Lactation what to do. What foods help to increase lactation: we stimulate the production of breast milk in a nursing mother. Herbal mixture for lactation

Breastfeeding is a very important process for health and physical development baby. Sometimes in the life of a young mother, the situation develops in such an unfavorable way that the baby is sorely lacking in breast milk or it practically disappears altogether. If there is a desire and desire to continue feeding a newborn, you need to know how to improve lactation, by what methods you can increase the production of breast milk and provide your baby with the right amount.

In order for the child to always have enough milk, the mother must monitor her lifestyle, nutrition and psychological balance.

In order to improve lactation, women are advised to adhere to several simple tips, which doctors usually give in such cases. They are aimed at stimulating the mammary glands and increasing the amount of breast milk. They relate to the lifestyle of a young mother.

  1. Drink at least 1.5 liters of high-quality (filtered, mineral) still water a day.
  2. Special teas to increase lactation.
  3. Try to rest more in any free moments, not to overwork.
  4. Get enough sleep: a nursing mother, according to doctors' estimates, needs at least 10 hours of sleep a day.
  5. Two hours a day - walking on fresh air.
  6. Avoid stress, home, family quarrels and experiences, do not be nervous.
  7. Eliminate excessive physical exercise.
  8. No weight loss diets.
  9. Frequent feedings (at least 10 times a day).
  10. Do not give up night feedings, which just contribute to female body the production of prolactin, a hormone that improves lactation.
  11. Do the things you love that will cause you to positive emotions... This can be knitting, reading, and even watching your favorite movie. The grandmother or dad can stay with the baby at this time.
  12. Do a special self-massage at home. Moisten your palms liberally with castor oil. Left hand put it under your chest, the right one on it. Make light, massage movements in a clockwise direction. Avoid getting oil on the nipple.
  13. Sign up for a massage with a specialist, but be sure to warn him first that you are a nursing mother.

In addition to these recommendations, which mainly affect the lifestyle of a nursing mother, very great importance has her diet. It should include products, from the use of which milk becomes significantly more.

Ginger is one of those foods that promote milk production, but you shouldn't get carried away with it: strictly adhere to the recommended portions.

To improve lactation, young mothers need to include in their daily menu drinks, dishes, individual products that increase the production of breast milk. These include:

  • warm tea: black (weak) with milk or green with honey - it is recommended to drink half an hour before feeding the baby;
  • cumin: do not chew daily a large number of caraway seeds or eating bread with this cereal;
  • fresh almonds, pine nuts, walnuts (be careful: they can cause profuse gas formation and constipation in the child);
  • herbal teas (from oregano, lemon balm, nettle, dill, hawthorn, anise);
  • juices: carrot, currant, blackthorn;
  • meat, but low-fat broths and soups,
  • fermented milk products, milk, feta cheese, Adyghe cheese;
  • carrots, watermelons, onions, lettuce;
  • buckwheat, rolled oats;
  • seeds, nuts;
  • barley coffee with honey and milk (the product can be found in a regular store);
  • ginger.

The right breakfast for a mom who wants to improve her lactation: oatmeal porridge with dried apricots, milk and a few walnuts.

By including enough of these in your diet useful products, women can be sure that they will have more milk in 3-4 days new diet... However, there are foods that have properties exactly the opposite - they should be avoided by those who have lactation problems.

Too spicy foods, as you know, are strongly discouraged for breastfeeding.

From the diet, you will have to remove foods that reduce lactation, retaining fluid in the body. These include:

  • hot seasonings, spices;
  • parsley, sage, mint;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned foods.

Those women who regularly consume these products will not be able to avoid problems with lactation: they will have much less milk with such food intemperance. And if they do not take urgent measures to somehow improve lactation, do not exclude these products from their menu, the baby will soon have to be transferred to artificial feeding. To get more milk, it is recommended to cook various folk remedies.

Uzvar is a wonderful folk remedy for increasing lactation, in addition, it saturates the body of a young mother with the vitamins she and the child need

You can improve lactation by using certain foods and drinks that promote the active production of breast milk by the young mother's body. You need to choose from all the variety one of the recipes that can be prepared daily and consumed throughout the day: the results usually do not take long.

  • Caraway drink

Pour caraway seeds (1 teaspoon) with boiling milk (200 ml), leave under the lid for 2 hours. Take 100 ml shortly (15 minutes) before feeding.

