What crafts can be made from different buttons. Crafts from buttons with your own hands: master classes for every taste. Entertaining children's crafts from buttons

Every housewife has two or three hundred different-sized buttons in her bins. We store them on the principle "maybe it will come in handy." So it's time to use multi-colored rounds to good use. Today we will make crafts from buttons with our own hands. Such decorative ornament harmoniously fit into your interior.

Let's invite inspiration

A button came off there, there was a spare from new trousers or a blouse. And so a lot of multi-colored buttons accumulated in a jar. It is pointless to store them, let's better make crafts from buttons with our own hands. Pictures of hand-made masterpieces can be found on the global network, they will surprise you with their diversity.

Consider a few original button craft ideas:

  • panel;
  • do-it-yourself button paintings;

  • decorating pillows;

  • children's applications;

  • vases.

Some craftswomen manage to make a designer necklace or bracelet out of buttons. Buttons can also be used to decorate jars for bulk ingredients, cutting boards, hot pads, napkins, bags, belts. A source creative ideas inexhaustible.

If you are interested in this direction applied arts, buy buttons of different calibers of one colors. From plastic and wooden roundels, you can make the simplest children's crafts and a real work of art. It all depends on desire, patience and imagination.

Button vase for sweets: an interesting offer

You made repairs in the kitchen, arranged new furniture and thought through everything to the smallest detail. And still something is missing. It's time to take care of the manufacture of designer items that will contribute to the interior. Today we make crafts from buttons with our own hands. The master class will clearly demonstrate how to make a beautiful multi-colored vase. This handmade creation will take pride of place in your kitchen.

  • different-sized and multi-colored buttons;
  • Balloon ik;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • brushes;
  • glass or tin container.
  • Let's arrange for ourselves little holiday and inflate balloon. In order not to cause embarrassment, as with Pyatochka, we will tie the hole well with a thread and put the ball on a glass or tin can. This will be the basis of our vase.
  • The upper part of the ball, you can half of it, grease with glue. In order not to get our hands dirty, we will use a brush.
  • Leave the blank in this form until the glue dries completely.
  • We cover the base of our vase again with glue.
  • After a couple of minutes, we will begin to decorate the smeared part of the ball with buttons.
  • We select the buttons according to size and try to place them closer to each other.
  • We also cover the top of the buttons with a layer of glue and leave the design to dry completely.
  • For strength, you can cover the buttons with several layers of glue, but only the previous one should dry completely.
  • Once everything is dry, carefully cut the ball and remove it.
  • Remove the top layer of dried glue from the buttons. You can use a knife for this.
  • Button tree of happiness

    Your wall will be decorated with an original double picture, which will depict a tree. And the role of leaves and flowers will be played by different-sized buttons. The basis of the picture can be anything, for example, cardboard, a chipboard sheet, MDF, metal, a wooden plank or an old picture are perfect. It all depends on your imagination.

    These button crafts are perfect for kids. Your kid will be able to realize his ideas and make an unusual tree. The decorating process is so exciting that you won't even notice how time flies by.

    Required materials and tools:

    • two wooden frames the same size;
    • thick paper or fabric;
    • brushes;
    • water-based paint;
    • glue;
    • black paint;
    • buttons.

    Step by step description creative process:

  • Let's start by making the base. From wooden bars we need to put together two frames for the picture. You can even use old bars, they will not be visible.
  • We connect the bars between ourselves with self-tapping screws, cloves or staples.
  • On top of the frame we stretch a paper or fabric web.
  • Covered with paper or cloth side planks so that they are not visible.
  • It is better to fix the canvas on wrong side using staples.
  • Now we need to paint the canvas with enamel or water-based white paint.
  • Leave the base of the picture to dry completely. Then you can start drawing.
  • On two parts of the picture we draw a tree trunk. If you can't do it by hand, you can use templates.

