35 weeks in months. Skin care. How to get rid of bad thoughts

You have already crossed the line of the eighth month of pregnancy, a few weeks are left before the birth of the baby, some five more weeks and you will be able to hold your baby in your arms. The baby continues to grow, gain weight and prepare for life outside the tummy.

Fetal development

At this period of development of the baby, there were a few strokes in the improvement of his body. All organs have already formed, the whole body works harmoniously and harmoniously. The adrenal glands began to monitor the water-salt and mineral balance in the body.

In order for the baby to mature fully and be ready for life outside the womb, he needs to dial desired weight, accumulate subcutaneous fat to regulate body temperature. This week, the nervous and urinary system of the baby continues to form.

This week of pregnancy, all the forces of the baby are aimed at the accumulation of adipose and muscle tissue. His weight increases by 220 grams every week. Now he weighs about 2600 grams, and is 48 cm tall. Of course, these figures are average, since everything depends on the genes and personality of the baby. In general, each baby is individual in its own way, each different heights, weight, facial features, skin. The only thing that all children have the same is the color of the eyes ( grey-blue), but they will also change when the babies are born.

Baby's skin is completely smooth, pale pink, completely faded hairline from the body. The body continues to round off due to the buildup of subcutaneous fat, this week the shoulders are well rounded.

If the baby has not previously accepted correct position for childbirth, for many women it turns this week of pregnancy. The child presses his head, lowers his shoulders and turns his head down. The baby has very little space in the uterus, he moves less and every movement is very noticeable for the expectant mother. Although the baby is cramped, and he is in an inverted position, he is very comfortable in his mother's stomach. What can not be said about the expectant mother, now it is not easy for her.

Feelings at 35 weeks pregnant

Due to the fact that in most cases the baby has already turned upside down, one event begins to please the mother - shortness of breath has decreased, since the child does not press so hard on the diaphragm. And if he hasn't turned yet, the tummy is so big that it continues to press on the diaphragm. In some cases, because of this, a woman feels severe shortness of breath, a feeling that she is about to suffocate. In this case, stand in a pose on all fours, slowly inhale and exhale. This will help to remove shortness of breath, normalize breathing and remove pressure from the fetus on the diaphragm. In this position, you give all your organs the opportunity to rest from the constant load of the abdomen.

The size of the belly seems huge to you, you can’t even see your legs. Fatigue and aching pain in the back and legs continues to overcome you. By this time of pregnancy, you have already found your individual exercises and ways to remove fatigue and reduce pain. To cheer up and prepare your body for childbirth, continue to do breathing and regular exercises, relax more.

In nutrition, you also need to be careful, because now heartburn can continue, which constantly torments you. Try to remove fatty smoked foods from your diet. Also get used to drinking less after six in the evening, thereby you will go to the toilet less at night, which will improve your sleep. And if there is swelling of the legs, it will pass.

You are already used to the baby moving, now they have changed a little. The baby is already very crowded, there is not enough space, and because of this stirring, they are no longer in the form of a blow, but as if rolling. Continue to monitor the number of movements of the child.

Dangers during this period

Placenta previa can be dangerous this week of pregnancy. That is, when the placenta is not properly attached to the uterus and part of it blocks the birth canal. Most often, in this position, the placenta is located on early dates pregnancy, and then takes the correct position. This location of the placenta indicates a pathology, more often this occurs in women who have previously had a caesarean section and in women over 35 years old. Probability wrong location placenta occurs in 1 out of 180 women. It is dangerous that bleeding may occur during childbirth and on last months pregnancy.

The discharge in this week of pregnancy remains the same as during the entire pregnancy. If the discharge has become more mucous, this may indicate that the cork has begun to move away, which leads to premature birth. Also any bleeding should worry you, in this case, be sure to consult a doctor.

Analyzes and examinations

Now you visit the doctor every week.

  • The standard procedure remains the delivery of blood and urine tests.
  • The doctor will also measure the volume of the abdomen, arterial pressure, weight .
  • This week additional analysis The doctor prescribes tests to detect group B streptococcus.
  • If the child lies incorrectly or there is some pathology of the placenta, the doctor may prescribe an additional ultrasound to detect the pathology and to decide on the upcoming birth.

Examples of ultrasound photos

Rest, pay more attention to yourself, a lot of rest will not hurt you. But, and do not forget about a walk in the fresh air.

Also consider preparatory courses for new parents. It is better to go to them together with the future dad, because he also needs to prepare for the fact that he will soon become a dad and mentally tune in to this, remove his fears.

