How to bring down the temperature of a pregnant woman 2 trimester. What medications can you drink at an elevated temperature in a pregnant woman? How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy - safe medicines

Of course, each of us at least once in our life has definitely come across such unpleasant phenomenon, as hyperthermia - an increase in temperature. And if for common man usually everything ends with the reception of a banal antipyretic, then for the young ladies who are in " interesting position”, The situation is much more complicated. Whether to bring down the temperature during pregnancy and how to do it correctly, protecting the unborn child as much as possible - every expectant mother thinks about this first of all.

Why is there a fever?

Besides the common cold, there are other reasons for fever at every gestational age. Therefore, before knocking down the temperature during pregnancy, it is worth finding out why it has risen. The fault may be various poisoning, infections, diseases of various glands, or even just nervous breakdown... Depending on the period, most often the reasons are as follows:

I trimester

  • flu, colds, other respiratory diseases;
  • physiological (normal) hyperthermia.

II trimester

  • a variety of upper respiratory tract infections;
  • sudden pyelonephritis of pregnant women.

III trimester

  • viral and bacterial respiratory infections;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • intrahepatic cholestasis.

Therefore, before thinking about how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy, you first need to find out why it has risen, and for this you need to consult with your doctor.

When the temperature needs to be reduced

It is known that hyperthermia is one of the ways that our body uses to fight pathogens. Therefore, not all temperatures need to be brought down at all. However, there are times when this must be done - and the sooner the better. Therefore, remember what temperature it is simply necessary to bring down during pregnancy:

  • if hyperthermia is observed for a long period and does not respond to treatment with non-pharmacological agents;
  • if, without the use of drugs, the temperature rises very quickly and rapidly;
  • when hyperthermia (fast and sharp) is caused by bacterial infection, for example, sore throat;
  • when the temperature has exceeded 38˚C and continues to rise;
  • if the temperature rises above 37.5˚C by later dates pregnancy;

Why is the temperature rise dangerous?

Considering the question of how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy without harming the baby, one must also not forget about what exactly hyperthermia can threaten.

  1. A high temperature in pregnant women, and especially one that cannot be reduced for a long time, leads to a violation of the function of protein synthesis. As you know, this is the main "building" element in the body. Not only our own cells are made of it, but also the organism of the unborn child is "built".
  2. Long-term intoxication of the female "pregnant" body gives the strongest additional load on cardiovascular system, and this, as you understand, also does not add health to either the mother or the baby.
  3. Excessive hyperthermia can cause serious disturbances in the formation process various bodies fetus.
  4. Already starting at 37.8 температуруC, the temperature can be considered quite dangerous for the mother and fetus, and after overcoming the 38˚C mark, negative consequences for the formation of a healthy nervous system of the fetus, which can affect mental capacity future baby.

1st trimester

So how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy? 1 trimester, oddly enough, differs significantly in this matter from the rest of the term.

The fact is that if on early dates hyperthermia is expressed slightly, no more than 37.5˚C, then it is not necessary to knock it down at all - this is a physiological norm.

This temperature is called hyperthermia of pregnant women and is observed due to the fact that in the body future mother observed elevated level "Pregnant" hormone - progesterone. One of its biological effects is a particular effect on the center of thermoregulation. So the more progesterone - the higher the temperature, it does not need to be treated, as they say, "it will pass by itself." Most often similar effect disappears by the end of the first trimester, but sometimes persists until the very birth.

2nd trimester

Most often, during this period, the temperature returns to normal, but sometimes it can rise slightly. This is due to the same reasons as mentioned above. However, if you feel unwell, immediately consult a doctor, he will conduct an examination and advise how to bring down the temperature. During pregnancy, the 2nd trimester is considered the main one - it is during this period that the formation of the main organs and systems of the baby begins, and prolonged hyperthermia can lead to irreparable consequences.

