Products for combination skin. Nutrition and hydration for mixed skin types. Application of scrubs for mixed skin types

The problem of many. Often big problem becomes the choice of a moisturizer - how to choose one that does not clog pores, does not cause greasy shine and did not provoke a rash? We know how! For you, we have selected the 6 best moisturizers that will perfectly make friends with oily and combination skin.

If you have oily or combination skin, we recommend choosing a cream that will mattify and moisturize your skin at the same time. It's not easy, we agree. But we have already done the whole job for you and have prepared a selection of creams that will perfectly cope with this task.

Let's see?

Natural day cream with vitamins B5, B7 and chamomile extract, Day Vitamin Cream, Mulsan Cosmetic

In the first place is the Day Vitamin Cream from Mulsan Cosmetic. This cream is ideal for daily care of oily, combination and problem skin. Main feature product is natural composition... Confirmation of this is the shelf life of 10 months, while regular cream is usually stored for at least two years. Day Vitamin Cream is rich in vitamins. Vitamin B7 regenerates the skin and Vitamin B5 makes it more elastic.

Chamomile extract in the composition prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Already after the first application, the skin becomes soft and delicate, the complexion is evened out. You can buy this day cream in the online store

For comprehensive care, Day Vitamin Cream is best used in conjunction with Night Vitamin Cream. Moreover, when buying two products, the store provides free shipping

Matting cream hydro-balance, HyaluroMat Cream, Lirene

The cream mattifies perfectly thanks to the micro-sponges in the composition, which absorb sebum and prevent the appearance of oily shine on the face. Molecules protect the skin from drying out and help to retain moisture in upper layers epidermis, and babassu oil relieves inflammation, tightens pores and even cleanses the skin of blackheads. Nice bonus- the presence of SPF 10 - will protect your skin from harmful effects ultraviolet radiation.

Cre mfor the face with a mattifying effect,CucumberBalanceControl, Dr.Sante

Everyone will love this cream! Lightweight, non-greasy and fast-drying, it perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, tightens pores and blocks work sebaceous glands... AcnacidolR technology prevents inflammation, and vitamins A and E instantly soothe the skin, relieving irritation, redness, itching and flaking.

Soothing Moisturizer, Effaclar H, La Roche Posay

This cream is designed for oily and combination skin that is dehydrated due to the use of various drying agents. The cream restores the damaged hydrolipid layer, increases protective function skin and restores its softness and a sense of comfort, while La Roche-Posay in the composition has a soothing and softening effect.

Face cream for perfect nutrition, Yaka

The cream is ideal for oily, sensitive and flaky skin. To get fresh and hydrated skin, it is best to use the product at night. The product is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film on the face, and most importantly, it does not clog pores. After using the cream, the skin becomes pleasant to the touch and velvety.

Sometimes creams with a natural composition can provoke allergies, so we recommend that you conduct a test on the bend of the arm before using it to understand whether it is right for you or not.

TOrem" Dynamichumidification", Aqualia Thermal Dynamic Hydration Light Cream, Vichy

Due to the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition, the cream replenishes the moisture reserves of the skin. It not only moisturizes, but also fights dullness of the face and gives the skin a glow. After it, the skin is smooth and pleasant to the touch. Its non-sticky, melting texture glides on perfectly to the skin. The cream is perfect in quality.

Moisturizingcream, Hydratation Hydrance Optimale Leger, Avene

The cream is suitable for combination and those prone to hypersensitivity. It provides long-term skin hydration, regulates the sebaceous glands, making the skin less shiny. Active ingredient- Avene thermal water - soothes the skin and gives it a feeling of comfort. After it, the skin becomes nourished, sleek and well-groomed.

We told you about best lungs moisturizers that are ideal for oily and combination skin. Stay with I WANT, and we will continue to delight you useful information from the world of beauty!

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How to choose the right face cream

A girl should use face cream already from adolescence, and then change cosmetics throughout her life, depending on age-related changes and other factors. The skin has subtypes, the same care for everyone will be inappropriate. If you start using cosmetics that are suitable for your type as soon as possible, you can really keep young and blooming view without large investments up to mature age... To do this, it is important to choose a face cream that suits your skin optimally.

