When the lips are chapped. What to do if your lips are chapped, methods of treatment. Traditional methods of treatment

Chapped and burning lips due to moisture loss from exposure negative factors... Signs of chapping are: tightness, unpleasant sensation peeling, redness, cracks. Many people in the cold season ask themselves the question: chapped lips - what to do and how to cure them?

Chapped lips are not as harmless as many people think, because bacteria and microbes can get into the cracks, which lead to completely unexpected and extremely undesirable consequences... So, if your lips are chapped, then this problem must be eliminated immediately so as not to catch some more serious disease.

Why are lips chapped?

The reasons why lips can become chapped are conditionally divided into two groups - external and internal.

External factors

The first group of negative factors includes:

1. Weather conditions.

Wind, rain and sun negatively affect the beauty and health of your lips. Delicate skin does not like sudden changes in temperature, and quickly begins to crack in severe frost and heat. Also, its appearance is rendered Negative influence ultra-violet rays.

To impact on external factors, we cannot, however, it is in our power to pay due attention to protection from negative factors and thereby prevent chapping.

2. Cosmetics

Problems can appear due to the use of low-quality lipstick or gloss. Super-resistant lipsticks also negatively affect the skin of the lips. Therefore, before applying decorative cosmetics, you need not only to carefully study its composition, but also to protect the lips with a balm that will moisturize your skin.

3. Toothpaste

Substances that can strengthen our tooth enamel or to heal the gums, may be harmful to sensitive skin lips. The drying effect is possessed by fluoride, which is most often found in the composition of toothpastes.

4. Bad habit

You should never lick dry lips; this will cause them to become even more chapped and, as a result, cracked.

5. Improper breathing.

With improper breathing - through the mouth, due to a cold, the lips will instantly become chapped.

Internal reasons

The second, so-called "internal" group, includes health problems. In order to understand that the cause lies within you, and to cure it, pay attention to the condition of your nails, hair and skin.

1. Lack of water

Impaired water balance makes your sponges less protected - daily rate water one and a half two liters. And if your lips are chapped, you need to increase your water intake.

2. Avitaminosis

Human body by all possible ways signals its condition, and sponges are no exception. You just need to enrich your body with vitamins A and E.

Control measures and solutions

Remember! If your lips are chapped, in no case should you tear off the keratinized skin. It is necessary to wait until it disappears by itself. Otherwise, wounds may remain, which will be very problematic to cure.

Finding the reason why the sponges have weathered means to cope with the problem by 50 percent, and if the reason is inside, it is quite simple to deal with it:

  • consume water in the right amount;
  • drink a complex of vitamins A, E and B.

If the cause of lip problems is negative impacts environment, then you can use the following tools:

Healing masks

Natural masks are the most The best way fight chapped lips.

  • A sour cream mask will help moisturize chapped lips. Take quality fat sour cream(homemade is best) and apply evenly around your mouth. After the first layer is dry, the procedure should be repeated.
  • Kiwi mask will give natural shine your lips. Pour a couple of drops of vegetable (preferably olive or almond) oil into a tablespoon and crush a small piece of kiwi there - medicinal mixture ready.
  • Olive oil and honey. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, apply the mixture to chapped lips, blot with a tissue after 15-20 minutes.

Try to minimize contact with water, as it also dries the skin very strongly and contributes to the appearance of microcracks.

There is also enough pharmacy products to help you heal your lips:


If the problem of weathering is running, regular petroleum jelly will come to your aid. Having a high fat content, it quickly and on long time, will moisturize your lips.

To do this, apply vaseline ointment to the sponges and massage them with your fingertips for 20-25 minutes, as if rubbing into the skin. Then remove the remnants of the ointment with a towel or napkin moistened with warm water.

Balm "Rescuer"

The lifeguard will not only moisturize your chapped lips, but also heal.

Professional balms nourish and moisturize delicate skin lips and also create a protective film on your lips.

Hygienic lipstick

The most practical way to moisturize sponges. Apply it in a thick layer before every going outside.


