What makes a carpet of a rooster for children. The brightest and interesting crafts for the new year. Rooster from newspaper tubes

The symbol of 2019 is a rooster and it should be in every home. He will not only decorate the room, but will additionally serve good gift For relatives and loved ones. This is a difficult symbol, he adores comfort and does not tolerate the gray everyday life. It is possible to make it at home or having enlisted by the help of your children. Joint work with your child will allow you to become even closer to each other and will help you develop faster. Let's figure it out how the caretaker is done with their own hands from a wide variety of materials - for yourself, for new Year's decoration Houses or with children for school or kindergarten.

1. Pillow in the form of a rooster

A good gift and decoration of their own interior will be a cockerel stitched with her own hands. Such a pillow can be used in the hall, bedroom, in the kitchen. Selecting the material in color, you can see add comfort to any room. You can upgrade already stitched toy and add different applications, beads. If you have even small sewing skills, then you can make such a toy yourself.

First take sheets of A4 paper or old unnecessary wallpapers. Draw on it details. Pick up special fabric. You can make a pillow of a monophonic, and on the contrary. For example, the wings of the same color, the torso - the other, the beak and the ridge - the third. For the pillow, the fabric is suitable, with which the pillow or a duvet cover used to be sewn. Optionally, not only a cockerel can be made, but even additionally the chickens.

2. Postcard with a cock

Congratulations to relatives and loved ones are always nice, but to give something else and the handicraft made with your own hands is much more pleasant. For example, it can be a postcard with a rooster - a symbol of the new year. This will take quite a bit.

You will need:

  1. Colored paper.
  2. PVA glue, but the adhesive pencil is suitable.
  3. Scotch, best bilateral.
  4. Scissors.

Add a little fantasy.

Mockups with the image of a rooting can be found very a large number of in the Internet. But if you can draw, the image of this symbol can be drawn independently. If it is a gift for the new year, then suitable blue background. You can draw snowflakes on it.

You will need two more figures Cockerel. You can more - the postcard will turn out more voluminous. On reverse side Each postcard needs to stick two-way tape and glue the postcard to the center. Under the picture, make an inscription with congratulations, for example, "Congratulations", "Happy New Year" or "Merry Christmas.

Open the postcard and write a wish inside. Or choose a wish on the Internet, print it, cut off and get a wish also on double-sided adhesion. Such volume card With a rooster will surely please your relatives and loved ones. Such a congratulation can be prepared with your child.

3. Knize a cockerel and spokes

For women who know how to knit, it will be the ideal option Make a cockerel. Such knitted rooster It will be a decoration of the kitchen or bedroom, and also suitable for a gift.

For the manufacture of this craft you will need:

  1. 4 black buttons.
  2. The cloth. Old sheets or other may be useful dense fabric. Coloring can be chosen which you like more.
  3. Little hooks.
  4. Threads 4 colors. You can cook old sweaters that are no longer needed. These can be woolen or cotton threads.

Make a symbol as follows:

  • In the first of all, make a pattern of a cockerel on paper or old wallpaper. Cut it with neat scissors.
  • Transfer it to the fabric, observe a small retreat for seam of 5 millimeters.
  • Now the cockerel and his torso head. For this, gray threads are suitable.
  • Brown with a brown tummy.
  • Make scallop and beak red.

You can knit separately parts or fully produce a cockerel entirely. Fill the toy with syntheps, cotton wool or pieces of fabric, which you need to finely cut. Shot symbol 2019 buttons instead of eyes. You can replace buttons by beads from the old necklace. Crafts ready.

4. Rooster from multicolored flaps

This toy is perfect for decorating the Christmas tree, lifting the mood and just decoration home interior. It is possible to perform it at home yourself. During the period poor mood It can be mounted in hand and it quickly raises the mood. Or put on the window in order to consider it in the morning after awakening.

You will need pieces of multicolored bright fabric. Best fit fabric bright with beautiful drawing. Additionally, you will need threads under the color of the fabric, buttons are small or beads of black.

