Do cats love music

Music is also an information flow. Most people love to listen to music without fully realizing what effect it has on a person. Sometimes music creates unnecessary energy, and sometimes it has a relaxing effect. But whatever the reaction of the listener to music, it certainly has the property of influencing the human psyche. Even ancient philosophers argued that music is able to harmoniously develop and fill a person. In addition, it has the functions of creation and destruction.

The latest theories and experiments of modern physicists say that our whole world has a wave nature: air, solid objects, our bodies and even thoughts and feelings. And the fact that sound is a wave, we know from school. This means that we are able to receive information from any object, even unconsciously.

It's no secret that in various mental states we use different words, turns of speech and we build sentences in different ways, filling it with harsh or pleasant, kind or evil, joyful or sad words. By what a person says, we can draw some conclusions about his mood, character, life principles. The word, like any other energy-information element environment, visible and invisible, has its own semantic quality and its own vibration. It is a manifestation of our Thoughts and Feelings, our ideas about life, developed from childhood and brought up in us by our parents and society. The word can both inspire and kill. Its vibration carries the information of that plane, that level of consciousness that is active in us at the current time.

The psychic manifestation of wave information is emotions. At all times, music has been the most powerful factor influencing the psyche of the listener. She is capable of causing a storm of various emotional experiences, which are experienced for a long time after listening to it. AND mental condition entails also the corresponding actions, choices, decisions. The choice of a favorite musical genre largely depends on the psychological, social and spiritual maturity of the individual, on the needs of satisfying the inner emotional and mental state. Each musical style awakens certain emotional experiences in a person.

Even Pythagoras called for the use of music in educational process and was the first to compose the scientific principles of the study of music and its sound. He believed that music was able to harmonize a person's "mental ailments". Even then, there were melodies created “against the passions of the Soul: against despondency and internal ulcers, against irritation, against anger .... and other desires. " And Plato believed that music education should become the basis of public education and compulsory for all citizens.

Surfing the vastness of the "world information web", you can see how relevant and interesting to people the topic of the influence of music on a person, how many different trends, opinions, studies and evidence exist. Each person tries to prove his vision, to establish his worldview. But how many people, so many opinions. I will try to stick to scientifically proven and substantiated facts. Someone may not like them, but in any case, each person is free to choose what to listen to and how to relate to the stated facts. Modern scientists studying the question of the influence of sound and vibration on psycho the physical state human, came to the conclusion that it exists!

Information rules the world

The relevance of the meaning of this phrase is much deeper than how we understand it. Any object, be it alive, inanimate or a natural phenomenon, carries information, its own vibration. Any information we receive influences us and often dramatically changes our thinking and life.

How does this happen? The information space that a person saturates and uses can be conditionally divided into certain qualitative areas formed by our understanding of life, interpersonal relationships, moral principles, social foundations and so on. A huge number of specific clichés or conglomerates are formed, reflecting the stereotypical thinking of us as representatives of humanity. Let's call them form-images. Each person, regardless of his territorial and social origin, knows himself in many shades of mental reactions to some action, object, social event, and the like, in which he applies these ideas. Each such reaction complements the "portrait" of an already existing form-image this phenomenon, and other people often just use what they already have. Each such form-image, being a consequence of the mental state of a person, reflects all its possible variants and can be reflected in the manifested reaction of a person in approximately the same emotional and mental state. That is, every reaction, every human emotion has only its own niche for manifestation, caused by the resonance of the information content. Any psychism is informational in nature. Our entire universe consists of complex configurational combinations of information of different quality. And as part of this grand Creation, we are also composed of various aspects of information. Well, the uniqueness and individuality of each person can only testify to an unimaginably huge number different options combinations of information fragments.

Well, then everything is simple. Depending on what informational fragments a person consists of, such a form-image of the corresponding quality can be used by a person, since only this form-image is able to reflect his mood, views and reactions. And that is why we can often recognize the state of a person that he is trying to hide. The informational wave of its form-image does not need words in order to declare itself. Familiar to us in certain cases, the states of another person are easily recognizable. Consciously or unconsciously, we react to the information we receive. She is able to provoke our mental experiences. Any piece of music is also the transmission by the author of its form-images that carry the information embedded in them.

For a person who consciously approaches the choice of music, it is important to know that any piece of music reflects the mental state of both the author himself, being a kind of musical story of his emotional state, and the performer of the piece. Written in deep depression, negativism, indignation or a state of joy, love, exultation, musical works forever capture the underlying experiences and carry this information to the listener.

The information carried by a sound wave (like any other wave in our world) is capable of causing resonance activity in a specific part of the brain, the activation of which, in turn, leads to the production of a hormone corresponding to this area. Spreading throughout the body, the hormone, of course, affects the functioning of organs. An excess amount of a certain hormone creates an imbalance in the work of the whole organism. And if this happens constantly, then various pathologies are possible in the functions of any organs. We, observing such changes in health, often do not understand their causes.