  • Uzvar

Rinse dried fruits (200 g each dried pears and apples, prunes, raisins), pour over cold water for 10 minutes. Then pour the pears and apples with 3 liters of water, cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Add raisins and prunes, cook for another 15 minutes. Add 200 g of honey, wait for a boil, remove from heat, cover, leave for 3 hours. Uzvar is considered one of the most effective means in order to improve lactation in case of problems with breast milk production.

  • Cedar cocktail

Pour fresh pine nuts (1 tablespoon) with water (200 ml) overnight. Boil in the morning, add honey (2 tablespoons), drink.

  • Dill tea

Dill seeds (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (200 ml), leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink 100 ml twice a day.

  • Dill cocktail

Grind and mix together the seeds of anise and dill (20 g each), fenugreek seeds and fennel fruits (30 g each). Pour 1 teaspoon of the resulting mixture with boiling water (200 ml), leave under the lid for 2 hours. Drink 100 ml twice a day.

  • Milk and dill cocktail

Grind dill seeds (1 tablespoon), pour in kefir (200 ml), add nutmeg and salt to taste. Drink before breakfast.

  • Nut milk

Boil peeled ground walnuts (100 g) in milk (500 ml) until thickened, add to taste granulated sugar... Drink 30 minutes before feeding.

  • Radish with honey

Grate the radish, squeeze out the juice (100 ml), dilute with boiled, but already cold water (100 ml), add honey (1 tablespoon).

  • Dandelion juice

Grind the young fresh leaves dandelions in a meat grinder, squeeze the juice out of them, add salt, let it brew for half an hour. Drink 100 ml twice a day in small sips. To remove the bitterness, add a little lemon juice, honey or granulated sugar.

  • Dandelion decoction

Grind the roots and leaves of dandelions in a meat grinder (1 teaspoon), pour boiling water (200 ml), leave for 1 hour under the lid. Strain, drink 4 times a day, 50 ml half an hour before meals.

  • Dandelion milkshake

Chop dill leaves and dandelion petals, mix. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture, add grated walnuts (10 g) to it, pour kefir (4 glasses), beat with a mixer, drink 100 ml for breakfast.

  • Ginger tea

Grind fresh ginger root (3 tablespoons), add a liter of water, boil. Add lemon and honey to taste. Drink 60 ml three times a day.

  • Vitamin mass

Mix dried apricots, raisins, figs, prunes, peeled walnuts (1 tablespoon each). Grind, add honey. Eat half an hour before feeding, wash it down with warm tea.

  • Herbal decoctions

Herbs that improve lactation must be chosen wisely, since each plant will work only in a certain case:

  • for stomach problems: anise, caraway seeds, fennel, dill;
  • under stress: lemon balm, oregano;
  • with anemia: nettle.

Any herb (1 teaspoon) is poured with boiling water (200 ml), boiled for 10 minutes, infused under the lid for half an hour. Drink 50 ml every hour.

Knowing how to improve lactation, young mothers will be able to provide their baby with a sufficient amount of breast milk, even in the most critical situations when its production is on the verge of termination. It is very easy to adhere to the above tips, it is also quite possible to organize a kind of lactation diet, and it is a pleasure to prepare tasty and healthy folk remedies that improve lactation. Enjoy and please your baby.

The best nutrition for a baby is maternal breast milk... It contains everything a child needs for development and growth.

However, sometimes young mothers face lactation problems. Do not worry and immediately run to the pharmacy to buy expensive dry mixes.

There are some rules and tips on how to increase lactation.

But, first of all, you need to figure out why there is a problem with the production of breast milk and how to understand that the baby is missing it.

Why lactation decreases

The trend to feed a baby with artificial formula is gaining more and more popularity every year. Some young mothers simply do not want to spoil the shape of their breasts and drink special teas and preparations. Others, in fact, suffer that they cannot meet the needs of their child in breast milk.

Among the main reasons for the decrease in lactation are the following:

Mental and nervous disorders;

Postponed stress;

Regular physical activity, such as lifting weights;

The lack of micronutrients entering the body of a woman is not good nutrition;

Lack of fluid;

Sleep problems;

Availability bad habits.

If the new mother is interested in the question of how to increase lactation, you must first understand why the failure occurred.

How to tell if your baby is malnourished due to a lactation problem

Symptoms by which you can understand that the child does not have enough breast milk:

Within a month, the baby does not gain weight;

The child becomes restless, often cries;

Decreased urine volume ( normal amount urination per day - 6-7 times).

