The recovery complex is replaced by more complex emotional reactions. Revitalization complex for a baby. What should a child know

The life of a newborn is not the same as the life of an adult. In order to understand the motives of the infant's behavior and not be offended by his inadequate actions that he performs in those short moments when he is awake, you should understand the features of his development. In the first months after his birth, he is still completely unfamiliar with the outside world. He's not even familiar with own parents. However, as it develops, it develops the so-called revitalization complex.

It occurs between 3 and 6 weeks of a baby's life. When the baby was just born, all his perception is aimed at studying himself, or rather, his physiological manifestations. The kid is just beginning to explore his body, which is full of various sensations. It should be understood that he still does not know how to control himself, even with arms and legs, is not able to focus his eyes and understand everything that happens. Imagine how you would feel if you were wearing new suit, which has its own functions, and also got into a world where everything is unknown to you and exists according to incomprehensible laws.

The development of babies is quite fast. And by the end of the first month, you can observe the so-called baby revitalization complex, which the site will tell about. psychological help website. It is distinguished by the following characteristics:

  1. A close look at the mother. The kid becomes able to highlight the features of his mother's face against the background of steel faces. He already holds his gaze on her, watches her, watches and calls.
  2. Smile in response to my mother's smile. The baby starts to smile when he sees his mother. This happens for the reason that it copies the behavior of the mother, and also reacts in this way to her appearance in his field of vision.
  3. Pulling hands to mother. The baby begins to pull the handles and show that he wants to be closer to his mother. Thus he expresses his attitude and joy, different ways turning head and back.
  4. Conversation with mom. The baby still does not know how to pronounce words, as is customary between adults, but he reacts to what his mother tells him, responds with various sounds.

This set of first baby skills occurs at the end of the first month of life and continues to develop up to 5 months. And then the baby is already developing each skill individually, which is already beginning to gradually learn to manage.

What is a recovery complex?

The infant resuscitation complex is called whole line skills that develop in a person at the beginning of the third week of his life. These skills are still unskillful, but they are expressed in the form of emotions and movements through which the baby shows his desires.

A newborn baby is considered in the first 3 months of his life. The birth of a baby is called crisis period, after which he long time departs. It should be understood that the child until this time did not need anything and did not feel any discomfort. In the womb, he had everything he needed. Now he must function independently, tell his mother what he needs, undergo various sensations in his body that arise after contact with various environmental stimuli.

The baby in the first weeks only gets used to the fact that he should be independent. He already has a certain set of reflexes, which are primarily aimed at his survival and adaptation to the world around him. Many of these reflexes will go away by the end of the first year of life, but all of this will happen gradually as the baby learns conscious skills.

Congenital reflexes do not help the baby in mastering the basic behaviors that an adult needs. They are aimed only at physiological needs. And the child will already study other models of behavior during his lifetime.

What is a recovery complex? These are the first skills that already indicate the child's reaction to the world. He freezes and fixes his eyes on something, listens, then reacts by screaming or other ways of a storm of emotions.

The most complete recovery complex becomes in 2 months. Then it intensifies even more in 3-4 months, after which it collapses. From the age of 5 months, the child begins to develop his complex behavior patterns based on emotional mood.

All these stages of development are important and significant in the formation future personality. Every baby should be emotional and vividly expressing his feelings in the first year of his life. What is it for? In order to learn new skills, behavior patterns, master your body, quickly adapt to the new world.

A delay in the development of the revitalization complex is observed in children with whom parents have little contact. Then the baby does not feel any internal experiences that will entail the formation of a mental attitude. In the absence of contact between the child and parents, there is a low intensity of emotional manifestations, an incomplete complex of all components, a reactive response, etc.

Often, the underdevelopment of the revitalization complex is influenced by physiological or psychical deviations. underdevelopment nervous system, genetic diseases and others physical factors can affect the fact that the baby will be unemotional.

Experts call the final stage of the revitalization complex the ability of the child to focus his attention on visual and auditory stimuli with his eyes and ears.

Until now, there are disputes about whether the revitalization complex is a conscious reaction of the child or still occurs involuntarily, the child at the level of reflexes reacts to external stimuli.

