Class hour "We're going to visit." Games with guests. Birthday conversation

    on a visit, dear friends,

    (I have to tell you)

    They go without a doubt

    Only by ... invitation.

    If you came uninvited -

    For hosts, this is strange!

    Since you weren't invited,

    So you weren't expected at all!

The fox called the guests

And fussing, fussing,

Brings beauty around

And he does not take his eyes off the oven:

Pies are baked for guests…

Just then a raccoon came.

And the fox is not ready

The guest was greeted sternly,

Lost, sad

And didn't let the raccoon in

I could only say:

- I've been waiting for you...

Invited puppy ducklings

Bunny, kitten...

The guests have been sitting for a long time,

They are just waiting for a piglet.

Finally he appeared

Sat at the table, did not apologize.

Well, behavior!

Shameful, no doubt.

Once a ram of two gulls

Invited for a cup of tea.

Waiting, waiting, and the sky suddenly

It became dark all around.

A flock of seagulls flew

To drink tea with a ram,

But the ram fled faster -

Didn't invite them again.

Guests came to the bunny

And they brought a gift:

Teddy bear - honey jar,

Hedgehog - marsh berries a bottle,

Squirrel - a pile of delicious cones,

A cat is a bunch of gray mice,

Heron - frog's foot,

And the fox is the wing of the chicken.

The hare became very sad,

  • Don't touch the owner's things.

Bear cub Michael

Was very curious.

And visiting the rhinoceros

He is from the very threshold

Runs to the TV -

Hurry to watch a movie

But doesn't know how to include:

Started pushing buttons

I didn’t click there at all -

Something important broke!

The rhinoceros is angry

Kicked the guest out the door.

  • Don't bother visiting.

The wolf came to visit the hare -

Everyone was at home.

- I want to play football! -

The wolf told his friends.

And when the people of the forest

Didn't agree with him

He wandered to his home -

Very angry.

- It's raining outside! -

Everyone said in unison!

I still want to play football

I need to run!

  • Do not scatter the owner's things.

The hare was visiting the mouse,

Scattered books everywhere

Spread around the toys,

Threw all the pillows on the floor

Didn't clean up after myself

And he ran away.

And let the rest go

I will not come - they will play without me!

Why don't they understand

What is most important for a kitten is me -

So I sat stubbornly in the corner,

  • When leaving, thank the hosts.

You had fun visiting

They ate, sang and danced,

Rested, frolic,

They began to gather together.

In conclusion, of course

I will tell you all:

Don't forget you cordially

For everything the hostess ... praise.

Rules of conduct at a party.

GAME "I'm going to a birthday party"

table manners.

  1. How should you sit at the table?
  2. What is bread?
  3. What is the best thing to read while eating?


Now you will receive "holiday" candles. Remember everything that was in the lesson. If you have learned something new for yourself, and fun mood did not leave you the whole lesson, then paint the candle red. If in your opinion there was nothing new and you were bored - color the candle in blue.

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"Class hour" We're going to visit ""

MBOU Obkhodskaya main comprehensive school

Urensky municipal district Nizhny Novgorod region

Prepared and hosted: Khoryakhova Lyudmila Mikhailovna, teacher primary school

Classroom hour in grades 1 and 4


Theme "We're Coming"

Conduct form: conversation game

Target: to bring children to the realization of the need to comply with certain rules of behavior; teach children to be hospitable hosts and good guests.

Equipment: drawing of the Wise Owl with an open book, rules of conduct for raised children in verse (for conversation), plates with questions laid out on them (for a game), printed rules of conduct (pages of a book), TCO, a painted cake with candles (for reflection).

The course of the conversation.

- Tell me guys, do you like to visit?

Do you like hosting guests?

Have your meetings always gone smoothly and have everyone been satisfied?

I am very pleased to hear that you were not disappointed with the reception and visit of anyone. And so that this is always the case, we will now talk about how they behave educated people visiting and how to be a good host. We will not only talk and play, but we will carry out a serious design work to fulfill our plan, and what happens - you will see for yourself.

So, the topic of our class hour is “We are going to visit”.

(Music from m / f "Winnie the Pooh" turns on).

You and I have to highlight certain rules that are simply necessary for every self-respecting person.

The Wise Owl will help us with this.

Wise Owl this evening,

It is important sitting on the branches,

Decided to tell at the meeting

How to behave at a party.

Under a spreading pine

Owl listen

The people of the forest gathered -

Ears perked up.

Everyone went to visit

This is clear to me.

It was nice for you there

Are others happy?

About owners and children

I'll tell you without a hitch.

Do you remember everything

And shake your mustache!

Guys, many of you go to visit or receive guests at home. You must always be ready for such an event and learn to follow some rules: invite guests and accept an invitation, think about how to entertain guests and what gifts to prepare.

There is the first most important rule. What is it?

Away Rules

    Do not visit without an invitation.

Visit dear friends

(I have to tell you)

They go without a doubt

Only by ... invitation.

If you came uninvited -

For hosts, this is strange!

Since you weren't invited,

So you weren't expected at all!

    Don't come before the appointed time.

The fox called the guests

And fussing, fussing,

Brings beauty around

And he does not take his eyes off the oven:

Pies are baked for guests…

Just then a raccoon came.

And the fox is not ready

The guest was greeted sternly,

Lost, sad

And didn't let the raccoon in

I could only say:

- I've been waiting for you...

    Don't be late for the appointed time.

Invited puppy ducklings

Bunny, kitten...

The guests have been sitting for a long time,

They are just waiting for a piglet.

Finally he appeared

Sat at the table, did not apologize.

Well, behavior!

Shameful, no doubt.

    Do not bring friends with you unless invited.

Once a ram of two gulls

Invited for a cup of tea.

Waiting, waiting, and the sky suddenly

It became dark all around.

A flock of seagulls flew

To drink tea with a ram,

But the ram fled faster -

Didn't invite them again.

    Choose a gift for the owner, not for yourself .

