Synopsis of the frontal lesson on the formation of lexico-grammatical categories and the development of coherent speech "Man. Parts of the body." Senior group with OHR. Summary of the lesson "Parts of the body" for the older group. in the senior speech therapy group

Structural subdivision state budgetary educational institution Samara region average comprehensive school No. 8 Otradny Samara region " Kindergarten No. 7 "

Integrated educational activities in preparatory group

on the development of speech on the topic:

"Parts of the human body."

Educator SP GBUSOSH №8 named. S.P. Alekseeva kindergarten number 7

g. Otradny, 2016

Topic: "Parts of the Human Body"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the structure of the human body.

Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Development objectives:

Tasks"Speech development"


    Enrich children's vocabulary;

    Improve grammar vocabulary.

    Strengthen the ability to form plural nouns;

    Strengthen the ability to form nouns with diminutive and augmentative suffixes;

    Exercise children in the coordination of nouns with numbers;

    To draw the attention of children to the ambiguity of words

    Learn to compose a story about yourself, based on a diagram


    develop the habit of speaking grammatically correctly.


    develop verbal communication skills;

    develop coherent speech;

    develop speech creativity;

    develop visual attention and thinking.

Tasks"Physical development":




    Foster goodwill and contact in relationships with peers.

Tasks"Social and communicative development":


    Contribute to enriching children's experiences through development play activities.


    Develop communication and speech skills.

    To develop children's attention and interest, emotional responsiveness.


    To foster a desire to communicate in a peer group and with a teacher.

Tasks"Cognitive development":



    Exercise in the ability to correctly name body parts.


    Foster a desire to communicate in a peer group.

Methodological techniques:

    Visual: ( show, demonstration);

    Verbal: ( art word, conversation, question-answer);

    Game: ( emergence fairytale character, surprise moment);

    Pedagogical technologies: ( personality-oriented, gaming);

    Health-saving technologies: ( change of activities, breathing exercises, relaxation " Balloon» ).

    Preliminary work: viewing the encyclopedia: "What do I know about myself?", conversations about the structure of the body, modeling the structure of a person from geometric shapes, laying out a person from sticks,reading of the story of A. Freudenbegr "The Giant and the Mouse", C. Perrault "Boy-with-Thumb".

Equipment: projector, projector screen

Usage outdoor games during directly educational activities... Develop a conscious attitude towards performing movements in accordance with the text

Develop coordination of movements.

To develop creativity, independence, initiative in motor actions, a conscious attitude towards them.


Games with rules are didactic:"Say a word", "Name it affectionately", "Count"

Cognitive - research

Development cognitive activity children. Development began logical thinking, abstractive imagination, figurative memory and associative thinking.


Improving speech as a means of communication, teach, more accurately characterize an object, a situation, make assumptions, express your thoughts clearly for others, develop a sense of empathy in children, a desire to help each other.Contribute to the enrichment of children's experience through the development of play activities

Perception fiction

Formation of logical thinking and perception skills when solving riddles.Exercise in reasoning, in the ability to prove.


Be able to act in pairs when solving certain problems


To consolidate with children the knowledge gained in conducting a complex of games, practical exercises; to contribute to an increase in the general working capacity of children, to relieve mental stress, fatigue, and to easily switch from one type of activity to another.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Educator : To be polite,

You need to say hello

To everyone whoever I met

Children know this.

Say: "Hello!" and in response

It will sound: “Hello! Hey!".

Guys, let's say hello to you.

Hello palms! (children clap their hands: clap-clap)

Hello boots! (stomp: top-top)

Hello frogs! (croak kwa-kwa)

Hello cuckoos! (kukuyut: ku-ku)

Hello, sonorous heel! (clink tongue: clink - clink)

And the little firefly! (on the exhale pronounce: s-s-s)

Hello, brisk breeze (blowing)

The train is long at the platform! (pull: tuuu)

good day wrist watch, (ticking: tick-tock)

Children become in a circle with a teacher.

( children clap their hands: clap-clap)

(stomp: top-top)

(croak kwa-kwa)

(kukuyut: ku-ku)

(clink tongue: clink - clink)

(on the exhale pronounce: s-s-s)


(chatting with a tongue: bl - bl)

(pull: tuuu)

(ticking: tick-tock)

Motivational stage .

Slide 2. Teacher: Guys listen to the riddle:

He is the strongest on earth

Because everyone is smarter.

Who do you think this is?

Have you guessed who we are going to talk about today? (about a human)

NSthen a person.

We will talk about a person.

Practical stage

Educator: Interestingly, who came to us?

Koschey ... Who was talking about me here? And you are smart kids here, so guess then my riddles, and if you don’t guess, I won’t show you anything.


1. Two neighbors are fidgets.

Day at work, night on vacation.(Eyes).

2. Between the two luminaries, I am in the middle alone.(Nose)

3. All their life they go to overtake,

And they cannot overtake each other.(Legs) .