Of course, you really want to know exactly when you will give birth, but the doctor will not be able to tell you this. Some give birth at 37 weeks, and some women nurse until 40 weeks of pregnancy. Relax and just wait for the time to come, your baby wants to be born, he will be born.

You should have your maternity hospital bag already packed. And decide for yourself in case of a start generic activity how will you get to the hospital, different time days, so that you are not taken by surprise by the fight. You should already be fully prepared to go to the hospital at any time.


Most importantly, now drive away all the fears about childbirth, do not be alone with them, share them with your loved ones. It's time to fully mentally prepare for childbirth. And remember, because soon you will give life to another little man in this world.

Within a week, your baby will be considered full-term. But the remaining time he has, he continues to grow. By the 35th week, his height reaches 46 cm, and his weight is from 2300 to 2700 grams. Within a week, the diameter of the head increased by 1.9 cm and amounted to 85.9 mm, the volume of the chest and abdomen also increased to 89.1 and 92.4 mm.

Due to the increase in subcutaneous fat, the baby's skin is smoothed, although in the area natural folds coated with grease. There are folds in the neck, buttocks, joints. All organs and systems of the child are fully formed. One of the signs by which the full-term child is determined is the striation of the feet. And on this basis, the child is also quite mature. The baby's hair has already found color and continues to grow. The iris has formed. Enough surfactant has been accumulated in the body for the lungs to open on the first breath.

In the intestines of the child, the original feces have accumulated. Ideally, he should leave after the birth of the child, after a few hours. During pregnancy, the presence of meconium in amniotic fluid ah was taken as a sign of the child's suffering, including fetal oxygen deficiency. If this happens, there may be health problems for the child.

The last weeks of pregnancy are characterized by the development of the adrenal glands. Their task is to produce hormones necessary for proper water-salt metabolism in the body. And including the adrenal cortex stimulates the production of substances, necessary for the body during stress.

35th week. The bottom of the uterus, as if so conceived according to the scenario, is 35 cm away from the pubic joint. The fetus has long taken a position, head down. The fetal head is placed in front of the entrance to the pelvis. However, you continue to control his movements. This will allow you to get rid of doubts about his condition.

The movements of the child often respond in the hypochondrium. But the reason for this is the increase in the size of the child and the increased pressure of the uterus. To get rid of such discomfort, you can bend to the side, in the opposite direction while holding your breath. Try to stretch the side muscles. Sometimes this is enough to relieve pain spasm in the hypochondrium.

Now you have more false contractions. They are called Braxton Hicks contractions. They resemble a small spasm of the muscles of the abdomen and uterus, and quickly pass. And only if the heaviness in the abdomen and lower back does not go away for a long time, and pain spasms are repeated, we can talk about the onset of childbirth. In this case, you need to call an ambulance. The doctor must determine whether it is still possible and whether the birth should be postponed until the scheduled date, or the moment of truth has come.

Don't let it scare you that now the urge to go to the toilet is more frequent. The reason for this is the pressure of the uterus on bladder. The only thing, be careful not to miss the waste of amniotic fluid. If you notice that they are leaking, you should immediately consult a doctor.

35th week of pregnancy: discharge from the genital tract

Now there may be more mucus in the discharge. The fact is that the uterus is now softening, the cervix is ​​​​opening a little. The mucous plug begins to separate, which previously closed the entrance to the uterus, cervical canal. But all this should take place against the background of healthy secretions. As you remember, they should be homogeneous, with a sour smell.

The appearance of pus may indicate the presence of an infection in the vagina. It is worth informing your doctor about this, because now for you the cleanliness of the birth canal is one of the main concerns. After all, any infection can pose a threat to a newborn baby.

Blood appeared in the discharge - at this time, the doctors of the maternity ward should deal with this problem. This may be due to placental abruption. The situation is complicated if, at the same time, the tone of the uterus is increased and pains in the abdomen appear. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is allowed to take no-shpu.

If there was a leakage of amniotic fluid, and there are no signs of an approaching birth, all the same, without delay, call an ambulance. Now the life of the child is at risk, as the risk of infection entering the uterus is high.

35th week of pregnancy: nutrition for a pregnant woman

The basic rules that you followed in the last two weeks are quite acceptable now. Avoid excess calories, let the food be simpler, but rich in minerals and vitamins. Now it is better to eat more often, but in small portions and avoid gorging yourself at night. perfect time dinner - two to three hours before bedtime. This will avoid unnecessary heaviness in the stomach and heartburn. At this stage, it is advised to drink alkaline water more often. mineral water. It reduces the acid content in the stomach.