  • TO further decoration We will start painting after the paint has completely dried.
  • During this time, you can sort out your boxes and prepare buttons different colors and sizes.
  • We turn on our imagination to the fullest and start decorating the tree with buttons. We fix them with glue in any order.
  • Let's wait until the glue is completely dry.
  • Now this picture can be safely hung on the wall.
  • Jewelry Ideas
    Button earrings

    Multi-colored buttons of different shapes and sizes can be used for crafts and games. Children really like the variety of buttons and the games they can play with. Buttons, in turn, will develop in babies fine motor skills hands, tactile perception, eye, attention, perseverance and classification skills.

    There are several options for how you can make a button tree with your own hands. The first master class will tell you how to make christmas trees from buttons. You need to take a few small brown buttons, about a dozen green ones, but the size must be selected so that the list includes large and medium and small buttons. You also need to find buttons in the shape of a star.

    Now take the thread and start threading it through the buttons. First thread through the brown ones, they should all be the same size, then string the green ones. Start putting on the largest one first, then the smaller one, and so on until the very end. String an asterisk last. Here is your tree and ready.

    The second master class will tell you how to make a tree using buttons and wire. It is only necessary to cut off pieces of wire about 25-35 cm long, string a button on each and, bending the wire in half, wrap the ends around its axis. When the number of such branches reaches 21, form branches of three and twist them together. After that, start forming a tree, use a box as a stand.

    Button flowers

    The first master class on creating flowers from buttons implies that the flowers will stand in a vase as an impromptu bouquet. Choose beautiful bright buttons different sizes. Start folding them in 3-4 pieces so that you get a pyramid.

    Pass a strong thin wire through the holes, starting from the smallest button and ending with the largest one. Wrap the wire around its axis to make a flower stem. Here are your flowers ready. A bouquet of 10-15 flowers can be a great decoration, and this craft option may well decorate a group in kindergarten.

    The second master class on creating flowers from buttons will help you make a pano craft with your own hands. Take cardboard and some bright, beautiful buttons. Glue them on cardboard, just above the middle. You can cut stems and leaves from colored paper and glue them like flower legs, or you can paint them with paints. Panel with flowers from buttons is ready.

    Also, excellent flowers can be obtained if you take five identical smooth small buttons and fold them so that a circle forms. Apply hot glue to the inner edge of each button and place a large button in the middle of the circle. You will get a wonderful flower, you can use it in other crafts, or you can even stick it with reverse side a piece of felt and an invisibility and you will get a beautiful hairpin.


    To make a frame of buttons with your own hands, you will need this short master class. You can make a frame yourself from improvised materials, such as ice cream sticks, or you can purchase a ready-made one.

    To make buttonholes, you will need to use hot melt adhesive. Choose the smallest and most beautiful buttons and start gluing them around the perimeter of the frame at regular intervals. This craft is done very quickly and it can also be decorated with beautiful flowers from fabric.

    Such beautiful frame, made with your own hands, you can give it to your mother or grandmother, and you can also take part in an exhibition of children's works with it.


    For kindergarten with your own hands you can make a whole alphabet of buttons. Button letters are created using wire and buttons of the same size. The color of the buttons can be different, but it is advisable not to use more than two colors in creating one letter.

    Creating letters from buttons is very simple, our master class will help you with this. It will be necessary to take one button, say, of blue color. Stretch a wire through her holes and take a button Brown. The first hole in brown should match the first hole in blue.

    Pull the wire coming out of the second blue hole through the first brown hole. Put a new blue button on top of the brown button and pull the wire through its first hole. According to this principle, weave a chain, and form letters from the chain. Such original crafts can be decorated with small bows made of fabric or ribbon.


    It is better to create animals from buttons on cardboard or fabric, like a panel. So they will look beautiful and such crafts can be hung in a conspicuous place. So, we bring you a master class on how to create pictures in the form of animals on fabric with your own hands.

    Take a piece of cardboard and cover it with a fabric of a color and texture that suits you. On this panel with a simple pencil draw the outlines of an animal, such as a baby elephant. Select the small buttons you like and start gluing them with a heat gun. You can stick buttons with an overlap, so the craft will seem voluminous. After that, you can insert your finished panel into a frame that you also made with your own hands and give it to your mother.

