What is more effective serum or cream. What is better to choose: face cream or serum. Advantages and disadvantages. Why whey rolls

A cosmetic product such as serum is very popular among women. different ages. With its help, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin and give it a fresh, radiant appearance. Pimples and age spots after the use of serum become less noticeable. The tool successfully fights the signs of aging, providing a pronounced rejuvenating effect. However, not everyone knows how to use face serum so as not to harm the skin. In the publication, we will talk about how to choose the right product for the face, taking into account the age and characteristics of the skin, and also consider how to use a cosmetic product.

How to choose the right serum

Serum for the face (serum) is a highly concentrated product. It contains almost 10 times more biologically active substances than the most expensive and advertised face cream.

In addition to concentration, serum is distinguished from cream by high molecularity. Small molecules of the elixir massively penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and affect the tissues. They act quickly and precisely. Minor amount serum has a more pronounced effect than a large portion of a conventional cosmetic product.

You can not apply the first serum that comes across in the store to the skin. Serum is not selected depending on the type of skin. You need to know exactly why it was needed and what defect the product should eliminate.

Unlike creams, the elixir has a narrowly directed action. Solving several problems at the same time with its help will not work. Therefore, to eliminate each specific skin defect, it is necessary to select separate product..png" alt=" variety of face serums" width="450" height="376" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/img-2017-01-16-15-50-51-450x376..png 691w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

When choosing a tool, you need to focus on the age for which it is intended. The time of year should also be taken into account. In winter and spring, serums are recommended for oil based, and in summer and autumn - on light water.

Serum for young girls

Under the age of 25, the skin does not require special care. To make it look great, it only needs to be cleaned in a timely manner. Serum may be needed if a young girl has problematic skin. The use of anti-inflammatory serum will help reduce the number of pimples, reduce their size, prevent the appearance of new foci of inflammation and remove redness. The product will soothe sensitive skin prone to irritation. Anti-inflammatory serums contain extracts medicinal plants, propolis, hyaluronic acid, zinc and magnesium.

If a girl suffers from comedones and acne, an anti-inflammatory serum with azelaic acid will help her. This substance inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause inflammation and acne. .png" alt="Anti-Inflammatory Serum" width="450" height="279" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/img-2017-01-16-16-00-27-450x279..png 768w, https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/img-2017-01-16-16-00-27.png 937w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Anti-inflammatory serum gently exfoliates upper layer epidermis, smoothes its surface and whitens. IN winter time it can cause dry skin.

Serum is a product designed primarily to combat age-related changes. Therefore, at the age of 30 years, it is not recommended to use the serum for a long time. It is best to limit yourself to a few doses. If the defect is not eliminated after several servings of serum, the advisability of its long-term use should be consulted with a dermatologist.

Moisturizing the skin of the face after 30 years

After reaching the age of 30-35 years women's skin needs regular hydration. Moisturizing elixirs improve barrier functions epidermis and saturate its tissues with moisture. Such a serum is especially needed for owners of dry and sensitive skin. Getting enough moisture and restoring the ability to retain it, the skin becomes velvety and well-groomed.

Up to 35 years, it is better to use light moisturizing formulas. After 35-40 years, you need to purchase a moisturizing product with glycerin, amino acids, milk and. Glycerin moisturizes and softens the skin, making it supple. Its action persists throughout the day.

It is desirable that the composition of the cosmetic contains NMF (Natural Moisturizing Factor). NMF is a complex of hygroscopic molecules localized in stratum corneum epidermis and creating a semblance of a water shell around its scales. When the body produces little NMF, the skin loses its elasticity and ages quickly. The use of a moisturizing serum with NMF complex allows you to restore the water-retaining functions of the skin. The natural moisturizing factor attracts water molecules to itself like a magnet. After applying the serum with the NMF complex, the skin becomes toned, fresh and radiant. The first signs of wrinkles disappear without a trace.

Rejuvenation in adulthood

The use of facial serum is especially recommended after the age of 50 years. Women who have crossed the psychological line need a skin tightening. Anti-Age (anti-aging) serums have the ability to restore the skin's hydrolipidic mantle (epidermal skin barrier) and strengthen intercellular bonds. They stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, which provide the strength and elasticity of the skin, in addition, saturate the tissues with microelements.

