Pore ​​narrowing remedy. Cream "Faberlik": comments. Why enlarged pores are dangerous

Good day, my dear readers. Today we will talk about a very common cosmetic problem. I had quite problematic skin when I was younger. Due to excess sebum and acne pores have become large. I tried a lot of things to get rid of this flaw. And of course, I'm happy with the result. In this article I have collected the best means to narrow the pores on the face. From salon procedures- to creams and homemade masks.

Most often, this problem is faced by owners of fatty or combined type skin. When too much sebum is produced, it accumulates in the pores, forming blackheads and comedones.

Large pores are formed for the following reasons:

  • neglect of purification or its improper conduct;
  • hormonal failure in the body;
  • dehydration and sunburn;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • constant stress, malnutrition;
  • bad habits - smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • low-quality cheap cosmetics.

If nothing is done, wide pores stay and spoil appearance faces. This deficiency most often affects the forehead, nose and chin.

As the cosmetologist told me: "Everything comes from the inside." I recommend consulting with a gastroenterologist, and for girls with a gynecologist. Because skin problems are often due to malnutrition or hormonal imbalance.

The first thing to do is to exclude fast food, soda and sweets from the diet. An excess of sugar is immediately reflected on the face, especially when they begin critical days we girls. These days I want to eat everything sweet. At first menstrual cycle I recommend increasing the amount, you can 20 g of dark chocolate, frozen or fresh berries.

Recipes for masks at home

At home, you can make your own products that narrow pores and restore healthy look skin. The effect of their use will be no worse than from salon procedures or advertised creams. Almost everyone has the ingredients for such masks and scrubs at home. If not, they are easy to find in the nearest store.

You can alternate these masks with . They will help get rid of peeling, tightness of the skin and redness. Do no more than 2 times a week.

with clay

Effective folk remedy for problematic skin. You can buy at a pharmacy or a large supermarket, the price is cheap. Clay, perfectly disinfects, treats acne.

The easiest way to prepare a mask is to dilute a couple of tablespoons of warm boiled water to the consistency of fat sour cream

I advise you to add a couple of drops of honey or milk to it. These are great natural moisturizers. Apply the mask all over your face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the clay should dry to a crust and brighten. After, rinse with warm water, wipe the skin with lotion and apply cream. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a week, but not more than once every 2 days.

recent cosmetic new - black clay. The mask from it breaks off the skin, imitating the action of strips from black dots. Due to this, the content of the pores remains on inner surface masks.

With potatoes and lemon

Another good folk remedy for problem skin care. raw potatoes rich in many minerals and vitamins. They regulate action sebaceous glands, tighten pores, heal microcracks and smooth wrinkles, eliminate dark spots. Lemon acid it returns youth and elasticity to the dermis, makes it healthy.

You will need:

  • 1 small potato
  • half a teaspoon of lemon juice
  • a couple of teaspoons of sour cream.

Raw potatoes are crushed. I usually use a plastic grater or blender. Then the rest of the ingredients are added. Everything is applied to the face for 20 minutes, then washed off with water. Potato masks are universal, suitable for all skin types.

With aspirin

Acetylsalicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties. The mask with it perfectly narrows the pores, normalizes the production of sebum. Rejuvenates, fights acne and inflammation.

Grind 4-5 aspirin tablets with a wooden mortar, add boiled water and liquid honey

The mask should become like gruel. If the skin is dry or sensitive, olive oil is added to the composition, or. The tool is not used more than 2 times a week, because it can thin and dry the epidermis.

The product should be on the skin for about 15 minutes. However, if you feel any discomfort, wash it off immediately. Reviews about this mask are different, in some girls it caused an allergic reaction.

With tea tree essential oil

This product has a unique composition useful substances and is great for the skin. Restores complexion, elasticity of the dermis, heals, tones and refreshes. It is not recommended to apply it to pure form on the face - it can cause irritation.

There are several options for its use: add a few drops to the face cream, mix with herbal decoction and make a compress. You can add a little oil to cottage cheese or sour cream and apply as a mask.

