How does a depilatory cream work? "Batiste" Cucumber with Aloe Vera extract is the best depilation cream for sensitive skin. Contraindications to the use of depilatory cream

To fight out excess vegetation girls spend a lot of time and effort. Razors are not suitable for everyone because of irritation, and it takes tremendous willpower to endure the pain of hairs being pulled out by an epilator. Therefore, among similar funds among girls, depilatory cream is especially popular for sensitive skin and bikini areas.

Operating principle

Hair removal products contain active chemical components. They eat away at keratin, which is the main material of the hair. Upper layer damaged to such an extent that it can be easily removed from the surface of the skin without leaving a trace. It should be borne in mind that many brands of cosmetics use such strong chemicals that the skin is also damaged to some extent.

Advantages of depilatory creams:

But there are also several disadvantages. First, the cream may not be suitable for coarse hair- because of the thick base, the vegetation will remain on the skin practically intact, and the depilator will simply be washed off with water. Secondly, the likelihood of manifestation is not excluded. side effects... This is a rash, swelling, itching, fever.

Video: how to use depilatory cream


To choose best cream-depilator for body and face, there is a lot to look at various means this principle of action. We have compiled a rating of the most famous brands:

Name Note
Baptiste cucumber with aloe vera extract (analogue of Baptiste-yoghurt) Decent cream on a budget price category... Perfect for depilation in hard-to-reach places (deep bikini, thighs). Due to its aggressive composition, it removes hairs not only on the surface of the skin, but also under it. The result lasts for three days and may cause allergic reactions. Suitable for sensitive skin.
Avon Skin So Soft "Freshness" Avon invites girls good alternative shaver with natural herbal extracts. According to the manufacturer's instructions, it removes hairs after 2.5 minutes. But in fact it copes only after 6. The result is noticeable within three days. Hypoallergenic.
Alfion Alfion contains chamomile extract, which soothes the skin and softens the effect of chemical constituents on the epidermis. Apply for 5 minutes, suitable for coarse hair.
Fito depilation by Phytocosmetics Another phyto depilatory cream with chamomile. Affordable but not effective enough on coarse hair? especially on the legs. Has a pleasant light odor, practically does not eat into the skin. Not recommended for use in the bikini area and on the face. Price - 0.5 USD That is, its counterpart is Fito Grow.
Vilsengroup DepilBio The delicate formula is used to remove hair in the most different places... Fast acting - can be washed off after 5 minutes. It should be noted that the product is very liquid, which makes it inconvenient to apply, but it can be quickly washed off.
Velveteen The Velvet brand has a lot of products for the most different types skin and hair (Velvet Comfort, Vit C and others). The most best reviews about cream from Velvet for depilation of sensitive skin. It is noteworthy that having strong smell and active composition, it does not harm the skin, is well tolerated by pregnant women and is quickly washed off. The result is noticeable within 3 days, like the imported Nads.
Eveline ultra-stylish Q10 + R Evelyn is a very delicate composition. It contains coenzymes, silk proteins and vitamin cocktails, can be used even on the most sensitive skin. After application, you can slow down hair growth with a balm after depilation, with its use, the effect lasts up to 5 days. If it doesn't work, you can try Eveline Just Epil Argan Oil.
Veet The instruction states that this cream can be used in the shower. It is formulated with indelible oils that help get rid of stubble even under water jets. Apply only to the skin of the legs, arms and armpits; irritation may appear in the bikini area. Do not keep it longer than 10 minutes, otherwise you will get burned. Opilca, Venus, Vitaskin are no different from him.
Ultrafast Beauty Formulas velvet Has an excellent effect on dark and coarse hairs. But it has its drawbacks: bad smell, burning when applied, can not be used on bikini area. The action takes place only after 15 minutes. Analogue of Beauty Line.
Belle jardin Fast-acting depilatory cream. Very effective but unpleasant Strong smell... During the action, the hairs are burnt, therefore it is not suitable for delicate and sensitive skin. Not recommended for daily use, optimally 2 times a week. These properties are reminiscent of Elea body care.
Lancome bocage Bocage from Lankom, aka grove from French, will help you quickly and gently get rid of excess vegetation on any part of the body. It has been known on the market since the 80s, it acts quickly and efficiently, practically leaves no hemp. Cliven and Vichy are similar in action.
Touch me The principle of operation, declared by the manufacturer of this cream, is slightly different from all previously described brands. Not only does it remove hairs, the company says, it also helps kill the bulbs. It can be depilated in the bikini area, on the legs and arms, it is hypoallergenic and suitable for sensitive skin. But will not be able to help for coarse black hair, despite the cost of $ 20.
Byly They need to be used before showering, because when in contact with hair, a chemical reaction begins and a strong, pungent odor appears. It does not work on thick and coarse hair, but it does an excellent job with fine and gray hair. To strengthen the effect, you need to apply products after depilation (Klorane, Tanita, Lowa Lowa and others).
Lady Caramel with peach butter According to reviews, this is the best budget cream... Its price is 0.5 USD. That is, but it performs its functions 100%. In addition to eliminating the problem of excess vegetation, it also fights against irritation and ingrown hairs. Contains peach, avocado and shea butter. The Magraw "fruit cloud" with fruit extracts is very similar to it.
Vitex Special Care delicate with Aloe Vera for sensitive skin It is noteworthy that this body remedy can also be used to depilate the antennae. Delicate, with natural ingredients in the composition. Hypoallergenic, does not cause ingrowth and irritation. Kleven can replace him.
Galant Cosmetic Magic green It practically does not smell. When the composition reacts with hair, there are no unpleasant sensations... Removes hair almost completely, leaving a smooth and clean skin on legs and bikini. This depilatory cream can be used to normal skin face, but only if there are no allergic reactions.
Camomile depilation Unique cream. In terms of properties, it is similar to depilation with mechanical means- the effect lasts up to 14 days. It contains shea butter, calendula extract, Panthenol. In terms of performance, only the male Cliven Young is better than him.
Floresan deep depil Phyto cream, it contains plant extracts and extracts and oils. Does not cause allergic reactions or irritation. Analogue "red line", "Velvet legs".
Sally Hansen Creme Hair Remover If you have antennae over upper lip- then this is the best depilatory cream that works after 3 minutes. It is soft, hypoallergenic, suitable for sensitive skin.