Guests came to the bunny

And they brought a gift:

Teddy bear - honey jar,

Hedgehog - a bottle of swamp berries,

Squirrel - a pile of delicious cones,

A cat is a bunch of gray mice,

Heron - frog's foot,

And the fox is the wing of the chicken.

The hare became very sad,

After all, he wanted a cabbage leaf.

    Don't touch the owner's things.

Bear cub Michael

Was very curious.

And visiting the rhinoceros

He is from the very threshold

Runs to the TV -

Hurry to watch a movie

But doesn't know how to include:

Started pushing buttons

I didn’t click there at all -

Something important broke!

The rhinoceros is angry

Kicked the guest out the door.

    Don't bother visiting.

The wolf came to visit the hare -

Everyone was at home.

- I want to play football! -

The wolf told his friends.

And when the people of the forest

Didn't agree with him

He wandered to his home -

Very angry.

- It's raining outside! -

Everyone said in unison!

I still want to play football

I need to run!

    Do not scatter the owner's things.

The hare was visiting the mouse,

Scattered books everywhere

Spread around the toys,

Threw all the pillows on the floor

Didn't clean up after myself

And he ran away.

    Do not divert the owner's attention only to yourself.

Many guests gathered at the kitten:

Hares, foxes, hedgehogs, 2 mice.

The squirrel also jumped there,

Only she did not play with the guests.

I thought: “Since I came to the Kitten,

Let him postpone other things!

He should only play with me,

Just treat me at the table.

And let the rest go

Someday they will be called again.

I will not come - they will play without me!

Why don't they understand

What is most important for a kitten is me -

We have been friends with him for 2 weeks!”

So I sat stubbornly in the corner,

I didn’t run with the guests to the table!

    When leaving, thank the hosts.

You had fun visiting

They ate, sang and danced,

Rested, frolic,

They began to gather together.

In conclusion, of course

I will tell you all:

Don't forget you cordially

For everything the hostess ... praise.

Here are the most important Rules of conduct at a party.

GAME "I'm going to a birthday party"

But, guys, at a party and for guests they always prepare refreshments. All people should be able to behave well at the table. Let's remember table manners.

Imagine that I invited you to my birthday ...

“Music from m / f “Cheburashka and Kr. Gena” turns on”

(“Dishes” - questions for “guests”:

    How should you sit at the table?

    How to use the device correctly?

    What is bread?

    How to eat fruits from compote?

    Is it possible to take food from a common dish with your own spoon?

    What to do Bay leaf, pepper, bones?

    Can you talk while eating?

    What should you do when you leave the table?

I always remember this book when I see some guys sitting at the table waving their arms, playing with a spoon or fork, throwing crusts. Our ancestors took care of the rules good manners for a very long time. The first book on how to behave at the table appeared in Russia more than 200 years ago and was called “The Honest Mirror of Youth”, which means “The Right Mirror for Children”. It was published by the Academy of Sciences itself.

But now we also have our own book “Rules of conduct at a party”, which appeared as a result of our joint project activities…….

What does it mean to be a hospitable host?

A good host is always cheerful and friendly. He sometimes has to sacrifice his own interests in order to please the guests: to give up an entertaining toy, to give the most interesting role in the game, not to start games that are not interesting for all the gathered children, not to be offended by the guests and not to quarrel with them. Moreover, it is necessary to do something pleasant for guests with willingness and benevolence. It happens that the host will agree to give something to the guest, but will do it with a displeased face. And after that, he will hide in a corner and sit puffed up, spoiling the mood for himself and others. It's indecent to behave like that. It is also not worth keeping secrets with guests and talking about what is accepted and interesting only for the hosts themselves.

Look at yourself from the outside. Maybe you want to change something in your character, behavior, habits. And it will be very cool if you take and re-read our book "Rules of conduct at a party".


Now you will receive "holiday" candles. Remember everything that was in the lesson. If you have learned something new for yourself, and a cheerful mood did not leave you throughout the lesson, then color the candle in red. If there was nothing new in your opinion and you were bored, color the candle blue.

We will decorate the birthday cake with your candles…


After this class hour, a practical part followed: on weekends, the class teacher, together with a group of children, went to the students, who were supposed to show knowledge of the rules for receiving guests. This event not only brought together teachers and children, teachers and parents, children and parents.



Class hour on the topic:

"Educate yourself"


  1. develop communication skills students, the ability to communicate in a team;
  2. bring up moral values respect of children for adults and for each other;
  3. continue to work to unite the team of parents and students;
  4. show the need for self-education positive qualities character with early childhood.


  1. video recording of a survey of children;
  2. cards with a statement about self-education;
  3. cards with character traits written on them;
  4. A. Barto's poem "Sonechka"
  5. B. Zakhoder's poem "Change"
  6. Karaoke of the song "Smile" from the m / f "Little Raccoon"
  7. Presentation for the classroom

Knowledge progress:

Teacher: Today we have a holiday for children, there are guests at our class hour, and since it’s a holiday, then everyone should have good mood. A good mood is best created good song, good music. Let's start our holiday with a song about a smile.

(The karaoke of the song “Smile” from the cartoon “Little Raccoon” appears on the plasma panel, the children sing along with the teacher.)

Teacher: Now let's smile at each other and our guests, and your parents are visiting us today, and let's start our class hour.

To determine the theme of the class hour, listen to one story and try to form it yourself.

  1. Once the following story happened to a 2nd grade student Petya Ivanov: his mother sent him to the store for bread. And Petya was a very distracted boy, and on the way to the store he lost money. When Petya came home, he told his mother that the boys from the neighboring yard had taken his money. Mom, taking pity on her son, reassured him. When night fell, Petya dreamed horrible dream: as if Madame Conscience herself appeared to him and began to reproach him for Petya telling a lie. She told him that from early childhood it is necessary to cultivate in oneself such qualities of character as truthfulness, courage, diligence and many other good qualities.

When Petya woke up, he firmly decided to tell his mother the whole truth. He understood

The main thing is that in order to grow up as a worthy person, you need to educate yourself now.

Children and parents express their opinion, then come to a common opinion that the theme of the class hour is self-education.

Teacher: Guys, everyone was right, and the theme of our class hour sounds like this:

"Educate yourself."

