How to get rid of psychological infertility in women. How to get rid of psychological problems of infertility

What causes psychological infertility, how to overcome it and finally feel the joy of motherhood?

All women are created for the birth of children. Of course, you can argue with this statement until you turn blue in the face, defend your right to emancipation and freedom from anyone. Naturally, these views also have a right to life, as well as radically opposite ones. But sooner or later, this moment comes for almost every representative fair half humanity.

A person has this infection, which destroys their sperm cells, affecting the quality of the semen. This is why over 80% of men today are living with this infection. Since it is a silent infection that does not kill, unfortunately, men do not know about it. And the most serious, once a woman is infected, it is this infection that creates the largest number obstruction of the tuba, so that the bite of the tuba.

At this level, there is only serology that can efficiently identify these cells. Thus, it is very difficult to see and heal. The main thing to remember is that there are 4 types of microbes that actually affect fertility in humans. this is asymptomatic infection, the person will tingle from time to time. Does the diet have an incident on fertility?

It's great if everything works out as if by swing magic wand: once - and done! Here they are, the cherished two stripes and a slight nausea in the morning. But, unfortunately, it also happens in a different way. You lead healthy image life, prepare with might and main for future motherhood, mentally (and not only) you are already sketching the design of the children's room and almost ready to give the baby, and the test still treacherously "gives out" only one pink stripe ...

Simply put, we, for example, as a laboratory, have developed certain drugs to act on and stimulate fertility. Among these foods is a small seed called akpi in the national language, which is used to increase ovulation in women. There are, for example, foods that are hormonal. We reach the fibroid thanks to the molecule extracted from the pits. It contains a molecule that is a precursor to progesterone.

Once we talked about soy, soy oil, soy bread. But did you know that soy reduces fertility in humans? Therefore, sometimes diet can also affect a couple's fertility positively or negatively. Nowadays, in this 21st century, diet is extremely, but negatively, on the fertility of a couple, because everything we consume is based on hormones. We feed on derivatives of cattle and cows that have been given hormones to produce more milk. Everything is hormone-based and this situation is unfortunately a source of imbalance that affects a couple's fertility.

Nothing, you tell yourself. Only two (three, five, seven) months have passed. Everything is still ahead. But somewhere in the depths of the soul, doubt is already creeping in - what if something is wrong? Endless trips to doctors begin, calculating the most successful days for the proximity, drawing up basal temperature charts, etc. And it seems physical reasons there is no childlessness - you and your husband have both been "studied" far and wide, and the doctors just shake their heads in surprise. And again, tears in the bathroom, resentment, questions to nowhere: "Why?". Quite often, absurd quarrels between spouses even begin with mutual accusations. But the vile stork is still in no hurry to visit you ...

Does it exist effective treatment for the treatment of infertility? It is very important for us to understand infertility as a disease. It is wrong to view infertility as a disease, but rather as a collection of a number of diseases. And it is this set that will affect the ability of men or women to be fertile. From the moment infertility is not a disease, but many small things, we will not say that there is a medicine for this, that is, for the treatment of infertility. Therefore, the right to act for reasons including infectious causes, hormonal, mechanical.

Treating then infertility is not one medicine. It would even be false and pretentious to say, "Take this medicine that you will cure." Today, in allopathic medicine, only a woman is treated with a hormone like a goose. Women take hormones themselves. First of all, most of the hormones are found in foods today. All of these hormonal changes, alas, create problems in the long term. Did you know that about 80% of women who develop cancer today are women who have come into contact with hormones in their time?

What to do in such cases and how to finally hear such a long-awaited children's rumble in your apartment? Let's take a closer look.

Already by the very name of the term, it is easy to guess that psychological infertility- this is the impossibility of getting pregnant for psychological reasons. According to statistics, about 30% are faced with such a concept in our time married couples... But in practice, gynecologists put another diagnosis - “infertility due to unknown reasons". Naturally, such a "verdict" is made after all other risk factors - organic and hormonal - have been checked. In the further development of events, obstetricians-gynecologists, as a rule, are powerless - external causes there is no childlessness, therefore, there is no work front for them either. They may assume that there are psychological reasons for the non-occurrence of pregnancy, but then it is still advisable for future parents to turn to other specialists, namely psychologists and psychotherapists. They, as a rule, talk about psychological infertility and in very frequent cases help couples to find their long-awaited happiness.

