Anesthetics for hair removal. How to numb the skin before epilation. Anesthetic colloidal solution Golden Rose

53 759 0 Since childhood, mothers have told girls that beauty requires sacrifice. With age, every girl begins to understand the essence of this statement on herself. And more than ever, by the way, this phrase is relevant when it comes to hair removal. For most of the fair sex, hair removal causes tremors, is associated with pain and discomfort. But the pursuit of perfect beauty, smooth legs, no gun over upper lip always outweighs the scales. Some women, based on their professions, are simply obliged to remove hair on some parts: cooks, ballerinas, gymnasts, models, media people, etc.

Women striving for attractiveness and grooming are ready to experience pain, and in order to somehow facilitate the procedure for removing unwanted hair, special pain relievers come to the rescue. So how to numb the skin before epilation?

There are many such means of anesthesia, each of them has its own characteristics. We will tell you about the basic methods of pain relief during epilation, and you can choose the best option.

It's important to know : Procedures "epilation" and "depilation" are fundamentally different from each other. Depilation is a procedure, the actions of which are aimed at removing the hair itself. During epilation, the hair is removed along with the bulb.

This pain reliever is freely available in pharmacies. It is often used by dentists. But for hair removal, it is used in the following cases:

  • laser hair removal;
  • photoepilation;
  • waxing;
  • phytoepilation;
  • electrolysis;

Lidocaine, which can be used for painless depilation and epilation, is of several types:

  • Spray;
  • Cream;
  • Injections;

Most often, local anesthesia, such as creams or sprays, is used to relieve pain before epilation. The main component of these drugs is lidocaine. In general, lidocaine has been used for a very long time in medical practice, both as a local anesthetic and for injections. Lidocaine is freely available at any pharmacy. The main advantages of lidocaine are ease of use and local action. Let's take a closer look at the forms of lidocaine release, each of which has its own pros and cons.

Lidocaine before hair removal in the form of a spray

Lidocaine Anesthetic Hair Removal Spray most convenient way anesthesia at home. You do not have to inject with lidocaine, and in principle it is not recommended to do this. Injections can only be done by a specialist with certain skills. Lidocaine hair removal spray is available over the counter. If there is no spray, then you can buy ampoules and pour them into a container with a spray.

Anesthesia with lidocaine spray is used in the armpits, legs and arms.

Lidocaine is also widely used for bikini hair removal. It is not recommended to use the spray on the face, as it is highly likely to get into the eyes and into the respiratory tract.

The action of the drug begins after a few hours. Before spraying lidocaine on the treated area, steam the skin thoroughly and then wipe it dry. After applying the spray to the treated areas, cover the skin cling film and leave for 10-15 minutes. You will feel coldness on your skin. Now you can safely start the epilation procedure. The painfulness of the procedure will be significantly reduced.

Lidocaine cream

Anesthetic cream with lidocaine can be applied to absolutely all areas of the skin, including the face.

In terms of effectiveness, the cream is in no way inferior to the spray, but by the price is more expensive. The cream, unlike the spray, will not spread over the skin and will not cause any problems during application. In addition, this remedy is economical, it is enough to apply the cream thin layer on the skin. The cream for pain relief during epilation, like the spray, dries quickly, therefore, for greater effectiveness, it is necessary to use a bandage that retains moisture. Such a dressing is called an occlusive dressing among doctors, and it does not allow the cream and spray to evaporate quickly, blocking the contact of the drug with air. The simplest type of occlusive dressing is plastic wrap. The cream takes effect only after a few hours.

Lidocaine injections

As we said, lidocaine injections are not recommended at home and in the absence of certain skills.

Nevertheless, this type of anesthesia is used quite often.
Injections are given using an insulin syringe with a very fine needle. The drug is injected under the skin to a depth of 2 mm, at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Initially, small bumps form on the skin area, which disappear over time. The main plus injection method is the speed of action in comparison with cream and spray. But do not exceed the permissible dose, and it is better to carry out injections under the supervision of another person. It is also not recommended to inject lidocaine on the mucous membrane of the labia minora. This procedure is rather unpleasant, but the choice is always yours.

The main advantages of lidocaine preparations are the effectiveness of pain relief and ease of use. But, like any drug, lidocaine also has its drawbacks, which boil down to its contraindications. In order not to harm your health, before use, read the list of contraindications:

  • The use of lidocaine is not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys
  • Diseases of the nervous system
  • Low pressure
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Allergic reactions.