4. If it were not for him, I would not say anything.(Language).

5. Two mothers have five sons,

One name for all.(Fingers, hands).

6. Everything that we put in our mouth will get into our ...(stomach)

7. The pot is smart with seven holes in it.(Head).

Koschey: - Oh, how smart you are here. I don’t like such children, I’ll go and look for other children. See your pictures.

Slide 3. Exercise "Remember".

Educator : Remember what Koshchei's riddles were about. (Eyes, nose, legs, tongue, fingers, hands, belly)

Slide 4. Next game"Tell me a word"

Educator : - I start a sentence, you finish.

What are we doing with our heads? (we think).

What are we doing with our ears? (listening).

Through the eyes? (look).

Nose? (breathe, smell).

With your mouth? (eat, drink, talk).

With your hands? (take, hold).

With your fingers? (touch, stroke, draw).

With your feet? (walk, run, jump).

Educator : Well done! Right!

Slide 5.

Educator: Look, children, the characters of which fairy tale came to us? Grandmother loved her granddaughter very much and called her affectionately - granddaughter. Let's imagine a grandmother telling us about her granddaughter.

Game "Name it affectionately".

Educator: - My granddaughter has not a hand, but a pen, etc.

Now, try to tell about your granddaughter using words: leg, shoulder, finger, nose, hair, head, cheek, ear, belly, eye.

Well done, everyone did the job!

Slide 6.

Educator: Look, a ruddy bun rolled over to us. Guys, why is he so scared! Who scared him so? Let's imagine that he met a giant in the forest and tells us about him.

Game "Tell me about a giant"

Not hands, but. arms; not eyes, but eyes; not lips, but. destruction; not fists, but fists; not elbows, but elbows; not legs, but knives; not nails, but nails; not teeth, but teeth; not hair, but hair; not eyebrows, but. eyebrows; not the belly, but. belly.

Slide 7.

Educator: A boy in running boots came running up to us and offered to stretch out a little.

Physical education.

Mischievous legs walk along the path

The neck turns its head to the right, to the left, a turnover.

Show me where the tummy is?

Our body has tightened like a slender birch tree

The back became straight

And now everyone pulled up

And they smiled at each other

Slide 8.

Educator: Guys, the next guest has come to us, Dunno. He asks you to tell and show what body parts he has. Will we show you? Repeat the words of the poem and show body parts

There are nails on our fingers. On our heads

On the hands - wrists, elbows, two ear and two lobes

Crown, neck, shoulders, chest. Brows, cheekbones and whiskey

Hips, heels, two feet. And eyes that are so close

There are knees and a back Cheeks, a nose and two nostrils

But she's only one Lips, teeth - look

The chin under the lip, that's what you and I know.

Slide 9.

Ball game: "Think and Answer"

Educator: Guys, look at the screen and tell me which fairy tale is our next guests Pinocchio and Malvina?


Pinocchio: Malvina asked me questions, but I could not answer them, help me, please, otherwise she banned me in the closet.

Educator : I will throw a ball to each of you, asking Malvina's question, and you will throw the ball back to me, answering the question.

How many eyes do two children have? (two children have four eyes).

How many ears do three boys have? (three boys have six ears).

How many fingers are on your left hand? (there are five fingers on the left hand).

How many noses do three girls have? (three girls have three noses).

Thanks guys.

Slide 10.

Educator: Look, a kid has come to us. He loves to count everything very much. He is bored alone, and he wants us to count.

The game "Count"

One eye, two eyes, three eyes, four eyes, five eyes. (Similarly with the words nose, ear)

Educator: How fun it has become for the kid to count with you!

Slide 11.

The ambiguity of words.

Educator: Guys, Znayka came to visit us, do you know from what fairy tale he is? He wants to introduce you to words that sound the same, but have different meaning... For example, the word nose has different meanings:

The nose is by the plane, by the ship, by the kettle;

What are the different meanings of the words: pen, peephole, neck, back, legs.

Well done! You have completed my assignment.

Exercise for the eyes.

"Curious Barabara"

Curious Barabara

Looks to the left, looks to the right

Looks up, looks down

I sat down a little on the cornice,( look at the tip of the nose)

And fell off him, (look at the floor).

Slide 12. Drawing up a story about yourself according to the scheme.

Educator: Well done, guys, they coped with all the tasks of our heroes. And now I suggest you try to tell about yourself, based on the diagram that is on the screen.

First, I will tell you about myself, and you listen carefully to my story.

The teacher tells about himself using the scheme. Now, who wants to tell you about yourself?

Slide 13.

Educator: Well done guys, you did very well good stories!

Koschei the Deathless.

Children solve riddles

Children's answers:

Koshchei's riddles were about eyes, nose, legs, tongue. And also about fingers, hands, stomach.

Children's answers:

We think with our heads.

- We listen with our ears.

- With our eyes we look.

We breathe with our nose.