3rd trimester

Now let's talk about later dates. How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy in the third trimester and should it be done? Here, too, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

Too heat can affect the state and structure of the placenta, cause it premature aging or even detachment. Such an outcome can threaten premature birth, which means that the baby can be born premature and weak.

There is another danger. On last dates under the influence of progesterone, intestinal motility and tone decrease, constipation often appears. Due to the fact that the uterus increases significantly in size, there is a redistribution of the intestinal sections and there is a risk of developing acute appendicitis... It all starts with a sharp pain "in the stomach" and is accompanied by vomiting, hyperthermia, nausea and others. unpleasant symptoms... If you find at least one of them - urgently call an ambulance, delay here is unacceptable.

Alternative to pills

Well, here we come, in fact, to the question of how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy. You should not rush for pills right away - try to cope with folk methods.

First of all, you need to drink as much warm (not hot!) Water as possible, preferably with lemon. This improves sweating and keeps the body hydrated.

To combat hyperthermia, it is also good to use teas or decoctions from fruits and herbs that have an antipyretic effect: raspberries, lindens, strawberries, chamomile and others.

Here are some recipes:

  • 2 tbsp. l. flowers, as well as leaves of wild strawberries, pour 1 liter of boiling water and warm up in a water bath for 10 minutes; then remove from heat, close the lid more tightly, wrap and insist for one hour; take one glass after meals;
  • 1 tsp linden blossom pour a glass of boiling water, wrap and leave for 20 minutes; drink instead of tea during the day;
  • take 1 tbsp. l. lime blossom, burdock root and raspberries, mix; 2 tbsp. l. pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes; cool, strain through cheesecloth or strainer; add the resulting broth boiled water before a glass, divided into 4-5 receptions; drink after meals;
  • mix chamomile + linden + thyme in equal shares; 1 tsp the resulting collection, brew with a glass of boiling water, take warm instead of tea;


If the "grandmother's" methods do not help, there is no choice but to bring down the temperature during pregnancy with pills. The most "safe" in this case is considered to be "Paracetamol" and other drugs created on its basis: "Panadol", "Efferalgan", "Tylenol". It is also considered acceptable to use the medication "Indomethacin" and its "clones" - "Metindol" and "Vramed".

When deciding to resort to medication, remember that to start, you should still limit yourself to the "child" dosage or take half of your usual "adult" dose.

What absolutely must not be done

Before starting to engage in "self-medication", you need to clearly understand how you can bring down the temperature during pregnancy, and which methods should not be used in any case.

If you decide to use drugs, remember - some of the drugs we are used to should NOT be taken under any circumstances. These medicines are recognized as one of the most dangerous for a pregnant woman:

  • Aspirin - lowers blood clotting and can cause severe bleeding.
  • "Analgin" - promotes disorders in the formation of the cardiovascular system.
  • "Tetracycline" - provokes a delay in the development of the unborn baby.
  • "Streptomycin" - promotes the development of deafness in the fetus.
  • "Levomycetin" - provokes changes in the child's liver.
  • "Nurofen" - causes contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage.

Let's go through the "grandmother's" methods used when you need to bring down the temperature. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to use oregano, coltsfoot, calendula, St. John's wort, ivan tea and sage. If a to an ordinary person infusions of these herbs will be quite useful, then in pregnant women they can cause severe consequences for the body.

It is also forbidden to use rubdowns and compresses using vodka, alcohol or vinegar. Of course, these remedies are very effective, but such aggressive additives penetrate your body through the skin and can harm the fetus. If you nevertheless decide to wipe off - do it with clean cool water, the effect will be slightly less, but the harm will be reduced to zero.

And finally, one more warning: do not wear thick woolen socks and wrap yourself in three blankets, and even more so do not try to soar your feet! Such procedures will only make you feel worse - the body must "breathe" and freely release excess heat into the environment.

In everyday life, an increase in temperature is not a particular problem, because to normalize the condition, for example, with a cold, an adult needs to take an antipyretic pill. Things are quite different during pregnancy, when it’s impossible to “swallow” all the drugs in a row.

