Swimming in the cold sea during pregnancy. Pregnancy and vacation at sea. If you are going to swim in the river water, do not forget

All women love to relax at sea. For them, it is at the same time a health-improving rest, a pleasant pastime and relaxation. But what should the woman who was in interesting position? Can a salty sea harm a future fetus? And what is the right way to rest for a pregnant woman so that rest is not a risk?

Can I swim during pregnancy?

There is no definite answer to this question. It all depends on the individual condition of the woman and the duration of pregnancy.

Most favorable period for a trip to the sea for a pregnant woman are 12 - 24 weeks. During this period of time, the body has already managed to get used to the state of pregnancy and, as a rule, the woman feels well. It is better not to appear at sea until 12 weeks, because it is by this time that all the systems and organs of the fetus are laid, and the limbs and the head are born. On this period accounts for more total miscarriages. Women who experience the following phenomena should also give up sea recreation:

  • toxicosis during the 2nd half of pregnancy
  • risk of miscarriage
  • pathology of the placenta
  • skin rashes
  • chronic ailments in an exacerbated stage
  • allergy

However, if you do not have the above contraindications, you can safely go on vacation to cote d'azur... Many women love exotic vacations.... TO this kind rest should be taken with extreme caution. For example, swimming in the Dead Sea. The specialist will not forbid you to swim in this reservoir, since its waters are very useful, however, it is better for pregnant women to refrain from swimming in the Dead Sea. You can only slightly wet your feet and rinse your body. Rinsing will help prevent some skin diseases and the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy. In addition, the surface of the skin is saturated with useful microelements.

However, one should not forget about contraindications for bathing. The point is that in the water Dead sea enough high pressure... This can negatively affect the state of the body. future mom and a child. You should also refrain from traveling to this place in July and June., since the air temperature at this time can reach an annual maximum.

Benefits of bathing during pregnancy

Can pregnant women swim in the open sea? The answer is obviously yes. Swimming is one of those types of physical activity that are necessary for pregnant women. Most women in an interesting position now have a sedentary job, practically do not move and have little rest in the fresh air.

is useful and safe. Swimming in the sea will be the best option, since most modern reservoirs leave much to be desired in terms of cleanliness. The sea constantly has clean water as a result of the regular exchange of water masses. And the southern air not only perfectly strengthens respiratory system, but also gives protective powers to the expectant mother.

Swimming in the sea and other bodies of water during pregnancy also tones everything internal organs, enhances metabolism and significantly reduces the likelihood of gestosis, anemia and edema. Swimming in sea water combined with fresh sea air gives the blood a large flow of oxygen and maintains the hemoglobin level in it.

That is why most gynecologists, when answering the question: "Is it possible for pregnant women to swim in the sea," almost always say: yes. Only if the pregnancy is proceeding with any complications or a woman has individual contraindications to swimming in sea water, the attending physician may prohibit swimming in the sea during pregnancy. In other cases, the gynecologist can only advise to observe a sense of proportion.

When bathing in sea water, a pregnant woman regains its former lightness, relieves fatigue from the body, relieves stress, relieves the condition of the legs. Salt, iodine and other minerals contained in salt water, which enter the woman's body when bathing, have a positive effect on the female body. Salty water in comparison with fresh, it is 25% more effective in improving the metabolic function of the skin. Also sea bathing is a light massage strength. Swimming is a great workout for your muscles, including your abdominal muscles. This, in turn, can provide huge help during childbirth.

Despite a lot of positive aspects, during pregnancy it is worth paying attention to some of the dangers that may lie in wait for a young mother when swimming in the sea. Specificity can be one of these dangers. seabed. If you are going to rest there, where you have already been, you should take care of special shoes which will help to avoid injury to the feet on small stones or corals. Certain types of poisonous fish or jellyfish can also cause serious trouble.

When answering the question "is it possible to swim during pregnancy", one should not forget about such a factor as the temperature of the water. In no case should it be low, as this threatens hypothermia. Experts recommend swimming for pregnant women in the sea only when the water temperature has reached 20 °. If, due to weather conditions, the water is colder, then it is worth waiting for the warming. An alternative to swimming when cold water can be a walk along the coast. Even a simple breath of sea air can be useful not only for the unborn baby, but also for the mother.

