What are chemical peels for the face. What peeling is better. What kind of peeling is suitable for the skin around the eyes

Any woman who cares about her skin sooner or later resorts to such a procedure as peeling. It is necessary both as an independent and as a preparatory stage for more complex cosmetic procedures. Salons in Lately offer a variety of types differing in cost, method and strength of impact. How to understand such a large assortment and choose what is suitable for a particular case?

Peeling: what is it

Peeling is one in which old, dead cells are removed that interfere with the regeneration of new ones. This procedure will rejuvenate the face, give the skin healthy look. Also, such cleansing will help get rid of scars and scars, age spots and other imperfections.

The only condition is that all types of face peeling in salons should be carried out only by qualified specialists with appropriate certificates and preferably a medical education.

Pros and cons

So, when should you think about the facial cleansing procedure. If, looking in the mirror, you observe dull, tired skin, it is worth visiting a beautician who will offer the best types of peeling for the face. In addition, the procedure can correct such aesthetic problems:

  • scars
  • dark spots;
  • wrinkles.

Periodically, it is necessary to get rid of dead cells for those who have excessively oily or, conversely, dry skin. The first provokes the appearance of blackheads and acne, and the second is not sufficiently hydrated. The procedure will help get rid of the first signs of aging and slow down this process.

Despite the wonderful cosmetic effect, peeling in some cases can do much harm. Here are a number of conditions in which the procedure is contraindicated:

  1. Wounds, abrasions and lesions
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Herpes in the acute stage.
  4. Individual intolerance to drugs (detected before the procedure on a small area of ​​skin).
  5. Recently epilated.

For cleaning to be most effective, trust only professionals. Consultation with a cosmetologist before it is required.

Peeling classification

Depending on the result you want to achieve, there are various peels for face. Types differ in two aspects: the method of exposure and its depth.

Depending on how the procedure is carried out, it can be chemical, mechanical, hardware or natural. We will analyze these types of facial peels in detail later, but now we will focus on which layers of the skin such cleaning can involve.

  • Superficial peeling. It acts on the outer layers of the skin, does not affect the stratum corneum. However, this is quite enough to smooth wrinkles and even remove age spots. It is performed on a face cleansed of makeup.
  • Medium peeling. Involves the deeper layers of the skin, reaches the upper dermis. The effect is more persistent than that of the previous species.
  • Deep peeling. Works in stratum corneum epidermis, has the most persistent and pronounced effect. The procedure is very painful.

Mechanical peeling

Types of facial peels in cosmetology are headed by its mechanical version. Special compositions with mild abrasive substances act on the surface layers of the skin, thereby removing dead cells. The most popular are microcrystalline, gommage and brossage.

Microcrystalline facial cleansing occurs as follows: under pressure, the smallest particles of aluminum are sprayed onto the face. They have a special effect on the skin, removing irregularities, smoothing it, improving the appearance. Microdermabrasion will help get rid of freckles, tighten the face, make its contour more distinct.

Gommage is carried out with the help of fruit or lactic acids. They act on dead cells, unhooking them from healthy ones. The cosmetologist, using a brush, after a while easily removes unnecessary skin particles.

When throwing, do not use any additional funds and compositions, except for special soft abrasive brushes. They act on the very surface of the skin, polishing it and making it smooth.

The last two methods are possible for independent use at home.

Hardware peeling

The name speaks for itself: the procedure is carried out with the help of special devices. The most common are the following: ultrasonic, laser, vacuum and brushing.

The most comfortable peeling for the patient is with the help of ultrasound. Its waves affect the keratinized layer of the skin. The only condition is moisture, so the face is treated with special solutions or thermal water.

The advantage of the laser skin cleaning procedure is that this method acts on certain areas (wrinkles, pigments). healthy skin remains unchanged. Due to this, the effect of the laser is very delicate.

Vacuum peeling works by creating negative pressure inside a specialized nozzle. Thus, in the process, not only dead cells are sucked in, but also acne, wrinkles are smoothed out. The recovery process starts. It is noteworthy that the variability of nozzles depends on the type of skin and the desired result.

Brushing is the same brossage, only carried out not by hand, but by a special cosmetic device.

Superficial chemical peel

Recently, facials have gained popularity. Their types depend on how deep the skin they act. The acids that make up the solutions react with the skin, and then are neutralized with the help of special alkalis. The time of exposure and the aggressiveness of the composition depends on the intended results and the required depth of exposure.

All chemical facial peels require dry, makeup-free skin. As for the procedure intended for the surface layers, it is the most facilitated. Are used natural acids: fruit or dairy, also use azelaic, koi or glycolic. However, even weak preparations will help get rid of acne, enlarged pores, age spots. This method is also recommended in the fight against aging as preventive measure. If we consider all possible chemical types of facial peels, reviews position this type as the most convenient: the effect is better than that of the mechanical and hardware options, at the same time there is no pain and the rehabilitation period.

Medium chemical peel

If you are seriously thinking about skin rejuvenation, then the first thing to do is a median chemical peel. Due to the stronger acids in the composition of the preparations, it affects the deeper structures of the skin, prompting it to regenerate and, accordingly, smooth out. The procedure is performed on patients over 30 years of age. The fact is that it is from this age that the skin begins to lose elasticity, the processes of producing hyaluronic acid and collagen slow down.

You will be denied if one of the following conditions is observed:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to the components of the solutions.

Consideration should be given to the fact that such an aggressive procedure requires certain period recovery and post-peel procedures. Everything is decided individually by the cosmetologist performing the operation.

Customer reviews note that this type of cleaning has a more persistent and pronounced effect.