What are the types of skin

There are only 4 types of skin, determined by the amount of sebum secreted. The rest is individual characteristics... So, the skin happens:
1) dry
2) normal
3) combined
4) oily

The easiest way to determine your skin type is as follows: as soon as you wake up, dab your face with a regular paper napkin... If a continuous oily mark remains on it, the skin is oily. If the T-zone is clearly indicated, it will be slightly imprinted on the chin and forehead, the skin is combined. An absolutely dry napkin indicates dry skin, but if barely noticeable traces are visible, the skin is normal. If you want to get more exact result, then we recommend that you take a skin type test on our website from the American dermatologist Leslie Baumann.

Depending on the reaction to external influence the skin can be:

1) elastic
2) sensitive
3) apathetic (lethargic)
4) pigmented

According to the degree of pigment concentration, the skin is:

1) white
2) dark
3) black

Depending on the age characteristics the following skin problems occur:

1) comedones (black dots), closed and open
2) acne
3) acne (acne)
4) age spots
5) bleed through vascular network, rosacea
6) mimic wrinkles
7) " crow's feet"In the corners of the eyes
8) fine wrinkles
9) loss of turgor
10) dull color faces
11) peeling

Normal skin and care

Normal skin is extremely rare, only 6% of the world's population. Usually they say about its owner "blood and milk" due to the fact that the complexion is bright and even, pinkish or beige undertones are evenly distributed over the entire surface. The skin practically does not get greasy, it is always matte, but not dry. Up to 40 years of age, caring for her is simple and pleasant. It is enough to wash your face in the morning and in the evening, apply a moisturizer and occasionally pamper yourself with caring masks. Normal skin is not known for acne and comedones, dryness and tightness. She doesn't need foundation and matting lipstick. In winter and summer, the skin looks equally good, does not experience stress.

With age, after 35, some changes are possible: shine of the T-zone appears, peeling and dryness are noticeable on the cheeks. To avoid this, you should apply a moisturizer and do nourishing masks. Great importance has protection against sun rays because normal skin is delicate and thin, and UV radiation can lead to trauma to the epidermis, moles and age spots.

Owners of normal skin can be envied: they are not aware of the problems of most of the fair sex. They often neglect grooming because their skin is perfectly self-renewing. Refusal to care is fraught with the fact that with age, the skin will turn from normal to dry and flabby. That is why we should not forget about complex care, which is better to start from the age of 30-35.

Cleansing is best done not with gel or face wash, but cosmetic milk... Soap or cleanser can be used 2-3 times a week. To stimulate blood circulation, it is enough to swipe massage lines a piece of ice. After that, the face is blotted with a towel. Not rubbing, but getting wet. During the day, the face is rubbed cotton pad moistened with an alcohol-free herbal tonic. Alcohol dries up the epidermis and leads to flaking.

Normal skin needs hydration and nutrition. In the hot season (spring-summer), humidification is carried out in the morning, in the cold - at night. In addition, nourishing creams should be added in winter, which are applied to the face before going outside. Its main property is to replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals, which are especially lacking in winter time... In addition to the prevention of vitamin deficiency, nutrients protect from wind and frost, heal wounds, improve complexion. For those with normal skin, we recommend choosing one of the following nourishing creams:

- Yves rocher Nutritive vegetable... Contains ash rich in vitamins. The cream has a light delicate texture, so it does not overload normal skin and does not create a mask effect on the face. It is quickly absorbed, protects from frost and blizzards.

- Pure Line Delicate nutritious cream with vitamin oil of sea buckthorn and rose hips... Suitable for normal to combination skin. Does not clog pores or cause acne.

- Bioplazma Night Cream Supreme. Israeli cream based on red algae is applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté. Renews the skin and removes pigmentation. The skin looks refreshed and rested.

- nourishing cream Credo Natur from Dzintars. It has a dense texture, absorbs slowly, but at the same time it nourishes and moisturizes well, creating a protective barrier at night. Prevents moisture loss in dry rooms.

