The forehead quickly becomes greasy. Oily skin on the forehead. Hormone therapy to eliminate oily skin

Vitamins. Masks. Folk remedies... Proper nutrition.

Chic outfit, mysterious makeup amazing eyes, stunning facial features ... You are, as always, on top. Yes, that's just there is one "but" that often does not leave you alone. The skin of your pretty little forehead is constantly getting oily. This, of course, spoils the appearance, and, accordingly, the mood. We will try to help you now! All you need to do is follow the procedures below on a regular basis.

The skin on the forehead is oily. You fat forehead? - The most "oily" period of the skin on the forehead occurs during puberty (puberty). But the secretion of sebum, with age, decreases and decreases. And in elderly people, the skin is generally devoid of grease.

The forehead shines. What does oily skin look like? It looks a lot like an orange peel. It is rough, unpleasant to the touch. The skin, if not cared for, can remain so for up to forty years.

So that your forehead does not shine, you need, first of all, to properly and regularly take care of his skin. Be sure to apply a hydrogel or moisturizer to your forehead every morning. Before using these products, apply an abrasive (soft) cream. Wash your forehead very thoroughly in the evening. To "attack" fat, you need soap, various gels and creams.

Your skin, instead of losing "unnecessary" shine, for some reason, tightened? Then you need to use liquid cream... Now do you understand how simple everything is?

Greasy forehead. - Proper nutrition. Vitamins.

To make the skin not oily, you need to make some adjustments to your diet. For example, you really need to eat more foods that contain vitamins B6 and B2. To make it easier for you to navigate, we have prepared, especially for you, a small list of what these vitamins include:

V itamine IN 2

  1. Yeast.
  2. Milk.
  3. Flakes (oat).
  4. Potatoes.
  5. Cocoa.
  6. Spinach.
  7. Mutton.
  8. Peanut.
  9. Buckwheat.
  10. Mackerel

V itamine AT 6

  1. Bananas.
  2. Liver.
  3. Avocado.
  4. Tuna.
  5. Salmon.
  6. Nuts (walnuts).
  7. Beans (lima).
  8. Pork.
  9. Beef.
  10. Yeast.

The skin on the forehead is oily. Folk and cosmetic products.

If the skin of your forehead is very oily, then eat those foods that contain a lot of carotene: carrots, dried apricots, vegetables (leafy), pumpkin, tomato.

Napkins will also help you... Blot your skin with one of them (you can also over your makeup) and it will remove all the grease. Napkins are compact, so you can always carry them in your purse.

Water degreases the skin very well... Never wash your face laundry soap as it contains a lot of alkali. In general, it is recommended to wash your face in the evening, thirty minutes before you plan to go to bed. After washing your face, let your skin dry thoroughly. By the way, if you want, you can wash your face with milk (sour) or vegetable oil.

You can wash, every morning, with boiled water. And for washing, take, for example, a napkin (terry cloth) or gauze. Yes, it turns out that even boiled water is quite useful.

Before you shower, prepare this mixture: Mix half a teaspoon of cucumber and half a teaspoon of lime. You can also add a little cologne... Apply this product to your forehead. Thus, you can not only say goodbye to oily sheen, but also prevent the appearance of "annoying" acne and acne.

Wonderful effect can be seen from using lavender: rinse your face with it twice a day and you won't notice a trace of shine on it.

It is possible that you love the sauna. Do you want your forehead to never be greasy? Train him to use the sauna too. But not to the one you are so used to. There is a special sauna for oily skin. Sounds strange? But - the effect is breathtaking. Take rosebuds, licorice root, and lemongrass. Boil four tablespoons (tablespoons) of these herbs (dried or fresh) in a few liters of water three times a week. Wait for the water to “reach the target” of boiling. Then put the saucepan on the table (not forgetting about the hot plate). Hold your face over the pot in a way that suits you (the distance will not affect the effect). The duration of this procedure is exactly fifteen minutes. By the way, if you want to keep the steam on your face longer, cover with a towel. Well, after the procedure, you should rinse the skin with water. Don't dry yourself off. What is left of the broth can be used as a tonic.

What are the best tools to use in your case? Those based on oil. They are "engaged" in dissolution sebum... If you need moisturizers, then they should be chosen, on the contrary, without an oil composition.