If the symptoms presented have been noted, you need to seriously think about how to increase lactation. Go directly to artificial mixtures not recommended, especially if the baby is only a few months old. It is better to try to restore the process of supply of breast milk in order to supply the body of your child maximum number useful microelements.

How to increase lactation at home

Often new mothers are interested in how much food their baby should receive per day. The norm is 1/5 of the child's body weight. When a child stops gaining weight, it means that he does not have enough food.

There are some tips on how to increase lactation at home.

1. It is very important that mom monitors her diet. It must be balanced so that the food is high in calories, but at the same time contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. During the day, it is recommended to consume about 100 grams of dairy products (cottage cheese, yoghurts), 20 grams of hard cheese, butter(10-15 grams).

2. Confectionery getting carried away is strongly discouraged, since the composition of sweets stimulates a decrease in the amount of protein in milk. In addition, chocolate can cause allergies in the baby, because his body is not yet capable of digesting all food.

3. There is an opinion that it is good for nursing mothers to drink beer. It is absolutely impossible to do this. Alcohol permeates breast milk, and as a result, it enters children's organism and destroys the nervous system. You can not use any alcoholic drinks, the ban also applies to smoking.

4. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids. It could be plain water no gas, rosehip decoction, fruit and vegetable juices. When there is enough fluid in the mother's body, the fat content of breast milk decreases and its flow to the mammary glands increases.

How to Increase Lactation: Rules Every Mom Should Follow

Maintaining a constant supply of milk is not as easy as it might seem. Many women make elementary mistakes in this matter. There are a few important rules feeding, following which there will never be a question about how to increase lactation.

1. Frequent feeding. The baby needs to be constantly applied to the chest, especially in the first month of his life. The optimal interval between feedings is 2 hours. Even if the child is fast asleep during the day, he needs to be woken up and put to his chest for at least 10 minutes, at night this must also be done. It was noted that the highest activity of lactic hormones is observed in the period from 3 to 8 in the morning.

2. The chest must be emptied. If milk remains, new milk will not remain. You need to try to apply the baby first to one breast, then to the other. If there is still milk left, it is expressed with a breast pump.

3. Full rest... A new mother needs to take care of herself and try to rest, even if there are a lot of chores around the house, time can always be found. Any stress, lack of sleep, or excessive fatigue will reduce lactation.

4. Leave the bottles and teats for later. The baby does not need them at all. In addition, the bottle has a different sucking mechanism. If the mother is pumping instead of putting the baby to the breast, the baby can become confused. As a result, he will begin to grasp the breasts incorrectly, which is very painful for the woman. Over time, this will lead to the fact that the child will completely abandon breastfeeding, lactation will stop and you will have to switch to artificial mixtures.

5. Tactile contact is very important for a newborn. He should feel his mother's skin, her scent. The more often a woman applies the child to her naked body, the more the risk of cessation of lactation decreases.

6. Do not allow the baby to fall asleep quickly when feeding, he must be well satisfied. To keep the child awake, you need to apply it alternately to one breast, then to the other. Thus, the baby will receive his own norm of mother's milk, and the process of inflow of new milk will only accelerate.

Much easier to follow these simple rules than then think about how to increase lactation. Mom needs to understand that her milk is very important for the baby. Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding your baby until he is at least 6 months old. It is believed that during this period mother's milk contains the maximum nutrients important for normal development the child's body.

Drinks to help increase lactation

Mom needs more than just water to drink during breastfeeding. The presented drink recipes will help maintain lactation and increase milk flow if it is not enough.

1. Fresh Juice from carrots. It is necessary to grate fresh carrots on the finest grater. Juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass, you need to drink it 3 times a day, 150 ml. For better lactation 1 teaspoon of cream can be added to the drink.

2. Carrot milk infusion. 1 large carrot is grated on a medium grater, 200 ml of fresh low-fat milk is poured. The drink should be allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes, then drink it. This remedy is recommended 2 times a day - in the morning and half an hour before going to bed.

3. Dill infusion. You need to take dill seeds (1 heaped tablespoon) and pour in 250 ml warm water... The drink is infused for 3 hours, then divided into 2 equal parts. One is drunk during the day, the other before bedtime.

4. Anise infusion. Two teaspoons of plant seeds are steamed with boiling water and left to infuse for an hour. When the drink has cooled down, it will be ready to drink. You need to take 2 tablespoons of the product before meals for 30 minutes 4 times a day.