In the morning after washing, owners of normal skin should apply a moisturizer to their face and neck. The skin, rested overnight, is sufficiently nourished, ready to moisturize and protect. Normal skin needs light textures of creams, and for this, the following products are suitable for it:

- NIVEA Aqua Effect. This is a moisturizing cream with a combination of glycerin and glucose, which allows you to retain moisture in cells without losing it when it comes into contact with air. Vitamin E protects against the effects of exhaust gases, and a UV filter prevents exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which is active even in winter.

- Librederm with chamomile juice not only saturates with moisture, but also soothes, relieves redness and irritation from cold and wind. The gel consistency is quickly absorbed without clogging pores and does not provoke rosacea.

- Clean Line with aloe vera for normal skin is an excellent makeup base. Does not leave a greasy shine, is quickly absorbed and does not contain mineral oils.

Oily skin and care for it

Oily skin is found in 10% of the world's population. It has a lot of disadvantages: after washing, after an hour, it secretes sebum, the face must be wiped almost every hour. Matting agents practically do not help. In severe cases, large pimples and comedones form, the face becomes covered acne, shines unpleasantly. If the skin is thick, pores are clearly visible on it, which are easily forgotten by secreted fat and keratinized particles and become inflamed. This is why cleansing is as important as nutrition and hydration.

Cleanse the oily skin of adolescents who are experiencing colossal hormonal storms and thin oily skin adult woman... In both cases, skin care is performed differently, despite the same skin type.

Teenagers need to select creams designed for oily and problem skin... They contain salicylic acid, which removes the fatty film on the face. The most effective teenage creams are:

- Garnier for acne " Clear skin» eliminates not only pimples, but also traces of them. effectively helps together with other products in the series, affordable.

- cream Floresan dries up inflammation, reduces greasiness, prevents the growth of bacteria.

- Clearasil cream contains allantoin, which ensures the maintenance of an optimal level of hydration. Salicylic acid fights acne, kaolin removes oily sheen. It has a strong effect, not suitable for combination skin.

- Vichy Normaderm zinc based and thermal water normalizes the fat balance and acidity of the epidermis.

- a three-stage series of Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions without fragrances and oils helps in as soon as possible restore the fat balance of the skin, eliminate acne and exfoliate keratinized particles.

Usually oily skin returns to normal after graduation puberty, and by the age of 22 it becomes combined or normal. If the fat content does not normalize, then you can reassure yourself that this type of skin ages late and is practically not covered with wrinkles. However, you do not need to let it go and wait for everything to work out by itself. If in adolescence start competent care, you can extend youth by 10-15 years.

Oily skin in adults is also not uncommon. However, use potent drugs with salicylic acid and zinc is not worth it, so as not to dry out the epidermis and cause premature wrinkles. Oily skin needs a make-up base because powder or foundation, mixing with sebaceous secretions, loses matting properties and "floats". The matting cream contains components that eliminate oily sheen and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. Do not forget about moisturizing, without which the skin will begin to fade, and a network of wrinkles will appear.

The best matting agents for oily skin include the following:

- Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel. Clinique Gel completes a 3-step treatment with soap and an exfoliating toner. By applying all three products at the same time, you can get rid of the oily shine that is characteristic of spring and summer on the face. Neutral liquid soap will open pores, an exfoliating lotion will remove keratinized particles and fat from the sebaceous tubules, and the cream will replenish lost moisture, soften and maintain the optimal acidity level of the epidermis.

- Yves Rocher Sebo Vegetal. The series consists of a complex of products based on birch tar and white clay. The cream is suitable for thin skin, prone to fat content. Does not violate the natural balance, slightly dries without shrinking, reduces pores. Suitable for humid climates.

- Faberlic Young. Matting cream, very inexpensive and effective. Perfectly mattifies, tightens pores, makes the complexion "highlighted". A great product, if only a few "buts": it contains silicones and generally has not the most natural composition. It will definitely not suit allergy sufferers, but it will 100% cope with the stated task, matting.

- Crème Matifiante by Payot. Absolutely natural, therefore a rather expensive moisturizer with a mattifying effect. Green coffee extract removes toxins that cause blockage of the sebaceous tubules. Cornstarch absorbs sebum, eliminating mask formation on the face. The cream leaves a feeling of cleanliness and freshness for a long time.

