How to wash off oily face masks. Effective face masks with oils at home. Burdock face masks

Text: Irina Sergeeva

Why are plant and essential oils so good, especially as a base for face masks? The point is that they contain a large number of vitamins and amino acids, ideal for the care of dry, wrinkled and sensitive skin.

Why are oil face masks good?

Oil face masks imply the use of almost any vegetable or essential oil - linseed, sunflower, burdock or castor, depending on your taste and the availability of this product in the house. You can also use more exotic oils in masks - grape, jojoba, apricot kernel, almond, rosehip, cedar, wheat germ, cottonseed. Of course, at home they usually do not sit on the shelf, so you should go to the pharmacy for them.

What else are good for the skin oils - they make it radiant, delicate, perfectly moisturize, tone up. Meanwhile, they can be used on their own - just apply slightly warmed oil on the skin of the face and leave for 20-30 minutes, and if desired, even longer. You can simply smear on the skin and go about your household chores without fear of overexposing the mask, as this will not harm your skin in any way. At the end of the procedure, remove the remaining oil with a napkin.

Natural vegetable oil It is very useful to add a teaspoon to any homemade mask if you have dry and sensitive skin.

Oil face mask recipes

Radiance Oil Mask... Mix 4 drops of any oil you like, 1 tbsp. avocado oils small amount fermented baked milk and 2 tbsp. rice flour... Apply the mixed mixture evenly on the face for 10 minutes, and then rinse plain water.

Toning oil mask... To prepare it, 5 drops of cardamom oil are mixed with 1 tsp. honey, 2 tbsp. cream or milk and 1 tsp. salt. A homogeneous mass is applied to clean skin for 5 minutes and then washed off warm water.

Anti-wrinkle oil mask... Mix 3 drops of incense, 3 drops of vetiver oil, 1 drop sandalwood oil and 1 tbsp. jojoba oil. Apply the resulting mass to the face for 15 minutes, and then the excess oil formed on the skin is washed off with rose water.

Oil mask for aging skin... Whisk 1 tsp. slightly warmed honey with the yolk of 1 egg, add 1 tsp. linseed oil, stir well. Apply to skin and keep on for at least 15 minutes.

Face masks - an inexhaustible topic women's conversation and experiments. Lots of different masks, but which one is right for you? I would like the mask to be easy to prepare and as effective as possible. If this is your goal, then we offer you face masks made from oils. They are widely used in beauty salons and are loved by many women. The polyacids and vitamins that make up the oils have a great effect on the skin, visibly rejuvenating and nourishing it. This is especially important for dry skin, which often appears in early spring or with the arrival of autumn. In addition, oils are great for treating irritations, redness and flaking of the skin.

Oil face masks: what you need to know?

Oils and their purpose

Oil face masks naturally differ in the main component - oil. Depending on it, the mask acquires a special purpose. Let's take a look at each oil separately.

The most affordable. It perfectly nourishes the skin and moisturizes dry areas. It can be used separately, or together with fruits, cottage cheese, berries.

Tea Tree Oil - Helps get rid of acne by cleansing and toning the skin. This oil can also be used alone by wetting problem areas, but it can be combined with honey and white clay.

Peach oil - excellently moisturizes the skin. The most the best time years of using such a mask is winter. Heating devices in the room dry out the skin of the face, and it requires special care. Typically, peach oil is mixed with honey or gelatin.

Flaxseed oil - fights the appearance of wrinkles and reduces the aging signs that have already appeared. Linen masks are good for all skin types. It is enough just a couple of times a week to moisten your face with linseed oil. Even without additional ingredients, the oil perfectly saturates the skin with vitamins and nutrients.

Oil face masks: each oil has its own purpose. Choose the oil according to your skin type

Sea buckthorn oil - heals wounds and abrasions. Copes with flaking. The oil can be combined with yellow clay to help improve skin condition.

Citrus oil - suitable for oily skin, slightly "dries" it.

Lavender oil - tones and soothes the skin.

Peppermint oil - improves blood circulation, accelerates cell regeneration.

In addition, many oils have wonderful aroma, thanks to which they are able to quickly cheer up. And as has already been proven, the mask becomes twice as effective if you are in a great mood at the time of the procedure. It is not for nothing that aromatherapy is so popular all over the world.

You can buy mask oils at the pharmacy or specialized stores for aromatherapy. Now it won't give you any trouble.

