The husband does not take care of his pregnant wife. Pregnancy and husband: sexual relations. How to tell your husband about pregnancy

Advice for a future dad. In order to get a little closer to understanding how your pregnant wife feels, try tightening your belt so that it is difficult to breathe, stick a soccer ball or a globe under your shirt, put on tight shoes and walk like that for at least half a day. For a thrill, do housework - wash the floor, wash the laundry soaked in the bathroom, cook dinner.

There are different strategies for the behavior of a "pregnant" husband - someone seeks to earn as much as possible more money, believing that the wife should deal with her specific women's affairs, and he is the breadwinner, his business is work. Someone, on the contrary, is constantly interested in the level of hemoglobin in his wife, goes to the doctors with her. And someone from time to time “warms up” with friends, preparing to celebrate a joyful event “in a big way”, leaving her, nature or mother-in-law to take care of her wife.

Everything is going as it should. Of course, a pregnant woman has many reasons for unrest and stress. Surely your wife often looks in the mirror with concern, watching the transformations of her figure. Not only the figure changes; sometimes swelling of the legs, face, appear dark spots. All this is quite natural - a cardinal restructuring of all systems takes place in the body of the expectant mother. Together with his wife, her wardrobe is also changing, you need to buy appropriate, looser clothes, it is best to buy women's moccasins on your feet. Nevertheless, your support (just like men) is very important for your wife. appearance. Don't skimp on your compliments. Let's be honest - sometimes outer beauty really recedes for a while, but try to see the inner beauty that every pregnant woman begins to radiate. For a loving man, the wife at this time becomes much closer, sweeter. Tell her more about it.

Maybe you have come across figurines of monkeys from India: one of them closes its eyes - this means “I don’t look bad”; the other closes her ears - "I do not listen to the bad"; another one covers her mouth with her paw, which means “I don’t say bad things.” This is how a pregnant woman should behave. And her relatives, primarily her husband, should help her wife get as many positive emotions as possible. Watch the content of the television programs that the wife watches, and you too; avoid disputes and quarrels; walk more, preferably not in noisy and busy places, but in the park, in nature. An art gallery is preferable to a cafe. Feel free to accompany your wife when she visits antenatal clinic or clinics. IN emotionally these visits are quite stressful, so your psychological support won't be redundant at all.

woman in this difficult period cooking is not always easy - on the one hand, it can be just physically difficult for her for a long time standing at the stove, on the other hand, due to her special sensitivity to odors, occasional nausea can interfere with her. We will not once again to remind about toxicosis of pregnancy, everyone already knows about it. The help of a man, and sometimes the leading role, is especially important here. In addition, the husband must be aware modern views on the diet of a pregnant wife. You must strictly ensure that your wife and child receive a sufficiently varied and healthy diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, in particular calcium. And if your wife suddenly becomes capricious and irritable, tell yourself: this is how it should be, so everything is going as it should!

Keep Olympian calm. Such a phenomenon as depression of a pregnant woman is also widely known. It usually occurs on early dates pregnancy. The reason for it, in general, is quite natural - a woman understands that there is no turning back. It's only in the song that they sing: "I'm pregnant - this is temporary!" Just as in nature there is a qualitative transition from a caterpillar to a butterfly, so a woman turns into a mother, more and more aware of her responsibility for the health and life of her unborn baby. Share this responsibility with your wife, try so that she does not feel lonely, but is confident in your support and protection. It is the feeling of security that gives a woman confidence that everything will be fine with her and the child. To better understand the condition of your wife, do not take the trouble to read special books for pregnant women and expectant mothers. For the well-being of the family, take care to maintain a good relationship with your old and new relatives. Let the period of pregnancy for all adults be like a period Olympic Games in ancient times - a time of peace and the rejection of all sorts of showdowns. If you will be taught (and they will definitely be taught), then your reaction can be of three types: “Pinocchio reaction”, which, as you know, first sent a good adviser away, and then completely launched a shoe at him; a position like “I’ll pretend to listen to other people’s advice so as not to annoy anyone, but I’ll do it my own way anyway” and the position “why don’t I really listen to these people, extra wisdom never hurts.” Try to ask your mother and your mother-in-law for some advice yourself - you will see, they will be very pleased.