Dry skin and care for it

Dry skin is the most problematic in the sense that it is the first to fade and wrinkle. In youth, up to 25 years old, dry skin looks luxurious: it is delicate, porcelain, its oily sheen is unknown, pimples and blackheads. But by the age of 28, such a girl, without proper care, has crow's feet in the corners of her eyes, the skin fades and loses its tone. The secretion of the sebaceous glands is poorly secreted, there is no natural protective lubricant, so nutrition and hydration become vital for owners of dry skin. Dryness is often accompanied by increased sensitivity... This is evidenced by redness on the cheeks, as well as the vessels protruding on the face. With age, when collagen ceases to be secreted in the required amount, the skin can be injured in frost and wind, and wounds and microcracks appear on it. To avoid turning the skin to parchment, pick up special care for dry skin.

In no case should you wash your face with soap or gel. They expand pores and dry out, destroying the already scarce moisture. Cleansing is done with milk or lotion without alcohol. Then a moisturizer for dry skin is applied. She especially suffers in winter, when on the street subzero temperature, and in the room there is dry warm air. There are noticeable peeling, it is impossible to apply on the face tone cream... It will only accentuate fading and fine wrinkles.

- Belita-Vitex extra nutritional cream with Q10. A very oily and dense cream, which is better to use not as a cream, but as a mask at night. It is applied pointwise and only with patting movements. If the skin is very dry, no oily sheen remains on the face, even in summer time... May create a film effect on normal to combination skin.

- Capital Lumiere Nuit by Clarins. An excellent regenerating cream for those with dry, aging-prone skin. After salon peeling fruit acids the skin is injured and thinned. This cream has a healing effect, plumping the skin texture, eliminating fading.

- Vichy Nutrilogie 1 and 2 for dry to very dry skin. The components included in the cream provide nourishment and hydration to dry and very dry skin. Contains macadamia nut oil, known for its regenerating properties. Now neither the harsh winter, nor the wind are afraid of your face.

- Olay Complete Winter Care. Universal cream for all skin types for the winter. Protects from exposure low temperatures and weathering. The skin becomes smooth and velvety. Does not blush or peel off.

- Lumene Vitamin C +. A nourishing cream to maintain the comfort of dry skin. Contains Cloudberry Seed Oil and Shea Butter to maintain hydration throughout the year. Vitamin C makes the complexion bright and radiant.

- Mary kay for dry skin. Reflective particles transform the skin, leaving it smooth and satin. Vegetable oils eliminate dryness and flaking. Fine wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes soft and smooth.

Combination skin and skin care

Combination or combination skin is characterized by enlarged pores on the nose, chin and T-zone and normal skin on the cheeks. Caring for it is complicated by the fact that antiseptics will cause peeling and dryness of normal areas, and the use of oily creams on the cheeks will provoke rosacea of ​​the skin of the nose and chin. It is the most common skin type and occurs in 45% of people.

In summer, combination skin is treated as oily: they use peeling every other day, apply cleansing masks, use a moisturizing lotion instead of a cream, and protect against UV radiation with special means. In winter, the skin dries up and is nourished and moisturized just like normal skin. In autumn and spring, it turns fat, it must be matted and moisturized.

but cosmetic industry allows you to pick up special means for combination skin. These include:

- Essentiel from BIOSEA. Pink and lavender water maintain an optimal balance, leaving the surface matte for 8-10 hours. The skin is hydrated and smoothed. The cream is well absorbed, does not provoke allergies.

- Black Pearl BiO-program for combination skin. A universal remedy for any season. Moisturizes all day or all night. Does not have a matting effect. Smoothes fine wrinkles.

- Vichy Aquathermal. Provides hydration for 48 hours. Suitable for owners of combination skin aged 30-70 years. Paraben-free, helps with summer period maintain the hydrobalance of the epidermis.

- Pure Line with Echinacea and Licorice. Competent skin care helps to normalize the hydro balance, relieves acne and irritation. Suitable for ages 30-40.

Skin type changes with age, and if at the age of 15-20 the skin was oily, then it is likely that by the age of 35 it will become normal or combination. Competently selected products will prolong youth and keep the skin healthy for years to come.

To get a more detailed understanding of face creams, we suggest reading our article.


Mixed (combination, heterogeneous) skin type is unique in that it includes oily areas (T-zone: chin, forehead, nose) and dry (cheeks). It is very common, requires special care, and often gives women a lot of trouble.