The theme of the class hour “Educate yourself” appeared on the plasma panel

Teacher:- What do you think the lesson will be about?

students : - About character traits, about behavior ....

Teacher: What is another word for self-education?

Students: Self-education.

Teacher: Right. And we will also evaluate the behavior and actions at the classroom hour literary heroes. Guys, what do you think, why do you need to engage in self-education?

students : You need to engage in self-education so that you are not ashamed of yourself, for your misconduct, so that goodness and joy come from you, so that other people respect and appreciate you.

Teacher: Guys, when I was preparing for the class hour, some of the guys in our class were asked questions:

  1. What kind of character?
  2. Do I know myself?

Let's see what answers I got to these questions:

(a video recording of the survey of the children of the class appears on the plasma panel)

Teacher: You see, many found it difficult to answer these questions. Guys, to grow up worthy people Do you need to educate yourself right now?

Maybe this should be done when you become adults?

Children confidently say that now it is necessary to engage in self-education, because when they grow up, it may be too late.

Teacher: All of you are great! And all your thoughts fit into the Golden Rule of morality. Let's read it in unison. (On the plasma panel " Golden Rule morality:"

"Do to other people the way you would like to be treated to you."

Teacher: Guys, how do you understand this rule?

(Children express their opinion)

Teacher: What qualities of character should be cultivated in oneself?

Students: Kindness, courtesy, accuracy, upbringing ... ..

Teacher: Now look at the board. Here are the qualities of a person's character.

They need to be divided into two groups.

Children go out one at a time and distribute the words into 2 groups:

Kindness, politeness, envy, anger, mutual assistance, friendliness, greed, laziness.

Teacher: On what basis did you separate these words?

Students: On "good" and "bad", "positive" and "negative"

Teacher: Now remember the “Golden Rule of Morality” and analyze your yesterday.

(Questions are written on the board.)

  1. Have you lived by this rule?
  2. Why were you ashamed yesterday?
  3. Which of your classmates made you happy?

Children share their thoughts.

Teacher: Guys, let's ask our parents, maybe they will remember a case from their childhood when they were ashamed of their behavior or a case when you good deeds made the parents happy.

Parents speak their mind

Teacher: Now work in groups.

(There is one parent in each group of children)

Each group is given a card with a statement. You need to discuss how you understand these statements:

  1. There is nothing more important than victory over yourself.
  2. Do not be afraid to talk about your shortcomings, but be afraid not to correct them.
  3. Not to notice your shortcomings is the worst shortcoming.
  4. If you have done good, hide it, if you have done good, tell me.

Teacher: What conclusion can we draw from listening to the statement?

Students: That their shortcomings should not be hidden, but corrected.

Teacher: So, is there more to learn?

Now let's listen to the poem and identify the character traits of literary heroes. Prepared children read poems by heart.

B. Zakhoder "Change"

A. Barto "Sonechka"

All children evaluate the behavior of literary characters according to the plan, which is written on the board:

  1. What character traits are clearly visible in a literary hero?
  2. If you were to meet this hero, what advice would you give him?

Children express their opinion.

Teacher: And now let's play the game "We take we do not take"

I call you some character trait, and if you take it, then raise your hands up, and if you do not take it, then squat.

Laziness, mercy, arrogance, cheerfulness, stupidity, love, fun, grouchiness, anger, clarity, humor, sneakiness, patience, modesty, intelligence, arrogance(the list can be expanded).

Teacher: Well done! Now read on the screen the statement of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates:

"Human! Know yourself and you will be happy” (On the plasma panel).

  1. Who agrees with this statement?
  2. Raise your hands, those who consider it necessary to carry out the work of self-education?

So, our class hour was not in vain.

Thank you dear children and dear parents.


Classroom script on the topic:

"Guests have come to you..."


  1. To teach to receive guests, to be a hospitable host (hostess),
  2. To acquaint with the rules of behavior at a party: to teach a culture of behavior based on self-management.
  3. To form a welcoming attitude, self-awareness, responsibility, discipline.
  4. Develop communication, analytical and Creative skills children.

Lesson progress:

Before the start of the event, music is played. The event used the works of Michel Legrand, Paul Mauriat, Joe Dassin. Tables in classroom marked with a "P". Classroom teacher in the center.

I. introduction class leader.

Have you ever wondered why, in fact, people go to visit?

There are probably many reasons for this. Firstly, it is very nice when, seeing you, someone will be delighted and smile warmly. Secondly, they are going to visit different people; they will talk about this and that - and everyone will benefit: they learned the news, discussed events, exchanged information - and everyone became a little richer, smarter. And one more thing: people are used to sharing good things with each other. That is why from ancient times to the present day people go to visit.

P. Student's message (3-5 minutes)" National traditions hospitality among different peoples"

The environment of any person is family, relatives, friends, work colleagues, acquaintances and strangers. And communication with them is expressed in the most different form: talking on the phone, exchanging letters, short visits and just random encounters on the street. And yet, of all kinds of communication, the most pleasant is connected with hospitality. For centuries, its national traditions have evolved.

This custom has long been known. If a guest finds himself in a Caucasian village, in the house of a highlander, and praises some thing, then no matter how dear it is to the owner, his honor will not allow him not to give it to the guest. He will even be offended if he turns out to be from a gift.

It is not customary for the Japanese to receive guests at home. But if they do happen to do this, they will apologize for a long time for the modesty of the table, although there will be an abundance of all sorts of treats on it.

In the Central Asian republics, guests are often received in the courtyard, which is, as it were, part of the house. And in Turkish families, guests can even be invited to a bathhouse, which, in addition to its main purpose, plays the role of a kind of club, they talk there, listen to singers and storytellers, play various tools and in chess.

The British will not care about the abundance of food, they will limit themselves to only the smallest: they believe that they go to visit not to eat and drink a lot and tasty, but to have a good time talking with people to whom they feel a special disposition.

Behind long time very clear and definite ideas were developed about how to behave as a host and how to behave as a guest.

III. Acquaintance with the rule "How to meet an unexpected guest."

So, call, open the door!

