sandpaper, causes a lot of inconvenience and requires a lot of attention. And if in her youth she looks attractive, delighting with the lack of oily sheen, then it begins to age and become covered with cracks and wrinkles much faster than other types. Why the skin of the body becomes dry and how to remove dryness, read further in the article.

The skin of the body has become dry for a reason, there are reasons for everything. They can lie in the following factors:

  • Age-related changes in the body.
  • Incorrectly selected individual grooming system.
  • A predisposition to dryness, often hereditary.
  • Improper functioning of the sebaceous glands caused by hormonal disorders.
  • Decreased level of water balance.
  • Postponed skin diseases.

Weather conditions can also affect the condition of the skin. Dryness is aggravated in regions with high air humidity (as in the North-West of Russia), care needs to be selected completely different (in contrast to the care selected in the middle lane). Therefore, while monitoring the changes in the skin, it is worth paying attention to the conditions around you.

Dry skin symptoms

Severe dryness of the skin all over the body manifests itself near unpleasant symptoms, which are recommended to be treated so as not to aggravate your condition. These symptoms include:

  • The appearance of age spots.
  • The appearance of cracks in the skin.
  • Excessive scaling, unpleasant tightness sensation.
  • If you look closely at the skin, you will hardly see the pores - they are too closed and difficult to clean.
  • There is an itching sensation, the skin feels as if it burns in contact with water.
  • The skin is rough and unpleasant to the touch.
  • Skin irritation increases.

However, dry skin can coexist normally. But provided that you take proper care of her, and treat unpleasant symptoms in a timely manner with cosmetic, medication or folk remedies. Select a treatment system and comprehensive care dry skin is best supervised by a beautician.

How to care for dry skin

Owners of dry skin know perfectly well that caring for it is a challenge. So what if nature or circumstances have rewarded you with this skin type? Basic rules of care:

  1. Drink water. Plenty of water, at least two liters per day, to prevent dehydration.
  2. Use humidifiers at home.
  3. Remember to apply the lotion after showering.
  4. Try not to use soaps without moisturizing properties.
  5. Shorten the time spent in the shower, the skin does not absorb water well, the condition may worsen.
  6. Be sure to use moisturizers, regularly do masks and gentle peels to exfoliate the skin.
  7. Use fresh decorative cosmetics, preferably hypoallergenic (and do not forget to remove makeup with special products in the evenings).
  8. Take vitamins A, E, group B. It is possible both in biological supplements and with food.

You will need to learn to understand the composition of the funds that you use. Because sensitive dry skin can react negatively to any of the components of the formulations. And by identifying these components, you will be able to more accurately select the caring and decorative cosmetics for regular use, and not suffer with side effects from allergies.


In some cases, dry skin requires more than just the right care, but also treatment. You can do it with pharmacy products, cosmetic preparations or folk recipes. The choice of the method of treatment will depend on the convenience, capabilities and individual response of the skin to various components of cosmetic, medical and natural products.

Traditional medicine recipes

  1. Mash boiled potatoes, dilute them with warmed milk. Apply to skin several times a day for 20 minutes. Great for treating dry hands.
  2. Mix the dried plantain with petroleum jelly and oil. Apply to areas of skin with cracks, cover with a plaster, keep for several hours (about 7-8 on average).
  3. Stir the coffee grounds with honey until the consistency is not liquid scrub... To apply massage movements on the skin to exfoliate. This scrub does not irritate, nourishes and heals.
  4. 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal, boiled in milk without additives, mix in equal proportions with olive oil. Apply the mask to the skin in a thick layer. Hold for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  5. To brew green tea... Dip into it cotton pads, make a compress for 15 minutes, placing them over your eyes.

Also, if the skin of the body dries out, then at home it can be wiped with celery broths, aloe juice or simple cubes ice (in ice when freezing, you can also add Fresh Juice aloe).

Pharmacy products

  • Bepanten and Bepanten Plus... It is applied to heal irritations, cracks. The effect is achieved quickly, but after healing, additional moisturizing with creams may be required.
  • Vitamin C... Taken orally, it allows you to replenish the lack of vitamin C, which increases the body's resistance to bacteria, viruses, and other irritants (which is important for dry skin).
  • Radevit... Ointment with vitamin E in the composition, applied to moisturize the skin in a thin layer.
  • La cree... A cream that is used to treat cracks, relieve itching and flaking. The duration of treatment directly depends on the condition of the skin.

