Experiments with water for children 5 6. Home laboratory. Water Games and Experiments - Let's Play Together! Why exactly water

April 23rd, 2014

What does everyone have at home and what never gets tired of playing with? Water! Personally, I have not met a single child who was indifferent to her. You can think of an infinite number of games with water, we have collected the most interesting ones here. Water games for toddlers are well known to everyone, but we tried our best for each famous game come up with something that will interest older children. We also included simple and spectacular experiences in the review!

So, let's start?

Games for toddlers and more

1. Sinking - not sinking

In addition to floating and sinking objects, it is interesting to watch how something sinking slowly and smoothly sinks to the bottom. Here is a video of beautifully sinking flowers:

Or the egg experience:

Take 3 cans: two half-liter and one liter. Fill one can clean water and drop into it a raw egg... It will sink.

Pour a strong solution into the second jar table salt (2 tablespoons per 0.5 l of water). Put the second egg in there - it will float. This is explained by salty water denser, therefore it is easier to swim in the sea than in the river.

Now put an egg on the bottom of a liter jar. Gradually adding water in turn from both small jars, you can get a solution in which the egg will neither float nor sink. It will hang suspended in the middle of the mortar.

When the experiment is done, focus can be shown. Adding salt water will make the egg float. Adding fresh water - so that the egg will sink. Outwardly, salt and fresh water are no different from each other, and it will look amazing.

2. Water in the form of ... what?

You can take a plastic cup, transparent bag, surgical glove. And everywhere the water is the same, but so different.

And if you pour water into plastic molds for sand and freeze, then you get curly ice pieces.

For older children, you can arrange experiments with volume. Here is one of Piaget's experiments: we take two containers - one narrow high glass, and the second low and wide. We pour the same amount of water and ask the children, which glass is more? Before a certain age children answer that there is more water in a tall glass - after all, this is VISIBLE!

3. Leaky package

Leaky bag not leaking? Let's try together.

4. Paint the water


When his son was young, he could endlessly dilute paint in water. Mixed all imaginable and inconceivable colors. And when he got tired of playing with liquid, he poured it all into molds and we made colored ice.


By the way, for older guys, suggest sprinkling salt on the ice and watch what happens


5. Freezing

In addition to colored ice, the son was very fond of freezing figures with a little man, and then saving them. We measured how long it would take for natural defrosting, defrost it with our finger, and dripped warm water from a pipette. The process of freezing and thawing fascinated his son and it was one of his favorite activities at home in bad weather.

We also loved to make ice boats and launch them.

And if you put a thick thread on a piece of ice and sprinkle salt on top, then after a few seconds it will freeze and the ice can be lifted by holding it exclusively by the thread. This trick can be done by throwing a piece of ice with a glass of cold water.

Here's another very exciting ice experiment.
You need to put a few cubes of colored ice in a jar of vegetable or baby oil. As the ice melts, its colored droplets will sink to the bottom of the jar. The experience is very spectacular.

6. We start talking water

2. Sieve - siphon

Let's do a simple experiment. Take a sieve and grease it with oil. Then we shake and demonstrate another trick - pour water into the sieve so that it flows along the inside of the sieve. And, lo and behold, the sieve will be filled! Why doesn't water flow out? It is held by a surface film, it was formed due to the fact that the cells, which were supposed to let the water through, did not get wet. If you run your finger along the bottom and break the film, water will flow out.

3. Lava lamp

We talked about this experience in more detail

4. An experiment with glycerin

Not quite an experience, but a very beautiful result.

All we need is a jar, sequins, some figurine and glycerin (sold in the pharmacy)

Pour into a jar boiled water, add glitter and glycerin. We mix.
Glycerin is needed so that the glitter swirls smoothly in the water.

And if there is no can at hand, then you can just arrange a spinning sparkles in a bottle.



5. Growing crystals

To do this, you need to dissolve a lot of salt in hot water, so much so that it stops dissolving. In the jar with the solution, you need to lower the thread (preferably woolen, with villi), although you can also wire or a twig so that part of it is above the water. Now it remains to arm yourself with patience - in a few days beautiful crystals will grow on a thread.

Or you can use sugar. Here's more details

6. Making the cloud

Pour into a 3-liter can of hot water (about 2.5 cm). Place a few ice cubes on a baking sheet and place them on the jar. The air inside the can, rising up, will begin to cool. The water vapor contained in it will condense to form a cloud.

This experiment simulates the formation of clouds when warm air cools. Where does the rain come from? It turns out that the drops, when heated on the ground, rise upward. There they get cold, and they huddle together, forming clouds. When they meet together, they enlarge, become heavy and fall to the ground in the form of rain.

7. In search of fresh water

How to get from salt water drinking water? Pour water with the child into a deep basin, add two tablespoons of salt there, stir until the salt dissolves. To the bottom of the empty plastic cup put the washed pebbles so that it does not float, but its edges should be above the water level in the basin. Stretch the film from above, tying it around the pelvis. Press the plastic over the center of the glass and place another pebble in the recess. Place the basin in the sun. After a few hours, clean unsalted drinking water will accumulate in the glass. The explanation is simple: water in the sun begins to evaporate, condensate settles on the film and flows into an empty glass. The salt does not evaporate and remains in the basin.

8. Tornado in the bank

The tornado that rages in the bank is very spectacular in fact, it is able to fascinate children for a long time. You need a jar with a tight-fitting lid, water, liquid dishwashing detergent. Water should be poured into the jar so that the distance from the water level to the neck of the jar is about 4-5 cm. Now add a little liquid remedy, close the lid tightly and shake the jar. It should make a tornado.

9. Rainbow

You can show the children a rainbow in the room. Place the mirror in the water at a slight angle. Catch a sunbeam with a mirror and point it at the wall. Turn the mirror until you see a spectrum on the wall. Water acts as a prism that decomposes light into its components.

10. Lord of matches

If you put a piece of sugar in a saucer with water and matches floating in it, then all the matches float to it, and if a piece of soap - then from it.

11. Change the color of the water

We do in a jar soap solution - we dilute the soap. Then we take the liquid (transparent) phenolphthalein (purgen laxative) bought in the pharmacy and show the child how by pouring transparent water into another transparent water we get bright crimson! Transformation right before our eyes. Then we take again transparent vinegar and add it there. Our "chemical" turns from raspberry to transparent again!

12. Transformations of ink

Drop ink or mascara into a bottle of water to make the solution pale blue. Put a pill of crushed activated carbon... Close the neck with your finger and shake the mixture.
It will brighten before our eyes. The fact is that coal absorbs dye molecules on its surface and it is no longer visible.

But what kind of bizarre mesmerizing patterns form ink in water


13. Water flows upward

Capillary phenomena. We tint the water, put white flowers in it (preferably carnations or tulips) and ......