Dosing loads one more important rule when relaxing at sea. Even if you were an excellent swimmer before and could sail several kilometers from the shore, then during pregnancy you should forget about such loads. It is better to replace one long entry into the water with two short ones. With such a change in training regimen, severe fatigue can occur. In this case, you can get out of the water, relax, lie on the beach and only then return to swimming.

It should also be borne in mind that the risk of seizures in salt water in pregnant women is much higher than in ordinary people. This is due to a lack of calcium and magnesium., as well as squeezing the nerve endings.

Swimming in the Black Sea

To relax in this body of water the best months will become August and July, as the water is very cold during the rest of the year. The most important thing is to find a secluded, clean and civilized beach.

The Black Sea will be useful not only for a pregnant woman, but also for any other person. Scientists have long proved that its composition is close in the content of chemical trace elements to human blood. The Black Sea also has more low density water compared to other seas. Accordingly, in order to swim in this reservoir, you will need to make more physical efforts. This is a necessary physical activity for a pregnant woman..

  • Hydrogen sulfide found in the depths of the Black Sea is useful for the heart of a young mother and her future baby.
  • Compared to other bodies of water, the Black Sea water is softer, so it does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Most modern reservoirs to one degree or another will be useful for both a pregnant woman and her unborn baby, however, the choice should be made based on the individual needs of the mother and baby. For example, if a young mother cannot swim, it is worth choosing a shallow body of water. A good option will become the Sea of ​​Azov.

Swimming in the Azov sea

Most reservoirs of this type are distinguished by a variety of trace elements. The Sea of ​​Azov is known all over the world for the presence of curative mud, which has no analogues anywhere else. Also, water and air are saturated with iodine. All these factors will be beneficial to both the body of a pregnant woman and the unborn child. Coating curative mud will help prevent stretch marks and reduce the likelihood of pigmentation. Good prevention colds is an high concentration iodine in the air. Rest will be even more useful if you avoid large cities and settle only in small villages by the sea.

On a warm summer day, it is pleasant to swim and relax in a sun lounger on the shore of a local reservoir. Sunbathing have a beneficial effect on the body future mother: they strengthen the immune system, stimulate blood circulation and metabolism, help in the prevention infectious diseases... In addition, sunburn promotes the production of vitamin D in the body of a pregnant woman, which is very important for the health of the baby. They are no less useful for pregnant women and bathing: water also helps to improve metabolic processes in the body, blood circulation in the placenta, normalize blood pressure and uterine tone, helps to get rid of edema, pain in the back and joints, and heaviness in the legs.

Of course, the "interesting position" dictates its own laws - not everything that is included in the usual "assortment" of beach holidays is safe for the expectant mother. Some water activities will have to be abandoned altogether, others will be slightly adjusted, taking into account pregnancy. The regime of stay in water and in the sun will also require changes: time of day, duration of bathing and sunbathing, admissible temperature water and air. This does not mean at all that beach vacation will turn into continuous prohibitions for the expectant mother. Not at all, but there are still a few guidelines to follow.

Council number 1. How to swim for pregnant women: watch the temperature

Make sure the water temperature is at least 22 ° C and the air temperature is about 25 ° C. You can watch the weather forecast on the Internet or simply measure the temperature of the water with a water thermometer while already on the shore.

Caution - danger! Cold water can cause cramps and colds. In the flowing reservoirs of our latitudes, water warms up much later than air. It often happens that vacationers exhausted by the heat begin to swim in unheated water, and this is unsafe. Cold water immersion can cause seizures calf muscles- and in a pregnant woman, convulsions in the water occur quite often due to the peculiarities of blood circulation in this important period... As the baby grows, the pregnant uterus makes it difficult for blood to flow in the vessels of the pelvis, and as a result, more than usual amount of venous blood, poor in oxygen, is retained in the vascular bed of the legs. This stagnation is one of the main factors that provoke cramps in the water. As a result of a sudden muscle spasm, the expectant mother can lose balance, fall, bump and gulp in water, and if a spasm in the water catches a pregnant woman while swimming at a depth, swimming in cold water can be life threatening!