The child is the man's father. Not all future dads, as, by the way, future mothers, are psychologically ready to become full-fledged parents. Sometimes the news of pregnancy hits them like snow on their heads. - The husband must take care of the pregnant wife, and the wife must take care of the husband, otherwise he may even get sick. Such cases are not uncommon. During pregnancy, nature itself helps a woman, rebuilding her hormonal processes, a man does not have this, says Yulia Postnova, midwife, director parent school"Jewel". “Many young men begin to fear the challenges ahead. It even happened that some infantile husbands, having learned about the pregnancy of his wife, they ran away to their mother. Unfortunately, there are also such situations when a man, receiving from a pregnant wife significantly less attention than before, begins to be jealous of her unborn child. Nature has set aside nine months for the maturation of not only the child, but also his future parents. And most the best remedy for the accelerated maturation of the husband - taking care of the wife and the long-awaited baby. It is also very useful to attend special trainings and seminars for expectant mothers and fathers together.

Communication with a child. You probably already know that there is a so-called perinatal psychology, which studies the patterns of growth and formation of the infant's psyche in mother's womb, explores the mechanisms of interaction and communication between a mother and her child during pregnancy. It has long been established that the child in the mother's stomach not only feels her mood, but also hears what is happening around. Of course, the first thing he hears is the beating of his mother's heart. Experiments show that later, when he grows up, he will be able to accurately determine the heart sounds of his mother among many others. This is not surprising, because the child listened to this sound for nine months.

The child also perfectly hears the voice of his mother and distinguishes it from other voices. He understands not only her intonation, but also emotions. If mom is worried, then he starts to worry. This is also quite natural, because he and his mother have a lot in common, right down to the circulatory system.

Experts recommend that mothers talk with the baby, listen to calm, melodic music with him, even read fairy tales with a calm and uncomplicated plot aloud. Then, already at the age of three or four years, the child will recognize and prefer to others exactly the music and those fairy tales that he listened to while being in his mother's stomach. Well, and one more little detail - everyone knows that when a person is nervous, he often bites his nails, chews on a pen or pencil. And here Small child in the womb of course later dates pregnancy, to calm down, sucks her thumb. We specifically talk about this with you to show that the child at a certain stage of his intrauterine life already highly developed and almost “understands everything.” Therefore, dear dads, feel free to communicate with your child. Firstly, this can easily be done through an intermediary wife. Any of your sweet Nothing or a touch addressed to her will be immediately known to the child. He will probably be pleased to know that you and his mother have a good relationship. Secondly, you can just gently stroke your stomach, talk to your baby, listen to his heart beat. It is difficult to convey in words what you will feel when you see the heel of your son or daughter clearly protruding on the surface of your wife's abdomen.

If the pregnancy was unexpected. Have you met people who, with all their intonation, seem to apologize for the fact that they exist; people with very low self-esteem who do their best to take up as little space as possible in space? This behavior is often caused by specific problems that this person experienced while still in the womb - they did not really want him to be born. Due to various and far from pleasant reasons his parents had to decide whether or not to have their child. He felt these doubts at a level accessible to his emerging psyche, they determined his development. Such a child needs increased care and love. If at first you had not very good thoughts in relation to the unborn child, then you should not condemn and scold yourself for this. It will be more honest and courageous if you go up to your wife and put your hand on her stomach, just talk to the child, explain everything and apologize. Be sure to say at the end that you love him, well, and promise to go to the circus together in a few years. Practice shows that much more than a half of all pregnancies are unexpected, or, as they say, "the stork brought the child." Strong, mature man considers an unexpected pregnancy an unexpected joy. He mentally and aloud tells the child and at the same time his mother and his wife that he is glad for him, that he invites the child to his house, that he already loves him or her now. Here, by the way, I would like to say a few words about the gender of the child. Some of the men really want a son, someone is waiting for a daughter. However, imagine that you are visiting unfamiliar house, and the owners, as soon as they see you, exclaim in disappointment: “But we were expecting something completely different!” Would you like to hear it? So is the child. Try to set yourself up in advance to accept a child of the gender that fate will send you. You should not say to yourself to calm down phrases like: “Well, let the girl turn out, I will make a real boy out of her” or “Again a boy! Well, next time there will definitely be a daughter.

I remember that when we went through "War and Peace" at school, I was unpleasantly struck by the phrase Nikolai Rostov said about own child: "A piece of meat ..." Leo Tolstoy, by the way, father of many children He was well aware of life in all its manifestations. The reality is that not always full-fledged fatherly feelings are formed quickly and immediately. In this regard, it is easier for mom - when she proudly shows dad their common work and peers into his face with the hope of seeing tenderness there, she should remember that dad sees the child for the first time, while she most closely communicated with he's almost a year old.