With honey and oatmeal

It has simultaneously matting, cleansing and moisturizing properties. Aligns the microrelief of the skin, nourishes it at the cellular level, rejuvenates, tightens. oatmeal- just grind the flakes in a coffee grinder. Honey is added to the flour, you can use heavy cream, milk or kefir. The mixture can be kept on the face for no more than half an hour, washed off with water without cleansers. Such a mask is absolutely safe, and it is better to do it in courses of 5-7 days.

Skin care with ice

Perfectly narrows pores and normalizes the secretion of fat by wiping the face with ice cubes. Prepare a decoction of chamomile useful herbs or green tea, freeze in ice cube trays. Wipe your face every morning and evening. This will provide a rush of blood to the tissues and improve their nutrition. Ice instantly tones the skin, improves complexion and reduces pores.

The method has contraindications, read carefully. It is also necessary to apply courses.

Effective beauty products

Basic care should include either gel, toning and the application of a moisturizer. Therefore, you need to use a product line, and not one tube of a "magic" cream. There is no such thing, my dear :)

Choose products based on salicylic or lipo-hydroxy acids. I have chosen for you pharmaceutical preparations that do not dry out the skin. And remember that all "pharmacy" cosmetics should be used only as an addition to the appointment of a dermatologist.

Of these products, I used Vichy and Efaklar. The Normaderm line from VICHY is more suitable for an adult problematic skin. And the Effaclar line from La-Roche-Posay is loved by dermatologists. It is suitable for young skin, but there are some positions for an adult. Many people still like French stamp Bioderma, but I have not tried it.

CreamNormaderm against imperfections. Contains a unique complex of active ingredients from . Fights blemishes and acne while moisturizing 24 hours a day. And this is especially necessary when using salicylic acid. The pores are narrowed day by day and the face acquires a healthy glow and smoothness.

3-in-1 cleanser. The combination of white clay, glycolic and salicylic acid provides comprehensive care for problematic and oily skin. Can be used as a daily cleansing gel, scrub or mask. It is enough to put it on face light massage movements and rinse with water. As a mask, the product is left applied for 5 minutes.

Cleanser 3 In 1, Vichy

1 093 rub.

To the store

Read more about this tool in the article "". I use it 1-2 times a week. And I apply the next day after mechanical cleansing of the face. The beautician taught me this 🙂

Cream Effaclar Duo . Reduces imperfections and redness, preventing their recurrence. Hydrates and mattifies the skin by regulating sebum production. It has a mild exfoliating effect thanks to salicylic and lipo-hydroxy acids. The cream prevents the appearance of red and dark spots after inflammation. Lasts 24 hours and is an excellent make-up base

Effaclar mattifying mask . The tool visibly reduces pores and deeply cleanses from impurities and make-up. Contains 2 kinds mineral clay, which absorbs excess sebum and normalizes its production. As a result, the skin is clean and matte for a long time. The mask does not contain parabens and is suitable for all skin types. Use as an addition to the main means 1-2 times a week.

Peeling. The specialist will select a chemical, fruit, or salicylic peel for you, depending on the type of skin. IN salon products a higher concentration of acids is used than at home. Therefore, they are highly effective and should be used under medical supervision. For example, the concentration of saloon salicylic peeling is 30%, and in creams only 2%.

Plasmolifting. During the procedure, an injection of platelet-rich plasma is injected under the skin. It is taken from the patient's own blood. Due to the high content of vitamins, proteins and hormones, the effect of natural skin rejuvenation is launched. This procedure helped me to reduce traces of post-acne.

laser resurfacing. Based on the thermal effect of light on the epidermis. Its upper layers are destroyed and the process of skin regeneration starts. After it becomes elastic and smooth, its structure improves.

Often the problem of enlarged pores worries owners of oily or combination skin. However, it is this type of skin that retains elasticity longer, wrinkles on it form later compared to other types.

Oily skin types are less prone to flaking and small wrinkles, however, there is a problem of enlarged pores

Enlarged pores not only spoil the appearance, but also become clogged, which leads to the formation of blackheads, blackheads, inflammation, etc. skin diseases. The accumulation of fat in the pore leads to its stretching, over time it becomes noticeable. The main problem is the lack of skin respiration, which promises bad feeling, poor metabolism.