14. Optical illusion in a glass of water

Friends, good afternoon! Agree, how sometimes it is interesting to surprise our crumbs! They have such a funny reaction to. She shows that they are ready to learn, ready to assimilate. new material... The whole world opens up at this moment in front of them and for them! And we, parents, act as real wizards with a hat, from which we “pull out” something amazingly interesting, new and very important!

What are we going to get out of the "magic" hat today? We have there 25 experimental experiments for children and adults... They will be prepared for toddlers of different agesto get them interested and involved in the process. Some can be carried out without any preparation, with the help of handy tools that each of us has at home. For others, you and I will buy some materials so that everything goes smoothly for us. Well? I wish all of us good luck and go!

Today will be real holiday! And in our program:

So let's decorate the holiday by preparing an experiment for birthday, New Year, March 8, etc.

Ice soap bubbles

What do you think will happen if simple the bubbles that the baby is in 4 years so loves to inflate, run after them and burst them, inflate in the cold. Or rather, right into the snowdrift.

I give a hint:

  • they will burst at once!
  • take off and fly away!
  • freeze!

Whatever you choose, I say right away, it will surprise you! Can you imagine what will happen to the little one ?!

But in slow motion - it's just a fairy tale!

Complicating the question. Is it possible to repeat the experiment in the summer in order to get a similar option?

Choose answers:

  • Yes. But you need ice from the refrigerator.

You know, even though I really want to tell you everything, but that's exactly what I will not do! Let there be at least one surprise for you!

Paper against water

A real one awaits us experiment... Is it really possible for paper to defeat water? This is a challenge to everyone who plays Rock-Paper-Scissors!

What we need:

  • Paper;
  • Water in a glass.

Cover the glass. It would be nice if its edges were a little damp, then the paper will stick. Turn the glass over carefully ... No water leaks!

Inflating the balls without breathing?

We have already carried out chemical baby experiences. Remember, there the very first room for very small crumbs was a room with vinegar and soda. So, let's continue! And we use energy, or rather, air, which is released during the reaction for peaceful inflating purposes.


  • Soda;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Vinegar;
  • Ball.

Pour soda into a bottle and pour 1/3 of vinegar. Shake lightly and quickly pull the ball over the neck. When it is inflated, bandage and remove from the bottle.

Such an experience can show a little even in kindergarten.

Rain from a cloud

We need:

  • Bank of water;
  • Shaving foam;
  • Food coloring (any color, several colors are possible).

We make a cloud of foam. Big and beautiful cloud! Leave it to the very best cloud maker, your child 5 years... He will definitely make her real!

photo author

It remains only to distribute the dye over the cloud, and ... drip-drip! Rain is coming!


Maybe, physics the children are still unknown. But after they make the Rainbow, they will definitely love this science!

  • Deep transparent container with water;
  • Mirror;
  • Lamp;
  • Paper.

Place a mirror at the bottom of the container. At a slight angle, we shine a flashlight on the mirror. It remains to catch the Rainbow on paper.

It's even easier to use a disc and flashlight.


There is a similar, only ready-made game. But our experience interesting the fact that we ourselves, from the very beginning, will grow crystals from salt in water. To do this, take a thread or wire. And let us keep it for several days in such salty water, where the salt can no longer dissolve, but accumulates in a layer on the wire.

Can be grown from sugar

Lava bank

If you add oil to a jar of water, it will all collect on top. It can be tinted food coloring... But in order for the bright oil to sink to the bottom, you need to sprinkle salt on top of it. Then the oil will settle. But not for long. The salt will gradually dissolve and release the beautiful droplets of oil. Colored oil rises gradually, as if a mysterious volcano is bubbling inside the jar.


For toddlers 7 years it will be very interesting to blow up, demolish, destroy something. In a word, the real element is for them. and therefore we create a real, exploding volcano!

We sculpt from plasticine or from cardboard we make a "mountain". We put a jar inside it. Yes, so that its neck fits to the "crater". We fill a jar of soda, dye, warm water and ... vinegar. And everything will start to “explode, the lava will rush up and flood everything around!

A hole in the bag - it doesn't matter

This is what convinces book of scientific experiments for children and adults Dmitry Mokhov " Simple Science". And we can verify this statement ourselves! First, fill the bag with water. and then we will pierce it. But what we pierced with (a pencil, a toothpick or a pin) will not be removed. How much water will we leak out? Checking!

Water that does not spill

Only this kind of water still needs to be made.

We take water, paint and starch (as much as water) and mix. Eventually - plain water... Only you won't be able to spill it!

Slippery Egg

In order for the egg to really crawl into the neck of the bottle, it is worth setting fire to a piece of paper and throwing it into the bottle. Cover the hole with an egg. When the fire is extinguished, the egg will slip inside.

Snow in summer

This trick is especially interesting to repeat during the warmer months. Remove the contents of the diapers and wet them with water. All! The snow is ready! Nowadays, this kind of snow is easy to find in stores in children's toys. Ask the seller artificial snow... And there is no need to spoil the diapers.

Moving snakes

To make a moving figure, we need:

  • Sand;
  • Alcohol;
  • Sugar;
  • Soda;
  • Fire.

Pour alcohol on a pile of sand and let it soak. Then pour sugar and soda on top and set it on fire! Oh what happy this experiment! Kids and adults will love what the revived snake does!

Of course, this is for older children. And it looks pretty scary!

Battery Train

The copper wire, which we twist in an even spiral, will become our tunnel. How? Let's connect its edges, forming a round tunnel. But before that we "run" the battery inside, just attach neodymium magnets to its edges. And consider that you have invented perpetual motion machine! The locomotive drove off by itself.

Swing from a candle

To light both ends of the candle, you need to clean the bottom of it up to the wick from wax. Heat the needle over the fire and pierce the candle in the middle with it. Place the candle on 2 glasses so that it rests on the needle. Burn the edges and rock slightly. Further, the candle itself will swing.

Elephant Tooth Paste

The elephant needs more and more. We do it! Dissolve potassium permanganate in water. Add liquid soap... The final ingredient - hydrogen peroxide - turns our mixture into giant elephant paste!

Let's drink a candle

For greater effect, we paint the water in bright color... We put a candle in the middle of the saucer. We set it on fire and cover with a transparent container. Pour water into a saucer. At first, the water will be around the container, but then everything will be soaked inward, to the candle.
Oxygen is burned, the pressure inside the glass decreases and

Real chameleon

What will help our chameleon change color? Cunning! Give your little one 6 years decorate in different colors plastic plate... And cut out the chameleon figure yourself on another plate, similar in shape and size. It remains not to firmly connect both cymbals in the middle so that the upper one, with the cut-out figure, can rotate. Then the color of the animal will always change.

Light up the rainbow

Place the Skittles on a plate in a circle. Pour water inside the plate. it remains to wait a bit and we get a rainbow!