Oil face mask recipes

Of course, oils can be used alone without additional components... Simply apply the oil to cleansed skin and sit for 15 minutes. Then cotton pad moistened with warm water, gently remove the oil. No face cream is required. All oils perfectly moisturize the skin. If you love more complex recipes, then we present you the most interesting by skin type.

Oil face masks: thanks to this variety, you can easily find the best mask for you

Nourishing oil face mask

  1. jojoba oil - 2 tsp;
  2. rose oil - 4 drops;
  3. jasmine oil - 4 drops;
  4. blue clay - 4 tablespoons

Mix all ingredients and apply to face. After the mask is completely dry, rinse it off with warm water.

Moisturizing oil mask

  1. avocado oil - 4 tsp;
  2. lavender oil - 4 drops;
  3. kefir - a small amount;
  4. lemon juice - a few drops.

Apply the mixture to your face. After 15 minutes, rinse everything off with warm water.

Revitalizing oil face mask

  1. milk - 1 tablespoon;
  2. honey - 1 tsp;
  3. sandalwood oil - 2 drops;
  4. lemon juice - 1 tsp

The oil works great for tired skin. Apply it all over your face for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. If you wish, you can rinse your face with green tea.

Age-old face mask made from oils

  1. lavender oil - 3 drops;
  2. vetiver oil - 3 drops;
  3. sandalwood oil - 1 drop;
  4. jojoba oil - 1 tablespoon

Mix oils and apply them to your skin. After 15 minutes, wash off with warm water. The mask fights wrinkles perfectly at any age.

Oil face masks are a gift from nature that should be enjoyed by all women. There is nothing better than natural ingredients that are given to us the world... Choose a mask for your skin type and do it at least 2 times a week. Your skin will certainly be rejuvenated, fresher, more well-groomed and beautiful.

External attractiveness depends on healthy skin, her natural beauty... Therefore it is understandable natural desire take care of her impeccable cosmetic condition. But to avoid skin irritation, allergic rash, you need to use folk remedies which cleanse the face, normalize blood supply - as a result, the skin "breathes" and rejuvenates.

Alcoholic solutions dry fabrics, and water solutions are ineffective. Therefore, oriental healers replaced them with oils from fragrant flowers and medicinal herbs... Masks with essential oils for the face (they are obtained by evaporation) and herbal (by squeezing or infusion with other oils) are very useful. All women trust such masks. Already several millennia ago, they added them to masks made from flour, clay and eggs to enhance the scent, and suddenly got incredible elasticity and delicious skin tone. How to prepare face masks with essential and herbal oils at home?

Normal skin is usually firm, velvety, fresh. Support her blooming view you can use masks with cosmetic chamomile oil, a teaspoon of which is mixed with two drops of tonic frankincense essential oil. Chamomile oil ideally nourishes, softens, moisturizes, increases elasticity skin tissue and slows down its aging, due to the activation of metabolism and blood circulation. You need to apply a napkin with this oil mixture for 20 minutes, and the skin will "glow from the inside".

In the spring, even the lucky owners normal skin freckles appear: scattered yellow-cinnamon specks. If you consider this a cosmetic drawback, get rid of them by making whitening masks with lemon oil, which brighten and soften the skin, making it silky and soft. Also lemon nourishes the face with mineral salts, ascorbic acid... It is a powerful antiseptic. Three drops lemon oil must be mixed with 50 g of wheat germ oil. Keep on the skin for 5-10 minutes.

Abrasions and bruises on the face are very unpleasant and dangerous. Essential mask lavender oil Quickly heal wounds and prevent scars: This soothing, pain relieving antiseptic will relieve facial spasms, get in the way of bacteria and accelerate scar-free healing. Alternate these face masks with geranium oil formulations (15 drops of oil per 15 g of foundation) to balance the treatment and speed it up.

Oily facial skin is less sensitive, and subcutaneous fat prevents it from aging for a long time. However, her pallor, pores, acne upset. To give your face freshness soft color, make masks with essential ylang ylang oil from the flowers of the tropical kananga tree.

For a thousand years, it, in a mixture with coconut, has faithfully served beauty: it normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, soothes and relaxes the muscles of the face (3 drops per 15 g of base). Add 3 more drops of cypress essential oil to the mixture for a delicate and healthy color face due to good blood flow.