Nature saw to it that the father was more, so to speak, calm in relation to the child; otherwise, it would be difficult for him to leave him at home and go hunting or to work in order to get food for his family. A young dad should not be afraid if he does not find in himself such a storm of positive emotions in relation to his baby that women experience for a child. Do not force things, give yourself time - you'll see, nature will take its toll.

Preparing for childbirth. Do not consider everything related to childbirth exclusively women's business. Find out in advance all the possible information about the maternity hospitals available to you. At the same time, find out in more detail what can and cannot be transferred to your wife at the maternity hospital when she is already there. This will save you time and nerves. If you have such an opportunity, then try to take a vacation for the time when the time comes to give birth. With the birth of a child, it will be useful for the three of you to be together. When asked whether the husband should take part in childbirth (as is practiced, for example, in a number of European countries), midwife Yulia Postnova, herself, by the way, the mother of five children, answers as follows: - The direct participation of the husband should be responsible. Childbirth is a joint action of a wife and husband, and only the man who perceives them in this way can participate in them. Otherwise, it will not be participation, but presence, which can only interfere with the wife and medical staff. A good help to wives from those men who are not entirely confident in themselves will be their prayer during childbirth. Most importantly, remember that pregnancy is not only a difficult period that must be endured, it is a period that can bring a lot of joy. Everyone understands that a pregnant woman needs help, but never treat your wife as a suffering, sick person! Pregnancy is the brightest sign of health!

Igor Tatarsky, psychologist

Greetings to all, my readers and readers. I already know that husbands also read our girlish “tales” with one eye, so I decided that it was time to pay attention to them. Girls, you can do household chores, men, I ask you to the screen. Especially those who in the near future expect the birth of offspring.

I'm sure there are a lot of them, and I also know what it's like for you sometimes with us capricious princesses. I want to help a little, to explain to you the completely incomprehensible changes in the behavior and mood of my wife, to justify her in some way. In a word, today I bring to your attention a memo called: "Advice to the husband of a pregnant wife."

Capricious with a belly

“I love you and hate you, go somewhere…closer,” this is how a pregnant woman often thinks. Contradictions are generally characteristic of the female mysterious nature, and here some appear doubly or triple. I completely agree, dear men, which is sometimes very difficult with us, sometimes unbearable, and yet try to be softer and more condescending with your halves.

Especially when they are no longer halves, but 2/3, that is, the third, most important member of your family, a tiny son or sweet daughter, has settled inside your wife's tummy. I am sure that this is a desired baby, even if not planned. You will soon become parents, and you need to become even more united, friendly, and not quarrel over trifles. Accept that in the next 9 months you will have to please your changing wife.

The process of becoming a mother is not easy: strong hormonal storms occur inside a fragile-looking woman, the body changes, preparing to bear a baby, taste preferences generally shocked by their incompatibility. “Honey, give me that candy over there, and salt it! And a tomato with sour cream. It’s tastier this way,” familiar phrases. So here's my advice to you: go and fetch it, otherwise the next whim will be more serious.

Don't be afraid to spoil your wife. After giving birth, she will have so much trouble that there will be no time for pampering. You cannot be in her "skin", feel all the delights and vicissitudes of the "pregnant" state. And believe me, it does not always deliver only positive emotions. You, too, took part in conception, so take all possible part in bearing, even if in absentia.

Under the "heels" for 9 months

  • Take more care of your loved one. Take the part women's duties. Sometimes wash the dishes, vacuum the apartment, iron the clothes. Since we have equality in the world, then being in the role of a housewife for a man is not at all a shame. This will make it much easier for the wife. homework. Send her for a manicure or let her lie on the couch with her favorite book and a plate of fruit.
  • Follow all "orders". Often, pregnant women themselves are not happy with their oddities, hormones are raging, do not give her rest, and she, in turn, to you. If you tell her about the moments of her behavior after the birth, she may be very surprised and will not even remember half of them. Therefore, my advice is that if the wife is naughty in the middle of the night and demands snowdrops in February (read: fresh strawberries with cream, pineapples, cherries), then fly like Superman and get her these snowdrops. She suddenly began to hate the smell of your perfume, go with her to the store and pick up another perfume. Your beard pricks - shave. In general, please, whatever the cost.