With our mouths we eat, drink, speak.

With our hands we take, we hold.

We touch, stroke, draw with our fingers.

We walk, run, jump with our feet.

Little Red Riding Hood came to us.

Children talk about their granddaughter.

My granddaughter has not a leg, but a leg, not a shoulder, but a shoulder, not a nose, but a nose.

My granddaughter has not a hair, but a hair, not a finger, but a finger, not a head, but a head.

My granddaughter has not a cheek, but cheeks, not an ear, but an ear, not a stomach, but a tummy, not an eye, but an eye.

Children tell:

The giant has not arms, but arms, not eyes, but eyes, not elbows, but elbows.

The giant has not lips, but ruins, not fists, but fists, not legs, but knives, not nails, but nails, not teeth, but teeth, not a stomach, but a belly.

Children do physical exercises.

Children's answers:

Yes, we will show Dunno a part of his body.

Children show body parts on themselves, repeating the words after the teacher.

Our heroes from the fairy tale: "The Adventures of Pinocchio".

Children's answers:

Two children have four eyes.

Three boys have six ears.

The left hand has five fingers.

Three girls have three noses.

Children count with the kid:

One nose, two noses, three noses, four noses, five noses.

One ear, two ears, three ears, four ears, five ears.

Children's answers:

Znayka came to us from the fairy tale: "The Adventures of Dunno."

Children call different meanings of words:

Peephole - in the door, by the potatoes;

The neck is at the bottle, at the child;

The back is by the chair, by the child.

Legs - by the chair, by the mushroom, by the child.

Children listen to the teacher's story.

Children, at will, talk about themselves according to the scheme


Exercise "Balloon".

Educator: In a standing position, close your eyes, raise your hands up, take a deep breath and take a breath. Imagine that you are a large balloon filled with air. In this position, it is necessary to fix it within 1-2 minutes. Now imagine that a small hole has appeared in the ball. Let the air out slowly while relaxing the muscles of the body: the hands, then the muscles of the shoulders, neck, trunk, legs, etc.

Outcome: All of you are great today! Cope with all the tasks! What were you at a loss for? What did you like the most? Thank you all for your attention!

Children with a teacher perform the exercise "Balloon"

Children's answers.


The name of the educational institution: GOU YAO "Yaroslavl boarding school No. 8"

The name of the integrated subjects: rhythm, the development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena surrounding reality.

Lesson topic: “Human body (body parts). Functionality ".

Class: Grade 4. Children with a pronounced degree intellectual disability.

Lesson topic: “Human body (body parts). Functionality ".

Purpose of rhythm lessons: correctional and developmental training, improving health status, increasing functionality organism.


Development and accumulation of elementary motor skills;

Development of memory, thinking, sense of rhythm;

Formation of correct posture;

Improving performance and physical activity;

Development of ideas about space and the ability to navigate in it;

Formation of leading positive qualities personality, constructive interaction in society.

Form of work: group, steam room, playroom.


Music center, DVD;

Audio and video recording.

Thematic dictionary in pictures "Human body (body parts)"

Teaching methods: joint actions of the teacher and students.

    Introductory part.

Purpose: organization emotional state, activation of attention, preparation of the body for the load.

    Organizing time.

Disc by E. Zheleznova "Top-Top" - a communicative dance-game "Come on, everyone, stood in a circle" №5.

    Preparing the body for stress.

Performing display exercises. DVD disc Lessons of Aunt Owl "Morning exercises for kids".

    Main part.

    Preparing students to perceive the topic of the lesson.

Purpose: to organize cognitive activity, attract attention and arouse interest in the topic of the lesson.

Corrective play"Clap" disc E. Zheleznova "Top-top"

“Here's the nose, here's the ears, here's the cheeks, here's the mouth.

Here is the handle, here is the leg, here is the chest, here is the belly.

Here is the back, here is the neck, here is the eyebrows, here is the forehead ...

And here is the palm and I clap on it. "

Movements are performed according to the text.

What have we named and shown? Summarizing the students' answers - these are parts of the human body.

Lesson topic. “Human body (body parts). Functionality ".

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the structure of the human body, to activate interest in knowing oneself, one's body, one's capabilities, to develop motor skills, orientation in space.

Working with pictures from the thematic dictionary "Human body (body parts)". Picture story:

Our body is arranged like this: on top is the head, then the neck and torso. The torso has upper limbs - arms and lower limbs - legs.

The torso is a repository for internal organs person.

(Demonstration of pictures and showing by children on themselves)

What capabilities does the human body have? It is flexible, mobile. Man is able to control it.

Let's see if it is?

Corrective play"Warm-up" disc S. and E. Zheleznovykh "New finger songs-games"

    We nod our heads, (2) shake our noses,

    And knock with our teeth, (4) and a little in silence.