Deep chemical peel

In the most extreme cases, the patient is assigned to clean the deepest layers of the skin. Indications may be severe scars or scars, pronounced wrinkles. A high concentration of acid in solution causes severe burn skin, resulting in a long recovery period lasting from one month. The crusts from the burn will begin to move away only after two weeks.

Deep cleaning - the manipulation is very serious, carried out under general anesthesia. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully choose not only a doctor, but also an office. The maximum sterility of the procedure is important.

Clients note that the effect of a properly performed deep peeling is comparable to a surgical intervention to remove wrinkles.

Soft chemical peel

There are also chemical peels for the face. Dairy is one of those. It's done with acid. plant origin- lactan. This component is absolutely safe, because it is produced in the body during carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, this cleansing is recommended to everyone without limitation, even to patients with sensitive and problematic skin prone to inflammation.

Such cleansing will moisturize the skin well, tighten it due to the activation of collagen, and also accelerate the process of cell renewal.

If you prefer natural chemical peels for the face, almond is the most gentle of them. Thanks to phenyl glycolic acid, you will get a lasting effect even on sensitive skin. The molecules of the substance are very large, so they do not irritate the skin.

Mandelic acid has a lot of useful properties:

  1. It is a powerful antioxidant, therefore it prevents aging.
  2. Very gently exfoliates dead skin cells. Acts like a scrub, but the effect is more pronounced.
  3. Perfectly cleanses the pores, reduces the production of excess fatty secretion in them.
  4. Whitens the skin, eliminates pigmentation, even pronounced.
  5. Tightens the skin, makes its surface even.
  6. Fights bacteria living on the surface of the epidermis.

Everything chemical peels for the face, the types of which we have considered, require careful care during the recovery period. Avoid aggressive exposure to cold, solarium. Before going outside, apply sunscreen with high SPF.

Enzymatic and natural peels

Facial cleansing with the help of enzymes affects the intracellular composition of the epidermis. This allows you to restore the metabolism of skin cells. Enzymes of vegetable origin are used.

Close to natural. The preparations with which it is carried out do not contain any substances of non-natural origin. According to customer reviews of beauty parlors, best effect it is possible to achieve two of its varieties: biophytopilling and coral cleaning. The first method is a whole range of measures for cleaning and correcting skin surface. Along with extracts medicinal plants compositions are enriched with vitamin complexes. Cleaning with coral chips is also in high demand.

During the procedure, the epidermis is enriched with healing sea minerals. Also included are rare herbs that grow in Brazil.

The choice of peeling depending on age

Consider the recommended types of peeling for the face, depending on age. It is necessary to carry out the procedure at any age, because the skin is constantly updated and there are always dead cells on it. However, the method of exposure depends on the processes occurring in the epidermis.

Skin up to 25 years is elastic and toned, dryness is not ruled out. Sometimes there is pigmentation and acne. Therefore, it is enough to apply light types of cleaning: fruit acids, hardware (brushing), gommage and all kinds of scrubs. Procedures are also carried out to prevent the aging of the epidermis.

The age of 25-35 years is the time when the first wrinkles appear, the first aging processes begin in the skin. Here, superficial chemical, laser peels or dermabrasion are used.

Types of peeling for the face after 40 years are designed to fight already noticeable wrinkles, pronounced pigmentation, enlarged pores and capillaries. Held medium peeling, vacuum and laser resurfacing.

What women are not ready to go in pursuit of eternal youth. In this regard, I am far from an exception: the years go by, old age is approaching, but I still want to be attractive and beautiful. Once again I set out to find the best remedy that can, if not get rid of wrinkles, then at least make them less noticeable.

Peeling - exfoliation upper layers skin. According to the nature of the impact, the following types are distinguished:

  • chemical,
  • physical,
  • biological,
  • mechanical,
  • ultrasonic,
  • laser.

There is another classification of peels, which is based on the depth of exposure. Before talking about it, it doesn’t hurt to understand the structure of the skin, which is a kind of sandwich:

  • multi-layered epidermis - the most upper layer, consisting of keratinized dead cells epithelium. Under them lies the producing layer, where the process of cell renewal is constantly going on,
  • the dermis itself is the basis, consists of papillary and reticular layers.

I think it’s not worth going into details of explaining the processes of skin renewal, especially since this issue is being studied in school course biology. The information provided is sufficient to understand the extent and depth of impact the following types peeling:

  • superficial - removes the top layer of keratinized epithelial cells,
  • median - removal of the entire layer of the epidermis (keratinized and producing),
  • deep - affects the papillary layer.

As you can see, there are a lot of cosmetic procedures for skin renewal, and you definitely won’t be able to try them all at once, so you have to trust advertising booklets and your own prudence. Go into detail on each specific method In this article I will not, I will tell only in general terms.

What is peeling for?

Peeling, especially superficial, is an integral part of any woman's facial skin care. The skin of an adult, unlike the skin of a child, is not able to quickly remove excess scales, as a result, they form bulky layers, giving the face a gray, old and tired look. Although the procedure does not completely eliminate wrinkles, but allows:

After any peeling, proper post-peeling care is required, one of the points of which is the daily use of creams with a high degree UV protection.

Types of chemical peels

Based on the "burning" of dead skin cells with acids or alkalis. By the way, alkaline peels are not so popular, although they are more gentle, so beauty salons offer mostly acid-based procedures.

Deep peeling

The most difficult and not safe, it is usually carried out in a hospital - rehabilitation period may take several months. As a rule, it is carried out under anesthesia in the presence of resuscitators. That's probably why it's not so popular. Incidentally, as active substance phenol acts, which is poisonous, and its use on the neck and other parts of the body leads to scarring.