Forgive "marital duty"

  • Don't insist on intimacy. Will have to hold on for a while. The concept of " marital debt is canceled indefinitely. Your woman now has only one thing to do: do everything she wants and not do what she doesn’t want . Changes in the body of a pregnant woman lead to the fact that sometimes sexual desire disappears or appear during the act pain. Don't get mad, just wait a little. The attraction of pregnant women is undulating. Soon she will come to your bed in a seductive shirt and will seduce you. Oh, those unpredictable pregnant women!

Massage your wife's legs before going to bed. Now they have a very big load, they get very tired and swell. Buy peppermint oil at the pharmacy, it will pleasantly cool and relieve fatigue, helping you fall asleep faster.

  • Trust and no outside advice. Don't let anyone into your little cozy world, even his mother, who, no doubt, wise woman, gave birth and raised you and your brothers and sisters. She has her own view of things, and if she thinks, for example, that modern diapers are harmful and you should buy gauze and make diapers “the old fashioned way”, and wash diapers not in a typewriter, but with soapy crumbs by hand, listen, but don’t tell your wife . She may be angered or upset by such advice. There should be no outside authorities in your family, decide everything among yourself, trust each other.


  • Filter out the negative. Do not let a pregnant woman watch the news. There every now and then they talk about wars, murders, train and plane crashes. Your wife now such emotions and impressions to anything. Turn her on a good movie or even a cartoon with children or animals. If you were invited to your anniversary best friend, and his wife does not like him, donate a party, stay at home together.
  • Feed your love. The wedding is long over, and the period of courtship after the first meeting too, but this does not mean that a woman has ceased to need compliments, small ones. pleasant surprises, bouquets, hugs. Feelings need to be constantly nourished, especially since very soon you will have the fruit of your love - your wonderful baby. Support your wife throughout your pregnancy, do not swear at her and do not hold grudges and evil, because she trusted you, married you and will soon thank you with the most precious gift - a white envelope tied with a pink or blue ribbon. Or maybe two at once?

Well, I have no right to detain you any longer. Go to your pot-bellied capricious, hug, kiss on the nose, and not a word about our conversation with you. It's just between us! Let the wife think that you yourself decided to become softer and kinder to her, and not I told you.

Irritability and excitability

After the 15th week of pregnancy, a woman becomes nervous, irritable, easily starts quarrels. Try not to pay attention to this and remember that a pregnant woman should not be criticized, angry or insulted. A man is not obliged to indulge his pregnant wife in everything, but he must let her know that she is needed and he continues to take care of her.

Often quarrels can arise over trifles. Just for the expectant mother, especially when she is already in maternity leave, communication may be lacking, it may seem to her that her husband is indifferent to both her and the unborn child. This is expressed in constant claims: the husband did something wrong, he was too slow, he looked wrong and said something wrong, he came home too late and again watches his football instead of taking a walk with her before going to bed.

Find time to sit together and talk about what the doctor said, take an interest in the well-being of the wife and the well-being of the unborn baby, ask how the little one pushes in the tummy, what the wife feels at the same time, take an interest in plans for the evening and for the coming weekend, etc.

Voice your guesses why your significant other is upset today, ask suggestive questions. For example: “Do you want me to come early and not stay late at work? Do you want me to talk to you more often? Do you want us to go to the museum, to exhibitions, to the theater more often?”

Weakness, nausea, loss of appetite

This state is considered a natural adaptation of the body to a new position and change. hormonal background. Similar problem can occur at any time of the day and usually lasts until the 12th-13th week of gestation.

To help your wife deal with the discomfort, before she gets out of bed, you can bring something to eat - for example, crackers, toast, rice cakes. Try to make sure that the apartment does not have strong odors, strong noise - this can also provoke discomfort and cause discomfort. Fresh ginger root, which is eaten or crushed into tea, will help with an attack of nausea. You can also invite your loved one to suck on a slice of lemon.

It should be taken into account that hypersensitivity to odors can provoke an attack of nausea during cooking. Try to take the cooking process into your own hands, without completely removing your wife from traditional troubles. In a word, let the spouse manage the process from the room, periodically consult with her, but cooking, frying, slicing and cutting the ingredients should become the prerogative of the husband.


Yes, a pregnant woman is afraid of becoming unattractive to her husband, getting better, spoiling her figure. And she is also afraid of the unknown, responsibility, future changes in habitual way life.