    We will twist our shoulders, (6) and we will not forget about the handles

    Shake your fingers (8) and take a little rest

    We'll swing our feet, (10) and squat a little,

    The leg is similar to the leg (12) and let's start everything first.

1 - nod our head,
2 - shake our head (negative gesture),

3 - chattering teeth,

4 - press index fingers to the lips and exhale ("shh ..."),

5 - putting our fingers on our shoulders, we rotate our shoulders,

6 - we twist it with our hands,

7 - shake hands,

8 - bending over, swing your arms ("so that the arms rest"),
9 - shake our legs,

10 - springs,
11 - we carry out an additional step,

12 - we jump in place or rhythmically clap our hands.

Picture story:

Upper limbs- hands. The arm consists of the shoulder, forearm and hand. Joints allow a person to perform many different movements with their hands. What are human hands capable of? Strong hands hold a heavy barbell. Skillful hands stroking the cat with smooth movements. The pianist's hands are fast, dexterous, graceful. Fingers. Each finger on the hand has a name: pinky, ring, middle, index, thumb. With our fingers we can take, hold, squeeze, touch (feel). (Demonstration of pictures and showing children on themselves).

Finger games: "Fingers" No. 10, "Glove" No. 12 disc S. and E. Zheleznovykh "New finger songs-games"


    This is the thickest finger I have,

    All my friends dance with him.

This is the most dexterous finger I have,

And when a finger dances, all friends dance with it.

This is the longest finger I have,

All his friends dance with him
But this finger is a bummer for me,

But when a finger dances, all friends dance with it.

And this finger-boy is the best I have

All his friends dance with him

    All my five fingers are a friendly family

And when they dance, I dance with them.

3 - clap our hands.


    The cheerful mouse found a glove,

    Having arranged a nest in it, (3) called the children.

    She gave them a crust of bread to chew,

    Spanked everyone - (6) and sent them to sleep.


    The palm is open, the fingers are spread out (glove), we turn our hands first with the palm, then with the back side up,

    We connect the palms with a bucket,

    We bend and unbend our fingers ("calling gesture"),

    Tip thumb alternately knock on the pads of the remaining fingers,

    Clap our hands

    We fold our palms, we put them under the cheek,

    With your thumb, stroke the rest (with a sliding motion from the little finger to the index finger).

Your fingers are skillful. And the pens?

Disc by E. Zheleznova "Cheerful logo rhythmics" - "Pass the ball" No. 29
Picture story:

Lower limbs- legs. The main functions of the legs are support and motor. Leg structure: thigh, lower leg, foot. On the legs, as well as on the hands, there are fingers. A person can perform various movements with their feet, even draw. (Demonstration of pictures, children show themselves)

What can our legs do?

Rhythmoplasty. Disc by E. Zheleznova "Cheerful logo rhythmics":

No. 11. "We walk - we run"

No. 15. "We are going - we are sneaking"

№17 "Springs - jumping"

Picture story.

In order to do all the exercises correctly, we were helped by other organs of the body. In the head of a person there is a brain and all the senses are concentrated: sight (eyes), hearing (ears), smell (nose), taste (tongue). The head is connected to the torso by the neck, which provides it with mobility. (Demonstration of the picture and showing the children themselves).

Now we need hands, ears, eyes, legs.


Purpose: the formation of the ability to act in a team, the development of communication and interaction skills, patience, endurance.

Noise Orchestra. E. Zheleznova's disk "Top-top" - "We play well" №21. To play you will need cups, wooden and metal spoons, lids from saucepans. In accordance with the text, everyone performs their own actions.

Communicative dancing games. E. Zheleznova's disk "Top-top" - "Like kittens". The movements are performed in pairs, according to the lyrics.

    Final part.

Goal: transition from increased muscle and emotional activity To calm state.

Corrective play. E. Zheleznova's disc "Cheerful logo rhythmics" - №21 "Shake-pass"

Game "Draw a face" I give out coloring pages: the head of a girl and a boy, where it is necessary to finish painting the face (eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth). The task is performed with relaxation - music.

Alina Zhirnova
Summary of the lesson on the development of speech "Parts of the body"

Summary of the lesson on the development of speech

Prepared: Zhirnova A. L.,

« Body parts»


Introduce children to parts of the human body;

Teach to form plural nouns;

Learn to make sentences on visual material;

Learn to distinguish between right and left hand, leg, etc .;

To consolidate the dictionary on this topic;

-develop attention.

Equipment: demonstration material - pictures of people, handouts - envelopes for each child with geometric shapes.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

The teacher puts up a row pictures: girl, boy, man, woman, grandmother, grandfather. Children memorize the sequence and speak (the sequence of pictures changes several times).

What is the name of what is drawn in these pictures in one word? (People, people.)

Who do you think we're going to talk about? (About a person, about yourself.)

The teacher shows a drawing of a person.

What is the name of the largest part of the human body? (Torso.) The teacher shows where the chest, stomach, back are, then makes a guess riddles:

1. At the animal - on top of the head, And at us - below the eyes. (Ears)

What are ears for?