If you have a cramp in the water

  • If your fingers are on your hand, you need to try to straighten them with your other hand. It is important to try to relax all the muscles of the clenched hand as much as possible - shake it, stroke it and knead the muscles with the other hand. In addition, this method helps: with all the strength, quickly clench the fist of the clenched hand, shake it, and then sharply unclench the fingers.
  • With cramps in the leg, the following actions help: you need to stretch the straight leg and pull with all your might thumb to myself. You can also pinch or prick sharp object, collapsed leg muscles by the edge of a nail or a shell.
  • If the above methods do not help, you need to take the "float" position - tilt your head, wrap your hands around your knees, pull them to your stomach and slowly, without sharp movements straighten the flattened leg with your hands. The advantage of this position is that you do not have to simultaneously try to stay on one leg and relieve the other from the cramps. As soon as the muscle spasm passes, you need to immediately get out of the water, sit down or lie down and rub yourself well with a towel, and then massage the muscles with your fingers. Swimming on this day is no longer worth it.

Council number 2. How to swim for pregnant women: make sure the pool is clean for swimming

From the point of view of water purity, it is best to choose flowing clean reservoirs - small rivers, on the banks of which there are no industrial enterprises. Do not be too lazy to first inquire about the purity of the water from the local residents. When choosing a place to swim, find out if there is a nearby watering hole for livestock, sewage discharges, sewers, a port or a large boat station with motor boats nearby - these factors significantly reduce the safety of the bathing reservoir. If we are talking about a fairly large reservoir (river, lake, reservoir), information on the purity of the water can be easily found on the Internet.

Caution - danger! Unfortunately, water pollution by industrial waste, sewage, sewage is not uncommon. In rural areas, reservoirs serve as a place for bathing and watering for livestock, locals wash cars on the bank. All this can lead to the occurrence of infectious diseases in the expectant mother ( intestinal infections, hepatitis A, as well as skin diseases).

Council number 3. How to swim for pregnant women: find out where to go into the water and what is the bottom of the reservoir

Another important factor in the safety of bathing pregnant women is the course and bottom topography in the reservoir. Even if the river is shallow, but the bottom of the reservoir is dotted with large boulders or holes, it is, of course, better to refrain from swimming. To avoid getting acquainted with underwater springs, rocks and pits, snags and large debris nailed by the wave in shallow water, give preference to organized beaches. When swimming for the first time in an unfamiliar place, do not hesitate to ask vacationers about the features of the bottom and dangerous places.

Caution - danger! Uneven topography of the bottom of the reservoir, stones, muddy bottom - it is much easier to stumble, lose balance and fall in the water, which can lead to sprains, dislocation and even a fracture, which, of course, is extremely undesirable for a bather “in position”.

It is worth staying in the water for no more than 10 minutes during one bathing of a pregnant woman. At the same time, try to move and swim more. Of course, this does not mean that it is contraindicated for a pregnant woman to swim for more than 10 minutes a day: if you feel well, it is quite possible to go into the water several times, but you should not swim for a long time without a break: this causes hypothermia, physical fatigue and can provoke cramps in the water even with normal temperature water. Once ashore, dry yourself immediately with a towel and remain in the sun for 3-5 minutes to warm up. Do not go into the water more than once every half hour.

Not only in the pond!
If your health does not allow you to be away from home or there is no decent reservoir nearby, you can still provide yourself with water procedures. In the city, you can visit the pool - if you wish (and, of course, you feel good) at least every day! Give preference to swimming pools where group lessons with expectant mothers and babies: they have more stringent sanitary and hygienic requirements, and the water in them is much warmer! Before signing up for the pool, be sure to consult with your doctor. If you spend the summer outside the city, you can arrange for yourself regular water treatments right in your own garden. Enough to fill warm water inflatable pool, put a sun lounger next to it - and "beach" rest is guaranteed! And, of course, no matter where you spend your summer "in position", on a hot day you can always take a refreshing shower - and more than once!