Smoke rings

Cut off the bottom plastic bottle... And pull the cut edge ballooniR to get the membrane as in the photo. Ignite incense stick and place it in a bottle. Close the lid. When there is solid smoke in the can, unscrew the lid and tap on the membrane. The smoke will come out in rings.

Multicolored liquid

To make everything look more spectacular, paint the liquid in different colors. Make 2-3 pieces of colored water. pour water of the same color on the bottom of the can. Then carefully, along the wall with different sides pour vegetable oil. Pour water mixed with alcohol on top of it.

Egg without shell

Put a raw egg in vinegar for at least a day, some say for a week. And the focus is ready! Egg without hard shell.
The shell of an egg contains calcium in abundance. Vinegar reacts actively with calcium and gradually dissolves it. As a result, the egg is covered with a film, but completely without the shell. It feels like an elastic ball to the touch.
And the egg will also be larger than its original size, as it absorbs a little vinegar.

Dancing men

It's time to misbehave! Mix 2 parts of starch with 1 part of water. Put a bowl of starchy liquid on the speakers and turn up the bass louder!

Coloring the ice

We decorate ice figures of different shapes with the help of, mixed with water and salt, food paint... The salt eats away at the ice and seeps deep into interesting passages. Great idea color therapy.

Launching paper rockets

We release the tea bags from the tea by cutting off the top. We set it on fire! Warm air lifts the package!

There are so many experiences that you definitely have something to do with children, just choose! And don't forget to come back for a new article, which you will learn about if you subscribe! Invite your friends to visit us! And that's all for today! Until!

It was interesting? Of course, conduct experiments and experiments at home.

Experiments with water for children - it is both visual, and fun, and informative. We made a series of 7 simple experimentsthat allow you to acquaint your child with the basic properties of water. Read on to see how this came out.

  1. Ice experience. Where will the ice melt faster?

To begin with, I froze colored ice, adding a little gouache to it, in an ice mold and gouache jars. When the ice in the mold was frozen, we laid it out in different places:

  • put one piece in the sun (yellow plate),
  • the second in the shade (green cup),
  • the third was sprinkled with salt (blue saucepan).
  • the fourth was put in a bag and wrapped in a towel (red plate).

By the way, we did not succeed in a pure experiment. After 5 minutes, my daughter said that the ice in the sun would melt the fastest, and began to warm it in her hands.

We put all the ice cubes side by side for comparison. In the shade, the ice barely melted. The most impressive were the observations of ice and salt. The salt literally ate the ice, it's a pity, it's hard to see in the photo. Low thermal conductivity terry towel failed to show. The ice melted there even more than in the shade. Perhaps, if we had waited longer, then the visibility of the conducted experiment would have been higher.

We decided to melt a few more colored pieces of ice on the stove. The ice just melted before our eyes and turned into steam. Within two minutes, neither ice nor water remained. There was a bowl of colored stains on the stove. Here I told my daughter that only pure water, and all impurities (including paints) will remain at the bottom as a dry residue.

During the experiment, I told my daughter that water can be in three states: liquid, when it is warm; solid when frost (below 0 degrees) - in the form of ice; gaseous, when very hot (above 100 degrees) - in the form of water vapor.

The rate at which ice turns into water depends on the amount of heat supplied to the ice:

  • the sun warms up and gives a lot of heat - the ice melts faster,
  • there is less heat in the shade, and the ice melts slowly,
  • the towel insulates the ice from the heat, and it melts even more slowly,
  • ice sprinkled with salt melts the fastest because salt, when mixed with ice, forms saline solutionwhich freezes at more frostthan pure water. That is, mixing with water, salt reduces its freezing point.

So we moved on to our next experience.

  1. An interesting salt water experience at home. Which water will freeze faster?

During this experiment, I said that pure water freezes at 0 degrees, and a saline solution freezes at a lower temperature. The ice floes that floated in the cup are frozen fresh water, the remaining liquid part is a concentrated saline solution, the freezing point of which is even lower.

An object immersed in water seems to be larger than its actual size due to the refraction of light rays when passing from one optical medium (air) to another (water). In this case, the water acts as a magnifying glass.

The daughter immediately drew attention to this property, asking why the egg is so large.

  1. Change in water density

The same egg floated at the bottom of the jar, and we began to pour salt into the water. As the salt solution became more and more saturated and, accordingly, the density of the water increased, the egg began to float. No matter how much we "drowned" the egg, it still floated to the surface.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

My daughter concluded that fresh and salt water are different, and behave differently during "trials".

  1. The ability of water to expand when frozen

We all know how to burst glass bottlefilled to the top with water when frozen. But how to show this property quickly and safely? We used a cocktail tube. We filled it with water and sealed both ends with plasticine. They put it in the freezer. When the water froze, the plasticine cap came off on one side, and a piece of ice was sticking out of the tube.

This ability of water to expand when freezing, unlike other substances that shrink, is due to its molecular structure. I did not go into these subtleties, we just concluded that ice becomes more than there was water when it freezes. Therefore, a full bottle / can of water in the refrigerator must not be frozen.

  1. Experiment with water for children "Dry napkin"

Dry paper napkin we place it at the bottom of the glass. Pour water into the basin, turn the glass over and lower it to the bottom. The glass will have to be held by force, because he will try to jump out of the water. If you carefully lower the glass to the bottom and then take it out, then the napkin located at the bottom of the glass will remain dry. Water cannot fill the glass and wet the napkin because there is air in the glass.

The air in the glass is compressed and creates pressure that prevents water from filling the entire glass. There is water in the glass only at the top edge. This is the principle of the "diving bell" - a metal cap, which creates conditions for working at the bottom of the reservoir.

  1. Experiences with water for children "Submarine"

We fill the glass with water and immerse it in the water with the bottom up. We take: we bend it, slip the short end under the glass, and the long one should be above the surface of the water. Blowing in cocktail tube, the glass is filled with air and the water pushes the glass with air to the surface.

This happens very quickly. The glass literally jumps out and immediately turns over. My daughter really liked making a storm in a basin with water and a jumping-out glass, and we repeated this experience many times. But the action takes place so quickly that it turned out to be difficult to capture the moment of the rising, but not yet overturned glass.

According to this principle, a submarine is lifted, which injects pre-compressed air into the ballast tanks. And fish for these purposes use a swim bladder: to sink to the bottom, muscles squeeze the bladder, and to rise to the surface, they inflate.

Finally, we took out jars of gouache with. Getting ice out of the jars proved to be a difficult task, as the ice was firmly attached to the walls. We both shook them and knocked on the jars with a hammer - nothing helped. But it was worth putting the jars in hot water, the ice melted, and the colored pieces of ice jumped out of their own accord. At the end, Masha painted with colored ice, and melted the rest in warm water.

In this video you can also watch experiments with water for children:

Do you conduct experiments with your children? Share in the comments!

Elsa Iskhakova
Card file of experiments for children 5-6 years old

Experiments for the study of air properties

Test 1... What's in the package

A task: learn to detect air.