Pharmacy remedies for dryness and irritation of the skin can be selected independently. If there is any skin diseases you will first need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct therapy.

Selection of cosmetics

There are many cosmetic products of different brands that are suitable for dry skin. Every manufacturer of cosmetics for care has such. But you should choose for yourself according to the following rules:

  • The composition should not contain alkali. This is important for the selection of shower gels.
  • To cleanse the skin of the face, use soft foams or milk based on herbal ingredients.
  • Remove makeup with micellar water (afterwards - be sure to wash, because the fact that it does not require rinsing is a common myth).
  • Select lotions without alcohol, water-based.
  • Be sure to use emollients and moisturizers. But not as fat as children. they have a negative effect on dry skin.
  • To improve the condition of the skin and prolong youth, creams with hyaluronic acid in the composition. But you should not apply them before going outside, it is better to use them as night ones.
  • To exfoliate the skin, use the most gentle peels. Harsh scrubs will irritate you.

A properly selected line of caring cosmetics (and its regular use) will reduce tightness, reduce flaking and cause less irritation.

Prevention of dry skin

If you are intimidated by very dry skin, there are a number of preventive measures you need to follow. Among them:

  • Use gloves when washing dishes / floors / cleaning, in contact with a variety of chemicals (even mild ones).
  • Do not use soap or cleansers without moisturizing properties.
  • Use sunscreen in summer, do not forget to moisturize before going outside in winter.
  • If, after using some means, the skin itches and peels off intensely, it should be discarded. And carefully study the composition, perhaps it contains some kind of individual allergen.
  • Take vitamins and support your immune system.

Dry skin gives its owners a lot of inconvenience, and it fades faster. Therefore, it is important for her to choose the right individual care system. And negative manifestations must be treated. In case of itching, redness and other unpleasant symptoms, consult a dermatologist for help.

In the complex therapy of psoriasis,
eczema, atopic dermatitisTreatment of skin diseases should be carried out
only under the supervision of a doctor

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    • Dry skin
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  • In dermatology, there is a special concept used to refer to dry skin - xeroderma, or xerosis. Due to the many inconveniences associated with this symptom, a person is inevitably faced with the question - "What to do?" Dry skin is not only an unpleasant feeling of tightness, but also constant peeling, scratching, cracking, itching and even pain.

    What is the difference between dry skin and normal to oily skin?

    There are 3 types of skin: normal, oily and dry. The fourth type is also distinguished: combination skin, in which in the T-zone of the face there is an excess secretion of fat, and on the cheeks - on the contrary, insufficient. On the body in that case increased fat content observed on the back, neck and chest, and dry - on the limbs and abdomen.

    During normal functioning of the sebaceous glands generated by them fat secret forms a thin, invisible hydrophobic film on the skin surface. This natural barrier has many functions: it prevents the evaporation of moisture from the epidermis, thereby contributing to the natural hydration of the skin, softens the skin and gives it elasticity, protects it from the penetration of microbes and maintains its normal microflora, protects it from the effects of temperatures.

    At oily skin the glands secrete excess fat. The skin looks sloppy, shiny, its pores are enlarged, and the effect of “ orange peel". With this type, acne and comedones are more common, as the pores are clogged sebum mixed with dust, sweat and dirt.

    Dry skin needs additional moisture, since the secretion of the skin it produces is not enough for natural protection. Without it, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, becomes dull, peeling appears on it and dead grayish-white scales of various sizes are separated - from very small flour-like to fine-lamellar ones. She is prone to early education wrinkles, burning and chapping, microbial contamination. The surface of dry skin is rough and rough to the touch, flexion surfaces are prone to redness and cracking, and cracks can be both superficial and deep. Often severe dryness observed on areas of the skin unprotected by clothing: hands and face, and in summer - on legs and shoulders.

    Dry skin is very sensitive to the influence externalfactors- weather, contact with water and household chemicals, cosmetics - therefore it needs gentle cleansing and intensive nutrition and moisturizing. It must be protected from inflammation, because with xeroderma, the ability of cells to regenerate is reduced.