Expectant mothers are often interested in how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy without risking the health of the baby and getting maximum effect... It should immediately be clarified that of all existing drugs, Paracetamol is the safest antipyretic during gestation. Let's consider how else you can normalize body temperature during gestation, and why you should avoid taking certain antipyretic drugs.

How can you bring down the temperature during pregnancy? Pharmacy help

Paracetamol is a drug that has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and mild analgesic effects. If we compare Paracetamol with other drugs similar in action, for example, Analgin or Aspirin, then, unlike them, it does not have a teratogenic effect, that is, it does not harmful influence on the fetus. Despite the fact that in almost 100% of cases, Paracetamol is recommended for pregnant women with a high temperature, this substance nevertheless penetrates the placenta into the fetus, so prescribing the drug is advisable only if the expected benefit to the mother is higher than the potential risk to the baby ...

What to do? Self admission antipyretic pharmacy products allowed only in the most extreme cases, in all others, you must first consult a doctor. It should be remembered that even seemingly harmless Paracetamol has a number of contraindications, and can provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

IMPORTANT! They knock down body temperature during pregnancy only when it rises above 38˚C, as well as there is a tendency to its rapid growth.

How can you bring down the temperature during pregnancy? Remembering the laws of thermodynamics

It's simple: heat transfer occurs from a hotter object to a colder one, so one of the ways to bring down body temperature during pregnancy is active heat transfer. A common mistake during a fever, wrapping yourself up in a warm blanket is necessary in order to "sweat" thoroughly, but in no case should this be done. If the thermometer shows febrile numbers, any covering, dressing and wrapping up only aggravates the situation, provoking overheating of the body.

What to do?It is advisable to keep the air in the room fresh and cool, but without drafts, while the clothes of the pregnant woman should be light and "breathable". You can speed up the heat transfer process by wiping with a towel soaked in water room temperature... Rubbing with a weak solution is also effective. apple cider vinegar (9% solution in a 1: 1 ratio with water), which increases the rate of evaporation of sweat from the skin surface, thereby accelerating the process of heat loss by the body.

IMPORTANT! Rubbing with an alcohol solution during pregnancy is undesirable, since the formed toxic vapors, albeit in small amount, but still enter the mother's body along with the inhaled air.

How can you bring down the temperature during pregnancy? Drinking plenty of fluids

Warm drinks are what should be done to bring down the temperature during gestation without medication. For these purposes, it is fine green will do tea with citrus and linden, raspberries, black currants, as well as berry fruit drinks and compotes. When the temperature rises, you should drink at least two liters of fluid per day to avoid dehydration. Warm drink allows you to speed up heat exchange by increasing sweating, so it is very important to drink more fluids, except for drinks that are too sweet, sour, hot or carbonated.

IMPORTANT!When the temperature rises, it is better to refuse overuse herbal teas, as during pregnancy it is possible to increase sensitivity to herbal components.

How can you bring down the temperature during pregnancy: what can not be done?

The primary measures for hyperthermia is to apply for medical help... The fact is that even a minor fever can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and entail unpleasant consequences.

With an increase in body temperature during pregnancy, it is not recommended:

  • Take Aspirin, Ibuprofen (in the third trimester) and other antipyretics with the exception of Paracetamol, as they are contraindicated during gestation
  • Start taking antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) on your own, because most of them can cause fetal malformations
  • Put on warm clothes, cover yourself with a blanket with severe hyperthermia
  • Wipe off with alcohol or undiluted vinegar, due to the high toxicity for mother and fetus
  • Take hot shower or a bath, as this can lead to even more overheating
  • Spending all the time in bed: low physical activity impairs ventilation of the lungs, exacerbating the course of the common cold

Before knocking down the temperature during pregnancy, you should establish the cause of its occurrence. Concerning colds, most often the cause of persistent hyperthermia is angina, which requires the help of specialists and an appointment complex treatment, therefore, do not postpone a visit to the doctor, letting the disease take its course.