Equipment: plastic bags.

Consider an empty package. What's in the package? Take air into the bag and twist it so that it becomes empty?

Result: Children fill bags with air, twist them.

Output: The air is transparent, invisible, light. Test 2... Straw games.

A task: to form the idea that there is air inside a person and it can be detected.

Equipment: straws, container with water.

Invite the children to blow into the tube with their palm under the stream of air. What did you feel? Where did the breeze come from? Then ask to put the tube into the water, blow into it. Where did the bubbles come from, where did they disappear to?

Result: Children discover air within themselves.

Output: Man breathes air. It gets inside a person when you inhale. You can not only feel it, but also see it. To do this, you need to lower the tube into the water and blow. Air comes out of the tube, it is light, rises through the air up in bubbles and bursts.

Test 3... Boat

A task: show that air has power.

Equipment: a basin of water, a boat.

Invite the children to blow on the boat and answer questions "Why is she swimming?", "What is pushing her?", "Where does the breeze come from?"

Result: The boat floats if you blow on it.

Output: Man blows out air, he pushes. The harder it blows, the faster the boat sails. Test 4... Air search

A task: learn to detect air.

Equipment: flags, ribbons, package, balloons, straws, container with water.

Invite the children to show the presence of air on their own. For example, blow into a tube, inflate balloon etc.

Result: If you blow on the flag and the ribbon, they begin to move under the stream of air, if you blow a tube dipped into the water, bubbles appear in the water, when the balloon is inflated, air enters it.

Output: We can breathe in and out air and see its actions.

Test 5... What's in the package

A task: compare the properties of air and water.

Equipment: 2 packages.

Examine 2 packages, find out what is in them. Children weigh them, feel them, open them, smell them. They discuss how water and air are similar. And how do they differ.

Result: Similarities: transparent, tasteless and odorless, take the form of a vessel. Differences: water - liquid, it is heavier, pours, some substances dissolve in it. Air is gas, it is invisible, weightless.

Output: Water and Air Have Similarities and Differences

Test 6... Mysterious Bubbles

A task: to show that there is air in some items.

Equipment: a container with water, a piece of foam rubber, a wooden block, lumps of earth, clay.

Children examine objects and immerse them in water. Observe the release of air bubbles.

Result: Air bubbles are emitted from foam rubber, clay, earth when immersed in water.

Output: Air enters some objects.

Test 7... Blowing up soap bubbles

A task: to inform that if air enters the droplet soapy water, a bubble is formed

Equipment: straws 10 cm long of different diameters, split crosswise at the end, soapy water.

The adult and the children take turns dipping straws in a soapy solution and inflating bubbles of different sizes. Determine why the soap bubble inflates and bursts.

Result: Children blow bubbles of different sizes.

Output: A drop of soapy water gets air, the more there is, the larger the bubble. The bubble bursts when the air becomes very much and it does not fit in the drop, or when you touch and tear its shell.

Test 8... Rescue Bubbles

A task: Reveal that air is lighter than water and is strong.

Equipment: glass with mineral water, plasticine.

An adult pours into a glass mineral water and immediately throws several small pieces of plasticine into it. Children are watching discuss: why does plasticine sink to the bottom, what happens at the bottom, why does plasticine rise and fall again

Result: Plasticine sinks to the bottom, floats up and again sinks to the bottom.

Output: Air bubbles rise upward, push out the pieces of plasticine, then the air bubbles come out of the water, and the plasticine again lowers to the bottom.

Test 9... Wind in the room

A task: - find out how the wind is formed;

Show that the wind is a stream of air, that hot air rises up and cold air goes down.

Equipment: 2 candles, "Snake" from paper.

An adult lights a candle and blows on it. Why is the flame deflected? Children are shown "Snake" from paper. It is placed over a candle. The air above the candle is warmer, so it starts spinning as the warm air rises upward. Children are asked to determine the direction of air movement above and below the doorway. Why is the air direction different?

Result: The flame being blown is deflected. The air above the candle is warmer, above it "Snake" rotates. When the candle is brought to the doorway, the flame deflects in different directions.

Output: Warm air comes in at the top, as it is light, and cold air is heavier, it enters at the bottom. The movement of air in nature determines the appearance of the wind. Test 10... Stubborn air

A task: Show that air takes up less space when compressed, and that compressed air has strength.

Equipment: syringes, container with water.

Children examine the syringe, find out its device (cylinder, piston)... An adult demonstrates actions with him: moves the piston up and down without water, tries to squeeze the piston when the hole is closed with a finger, draws water into the piston when it is up and down. Children repeat the action.

Result: It is very difficult to depress the piston when the hole is closed. If the piston is raised, no water can be drawn.

Output: Air when compressed takes up less space, compressed air has a force that can move objects.

Test 11... Spinner

A task: show the strength of the air.

Equipment: paper spinner.

An adult shows the spinner in action. Why is she spinning? The wind hits the blades and causes the turntable to move. (You can invite children to make a turntable).

Result: The spinner is spinning.

Output: Air is resilient, strong, so it can move objects. Test 12... Jet ball

A task: show the strength of the air.

Equipment: Balloons.

Inflate the balloon, lower it and pay attention to the trajectory and duration of the flight.

Result: The ball moves the air escaping from it.

Output: In order for the balloon to fly longer, it is necessary to inflate it more; air bursting out of "Neck", makes the ball move in opposite side... Air, getting inside the ball, stretches it, makes it elastic.

Experiments to study the properties of sand, clay, soil

Experience1... Loose sand.

A task: to acquaint with the properties of sand - flowability.

Equipment: tray, sand, magnifying glass.

Pour sand into the tray. Consider the shape of the grains of sand through a magnifying glass. Take sand in your hand, pass it through your fingers. Free flowing sand.

Result. The sand is poured out of the hand.

Output. The sand consists of individual grains of sand that do not stick together, so it can be poured.

Test 2... Wet sand properties.

A task: Introduce the properties of wet sand.

Equipment: container, wet sand.

Invite the children to place wet sand in a container and try to pour it out. Then squeeze the sand in your palms, pay attention to the shape it has taken.

Result. Sand can be used to make buildings and crafts.

Output. When the sand gets wet, the air between the edges of the grains of sand disappears, the wet edges stick together, the sand keeps its shape.

Test 3. Hourglass.

A task: Introduce the purpose of the hourglass.

Equipment: hourglass.

Watch how the sand is pouring, feel the duration of a minute.

Result. Sand is poured over certain time (A couple of minutes).

Output. An hourglass is used to measure intervals of time in minutes. Test 4... Properties of sand and clay.

A task: learn to compare the properties of sand and clay.

Equipment: sand, clay, magnifiers, plates.

Examine the sand with magnifying sand. It consists of grains of sand that are very small, white or yellow color... Are the grains of sand similar to each other? How do they differ? Then consider the clay. Are clay particles visible?

