What a baby is 5 weeks old. Woman's lifestyle. Your physical changes

If a woman does not yet know about her situation, then at the 5th week of pregnancy she already begins to suspect something. Menstruation should have come a week ago and its delay is already causing excitement (Read also about). Some are already beginning to feel the first signs of pregnancy, but in most cases it is only imagination. Now the most common pregnancy test will confirm and show 2 strips. For more accurate result you need to donate blood on an empty stomach for hCG.

Many women do not register until the end of the first trimester, as is the custom in post-Soviet countries. But if you still go to an appointment with a private gynecologist, or at the LCD, then you will be calculated exact date the alleged birth. You can also refer to the calculator on our website and independently calculate the date of each week of pregnancy and PDD (due date).

Despite the fact that the early signs of pregnancy are quite classic - nausea, increased discharge, pain or breast tenderness, many women also become overly moody and susceptible.

Your physical changes

Each woman is different and the symptoms of pregnancy also manifest themselves in different ways.

  • You can feel or after eating.
  • The amount of discharge increases markedly. Their color can be yellowish or white. If the discharge has a smell or it turns into a different color, an urgent need to see a doctor.
  • The mother-to-be may be disturbed. If they are not accompanied by bloody discharge, then everything is in order. But just in case, tell your gynecologist about your concerns, there may be a risk of termination of pregnancy.
  • Dizziness or even fainting may bother you. This condition is especially pronounced when the blood sugar level drops. That is why you now need to eat in small portions to avoid nausea, but often so that your blood sugar does not drop too much.
  • Your sense of smell can become very sensitive. Perfumes, food, and even the smell of other people's bodies can affect you so much that you feel sore.
  • You feel as if the uterus is bursting from the inside. The belly, of course, did not increase by this period, but there is a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. The reason for this is the increased blood supply in this part of the body.
  • Now the placenta and amniotic membranes are being formed so that the fetus can receive with their help all the elements necessary for development.
  • The breasts at this time are so heavy and sensitive that some women cannot sleep on their stomachs.

Emotional changes

  • Many expectant mothers feel increased sensitivity v emotionally... Any slightest reason can bring you to tears: from a melodrama to a little kitten on the street.
  • Emotions overwhelm you: guilt, joy, sadness, worries and again joy. They change so quickly that you don't even have time to readjust and understand your thoughts.
  • Some women do not feel the joy of starting a new life at all. Although before that they could strive for this for many years. It takes time to realize and accept your new role.
  • You are constantly worried. About what? But you never know the reasons that can cause anxiety in a pregnant woman. This is a future relationship with a partner, and the state of your health, and the development of the baby, and taking care of your appearance, and many, many other exciting questions.

How does your unborn child develop?

  • This week the size of the embryo is very small - 1.5-2cm. But this does not prevent you from seeing this little thing on an ultrasound examination.
  • We don't want to scare you, but the fetus now looks more like a tadpole and has a primitive heart that is already beating and participates in the blood circulation around this little body. At vaginal ultrasound you can hear the heartbeat very clearly at 5 weeks.
  • The child's spinal cord and brain are being formed.
  • While it is being formed nervous system it is advisable for the child to drink folic acid.
  • Avoid taking any medications now unless absolutely necessary and prescribed by your doctor. Many drugs are harmful to your baby during the first trimester.
  • Rest whenever possible. The feeling of fatigue is now manifested for a reason, because the body is working in an enhanced mode. He just needs rest and healthy sleep.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, it's time to do the test. It was during this period that hCG in the urine has already reached the required concentration. Along with this, future mother the first signs of pregnancy appear - nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, headaches, weakness, dizziness, which will accompany her until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.

  • 4th week of pregnancy
  • 6th week of pregnancy

On 4 weeks pregnant in the body of the expectant mother, the baby is actively growing and developing. What will bring, and what changes in the female body should be prepared for, let's find out in more detail.


If earlier you could only assume about your pregnancy or were generally in the dark, now it's time to pay attention to the delay in menstruation and think about what exactly could have caused this fact.

The first thought that comes to a woman's mind is pregnancy, and to confirm or deny this assumption, the expectant mother goes to the pharmacy per.

5 week of pregnancy: the test, most often, shows two stripes, due to the fact that hCG level in the urine has already reached the required concentration.