It is always better to prevent a problem from occurring than to deal with the consequences later.

For prevention, experts recommend using protective equipment, which include sun filters and emollient oils... Very effective balms based on beeswax... Buy quality products to avoid allergic reactions.

Get rid of bad habit lick your lips. Moisture quickly evaporates from the surface and, as a result, dries them even more.

Advice: If you fail to wean yourself from this bad habit, then you can lubricate your lips with greasy, healthy, but at the same time bitter aloe oil.

Drink enough water, the daily amount of water is 1.5-2 liters. If you have consumed salty or too fatty foods, the norm increases by 0.5-1 liter depending on the food consumed.

Moisturize the air - being in a room with dry air will dry out your skin, and this will negatively affect it appearance... So, if possible, try to monitor the humidity of the air in the room in which you are.

Don't wear long-lasting lipsticks or cheap makeup. Always wash off makeup and moisturize your lips before going to bed.

Eat right! You need to eat more nuts, fruits, dairy products and fish.

Lip skin is highly sensitive and requires constant care.

Every day it is influenced by external factors - frost, wind, sun. As a result, lips can become chapped and chapped.

To avoid this, you need to use effective caring products..

If the problem still arises, they treat chapped lips at home. So what helps in this situation?

To find an effective remedy, it is very important to determine the causes of the problem. Wind exposure is key... V summer time lips are additionally exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, the following can cause chapped lips:

Before treating chapped lips, it is very important to provide them with complete care... Thanks to this, it will be possible to quickly improve the condition of the skin.

How to treat chapped lips? To do this, you can use various masks, oils and creams. However, in difficult cases you cannot do without medicines.

If slight peeling appears on the lips, it will be enough to lubricate them with petroleum jelly. Thanks to this preparation, it is possible to soften the skin and protect it from the influence of external factors.

Also on initial stage chapping is an excellent tool oil solutions vitamins A and E. If you daily lubricate the affected areas with these drugs, the question of how to get rid of chapped lips will not arise.

You can buy Hydrocortisone ointment at the pharmacy... This remedy quickly helps to eliminate small cracks and flaking on the skin. First, the lips are applied this drug, after which they are treated with a moisturizer. This will provide a longer lasting effect.

If the lips are quite chapped, antibacterial ointments are recommended.... In such a situation, how to smear chapped lips should be told by the doctor, since these funds have many side effects.

More safe option become gels containing zinc sulfate... They have few contraindications and perfectly eliminate cracks. To cope with the problem, you need to treat the affected areas three times a day.

Many people are wondering what to do if they have chapped lips. At home, it is quite possible to eliminate this problem folk remedies.

There are many effective masks, which can significantly improve the condition of the epithelium:

If your lips are very chapped, you can use a medicated ointment. To prepare it, take 1 small spoonful of petroleum jelly, cocoa butter and beeswax. You will also need 1 tablespoon of chamomile broth.

The product should be boiled and removed from heat. The ointment must be stirred until it cools completely. The resulting composition is recommended to be used 2 times a day.

Many people are wondering how to cure chapped lips in 1 day.... To do this, it is enough to take fresh leaf aloe, cut into 2 pieces and squeeze out a few drops of juice. The resulting product should be used to lubricate the lips.

Salt compress is considered an equally effective product.... To prepare a medicinal liquid, it is enough to dissolve 1 small spoonful of salt in 500 ml of water. After that, soak a small piece of gauze in the resulting composition and apply it to chapped lips.

After the completion of the procedure, the skin is lubricated with oily nourishing cream... Vaseline is also great for this purpose. To achieve stable results, the compress is used for 4-5 days.

Answering the question of how to remove chapped lips, one cannot fail to mention effective peels... Thanks to this procedure, you can get rid of dead tissue and make the skin softer and more tender.