Result. The sand is free-flowing, but the clay is not.

Output. In the sand, each grain of sand lies separately, it does not stick to its "Neighbors".A in the clay - very small stuck together particles. Clay is somewhat similar to plasticine. Sand consists of grains of sand that do not stick to each other, and clay is made of small particles that seem to be tightly holding hands and stuck to each other.

Test 5... Magical stuff.

A task: to reveal what properties sand and clay acquire when wetted.

Equipment: sand, clay, planks, sticks.

Invite the children to mold figures from sand and clay, let them dry and test them for strength.

Result. Children experienced by way of figuring out the properties of clay and sand.

Output. Wet clay retains its shape after drying. Dry sand does not retain its shape. You can offer dishes made of sand and clay, dry and to attempt use as directed. Sandy dishes do not hold water, they break; clay - retains its shape for some time.

Test 6... What's in the kidney.

A task: establish the composition of the soil.

Equipment: plates, soil, sticks or tweezers, magnifying glass.

Invite the children to sprinkle some soil on the plate and consider what it consists of (sand, clay, and plant debris).

Result. Children consider the presence of clay, sand, humus and plant debris in the soil.

Output. The soil consists of sand, clay, humus, plant residues. The more humus in the soil, the better it nourishes the plants.

Experiments on the study of the properties of fire

Test 1... Candle in the jar.

A task: - show on experiencethat during combustion, the composition of the air changes, it becomes less show, and oxygen is needed for combustion;

To acquaint with methods of extinguishing a fire.

Equipment: candle, can.

Invite the children to figure out how to extinguish a candle without touching or blowing out the candle or flame. An adult lights a candle, then covers it with a jar. Children watch until the candle goes out.

Result. The candle goes out after a while.

Output. For combustion, oxygen is needed, the can does not provide oxygen, the can does not provide oxygen, and the fire goes out. To extinguish the fire, water is also used, which when high temperature turns into steam and prevents the access of oxygen. The fire can be covered with earth, then oxygen will not flow, and the flame will go out Test 2... Solid and liquid substances.

A task: to acquaint with the properties of fire to change some substances

Equipment: plasticine, ice, candle, granulated sugar, lollipops, metal container.

Examine plasticine and determine that it consists of solid particles. To sculpt, you need to warm it up. Next, a piece of plasticine is placed in a metal plate and heated over a candle flame. Analogical the experiment is carried out with ice... Children look at the lollipops, determine that they also consist of solid particles. Pour granulated sugar into a spoon, heat over a candle flame.

Result. Plasticine, ice and sugar melted, became liquid

Output. Fire can change the properties or states of substances. From the heat, plasticine and ice melt and spread over the plate. Sugar becomes liquid when heated. Clarify whether the sugar will become liquid from the sun's heat.

Test 3... Flames pollute the air.

A task: to show that harmful substances are released during combustion.

Equipment: candle, glass.

Determine if fire can pollute the air. Children hold glass over the flame at a distance of 1-2 cm.

Result. After a while, the glass below will turn black, a layer of soot forms, that is, the fire pollutes the air.

Output. When burning, air pollutants are released into the air Test 4... The candle flame is always directed upwards.

A task: Shows that the candle flame is directed upwards, but can change direction when exposed to air flow.

Equipment: candle.

Light a candle, pay attention to where the flame is directed. Blow on the fire, the flame is deflected, but if you stop blowing, the flame is directed upward again. Then slowly tilt the candle.

Result. The candle flame in its normal state is always directed upwards.

Test 5... What the flame is made of.

A task: Introduce the combustion zones.

Equipment: candle, piece of white cardboard.

Consider a candle flame. Take cardboardholding it horizontally above the flame, then lower it so that it presses down at the level of its widest part and quickly raise it. On cardboard will remain wide dark circle with bright spot in the middle.

Result. On the sheet circles visible, combustion zones.

Output. Allocate 3 zones: first (near the wick) consists of heavy paraffin vapor, it blue-violet colors are the coldest part of the flame; the second, lightest, hot zone; the third, outer layer, contains the most oxygen and glows faintly. The temperature of the third zone is slightly lower than the second due to the cooling by the ambient air.

Test 6... Magic feather.

A task: to acquaint with the formation of the colors of the spectrum.

Equipment: candle, feathers.

With the help of a pen and a candle, you can see the outlandish multi-colored world of the flame. You need to take the pen in your hands and, closing one eye, look through it at the candle flame.

Result. Blue, yellow, red stripes are visible near the fire, if you step back, then the stripes from the flame will disperse.

Output. The light from the fire, passing through the feather, decomposes from the color of the spectrum.

Long-term planning with a card index of experiences for each month. When developing the planning, I used the works of V.G. Krylov, Yanov, N.V. Evseeva, which were published in the collection "Cognitive research activity as a direction of preschooler personality development", compiled by N.V. Nishcheva.



Advanced planning for experimental activities in the senior group


Experiments with water.

1 ... Materials: various containers for water; clean drinking water; clean glasses; teaspoons; salt; sugar.

The course of the experiment.

Pour clean drinking water into a glass and taste the taste. What does the water taste like? Add a little salt to the water and stir, try again. What has changed, how the water tasted? Add some sugar to another glass, stir and taste. Where has sugar gone? What kind of water did it taste like? Has the color of the water changed with the addition of sugar, salt? Why?

The water is clear, they dissolve in it various substancesand it takes on the taste of a solute.

2. Does the water smell?

Materials: Water tanks; cold and hot water.

Pour into a container cold water and sniff if there is a smell7 pour hot water into another container and sniff. Is there a smell? What assumption can you make?

The water is odorless.

4. Where did the water go?

Materials: a glass of water; marker.

The course of the experiment.

Pour water into a glass, mark the water level with a marker and put it in the very warm place premises. Every other day, note the change in water level. Why has the water level changed? What happened?

The water evaporates.

5. Pipette tube.

Materials. Cocktail tube; a glass of water; glass.

The course of the experiment.

Place a glass of water and an empty glass next to it. Dip the straw into the water. Take the tube with two fingers, while forefinger close the opening of the tube on top, remove it from the water and transfer it to an empty glass. Remove your finger from the straw - water will flow into an empty glass. By doing the same thing several times, we can transfer all the water from one glass to another. The pipette, which is probably in your first-aid kit at home, works by the same principle.

6. Live fish.

Materials: Thick paper; scissors; container with water; pipette; vegetable oil.

The course of the experiment.

Of thick paper cut out a small figurine of a fish. Make a small hole in the center, from which cut a narrow strip to the tail.

Put the fish in a container with water so that the bottom side of it is completely moistened, and the top remains dry.

Pipette a little vegetable oil and drop one large drop into the hole of the figure of the fish lying on the water. The fish will float.