Also, the expectant mother may already feel: nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, headaches, weakness, dizziness.

Of course, such a state will not accompany the expectant mother for all 9 months, this temporary phenomenon... Female the body will rebuild, over time adapts to new role, and the well-being of the pregnant woman will definitely improve.


Of course, the feeling of happiness of motherhood cannot be overshadowed by any problems, but the feeling of responsibility for the baby - especially new for those who are preparing to be a mother for the first time, gives rise to many questions and doubts in a woman.

The main thing a pregnant woman should focus on is Attentive attitude to yourself and your amazing state, because it is very important for the health of the unborn baby.

If you have smoked, now is the time to get rid of this addiction, also do not forget about the dangers of secondhand smoke and ask your family and friends not to smoke in front of you, so that you once again did not inhale tobacco smoke.

Your attitude to alcohol is now also worth revising, this has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the unborn baby. Also at the 5th week of pregnancy it is necessary stop taking any medications without the consent of the doctor, who, in turn, can prescribe you an intake of vitamins for pregnant women, if you do not have any serious complaints about your health condition.

Among the first signs of pregnancy, the expectant mother can get acquainted with, one of the reasons for which doctors believe psychological condition women. This is exactly how, through physiology, are manifested hidden fears and anxieties of a pregnant woman... Try to tell yourself what exactly you are afraid of, you can also write the problem on a piece of paper, this will help you look at the situation from the other side and neutralize your fears.

One more possible reason toxicosis doctors call liver condition and gastrointestinal tract future mom... To warn possible problems, a pregnant woman should eat often and little by little low-fat and mild foods, which, ideally, should not be too cold or hot. If you don't feel like eating at all, try green tea with ginger or mineral water with mint, you should not force food.


Beginning with 4 weeks many organs and systems of the body begin to form in the unborn baby, and this important process continues at the 5th week of pregnancy.

Now the child is still very tiny, a little more than a buckwheat grain, its weight is about 3 grams and a length of 4-6 mm, and although it is curved in the shape of the letter C, you can already see where its head, back, legs will be. In the fifth week, he begins formation of the reproductive system, upper respiratory tract, liver and pancreas.

It is for a period of 5 weeks that the baby partially the neural tube closes, full swing development is underway, spinal cord and brain are also formed circulatory system... Now, as, however, before, it is important for the expectant mother to take folic acid so that all these organs and systems of the baby's vital activity are formed without defects and defects.

At 5 weeks in the body of the future mom is coming the process by which the embryo is surrounded amniotic fluid- amniotic fluid... Availability amniotic fluid extremely important for the unborn baby, because thanks to the presence of this amazing aquatic environment the baby is in the mother's belly in comfortable and necessary conditions. Optimum temperature, an atmosphere of silence, protection against infection, obstruction of outside pressure and freedom of movement - all this gives the baby the presence amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid amount increases throughout pregnancy: at a ten-week period, its volume is 13 ml, at eighteen weeks - already 400 ml., and by the end of pregnancy is 1-1.5 liters.


5 week of pregnancy: the expectant mother can already feel all the delights early signs pregnancy: nausea, dizziness, chest engorgement, urge to urinate, fatigue, nervousness and change taste preferences.

Unfortunately, modern medicine still not invented effective remedy from, but if the rule of frequent snacks helps you, a spoonful of honey or ginger tea with lemon, we will be happy to alleviate your condition. The only advice we can give is to improvise, look for yours, individual way fight against toxicosis and remember that this is a temporary phenomenon that will end sooner or later.

Craving for increased urination during this period can be explained by the fact that the uterus begins to increase in size and presses on bladder, a painful sensations in the chest- preparatory processes that take place in the body to organize breastfeeding baby. Fatigue, nervousness and changes in taste preferences are the work of hormones, which also began their work on restructuring female body.

My the shape of the uterus gradually changes pregnant: initially, depending on the place of attachment fetal egg, it has an elongated asymmetric shape, with an increase in size it becomes more rounded.

but outwardly, the expectant mother has not changed yet so that others can notice her " interesting position»And often only a limited circle of people knows about the fact of pregnancy: husband, relatives and best friends.


At the 5th week of pregnancy, you should pay attention to: vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy products, fish, cereals, light meat dishes, this is what should be in the diet of a future mother.