It is a shame to know that the indiscriminate use of these hormones is, but later, very important reason infertility in women. Which, moreover, is strongly rebelling. Therefore, to overcome these bad habits, sources of danger, I have my own method with plants. In allopathic medicine, on the other hand, there are no, for example, any drugs in humans, absolutely not, this does not exist. For a couple, facing fertility issues is a difficult, sometimes challenging ordeal. This shows that women who have a child after experiencing these problems are more likely to stay with their partner in later years.

Combined options often occur - when women have small deviations that reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant, and they are also well "supported" by psychology. In such cases, doctors, as a rule, treat "their own", but even after eliminating the visible problem, pregnancy still does not occur. Undoubtedly, most gynecologists recognize the possibility of psychological infertility, but they do not have an algorithm for its detection and treatment.

Dalton. Two hypotheses are usually put forward. The first states that fertility problems and drug treatment procreation can affect quality of life, increase stress levels, and cause anxiety or even depression for a couple or one of two partners.

The second hypothesis indicates that the same difficulties, on the contrary, can bring the pair closer together through general perception obstacles to overcome. Trille Christina Kjaer and her colleagues have tried to understand if women who have no children after fertility treatment can end their relationship with their partner.

How does psychological infertility "work"? According to experts, such infertility is caused by malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system under the influence of various disorders and stresses. It is no secret that the role of the nervous system in the regulation of all processes in the body is simply enormous. Consequently, a woman's readiness to conceive is also associated not only with the woman's reproductive health, but also with the state of her psyche. The psychological and somatic (bodily) spheres are inextricably linked. That is, everything that we have "in our head" affects not only our mood and well-being, but also the course of all physiological processes in organism. Psychological factors can cause changes in nervous system, which affects the entire body, and primarily through endocrine system... In this case, there are such phenomena as hypertonicity of the uterus, spasms of the tubes, and even the absence of ovulation at all. This mechanism is not completely clear, violations are often difficult to identify during examination.

By the end of this study, 57% of participants had had at least one child as a result of fertility treatments, and women who had no children were three times more likely to divorce. or the termination of their relationship with others. Nearly 27% of women who had no children were not living with their partner at the end of the study.

In conclusion, this is the first of two hypotheses that prevails: the absence of a child after fertility treatment strongly affects the couple's relationship. For Danish researchers, further research is needed on the maintenance or otherwise of the relationship between spouses and the well-being of the spouses in the event of fertility problems. And this is to better support couples who are passing these tests.

Various fears, especially those associated with pregnancy and childbirth, can have a pathological influence on the development of psychological infertility. Our body is extremely smart - it will not allow us to injure ourselves. As a result, a woman cannot conceive a child - after all, this will be perceived by the body as a potential threat to its safety. To save the body from potential "harm", certain protective mechanisms are activated, and pregnancy does not occur. In fact, the psyche simply "does not allow" it. From this follows a completely logical conclusion - it is necessary to realize your own, individual, causes of psychological infertility, and break the associative connection of conception with past traumatic experience.

For their part, French researchers are interested in people who choose not to have children. This is a very minor choice, the frequency of which does not appear to have changed in France for decades. Statistically, the fact that you don't want to be a child is more common among people who do not live in pairs, among female graduates, or when a fertile life is nearing the end.

It turns out that more than half of the people who say they want to remain childless are in a couple, and most of them claim "libertarian" reasons such as "childlessness" and "the desire to remain free." As opposed to the norm of "starting a family", it is these people who must affirm positive and fulfilling life choices.

Psychological infertility occurs in different situations... According to observations, most often its "victims" are:

  • women obsessed with pregnancy. Probably, many have heard about well-known cases: while a woman is trying her best to get pregnant as soon as possible, nothing happens. And when she resigns herself to her infertility, all of a sudden the test shows the cherished two stripes! Or a couple, after long painful attempts, adopts a baby, and adopted baby literally immediately "leads" and pregnancy. One thing is for sure - in that period when a woman puts all her strength only on the fixed idea of ​​conception, it most likely does not come. A kind of psychological block is being created. After that, when a potential mother switches to something else, not concentrating on failure, the block goes away, and this very pregnancy can suddenly come;
  • women who are subconsciously unprepared for pregnancy, and who are afraid of its onset. This happens when, in fact, a woman does not want to become a mother, but succumbs to pressure from relatives, generally accepted stereotypes, because "it is necessary", etc. Most of the reasons for such "resistance" to pregnancy are not obvious, but are hidden deep in the subconscious, and a woman may not be aware of them.