In an effort to spill over the surface of the water, the oil will flow through the slot. By absorbing water from the slot, the oil will push the fish figurine.


Experiments with the wind.

1. Waves.

Materials: Small containers of water.

The course of the experiment.

Children are blowing into the water. What happens? Waves. The harder they blow, the more waves.

Wind is the movement of air. If you blow on water, you get waves.

2. Ships.

Materials: Bowls with water; sailing boats.

The course of the experiment.

Children put sailing boats on a "big voyage" - they put them in bowls of water and blow on the sails, the boats float. What happens to the boats if there is no wind? And if the wind is very strong?

Large sailing ships are driven by the wind.

3. Fan.

Materials: Large flat container with colored (yellow) water; fan.

The course of the experiment.

Children wave their fans over the water. Why did the waves appear? The fan moves and drives the air. The air moves and waves form on the water.

Wind is the movement of air.


Experiments with plants.

1. What are the roots for?

Materials: Cutting of geranium or balsam with roots; a container with water, closed with a lid with a slot for the handle; marker.

The course of the experiment.

Children examine cuttings of balsam or geranium with roots. They find out why the roots are needed by the plant (the roots fix the plant in the ground), whether they take water. Place the plant in a transparent container, mark the water level with a marker on the container, close the container tightly with a lid with a slot for the cutting. A few days later, they determine what happened to the water (there is less water) and explain the process of water absorption by the roots. Children sketch the result.

The root of the plant absorbs water.

2. How to see the movement of water along the roots of a plant?

Materials: Shank of balsam with roots: water with food coloring.

The course of the experiment.

Children examine cuttings of balsam with roots, clarify the function of the roots (they strengthen the plant in the soil, take moisture from it).

And what else can roots take from the ground?

The children's assumptions are discussed. Consider food dry dye - food, add it to water, stir. They find out that if the roots take food out of the water, they will probably turn into the color of the dye. After a few days, the children sketch the results of the experiment in the form of an observation diary.

The root of the plant absorbs water and nutrients... Water moves along the roots to the stem and leaves of the plant.

3. Do the roots of the plant need air?

Materials: container with water; the soil is compacted, loose; two transparent containers with geranium petioles; spray; vegetable oil; two potted plants of the same type: one is well-groomed, the soil in the pot is wet, the other is withering, the soil in the pot is dry.

The course of the experiment.

Children find out why one plant grows better than another. Consider, determine that in one pot the soil is dense, dry, in the other - loose, moist. Why is dense dry soil worse for a plant? They prove it by immersing dry dense lumps of soil in water (they are poorly wetted, there is little air, since little air bubbles are released from the dense earth). The same is done with moist, loose pieces of soil. Compare. Clarify whether the roots need air. Three identical geranium stalks are placed in transparent containers of water. In one mixture, using a spray gun, air is injected to the roots, the second is left unchanged, in the third, water is poured onto the surface thin layer vegetable oil, which prevents the passage of air to the roots. They observe the change in the petioles (it grows well in the first container, worse in the second, in the third the plant withers. Conclusions are drawn about the need for air for the roots, sketching the result.

Plants need loose soil for growth so that the roots have access to air.

4. Spare stems.

Materials: Sponge; wooden bars (unpainted), magnifying glass, low containers with water; deep capacity.

The course of the experiment.

The teacher invites children to check the stems of which plants are able to store water. Children consider the algorithm of the experiment and, under the guidance of an adult, perform the following actions: the same amount of water is poured into different containers: wooden blocks are lowered into the first container, sponges into the second (bars and sponges are dense and loose plant stems); check after 5-10 minutes the presence of water in the containers. Conclusion is made about the accumulation of moisture in some plants, the stems of which have different densities. An adult independently proposes to perform experiments according to the algorithm.

In the desert, the stems of some plants can accumulate moisture.

5. How the water moves to the leaves.

Materials: Two glass vessels with water (in one water is tinted with food coloring); brand; balsam stalk; magnifier; knife; napkin; paper; pencils (all for each child).

The course of the experiment.

An adult cuts a balsam stalk for each child in turn (abundant juice will appear). Suggests to examine the incision site and juice through a magnifying glass. (The stem of the balsam contains many sap-filled fibers.) How does the plant drink? Children dip the stalk into tinted water, having previously noted the volume of water in the vessel, and leave it for a while.

There is less water in the jar - this can be seen at the mark, the stem has changed color - colored water has penetrated inside it. The water moves towards the leaves.

6. How much water does the plant drink?

Materials: Glass flasks with water; cuttings of spathiphyllum and coleus; marker.

The course of the experiment.

Cut the cuttings for planting and place them in flasks with the same amount of water. Mark the water level in the flasks. Marker. After one or two days, children check the water level in each flask. Find out why he is not the same.

Plants with large leaves absorb more water.

7. Do plants need warmth?

Materials: Geranium stalks; vessels with water.

The course of the experiment.

An adult asks why there are no leaves on the branches outside (it's cold outside, the trees are "sleeping"). An adult proposes to place geranium stalks in vessels with water and place some between the windows, others on the windowsill. Children observe the growth of petioles in the room and between the windows. Indoors, flowers feel more comfortable. The observation results are formalized in the form of a model of the dependence of plant growth on heat.

Cold - plants grow slowly, warm - grow quickly.

8. How the plant breathes.

Materials: Indoor plant; cocktail tubes; petrolatum; magnifier.

The course of the experiment.

The teacher asks if the plants breathe. How to prove that plants breathe? Children assume, based on knowledge about the process of human breathing, that when breathing, air must enter the plant and then leave it. The teacher invites the children to breathe into the tube. Then the tube covers one hole with petroleum jelly and again invites the children to breathe through the tube. Children conclude that petroleum jelly is breathable. A hypothesis is put forward: the plants in the leaves have small holes through which they breathe. To check it is smeared with petroleum jelly on one piece of the top side, on the other the bottom, on the third - both sides. Leaves are observed daily for a week.

The leaves of the plant breathe with their underside. Those leaves that were smeared with Vaseline on the underside wilted.

9. What the plant breathes.

Materials: Transparent container with water; leaf on a long petiole or stalk; cocktail tube; magnifier.

The course of the experiment.

The adult asks to find out if air passes through the leaves into the plant. Children examine the cut of the stem through a magnifying glass and see small holes, then immerse the stem in water and observe the release of bubbles from the stem. An adult with children examines the passage of air through a leaf of a plant according to an algorithm; pour water into a bottle, leaving it not filled by 2-3 cm; insert the leaf into the bottle so that the tip of the stem is immersed in water, tightly cover the opening of the bottle with plasticine, like a cork; here they make a hole for the cocktail tube and leave it so that the tip does not reach the water, fix the tube with plasticine; standing in front of the mirror, suck the air out of the bottle.

Air through the leaf resembles the stem, as air bubbles can be seen escaping into the water.


Experiments with clay and sand.