    Entertaining children's crafts from buttons

    Like these ones wonderful crafts you can create with the kids from ordinary buttons. Can do beautiful postcards, flowers, and even trees. Such wonderful crafts will look stylish in any interior. The main thing is to choose the color of the buttons. Also, such crafts can be presented in honor of any holiday to mom, grandmother, godparents and others. In order for the craft to turn out spectacular, you should collect buttons different colors and sizes. Buttons will work too different shapes. You will also need universal glue and wire.

    Here is such a wonderful bunch you get if you use wire and buttons of different sizes. Such a bouquet will please mom on March 8th.

    See what a stylish tree is made from wire and various buttons. Try to do!

    A few more cute bouquets.

    Here are some wonderful ideas for a spring card.

    If you also use pieces of felt or fabric, you can get such cute flowers.

    A couple more postcard ideas.

    Simply amazing panel!

    Cute crafts made of buttons can be a real decoration of any interior. And there is nothing complicated in making these decorative elements.
    You just need to show imagination, collect required amount buttons and allocate some free time to implement the idea.

    This real picture of buttons, in fact, requires only a flight of your imagination, and a minimum of material costs.
    original ideas on creating a panel The main thing to consider when creating a panel is that there are no restrictions. It doesn't have to be a complex plot. It can be simple, but effective drawing.

    Indeed, sometimes it is simple and unpretentious simple panels that look truly magical, giving the interior expressive and original notes.

    Create such button tree can even a novice craftswoman from a piece of cardboard and the remains of the most ordinary buttons from unnecessary clothes. Compositions in the form of tree branches framed by foliage made of white and transparent buttons look especially impressive.

    Simple in execution, but charming in result, a “blooming” button tree.

    Want to create a more sophisticated decorative element? Create a panel that has a clear outline.

    We will make a bizarre flower with petals shimmering in the sun from buttons of different colors. Compositions made of buttons of different sizes, painted in contrasting shades, look very impressive.

    With the help of buttons, you can even lay out letters and geometric patterns.

    These fittings will come in handy when creating original postcards.

    You can come up with the background and drawing for the composition yourself, or you can reproduce the ideas already embodied by someone.

    If the button crafts are placed in a frame, they will become an even more elegant and noticeable interior detail, for example, like this amazing butterfly with sparkling openwork button wings.

    Or a beautiful silhouette of a girl whose dress hem is lined with colorful buttons...

    The choice is only limited by your imagination.
    DIY button crafts To create jewelry, it is best to use flat buttons with two or four holes in the center.
    We bring to your attention the option of manufacturing a panel, which, in addition to an aesthetic task, also performs a practical function. In our case, this panel acts as a basis for hanging chains, beads and other accessories.

    In addition to a set of buttons for making jewelry, you will need the following materials:
    wooden or cardboard base; a piece of burlap or canvas; 4 empty wooden spools; 4 wood screws; hot glue or "universal"; a simple pencil and a sheet of paper. If you plan to give clear contours to the composition, prepare a frame of the appropriate size to frame it in advance.
    Such a stand is convenient in that it will allow you to conveniently place jewelry without giving them the opportunity to get mixed up. You will not waste precious time before leaving the house, which is often spent unraveling bracelets and laces with pendants thrown into the jewelry box.

    The production of panels is carried out in the following sequence:
    from wood or cardboard base a square blank measuring 20x20 cm is cut out. A pattern of the future heart is made on a sheet of paper. Its dimensions should be approximately 12x12 cm. The paper template is applied to the cardboard, outlined with a pencil, and then the blank is cut out. Both blanks are wrapped with cuts of canvas or burlap and fixed with glue from the back. The heart-shaped blank is decorated with buttons. On a square basis, along one of the edges at an equidistant distance, screw the coil onto the self-tapping screws. Both blanks are connected to each other and carefully glued. .