As you can see, the list is quite serious, so it is worth taking lidocaine seriously and deliberately. In addition, lidocaine also big list side effects such as migraines, vomiting, nausea, and more. There is a drug - prilocaine, which does not have such a list of "side effects", its effect is slower, but no less effective. In any case, if you are concerned about these drugs, consult your doctor.

Other methods of pain relief


Tablets are the easiest and most economical option for pain relief when epilating. At the pharmacy, you can buy any anesthetic drugs that relieve pain and spasms. Here is some of them:

  • Analgin
  • Pentalgin
  • Ibuprofen
  • Diclofenac
  • Andipal
  • Ketoprofen

* The price of these drugs varies from 30 to 200 rubles. for 20 tablets.

Take pills half an hour before the start of the procedure for the drug to start working.

Before taking the drug, read the recommendations, contraindications and side effects.

It is recommended to use drugs that were previously used to prevent adverse reaction... If you have not previously taken anesthetic drugs, then you need to consult a doctor who will help you do right choice... Keep silent about negative impact tablets on internal organs we will not. That's why frequent reception drugs can be bad for health.

It is undesirable to use aspirin before the procedure, because it thins the blood. And if the skin is damaged, the blood will flow more intensely.

Creams and ointments

Almost all creams and ointments intended for
anesthesia during epilation, contain lidocaine. For example, Emla cream consists of lidocaine and prilocaine. This cream has become popular among anesthetics for hair removal. The cream has no a large number side effects and boasts more long term impact. Anesthesia occurs in an hour and lasts about two hours. But Emla cream still has a couple of disadvantages.

  • The first is the price.
  • Secondly, if you are allergic to lidocaine, then this cream will definitely not work for you.
  • And third, it is not recommended to use this cream during pregnancy.

Further, based on Internet reviews, the drug DeepNumb falls into the rating of the best anesthetics. This remedy is more often used for epilation of the bikini area, as it contains other drugs in addition to lidocaine. active ingredients... Another anesthetic cream that received wide application- this is LightDep cream. Most often it is used in the event that there are allergic reactions to the components of the Emla cream or high sensitivity of the skin.

The main active ingredient in LightDep cream is - anestoderm.

This is an anesthetic complex that includes:

  • lidocaine,
  • prilokain,
  • tetracaine,
  • epinephrine.

LightDep cream has no contraindications, does not cause allergies and irritation. The rules for conducting anesthesia for all creams are absolutely the same. The use of an occlusive dressing is necessary so that the cream is absorbed into the deep layers of the skin and the effect is enhanced. LightDep cream is available in several forms: for the face (15 ml) and for the body (30 ml). As for the cost, it is worth noting that Emla cream at times more expensive than cream LightDep.


Also, plasters are used as analgesic methods. The underarm patches are especially convenient, as their effect is limited to a small area. There is one rule for using patches: it is not recommended to use more than 3 patches. The most popular plaster is considered to be the "Emla" plaster.

Using special attachments on the epilator

If you want to remove unwanted hair, use a special
a device called an epilator, in addition to the main methods of pain relief pay attention to special tips that reduce pain. These attachments include: massage and cooling attachments. The massage attachment is a kind of distracting "maneuver". The massage interferes with the pain signals and the hair removal process becomes easier and more comfortable.

The cooling tip has a slightly different principle of action, and it is based not so much on reducing pain as on preventing irritation from occurring. An epilator with a cooling nozzle has a container into which water is poured and placed in freezer until ice forms. Such an epilator carries out the procedure not only less painfully, but also prevents the appearance of irritation in the treated area.

I would like to mention one more epilator attachment, which has several thinned discs, thanks to which fewer hairs are plucked out at a time, therefore, there is less pain. Only with such an epilator you will have to pass through the site several times.

The next video will tell you about other ways to anesthetize the skin before epilation, as well as by the example of men, you can see how hard it is for us women to bear the burden of beauty, and men cannot even tolerate any of the epilation procedures they offer for a minute. We look! It will be interesting!