There is one more excellent way save your frontal skin from fat. Mix water and lemon juice (in completely equal proportions). Apply this lemon-water remedy to your forehead, once a day, then wait patiently for the moment until the remedy is properly absorbed into the skin. After - wash off the product with some water.

Greasy forehead? Oily skin on the forehead? - Masks.

Mask from green clay and honey - also very good remedy... Mix honey and clay (one teaspoon each). " Green honey»Apply to face without touching the eye area. Let the mask rest on your face for fifteen minutes. As soon as the "rest time" is over, wash off the mask with cool water. And don't forget to do this mask three times a week.

Here's another mask which will not seem useless to you. Grate the cucumber (fine). Add to grated cucumber boric acid(1: 6). Apply on the forehead for ten minutes, then rinse off with non-hot water.

And this mask also contributes to the "destruction" oily sheen... You need to take one spoon lemon juice and mix it (thoroughly) with twenty grams of yeast. Add milk (warm) to the lemon and yeast mixture. After that, apply the mask to your face. After about ten minutes it can be washed off. For this, ordinary running water is suitable (always warm).

You can use the usual cosmetic powder, to "scare away" the oily skin... It is enough just to powder the problem area of ​​the skin, and that's it! We would like to remind you that if you are used to using a foundation, choose it, focusing strictly on your skin type.

NS continuation follows:

Is the skin on your forehead oily? -

About one third of the female population has fat type skin. It causes a lot of trouble: an unpleasant shine, unkempt appearance, and rashes will not please anyone. The fact that with age the type of epidermis will gradually become normal, very few people reassure, because you want to look beautiful at the present time. In this article, you will find the causes of oily skin, knowing which, you can better control the situation.

The work of the sebaceous glands

Often, the main locations of oily sheen are the forehead, chin, nose, less often the back, shoulders and chest. At the same time, in his desire to get rid of high fat content it is necessary to be very careful not to harm, since the glands producing sebum play very important role in our body. They protect skin cells from adverse effects environment, and also help maintain the necessary water balance, are a transport route for vitamins.

At enhanced work they also create favorable environment for the development of bacteria, which leads to acne, clogged pores and blackheads, and difficulty applying makeup. On the positive side in the case when the skin is oily, it is the fact that its owners, later than their peers, face wrinkles and look younger than their age.

Experts also call this problem seborrhea. The causes of oily scalp, back, chest, and underarm and navel are the same. In these areas, small pimples, acne or acne may occur, the skin may also flake off (called dry seborrhea), and dandruff may appear on the scalp.

Main reasons

Many are interested in the answer to the question: "Why is the skin on the face oily?" Let's look at the main factors behind its occurrence.

  • Genetics. Quite often, the type of sebum production is inherited. If this is exactly your case, then there is nothing you can do, but do not give up: proper care and lifestyle will help improve your appearance;
  • Not proper nutrition... Of course, what we eat reflects our skin covering... Therefore, you should reconsider the list of foods that you have in your home. It is necessary to exclude fatty, artificially sweet, spicy and fatty foods... Also, minimize your coffee intake and skip lemonades altogether. Drink enough clean water and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Alcohol. Do not overuse various tinctures and alcohol products, as they, in this case, on the contrary, stimulate the skin to produce fat for its own protection.
  • Frequent deep cleansing also hurts you. The mechanism, as in the previous paragraph, is protective;
  • Use of cosmetics that are not suitable for skin type. It can cause clogged pores and inflammation;
  • Environment. If there is increased humidity outside, or in the work room, or at home, this will also negatively affect your face;
  • Testosterone. A character problem for teens. During puberty, this hormone can interfere with overwork. sebaceous glands... It passes by itself until about the age of thirty. However, in this case, the skin needs proper care;
  • Wrong work internal organs... Various diseases can provoke an increased production of sebum. You should seek help from qualified specialists who will hold required analyzes and research;
  • Stress situations. If you are often nervous, you are in an unfavorable psychological environment, then your body with the help of nerve endings can release the accumulated internal tension by stimulating the sebaceous glands;
  • Diseases of a mental nature are also sometimes the reason why the skin turns oily. You will need the help of doctors;
  • Long-term treatment of infections, as well as some of the medications. Here it is necessary to check the effect of drugs on the body and, as far as possible, exclude the intake.

As you can see, if you have oily skin, the reasons can be very different: from inheritance to the passion for chips, from the humidity around you to intestinal problems. For a start, you should visit your therapist and get tested, and then a beautician for recommendations on skin care.