Council number 5. How to swim for pregnant women: take care of the comfort of a beach holiday

Subject to the rules of exposure to the sun and the well-being of the expectant mother, sunbathing is even useful - they contribute to the release of vitamin D, which is responsible for the prevention of rickets in the baby. However, the expectant mother will not be able to be in motion or on her feet all the time. In order for the sun baths to be beneficial, and the rest by the water does not tire the lady "in an interesting position", it is important to take care of a comfortable rest on the shore. The rules here are very simple - both at sea and in our strip it is dangerous to stay in the open sun, so it is better to choose a place to rest in the shade or partial shade.

Caution - danger! A pregnant woman should not sunbathe lying on the ground, even on a mat. On the one hand, the earth may not be warmed up enough, and then the expectant mother runs the risk of getting cold. On the other hand, if there is sand on the beach, on the contrary, it may turn out to be too hot and lead to overheating of the body. It is simply uncomfortable to lie on the pebbles, especially against the background of weight gain during pregnancy. Finally, it is simply uncomfortable for the expectant mother to get up from the litter level with the ground. If the waterfront is not equipped with sun loungers, bring a folding chair from home.

Council number 6. How to sunbathe for pregnant women: protect yourself from sunburn and overheating

Remember that it is dangerous to stay in the open sun at noon. You can sunbathe a pregnant woman without danger to health before 10 and after 17 hours. When spending the day near the reservoir, be sure to cover your head with a panama or wide-brimmed hat... Try to go into the shade for at least 10 minutes every 20 minutes so as not to overheat. In addition, sunscreen should be applied to exposed areas 15 minutes before leaving the house. When choosing cosmetics for the sun, give preference to products without perfumery fragrances - during pregnancy, the risk of developing skin allergic reactions... The skin of the expectant mother becomes more sensitive, which means that the chosen product should have a sun protection factor one level stronger than the one you usually use. You can opt for sunscreens for babies - they are hypoallergenic and always have the maximum UV protection factor.

Caution - danger! During bathing, these rules become especially relevant - after all, water reflects Sun rays, increasing their effect on the skin. At the same time, in water that is cool compared to air, the feeling of heat disappears, signaling us about overheating of the skin and danger sunburn... Overheating during pregnancy can harm the development of the baby: with high temperature the body of the future mother, her blood becomes thicker and slower moves through the vessels of the placenta, and after all, it is with placental blood flow baby gets nutrients and oxygen!

Council number 7. Bathing pregnant: do not participate in active beach and water activities

During pregnancy, you will have to give up many traditionally summer sports games... The "forbidden" sports include riding on a "cheesecake", banana, jet ski and water skiing - too much physical activity, the risk of falling and injury. For the same reason, participation in beach volleyball is canceled. But the expectant mother may well take on the role of a referee, as well as swim, play with an inflatable ball in the water and ride a boat - of course, as a passenger!

Caution - danger! You must not scuba dive during pregnancy - abrupt change pressure during immersion can provoke a spasm of placental vessels and even lead to premature detachment placenta. It is important to follow this rule from the very beginning of pregnancy, even if the tummy is not yet visible at all: on early dates pressure drops are no less dangerous for the crumbs!

Beneficially at sea

  • At the seaside resort, you need to start swimming and tanning gradually. It has been noticed that swimming in seawater during pregnancy helps to reduce edema, helps to cope with high blood pressure and anemia, normalizes uteroplacental blood flow.
  • Sea air soothes nervous system future mother. And the sun's rays carry vitamin D, which is so necessary for the baby. You can start water procedures the next day after arrival, if the water is not colder than 22 ° C, and the sea is within 2 points. It is desirable that at least 1–1.5 hours have passed since breakfast.
  • Before entering the water, stand for 5-10 minutes in the shade so that the body gradually cools down and there is sharp drop temperatures when swimming. For the first time, it is enough to stay in the water for about 10 minutes. On the following days provided wellness bathers can gradually increase the duration of water procedures up to 30 minutes.
  • After bathing, you must immediately warm up and dry yourself with a towel. But do not rush to rinse with fresh water - let the sea salt, which has settled in the pores of your skin, have a beneficial effect on your body!