In order to make a bright beautiful cockerel, you will need to do the following:

  • From bright fabric cut square. It can be small, medium or large, depending on the size of the toy you want to do.
  • Separately take the fabric of red. Another color will not suit, since you will do beak and scallop.
  • Details need to be inserted into the corner of the square. Inside the body of the symbol, you must invest a synthet or cotton. You can instead of taking filling with old jackets.
  • The edges of the figure should be sewn so that the pyramid is turned out.
  • You can sew a rootier long legs and put it on the fridge.
  • The tail can be prepared from thin strips of the same tissue. For a brighter and cheerful cock, the tail is well suited from several colors.

5. Plasticine Cockerel

This cracker can be made with your own hands, with what together with your child. This will help develop the motility of the hands. For this symbol you will need dough for modeling or plasticine different colors, Special one for this occupation.

Take the plasticine of any color, except for red (it will be beak and scallop).

  • Make three balls of different diameters. The head should be small, just like a head. Torchis - the biggest circle.
  • Make from red plasticine scallop and beak; From white with black - eyes.
  • Tail and wings can be done immediately from several colors. Wings can be made specifically in the form of a droplet. They can be made simply from paper or dense cardboard.
  • The place where the wings will be inserted, it is necessary to pre-prepare a place. Do not mark it with a knife and secure it with plasticine.

6. Petup of paper with your own hands

Also, just like from plasticine you can make a rooster of paper with your own hands. All you need is colored paper Or ordinary and paints or markers and a little fantasy. You can draw a cockerel yourself, you can find ready-made stencils. It can also be both bulk and flat. With children, the cockerel can be made from a yellow cone - look at the photo, and as a New Year's souvenir find some more complex and naturalistic solution.

7. Rooster from the ball and thread

Another very much easy way Make a symbol of 2019 is to make a cockerel from the ball and thread. All you need is one or two aerial balls, bright yellow, orange or red threads, PVA glue, as well as buttons and patchwork fabrics or colored paper for decorating toys and give it a complete view.

How to do:

First inflated before desired size ball. Then Makating the threads in glue and wind our ball - tightly or not too tight, as you like more - there we will prepare a frame for our future toys. There is nothing complicated, so this craft can be done on new Year And with the children. By the way, it may be not only a rooster, but also any other animal.

After the glue dries, the ball is enough just to pierce the needle and pull out the remains of the frame. We have a torso Cockerel and his head - if you decide to use two balls. Now we take buttons and make eyes from them by sticking to the frame on right place. From the flap or colored paper we make wings and tail - also glue. Paws can be made of felt, paper or wire and patchwork. That's what you can get:

8. Calp Rooster Fetra

Sew a cockerel is not only of fabric or multi-colored flaps, but also from felt. By the way, this is almost the most popular idea, since the felt will not crumble, does not need the treatment of edges, which means figures and toys will be very simple. Simple crafts Roosters are made from multicolored felt sheets: just cut parts are cut and each other is pasted on a friend - it turns out a light flat handicraft. But more complex volumetric figures from the felt will already have to sew, and it is better to use the ideas already created by someone. Here are four ready-made schemes, how to make a rooster from felt yourself, it remains only to download, print, apply on the fabric and cut:

Fetra Cockerel - Finished Scheme

And if you think it is too difficult, then look at the photo of other figures made from this material, perhaps some idea will like you more. By the way, good - does not mean difficult. There is so simple solutions For such a craft, which look very cute and fully suitable for New Year's souvenirs. For example, pay attention to the rooster of the heart.

9. Rooster of plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are very popular material for country and children's crafts. Here we have already written, what to do from bottles for cottages, and today we will tell you how to make a rooster. Most easy option crafts - it takes one bottle and with colored paper, buttons, disposable utensils And any other healthy materials to reorganize it under the symbol of the new year.