Check if you are assessing your skin type correctly

Diseases and bad habits that cause oily skin

There are a number of diseases that can cause oily sheen. Let's take a closer look at them.


This disease affects all organs of a person, so its presence explains why the skin has become oily.


Since our body cannot produce female hormones from nothing, then with insufficient intake nutrients for example, due to diet, the amount of male hormones in the blood increases. This, in turn, leads to malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands. So think carefully before restricting access to food.

Binge eating

Obese people also often suffer from oily face, as their unbalanced diet leads to an increase in the amount of sweat they produce.

Malfunction of the hormonal system in women

This option can cause several diseases at once, for example, tumors in reproductive system, ovarian damage, as well as abrupt discontinuation of birth control pills, menopause and the like. All of them lead to an increase in the content of male hormones. And this affects the timbre of the voice, the appearance of more coarse hair, increased sweating and irregular cycle, as well as to the fact that the skin of the face turns oily. All these symptoms should force you to visit a doctor (gynecologist and endocrinologist), since untimely treatment can lead to infertility, degeneration of tumors and other troubles. It is also recommended to visit a beautician regularly.

Hormonal imbalance can cause mustache and beard growth in women

Malfunction of the hormonal system in men

In most cases increased content testosterone levels occur in professional athletes and bodybuilders because they take certain drugs to increase muscle mass based on an artificial male hormone. Less commonly, this process appears due to a genetic predisposition, which is regulated by itself over time. In such circumstances, symptom treatment is applied. For its appointment, a man should contact an endocrinologist, cosmetologist, valeologist, nutritionist. Sometimes the help of a psychiatrist is required (if the condition is accompanied by increased aggressiveness, narcissism and morbid jealousy), as well as a sexologist.


This term means increased hairiness. It is also associated with a malfunctioning hormonal system and affects the amount of sebum secreted by the skin.

Liver disease

Since this organ is the main excretory channel for the release of toxins, excess hormones and other unnecessary substances, its damage leads to an imbalance in the body. Most often this is reflected in the increased fat content in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold and forehead.

Be sure to see a doctor

Since in the case when the skin is very oily, it is favored by various bacteria and infections, inflammation often develops. If this concerns you, make an appointment with a specialist. Lack of treatment can lead to scarring, septic skin diseases, infection of the body ( frequent tonsillitis, runny nose and a general decrease in immunity).

Most often, when analyzing inflammation due to increased fat content, bacteria such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, propionobacteria are found. They can be transmitted both to other parts of the body and to people around them. In the event that the infection is not treated, it sometimes even leads to death due to extensive sepsis. And all this can be avoided simply by visiting a doctor.

Seborrheic dermatitis

This inflammatory skin disease is distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • oily scales of red or gray color;
  • located on the head, along the hairline, around the nose, or auricles, on the chest, in the armpits, in the groin.

To people who have found in themselves similar phenomena, you should contact a skin venerologist and cosmetologist.


This is one type of acne, characterized by clogged pores with sebum, dead particles and bacteria, and the formation of blackheads. Most often localized on the face, chest and back. You will need the help of a cosmetologist, and especially difficult situations and skin venerologist, nutritionist and endocrinologist.


This is a more severe form of skin lesion that reaches the fatty layer. The beginning is the introduction of infection into the hair follicle, because of which pus begins to accumulate. Increased fat content plays a major role in this process. In this situation, the surgeon will help, and then he will refer you to the continuation of treatment with an endocrinologist and dermatovenerologist.

In the event that the infection penetrates even deeper, then it can cause necrosis of an entire area of ​​the skin.

As you might have noticed, similar problems associated not only with aesthetic troubles, but can cause serious damage to the body and require timely treatment.

Boils most commonly affect the armpits, abdomen, and shoulders.

Treatment methods

Of course, there are ways to deal with if the skin has become very oily. Heredity cannot be changed, in this situation they are removed unpleasant symptoms, but a sharp change in the structure of the skin in conjunction with peeling and acne requires a visit to doctors and cosmetologists. They will suggest the best way to solve your problems.

Healing methods

The specialist must first direct you to get tested, and then draw up an action plan. Most often, they resort to the following procedures:

  • Vaporization - the use of hot steam to open the pores.
  • Facial cleansing - can be carried out both by the hands of a cosmetologist and by hardware.
  • Cryotherapy - applications liquid nitrogen.
  • Mesotherapy - delivery of a cocktail to the skin from nutrients by injection.
  • Darsonvalization- directional action with alternating current.
  • Biorevitalization- increasing the hydration of the face.
  • Massage .