Our thoughts have the same effect on the production of hormones. Scientific studies have shown that depending on what a person thinks about, they have brain activity in different zones... The quality of mental reactions activates specific area brain.

The brain is a complex functional "apparatus" responsible for the well-coordinated work of our psychisms and bio-systems. Each of our reactions, the ability to adequately think and act, and even the quality of thought and action, depends on the well-coordinated work of all areas of this body. Violation of harmony in the work of brain systems leads to an imbalance of hormonal activity in the body, an overabundance or lack of these regulators of certain processes.

The importance of this information also lies in the fact that each mental reaction has its own frequency, its own range of manifestation. Even one non-positive psychism is capable of intensifying and causing the activity of a series of other dissonant states.

The frequency range of the body and the effect of music on it

It is believed that the ear is the most important organ through which sound information enters the brain. But we still have some anatomical possibilities for receiving and transmitting sound waves. The human skull is a large membrane through which sound travels directly to the brain. And interestingly, Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergei Shusharjan, a veteran physician and professional singer, in his research on the effects of music, found that even the skin is a conductor of sounds to the body. Music, having a wave nature, is transmitted through vibroreceptors in the skin, which perceive sound waves in a wide range. When vibroreceptors are exposed to sound waves of a certain frequency, one or another mechanism of the body's reaction to external influences is "triggered" (link).

Each organ works at a certain frequency wave and when it falls into a field with a dissonant frequency of for a long time, then there are moments of failure of the organ. We begin to feel unwell. And the constant production by a person of the same type of low-frequency images (aloud or in thoughts) leads to various functional deviations in the work of the body.

At enterprises with an increased background noise, it has become mandatory to measure the level of noise and vibration, since with prolonged exposure to the human body, they lead to various diseases and the so-called vibropathology (link).

The human ear is capable of picking up sounds in the 16 Hz to 20,000 Hz range. All frequencies that are not perceived by our hearing aids, up to 16 Hz, are related to infrasound, and above 20,000 Hz - to the ultrasonic spectrum of wave oscillations.

The rhythms characteristic of most organs and systems of the human body are in the infrasonic range. The internal organs of our body have rather low natural frequencies: the abdominal cavity and chest - 5-8 Hz, the head - 20-30 Hz. The average resonance frequency for the whole body is 6 Hz. Contractions of the heart - 1-2 Hz; delta, alpha, beta rhythms of the brain; intestinal rhythm - 2-4 Hz; the vestibular apparatus - about 6 Hz, and so on. The brain activity of a living person does not stop even during deep sleep, and the brain constantly emits rhythmic waves that characterize the processes taking place in it.

    In the delta state (δ), the brain emits waves with an oscillation frequency of 0 to 4 Hz. It can be either deep, dreamless sleep, or a state of deep relaxation, unconsciousness (such as a coma), lethargic sleep. Even in a dream, the brain continues to process information accumulated by a person, and did not manage to become conscious.

    In the theta state (θ), the frequency of the brain is between 4 and 7 Hz. This is deep relaxation or meditation; it may be a shallow dream. During this rhythm, especially vivid visions or intuitive guesses arise. Theta waves form states that transition from calm wakefulness to phases of sleepiness preceding deep sleep. But frequencies of 5-6 Hz are dangerous for the liver and cause a feeling of fatigue.

    The alpha state (α) is the frequency of the waveforms of the brain from 7 to 14 Hz. The frequency range from 7 to 8 Hz is extremely hazardous to health, since this type of vibration is capable of provoking epileptic seizures, fatally affecting internal organs and even really deforming them. Long-term exposure of the brain to sound with a frequency of 7 Hz has a detrimental effect on the heart, up to its arrest.

Scientists believe that, perhaps, precisely because of the excitation of resonant oscillations (especially when the frequency of the wave coincides with the alpha rhythm of the brain) in biological life support systems, such an extremely negative impact infrasonic vibrations. This influence is even used by the police in several countries around the world to disperse crowds and prevent riots. Included powerful generators, the frequencies of which differ by 5-9 Hz. The beats arising from the difference in the frequencies of these generators have an infrasonic frequency and cause in most people unpleasant visual effects, inexplicable fear and anxiety, and a desire to leave a dangerous place as soon as possible.

The same effect can have on consciousness and binural beats. Research by scientist Robert Monroe has proven that when listening to certain melodies, a person is able to feel the difference in sound between frequencies. For example, if one ear hears a sound with a purity of 150 Hz, and the other 157 Hz, then both hemispheres of the brain begin to work synchronously. These rhythms do not form a real sound, but a "phantom" with a power of only 7 Hz.

But from 10 to 14 Hz - these are vibrations that contribute to both deep concentration and relaxation; this is peace and peace of mind in an active state, the brain is able to process the information it receives more efficiently. This condition is most favorable for creative processesmaking more logical and balanced decisions.