In the cold season, the cold season begins. They are often accompanied by a rise in temperature. The hand habitually reaches for the first-aid kit with medicines and now the effect of the antipyretic improves well-being. But taking pills will not always be helpful. For example, for pregnant women, the use of an antipyretic may adversely affect the condition of the fetus. However, high temperatures do not bode well, as there is a danger premature birth or a violation of protein synthesis, which forms all systems and organs of the fetus. So, consider how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy or what to do for a future mother?

Is it worth bringing down the temperature of a pregnant woman?

In pregnant women with a temperature, everything is not so simple. So, if this is 1 trimester, then perhaps an increased temperature is just a normal reaction of the body to its new position. Therefore, a temperature of 37 C or a little more speaks of the processes of restructuring inside the mother's body. After a couple of weeks, everything will return to normal. However, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters hormonal changes have already stopped and the fever can signal violations in the mother's health.

When there is a suspicion of a cold, the problem arises of how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy so as not to harm the body of the unborn child. And it is also worth knowing in what cases it is really worth bringing down the temperature:

  • Against the background of a general deterioration in health, the temperature rises;
  • There are all the signs of a sore throat;
  • The temperature has risen above 38 C.

The long-term non-passing temperature, which is kept at around 37.5 C, begins to negatively affect the fetus. And if it has reached 38 C and more, then there is great chance changes in the child's nervous system that will affect his mental development.
Of course, only a doctor can help determine the actual origin of the temperature. After all, some infections with not very pronounced symptoms can cause complications, including abortion or premature birth.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy - the simplest remedies

For pregnant women, funds from folk experience... Drinking plenty of fluids is known to lower the temperature. Therefore, tea with lemon slices or raspberries will be useful. A decoction of linden blossom with raspberry sprigs will also lead to an antipyretic effect.

Another herbal tea will be useful for pregnant women with fever. Here is its composition: raspberries and oregano herb in 2 parts, plantain leaves and coltsfoot, respectively 3 and 4 parts. Such a collection will need a tablespoon for one tea leaves, and a glass of boiling water. It is drunk 4 times and only a tablespoon.

The same way of using the willow bark infusion. It is crushed and taken for brewing with a glass of boiling water 1 teaspoon. Please note that the bark is not taken from the usual weeping willow, but from the white or it is also called silvery. But it is worth remembering that in late pregnancy a large number of fluids can cause swelling. It is also good to drink fruit drinks or milk with honey.

TO simple means also include rubbing with vinegar. To do this, you need to undress and wipe it with a mild solution. It is better to take apple cider vinegar, and if it is not there, then you can dilute citric acid or lemon juice. Quickly evaporating from the surface of the body, the liquid will take with it the heat.

Cold compress or even cabbage leaf on the forehead will help relieve fever during pregnancy. In some cases, a cool compress on the liver area helps. All of these methods are excellent for lowering the temperature during pregnancy due to their safety for the child's body.

How to bring down the temperature of a pregnant woman with the help of medicines

Using folk methods, you can bring down the temperature as an ambulance, so to speak. For example, if the case takes place on weekends or after work, when it is difficult to get a doctor's advice. If they do not help, you can go to extreme measures by taking some pills, and which ones we will find out right now.

As many people know medications are prohibited during pregnancy. This includes aspirin. Its use at the beginning of pregnancy will lead to the development of fetal defects or, in general, to the failure of pregnancy. In later stages, it can cause intrauterine bleeding. In the 3rd trimester, ibuprofen should be avoided.

It should be borne in mind that the use of antibiotics by pregnant women can also have a detrimental effect on the fetus. Therefore, without medical consultation you should not buy any drugs, even if they are recommended by the pharmacist from the pharmacy.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to take only paracetamol and its derivatives from the temperature:

  • Panadol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Tylenol;
  • Paracet.