The above manipulations are carried out in specialized clinics and poured into a decent amount. To maintain the effect, you will need to regularly repeat the courses. For more information on how to deal with oily skin,.

Having studied the simple tips below, you can also have a beneficial effect on the increased oiliness of the skin.

Use cool water to wash your face, as hot water will increase oil production. When choosing cosmetics, be careful:

  • Check for appropriate labeling "for oily skin" or "non-comedogenic";
  • Tonic is more effective if it contains kaolin clay;
  • Priority to products with zinc oxide;
  • Liquid blush and eyeshadow won't work for you;
  • Powder should be applied with a sponge;
  • For the care of oily skin, products with disinfectant, anti-inflammatory properties are suitable.

About means for the care of oily skin.

Diagram of the depth of action of various peelings

If you are tormented by the problem of increased oily skin, you should not immediately rush to carry out numerous cosmetic procedures or buy expensive creams, all this will be ineffective until you find and eliminate the cause of the disease. Therefore, the first thing you need is a visit to a dermatologist. It is he who will understand the situation and, if necessary, refer to additional specialists, such as an endocrinologist, psychologist and nutritionist. Lead healthy image life, drink enough water, walk more often - and your skin and hair will be grateful to you!

Do you consider oily skin to be a real scourge for yourself due to pronounced shortcomings? Do not rush to be upset. If you provide proper care, the face will be clean, and in more mature age look younger than your peers.

What is oily skin?

As you know, there are four types of skin - dry, normal, combination and oily. Cosmetologists note that any option is the norm and is not considered an ailment... There are more owners of oily skin.

This type is characterized by more thick layer epidermis and excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

The thickening is caused by fatty acids, which compress the pores, causing them to dilate. From the abundance of moisture, the pores swell at the edges. Sebum, which is produced in excess, clogs them and forms plugs. If pathogenic microbes get inside, they find a beneficial environment for themselves and multiply.

The highest fat content is in the T-zone, which covers the frontal, nasal, and chin part of the face. That is, first of all, the very oily skin on the forehead and nose is striking. Due to insufficient blood supply, these areas look oily, unkempt, uneven and earthy.

Such skin does not accept funds well decorative cosmetics , the powder hides the oily sheen, but not for long. In the enlarged pores, comedones (black plugs), milia (whiteheads), acne are formed. Oily skin is often combined with the same hair type.

Most often, the problem occurs in adolescents and young people up to 25-30 years old, after which it turns into combined type... Hypersecretion of fat for more long term persists only in 5-8% of people.

Oily skin has benefits:

  • wrinkles appear later on it, since natural nutrition and hydration are provided;
  • comfort in winter, no peeling, tightness for the same reason.

Why is she like this?

In some cases, oily content is due to heredity, when one of the parents or both have this type of skin.

The second reason is changes in work endocrine system... This provokes fatness in adolescents. Their testosterone levels increase, which contributes to the enlargement of the sebaceous glands, due to which more sebum is produced and the skin quickly becomes oily. All reasons are described in detail.

Risk factors that increase sebum production are:

  • severe stress;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives without supervision by a gynecologist;
  • diseases of the genital area, less often - pregnancy, menopause;
  • pathology of the digestive system - colitis, constipation, cholecystitis;
  • unhealthy diet - abuse confectionery, alcohol, soda, fast food;
  • work in dusty rooms and more.

Defining oily skin is easy. Wash their face clean water with soap - for example, baby (not gel or foam). Then do not use tonics, lotions, creams or other means. After 2-3 hours, apply to the face paper napkin, tissue paper, or a clean mirror. The result is positive if there are traces of oil on the surface.

How to care?

Such skin needs regular and frequent cleansing. Products should not contain alcohol, which dries. Foams, gels with bactericidal action are used. Detergents sometimes replace fermented milk products- kefir, yogurt. The water should be warm, but not hot.

Oily skin needs exfoliation 1-2 times a week to remove dirt from the pores.

It is made from salt, soda, coffee. Useful mask-films, which gently cleanse and do not injure the epidermis, 1-2 times a week are recommended masks with herbs, clay - white, green, black, egg white, lemon. ...