5. Radish juice. 100 grams of fresh radish is rubbed on a fine grater, ½ teaspoon of honey is added there, everything is poured with 250 ml of warm boiled water... The resulting drink is drunk 2 times a day - in the morning and in the afternoon.

6. Caraway kvass. 1 kg of black bread must be chopped small pieces, dry them and fry in a dry frying pan for 5-10 minutes. Then everything is poured with cold boiled water (8 liters) in a separate saucepan and infused for 4 hours. The bread is strained through a gauze napkin, 400 g of sugar, cumin (40 g), yeast (25 grams) are added to it. The saucepan is removed for the night in warm place to ferment the contents. In the morning you can already drink kvass, but no more than 3 glasses a day.

There are other ways to increase lactation. Many herbal teas are now sold in pharmacies for this purpose. However, you need to carefully study their composition before buying so that the mother does not have allergies to individual components.

If it is possible to feed the child with breast milk, there is no need to deprive him of this. By following basic advice, a newly-made mother will be able to maintain lactation and give her baby a strong, strong immunity.

Breast-feeding - special period in the life of a young mother. Breastfeeding helps you recover faster after childbirth, provide protection against mastopathy and build a close relationship with your baby. Breastfeeding mothers often face a milk shortage. Today we will tell you how to increase lactation at home, and what to do if there is practically no milk in the breast.

5 main factors affecting the increase and maintenance of lactation

The correct development of a child is impossible without proper nutrition... Mother's milk is ideally suited to the ability of the baby's body to absorb food. From breast milk, the baby receives everything he needs: enzymes, growth factors, immunoglobulins that protect the child's body from infections.

Important! Each child should receive breast milk for at least 6 months, because it is fully adjusted to the individual needs of the baby.

Among the many factors affecting the occurrence, increase and preservation of milk secretion, the most important are:

  1. The health status of the nursing mother and baby.
  2. A mother's desire and will to breastfeed her baby.
  3. The state of mind of a nursing mother and the situation in the family.
  4. Regular latching of the newborn to the breast;
  5. Conscientious preparation and study correct technique breastfeeding.

What if there is not enough milk? We will definitely tell you about many effective ways to improve lactation, but first we advise you to watch this video:

Before concluding that the mother has little milk, the above factors must be excluded. If there are errors in the correct attachment of the breast, physical fatigue nursing mother or excessive mental stress (excitement, anxiety), then the lack of milk is just a consequence of the existing problems. Their solution will help to avoid a decrease in lactation and premature weaning.

Nursing mom's menu: a list of foods to increase the amount of milk

The quality of milk and its quantity directly depend on the diet and diet that the nursing mother adheres to. Varied food stimulates the improvement of lactation and helps to establish proper breastfeeding.

Foods that should be included in the daily diet of the mother:

  • boiled milk and fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt) - not less than 0.5 l / day;
  • cottage cheese or curd products - 50-100 g / day;
  • boiled meat - at least 200 g / day;
  • fresh vegetables (carrots, onions, Bell pepper, radish) - 600 g / day;
  • butter - 30 g / day;
  • boiled chicken eggs - 1-2 pcs.;
  • fruits (green apple, pear) - at least 300 g / day;
  • black bread with caraway seeds - 400 g / day.

also in lactation period recommended daily use vegetable oil as a dressing for fresh vegetables or cereals (about 20 g / day). Sunflower oilnatural source vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. We talked about in one of the previous issues.

Foods that increase lactation:

  • warm green tea(lightly brewed);
  • hot chicken broth;
  • liquid cereals with rice and barley milk;
  • bee honey (as a substitute for sugar);
  • watermelons;
  • walnuts;
  • first courses with sea and river fish.

A nursing mother needs to monitor the amount of fluid consumed per day. It must be at least 2.5 liters (including all liquid dishes). 10-15 minutes before the start of the next feeding, it is useful to drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey - this simple drink helps to increase lactation and stimulates the flow of milk in the breast.

What foods to avoid during lactation:

  • natural coffe;
  • semi-finished meat products;
  • fast food, flavored chips and croutons;
  • store sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, cheese sauces, etc.);
  • canned food of industrial origin;
  • products with a high cocoa content (including chocolate);
  • any alcoholic drinks (strictly prohibited!).

Note! V last years there is a tendency to have babies with deficiency immune system... Try to avoid eating foods that can cause allergies in your baby.

Increasing lactation with folk remedies

Homemade ways to increase milk production were used by our grandmothers. Complaints about a lack of breast milk have been encountered at all times, and breastfeeding mothers have tried everything. available methods to solve the problem of breastfeeding. Many of them are still relevant today.