For this purpose, the following tools are suitable:

  1. Toothbrush... It is enough for her to rub her lips a little after any mask. Thanks to this simple manipulation, you can easily remove the softened skin particles.
  2. Sugar... To do this, you need to mix a spoonful of sugar with small amount olive oil. Vaseline can also be used for this purpose. To get rid of keratinized skin, you need to rub your lips with this mixture.
  3. Candied honey. This remedy it is necessary to apply on the lips and rub them for 1-2 minutes. The honey can then be washed off.

After completing the cleansing procedure, the lips need to be lubricated with vegetable oil - it is best to use olive oil. Subsequently, it is recommended to systematically use hygienic lipstick, which will protect the skin from excessive dryness and cracking.

To prevent the appearance similar problems, it is very important to follow certain rules:

Chapped lips are a common problem that affects everyone's appearance.

To cope with this phenomenon, you can use effective folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations. If you cannot cure the skin on your own, you should contact a dermatologist..

There is no woman who would never have chapped lips. For some, this happens extremely rarely, for others, on the contrary, it happens all the time. Why does this happen, and what causes the skin of the lips to dry and flake? You will learn about this from our article.


The skin of the lips is easily chapped and becomes dry, because it does not have its own protective mechanism - sweat and sebaceous glands... Intense exposure to wind leads to rapid dehydration of the skin, it begins to peel off. Moreover, no big difference, cold wind blowing or hot. In addition, the following factors contribute to faster chapping of the lips:

  • Dry indoor air... In the cold season, the air in the room is often dry due to the operation of heating systems and heaters. In such an environment, the skin begins to lose precious moisture, and the lips are the first to react to this.
  • Avitaminosis... Deficiency of vitamins A, E, C in winter and spring provokes a deterioration in the condition of the skin.
  • Disease... Any illness accompanied by an increase in body temperature leads to the fact that the body loses fluid in large quantities, and the lips begin to dry out. Nasal congestion, which often occurs with colds and acute respiratory diseases, forces a person to breathe through the mouth, because of this, the mucous membrane oral cavity and the skin of the lips lose moisture and dry out.
  • Licking lips in the wind... It only seems that this bad habit helps to moisturize the skin of the lips. Actually wet skin under the influence of wind it is more susceptible to dehydration.
  • Allergic reaction... Individual intolerance to the components of toothpaste, cosmetics for lips or face, medicinal product, the food product can dry out the skin of the lips.

What to do

If your lips are chapped, then the first step is to get rid of the dried crusts as soon as possible, for this it is recommended to peel. Then the skin of the lips must be moisturized and nourished with masks. You may have to repeat the procedures to resuscitate chapped lips.


There is no need to use special cosmetics to exfoliate chapped lips. Are quite suitable simple ingredients that are in every home. For example, take a pinch of sugar and mix with a teaspoon of liquid honey, massage your lips with this mixture for a few minutes. As a remedy for peeling will do even ordinary petroleum jelly. Soften it up, and lubricate your lips with it, take toothbrush with soft bristles, and rub it lightly on dry skin for two minutes.


Immediately after peeling, you must apply homemade masks to your lips:

  • Curd... Mix in 2: 1 proportions fresh cottage cheese and heavy cream. Apply to lips for 15-20 minutes.
  • Cucumber... Grate the cucumber, add 1 tsp to the gruel. olive oil. Place the mixture on your lips for 15 minutes.
  • Sour cream... Take 1 tsp. fresh homemade sour cream, add 1 tsp to it. vegetable oil(better than olive) and a couple of drops lemon juice... Apply to lips for 10-15 minutes.

At the end of the mask, rinse off its remnants with warm water, and lubricate your lips with moisturizing, hygienic lipstick or oil tea tree, it not only moisturizes the skin, but also has a wound healing effect.


To prevent repeated chapping, you must not forget to apply hygienic lipstick to your lips before each going outside, and then, if necessary, decorative. To prevent drying out of the skin of the body and lips in particular, you need to consume a sufficient amount of fluids daily. Doctors advise drinking at least 1.5 liters per day.