Two-phase serums marked “serum in oil” on the packaging will help effectively rejuvenate the face of ladies at a velvet age. This modern beauty product has 2 directions of action. It has a rejuvenating effect and nourishes the tissues. The elixir reduces the depth of wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face, reduces lethargy and flabbiness of the skin. .png" alt="Anti-Aging Serum" width="450" height="393" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/img-2017-01-16-16-15-08-450x393..png 597w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Anti-aging products contain rosehip seed oil, blackcurrant, cocoa, macadamia, evening primrose and shea butter. The linoleic acid present in their composition is rich in valuable Omega-3 fatty acids.

Anti-aging products enrich with innovative products. Some contain blue lotus stem cells or antarcticin. Antarcticin is a high molecular weight glycoprotein. It is obtained from bacteria living in the glaciers of Antarctica. Unique properties antarcticin are due to the ability of bacteria to survive in conditions of extreme low temperatures. Even its small content in a living cell does not allow the intracellular fluid to freeze at sub-zero temperatures.

Antarcticin stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, and also accelerates regenerative processes in skin tissues.

Anti-aging facial serums are very effective, so they can be used on their own. But in winter it is better to use the product in combination with a suitable nourishing cream.

The cream should also be used together with the serum for those women in whom it causes skin tightness. This combination of products will eliminate the unpleasant sensation and enhance the action of the serum, sealing it in the layers of the epidermis. Cream will cover healing composition film and will not allow it to evaporate.

Products for the eye area

Eye puffiness serum can be used at any age. It not only eliminates swelling, but also eliminates dark circles under the eyes. Eyelid products contain plant extracts And healing oils(rosemary, lavender), in addition, microscopic particles with high reflectivity (diamond and pearl powder).

The whey product improves blood hemodynamics (accelerates the movement through the vessels). Caffeine is used as a blood accelerator. With it, you can quickly eliminate the traces of a stormy night in the club. .png" alt="Eye Serums" width="450" height="443" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/img-2017-01-16-16-24-15-450x443..png 529w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

To restore the elasticity of the skin of the eyelids after 50 years, various silicones and adenosine, which promotes the production of collagen and elastin, help.

In the manufacture of products for the skin around the eyes use innovative technologies. The Motion Correct complex is able to stimulate the production of a protein that restores skin cells wrinkled as a result of active facial expressions.

Anti-couperose agents

In some women, on the wings of the nose, cheeks and in the décolleté area appears vascular network. It is a sign of the development of rosacea. Vascular disease occurs both in young girls and in women after 50 years. .png" alt="Anti-Cuperose Serum" width="450" height="327" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/img-2017-01-16-16-40-39-450x327..png 768w, https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/img-2017-01-16-16-40-39.png 769w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

In order to prevent and treat rosacea, anti-couperose serums should be used. They contain vitamins K and C, which improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels. The composition of anti-couperose agents includes extracts of medicinal plants (cornflower, sweet clover, horse chestnut, licorice), retinol, hyaluronic acid, lemon peel and grape extract.

How to use the serum correctly

Before applying the serum to the face, you need to clean it with a cleansing gel.

Serums are usually packaged in dispenser containers, microcapsules, or sold with a dropper. The presence of a dosing system helps to save the product. It also minimizes the contact of the contents of the container with air. Many active substances contained in the serum lose their properties after oxidation.

Knowing how to properly apply the serum, you can achieve best result. It is necessary to remove the product from the container in small portions as needed. An excess of serum can negative impact on the skin. 2-3 drops of the product are enough to achieve the desired effect. A small bottle of 30 ml contains about 50-60 single servings. .png" alt="How to use serum" width="450" height="302" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/img-2017-01-16-16-45-46-450x302..png 710w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

It is necessary to apply the product only on the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face. The impact of the composition for the eyelids on the cheek area will be meaningless. An anti-inflammatory agent that has come into contact with the surface of the eyelids can cause backlash skin.

Serum is applied with light patting movements in the direction massage lines. It should lie on the surface in a thin even layer. You don't need to rub it.

Once a day is enough to get a lasting result. The best time to take care of your skin is in the evening. At night, regenerative processes in the tissues of the body are activated.

Going to bed immediately after applying the product is not recommended. It is advisable to use the serum 1 hour before bedtime. If you go to bed immediately after treating the skin of the face, part of the composition will remain on the pillow. Unabsorbed liquid can clog pores and cause irritation. .png" alt=" before bed face serum" width="450" height="307" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/img-2017-01-16-16-47-42-450x307..png 768w, https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/img-2017-01-16-16-47-42.png 884w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Optimal time to use the elixir - 17-21 hours. If the product is applied in the morning, it is recommended to do this between 7 and 8 hours.