If you have already begun toxemia, pay attention to oatmeal: it normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and removes harmful substances from the body.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, you should get acquainted with the spicy fennel, which contains a unique set essential oils... The oils will stimulate the intestines, and carotene and vitamin C will help the expectant mother to support the body.

The culinary virtues of fennel are varied, and all parts of the plant can be eaten: dried seeds are used as a seasoning, leaves can be added to salads, fennel can also be stewed or baked and served as a side dish with white fish or chicken meat.

Cold on early dates pregnancy is one of the main enemies of the expectant mother. Broccoli will help to strengthen the body, because vitamin C in it is twice as much as in other types of cabbage and some citrus fruits. And spinach, in addition to potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc and vitamins B, C, PP, E and K, contains folic acid, which is indispensable in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Gritsko Marta Igorevna, Ph.D., obstetrician-gynecologist at the Clinic for Human Reproduction "Alternative" says
: “A woman who is pregnant for the first time from this period will notice amazing fatigue and hypersensitivity of the mammary glands. There is a delay of menstruation up to 7 days. Morning urine pregnancy tests may or may not show a second strip, so most reliable method determining the fact of pregnancy is an indicator chorionic gonadotropin human (hCG) blood. During this period, a groove is formed on the back of the embryo, which, when curled up, will become a neural tube. The neural tube consistently becomes a chord, spinal cord and the nervous system. By the end of the week on both sides neural tube segments are formed - prototypes of muscles and bones. Formation begins of cardio-vascular system... First of all, vessels appear from the cells of the mesoderm - in the embryo, in yolk sac and corpus luteum... In the chest area, a primitive heart is formed - a tube. The size of the unborn child is about 10 mm, as lowercase letter"O" in printed book text. From medications, it is recommended to take an iodine preparation (if necessary) and folic acid... When pregnancy occurs after IVF, the woman continues to take maintenance therapy with progesterone drugs. If the reproductive specialist has prescribed an injection form, then the administered oil solution can provoke the occurrence of infiltrates. To prevent their formation, it is recommended to heat the injected solution, and after injection, massage the injection area, apply an iodine mesh, anti-inflammatory and absorbable ointments (such as Traumeel, Indovazin, etc.) to the injection sites. "

Possible problems

Unfortunately, risk of miscarriage persists at the 5th week of pregnancy, this can happen after different reasons, among which the change hormonal background and an increase in the tone of the uterus due to the traditional attitude of the female body to menstrual flow... Also at risk of miscarriage are women with high level male hormones and overweight... Another enemy of the baby is maternal stress.

Long-term pulling lower abdominal pain and smearing brown vaginal discharge are a signal that the expectant mother should be sure to consult a doctor... Pain and discharge signal danger possible spontaneous interruption pregnancy, if the expectant mother began bleeding, this signals that a miscarriage has occurred.

A small vaginal discharge is always present at 5 weeks of gestation. However, if from light ones they turned yellow, green, grayish, changed their consistency and they had a pungent and unpleasant odor, this indicates presence of infection... In this case, a doctor's consultation is also necessary.

Remember that right now you should protect your psyche from overload, not succumb to irritability, not overwork, rest more often and spend time in nature.


If the pregnancy test showed positive result You may have an ultrasound scan to confirm this event and evaluate the progress of your pregnancy. At the 5th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound will show where the fetus is fixed in the uterus, whether the pregnancy is ectopic. Also in some cases at the 5th week of pregnancy using ultrasound you can already see how the baby's heart beats.

But most often, the gynecologist sends the expectant mother to an ultrasound scan a little later, when registering with an antenatal clinic.


The fifth week of pregnancy is enough difficult time, both in a psychological and physiological sense. Right now, the expectant mother learns about her pregnancy and new emotions and anxieties burst into her life: thoughts about the future baby, the upcoming changes in life and possible difficulties in the process of pregnancy and childbirth visit every woman.

Keep track of your emotional state , because disturbing thoughts tend to multiply. Avoid non-constructive negativity, share your worries with your husband, friends and relatives, most likely, most of them can be solved quite simply.

Try to walk more and see the beautiful: here the children are chasing each other on bicycles, and nearby the kids are feeding the pigeons with a bun. Listen to pleasant music, do handicrafts, read beautiful novels, meditate - this is what will now help your body to tune in positive mood and feel inextricable link mom and future baby.