    The causes of dry body skin can vary. Insufficient skin moisture can be based on both exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) causes. TOendogenousfactorsrelate:

    • genetic predisposition. Light-skinned and fair-haired people have dry skin more often than others;
    • sleep disturbances;
    • improper nutrition;
    • chronic kidney disease;
    • hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
    • chronic intoxication;
    • malignant tumor;
    • blood diseases;
    • almost all skin diseases;
    • old age - about 80% of people over 70 years old complain of dry and itchy skin.

    Amongexogenousallocatethe followingfactors:

    • wrong daily care... For dry skin, the effect of surfactants, which are contained in soaps, shower gels and shampoos, is detrimental, as they disrupt the function of the sebaceous glands;
    • exposure to aggressive chemical substances- peelings, masks, as well as cleaning products;
    • climate - humidity and air temperature, wind, sun rays, rain and snow;
    • other negative factors- tobacco smoke, jet lag, etc.

    What to do with very dry skin?

    First of all, you should identify the reasons by visiting a dermatologist. The doctor, after examining and collecting anamnesis, will either diagnose or send an appointment with a gastroenterologist, neurologist or endocrinologist. If a specific cause is identified, the question of what to do with dry skin will be resolved by treating the underlying disease. Otherwise, if the reason insufficient work the sebaceous glands does not depend on the disease, but is due to individual characteristics, you need to carry out symptomatic treatment.

    The firstmeasurethis isrevisionnutritionandwaterregime. The diet should include foods rich in vitamins A, B and E. In the menu you need to enter sea ​​fish, nuts, cereals, prunes, liver, dairy products, beef, eggs. You also need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily. It is necessary to maintain the water-lipid balance, normal hormone synthesis and, therefore, the work of the sebaceous glands. In winter and autumn, it is useful to additionally take vitamin complexes.

    Dermatologists also advise making some changes to daily life... So, the setting is useful humidifiersair in the apartment and office. This will help keep your skin from drying out. It is recommended to keep healthy image life, minimize or quit smoking and drinking alcohol, exercise regularly.

    There is a separate problem of personal hygiene: what to do with very dry skin, what products to use? After all, shower gels, soaps and shampoos with superficial active substances(Surfactants) cause tightness, itching and dandruff. Try to buy detergents not in perfume shops, and in pharmacies. Pharmaceutical market offers a variety of tools for gentle cleansing and dry skin care. For example, gelforsoulandshampoo do not contain alkali. But they contain valuable deresined naftalan, which soothes irritated skin, burdock root extract and a complex of vegetable oils that protect the skin from drying out.

    Careperdryandsensitiveskinfaces carried out with the help of a special milk, gelfoamsormousse cleaning elements of which remove dust and dirt from the skin surface, but at the same time do not destroy the lipid layer. They may contain oils and plant extracts... Works well as a cleanser micellarwater. It contains many active elements intended not only for cleansing, but also for care, moisturizing, softening the skin, getting rid of redness and flaking. After the main step, it is recommended to complete the cleansing with an herbal lotion that deeply cleanses the pores. Lotionfordryskinfaces should be made on the basis of water (in no case alcohol), and the composition may contain extracts of lingonberry, kelp, tea tree, aloe vera, fucus and other herbal ingredients.

    But the most important thing to do with dry skin is to regularly moisturize and soften it with creamsandointments... Topical care products usually include fats (vegetable or animal), vitamins and plant extracts. The composition of creams and the concentration in them nutrients should be as close as possible to physiological lipids normal skin person. The fatty base serves to create a protective barrier, and natural ingredients help to normalize metabolism and regenerative processes in the skin.

    Anti-dry skin medications should be prescribed based on gravityxerodermapatient, security, hypoallergenicandportabilityfunds. It must be remembered that with age, the condition of the skin also changes, the work of the sebaceous glands can change from ageordue tohormonalchanges(pregnancy, menstruation in women, prostate diseases in men), therefore, care products should be selected with this factor in mind. It is also important to consider the weather conditions. In winter, more fat creams, in summer - lungs that do not cause clogging of pores.

    If xeroderma is characterized not only by tightness, but also by itching, scratching and cracking, a more serious therapy is selected: creams should contain natural medicinal components: selenium, zinc, tar, salicylic or lactic acid, urea, etc. Creamfordryskin contains deresined naphthalan, almond oil, d-panthenol, urea, salicylic acid and Japanese Sophora extract. Thus, "Losterin" fulfills the requirements for complex treatment xeroderma: soothes, relieves itching, normalizes metabolism and blood circulation in the skin, nourishes, regenerates and creates a hydrophobic film that does not allow moisture to evaporate from the stratum corneum. In addition, the cream "Losterin" is quickly absorbed and does not leave unpleasant sensation oily skin.

