Healthy lifestyles middle group perspective plan. Long-term planning for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the II group of different ages (5-7 years)

A long-term work plan for the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children junior group No. 1 for 2016-2017 academic year

Block "I - and my body"


1. Conversation on the topic: "This is me - a girl, this is me - a boy."

Form children's ideas about the external features of the human body; develop the ability to consider yourself, each other; cultivate interest in other children, friendly relations.

2. Game - lesson: "Know thyself."

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about the structure of the human body; consolidate generalizing concepts in speech; cultivate a respectful attitude towards yourself and your body.

3. Didactic game: "Make a figure."

To consolidate knowledge about parts of the human body; to develop the ability in parts of the face, head to guess, boy, girl, aunt, uncle.

4. Examination of the poster: "Human body".

Continue to shape elementary representations about the structure of the human body.

1. Conversation on the topic: "I - and other people."

To form in children ideas about the similarities and differences between people by age, height, gender, hair color, eyes, etc.

2. Game situation: "Dunno has come to us."

Form an idea of ​​the structure of the human head; to educate basic skills of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Verbal communication: "As the body parts say."

Continue to reinforce children's knowledge of body parts; activate the dictionary.

4. Didactic game: "My mood".

Familiarization of children with concepts such as mood, opposite emotions, with the reflection of emotions on our face; development of attention, memory.

5. Reading A. Barto's poem "I am growing."

Teach, emotionally perceive the poem; develop expressiveness of speech; develop interest in your body.

Block "I - and my hygiene".

1. Conversation on the topic: "Washing and bathing."

Provide children with the idea that hygiene is the key to health; foster a desire to observe the rules of personal hygiene; activate the dictionary.

2. Game - lesson: "How to take care of yourself."

Encourage to self-fulfillment elementary hygiene skills; fix the names of personal care accessories; develop an understanding of meaning hygiene procedures.

3. Game situation: "If you forgot to wash."

Clarify the knowledge of children, why we wash; instill hygiene skills.

4. Didactic game: "What will I share with a friend."

Fix the names of personal care accessories; give the concept of "personal belongings".

5. Reading the work of M. Yasnov "I, wash my hands."

Instill healthy lifestyle skills; develop the need for cleanliness and proper care behind yourself.

1. Game - lesson: "So that the teeth do not hurt."

To acquaint children with the rules of dental care, about the need to care for them.

2. Examination of pictures: "How to brush your teeth correctly."

Introduce the technique of brushing your teeth; foster a desire to take care of your teeth.

3. Conversation on the topic: "Clothes and health."

Expand ideas about the sequence of dressing and the purpose of clothing items, under various weather conditions; keep your clothes clean.

4. Didactic game: "I'm going for a walk."

Learn to dress according to the seasons and weather; cultivate neatness, the desire to take care of your appearance.

5. Staging of the work: "The girl is grimy."

Engage children, evoke an emotional response; to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills; to cultivate through play the desire to be always clean and tidy.

1. Game - occupation: "If you want to be healthy."

Contribute to the formation of the child's need to be healthy. Figure out skills hygienic behavior.

2. Conversation on the topic; "From morning to evening".

Introduce the daily routine. Show the importance of adherence to a regimen in improving the health of every person.

3. Consideration plot pictures: "Morning Masha".

To acquaint children with the sequence of their actions in the morning; introduce a healthy lifestyle, develop a coherent speech.

Block "I - and my health"

1. Reading + conversation S. Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate poorly."

Show children the importance proper nutrition for health and growth; develop thinking; foster a culture of behavior at the table.

2. Word play: "Useful - harmful."

Clarify which foods are bad and which are good for your health

3. Game situations: "Let's help the animals to be healthy."

To introduce children to a healthy lifestyle, through the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, physical education, maintaining a spiritual attitude in relation to the world around them.

4. Gaming leisure: "Winter is winter, it brought us fun."

To accustom children to a healthy lifestyle and the formation of health; develop emotional-volitional and playful spheres of activity; Foster a desire for good deeds.