If, despite regular care behind the skin of the lips, chapping is not a rare case, but a constantly recurring phenomenon, then you need to visit a doctor to find out if everything is in order with your health. In case of a deficiency of vitamins, you need to drink a course of multivitamin preparations, purchase hygienic lipstick containing vitamins A and E. It is also worth adjusting the diet, and adding more foods containing vitamins A and E. If it turns out that frequent chapping contributes to allergic reaction, you need to determine what exactly the individual intolerance has manifested itself on, and forever abandon this tool or product.

One of the most delicate and sensitive parts of the body is the lips. On their surface is located a large number of nerve endings, the epithelium is thin and vulnerable to external factors. Therefore, if the lips are severely chapped, the person experiences discomfort. Most often we encounter such a problem in the autumn or winter period when happens sharp drop climatic conditions... To avoid such a condition, you need to know, if your lips are chapped, what to do and how to return them to their former softness and evenness.

If the lips are chapped, there are many reasons for this condition. People say that lips are constantly chapped if kissing in the wind. But other factors are also to blame for the loss of elasticity in this area. There are certain external and internal reasons Problems. The first include the following factors:

  1. Acute lack of vitamins. Often the reason why lips are chapped in both summer and winter is vitamin deficiency. Especially this situation occurs with a deficiency of vitamins A, B and E. As a result, there is excessive dryness, loss of firmness and elasticity, tightness. It is recommended to include in the diet as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, if necessary, undergo a course of vitamin therapy, especially in the winter-spring period.
  2. Activation of the herpes virus. When such unpleasant symptoms like itching, burning, or tingling, a person can instinctively bite or lick the skin. V in this case the painful area should be smeared with an antiherpetic agent (acyclovir, herpevir, acyc) as soon as possible.
  3. Dehydration. With a lack of moisture in the body, such a problem also arises. You can fill the missing liquid by drinking at least one and a half liters of water per day. In hot weather, the amount of liquid in the diet increases.
  4. Nasal congestion. If a person constantly breathes through his mouth, the lips dry out, peel off and chapped. Therefore, it is very important to eliminate this cause of the problem and only then take measures to get rid of dryness.
  5. Another reason that the lips are swollen and chapped is the development of infectious or viral diseases.
  6. Diseases that provoke problems - gastritis, gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colitis and other organ diseases digestive system, liver disease, and Sjogren's Syndrome.
  7. Development of helminthic invasions.
  8. Development of an allergic reaction.
  9. Heilit.

There are also external factors that influence the appearance of the problem:

  1. Having a bad habit of biting and licking lips. In this case, peeling and redness, dryness and even cracks appear. Therefore, so that they do not become weathered, you must control yourself, do not lick your skin, do not bite. Apply moisturizing lipstick or balm before leaving the house.
  2. Climatic conditions. This factor often provokes chapping in both the adult and the child. The biggest risk area is being on strong wind and frost, as well as on the beach, as a result of which the epidermis begins to weaken and flake off.
  3. The use of substandard cosmetics... If lipstick or low-quality gloss, they cover the skin with a dense layer, as a result of which the epidermis does not breathe. Also, sometimes cosmetics are simply not suitable, as a result of which flaking and redness appear.
  4. Influence of dust.
  5. Excessive UV radiation.
  6. Using toothpastes with increased content fluorine.
  7. Consuming food that is too cold or too hot.

The first sign of a problem is dryness, tightening, roughness, soreness and cracks. If there is no proper treatment, the skin can peel off, crack, bleeding and inflammation appear. During communication and eating, the cracks renew and hurt. When a bacterial infection is attached, suppuration may occur.

Treatment methods

What to do if your lips are chapped, how to smear chapped lips? Pharmaceutical preparations, folk and cosmetic products, as well as proper care further.

Pharmacy products

How to heal chapped lips with pharmacy products? Hydrocortisone ointment may help. it hormonal agent, therefore, it is possible to smear lips only after preliminary consultation with a doctor. It is necessary to apply the product once or twice a day, do not use for more than five days. Burenka cream will help to cope with chapped lips. It nourishes the skin, eliminates dryness and flaking. If the problem is triggered by the activation of herpesvirus, antiherpetic drugs (Acyclovir, Atsik, Gerpevir) will help.