    When creating a button ornament, do not rush. The elements are first simply laid out on the base, forming a pattern. Only after making sure that the composition turned out to be harmonious, each element is lifted in turn and covered with glue from the back.
    Crafts from buttons with children. In addition to buttons, you can use beads and seed beads to fill in the pattern. In addition, if the buttons overlap each other with their edges, they give the composition additional volume.

    In order to keep your button crafts neat, make two duplicates of your design. Lay out the pattern from the buttons dry on one copy, slowly picking up the buttons by color and texture.
    When the initial drawing is ready, start filling in the second drawing with buttons, lubricating small areas of the drawing with glue and transferring this fragment from the first drawing.

    Similar crafts from buttons can be made not only on paper, but also on fabric, leather, etc. A good decorating technique is the combination various techniques and textures in this wall panel, including the use of simple buttons.

    Simple crafts from buttons, despite the fact that they can be made even by a child, will become a real highlight of your interior.

    This kitty, which is made of cardboard and gray buttons, can become a real decoration of your home.
    Button crafts are simple and original way make an unusual decor for your home with your children.

    At many houses you can find a lot of useful things, from which quite interesting and original gizmos are obtained. Button crafts are not only a pleasant, but also a useful pastime for children, as they help babies develop. Very often, something that, it would seem, cannot be used, can serve as a good idea for creativity. For example, real needlewomen know that before throwing away old shirt or a dress, you need to cut off the buttons from the clothes, as they will definitely come in handy on the farm. Sometimes multi-colored buttons accumulate so much that you can create a large composition from them. As for crafts from buttons, each housewife has her own goals and objectives, but you can do needlework not only on your own, but also involve a child in the process.

    Important! For kids, working with buttons can be not only a pleasant pastime, but also useful work, which develops fine motor skills of hands and creative skills.

    How more baby spends time doing such activities, the more diligent he becomes, so needlework is very useful for preschoolers, since in the future they will have to spend a lot of time at home. Moreover, when buttons or other small details are used in the work, this increases concentration. It should be noted that the buttons are not only safe, unless the child is going to swallow them, but also bright and beautiful. This diversity will allow the use of interesting color combinations and bring to life interesting ideas.

    Working with multi-colored buttons solves many problems that teachers and parents face

    Working with multi-colored buttons solves many problems that teachers and parents face. But in order to achieve your goals and not injure the baby, you need to carefully monitor the creative process. It is best to perform similar work with preschoolers aged 5 years and over. Older children will not put buttons in their mouths, plus they can already use scissors and glue, which are often extremely necessary in the work.

    Needlework is a creative process that should bring joy, relax and distract from bad thoughts. Experienced craftswomen know that if you sit down to work in bad mood, then the result may be very different from the expected, and not in better side. Therefore, one of the main stages of preparation is the creation favorable atmosphere so that the mood during the creative process is on highest level. This is especially important when a child is involved in the work. If an adult is annoyed, he will not be able to explain to the baby how to do the button craft correctly. The negative that may arise during the execution of the task forever discourages little man willingness to do similar work in the future.

    Important! In addition to creating a favorable atmosphere, it is necessary to take care of the necessary materials.

    It all depends on the type of craft using buttons, but most often, additional scissors, paper and cardboard, wire and thread are needed in the work. Elements for creativity should be varied so that the master has more choice to implement the idea. It is desirable that the buttons are not only different colors, but also different sizes.

    Just a couple of buttons and a piece of wire can make a fun home decoration.

    Just a couple of buttons and a piece of wire can make a fun home decoration. To do this, take a large button and glue a smaller button to its edge. This will be the body and head of the bug. Then we thread a couple of small pieces of wire into the holes on the body, which will serve as legs. If desired, you can glue eyes to the head. The beetle itself can be planted on a houseplant or attached to a curtain. This button craft is done very quickly, and the child will have a lot of joy. This great option for the first creative task, because on the basis of his baby will be able to understand that working with buttons is very interesting, but at the same time he will not get tired of the long work.

    Pictures from buttons

    One of the most simple crafts from buttons with their own hands, but at the same time exciting activities for a child, can become a picture. V this case the manifestation of fantasy will be the most important requirement for the baby, since the basic technique is extremely simple. Also, the child will learn to use glue carefully, which is also very useful in the future, for example, when performing more complex work.