More liquid!

Drinking fluids increases milk production is a well-known fact. Try to drink as often as possible whenever possible. Lactation improves with the use of warm herbal decoctions, milk, special phyto-drinks for mothers.

Many of the herbs can be found in the drugstore at penny prices: dill seeds, anise, cumin and fennel. A vitamin drink will help to cope with a lactation crisis.

Recipe 1. Take a teaspoon of cumin seeds, pour a glass of water. Bring to a boil over the fire, simmer for 10 minutes, covered. Turn off the heat, let it brew for half an hour, strain the resulting broth. To improve the taste, you can add 0.5 tsp. honey.

Recipe 2. Pour anise seeds into a thermos, pour 200 ml of boiled hot water. Close the lid and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Then strain and cool the infusion. Take a drink of 50 ml before each feeding.

Self-massage of the mammary glands

Kneading the breast after breastfeeding develops the inflows well, stimulating milk production and its frequent hot flashes. Massage should be done on the breast with which the baby was fed. Hand movements during massage should be circular, from the nipple to the periphery, with light finger pressing over the entire surface, for 5-7 minutes.

Breast attachment on demand

Feeding the baby on demand is the key to proper breastfeeding and the production of the right amount of milk for each feeding. Do not take night breaks, let the baby apply to the breast as many times as his body requires. Frequent attachments best of all stimulate lactation without any complementary methods... Try to do the first months without calculating feeding by the hour - the baby knows better when it is time for him to eat, and your breast will “adjust” itself to his requirements.

What to do to keep the baby from starving and how to improve lactation? Tips from a young mom:

Medicines to improve lactation

Currently, the question of how to increase lactation can be solved with one trip to the pharmacy. Many medicines tested by moms and help to solve acute problem with hepatitis B - a decrease in lactation and a lack of milk. If folk remedies do not help, and the lactation crisis has dragged on, then it's time to contact a breastfeeding specialist and pick up suitable drug to increase the amount of milk.

Release form Names Operating principle
Herbal teas for nursing mothersLactavit, Hipp, Humana, Grandma's basket, LactafitolLactogenic agents with a firming and tonic effect. Tea based natural herbs(fennel, cumin, anise, etc.) taste good and are used as daily drinks in the diet.
Tablets and granulesLactogon, Apilak, MlekoinEffective drugs to increase lactation. Taken with food as active additive when breastfeeding fades away. As part of natural ingredients- nettle, ginger, royal jelly.
Milk formulas to improve lactationLactamil, Milky Way, Femilak, Bellakt Mama +, MD Mil MamaNutritious milk formulas meet the needs of a nursing mother for vitamins, minerals and stimulate the glands to produce breast milk. It is enough to dilute the mixture with water and drink it several times a day as a cocktail. Milk mixture at regular use helps milk production and increases milk supply.

Means for stimulating lactation can provide real help with a decrease in milk in the breast. But quick effect there is no need to wait: in one case, it will take a couple of days to normalize feeding, in the other it will take a week.

On a note! A breastfeeding consultant will help you choose the most suitable drug - after examining your specific feeding history and observing the process, it will be easier for a specialist to prompt optimal solution your problem and, if necessary, choose a medicine with you.

5 best ways to stimulate milk production

Before turning to medicinal methods, it is better to try simple methods, which can be used on your own decision and without a doctor's recommendation.

  1. Frequent breastfeeding
    Nature itself made sure that the baby was full of mother's milk. At the moment of each breastfeeding, two important hormones are secreted and activated in a woman's body: oxytocin and prolactin. They are responsible for the amount of milk produced during lactation. The more often the baby sucks at the breast, the more milk will be delivered at each feeding moment.
  2. Feeding the baby at night
    Night break destructive for breastfeeding - if the baby does not breastfeed for a long time, milk becomes less. The body of nursing mothers believes that the baby will receive enough milk, which means that you can reduce its amount. This is how the decline in milk production occurs. Try to feed your baby at least twice a night to keep breastfeeding healthy.
  3. Security tactile contact with baby
    Skin-to-skin is the basic recipe for increasing milk supply without any additional recipes... Lactogenic hormones wake up at the moment the mother communicates with the baby, when the baby is rocked or carried in her arms. Caress your baby more often, and the problem with a lack of milk will be solved by itself.
  4. Rest, rest and only rest
    During the formation of lactation, free yourself from at least some of the household chores and chores. Get enough sleep- at least 7-8 hours a day, good nutrition and peace of mind- these are the main conditions for full production enough mother's milk.
  5. Easy and useful chest exercises
    Daily breast exercises stimulate ducts, circulation and breast milk production. It is necessary to do it while standing or sitting on a fitball in comfortable position... Fold both hands together, palm to palm. Lead them behind your head. Tilt your head back, then press the back of your head vigorously on your folded arms several times. Repeat the exercise 2-3 more times.