Experience number 1 ... Take a glass of sand and gently pour the sand onto a piece of paper. Does sand flow easily? Easily. Now take a glass of clay and try to pour it on a piece of paper. Which is easier to pour: clay or sand? Sand. Clay falls in lumps, it cannot be easily poured out of the glass, like sand.

The sand is loose, unlike clay

Experience number 2 Use a magnifying glass to carefully examine the sand. What does it consist of? It consists of very fine grains of sand. What do grains of sand look like? They are round, very small, translucent (depending on the type of sand). Are the grains of sand similar to each other ?. Some children will answer that the grains of sand are similar, others - that they are not (no need to dissuade them). It is important that in the process of comparison, the guys carefully consider the sand grains. Then look at the lump of clay in the same way. Are the same particles visible in the clay? Each grain of sand lies separately in the sand, it does not stick to its "neighbors". And very small particles stick together in the clay. In some ways, clay is similar to plasticine. If you have a magnifying glass, have the children look at the powdered clay. The clay particles that can be seen are much smaller than the grains of sand.

The sand consists of grains of sand that do not stick to each other; and clay is made of small particles that adhered to each other.


Experiments with snow and ice

1. Snow and ice.

Purpose: to determine the transparency of snow and ice.

Equipment: Snow and ice in containers, color pictures.

Conclusion: through the ice you can see the picture like through glass. The ice is transparent. Snow is not.

2. Snow and ice.

Purpose: to find out if snow and ice are loose and brittle. Equipment: Snow and ice in containers, small hammer.

Conclusion: snow is loose, ice is hard, but at the same time it is fragile; pricks like glass, but the snow does not.

3. Snow and ice. Where will spring come faster?

Purpose: To observe what happens to snow and ice placed in a warm place? What will melt faster?

Equipment: Snow and ice in containers.

Conclusion: the snow melts faster, so spring will come faster to the clearing than to the river.

6. Snow and ice,

Objective: find out where snow and ice melt faster: in warm room, in a mitten, on a battery and why?

Conclusion: snow and ice will melt faster on the battery, where the temperature is higher, and later in a mitten - the access of warm air is closed there.


Experiments with stones.

1. What are the stones?

Objectives: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of the type of stones, the properties of the stone, to teach to classify according to various criteria.

The course of the experiment.

Educator. Take a close look at the stones, what are they?

Children. Different. Big and small. Beautiful, shine.

Educator. Children, which pebbles do you like best? Find the most beautiful pebble for you and justify your opinion.

Children. Smooth and colorful. Large, it has stripes on it. Round, small. Big ones.

Educator. Close your eyes and touch the smoothest, roundest stone. Consider it carefully. Do you know what it is called ?. (Children find it difficult to answer) This stone is called sea \u200b\u200bpebbles... Why do you think it has no sharp corners? Have you been there before? (Children find it difficult to answer). I suggest taking a few pebbles and shaking them with your palms. What do you feel?

Children. How they knock.

Educator. Why are they knocking?

Children. Because we shake them.

Educator. And what happens to them at sea ?.

Children. They knock and beat there.

Educator. Water moves stones, pushes them against each other; they

Rubbing against the sand. Sharp corners are gradually grinded, the stones become rounded. Close your eyes and place your palms in front of you. (Places small rough stones in the palms of the children). What do you feel? What are the stones to the touch?

Children. Not smooth, cold, uneven, scratched.

Educator. How do these stones differ from sea stones?

Children. Not smooth, sharp, rough.

Educator. Place the stones in two rows: from large to small, from rough to smooth. Examine the pebbles through a magnifying glass. What do you see?

Children. Cracks, patterns.

Educator. What new things have we learned about stones?

Children. Stones are small and large, smooth and rough, colored and transparent, warm and cold.

2. Solid stone.

Purpose. Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe hardness of the stone.

Materials. Pebbles; plasticine; coins.

The course of the experiment.

Educator Take a pebble in one hand, plasticine in the other. Squeeze both palms. Compare what happened to the pebble and what happened to the clay. Why?

Children. The clay is crumpled, but the pebble is gone, because it is hard.

Educator. Knock a lump of plasticine against a stone, two stones against each other. What is the difference?

Children. When they knocked with plasticine on a pebble, then nothing is heard, but with two pebbles - you can hear it.

Educator. Why do you think?

Children. Because the stones are hard and the plasticine is soft.

Educator. Scribble a coin on the pebble. What happens?

Children. I can not see anything. The stone is very hard.

Educator. Why do they say "stands like a stone"?

Children. The stones are hard.

3. Drowning - not drowning.

Materials. Sea pebbles; pieces of granite and pumice; transparent vessels with water.

The course of the experiment.

Educator Children, what do you think will happen if you put a stone in water?

Children. He will drown.

Educator. Throw a stone into the water and watch what happens to it.

Children. Drowned

Educator. Can a stone float?

Children. Not

Educator. Take granite and pumice stone. Compare them by weight. Are the stones the same by weight?

Children. No, one is light, the other is heavy.

Educator. What happens to each of them if they are immersed in water ?.

Children. They will drown.

Educator. Let's check if this is the case: dip the granite and pumice stone in the water. What happened?

Children. The pumice did not drown, but the granite drowned.

Educator. Why do you think?

Children. Because pumice is lightweight. There were many holes and bubbles in it.

Educator. And what are these bubbles?

Children. This is air, it is light, the Pebble is also light and it did not drown.

Educator. Pumice has many holes in which air accumulates, so it is light and does not sink.

Whether the stone can make sounds.

Materials. Raznoob different stones.

The course of the experiment.

Educator. Children, do you think a stone can make sounds?

Children. Can.

Educator. How can we check this?

Children. Knock with pebbles.

Educator. Knock different stones together. Are the sounds that are produced similar?

Children. No, they are not. Heavy large stones make a loud sound, small ones - sonorous, light ones - quiet.

Educator. Stones make sounds. Different stones make no sounds similar friend on a friend.

4. Do the stones change color?

Purpose. Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of the stone.

Materials. Empty containers; watering cans; stones.

Experience progress

Educator. Children, do you think stones can change color ?.

Children. Not

Invite the children to put stones in the container and pour water over them. Then touch them in the water, and pull the stones out of the water.

Educator. What changed? Compare stones by color: wet stones and dry stones.

Children. They turned dark.

Educator. Which one is prettier, wet or dry?

Children. Wet is prettier.

Educator. What conclusion can be drawn?

Children. Wet stones change color.

5. Painting stones.

Purpose. Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of the stone.

Materials. A small sheet of plywood; a piece of chalk; coal.

The course of the experiment.

Remember with the children what you can draw with, for example, on the asphalt.

Educator. Which stone is better to draw on a sheet of plywood: chalk or charcoal?

Children. Chalk.

Educator. Let's try to do that. I'm sure your guess will turn out to be correct.