    There are many options for crafts (pictures) from buttons with your own hands. The simplest, but far from the most primitive species, can be considered a tree. It is possible that the child will need initial stage help an adult to draw the trunk and branches. Well, then the kid will be able to independently select the colors of the buttons that are suitable for his picture. They will serve as both leaves and flowers in the picture, so be sure to prepare green buttons, as well as blue, red, yellow and white.

    One of the simplest do-it-yourself button crafts, but at the same time exciting activities for a child, can be a picture

    To create a button tree, you need to prepare thick cardboard, glue, as well as flat buttons of different colors and sizes. If you wish, you can print a picture with a tree trunk on a computer. This option is well suited if there are a lot of children, for example, when making crafts from buttons in kindergarten.

    A picture of buttons can be not only in the form of a tree. You can draw or print an outline of any shape and fill it with buttons. It can be a heart, a butterfly, a four-leaf clover. The finished picture can be framed and hung on the wall. This option is well suited for many types of decor, for example, for the French country style.

    In more serious option you can use not a simple cardboard, but pre-cover it with a cloth. A contour is applied to it, and then buttons are glued. The picture will turn out to be more original, and in a suitable frame it will become an excellent interior decoration.

    Buttons make not only good pictures, but also postcards. For example, if you lay out the material in the shape of a triangle, this can become New Year's card. You can also create named Greeting Cards, in which the first letter of the name will be lined with buttons. In general, there can be a lot of options for crafts from buttons, it all depends on the imagination of the performer.

    Photo frame

    The photo frame is another great and original craft from buttons with your own hands, a photo of which can be seen below. You can make it together with the child, since there are no difficulties in this process.

    To create a frame for a photo, you should stock up on a ready-made form. It can be purchased at specialized store or do it yourself. If the second option is chosen by the master, it is worth purchasing thick cardboard, from which the frame itself and the stand are made.

    So, after the base for the frame is ready, you need to take multi-colored buttons and arrange them in size. After that, the first layer of buttons is glued, which are selected from the largest. Next, smaller buttons are glued on top of them, and then everything can be supplemented with another layer of the smallest buttons, which cover all possible holes.

    Button photo frame

    So the frame is not only very bright, but also voluminous. It is advisable to use good glue for fixing the material, but not “super”. You can take the one used for repairing shoes, but you need to work with it in a well-ventilated area. Such a frame can be not only an excellent decoration for a chest of drawers or a wall, but also a wonderful gift.

    Christmas decorations

    Children are very fond of New Year and always look forward to the holiday. To make the waiting time more enjoyable, you can create some DIY button crafts. Decorating the house for the New Year, the whole family can have a great time. But it will be even more interesting to make Christmas decorations on your own.

    For this you can use various materials including buttons. For example, if a large number of green buttons of different sizes have accumulated in the house, you can make Christmas tree toys out of them.

    To make these button crafts, you will need wire, green buttons and multi-colored beads. You need to put the largest button on the wire in both holes so that the ends of the wire are on the same side and stick up. Then we alternately put on the remaining buttons so that they form a pyramid. Finally, we connect the ends of the wire and draw them through a bead, which will serve as the top of the Christmas tree. At the top we make a loop, and on this work on christmas toy It will be completed.

    Advice! Crafts from buttons in the form of Christmas balls are perfect for children.

    If a large number of green buttons of different sizes have accumulated in the house, you can make Christmas tree toys out of them.

    To do this, you will need buttons of different sizes and colors. They are put on the wire in the same way as in the manufacture of the Christmas tree, but only in this case it is necessary to start with a small button, and then move on to large specimens. In the middle should be the widest button in diameter, followed by smaller buttons. Ends christmas ball the smallest button, the field of which the ends of the wire are connected into a loop so that the product can be easily hung on a spruce branch.