Judging by breaking news phenol-based peels appeared, which are no longer so harmful and are carried out under local anesthesia. Only here the observation of a doctor after it is still necessary, and you will have to spend at least three days in the hospital.

After the procedure, the face looks, to put it mildly, terrible: swollen, bright red, covered with a thick crust and somewhat reminiscent of a baked apple.

In no case can the crusts be torn off on their own, they must fall off on their own, otherwise deep scars cannot be avoided.

You will have to walk with a crimson face for a month, then another month with a pink one, and only by the end of the third quarter the skin will acquire its natural shade. Doctors say that after 3-4 weeks you can appear in public, having previously masked your face with a thick layer of plaster.

the effect after deep peeling mind-blowing:

  • pronounced lifting,
  • reduction in the severity of medium wrinkles,
  • refreshed appearance,
  • great complexion without pigmentation if you're lucky.

Only here and cons this procedure has a lot:

  • hyperpigmentation,
  • the possibility of developing infection and inflammatory processes on the skin,
  • increased allergic reactions,
  • scars and scars due to non-compliance with doctor's prescriptions

I don’t know about you, but I have such a “rosy” prospect of losing own health, the desire to carry out phenol peeling does not cause at all. While the facelift effect is rumored to persist for long years, on the other hand, six months of rehabilitation ...

Slightly to the side. I had one acquaintance, a middle-aged man, and so after an extensive acid burn, when the skin from his face was torn off, he really looked younger - almost the entire epidermis was completely renewed. But is it worth getting rid of wrinkles at such a price?

It is forbidden do deep peeling people with diseased kidneys, liver, cardiovascular insufficiency, herpes.

Types of median peeling based on acids

As mentioned above, this is the removal of the entire epidermis up to the papillary layer. Most often, trichloroacetic, salicylic, retinoic acid is used for these purposes. Purpose of peeling:

  • improve complexion,
  • raise skin turgor,
  • eliminate pigmentation,
  • get rid of acne scars

Rumor has it trichloroacetic peeling even removes stretch marks, in any case, makes them less noticeable. Only here is my opinion: stretch marks are already for life, in my opinion, even a laser does not take them.

The median peeling procedure is shown women from 35 to 50 years old. Be sure to take into account seasonality, that is, it must be carried out from October to March, when the sun is not yet very active. At other times of the year, medium peeling will lead to an increase in pigmentation.

Another limitation regarding TCA peeling - you can not apply with active inflammation of acne, instead of improving the rash will only increase.

Regarding the second type of median chemical peeling based on retinoic acid, everything is complicated. Some argue that it is superficial, while others with foam at the mouth prove its median effect. In principle, we don’t care, only it was effective.

Just now efficiency in doubt, it will definitely not get rid of deep wrinkles, it will even out the relief, make the face fresher and remove age spots with freckles. Although this is also a plus. By the way, for more pronounced effect peeling is done in several stages with an interval of 2-4 weeks.

Median peeling is best done before the weekend, in order to be renewed and beautiful by Monday, provided that the procedure is carried out correctly.

So I had swelling on the floor of my eye, after milk peeling, which are superficial. All because the beautician slightly increased the exposure. But the second time it went great.

Superficial peeling

It is carried out with lactic and fruit acids and is considered the simplest and safest. Only now the effect is not as pronounced as when using more concentrated liquids.

Immediately after peeling, redness, peeling are observed, for many, thin layers of skin disappear within a week, as after sunburn. During the first week, tightness is felt, the face has a characteristic shine.

the effect superficial peeling

  • improvement complexion,
  • skin surface smoothing
  • reduction in the severity of defects.

With deep wrinkles, scars, he can not cope. More suitable for young girls in terms of preventing aging in the future and getting rid of fine wrinkles. Well proven in the treatment of dry problematic skin.

In addition to acids, biostimulants, vitamins, bleaches, moisturizers are added to superficial peeling products, which reduces the risk of possible complications in the form of inflammation, slight swelling and unbearable itching.

Mechanical peeling

Mechanical peels include dermabrasion (medium action) and microdermabrasion (superficial action). The bottom line is the removal of the upper layer of the epidermis with solid microparticles (remember pemolux), for example, with diamond chips or a special metal brush (I don’t know about you, but just the idea of ​​​​the procedure causes me a slight fright, bordering on horror).

As a rule, they are used for polishing skin defects. After the procedure, a lasting effect is observed, the skin looks rejuvenated and refreshed. When carrying out grinding, the accuracy of the doctor is important - the slightest careless movement will lead to deep damage skin.

A variety of mechanical peeling includes home scrubbing with commercial cosmetics or folk remedies.

Ultrasonic peeling

I don’t even want to talk about it for a long time, because the “after” effect practically does not differ from what it was “before”, although in beauty salons ultrasonic rejuvenation is actively advertised and offered to patients.

By the way, after laser peeling, there is also a chance to get more pronounced pigmentation. Although as a cleanser that removes sebaceous plugs, making the face fresh, this type of peeling is quite the place to be.

Physical peeling

The effect on the skin of ultra-low temperatures with the help of liquid nitrogen or dry ice. At the same time, the effect of "frostbite" is observed, while the cells begin to actively renew themselves, and the extra scales are rapidly sloughed off.

Laser peeling

Causes a lot of controversy among women using this service. Efficiency largely depends on the type of skin. So on oily skin it can cause the so-called "gauze effect", when the skin looks like a small uneven mesh.