A pregnant woman should pay special attention to her health. Many expectant mothers are interested in whether it is possible to swim in open natural reservoirs, pools and take a bath at home? Will this harm the developing fetus?

Swimming in natural reservoirs

Some doctors argue that the water in natural reservoirs is not very clean and can cause infection. There is no shame in the fact that a pregnant woman went to the city beach or decided to swim in the river at the dacha. If the beach is equipped for people, there is a lifeguard booth, then the expectant mother may well rest and relax.

As for the infection, the female vagina is tightly closed with mucus, which plays the role of a kind of barrier for pathogenic microorganisms. The expectant mother can have a great rest in the shade on the sea coast and not be afraid to go into a clean coastal area. If the water temperature is too low, then you should refrain from bathing. In cold water there is big risk the occurrence of seizures.

Also, do not go swimming if the pond is too polluted with mud. A woman who cannot swim should not go too deep. Of course, there is some risk of catching an infectious process when swimming in the sea or river. Therefore, under certain circumstances, it is better to refrain from entering the water waist-deep.

It is important to take care of personal safety in the river and the sea. It is necessary to thoroughly know all the nuances of the bottom, on the way you may encounter notches and large pits. A woman shouldn't twist her leg, hit her toes about sea ​​stones, injure the foot. In some bodies of water, very poisonous fish swim, so you should inquire about the inhabitants of the chosen swimming area.

You shouldn't swim too far during pregnancy. You need to be more careful and protect yourself from high loads and unforeseen threats. In the water, a cramp can grab a leg, stitch pain in the side, and dizziness. It is better for a pregnant woman to swim together near people and at the first sign of fatigue, it is necessary to leave the beach.

In principle, doctors do not prohibit a pregnant woman from swimming in the sea. It is only important not to overheat the body, not to be on the beach in the heat, try to avoid the sun. You can swim when the water temperature is over 20 degrees. Future mother can just enjoy the sea air on the beach and dream of his baby in a quiet and peaceful environment.

Swimming in the pool

The main contraindications for visiting the pool during pregnancy:

  • toxicosis;
  • skin diseases;
  • risk of miscarriage.

The pool can be visited if the attending gynecologist does not prohibit it. Of course, the reservoir must be clean. It is necessary to take personal hygiene products, your own slippers and a towel into the room. You cannot use public things, even if they do not seem suspicious. It's very easy to pick up in the pool fungal infection... But then it is difficult to cure it. And the expectant mother does not need any infection in the body at all.

In the clean, transparent water of an artificial reservoir during pregnancy, you can perform various exercises... They relieve stress on the pelvis, heart and blood vessels. Exercising in the pool has a very beneficial effect on the functions of the musculoskeletal system. The pool is shown to many people with disabilities. physical activity... During pregnancy, doctors do not prohibit a woman from visiting the pool if there is no threat of premature birth.

Special classes in an artificial reservoir will help prepare female body To upcoming birth... Relieve the load on the lower back. Will strengthen cardiovascular system... Gymnastics can be done independently or with a personal instructor. Exercise stress in the pool it is less traumatic and carries a threat to the fetus. If the pregnancy is complicated, then the visit to the reservoir should be postponed until postpartum period.

There is a myth about the dangers of taking a bath while carrying a baby. Many doctors threaten the penetration of infection into the vagina and overheating of the body. However, everything is much simpler and safer. During pregnancy, taking a bath is permissible, but with certain conditions and restrictions.