A 20-minute facial mask with successive cosmetic oil will reduce pores and sweating. Make a more effective hot oil mask twice a month: soak a tissue in hot water, apply 20 drops cosmetic oil turns, apply to face, covering with a towel. The mask accelerates the exchange in skin cells, making it firm and fresh.

Add an equal amount of clary sage oil to the string oil to help protect your skin from excess PMS hormones.

Acne is the result of vitamin deficiency, overwork, bad habits, and in adolescents - puberty. Get rid of blackheads that are clogged sebaceous glands, 20-minute face masks with pine essential oil - an antiseptic containing vitamins C, K, B1, B2, P, carotene, tannins and organic acids (7 drops per teaspoon of jojoba - a unique non-oxidizing liquid wax). The result will be enhanced by the addition of 5 drops of tea tree oil to this mixture - an antifungal agent that even heals ringworm and prevent scars and acne marks.

Very thin, tender and sensitive, but flakes, itching and tightness is felt. Due to the lack of subcutaneous fat, it ages quickly, wrinkles appear early. Mask (20 minutes) with cosmetic oil from wheat germ (1 tablespoon) nourishes, softens, moisturizes, eliminates peeling of the face.

Pinpoint capillary hemorrhages on dry skin of the face are eliminated with masks with rose oil (10 drops). The mask moisturizes and strengthens the skin, smoothes wrinkles, relieves tension and fatigue of the facial muscles.

Wrinkles appear even in young people from fast weight loss: subcutaneous fat disappears, the skin sags, becomes decrepit. The skin tone will be improved by regular masks (twice a week) with frankincense essential oil - the oldest and most valuable product in cosmetics. Such anti-aging masks were invented by the ancient Egyptians: a mixture of 7 drops of frankincense essential oil and a tablespoon of jojoba oil will make a natural mini-lifting.

If the swelling under the eyes is very upsetting due to the use of excess fluid or fatty foods, a mask of 10 drops of chamomile cosmetic and a tablespoon of grated raw potatoes can urgently remove them.

The lips will remain firm and beautiful view if you put lemon balm oil on them with honey or fresh applesauce(3 drops per 10 g). Melissa will also prevent cold sores, other infections, cracks, and give your lips a delicious natural shine.

Face care


29.07.14 15:51

Effective and affordable homemade face masks from oils have a gentle effect on the skin and provide deep nutrition, hydration and restoration of the epidermis. The main advantage of the ingredient is thorough penetration active substances into the thickness of the dermis and a complex effect on its cells. Masks with oils, applied to pre-steamed and cleansed skin, are able to provide results in a short time, which are sometimes impossible to achieve with expensive salon procedures.

Rich in vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids, face masks with rosehip oil help to activate cellular processes. As a result of the use of such products, the regeneration of the epidermis is accelerated, inflammations pass, pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of the face are destroyed. These natural remedies saturate cells with vitamins, increase skin tone, while softening it. Such masks - irreplaceable assistant in the care of dry, lifeless skin prone to flaking and appearance age-related changes... Rosehip oil is able to restore the smoothness of the face after acne or comedones, but use it on the skin bold type you need to be careful. Oil formulations are applied only to the affected areas and in very small quantities.

Unique in their functionality, cedarwood oil face masks can be used both for acne and for restoring the moisture balance of dry skin. When combined with herbal teas, products can be created that have healing and antimicrobial properties. Cedar nut oil is added to cosmetic products to enhance anti-aging, smoothing and nourishing effects. Oil face masks are often used to treat the skin around the eyes. These can be both one-component products and complex multifunctional formulations.

Linseed oil face masks are only gaining popularity. More recently, this component was unknown to amateurs. home cosmetology, despite the fact that it has a number of beneficial properties for the skin. Flaxseed oil can be used in any type of skin care product. It helps to smooth wrinkles, better skin tension, but without a feeling of tightness. In addition to rejuvenation, linseed oil masks moisturize and nourish the skin, protect it from the effects of frost and wind, remove toxins and help get rid of cracks and small wounds.

Primarily, cocoa butter face masks are designed to repair damaged and lifeless skin. The main ingredient contains a whole complex of acids that stimulate the regeneration processes, restore the lost softness and elasticity of the skin. Also cocoa butter is irreplaceable means when caring for the area around the eyes. Regular oil face masks will quickly get rid of crow's feet", Puffiness, circles under the eyes and even help to cope with slightly sagging skin of the eyelids. Even if in the summer you just use cocoa butter as day cream, you can ensure yourself an even beautiful tan and prevent sunburn.