Special products specially designed for such an epidermis solve all problems quickly and easily. One of them is a daily cream for combination skin, which must be used by all beauties who care about their blooming appearance... What is it and how to learn how to use it correctly at home?

Useful composition

Most good cream for combination skin, one that comprehensively solves a whole range of problems: provides two areas of the face complete care, smoothes the boundaries between them, reliably protects, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, prevents the development of the inflammatory process, restores damage, moisturizes and nourishes, has a matting effect, gives elasticity and tone to weakened muscles. And all this becomes quite real if biologically very active substances are present in the product.

Essential oils:

  • the Rose;
  • lemon;
  • ginger;
  • green tea;
  • mint;
  • tea tree;
  • bergamot;
  • menthol.

Plant extracts:

  • tea tree;
  • chamomile;
  • citrus;
  • a pineapple;
  • lily;
  • aloe;
  • grape seeds;
  • kanuk;
  • iris.

Additional ingredients:

  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • glycerol;
  • collagen;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • panthenol.

If creams for combination skin contain these substances in their composition, feel free to make a purchase. They are the ones who are able to provide a complete, high-quality daily care behind such an unusual type of epidermis. If the list contains some incomprehensible chemical formulas, who do not tell you about anything, but only scare you, you should look for something else that will not harm.

Application tricks

In order for the selected cream to fit perfectly with combination skin, you need to know a few little tricks on how to choose it correctly and correctly apply it. This will allow you to deal with many problems without frustration and side effects even if this is your first time using the tool.

  1. On the packaging of the cream, it must be indicated that it is intended to be taken care of.
  2. Use only a remedy that is designed to solve the problems of the skin of a certain age category... Especially after 30 years, to eliminate or prevent the first signs of aging.
  3. It is better to buy in a proven, well-established place. Special shop- a guarantee of the quality of such a cream.
  4. Remember that combination skin is prone to allergic reactions, so do not forget to test any cream you buy for the first time. Alternatively, choose only one that is marked as hypoallergenic.
  5. Before buying, study the Internet for which cream for combination skin is better: this information can be found in reviews and ratings.
  6. The peculiarity of the combination skin type is that it can change. Therefore, once every six months, do not forget to check if your T-zone has become dry, which invariably happens with age. Then you will also have to change your cream to.
  7. Change creams for combination skin every six months so that the epidermis does not have time to get used to the same active ingredients.
  8. In the warm season sebaceous glands T-zones begin to work in an enhanced mode, so buy a special summer product with a protective UV filter.
  9. In the cold season, use winter cream for combination skin, which moisturizes, softens peeling, nourishes and protects from low temperatures. It must be applied to the face half an hour to an hour before going outside.
  10. The duration of the agent also plays important role... If the main function of the daytime is precisely protection, then the night cream is designed to deal primarily with age-related changes... Be sure to consider this when buying.

If you follow the advice given by cosmetologists, the effectiveness of such a cream will only increase. Owners of combination skin should understand that it is unique and requires special approach and attention. Without observing these recommendations, it is possible to start the aging processes and the mechanism of the sebaceous glands to such an extent that it can then restore the blooming and healthy look the epidermis will fail. The TOP of the best will help you decide on the choice of the appropriate cream.

Rating of the best funds

Rating compiled according to the reviews of ordinary users and the recommendations of cosmetologists the best creams for combination skin to help you. So you will not be mistaken and from the first time you will get exactly what will suit you both in your pocket and in facial care.

  1. A night moisturizer for combination skin from Clinique from the USA costs 4,500 rubles.
  2. An antioxidant night cream from the same manufacturer, Clinique (USA) - premium, costs at least 3,600 rubles.
  3. Essentail day moisturizer from Ahava (representative of Israel) is a well-proven daytime moisturizer for combination skin. It costs about 2,800 rubles.
  4. Powdery parfait from the French company Cattier starts counting from 2,200 rubles.
  5. Active Nourishing Cream from the Israeli company Dead Sea Premier is the best nourishing cream for combination skin, which costs about 1,700 rubles.
  6. Nabi by Holika from South Korea. The price ranges from 1,100 rubles.
  7. Idealia from Vichy from France costs from 700 rubles.
  8. Q-10 Anti-Wrinkle Combination Skin deutsche mark Nivea will cost you only 400 rubles.
  9. Sophora Japanese, proposed Natura Siberica(this is Russia) costs approximately 200 rubles.
  10. Phyto cream "Cornflower and barberry" from Clean line (Russian manufacturer) is a budgetary tool whose price starts from 90 rubles.