Therefore, it is so important to know how to narrow the pores on the face. This can be done both at home and in a beauty salon.

Why do pores expand?

Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to determine the factors that provoke the expansion of the pores. Tendency to dilate pores skin combination or fatty type On dry skin, pores expand less frequently.

  1. Genetic predisposition (heredity).
  2. Hormonal disruptions. Most hormonal fluctuations occur in adolescence, during menopause in women, in the presence of diseases of the endocrine system.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Adverse effects of the sun.
  5. Accumulation in the body a large number slag. Harmful substances and toxins accumulate with improper and unhealthy nutrition, as well as with abuse alcoholic drinks and smoking.
  6. Use of low-quality cosmetics. Abuse of tonal creams, powder, which do not fit the skin type. They clog pores and prevent skin from breathing.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. After all, not a single procedure in the salon or at home will help get rid of the problem if the diet is not adjusted.

Preventive actions

Knowing how to narrow the pores on the face is not enough, it is necessary to carry out constant prevention so as not to encounter the problem again.

Use for quality products:

  1. Every day it is necessary to cleanse and moisturize the skin. Do not use hot water for washing, and the cleanser should be based on glycerin or cream.
  2. Wiping the skin daily with lotion or ice cubes. For best effect use a decoction of herbs (calendula, chamomile).
  3. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Since the cells of the body consist mainly of water, a liquid is necessary for the elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  4. elimination dead cells epithelium using scrubs, gommages or peeling. With tender and sensitive suitable for skin cream-based gommage. The procedure is carried out no more than 1 time in 7 days.

Cosmetic procedures to fix the problem

You can quickly clean and narrow the pores with the help of cosmetic procedures, such as:


Impact on skin covering liquid nitrogen. Thanks to cold temperature the skin is cleansed, rejuvenated, the pores are noticeably narrowed. For diseases of cardio-vascular system, infectious or gynecological diseases, as well as migraine facial cryotherapy is contraindicated.


This procedure helps to smooth out wrinkles, regenerate skin cells, cleanse pores. Microdermabrasion is the removal of dead cells, that is, peeling. Already after the first procedure will appear noticeable result, the skin will become cleaner, velvety.

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing renews the skin, reduces acne, tightens pores, brightens age spots, tones the skin. This procedure can replace plastic surgery, because on such serious step not everything is resolved. laser procedure safe, but provided that it is performed by a specialist.

Treatments based on alpha and beta hydroxy acids

The procedure removes the dead layer of the epithelium, cleanses the pores. Means based on these acids can be used at home. For greater effect, they must contain salicylic acid.

Use of tretinoin

Tretinoin effectively tightens pores, eliminates black spots, fights acne, moisturizes the skin.

Pharmaceutical products to narrow the pores

Cosmetologists say that products that eliminate enlarged pores should contain zinc and nordihydroguaiaretic acid. These components normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.

Choice pharmaceutical products great, like their manufacturers. You should consult with cosmetologists to choose the right product:

  • Mask-film or regular mask to combat black dots.
  • Lotion and tonic for narrowing and cleansing pores.
  • Pore-tightening cream with copper, salicylic acid and essential oil lemon and tea tree.
  • Cosmetic clay - indispensable tool to narrow pores. Its cost is low, and the effect is noticeable after the first application.

Read also: Are you taking good care of your skin? Revealing secrets

Many people wonder: “Which clay tightens pores more effectively?” White, black, blue, green clay copes better with this problem. But, in principle, any clay is more or less able to narrow and clean the pores.

Almost all pore tightening products are designed to oily skin faces. If you have dry skin and enlarged pores, then you should choose creams, masks, tonics with a moisturizing effect.

Ways to narrow pores at home

You can deal with enlarged pores on your own without leaving your home. This method is suitable not only for busy people, but also for greater effect from visiting a beautician.

Cryotherapy at home

It is necessary to prepare ice cubes based on pure water or decoction of herbs. Water with the addition of lemon, tea or rosewood essential oil is suitable. The procedure is best done in the morning and before bedtime. Wipe the face with an ice cube should be quickly, not particularly lingering on skin areas in order to avoid frostbite.

homemade lotion

Lotions tighten pores, remove excess oil from the skin, make skin color healthy and even.