In the presence of small and medium cracks, it is advisable to lubricate them with preparations with zinc sulfate, dexpanthenol. Apply the ointment three times a day. In a neglected situation, if it has joined the cracks bacterial infection, you can get rid of the problem with an antibacterial ointment. Boro-plus is effective. How much to smear and how to treat chapped lips, the dermatologist or dentist decides.

How quickly does the skin recover? If the treatment is started in a timely manner, the smoothness and hydration of the skin can be restored within two days. If there are cracks and inflammation, it will take longer. How to treat and how to remove the problem, the doctor will tell you after the examination.

Traditional methods

How to quickly cure chapped lips with folk remedies:

  1. Lip chapping will help cosmetic oils... They contain a large amount of tocopherol. You can make the skin moisturized with sesame, olive, sea buckthorn oil.
  2. Honey masks have a strong healing and regenerating effect.
  3. Sour cream. Homemade masks based on this product will help moisturize and get rid of unpleasant symptoms of chapped lips.
  4. Egg. Yolk chicken eggs contains a large number of nutrients, with the help of which the skin becomes moisturized, the water balance is restored. Apply fresh yolk and leave to dry completely. Wash off, apply any oil or nourishing cream.
  5. Chamomile and butter... Melt a little butter, add a little dry chamomile to it, let it simmer for half an hour in a water bath. Then strain and pour into a container. Put in the refrigerator. The treatment helps to transform the skin within a day.
  6. Avocado. This fruit contains a large amount of nutrients and fatty acids. Due to these substances, moisture is retained in the skin for a longer time. This remedy is effective and can heal chapped lips in 1 day.

After a preliminary examination, a dermatologist or cosmetologist will also tell you how to restore skin using home remedies.


How to get rid of chapped lips with cosmetics? It is also important to use moisturizing and nourishing cosmetic lip balms. They need to be applied to the skin before going outside, and can also be used at home. Among the most effective means can be distinguished: Aevit, Against chapping (cosmetics Clean line), From cracks (Biocon), Ambulance(BelorDesign), Protective (Labello).

Those balms that are used in summer months must contain components that protect against exposure ultraviolet rays... It is especially important to anoint the skin with them in the hottest 2 months of summer.

Lip care rules and prevention

Proper care is the key to the beauty and health of your lips:

  1. It is important to monitor the humidity in the room. Use a humidifier if necessary.
  2. Refuse to eat too hot or cold foods.
  3. Do not rub your lips with a towel after showering or washing your face.
  4. If the skin is dry, moisturize constantly with a product such as cocoa butter.
  5. In the summer, use a balm or lipstick with UV protection.
  6. Before leaving the room, apply nutritive protective equipment.
  7. The first way to protect yourself is to refuse constant licking and nibbling.
  8. Massage to normalize blood circulation. To do this, you can use a toothbrush.
  9. Perform weekly peels with honey or with commercially available products.
  10. Include as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible in your diet. If necessary, take a course of taking multivitamin complexes. The benefits and harms of such drugs are assessed by a doctor during a consultation.
  11. Control the quality of the cosmetics used. Be sure to follow the expiration dates.
  12. Follow drinking regimen... Consume at least one and a half to two liters of clean filtered water during the day.

The problem of chapped lips is familiar to many. This ailment appears suddenly and brings considerable physical and aesthetic discomfort. After all, chapped lips crack strongly, burst, hurt, peel off, redden. It brings more discomfort to women who look after their appearance.

It is difficult to "mask" chapped lips with cosmetics, and this "problem" spoils the whole image of the girl. Therefore, it is the fairer sex who make every effort to prevent and treat this ailment.

How to cure quickly chapped sponges and why this happens, the article will tell you.


Initially, you need to find out the reasons why the lips are subject to such destruction. Cracks can seem harmless. But this is not the case. Microorganisms and bacteria enter them, provoking infection and swelling. One cannot be indifferent to this.