As for the first, never emphasize the fact that the expectant mother is gaining weight. Just say that she is now more beautiful and attractive than ever, without specifying why. Never laugh at your growing belly, no epithets like "fatty, pampushka." Instead, say as often as possible how beautiful her tummy is, how it suits her, and how much you want to photograph her.

As for the second, make it clear that you share her concerns. And reassure: together we can overcome any difficulties. Let me feel that you can talk to you without fear about literally everything, about any fears.

intimate relationship

The female body during pregnancy produces great amount sex hormones, because a pregnant woman always wants affection. But it doesn't have to be intimate. As for intimate relationships, then the desires of a man and a woman can be diametrically opposed. The hardest time for men is in the first trimester. Due to what happens in the body future mother changes, she often feels out of place, which is why even the thought of intimacy can terrify her. Well, the husband needs to pull himself together and endure as a camel endures thirst. It will take a little time and in the second trimester the desire for sex will return.

Since hormones can cause increased irritability, you must be especially careful and try to give your wife as much pleasure as possible. Even if the doctors forbade intimate relationship or wife in this moment not tuned in to them, do not refuse physical contacts. Stroking, kissing, light Erotic massage can also become a form of manifestation of your love. By the way, just before the birth, doctors may, on the contrary, recommend more frequent intimate relationships. The fact is that during an orgasm, a woman's body produces the hormone oxytocin, which accelerates the maturation of the uterus and stimulates the opening of her cervix. So why not take advantage of this and please yourself and your wife?

Taste changes and taste perversions

The food that you both liked may now disgust your wife. And vice versa - those products that a wife is suddenly attracted to can cause rejection in her husband. It's OK. You can cook separately - for yourself and for the expectant mother and try not to eat in front of your wife. Install morning ritual: first you wake up, cook breakfast, eat, then serve a light snack to your beloved in bed, after which she finally wakes up and eats what the soul lies to.

The situation is more complicated with the so-called taste perversions - literally "perversions" of taste, which manifest themselves in the fact that a pregnant woman may feel like eating something that is not intended for food. For example, charcoal, tooth powder, plaster or something else. As a rule, the problem is solved by buying the right multivitamins and adjusting the menu. But what to do if a pregnant wife begins to feel sick from certain items or clothes? Probably, the problem can only be solved by physically removing the irritant in the closet for the duration of the pregnancy.

Expecting a child is a period of sweet expectation of a miracle, the expectation of a new life. Many men who are preparing for the first time to feel the joyful burden of fatherhood do not know how to treat a pregnant wife how to behave. Meanwhile, there is nothing particularly complicated here.

More time

Give your loved one more time and attention than you usually do, because she needs even more care right now.. In order for a child to be born healthy, it is necessary to provide psychological comfort to his mother.

Admire your wife

Remember that bearing a child is hard work for a mother, and therefore you must admire your soulmate, compliment her, emphasize her successes and achievements.

Control yourself

You must even more carefully control your actions and words, so as not to inadvertently offend, upset your beloved woman. During pregnancy, she can be nervous, sometimes inadequately perceiving surrounding reality. Be patient and watch your language and actions.

Be there

Your pregnant wife is now much less likely to leave the house, and you be with her as much as possible, because your society, your help and support, during pregnancy, she needs even more. Stroke the belly of your beloved, talk to the child. Although he has not yet been born, he can already distinguish between his mother's and father's voice(of course, not from the very beginning of pregnancy, but still).

Leave problems at home

Your wife does not need problem stories, That's why leave them for discussion with friends or work colleagues outside your home. Peace and tranquility should reign in the family nest. Once you tell your spouse about even a small misunderstanding, it can immediately turn into a huge problem. Pregnant women tend to dramatize the situation, and then get themselves out of peace of mind doubts and anxiety.

Share the hassle

Divide housework with your spouse, taking most of the responsibilities for yourself, because your soulmate now you can’t bother yourself much. Yes, and after pregnancy, for some time she needs to be given more rest, doing everything more or less difficult on her own.

Try to visit her in the hospital as often as possible.

If your loved one is in the hospital for preservation, do not consider it difficult to visit her daily. Your wife will be very pleased that you do not forget about her, even when she is not around.

Many people think that in the state of pregnancy, the most difficult thing is for a woman: she experiences a lot of discomfort, despite all the happiness that the feeling of pregnancy gives ... No matter how! The most difficult thing is the beloved man of the pregnant woman!

folk wisdom states that how good husband is checked only when his wife is in position. In general, the topic “pregnant and husband” deserves special attention not only in fiction or banal anecdotes, but is also good reason for psychological research.