You can buy a depilatory cream at a pharmacy or a specialty cosmetic store. Some brands are ordered exclusively from manufacturers or purchased from special dealerships.

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Depilator or depilatory cream- this is skin remedy for removing unwanted hair kov on the human body. Easy to use and effective for temporary hair removal, the cream is one of the most widely used cosmetic products in the world. Besides creams, you can also find different liquids for hair removal. While the result is much the same, the liquid or lotion is applied in large quantities to remove hair. In addition, the cream makes it easy to get rid of hair in a small localized area of ​​the body.

How does depilatory cream work?

In order to understand how the remedy helps to get rid of these hairs, let's take a look at the ingredients of this cream. It contains calcium thioglycollate or sodium thioglycollate, which are highly acidic substances. This cream also contains ingredients that soothe the skin: almond oil, green tea extract, aloe vera gel to counteract these chemicals and also make our skin softer after application. On contact with the body and hair, the acid reacts with the keratin layer of the skin and dissolves the hair.

The effect of a liquid or cream to remove hair is different from that of an epilator ( electrical device for hair removal). The depilator only temporarily removes hair from the skin surface without disturbing the hair follicles. The epilator also removes hair for a while, but it also pulls follicles out from under the surface of the skin. It is a very painful procedure, while using a depilator does not cause pain at all. Along with hair removal, it is great for getting rid of dead skin cells.

Depilatory creams are available in many beauty salons and stores, as well as drugstores. But, are they that safe? In fact, using a good depilatory is relatively safe for most women. But, since the cream contains strong chemical substances, then in some people they can cause allergy symptoms. Therefore, safety testing of the forearm depilatory cream is recommended to avoid side effects.

We hope that you have already carried out the test and did not reveal any signs of allergy to the depilatory cream, so you can safely follow the step-by-step steps necessary to use this product.