The softness of the action high efficiency makes facials with apricot oil leaders among the owners of sensitive and dry skin. Fatty acids take Active participation in the normalization of vital cellular processes. Vitamins A, B and C help relieve inflammation, heal small wounds and cracks, saturate epidermal cells with moisture and nutrients. Vitamin F prevents enlargement of pores, prevents the appearance of acne and accelerates the regeneration processes. Masks with oil from apricot kernels v as soon as possible rejuvenate and tone the skin, restore complexion.

A panacea for solving the problems of aging and sensitive skin can be face masks with peach oil... The ingredients of such formulations are easily absorbed, do not clog pores and do not create an artificial film on the surface of the face that prevents cells from breathing. Products containing peach seed oil are suitable for skin care at any age. They cleanse the skin, including around the eyes, from decorative cosmetics and dirt. These face masks made from oils are successful in treating acne. of various origins and the first wrinkles. Regular use of peach mixtures can refresh the skin and normalize the complexion.

Due to the content of B vitamins in the main component, face masks with avocado oil help to maintain the beauty of the face on long years... Compositions with such oil are suitable for aging aging skin and will become a real salvation at the first appearance of wrinkles or a faded complexion. Besides rejuvenation, avocado oil is a good moisturizing agent and is often added to cosmetic formulations for this very purpose. It is important to understand that avocado oil is only used as additional ingredient and cannot be used as the sole component or base for a mask.

Packed with retinol and tocopherol, palm oil face masks are considered excellent anti-aging agents. They activate collagen synthesis, and do not replenish its amount due to substances foreign to the skin. Along with the Palm oil has a pronounced cleansing effect. It allows you to gently exfoliate dead cells from the skin's surface. Refined oils face masks different parts pericarp of the African palm, have a softening effect on the skin, reduce wrinkles and correct the oval of the face.

Face masks with coconut oil... The components of the main ingredient not only rejuvenate, protect and smooth the skin. They do it so delicately that after just a few sessions you can forget about redness, peeling, cracks and wounds. Suitable for any type of skin care, these formulations are equally easy to deal with acne, comedones and age-related changes on the face. Just one procedure a week after a relaxing bath can give even lifeless skin a second youth.

With coarse skin, unevenness and flaking, experts recommend homemade face masks with castor oil. Ricinoleic acid, which is part of the base component, activates cellular processes, as a result of which the skin is softened and smoothed. Castor oil also suitable for combating wrinkles. It is even used to restore smoothness to the area around the eyes. Very often, face masks made from oils, including castor oil, are applied to the skin, including the eyelids, eyebrows and eyelashes. This ensures a complete and comprehensive care behind the face.

Known for several centuries and have not lost their popularity today, face masks with olive oil remain at the forefront of products that prolong the youthfulness of the skin. These products allow not only to provide moisture to the cells, but also keep it in the thickness of the skin for for a long time... Olive oil nourishes, restores the skin after injuries, restores its freshness and elasticity. At the same time, the component does not accumulate on the skin in the form of fat and does not clog the pores, allowing the cells to breathe. Another indisputable plus of olive oils is their good tolerance and very rare cases of allergic reactions.

A unique plant from Australia allows even at home to create face masks with tea tree oil, which contain substances not found in other natural sources. Means prepared on the basis of such oil are suitable, first of all, for the care of oily, combined and problem skin th, prone to acne and their subsequent inflammation. In addition to the cosmetic properties that oil face masks are famous for, these products can not only improve appearance face, but also to cure a number skin diseases, relieve warts and promote healing of burns and cuts.

Face masks with grape seed oil have amazing versatility. They can be used to narrow pores and get rid of the luster of oily skin, moisturize the epidermis, which is prone to dryness and flaking, and solve a number of problems. combination skin... Only this component combines anti-aging vitamins and astringent anti-inflammatory elements. When using oil formulations, the pores are not clogged, wrinkles are smoothed, the elasticity of the epidermis increases. Just a few drops of this oil give any mask a whole host of additional benefits.