As before, the amount of water that you consume should be sufficient - up to one and a half liters per day. Useful in this sense, fruits and fresh vegetables.
To avoid proeclampsia, the doctor may recommend taking care of yourself, more rest. In some cases, depending on the condition of the woman, she may be advised caesarean section before the start date natural childbirth. One of the good reasons for this is the incorrect position of the child. But if in doubt, no one bothers you to consult with several doctors.

Now your baby is rounded and fully formed. Due to the formed subcutaneous fat, his body takes on softer forms, the skin brightens. You can say it's now full-fledged child the way you imagined it. His head rests on the placenta, and of course it becomes more crowded in his familiar little world. Maybe that's why his movements are not so active.

All organs of the baby are fully functioning and ready for birth. The baby has grown another 1 cm and is now the size of a jackfruit. Just a little more and the child will go down. And mom will breathe much easier.

Feelings at 35 weeks pregnant

A woman this week may experience strong contractions, and their frequency increases every day. Cramps occur in the upper part of the uterus.

All also continue to disturb the pain in the chest and pelvis. The uterus grows upward, presses on the stomach and neighboring organs. The woman still has heartburn and belching. Breathing hard after physical activity shortness of breath occurs. Another week and the stomach will drop down - the woman will become much easier.

As a result of impaired intestinal motility, the expectant mother is worried about constipation. The child presses on the bladder and the woman has to go to the toilet often. For the same reason, her sleep is disturbed, comfortable position increasingly difficult to find. You can not sleep on your back, it is advisable to lie on your left side.

The baby is no longer pushing the mother so much - there is less and less space in the uterus. He has his own routine. When a mother walks, she thereby cradles the baby in her stomach like in a cradle and he sleeps. And vice versa, the child prefers active actions at the time when the mother is resting.

Changes in the mother's body at 35 weeks pregnant

The belly has grown a lot and gives the expectant mother a lot of trouble. The huge uterus squeezed all the organs, supporting the stomach and flattening the lungs. There is very little left - at the end of this week, the stomach will drop down and mom will be able to breathe deeply.

The woman is no longer gaining weight as much as in previous weeks - an average of about 300 grams per week. The bottom of the uterus is determined 15 cm up from the navel and 35 cm above the pubic joint. Increasingly, the expectant mother may feel false training contractions. Thus, the uterus prepares for upcoming birth. Kegel exercises are also useful - they will help prevent tears during childbirth and make the delivery process more enjoyable.

As a result of the shift in the center of gravity, the back and legs may ache, especially in the evening. Some mothers are concerned about leg swelling at the end of the day, which usually goes away by morning.

There is already a lot of colostrum in the breast, which after the birth of the child will become breast milk. The expectant mother already has more than 5 liters of blood, which is 1-1.5 liters more than usual.

Baby at 35 weeks

All organs and systems are already fully formed and functioning. The body functions as a whole. The child becomes more and more well-fed - the build-up of adipose tissue continues. The fat layer during this period mainly grows in the shoulder area.

The size of the baby is already quite impressive, there is less and less space for him to be active. It is already easy to recognize which part of the body he sticks out. The child does not gain weight so quickly, adding 200-250 grams weekly. The primary fluff rolls down on his body, the baby's skin becomes paler.

Now the weight of the child is about 2400-2600 grams, and the height is somewhere around 46-47 cm. Most of the children have finally settled down in the mother’s stomach in the exact position in which they will be born.

What's new?

The kid has already taken the final position. Even if he is not lying head down, experienced midwives will cope with any difficulties. In addition, the following events take place this week:

  • all organs and systems are functioning;
  • by the end of the week, the child will take the final position in which he will have to be born;
  • the baby has a daily routine;
  • the child recognizes the sounds of music and voice;
  • visual and gustatory perceptions of the baby are improved.

A child born during this period is considered prematurely born. These babies are already able to breathe on their own.

External development of the fetus

TO outward signs development of the child for a period of 35 weeks, the following events can be attributed:

  • all parts of the baby's body are proportional to each other;
  • skin color is pale, without redness;
  • the baby is round, accumulating subcutaneous fat (30 grams daily);
  • nails protrude above the phalanges of the fingers, the baby can even scratch himself;
  • cheeks and skin folds appear;
  • the amount of lubricant is reduced.

In the future baby, the eyes have a blue color, which will change a few months after birth.

Internal development of the fetus

TO internal signs fetal development at week 35 include the following phenomena:

  • the brain is fully formed;
  • all body systems are also formed;
  • there is an accumulation of fat under the skin;
  • lungs are fully mature.

The bones and muscles of the child become denser. The bones of the skull have not yet fused, so they can be slightly deformed when passing through the birth canal. This greatly facilitates the birth process.