Do not take a hot bath. The water should be warm, and you can stay in it for no more than 15 minutes. Such a bath will not harm either mom or baby. On the contrary, the procedure will calm down the nervous system at night, relax all ligaments and muscles, and improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The bathtub itself should not be slippery or dangerous. It is required to exclude any fall while carrying a child. You can put a special rug in the bathtub to prevent the woman from slipping. You can also call on the future dad for help, who will control the position of the pregnant woman's body. During the bath, you should not close the door so that in case of danger, loved ones can come to the rescue at any time. On the way out, wear non-slip rubber slippers, and there should also be a non-slip mat on the bathroom floor.

The expectant mother should not get carried away with hydromassage and jacuzzi. Some doctors say negative impact such procedures. Prefer a regular warm relaxing bath. You can take a bath at night with essential oil or herbal decoction. Baths with sea ​​salt remove the swelling of the limbs and have a beneficial effect on the entire body of the expectant mother.

Bath and sauna

Bathing in a hot bath should be postponed until the postpartum period. There are no specific restrictions for saunas and baths, but a pregnant woman should understand the threat of overheating of her body during pregnancy. It is better not to allow such loads on the body if you do not want to lose your child. Do not provoke the development of bleeding and do not visit the sauna or Russian bath. Postpone the steam bath until the appropriate time. This way you will save your pregnancy and your health.

Bathhouse and sauna are not suitable premises for the expectant mother. The sudden rush of blood can cause bleeding and cause a pregnancy to fail. Doctors strongly advise against visiting the steam room at any stage of pregnancy. This should always be borne in mind when you want to visit the sauna.

Bathing and daily hygiene useful and necessary during the gestation period. Hygiene is a rather broad concept. However, in everything you need to know when to stop. It is required to competently relate to taking a shower and bath, swimming in open and closed reservoirs. Pay attention to the purity of the water, the safety of the bottom, and the temperature of the water. All water procedures should be beneficial and enjoyable. However, they should not threaten the bearing of the fetus and the health of the woman.

During gestation, a woman needs to observe a sleep and rest regimen. V female body there are many changes, so you should be especially careful not to take conscious risks. It is imperative to listen to the doctor's recommendations and follow them throughout pregnancy.

Video: is it possible to swim during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women become very careful. Many new questions arise about the way of life during this period. This is especially true for women who are pregnant for the first time. For example, many are wondering whether it is possible for pregnant women to swim in the sea?

Sea water and tempts to swim in it, but won't this occupation harm the expectant mother and baby? To get rid of unnecessary fears, let's take a closer look at this issue.

Sea water contains organic salts. These salts have positive influence on a pregnant woman. In summer, pregnant women may feel unwell due to the heat. In order to maintain a normal body temperature, water procedures will be very useful.

In this case, not only sea water is good, but also fresh. Thermoregulation occurs when a woman is dipped in water. In a reservoir, the water temperature is always lower than the temperature human body... During water procedures, the body immediately begins to generate additional heat, burns fats.

This process is also the prevention of diabetes. It is about gestational diabetes mellitus that happens during pregnancy.

About sea bathing

So is it possible for pregnant women to swim in the sea? If there are no strict contraindications, then yes, you can. Bathing in seawater during pregnancy is very beneficial for the unborn baby.

In this lesson:

  1. The level of proteins in the plasma increases.
  2. The level of hemoglobin rises.
  3. The level of calcium in the body increases, and thanks to this, the bones of the baby become stronger.

Obstetricians-gynecologists who work in resort areas say that women who swam in the sea in the first three months of pregnancy felt better. Their blood pressure did not rise. Some experts even say that those who bathe during pregnancy then endure childbirth easier.

This activity during pregnancy also has a good effect on the uteroplacental hemodynamics. The process of blood circulation becomes better both in the body of the baby and in the body of the expectant mother.

Thanks to this activity, the baby has increased access to oxygen. These are the results that have been seen in pregnant women who swam in the sea every day.


So that sea bathing during pregnancy will definitely bring you positive effect certain rules must be followed. In any case, consultation with your obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary.