We told you about the main methods of anesthesia and epilation, and finally we want to give you a few useful recommendations, which, of course, will not completely relieve you of pain, but will make the procedure easier and more comfortable:

  • Cycle... Very often, women are worried about when is the best time to carry out the epilation procedure. Many do not even know about the presence of the body's natural defenses. For example, during your period, your body raises your pain threshold to reduce pain. If we take this feature into account, then it is better to carry out epilation on the second or third day after menstruation. The most acute painful sensations occur during ovulation and a few days before the onset of menstruation.
  • Runoff time... It is also worth choosing the right time of day for the procedure. Most often, in the morning, the skin is more susceptible and reacts sharply to pain. The most optimal time is the afternoon. But, it is worth noting that this moment is strictly individual. Try to carry out the procedure on yourself in different time days and choose for yourself "your" time.
  • Preparation... Exfoliate the skin the day before the intended procedure. This can be done with a scrub or peeling. After exfoliation, the skin will become softer and the hairs pliable. Plus it will save you from.
  • Massage... Before epilation, thoroughly massage the skin to be treated. Massage reduces pain.
  • Pills... Take pain relievers half an hour before epilation.
  • First time... If you are a beginner, use the epilator at low speeds for the first time.
  • Before the procedure... Before removing hair, the skin must be thoroughly steamed. After steaming, the pores expand and the epilator can more easily remove unwanted vegetation.

Important : Alcohol-based solutions do not relieve pain, they only complicate the process. Since when rubbed with alcohol, the vessels are lent. Also, do not use ice for pain relief. before epilation... This helps to tighten the muscles and tighten the pores.

  • Care after... After epilation, the skin also needs proper care. To prevent it, after hair removal, ice cubes should be passed over the skin and a soothing lotion should be applied.
  • Hair length... Remember, short hairs are easier to clean. The permissible length is 0.5 cm, if your hairs are longer, then use the depilation procedure, that is, a razor or special cream with a scapula.

And some more useful information:

  • Take a shower or hot bath just before your procedure. Relaxed muscles are less sensitive, and the hairs themselves will be pulled up to be removed.
  • Before epilation, the skin must be dry. After showering, wipe your skin thoroughly.
  • When waxing or using an epilator, be sure to tighten the skin to remove excess hairs more efficiently.
  • If you cannot carry out the hair removal procedure yourself, then choose a specialist with extensive experience. The painfulness of the procedure will depend on the clarity and coherence of the master's work.
  • Caffeine and alcohol before the procedure affect all women differently. Someone better endures pain after using them, while others, on the contrary, become very sensitive.
  • Sometimes the breathing technique helps. For example, pluck your hair out at the peak of a deep breath.
  • If you have a low pain tolerance, there are several methods of anesthesia you can use. For example, apply lidocaine to the skin or other anesthetic, and take painkillers in half an hour.

And what is the opinion of the doctor on this matter ?! Let's watch the next video!

For modern women hair removal is an integral part of personal care. Painful sensations should not scare women and lead them astray. It is for this purpose that anesthetic drugs were created. Your task remains to choose correctly which method of anesthesia is right for you, based on your individual characteristics... You can combine methods, or you can use one. The main thing is that the epilation procedure is comfortable.

Modern standards of beauty sometimes drive the fair sex into a fairly rigid framework. In particular, most women are inevitably faced with the need to do it regularly, and therefore with unpleasant side effects of this procedure.

Many girls are very hard on the irritation on the skin that occurs after removing unwanted hair. For this reason, especially sensitive ladies are forced to give up the most effective means hair removal, stopping at the old and proven method - shaving.

Fortunately, today there are many anti-inflammatory painkillers (both pharmacy and non-drug) that can completely remove these restrictions. Depending on personal preference, you can opt for non-steroidal drugs in tablets, ointments for local application or by subcutaneous injections.

All of these products can be found in any pharmacy and purchased without a prescription. Below we give a few concrete examples drugs that can significantly facilitate the procedure, and have shown the greatest efficiency in this matter.

Summer is the season of smooth legs

Trying to make hair removal painless, most girls opt for non-steroidal drugs for oral use, in other words, pills. This is not surprising. These products are very easy to use and, among other things, incredibly effective.

The most important thing is to choose the right pain reliever. The most popular today are following means(we have arranged their names in order of effectiveness - from "strongest" to least effective):

  • Indomethacin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Naproxen;
  • Ibuprofen.

How to choose the right pain reliever for you? Be guided by this tricky business should not only general recommendations specialists, but also information about the characteristics of your own body (for example, about allergic reactions to certain medications).

In addition, one should take into account the fact that some drugs, which themselves have an excellent analgesic effect, become useless (and even harmful) when it comes to facilitating the epilation process.