It should be used only in minimal doses, since frequent use the drug and in high dosages can provide negative action on the liver or kidneys.

To create a strong barrier against infections during pregnancy, you must use vitamin complexes and immune medications, but this should all be done under the direction of a physician. And during periods of massive colds, it is less common to visit crowded places.

The temperature in pregnant women refers to enough dangerous manifestations, therefore, requires special attention. Hyperthermic reactions have a teratogenic effect, which consists in the ability to negatively affect the fetal organism. Therefore, every mom needs to know how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy so as not to harm the baby. It is equally important to establish the exact cause of hyperthermia, which can only be determined by a doctor.

For the full functioning of any organism, it is necessary constant temperature, which will keep at optimal levels. The generally accepted norm is the indicator of 36.6 ° C, but in a pregnant woman it may differ due to the special situation. Therefore, thermodynamic indicators in the range of 35.8-37.2 ° C can be taken as the norm for pregnant women. Constant thermal values \u200b\u200bare provided by a balance between heat transfer and heat production. The temperature is controlled by the center of thermoregulation, which is located in the hypothalamus.

If created unfavorable situation, then the body begins to produce or penetrate from the outside of special bioactive substances - pyrogens. They affect thermoregulatory structures and provoke the development of hyperthermic reactions, which consist in an increase in temperature. Moreover, hyperthermia develops in response not only to external pyrogenic effects, when substances sink into the body from the outside with bacteria and viral microorganisms, but also to the production of these substances inside the body. In the latter case, hyperthermia occurs against the background of:

  • Autoimmune pathologies, in which immune cell structures are activated against their own cells, destroying them;
  • Hormonal disorders and endocrine pathologies;
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes or allergic reactions;
  • Blood pathologies such as anemia, which is characterized by a deficient content of hemoglobin protein;
  • Psychoemotional stress or neurological pathologies that activate the thermoregulatory center.

Most often, the temperature during pregnancy is a protective organic reaction to the penetrated infection, because in such patients the immune defense is weakened, so they easily get sick. In the process of increasing temperature indicators there is an acceleration of material exchange and biochemical reactions, blood vessels expand, which leads to an accelerated elimination of pathogenic agents due to increased blood circulation, urination and sweating. Moreover, under hyperthermal conditions, an environment is created in the body that is destructive for harmful microorganisms.

Fever in pregnant women

Only a specialist will be able to select the appropriate therapy

In fact, hyperthermia refers to physiological organic reactions, but during gestation, especially during the first trimester, which is characterized by the processes of active formation and formation of organs and fetal tissues, a similar state can have adverse consequences... The dangerous effect depends on the degree of increase in thermodynamic parameters, their duration and gestation period. Indicators exceeding 38 ° C are considered the most dangerous for the fetus; it is simply necessary to bring down the temperature in such a state to save the baby.

A condition of hyperthermia in a pregnant woman is considered dangerous, which remains above 38 degrees for 3 or more days. The most critical in terms of timing are considered 4-14 weeks. It is during this period that the temperature is most dangerous. On the most early weeks the body functions according to simple principle - if the fetus is damaged due to unfavorable factors (including hyperthermia), then it dies and is rejected, a miscarriage occurs. Sometimes girls don't even know what happened. spontaneous interruptiontaking the bleeding for the next period.

Hyperthermia during gestation is dangerous with a teratogenic effect, i.e. similar conditions able to provoke development in the embryo congenital malformations cardiovascular or nervous system structures, bone skeleton face or limbs, peritoneum, etc. Under the influence of increased thermodynamic parameters in pregnant women, blood clots may form, which can clog the vascular passages of the placenta, which will lead to the death of the baby inside uterine body, miscarriage or fetal fading.