Face masks with grapefruit oil are of increasing interest among specialists and amateurs. These cosmetics not only give the skin a pleasant citrus aroma, but also cleanse enlarged pores, gradually narrowing the sebaceous tubules, lighten pigmented formations on the skin, relieve sebaceous plugs, preventing the appearance of blackheads. The use of such products has its own characteristics. For example, after the procedure, it is recommended to treat the face with an ice cube, which also includes grapefruit oil.

When extracts and extracts of fruits and plants only began to come into fashion, face masks with jojoba oil were especially popular. A component rich in amino acids, proteins and vitamins, and today it is successfully used for cooking homemade cosmetic formulations... Jojoba oil products rejuvenate, nourish and moisturize the skin. The components of the ingredient simultaneously penetrate deeply into the dermis and form a thin and porous protective film on the skin surface. In addition to excellent cosmetic properties, such oil face masks are used in the treatment of dermatitis, acne and even psoriasis.

One of the best home remedies for wrinkles remains sea buckthorn oil face masks. It is very difficult to list all useful components, which are part of the miracle oil and their effect on the skin. Face masks with sea ​​buckthorn oil eliminate wrinkles, increase skin tone, moisturize the epidermis and relieve it of scars and stretch marks. Express remedies on this basis will help to quickly relieve facial puffiness, increase skin immunity, and improve its color and relief. Regular use of such an oil face mask will allow you to cope with a number of skin diseases, age spots, blackheads and blackheads.

Almonds and other nuts have long been used as a base ingredient in creams and tonics, but almond oil face masks remain the most beneficial for the skin. Organic acids, niacin, vitamins, fatty and essential oils that make up the ingredient allow you to rejuvenate, moisturize, soothe the skin, even out its relief and tone, and normalize cellular processes. Application almond oil provides A complex approach to skin problems. For example, it is difficult to find another component that simultaneously cleanses, moisturizes, soothes oily skin and normalizes the sebaceous tubules.

The gentle action and the ability to solve several problems at once make face masks with rose oil indispensable when choosing the optimal care for dry or sensitive skin. Such products are often used to restore skin after acne. Compositions with rose oil soothe the epidermis, moisturize it, and get rid of scars and cracks. Besides the healing effect, this ingredient is able to rejuvenate the skin at any age. At the time of buying rose oil it is important to pay attention to the composition of the product. Only pure oil able to show maximum efficiency any additives reduce its cosmetological ability.

There are products that are valued for a large set of vitamins or trace elements, and face masks with ylang-ylang oil have a unique chemical composition... Natural antiseptics monoterpenes disinfect the skin surface, increasing its tone. Monoterpene alcohols act as mild antibiotics and treat inflammation such as acne or pustular eruptions. Esters even out skin texture and improve complexion. Organic acids and phenols activate subcutaneous microcirculation, rejuvenating the face and increasing its resistance to negative factors.

Possessing not only cosmetic, but also therapeutic properties, face masks with wheat germ oil are actively used to treat dermatitis and age-related skin changes. Such formulations are excellent antioxidant, tonic, tonic and anti-aging agents. They don't just fill cells building material, restoring their shape and masking problems. These substances are able to establish vital processes flowing in the tissues. As a result, the cells of the epidermis are renewed, cleansed, rejuvenated, which affects the condition of the skin.

Face masks with lemon oil are great for treating oily skin. The components of the substance normalize the work of the sebaceous tubules, reduce the production and secretion of skin secretions, and narrow the enlarged pores. After several sessions, the face looks more neat and aesthetically pleasing. But like other face masks made from oils, such products can be used to prepare formulations for all skin types. Lemon oil perfectly rejuvenates the epidermis, restoring its elasticity and eliminating the vascular network.

To soothe irritated and inflamed skin, scented and mild lavender oil face packs can be used. These products will relieve the sensitive epidermis from itching, redness and flaking. Lavender masks can provide invaluable help to problem skin, because due to their bactericidal and antiseptic properties, they are able to quickly and effectively cope with acne. Lavender oil is often added to daily remedies for skin care, because they remove toxins, increase the tone of the face, and alleviate the skin condition in case of dermatitis.

Very effective masks with natural ingredients easy to prepare and are good remedy for facial skin care at home.

The action of the mask depends on the components included in it: one is aimed at cleansing the skin, the second at moisturizing, and the others against inflammation, to normalize sebaceous secretions, whitening and leveling relief. Oils perceptibly improve your skin, penetrating deep into its layers.