Oh, someone has come! What to do?

Now we will figure everything out. What should be remembered?

First. Any call or knock on the door can mean that a person has come to you whom you do not expect at all. And if you go out half-dressed, wrapped in a towel, it can be a big embarrassment.

Second. Going to the door, refrain from careless statements.

Third. When opening the door, lock your heart and hide your emotions away.

Fourth. Children should be careful, especially if there are no adults in the house, and all issues with strangers should be resolved behind closed doors.

But if you open the door, then open it wide - after all, the door is not opened to let in the caller, let the visitor understand that he is entering a hospitable house. To make a narrow gap into which one can only stick one's own nose is the height of unkindness. The guest will assume that they opened it almost under duress. Imagine that you went to your friend for a book, and he, leaving you on the stairs, ran into the room, brought the book and slipped it into the gap between the doors for you.

But now you've successfully opened the door. What's next? Being a good host is not easy at all. Let's look at a few scenes and analyze the behavior of the characters.

IV. Playing scenes and analyzing the behavior of characters

1 scene.

Anya has a birthday. Anya invited the guests to six o'clock. Anton could not wait for the scheduled time and therefore came an hour early. Anya opened the door, seeing Anton, casually said: "Well, you give, you came so early, nothing is ready yet. Okay, wait in the corridor." And ran to the kitchen.

The children are asked to analyze the situation.It is indecent to arrive early. But if a guest has already arrived, take him to the room, offer to look at books, albums

2 scene.

Mom and dad went to the movies. They'll come soon. Natasha is home alone. Watching a TV show. Call. Nikolai Ivanovich is at the door. He works with his father.

Hello Natasha! Dad is at home?

There is no dad, - Natasha looks impatiently at the guest. Her hand is on the bolt latch.

It's a pity. Goodbye.

What would you do if you were Natasha?

The guys are looking at the situation.Natasha should have greeted him and told the guest that his father would come soon, invite him into the room, offer to watch TV or give him a magazine or newspaper.

V. Situations on the topic "Guest and host". Discussion.

Situation one.

Soon to school. Lessons are not done yet. And my mother asked me to peel the potatoes and wipe the floor with a damp cloth. But Vasya will not get down to business in any way. In the morning, neighbors, two brothers, dropped by for a minute. And they don't all leave. We played table hockey. The lap dog Tusya was trained to detain the criminal. They practiced sambo techniques on the carpet. They emptied the candy bowl. Then they found a songbook and began to sing songs.

Send them home? But what about the owner's debt? Remember the owner's duty? And the lessons? What about your mother's request? What can you advise Vasya?

The guys give the answer.It happens that the guys abuse the right of a guest. In these cases, the host should definitely but politely say that he has business, he asks to be excused and invites guests to come another time.

Situation two.

After the competition, Anton said to Zhenya: “You know, come to me today at five o'clock. I'll show you my brands and a new designer. Let's listen to CDs.

Okay, - Zhenya answered, - I'll come.

At eight o'clock Anton had already stopped waiting for his comrade. He scored in the pelvis warm water I was going to wash my socks. At that moment, the bell rang sharply and loudly. While Anton wiped soapy hands, walked to the door, someone several times, without letting go for a long time, pressed the call button.

Hello, - said Zhenya, - it's me.

He entered the room, threw his wet raincoat and cap into a chair and looked around.

And you have nothing. Suitable. What's this? - and he grabbed a model sailboat from the desk.

This was given to my father. For memory.

Well done. And the mast is made of wood, or what? Zhenya pressed harder, and the mast crunched weakly. Anton looked frightened, but said nothing. And the guest at that time was already turning a multi-colored ballpoint pen, alternately pressing bright buttons and trying each color on a half-written sheet of paper that lay on the table. Then Zhenya went to wander around the rooms.

What is the price? And where did you buy it? - He asked every minute, touching a crystal vase, a picture on the wall, a cheerful clay ram with golden horns. He did not like the ram.

Why do you keep all sorts of junk in the house? - on Zhenya's face, contempt for the tastes of the owner was clearly expressed. But the dressing table aroused his particular interest. He opened the bottle of perfume, turned it upside down and shook it over his head until it was almost half empty. Then Zhenya poked a dirty finger into the box of cream, sniffed it and, saying that it smelled like strawberries, licked it. Then he blew into the powder, and a fragrant cloud spread around the room, slowly settling on the carpet and a small polished table. Anton at this time boiled tea and invited the guest to the table. He critically examined the cups of tea, the vase of jam, the sugar bowl, and pulled the handle of the refrigerator towards him.

You cut sausages, Anton. This is a herring, isn't it? And give herring. I know how salty I like. After eating and drinking plenty of tea, Zhenya took up his cap.

Well, I went. Bye. I'll still come tomorrow. And I took your stamps, I liked them, and took a penknife, and, rattling his boots, he rushed along the messenger

How would you guys react to such a guest?

Children call the mistakes of the guest, the owner.The main mistakes of the guest: he did not thank for the invitation, was late, called too persistently, went to outerwear into the room, unceremoniously examined and touched things, asked about the price, demanded refreshments, took a knife and stamps without permission, decided to come again without an invitation, made noise on the stairs. There are other smaller errors as well. There were mistakes in the behavior of the owner.

Situation three. (Sketch)

Nine years is a serious date. And Alina and her mother prepared for the birthday carefully: they fried pies, baked a cake, bought ice cream. They even made a milkshake. The guys from the class came and showered Alina with gifts. Alina met everyone differently.

Zhenya was very happy: "Come in, Zhenechka, come in!"

Vika brought a book: "Happy birthday, Alya!"

Fi book. I already have one. Well, okay, come on in, since you came.

Alya! This is a flower from Africa for you, a friend brought it to my mother. And for these spirits, dad went to France - it was Olya who came running.

Oh, what perfume, oh, what a flower!

The boys Anton and Seryozha came in without saying hello, put wrapped gifts into Alina's hands and went into the room. Anya brought sweets and a hairpin.

And I don’t eat sweets with such a filling, - said Alina, - oh, what a beautiful hairpin!