Moreover, with a hyperthermic reaction, it is necessary to urgently lower the temperature also because such a state provokes an active contraction of the uterine muscle tissues. And it is also dangerous for the development of a miscarriage. Fortunately, hyperthermia after a 14-week period is no longer so dangerous and teratogenic, but nevertheless, with a prolonged increase in temperature, the fetus may experience a hypoxic state or premature delivery. The situation is often complicated by the fact that not every medicine can be taken by pregnant women at a temperature.

Why does the temperature rise

Above, common factors that provoke the development of hyperthermic reactions have already been described. But in the case of bearing a baby, hyperthermia can occur due to suppressed immunity.

  • The processes of lowering the immune forces are quite natural for gestation, they are necessary for the successful preservation of pregnancy. After all, the mother's body perceives the fetus as a foreign organism, and with increased immune activity, it will simply reject it, which will lead to a miscarriage.
  • Therefore, in the first weeks of gestation, a slight increase in indicators to 37-37, 4 ° C can be considered a completely normal state.
  • However, amid suppression immune defense mommy has an increased likelihood of catching a viral infection or flu, getting pyelonephritis, and these conditions are also accompanied by hyperthermic reactions.
  • And the increased production of progesterone hormone also makes its "5 kopecks", contributing to a slight rise in temperature.

These are the most important factors of increase that are observed in pregnant patients.

Hormonal hyperthermia

When carrying, do not consume alcoholic beverages.

As you know, the body reacts to gestation with a slight increase in temperature indicators up to 37-37.5 ° C. Just after fertilization in female body begins to actively produce progesterone hormone, which belongs to endogenous pyrogens, affects the hypothalamic thermoregulatory structures and leads to hyperthermia. It is against the background of increased progesterone activity that mommy often experiences sudden reddening of the skin on her face, hot flashes, hyper-perspiration, or a feeling of unexpected heat. Such hormonal hyperthermic reactions are easily distinguished from pathological conditionsthreatening a pregnant woman.

Firstly, the hormone-conditioned temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees and takes place only in the first weeks of gestation. In-
secondly, with such hyperthermia, there should be no suspicious symptoms hinting at the development of an infectious and inflammatory process (for example, cough, rhinitis, painful urination, etc.). At the same time, the pregnant woman does not have a desire to take medications for fever, because she feels great and does not experience any ailments or weakness.

ARI and influenza

More dangerous are considered viral infections or various variations influenza, and suppressed immunity only contributes to such pathologies, especially in the off-season, when the likelihood of infection is maximum. For influenza conditions, symptoms associated with an increase in thermal indicators up to 39-40-degree mark are considered typical. But there is little that can bring down the temperature during pregnancy. In addition to the heat, the pregnant woman experiences weakness and muscle aches, apathy and headaches, drowsiness and blanching of the skin - these signs indicate an intoxication of the body with toxins of viral microorganisms.

Usually, with the flu, on the second or third day, intoxication symptoms recede, changing painful sensations throat, runny nose and dry cough. It is the lowered immunity that can play a cruel joke with a pregnant woman, because the flu in a similar situation can easily be complicated by secondary conditions such as otitis media or pneumonia, sinusitis or laryngotracheitis, frontal sinusitis or sinusitis, and many others. etc. Such conditions do not bring anything good to a pregnant woman, but only force her to drink antibiotic drugs and other unwanted remedies for fever during pregnancy.

Moreover, viral infections in the days of the first trimester negatively affect fetal development, can penetrate into embryonic tissues, infect crumbs, etc. In any case, if a pregnant woman caught the flu or SARS during the epidemic season, it is better to call a therapist at home, you should not go to the hospital yourself. Firstly, the clinic is full of infected people, with whom mommy does not need to contact at all. And secondly, at a temperature during gestation, bed rest is necessary.


Another common condition during gestation, which is accompanied by hyperthermic reactions, is infectious inflammation of the renal tissues or pyelonephritis. In pregnant women, this pathology very often declares itself for the first time, and if mommy has already encountered it before, then during gestation it almost always aggravates, accompanied by a number of specific symptoms, which is associated with the appearance of predisposing factors associated with pregnancy.

