Is it possible to pregnant to eastern dancing. Is it possible to do dancing during pregnancy? Is it possible to dance during pregnancy: the benefits and harm of dancing

During pregnancy, life does not stop, and for a woman in a position naturally not to give up their hobbies. If the waiting for the child proceeds without problems, exercise stress will benefit future mothers. Therefore, to the question whether it is possible to dance during pregnancy, in most cases doctors respond to affirmatively.

If the doctor allows you to do dancing, you can choose this type of activity that does not require sharp movements And does not overload the abdominal muscles.
Disco - N. the best place For a pregnant woman, and nothing but fatigue, such entertainment will not bring.
It is advisable to do under the guidance of an experienced instructor, and when the slightest unpleasant sensations, the dance should be stopped.

About the benefits of dancing during pregnancy

Choreography classes strengthen the muscles of the back, hips, legs, pelvis. it a good option Physical activity and breathing training.

In addition, the mood improves future mom, starting with the fifth sixth month intrauterine development, the child also hears the sounds and reacts to them. So sound impressions is the way the so-called method prenatal education, it begins before the appearance of the baby on the light.

What dances to choose?

Dances can safely be called one of the forms of physical activity, so and approach such activities should be carefully consistent with the doctor. It is necessary to gradually increase their pace and avoid sharp movements.

Smooth movements of the neck, back, arms and legs, on the contrary, will only benefit you. Dancing is better under the supervision of an experienced trainer who correctly picks the rhythm for you and the intensity of movements and will be able to control your condition during class.

Of course, we are talking about special programs for pregnant women, and not about the disco, the visit of which is unlikely to bring something, besides harm. Purpose air, sharp flashing light, too loud and heavy music - already stressful situation.

In addition, harsh movements can provoke an increased tone of the uterus or premature birth. The tension of the abdominal muscles is undesirable during pregnancy, so the stylistics of the dance must be selected to avoid this situation.

For example, the bottom break is a completely inappropriate dance for the future mother, just like the belly dance and dance aerobics. Sharp movements and strong vibrations of the pelvis can lead to the detachment of the placenta.

Safety regulations

Follow your condition during classes, and if you feel discomfort - the head will be spinning, it will appear feeling easy nausea or some other easy sensations- Immediately stop the training.

It is believed that the second trimester is the most secure time For dancing, but on early timing And after 25 weeks of pregnancy, the load level should be reduced. Training should be carried out in a well-ventilated room.

An hour before classes and in an hour after their end of the future mother, you need to drink at least a glass of water. After the load in the standing position of the pregnant woman, it is advisable to lie down a little with raised upside down to avoid the development of varicose veins, or use compression stockings. It will be useful to do a set of exercises for stop: Movement with a toe to himself and from yourself, circular motions Stop.

When can dancing be contraindicated?

Especially carefully, it is necessary to approach the issue of the choice of physical exertion to women with a lack of weight or superfluous kilograms, elevated or reduced pressureproblems in work of cardio-vascular system, and more, with sick ligaments or muscles. Another obstacle to dancing is a multiple or complicated pregnancy.

And, of course, in any case, it is necessary to discuss the question whether you can dance during pregnancy you, with your attending obstetrician-gynecologist. After all, your pregnancy can proceed with the features of which only the doctor will tell you.

Doctor obstetrician gynecologist perinatal Medical center (Moscow). Graduated Medical Academy them. I. M. Sechenov. Advanced training courses for ultrasonic diagnostics, prevention and treatment of non-leaving pregnancy ( Science Center Obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology. IN AND. Kulakova)

Today we can safely argue that the future mothers of the classes are not only pleasant, but also useful.

During rhythmic movements Work different groups muscles, increases blood flow to the organs of a small pelvic, the work is normalized digestive systemThe lack of oxygen in the tissues is reduced. Dancing, we strengthen the muscles of the pelvic day, we train the muscles of the back, on which the main load is laid as the abdomen grows. The muscles of the shoulder belt work in the dance, it will save the breast in shape even after childbirth.

Moving in the rhythm of music, we feel happy, and it is not surprising! Endorphins are produced in the body, the so-called hormones of happiness, which best act on our psycho-emotional state and health.