2. Two Egorki live near the hill, they live together,

And they don't look at each other. (Eyes.)

What are eyes for?

3. It can be very different: Kind, harmful, Proud, important, Long, small, humpbacked, Thick, thin, freckled. (Nose.)

What is a nose for?

And a person also has a forehead, cheeks, eyebrows, eyelashes, nostrils, lips, chin.

(Children show the named parts of the face.)

2. Didactic game "One - many"

Ear - ears, neck -. , eye -. , hair -. , head -. , nostril -. , the chin -. , eyebrow -. , face -. , nose -. , mouth-. , elbow -. ...

3. Physical education

Girls and boys

Children jump in place

They jump like balls.

They stomp their feet - they stomp,

They clap their hands - they clap,

They nod their heads - nodding,

And squat quietly - squat slowly.

Guys, what are you clapping with now? (Hands.)

Show your right hand, left.

The teacher calls parts of the hand, and the children show themselves (fingers, nails, palm, elbow, shoulder).

What did you stomp on? (Kicks.) Similar work is underway.

4. Didactic game "Pick up the words"

The teacher takes turns asks the children questions:

What eyes do you have? (My eyes are beautiful, gray, large, etc.).

What is your hair? (My hair is thick, long, shiny, etc.)

What are your nose, mouth, ears? (Similar work is underway.)

5. Reading and discussion of an excerpt from a poem by K. I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Oh you nasty, oh you dirty

Unwashed pig!

You are blacker than a chimney sweep, admire yourself.

You have wax on your neck

There's a blot under your nose

You have such hands that even your trousers ran away

Even pants, even pants

Run away from you.

Guys, who do you think these verses are about? (About slob, dirty.)

What do you need to do to be clean? (Wash your face, wash your hands, body, etc.)

Show how to do it.

Children stand one after another and imitate movements, showing how they wash, wash their hands, feet and others body parts.

A person must be neat and clean. It is always pleasant to communicate with such a person. To do this, you need to wash your hands every day, comb your hair, clean and iron your clothes, and clean your shoes.

6. Didactic game "What things does a person need to be clean and tidy"

Various subjects: Toothbrush, soap, iron, washcloth, etc.

Children choose any subject and make proposals.

For example: A person needs a comb to comb their hair, etc.

7. Study assignment - compose a human figure

8. Outcome classes

Children by "Chain" name the main parts of the human body.

Fastening material

I. Repeat titles body parts and be able to name and show them on yourself, on a doll, on another person. To know what we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, breathe through our nose, etc.

Grammatical structure speech and word formation.

1. Drawing up proposals on this topic with pretexts: on, in, behind, between, about, before.

2. Formation of plural nouns. For example: ear - ears, neck - necks, etc.

3. Formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

For example: nose - nose, mouth - mouth, etc.

4. Selection of words-antonyms.

For example: large - small, tall - low, thin - thick, long - short.

5. Coordination of numerals with nouns. Didactic game "Count".

Related publications:

Summary of GCD for children of the middle group "Exploring body parts" Municipal government preschool educational institution"Kindergarten number 11" Pine "GCD summary for children in the middle group.

Integrated lesson on familiarization with the outside world on the topic "Man. Parts of the body" in the preparatory group (speech therapy) Purpose :.

Abstract of GCD in the age group for cognitive development (FEMP) "Division into parts of the whole" Abstract of GCD in age group on cognitive development(FEMP). Developed by: educator, Bushueva Ekaterina Evgenievna “Division.

Lecture notes on cognitive development “Man. Body parts". (senior group) Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative, cognitive-research, speech. Tasks: 1. To develop cognitive.

Synopsis of the lesson on mathematical development in the 2nd junior group. "Parts of the day""Parts of the day" Purpose: to develop the ability of children to compare objects in length, to make patterns by combining color and shape; teach to distinguish.

Target: expand children's understanding of the structure human body and the appointment of its individual parts.

- to enrich, activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic "Parts of the body";
- to learn the names of parts of the human body, their functions (we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, breathe with our nose, etc.);
- practice the use of plural nouns;
- to draw the attention of children to the ambiguity of words;

Practice the use of nouns with diminutive and augmentative suffixes;
- exercise in composing complex words on visual material;
- develop attention, memory, correct breathing and general motor skills;
- to educate cultural and hygienic skills.

Equipment: a poster with a picture of the structure of the human body, a ball, a multimedia board and a projector.

GCD move

Organizing time

Guys, let's say hello to you.
Hello palms! (children clap their hands: clap-clap)
Hello boots! (stomp: top-top)
Hello frogs! (croak kwa-kwa)
Hello cuckoos! (kukuyut: ku-ku)
Hello, sonorous heel! (clink tongue: clink - clink)

And the little firefly! (on the exhale pronounce: s-s-s)
Hello, brisk breeze (blowing)
Resonant children's voice! (chatting with a tongue: bl - bl)
The train is long at the platform! (pull: tuuu)
Good afternoon to the wrist watch, (ticking: tick-tock)
Loud children's voices!
And now everyone sat down together,
Everyone looked at me.