1. Conversation on the painting: “The sun, air and water are our faithful friends».

Introduce children to part of HLS - by hardening, the main means of hardening: the sun, air and water; develop speech.

2. Didactic game: "Fold the picture".

3. Reading the work of V. Suslov "About Yura and physical culture."

Develop children's health-preserving consciousness, spatial thinking, attention

4. Game - activity: "I help myself."

To systematize the knowledge of children about how a person takes care of their health.

Block "I - and my safety"

1. Game - activity: “Why did the guys get sick? ".

To acquaint children with the signs of illness; develop skills and abilities that allow them to successfully interact with environment.

2. Consideration of plot pictures: "Masha is ill."

To acquaint children with the rules of behavior in case of illness, the need to comply with them; develop speech, thinking.

3. Didactic game: " Dangerous items».

To acquaint children with objects that can be dangerous to human health.

4. Game situation: "On playground».

Form children's ideas about the sources of potential danger on the playground, about the rules safe behavior on a walk.

5. Conversation on the topic: "We came to the reservoir."

To acquaint children with the dangerous situations that arise near and on water.

1. Reading + conversation of S. Mikhalkov's work "Walking carefully".

Teach children the rules of movement on the streets; tell about the dangers that may lie in wait for us on the street.

2. Game - lesson: "Bad boy came to visit us."

For example game situations help avoid, cases, dangerous for the health of the child.

3. Didactic game: "City of health".

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about the basic values ​​of a healthy lifestyle; promote a conscious introduction to them.

4. Physical culture and recreational leisure: "Piggy is offended."

Elicit a positive emotional response to sport exercises; instill a love of physical education; to develop the basic types of movements, dexterity, speed, endurance; develop an interest in your health.

Municipal preschool educational institution"Gnezdnikovsky kindergarten" Kolosok "Soligalichsky municipal district Kostroma region

Long-term work plan

on this topic:

"Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle."

Middle group


(Child and health)


Promote the formation of awareness of the value of a healthy lifestyle in children;

Develop ideas about the usefulness and appropriateness of physical activity;

Foster interest and desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Classes: Social world"Let's help Dunno to preserve his health"

Application "Building a new hospital".

Conversation:"How will I take care of my health."

Excursion v medical office kindergarten.

Fiction: P. Sinyavsky "Competition, guys ...", E. Moshkovskaya "I am water-water", "Nose, wash yourself!", Riddles.

Didactic game:“You must know the rules”, “Who needs what”, “Find the consequence”.

Outdoor play:"Fizkult - hello"

Working with parents: contest family photos"If you want to be healthy ..."; replenishment sports corner non-standard equipment, consultation "Health is the head of everything."
October(Healthy foods)


Give knowledge to children about useful substances contained in various foods, their health and Have a good mood;

Learn to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods.

Foster a desire to eat right.

Classes: Social world "What do I eat"

Drawing "The apple is ripe, red, sweet", "My favorite product";

Modeling "This is what we have a watermelon", "Is it in the garden in the garden",

“Fruits are useful for adults and children”, “Funny vegetables”.

Excursion to the garden of the kindergarten.

Conversation about wholesome food.

Didactic game: « Wonderful pouch"," Lay out healthy foods on the plates "," I'll show you, you tell "," Define by touch "," Define the taste "," Handling medicines "," Healthy and unhealthy food "," Cooks ".

Outdoor play:“What grows in the garden?”, “Cucumber”.

Fiction: Yu. Tuvim "Vegetables", "Letter to children", Z. Aleksandrova "Tasty porridge", I. Alimova "Vegetables", "Fruits",

riddles about vegetables, S. Mikhalkov "Poem about a girl who ate poorly."

Entertainment:"Funny vegetables".

Working with parents: information "Useful tips".


(Doctors are our assistants)


Teaching children not to be afraid of going to the doctor

Teach adults to contact adults when they feel unwell;

Raise interest in the profession, a desire to come to the rescue.

Class: Social world "If you are sick", "Who heals us."