With the help of a laser, you can carry out all types of peeling - from superficial to deep, everything will depend on the power and length of the beam.

As far as I understand, reviews about laser peeling are mostly negative. In some, the effect is not observed at all, while others complain of pigment spots that have come out, enlarged pores, and a rough surface of the face. At the same time, honest cosmetologists warn that this type of peeling will definitely not get rid of wrinkles, at least after a couple of weeks, as the swelling subsides and rehabilitation passes, all creases return to their place.

Biological peeling

The action is based on the dissolution of the upper layers of the epithelium by enzymes (pepsin, papain, bromelain, etc.). This type of peeling is more suitable for the phrase - care cosmetology: it is most often used as an excellent moisturizer and cleanser.

Peeling - the word characterizes a group of means and methods, the main task which consists of effective cleansing and exfoliation of dead skin particles at different levels. There are many tools and techniques, some of them are intended for use at home, others - only in salons. When choosing which peeling is better to do, a woman should take into account all contraindications, her skin type, and the presence of pronounced problems.

When choosing a method of skin rejuvenation and cleansing, it should be borne in mind that in addition to obviously salon and home methods, there is an adjacent group - the use of salon preparations (for example, acids) for peeling at home. Extreme caution should be exercised with such methods, as they burn out the dermis layer.

The skin after the procedures noticeably changes, rejuvenates, becomes fresh. Certain types of peels solve different problems: help with post-acne, acne, wrinkles, age spots. But it is impossible to say unequivocally which peeling for the face is better, because individual characteristics organism, severely limit the effectiveness of a particular agent.

What is peeling?

Helpful Hints

  • Masks, gommages and scrubs can be bought at the store. This is an easy way to find safe and reliable cosmetics. Depending on the problem and age of the skin, you should choose products with different acids (all this should be written on the package).
  • Pharmaceutical acid can be added to recipes. A milk mask of yogurt, oat bran and a few drops of lactic acid will saturate the epidermis with useful substances and eliminate wrinkles.
  • Some are wondering which face peel is better - or almond. Both of these acids are suitable for sensitive skin and can be used by women and girls from 20-25 years old. Almond peeling is ideal for summer conditions and hypersensitive epidermis - these are its main features.
  • Salicylic acid is ideal for problem skin, it well eliminates excessive production of fat, and also helps with acne. It is possible to eliminate psoriasis and seborrhea using this type of chemical peel.
  • Retinol procedures () - best peeling from post-acne, some types of age spots. Retinoic peeling promotes rapid skin renewal and collagen production.

At home, it is important to use low concentration acids for peeling. Typically, this figure should be in the region of 4-10% or slightly higher.

If you do not know which chemical peel is best to use for a particular problem, do not trust homemade recipes. In this case, you can choose special medications in a pharmacy, or consult a cosmetologist.

Maybe an enzyme?

Peeling is carried out with the help of enzymes that activate the dormant capabilities of the epidermis. Enzymatic cleansing is ideal for dry and relatively sensitive skin. It can be used for rejuvenation, and to solve other problems.

Under the action of enzymes, collagen production is activated, the immune system improves and endocrine system. Ideal remedy for minor dermatological problems.

If you are looking for a proven and high quality product for home application, but do not know which enzyme peeling better choose, try:

  • stopproblem

High-quality Russian peeling, which has won love among professionals, contains salicylic acid and is suitable for oily skin with, but it is better not to use it on very sensitive epidermis.

  • Janssen

German peeling, consisting of clay, pineapple and papaya enzymes, suitable for any skin.

  • GR Enzyme Peeling GIGI

An excellent Israeli remedy for oily skin. Kills bacteria and lightens a little, suitable for fighting pigmentation.

When is hardware cleaning needed?

Hardware peels have a huge spectrum of action and allow you to get rid of any dermatological problems: they cleanse impurities, remove age spots, rejuvenate, and clear scars. It is considered the most effective, expensive and serious procedure.

But you should approach the choice of apparatus and method of cleaning ONLY AFTER consultation with a cosmetologist and dermatologist. Hardware cleaning has many contraindications, and choosing a specialist with insufficient experience can lead to problems.

Therefore, it is important to know the main contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • age less than 18;
  • allergy to components;
  • viral diseases;
  • acute course of a chronic disease;
  • herpes, purulent rashes.

You should only turn to hardware cosmetology if you have serious problems with skin that could not be solved in other ways. For supporting natural beauty, fight against small wrinkles and inconspicuous scars, it is better to use soft products.

When choosing the best peeling for the face, depending on the type of epidermis, existing contraindications and problems, you need to focus on the most gentle procedures. The aggressive impact of devices and cosmetics can lead to the fact that similar methods it will be necessary to carry out more and more often due to a violation of the epidermis.

How to properly care for the skin of the face after various peels? You will learn about this from the article: "".

Facial peeling is the removal of dead cells from the top layer of the skin, resulting in:

  • pores are cleansed;
  • cell saturation process is stimulated nutrients by improving blood flow;
  • the mechanisms of their intensive regeneration are launched;
  • wrinkles become less pronounced;
  • the complexion is fresher and more even.

Some types of peeling can not only effectively cleanse the skin, improve its appearance, but also cure and solve many problems (see photos before and after).

It fights against age spots, acne rashes caused by high fat content skin, blackheads, premature aging, redness, etc.

When is the best time to exfoliate your face?

As for home peels, then this procedure can be done all year round. However, there are some limitations, depending on the method of exposure to the epidermis. For example, peeling with fruit acids in summer time should be avoided.