Most of the women suffering from infertility have psychological problems such as feelings of inferiority, depression, constant tantrums, feelings of loneliness.

She has studied contraceptive methods since entering sexuality, contraceptive relapse, planned and unplanned pregnancies, abortion use, and sexual dysfunction. The two-hour interviews focused on educational, professional, family and family relations those who voluntarily decided to live without children.

Voluntary infertility is not a growing phenomenon and remains a very small minority in France. The authors are confident that the desire to start a family is very strong. If a stable couple remains the predominant condition for projecting themselves into parenthood, half of those who are voluntarily childless are in a relationship.

Probably, the statement that "all diseases are from the nerves", in fact, is true. All our words, thoughts, complexes, problems and stresses strongly affect both the entire body as a whole and the functioning of its individual organs.

Perinatal psychologists identify the following main causes of psychological infertility:

People who have chosen to live without children cause very little material or medical reasons to justify their choice. On the other hand, freedom and self-realization are common reasons, especially people with "high cultural capital". According to the researchers, these reasons reflect the desire to assert “ positive image lives ”of people and couples who made this deliberate choice.

There are three relatively common male sexual disorders. However, these "problems" directly related to a person's masculinity are often transmitted by silence: does lipotence lead to infertility? What is the difference between infertility and infertility? What are the causes, causes of these disorders? We have skirted the question of all these concepts.

  • fear of pregnancy and childbirth. Especially if in a woman's family there have been cases of death of a mother or child during childbirth, at subconscious level fear of repeating their fate may arise;
  • obsessive thoughts that “we must give birth” before it’s too late, as a consequence of the fear of “ biological clock". Often such thoughts are spurred on by the instructions of “benevolent” friends and relatives;
  • problems in marital relationships. If a couple is experiencing difficulties in a relationship, and with the help of a child is trying to "seal the union", the baby may never come;
  • fear of raising a child, “to be bad parent". It is not for nothing that they say that those who do not have children know most about upbringing. So everyone who is not lazy teaches, and it turns out that parents do everything wrong, bad, etc. Having seen enough of her friends, alarmingly flinching from any rustle and hiding her head from teachings, a woman may subconsciously be afraid of this;
  • fear of becoming unattractive after childbirth and during pregnancy. Yes, the prospect of "blurring" can be perceived in different ways, and in some cases it can become a decisive factor in the unpreparedness for conception;
  • unwillingness and unwillingness to motherhood, fear of being responsible for the child. It also often occurs against the background of someone else's negative experience- someone has a problem with the child, and the woman is afraid that this will not happen to her;
  • pathological desire to become a mother. When the desire to get pregnant becomes "at the forefront", and there are no other ideas and dreams anymore;
  • fear of ruining your plans, including career plans. Subconsciously, a woman wants to build a successful career, and pregnancy will only hinder this;
  • subconscious perception of children as an unnecessary burden that only interferes with life. Unfortunately, this opinion also occurs;
  • fear of losing a job and not being able to feed a child, being unable to provide him financially, fear of poverty - all this is especially supported by “joyful” examples from the life of loved ones;
  • persistent pressure from potential fathers and grandparents;
  • fear of "staying within four walls", of losing "contact with the outside world", worries about problems with socialization while raising a baby;
  • the subconscious mindset "I don't deserve to be a mother." This often happens in women who experience strong feeling guilt. For example, a woman had an abortion in her youth, and she could not forgive herself for this; but now, after many years, nothing works;
  • the habit of achieving everything in life on your own. Women who are accustomed to control everything, to go ahead to their goals, perceive pregnancy as another "project", not trusting the mercy of fate. And here the same fate can play a cruel joke with a potential mother;
  • unwillingness to continue their race. If a woman is unhappy with her life, unhappy, she may develop a subconscious unwillingness to give birth to children who will be just as "tormented" as she is.

In most cases, all these reasons are drawn from childhood. Maybe a long time ago an event happened that caused trauma for a little girl. And all this was firmly deposited in the subconscious.