"Healthy and strong teeth."

Excursion at the FAP in the village of Gnezdnikovo.

Conversation"We were visiting a doctor."

Didactic exercise"If someone is sick."

Didactic game“Wonderful little bag”, “Building a hospital”, “What is harmful and what is useful”, “What is needed for the work of a doctor and a nurse”, “We will cure dolls and animals”, “Who needs what”.

Outdoor play:"Doctor", "Yod".

Fiction:"Aibolit" by KI Chukovsky, V. Lunin "Iodine", riddles.

Entertainment"Advice of Doctor Aibolit".

Working with parents: making a doctor's costume; consultation "So that the smile shines."


(personal hygiene)


Promote the formation of cultural and hygienic skills;

To educate an understanding of the meaning and necessity of hygiene procedures, neatness, neatness.

Class: Social world "To grow healthy"

Drawing "Combs" or "Handkerchief"

Conversation"Cleanliness and health"

Excursion to the kindergarten laundry.

Didactic games:"Tanya caught a cold", "Hygiene rules".

Outdoor play"Watchman"

Fiction: G. Zaitsev "Friends with Water", KI Chukovsky "Moidodyr", A. Barto "Grimy Girl"; S. Byalkovskaya "Julia is clean", "Soap" R. Kulikov, "In the hairdresser's" S. Mikhalkov, I. Demyanov "Zamarashka".

Entertainment: sports festival "Meeting winter".

Experiments with snow (melt water quality).

Working with parents: collection of the collection "Long live fragrant soap!"


(The human body)


Clarify children's knowledge of what parts the human body consists of, talk about the role of the sense organs;

Form the idea that every part of the human body, and every organ has great importance for him;

Develop attention, hearing;

To cultivate a caring attitude towards yourself (towards your body), towards others.

Classes: Social world "Listen with all your ears",

"Look with all your eyes"

"The human body".

Didactic game:"Memorize the movement", "Clap-clap".

Outdoor play:"Zhmurki"

Fiction: S. Prokofiev "Ruddy cheeks", N. Saksonskaya "Where is my finger?" , Y. Prokopovich "Why do kids need a nose", V. Berestov "How to find a path."

Working with parents: consultation "How to maintain good eyesight."

(vitamins and a healthy body).


Tell children about vitamins, their benefits and importance for the human body;

Develop a conscious interest in children in the content of vitamins in useful products;

Class: Social, natural world"Vitamins and healthy foods."

Conversation"Useful - not useful"

Didactic games:"Guess the taste", "Name it correctly", "Guess and name the vegetables."

Outdoor play"Gherkin".

Fiction: K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief", "Useful products" L. Zilberg, "Zamarashka" K. Kuznetsov.

Experimental research activities: planting onions.

Entertainment:"A journey to the land of the healthy and squishy".

(we will go in for sports)


Contribute to the formation of the need to engage physical education and sports;

Develop physical qualities;

Raise the desire to engage in physical education.

Occupation: Social, natural world "Health is in order, thanks to exercise."

Conversation:"Who is involved in sports."

Didactic games:"Lotto sport", "Name the kind of sport".

Outdoor play:"Homka".

Fiction: A. Barto “I am growing”, E. Permyak “Little sportsman”, E. Kan “I will take a big ball”, poem “About football”.

Entertainment:"Travel to the country of health".

Working with parents: drawing competition "Dad, Mom, I am a healthy family."

(Child on the street)


Form a basic understanding of the rules road traffic, to acquaint with traffic signs;

Develop logical thinking, observation, attention;

To cultivate the ability to independently use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

Class: Social, natural world "Road".

Excursion through the streets of the village.

Conversation:"If you are lost on the street."

Didactic games:"Traffic light", "Guess what sign", "Do you know the road signs?"

Outdoor play:"Colored Cars", "Sparrows and the Car".

Fiction: S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa", "If the light turns on red", "Cyclist", O. Bedarev "If only", "Professions of machines" V. Lebedev - Kumach, V. Golovko "Traffic rules", Y. Pishumova "Look , sentry ... ".