How can the development of the infant resuscitation complex be influenced? From the first days of his life, one should not enter into active interaction with him. The baby still sleeps a lot and wakes up to eat, which is good for his emotional and physical development. At this time, he needs to provide peace, comfort and warmth. When a child needs attention, give it to him.

In the first month, he should not be attracted to bright toys and loud music. Normal communication is enough spending time together. In the future, it will be possible to resort to such measures.

The revitalization complex can be recognized by:

  • Visual stop of the eyes on an object or person.
  • Visual examination of an object or person. If the baby looks at a person, then he concentrates on the eyes.
  • The appearance of a smile on the face, which indicates the joy of the baby seen.
  • Active movements that arise and indicate the interest of the baby in what he is looking at. He can throw up his arms, move his legs, bend his back, etc.
  • Voice cries with which the baby attracts attention.

All symptoms should appear in a complex, which characterizes the complex itself. They appear simultaneously in one period of time, indicating that the development of the baby occurs according to his age.

However, it should be understood that the baby reacts in a similar way to what is familiar to him: to people who constantly look after him (mom, dad, etc.), and to objects with which he had constantly played before.

If the baby has any neurological disorders, then a delay in the manifestation of the baby's revival complex is possible. Reactions may not occur simultaneously, but partially. IN this case you can consult with a pediatric neurologist to advise on how to fix the problem.

  1. The first 2 weeks are accompanied by the concentration of the baby's attention on objects with which he is constantly in contact.
  2. By the end of the first month, he begins to distinguish individual sounds and understand where they come from.
  3. A few weeks after that, the baby begins to master each skill separately and improve it.

The revitalization complex is little developed at first. At first, a child can smile at absolutely all people, without distinguishing who his mother is, and who - stranger. However, in the middle of the first year of life, he already begins to distinguish faces. Emotions will manifest themselves depending on the situation and the emotional mood in which the baby constantly resides.

If the revitalization complex does not occur in right time, it is necessary to think about the causes of this problem. It may turn out that he develops serious disorders, for example, mental retardation or autism.

Parents are encouraged to communicate with the baby as often and as much as possible. However, one should not expect from him certain actions and manifestations. He should be allowed to be free in his manifestations, express emotions when he wants to, and do what he wants. Other recommendations would be:

  1. Show him your emotions, to which he will respond in the same way.
  2. Surround him interesting toys to which the baby responds with pleasure.
  3. Constantly include new items in his environment: toys, developing mats, etc.

How useful is the revitalization complex in the end?

The question arises why nature gave a person such a phenomenon as a complex of revival, from which his emotional and mental development. The answer can only be a genetic feature of a human being, which in this way begins to contact the outside world for the first time, to follow external reactions and highlight your own traits.

Many scientists note that the earlier and more fully the stage of formation of the revitalization complex passes, the higher the level of IQ a person shows in the future. We will pay attention to the fact that not only the intellectual level is important for achieving success in life, but also EQ - emotional intellect. This indicator considered more important in achieving success.

Emotional intelligence is the ability of a person to manage and understand not only his emotions, but also to understand and form the right emotions those around. Since modern successful people become those who know how to establish useful connections and contact with others, the revitalization complex becomes the first stage on the path to the formation of EQ.

The recovery complex is the beginning of manifestations of one's emotions and understanding of the emotions of others, the first contact with the outside world at the level of emotions, not physiology. If the child begins to develop in time in this area, then gradually the skills are improved. He learns not only the physical impact on the world around him, but also emotional manifestation themselves, interacting with people at the level of feelings and emotions.

Becoming emotional sphere the child is assisted by the parents, who have to watch the environment of the baby and the situations that he encounters in the first moments of his life.

In the period of four to six weeks, the child, having already learned with the help of the mother to single out an adult, quickly masters various means of communication. The baby now confidently searches for the adult with his eyes, turns to the sound of his steps, notices him from a distance on long distance. He intently examines the mother's face (her eyes attract special attention), listens to the sounds of her voice. In response to his mother's appeals, he smiles, looks at her attentively, moves his limbs animatedly and makes various sounds.