    Dryleatherfaces requires a lot of attention, also because it is prone to rapid fading and the formation of wrinkles. Help to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands creamswithhyaluronicacid, peptides, vitamins, antioxidants, oils. Taken together, dry skin care creams contribute to fast healing microcracks, smoothing shallow wrinkles and preventing their appearance, restoring the lipid barrier and moisturizing. Losterin cream thanks to natural composition, the absence of fragrances and dyes can also be used for facial skin care.

    In the autumn and winter time when the skin is exposed aggressive impact cold air, wind, snow, rain, it is useful to apply maskswithnutritiousoils, vegetableextractsandantioxidants.

    To protect the skin from dry indoor air, it is necessary to use thermalwater. Thanks to the minerals and trace elements in its composition, it relieves the feeling of tightness and helps to restore the protective barrier of the skin.

    In addition, dermatologists advise taking bathsandbaths with the addition of sea salt, decoctions of plantain, chamomile, oak bark, willow bark, yarrow, birch buds, burdock roots, etc. Marinebaths have a keratolytic effect and saturate the skin with iodine, zinc, potassium, and herbal baths help to normalize metabolism. And here solarbaths owners of very dry skin are not shown: under ultraviolet rays it quickly burns and becomes thinner. With solar activity, you must use creamwithUv- filters.

    Whatit is forbiddenmakeatdryskin

    Fine and sensitive skin easy to hurt improper care, for example, by disrupting the function of the sebaceous glands, which already produce insufficient lipid secretions. This effect is observed after saunas or receptionhotbathswithordinaryalkalinesoap. Hygiene products and hot water destroy the protective layer of fat and the skin is quickly dehydrated. If you have dry skin, take a warm shower with hygiene products developed by dermatologists.

    Moisturizing cream - necessary remedy to moisturize the skin, but it is only beneficial if applied correctly. So, it is strictly forbidden to use a moisturizing creamononebasisorwithhyaluronicacidsmallerhowper 30 minutesbeforeexit outside. In winter, water molecules on the surface of the skin will freeze and expand and tear it apart. In summer, on the contrary, evaporating water will lead to the formation of microburns.

    There is a misconception that very fatty creams, for example, forchildren, - the best means to nourish dry skin. However, it is not. Baby creams contain increased amount lipids, which is beneficial for a child, but harmful for an adult, as it disrupts skin respiration, clogs pores and causes inflammation and acne... Very oily creams are best used to moisturize the heels, knees and elbows.

    It is not recommended for owners of dry skin to engage in swimming in the pool due to chlorinated water. If you still need to swim, it is recommended that you apply a moisture-resistant sunscreen to your body before entering the water, take a cool shower after swimming, and then moisturize your skin with a suitable product.

    Also not worth using scrubsforcleansingskin... The result will not be the "radiant effect" promised by the advertisements, but redness and sores.


    Physiotherapy treatments may be helpful for dry skin. Widely applied mesotherapy- introduction of a vitamin solution into the deep layers of the skin. It normalizes metabolic processes, nourishes cells and protects them from dehydration, maintains youthful skin. The cocktail for injection is enriched with magnesium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur.

    This procedure is similar to biorevitalizationskin- the introduction of drugs with hyaluronic acid. The procedure helps to moisturize the skin and restore its structure, normalize the state of collagen and elastin fibers.

    Microcurrenttherapy- one of the most popular procedures for normalizing metabolism in dry skin. Impact of the weak electrical impulses stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and repairs damaged cells. The result of microcurrent therapy is similar to the effect after healthy deep sleep. The optimal course is 10 procedures.

    In most cases, dry skin does not signal any disease. However, in cases where dry skin appears:

    • unexpectedly, for no reason;
    • during menopause;
    • with regular redness, skin rashes, itching;
    • together with a disease of the internal organs;

    you need to consult a doctor, as it may be necessary to prescribe specific external agents, without which xeroderma will develop to more severe stages (with extensive redness, peeling and deep cracks).