While oily skin is better hydrated than other types, it also needs additional nourishment in the form of moisture and nutrients. For this, creams are used. They can have matting, pore-tightening, disinfecting properties, and also regulate fat secretion, improve the composition of sebum. ...

The formulation of care cosmetics usually includes benzoyl peroxide, salicylic and hyaluronic acid, sulfur, vitamin A, E. The herbal part of the formula includes citrus essential oils, tea tree, phytoextracts, fruit acids.

Make-up must be non-comedogenic. It is advisable to refuse. Tone cream matched to skin type, but without vegetable oils, excluding ethers. Look. Cosmetics contain SPF because Sun rays also worsen symptoms.

Application tools foundation creams wash at least 1 time a day with clean water and soap, powder brushes - up to 2 times a week.

What is contraindicated for oily skin?

Improving the appearance begins with a review of the diet. It includes:

  • whole grain products;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • vegetable oils;
  • fish (tuna, herring, sardines, etc.);
  • grapefruit, other citrus fruits.

Drink up to 1.5-2 liters of water per day, consume unsweetened green tea, sour fruit drinks from cranberries, currants.

The diet reduces the content of animal lipids, fatty meat, pickles and pickled preservation, carbonated drinks.

Here's another ten taboos for this skin type that will worsen the condition of the face:

  1. Rare washing of brushes after cream, washing of pillowcases and pillows.
  2. Experiments with cosmetics.
  3. Hand touching the skin.
  4. Frequent scrubbing.
  5. Ignoring tonics.
  6. Refreshing the powder multiple times throughout the day instead of using a matting wipe.
  7. Plucking eyebrows before applying decorative coatings.
  8. Make-up removal only with cleansing gel.
  9. Cosmetics that are not washed off before going to bed.
  10. Rubbing with alcohol, washing with hot water.

It just seems like leaving is too difficult. It is difficult for the first two weeks, and then manipulation becomes a habit. As the proverb says, patience and work will grind everything. And the result is worth it - clean, healthy-looking skin. Get compliments, sign!

When the sebaceous glands are working too actively, first of all we notice a greasy forehead. How to get rid of the unpleasant and not aesthetic manifestation of oily skin, you will understand only identifying the reason such increased secretion. Perhaps the usual ones will help you. hygiene procedures, and it may be necessary to resort to drug treatment... In any case, do not leave the situation to chance.

Oily skin on the forehead: what to do?

The epidermis on the forehead tends to grow fattest during adolescence. Closer to middle age, subcutaneous fat is produced less, and by old age, fat completely ceases to be produced.

The main signs of a greasy forehead are:

  1. Shine;
  2. Subcutaneous tubercles;
  3. Lots of black dots;
  4. Wide pores.

It is necessary to get rid of the fat content on the forehead both from the outside and from the inside. With regard to external procedures, this standard procedures for face care:

  • Wash your face warm water twice a day. Application hot water Not recommended, because heat even more stimulates the sebaceous glands;
  • Do not use aggressive means leaving. Pick up suitable gel for washing;
  • Pilling must be done weekly;
  • Masks can be done no more than twice a week. Good fit White clay, lemon juice or potatoes ground in a meat grinder;
  • Try to use foundation less often;
  • Once a week, you can rub the forehead with a teaspoon solution sea ​​salt in half a liter of melt water.

As integrated approach to get rid of grease on the forehead review your diet:

  1. Give up fatty and fried foods;
  2. Eliminate salty and sweet;
  3. Try to eat natural foods;
  4. Add vitamin B6 to the diet, it is found in fish, pork, beef, bananas, avocados, nuts, beans and liver;
  5. It is also advisable to consume foods rich in vitamin B2: potato, cereals, milk, cocoa, lamb.

Homemade face masks with high fat content

It is necessary to stop using masks only if a third of your face or more is covered with acne. In other cases, masks can and should be used.

However, in this case, several rules must be observed:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water before the procedure;
  • The skin must be pre-cleaned;
  • Do not use alcohol-containing components;
  • Don't use a mask in reserve;
  • Ingredients must be clean and fresh.