So, for example, at least the use of Aspirin will be ineffective. After all this medicine thins the blood. This means that cuticle microtrauma, which inevitably occurs when removing unwanted hair, under the influence of Aspirin will result in many small subcutaneous hematomas.

The so-called "bloody dew effect" will occur, which clearly does not add to your skin's attractiveness. That is why it is better to use other means instead of Aspirin for anesthesia during epilation. Good choice there will be, for example, mild tranquilizers like Tempalgin. This drug, among other things, relieves the emotional stress caused by the fear of pain.

The drug Lidocaine

Lidocaine spray: for anesthesia

As for drugs for external use, the most effective as painkillers for removing unwanted hair, first of all, Lidocaine should be called.

This hydrochloride salt is sold in pharmacies as a salt, which is intended to be dissolved in water. The product obtained in this way should be applied directly to the areas of the skin in need of epilation.

In addition, Lidocaine solution can be used for injection. At the same time, the drug shows the same effectiveness, being injected both under the skin and intramuscularly. Ladies with a low pain threshold are generally recommended to inject Lidocaine intravenously for a better result.

Usually, the analgesic effect of the drug begins to manifest itself already 5-10 minutes after the injection. Accordingly, after this period, you can fearlessly start epilation. If you use the lidocaine solution externally, it will be much more difficult to calculate the time of its action.

Indeed, in this case pain relief is achieved by blocking the drug nerve endings located close to the surface of the skin. And this, in turn, is possible only in case of accumulation on the "problem" area of ​​the epidermis enough drug.

What can be done to make the remedy work exactly as it should? Usually, to achieve the necessary analgesic effect, it is enough to follow the simple rules for the external use of Lidocaine:

The drug should be applied only to absolutely clean (that is, without traces of creams and other care cosmetics) and preheated skin.

A sufficient amount of the product should be evenly distributed over all parts of the body that are preparing for epilation (Lidocaine, produced in the form of a spray, in this sense is much more convenient to use).

To prevent the solution from drying out and losing its effectiveness, the treated area of ​​the skin should be protected with an occlusive (in other words, moisture-retaining) dressing. Application of the drug to the skin should be done in advance; ideally, 45-60 minutes before the actual epilation procedure.

Possible alternatives

Depilation pain relief: Emla cream

Lidocaine is a powerful drug. This solution perfectly relieves pain, however, at the same time, it has a very adverse effect on the body (especially with frequent use), giving rise to a lot of side effects.

In particular, regular use Lidocaine can threaten with such consequences as:

  • general weakness and constant drowsiness;
  • unreasonable nervous excitement (up to euphoria);
  • nystagmus, accompanied by double vision and photophobia;
  • headache;
  • shortness of breath;
  • trembling and cramps of the limbs;
  • nausea and vomiting syndrome;
  • fever or chills, accompanied by a strong drop in body temperature;
  • arrhythmia;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • numbness of the facial muscles;
  • hearing loss.

In the event of the appearance of one or more of the listed symptoms, the use of the drug should be abandoned immediately. The same applies to situations where the use of lidocaine begins to provoke allergic reactions.

These include, for example, pain, itching or burning, manifested in the places where the product is applied to the skin. In more severe cases, the use of Lidocaine can provoke Quincke's edema and even anaphylactic shock. That is why, before using the product, you should familiarize yourself with its composition to make sure that you are not allergic to any of the components of this medicine.

What can replace Lidocaine in the event that a specific drug does not suit you? A good alternative to this drug can serve as Prilokain. Similar in its own way chemical composition with lidocaine, this drug is not as potent. Pain relief with its use occurs more slowly. But - the risk of unpleasant side effects is significantly reduced and allergic reactions.

Other external products

Depilation as a regular procedure is the secret of skin smoothness

Today, on the shelves of pharmacies, you can find many products based on Lidocaine and Prilocaine, developed specifically for pain relief during epilation, which makes them more convenient to use in comparison with the original drugs.

One of these products is Emla cream. Each tube of this product is supplied with detailed instructions for use, which eliminates the possibility of mistakes when using the ointment. How to use such creams? With regard to "Emla" specifically, this drug is applied to the skin with a layer of 2-3 mm (or more, if we are talking about depilation in the bikini area).

For better absorption of the ointment, the area of ​​the body covered with it is protected with an occlusive dressing, which is kept for 1 to 2 hours (depending on the sensitivity of the epidermis). At this time, the very layer of the cream on the skin can be periodically renewed - this will enhance the anesthetic effect of "Emla". The very same process of hair removal should be started immediately after removing the bandage. After all, the effect of the ointment will last no more than 2 hours from this moment.