Excessive activity in the alpha-wavelength range leads to states of apathy, passivity, the desire to postpone everything. Insufficient brain activity in this range may indicate a conflict state, mental disorders, and, as a consequence, the activity of various fears and phobias. They say that once the American physicist R. Wood (known among his colleagues as a great original and merry fellow) brought into the theater a special apparatus emitting infrasonic waves, and, turning it on, sent it to the stage. No one heard any sound, but the actress was hysterical.

    Beta state (β) - 14-35 Hz. This state of the brain is the most unproductive because it characterizes stress, excitement. A person is not able to take someone's advice, but only to defend himself and resist any suggestions from the outside. Waves of the β-state cause feelings of anxiety, nervousness, confusion, and fussiness. The frequency of 19 Hz is dangerous for the eyeballs, at which various hallucinations and visual disturbances are possible.

The active state of the brain produces wave oscillations with a frequency of more than 35 Hz (gamma state).

In other words, if the frequency of the infrasonic wave is of the same order as the vibration wave of the organ, then at very high intensity they lead the organs to vibrational resonance or dissonance in the frequency range of the organ and can lead to their dysfunctions. Vibration resonance is caused by powerful external generators, such as volume amplifiers in modern stage and rock concerts.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the direct harm of rock music. There are many studies, articles, lectures, documentaries about the dangers of rock music. Psychologists and academics are concerned about the impact that audition, and even more so the constant imitation of idols, has on millions of rock band fans. Russian academician N.P. Bekhtereva, director of the country's largest Institute of Experimental Medicine, which has been studying higher education for many years. nervous activity, states that rock destroys the brain. The leaders of the groups themselves write that rock music leads to revelry of dark instincts. For example, Jerry Ruben, the leader of the Hippie group, writes: "The gross animal energy permeated us in a hot stream, the exciting rhythm stirred the suppressed desires."

Rock, in addition to the negative information contained in the lyrics, has a direct destructive effect on the human body with the loudness of the sounding melodies. The music of this style is characterized by an overabundance of high and low frequencies... This alternation, together with loudness, seriously injures the brain. Medical scientist David Elkin once conducted an experiment through which he proved that shrill loud music provokes protein folding. At one of the rock concerts in front of the loudspeaker, Elkin laid a raw egg. By the end of the concert, three hours later, the egg turned out to be "boiled" soft-boiled.

The amplification of low-frequency vibrational waves from a bass guitar paired with a beat destructively affects the function of the cerebrospinal fluid, which controls the functioning of the mucous glands. The balance in the work of the gonads and adrenal glands is disturbed. Caused by hormonal disorders lead to a change in the level of insulin in the blood.

Excessive loudness of the sound wave can become another destructive factor for health and psyche. Our ear the best way perceives sound at 55-60 decibels. Loud is a sound of 70 decibels. And on the site where the equipment and speakers are installed during rock concerts, the volume is 120 decibels, and in the middle of the site is 160 decibels (I must say that 120 dB is the loudness of the roar of a jet plane taking off!). What happens to the body in this case? For example: the influence of such a sound volume level is perceived by the body as a dangerous situation. The stress hormone adrenaline is produced. He participates in the implementation of reactions such as "fight or flight", the sense of danger, anxiety, fear, trauma, burns and shock. Action causes vasoconstriction of organs abdominal, skin and mucous membranes; to a lesser extent, it narrows the vessels of the skeletal muscles, but dilates the vessels of the brain. Arterial pressure under the influence of adrenaline increases. Adrenaline contributes to a significant increase and increase in heart rate, relief of atrioventricular conduction, increased automatism of the heart muscle, which can lead to arrhythmias.

Sounds over 95 dB are especially dangerous - under their influence, the vessels of the peripheral nervous system begin to sharply narrow, heartbeatappears headache, migraine, irritability increases sharply, turning into a nervous breakdown and hysteria; at the same time, the balance in the body of adrenal and sex hormones (adrenaline, testosterone, pheromones and others) is powerfully disturbed, the level of insulin in the blood is destabilized, the function of controlling the mental and somatic states of the body by the central nervous system is disrupted.

All independent studies show that rock music is dangerous to human health and psyche. A dangerous delusion is that without seeing quick results the influence of such music, fans consider it safe. It has been proven that avid rock listeners have hearing injuries that cannot be treated, their behavior becomes inadequate, and their reactions are inhibited. Concerned about mental and physical health nation different state and public organizations conduct educational work in terms of the influence of music on human consciousness and health. For example, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Minsk posted an appeal article on its website in order to attract public opinion to this issue (link).