According to this rating, you will be able to evaluate not only price category the means you are looking for, but also determine the country of origin and brand. Most of them have proven themselves well in the market. modern cosmetology... However, many do not cease to gnaw doubts about how harmless all these super-powerful and effective means with their synthetic composition are. But even for such people there is a way out: prepare a cream for the care of combination skin at home from natural products.

About home cosmetology

To prepare homemade cream for combination skin, no grandiose financial costs are needed. Everything is extremely simple and accessible to everyone who seeks to use only natural cosmetics... Therefore, transform your kitchen into a real laboratory and start the magic cooking action right now.

  • Multicomponent

Pour a glass over the peel of one lemon boiled water(but only already room temperature). Leave covered for 12-13 hours. Strain. The resulting lemon water beat with the yolk, add 30 ml of cream (not very fat), 5 ml of camphor oil, about 15 ml of concentrated lemon juice, 15 ml castor oil and the same amount of linethol (preparation from linseed oil). Beat everything thoroughly, keep in the refrigerator for 1 night.

  • Cucumber

Lanolin (no more than 15 g) with peach oil(50 ml) melt, add the cucumber gruel (30 g), heat, stirring constantly, for at least an hour. Strain, beat until creamy, cool. Add (2-3 drops) before use.

  • Fruit

Grind banana and currant berries. Mix 1 tablespoon of each puree. Add butter (30 gr), previously melted, yolk, 15 ml of warm, liquid honey. Beat until foamy. Add camphor alcohol (5 ml), (3 drops). Beat again, cool.

  • On herbs

Fresh, but cooled broth, made from chamomile flowers (60 ml), mix with honey and glycerin (1 tablespoon each). Stir until smooth. In parallel with this, olive and butter(1 tablespoon each). After removing from the fire, you need to add to them camphor oil(15 ml) and yolk (watch out for curdling). Now you can combine both masses and beat.

  • Boric

In a glass container, mix boric powder (no more than 3 g) with purified water (50 ml), put on low heat. Warm up in another dish on a water bath beeswax(70 g) and cold pressed olive oil(50 ml). Mix both masses, beat well.

It's so simple and at the same time a little troublesome to prepare a cream for the care of combination skin at home. Not all components can be found in the kitchen, some will have to be purchased on purpose, but the whole process is worth it. This type of epidermis is unpredictable and very moody, requires special attention and more time than others. So don't forget about it and pamper him with the most effective means both store and home production.

If you believe professional cosmetologists, the majority modern girls and women meet combined type skin.

This means that the skin of the forehead, nose and chin is different high fat content, and on the cheeks it is normal or even dry. And it is natural that such an epidermis needs special care... In particular, you should know how to choose the right face cream for combination skin, by what principle and at what time of day to apply it. This is what we'll talk about.

What should be the cream that you will use

When choosing a cream for combination skin, pay attention not only to the brand under which it is sold and its cost, but also to the composition and structure of the product in question.

After all, we are talking about a fairly specific cosmetic product that should simultaneously nourish dry cheek skin and dry oily skin T-shaped zone(forehead, nose and chin). Therefore, there are many requirements for creams intended for combination skin. The main of these requirements will be discussed below.

  1. Light texture and no fats. That is, such a cream, of course, may contain certain types oils, but there should be very few of them so that there is no clogging of the pores.
  2. The inclusion of anti-inflammatory components in the product. These can be, for example, extracts of plants such as medicinal chamomile, plantain, sage or others.
  3. The product should have a matting effect. Practice shows that the most best reviews get creams that can effectively eliminate the oily sheen of the skin. They not only dry out the epidermis and prevent the development of inflammatory processes but also hide the main flaws in a woman's appearance. That is, such creams are ideal for use before applying makeup.
  4. The product should have a moisturizing effect. Not only dry but also oily skin requires high-quality hydration. This means that the cream of your choice should nourish the epidermis with moisture and help retain it inside the cells.