The picture of the baby's joyful behavior has been called by scientists the "complex of revival." The revitalization complex includes four main components:
1) fading and visual concentration - long, gaze for an adult;
2) a smile expressing joyful emotions child; 3) motor revival - head movements, throwing up arms and legs, arching the back, etc .;
4) vocalizations - screams (loud jerky vowel sounds), cooing (quiet short sounds like "kh", "gk", etc.), humming (drawn-out sounds resembling birdsong - "gullii", etc.).

All these components are observed in the behavior of the infant at the same time (hence the name "complex"). The revitalization complex develops by about two months, and its intensity increases up to four months. After this age, the revitalization complex begins to "disintegrate", that is, its individual components become relatively independent and new forms of the child's behavior arise.

The revitalization complex is a kind of manifestation of pleasure in response to the influences of adults. Long time the revival complex was interpreted precisely as a reaction in response to the actions of an adult.

However, recent studies have made it possible to look at this phenomenon as a form active participation infant in contact with an adult. Such data were obtained in the study of M. I. Lisina and S. Yu. Meshcheryakova.

The work of M. I. Lisina was based on the assumption that the revival complex is not just a response expressing joyful excitement, but a means of communicating with an adult. This means that it must express the activity of the child himself (that is, be his action). If so, then the revitalization complex (KO) should have different character depending on the situation and on the task of communication. In the experiments of M. I. Lisina, the intensity of all CR components in different situations interactions with adults
1) a passive adult in the child's field of vision;
2) a smiling adult;
3) affectionate stroking;
4) conversation;
5) a complex effect, including smiling, stroking and talking together.

The results obtained showed that the intensity and relative severity of the KO components depended on the type of exposure of an adult. So, the baby responds to the smile of an adult in the main with a smile and animation. When stroked, he is calm, smiles for a long time and vocalizes. When talking, the child often and for a long time hums. Thus, the situation of interaction determines the degree of general activity of the infant and the choice of communication means that he mainly uses. The following facts testify to the active role of COs.

First, it has been observed that infants become more active the more passive the adult is. Conversely, the more active the adult, the calmer and more "reactive" the child. The greatest activity of the child was manifested in situations with a passive adult, and the least - with his complex treatment. This means that the revitalization complex does not obey the "law of force", according to which the response is stronger, the more intense the impact that causes it. He obeys a completely different law - the law of communication: the more passive the partner, the more efforts must be made to attract him to the interaction.

Secondly, the revitalization complex often precedes the adult's conversion. The baby begins to make sounds and moves excitedly when the adult does not yet pay attention to him and talks to a stranger. IN similar cases The child's behavior is clearly not an answer, but an active action, a call for communication.

However, KO manifests itself not only when interacting with an adult, but also when perceiving interesting items as a reaction to the impressions pleasing to the child. To compare these two functions of KO, it was necessary to find out whether it has qualitative differences when it serves as a means of communication and when it arises in response to pleasant experience. The work of S. Yu. Meshcheryakova was aimed at clarifying this issue.

The methodology of her experiments provided for two groups of influences: the influence of an adult and toys, including those with an imaginary human face(roly-poly doll). The effects of both groups were equal in time and varied in the way of presentation and the degree of attraction for infants. Thus, there were series with a passive adult and an immovable object, and series with a communicating adult and an object approaching the child. The behavior of the children and the components of the CO were recorded and evaluated according to a predetermined three-point scale. The results of Meshcheryakova's work showed the following:
1) the total intensity of KO and its components (with the exception of visual concentration) is significantly higher under the influence of an adult than during the perception of objects;
2) differences were found in the composition of the CR. When perceiving objects, its main components turned out to be concentration and motor animation with a relatively weak representation of a smile and vocalizations.

Under the influence of an adult, all components of the CR were equally pronounced;
3) CO under the influence of an adult turned out to be more labile than with the perception of objects. Infants clearly changed their behavior depending on the behavior of an adult and reacted to objects in almost the same way. It is interesting that among all the presented objects, the most intense reaction of the children was caused by a roly-poly toy with the image of a human face;
4) there were differences in the dynamics of the infant's attitude to the adult and to the object. Interest in the same adult throughout all the experiments (and there were 12 of them in each series) did not fade away, but, on the contrary, was expressed more and more vividly. Repeated presentation of an object outside the presence of an adult aroused less and less interest in infants.