Several recipes for oily skin:

  1. Grind 20 grams of cottage cheese or pass through a sieve, pour in 30 grams of kefir and a few drops essential oil mint. Mix everything, apply on face for half an hour, then rinse;
  2. Mix the blue clay with a crushed tablet of brewer's yeast, pour the mixture with ordinary tea until the consistency of sour cream, add a few drops of hazelnut oil. Apply to steamed skin and let dry on the face, then rinse;
  3. Grind dry fruits of green peas in a coffee grinder, add a couple of grams of turmeric and about 8 ml of peach oil. Apply to the skin, wait until dry, then remove the mask cotton pads with purified water;
  4. Crush several tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, add 4 ml of mango essential oil and add a decoction of plantain to the desired consistency of sour cream. Apply to face with a brush or gloves, wait 10 minutes, then rinse.

Thus, to provide oily skin complete care, it is not at all necessary to resort to expensive cosmetic procedures... You can also arrange a beauty salon at home.

Why is the forehead greasy?

If the oily skin is increased, then it is immediately visible on the forehead, nose and chin. On the body itself, areas on the chest and back are also fatty. This type of skin can be permanent, or it can be observed periodically.

The main prerequisites for this type are:

  • Genetics;
  • Growing up period;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Digestive system problems;
  • Improper nutrition;
  • Regular long-term exposure to the sun or at high temperatures;
  • Stress;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Climax;
  • Disorders in the endocrine system.

There is also a number of diseases in which the skin turns oily:

  1. Diabetes;
  2. Obesity;
  3. Exhaustion;
  4. Cysts or tumors on the ovaries;
  5. Various liver diseases.

In the case when the cause of fat content is a disease or malfunction of some systems with proper treatment of the source of trouble, the consequence in the form of oily skin on the forehead will disappear along with the cure.

In the case of a genetic predisposition, it is only possible to regularly eliminate unpleasant manifestations, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of the problem forever.

Pros of greasy skin

Every skin type has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages of oily face compared to other types are:

  • An even and high-quality tan. Unlike the dermis, which is prone to dryness, with well-functioning sebaceous glands, the fat secreted by them is good natural remedy for Tan;
  • Late aging and aging of the skin;
  • Long-term absence of wrinkles;
  • With well-chosen makeup, the face will shine beautifully with a pearlescent shade;
  • In old age, the skin looks fresher and more elastic;
  • The fatty film does not allow negative factors the environment to harm the cells of the dermis.

Therefore, do not be upset, follow the simple care tips, pick up suitable cosmetics and you will look gorgeous for many years to come.

Oily skin on the forehead and pimples

In the case of acne on the forehead with oily skin, caring for it requires even more reverent attention. As in the quest to get rid of the hated oily sheen, you can further exacerbate acne problems. To prevent this from happening:

  1. Avoid mechanical stress on the skin with brushes or sponges;
  2. Avoid scrubs or use them sparingly to avoid rubbing on pimples.
  3. Wipe your face with lemon. The acid disinfects acne and removes excess oil;
  4. Do not use harsh cleansers.

Thus, if the problem of oily content is aggravated by the appearance of acne, this means that the pores are clogged and an infection has joined them. Your task is to keep your face clean, not to take aggressive actions, to cleanse the pores and moisturize the dermis in a timely manner and with high quality.

If the problem does not resolve itself after a while, then it is better to consult a dermatologist. Along with leaving, he will prescribe medication.

Quite often, a greasy forehead spoils the perfect picture of your face at a party. A cosmetologist or a qualified dermatologist will tell you how to get rid of this phenomenon. On your own, you can adjust your diet, rest regimen and write down the time for facial care in your schedule.

Video: care for oily skin

In this video, dermatologist Evelina Vasilyeva will tell you how to properly care for oily skin, which products are more suitable for this type of skin:

Oily skin - loose and shiny skin that looks like lemon peel, is characterized by an excess of sebum. Oily skin is more common in adolescents and young people, with age even very oily skin becomes normal, this is due to natural age-related changes in organism. Such skin, without a doubt, has its advantages - it is unusual for it to appear early wrinkles, it does not require constant nourishment with creams, as is the case with dry skin, but a significant drawback, of course, is its excessive shine, enlarged pores and it is prone to the appearance of comedones, pustular formations different etiology... Areas of increased fat content will be the nose, forehead, shoulders, back, chin, chest.