Children draw on a sheet of plywood with chalk and charcoal.

Educator. What is better to draw? Why?

Children. It is better to draw with chalk, because it is soft, and the ember is hard, it scratches.

6. Warm stone.

Purpose. Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of the stone.

Materials. Lamp; pebbles of different colors (there must be a black stone).

The course of the experiment.

Educator. Touch different stones and tell me, are they warm or cold?

Children. Cold.

Educator. Grasp the pebble in your fist. Has it gotten warmer?

Children. A little bit warmer.

Children. Our hands are warm.

Educator. Take white and black pebbles, hold them under the light of the lamp. What changed?

Children. The stones became warm.

Educator. Which stone is hotter?

Children. The black.

Educator. Why was the black stone the warmest? (Children find it difficult to answer). Children, remember what kind of clothes we wear in the summer ?.

Children. Colored

Educator. Will you feel hot in white or black clothes?

Children In Black.

Educator. Black absorbs sun rays... This is why the black stone warmed up more than the white one.

7. Light - heavy.

Purpose. Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of the stone.

Materials. Pebbles different density and values; Libra.

The course of the experiment.

Educator. Children, do you think you can, by looking at the stones, tell which one is the hardest?

Children. Can. The largest.

Educator. If you take pebbles of the same size, will they be equal in weight?

Children. Not.

Educator. How can we check this?

Children. Take from in hand.

Educator. Take a porous stone in one hand, and a dense stone of the same size in the other. Which one is heavier? Why?

Children. A porous stone is light because there are many holes in it, it is heavy.

Educator. And what is in the holes?

Children. Air.

Educator. What do you think, if you take a large porous stone and a small dense one, which one will be heavier?

Children. Dense will be heavier.

Educator. How else can we find out the weight of the stone?

Children. Using weights.

Children weigh stones on scales.

Educator. Children, what is the conclusion?

Children. Stones have weight. The weight of a stone does not depend on its size.

8. Sturdy stone.

Purpose. Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of the stone.

Materials. Stones of different density; hammer.

The course of the experiment.

The teacher invites the children to break the stones with a hammer.

Children. Some of the stone broke, while the other did not.

Educator. Which stone was easier to break?

Children. The chalk with which we were drawing pieces flew off from it.

Educator. Why do you think?

Children. It is soft, light, and the other is dense, heavy.

Educator. What is the name of this stone?

Children. Granite, it's tough.

Educator. They say it is durable. Which of the quiet stones is stronger?

Children. Granite is stronger than chalk.

Educator. Which of the stones we looked at earlier are tough and which are less tough?

Children. Marble is durable, but limestone is not.

Educator. What property of the stone have we learned today?

Children. About strength.


Experiments with salt.

Experiment No. 1 "Salt dissolves in water"

Purpose: to show the solubility of salt in water.

Equipment: glass, spoon, salt, water.

Pour one spoonful of salt into a glass of water and mix. What happened? The salt "disappeared"? No, she dissolved. Give some water to the children to taste. What has the water become?

Salt is used in food preparation.

Experience No. 2 "Salt evaporates and crystallizes"

Purpose: to show the crystallization of salt in a saline solution.

Equipment: a glass of water, salt.

Pour two to three tablespoons of salt into a glass of water. Stir until completely dissolved. Then put on a sunny place and observe. After a few days, salt crystals will appear on the walls of the glass as the water evaporates.

Experience shows that the salt is in solution. The water evaporates and the salt crystals settle on the walls.


Experiments with soil

1. Show what the soil is made of.

We put some soil on a sheet of paper, examine, determine the color, smell, grind the lumps of earth, find the remains of plants. We examine it through a microscope.

Output. Microbes live in the soil (they convert humus into mineral salts, which are so necessary for plants to live).

2. Show that there is air in the soil.

Remind the children that there are many residents in it. What do they breathe? Like all animals - by air.

We put some soil in a jar of water and see if air bubbles appear in it.

3 . "Soil pollution»

The teacher suggests considering the water in large jars (in one - clean, in the other - with soapy water).

Compare how water is different? (in one jar - clean water, in the other - the one that remains after washing, we pour it into the sink).

Questions: What will happen to the earth if it is watered with clean (dirty) water? Why?

The teacher makes an experiment: he pours clean (dirty) water into large jars with soil.

Questions: What has changed in the first (second) bank? (In the first jar, the soil became moist, but clean. Such water can water a tree, a blade of grass; in the second, the soil became contaminated: bubbles appeared). If you were in the place of an earthworm or a mole, what kind of soil would you choose for your home? How would they feel if they had to live in a dirty land? What would they think of the people who polluted the soil? What would you ask them if you knew how to talk?

Conclusions: In life, as in fairy tales, there is living water (it falls into the ground together with rain, melted snow. It gives water to plants and animals), but there is “dead water” - dirty (when it gets into the soil, underground inhabitants have a bad time: they can get sick and even die). Such water gets into the ground after washing cars, flows down the factory pipes. We need to take good care of the underworld, try to make sure that it is always clean. What can you and I do for this?


Balloon experiments

1.Experience with piercing the ball.
You will need an inflated balloon, tape, metal knitting needle, or a long awl.
Be sure to warn the child that the ball after this trick, although it will not burst, will be irretrievably damaged.
Imperceptibly for the child, stick the pieces of scotch tape on diametrically opposite points of the ball. It will be better if these points are close to the "poles" (ie top and bottom). Then the trick can work even without scotch tape.
Announce that you will pierce the balloon now, but it will not burst! And boldly stick an awl or knitting needle so that they pass through the areas sealed with tape.
The secret of the trick is that although the hole will form, the tape will keep the pressure from breaking the ball. And the spoke itself will close the hole, preventing air from leaving it.

2. Fireproof ball experience.

You will need a candle, one inflated and one new balloon (this second balloon must be filled with tap water, and then inflated and tied so that the water remains inside).
Agree in advance with the baby that one of the balloons will burst (so that there is no unpleasant surprise). Light a candle, bring an ordinary ball to the fire - as soon as the flame touches it. it will burst.
Now "conjure" over the second ball and declare that it is no longer afraid of fire. Bring it to a candle flame. The fire will touch the ball, but nothing will happen to it!
This trick clearly demonstrates this physical concept as "thermal conductivity". The secret of the trick is that the water in the ball "takes away" all the heat of the candle on itself, so the surface of the ball does not heat up to a dangerous temperature.

3. Ball magnet.

You will need an inflated balloon and small pieces of paper. Rub the ball on your hair. Bring them to the pieces of paper - they will stick to the ball! Experience clearly demonstrates the existence of static electricity. When we rub the ball on the hair, it receives a negative electrical charge. And since opposite charges are attracted, then pieces of paper, which, in addition to a negative and a positive charge, are attracted to the ball. The ball will attract not only pieces of paper, but also hair, dust particles, stick to the wall and even bend a thin stream of water from the tap.