In other cases the best time for this procedure is evening, since after such a thorough cleansing of the skin of the face it is not recommended to leave the house. Most auspicious moment for peeling - on Friday evening, before the weekend, when two free days follow and you can stay at home so as not to expose the facial epidermis to external natural factors and cosmetics.

The maximum effect of well-cleansed skin is achieved if peeling is carried out after a bath or shower, as under the influence hot water and a couple of skin pores open, washed and become most susceptible to external caring influences.

Facial peeling is best done after a bath or shower.

best time for peeling in the salon is the period from October to April. Due to the fact that from autumn to spring the activity of the sun is minimal, the negative effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin of the face is not so intense. Favorable factors also include the absence of heat at this time.

Thus, salon cleansing procedures can be carried out for a fairly long period of time. This allows for long-term positive effect and maintain excellent skin condition all year round.

Each season can have its own specific skin care procedures aimed at solving not only any current problems, but also those that have arisen due to adverse seasonal factors.

For example, in autumn it is required to improve the skin after summer, when, due to the hot, aggressive sun, signs of its withering appear:

  • pigmentation due to exposure to sunlight;
  • small wrinkles as a result of photoaging.

After the summer, peeling helps fight wrinkles and pigmentation caused by UV rays.

The onset of spring is accompanied by such problems as:

  • avitaminosis;
  • dull complexion;
  • occurrence of microcracks.

In winter, when solar activity is the least, adverse factors become low temperatures, precipitation and strong wind, resulting in a lack of moisture, peeling, a feeling of tightness of the skin.

However, if the skin is properly and timely cared for throughout the year, it will withstand any changes in weather conditions and its condition will not worsen.

Types of face peeling in cosmetology

All types of peeling are classified according to two main parameters - this is the depth of exposure to the skin and how this effect occurs.

Human skin is a complex formation that consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat (hypoderm). The epidermis, in turn, is divided into 5, and the dermis into 2 layers.

In this way, based on the first parameter, there are three types of peeling(before and after photos see below):

  • Superficial peeling, which affects only the upper layers of the skin. With its help, dead cells are cleansed, it contributes to the fight against acne and black spots and is most suitable for young skin.
  • Median peeling- this is a more serious effect on the entire epidermis and is carried out when it is necessary to eliminate wrinkles or prepare the skin surface for plastic surgery.
  • Deep peeling should only be done under anesthesia. In fact, this is an operation that eliminates quite a few deep wrinkles and the skin becomes younger and smoother.

Important to remember! Any, especially a more serious and deep impact on the skin of the face must be carried out with the participation or under the supervision of an experienced cosmetologist who, being a specialist, will be able to give competent recommendations on how and in what cases to carry out such procedures.

According to skin trauma

When carrying out skin rejuvenation manipulations, when the upper dead layer of cells is completely removed in order to start the regeneration process, it must be borne in mind that such a procedure injures the surface of the face.

Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a method of exposure to the skin, weighing all the pros and cons and familiarizing yourself with the possible consequences.

Mechanical peeling of the face

Mechanical peeling is carried out as a result of exposure to the skin of the face with the help of various nozzles and natural abrasives. During the procedure, the damaged upper, or even two layers of the skin are removed. Thus, along with them, small, shallow wrinkles, irregularities, and defects are eliminated.

For almond peeling use mandelic acid

Mechanical peeling can be carried out by the most different ways. The most popular salon procedures are:

  • Almond peeling, which is carried out using mandelic acid. It delicately penetrates the upper layers of the epidermis and contributes to its good, gentle cleansing. Applicable to any type of skin, does not depend on the season (it is also carried out in summer), does not injure the surface.

Almond peeling is done in salons, depending on the condition of the skin, it is recommended to carry out from 5 to 10 sessions.

You can buy mandelic acid in pharmacies, and products based on it in the form of lotions and creams are sold in cosmetic stores.

Coral peeling allows you to cleanse the skin with crushed coral particles
  • Coral peeling, the essence of which lies in the fact that a composition containing highly crushed coral and useful herbs is applied to the face.

For achievement visible result at least four sessions are required, as a result of which the skin becomes soft and smooth. The tool does not cause significant damage to the skin, and due to the fact that it contains sea salt and essential oils, it acts as an antiseptic.

  • Diamond Peeling among other ways mechanical cleaning epidermis is the most sparing and painless, but at the same time one of the most effective. The secret of its excellent result lies in the fact that the cleaning agent is microscopically small, therefore it cleans dead cells very well without traumatizing the skin.

This type of peeling is carried out using special nozzles. A noticeable result is manifested after several sessions - the skin becomes fresher and smoother.

All types of mechanical peeling of the face lead to skin renewal, its rejuvenation(see photos before and after), but this is far from the only way face cleansing.

Hardware peeling

Hardware peeling also effective method cleansing effect on the skin. It is carried out, as a rule, in the salon using various devices: nozzles, laser, brushes, ultrasound, etc., and in some cases with the addition of special preparations.

Types of hardware peeling:

  • Gas-liquid peeling of the face.

Under the influence high pressure sprayed onto the skin special composition based on salts, abrasives, vitamins. It not only cleanses the skin, but also introduces beneficial substances into its micropores.

  • Ultrasonic face peeling.

IN this case the skin is affected by ultrasound, which, through vibrations, frees the skin from old cells. This is one of the most gentle ways of cleansing, at the same time as a facial massage. One session ultrasound procedure costs 2500 rubles.

Note! Not everyone benefits from ultrasound! In this regard, before going through ultrasound therapy, it is required to consult a doctor.

  • Laser (carbon) face peeling.