Causes of oily skin

  1. Heredity: the sebaceous glands in all people react in the same way to the release of hormones, but everyone's sensitivity will be different. Sensitivity depends on genetics and even with the same hormonal level, the oily skin will differ in people. In this case, nothing but proper care and there is no way to reconcile.
  2. Hormones. They affect the production of fat in the sebaceous glands. Second phase menstrual cycle in women, it is marked by an increased production of subcutaneous fat. This condition is due to hormonal background... Due to the predominance of testosterone in the body, oily skin is more common among men. Due to puberty, the problem of oily skin is mainly found among young women, girls, guys. In this case, we can talk about excessive activity sebaceous glands.
  3. Diet disorders: excess of fatty, fried, spicy, sour, sweet, spicy foods. In large quantities, coffee, soda, rich foods, dry food will also be harmful. Affects the condition and the lack of vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to exclude fast food, eat less fatty and sweet foods. Products such as buckwheat, bran, fruits, low-fat kefir.
  4. Environmental factors such as tobacco smoke, stress, air pollution also affect negative impact on the condition of the skin.
  5. The increased ambient temperature stimulates the production of sebum.
  6. Ultraviolet irradiation: dries out and thickens the stratum corneum of the skin, sebum is more problematic to come out, acne and pimples appear.
  7. Poor hygiene: it is important to wash every day in the morning and treat areas of the skin that are prone to oily.
  8. The use of substandard cosmetics... Oily or fatty base such remedies can only further aggravate the condition of the skin.
  9. Violation immune system: skin is protective layer, if there is a violation of immune processes, then there is a high probability that the skin will no longer cope with its main function, will begin to produce an excessive amount of sebum.
  10. Disorders in the work of internal organs: pancreas, intestines, thyroid gland... In this case, it is important to exclude the cause and provide the skin with reliable care.
  11. Passion for active cleansers that contain alcohol. It is also important not to overdo it when treating oily skin. The constant use of alcohol-containing products will only exacerbate the problem. On severe defatting, the skin can react aggressively and begin to intensively produce sebum.
  12. Frequent exfoliation. Mechanical cleansing facial gives quick and noticeable result, but often women simply begin to abuse this remedy. As a result, inflammation occurs due to microtraumas of the epidermis and the secretion of sebum on an increased scale.
  13. High humidity in the environment or production area.
  14. Prolonged stress, increased excitability, constant fatigue. Nerve endings can stimulate sebum production. These factors must be avoided.
  15. Violations of the central nervous system, mental illness... You will need the help of a specialist.
  16. Hyperandrogenism in men. Male hormones are contained in increased number... It can often be observed among men who are professionally engaged in bodybuilding. But there is such a violation and natural reason... Treatment is based on the elimination of symptoms.
  17. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  18. Climax.
  19. Pregnancy.
  20. Baking diseases.
  21. Diabetes.
  22. Hypertrichosis can be accompanied by oily skin.
  23. Overweight.
  24. Ovarian diseases that increase the production of male hormones.
  25. Long-term use of certain medications, chronic infectious diseases... It is important to carefully follow the instructions for all medications that you have to take.

The causes of oily skin, as we can see from this list, can be not only cosmetic, but also medical.

Characteristics of oily skin

The basis of oily skin is a naturally thick layer of the epidermis and increased work of the sebaceous glands. The active and constant release of sebum clogs the pore, so a black point, inflammation or acne is formed.

The process of thickening of the upper layer is stimulated by fatty acids, which leads to the compression of the pores and their expansion, and a large number of moisture causes them to swell at the edges.

Clogged pores make it harder for the skin to breathe, natural process exfoliation and cleansing is disrupted. Bacteria that enter their natural habitat become the cause of the development of all kinds of inflammation. All these defects enlarge the pores even more. Oily skin is covered with a fatty film, it is poorly supplied with blood.

Features of care for oily skin

For oily skin, the most important thing will be to cleanse it with special means that normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Also, it will be important to increase the immunity of the skin to resist infections and other diseases. For cleansing, soap or a special gel is suitable, while the water should not be too hard. You can also rinse your face after cleansing. cold water with the addition of lemon or vinegar.

Compresses or steam baths are very useful for oily skin. Moisturizing and nutritious cream... Cleansing and nourishing masks can be done several times a week.

Do not forget that you cannot degrease oily skin too much. It is better to use, albeit more often, but mild and gentle means.

It is also impossible to squeeze out pimples, acne on the face on your own and very often. This should be done by a specialist.

Treatments for oily skin

Treatment for oily skin should be complete and comprehensive. It is important at the first stage of treatment to identify the cause of the oily skin and eliminate it, if possible. When improper care, the use of low-quality cosmetics, defective and unhealthy food, the causes of oily skin will be obvious. To get rid of the problem, it will be enough to get rid of the factors that provoke it.