More complex options - This is the creation volumetric Petukhovwhich can be decorate a cottage. Here you can no longer do without an abstract imagination, the ability to create necessary forms and combine different colors since ready-made schemes There are simply no such figures. You will have to cut "feathers" for tails and plumage, make a scallop and collect all this in a single form. But some of these birds are right as alive - see the photo yourself:

10. Crafts from salt dough - Rooster

Another popular material for children's crafts is salty dough. It's not difficult to make it, sculpt it - also just, like from plasticine, but at the same time the figures get more durable and durable - you can not be afraid that your child will break everything because it's a little stronger than you need, squeezed my fingers on the toy.

Salt dough Cockerel Recipe:

Mix in a bowl of 200-250 grams of flour and half a cup or a little more small marine or ordinary crash salt. Add about 150 grams of water and mix thoroughly. At the end we pour 20-30 grams of glue - it is better to use PVA, so that the dough is better to hold the shape and figures did not fall apart.

Next, begin to sculpt the figure - we make a torso, add your head, you attach the wings and tail to it, and also do not forget about scallop and beak. After paint a gouache or some special paints. All the details are done separately, and then glue with glue or water. For the manufacture of small parts and give them a form, use a scalp or a thin and sharp knife, when working together with children it is better to take safe plastic tools - a spatula or something that will help you make slits and create the necessary elements.

Video: New Year's handicraft rooster with his own hands

Crafts - Fire Cock

Everyone remembers that 2019 comes fire Petushand therefore, if you do a figure, you should guide exactly on these bright colors. It can be a red rooster, orange, yellow, or you can combine all these shades in one toy. You can make such crafts of roosters from different materials - from felt and patchwork, from fabric and paper, from plastic bottles, cups and other disposable dishes. Also the fiery rooster on the new year can be made from tapes, tinsel and Christmas balls to decorate with such figures new Year tree Or use as a craft for kindergarten.

Surround cover Rooster with children

If the flat figure do not like it, why not do volumetric crafts in the form of a rooster that can and in kindergarten Children to give and give friends to New Year? About how to tie the rooting of hooks or sew pages or fabrics we have already told - this is the most popular way to do volumeful toys. Crafts in the garden for the year of the rooster are easiest to do from paper, napkins or plasticine, and if everything is clear with the plasticine, with the paper - you can use various ways, for example, to make a cone from colored paper, and only then turn it into a cockerel. You can also use such equipment as volumetric Quilling or ordinary or corrugated paper, origami, papier mache and use complex schemes and cuttings. Someone generally managed to make a rooster from cotton disc and sticks, and on the Christmas tree - from Christmas balls, cereals, pasta, coffee beans, cones, chestnuts, acorns and other natural material.

Bonus: Rooster of cereals for kindergarten

And one more crawled bonus is a cereal crook, which can be done both for kindergarten and for elementary school. Crupe can be used to use the most different, this composition can be made of peas and buckwheat, peas and beans, mankey, rice and other croup. Than more options You will have, the more interesting it will work out - there is a chance to win the contest with the child.

Technology simple: Draw on a sheet of paper Cockerel - it may well make parents, and if it is difficult to draw yourself, you can always download the finished stencil, print and use for the decor. Next tassel applied glue to the entire surface that you will fill natural material. It remains to pour a camp and give glue to dry. After that, just shame extra grains and get finished crawl. Cunning: If you use several different croup, so that they are not mixed, it is better to apply layers in turn, "coloring" glue only the sections of the drawing. But the panel from the beans or pea is already harder - there will have to put the beans with smooth rows to each other, preliminarily applying glue on paper. That's what you can get:

Photo of crafts Petukhov

What else can a cockerel make? Yes, from anything, from buttons or plastic bottles (such a craft can be decorated with garden at the cottage). It can be wooden or from threads, from old things or some other techniques, such as disposable plates. Picture in a quilling technique with a cock - symbol of 2019 - can also be great gift. Of satin ribbons, Feather and beads can be done decorated for a packet of paper or fabric.