In this method, a mask is applied to the face in the form of a carbon-based gel, which penetrates the skin cells, pulling out dirt and harmful substances from them. The use of a laser that heats the composition allows these processes to be significantly accelerated.

Be careful! Before carrying out the procedure, you must make sure that carbon does not cause allergic reactions, otherwise this type of peeling can lead to sad consequences.

Front laser peeling check if you are allergic to carbon

Acid (chemical) facial peeling at home

Acid, or chemical, peeling is quite feasible at home: it does not require large expenses, effort, and significant time frames.

Varieties of acid peeling:

  • Fruit peel. When it is carried out, those acids that are found in fruits have an active effect on the skin - they clean the surface of the face. Classic set of fruits: citrus, pineapple, strawberry.

  • Yellow (retinol) peeling faces. A preparation is applied to the face that contains a large amount of vitamin A (retinol). It also contains phytic, ascorbic and other acids. They are very gentle on the skin, cleansing the surface of the face.
  • Milk peeling. Carried out with the help of lactic acid, which is found in many natural products: curdled milk, cheese, wine, beer. The mask based on lactic acid is suitable for all skin types, gives a good cleansing and rejuvenating effect.
  • Glycolic peeling for face. It uses glycolic acid, which is sold in any pharmacy. It also gently cleanses the skin, and the degree of exposure depends on the concentration, which must be selected individually so as not to overdo it.
  • Calcium chloride for face peeling. A 5% solution of calcium chloride is used, which is diluted in water and applied to the skin with a cotton pad in 3-4 layers in the evening before bedtime.

It's important to know! Calcium chloride is only suitable for oily skin. It is also important not to overdo it with the concentration and make sure that there is no allergy to it.

  • Hilak Forte as a facial peel. This remedy, used in intestinal disorders, due to the presence of a large number of bacteria and lactic acid in it, is also used in cosmetology. Its action is very gentle, despite the fact that hilak cleanses the top layer of the skin well.

The indisputable advantage of the above methods of exposure to acids on the skin over hardware and some mechanical types of facial peeling is that their use is possible not only in a salon, but also at home. What is peeling and how it is done - read above. And before and after photos will help you see the changes on the skin of the face.

Facial peeling in the salon: advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Only a competent specialist is able to correctly assess the condition of the skin, and therefore, prescribe those procedures that will really lead to skin rejuvenation, as well as give comprehensive expert advice on skin care.

The main advantages of salon peeling are the professionalism of the master and the use of high-quality products.

IN good salon only high-quality professional care products are used under the supervision of a specialist. The advantage of professional tools is that, having in its composition active ingredients in high concentration, they can solve a number of skin problems and even have some healing effects.

On the other hand, the thoughtless use of professional products without the recommendations of a beautician will have the opposite and often negative effect. In addition, even an experienced specialist cannot 100% predict the reaction of the skin to a particular procedure, therefore, as a rule, he conducts preliminary tests and warns the client about the possible consequences.

Some procedures, for example, hardware, cannot be carried out anywhere else, except for the salon.

To disadvantages salon procedures can be attributed to the high cost of cosmetic services. Also, the procedures themselves, especially those associated with deep impact, create stressful situation not only for the skin, but also for the body as a whole, and can be harmful.

In addition, it is not uncommon for such cases when a specialist has an insufficient level of qualification. As a result, not all salons take into account individual intolerance to drugs, allergic reaction on them and the presence of many other factors.

How much does a face peeling cost at a beautician

The cost of the procedure directly depends on the condition of the skin, what problems were identified as a result of examination and diagnosis, what and how many procedures will be needed to solve these problems and bring the face in order.

The use of ultrasound will cost 800-1500 rubles, chemical peeling - in the region of 1500-2000 rubles. Behind mechanical varieties peeling will have to pay from 1000 to 1700 rubles. In general, the amount different kinds peeling varies from 700 to 13,000 rubles and more.

For home peeling use special means

How to do a face peel at home

If the facial skin cleansing procedure is carried out at home on your own, then only two types of peeling can be used: mechanical and chemical (before and after photos are presented below).

At mechanical action use scrubs, gommages. The latter are recommended for dry skin. For chemical cleaning use pharmaceutical products or products for natural basis(fruit masks).

Before the peeling procedure, the skin is freed from cosmetics with make-up remover, cleansed with a gel or foam cleanser that will wash away dirt and sebaceous secretions. The skin is rubbed cotton pad dipped in tonic to soften it after cleansing products.

Then you can proceed to the peeling procedure, conducting it in accordance with the recommendations related to the specific composition.

Peeling cream - how it works

This cream acts on the top layer of the skin, cleansing it. The composition of the peeling cream includes acids (lactic, salicylic, fruit and others), abrasive substances (sea salt, very small particles of pumice, seeds), as well as emollients - pomace from plants, amino acids, collagens.

This whole complex of substances cleanses, softens the skin, makes it soft, velvety.

You will definitely be interested to know what is: alginate face mask and how it helps.

Peeling roll for the face - what is the secret of the impact

Peeling roll is another way to effectively clean the surface of the skin with minimal damage to the skin. Such creams act very delicately and are a gel, which, when applied to the skin of the face, rolls off, forming lumps. As a result, dead skin is exfoliated and the pores on the face are cleansed.

It must be remembered that peeling roll is not suitable for everyone. The ingredients included in its composition can cause skin irritation, inflammation. So it should be used carefully, observing the reaction of the skin.

Interesting fact! It is not necessary to buy a roll, but you can make it at home from baby soap without dyes. Soap foam is applied to the skin, previously lubricated with a 5% solution of calcium chloride, with which a chemical reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of pellets, and the skin is cleansed.