The Department of Acoustics of Moscow State University conducted a study of the most aggressive samples of rock and pop music. The computer decomposed sounds into frequencies, overtones, noises, and then simulated the properties of human tissue and calculated how music affects the body. The frequency of the main rhythm of the composition "DeepPepl" "Smokeonthewater" is from two to four hertz. Such jumps, and even at a volume of 80-100 dB (as in the forging shop), cause strong arousal, up to a temporary loss of control over oneself, aggressiveness towards others, or, conversely, negative emotions to yourself. Those who are predisposed to nervous disorders, to mental illness, after two-, three-time listening to such a composition, exacerbation of diseases is expected or nervous breakdowns... Noise sounds or inharmonic overtones harm the nervous system: a person's hands begin to tremble, visual acuity and hearing are lost, and at the same time, the content of adrenaline and other hormones in the blood rises. Seventh graders, after 10 minutes of listening to rock compositions, temporarily forgot the multiplication table. The audience in the concert halls could not answer the questions: "What is your name?", "Where are you?", "What year is it now?"

The Beatles' composition "HelterSkelter" is an example of when pleasant and euphonious music can turn out to be no less harmful. In it, the main rhythm (about 6.4 hertz) is in the resonant frequency range that is dangerous for humans. chest and the abdominal cavity. When listening to this song, sudden abdominal and chest pains may appear. In addition, since the main rhythm is close in frequency to the frequency of one of the brain rhythms, there is real threat resonant coincidence of these frequencies. Experiments with animals have shown that such a coincidence of frequencies often leads to real madness.

Even a 10-minute "enjoyment" of rock music at a volume of 100 dB reduces the ear's sensitivity to such an extent that partial hearing loss occurs. And at rock concerts, the sound intensity often reaches 120 dB, that is, the pain threshold.

Music is a doctor, music is a teacher, music is a friend.

Music is one of the most inspirational art forms. With its rhythm, melody, harmony, dynamics, variety of sound combinations, colors and nuances, it conveys an endless range of feelings and moods. The power of music lies in the fact that, bypassing the mind, it creates a person's mood. According to its content, music can both raise our mood and sharply lower it. Music is a universal language of moods, emotions and passions. It produces a charming effect that is well known to all of us with the help of a number of neural systems.

Researchers at the University of Luxembourg have found that music stimulates the regions of the brain responsible for memory, language and motor functions... It especially affects the development of motor function and brain structures in children. Scientists noted that what earlier child began to study music, the more specific opportunities he later had. Such children are distinguished by greater communication skills, enthusiasm, and the ability to specific skills. Among the subjects, the lowest rates of brain activity were found in people who did not listen to music and had never done it.

Developments of the positive influence of music on the development and psyche of a person are successfully used by doctors to treat and help patients who standard methods medicine is not able to help. The list of such patients includes people with congenital mental problems, developmental retardation. Musical works contribute to faster learning of foreign languages. Also, music therapy is used in the treatment of depression, hyperexcitability, anxiety, for the development of communication skills, and assistance in preparing for childbirth (link).

The influence of music on a person begins from the prenatal state. It exerts its informational influence on the development of the fetal brain. Interesting experience the beneficial effect of classical music on babies is shared by parents in the blog “ Real parents". The mother began the experiment when the baby was restless in the womb. And after birth, for a long time, the baby quickly fell asleep only to the music of Vivaldi and Paganini, which he loved even before the birth (link).

American scientist-researcher John Campbell has written 9 books describing the results of research on the influence of music on human consciousness. The most famous of these is the Mozart Effect. 20 years of research has shown that Mozart's music has clear beneficial effects on human health and mental performance. D. Campbell selected from the works of Mozart according to his own author's method the most healing ones and made a series of thematic CD-disks from them, which went on wide sale around the world. Among them there are discs for pregnant women, newborns and children under 3 years old.

American scientist Gordon Shaw and his colleague at the Los Angeles branch of the University of California, neuroscientist Mark Bodner used a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the brain to get a picture of the activity of those parts of the patient's brain that respond to listening to music. Of all the pieces that were used in research, all types of music have activated the part of the cerebral cortex that perceives the vibrations of the air caused by sound waves (auditory center), and sometimes stimulated parts of the brain associated with emotions. But only Mozart's music caused the activity of all areas of the brain in patients at once, the entire cerebral cortex literally began to "glow" in the MRI scans.

Mozart's music is considered the most beneficial for the treatment of many diseases. It has a beneficial effect on stress relief, language acquisition, helps with headaches and during recovery periods.

According to the findings, published in the journal Medical Hypotheses, music can be invaluable in preventing the development of Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. It has been shown to be effective in the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders.

The sound of stringed instruments, and, first of all, the violin, has a particularly strong healing effect on the mental and physical condition of patients. In last place is the guitar. Such music helps to normalize blood pressure, regulates the work of the heart, raises vitality, reduces pain... With the help of various rhythms and sounds, you can effectively regulate the functions of the brain and even restore its affected areas; stimulate the work of individual systems, in particular, nervous - central and vegetative, as well as accelerate the processes of cell regeneration in damaged tissues and much, much more.

According to the Moscow medical center "Lenz" and the Children's Treatment Center, as a result of numerous studies, it was found that under the influence of certain music, mental processes such as memory and orientation improve by 45-50%, and attention - by 25-30%. Musical influence on the human body is carried out not only on the central nervous system, but also on the muscle, digestive system... Modern scientific research showed that it is classical music that has a positive effect on the physical and mental state of a person, on the health of patients. "Live" music of classical composers helps to get rid of depression, stress, anxiety, anxiety. There are many sources of information about which works of the classics have a beneficial effect on human health and psyche.

It is important to note that an appropriate musical program is needed for the beneficial effects of music. The head of the Research Center for Music Therapy and Restorative Technologies, physician-scientist S. Shusharjan, who uses music therapy to treat people, speaks of such influence of sound as bioresonance: “It has long been known that every cell of our body vibrates with a certain frequency. If these vibrations are in resonance with sound vibrations, the cell reacts in a certain way to the sound. For the first time in the world, we have proven the impact of music on human body at the cellular level. Cancer cells react very violently to music, and from one music they begin to actively grow and multiply, and from another, on the contrary, their growth slows down. We experimented with staphylococci, with escherichia coli and picked up the kind of music that makes these microbes die ”(link).

Music therapy has become a whole area of \u200b\u200bpsychotherapy, opening up new possibilities for the beneficial influence of music on human consciousness and biology. The possibility of the resonant effect of sound with vibrations of organs has become a fundamental factor in the effective impact on diseased organs by the method of biomusics. For example, the patient turns on the recordings of vibrations of healthy organs, and recovery occurs much faster. In China wide application have music albums with the names: "Digestion", "Insomnia", "Migraine", there is also "Liver", "Lungs", "Heart".

It has been established that various musical instruments have a different effect on the well-being of people, and each organ has its own resonance with a certain instrument. With the directed action of music, the organ comes to a state of maximum vibration, resonance. Since music by its nature is a physical phenomenon, wave, sound signals, falling into a resonant frequency corresponding to physical characteristics of this or that organ, has a stimulating effect on it. Beautiful academic singing is good for the spleen.

The liver and gallbladder like woodwind instruments: oboe, clarinet. The violin and piano have a calming effect on the nerves, the flute relaxes. The saxophone has a good effect on genitourinary system... When cardiovascular disease it is useful to listen to music played on string instruments; the lungs recover faster and restore their respiratory functions with the sounds of a trumpet and trombone; the spleen stops hurting when listening to classical singing, and the state of the liver and gallbladder is beneficially influenced by melodies performed on woodwind instruments. We can add here that gastrointestinal tract, for example, has the resonant frequency of the "fa" note. The higher frequency of this note has the ability to remove toxic compounds from the body. The note "C" can help in the treatment of psoriasis, and if you combine the notes "B", "salt" and "C", you can facilitate the treatment of cancer.

The brain responds to music with both hemispheres. Left hemisphere feels the rhythm, and the right one - tonality and melody. Music restores disturbed harmony in human body... Music therapy has become scientific method restoring body strength with the help of music. It restores, maintains and improves the emotional, psychological and physiological state.

Experts have found that music affects the production of hormones that are associated with emotional reactions, for example, such as feelings of joy and anxiety, displays of courage and courage. Influencing, first of all, on the subconscious, music can replace a psychotherapy session. Scientists have also proven the beneficial effects of classical music in experiments with plants and animals (link).

Music and human spiritual transformations

Let our songs multiply

Love all over the planet once and for all!

We have already found out that music has an effect on the functioning of the body. But at the same time, an important fact is that music is capable of influencing consciousness and mood. Many thinkers of our time and antiquity recognized the great importance of music in the upbringing and educational processes.

V. Sukhomlinsky said that "Music is the most miraculous, the most subtle means in attracting to goodness, to humanity." A beautiful melody can awaken in a person positive emotions... But words, accompanied by harmonious music, are capable of more big changes... Often sung favorite songs, which we accept as agreement with what they are sung about, settle in our minds and become our thoughts, our motives and way of thinking. That is why the meaning in the lyrics is so important. Each song leaves a mark in our memory and is capable, even after many years, to revive the once experienced feelings associated with the sound of some melody or song.

During the war years, patriotic songs raised the spirit of the population and soldiers in battle, helping to overcome hardships and difficulties. At the fronts, the music did not stop, and the visiting brigades of musicians sang patriotic songs, inspiring the soldiers to win, no matter what. Philosophy interprets Spirit as “ superior ability a person, thanks to which self-determination of personality is possible ”, identifies him with an immaterial, immaterial principle. This echoes the belief in the Holy Spirit in Christianity. Another meaning of this word defines Spirit as "the mood and state of a person or a group." But in all understandings there is a sense of higher possibilities opposed to lower manifestations. Hence we can say that "Spiritual growth", "Spiritual work" can be understood as a kind of overcoming of dependence on materiality, selfish manifestations and impulses, animal passions, everything that we call egoism, in favor of the development of more and more altruistic qualities. The very definition of Spirit as “the state of the collective” suggests that it is a unifying moment for all people striving for spiritual growth, cultivating human values.

In my opinion, the fact that the influence of sounds and music on the human body and consciousness is given to such great attention scientists, doctors, psychologists, the public says that music has a rather serious role in the development harmonious personality as units of a harmonious society. The fact that consciousness is structured by the influence that is on it, be it music or some other sound, is now understood by everyone. And people are more and more consciously using the information offered by life.

The words spoken or sung by us are the same sound carrying a certain frequency vibration. There are enough a large number of songs, but few of them have a high meaning, which gives the possibility of a qualitative spiritual growth of consciousness. I can say with all the boldness that such songs exist. They are written with one goal in mind - to enable all people to manifest and assert themselves in positivism, applying the information contained in these songs, building their own further lifebased only on human notions.

The author of songs included in the multivolume edition "Iissiidiology", Oris OV this is how he speaks about his songwriting: “In these Songs I tried to lay in everything that carries exclusively positive and altruistic information, which actively tunes both the performer and the listener only to heartfelt Joy, Love for people, striving for Beauty and Harmony, cultivating benevolence and philanthropy, powerfully stimulating high-quality spiritual aspirations in Self-Consciousness, defining high Goals and offering many Ways to achieve them ”.

Singing songs is one of important practices spiritual work and refocusing, that is, changing the vector of life into their more perfect configurations of self-awareness and corresponding scenarios for the development of life. This practice of spiritual self-knowledge and self-education is conducted daily on Aifaar, at the Center for Human Intellectual Development.

Speaking about Aifaar songs, which are a highly sensual reflection of such knowledge as Iissiidiology, one cannot but mention fundamental principle of this knowledge - the Human direction of development, which is based on the positivity of thinking and deliberate work above oneself in terms of compliance with the signs of this direction. Exactly characteristic signs this direction can lead us to the most favorable scenarios where there are no wars, because Humanity is united by the common tasks of building relationships based on mutual understanding, trust, tolerance, honesty, openness, positivism! Only in such conditions can a person, as a developing entity, begin to actively use his creative potential, which is implemented according to the principle of the altruistic activity of each member of society. In the worlds of such a future, thanks to the achievements of science and medicine, society has forever got rid of all diseases and old age, construction has become a robotic process, problems of ecology and nutrition have disappeared, and the spiritual maturity of us, as Humans, has given us the opportunity to go beyond the planet and start interacting with aliens. minds.

For many people, the opportunity to look into the future is, at the most, a fantasy. But any future has a beginning "here and now". With what we fill our existence, our aspirations, we reap such fruits. There is an expression “We are what we think”. Our thoughts are the beginning of our actions, and actions lead us to certain events. And how often do we choose what to do, thereby determining our future.

Modern scientists are talking more and more boldly about the existence of parallel universes existing simultaneously with us. So far in science this is considered only one of the interpretations. quantum physics! Intuitively, the existence of many worlds is accepted by a large number of people, including those from the scientific community. Many books and films intrigue the reader and viewer possible options plot lines.

Iissiidiology, as the latest knowledge calculated for its intuitive perception, is based on the fact of the existence of many-worlds and explains the presence of an unimaginable number of possible qualitative scenarios not only for us as individuals, but for Humanity as a whole. Each of us at a given point in space is aware of himself as who he is now, but at the same time we are in our other interpretations, where all our interests are realized, which “here” we cannot realize for some reason. All the variety of forms of existence and various creative realizations, all this is us. Think of yourself, for example, when after graduation you were deciding where to go to study and what profession to choose. How many options flashed then in my head. But even a thought that barely flickered in the mind in some form of development was necessarily realized! Every moment we are aware of ourselves where we were attracted by the most active interest, interest in the realization of our life principles and aspirations.

Aifaar's songs are a sensual reflection of the principles of Aifaar relationships, which consciously or subconsciously strive and live for those who appreciate Good, Joy, Honesty, Openness, Mutual support, Love for the world and people and believe in the possibility of building a common beautiful future for all people on the planet ... All phrases in them are built to experience only the highest sensory images that we are able to feel in ourselves. First of all, sublime, joyful, kind, positive ideas and understandings are embedded in them, which, with constant repetition when singing songs, gradually become our understanding of life and the world around us ... These songs support many of us in difficult situations. A few minutes of song meditations help to come to a state of calmness, peace, the feeling of anxiety disappears, and the reasons that caused the disorders become unimportant and distant. For example, one of the songs contains the following lines:

Trouble passes like spring water

When Love is always next to you,

And will not disturb the vanity of the current days

Your joy!

Aifaar's songs are able to inspire the seemingly impossible, fill them with a sense of self-confidence, in life, in people. As on the ladder of positivism, faith in the beautiful, word by word you go to the feeling of Oneness with the whole world, the universe. Each person is close and dear. We are all connected by a single thread of cordiality. And there is only a desire to create for the good of all Mankind! And again the words of the song inspire:

Our songs are carried off there again,

When we meet together

And Hearts rise again in the Spirit,

To get drunk with the Fiery Rays!