An effective lotion based on mint and cucumber. To do this, chop mint leaves and cucumber. The resulting mixture is boiled for about two minutes, filtered. A few drops of grapefruit essential oil are added to the resulting lotion. The product is stored for 7 days in a cool place.

Homemade masks are very popular.

List of the most effective:

Citrus mask

For such a mask, grind the orange peel with a blender. The resulting mixture is applied to the face, covered with gauze on top for a better effect. It is best to lie down during the procedure. Keep the mask for half an hour, rinse with cold water.

Narrowing properties of the egg

Mixed egg white, strawberries, a little olive oil and a teaspoon of starch. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with cool water.

Use of oatmeal

Take 2 teaspoons of crushed flakes, grind lemon zest in a blender, beaten egg white. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, applied to the face for 20 minutes. After washing, wipe your face with lotion, apply cream.

Miracle Potato

It is necessary to take grated potatoes, beaten protein of one egg, flour. You should get a slurry of medium density. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Due to enlarged pores, the face looks flabby, sloppy?

It's time to forget about the problem.

Manufacturers cosmetic products offer a lot of products that restore beauty and freshness to the skin. We have compiled a rating of creams that narrow the pores on the face, dividing them into price categories.

In this article:

Premium price category

Substantial part effective cosmetics, which makes the pores invisible, is presented in a luxury price category.

Bioderma Pore Refiner ($20 for 30 ml)

This is a concentrated cream for narrowing the pores on the face from the French brand Bioderma. The concentrate is based on the company's development of the Fluidactiv complex. natural ingredient the recipe is represented by extracts:

  • gingko biloba - increases the elasticity of blood vessels, improves blood circulation and eliminates swelling;
  • larch sponge mushroom extract - used, in particular, as an anti-aging agent;
  • kelp - contains iodine, vitamin C, choline, which soothe irritations, eliminate greasy shine.

This concentrate receives one of the highest ratings from users who are faced with the problem of enlarged pores.

Prescription Imperfections Adultes Cream Gel ($35 for 50ml)

Lierac is another French brand medical cosmetics, which not only provides an external effect, but also affects the cause. The peculiarity of the cream-gel is that it designed to narrow pores in adulthood. As you know, the skin is problematic even after 40 years, which can be caused, in particular, by hormonal fluctuations in the body.

Gel - white substance white color, with a fresh smell, liquid, quickly melts on the skin. The composition of the drug included:

  • SKRL3 technology - moisturizes, promotes skin regeneration;
  • acnacidol BG - sebum-regulating component;
  • hyaluronic acid- natural moisturizer;
  • zinc - normalizes the production of sebum, dries up individual acne, prevents the formation of black spots;
  • sea ​​water - disinfects, soothes, normalizes the acid-base balance.

This drug is put in second place, firstly, because of the price, which is slightly higher than that of the leader, and secondly, the product is not very well known to the domestic consumer and has not yet been collected enough responses so that you can objectively judge the effectiveness.

Nuxe Aroma-Perfection Anti-Imperfection Emulsion ($15 for 40 ml)

In third place is cosmetics for narrowing the pores of the French brand Nuxe. The benefits of this product are a natural base. Struggling with enlarged pores: extract pansies, spirea, night primrose, mohamba root, seaweed, and Coconut oil and rice powder.

This composition allows you to get rid of the main defects:

  • shine;
  • relief irregularities;
  • inflammation, redness.

Mass market

Means for narrowing the pores are also presented in the assortment of the mass market. Therefore, even at a small cost, you can put your skin in order. What cosmetics do users recommend paying attention to?

Faberlic Expert SeboBalance ($4.5 for 40 ml)

This cream from the series Expert SeboBalance produces Russian brand Faberlic. Active ingredients facilities:

  • Japanese rose extract - prevents the formation of black spots and helps to eliminate them;
  • Regu-Seb - regulates the production of sebum, fights the manifestations of seborrhea;
  • Novaftem-O2 ™ oxygen complex - increases the oxygen content, which potentiates the action of other active components;
  • retinol and tocopherol - prevent keratinization, soften the epidermis, increase its protective functions, prevent early aging;
  • bisabolol and D-panthenol - relieve inflammation, soften, retain moisture in the skin, reduce irritation.