There are a number of contraindications for which bathing for pregnant women is still prohibited:

  1. When diagnosed with placenta previa, you cannot swim.
    If the placenta is too low, then even a slight load can cause bleeding. To find out if you are at risk of such a problem, you need to do an ultrasound scan.
  2. Risk of miscarriage.
    Of course, if you are threatened with a miscarriage, you cannot swim. This provision provides for bed rest.
  3. A chronic illness that has worsened, or an allergy in an aggravated form.
    The situation here is not always straightforward; consultation with a doctor is necessary.
  4. If a pregnant woman's blood pressure constantly rises, then bathing may also be prohibited.
  5. In the first trimester of pregnancy, climatic conditions cannot be drastically changed.
    It is better to postpone the trip to the sea. Long journeys in this case are also harmful.
  6. If a pregnant woman has vaginal discharge with blood, then you shouldn't swim either.

You also need to pay attention to the ecology of the reservoir in which the pregnant woman is going to swim. If it leaves much to be desired, then swimming is also not worth it. Since there is a possibility of infection, if water enters the body. Tampons will not help in this case.

What water can you not swim in?

The appearance of the water in the sea or in another body of water will easily help you determine whether it is worth swimming in it?

What water should you not swim in:

  1. In dirty water, where the bottom of the sea is not visible.
    Or, if you see that there are foreign objects... Considering all these points, it is better to avoid the so-called unequipped beaches.
  2. If at sea a large number of mud, algae.
    First, it’s not very pleasant. If, nevertheless, you decide to swim in such water, then do not swim too far so that you have enough strength to come back.

Bathing rules

What else pregnant women need to consider before plunging into the water:

  • You can swim in water, the temperature of which is at least 22 degrees. In this case, the indicator of the storm should be no more than two points.
  • It is better to go swimming no earlier than two hours after eating. It is advisable to measure blood pressure before this procedure.
  • When you get to the beach, don't go straight into the water. Give your body a chance to rest after a walk. Wait at least 15 minutes.
  • In order not to overcool in the water, you need to actively move and swim.
  • It is also impossible to stay in the pond for too long. Your first bath should be no more than 10 minutes. Then this time can be gradually increased.
  • You can go to the beach before 11 am or after 4 pm in order not to get sunstroke.

Leave the beach as soon as you feel tired. When you get out of the water, pat dry with a towel. If you want the salts of the sea to produce their healing effect then do not shower with fresh water within 2 hours after bathing.

During pregnancy, you should not swim more than once at one beach visit. In general, a long stay on the beach is also prohibited. This is an extra burden on the body.

Pregnancy and sun

Swimming in the sea is inextricably linked with sun exposure. TO sunbathing you also need to be careful. First of all, the sun is an excellent antidepressant. Mood swings are very common during pregnancy, and the sun can stabilize a good mood.

Moreover, the sun has a positive effect on metabolism, improves tissue nutrition, increases the immune forces of a pregnant woman's body.

The glands start to work better internal secretion, the level of hemoglobin increases. Sunbathing for pregnant women is the prevention of osteoporosis. The sun helps the body to produce vitamin D. The active production of this vitamin prevents childhood rickets.

Interestingly, a pregnant woman sunbathes much faster. This is due to the fact that hormones are produced differently in her body. The amount of estrogen increases. The pigment melanin is better formed. It is this pigment that is responsible for sunburn on our skin.

Tanning rules

But to get everything positive points from the sun, you need to adhere to the rules.

Expectant mothers should definitely hide in the shade of trees or an umbrella. Even there, a pregnant woman gets her dose of ultraviolet rays.

Expectant mothers cannot go to the beach if the air temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius. The sun can badly affect the expectant mother if she is too hungry or, on the contrary, overeat.

You need to take a bottle of water with you to constantly replenish the water balance in the body. Be sure to use sunscreen... It is better that these products are specifically for pregnant women.

Obstetrician, host of the course "Soft childbirth", fitness instructor for pregnant women at the Center for Traditional Obstetrics.