One of the peeling-skating options is baby soap + calcium chloride

Peeling scrub: pros and cons

Scrub is a fairly effective means of quickly cleansing the skin due to its abrasive composition. It instantly removes dead skin cells for smoother skin and stimulates the skin to produce more collagen for firmer skin.

However, scrubs also have their own negative sides. Some cosmetologists argue that it does not need to be used at all, since in any case the skin receives microtrauma. In turn, this leads to inflammation, and ultimately to aging.

Other experts are of the opinion that this statement is true only if the scrub is of poor quality, or it is used too often. Thus, it is necessary to choose scrubs from reputable manufacturers and not to abuse them.

Facial scrub peeling is considered quite effective. What is it, how is it done, types of peeling + photos before and after - in this article

How often can a face peel be done?

As for salon procedures, the frequency of peeling largely depends on its type and depth of penetration. Until the age of 30, you should abandon the median and deep cleansing skin.

Should not be abused chemical exposure, remembering that any acid cleanses the skin due to a burn, and this is a certain injury. A series of such procedures is done no more than once a year. Before and after photos testify to the improvement of the skin even after so many sessions.

Hardware exposure is performed twice a year. Full course takes a month, during which two sessions are held every week.

Deep peeling is performed once every few years, as it is comparable to an operation, the effect of which is significant, but it is not worth repeating it often.

The frequency of facial peeling depends on the type of skin

At home, it all depends on the type of skin:

  • oily skin: 1-2 times a week;
  • dry skin: once every 2 weeks, or even less often, depending on how the skin reacts;
  • mixed skin type: once a week;
  • normal skin: every 3 days.

In any case, one should not be too zealous in cleansing and rejuvenating the skin, as this will lead to the opposite effect: irritation, inflammation, premature aging.

Facial care after peeling

Any type of peeling, no matter how soft and delicate, is stressful for the skin. Therefore, it is extremely important to properly care for it after the cleansing procedures. There are some general rules facial skin care after peeling, which must be observed:

Moisturize your skin after exfoliation
  • moisturize the skin with moisturizing gels;
  • apply a special cream after peeling;
  • to restore the epidermis, use creams containing omega fatty acids, shea butter, ceramide, etc.;
  • to accelerate regeneration, creams based on retinol, bisabol are recommended.

In other words, after peeling, the skin is most vulnerable, and the essence of caring for it is to nourish it, moisturize it and protect it from infection.

Red face after peeling - what is the reason

This normal reaction skin on external influence a drug called erythema. The degree of brightness of redness also depends on the depth of peeling and the sensitivity of the skin.

The redness should go away within three hours. With a deep impact, the process can drag on for a longer time.

When do you need cosmetic gloves for facial peeling?

These are special gloves made of natural fabric with a rough surface, which removes the top layer of the epidermis. This is one of the most gentle ways to remove dead skin and at the same time good massage faces.

Which face peel is the most effective - is there an answer

The best facial peel (types of procedures: what they are, how they are done, you will find photos before and after them above) is the one that is selected based on the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • skin type;
  • sensitivity and tendency to allergies;
  • the nature of the problem to be solved.

The choice of the type of peeling depends on the characteristics of the skin and the purpose for which it is used: the fight against rashes and post-acne, skin elasticity and a fresh complexion, the fight against wrinkles, pigmentation, oiliness, and more.

We offer you to watch a video about face peeling - what it is, how it is done, types of peeling + photos before and after the procedure:

From this video you will learn why facial peeling is needed, and the beautician will give helpful tips for this procedure:

Peelings are used to rejuvenate our skin, make it fresh, beautifully colored and more elastic. Youthful skin has very few keratinized scales, which, moreover, come off on their own.

But over time, as we age, the rate of exfoliation slows down. These growths remain on our face and accumulate over the years, growing into thick layer epidermis. This layer gives us a painful, aging look, does not allow the deeper layers to “breathe”. Therefore, peeling (exfoliation) of the surface of the skin of the face should be done.

If you cannot carry out this procedure in a beauty clinic, then there is always the opportunity to purchase inexpensive remedy for peeling and clean the skin at home. But first you need to figure out: what are they?

Varieties and classification

There are many different types of facial peels. Let's see how they are classified below.

1. By the method of exposure (by substances and equipment with which exfoliation occurs):

  • mechanical;
  • physical;

2. According to the depth of exposure, penetration and purification:

  • superficial - an easy, gentle method for removing blackheads, blackheads, pigmentation;
  • median - the basal layers are affected to achieve a rejuvenation effect;
  • deep - the completely keratinized layer is removed to the very dermis, regeneration processes are launched.

All these types of facial peels have their pros and cons, and each of them has many advantages and contraindications. Therefore, the problem of choice should be solved by a competent cosmetologist who has positive reviews clients. He will decide whether peeling is needed at all, and will select a method, depending on the type of skin, her age-related changes and problems.

It's important to know. Optimal time The year for the procedure is autumn and winter. At this time, the sun is gentle, it ultra-violet rays safe during the recovery period after peeling. In the summer, exfoliation is strictly prohibited!

mechanical method

It is a budgetary way of cleansing, which can be carried out at home and in a beauty parlor. This is a superficial procedure, since only the top layer of cells is removed in the process. Recommended for any age. The safest of them are scrub and gommage.

  • Scrubs

This cosmetical tools, which are produced not only for professionals, but also, they contain various abrasive particles - synthetic or natural. It could be a walnut shell, particles apricot kernels and silicon. They come in coarser and finer grinding - depending on this, the peeling will act more harshly or more delicately.