Cream is an alternative to laser resurfacing. It frees pores from impurities, tightens them and reduces in diameter.

L'Oreal Derma Genesis ($10 for 50 ml)

Another product is Serum that tightens pores for women over 25. The recipe includes: hyaluronic acid - a natural moisturizer, proxylan, which promotes the production of hyaluron, as well as beta-hydroxy acid, which smoothes the surface of the epidermis.

The line includes daily and night cream, narrowing the pores.

Cream with antibacterial complex Vitex F-control ($1.2 for 50 ml)

Inexpensive cream that narrows the pores on the face, which can be used from the age of 15. Based on the proprietary Tricenol formula. The extracts used are:

  • white willow - contains tannins that reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • sage - relieves inflammation, protects against ultraviolet radiation, free radicals;
  • celandine - cleanses the skin from rashes.

F-control cream soothes the epidermis, regulates the sebaceous glands, makes the skin healthy.

One of the main advantages is the low price.


Korres Color Natural Organic Primer Face Silicone-free ($12 for 30ml)

Without silicone. It contains antioxidants, vitamin E. And also included edelweiss extract (shows powerful antioxidant properties) and lemon balm (heals, relieves acne tightens, restores a healthy glow).

The disadvantage is the presence of jojoba oil, which has an average comedogenicity.

The POREfessional ($30 for 22 ml)

This is a professional balm from the American brand Benefit, which reduces pores, slightly mattifies. It has a light structure, does not contain oils.

The translucent coating is suitable for all skin tones - from light to dark tanned, can be used after self-tanning.

Apply to the face as a base in the morning (under or over make-up) and pointwise throughout the day. The texture of the cream resembles silicone, it is easily distributed over the skin. The composition of the product includes vitamin E. Traditionally, the product prolongs the durability of the make-up.

Among the lack of funds, it is noted that his should be applied to well-moisturized skin, otherwise dryness may occur.

Bourjois Nude Sensation Foundation Mousse ($8 for 18 ml)

foundation helps create perfect makeup that hides imperfections. Thanks to its light texture, absorbs quickly, evens out the texture, gives the face an impeccable smoothness. Among other things, the cream also helps to preserve youth, prevents early aging. Orange flower extract renews, brightens, tones.

Opinion about hits

Oksana, 35 years old

“Nuxe Aroma-Perfection Oily Skin Cream has been on my shelf for ten years. I used to wear it at night. But with age, oily skin has become combination. Therefore, now I only treat the T-zone, where there are problems, twice a week before bedtime. This is enough to relieve inflammation, even out skin relief, and tighten pores. Usually too lazy to write reviews, but this cream is worth it!

Irina, 28 years old

“I already bought the third package of Bourjois Nude - it saves my oily skin! The foundation perfectly hides imperfections, gives a matte finish, and also smells good and is evenly applied!”

Tatyana, 30 years old

“My review is not so much about Expert SeboBalance cream from Faberlic, but about the entire series. Already after the first week of the course, the result was noticeable, which stunned me! At first, the skin “sprinkled” a little, but now the face is smooth and healthy. Pores have been reduced to almost invisible to the eye sizes

Pores are the ducts of the sebaceous glands that bring the secret to the surface of the skin, protecting it from external factors. Fulfilling protective function, they may lead to some cosmetic defects: blackheads, pimples and redness. Enlarged pores are a very unaesthetic sight, moreover, harmful to the health of the skin, because it literally stops breathing.

  • changes hormonal background during puberty, during pregnancy, while taking certain medications;
  • violations of the sebaceous glands;
  • improper or insufficient care;
  • the use of decorative cosmetics;
  • eating large amounts of sweet and fatty foods;
  • influence of solar radiation;
  • hereditary factor;
  • age changes.