    Buttons in home decor

    Real needlewomen always bring various interesting details to the interior of their home, which immediately decorate the room and make it more comfortable. Everything is used in the work. Sometimes even such items are used that, it would seem, can no longer be reused. But a true craftswoman can make everything out of nothing.

    If in the hands of the master were in in large numbers buttons, then the scope for imagination will be simply limitless. Sometimes they just turn out to be cute crafts from buttons, the photos of which you will see in this article, but often this material becomes an ornament already finished products. For example, with their help you can revive the old decorative pillow, just sheathed it with multi-colored buttons. They can also be laid out in the form of an applique, for example, to embroider a heart or an asterisk with buttons on a pillow.

    There can be a lot of ideas. Some housewives successfully decorate curtains with buttons and kitchen textiles. At right approach and a nice combination of colors looks pretty impressive.

    If the master had a large number of buttons in his hands, then the scope for imagination would be simply limitless

    But the needlewomen do not stop there. Some create vases and lampshades from buttons. If you have enough weaving skills, you can use soft wire and weave the lampshade in the shape of the old frame. Such a lamp will decorate the interior and give it a zest.

    Together with your child, you can make a beautiful decorative container in which you can later store useful things, for example, threads or sweets. To do this, you will need small buttons of different colors, a balloon and a lot of PVA glue.

    The balloon must be inflated and secured so that it stands firmly and does not stagger. Next, the working surface of the ball is carefully lubricated with glue, on top of which it is necessary to carefully lay out the buttons. This procedure must be done very carefully and carefully. If the buttons do not fit snugly together, the product will not hold its shape. After all the buttons are carefully stuck to the surface of the ball, it is necessary to go over the top with a brush with glue several more times.

    Together with the child, you can make a beautiful decorative container in which you can store useful things later.

    Then leave the product to dry completely. It is better to wait 2-3 days for the glue to completely dry. You can check the readiness of the vase by how the glue becomes completely transparent. After the product has stood, you need to take a needle and gently pierce the ball. It should deflate and the buttons stay in place. The result is a deep container that can be used to decorate the room.

    Master class on making a stand for stationery

    Everything is useful on the farm, even bushings from toilet paper. It would seem, for what use these cardboard tubes? But a real needlewoman can teach a master class of do-it-yourself button crafts, having dozens of different options in stock.

    For example, from such tubes from toilet paper you can create beautiful stand for stationery and various small things. To do this, you need 4 bushings, 4 pieces of fabric, glue, multi-colored buttons, cardboard and scissors. We cut square pieces from the fabric, which we wrap around the bushings and fix with glue from the inside. The result should be four neat tubes. A separate piece of fabric is glued onto cardboard, and after the glue has dried, we cut out the stand. It can be square, round or heart-shaped. The main thing is that four tubes fit on the stand.

    We glue the bushings to the base and glue them together so that they hold tighter. Next, we begin to decorate everything with buttons. You can stick them in any order you like. The result is a comfortable and very original stationery stand, which will be a great table decoration.

    Where else can buttons be used?

    Buttons are unique material for needlework. It can be used in various options, both for decorating already finished products, and for creating new trinkets and useful gizmos. The easiest way is to take and glue with buttons old item. This will update it and even make it more durable, which is why buttons are often used to restore things dear to the heart.

    Button brooch

    If you wish, you can decorate with buttons not only your house, but also clothes. They make cute brooches. Also, with buttons, you can carefully close the hole on the bag or jacket, making the thing more interesting and unusual.

    It will take quite a bit of time to create a candlestick for the house with your own hands. To do this, you need a glass with straight walls, a lot of different buttons and glue. After the glued buttons have dried, all that remains is to put a candle in a decorated cup.

    Together with a child, you can create a whole panel from buttons, beads and beads. It will decorate the room and remind you of a great time. To do this, take a wooden base and pull the fabric over it. Next, an approximate contour of the drawing is applied, which will be laid out in the picture. Then, according to the drawing, you need to carefully and beautifully lay out the buttons. The main part of the work in this case will be performed by an adult, and the baby can show his creative nature and suggest which buttons are best suited to a particular element.