  1. The enlarged uterus presses on the ureters, which causes difficulty in urine flow.
  2. The activity of progesterone leads to relaxation of the urinary tract, which slows down the outflow of urine.
  3. An attack of pyelonephritis is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature to 39 degrees and even higher. At the same time, the girl gets chills and is worried about fever, the general state of health is disturbed, which is associated with intoxication.
  4. Also, the pathology is accompanied by a painful syndrome in the lumbar region, radiating to the abdomen and groin, and thigh. And the released urine acquires a cloudy brown hue due to blood impurities or the presence of leukocyte cells.

Such processes have an extremely negative effect on gestation, provoking the threat of interruption or severe forms gestosis, accompanied by hypertensive seizures, hyperexia, etc. Such conditions require urgent assistance specialists.

Treatment is urgently needed, otherwise the risk of chronic oxygen starvation, fetal growth retardation, placental failure, or intrauterine infection... What pills to drink are prescribed only by the attending doctor. It's just that pregnant women can take only a strictly limited list of medications.

Than to bring down

If you feel unwell, you should have plenty of rest, drink plenty of water.

Perhaps the most popular and important issue with a hyperthermic reaction is this - what can pregnant women have from a temperature? It is necessary to be very careful about how to treat such conditions in expectant mothers. If a prolonged pronounced hyperthermic effect is allowed, the risk of complications increases. But on the other hand, abstaining from medications will only benefit the developing baby.

In general, doctors warn that indicators below 37.5 ° C do not need specific treatment, therefore, there is no need to use antipyretics. Thermodynamic reactions exceeding this mark are dangerous. Lowering the temperature is carried out by several methods: medication, physical methods and folk remedies.


The need to lower the temperature by applying antipyretic drug, occurs only in a few cases: if the fever exceeded the 38-degree mark in the first or second trimester of gestation, and also when carrying in the third trimester, you need to drink the medicine without waiting for such a pronounced hyperthermia. If mommy suffers from thyroid pathologies, renal or heart ailments, then you need to start taking antipyretics already at 37.5 ° C.

You should not take the first drug that comes from the first aid kit, because pregnant women can only take Paracetamol or its derivatives like Panadol or Efferalgan to bring down the temperature. You need to drink 3 tablets per day, the duration of treatment should not exceed three days, because long-term intake Paracetamol can also provoke adverse effects.

Non-drug methods

Often it is possible to cope with hyperthermic symptoms without any medication, methods of a physical nature help perfectly.

  • Cool compresses on the forehead or temples can help relieve fever.
  • If the thermodynamic parameters increase rapidly, and there is no way to take the medicine, then you can use rubdowns, for which you need to use warm water no alcohol or vinegar. The fact is that cold water can provoke vascular spasms, and ethanol is able to be absorbed through skin poresnegatively affecting the child.

Such physical methods can be used without restrictions, but they have a short-term effect, therefore, constant monitoring of the thermodynamic parameters will be required. But on the other hand, they have no contraindications and negative consequences for the child, therefore, in the first weeks of gestation, these methods of dealing with hyperthermia are most preferable.

Effectively cope with febrile conditions and folk remedies based on herbs. But when carrying, any grass can be dangerous, so it is better to use proven and maximum safe meanssuch as raspberries. This berry has antipyretic properties. Linden or chamomile tea is also helpful.

What not to do

It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, drink antiviral or antibiotic drugs. Also banned, especially in the first weeks of gestation, Aspirin, which is capable of provoking the development of fetal abnormalities or spontaneous interruption.

Taking Aspirin in last trimester can lead to severe blood thinning, which is dangerous with bleeding in the fetus or mother during delivery. Therefore, all prescriptions must be made exclusively by the attending physician.