Aifaar's Songs, Songs of Love are a powerful force that awakens the desire for Unity with all that exists, the desire to unite efforts for the good of people, the Earth, the Universe! This is the music of the Soul! The ability to hear those strings of her that in ordinary life we \u200b\u200bdo not hear. They are hidden from us by vanity, minor problems that take up almost all of our time.

Such an experiment was carried out - in a long queue, they played Aifaar songs at a volume inaudible to the crowd. Literally in a matter of seconds, people changed their mood, they became more friendly and calm than before the songs were turned on, without realizing it. This suggests that the soul does not sleep, you just need to give it the opportunity to realize its innermost desires.

Singing songs is a meditative process. You need to tune in to it in advance, calm down and relax, let go of all thoughts and worries of the outside world and focus on inner sensations. You can close your eyes and imagine figuratively something shining, open, filled with light and radiating unearthly vibrations; or the sun illuminating everything around; a silvery or golden stream, any other convenient image, concentrating with thoughts and feelings on positive, altruistic, highly spiritual mental images and states. This allows you to quickly align with the meaning of the lyrics.

In modern science, there is a direction that studies the neural interconnections of the brain - neuroplasty. It was believed that nerve cells unable to recover. Scientists have proven that this is a delusion and the whole point is only in the absence of new experiences. If a person leads an active mental lifestyle, brings in new information and assimilates it, then he is constantly developing new neural interconnections. They call them microgrids. By the way, neuroscientists argue that the lack of exercise for the mind, the usual daily routine, monotonous work leads to rapid aging. In a routine, habitual way of life, the brain operates on "autopilot" and gradually its functionality decreases.

So, singing songs of highly spiritual content is the work on the construction of a new micro-network that connects consciousness with the understanding of the High, which is embedded in the meaning of the songs. This deliberate development of such interconnections allows one to activate in the consciousness the representations that structure the Space of the Human direction of development. A gradual change in the paradigm of consciousness will also change the surrounding space, in which everything is realized according to the principle of resonance. This means that if your life is filled with actions that confirm the principles of humanity, which are the essence of your understanding of communication with people, then you will attract the corresponding circumstances of life and people. If we suddenly want to change something in life, then first we have a thought about it and an image is created. We become emitters of these energies and create a certain resonance, change space and become other personalities! And by implementing tall images in our life, we change it only for the better!

In conclusion, I want to say in modern societywhere the question of intellectual development is acute young generation, songs that carry love, goodness, openness and humanity as a principle of relationship between all people, give everyone the opportunity to find these qualities in themselves and in other people.

“To try to stop this irrepressible fall of our grandchildren and great-grandchildren into the deepest abyss of cruelty, cynicism, aggression and lack of spirituality, I present the tired World with the Song of AIFAAR, the Song of the Covenant. - Oris

There is a mass unpleasant sounds that annoy a person... For example, no one likes to listen to the sound of nails scratching a board, let alone a fork scraping a plate. When all the muscles are tense, a chill runs down the back, and there is a terrible sensation on the teeth, like a soreness. In order to convey to you as accurately as possible the full set of these "wonderful" feelings, we specially listened to the creaks and clangs of several objects. Brrrr! But what can you do for our readers.

What is the explanation for such a reaction of the organism?

Dr. Sukhbinder Kumar of the Institute of Neurology at Newcastle University (UK) suggests that this reaction occurs in the tonsils, two small areas of our brain associated with positive and negative emotions. Perhaps this reaction is a warning reflex inherited from our ancestors. To survive, they were constantly on the alert, listening to various sounds that could be are associated with danger... All of these factors caused their bodies to react in the manner described above.

Crying of a child, for example, is sometimes very unpleasant to our ears, but, nevertheless, makes us pay attention to him and calm the baby. But in general, high frequency sounds are always annoyingbecause they are often associated with danger. This is clearly seen in the animal kingdom. When a monkey wants to warn the group about the approach of a predator, it always makes a shrill cry. It is believed that our ancestors also signaled the threat.

The most unpleasant sounds for a person

We want to note right away that it is difficult to single out a certain sound as the most unpleasant sound in the world. Some people are more sensitive and annoyed by more noises, clanks, and rattles. So one person hears the creak of a rusty swing in the park and cannot be there, while the other simply does not notice him. Therefore, which sound is the most terrible is everyone's personal business. So, we present to you list of the most annoying sounds.

- The grinding of a fork or knife on a plate is perhaps one of the most disgusting. It is not for nothing that after it, everyone at the table looks very unfriendly at the person who accidentally published it.

- Sound of water dripping from the tap.

- The sound of a violin when played poorly.

- High shrill sound when a very powerful whistle is installed on a boiling kettle.

- Sound when the microphone is turned on. We are sure you heard it at a concert or at a conference.

- Doors creak.

- Sound when fingernails or chalk are forced across the board.

- The creak of rusty chains on the swing.

- The sound when the car rushes at high speed, and then brakes sharply.