Rooster - symbol of 2017, with their own hands made of different materialswill become wonderful memorable gift For a loved one.

And according to believe, he will also bring good luck to the house where it is settled.

A simple symbol of 2017, with your own hands, you can make it possible to make it possible to make a craft in the form of a wall panel. At the beginning of work, you will need to make a background (sky and grass) layer of plasticine of the corresponding color. In the sky immediately do clouds. Then the brown elevation is laid out, and sunflowers are planted near it. In the hedge, we replenish the bright rustic rooster, making it quite convex.

From plasticine it turns out this new Year's souvenir - Picture with a root.

Picture with a cock - symbol of 2017

New Year's cockerel can be made of salted dough. Look more on video:

You can make a rooster from a bright cardboard sheet. To do this, we cut off one of the corners of the cardboard around the circle and turn it into the cone. From the remaining paper, cut the wings, and from the red cardboard - scallop, beak and legs.

By the same principle you can make small funny cocks.

You can arrange them in the form of a postcard, the decoration of which will be the wings of feathers.

The original cockerel is obtained from paper rings and a triangle, which easily turns the strips.

And if the caller do from paper cylinder, Cockerel will become more stable.

Expanding the cylinder vertically, you get the basis for the original suspension.

Pendant pendant

And gluing it low part, you can do interesting souvenirs. Special chic they will give the wings of feathers.

Pries can also be used when creating a cockerel from a bright shopping glove. If you replace it with a glove from knitwear, the craft is more durable.

The smallest creators will be under the power to perform a rooting in the technique of drawing and appliqués.

Print and cut the template for drawing a "Cockerel".

Pattern for drawing "Cockerel"

Color the cockerel in the most rainbow colors. It remains to decorate a roast tail. Cut from colored paper bright stripes And please ride small tubes from them. We glue the tubes on the tail.

Figure and Applique for the little ones "Cockerel"

To make the cock even brighter and more beautifully sprinkle it with sparkles.

Little kids will be able to make the applique of the "rooster" from colored feathers. Two sheets are based on dense paperBetween which the wand is glued.

Applique of colored feathers "Rooster"

In kindergarten, you can make a joint work "Cockerel from Ladoshek".

The beautiful applique of Petushok is obtained from coffee beans and real feathers.

Applique "Rooster" from coffee beans

Predeshki and in the manufacture of roosters-bells, the foundations of which are excreted from or clay. And as a basis, it is convenient to use cells from cardboard packaging from under eggs.

You can turn into a casket cover a whole carriage for chicken Yaitz. Fill it with small candy - and already ready a gift for kids!

In the paper, you can use other cast materials - for example, disposable plates. Pendants of them differ simplicity of manufacture.

Funny cocks are obtained from colored clothespins, decorated with pieces of felt.

And from a piece of knitwear or sitse tissue can be sewn soft toy In the form of a symbol of the year.

Beautiful New Year's roots are obtained from a multicolored felt. Details of patterns connect with a thread or glue. The inside of the crafts fill with cotton.

Fetra can make a flat root on a stick.

Skillful craftsmen will be under the power to make a cockerel from colored wool.

Look at the Master Class video: " New Year's Petushok Fetra.

It looks very beautifully a cockerel created in the technique.

It is not inferior to him on the originality and beauty of the rooster in a wall panel, decorated from flat colorful butt. Using bugs different sizeYou will make a more expressive picture.

Applique "Rooster" from buttons

And placing such a panel into a glass frame, you will noticeably extend the life of its service.

Picture "Rooster" from buttons

A charming colorful rooster is obtained from beads.

Very different cocks can be done using vegetables and fruits. This symbol of the year you can decorate the festive new Year's table.

Decoration of the table "Rooster"

A very spectacular rooster is obtained from apples.

Parts of the crafts connect with a toothpicks.

Look at the video - how to make a fiery cockerel from Formin.