First, you need to cleanse your face of dust and dirt accumulated during the day, and then do face masks with essential oils. To do this, we mix ingredients that will improve your skin.

A product for normal skin

For preparation, you need to combine orange, pink, lemon and bergamot extract (each oil should be taken in the amount of 1 drop) with base oil (15 ml).

Dry skin remedy

For manufacturing, you need to combine 15 ml base oil cocoa with lavender, neroli, rosemary and rose butter (1 drop each). You can also take 12 ml olive oil by adding 5 drops to it. geranium and lavender with rose. These mixtures can also be taken for massage.

A product for oily skin. For production, you need to mix: lavender, lemon and tea tree extract (each you need to take 1 drop) with 15 ml of base oil.

Combined type

Take 15 ml of base (jojoba or cocoa), add one drop of rose, rosemary and tangerine oils to it. Another recipe: you need to combine jojoba oil (three tablespoons), with essential oils of orange, rose, lavender, bergamot and tea tree (3 drops each).

Sensitive skin

Use chamomile emulsion for care. For preparation, take 40 ml of cocoa or jojoba butter. Add 80 ml almond oil and let cool. Then add 10 drops to the mixture. chamomile oil.

Having prepared the right remedy, apply it to a cotton swab and gently wipe your face, neck and décolleté. All this must be done quickly so that all cosmetics and dust accumulated on the skin of the face during the day are not drawn into the deep layers of the skin along with oils.

Important! If you have oily skin and you suffer from enlarged pores and inflammation, add lemon juice or vinegar to the water to moisten the cotton wool in the proportion: 1 tbsp. l. for 500 ml of warm water. With dilated vessels, the water should be barely warm.

Wash with boiled cold water or wipe your face with toner. Now let your skin dry and apply your moisturizing cream.

Apply the mask correctly

  1. We collect hair in a ponytail or bun so that they do not interfere with us. If there is a bang, we pin it with an invisible hairpin or another hairpin for the same purposes.
  2. We cleanse the face and wait until the skin dries.
  3. The eyelids need to be lubricated with cream for children.
  4. Now apply a layer of mask to the skin of the face in the following directions:
  • apply from the chin to the temples;
  • from lips to earlobes;
  • from the bridge of the nose, distribute the cream to the temples.

You can apply the product by hand, as well as with a brush, brush, sponge. Observe cleanliness during application.

Warming up your face with a hot compress will increase the effectiveness of the mask. This procedure is contraindicated in people with rosacea.

The face mask is applied to the skin for 5 to 30 minutes

Do not make any facial movements, and after the right time has passed, wash off the mask carefully, while you do not need to stretch the skin. After removing the mask, wipe the face with lotion or tonic, and then apply a moisturizer.

Skin problems and solutions

Essential oils- an excellent remedy for combating skin imperfections

Scented masks are used to treat any skin problem:

  1. Skin rejuvenation. The most soft skin suffers from the appearance of wrinkles. First of all, there are mimic wrinkles... The skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles can appear due to any imbalance of functions in the body, as well as if you are often under stress and an unfavorable environment around you. With the help of aroma masks, oxidative processes are blocked, and the respiration of skin cells is activated.

Oils to prevent small mimic wrinkles: incense and rose, mint, pine, nutmeg and nerol can also be used with success.

For more pronounced wrinkles, use: fennel, mint, pine, myrrh, incense oil.

  1. Skin with enlarged pores, pimples and blackheads. Blackheads are formed due to clogging of the pores with horny plugs, which are called comedones. Because of them, the ducts of the sebaceous glands cannot be cleansed on their own. naturally... The most affected areas of the face are the forehead, nose and chin. To narrow the pores, oil extracts of tea tree, chamomile, rosemary, lemon, lavender, bergamot and pine are used. Mandarin, chamomile, bergamot and lemon oils are used to brighten pores.

It is good to do 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening, cleansing the skin with a tonic: mix 50 ml of pharmacy alcohol with essential oils of lavender and tea tree (10 drops each) and 5 drops of bergamot oil. You do not need to dilute the mixture. Wipe the skin with a damp cotton swab in the tonic.

After cleansing, make a mixture of oils: lavender (1 c.), 3 drops of rose, 5 drops each. rosemary with chamomile and 50 ml of melted cocoa (butter - base).