Before applying the hair removal cream, cleanse and rinse the skin area (where you want to remove hair) warm water... According to skin experts, this cream is most effective after washing in a warm bath, when the pores of the skin are opened.

More cream should be applied properly on the dry part of the skin. Never put it on cuts and eye areas. We also do not recommend rubbing it in strongly. Just make sure that the hair you want to remove is well covered with cream.

Leave the cream on specified period(about 5 minutes or more). The actual time it takes for the hair to dissolve depends on the degree of hair thickness. The thinner and lighter they are, the faster they will dissolve, and vice versa.

Using plastic scrapers, gently scrub the cream along with the dissolved hair in the direction of hair growth. Alternatively, rinse with a damp cloth in the direction of hair growth. Then rinse the area with water to remove any traces of cream and hair.

After the procedure, do not use aggressive soaps on these areas of the skin for 1-2 days. Use the cream more carefully on sensitive areas such as the upper lip and underarms. And, be sure to make sure you only use good products. Negative point the use of hair removal cream is that the results may be unpredictable or insufficient. Therefore, you may have to repeat the procedure to get a satisfactory result.

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Modern woman spends a large number of time and Money to remove unwanted hair. The problem has not been resolved until today ideal way getting rid of vegetation, but the purchase and use of depilatory cream can act as alternative option shaving and epilator. Active substances included in chemical composition creams, contribute to the destruction of keratin structures.

Delicate depilation

Depilatory cream can bring satisfaction from the result for women and men with abundant hair on the chest and shoulders. By itself, the concept of depilation means the process of destruction hairline without affecting the hair follicles in the skin integument. TO existing ways removals include the use of regular shaving, bioepilation and, finally, the use of a product such as depilatory cream. There are epilation processes that involve the complete and irreversible destruction of the bulbs. These include electrolysis, laser hair removal and photoepilation.

Depilatory cream

The world's leading companies producing large depilatory products (Veet, Oriflame, Avon) supply the market with all kinds of universal and specialized creams. The method of application is almost the same - simply distribute the cream over the areas of the body and face where it is necessary to remove hair, and then, after literally a few minutes, safely remove the remnants with a spatula. Very simple, isn't it? There is also a special depilatory cream for men. If you want to know more about how it works, read the instructions. Better to keep it.

To remove the residues of the depilatory cream, a special spatula is used, which is supplied with the product. Before using the cream for its intended purpose, it is advisable to test the products you purchased for compatibility and reaction with your body. Such manipulation will indicate that the chemical composition of the product will not cause a strong allergic reaction. skin, especially with high sensitivity of the skin. It is enough to apply a small amount of the product to the place where the reaction will be least noticeable if it occurs - for example,

If tomorrow you do not find any reaction, then you can safely abandon your preferred shave and start using the depilatory cream. Selection individual look the funds will depend entirely on you. Hair, although later than when shaving, will grow back at different intervals. The growing vegetation will no longer irritate you with its thorniness, which means that the effect of the appearance of a rash or irritation is completely excluded.

Men are more susceptible to the presence of hair in unwanted areas of the body or places that do not adorn the stronger sex enough and even interfere. Today, creams are produced for men that can quickly and for a sufficient period of time remove unnecessary hair from the chest or arms (for example, Cliven cream). The composition of the cream is simply ideal and can be additionally applied to the armpits, back and legs. The product has a pleasant aromatic composition, improves tone and does not irritate the skin due to the use of natural vegetable oils.

The method of application is similar to that of women's creams. Cleanse and dry skin before applying. Apply enough thick layer cream for the period specified in the instructions for use of the product, after which you remove the cream with a spatula and, wiping the skin with a sponge, control the process. Application of such universal remedy will make the skin of a man velvety and pleasantly smelling.

The problem of unwanted hair in certain areas makes some women spend a lot of time on it. V recent times more and more various ways to deal with this problem began to appear, for example, various devices for hair removal and cosmetics. One of these cosmetic products to combat excess vegetation is a depilatory cream.