Show the kids on the topic, how the symbol of 2017 is made with your own hands, a master class - and they will definitely surprise you unusual faiths and solutions!

Symbols Easter holidays - Eggs, chickens and cocks. If the living rooster you do not have the opportunity to bring yourself in the apartment, then you must make an Easter symbol with your own hands, for example, from paper, and we will help you in this.

And more eastern calendar New 2017 year - year of the rooster. Although it is not our traditional calendar, but the tradition of assigning a year is very interesting, entertaining, and expands the horizons of the child. In addition, so many different interesting new Year's crafts You can do in the form of a symbol of the year, hang on the Christmas tree in the form of a toy or put under the Christmas tree with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, or even put these crafts for the New Year's table, especially since the rooster will look great.

We will make a bulk cock from a cardboard cone with your own hands.

Master class Cockerel from cone

For the manufacture of roosters, we will need: Color cardboard, double-sided colored paper bright flowers, Circle, line, pencil, scissors, glue, markers.

We take a sheet of color cardboard, choose its smaller side, measure the middle and put the point. At this point, we set the edge of the circus and blacks the semicircle from the angle to the corner of the cardboard sheet.

Cut this semicircle.

We need to collapse from this semicircular cone and glue it. The top of the cone is the middle of the straight side, just the point where the tip of the circular was. From this point and to the end of the straight side, we lubricate the edge.

We fold the cone, bending the straight side in half, imposing the adhesive half of the straight side onto its second half, glue. Cone for the body of the rooster is ready.

Cut the beak. We fold a small strip of colored paper in half, cut 2 angle to get a triangle, reveal - the beak is ready.

The glued side of the cone - the spin of the cockerel. Adhesion beak to the opposite straight. We smear glue only 1 half the beak and glue.

Making scallop. Cut from paper strip 1 cm wide. We are glued by one end on the peeper of the rooster.

When the first loop is glued, we make 2 more such loops and glue the whole scallop, you cut off too much.

From the band residues, we cut 3 droplets, one more, and 2 smaller, glue with sharp ends under the beak, it will be a rooster of a beard.

To make a cock rooster, cut at least 5 bands of different colors from colored paper. Strip width 1 cm.

For a wing of 1 strip we put in 3 loops, one more, the second is slightly smaller and the third is even less. We glue the base of the loop, so that the wing does not fit. You can cut the strip on short segments and from each to do on the loop. Then there will be 3 separate loops on the wing, but they can be made in different colors.

Make 2 such wings. We glue the wings on the cone.

For the tail from one paper strip, we make a loop and leave a long tail.

This long tail is raised by scissors. We glue a loop with a tail on a cone from behind.

We still make a couple of such loops with tails, bend, glue the whole tail.

Draw the peel with a felt-tip pen.

Cockerel is ready, you can use it in the design of the New Year's interior.

Craft can be easier if you plan to do the cock not with junior schoolboy, and with children of kindergarten elders or preparatory group. Just like in the master class, make a cone, beak, and cut 6-8 bands different color From colored paper. Next, each strip is cut into 3 parts. The ends of these segments bend with scissors. We stick the strips to the cone: the red - in place of the Khokholka, other colors - wings and tail. Looping from red paper - Beard Cockerel. Pieces draw felt-tip pen.

Such a cheerful chicken coop :)

Video how to make a cock

Despite its simplicity and low cost, paper is one of the most interesting materials For crafts and creativity, because of it you can make as many different beautiful things: appliques, flat and volume figures In the Origami technique, the whole paintings in the Quilling technique are luxurious panels and a lot of other.

In addition, there are so many paper varieties and such a diverse color scheme that it will certainly be able to find their embodiment with it. creative ideas And ideas.

Try to start with the manufacture of not very complex products. For example, with any variation of the image of the cockerel.

How can he be?