So, as a result of research by M. I. Lisina and S. Yu. Meshcheryakova, it was shown that the infant revitalization complex has an active function that is aimed at interacting with adults, and this active function is leading in relation to the reactive (expressive) one. Establishing the active function of CO is of great scientific importance, since it proves that the infant is not just a passive, reacting being, but is actively acting. Moreover, all his active actions are aimed at an adult. This can be regarded as evidence that, starting from the second month of life, the infant acquires the ability to communicate with adults and that this communication is the leading activity in the first half of life.

Revitalization Complex- it's emotional motor reaction expressed by a child in relation to an adult. The concept of "revitalization complex" was introduced by the psychologist N. M. Shchelovanov in the 20s of the twentieth century. The revitalization complex in a child begins to manifest itself weakly from about the third week of his life.

The neonatal period is a rather peculiar stage in the life of a born baby. The neonatal stage lasts from the beginning of birth to the beginning of the second month of life. The mere fact of birth is a huge shock. Before the birth of the baby, the existence of the baby took place in a vegetative-physiological rhythm, relative constancy and stay in a sparing environment. When going out into the world, the child abruptly finds himself in completely different conditions of life and the outside world. It is because of the sharp changes in life that the neonatal period is called the crisis.

Having been born, the baby already has a certain set of reflexes. Reflexes alone provide the ability physiological organism to the surrounding world and are saved in the future, other reflexes are atavistic, disappear in the first year and no longer arise.

The presence of reflexes is not the basis for mental development and formation complex reactions. Unlike animal cubs, a human child is much less provided with innate forms of behavior, since all human behaviors are formed and fixed in him during his lifetime.

The revival complex is expressed by the child freezing and fixating on objects or sounds, after which a smile, sounds and movements appear. Also, the revitalization complex in a child is accompanied by rapid breathing, joyful cries and other reactions.

The revitalization complex appears more intensively in a child at the age of two months. At normal development it is observed in its entirety. The emotional motor reaction becomes more intense in the period of up to three or four months, and at the end of this time it breaks up, transforming into more complex patterns of behavior.

With a lack of communication, the child's revitalization complex may be delayed, and deviations in its expression may also form: incompleteness of the components of the revitalization complex, reactive nature, an increase in the latent period, and a weak intensity of manifestation of the components.

Diagnosing the level of formation of situational-personal communication, the most great importance is attached to the presence of the initiative of the revitalization complex. Weak manifestation some elements of the revitalization complex may be a symptom of a physiological or anatomical pathology of the activity of various analyzers. This may indicate signs of a developmental disorder in the child's body.

The physiological criterion for the end of the period of the revival complex is visual and auditory concentration, the manifestation of conditioned reactions to auditory and visual stimuli.

The medical criterion is the achievement by the baby of the weight in which he was born - this indicates the healthy functioning of the body's systems.

Around the revival complex, there is a discussion about whether it is a differentiated emotional reaction of the child to influences perceived from the outside world or the revival complex is the simplest unreasonable reflex. There are supporters of the first and second interpretations, who hold their own opinion on this matter.

Baby Revitalization Complex

The first month after the birth of a child is the most difficult period In human life. Therefore, you need to try so that the baby is surrounded by calmness, attention and warmth. It is impossible from the first days of a newborn to bring down an avalanche of new impressions on him and interact with him too actively. There is no need to rush the development of the child.

Some parents give their child too much bright toys or turn on melodious music, and wait for the child to begin to pay attention to them. You just need to wait for the time to come, and not forcibly provoke emotional reactions. It is with the revitalization complex that everything that parents are waiting for comes.

The revitalization complex includes:

- freezing reaction in the first seconds of interaction with the object;

- visual concentration - a long and close look, directed and fixed on the object of attention, if the baby is considering an adult, then the very great attention he gives to the eyes of man;

- the smile of the baby, which now really expresses sincere joy;

- lively movements with which the baby shows his interest - he throws up his legs and pulls his arms, moves his head and bends his back towards an adult;

The above-described basic components of the revival complex must appear all together, since it is the totality of reactions that is considered a complex.