Sterility and fertility: differences

Infertility and infertility are terms often used for each other and vice versa. If these two sexual dysfunctions lead to the same result, that is, to the impossibility of reproduction, they are, however, not identical. Sterility is the final condition: the impossibility of natural reproduction. The term is used in such a way when a person is unable to reproduce sexually. Usually for men, infertility results in a lack of sperm production. In a woman, infertility leads to the impossibility of ovulation Infertility is usually caused by a disorder in the reproductive system: for example, varicose veins veins in the testes or ovaries can be damaged.

For the offensive desired pregnancy, experts advise a woman to change her view of this event:

  1. Answer yourself honestly to the question: "Why do I need a child?" It is very important to understand that the baby should not be a means to achieve any goals. He deserves to be wanted simply for his own sake;
  2. Stop "looping" on strong desire get pregnant. If the process of conception becomes exhausting "work" for both, it is useless to wait for pregnancy. Allow yourself just a pleasant intimacy with your spouse, without the admixture of "serving a duty" or testing the strength of the relationship;
  3. Reconsider your life orientations. You should not rush things, putting pregnancy at the forefront. As corny as it sounds - start life full life, in which there is a place for other deeds and joys;
  4. Try to give up total control own life. After all, the responsibility for getting pregnant should not be yours alone. It will be good to help calm down such statements: “Everything will happen the most the best way"," For all the time "," Everything is in the hands of God ", etc .;
  5. Get into the habit of thinking good things! Exercises from positive psychology, auto trainings, etc. Yes, I agree, in times of despair, it is very difficult to force yourself to rejoice. But our thoughts are ready to obey the efforts of the will. Also, do not deny yourself the pleasure of communicating with pregnant girlfriends - this phenomenon has not yet been rationally explained, but in practice such communication often gives "positive" results;
  6. Learn to relax. Massages, swimming, spa treatments, yoga, meditation can help in this;
  7. Remember, your motto is life satisfaction and peace of mind. Try to abstract yourself, look at the situation from the outside. True, for such a beautiful, successful, healthy woman will everything work out for sure? It is very helpful to imagine yourself pregnant, but these thoughts should be joyful and happy;
  8. Change your attitude to what is happening. Yes, it is possible that the pregnancy has not yet arrived, but during this time you managed to do a lot, improve your health, better prepare for future motherhood. Now, when the baby arrives, you will be “on your feet” and will be able to give him the very best. Learn to enjoy small pleasures - believe me, they exist, you just need to learn to notice them! Yes, maybe everyone has children for a long time. And you will have them too, but in due time. Therefore, allow yourself to be “not like everyone else”;
  9. Try to work with your fears. You can write them out, draw, forgive them and yourself, send them your love and gratitude, and then say goodbye and burn a sheet of paper;
  10. Don't harbor problems. The more you "plunge" into inner experiences, the more difficult it will be to recover later. You should not engage in self-criticism, blaming yourself and everyone around you for your problem. Sometimes it is very difficult for a woman to cope with all this alone. Therefore, if you feel that you cannot cope on your own, and your gynecologist advises you to contact a perinatal psychologist, listen to his advice. Together you can quickly come to your, such a long-awaited pregnancy.

And remember - positive thinking, love and harmony in relations with your husband, support and participation from your relatives - all this can help you tune in to the right wave, overcome psychological infertility and find the joy of motherhood.

A woman may have difficulty ovulating suffering from endometriosis, for example, a person may be suffering from azoospermia: low sperm production. On the other hand, sterility is not permanent. This term is used when a couple cannot breed in this moment time for at least one year, so this does not mean that the couple is sterile. one or more children and go through infertility for various reasons.

Before dwelling on male infertility in more detail, we can say that in general, infertility does not occur automatically due to a "mechanical" problem at the level reproductive system... For example, a man or woman may suffer from infertility for purely psychological reasons.

Anna Kutyavina

Despite the achievements modern medicine, the problems of infertility do not lose their relevance. According to statistics, almost a quarter of couples have difficulty with natural conception.

Fertility problems are far from isolated. It is estimated that one in ten couples in France have difficulty reproducing. A third of cases of infertility are men, one third are women, while the remaining third are a combination of male and women's problems and in some cases the cause of infertility remains unknown.

Focus on male infertility

Causes of infertility and gender. Various reasons can be the cause of the origin of infertility, here are the main ones. Varicocele: The result of large varicose dilatation of the spermatic veins, blood can no longer ascend to the most important veins. Asthenospermia, also known as asthenozoospermia, is characterized by low sperm motility. Other reasons can be the cause of male infertility: testicular injury, disease, treatment, etc. these problems can be congenital or acquired.