When all the guys came, Alina invited the guests to the table. Everyone sedately sat down, quickly finished their meal and got bored. The girls were discussing fashion, and the boys were discussing a hockey game. Alina invited guests to the table, put a big cake. But no one wanted to eat.

Come on, guys, let's drive the puck, someone said. And the boys were in a hurry. Following them, the girlfriends went to watch a TV series.

Questions for the guys : Why do you think the birthday didn't work out? Did Alina behave correctly?

1. You can’t discuss gifts in front of guests, whatever they may be. Thank you for every gift Guys don't have to name the price of a gift.

2. Alina had to think over not only refreshments, but also entertainment for the guests (games, contests).

VI. Summing up the classroom.

What does it mean to be a GOOD host?

It means to welcome the guest cordially, help him to undress, invite him to his private room, seat him more comfortably, occupy him with something and entertain him.

What does it mean to be an ATTENTIVE host?

This means seeing all your guests at once and each one individually, finding time to talk with everyone at least a little, and for those who are shy or for the first time in the house, give more attention, it is no coincidence that an attentive host always causes the mutual disposition of guests to himself.

What does it mean to be a PREVENTIVE host?

This means thinking in advance not only about what you want to treat your friends to, but also about what you will do with them, and besides, the helpful host guesses the desire of the guests and fulfills them as far as possible, without waiting to be asked.

What does it mean to be a GENEROUS host?

It means to spare the guests books, stamps, toys, treats, as well as the time, effort and effort spent on welcoming guests well.

What does it mean to be a DIFFERENT host?

This means not demanding gratitude for what you have done for the guest, not complaining about the difficulties and worries associated with his arrival, not endlessly reminding you how well you arranged everything, and, most importantly, not counting on a return reception, refreshment and present.

What does it mean to be a TACTICAL host?

This means not noticing the involuntary mistakes and mistakes of the guest, not starting conversations on a topic that is unpleasant for him, not arranging such games and entertainments where the host will look good, and the guest will look clumsy.

And finally, what does it mean to be an EDUCATED host?

This means being even, polite and, no matter what happens, do not show guests bad mood and discontent.

All highlighted words are written in separate sheets- posters. And during the conversation they are posted on the board.

Finally, consider "10 simple rules for the host" and "10 simple rules for guests". Students are given rules-reminders. Children are also given reminders "6 fun games for guests" and "4 delicious secret for unexpected guests.

VII. Games with guests.

The games "Who is this?", "Ha-ha-ha", "Knots", "Planet", "Telegram", "Guess" are held with children. Advice is given for preparing simple and delicious meals for unexpected guests.

VIII. Reflection in a circle (10 min)

What gave each of you a discussion of the behavior of the host and guest?

Has anything changed in you during the discussion of the issues under consideration? If yes, what exactly?

IX. Final word class teacher(The melody "The Last Summer Day" by Paul Mauriat sounds).

From childhood, one must master the science of communication, master the ability to behave among people in such a way that everyone feels good, pleasant, and comfortable. Gotta learn to be good guest good host. I hope that our class hour will help you with this.

Supplementary Material for the Classroom

"Your guests have come."

10 simple rules for hosts.

  1. A smile is the most important thing when meeting guests!
  2. The hosts must take care of each guest and make sure that no one feels abandoned and lonely.
  3. When communicating with guests, do not try to speak louder than them - this is not beneficial for you: whoever speaks without raising his voice is listened to more attentively than a screamer.
  4. The more attentively you listen to the interlocutor, the more pleasant it will be for people to talk to you.
  5. If a guest does something awkward, don't pretend to notice it.
  6. The hosts sit at the table first, but should not start eating before the guests
  7. Any dish - sweets, cakes, you must first offer to everyone, and then take it for yourself
  8. Don't finish your meal and don't get up if the guests are still eating. Eat slowly so you don't rush them.
  9. When hosting peers at home, you need to consider an entertainment program.
  10. Seeing off the guest, help him put on his coat and open the door.

10 simple rules for guests.

  1. Come to visit by invitation and without delay. Arriving early is even worse than being late.
  2. If you come with flowers, then please do not forget to remove the wrapper in advance (even the most elegant one) and hand them over "live".
  3. When you are shown into a room, you should first greet the women, and then the men.
  4. Be humble and humble. Don't cross your legs, don't keep your hands in your pockets. You should not talk a lot and loudly, laugh for no reason. There is no need to go to the other extreme.
  5. Remember that if one of the other guests is not pleasant to you, do not emphasize it, otherwise you will put it in awkward position house owners.
  6. Eat what is served, do not twist your nose. But at the same time, be vigilant so that the hosts do not put on your plate something that you simply cannot stand.
  7. Sitting at the table, do not reach for the most delicious first and do not put the largest portion on the plate.
  8. Don't be a cracker! If you can sing or act, don't refuse when asked. Try to please the audience
  9. Try to avoid discussing guests who have already left. If you didn’t like visiting or were bored, then don’t tell others about it.
  10. You should not ask for a visit yourself, as well as extend your visit indefinitely

You have guests

6 fun games for guests

1. Who is this?

Take each piece of paper and draw on top the head of a person, animal, bird. Bend the sheet so that the drawing is not visible, only the tip of the neck. And pass the drawing to a neighbor. Each participant in the game had new leaf with an image he didn't see. Everyone draws upper part torsos, again "hide" the drawing and pass it on to a neighbor in order to finish drawing the limbs on the new sheet received.

Now expand all the drawings and see what creatures are depicted on them.

2. Ha ha ha

This is very simple game. The task of the players is not to laugh.

Everyone sits or stands in a circle, and one of the players says, as seriously as possible: "Ha!" The next one says "Ha-ha!", the third - "Ha-ha-ha!" etc. Whoever says the wrong amount of "Ha" or laughs is out of the game. The game continues, and those who have dropped out are trying to do everything to make the remaining players in the circle laugh. Whoever laughs last wins.

3. Nodules

Players are invited to tie ten knots on a string as tight as possible. Nodes can be anything. When the task is completed, it is proposed to untie the knots Who is faster - won.