Means "Emla" is produced not only in the form of a cream, but also in the form of plasters with a local anesthetic effect. Their use is very convenient if you need to epilate a small area of ​​the skin (for example, the armpit area).

However, due to the fact that the use of a large number of plasters at the same time is strictly contraindicated, and their effectiveness is not too high, it is not recommended to use this product to remove unwanted hair in areas of a large area (for example, on the legs).

In case of allergic reactions to the components of "Emla" (Lidocaine and Prilocaine) or the presence mechanical damage on the skin, which can provoke the strongest side effects from the use of the ointment, you can use the most affordable of its pharmacy counterparts. It is about Light Dep cream.

This product is a novelty in the cosmetic market, but it has already proved itself with the best side... Available in 15 and 30 ml bottles, Light Dep cream is equally well suited for removing unwanted hair on both the body and the face. In addition, its use does not imply the need for occlusive dressings to improve the analgesic effect.

Pain relief without medication

Cooling gel will reduce pain

Many girls suffering from allergies to any medications or for other reasons who do not accept the use of medications are interested in the question: can epilation be made painless using some other methods?

Of course, there are such methods. Following the following simple recommendations, you will be able to make the procedure for removing unwanted hair light and even pleasant:

Before epilating, take hot shower using. Having steamed the skin, and at the same time with it hair follicles, you will ensure that the removal of unwanted "vegetation" will be a minimum of effort. The scrub will help exfoliate the upper dead layer of the epidermis, which will also simplify the epilation process.

Stop using alcohol-based pain relievers. Once on the skin, this substance produces a tanning effect on it, which greatly complicates the process of removing unwanted hair. The epidermis exhibits a similar reaction when exposed to cold. Therefore, it is better to immediately give up the idea of ​​using ice or wet compresses as an anesthetic for depilation.

Any cosmetic product for depilation (be it wax or cream) supplied detailed instructions by application. By removing unwanted hair be sure to follow the guidelines in such guides. Better yet, give up self-conduct such procedures, entrusting them to specialists.

How to epilate without pain, the video will tell you:

Shugaring without pain is by no means an oxymoron, as it might seem at first glance. In our time, this is quite possible, because they come to our aid modern facilities pain relief during epilation. I am talking about the possibilities of application anesthesia.

I have come across the opinion many times that local anesthesia- a waste of time and money, however, let me disagree with this. It helps to endure painful procedures, but only if used correctly.

Errors in using application anesthesia for epilation

At the very beginning, it is worth mentioning the 3 most common application mistakes.

  • Choosing the wrong local anesthetic
  • Lidocaine Pain Relief Spray is absolutely not suitable for skin... This tool has proven itself perfectly for small dental and gynecological surgical procedures, as it is perfectly absorbed by the mucous membrane. Do not count on any effect on the skin.

  • Insufficient application time
  • Even if you were not mistaken with the funds and chose a cream for pain relief, but it did not help you to dull painful sensations, then most likely you have not kept it on your skin for a long time.

  • Lack of occlusive dressing
  • Anesthetic cream should be applied under the film and only in this way. Otherwise, the effect will not be different from zero.

Rules for applying application anesthesia: we anesthetize a bikini correctly

Anesthesia of the bikini area during epilation is a fairly simple manipulation that does not require special efforts however, compliance with several simple rules will help you get the most out of the local anesthetic and make the procedure much easier. Of course, you should not think that this method will completely discourage sensitivity during the procedure, but it will significantly dull pain sensations.

  • Anesthesia before epilation of the bikini area begins with an allergy test. You must be completely sure that you are not allergic to lidocaine. As a rule, people with intolerance to the substance know about this, but if you are not sure, do a test sample according to the instructions. Do not rely on chance in this matter, since the consequences can be simply terrible, up to anaphylactic shock and .... let's not talk about sad things.
  • Before applying anesthetic cream the skin must be degreased and dried.
  • The cream should be applied in a thick layer, especially carefully treat the most sensitive areas with the cream.

  • Apply a film on top of the cream.
  • The application time should be from 1.5 to 2 hours (we are talking about creams with a concentration of 5% lidocaine), depending on your individual characteristics.
  • After that, go about your business before visiting an epilator. Do not remove the cream yourself so as not to lose the freezing effect ahead of time. The master will process and prepare the skin for the procedure himself.

Local anesthetics: ointments, creams, gels and sprays. What to choose?

All agents for application anesthesia are very similar in composition, the main anesthetic is lidocaine. However, they may differ not only in form (cream / gel), but in concentration active substance... The most common is 5% lidocaine. Let's talk about such funds.

Lidocaine spray

At the very beginning of our article, we already said that anesthesia with lidocaine during epilation is absolutely ineffective, since it is absorbed only on the mucous membranes. It will not help you no matter how much you hold it. Of course, the placebo effect has not been canceled, but do not count on a real anesthetic effect.

Now cosmetic companies have also begun to produce sprays with an "anesthetic effect" which do not include any anesthetic, but only menthol and camphor, sometimes others aroma oils and cooling components. It is not worth buying these funds counting on any analgesic effect. Don't waste your money. It is better to buy another local anesthetic for hair removal from the pharmacy (see next point).


Emla is a lidocaine ointment for pain relief skin surfaces, and is also, perhaps, the most popular tool in this group of funds. This is primarily due to its availability. Available in almost every pharmacy. It is sold in tubes of 5 g and 30 g. To cover the bikini area, 5-10 g is required (for the first time, 10 g is better all the same). The price of a small package is 380-480 rubles, a large one is 1600-2400 rubles.

Light Dep and Light Frost

A more democratic option compared to Emla. The price for 30 ml of gel starts from 850 rubles. But there is a significant drawback, it is sold only in specialized stores for beauticians and online stores. For example, here Therefore, you should take care of buying it long before visiting the epilation office.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that in the composition you will not see a list of anesthetics and their concentrations, instead you will see that skin anesthesia occurs due to the mysterious component of anestoderm. Don't let that fool you that lidocaine is not there. Yes, and the same amount as in emla - 5%. Anestoderm contains lidocaine, prilocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine. People suffering from lidocaine intolerance cannot use it categorically!

The manufacturer claims that Light Frost has a deeper and more lasting effect, and the application time is reduced due to a special component. The truth is not clear what, they have the same composition.

At all, similar funds there are many Dr. Numb, Supernumb. Tatooist etc. Choose any, after reading the instructions, and I just talked about the most popular and accessible ones.

Disadvantages of using local anesthetics

Application anesthesia for hair removal, although safe procedure but not without flaws. Redness, irritation and swelling after epilation may last longer than usual, and there may be peeling of the skin. In principle, the disadvantages are not so terrible, against the background positive action anesthesia in general if you have very poor pain tolerance. However, with hot wax lovers, these products can play a cruel joke. Thermal sensitivity is one of the side effects. I.e hot wax can feel scorching, so if this occurs, you will have to ditch wax in favor of sugar.

These tips and rules are described for the indicated products with a lidocaine concentration of 5%, if you decide to use other anesthetics before epilation that are not listed in the article, or products with a higher content of active ingredient, please read the instructions in the section on the maximum time carefully. exposition of this drug to avoid unpleasant consequences and side effects.

For most people with a high sensitivity to pain, it still makes sense to focus only on anesthetizing the skin in the deep bikini area. Hair removal in other areas is much less painful and does not require such careful preparation for the procedure. It's easier and cheaper to be patient a little. Believe me, it's not scary at all.

We are told from childhood that beauty requires sacrifice, but sometimes unpleasant sensations do not have to be endured, because there is good ways get rid of them. So the correct anesthesia during bikini depilation will help, if not get rid of discomfort, then at least significantly reduce it.

No one argues that depilation of the bikini area is an unpleasant operation, to put it mildly. Thin sensitive skin, coarse hairs, an abundance of nerve endings ... It is not surprising that for many this is more like torture than cosmetic procedure... But there are several methods of pain relief for bikini depilation.

The most popular remedy is ordinary lidocaine, which has been used for more than a decade in dentistry, cosmetology, and general surgery. This is a simple and affordable anesthesia. In this case, it is used in two forms:

  • Spray. In any pharmacy, a lidocaine spray is sold, which freezes and anesthetizes the skin surface well. It is simple, safe and available remedy, but unfortunately it does not provide complete anesthesia, since the sensitivity of only the surface of the skin decreases, but not the subcutaneous layer where the bulbs are located. Anesthetic depilatory spray is suitable for both salon and home treatments.