5th week pregnant and you may be starting to get used to the idea of ​​being pregnant. During this period, you may already be experiencing some of the early symptoms.

It is also quite normal for you to feel that your pregnancy is somehow unrealistic. this stage especially if you haven't noticed any dramatic physical signs or symptoms. If you do not feel pregnant, do not worry about it, everything is still to come.

Have you thought about what you eat? There are some pros and cons you should be aware of, especially during the critical first 12 weeks of your baby's development, so read on and re-plan your diet.

What not to eat:
There are some foods that moms should avoid during pregnancy due to their potentially harmful effects.

Here's what to avoid and why:

Vitamin Supplements: Avoid supplements that contain vitamin A. Large amounts of vitamin A can cause malformations in an unborn baby.

Liver and liver products (such as pate) may contain a large number of retinol, the animal form of vitamin A, try to avoid that as well.

Raw or undercooked meat, unpasteurized milk or dairy products can all contain toxoplasmosis, which affects the fetal brain and eye development.

Raw eggs or foods containing raw or partially cooked eggs may contain Salmonella bacteria, which will lead to severe vomiting, diarrhea, and possibly dehydration. A severe case of salmonella poisoning can lead to hospitalization.

Research also shows that consuming large doses of caffeine during pregnancy can lead to an increased risk of miscarriage or low weight at birth. To protect yourself and your baby, ideally, it is better to give up tea and coffee altogether, at least for the first three months of pregnancy.

And of course you should give up alcohol.

What to use:
Certain foods are considered especially good for pregnant moms and their growing babies, so make sure you use them in your diet. daily diet... Everything following products Not only are they considered good for you, they all have a low glycemic index (GI), which means they are digested slowly and keep you feeling full for much longer.

Stock up on:

  • bread made from non-sifted flour, cereals and pasta;
  • oats and grains;
  • rye bread and rice cakes;
  • do not add sugar to muesli;
  • stock up on unsalted, unsweetened nuts and dried fruits;
  • cereals, low in fat;
  • mixed seeds, including sunflower, pumpkin and sesame;
  • fruits and vegetables: pears, apples, figs, plums, apricots, peaches, broccoli, asparagus, zucchini, peas, herbs and beans;
  • legumes: lentils and beans;
  • whole grain rice, red rice, couscous and quinoa;
  • berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries;
  • lean white meat and fish;
  • oily fish (but no more than two servings per week);
  • low fat bio yoghurts;
  • pasteurized goat feta cheese and halloumi;
  • eggs (be sure to carefully cook during pregnancy);
  • lettuce leaves, spinach (well washed).
You may feel green in the 5th week:
One of unpleasant symptoms pregnancy is weakness and nausea, which is also known as morning sickness, although it can occur at any time of the day. This condition is very common and can possibly overtake you during this period. Quite a few pregnant women face this problem, although as the pregnancy progresses, symptoms will fade and the state of health will improve. If nausea and vomiting are making life unbearable, you should see a doctor who can prescribe safe anti-emetics for you.

Your baby during 5 weeks of pregnancy:
During the fifth week, the baby's brain and central nervous system will begin to develop. For the most part, it looks a little like a tadpole, with long tail, and tiny circles, future eyes. The umbilical cord also began to connect, and the heart and the network of blood vessels began to form.

5 weeks pregnant - this is the beginning of 2 months or 1 trimester

The 5th week of pregnancy is characterized by a change in both the outer shell of the embryo and the inner one. Now it resembles an elongated figure, where you can approximately see the spine, legs, arms, and you can even make out the head of the fetus. At this stage, there is an intensive development of the nervous system, which needs an abundant flow of vitamins, minerals, macro and microelements, and especially vitamin B9.

All systems begin to grow and develop at once simultaneously, the respiratory, cardiovascular, muscle tissues and all internal organs also keep pace with development. The embryo begins to grow and enlarge, which affects the mother's behavior.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, a woman comes to the most terrible sensations, namely nausea and headache, because of this, the woman's behavior and mood change. She can start crying, laughing, her psychological behavior unstable and it is better not to annoy her at this moment. As for her sleep, a woman in a position will sleep everywhere, she is constantly sleepy, she does not have the strength to do something, she wants only one thing, to sleep.

If life completely turns into hell, seek help from your gynecologist, he will definitely help you and tell you everything. Prescribe medications to help you calm down.