P.S. Earlier we talked about the nutrition of a nursing mother and about products. Let's reinforce this topic once again, as proper nutrition is the key to good lactation:

The benefits of breast milk can be talked about endlessly. None of the most adapted milk formula can replace a product created by nature itself. Mother's milk in its composition contains the most balanced complex of substances useful for the baby. According to statistics, only 3% of women who have given birth do not have the opportunity to breastfeed due to complete absence breast milk. The most common cause of this problem is serious hormonal disorders. Despite this, on artificial feeding, according to the latest statistics, there are about 40% of newborns. Some moms refuse to breastfeed themselves. Others - milk (for reasons unknown to them) disappears for a while or irretrievably. It is about this category of nursing mothers that we will talk about.

Why does breast milk go missing?

The main reasons leading to temporary or permanent loss of breast milk:

  • NSuse of medications during childbirth ... Violated hormonal background in a woman, as a result of which, lactation stops.
  • Late attachment of the baby to the breast. Today, in most maternity hospitals, the newborn is immediately applied to the mother's breast. The first application is a powerful stimulus for the timely establishment of lactation. Unfortunately, due to a number of medical contraindications and others objective reasons, not all babies immediately end up near their mother's breasts. As a rule, such women in the future may have problems with lactation and its duration.
  • Psychological problems. Stress, nervous atmosphere in the house, postpartum depression, excitement, fears lead to cessation or reduction of lactation.
  • Late introduction of complementary foods. Too early leads to a decrease in the amount of breast milk and a complete cessation of lactation.
  • Reception hormonal drugs with estrogen. The female hormone estrogen is found in many birth control pills.
  • Feeding the baby strictly according to the established schedule. It is recommended to apply the baby to the breast more often, and not 6 times a day, as was previously thought.

Lactation crisis: what is it?

This is a temporary decrease in the amount of milk. None of the mothers are immune from crises. During a crisis, lactation is usually reduced by three to four days. Doctors believe that the most common cause of crises is the growing needs of the baby for milk. How quickly the crisis passes directly depends on the emotional and physical condition nursing woman. During lactation crisis mothers should not panic and urgently transfer the baby to artificial feeding... Reducing milk supply temporarily will not harm your baby if you apply it to the breast more often. Three or four days will pass and milk will appear in sufficient quantity.

The main symptoms of a lack of milk are:

  1. The child becomes moody, often cries.
  2. The baby is difficult to wean.
  3. The baby sleeps restlessly, wakes up often.
  4. The amount of urination is reduced. The kid urinates five to six times a day instead of the prescribed twelve.

How to check if you are getting enough milk?

What to do to increase lactation: 7 effective ways

O drug methods we will not write an increase in lactation, since medications must be prescribed by a doctor. We will focus only on those methods that every woman can use independently at home.

7 ways to increase lactation

Method number 1

Latch your baby to your breast as often as possible. During the breastfeeding time, two hormones are released in the mother's body, which are responsible for lactation. These are: prolactin and oxytocin.

Method number 2

Half an hour before feeding, you must drink a glass of warm tea with milk, a decoction of chamomile or just warm water.

Method number 3

Review your diet. A woman breastfeeding a baby should be mandatory strictly monitor your diet. She needs to exclude from her diet all products containing artificial additives, any marinades and smoked meats. For a while, you will have to give up muffins, fizzy drinks and sweets. Of course, a nursing mother shouldn't eat for two at all. However, she should not forget that her menu must include cottage cheese, milk, kefir, fish, poultry, hard cheese.

To increase lactation, it is necessary to consume a large amount of liquid - at least 2 liters per day. Decoctions of such plants as licorice, dandelion, dill, lemon balm, rosehip, mint, yarrow perfectly increase lactation. It is advisable to drink half a glass of carrot juice twice a day.

Method number 4

A breastfeeding mother should sleep at least eight hours a day. Remember, your baby's health depends on your psychological stability. Do not forget to take walks often.

Method number 5

Massage. During water treatments, the shower head should be directed towards the chest. Hydromassage is done clockwise. You can massage the back of the cervical area with a jet of water, while capturing the upper back.