Do not use narrowing agents if the pores are dirty. Cleaning is necessary, which is best done in conditions beauty salon. But you can use various pore-constricting masks at home.

home care

Home care involves mandatory cleansing in the morning and evening. Wherein cosmetical tools you need to select according to the type of skin: they should slightly dry, removing excess fat, eliminating oily sheen. Care must be thorough, consistent and regular:

  1. Once a week, scrub or light peeling is carried out, which not only smoothes the relief, but also improves blood circulation.
  2. Toning lotion after removing makeup will soothe and narrow the pores.
  3. You can wipe with an ice cube once or twice a week - a kind of home cryotherapy.
  4. And, of course, masks that can be purchased at the store, but it’s much more economical to make them yourself - it’s not so difficult, and you can be sure of the composition.

Video: A proven method for getting rid of blackheads and enlarged pores.

Pore ​​narrowing methods

Not only owners of oily skin try to narrow pores, people with dry, even dry skin suffer from this problem. normal type skin. It's all about improper care and insufficient cleansing. If possible, you can undergo procedures in a cosmetology room, where they will offer laser resurfacing or chemical peeling using fruit acids, ultrasound cleaning, mechanical or vacuum cleaning of pores. All of these procedures have a number of contraindications, so they must be consulted by a specialist.

Most women prefer to use self-prepared products, which are more natural and economical. Folk cosmetology offers many ways to achieve a narrowing of the pores on the face.

Lotions, tonics, compresses.

Home lotions are common decoctions and infusions of herbs, very effective in treatment. They not only wash themselves, make compresses, but also use them inside as tea. Cleansing the body, they act on the skin, making it smoother and healthier.

The most effective means are compresses. They not only tighten pores, but also nourish the skin, make it look healthy. The principle of applying a compress is the same for all types: moisten in a solution soft tissue or gauze folded in several layers, squeeze lightly and apply to the face. A towel is placed on top to keep warm.

Rosehip decoction for dry mature skin with enlarged pores.

Pour two tablespoons of dried rose hips with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The resulting broth to wash in the morning and evening, once a week you can do a compress. Leftovers are used to make ice cubes home cryotherapy to narrow pores.

A decoction of chamomile, coltsfoot, lavender, nettle, thyme.

Herbs are effective both in mixtures, taken in equal proportions, and individually. poured hot water(not boiling), insist day in a dark place. After that, tonics, compresses can be prepared from them, ice cubes can be frozen, added when preparing masks. After diluting herbal infusions with warm water, drink at least two glasses a day.

Lemon compress for all skin types.

Lemon juice has an anti-inflammatory, whitening effect, dries, lightening black spots and narrowing pores. Besides, it's great vitamin cocktail for the skin. Dissolve ¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice in ½ cup warm water. Hold the compress for about 15 minutes.

Masks for cleansing pores.

Masks are the most effective way to narrow the pores on the skin of the face. You can wash off the mask not just with water, but with a prepared herbal decoction, wipe it with a tonic - purchased or self-prepared. After using the mask to narrow the pores, it is recommended to wipe the face with an ice cube from a decoction of herbs. This will help fix the result and tone the skin, increasing its elasticity.

White clay mask.

Dilute the clay with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream, apply to previously cleansed skin. For oily skin, you can add 5 drops of lemon juice. Wash off the mask with warm water after 20 minutes. Clay perfectly cleanses, tightens pores; Lemon acts as an antiseptic while whitening the skin.

Video: Recipe for a face mask for narrowing pores using cosmetic clay.

Tomato mask with contrast wash.

cut a tomato small size into thin circles and spread over the face so as to completely cover it. Keep for 20 minutes, then wash your face first with warm, then cool water.

Egg masks.

Another effective remedy for cleansing and narrowing pores - eggs, which are used separately or as part of other ingredients, only protein or together with the yolk. During drying, such masks strongly tighten the face, which is the norm and should not be a concern.

Mask for oily skin with fine wrinkles.

cleans up oily sheen, cleanses and tightens pores, smoothes fine wrinkles.

A teaspoon of squeezed lemon juice.
The white of one egg.

Beat the protein until a light foam forms, add lemon juice. Apply lotion to face thin layer After drying, apply another layer. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. After applying the last layer, leave the mask on the face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Apple horseradish mask.

Improves blood microcirculation, deeply nourishes, cleanses, dries the skin and tightens pores.

Apple - 1 pc.
Chopped horseradish - on the tip of a knife.
The white of one egg.