Why swim

Water procedures useful for the expectant mother and baby - it has been proven by doctors. Swimming helps to strengthen the body before childbirth. Water in any body of water colder than temperature body, therefore, plunging into it, the body begins to actively give off heat, the speed of biochemical processes increases, and the level of sugar in the blood decreases. Swimming perfectly trains the cardiovascular system, strengthens the muscles of the legs and back, makes the skin more elastic, and reduces the risk of stretch marks. It is important to remember that swimming in the sea is more effective than swimming in fresh water. Sea water contains high level inorganic salts, thanks to which it has beneficial effect on the body.

If we talk about the benefits for the growing body of the baby, then sea bathing increases the content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes, phosphorus and calcium in the blood, improves blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, fetus and umbilical cord, the concentration of oxygen in the umbilical cord blood increases.

Obstetricians-gynecologists in resort towns know that pregnant women who regularly bathed in the sea during 2-3 trimesters of pregnancy are less likely to suffer from edema and increased blood pressure. Childbirth in these women, on average, is faster and less painful, less often requires caesarean section and painkillers, including because in the water a woman learns to breathe correctly.

Bathing cools the body well and helps the pregnant mother to tolerate the heat more easily.

But, fleeing from the scorching rays of the sun, you need to be careful about swimming.

Bathing rules

  • To be sure that you can swim, you need to visit a doctor. There are some exceptions: for example, bathing is not recommended for pregnant women with high blood pressure. Early and later dates it is not worth changing the climate, but if difficult pregnancy long journeys are completely prohibited.
  • If a woman feels fine, you can go to the sea in the early stages of pregnancy - this will help relieve the level of intoxication; in the later stages, water will help relax the body and reduce swelling. Contraindications to travel are a slightly open cervix and the presence of precursors of childbirth.
  • To protect yourself from infection, doctors advise you to swim in designated areas. Choose for swimming clean, little-visited beaches on forest, lakes with clear water, flowing rivers far from industrial facilities and cities. You also need to take into account the state of the vaginal microflora and its PH. If the expectant mother has thrush, then it is impossible to swim in stagnant water.
  • Swimming in water can cause intestinal and skin infections. Do not immerse your head in water in order to exclude water containing infectious agents from entering the nasopharynx.
  • There should be a rendering point on the beach medical care with the constant duty of the medical staff, telephone communications and the ability to travel by transport.
  • It is necessary to start swimming in reservoirs, the temperature of which has reached + 22 ° С, and storm waves do not exceed 2 points, the best option 2 hours after eating. While swimming, you need to monitor your well-being. At the slightest discomfort, feeling cold, you need to get out of the water. Arriving at the beach, it is advisable to “cool down” in the shade for 10-15 minutes so as not to overcool. Swim actively in the water, then you will not freeze. It is advisable to start the season with a 10-minute swim, gradually increasing the time to 30 minutes.
  • Come up with a swimming regimen, preferably daily, at approximately the same time, in the morning before 10 o'clock or in the afternoon after 4 pm. You need to get out of the water when you start to feel tired in your muscles.
  • When leaving the sea, dry yourself with a towel and wrap yourself in it, rest until you feel warm. After swimming, you should not immediately leave the beach, you need to give the body time to recover, adapting to the surrounding conditions, for example, lie in the shade for half an hour.
Do not forget that expectant mothers in the second half of pregnancy may experience leg cramps. Moreover, convulsions can occur not only in cold water, but also at its normal temperature. In order to protect yourself as much as possible, before swimming, you need to do a few physical exercise: lifting and bending the legs, light massage - stroking the legs - lower legs and thighs in the direction from the foot upwards. It is useful to grind the body, especially the calf muscles and lower back. If a spasm nevertheless arose - thumb several times sharply and strongly, despite the pain, press in this area and pull the toes of the flattened foot towards you.
  • Bathing is strictly prohibited for pregnant women with a loose mucous plug, because this significantly increases the risk of pathogens entering the uterus. After swimming in ponds, pools, rivers, you can protect yourself by using an antiseptic drug, such as Miramistin.

As you can see, not only pleasures are associated with water, but a wide variety of restrictions. And expectant mothers, whose position is especially vulnerable, should remember that caution comes first. Only in this case, bathing in the happiest period of life will give the woman only positive emotions.