Getting to know the topic

Guys listen to the riddle:
He is the strongest on earth
Because everyone is smarter.
- Who do you think it is? (human).
Display of a poster with the structure of the human body.

The topic of our lesson is "Parts of the Human Body." Today we will remember what parts of the body a person has, what they are for. How to keep our body clean and healthy.

Music from the cartoon "The Adventures of Buratino" is heard. With the help of the projector, an image of Pinocchio appears.
Pinocchio: Hello children! You recognized me? Why are you here?
- The guys and I are talking about a person. Do you know Pinocchio what body parts a person has?
Pinocchio: Of course, I know, I have one part of my body - my nose.
- And what is it for?

Pinocchio: To stick him everywhere.
- Guys, I think Pinocchio needs to stay so that he finds out what other body parts a person has and what they are for.
Pinocchio: Thank you, I will gladly stay.
- What is the name of the largest part of the human body? (torso)
The speech therapist, together with the children, shows on the poster where the parts of the body are located and what they are called. (chest, stomach, back, sides)
- The torso has arms and legs. Guys, name the parts of the hand. (shoulder, elbow, palm, fingers, nails) What parts of the leg do you know? (thigh, knee, lower leg, foot, toes, nails, sole, heels)

Pinocchio: I know, every person also has a head - it can think, look, listen, smell, taste.
- That's right, a person has a head, but only she can not do all this herself, but with the help of the organs that are on her, listen to the riddles:
At the animal - on the top of the head,
And we have below the eyes. (ears)

What are ears for? (ears are needed to hear, listen)
Every face has
Two beautiful lakes
There is a mountain between them. (eyes and nose)
- What are the eyes for? (eyes are needed to see, to look)
Red doors in my cave,
White beasts sit at the door.

Both meat and bread - all my spoil -
I gladly give it to white animals. (mouth, lips, teeth)
- What are teeth, tongue for? (children's answers)
- What else is on the head?
It grows, but not a flower.
Hanging but not fruit.
Looks like a thread, but alive.
One falls out, the other grows up. (hair)

Breathing exercises

Guys, I suggest you take a little rest and at the same time do useful exercise for our lungs. I'm talking about breathing exercises... While I am distributing you gymnastics aids, please remind me how to inhale and exhale correctly.

Ball game: "One is many"

And now we are going to play the game "One is many", I name one object, and you are many.
Ear - ears, neck - ..., eye - ..., hair - ..., head - ..., forehead - ..., mouth - ..., nose - ..., cheek - ..., finger - ..., elbow - ..., eyebrow - ....

Game "Gnome, man, giant"

Buratino's To the magic land cartoons have a lot of friends. One of them is the Gnome and the Giant. Do you think their body parts are named the same as ours? Dwarf much less man, therefore, we will call parts of his body diminutive. And we will increase the body parts of the mighty Giant. For example: a man has a hand, a gnome has a small hand, a giant has a large hand.
Nose, mouth, forehead, eyes, hair, hand, leg.

Game "The fourth odd"

The next game is "The fourth extra", I name 4 words, and you need to guess which word is superfluous and why.
Head, hat, palm, neck.
Collar, fingers, leg, palm.
Leg, foot, knee, boots.
Eyes, nose, glasses, palm.


It's time to rest and stretch our body parts. We carefully get up from our chairs.
We stamp our feet.
We clap our hands
We nod our heads.
We raise our hands
We give up.
We shake hands
And we run around.

Polysemy of words

Guys, in our native language there are words that sound the same, but have different meanings. I suggest you get to know them.
The nose is by the plane, by the ship, by the kettle.
The handle is at the door, by the bag, a fountain pen.
Peephole - in the door, potatoes, scrambled eggs.
The neck is by the bottle, by the sweater.
The backrest is by the bed, chairs, dresses.
Brushes - for painting, a brush of grapes, at the handkerchief, for painting.
Tongue - at the boot, cake, with a zipper.
The legs are by the chair, by the mushroom.

Game "What things does a person need to be clean and tidy"

Pinocchio: Malvina makes me wash my hands and also, she gave me a whole bag of some items. And I don't know what to do with them, why I need them.
- Guys, let's help Pinocchio figure it out.
On multimedia board images of body care items appear: hairbrush, toothbrush, towel, soap, washcloth, Toothpaste, shampoo. Children make sentences. For example: A person needs a comb to comb their hair.
Pinocchio: Thank you guys, now I know what body parts a person has and what they are for. And that you need to use hygiene items every day.