  • Injections. Some salons offer complete anesthesia with lidocaine injections. With an insulin syringe, the cosmetologist makes several subcutaneous injections, which completely remove sensitivity for an hour and a half. Such anesthetic before depilation will make the procedure absolutely painless, not counting the very moment of injections. This method is recommended for women with very sensitive skin who nevertheless want to process the zone deep bikini... But if you decide on injections, you should carefully choose a beauty salon and do not hesitate to ask the master's documents.

Lidocaine- proven and effective pain reliever for bikini depilation. But before choosing it, you should make sure that you are not allergic to this substance. Otherwise, everything can end rather sadly.

Creams and gels

Less radical means are various pain relieving creams for depilation. One of the most common and effective remedies is Emla cream, which contains lidocaine and prilocaine.

Read also: Laser removal stretch marks: what is it and possible contraindications

It must also be applied to the skin, without rubbing, an hour and a half before the planned depilation. In this case, the treated area must be covered with cling film in order to temporarily cut off the access of oxygen.

It is worth noting that this anesthetic depilation ointment does not completely relieve discomfort. Many women do not notice any change in sensitivity at all. Therefore, if this method did not bring desired result, you can try other remedies.

They are often used by tattoo artists. There are both ready-made pain-relieving creams and depilation gels, as well as self-made ones. The first includes such means as "ANE STOP", " Golden rose"," Xylocaine "and so on. The latter are made according to our own recipes.

Therefore, before signing up for epilation, ask your beautician if he offers any options or can recommend proven methods.

Non-drug methods

In addition to medications and cosmetic products There are many recommendations on how to numb the skin before depilation. They will not completely remove the discomfort, but they will allow you to reduce the intensity unpleasant sensations to quite bearable. Here are some tried and true tips:

  • It is advisable to do epilation immediately after the end of menstruation, when the skin is least painful.

  • Before the procedure, you should thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub, remove the keratinized outer layer. This will not only make epilation less painful, but it will also help to reduce hair ingrowth.
  • If you are epilating at home, you can steam your skin in front of it. Then the pores will open and the hairs will come out more easily.
  • Another approach is to freeze the skin. The sensations will be less vivid if, before epilation, you run a piece of ice over the treated area several times, but after that you need to wipe it dry.
  • A simple method to reduce sensitivity is to drink 1-2 tablets of pain reliever a couple of hours before the procedure.
  • Not the most useful, but pretty pleasant remedy for pain relief during depilation is alcohol. 50-100 grams of cognac will significantly reduce the sensitivity of all nerve endings, making it much easier to transfer the procedure.

But the simplest and most reliable advice is simply experience. With each procedure, the number of hairs will decrease, they become thinner and weaker. The longer you epilate, the easier it is for you to endure. And this method definitely has no consequences or contraindications.

"Beauty requires sacrifice". How often do you hear this phrase addressed to you or repeat it to yourself like a mantra in order to restrain emotions when holding not the most pleasant procedures in the name of beauty? On what women just do not go to remain attractive at any age, it is sometimes even difficult for men to imagine this. In order to somehow alleviate this female fate, we have collected the most known methods anesthetizing the skin during one of the most unpleasant procedures - hair removal.

How to numb skin before epilation

Of course, the easiest way is to choose those procedures that deliver the least inconvenience and discomfort. For example, replace epilation with a regular one. razor... You will be able to avoid pain, but the procedure will have to be repeated over and over again, almost every day. And if the hairs grow thick, well noticeable, then this can drive any woman to despair.

Yet there are several to which female half came with years of patience.

Hair removal pain relievers

For those who find it very difficult to endure such procedures, the beauty industry market offers special means for skin pain relief. Whether they work or not, everyone thinks differently. Someone rejoices at least this effect, sometimes insignificant, the method of self-hypnosis acts on someone.

One way or another, such a way to relieve epilation by 100% has not yet been invented, but still we will try to tell you about those that have received the best reviews.

Pain relieving ointments for hair removal

These creams and ointments are the most safe means for pain relief. Unlike injectables, they practically do not enter the bloodstream and therefore practically cannot harm the body. Of course, if you are not allergic to the components that make up them.

Anesthetic Hair Removal Spray

The most popular drug for pain relief among women still turned out to be an ordinary pharmaceutical spray "Lidocaine", which, in general, is included in all the above means. Best reviews, by the way, I deserve a spray not of ours, of domestic production, but of Hungarian. Someone just needs to spray it on the skin just before epilation, while someone unscrews the lid and applies it abundantly on the skin, leaving it under cling film for a couple of hours.