If the serum is used together with the cream, it is applied 5-10 minutes after it.

When using the product, you must adhere to the rules for its use specified in the instructions. They contain detailed information how to use the serum correctly. Some products should be used, starting with microscopic doses and gradually increasing portions.

IN adulthood serum can be used long time. A stable result appears after 2-3 months of use. If for some reason the use of the serum is discontinued, effect achieved usually persists for several months.

Every 3-4 months you need to take breaks lasting 1 month. Rest periods are necessary to keep tissues from becoming biologically satiated. active substances.

Even more useful information about the use of serum for the face at home, see the video:


Thus, facial serum is an excellent anti-aging cosmetic product that is convenient to use at home. It is important to choose a product taking into account the age and characteristics of the skin. At correct application serum in short time it will be possible to eliminate superficial wrinkles, tighten the skin, get rid of age spots and acne, significantly slow down the aging process of the skin.


There is no woman in the world who would not dream of preserving her beauty and youth in long years. But we have no power over the passage of time, and the adjustments that she makes to the appearance of each of the fair sex. However, we can slow down this rapid skin aging process.

A minimum percentage of women can afford expensive procedures and cosmetologists. What are the rest to do? Resign and grow old? No! Keep youth and attractiveness through improvised, and accessible folk remedies. Our grandmothers used them, we will try it too.

It has long been observed that whey has beneficial effect on the skin of the face. It was this conclusion that scientists took advantage of when they began to make cosmetical tools based on this component.

Now the choice of such drugs on the market of the cosmetic industry is extensive. Now even those products that do not contain dairy products are called “whey”. How to choose the right face serum for yourself and use it?

What is "serum"?

Translated from English, “serum” is “serum”, or a concentrate of something. In milk processing products, there are many useful substances, vitamins and microelements. These are potassium, calcium, vitamins of groups B, C, E. It is recommended for use for the prevention and recovery course for many diseases internal organs person.

There is no doubt that this remedy has a rejuvenating effect on the skin of the face and eyelids, nails, hair when applied internally and as a component for home cosmetology preparations.

The same epithets apply to serum (serum), which is sold in stores. In addition to all of the above, it has special elements - enhancers, which are conductors and catalysts for the active penetration of beneficial substances into the deeper layers of the skin. Thanks to such components, the effect of the serum becomes noticeable a few minutes after the application of the product. What can we say about the whole course of using such a drug!

Choosing the Right Serum

The choice of serum for facial skin today is extensive. The cosmetic industry does not stop there and regularly releases new, improved care products for delicate pores. To choose the right product for yourself, contact a beautician. However, not everyone has this opportunity, so below are some recommendations that will help you:

Until the age of thirty, it is not advisable to use serum to care for the delicate skin of the eyelids. You run the risk of causing your skin to become addicted to this potent agent, and as a result, you simply cannot do without it. It is enough to use regularly. You should start using the drug from the age of 35;
When choosing a tool Special attention pay attention to the characteristics of your skin. Choose the drug that is able to solve exactly your problem - eliminate darkening, wrinkles, pigmentation, etc.

Facial serum options

Moisturizing serum.

This category of funds is intended for ladies who have normal skin faces. With its help, the epidermis is saturated with moisture, oxygen, and nutrients. It increases skin turgor, refreshes and brightens it. In addition, it helps to eliminate redness and irritation.

Nourishing Serum.

The tool is designed for ladies with. It is this category of women who learns earlier than others what mimic wrinkles. It eliminates the feeling of tightness, dryness and discomfort of the skin of the face. Serum promotes smoothing fine wrinkles, nourishes the skin with moisture and soothes irritations.

Serum with lifting effect.

This category of funds is intended for women over 40 years old. It can be applied on problem areas face - wrinkles around the eyes, sagging skin of the cheeks, wrinkles around the lips, etc. High in the composition of the drug provides instant effect wrinkle smoothing and elimination age-related changes. Ten days after the start of using the serum, you will be surprised how young and fresh the face has become.

One of the main problems of aging facial skin is abundant pigmentation. For this situation, a serum with a whitening effect has been developed. It removes old stains and prevents new ones from appearing.

Rules for using face serum

Each cosmetic product requires not only right choice, but also correct use. Therefore, it is very important to know how to use the serum in order to get the desired effect.