- Crying baby. Although a person is nervous, thanks to crying, an instinct is triggered, which prompts you to take care of the baby.

- Sound of power tools such as drill, hammer drill and others.

- Wheels grinding on the rails when the train slows down.

- Sound when rubbing foam.

- The squeak of a flying mosquito.

- The sound of a drill in a dental office.

And this is not the whole list. As we already wrote, each person has his own individual. We wish you to hear less unpleasant sounds so that your nerves are in order.

Somehow it so happened that cats in everyday life are usually called: "Ks-ks". Moreover, this callsign sometimes even replaces the nickname, the pet remembers it faster than given name... Why is this happening and are these the only sounds that attract cats?

Why "kys-kys"?

I must say that the majority, but not all cats respond to "ks-ks". It is believed that this combination of sounds reminds cats of those that rodents make. It is believed that the sounds attracting cats are all hiss and whistles. For example, combinations containing "s, w, h, c", etc. By the way, in the USA cats are not called "ks-ks", there they are called "kiti-kiti". And the pussies respond, because when these phrases are pronounced in English, then during the pronunciation there is the same hissing-sibilant consonant to which cats react. The reason for this attitude towards such sounds is difficult to explain precisely. There is an assumption that whistling and hissing remind cats of the sounds that rodents make, and therefore a natural reflex is triggered and interest awakens.

Cherished word

It should be noted that there are cats that do not react at all to the usual "kys-kys". And this gives rise to another opinion - cats are only trained for these sounds. If you call a kitten from childhood with a certain sound (in in this case, "Ks-ks") and at the same time give him food, then later he will associate this sound with the subsequent feeding. Thus, it is just an element of training and training.

However, if we return to the theory of hissing-hissing sounds, then these are the sounds that attract cats, to which she reacts most quickly. In this case, the word is not at all important, the intonation or emotion with which the callsign is pronounced and the vibration of the sound after the whistling or hissing letter are important.

For example, one of the cat lovers on one of the forums said that her cat instantly reacts to the word "Meat!" Not surprising! After all, there is not only the familiar "s" sound, but also an association with something tasty.

Knock on the refrigerator!

Cats are generally partial to different sounds. For them they play important role... There are sounds that they don't like very much. And there are those that, on the contrary, are to their liking. For example, there are cats and cats that like when their owners sing (quietly and quietly) or play the piano. Others enjoy listening to the hosts cramming in English. And still others rush when they hear the refrigerator door slam. So the sounds that attract cats can be completely different. After all, cats are unpredictable creatures. One thing is to say, it shouldn't be harsh and loud sounds, cats have a personal and strong antipathy to such sounds. But that's another conversation and a different topic.

The cat reacts to sound. Video

Until recently, cats' love of music was confirmed only by the experience of shelter owners and employees, who let the animals listen. classical musicwhich has a calming effect on animals.

Recent studies by scientists have shown that animals react to sounds in much the same way as humans, for example, they are afraid of loud and sudden sounds, or fall asleep to the calm melodic sound of musical instruments.

But there is one significant difference, cats have ears that are sensitive to sounds. Most of the musical compositions cause a negative reaction in pets, but if the sounds are calm and quiet enough, then they do not irritate cats.

It is assumed that cats may like music. If they heard it from early childhood, then over the years of their lives, a certain attachment is developed, an addiction to the sound of musical compositions. At the cognitive stage of their life, animals perceive sounds as something new, and then get used to them along with other natural sounds, for example, the voice of the owner, the sound of rain, the singing of birds.

How music affects cats

In the spring of 2015, scientists from Portugal in the course of research found out how music affects cats. Relaxes and soothes meowing pets classic, playing stringed instruments. Rock compositions cause anxiety and excitement in animals, and pop music - an ambiguous reaction.

Why do cats need to listen to music?

In addition to the fact that musical sounds can be used to calm pets at home, in shelters, they can also be turned on to achieve a calming effect in veterinary clinics for the period of surgical operations.

Sound causes physical changes in the body. Calm, melodic music creates the appropriate mood, allows you to relieve stress from stress, and also relaxes, which has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body.

Special music for cats

Fans of representatives of the family asked themselves the question of creating music for cats, so there were compositions created taking into account the range of hearing. Melodies include meows and sounds that animals hear in the wild.

Thus, Charles Snowdon, together with his colleagues from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and David Teie (David Teie), composed music for cats. In the course of the study, special musical compositions and classical composers (Bach, Fore) were played by 47 different domestic cats. Classical "human" music did not interest animals, but the works of David Teye (Cozmo "s Air, Rusty" s Ballad, Spook "s Ditty, Threat, Affiliative) won the attention of pets.

Cats show indifference to "human" music or irritation, expressed in loud meows, attempts to hide from the source of the sound. Hearing special sounds, animals try to come closer to the source, purr approvingly, rub and sniff the speaker from which the sound comes.

Research shows that meowing pets prefer "species-specific" (species-specific) music with tempos and frequencies that mimic the sounds of birds, feline purrs.