Grate the apple on a coarse grater, mix with the prepared horseradish, add the protein pre-whipped to a light foam, mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mixture immediately on the face, hold for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Horseradish in the mask can cause burning and itching. If these sensations are strong enough, the face should be washed immediately. Not recommended for people with vascular networks on the face, contraindicated in severe rosacea.

Starch mask.

An excellent tool for tightening pores, has anti-inflammatory and whitening effects.

Potato starch - 1 tbsp. l.
Blackcurrant juice - ¼ cup.

Dilute starch with currant juice to a mushy state, apply on face until dry. Wash off the rest of the mask with warm water.

Honey mask (Indian).

Honey is the best natural antioxidant and antiseptic, it perfectly dries the skin and narrows the pores of the face.

Natural honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Fine salt - on the tip of a knife.
Starch - 1 tsp
Warm milk - ¼ cup

Mix the ingredients so that you get a thick mixture. Too much thick mask you can still dilute with milk, liquid - with starch. Mix everything thoroughly, apply a thick layer on the face and wash off after half an hour.

The question of how to narrow the pores on the face does not require much time and effort, it is enough to follow some recommendations in care:

  1. Do not take hot baths, visit saunas, wash your face with hot water. warm water or herbal infusion are quite capable of clearing the pores.
  2. Can't be held mechanical cleaning independently (that is, simply squeeze acne).
  3. Oily skin often suffers from dehydration, so rubbing it with alcohol-containing solutions is unacceptable: they visually narrow the pores, but dry the epidermis greatly.
  4. Do not use soap, as it contributes to the loss of moisture, it is better to give preference to soft foams and gels.
  5. Skin cream should not clog pores, contain talc and all kinds of fragrances. It is better to choose a deeply moisturizing mattifying gel with sunscreen.

Smooth, radiant skin without enlarged pores and other roughness is a beauty trend for all time. Such a face does not need to be masked with layers of foundation and powder, and any makeup will look great. However, do not despair if by nature, due to improper care or lifestyle, your skin has lost its smoothness.

1. The main weapon in the fight against enlarged pores is adequate daily care and proper cleaning. Here special gadgets and tools will become your allies. Get a cleaning brush (Clarison, Cleanique Sonic, etc.). They are not worse than a beautician cope with impurities and dead cells, simultaneously polishing the skin. For those who are used to trusting only their hands, gels with exfoliating particles and vitamin C, peeling creams and tonics with salicylic acid will provide smooth skin.

2. Kefir, a crumb of black bread, lemon juice have been used since ancient times to tighten pores. They are united by one thing - acidic environment. It is an adequate exfoliation of horny cells and smoothing of the skin. But you should only look into the refrigerator if you don’t have a good exfoliator on hand.

3. Anastasia Achilleos, international brand expert for Olay, advises: “Hold under the stream hot water cotton (not terry) towel, wring it out, drip a couple of drops lavender oil(it narrows the pores) and apply to the face, pressing well. Thus, you start the work of cells and saturate the skin with oxygen. After several such rituals, it will become smoother.

4. Matting napkins give not only a visual effect. They eliminate shine without disturbing the hydrolipidic film, thereby accustoming the pores to produce less sebum. So it is better to replace the usual powder with blotters.

5. Scarlett Johansson has her original way facial care: “I haven’t bought tonics for a long time: they have a lot of chemical substances that irritate my sensitive skin. I replace beautiful tubes with a bottle apple cider vinegar. It normalizes the acid-base balance and removes dead particles.

6. With age, the skin loses elasticity and begins to sag. Consequently, the pores are also stretched: acquiring a large oval shape, they not only visually age, but also cast a shadow, which makes the skin look dull. To avoid this effect, use anti-aging lifting products, which will narrow the pores and give clarity to the contours of the face.

7. To Foundation lay down on the skin perfectly evenly and lasted as long as possible, arm yourself with corrective “bleurs” and makeup primers. They work like fillers, smoothing out wrinkles and narrowing pores, as well as smoothing out the microrelief of the skin.

8. Do not lean on fatty foods and fast food - these products will only worsen the condition of the skin, provoking the release of excess sebum. If you can't live without junk food, make it a rule once a month to arrange for yourself