Serums for the face are for daytime and evening use. Morning preparations perfectly even out skin tone, moisturize and soothe it. In addition, they are also designed to minimize the negative impact of the components of decorative cosmetics.

The evening version of the serum should be applied to the face after bathing 2 hours before bedtime. They are denser than daytime in consistency, and contain more oily inclusions. For the most part, these are representatives of anti-aging drugs for the face.

The rules for applying serum to the face are not complicated:

Wash the skin with cool water with foam;
Wipe with tonic;
Apply serum to face, neck and décolleté thin layer;
Wait until the serum is absorbed and apply a cream from the same product line on top.

Annotation for use is printed on the tube with the drug. As a rule, the recovery course is from two to three months. Serum can be used once every three days.

Serum for the skin around the eyes

Serum for the skin of the face is only for her. Serum for the skin around the eyes a separate remedy and everyone should remember this. This drug recommended for women over 25 years old. Darkening under the eyes fine mesh wrinkles and swelling, do not delight anyone. However, with the help of serum for the skin around the eyes, these problems can be quickly solved.

As homemade serums around the eyes, you can use a mixture of various essential oils. To do this, mix a few drops of jojoba oil, avocado oil, olive oil and Damask rose oil and apply to the skin around the eyes at night. You can vary the ingredients depending on what you have on hand or your own preferences.

Apply serum to delicate skin eyelids can not be smeared, rubbing movements. Gently dip the pads of your fingers, apply the product in dots and spread it with patting or tapping movements.

Just one homemade whey recipe

For those who live in the village, it is not difficult to find a serum. City ladies can buy whey in the store. Even easier is to cook it yourself. To do this, put half a liter of milk in a saucepan on the stove, and a minute before boiling, add a tablespoon of lemon juice to it. We recline through cheesecloth. It will remain in it, and the resulting liquid is whey.

Using this tool is simple. When warm, it must be applied to clean skin faces. It is recommended to use serum for oily and porous skin faces. After drying, wash it off with warm water.

January 12, 2014, 17:55

The serum has a light structure and is considered the most effective product. It contains a large number of active substances penetrating to the deep layers of the skin.

Serum molecules are small in size, so it really helps to get rid of many problems.

Note! regular cream for the face will not significantly improve the appearance of the skin if it is used for a short time. This should be taken into account when choosing what will be best for the face: cream or serum.

Serum contains:

  • acids (lactic, hyaluronic, glycolic);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • active substances.

The latter, in comparison with the cream, are much larger. If, for example, we compare a cream with a serum in terms of the content hyaluronic acid, then in expensive and quality cream its content is about 10%, and in serum it can reach up to 50%.

At the same time, choosing the best remedy for the face, it must be borne in mind that it is impossible to fully replace a cream (nourishing or moisturizing) with serum, since it does not protect against adverse external factors.

The benefits of whey are as follows:

  • it is more effective than a cream, since the amount of active substances in its composition is higher;
  • it is easy to apply;
  • after application, there is no feeling of dryness / oiliness;
  • a large selection in the range;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • improves the external condition of the skin;
  • removes inflammation;
  • whitens;
  • fills with useful components;
  • smoothes and tightens;
  • strengthens blood vessels.

Features and Benefits of Face Cream

These funds mainly have an oil structure. Their texture is varied. You can choose a product based on the type of skin, which is very important.

The effect of creams on the skin also differs. Some products moisturize, others nourish, others soften, fourth cleanse, fifth rejuvenate.

Creams contain:

  • mineral salts;
  • natural extracts and oils;
  • vitamins;
  • fragrances;
  • emulsifiers.

The benefits of creams are worth highlighting the following:

  • practically no side effects;
  • there are no special contraindications;
  • prolong youthfulness of the skin;
  • restore the structure;
  • make the skin smooth;
  • maintains an optimal Ph level;
  • eliminate discomfort - feelings of dryness, tightness, peeling;
  • even out the tone
  • protect skin from harmful effects environment;
  • saturate with vitamins;
  • eliminate inflammation;
  • restore metabolic processes.

Which is better cream or serum

Understand distinctive features of the funds under consideration will help their comparative characteristics.

Cream and serum should be considered from positions such as: for what type of skin they are used, what effect they have, for what cases they are suitable, rules for use, and others.

What kind of skin is serum and cream suitable for?

Serum can be used regardless of skin type. It soothes the sensitive, increases resistance to stress and protects against temperature extremes.

For those with oily or problematic skin types, the serum is real find, as this tool will help cleanse the pores, reduce the production of sebum.