  1. Lightening skin color.
  • Vascular mesh. It appears due to the weakness of the vascular muscle epithelium. The subcutaneous tissue becomes loose due to the disturbed water and mineral balance. With the help of essential oils, the intracellular pressure of the skin is normalized and the muscle tone is increased. For these purposes, oils are used: cypress, lemon and lavender, mint and sage.
  • There are freckles and age spots. To eliminate this defect, the following is suitable: oil of rose, lemon, grapefruit and chamomile.
  • The skin has greasy shine and bad complexion. Rose, neroli, orange, cypress and mint oils are used.
  1. Swelling of the skin of the face. It may be due to the stagnation of fluid in the skin, this is due to bad job urinary organs and deterioration of the body as a whole. First, you need to determine the reason and then choose already suitable oil... The following are suitable: rosewood, juniper, pine, chamomile, rose.
  2. Acne. They appear due to poor metabolism and deterioration hormonal background... Immunity of the skin and its protective functions very lowered. The oils in the skin normalize the pressure inside the cells, strengthen their membranes and improve metabolic functions. The production of interferon is also normalized (it has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing, as well as immune-producing functions). For treatment with success they use: tea tree, chamomile, pine, cedar, rosemary, juniper, lavender, clove and eucalyptus oils can also be used.

Mask recipes

Anti-expression wrinkle mask

Beat the white of one egg with a fork and combine with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, 2 tbsp. l. yogurt, and 4 drops. rosemary oil. Apply the mask for 20 minutes. and wash off with warm water.

Mask for dull and loose skin... We take one apple and bake it in the oven, and then we make mashed potatoes from it. Add 1 drop of rosemary oil, 4 drops of olive oil, the yolk of one egg and 2 tsp. honey. Mix and apply to the skin for 20 minutes.

To nourish and moisturize the ear and sagging skin, heat 2 teaspoons of honey, add one egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. olive oil. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Moisturizing mask. Mix 50 ml of yogurt with lemon essential oil (three drops), 12 ml of cocoa butter and 4 drops. oil suitable for your skin, add the juice of 1 lemon. Keep on the skin for 15 minutes.

Masks for rosacea

  1. Mix 5 drops of jojoba oil with one yolk, one drop of lavender oil and one drop of rose and lemon each.
  2. Mix 5 drops of jojoba oil with one yolk, one drop of mint oil and two drops each of lemon and cypress.
  3. We take 50 ml of natural yogurt, add to it: 5 drops of juniper, 5 drops of neroli, 2 drops of rosemary. Mix and apply for 15 minutes.

To slow down the aging and aging of the skin, masks using such oils are suitable: carrot seeds, myrrh, frankincense, nerol. For the basis, take following oils? jojoba, avocado, or oil grape seed.

Recipe against aging of epithelial cells: base: 25 ml of jojoba and 40 ml of walnut. Add five drops. incense, 4 drops of primrose, 4 drops. rosemary.

Apply the mask two to three times a week.

  1. Be sure to change oils in home cosmetics... Replace one with another with the same properties. Thanks to this, excessive replenishment of biological substances will not occur in the skin, which will prevent possible allergic reactions to this component.
  2. Do not mix oils with commercial cosmetics. Absorbing into the deep layers of the skin and blood, the oils will pull with them all the chemicals contained in cosmetics from the store.
  3. Make sure that oils do not get into your eyes when applying the mask, otherwise rinse your eyes with plenty of water.
  4. Before applying new oil, perform a sensitivity test.
  5. It is best to do masks in the evening - one to two hours before bedtime.
  6. Pay attention to the smell of the oil, how the scent works on you. Even if it is suitable for your skin type, its scent will not always have a positive effect on you.
  7. Read the instructions carefully. Find out what condition its application can cause. If it invigorates, then you should not use it in evening care behind the skin. And if, on the contrary, it has a calming effect, then do not use it in the morning, when the whole day is ahead and you need to do a lot of things.
  8. It is best not to use oils at all during pregnancy. They are also contraindicated for people with epilepsy, and some oils are harmful for other diseases. Such data should be indicated in the instructions.
  9. Citrus oils can be phototoxic to you and irritate when exposed to the sun's rays. Therefore, if the weather is sunny outside and you need to leave the house, apply oils on your face no later than 2 hours before going out.

Also, do not use oils before going to the tanning salon.