Entertainment:"Dunno on the street of the city."

Working with parents: information in the corner "Every parent should know"; the release of the wall newspaper "I will tell everyone in the world about the traffic rules."

(dangerous items)


To acquaint children with the sources of danger in everyday life;

Form precautions and their possible consequences, on measures of safe behavior;

Foster a sense of responsibility for your actions.

Classes: Social, natural world "Bears visiting children",

"Items household appliances"," Safety in your home. "

Conversation"Safety in our group."

Didactic games:"The game is serious business", "The fourth extra", "One hundred troubles", "One, two, three, what can be dangerous - find it", "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."

Outdoor play"Needle".

Fiction: KI Chukovsky "Confusion", E. Khorinskaya "Little titmouse", G. Tsyferov "There lived an elephant in the world", "Chik-chik with scissors" E. Kazakov, Y. Permyak "Hasty knife", G. Vieru " I have a needle and thread. "

Working with parents: consultation "Safety in your home".

June August

(dangers around us)


Teach children how to behave in difficult situations since in the world we are surrounded by many dangers;

Develop attention, observation;

To educate the ability to get out of this situation.

Classes: Drawing "My favorite animal",

Fly agaric molding.

Excursions into the forest, into the meadow.

Conversation:"In the world of dangerous objects",

"Safety when dealing with animals",


"Medicinal plants"

"Edible and inedible mushrooms."

Didactic games:"What grows where", "Identified by smell", "By mushrooms", "Edible - inedible."

Outdoor games:"Homeless Hare", "Geese - Geese", "Airplanes".

Experimental research activities: collection of medicinal plants for herbarium.

Fiction: Leo Tolstoy "Three Bears", Russians folk tales: "Gingerbread man", "The wolf and the seven kids", "The cat, the fox and the rooster", riddles.

Natalia Nikiforova
Forward planning on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in II age group(5-7 years old)


Morning exercises


Physical education (3 times a week)

Wellness exercises after sleep.

Physical education during classes.

Outdoor games.

Walking massage paths.

Finger gymnastics.

Breathing exercises.

Visual gymnastics.

Individual conversations with parents about the state of health of children.

Target: Form an idea that morning exercises, games, physical exercises cause a good mood; with the help of sleep, strength is restored.

Give an idea of ​​the value of health; to form a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Form the need for hygiene and tidiness skills in everyday life.



1. "Hello my friends."

Purpose: creating conditions for joyful communication of children after summer vacation... Help children understand that the health of both children and those around them depends on words - good or bad

2. "On a visit to nurse- anthropometry "

Purpose: to clarify the knowledge of children about the work of a nurse in kindergarten, tell the children about what changes they have in their bodies in six months.

3. "Healthy lifestyle"

Purpose: to give the concept of "health", to form in children an idea of healthy person and develop the ability to use existing knowledge about health-saving conditions.

4. "What is disease?"

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe rules of patient care, to form the ability to characterize your well-being.

Final lesson

"I want to be healthy"

Goal: Formation of knowledge and skills about healthy way life.

Objectives: to develop a sustained interest in the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle. Develop speech, enrich the vocabulary. Develop thinking, the ability to make inferences. Develop self-control in the implementation of the rules and norms of personal hygiene. Develop an understanding of the importance of health and the need to work on it throughout life



1. "What helps me to be healthy"

Purpose: to reveal the value of health-improving activities and health "helpers".

2. “Vitamins and their role in human life. Healthy foods. Cooking vitamin salad "

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about vitamins, to clarify the knowledge of children about useful products, their purpose for health and good mood. Fix the names of vegetables, their taste. Foster a desire to eat fruits and vegetables. Teach children to prepare vitamin salad.

3. "From morning to evening."

Purpose: To form ideas about correct mode day and the health benefits of observing it. Reinforce the sequence of actions in the morning, afternoon and evening. Foster a desire to observe the daily routine.

4. "Health is fine, thanks charging!"