Creams are selected only in accordance with the type of skin. The use of this tool for other purposes may provoke adverse consequences.

What effect do creams and serums have on the skin?

The action of serums is varied. These products are able to moisturize the skin of the face, give it a natural radiance, restore elasticity, relieve symptoms of fatigue, swelling, and improve color.

There are serums that have a complex effect: reduce pigmentation, make pores less visible, relieve the appearance of pimples.

There are serums that have a restorative effect. They restore the skin to its natural beauty.

Revitalizing serums relieve redness, swelling, prevent the appearance of scars that may occur after rejuvenation procedures.

The main task of the cream is to moisturize, protect skin from harmful effects external factors, maintain the balance of moisture and fats at the required level, eliminate wrinkles, make the skin more elastic, heal small wounds.

Cream and serum: in what cases it is better to use

You can start using the serum from the age of 25. But at the same time, you should choose either restorative or moisturizing. Anti-aging serums are best used after 30 years.

As for the face cream, you can start using it literally from the age of 15-16. At this age, it is best to purchase moisturizing cosmetic products. After 30 years, not only a nourishing cream is needed, but also a regenerating one.

From the age of 40 you can use anti-aging creams that will keep the skin in excellent condition.

If the skin needs only routine care and there are no significant problems, then applying the cream regularly, you can ensure desired result. But if there are acne, dryness, peeling, then it is better to use both serum and cream.

Rules for choosing a cream and serum for the face

Before buying the best cosmetic product It is worth knowing about some selection rules, which will allow you to better navigate.

When choosing a serum, consider the following factors:

  1. Bottle volume. It is better to choose a small one.
  2. Skin needs. Based on this, you need to choose a tool.
  3. Age for which the product is intended.
  4. Season in which the serum will be used. Spring and summer - funds for water based, in winter on oil.

When purchasing a cream, you need to consider several points:

  • A good cream doesn't have to be expensive.
  • When buying a new cream, you should first purchase a sampler.
  • It is better to choose a cream not in a jar, but in a tube.
  • The cream must be safe. This will be indicated by the corresponding factor on the packaging.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date.
  • The consistency of the cream should be homogeneous and stable.
  • When buying, special attention should be paid to the composition of the cream. natural substances should be at the top of the ingredient list.
  • It is necessary to purchase a cream in accordance with the type of skin and the desired effect.

Important to remember! Overall skin health depends on correct selection cosmetic products therefore, when choosing a face cream or serum and which one is better, you should know the type of skin, the features of the products and the rules for their use.

How to use cream and serum

Which is better: face cream or serum, the instructions for using these products, which has its own characteristics, will help you figure it out. You should follow the basic recommendations when applying serum:

  1. Before applying, it is necessary to cleanse the face (peeling, tonic), remove makeup.
  2. To make the effect stronger, experts recommend applying the product to moisturized skin.
  3. For application, a small amount of this agent is sufficient, since the composition has a high concentration.
  4. Squeeze out a few drops of serum and spread it with fingertips all over the face. The area around the eyes should be avoided.
  5. Rub in the direction from the center of the forehead to the temples. Then you need to go down the contour lines of the face, neck to the collarbone area.

Serum can be used for as long as necessary. Serums should be changed depending on the season. In the hot season, it is necessary to use serums of a light consistency, in a cold season - dense. In winter, serum must be applied 30-45 minutes before going outside.

When using the cream, you must also follow a few basic rules:

  • Cosmetologists advise to rub the cream on your fingers before applying.
  • Each cosmetic product is designed for its time. enjoy day cream should be before going outside, at night - a few hours before going to bed.
  • Before applying a nourishing cream, the skin must be cleansed.
  • Apply the cream gently in a circular motion massage lines.

  • Experts advise to periodically change the cream.
  • Nourishing cream is not recommended to use every day.
  • Vitaminized or nourishing creams should not be applied over upper lip, in the brow crease, on the chin area.
  • When using any cream, it is important to observe the measure.

Cream and serum: what result to expect

The result from the use of high-quality serum can be seen almost from the first application, as the skin will instantly receive everything necessary substances. However there are serums, when using which the results will not be visible immediately, but after 4 to 6 weeks.

The maximum effect from the use of face cream can be seen after 3 weeks.