For classic massage the breast will need castor oil. They should lubricate their palms and massage their breasts. Oil should not be applied to the nipple and pre-nipple area. The massage should be done clockwise. Massage in a circular motion both breasts simultaneously for three minutes without touching the nipple. Do not squeeze your chest, massage should be done in smooth movements. Contrast shower well increases lactation. It should be done twice a day.

Method number 6

"Nut" milk. This recipe is very popular among the people, but medicine has nothing against this method of increasing lactation. For the preparation of "nutty" milk will need 2 tablespoons. walnuts, which must be thoroughly chopped and 200 ml of milk. Add nuts to hot milk. Pour the mixture into a thermos and let it brew for six hours. You need to take "nut milk" in a tablespoon three times a day. Doctors remind you that the ingredients in this recipe may cause allergies. Therefore, using nut milk, the mother should carefully monitor the condition of the child. Nuts (any of their types) are good stimulants of lactation.

Method number 7

Gymnastics... We present 3 exercises that have a beneficial effect on increasing lactation.

- Spread your arms out to the sides. After that, bring your hands in front of you in a cross position. Raising your arms slightly, spread your arms again. Flatten. Repeat these movements until the crossed arms are above your head. Lower your arms gently.

- Bend your arms in elbow joints and lift them up to chest level. Connect the palms of the hands. Press (quite hard) with one palm against the other. Relax.

- Put your hands in the lock behind your head. Tilt your head back, press (quite hard) on your folded hands with the back of your head. Relax.

For full development a child under one year old needs breast milk. Mother's milk is a balanced product containing the amount of vitamins, iron, and mineral salts necessary for a baby. If you want your baby to grow up healthy, try to keep lactating and breastfeed your baby for as long as possible. We hope that our tips will help you with this.

The best food for babies is breast milk. All conscious mothers know about this, who try to breastfeed their baby as long as possible. But what if you feel that every day there is less milk, and the baby at the breast has become capricious and restless? How to increase lactation and cope with a lactation crisis?

What Can Increase Your Breast Milk

The main thing is not to panic and not rush to transfer the baby to adapted mixtures, otherwise you risk completely losing milk, for which, as you know, there is no complete replacement. Only in breast milk contains substances necessary for full growth and maturation nervous system and the brain. Only breast milk contributes to the formation of all functional systems the baby's body, protects the baby from diseases and lays the foundation strong immunity... In addition, breastfeeding plays important role in establishing close psycho-emotional contact between mother and child.

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Why breast milk is lost

True hypogalactia - insufficient production mammary glands of milk - it is extremely rare, no more than 5% of mothers. It is usually associated with serious hormonal disorders... In all other cases, milk shortages are mainly caused by removable causes:

  • lack of psychological attitude breastfeeding, i.e. the unwillingness of the woman herself to breastfeed;
  • rare attachment of the baby to the breast;
  • irrational nutrition during gestation and breastfeeding;
  • latching the baby to the breast not on demand, but on schedule;
  • an unfavorable psychological environment: constant stress, lack of sleep, quarrels, the need to go to work soon after childbirth;
  • early introduction of non-dairy complementary foods and supplementary feeding of breast milk substitutes.

With good breastfeeding, the amount of milk produced can suddenly decrease. Basically, this phenomenon is temporary and occurs at 3-6 weeks of life, as well as at the third, fourth, seventh and eighth months of lactation. These conditions are called lactation crises. They are associated with the increasing need of a growing organism for food and a spasmodic increase in appetite, to which the mother's body does not have time to respond quickly. The most common mistakes moms make during this delicate period are early introduction complementary feeding, supplementary feeding with a mixture, full transition to artificial nutrition... This way you risk losing milk completely. The less you put your baby to your breast, the less milk will be produced. The most difficult is the first crisis. Once you overcome it, you will know that the problem is solvable.

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How to increase lactation with proper nutrition

A nursing mother does not have to eat for two. The main thing is that the diet is rational and satisfies the needs for the mineral and protein-vitamin components of the diet. Every day on your table there should be 100-150 g of cottage cheese, 250 g of milk or kefir, 200 g of protein products (poultry, fish, veal), 20-30 g of hard cheese. Extremely important drinking regimen- from one and a half to two liters of liquid per day, including soups. Also, the diet can be supplemented with special vitamin and mineral complexes, mixtures and teas designed to stimulate lactation in nursing mothers. About 15 minutes before breastfeeding, all mothers will benefit from a cup of warm tea with milk.