The principle of operation of the depilatory cream is as follows: special mild alkaline chemicals that are included in its composition help to dissolve keratin in the hair shaft, which helps to easily and painlessly get rid of unwanted vegetation... Such active substances destroy the structure of the outer hair, however, the inner part of the hair and the bulb are not amenable to the action of the depilatory cream.

Many depilatory cream manufacturers include various vitamins in their formula, vegetable oils, herbal extracts and others useful components... This helps to soften the effect of the cream itself on the skin, moisturize the skin and remove inflammatory processes... One of the main criteria for the quality of a depilatory cream is its price. Since efficiency this tool and its harmlessness to the skin primarily determines the composition of the components that make up its composition, and which contribute to the destruction of hair, changing its structure and causing it to curl. In order to save time for removing unwanted hair, manufacturers have developed a special depilatory cream formula. Such a cream is applied before taking a shower, and as a result, you leave with smooth legs without excess hair.

Depilatory cream has its pros and cons when using it. Many people choose this remedy because the active substances contained in its composition also help to slow down hair growth, for example, after shaving. One of the advantages of a depilatory cream is the ability to use it on a large area of ​​the skin, which significantly reduces total time hair removal process. In addition, after using such a cream, the skin of the legs remains smooth for longer than, for example, after shaving. This effect is achieved due to the fact that depilation with a cream makes the ends of the hair rounded, which in turn not only allows the skin to stay smooth for longer, but also eliminates the appearance of irritation and rashes. However, as with shaving, newly regrown hair can become darker after depilation with cream.

Another advantage of using the cream is the elimination of the appearance of such a problem as ingrown hairs, which often appears after depilation with wax.

Considering negative sides the use of a depilatory cream, then first of all it is worth noting the rather unpleasant smell of the cream itself, which is caused by the very active substances. In addition, they can cause allergic reactions. Depilatory cream, which is used to remove excess facial hair, contains fewer such substances. However, an allergy test should still be performed before using it. Although these recommendations apply to other types of depilatory cream, be it universal cream or intended for hair removal on sensitive areas skin. The most effective depilatory cream acts on cannon and Thin hair, while with coarse dark hair, he does not cope well.

Also, the effectiveness of using the cream is influenced by strict adherence to the instructions for its use, which determines the minimum and maximum exposure time and the rules for applying depilatory cream. For example, a universal cream is applied to the skin for a few minutes and then removed with a special spatula. The cream, developed for depilation in the shower, is applied with a special sponge in an even layer, and it should not rub in. You can take a shower within a minute after applying it. In this case, the cream should remain on the skin for at least two minutes, for which one should try not to direct a stream of water to the area treated with it. After about 3-6 minutes, be sure to rinse off the remaining depilatory cream with a sponge. After such a procedure, the skin will become soft and silky, and you will forget about the problem of excess hair for several days.

Depilatory cream is the simplest and painless way hair removal. But is it as safe as they say it is? In pursuit of beauty, many girls do not think that not all cosmetics are equally harmless. We decided to remove all questions about the depilatory cream once and for all.

  • 1. Operating principle
  • 2. Advantages and disadvantages
  • 3. Choosing a depilatory cream
  • 3.1. Criterias of choice
  • 3.2. Top 7 manufacturers
  • 4. History
  • 5. Instructions on how to use
  • 6. Questions and answers

Operating principle

Surely you wondered how the depilatory cream works, what is its composition, that even a small amount of of this product removes hair easily?

The cream acts on the hair shaft, dissolves the keratin contained in it, thus destroying it. This is due to the presence of a potent component in the composition - calcium thioglycolate (calcium salt). In addition to the protein base of the hair, it also breaks the bonds within the hair shaft itself and with the skin, so that it easily breaks off. This is what the principle of the hair removal cream is based on. It should be noted that only the visible part of the hair is affected. Only a few products are capable of penetrating no more than 1 mm under the skin. Hair follicle at the same time it is preserved. Therefore, new hair begins to appear approximately 3-4 days after the procedure.

These depilatory products are considered safe. But still it's real chemical attack... Such a strong substance, capable of destroying the composition of the hair, can also affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, the composition of creams also includes moisturizing and nourishing ingredients that neutralize harmful effect destructive active substances.