Many master classes are dedicated to the creation of a cockerel from paper with their own hands. You can make it the most different waysDepending on which image is expected, as well as the purpose of manufacturing this product:

  • if the child needs an exercise in the kindergarten, then help him make appliqué. To do this, you just need to print the template, cut its parts, and then make the same items with them, but with colored paper. Get all the parts to the cardboard to get a cockerel. Suppliate Appliqué - Dorisite or also make out of paper grass and flowers, sunny sky, branches for the rooster, you can create even a whole family by adding a chicken and chickens to it. It turns out very beautiful if you take a dense, shiny or velvet paper. Can be decorated with sparkles;

  • applique may be experimental - for example, try on the workpiece of the cock the cocks and corrugated paper, but not just like that. If you are glad to color corrugated paper In a bowl with water and rinse it a bit there, the water will turn around, and the paper will acquire interesting and divorces - this will add the appliques of originality and make the craft unique;

  • another interesting option Applications with your own hands - make a lot of blanks from the children's palms circled on paper, then cut them and chaotic to glue a cock-tooching, adding some more items;

  • with small children it is easy to make with their own hands and a surround cockerel who will become a wonderful character in the production of a puppet paper theater and come in handy for the dramatization of various fairy tales. To make it easily, you will also need a template from which it will be necessary to cut the items. The basis and torso of such a cockerel will serve as a cone (it must be glued), and the head in the form of a cylinder will attaches. Rectangles bend along the bend lines, and form the wings, tail, scallop and beak from the strips. Stick all the details (see the assembly scheme);

  • it's even easier to make your own figurine from paper cone - Cut and glue a cone from colored paper, and stick to it with eyes, a keyboard (folded triangle), scallop, auxilies and a tail from a variety of stripes, as well as legs from the harmonica;

  • very peculiar crafts in the technique of simple and modular origami, the rooster will be described slightly below;

  • in the technique of paper plastic, you can also perform interesting hands modular figures - To do this, you will need a scheme and a template, according to which you need to cut and glue the parts, and then simulate a cock figurine;
  • if you have at least minimal skills in the killing technique, you can create whole pictures and panels. The easiest way is to use ready template Birds on which you will need to simply attach multicolored forms. For the manufacture of more complex products you can watch a special master class. Some masters even combine various techniques, for example, the torso and the head of the rooster do from paper masses or papier-mâché, and the tail, scallop, wings and other details - in the program quilling (element "droplet");

  • looking like quilling and the manufacture of a cockerel from corrugated pipes, twisted from multi-colored corrugated paper;

  • beautiful and original figures can be made from the same papier-mache and even from paper trays for eggs.

Make a cockerel in the Origami technique

  1. Beautiful cockerel is easy enough after some manipulations with a square sheet of paper. Note the folds of folds and fold the sheet diagonally. Then bend the corners of the inflection lines.
  2. Approximately half of the paper figurines flex back and make the bend on both sides.
  3. Get out the top corner up and inside, and then turn the fold.
  4. Then the upper corner is flexible to the right and again inside, and the fold is first inside and back, and then inside and forth. After that, the angles bend from both sides inside the figures.

For the manufacture of modular Petushka It will take first to make individual modules for it (about four hundred pieces), and then combine them together.

Mastery Cockerel made of paper trays for eggs

  1. To make the original and beautiful cocks made of paper trays for eggs, take the tray, disassemble it on the cells and cut out, as if separate tulip.
  2. Then glue with each other using fine paper.
  3. Cut the rooster from the tray and make the beak.
  4. Prepare the blanks from the cardboard and begin to glue the feathers from small to large.
  5. True Petushka Make this: balloon Puck the scraps of the newspaper and white paper. When it gets free, cut it into two parts (they should not be equal).
  6. Take the one that more and insert smaller into it. Start collecting a cockerel, attaching wings, tail, paws and muffin with all the details.
  7. Krave the product Pearl acrylic paints, changing the colors and shades, so that the rooster turned out to be bright and motley.
  8. So that it and stood well and stood, you can attach it to the support, and the upgrade is upgraded painted eggs or other decor.