Purpose: to contribute to the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, the need to engage in physical culture and sports. Fix the names of some sports.

Final lesson

"Vitamins strengthen the body"

Purpose: To acquaint with the concept of "Vitamins", to consolidate knowledge about the need for vitamins in the human body, about useful products that contain vitamins and their importance for human health.

Learn to independently monitor your health, know the simplest self-healing techniques (proper nutrition, hardening, exercise, adherence to the daily routine).

Consolidate knowledge about the importance of vitamins and proper nutrition for human health. Form children's ideas about the dependence of health on proper nutrition.

Continue teaching mindfulness about your diet. To visually consolidate the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe useful and junk food, lead them to understand the contradictions.

Introduce a saying. Enter the words: vitamins, health into the active dictionary of children. Foster a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.



1. "How diseases arise"

Purpose: to make children understand that diseases do not arise out of nothing, but become infected with them. Formulate the rules that must be followed to protect yourself from infection.

2. "Clothes and seasons"

Purpose: To form children's ideas about the relationship between weather phenomena and clothing. What fabrics should be preferred.

3. "My defenders: skin, nails, hair"

Purpose: To give a general idea that skin, nails and hair are the protectors of the human body.

4. "Skin, its structure and meaning. Skin hygiene."

Purpose: to acquaint children with the structure of the skin, its meaning. Form an idea of ​​the skin as the body's defense against infection. Learn to love yourself and your body, instill hygiene skills.

Final lesson

"My assistants: skin, hair, nails"

Continue to acquaint children with a healthy lifestyle as a factor in maintaining the health of every person.

Bring children to an understanding of the role of skin, nails and hair in human life.

To master the information that the skin is a person's helper in knowing the world around him.

Expand children's skin care skills with hair, nails.



1. “Conversation about viruses - worms.

Purpose: to acquaint children with viruses that cause disease.

2. "Parts of the human body"

Purpose: To teach children to love themselves and their bodies. Introduce parts of the human body.

3. "Functions of the spine, skeleton"

Objective: To develop in children an understanding of the function of the spine, skeleton.

4. "My beautiful posture"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the concept of "posture" and its importance for maintaining health.

Final lesson

"What does the human body consist of?"

Purpose: to acquaint children with external structure, the capabilities of the human body. Foster a sense of pride in being human. Arouse interest in further knowing yourself, a desire to learn more about your body.

Educational: To form children's ideas about the human body, about their health, about the structure and functions of the body.

Developing 1. Protect and strengthen health.

2. Develop the ability to anticipate possible life-threatening consequences of their actions for themselves and their loved ones.

3. To reveal the significance and importance of physical education for the strengthening and development of the skeleton and muscles.

Educational: 1. To foster the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

2. To cultivate respect for the life of another person, the ability to sympathize, help, empathize with someone else's pain.



1. "Christmas Holidays: sports holidays and entertainment "

Purpose: create conditions for relaxation, arouse the desire to play sports

2. "Winter fun"

Purpose: to give an idea that winter is a great time to promote health.

3. "I am part of nature"

Purpose: to teach children to love themselves and the people around them. Make it clear to children that man is a part of nature and about the interaction of all natural objects.

Final lesson.

"Winter fun"

Objective - To expand the knowledge of children about winter fun.

Objectives: To continue to teach to coordinate the movements of arms and legs in throwing "snowballs" into the basket with a straight arm from below. Strengthen the rules of skiing.

Develop cognitive activity during experimental activities with ice.

Develop children's facial expressions, the ability to correlate schematic cards depicting human emotions with specific events in the proposed story. Encourage children to empathize with the character.

Introduce the rules for counting objects located in a circle. Exercise in solving arithmetic operations within 10. Learn to determine the amount of work performed within a time frame of 5 minutes.

Exercise short descriptive stories according to the schemes. Exercise in the selection of definitions for words. Learn to construct complex sentences grammatically correctly.

Exercise with scissors. Fastening methods for cutting various snowflakes.