Therefore, in order to prevent an ailment, it is worth knowing the reasons for its appearance:

  • Weather. Wind, snow, heat, heat negatively affect the skin. It dries up, moisture is lost. This causes the skin to crust over and then crack. It is worth monitoring temperature changes, constantly moisturizing the skin hygienic lipsticks before going outside.
  • Cosmetical tools. The disease appears due to the use of low-quality cosmetics. Chemical based lipsticks destroy skin covering deprive it of natural protective properties... It is worth using only proven brands and brands of cosmetics, carefully studying the composition. To prevent ailment, apply a moisturizing balm or makeup base to the skin before applying lipstick.
  • Means for cleaning teeth. Many toothpastes contain fluoride. It whitens teeth. But this component contains ingredients that are harmful to the skin and provoke drying out.
  • Licking lips is a common habit for many people. It leads to burning, redness and cracking. Licking your lips is not recommended outdoors. Under the influence of wind, the negative effect of saliva on the skin increases. Licking the lips is a common cause of chapping in a child. In infants, the nipple becomes the cause of chapping. Saliva enters the lips, but does not "descend" into the esophagus. Therefore, you need to monitor the amount of saliva on the skin, wipe it regularly to prevent the onset of the disease.
  • Diseases. Heat the body provokes drying out of the skin in the area of ​​the lips. During illness, it is worth drinking more water, taking care of the skin, moisturizing it with balms and hygienic lipsticks.
  • Lack of fluid in the body. The human body is 80 percent water, so a lack of water provokes drying out and flaking of various areas of the body.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals. Peeling indicates a deficiency of vitamins A and E. It is worth consulting a doctor, go through a complex medical examination for a deficit. It is worth remembering that vitamins should be prescribed only by a doctor after passing all tests and confirming vitamin deficiency.


Important: When lips are chapped, the skin becomes crusty. It cannot be ripped off or removed. This will lead to cracking and sores.

If the reason is vitamin deficiency or lack of fluid, it is worth taking a course of vitamins and drinking at least two liters of water daily.

For treatment, it is worth using masks prepared at home:

To eliminate the disease, use peels (scrubs):

  • Sugar scrub. To prepare it, you will need to take honey and sugar. Mix the two components until smooth. Apply to the affected area. Massage for 10-15 minutes. Wash off warm water... Apply moisturizer.
  • Vaseline scrub. For peeling, you will need to buy regular petroleum jelly at the pharmacy. It is applied to the affected area, which is massaged for 10 minutes. You do not need to rinse off the petroleum jelly. It is removed with cosmetic wipes.

Homemade suspensions and creams:

  • Cucumber. For cooking, juice is squeezed out of a cucumber and rubbed overnight.
  • Olive. Massage into skin daily olive oil first spin.
  • Sea buckthorn. You will need to buy sea buckthorn oil and lubricate the affected areas of the skin with it daily.
  • Based on aloe. Aloe juice perfectly moisturizes, softens, heals and relieves redness and inflammation. To prepare the cream, aloe juice and honey are mixed in equal proportions.

Pharmacological agents

If you do not have enough time to prepare masks at home, you should use the means of the pharmacological industry:

  • Petrolatum. A well-known moisturizer. It helps quickly and effectively. It is inexpensive. Sold in pharmacy kiosks. Used 2-3 times a day.
  • Rescuer. Sold as a gel or balm.
  • Hygienic lipstick. Universal remedy... Its advantage is compactness and efficiency. It is better to choose lipsticks with hyaluronic acid.
  • Vitamin E. It is sold in capsules at pharmacy kiosks.
Problem prevention

To prevent the onset of an ailment, it is worth:

  • Drink more water.
  • Monitor the humidity level in the room.
  • Use protective equipment before going outside.
  • Do not lick the skin around the lips.
  • Use lipsticks based on emollient oils.
  • Monitor nutrition. Give preference fermented milk products, fish and fresh fruit.

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