During the dance, we gain self-confidence, ease, grace, which allows you to stay and feel attractive. Self-assessment increases, the mood improves and the effects of stress are eliminated. The woman relaxes and enjoys her body and beautiful movements in dance. Future mom with a rounded tummy is very sexy and attractive. She must feel it herself.

Classes dancing during pregnancy, melodic music contributes to improving emotional state. After all, there are often women waiting for the baby, become irritable, plasticia. During the dance, you can forget, calm down, let go of my fears and anxieties, feel the joy of what is happening and, of course, to feel a connection with your baby.

Visiting classes helps once again Get out of the house, do not fall out of the active rhythm of life, to get acquainted with the same future moms and, maybe find new friends.

Dance is useful for baby. Doctors proved that even on a small period of pregnancy, Kroch not only listens to music, but also distinguishes her. If he likes it, he sinks or smoothly moves to her tact. If not, he is trying by any ways to report this mom: shifts, makes sharp and frequent movements.

Dancing classes during pregnancy: before and after delivery

The ability to relax and relax has important In the life of any person, and during the pregnancy and especially childbirth it is simply necessary. During the dance, we learn to relax. It is important not to be clamped from pain during childbirth, but how to meet her to meet, relax, helping your baby to be born. The ability to relax will facilitate the battle period and will save the strength to the waiting period.

Classes dancing during pregnancy: what to choose?

Listen to your body during dance. The main thing is that the classes brought joy. Now there are special groups to occupy dancing during pregnancy. This may be, for example, oriental dances, many movements of which are specially adapted for future mothers. Oriental dances are considered dancing of life and fertility. This is evocal female dance. It is in such movements that there are a load on those groups of muscles that are not involved in everyday lifeBut a woman is needed to wear out and birth a child (we are talking about the muscles of the pelvis). Classes of dancing during pregnancy will be an ideal physical activity that will help prepare for childbirth and positively affects the yet unneasising baby.

Pregnancy and childbirth for a woman is the most valuable experience, opportunity to know yourself, make a new step in personal Development, change your attitude to your body, to your lifestyle. The dance will be a huge assistant on the way to mastering his new "I", on the way of becoming your motherhood.

Try to make friends with your body, and let your baby dancing with you. It's so cool!

Dancing classes during pregnancy: "Safety"

Despite the fact that dances are useful for future mothers, there are some contraindications prohibiting or limiting such a movement during pregnancy (for example, the threat of premature births, the threat of non-obscurations, chronic diseases Mom, the disease of the cardiovascular system). Therefore, it is worth consulting with a doctor who observes your pregnancy: what dancing you should do what permissible loads You can afford.

Dancing classes during pregnancy is the load. It should not be too big, and music is too fast or loud. Movement during pregnancy should be smooth, without energetic turns and jogs, climbs, shocks, slopes.

If you have never been dancing before and led a sedentary lifestyle, you should now begin to start gradually, using only the simplest dance elements. In any case, dancing during pregnancy must necessarily under the supervision experienced specialistwho will select movement for you and controls the appropriate load.

The question is, to what period to do, should be solved individually depending on your well-being and peculiarities of pregnancy. It is necessary to understand that if any movements even bring small unpleasant feelings, you should not do them. Perhaps it is necessary for some time to stop the classes of dancing.

Need to take into account individual approach In the choice of dances and modern loads for your body. You can train every day or from time to time depending on your mood. Listen to your feelings. The main thing is that the classes of dancing during pregnancy brought joy and health.

Text: Natalia Sosnovskaya, Psychologist

"Isn't it harmful? Dance during pregnancy. All these loads, stretch marks? "- asks customer Irene from Voronezh. Girlfriends support it, but urge not to give a load if she did not practice dances and stretching earlier. Only one answer from all reads: "Do not".

"Good day! Girls, is it harmful to dance belly dance during pregnancy? " - asks a friend to friends on Elena from Dmitrov.

And among the positive answers calling for caution, but those who do not prohibit this activity are such:

"Of course not, with dance Pts. The muscles of the abdomen are strongly tense, which are constantly strained, then relax. Get better yoga for pregnant or aquaaerobics. But if before pregnancy was engaged (which is very useful for women of any age and complexes), your body is well prepared for childbirth, " - Writes her deer.

"Looking at what organism ... And so, I think it is possible to tone to tone)))" - Add Maryka.

In general, most of the answers are unambiguous: "It is impossible."