Master class: "Cockerel - Golden Grab". Crafts sound material

Sneaker Alena Aleksandrovna
Place of work: MBDOU "Jubilee kindergarten №19" Zhuravushka "Totemsky district, Vologda region
Work description:this material can be useful in the work of caregivers, as in the immediate educational activitiesand for decorating the objective environment in the group or on pleasure plotas well as in gaming activities children; Parents will be useful to leisure a child.
Purpose: Production of toys - a cockerel from the cast material.
- To acquaint with the option of crafts, a cockerel from the cast material.
- Develop a shallow motorcy.
- to educate the perishability, accuracy, patient, love for the surrounding world.
- A large or small capsule from under Kinder - Surprise;
- multicolored Loskutka leatherette
- Multicolored Scotch,
- sponge for washing dishes,
- Couple of finished eyes,
- super - glue and new Year's Mishura.
Variants of the material used:instead of a capsule from the kinder - surprise, you can use a capsule from under the chups - chupe, or another throwing item oval, cylindrical form. I had a camera from a broken water pistol. Production is similar. Instead of scotch, you can use a multi-colored isolate or the same leatherette. The eyes are sold in the store, but it can be done themselves from the materials mentioned above. You can also not use the sponge if you make legs in a rooster from the leatherette. To decorate the rooting, you can take a peppers, multicolored paper, self-adhesive paper. I took the materials that would not be splashing, as I made a craft to decorate the site.
Tools: Scissors, pencil or handle to circulate patterns. I cut out the details without using templates, so the pencil did not use.

Petya, Petya, Cockerel!
Golden scallop!
Come soon to our garden
And please all the guys!


1. Prepare everything necessary materials and tools.

2. We take our chamber (in my case) or a capsule from under Kinder - surprise. I will call it the basis.

3. Cooking plastic eyes and glue.

4. Gently glue the eyes to the top of our base.

5. From the leatherette of the red color, we cut the beak in the form of a rhombus (or discovered and cutting out the template).

6. We glue our keyboard in the middle below the eyes.

7. Preparing tinsel for scallop. We fold several times by forming the scallop.

Since I had a hole at the base, I pasted the scallop into the hole, pre-smeared with glue. In the case of another basis, the scallop is simply glued at the very top. You can glue the rooting of eyebrows in the form of triangle from color tape for decoration.

8. Next, cut the wings from the leatherette. I took brown colorBut you can choose any other. Cut out without a template, in the form of a sheet, folding the rectangle from the leatherette 9 * 12 in half. I started with a wide rounding, narrowing towards an end.

9. We glue the wings to the base from the sides. The position may be different. Wings can be omitted, directed forward or backward. It all depends on your idea and fantasy!

10. Decorate the wings using a tape or other materials. For this you can cut "leaves" less than different colors. Scotch is not very accurate, so I recommend using self-adhesive colored paper.

11. On the template, we cut the beard cockerel from the leatherette and decorate. We glue below the beak.

12. Next, we put our shelter on the legs. To do this, cut out the legs in the form of two triangles from a sponge for washing dishes. The size should be proportional to your basis. Or use the template. The foundations from - under the Kinderglow are well standing on the legs of the leatherette. We glue at the bottom of the base.

Here is our cockpit-
Gold scallop!
You can safely play with him,
Do not let him get bored!
If it becomes bored yet
Immediately we will help him:
Make him a girlfriend -
Our chicken is a bottle!
And the kids are
Everything is not bored now!

For the manufacture of the chicken, we use the same stages, but decorated with something else. I got my eye gum for hair, which I was glued to the base. Also, it can be a nipple, bows, etc. The basis is made of a large capsule from the kinder - surprise.

Making options and decoration chickens are also a great set!

This is I. cocktail tubes, and threads for knitting, and other materials. They are made of multicolored capsules from chups - Chupps.

The image of your craft depends only on you and your imagination! Dare, you will succeed!