Which is better: face cream or serum. The results of the use of these funds
Serum cream
Improvement appearance skinIdeal hydration
Whitening effectcleansing
Nourishing the skin with nutrientsRejuvenation
Wrinkle reductionReduces the number of wrinkles
The skin regains its elasticityIncreased regeneration
Rejuvenation effectThe relief is leveled
Normalization of the sebaceous glandsNarrowing of pores
Improved blood flowThe skin becomes matte, silky
Getting rid of drynessReduction and elimination of redness

Disadvantages of face cream and serum

Despite the many advantages, both the cream and the serum have their drawbacks.
Serum, unlike face cream, has the following disadvantages, which must be considered when choosing which one is better - the first or second:

  • Some products can get clogged in pores. In this case, professionals advise using a facial scrub after a while.
  • Serum must be used carefully in hot weather, as a greasy sheen may appear on the face. This is especially true for those women who fat type skin.

  • Serums do not protect against UV rays.
  • The long-term effect of protection and moisturizing is not preserved.
  • Expensive quality product.
  • Short shelf life.
  • If the skin has several defects, then you will need to buy several products.
  • Not suitable for those who have pronounced spider veins on their faces.

Among the disadvantages of creams are the following:

  1. The composition of creams may include dyes, preservatives, artificial additives.
  2. Some creams increase the greasiness of the skin.
  3. No long lasting moisturizing effect.
  4. With the wrong choice of cream, there may be discomfort- itching, peeling.

Can cream and serum be used at the same time?

When choosing what will work best on the skin of the face - cream or serum, many factors must be taken into account, such as the presence of rosacea, the number of problems required to be solved, and even the time of year in which the cosmetic product will be used.

Note! It is undesirable to use serum and cream for the same problem. In such a situation, the skin will be oversaturated with active substances and the effect will be completely opposite.

However, this rule does not apply to anti-aging serums. If you apply a cream with the same effect, the effect will be more noticeable.

Which is better: face cream or serum, it is definitely difficult to answer. Each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages. Cosmetologists advise taking a complex approach to skin care, so it is advisable to use both products.

Which is better: face cream or serum. Feedback about best creams and sera:

How to choose the right face cream - advice from a cosmetologist:

They came to cosmetology from pharmacology - a science on the verge of pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. That is why they are so effective. From what age can they be used, how often and why - read in our material.

The constant impact on our body of various external aggressors - from ultraviolet radiation and polluted environment to stress - disrupts the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, which eventually leads to the formation of wrinkles and folds, dull color skin. “Today's most advanced solution for damaged skin is anti-aging laser procedures at the dermatologist's office Rsays Clinique Lead Dermatologist Dr. David Orentrek . - But the price of such a solution is quite high both for your wallet and for the skin, which needs a lot of time to recover. Modern serums are able to solve the problem of less radical method. They can work around the clock, smoothing out wrinkles and folds and repairing the effects of skin damage.”

The effectiveness of serums is associated with a higher concentration compared to a cream. active ingredients, as well as using special systems for delivering ingredients to the skin. “Firstly, serums enhance the action of creams, providing a quick visible result improving the appearance of the skin, continues Anna Yutkina, Leading Training Manager of La Prairie brand in Russia, - secondly, they allow with high accuracy to influence the cause of the appearance of deficiencies and signs premature aging. And, thirdly, they help to make your daily care behind the skin is truly effective.”

The range of possibilities of serums is very wide: there are products that help make the skin smoother and reduce wrinkles, others increase skin elasticity and provide a lifting effect, others improve complexion, moisturize, have an antioxidant effect or mattify.

How to apply serum correctly

Serums are concentrated cosmetics, so for one application you need quite a bit of it - 1-2 drops on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Serums are applied to pre-cleansed and protonated skin before applying the cream. A small amount of the product is distributed in a thin layer with soft patting movements until completely absorbed. As soon as the serum is completely absorbed, you can safely apply a cream that will complement the effect of the serum and strengthen the skin's protective barrier. By the way, it is recommended to use serum and cream from one series, then the effect will really be noticeable.

How often can I use the serum

Depending on the functions, serums are used in courses or as needed. “For example, anti-aging serum is best done in a course from the age of 30: 1-2 months regular use, then it is desirable to take the same break, and then you can repeat the course, - explains Svetlana Nazarova, cosmetologist-expert of Oriflame ". – Moisturizing and regenerating serums can be used for a longer period of time starting from the age of 25, because the factors that cause skin dehydration can occur all the time, regardless of age or season. It is better to use such serums for 3-4 months, then a break for 2-3 months, after which you can start using again.