When caring for yourself after 35 years, it is necessary to choose soft peels, with a minimum content of abrasives. This is done because the skin loses elasticity with age, becomes dry, thin and sensitive, which can be damaged by rough scrub particles.

  • Gommage

This tool without abrasives, in the form of a paste, is often used in cosmetology. It is applied to the face in a thick layer and, after hardening, is rolled up with fingers along with softened scales. Thus, dead scales are mechanically removed from the surface. Gommage is a thick cream containing plant extracts very suitable for highly sensitive skin.

Indications for mechanical action:

  • earthy shade and;
  • the presence of enlarged pores;
  • comedones;
  • thickened and rough skin;
  • dark spots;
  • preventive facial care.


  • various diseases, dermatoses;
  • Availability vascular network(rosacea);
  • viral disease of herpes;
  • wounds, scratches;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • anemia.

It's important to know. The condition of our skin is a reflection of the functioning internal organs in the body system. Therefore, if it is “problematic”, then it is better to first check how your intestines and heart are functioning. Otherwise, no matter what types of facial skin peeling are carried out, there is no expediency in them.

physical method

  • Brossage

More traditional way exfoliation machine. Brushing is brushing with a rotating brush. Brushes are synthetic or natural. A cleansing foam or gel is applied to the face and a light massage is performed in the form of strokes. The procedure is very pleasant, as a result blood rushes to the face, it looks pink, young and rested. Recommended for ages 19 to 36.

  • Ultrasonic peeling

Produced under the action of ultrasonic vibrations. When exposed to ultrasound, keratinized cells collapse and exfoliate. The skin becomes very elastic and smooth. The effect of lifting (smoothing wrinkles) is created.

This type of exfoliation can be used at any age, both for systemic care, and for the situational, if you need to quickly bounce back, freshen up, then this method will be almost indispensable.

Indications for physical peeling:

  • acne
  • acne;
  • puffiness;
  • wrinkles;
  • surface contamination;
  • dehydration, dryness;
  • strong pigmentation.


  • high body temperature;
  • inflammatory diseases that must first be cured;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • trauma;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • tumors;
  • recent chemical peel;
  • postoperative rehabilitation;
  • rosacea;
  • heart disease.

chemical method

One of the most popular types of peeling that fights aging. It is carried out with the help of special cosmetic products, solutions, gels, masks that contain acids.

Their action lies in the fact that the applied acid splits the skin flakes, and they move away from the main surface. They may have different origin and different concentrations in the composition - the higher the concentration, the deeper the effect. The types of chemical peels depend on this:

  • superficial - based on glycolic acid - AHA peeling;
  • median - based on trichloroacetic acid;
  • deep - based on phenol (carbolic acid).

Cleansing procedures with acids are suitable for all ages. A chemical cleaner helps to fight not only the aging process. AHA peeling helps to overcome acne, smooth the relief, make the skin smoother, eliminate scars and age spots.

At the age of 30-35, chemical peels are usually performed with a low acid concentration of 15-18%. In more adulthood used over aggressive means with higher concentrations of acids.

More about one of the types of chemical peeling in the article: "".

As for deep cleansing, rare surgeons undertake it. For its implementation, preliminary thorough preparation is required. These peels are very traumatic and are performed only in a hospital, in clinics of cosmetic surgery and cosmetology. They require serious rehabilitation and rigorous healing measures to keep the skin from getting various infections and inflammation. If the procedure is performed competently enough, then you can get a wonderful rejuvenation effect: smooth out wrinkles and visually become 10 years younger.

Gaining popularity enzymatic peels. They are available in the form of masks or special solutions. They contain natural enzymes, which are mainly produced from exotic fruits (for example, papaya). These substances dissolve by chemical means keratin scales, making the skin smoother without mechanical damage.

To achieve the effect of rejuvenation, some types of retinoic peeling are used, one of the most famous is -.

Retinoids are analogues of vitamin A - components that contribute to more active cell division, their advancement to the upper layers and desquamation. Thus, the process characteristic of young and healthy skin is being established.

Indications for chemical exposure:

  • age wrinkles;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne scars;
  • increased pigmentation.


  • inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • taking medications;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • spring-summer period;
  • wounds and injuries.

It's important to know. Whatever types of facial peels your cosmetologist uses, before any procedure, he must apply to moles and birthmarks special protective equipment.

When and how often to do?

The fact that the upper keratinized layer of the skin must be completely removed is an erroneous opinion. Because the top layer is not dead at all, it is a metabolically active layer that protects us from harmful effects weather. First of all, from ultraviolet and infrared radiation. And if we remove all the keratinized layers, we leave the skin almost defenseless. Various bacteria can settle on it, inflammation may appear, an infection, age spots may develop.

The skin must be exfoliated gently and gently. All types are carried out in small courses of procedures in the autumn-winter time. They are performed not so often - once every half a month or ten days.

For the age of up to 35 years, 3-4 such procedures are usually sufficient. For the correction of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes at the age of 35-40 years, it is necessary to do 3-6 sessions of chemical peeling. For more mature skin 40-45 years old can have 8 such sessions. Then there is a break. As a rule, the peeling course is carried out no more than once a year.

Passion for peeling can have the opposite effect, so this procedure should be strictly dosed. Whenever you carry it out, and no matter what peeling you use, you must follow the rules for skin care after the procedure ().

Remember one thing, to erase the traces of time from your face and enhance the effect of peeling effects is possible only when you fully eat, lead a proper and healthy lifestyle.