  • The temperature in the testicles can rise and affect the shape and quantity of sperm.
  • The complete absence of sperm in semen is known as azoospermia.
However, the quality and quantity of sperm can be influenced by lifestyle and general condition health.

In the treatment, reproductive specialists, gynecologists and andrologists focus on the search and correction of anatomical, endocrine and immunological causes of infertility. But, unfortunately, even with the help of complex multi-stage therapeutic regimens, operations and auxiliary reproductive technologies it is far from always possible to successfully cope with the problem.

High alcohol consumption, smoking, and drug use can reduce sperm quantity and quality, and serious illness and conditions, and certain medications or treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation, can increase your risk of infertility. " External factors"Such as air quality, pesticide and lead also have a Negative influence for sperm production.

This disability must be permanent and recurring to be called helplessness. Indeed, almost all people admit that they have already suffered from "decay" during their existence, they are not necessarily powerless. Although still taboo, impotence is a relatively common male sexual disorder, and it is estimated that over 30% of men over 40 in France experience impotence problems. Other estimates speak of one in ten people. Its actual frequency remains more difficult to measure due to the underestimation of the reported cases, to which are added definitional problems.

The fact is that many people trying to conceive a child have psychological factors of infertility. They often negate all the efforts of doctors, despite the functional level of the resulting disorders.

What is called psychological infertility?

Psychological infertility is a condition when a person's unresolved internal conflicts and fears negatively affect him reproductive health... At the same time, the patient has a reluctance to become pregnant and the subsequent birth of a child. In most cases, it is suppressed and not realized, but it becomes the dominant program. The resulting violations are reversible and due to functional disorders involving various levels of regulation.

This form of infertility is characteristic mainly of women, and it can occur at almost any age within the fertile period. But the appearance of such problems in men is not excluded.

The psychological factor can be combined with other causes of infertility, which in most cases distract the attention of doctors to themselves. At the same time, the spouses undergo numerous and often uncomfortable studies, take various drugs without much effect and even undergo surgical interventions... The lack of the expected result from such treatment is another reason for the deterioration emotional state and exacerbation of existing internal conflicts.

In addition, the effects of psychogenicity can increase endocrine disorders and even be the main reason for their appearance. This situation is most often left without due attention. It promotes development side effects from ongoing hormone therapy, reduces the effectiveness of treatment and can even lead to the termination of the nevertheless onset of pregnancy by early dates.

Psychogenic infertility can be primary or secondary. The defining moment when using such terms is the presence of pregnancies in the past, even if they did not lead to the birth of a child. This takes into account the fertility of the spouses with previous sexual partners.

Psychological problems and the reproductive system: how is it related?

The pathogenesis of the psychogenic form of infertility is due to the neurohumoral regulation of the ovaries and other reproductive organs... In fact, the resulting violations are classified as psychosomatic disorders. This is the name of diseases for which the key pathogenetic factor is the transformation of unresolved psychological conflicts into bodily form. This leads to the development of certain somatic disorders that dominate in clinical picture diseases and determining the main treatment tactics.

The work of the reproductive system is a hormone-dependent process. Wherein crucial role the hypothalamic-pituitary system plays in the coordination of the functioning of the ovaries. This is a complex of deep brain structures responsible for autonomic and higher neuroendocrine regulation of the work of all internal organs and peripheral glands internal secretion.

Along with many others, the pituitary gland secretes gonadotropic hormones. In a woman, these are follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing hormones (LH), which ensure active functioning and cyclical changes in ovarian tissue with follicle growth and subsequent ovulation. The production of female sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone) in the gonads is secondary, since it is also regulated by gonadotropic hormones.

The functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system is provided feedback with the endocrine glands and the brain. Moreover, it is not only the general somatic, but also the psychoemotional state that matters.

Any positive or negative experiences, internal psychological conflicts, the creation of a behavioral dominant - all this is accompanied and ensured by a change in the balance of many neurotransmitters in the brain.

This affects the level of arousal and secretory activity of the cells of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. And these formations play the role of a kind of translator in the human body, transforming emotions, motivation and behavioral dominants into changes at the somatic level. That is why the existing psychological block for reproduction is able to suppress in humans reproductive function even without the appearance structural changes in the genitals.

How does it manifest?