After birth, the baby experiences severe stress. He finds himself in a completely unfamiliar and new world for him, which is saturated bright colors, strange people, differences temperature regime, loud noises etc.

The baby is accustomed to the warmth, comfort and coziness in the mother's belly, the measured beat of the mother's heart, which soothes and lulls, so it is very important to hold the baby in her arms in the first weeks, because only near the mother does he feel safe.

It is advisable to remember that the presence of any neurological problems in the baby can lead to the fact that the revitalization complex in the child does not appear in a timely manner, but with a slight delay. An emotional motor reaction in a child occurs when a mother or one of the adults who care for him appears.

The revitalization complex includes such reactions with which the child meets loving person- movements of arms and legs, joyful cooing and a sweet smile. In fact, the baby smiled even earlier, but in a dream, and only now his smile addresses specific people.

After about 2 weeks, the child begins to focus on surrounding objects, especially those with which he will have to contact, he can look at people's faces. After a month of his life, the baby becomes able to distinguish sounds and recognize his mother's voice among other sounds. In a few more weeks, he can give all actions a single meaning, connect a chain of them - mother's hands, feeding, mother's voice and face. All this baby determines how good and reacts to everything positive emotions. The child accepts new world and he likes what he sees and is happy because his emotions are positive.

The revival complex appears in a child at the age of one month. Similar reactions have arisen before, but now they are manifested in a complex - the child responds to a familiar voice and smiles if someone leans over the crib, glances and watches the movements of a person from a distance.

An important new formation of the revitalization complex is the establishment of a conscious eye contact with child. While he does not distinguish the faces of his parents from the rest of those around him, and this skill comes only in the middle of the first year of life. After this time, he will learn to smile at individual people, and not at all in a row and wary, approach and communicate with strangers. He also consciously looks at people and remembers them.

Animation complex transforms into much more complex shapes behaviors that are based on each individual response. This transformation is carried out at the age of four months.

There are various studies in which the hypothesis is admitted that the animation complex is not just a response that expresses joyful excitement, that this is a means of the process of communicating with adults. If this is true, then the revitalization complex will have different character, according to the situation and depending on the task of communication.

At the age of ten full weeks baby starts looking at mom or another loved one, greeting him to smile and start moving upon contact with the object, if this is not the case, then you should think about whether everything is in order.

In raising a child, everything must be done in moderation. You can allow him to take the initiative, let the baby freely express his emotions and actions. There is no need to sit all day and night at the baby's bed or run headlong at the first sob of the child. The kid will get used to the fact that his parents are always there and he will not need to attract the attention of adults every time and make great efforts to do this, which in the future may affect his behavior, especially in expressing initiative. And of course, on the other hand, one should also not forget about the child and, in case of a real need, be near him.

Newborns need to be talked to often. Mom should talk to the baby during feeding, bathing or in the process of changing clothes in order to cause a revitalization complex.

The revitalization complex in a child is an opportunity for a child to turn to outside world and the people around you, get to know them and start interacting. Therefore, the revitalization complex is considered sufficient significant indicator normal healthy mental development of the infant. Young parents should know how important it is to monitor the behavior and reactions of the child, and in case of abnormalities, immediately consult a doctor.

Often, young, inexperienced mothers ask the pediatrician if their child is developing normally. It will not be difficult for a specialist to evaluate physiological parameters, because there are certain norms and indicators for this.

First consultation

At the appointment, the pediatrician checks the physical with a table that shows parameters such as height, weight, number of teeth, head circumference and mobility.

When physical indicators the baby is normal, some mothers are worried about whether their mental development is normal. To determine this indicator, there is a complex for reviving an infant.

For the first time, this term was discussed in the early thirties of the last century. Children's neurologists say that the complex consists of several components.

Child's reactions

  • The child in the first seconds of communication with an adult shows stiffness, fading.
  • The focused look of a newborn into the eyes of another person after a few minutes of communication.
  • A response to an adult's dialogue, expressed in a smile.
  • After meeting an adult, the baby shows active movement, that is, arches its back, kicks, knocks with its hands.
  • Attracting the attention of an adult, or vocalization, is manifested in cooing and joyful screaming.