What happens to the child

This period is very important for your future baby, many organs and systems are developing.

At week 5, it is advisable not to be nervous and take vitamins, since the formation of the central nervous system, spinal cord and brain, the circulatory system, which leads to the beginning of the heart, takes place. It was during this period that construction material into your baby.

Amniotic fluid surrounds the embryo, in which the exchange of substances between the mother and her baby takes place. Now mom and future child, this is one whole, they are connected in a general way life, food, and for this they will have another 35 weeks.

The size of the embryo at 5 weeks is tiny, about 4-7 mm, and the weight is 3.5 g. Formed reproductive system, respiratory system, the pancreas, and the liver is also formed. You can already see tiny hands, feet, fingers, ears, eyes, and more. It is difficult to imagine that in a couple of months this embryo will turn into a small and long-awaited baby.


The uterus is a hollow organ that is designed to carry a fetus. The uterus is not yet very prominent, it has elongated shape but is gradually increasing. At this time, the doctor can already say with certainty that you are in a position. In the future, the uterus will grow very actively and rapidly. Do not let this scare you, all this is natural. Every day you will feel it more and more.

Ultrasound procedure

Unfortunately, at the 5th week of pregnancy, you cannot have an ultrasound scan. An exception to the examination is the suspicion of a multiple pregnancy.

It is this week that the heart begins to work, the doctor, comparing the activity of the fetus, heartbeat and at the end will draw up a conclusion. Even the size of the fruit is still measured as a small brown spot.

Ultrasound at 5 weeks

Symptoms and Signs

The first thing you notice is the absence menstrual cycle, secondly, you often run to the toilet, as the bladder has enlarged due to the fact that it has to do double work. The chest doubles, sometimes even three. And then the most "fun" begins: nausea, vomiting, no appetite, a strange reaction.

The work of hormones leads to fatigue, headaches and dizziness. But all these signs are individual, in one woman they may appear, while in the other there is nothing of the kind. At 5 weeks, the pregnant woman cannot really say anything yet, due to small size embryo.

Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain may indicate that you have been sitting for a long time. uncomfortable posture, while you squeezed all the internal organs of the abdomen, including the intestines. Another option might be a stretching of the uterus, which is accompanied by a strange sensation. But if you have pain in the lower abdomen, you need to stop leading sex life wearing shoes on high heels, more time to rest lying.

Since this may be uterine hypertonicity, and if a red spot appears, then you should not joke with this, because it can lead to a miscarriage. Hypertonicity of the uterus is no exception, and many women suffer from this, regardless of age. With any threat, you must go to the hospital to avoid tragedy.

Photo of a tummy at 5 weeks


From the very beginning of pregnancy, the breasts begin to increase their size, but your husband will like it, others are also paying attention to this. The chest becomes big like a lumpy apple. On the other hand, breast augmentation leads to additional stress on chest, it becomes especially uncomfortable to breathe periodically. At the same time, the breast becomes very sensitive, it itches, tingles, but this is a temporary phenomenon. After a while these signs will go away Special attention pay attention to the nipples that need hygiene for your unborn baby.

The only thing, now, your chest may start to interfere with sleep, you need to take and choose the position that will be comfortable for you. You must purchase a special underwear, which should support the chest. The right underwear will keep your breasts safe even after childbirth.

Sensations at 5 weeks

A woman in a position can behave very strange and unpredictable now she is kind and beautiful, and a minute later she is rude and displeased. Drowsiness, fatigue, abrupt change moods and even the taste of food are now changing. During this period, you should rest more, sleep, preferably even at lunchtime, or at least just lie in a horizontal position.

Body temperature

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the temperature changes and can reach 37, 3 degrees. Usually, such a temperature is accompanied by body aches, drowsiness, the woman becomes very lazy, there is no strength to do something, even elementary. Pregnancy should not be confused with a cold. If a cough and a runny nose are connected to the temperature, then you definitely have a cold. At the first stage, doctors prohibit doing anything without their approval, especially taking unknown medications. And in no case do not resort to folk methods, remember in your hands the life of a little man.