Reviews are often heard that the depilatory cream has no effect or has a very weak effect. But most likely it is not about the cream, but about the wrong choice. After all, some creams act on fine hairs, while others can cope with tough, rough vegetation.

Knowing how a depilatory cream works, you can choose suitable option for different sites body. Products for sensitive areas include more softening components than those for the feet. Experts say that depilatory creams for the bikini area may not be safe. The hit of a composition with such a strong chemical action, on the skin can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are enough pros to use the hair removal cream:

  • The method of removing unwanted vegetation with a depilatory cream is quite simple and completely painless. Hair will begin to appear in the interval from 3 to 7 days, it all depends on the individual characteristics and the presence of substances in the cream that inhibit hair growth;
  • simultaneously cares for and moisturizes your skin;
  • rather quickly removes hair from any part of the body;
  • compared to other methods, affordable;
  • easy to do at home;
  • suitable for hair of any length;
  • Basically, depilatory creams contain substances that slow down hair growth.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • gives a short-term effect (4-7 days);
  • gradually the effect of the cream will decrease, this is due to the adaptation of the body to the components of the product;
  • does not always remove coarse and coarse hair;
  • can injure sensitive and thin skin(allergies, peeling);
  • may cause an allergic reaction;
  • if overexposed, you can get a chemical burn.

There are several reasons why allergies or irritations may appear:

  • intolerance to the components contained;
  • the cream is used in a non-designated area;
  • overexposed the cream on the skin;
  • worked hard with a spatula.

Knowing these common mistakes will allow you to do your hair removal correctly.

To check the reaction to the cream, be sure to perform a test before using: apply a little cream to the elbow or wrist area for 5-7 minutes. If after 10-12 hours you do not feel and do not find redness, burning or itching in this place, then you can safely proceed to depilation.

The cream for hair removal has many contraindications, however, no less than any other method of depilation:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • skin diseases;
  • inflammation, scratches, irritation;
  • during pregnancy (during pregnancy, the skin becomes more sensitive, thereby causing irritation or allergies);
  • it is not recommended to apply to places where there are moles;
  • oncology;
  • this method is not suitable for mucous membranes, nipples, eyebrows, ears, nose.

Despite all the pros, cons and contraindications, the cream remains one of the most demanded and effective ways hair removal at home. We found out that according to the statements of experts and doctors, the cream can be used without fear of harming your health. But we still recommend that you do not get carried away with it, especially in the intimate area.

We figured it out, now let's find out what kind of creams are there?

Choosing a depilatory cream

Today there is huge selection firms that produce different options creams by type, for example:

  • for sensitive skin. The composition of such a depilatory cream contains non-aggressive components;
  • for coarse hair. Such a cream is most often intended for feet and is not recommended for use on sensitive areas;
  • universal. Suitable for all types of hair (thin, coarse, light) and skin (dry, oily, normal, combination);
  • with skin care. Are composed of additional components skin care (soften and moisturize);
  • hypoallergenic. Such creams are different high price, since they contain only natural components.

Distinguish between creams and the area of ​​application:

  • face;
  • hands;
  • armpits;
  • bikini;
  • legs.

We have prepared 2 separate articles about cream for depilation of intimate areas and cream for depilation for the face, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it, there are some nuances.

As you can see, today there is a large assortment, even in the direction of creams, but to determine which one is good or better fit just for you, you can only through trial and error. But still, we will give a few recommendations for choosing a depilatory cream.

Criterias of choice

There are not so many criteria, but each of them is important, because it is about the beauty of your skin.