Day and night

When choosing a face cream that can be applied to combination skin, it is also important to remember that you will need not one, but two products. After all, the epidermis needs comprehensive care... And do not forget about competent skin cleansing, toning, and protection from negative external influences.

Moreover, it is advisable to make sure that all the cosmetics that you will use to maintain your attractiveness are released under the same brand.

All my creams for oily and combination skin

How to choose the right face cream - cosmetologist Arina Kireeva [Issue 3 Cosmetolove]

Treatment for combination skin


BUDGET FACIAL CARE | How to take care of PROBLEMED SKIN in winter | EH

How to choose a moisturizer?

We must not forget that the day cream for the face of the firm "Natura Siberica" ​​or any other brand can never replace the night one. Conversely, not worth after morning wash use a product intended to be applied to the skin immediately before going to bed. After all, day and night creams for combination skin differ in many ways:

  1. The day cream contains fewer oils than the night cream, and therefore can be safely used under makeup.
  2. The daily remedy should include SPF filters.
  3. The night cream contains more nutrients and copes better with the task of moisturizing the epidermis.

Thus, it becomes obvious that only complex care for combination skin of the face will help to make it clean, beautiful and silky. Refuse to use both day and night cream at the same time, replacing them with one universal remedy, it is possible only if you are under 25 years old. At this age, the skin usually does not require special food and moisturizing, which means that she does not need a night cream. However, in any case, approach the choice cosmetics which you will use as responsibly as possible, giving preference to products renowned manufacturers prepared on the basis of natural ingredients.

Combination skin is both oily and dry. Increased greasiness is characteristic of the T-zone: forehead, nose and chin. At the same time, the skin of the cheeks suffers from a lack of moisture, often flakes, it seems sluggish.

Cream for mixed skin should moisturize well, without creating an oily film on the face

What are the ingredients in combination skin creams:

  • Plant extracts: aloe, lily, pineapple, white tea, iris, chamomile.
  • Essential oils: rosemary, ginger, mint, tea tree, citrus.
  • Glycerin is a trihydric alcohol that serves as a humectant and softener.
  • Panthenol is a provitamin with soothing and healing properties.
  • Vitamin F, ascorbic acid, tocopherol.
  • Alpha hydroxy acids: glycolic, citric, lactic.

Creams for mixed skin are practically free of oily vegetable oils... Instead, as hydratants, or moisturizing components, use hyaluronic acid, urea, collagen. All these substances in natural state present in skin tissues, they are able to retain moisture without the formation of an oily film.

Which cream for combination skin should you choose?

Roskontrol, having examined foreign and domestic products for combination skin, noted high quality day cream"Nivea". The product does not contain bleaching or dyes, does not increase greasiness skin... The moisturizing effect after application lasts a day.

Light texture, pleasant floral-fruity aroma and long-term action- the advantages of the cream " Life-giving hydration"From" Garnier ". However, the tool also has a drawback - the presence of preservatives and dyes.

According to reviews, cream for mixed skin without dyes is less likely to cause allergies.

Also worthy of special attention following products for combination skin:

  • Wild Rose by Weleda;
  • L "Oreal" Trio Active. Moisturizing and freshness ";
  • Natura Siberica "Care and Moisturizing" with a matting effect and SPF-15;
  • Olay Essentials "Active moisturizing";
  • face cream with cucumber juice and cranberries "One Hundred Recipes for Beauty";
  • Chistaya Liniya nourishing night cream with sea buckthorn and rose hips;
  • moisturizer from Clinique.

For women prone to allergies, it is better to buy cosmetics without dyes and a pronounced odor. If the package says fragrance free, there are no fragrances in the product, and essential oils give it the aroma.

A high-quality cream has a uniform consistency. When applied, it does not roll, but is quickly absorbed. In the heat, it is better to use a cream with anti-inflammatory components. In winter, the product should not so much moisturize as it should nourish and protect the skin. Look for foods with vitamin E and minerals. Lubricate your face before going outside.

Explore the reviews of creams for mixed skin, the experience of other people with a similar skin type will help in choosing the perfect cream.