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Lactation boosting drinks

Possesses lactogenic properties whole line plants that are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, juices, teas: licorice, carrots, radish, lettuce, dandelion, nettle, dill, caraway seeds, fennel, lemon balm, yarrow, oregano, rose hips, anise, mint.

  • Carrot juice

Rub the carrots on a fine grater, squeeze the juice and take half a glass twice a day. To enhance the taste, you can add a little honey, cream, milk, or fruit juice.

  • Grated carrots with milk

Pour three to four tablespoons of finely grated carrots with a glass of warm milk. We take a glass twice a day. Preparing a drink before going to bed, to relieve nervous tension you can add a couple of teaspoons of honey.

  • Anise infusion

Pour a couple of teaspoons of anise seeds with a glass of boiling water. We insist for an hour. We take two tablespoons of the infusion three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

  • Infusion of anise, lemon balm, fennel and galega

We take 20 g of lemon balm leaves, 10 g of well-ground anise fruits, 30 g of galega herb and 40 g of fennel fruits. Pour a teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water. We insist. We take a glass three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals. Galegi herb is a very powerful lactogenic agent that is well tolerated by both nursing mothers and babies.

  • Caraway drink

Pour a teaspoon of caraway seeds with a glass of boiling milk, leave for two hours and take half a glass about a quarter of an hour before feeding.

  • Dill seed infusion

Pour a tablespoon of dill seeds with a glass of boiling water. We insist for two hours. We take half a glass twice a day or, with poor tolerance, a tablespoon about five to six times a day. Drink the infusion of dill seeds in small sips, briefly retaining the liquid in the mouth.

  • Infusion of anise, dill, fenugreek and fennel

We take 20 g of pounded fruits of dill and anise, and 30 g of fennel and fenugreek seeds each. We mix everything. Pour a teaspoon of the prepared mixture with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew. We filter. We take a glass twice a day a quarter of an hour before meals.

  • Infusion of anise, oregano and fennel

We take 10 g of well-ground anise fruits, oregano herb and fennel fruits. We mix everything. Pour a teaspoon of the prepared mixture with a glass of boiling water. We insist for two hours. We take half a glass twice a day.

Grind 12 walnut kernels. Fill with two glasses of boiling milk. We insist in a thermos for two hours. We take 1/3 cup 15 minutes before feeding.

  • Infusion of lettuce seeds

We take 20 g of lettuce seeds, which is one of the most powerful natural lactogonizing agents. Seeds must be thoroughly crushed in a porcelain mortar and pour 200 ml of boiling water. We insist for two to three hours and take half a glass twice a day. To improve the taste, add a couple of teaspoons of honey.

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How to maintain and increase lactation

The hormone prolactin is responsible for the production of milk in the female body. The best remedy to stimulate prolactin production - frequent and productive breastfeeding by the baby. At the very first signs of a lactation crisis, begin to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible, which will definitely help increase the volume of milk, because demand gives rise to consumption! Night feeds are very useful for maintaining and resuming lactation - from 3 to 8 in the morning, since it is at this time that prolactin is most actively produced. Feed in close contact with your baby. Look your baby in the eyes, touch each other with your skin. Make sure your baby is taking the breast correctly. Hold the baby so that his chin touches the chest, over upper lip part of the areola was visible, and underlip was turned out a little.

    Massage to increase lactation

Lubricate the palms castor oil. Right hand we put it on the chest, the left one - under the chest. Massage for two to three minutes chest lungs, in smooth, circular movements clockwise. Make sure that the oil does not get on the nipple and areola.

    Cold and hot shower

In the morning and evening, try to find a couple of minutes for contrast shower... Direct jets of water towards your chest and massage gently by moving the shower head clockwise. After massaging your chest, turn around, placing your back under the stream of water in the area thoracic spine.

  • Healing bath

It is advisable to do this procedure before bedtime. Pour into a large bowl hot water, we put it on the table, get as close as possible to the toe and lower our chest into it, periodically adding hot water. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. After the bath, wipe the chest dry and go to bed under the covers.

    Rest, walks and positive emotions

It is very important for a nursing mother full sleep, rest, support of loved ones and favorable psychological environment in family. If your baby doesn't let you sleep at night, be sure to sleep with your baby during the day. Walk with your child in the fresh air for several hours a day. If you have problems with milk, do not be alarmed or withdrawn - contact a breastfeeding consultant or chat with other moms.