About psychological aspects infertility is worth considering if the spouses have good reproductive health, but at the same time they have not been able to conceive a child for 12 months or more.

TO possible signs psychogenic disorders include missed pregnancies suffered by a woman in the current period of active planning, spontaneous abortion in the early stages, the so-called false pregnancy.

Besides, psychological factor may cause lack of effectiveness ongoing stimulation of ovulation and hormonal correction menstrual cycle, the failure of attempts to get pregnant even with the use of assisted reproductive technologies.

In women, the clinical variants of psychogenic infertility are:

  • ... In this case, the selection and maturation of the dominant follicle does not occur or it is on a certain stage undergoes reverse development. Suppression of ovulation with the formation and death of a mature egg is also possible.
  • Dyshormonal disorders leading to disruption of the proliferation of the functional layer of the endometrium in the follicular phase of the menstrual-ovarian cycle.
  • Insufficiency of the progesterone phase, which negatively affects the process of implantation of a fertilized egg and can provoke its rejection.
  • Changes in structure and acidity cervical mucus, which prevents the penetration of sperm from the vagina into the uterine cavity.
  • Violation of the functional activity of the villous epithelium fallopian tubes while maintaining their patency. This makes it difficult for the natural migration of the ovulated egg into the uterine cavity and can negatively affect the progressive movement of sperm.
  • The production of anti-sperm antibodies. But many experts do not attribute this cause of infertility to a truly psychogenic one, although the influence of a woman's neuroendocrine status on the pathological functioning of the immune system cannot be denied.
  • Changes in the structure of the tunica albuginea around the ovulated egg, which significantly complicates the penetration of the sperm and reduces the likelihood of fertilization.

In men, psychogenic infertility can manifest itself as erectile and ejaculatory dysfunction, behavioral disorders with unconscious avoidance of sexual intercourse in ovulatory phase from a partner. Reversible deterioration of spermatogenesis under the influence of altered hormonal levels is also possible.

The causes of psychological infertility

What causes this problem in women?

The most common psychological reasons infertility in women - fears. This could be:

  • Fear of dying or being seriously disturbed during childbirth. Such a phobia is often formed even before the onset of the reproductive period and is actualized with the onset of sexual activity. Key to this are the experiences the girl has endured when she watches inappropriate films, videos of real childbirth and educational programs for pregnant women. Misunderstanding of what is happening on the screen, the sight of blood and sounds made during childbirth - all this scares the child and creates the basis for the formation of a phobia. And the lack of adequate explanations from adults reinforces it.
  • Fear of pain intolerable in labor. Such fears are also most often due to the receipt of inadequate and untimely visual information, often in children's or adolescence. Great importance emotionally charged stories of close relatives or girlfriends who have already given birth can also play.
  • Fear of radical changes in the usual way of life. A woman may be afraid of “falling out of the life of society”, suffer financial losses, lose professional potential, “put an end to her career…” Fear can also apply to family relationships. At the same time, there are concerns about the preservation of pleasant joint rituals and so-called personal space after the birth of a child.
  • Fear of losing external attractiveness... A woman may be afraid of pronounced postpartum weight gain, the appearance of stretch marks and age spots, changes in the shape of the chest and the general contours of the figure. Some people find the enlargement of the abdomen and mammary glands characteristic of pregnancy extremely unattractive. This fear is usually based on doubts that a man will remain faithful when the appearance of his sexual partner / spouse changes. They are especially worried about their appearance women with demonstrative (hysterical) character traits or feeling insecure about their own attractiveness, getting rid of the patient's obesity.
  • Fear of potentially possible deterioration the quality of sexual life due to stretching of the vaginal tissues in the process natural childbirth, as a result of an episiotomy transferred in a persistent period or against a background of pronounced hormonal changes... At the same time, a woman can worry not only about her own feelings, but also about the satisfaction of her spouse.

Fears are a very common and at the same time not always verbalized by patients reason for internal prohibitions on reproduction. But psychological infertility in women can be caused by other factors as well.

What else affects the possibility of conception?

Quite often, the so-called displacement of the dominant occurs, when the desire to conceive and give birth to a child is actually not paramount. A woman may experience discomfort from the fact that pregnancy and childbirth will interfere with the implementation of some long-term plans that have already begun to be implemented. For example, to finish building a house, take a certain position, go on a long journey, get a promising specialty ...