4. Planet

First, contestants are invited to "breathe life into new planet- inflate as quickly as possible Balloons, and then "Populate" this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw figures of men on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has the most inhabitants is the winner!

5. Telegram

Write on a piece of paper any short word in 4, 5. 6 letters. Everyone must compose a text-telegram, so that each next word started with the next letter in the word

6. Guess

One of the players leaves the room, the rest think of some object to guess. The guesser returns and begins to ask questions, trying to identify this object by signs. The rest answer "yes" or "no" The winner is the one who will be able to guess the object by asking fewer questions.

You have guests

4 delicious secrets for unexpected guests

apple charlotte

Lubricate the form with oil, put apple slices on the bottom, pour batter (3 eggs, 1 glass of sugar, 1 glass of flour). Bake 30-40 minutes.

Cocktail "Guests have arrived"

Mix milk (300 g) and berry syrup (50 g) well in a mixer. Add some vanilla sugar. Instead of syrup, you can use liquid jam.

orange dessert

Cut the orange in half. It turned out two baskets We clean the pulp, finely chop, mix with ice cream, add grated or chopped nuts and raisins. You can add pieces of any fruit. Mix everything well and put in orange peel baskets. Top with nuts or garnish with fruit.

Dough on the run

One glass of kefir, half a teaspoon of salt, 100 grams of margarine or butter and flour so much that the dough easily comes off your hands and rolls out.

To that test goes any filling : and sweet, and meat, and fish. For example:

  1. grated cheese, minced meat, onion, a drop of mayonnaise;
  2. pumpkin, grated, raw with apples and cranberries, mixed with a spoonful of starch,
  3. cottage cheese with berries, a drop of vanilla and sugar.

MOU "Secondary school No. 1"


Classroom script on the topic:

"Guests have come to you..."

Primary school teacher

Rykova Elena Alexandrovna

Class hour "We're going to visit"

Target: remember the rules of conduct at a party and the rules for receiving guests


    education of tolerance, comradeship, mutual assistance, friendship, respect for oneself and others;

    formation of skills of cultural behavior at a party, introspection, reflection;

    development of speech, thinking, creative abilities.

    Determining the theme of the class hour

Please read the proverb on the board:

kind guest the owner is happy.

How do you understand it?

Guess the theme of our class hour

CONCLUSION: Subject - We are visiting.(write down)

    Purpose, tasks

    S.r. - write as many components of the topic as possible, i.e. lesson plan

    Discussion. Let's highlight what we're talking about:

    From the history

    Meeting with guests

    Presentation of a gift

    Behavior at the table

    Table setting

    From the history

How long do you think the tradition of visiting has been around?

Katya's story about how they used to visit.

Generalization: What conclusion can we draw?

What 2 roles do you have during any celebration? (guest and host)

What are the reasons for inviting guests? (birthday, wedding, award, family date, holiday)

    Meeting with guests

Where does every holiday start? (from meeting guests)

Making a memo on how to meet guests

1. Guests must __________________________________________.

2. It is impolite to ask what _____________________________________________.

3. Gifts are not hidden! Necessary _______________________________________________________________________ .

4. Thank you not only for the gift, but also for ____________________________.

5. Donated fruits and sweets __________________________________________.

1. Guests must be met.

2. It's impolite to ask what they brought you as a gift.

3. Gifts are not hidden! It is necessary to open boxes or packages, look at and thank the guests, even if the gift was not to their liking.

4. Thank you not only for the gift, but also for the attention.

5. Offer the presented fruits and sweets to guests

    Presentation of a gift

Children show a pre-prepared dramatization. 1 student - reader;

2 student - shows pantomime.

If a friend's birthday

invited you to my place,

You leave a gift at home -

Fit yourself.

Try to sit next to the cake.

Do not enter into conversations:

you while talking

Eat half as much sweets.

Choose smaller pieces

To swallow faster.

Do not grab the salad with your hands -

You can scoop up more with a spoon.

If they suddenly give nuts,

Rash them carefully in your pocket,

But do not hide the jam there -

It will be difficult to take out.

- Do you remember where this passage comes from? (G. Oster " Bad advice»)

- Why did Oster write harmful and not helpful tips for children?

Game "Do you believe that ..." (with signal cards)

    You need to come to visit 5-10 minutes before the holiday (yes)

    If you are late, should you explain the reason for being late (Yes).

    If you were told: "Dear guests, feel at home," then you can walk around the whole apartment, go into the kitchen, into the bedroom, etc. (No. This is tactless).

    Behind festive table you can sit down after the invitation of the hosts, the host himself seats the guests. Who knows how? (Girl, boy - alternating; you can not seat the newlyweds).

    It is correct to sit cross-legged at the table. (Straight, relaxed, slightly leaning on the back of the chair, hands before eating on your knees or armrests, do not put your elbows on the table while eating).

Tales: in the old days, in order to teach children not to put their elbows on the table, books were placed under their arms, and if the book fell while eating, then adult children were punished with deprivation of sweets.

    What a knife should be kept in right hand, plug - in the left. (Yes)

    Bread bite off correctly (no, break off from a slice in small pieces, with the fingers of the left hand).

    A game

Is it possible to play away outdoor games?

    Sit you...

The children are standing near the desks. Listen carefully to the instructions of the leader and follow them in accordance with the content.

Sit down those who ... had breakfast today

Who has a handkerchief

Who brushed their teeth in the morning

Who's in a good mood

    Hear the command

The host gives various commands, you can only do what is said in a whisper.

Stand up, sit down, turn right, look up, lean forward, raise your hands up.

    Table setting. Napkin

See the slides, fold the napkin.

    Outcome. Test

1. When can you sit down at the festive table?

    as soon as they entered the room.

    only after the owners sit down.

    after the invitation of the hostess +

2. You sit down at the table, take a napkin and...

    tuck in the collar.

    put on your knees +

    put next to the plate.

3. How to behave if you are offered a dish that you do not like very much?

    angrily refuse.

    refuse, stating the reason for the refusal.

    take a little by thanking+

4. How to eat a cutlet?

    knife and fork

    one fork+

    with one knife.