Guys, what did we learn in class today? (children's answers)
Further, children along a chain name parts of a person's body, passing a ball to each other.
To achieve the goal, the following methods and techniques were used: visual method(use of video materials), verbal method (conversation about body parts), game trick(ball game "One - many", game "Gnome, man, giant").

The solution of tasks is carried out through such educational areas: health (ability to breathe correctly), cognition (story about body parts), music (soundtrack from the cartoon "The Adventures of Buratino").

Kalayda Olga Aleksandrovna, teacher - speech therapist. MADOU number 19, Khabarovsk

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Teacher speech therapist
Natalia Anatolyevna Zorina

Correctional educational goals:
... Consolidation in speech of nouns with a generalizing meaning of a part of the body and face.
... Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic:

Nouns: neck, leg, arm, brush, face, mouth, nose, eyebrows, tongue, bones,
thermometer, medications, doctor, exercise.
Verbs: breathe, look, walk, hear, run, jump, frown, hurt, heal,
Adjectives: brown, pink, blue, left, right, healthy, strong,
brown-eyed, green-eyed, large-mouthed ..
Polysemy: leg, nose, hand, bone.
Synonyms: doctor, doctor.
... Continue learning to understand the meaning of sayings.
... To work out the previously passed grammatical categories (the formation of plural nouns; the selection of the pronoun my-mine to the noun; the formation of the diminutive form of words: forehead, nose, mouth, beard, cheeks.
... To form practical skills of word formation.
... To consolidate the skills of pronouncing words of a complex sound-syllable structure.
... Mastering the skills of drawing up complex sentences on issues, based on plot pictures.
... To form the skills and abilities of coherent speech.
... Consolidate knowledge of body parts and face.

Correctional and developmental goals:
... Develop and activate auditory and visual attention, auditory and visual memory.
... Develop articulatory motor skills.
... To develop fine motor skills of the hands of preschoolers.
... Reinforce sensory skills.
... To develop mental activity, the ability to observe and comprehend objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.
... Include tasks based on multiple analyzers.
... Pay attention to the motivation for learning.

Correctional and educational goals:
... To form children's ideas about the dependence of health on physical activity.
... Build collaboration skills.
... Form the skills of control and self-control.

Preliminary work.
1. Target walk: to the office nurse.
2. Role-playing game"Hospital".
3. Development of lifting the tongue up.
4. Classification of body and face parts.
5. Didactic game “One - many”.
6. Recommendations for parents to consolidate the vocabulary on the topic.

1. Toy of Doctor Thermometer.
2. Individual mirrors.
3. Vitamins blue, pink, Brown color.
4. Subject and plot pictures.
5. Board.

1. Organizational moment. (Formation of the ability to observe and comprehend objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. Continue to learn to understand the meaning of sayings.)
- Hello guys! Today only the one who answers my questions correctly will go to play with me. Look at the pictures and say what a person has in common: at a table, a door, a vine, a ship. (Legs, handle, bones, nose).
- Well done. Guys, how many guests we have, come and say hello. (Children say hello). You know, you didn’t just say hello, but you gave each other a piece of health, because you said: Hello! I wish you health! No wonder Russian folk saying says: "You will not greet, you will not get health."

2. Development fine motor skills.
- Today the familiar Doctor Thermometer has come to us. He accidentally spilled vitamins. Let's help him collect vitamins. Sasha will collect vitamins color pink in pink cells, Dima will collect vitamins blue into blue cells, Andrey will collect brown vitamins into brown cells. (Children complete the task.)
Individual approach: children with good developed motor skills smaller cells are offered. Each child is given that color "vitamin", which he confuses or does not know. The speech therapist asks the children during the assignment:
- What are vitamins for?
- Guys, what is a thermometer for?

3. Articulation gymnastics. (2-3 min.) (Observance of the correct working posture. Development of lifting the tongue up, developing the ability to make the tip of the tongue tense.)

- The state of health can be recognized not only by body temperature, but also by your language.
Sit down at your jobs. Check your posture: backs - pictures, legs - tracks. Take your mirrors and show your tongues "Spatula" .
- Your tongues are pink, healthy, which means they are strong. Let's show the Doctor how strong your tongues are. Remembering the exercise "Drummers" ... Smile, open your mouth and tap the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, repeatedly and clearly pronouncing the sound “d”. At first, the sound is pronounced slowly, then accelerated.

4. Exercise "Guess what is under the curtain" ... (Developing the correct speech exhalation. Consolidation of the names of colors: pink, blue, brown.)
- Move aside the mirrors. See what Doctor Thermometer brought you.
The speech therapist distributes cards to children with pasted images of parts of the face, placed under the "curtain".
- Guys, let's blow and see what pictures Doctor Thermometer hid under the curtains. Name your pictures. (Children call: “I have a mouth, nose, eyebrows under the pink curtain). The speech therapist names his image by adding the word “my cheek”. Sasha, whose nose do you have? " Children answer the question of the speech therapist “whose”, adding the words “my-mine”. (My nose, my mouth, my eyebrows).