During pregnancy, any woman is saturated with hormones through and through, they play with her and she perceives everything differently, even sex turns out to be different, both for you and for your husband. If you have no problem, there is no threat, no strange discharge, but there is great desire have sex. It is not necessary to protect yourself from sex at such an early date. Only toxicosis can prevent you, since with toxicosis there is no desire not only to have sex, but even no desire to eat. And, of course, he will not overwork in this matter, and know the limit when it is necessary to stop. Enjoy, these moments in private, maybe they no longer have to be repeated.

Lumbar pain

At 5 weeks, a woman may still not even suspect that she is pregnant, and feel pain in the lower back. But at the same time, thinking about the onset of menstruation, often pain in the lower back, is very similar to each other. In addition, there may be selections Brown color, which are smeared, and then the woman is sure that she is having her period. But if you know you have to get pregnant, and the pain long time do not leave, be sure to make an appointment with a gynecologist, as under this pain something else may be hiding. Try to keep your posture, less load on your lower back, as this may cause pain.


Bleeding can occur in parallel with pain in the abdomen and lower back, this is a very bad sign. Bleeding indicates the possibility of miscarriage, so you need to go to the hospital and lay down to save. If you do not take any measures in time, the result can be tragic. Often, such cases occur in women with a large physique, with a lot of body hair, since they have a large amount of male hormones. It is these women who should be especially careful about pregnancy, and they are registered earlier than 10-12 weeks, a doctor can be visited as early as 8 weeks.

Menstrual flow

The absence of a menstrual cycle is the first sign of pregnancy. It is normal for women to have their periods, but 20% of women have their periods even during pregnancy. It is called “washing the fetus”, it is rather an exception to the rule, because of this, women do not understand their body for a long time and what is happening to it. There are times when women for a long time do not even suspect that they will have a baby. Therefore, it is sometimes useful to be examined and tested.

Discharge during menstruation differs from bleeding in duration and consistency. Be attentive to yourself and your body, if something happens, the body will tell you about it.

Discharge at week 5

The discharge at the 5th week of pregnancy is no different from the previous discharge, it just becomes more abundant. After all, you are in a position and your hormonal fund is changing. But the very concept of pregnancy implies monitoring everything that happens in your body and in environment... You need to sound the alarm if you have a red or brown discharge, then you have a threat premature birth... Go to the hospital immediately.

But bad discharge can be not only red, but also green, clayey, curd, with a very unpleasant fishy or beer smell. Itching, burning, and an unpleasant sensation when urinating may often be present. All these signs indicate an infection that has entered the genitals. Only a doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary medications and tests for you. In any case, it is necessary to carry out correct hygiene of the genitals, and during pregnancy, choose only natural remedies as all other chemicals can harm and irritate and itch you.


During the first weeks of pregnancy, everything changes in a woman's body, immunity weakens, and you can catch any infection, virus, or just catch a cold. At week 5, all important organs and systems are formed, and it is advisable to take care of yourself, dress warmly, take vitamins, walk a lot on fresh air, gargle, rinse your nose, drink warm water.

Since, having fallen ill or having caught any infection, you will have to take medications, and at this stage of pregnancy it is better to do without medications. A cold can cause complications in which you will even be put on hold. They can adversely affect your baby's development and growth.

Drinking alcohol

If a woman decides to have a child, she must in advance give up her bad habit, taking alcohol. In the fifth week of pregnancy, as well as taking medications, alcohol can also adversely affect developing organism unborn child. It is even necessary to exclude some medications which are based on alcohol. Alcohol can stop your baby's development and lead to tragic end... At this time, the mother and the embryo are connected as a whole, and everything that you take is received by your baby.

Nutrition in the fifth week of pregnancy

Yes 5 week, this is the beginning of your correct and healthy eating... You should eat fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, cereals, dairy and sour milk products, cheeses, nuts every day. Always have an apple or yogurt with you so you can have a snack, you cannot restrain hunger at 5 weeks.

Meals should be balanced and the meal should be divided not into three times, but for example into five times, but in small portions.

And foods that contain a lot of fat, sugar, which are salty or fried, remove from your diet. Best of all, bake, stew, boil food.

The purchase of a double boiler can solve this problem, it will become your assistant in the kitchen, during pregnancy, and after childbirth, and even when you start accustoming your baby to adult food. At week 5, you can combine some products that do not match at all, and the people around you may not understand.

As for drinking, it should be such that will quench your thirst, you need to drink, since a person consists of water, it is better to remove saturated juices from your diet, as they are heavy on your stomach. In addition to water, you need to take vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium and folic acid.