5. Why is a knife served with fish?

    to separate the flesh from the bones+

    to cut a large piece into small ones.

    to hold a piece when using a fork.

6. What kind of common dishes should you choose?

    The biggest.

    the smallest.

    those that lie closer to you,+

7. If you need to cut food into pieces, in which hand should you hold a knife, and in which fork?

    in the right hand - a fork, in the left - a knife.

    in the right hand a knife, in the left hand a fork+

    in turn.

8. What should you do if you accidentally drop your fork, knife or spoon on the floor?

    pick up and keep eating.

    ask for another device.

    apologize and ask for another device +

Remember, guys, that going to visit is a joyful activity, but it will be so if both the hosts and the guests are polite and friendly. And the rules of etiquette do not require any effort from us. Good luck.

Class hour "I'm going to visit"

Objectives: to form an idea of ​​the concept of "etiquette"; to convince children of the importance of etiquette in people's lives; to form norms of communication and communicative interaction.

Equipment: Russian folk costumes, tableware, signs with the words of farewell, apology, gratitude, etc.

Teacher: What is etiquette?

Why do people need etiquette?

Guys, do you like to visit?

On what occasions do you visit?

What kind of guest are you?

How do you receive guests?

Who greets guests at their doorstep?

(the host and hostess appear in Russian folk costumes)

Teacher: And here are the owners!

Hostess: Please, dear guests, please!

Owner: Have fun and joy!

Hostess: We have been waiting for you for a long time, we are waiting for you, the holiday does not start without you!

Owner: We have a place and a word for everyone!

Hostess: We have in store for you fun for every taste. To someone a fairy tale, to someone the truth, to someone a song.

Host: Are you comfortable, dear guests? Is it visible to everyone? Does everyone hear? Is there enough space for everyone?

Teacher: The guests, of course, had enough space. Isn't it a little tight for the owners?

Owner: In tight quarters - no offense.

Teacher: And what proverbs do you guys know about the house?

The hut is not red with corners, red with pies.

It is not the owner's house that paints, but the owner's house.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Without an owner, the house is an orphan.

The owner is happy to have a good guest.

At home as you like, but at a party they don’t order.

Teacher: How do you understand some proverbs?

Teacher: So, guys, we saw how long ago it was customary to meet guests. A Russian person was considered and is considered the most hospitable and friendly host. But do all of you know how the host and guests should behave? And what is more difficult: to be a good host or a pleasant guest? Let's try to figure it out today.

But first, look at the other story.

(the owner is playing board game, doorbell, guests (3-4 people) on the threshold, the owner with a dissatisfied kind of goes to door)

Owner: Oh, it's you!

Guests: You invited us to play a board game.

Owner: Well, okay, come in, just:

Don't walk on carpet

You will poke a hole in it.

Get up off this couch

Otherwise, there will be a hole.

And don't touch the bed

You can wrinkle the sheet.

And don't touch the toys.

Don't lie on pillows.

And you don't have to take books

You can break them.

And don't get in the way...

Oh, don't you better go?

(guests step back and leave)

Teacher: Guys, draw a conclusion: what should be the owner? How should he treat guests?

Let's remember the rules of greeting, farewell, gratitude, apology, wishes.

Teacher: And the host must also be able to entertain his guests and treat them properly.

Visit games.

1 "into words" - name the word starting with the last letter of the previous word

2 "words with one letter" - name as you can more words by one letter

3 drawing with eyes closed

4 board games

5 coloring books

6 guessing riddles

1. I serve in the locker room

I keep my coat on weight (hanger)

2. A pillow sleeps on it during the day,

And at night Andryushka. (bed)

3. There is a steamer, then back, then forward,

And behind him such a smooth surface - not a wrinkle can be seen. (iron)

4. What kind of house is such that even

Cold in it in summer (refrigerator)

5. He was born in the forest, but manages at home. (broom)

6. Everyone who comes, everyone who leaves, gives a hand. (doorhandle)

Table setting

(tablecloth, napkin, plate, fork, knife, glass) - beat.

Teacher: You showed everything correctly, told, you know how to be a hospitable host, a pleasant guest, which means you will correctly answer the questions:

1. If you were invited to visit at the appointed hour, what would you do: would you arrive early, arrive on time, or be a little late?

2. At the table you were asked a question, and you have a full mouth, what will you do: first chew or probing the answer with a full mouth?

3. What should you do when you enter someone's house or apartment?

4. What is etiquette? What rules of etiquette do you remember?

"I'm going to visit"

Targets talk with children about the behavior of the guest and the host, about the culture of behavior at the table; about how gatherings were held in Russian huts many years ago; develop aesthetic taste in children, respectful attitude to the people around.

Equipment: part of the class is decorated like a Russian hut: in the corner there is a painted fake stove, in the middle there is a table, on it is a samovar, cast-iron pots, bowls, on the sides are wooden benches. The other part is designed as a modern apartment: a sofa, a table with dishes, a TV set in the corner, toys on the shelf. The children do not see the table with refreshments, it is in another class.

Class hour progress

(The presenters appear: the owner and the hostess. Both are in Russian folk costumes.)

Mistress. Please, dear guests, please!

Master. Fun and joy to you!

Mistress. We have been waiting for you for a long time, we are waiting for you, the holiday does not start without you!

X o z i and n. We have a place and a word for everyone!

Mistress. We have in store for you fun for every taste. To whom - a fairy tale, to whom - the truth, to whom - a song, and to everyone - delicious treats.

(Guests enter the stage. Guests bow to the hosts, sit down.)

Master. Are you comfortable, dear guests? Is it visible to everyone? Does everyone hear? Is there enough space for everyone?

One of the guests. Goetyamto, a well-known case, there was enough space. Isn't it a little tight for the owners?

X about zya and n. In tightness - no offense.

(The owners sit down.)

Teacher. So, guys, we saw how a long time ago it was customary to meet guests. A Russian person has always been considered and is considered the most friendly and hospitable host. But do all of you now know how a host should behave and how a guest should behave? And what is more difficult: to be a good host or a pleasant guest? Let's try to figure it out today. But first, look at the other story.