To foster a healthy lifestyle, the desire to go in for sports. To cultivate a respect for your health, an understanding that you need to dress for the weather and be careful during winter games.



1 "Healthy legs"

Purpose: formation in children of knowledge about the significance preventive measures on flat feet, beliefs in the need to preserve and strengthen their health.

2. "For the ears to hear."

Objective: to enhance children's knowledge of the role of hearing for orientation in surrounding reality... Build ear care skills.

3. "Eyes are our main helpers"

Purpose: to teach children to understand the meaning of eyes in human life, to encourage them to take care of them.

4. "Healthy teeth"

to acquaint with the structure of teeth; to clarify knowledge about the purpose of teeth, about their function,

foster a desire to monitor the condition of your teeth.

Final lesson.

"Travel with Doctor Aibolit to the Country of Health"

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the functions and care of eyes, ears, teeth through a game - a journey.

Form the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Develop an interest in your body, a desire to take care of it.



1. "Our internal organs"

Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​the structure own body, to expand ideas about your body, about its structure. Give to children general views O internal organs human

2. "The heart is our motor"

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the circulatory system (heart, blood vessels, their functions and location in the human body; blood, its meaning). Teach children to feel the pulse.

3. "Oh correct reception food "

Purpose: To develop in children an idea of ​​the work of the main digestive organ - the stomach. Expand knowledge of nutrition, its importance, and the relationship between health and nutrition.

4. "How we breathe - respiratory organs"

Purpose: to expand the understanding of the structure of the respiratory system, to show their importance for humans, to bring to an understanding of the need respectful attitude to the respiratory system

Final lesson.

"What are we inside"

Introduce children to the main organs human body(brain, heart, lungs, stomach, their names, location and functions.

Teach children to empirically confirm the knowledge gained (through simple experiments).

Make children want to learn more about their bodies.

Develop thinking, fine and general motor skills.

Foster the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.



1. " Toothpaste, soap and water are our best friends "

Purpose: Remind children about personal hygiene products, consolidate the acquired skills.

Purpose: to acquaint with medicinal plants native land; on the basis of obtaining knowledge, form the desire for their rational use and protection; to explain the rules of respect for medicinal plants.

3. "The value of physical education and sports for maintaining health"

Objectives: To consolidate, clarify and replenish knowledge about the importance of physical education and sports; to strengthen the need for physical education; to inspire respect for people involved in physical education.

4. "Good and bad habits"

Purpose: to teach children to distinguish between harmful and good habits; form a conscious rejection of bad habits

Final lesson

"Lessons of Moidodyr"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the basic rules of personal hygiene.

Tasks: to clarify and systematize children's ideas about the implementation of the rules of personal hygiene, personal hygiene items, their purpose;

to acquaint with the ideas of the people about the implementation of cultural and hygienic skills, formulated in the form of proverbs. to clarify the knowledge of children about health-preserving activities;

to form the foundations of the safety of one's own life, to develop resourcefulness, speed of reaction;

enrich vocabulary children in terms of the components of a healthy lifestyle, improve the dialogical and monologue form of speech;

develop the skill to create a schematic image of personal hygiene rules.


1. "In healthy body- a healthy mind "

Purpose: to clarify and expand children's ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle, consolidation of the material covered.

2. “Movement is life. Sport games"

Purpose: To instill a love of sports

3. "The sun, air and water are our best friends"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about natural factors nature and the rules of hardening the body by these factors.

4. "Rules of conduct on the water"

Purpose: to form in children the skills of safe behavior on the water.

Final lesson.

Topic: "Young tourists".

Purpose: to form in children conscious attitude to a healthy lifestyle.

Objectives: Educational: to clarify and expand children's ideas about health and healthy lifestyles

Developing: improve different kinds walking, forming correct posture and developing general coordination of movements; to work out the skill of landing on bent legs in jumping from a bench: to develop coordination of movements in exercises with a ball; teach them to move without bumping into each other; develop speed, dexterity, endurance, endurance; Educational: foster friendliness, respect for each other; teach children to be attentive to their health.