Revitalization Complex is one of the key indicators successful development of the newborn. For the baby, the components of this complex serve as a way to communicate with the outside world. All of the above reactions must proceed in combination, corresponding to age period. If everything is normal, then we can talk about normal, healthy development child.

Revitalization complex: the age at which it manifests itself

Scientists have found that at the time of birth, the child experiences great stress, since the new environment is different from the one in which he comfortably stayed all nine months. Now everything seems new and very dangerous to him.

Approximately two weeks after birth, the baby begins to get used to and get used to, become interested in objects and focus on them, recognize the voice of the mother or other people close to him, feel safe in the presence of familiar adults.

After about two and a half months, the first components of the revitalization complex begin to appear in the child.

If earlier the baby gave an uncoordinated reaction to various kinds of stimuli, now all these components or reactions will manifest themselves together, that is, in a complex way. For example, a smile at the appearance of an adult, recognition of the mother's voice among other voices, joy at the sight of mother, etc. That is, loud cooing, tapping with legs and fists - all these are manifestations of animation at the sight of mother.

From two and a half to three months - this is a period of absolute happiness of the child, he is active, constantly smiling and with his whole appearance shows that he really wants to learn a lot of new things.

Period of maximum activity

The revitalization complex is a period when communication with the child should be maximum, it is important not only to take him in your arms, but also to accompany all your actions with speech. Scientists believe that it speech activity mother influences whether the child will be the center of the company, able to make contact with the people around him, or whether he will always be closed and lonely.

What will happen if you do not talk to the baby, avoid communication with him? In addition to sadness and whims, the child may experience further developmental delay, speech defects, and nightmares.

It is very important not to overdo it here, you need to give the child a rest when he needs it.

The first disparate components of the complex in individual cases accompany the baby from three weeks to two and a half months, that is, the entire newborn. The recovery complex, no matter what time it starts, normally ends by four months.

After that, the child's reaction changes, the behavior becomes more meaningful, conscious emotions and vivid mood changes begin to appear.

Important information for parents

If the baby does not have a revitalization complex in time, this should be a cause for concern. Perhaps in the future the baby will experience or disorder

If a child at the age of ten or eleven weeks looks at her mother, greets her with cooing, waves her arms and pulls her legs, trying to attract her attention, there should be no cause for concern.

You should not impose your communication on the child, give him the opportunity to take the initiative, you do not need to be on duty at the crib for days and run to the baby at his first squeak.

If a child understands that an adult is always there, and in order to ask him for something, you do not need to call him, this may reflect badly on him. further development. Everything should be in moderation, but it is also not worth abandoning or postponing the upbringing of a child. It is important to talk with the baby, emotionally respond to his cooing, try to evoke an emotional reaction in him to any significant event, feeding or dressing.

The revitalization complex is important period in the life of an infant, because it is thanks to him that the child has the opportunity to communicate and interact with the people around him, and therefore - to develop.

Basic baby skills after four months

In addition to physical development, during this period it is important that the baby has the following skills:

  1. The ability to roll over independently, without the help of an adult.
  2. Keep your head in the prone position.
  3. Sit down with the help of an adult (when he is raised by the hands up), keep his head in a sitting position.
  4. The ability to push off with the tips of the toes from a hard surface when held by the armpits.
  5. In contrast to two months, when the revival complex appears, the period after four months is characterized by conscious grasping of objects, open palms, with which the child can independently pat objects.
  6. The ability to purposefully put your fingers in your mouth instead of a nipple or help yourself with your hands when breastfeeding.

The older the child becomes, the less noticeable are the main manifestations of the revitalization complex, although some of the reactions, on the contrary, become conscious and meaningful.

What should a child know

  • Pronounce sounds remotely similar to "b", "m", "p", "a", "o".
  • Smile at the appearance new toy, the new adult.
  • Emotionally or cooingly respond to your name. To distinguish among other people who called him by name and look in his direction.
  • Play with objects, feel your face, hands, hair, be surprised at your mirror image.
  • Play with an adult in simple emotional games, recognize the shown object, follow it with a glance, be surprised when an adult hides a toy, and then takes it out again.

It is important for young parents raising their first child to know that the revitalization complex is a mandatory phenomenon that must manifest itself in a child. If the above reactions are not observed, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist.