How to let go of the person you love from your life? How to let go of a person who does not love

Almost all of us have had to let go of a loved one at least once in our lives. It is always a difficult and painful process. To get through it, the soul has to work. A person who has managed to let go of a loved one grows internally, becomes stronger and wiser.

You have to let go:
- when you love, but he (a) does not;
- when you cannot satisfy very important needs for you in these relationships (for example, the partner is not ready to open up and build loved ones, warm relationship, and you need it);
- when your goals, values ​​and views on relationships do not match, and therefore you cannot build a joint future (for example, for him (her) a career is in the first place, and for you - the birth of a child; he (she) is more comfortable in guest marriage and you need a traditional family);
- when relationships are destroying you (for example, relationships with dependent person who is not ready to give up his addiction).

To let go, you have to want to do it. Often clients come to me with such a request, but in fact they want not to let go, but to get away from pain. In this case, you want to drown out the pain in any way. Certainly, perfect option- to return a loved one, and if this is not possible, then - to let go. In this case, the person begins to swing on emotional swing hopes and disappointments, sometimes trying to return, sometimes pushing away the partner, but the situation does not change.

Besides, fears often get in the way(fear of the unknown, fear of loneliness, fear of losing control, etc.). It is possible and necessary to work with fears. As long as they live in you, they guide your life. When you work them out, you will begin to control what happens in your life.

The true movement towards letting go begins when a person recognizes his powerlessness over the current situation and realizes that he has done everything he could, and can do nothing more. In this case, letting go becomes the only possible way.

If you have not yet come to this understanding, then act, try, realize, live what you have not lived yet - so that there is no doubt that you have exhausted everything that is possible, trying to save the relationship, and desired result have not received.

To let go, you need to forgive insults and give up expectations.. It is resentment and expectations that, like a rope, tie you to the one you love, delivering pain.

Yes, you expected that you would be happy with this particular person, that it was he who would satisfy all your needs, but this did not happen. It was you who made the mistake of expecting from him what he could not give you. Accept that, and also that no one has to live up to your expectations.

Unfulfilled expectations lead to resentment. The resentment that lives inside destroys you, so it is necessary to forgive the one who voluntarily or unwittingly hurt you. And you need to do this for the sake of your mental and physical well-being.

Negative emotions come out through tears, physical exercise, they can be written down. Eat various techniques work with grievances (angry letter, grievance letter, forgiveness letter, art therapy methods, visualization, etc.). You can work with grievances on your own, but it is more effective to do this together with a counseling psychologist.

In addition, it is important to learn all the lessons from what happened. There are always two people in a relationship, and each contributes 50%. Realize your responsibility for what happened, and understand what you did not do or did wrong. This work is necessary in order not to repeat old mistakes in new relationships. Understanding why life taught you such a lesson will make it easier for you to forgive. Perhaps you will suddenly realize that there is nothing to forgive, just otherwise you would not be able to understand something very important for yourself.

When letting go, you have to go through a period of loss, which includes several stages and takes an average of 6 to 14 months. Emotional connections are not broken in one day, it takes time and effort. It is important not to hang on any of the stages. If you feel that by entering some negative emotional condition, you stay in it for a long time, it is better to consult a specialist.

When you work off resentments and expectations, your love will become unconditional, which will mean that you have let go. You no longer expect anything from your loved one, do not blame him for anything, which means that there is no pain, there is only warmth and wishing him happiness.

Let go, i.e. ending a relationship is necessary in order to be fully open to meeting a new person. If you do this, you will no longer look at a new partner through the prism of previous relationships, but you will be able to accept him for who he is, trust him and let him into your heart.

As soon as you have a breakup, you should immediately cut the person out of your life.

You're done, accept it.

The first advice of a psychologist on how to forget a loved one forever will be just that. Your past reality does not exist.

Your former relationship dead, the person is dead. Start looking at it this way now.

Let go of the past completely.

You seem to be reborn and start from scratch.

New world, new people.

2. Absolutely no contact with former lovers

Remove any connection with a person:

  • in the Internet;
  • by phone;
  • by mail;
  • Skype and other means of communication.

3. Remove from life all psychological anchors that evoke memories of a former passion

What anchors need to be removed from life in detail:

  • common music that you spent time together;
  • gifts (either hide in the basement, or give to friends);
  • do not go to those locations and places where you had cool dates together before;
  • any forgotten things: be it clothes or a lens from a former passion that has not been thrown out before (it's time to throw it away);
  • delete shared photos and videos on your computer, phone and other media.

Follow these steps and you will get rid of restless thoughts about how to forget the person you love, but he does not have you, without any conspiracies and other nonsense.

4. Do not fall into his perception: do not think about what his head is doing

Do not fall into someone else's perception and do not think about what the former partner's head is doing!

Otherwise, you will fall into the pain of loss.

Do not be interested in the life of a past partner and do not fall into someone else's perception.

What does it mean in detail:

  1. You should not care about the relationship of the former partner and with whom he is now.
  2. It doesn't matter if your ex is suffering or not. On this moment only your well-being matters.
  3. Do not hang or stick on the page in in social networks from a former person.
    Finding out what he's got to do going better you won't get any better than this.
  4. You do not get better or worse with rumors or some news about a past person.
    Absolute and complete indifference!

Implement this principle and no longer need the advice of a psychologist on how to forget a person with whom you will never be together.

5. Don't blame yourself for never being together again.

In such cases, the focus of a person can only be occupied with the negative, and it is a mistake to make only yourself the culprit.

Otherwise, negative energy will accumulate in you.

It is not your fault! What happened happened.

You don't have to beat yourself up!

A fine line which needs to be remembered.

  1. It's cool that you look for your mistakes, analyze your behavior so as not to repeat your jambs. BUT: find these mistakes and don't attack and don't blame yourself!
  2. Find mistakes for yourself, so as not to repeat them in other new relationships, and not to go back to the past partner!

You find your mistakes so that you don't repeat them with a new partner and never step on the same rake again.

Remember this, and you no longer need to look for answers to questions from psychology about how to forget the person you love quickly and in a short time.

6. We learn new insights and lessons so as not to step on the same rake again

Lessons are learned through analysis.

The analysis is done with pen and paper, asking yourself as many questions as possible, and answering them in writing.

The more questions, the better.

  1. Who is to blame for the fact that you initially chose the wrong partner?
    Answer: myself!
  2. Why did this happen, how did you let it happen?
    Answer: I had no personal boundaries, I had a poor idea of ​​the person I wanted to see next to me.
  3. What kind of person do I want to see next to me, what do I allow and what not in a relationship?
    The answer indicates the exact characteristics of the personality, not the appearance.
  4. What did I understand and learn from past relationships?
  5. What mistakes should I not repeat again with another partner?

Be as sincere as possible with yourself when you write the answers to these questions.

Thus, you will solve your problems yourself and there will be no need for the advice of a psychologist on how to quickly forget a loved one and start a new life.

7. Don't be lonely: Know that you are always full of choice.

You must have faith that you will have another person with even more emotional connection and chemistry.

Know that you are always in abundance of choice. You can always find a soul mate.

You don't have to look at it like daily duty and the need to get a new partner as soon as possible.

Just understand that it is foolish to keep in your head what is no longer there until your death.

Accept change and don't resist it.

Any break you have this is a time of great growth for you.

Remember this and don't worry about how to forget the person you still like.

8. Do not blame your old partner and do not hold a grudge against him, remove the bitterness

Some people like to continue texting their ex or calling from time to time even a year after the breakup.

People hold in themselves the anger and negativity of past relationships, which then manifest themselves and give an effect in following relations. By having the same mindset in a new relationship, all the old mistakes will be repeated over and over again.

Don't fall into this vicious repeating circle.

A fine line. Instead of falling into anger at your partner, it is better to deeply thank him for what happened!

Through hate you yourself will maintain energy connection With former lover, cling to it and how much in vain to give energy negative thoughts. Do you need it?

You can easily fall into such hatred. Get rid of it, and by doing so, you will remove the worries about how to forget the person who hurt you once.

9. After a breakup, don’t label everyone as “they are all like that,” otherwise you yourself will attract such people into your life.

Often we hear from a person after a breakup: “All men are goats” or “All women ...”.

They painfully broke up with a partner, and now they themselves are looking for evidence in everything that “all men are like that” or “all women are like that ...”

And they do it unconsciously and do not understand it.

And you know what? It will be like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You will really attract these people to you.

And also having these attitudes in your head, you yourself will unconsciously look for such negative characteristics in other people, try to look for confirmation of them.

Why do you need it?

Stop lumping everyone in the same category, and no longer ask questions about how to forget the person who betrayed you or acted in a certain way, not living up to your expectations.

10. Realize that nothing is permanent in the world, everything comes and goes.

Look at it from the spiritual side.

  • You were born alone and you will die alone. Nothing is eternal.
  • Everything is constantly changing. And it is useless to resist change. These are the laws of the universe.
  • Do not cling to old emotions and memories.
  • Life is like a slide. You are up and down. And that's what makes it interesting.

Realizing this, you will save yourself from the dilemma of how you can forget the person you love very much and blindly.

11. You must still be open-minded to a new person, aware deep down of the fact that nothing lasts forever.

There is such a trap of the mind: "To think that the relationship will last forever." Don't live this illusion!

But at the same time, you still open up to new people after breaking up old relationships, you are not afraid to open up and expose your real self to others.

Keep opening up 100% with other people and sharing moments together.

But realize deep down that there is an end to everything.

Example. You eat delicious ice cream. You can enjoy it. Enjoy the process. But deep inside you are aware and understand that the ice cream will run out.

If you think that you will continue to eat the same ice cream non-stop for the rest of your life, you are trapped in your mind.

He leads you by the nose and plays with you.

Be aware of this. Know all about in between.

It will be useful to remind yourself this to women who are asking questions about how to forget married man whom you love and still dream of some blind hopes in relation to him.

A fine line

  • Don't forget to enjoy the process. It's like enjoying life until you die.
  • It's the same thing with relationships: enjoy them because they can end.
  • But do not deprive yourself of enjoying relationships with this knowledge.

Wise words of Osho in the video

On our site you can also to get over breakups and breakups relations.

12. When looking for a new partner, do not compare him with the old one, do not look for a replacement for him, look for and create new experiences

  1. Do not try to find the same partner that you had.
    Don't look for the same person.
  2. Don't make comparisons.
    It only spoils and destroys everything.
  3. Don't look for the same personality characteristics as your ex.
    Do everything for a new interesting experience!
  4. Do not impose the former manner and style of communication as it was with an old partner when meeting a new person.

about affection and love addiction you can also in a new post.

Remember these principles, and you will stop worrying about how to forget your loved one if you see him every day.


Otherwise, for example, the guy broke up with the girl and now, when meeting a new one, he wants the new girl to behave in the same way as the former.

Then he imposes new girl a pattern of behavior that does not belong to her.

But she behaves in a completely different way, the guy’s expectations are collapsing and this negatively affects your flirting and the process of rapprochement.

It is a mistake to see a new person as a replacement for the former.

It only makes your condition worse.

Do not try to close your pain with a new partner!

13. Review your personality traits, remind yourself of them

There is such an illusion after parting that now, allegedly, "you are not self-sufficient, because you do not have a soulmate."

It is especially found in girls who are disturbed by restless thoughts on how to forget their beloved man.

When it's all over, it's time to go back and re-evaluate your personality.

It is important to remind yourself of them!

You need to reconsider the new you that went through this whole journey with a past partner.

Continue to enjoy life, discovering and learning even more of a new you.

14. Understand that your passion, self-sufficiency and love are always with you, no one can take it away from you

Consider three simple steps about how to forget a loved one, and analyze the psychology of such perception.

  1. Realize that no one can take away your passion and true purpose from you.
  2. No one can take away your life, your partiality.
  3. Your self-sufficiency should never depend on externals. Whether you have a significant other or not, you are still self-sufficient.

15. Allow yourself to be with a better partner, let go of old limiting beliefs.

We attract who we are.

You must realize that you can attract the best partner.

But the paradox is that people don't want to be with the best partner!

Why does this happen to people?

Because after long term relationship man taught himself: “I love my soul mate. I don't want the best for myself, I want the best for both of us."

Track this habit in yourself and get rid of it.

People cannot believe that it is possible and necessary to forget the person whom you love unrequitedly and blindly.

16. Do not look for a new partner because of revenge or in order to make the old one jealous.

  • Do not fall into the trap of your ego! Don't have these low, insignificant selfish motives.
  • This blunder find new partners only for the purpose of asserting themselves in the eyes of the former!
  • Otherwise, by such actions you will only strengthen the thought in your mind: “She/he is the only one”.
  • And then all your selfish actions in order to cause jealousy or out of revenge are a big reaction to a former partner.
  • Let it all go and enjoy a completely new partner, share your passion with each other.
  • Have the perception “Now your ex is a random passer-by” and there is no point in thinking about him.

Keep these principles in mind to close your questions on how to forget the person you love and see every day.

17. Don't make the following common mistakes that don't solve problems

What does NOT solve problems after a breakup:

  1. From alcohol, all sorts of substances, random connections of meaning and benefit to zero.
  2. Trying to travel or move is all trying to run away from the problem and pretend it doesn't exist. It's like a soldier was shot in the leg, and he went on a forced march to run a kilometer and pretends that everything is super with him.
  3. Reminisce about negative qualities V ex man and about the negative in past relationships - this is another absurd advice! By following it, you are still thinking about it! You will spend a lot of energy on these thoughts, the negative takes a lot of energy.
  4. To think of some other person is the most useless advice. This is tantamount to telling you not to think about the pink elephant that pops up in your head anyway. Not thinking is also an action that is also energy-consuming.

It is better to re-read all our advice again and live in harmony. They contain everything you need to realize and what to do to forget the person you love unrequitedly, once and for all.

Life is an unpredictable thing, and it is not always possible to predict a sharp turn. Parting with a loved one unrequited love, irresistible circumstances between lovers - such turns can deprive you of rest for a long time. And if this happened, a reasonable question arises, how to let go of the person you love?

It would seem, what is so difficult? She let go, threw it out of her head, destroyed gifts and letters, deleted phones and contacts - in general, set up barricades from all sides and calmed down. Yes, it wasn’t there - painful memories arrange a round-up in the very wrong moment, sweeping away all defenses in its path. And the pain begins again.

Where does the pain come from: we calculate the enemies

Where does this terrible inability to wrest failed love from the heart come from? First, let's review the own head and calculate all the "cockroaches" that can live there.


Whatever your situation, the first thing to understand is that this person is not your property. You didn’t buy it in a store, you didn’t get it for your birthday, you don’t have a notarized power of attorney for it. He is free to choose, just like you. Try to understand this. And if the situation is such that you are not together, and your loved one does nothing to change this, this is his right.


Very often, the pain of unrequited love is caused by a sharp sense of resentment. You may have strong arguments for accusations or not have them at all, but if there are reasons why you are not together, there is always a temptation to put the responsibility for it on your loved one and suffer from resentment. But, as the classic said, you can only offend someone who wants to be offended.

Expectations and false images

Where does resentment come from? What fuels her? your unrealistic expectations. You meet a person certain qualities who conquer you. You fall in love with this initial image and further manifestations of character or emerging unpleasant circumstances do not bother you much. You look at your chosen one through the prism of the picture you fell in love with, and then you try to change a living person, adjusting him to those very prevailing ideas. And when everything does not turn out the way you expected, faith in bright feelings collapses like a house of cards, and there is a feeling that you have been deceived. Free yourself from this oppression.

How to untie knots: we solve the problem

Suffering from unrequited love, you are subconsciously afraid to remain lonely, unloved, unnecessary to anyone. The presence of a loved one in your life becomes insurance against all adversity. And you are trying to blame your former or failed partner for this, delving into the past, trying to figure out the reasons why he is not with you. But there is only one reason - your false hopes. If you couldn't make yourself happy and put that mission on another person, how were you going to make them happy?

One of the key points in the psychology of relationships and the question of how to let go of the person you love is forgiveness and gratitude.

Forgiveness exercise

When letting go of a loved one, forgive him for everything that you think he is guilty of. Write down on a piece of paper all your grievances and claims against him. Imagine standing in front of this person and slowly going through the list, saying each item like this: “I forgive you for not being able to make me happy when I needed it the most. I understand that you had your reasons. Forgive me for not understanding this. And I also forgive myself for blaming you for this." And so go through all the points. Remember that by forgiving him, you forgive yourself for unfulfilled hopes and false ideas about your relationship and your future.

Gratitude exercise

After you've forgiven your loved one, make a list of the things you're grateful for. Again, imagine that you are next to him and read everything that you wrote. Don't forget to thank him for making room for true love and for giving you the opportunity to learn to love yourself. If it's hard to say thank you for something specific, skip it for now. Be sincere, list only things for which you are truly grateful to him. Remember that this person, like others, came into your life for a reason. And if your paths have diverged, it means that he has already given everything that you really needed.

Meditation to help

It is very important to let go of a loved one by forgiving him. After all, any negative emotions in relation to him they will not bring consolation, but only create vicious circle in which you will experience similar experiences with other partners over and over again. You need it? The answer is obvious. In the question of how to let go of the person you love, forgiveness meditation will become your reliable ally.

What is Forgiveness Meditation

Meditation with Latin means contemplation, contemplation. This is the concentration of consciousness on something specific, in order to free from emotional stress. In our case, forgiveness meditation helps to get rid of oppressive resentments that are not so easy to let go.

Forgiveness brings liberation from guilt and humiliation on all levels - spiritual, spiritual (emotional) and physical. It is very important not only to forgive, but also to ask for forgiveness from your offender yourself, to clear the space of your relationship. By doing this, you release pure energies that bring joy, harmony and happy events into your life.

Preparing for meditation:

  • first, find a secluded place where you will not be disturbed;
  • listen to the entire meditation to get an idea of ​​what you will need to do;
  • accept comfortable position in an armchair or on a sofa so that your body is relaxed;
  • watch your breathing - it should be even and deep (this is important in order not to fall asleep and remain in control of your thoughts);
  • turn on the video meditation and completely immerse yourself in the space of love and light, following the recommendations step by step.

Magic recipes

Very often, in a fit of despair from unrequited love, a person grabs at any straw, just to get rid of pain. Do not rush to run to fortune-tellers and study ancient spells, after all, every magician is his own! The main thing is to remember that any of your actions should be for the good. And no violence against the will of another person!

These funny wizards

We came to Earth to have fun. So why don't we do this? Stop feeling sorry for yourself and look at the world with a smile. And the rituals for letting go of your beloved will make your task easier.

  • We let go of the beloved on a long voyage. For this we need paper boat(I hope you folded these as a child?). On a piece of paper, write the name of the future traveler who needs to be released and fold the boat. The next step is to send your liner on a long voyage. The easiest option is to use the Universal Transformer (simply a toilet bowl). This friend of wizards will gladly send your failed relationship to distant distances. Put the boat in the toilet, say farewell speech, wish you a good swim and release the water. If you wish, you can do the ritual on any body of water, river, lake or sea.
  • We throw destructive emotions in the trash. To do this, take old backpack(bag), put bricks in it (a 5 liter bottle of water), sign it DEPENDENCE ON (name of loved one) and wear it on your shoulders all day. When you feel that everything is tired, you can no longer, go to the nearest garbage dump and throw away the backpack along with the load and your ADDICTION. Feel the lightness in the body and in the soul.
  • We freeze feelings. If you want to, but you just can't throw away your feelings for a person, try to freeze them. Write on a piece of paper everything that you feel for the object of your love and put it in the freezer. Let them get covered with ice until you feel a change in reality.

Whatever you do, whatever method of solving the problem you choose, always remember that you are alone, there is no spare. Love yourself and new sincere relationship will not keep you waiting.

When a man and a woman enter into a relationship, they do not think about the fact that sooner or later one partner will spiritually lose the other. It often happens that a person ceases to feel love for his soul mate. From here disharmony appears, emotional balance is lost, the couple can no longer exist as a whole. To forget a loved one with whom you had to say goodbye, you need to master the basics of psychology. Experts have developed effective recommendations that will help with this.

Why is it hard to let go of a loved one?

It would seem, why is it impossible to break the connection and let the man go? We got rid of his gifts, found a hobby, threw extraneous thoughts out of my head. However, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

false dreams

  1. It is difficult for a woman to let go of a man when she has high hopes for him. Mentally beautiful lady already married to the object of adoration and gave birth to children. However, in reality, the gentleman is not to blame for the fact that you have placed an unbearable burden on him.
  2. When a relationship has just begun, certain qualities young man took up. As time passed, his essence began to break out, you missed this moment. As a result, resentment and disappointment accumulated every day, they caused heartache.
  3. A false image does not allow a woman to look soberly at her chosen one. Pink glasses draw new picture in which you two are doing well. But it is important to understand that the problems "in paradise" have not gone away.
  4. When you finally realize that the plan will not come true, dreams are shattered. All the presented images in the head lose their power, because the man simply does not correspond to them. On subconscious level the woman feels betrayed.

possessive instinct

  1. When girls enter into a relationship, they involuntarily begin to perceive a man as property. It is important to understand that no person can belong to you. Serfdom was abolished long ago.
  2. Men are not sold at auctions, they are not put up for sale in a store, and they are not presented as a birthday present. Each person has the right to choose with whom to be and how to spend their future life.
  3. Realize the essence of what is happening. If the situation took a sharp turn, as a result of which the partner left you, this is his choice. Accept this decision, let go of possessive instincts.


  1. In most cases, after a breakup or during a quarrel, a woman is angry with her man. Perhaps you have serious arguments in this regard, which are accompanied by resentment.
  2. It is important to understand that a man could offend you only if you, on a subconscious level, yourself wanted to be offended. This feature is typical for girls who prefer to play the role of a victim.
  3. Get rid of this behavior, let go of anger. Focus on the good times in your life. Stop remembering all the bad things the man did. People make mistakes, don't blame him for the breakup.

The above are the reasons why it is difficult to let go of a loved one. Psychologists have compiled a series actionable recommendations Let's look at them in order.

Don't think about the past

  1. If you have done everything possible to save the relationship, but the result was not achieved, do not blame yourself. Let go of the situation, the man has made his choice. You don't have to think about being idle.
  2. It is important to understand that a loved one needs to be let go. At such moments, pain accumulates in the soul, and memories of good moments are haunted everywhere.
  3. Assess the full scale of the problem, answer the main questions. Do you love a man or is there only a feeling of affection? At the moment when the partner left, did your ego suffer? Was it easier to deal with the situation if you left first?
  4. People who have been abandoned do not feel love for the departed partner. In most cases, they lick the wounds that formed after the decline in self-esteem. Many girls cannot come to terms with the fact that their partner left them.
  5. As a rule, for such persons, parting with a man is quickly forgotten. At the same time, you don’t have to be sad and cry at night, everything will pass by itself. Let go of the past, allow yourself and it to move on.
  6. Go headlong into your career, go in for sports, start pet. Sign up for courses, put your appearance and wardrobe in order. Buy lace underwear, change the image, communicate with the opposite sex.

Turn to meditation

  1. Meditation refers to contemplation and contemplation. The concept of self-awareness allows you to penetrate into the hidden corners of the soul and free yourself from emotions. In your case, meditation will help to remove the anger that appeared after the partner left.
  2. Learn to forgive, try to say "Thank you" to your partner! for having him in your life. Such a move normalizes balance and harmony in the soul, stabilizes the psycho-emotional background. Let go of the resentment, and with it the loved one.
  3. It is important not only to forgive a man, but also to ask him for forgiveness herself. Free your mind from negative emotions, hug each other and part in an adult way. At first it will hurt, but after a time, resentment will not eat you from the inside.
  4. To properly meditate, find a quiet place where you feel comfortable. Relax, close your eyes. Focus on your breathing, stay in this position for 5 minutes.
  5. After you calm down, begin to mentally collect anger and disappointment bit by bit. Push the negativity into an imaginary abyss until you yourself believe that the pain has disappeared.
  6. Accompany the procedure with a relaxing melody (not songs), relax. You can do meditation in the bath based on essential oils or medicinal herbs.

Do cleansing exercises

  1. Take a sheet of paper, write down possible claims and grievances that are directed at a man. Go to nature a nice place. Imagine that your ex is standing in front of you. Say out loud what you understand real reasons his actions. Apologize to the imaginary image for possible reproaches and other misunderstandings. It is important to remember that in the process of understanding and forgiving a companion, you clear your aura of negativity. Go through all the points, find a reasonable explanation for his actions.
  2. After doing the forgiveness exercise, turn to gratitude. Make a list of things for which you are grateful to the man. Perhaps he made you stronger spiritually or realized old dreams. give thanks former partner for the fact that he made a choice in a timely manner, and did not stretch it out for life. List only what you feel for sincere gratitude. Don't jump over your head when in doubt. All people come to us in life for a reason. So the satellite left a trace in your soul (not necessarily negative), thank you for that.

Love yourself

  1. You can't let go of a man if you don't cultivate self-love. This is a big job that requires attention to detail. It is easier for girls to achieve an effect, because modern world provides various services for such purposes.
  2. Get a gym membership, sign up for a course of massage and body wraps. Start visiting dance school to gain confidence and sexuality. Evaluate the figure: if something does not suit you, go on a diet.
  3. Change the image radically, reconsider the style of clothing and makeup. Grow hair or nails. Develop not only aesthetically but also spiritual and material. Sign up for advanced training courses, achieve heights in your career.
  4. Visit cafes and cinemas, communicate with the opposite sex, spend time as you wish. Read books, learn a foreign language. you now free woman travel, have fun.

It is difficult to let go of a loved one, but sometimes circumstances are not in the most favorable way. Turn to meditation, let go of the past, do forgiveness and gratitude exercises. Look after your appearance, change your wardrobe, go in for sports.

Video: how to forget the person you love

How to let go of a loved one? What to do if you can’t imagine your life without your “second half”, but you realize that you are getting worse, suffering, or just sinking? How to get rid of a habit or give up destructive feelings that lead to self-destruction of a person? How to stop “dancing on a rake”, getting burned over and over again because of false hopes? Stop ruining yourself with insults and nourishing illusions like a drowning man trying to save himself with a reed. You have to forget the person, not literally! Memories are preserved, but illusions about a joint future are “nullified”!