Any increase in temperature in the body has its own reasons, including during pregnancy. Among these, one should highlight the change hormonal background, as well as thermoregulation, which occurs as a reaction to pregnancy. In this case, an increase in temperature indicates only a new position of a woman and is not a threat. Therefore, unless there are other reasons for the rise in temperature, you have nothing to worry about.

However, the reason for the increase in temperature may be inflammation in the body of a pregnant woman. This can be found out for sure with the help of a lot of analyzes. Most of the fever during pregnancy indicates acute respiratory infections. In this case, you cannot avoid consulting a doctor who will both diagnose and prescribe treatment. Self-medication will be inappropriate, because during pregnancy, treatment medicines in itself is undesirable and only a doctor can determine possible threats for the fetus. In case of a low rise in temperature, it will be enough for you to do with non-drug treatment, because staying in a clinic among sick people can increase the chances of illness for a pregnant woman.

Non-drug treatment during pregnancy

First of all, it can help in such a situation. plentiful drink... Drink as much as possible, but be careful, because on later stages pregnancy, excess fluid can provoke swelling. In the first trimester, you will not have to limit yourself to drinking. As this, use the sweet hour with the addition of lemon, a decoction of chamomile and linden, different kinds fruit drinks. Milk with honey can help. It should be remembered important condition: any drink should be warm, but not hot.

In case the temperature rises to 38 degrees or higher, you should brew herbal tea with the addition of raspberries in the amount of 2 tablespoons, as well as the leaves of coltsfoot from plantains. Taking such tea will be appropriate 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon. You can use another recipe: pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of willow bark, previously chopped up, and then cool. You need to drink such a tincture 1 tablespoon four times a day. You can also resort to preparing a coniferous cocktail based on fir sprouts (100 g) and raspberry roots (50 g). Having grinded these components, you need to put them in glass jar, then pour in 100 g of sugar. Next, add a tablespoon of boiling water to this mixture and leave to infuse for a day, after which, for about 6-8 hours, warm it up in a water bath. Now let it brew for 2 days and drain the bright raspberry juice that should appear. Store the tincture in a cool place, and take 1 tablespoon four times a day before meals.

It is highly recommended to use wipes with cold water and apply cold compresses to your forehead. Do not wrap yourself up, because this will lead to overheating of the body. You should control your body temperature very carefully, because this indicator predetermines a lot. It is undesirable to lower it with the help of drugs, because this will pose a threat to the fetus. If the temperature has increased only slightly, then the funds mentioned above will be sufficient. It will not create threats to the baby and a short-term increase in temperature by 1-1.5 degrees.

When to bring down the temperature during pregnancy

The temperature does not go astray with folk methods quite a long time
There is an increase in body temperature indicators without the use of drugs
The cause of the temperature is angina (in this case, intoxication can occur, which is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus)
The temperature rises to 38 degrees
Temperature reaches 37.5 degrees in late pregnancy

Danger of high fever during pregnancy

Intoxication of the body with harmful substances may occur
Prolonged high temperature provokes a change in protein synthesis
The quality of the placenta deteriorates, which provokes premature birth
Disorders in the development of fetal organs or systems may occur

Remember that temperatures starting at 37.8 degrees are considered dangerous. When it reaches 38 degrees, an effect on nervous system the child, which will affect his mental abilities.

Ways to lower the temperature during pregnancy

The main thing to remember is that Aspirin is strictly prohibited, especially on early stagesbecause it can provoke an abortion. Besides, this drug can cause malformations in the development of the fetus. If there is an urgent need for drug treatment, it is better to take drugs based on Paracetamol. It can be Paracet, Panadol, Tylenol or Efferalgan. Metindol, Vramed and Indomethacin-Darnitsa are also allowed. However, only the minimum dose is always used and only in extreme cases, because Paracetamol can theoretically disrupt liver function and honor. Be sure to consult with your doctor about the choice of the drug and its dosage, otherwise you can harm the child.

Author of the publication: Leonid Guryev