Analyzes at 5 weeks

Many women want to know as soon as possible whether they are pregnant or not, for this you can undergo the first test for the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. This hormone in the blood can show you the result, from the twelfth day after the intended conception. The most reliable and proven pregnancy test.

Another of the tests can be a standard pregnancy test, the analysis is carried out using urine. A pregnancy test shows a 99.9% positive result.

It is not necessary to run to the gynecologist at the 5th week of pregnancy, if nothing bothers you, you feel great. You can register from week 12, but if you are afraid of something, you can do it earlier. Accordingly, you will take tests earlier. Every woman surrenders general analysis urine, complete blood count, hormone tests, blood clotting tests and many other tests.

It is necessary to find out exactly whether you are in the position or not, if you are not sure, it is better to go through the appropriate analysis, and do not delay with the result.

At this time, start accustoming yourself and your unborn child to healthy food, you need to eat in small portions. Avoid hunger, remember that you must eat for two.

Start spending more time outdoors and walking.

Visit your gynecologist, which will determine the timing of your pregnancy, as a miscarriage may occur in the early stages.

You must know the genetics of your relatives in order to prevent the disease of your unborn baby.

Food should be healthy and wholesome. If during the period of toxicosis you cannot eat, balance your diet, make it lighter.

Be less nervous and do not worry, remember your calmness, this is the calmness of your baby.

Taking vitamins and doing gymnastics has a good effect on the general condition of the body, and in the future it will be easier for you during childbirth, and even after childbirth, your figure will quickly recover.

It is necessary to lead healthy image life, give up bad habits, such as alcohol, smoking, drug taking, all these habits will lead you and your child to pathology and defects, remember about your child and his future.

Take care of yourself during cold periods, dress warmly, and drink only warm drinks, as the illness can negatively affect your baby.

Visit your doctor on schedule, consult with him, do not hesitate to ask him questions, remember your doctor is your friend.

Pregnancy with twins at 5 weeks

Pregnancy for a period of 5 weeks can already speak of itself as a delay in the menstrual cycle. Other signs are already visible multiple pregnancy, although it is still difficult to distinguish them from pregnancy with one fetus.

If you have twins, the signs of pregnancy will appear earlier, in contrast to one fetal. The reason for this is the release of chorionic gonadotropin by the future placenta twice as much as with one fetal. Therefore, from the first day of the delay, a pregnancy test for multiple pregnancies will show two strips faster and clearer.

The weekly pregnancy calendar should be started now. This is a kind of developmental path for your children, although you may not even know that you are pregnant with twins. But if this is the case, then by the end of the 5th week the ultrasound will already clearly show that you are expecting twins. If such a pregnancy has occurred with the help of IVF, then an ultrasound scan will be performed immediately to make sure that the process is successful. For many expectant mothers, week 5 is either an indicator that they will become parents of twins, or further anticipation of the long-awaited news if this week has already passed.

Pregnancy is a very important and exciting period for any woman. Every week of fetal development is important. And most expectant mothers want to know how the baby is developing at any time.

5 obstetric week- this is the beginning of 2 months of pregnancy, I trimester.

New sensations for expectant mothers

Of course, the entire period of pregnancy is important, during which the laying of all internal organs and toddler systems. But this week is truly magical, because it is during this period that most women will learn about the changed status. It is during this period that the appearance of symptoms is observed, by which one can determine the first signs of a conception that has occurred.

Clear signs of pregnancy at 5 weeks

  • Delayed menstruation.
  • Many women report a darkening of the nipple areas.
  • Two strips on the dough.
  • Some people report a slight increase in breast size.
  • An ultrasound scan determines the presence of a fetal egg in the uterus.

Some women may experience weight changes. Little weight loss or weight gain is not a deviation.

After conception hCG hormone doubles its value every 2-3 days. If a woman is expecting twins, then this figure will also be 2 times higher.

What happens to the expectant mother?