And such plans that are forcedly pushed back into the long term do not always lose their relevance, and the voiced desire to get pregnant is not entirely sincere. A woman often unconsciously substitutes the concepts of "want" and "need".

Close relatives, family members or psychological programs laid down in childhood can motivate her to have a child. social behavior... At the same time, a woman is formally trying to achieve this goal, but her body creates unconscious internal blocks, which prevents conception or contributes to the interruption of the pregnancy that has come.

An insincere desire to give birth to a child with the development of psychological infertility can also be explained by the presence of hidden goals. For example, getting pregnant to go on "long-term leave" at an unloved job, to get a way to manipulate your husband and other people, to achieve a certain social status or the ability to qualify for the benefits provided.

The biggest problems arise when such rather mercantile interests and imposed motivation are faced with repressed unconscious fears. The accompanying affective and neurotic disorders exacerbate the situation.

Occurs and special form psychological infertility, when the dominant of reproduction arising in a woman is excessive and therefore unproductive. In everyday life, such a situation is denoted by the word "fixated".

The whole life of a spouse is devoted to trying to conceive a child. A special, often rather elaborate menu is observed, sexual acts are performed mechanically, by the clock and in strictly defined poses, measured basal temperature with ovulation control using tests and even ultrasound monitoring. Each one again coming menstruation almost equates to a disaster.

As a result, neurotic and polymorphic somatized disorders increase, anxiety-depressive disorder develops, which does not help to solve the problem. But it is not possible to “let go” of the situation by an effort of will.

Psychological causes of infertility in men

Male psychological infertility is much less common than female. In most cases, it is also caused by unresolved internal conflicts. Fears of change, possible financial insolvency, emotional rejection from the partner arise for the second time.

A man may also be afraid not to cope with paternal role, especially if he makes excessive demands on himself.

The most expected psychogenias in men with infantile character traits and psychasthenics. Cyclothymia, a subclinical affective disorder with cyclical mood swings, is also of great importance.

What to do?

Treating psychological infertility is not an easy task. At the same time, difficulties may arise already at the stage of diagnosis, because internal conflicts in most cases are suppressed and not recognized. Even fears are often hidden, especially if they are perceived by a person as a manifestation of weakness and personal failure. And the doctor's categorical statement about the presence of psychological conflicts in spouses often leads to a reaction of denial and refusal of the offered help.

How to treat spouses with psychological infertility depends on the tension and form of internal conflict, the severity of subconscious blocks and the willingness of patients to cooperate with a specialist. In some cases, it is quite competent, carefully planned and correct medical and educational work carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist or reproductive specialist. This allows you to deal with fears in women due to lack of awareness of the physiology of pregnancy and childbirth.

Sometimes psychological infertility is resolved on its own, with a change in dominance or a decrease in the severity of external pressure on the spouses from the relatives eager for the birth of an heir.

There are frequent cases when earlier barren woman becomes pregnant after making a decision to conduct, use the services of a surrogate mother and adoption. At the same time, switching to the solution of a new problem becomes a factor leveling the reproductive hyperdominant. This is also possible when the attention is diverted to bright positive impressions - for example, as a result of relaxing in an unusual setting. This is what explains frequent cases conceiving children during a joint vacation by the sea.

But spouses with psychological infertility may also need qualified help, since it is far from always possible to overcome existing internal conflicts and phobias on their own. And for timely diagnosis and effective solution such problems sometimes require the help of a psychologist or even a psychotherapist. The work of these specialists is aimed at identifying psychological blocks and deep conflicts, translating them to a conscious level, deactualizing or developing promising behavioral tactics.

In this case, treatment can include psychocorrectional, psychoeducational, psychoanalytic components, relaxation, body-oriented and behavioral techniques, visualization. The work is carried out both individually and within family psychotherapy... In some cases, group sessions become effective.

If indicated, drugs are prescribed to correct the existing affective and neurotic disorders. In this case, their potential influence on the course of pregnancy and the presence of a teratogenic effect must be taken into account. Application potent drugs may require temporary contraception.

Psychogenic infertility is becoming more and more frequent problem... This is due to the peculiarities of modern interpersonal and intrafamily relations, the great importance career growth and financial well-being.

At the same time, psychogenic infertility has a fairly good prognosis, because all the changes that occur during this are related to the functional level and can be solved with the help of a specialist. Therefore, many modern reproductive centers have in their staff medical psychologist, which allows you to increase the effectiveness of treatment for infertility.