Surely, everyone knows that negative emotions destroy each of us. Betrayal, deceit, lack of understanding, support, respect and recognition - negative factors that destroy relationships. If you realize that you are not suitable for each other, it is worth putting an end to relationships that are “strangled” from the inside. If you do not experience happiness, do not be afraid of loneliness - take risks and find your love. But before that happens, don't forget to finish off the people who were sent to you for the experience. We will look at a few tips on how to let go of resentment, and with it a person. Yes, yes, you will be surprised, but in many ways it is only not forgotten suppressed emotions that keep a doomed relationship! In doing so, you ruin yourself and become worse. Let's look at the situation in more detail.

How to forget and let go of the person you love?

No comparison!

Let's try to deal with different occasions, because there are a lot of people, respectively, and romantic outcomes too. As statistics show, only 20-25% manage to maintain relationships that began in their youth from school. Teenage love most often characterized by duration. No, we are not yet fully formed. Well, if the couple is not imaginary, together they "sculpt" each other, develop. But sooner or later comes, so to speak, the time of experiments:

  • what if it's not mine?
  • maybe I deserve more?
  • maybe try another relationship?

Such questions lie in wait for everyone. Lack of experience and desire for comparison have two likely outcomes. Either a negative aftertaste, and we return “home” under the wings of our loved ones with apologies, or success! It's funny that the comparison has a downside. Trying to compare new relationships, we again compare, starting from the previous ones. Although the original idea was the opposite.

Forget about comparisons, and with it about the person who provokes them!


Often we don't let go because of the feeling dignity After all, so much time and effort was spent on relationships. To be honest, not everyone can forgive and let go of the person you love. No, it's quite real. No perfect love, relationships and absolute harmony between lovers and will never be. We love each other for the difference, therefore, disagreements and quarrels arise. Especially when one starts to pull the rope. Over time, we begin not only to love, but also to hate. And it's great! It should be so, but until the bowl is filled and the amount of unpleasant precipitation begins to pour over the edges. No wonder they say:
"From love to hate one step"
Stopped loving, started hating? Then you want to understand how to let go of a person. And not quite so, hatred arises if people are not suitable for each other, but they are attached and cannot let go. The answer is elementary - forgive:

  1. For unfulfilled joint dreams - it was not worth it, they themselves are to blame!
  2. For betrayal and the use of trust - do not trust!
  3. For the broken ego - thank you again!
  4. For pain - hardens!
  5. For mistakes - they shape us, and sometimes better than any other person's experience!

There are pluses to everything. You have wonderful memories and life experience. He is priceless, but do not confuse these virtues with a reason to continue a relationship that is over! Just forgive the person by appreciating what you have received. Say thank you, exhale and forget about your ego at last! You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Millet live and enjoy. And then everything will be.

We forget about insults, and with it about the person who rightes them!

Mutual exchange

Care, worries, pity are factors that prevent us from understanding how to let go of a person. It rarely happens that both the guy and the girl are trying to end the relationship at the same time. Often this leads to such a stupid incident that someone begins to cause even more hatred for himself, thereby falling in love.

We love those who do not deserve us, but we betray the most faithful.

This is the wrong strategy. ego has too back side. On a subconscious level, no one wants to be abandoned. As a result, for the sake of the ego, in reality, we allow ourselves to "wipe our feet on ourselves." Because we intuitively feel that provocations are not natural. Don't be stupid. We need sincerity! It was with her that the relationship began. Betrayal and lies, only aggravate the situation.

To let go of a person without feeling guilty, make them just forgive you. With an excess of your love and attention, you will achieve more success than provocations. And if you're worried that without you close person"lost heart", make you believe in yourself after the end of the relationship. You know how to do it because you have learned how to approach.
Is it possible to remain friends by letting go of a person? Yes, you can. Forgive each other and help them realize that experience was important in the relationship. You are not suitable to be together.