It should be borne in mind that the course of pregnancy for each woman is individual and occurs in different ways. However, one can distinguish general symptoms that appear at week 5:

  • At this stage of pregnancy, toxicosis may begin to manifest, attacks of nausea are often observed, usually in the morning hours.
  • There is an increase in sensitivity and an increase in the mammary glands. The breast becomes heavy and painful on palpation, the sensitivity of the nipples increases.
  • Since the woman's body is accustomed to the onset of menstruation at this time, and pregnancy changes the cycle, women may not experience severe pain lower abdomen.
  • Since as the embryo grows, the uterus continues to stretch, it can pull the lower abdomen, this is quite normal.
  • Aggravation of sensitivity to various odors, to any products, may change taste preferences... The expectant mother may experience a decrease in appetite, or, conversely, an increased desire to eat.
  • Many women have frequent urge to the toilet, which are caused by a change in hormonal levels and an increase in the size of the uterus.
  • Quite often, general malaise is present, which manifests itself constant sleepiness, rapid fatigability.
  • There is a rapid change in mood. Bursts positive emotions can quickly be replaced by a crying state and irritability.
  • Hormonal changes in a woman's body may be accompanied by not feeling well, malaise, weakness, and can manifest itself in the form of rapid alternations of a surge in efficiency and fatigue.

The absence of any of these signs in a woman is not a pathology! Symptoms may be absent at all in a woman or appear in a very small degree, which will not affect in any way general condition and the well-being of the expectant mother. This is also the norm.

Fetal development at 5 weeks gestation

Obvious signs of pregnancy and sensations in many women appear much later. But the embryo develops very actively during this period.

5 obstetric week is 3 weeks from the moment of conception. At this time, the embryo is already visible on ultrasound, it still looks like a small pea. Its size is 1.5-2 mm, and its weight is only 1 gram.

Despite the fact that the baby is still so small, the most important processes, on which his future development and health depends. The laying and development of many organs and systems of the fetus occurs:

  • the skin of the embryo thickens,
  • the baby's central nervous system is formed,
  • the spinal cord and brain are formed,
  • development continues circulatory system and the formation of blood vessels,
  • the respiratory system is formed,
  • germ cells are laid,
  • the formation of the thyroid gland begins.

The most important thing for the baby and mother in the fifth week is the formation of the placenta, due to which the baby receives all the nutrients through the mother's blood throughout the pregnancy.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

V.: I found out that I was pregnant. The term is presumably 4-5 weeks. Can i take a bath?

A: If there are no threats of miscarriage, you can take a bath, but only warm, not hot. During the first trimester, a hot bath can be bad for your baby's development. In addition, it is not recommended to stay in the water for a long time.

Q .: Pulls the lower abdomen (5-6 weeks), especially at night. Is it okay?

A: Yes, this is normal, but if the sensations are pronounced and uncomfortable, see your doctor.

Q: Can I drink coffee in early pregnancy?


Since the threat of losing a child is high, you should be careful about the appearance of incomprehensible brown or bleeding... This may indicate a threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or the development of complications. You should immediately consult a doctor and, if necessary, go to save.

A clear symptom of an ectopic pregnancy if bloody discharge there are quite severe pains in the lower abdomen. As a rule, they are more pronounced on one side (left or right). When such symptoms appear, you should immediately run to the doctor and find out whether the pregnancy is uterine or not.

Abundant, like a curd mass, incomprehensible color or with unpleasant odor discharge is also a cause for concern. It is better to immediately consult a doctor and pass all the necessary tests.

What should mothers do?

It is believed that at this time the threat of miscarriage is quite high. During this period, it is necessary to exclude:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • playing sports;
  • strong feelings, stressful situations;
  • active pastime;
  • overheating in the sun, baths and saunas;
  • abuse medicines and vitamin complexes.

Hormonal changes at this time are very noticeable and are often difficult for the body to tolerate, it is felt constant fatigue, laziness, mood swings are also emotionally exhausting. It is recommended to listen to your body, adjust the daily routine and diet, get enough sleep and spend more time in the fresh air.

In order for the pregnancy to develop normally and in order to avoid the threats of its termination, a woman must adhere to simple preventive rules:

  • be observed by a doctor and strictly adhere to his recommendations;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • keep healthy and active image life;
  • adhere to proper and nutritious nutrition;
  • get enough sleep and have a good rest;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

The fifth week of pregnancy is a very important and at the same time critical period. If pregnancy is confirmed, you need to visit a doctor. Despite the fact that every woman's pregnancy proceeds differently, someone does not notice changes in the body and does not feel unwell, in any case it is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist. Early diagnosis and an examination by a doctor will help prevent the development of complications of pregnancy.