5. The game "What are we doing what?" (Working out the verb dictionary on the topic. Consolidation of the generalizing word "parts of the face".)
- Tell me, please, what can we do with our nose? (We breathe with our nose). (We hear with our ears, see with our eyes, eat with our mouth, frown with our eyebrows, smile with our lips)
- How can you call it in one word: nose, chin, lips, eyes ...? (Parts of the face).

6. Facial massage.
- Let's remember a poem about our face:
(Children perform tapping movements on parts of the face.)
The face is a house.
The roof is our forehead.
Windows are eyes.
The cheek is a wall.
The beard is our gender
And the mouth is our table.
(Children perform stroking movements on parts of their faces.)
We'll wash the roof.
Wipe the windows
And paint the walls
And we'll sweep the floor.
We'll wipe the table.
Our beautiful home!

6. Ball game “One - many”.(Formation of plural nouns in the genitive case.)
The speech therapist suggests playing with the ball.
- Guys, I have one nose. And how to say in one word if there are many of them? We have a lot of things? (Lots of noses). Now let's play with the ball.
The speech therapist names a part of the face and throws the ball, and the children a plural part and throw the ball back to the speech therapist. (Ear - ears, chin - chins, face - faces, mouth - mouths)

7. Game "Chest of amazement".(Formation of compound words. Replenishment of the dictionary with the word brown-eyed.)
The speech therapist leads the children to the “chest of amazement”.
- Who is the most attentive, he will answer the question, what do we call a person with a big mouth? (Bigmouth). ... with green eyes? (Green-eyed).
- The word is difficult. Let's repeat it one more time. And our palms will help us with this. (Children say the word by slapping it off.)
Education compound word: brown-eyed. The speech therapist explains that a person with brown the eye is called brown-eyed.

7. Collecting a cut picture of the man Neboleikin.(Exercise for the development of visual gnosis with elements of control over their actions and the actions of comrades. Development of fine motor skills.)
- We completely forgot about Doctor Thermometer, but he wanted to introduce you to his friend Neboleikin. Neboleukin loves to go in for physical education and sports. This means that the one who quickly and correctly collects the photo of Neboleukin will go to do exercises.
While the children are assembling the picture, the speech therapist asks why they need to do the exercises. (To be healthy and strong.)
- Where is our strength? (In the muscles.) (Children assemble a cut picture, and then go out onto the carpet for sports exercises.)

8. Physical minutes.(Prevention of fatigue and overwork.)
And now everything is in order
Let's get up and charge together!
Arms to the sides, bent.
Raised up, waved.
They rose on their toes,
They put their hands down.
They sat down together,
Heels touched ...
Girls and boys
They jump like balls.

- Well done! Praise Yourself: Hug Yourself right hand on the left shoulder, and pat on the head with your left hand.

9. Didactic game “4th extra”.(Development of the ability to classify objects. Consolidation of the general concepts of "body parts" and "face parts".)
The speech therapist suggests looking at the pictures and guessing what is superfluous and why? There are pictures on the board: mouth, nose, hand, forehead.). Extra picture- hand. The hand is part of the body, and the rest of the pictures are parts of the face.
- What other body parts do you know? (Answers of children.)

10. Didactic game "What does a person need body parts for?"(Drawing up complex sentences based on plot pictures.)
Then the speech therapist shows the children plot pictures and asks them to make a sentence. For example: A person needs legs in order to walk on the street. (A person needs hands in order to wash dishes, pet a cat, play the piano ...)

11. Story with elements of meditation “Eve-doctor”.
- Today we are all talking about parts of the human body. And who can we turn to for help if we have something sick? (To the doctor.)
- What other word can you call a doctor? (Doctor.)
- What is the main business of a doctor? (The main business of a doctor is to cure a patient.)
- Do you guys remember how you played in the band in the “hospital”? (Yes.) On the same day, our Eve at home was presented with the game "Aibolit".
The speech therapist, attaching pictures from top to bottom, one under the other, continues to tell the text:
Eve was presented with the game “Aybolit”. There were bandages, cotton wool, a thermometer, and syringes for injections. And now Eve plays in the hospital every day. In this hospital, she is a doctor, and her toys are sick. Eve puts them on the sofa and puts a thermometer on them, gives them medicine. Eve also wanted to treat her grandfather. But for some reason he went to a real doctor. Why do you think?
By alternately showing each picture, the speech therapist asks to remember what was said in each sentence. Then the children retell the entire text in a chain. At the end of the retelling, the speech therapist turns the pictures over one with the back side and invites one of the children to reproduce the content of the story.

12. Reflection.
- What did you enjoy doing the most?
- Why did we do this?
- Was it difficult for you?
(Speech therapist assesses the work of children.)
- I and Doctor Thermometer wish you good health. These health vitamins will help you never get sick. (Speech therapist distributes health vitamins to children from Doctor Thermometer.)