(A scene is being played out on the territory of a “modern apartment”. The owner is enthusiastically playing a board game. Guests come up to the “door” and “call”. The owner breaks away from his work, goes to open it, with a displeased expression on his face.)

X o z i and n. Ah, it's you!

Guests (standing on the threshold). You invited us to play a new game today.

Master (unsatisfied).

Okay. Come on in.

Only: Don't walk on carpet

You will poke a hole in it.

Get up off this couch

Otherwise, there will be a hole.

And don't touch the bed

You can wrinkle the sheet.

And don't touch the toys.

Don't lie on pillows.

And you don't have to take books -

You can break them.

And don't get in the way...

Oh, don't you better go?

(Guests back away in confusion and leave.) Teacher. Guys, draw a conclusion, what should be the owner? (The host must be generous and tactful. He should not spare books, toys, treats for guests.)

- What will a tactful host do if a guest accidentally knocks over a vase or breaks something?

- And what will he do if he urgently needs to go somewhere, and the guest is not going to leave yet?

- And the owner must also be able to entertain his guests and treat them properly.

(Children show how the gatherings used to go.) Mistress. Fables in their faces, they sit in tower-rooms, crack nuts and make mockery. (Guests perform humorous dialogues.)

- Fedul, why did you pout your lips?

- The caftan burned through.

- You can sew.

- There is no needle.

- How big is the hole?

One gate remains.

- Foma. Why don't you come out of the forest?

- I caught a bear!

- So bring it here! - He's not coming! - So you go!

- He won't let me!

- Son, go to the river for some water!

- My belly hurts!

- Son, go eat porridge!

“Well, since mother tells you to, we must go!”


Hey chick girls

Sing ditties!

Sing it fast

To please guests. (Four guests sing ditties.)

Wider circle, wider circle.

Give me a wider circle.

I don't go dancing alone

There are four of us.

I didn't want to dance.

Standing and shy

And the harmonica played

I couldn't resist.

And in our yard

frogs croaked,

And I'm barefoot from the stove,

Girlfriends thought.

I walked through the village

And I saw Vanyusha

Sitting under a bush and crying:

The chicken hurt.

I danced with three legs

Lost a shoe

Looked back:

My boots are on.

Hedgehog sits on a birch

white shirt,

On the head - a boot,

On the leg is a cap.


Knows his business

She is in Vanya's hands

Plays well.

If there were no water

There would be no mug

If there were no girls

Who would sing ditties? (The boys run out to the middle, they dance in a squat.)

Boy (sings):

There is a cart on the mountain

Tears drip from the arc.

There is a cow under the mountain.

Puts on boots.

Mistress. Dear guests, would you like to eat sweets. Yes, listen to the story. I have good kvass, and jams, and pickles. Come in without hesitation!

Scene "Away"

Igor. You know, come to me today at six o'clock. I'll show you my brands and a new designer ... Let's listen to the tape recorder.

Victor. OK. I will come.

Author. At seven o'clock Igor had already stopped waiting for his comrade. He poured warm water into a basin and got ready to wash his handkerchiefs. At that moment, the bell rang sharply and loudly. While Igor, wiping his soapy hands, walked to the door, someone pressed the bell button several times, without letting go for a long time.

(Igor opens the door. On the threshold- Victor.)

Victor. Hello! It's me!

(He goes into the room, throws his wet cloak and hat into an armchair, and looks around.)

Victor. Aw you nothing. Suitable. What's this?

(He grabs the model sailboat from the desk.)

Igor. This was given to my father. For memory.

Victor. Well done. What about wooden masts?

(Victor presses harder and the mast breaks. Igor looks frightened. But he doesn't say anything. Victor takes and examines other objects.)

Victor. What is the price? Where did you buy? And what's that? Why do you keep all sorts of junk in the house?

(Victor opens perfume bottles, tries the cream with his finger, blows into the powder. Igor is pouring tea at this time.)

In and to r. You cut sausages, Igor. This is a herring, isn't it? And give herring. I know how salty I love!

Victor. Well, I went. Bye. I'll still come tomorrow. And I took your penknife: I need to cut a stick. I'll give it away somehow.

Teacher. Guys, what did you not like about the behavior of the guest? Who should be the guest?

Today I give you an invitation to visit for a tea party and I give you this complimentary ticket. If you want to keep the ticket as a keepsake, you must correctly answer the question on this ticket. Questions: - Do I need to take off my hat if you came to visit, to the theater or to the library? - If you ate candy, what will you do with the candy wrapper? - If you were invited to visit at the appointed time, what would you do: come early, arrive on time, or be a little late?

- If you ate a cake and stained your nose with cream, what would you do: wipe it off with your sleeve, handkerchief, paper napkin or will you not wipe anything until you finish your cake and drink your tea?

- How to stir tea in a glass: so that the ringing reaches the neighbors in the porch; so that the tea splashes on the floor; silently, without attracting the attention of the neighbors on the table?

What should you do when you enter someone's House or kvar dash?

- Who should wash the dishes for you - mom or grandmother?,

- At a party, they poured a full bowl of soup for you.You already know, that you will never eat that much. How do you start eating and leave half of the serving on the plate;burst but eat everything on the plate, apologize andyou ask so that they pour you less, because there are so manyyou not to eat?

“At the table you were asked a question, and you have a full mouth. What will you do: first you chew, then you answer; you mumble the answer with a full mouth; of course, you need to chew - this is one, and not to fill your mouth full - this is two?

- What will you do if you hear that your neighbor at the table hiccupped loudly: you start laughing so that others laugh with you; Will you try not to show that you heard this so as not to embarrass him?

Teacher. Now we are going to visit Monkey. To the monkey for tea!

(Children see the tables, and above them is a funny drawing of the Monkey, which is depicted with a napkin on its chest, and its mouth is full of cake, behind its ear there is a straw with cream. For tea - the lesson is continued: children learn to eat cake with a spoon, stir tea without ringing spoon, and drink quietly.)