Weight gain at 35 weeks pregnant

For a period of 35 weeks, a woman can gain about 200-400 grams weekly. By the end of 35 weeks, the expectant mother gains weight up to 12-13 kg. At the end of pregnancy, she weighs a maximum of 15-16 kg more than her usual weight.

Having learned the wonderful news that there will soon be a pleasant replenishment in the family, many women begin to worry about whether everything is in order with their tests, whether they can easily and carelessly bear a child with certain diseases.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 35 weeks

Many women for a period of 35 weeks may be bothered by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the pelvis, back, chest;
  • indigestion and constipation;
  • bleeding gums;
  • frequent urination;
  • shortness of breath, which will soon decrease as soon as the stomach drops;
  • headache;
  • varicose veins;
  • interrupted sleep;
  • increase mammary glands, leakage of colostrum.

During walking, there may be numbness in the pelvic area, which is explained by the pressure of the child on nerve endings. At this time, there is a weakening of the pelvic ligaments and joints before childbirth.

What happens to the stomach at 35 weeks pregnant

The belly is already large enough and gives mom a lot of inconvenience. Child props up chest and sometimes it's hard for mom to breathe. At the end of this week, the stomach will drop down and the woman will feel much better.

A dark line on the abdomen divides the abdomen into two halves. The navel protrudes outward.

The skin itches as it is greatly stretched. To reduce itching, the skin is lubricated olive oil or moisturizer for stretch marks.

The kid no longer hits and pushes his mother with such force as before. His movements are no longer so active due to too little space. You can feel the hiccups of the baby. Usually, by the 35th week, the baby has already settled down completely in the position in which he is to be born.


At a period of 35 weeks, the size of the uterus reached 33-35 cm. From the pubic symphysis, the uterus rises by 35 cm and its upper point is located 15 cm above the navel.

As the baby descends lower and lower towards the birth canal, the woman may feel uterine contractions. At the same time, the cervix will narrow, expand and open up to 10 cm. This causes the onset of contractions and very unpleasant sensations.


35 weeks is a pretty long time. Many pregnant women are familiar with the feeling of discomfort: pulling in the lower abdomen and pain in the legs. The baby is already big enough and it is already very crowded in his stomach. Therefore, the mother's stomach is in a tense state. Some mothers develop a kind of petrification of the abdomen. Plus, swelling of the legs and a feeling of fatigue - all this can knock you off your feet.

To avoid such symptoms, doctors advise following a number of recommendations:

  • you can not be in one position, you need to walk every 10-20 minutes;
  • do not drink a lot of fluids to avoid swelling of the limbs;
  • in the morning and during the day, special exercises for pregnant women should be performed;
  • Eat well and eat well throughout the day.

By the end of this week, mom will feel much more comfortable - the stomach will begin to drop. It will become much easier for a woman to breathe, she will not have shortness of breath so often. But another problem will appear - the expectant mother will urinate even more frequently.

Discharge at 35 weeks pregnant

Allocations are normally odorless, moderate, having a light or milky tint. On the long term discharge may become more mucus. This is due to the fact that mucus can be released from the vagina, which covers the uterus throughout pregnancy.

Yellow or grey colour secretions, similar to cottage cheese, with pungent odor should be a reason to see a doctor. This most likely indicates a genital tract infection. Most common reason such symptoms are thrush. After the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. It is imperative to get rid of the disease, since there is a high probability of infection of the child during passage through the birth canal.

Bloody discharge may be a sign of placental abruption. This condition is dangerous by the occurrence of hypoxia in a child. Another reason for the appearance of blood from the vagina, as well as the appearance watery discharge- the beginning of childbirth.

Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

For a period of 35 weeks, the following tests are prescribed:

  • ultrasound examination, which assesses the condition of the placenta, the number amniotic fluid and its quality, the height and weight of the child, its position in the uterus, the baby's heartbeat, the blood supply system is evaluated;
  • blood test for AIDS;
  • blood chemistry;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • a smear from the vagina to assess the microflora on the eve of passage through the birth canal.

Once a week, a pregnant woman is required to visit a doctor. At the same time, the mother's blood pressure is measured, weighed, the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen are measured, and the baby's heartbeat is heard.


For a period of 35 weeks with sex, of course, it is better to wait. You should not disturb the child already, especially since the uterus is already preparing for the upcoming birth with might and main. Moreover, male sperm tends to relax the uterus and thereby stimulate the onset of labor. The genital tract is now very vulnerable and can easily be infected. Even if sexual partners are protected.