Many women, just learning about their pregnancy, immediately become more selfish, and the man they love, among their priorities, goes far beyond even the background.

The only mystery that remains is what to do to a pregnant husband, how to communicate with his wife, how to please everyone her “I want”, “I’m trying for the baby”, “urgently necessary” ... And given the unstable emotional condition women, then the man finally becomes sorry!

If marriage is based on love and deep feelings if pregnancy is a conscious and planned step, then the husband's attitude towards his pregnant wife will be philosophical. A man will perfectly understand all the origins of her behavior, because he played in her position far from the last, not a secondary role.

You should not hide the fact that when a woman becomes capricious, irritable, touchy, tearful, her mood changes and all this is too much, where "s" is clearly with capital letter- Pregnancy came into her life. And the husband must do absolutely everything, just to support his beloved.

For the next 40 weeks of development of the unborn baby, a man can only wish good luck and patience! From a woman you can expect absolutely everything:

WANT! This is what a man hears most often from his wife in the position. A woman who carries her loved one's child under her heart begins to believe that she has every right to demand everything from a man. Strawberry? In winter? At 3 am? Why not…

If suddenly I WANT did not correct the husband’s behavior in any way, during pregnancy, women have one more catch phrase: “THIS BABY WANTED! ". And here already no argument of the man will not work. Wanted a baby - let him get it. That's why loving man almost in pajamas, she will go looking for “winter strawberries” for her beloved, like a girl in a fairy tale about 12 months went for snowdrops.

Oh, it hurts, it hurts! If a woman does not like something, then she immediately "covers" herself with the fact that she is pregnant, and the husband must worry that his stupid behavior has hurt the mother of his unborn child.

In fact, if a woman complains that some kind of stress provoked pain in her abdomen, this really happens. It’s just that sometimes women like how a man’s behavior changes, how he becomes caring and loving, and she repeats her “oh-oh!” with pleasure.

What is a man to do? Obviously, the husband of a pregnant woman has no idea what to do with a pregnant wife ... Especially if this pregnancy is the first and desired. And, as mentioned above, in order to maintain harmony in the relationship, the husband just needs to be patient and remind himself and his wife every day of their love and that they will soon see the fruit of their passion with their own eyes.

However, it is desirable for a man: Close your eyes to nervous conditions women and in no case answer a cry for a cry. It is on how the husband treats his pregnant wife that the well-being of their baby will depend, since the growing baby feels everything through the feelings of the mother. Show care and tenderness. Women during this period of their lives become especially sensual: this is how pregnancy affects them, and the husband at this time must “warm up” her positive emotions. Enter the position of your beloved.

Of course, this is quite difficult, and there are a lot of explanations for this, both on the biological and on psychological levels. Therefore, a man must clearly reconsider his attitude towards his wife during pregnancy. Whatever she asks is more than likely a consequence of her interesting position. This must be understood and respected. To please a wife is simply the duty of a man. A woman in her position is simply obliged to experience the love of her man, his support.

The fair sex always needs words of approval, gifts and tenderness. During the wife's pregnancy, the behavior of the husband should first of all radiate understanding. In general, the more he loves his woman, the less it is worth talking about, since all this is understood “by default”. All these things, in principle, are more than obvious ...

Even if you are offended by your wife, you should not enter into conflict with her, and even more so, you should never leave her alone with your thoughts for the night. It is worth forgetting about sleeping separately in a state of resentment. A husband and a pregnant woman are simply obliged to be together. What should a pregnant woman do with her husband? During the difficult period of pregnancy, women are controlled by an unstable emotional state. In general, women absolutely always do something under the influence of hormones, but during an interesting situation, her actions and emotional state sometimes go beyond the limits of the norm and the limit.

And, despite her difficult situation, she must remember that in this difficult time everything possible must be done to maintain relations with her husband: It is useless to say that a pregnant woman should be grateful for what her husband does.

Often, all actions are taken for granted and this is wrong!

Therefore, it is also better for a woman to put herself in the place of a man, and think about how he feels and how he experiences such behavior. own wife. The ideal option, which will help maintain the relationship of a pregnant wife with her husband is to go to a psychologist. The specialist will help you respond to stress correctly, provide recommendations on how to survive such a difficult period and maintain relationships.