  1. Hair removal speed. The higher the concentration active ingredients in a cream, the faster it removes hair, but do not forget that often various chemicals are used in creams that are not at all good for the skin, and the more aggressive they are, the more harm they can cause. It is better to get a cream that needs to be kept on the skin longer, but it will be safer.
  2. Price. Too much cheap cream, v best case, may not give the expected effect, at worst - it will harm your skin. Therefore, give preference to proven brands.
  3. Zone. It is better to buy a cream for a specific area than a universal one. The term "universal" itself is more like a commercial move, because the hair on the legs is different from those that grow above the upper lip, different skin sensitivity and, which means the risk of getting an unsatisfactory result (burns or not all hairs will be removed) after applying such a cream increases.
  4. Additional components. Various vitamins, oils, emollients and moisturizers that will provide your skin with additional care and compensate for the harm caused by the depilation process itself.
  5. Slow down hair growth. Some depilatory creams contain substances that slow down hair growth, which means you don't have to repeat the procedure so often.

Top 7 manufacturers

The sales leaders in the “depilatory cream” niche are products from the firms “Veet”, “Eveline” and “Velvet”, this is not surprising considering how many creams are produced by these giants. But that doesn't mean no good creams from other manufacturers.

  • Stop Grow - a new, but already well-proven depilatory cream;
  • Eveline is one of the market leaders, but not all line is equally good;
  • Veet - according to most women, Vit is best suited for sensitive areas;
  • Velvet- exists for different skin types, can be used for almost all areas;
  • Baptiste - depilatory cream Russian production... It has proven itself very well on the market, it is available in three versions: chocolate (for coarse hair), yoghurt (with a moisturizing effect) and cucumber (for the bikini area);
  • Sally Hаnsen - gives excellent results, suitable for sensitive skin;
  • Caramel - mainly used for soft and sensitive skin;
  • Cliven - suitable for depilation of legs, as well as for other areas of the body.

Each of these companies has proven itself well, but finding the best hair removal cream among this variety is a difficult task. Insofar as individual characteristics can negate all our recommendations. We have given an impressive list of tips for choosing a depilatory cream, and we hope that you can do right choice on one's own.


If we turn to history, then the depilatory cream was originally intended only for the legs, since the composition included aggressive substances that were not suitable for delicate and sensitive skin.

The universal depilatory cream appeared in the late 80s. It contains acid-base substances in various consistencies. During the procedure, the components act on the follicles and destroy their structure, thereby the hair becomes weak and can be easily removed with a plastic spatula from the skin surface. This procedure does not injure the skin, does not leave irritation, and the hair becomes thin over time, in addition, there are practically no problems with ingrown hairs.

Instructions on how to use

Depilatory cream is used only at home, in salons this method do not apply. Now we will finally answer the question of how to use depilatory cream, which we are often asked.

  1. Prepare the intended area of ​​skin by pre-steaming, taking a bath or applying a hot towel to the intended area, scrub and cleanse the skin, then dry it with a towel.
  2. Apply hair removal cream evenly on previously prepared skin thin layer, wait for the allotted time, which is indicated in the instructions. With a special plastic spatula (included in the kit), remove from the surface of the skin in the direction opposite to the growth, together with the hair, rinse off the remains under running warm water.
  3. After the performed procedure, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing cosmetic product or oil.
  4. It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight during the day, it is also not recommended to visit the solarium, baths, saunas.
  5. It is recommended to use the cream no more than 2 times a week.

As you can see, it is not particularly difficult, even a child can use the depilatory cream, although wait, it is better to hide it away from children.

Experts do not recommend using creams for deep bikini so as not to damage the mucous chemical burn... Before use, be sure to read the packaging or instructions for which part of the body it is intended for.

Questions and answers

You can leave your questions in the comments, and we will definitely answer them. This is where we transfer the most interesting questions.

Can I use depilatory cream during pregnancy?

Doctors do not recommend using depilation cream during pregnancy for a number of reasons, but we will name the main one. During pregnancy, sensitivity increases, including of the skin, and the procedure, which was previously quite normally tolerated, in interesting position can turn around allergic reaction or irritation.

Is the cream depilation or epilation?

This is depilation, since the cream acts only on the visible part of the hair, and not on the bulb. This means that the hair will begin to grow within a few days after the procedure.

Each of these two types of hair removal has pros and cons. Both methods are available for home use, but the duration of the effect of the cream is slightly longer. But the razor is cheaper in cost. We can call these two methods alternative.

Choose a depilatory cream individually for yourself, use it correctly, and your skin will be smooth and beautiful.