In the case of using only external therapy, which is aimed at eliminating the manifestation of the disease, it will not be possible to achieve a lasting result. Specialists usually use a combination of different techniques to achieve the most effective result.

Proper nutrition

To improve the condition of the skin, regardless of the factor that triggered the oily skin, important point there will be proper nutrition. The diet will need to include maximum amount fruits and vegetables, of course, for the absence of allergies to them. Pure water is also a very important component of the treatment regimen.

All harmful products from the diet must be excluded or at least minimized. Eating a serving of oatmeal in the morning has a beneficial effect on skin health.

Home treatment

In general, the treatment of oily skin at home is ineffective. First of all, of course, you need to consult a dermatologist, cosmetologist and other specialists. Most likely, you will need to change the diet, the characteristics of care, but regardless of the prescribed procedures, there are always general recommendations such as washing your face with room water, rubbing your face with cleansing lotions.

Effective for oily skin and thermal waters, they allow not only to freshen up on a hot summer day, but also provide an opportunity to eliminate abundant discharge sebum. In this case, the effect of moisturizing, removing redness and eliminating oily sheen will be noticeable.

Treatment of oily skin in cosmetology

Salon treatment for oily skin requires development individual program, usually a whole complex of procedures is prescribed. The following methods are effective in the case of oily skin:

  • Massage;
  • Cream for oily skin;
  • Application of special masks;
  • Cryotherapy;
  • A liquid nitrogen;
  • Darsonvalization;
  • Steam baths;
  • Mechanical cleaning;
  • Vaporization;
  • Deep cleansing of the skin;
  • Makeup remover with bactericidal preparations.

More details about each procedure:

  1. Massage for oily skin affects it very deeply, which is achieved through fairly strong pressure. This increases blood circulation and improves skin nutrition. The production of the secretion of the sebaceous glands is activated, the tone of the muscles increases. Usually it is performed on talcum powder; in the salon, before the procedure, the skin must be cleaned. The duration of the session is 5-6 minutes, it will take about 20 procedures, which it is desirable to repeat periodically.
  2. Cream for oily skin: the beautician will select a special moisturizer that is suitable for a specific skin type. The opinion that it is not necessary to moisturize the already oily skin is erroneous. You just need to choose the right moisturizing component. Thick and fat cream will not work, the preferred options are hypoallergenic with a light texture. The composition should contain vitamins, oils, collagen.
  3. Masks for oily skin - real find, they are more than appropriate in this case. Most often these are mixtures based on hyaluronic acid, which contain antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components.
  4. Ice dries and tones oily skin well, which is why cryotherapy is so popular in treating oily skin. For this type of skin, rubbing with a cosmetic person after washing in the morning will give a good cosmetic effect.
  5. Liquid nitrogen is characterized by high therapeutic efficacy. It can cause both destruction and death of tissues (for example, acne affected areas), and contribute to vasoconstriction, improvement of complexion and its tone.
  6. Darsonvalization: with the help of the action of alternating currents of different frequencies, oily skin is eliminated, acne is cured, the face is rejuvenated and tightened. The skin becomes healthy and fresh look, pulls up.
  7. Steam baths are one of the most affordable, but at the same time effective ways cleansing the skin of the face. Steam improves blood circulation, the skin becomes soft and smooth, the pores are opened and cleaned of dirt, the skin becomes healthy and its color improves. The duration of such procedures is 8-10 minutes and for oily skin they are carried out approximately 2 times a month.
  8. Mechanical cleaning is especially indicated for oily skin with clogged pores... By using mechanical cleaning the upper stratum corneum and excess secretion of the sebaceous glands are removed from the face. This is the most thorough cleaning method of all, but it gives desired result, although considered a bit outdated.
  9. Vaporization: ozone has an antibacterial effect, activates metabolic processes in the skin. This cleanses the pores and improves blood circulation. The procedure can be carried out using infusions and herbs, which has an additional positive effect.
  10. Deep cleansing of oily skin should be carried out at least once a week, optimally twice. The best remedy for this is peeling. Keratinized skin flakes that are not removed by normal cleansing can contain dirt that clogs pores even further.
  11. It is very important to properly and systematically cleanse the skin. This is a mandatory procedure before any of the cosmetic interventions and just as a daily care.