The expectant mother for a period of 35 weeks should not overeat. Recommended fractional nutrition, distributing your diet so as to avoid unpleasant consequences. It is better to eat little by little, in small portions up to 6-7 times a day.

It is necessary to minimize the use following products food: muffin and flour products, cakes, pastries and other sweets. The menu of a pregnant woman should remind children's diet food - without fried, smoked and too salty dishes. You can't use products allergic: dark chocolate, peanuts, citrus fruits in an immense amount. Seafood is also undesirable. Your baby may become allergic to these foods after birth. You can't eat either. spicy food, Exotic fruits. It is better to give preference to products known for the area of ​​​​residence.

The expectant mother is recommended to consume as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, cereals, soups and borscht in vegetable broth. It is better to drink compotes, not strong tea, plain water, non-carbonated drinks. It is desirable to give preference to dairy and fermented milk products, low-fat varieties of fish and meat and other healthy foods.

You need to watch your weight. And in order not to think about food all the time, it is better to plan the whole day so that there is time for a walk in the park, visiting antenatal clinic and courses on pregnancy and childbirth. It is better to entrust the purchase of products to your relatives and friends.

What to do this week

  • make the last planned ultrasound, if the woman has not done it before;
  • attend courses to prepare for the upcoming birth;
  • decide on the maternity hospital and find out the rules for entering it;
  • prepare all the documents that will be needed in the hospital;
  • collect things and documents for the hospital.

If the pregnant mother has not yet left for maternity leave it's time to do it.

Dangers and Complications

At 35 weeks pregnant, the following pregnancy complications may occur:

  • late toxicosis ( high pressure, headaches and dizziness);
  • bleeding from the vagina (abruption or placenta previa);
  • polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.

The cause of all pathologies during pregnancy - various diseases expectant mother (anemia, kidney and vascular disease, as well as smoking during pregnancy, a large weight gain).

Weight in the long term of pregnancy must be carefully monitored. The maximum weight gain should not exceed 300 grams. The amount of fluid you drink should not exceed one and a half liters per day.

If the above complications of pregnancy appear, you should consult a doctor. With such complications, a woman is usually placed in an inpatient department or maternity hospital.

At the 35th week of pregnancy, the following recommendations will be useful:

  • you should protect yourself from stress and irritation;
  • it is necessary to maintain a positive attitude;
  • monitor the number of movements of the baby (10 times in 12 hours);
  • control your weight;
  • monitor the condition of the arms, legs and abdomen;
  • not standing on last weeks having sex to avoid a birth canal infection or to induce labor
  • try not to get sick with colds and other infections;
  • wear a bandage - a belt that holds the stomach;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • sleep on the left side;
  • do not drink a lot of liquid at night;
  • it is recommended to make a list and prepare the necessary things and items for the hospital.

35 weeks pregnant is a welcome time positive mood and confidence. For expectant mother it is better to watch a good movie, listen to calm music, and you should not neglect your own vocals. Babies always like their mother's songs and after birth they will be happy to listen to their mother's voice.

The end of pregnancy will soon come, so you should enjoy this state as you should. And complete confidence can be achieved in communicating with the same mothers by attending courses for women in labor.

35 obstetric week of pregnancy is considered quite difficult period for a pregnant woman. Expectant mother is hard to do usual things, and it becomes difficult not only to walk, but also to lie down. Often there are problems with sleep. There are several reasons for this, including physical changes body and accumulated emotional fatigue.

By the 35th week of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus reaches the high point: distance from the navel to top edge the uterus is 15 cm. The huge belly gives the pregnant woman a lot of trouble and causes almost constant discomfort, this is especially acute when multiple pregnancy. On the one hand, the uterus compresses the bladder, causing frequent urination, on the other hand, it presses on the diaphragm and does not allow you to take a deep breath. True, there are good news: most likely by the end of this week your future baby go down and take a comfortable position for childbirth - it will immediately become easier to breathe.

Softened joints sometimes cause lower back pain, leg cramps are possible. Weight gain begins to slow down, however, by this week, weight gain is already 11-14 kg. Many pregnant women experience itching due to stretching and dryness of the abdominal skin. Stretch marks can occur, which will be very problematic to get rid of after childbirth. To reduce itching and prevent stretch marks, the skin needs to be constantly moisturized. And do not forget that you can not sit with your legs crossed: in this position, blood circulation in the limbs is disturbed.

Under the influence of hormones emotional condition may become unstable again. For 35 obstetric week pregnancy is characterized by mood swings, anxiety and nervousness. Feelings and fears associated with the upcoming birth of a child may intensify.