One girl is experiencing that during the holiday gave itself the opportunity to relax and "Jumping, jumping and quite a long time, you can say, spent the whole night in dancing," and adds: "Especially worried that it was jumped (((((((((((((((It is necessary everywhere that active dances are prohibited ... can lead to a pale placenta and fetal destruction. .. I feel like good, is it worth worrying what the consequences of such dances should be, can I feel them for yourself now? Or such sad consequences can proceed asymptomatic? "By the way, the post was published almost 4 years ago, today the wonderful daughter of Christina is growing today, although, of course, among those who supported and tried to calm the author, there were those who were empty hinted that the dances of future mothers are harmful.

And by the way, the words "it is harmful to you" are among the most annoying phrases during pregnancy. And it annoys us when someone tries to annoy women in position. Therefore, we decided: no unfound alignment! And they went for advice to those skilled in the art, to unambiguously dispel fears of all-all-all moms, which even waiting for the baby to like to have fun and pretty light in dance:

Elena Calen, psychological coach, expert in the field family relationships, weight loss psychology and healthy image Life:

"If my mother was engaged in dancing to pregnancy, then it is possible during her.

The exception is only the first trimester - due to the high threat to the life of the fetus. At this time, dancing classes are better to replace walks in the fresh air.

Masives what kind of dancing is practicing mom. It is best to agree on a physical activity with an obstetrician-gynecologist, which is pregnant.

Sharp movements with deep cries, attacks and twine must be excluded. The load on the press and the abdomen should not be. "

We also appealed to gynecologists.

Obstetrician gynecologist chain bakashvilidoes not divide moms in a trimester position, positively assuring in response to the question "Is it possible to dance pregnant women?":

"Yes. You can, and even welcome. Movement - life. Dance is an acceptable physical activity and sea positive emotions. Movement promotes good well-being and improving the blood circulation of a pregnant woman. Dance helps strengthen muscles and ligaments. A woman during pregnancy should not be ameboy. After all, childbirth is in front. It would be great to have a good physical shape. Dance Salsa or Tango! Dancing the way you are comfortable. But if they did not dance before, then the load duration should be increased gradually. Tired - relax. Change the speed of movement. Rejoice and enjoy body movements. Pleasant rhythmic music during the dance also contributes to relaxation and receiving aesthetic pleasure. Dance and be healthy! "

Elena Lyslova, obstetrician Gynecologist PMGMU. Sechenov, gives a number of important instructions for those who have already caught a positive wave and slightly and softly (remember, the baby lives in you!) Beginned to shove the hips:

"One of the varieties of physical activity are dancing. Depending on the dance direction, they can contribute to the development of endurance, flexibility and plasticity, improve strength qualities. Dancing allow you to maintain muscular tone. The emission of joy hormones (endorphins) after class stabilizes psycho-emotional state, charges a positive attitude for a whole day.

However, there are a number of medical contraindications to dance during pregnancy. The threat of interrupting pregnancy caused by the Eastic Cervical Insufficiency (when the neck of the uterus and the uterus do not cope with the load and begin to be revealed prematurely - approx. Ed.) Or increased tone The uterus is a limitation for any kind of physical activity.

In the absence of contraindications to women in the "position" it is recommended to choose dance directions that do not require significant physical and energy costsare not accompanied by concussion of small pelvis organs and active movements of hips, jumps. These conditions are responsible next species Dance: Ballroom, Bodybalet and Tango.

Preference should be given shoes on smooth sole With depreciation and fixation of the foot to reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system.

Individual classes allow you to choose the optimal physical activity and movement, minimize the risk of developing complications and life-threatening life. In the group of dance instructor, there is no opportunity to delve into the nuances of each body, put the technique of performing movements. Joint classes Dances with the father of the child will help strengthen intra-day relationships.

Thus, dancing during pregnancy can be a supplement to dosage hiking walks. Before starting training, you need to consult a doctor to identify absolute and relative medical contraindications for dancing. "

Very detailed and setting all points over I Comment Regarding Dances gives a doctor medical Sciences, Head of the unbearable department of NCAGIP them. Kulakova N.K. Tetrumashvili (and personally this comment made you dance from joy!):

First trimester of pregnancy

The first weeks of pregnancy - the most responsible time when the formation of all the main bodies of the baby and the placenta occurs, with which the fetus will receive all nutrients.

Perhaps you are bothering weakness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and maybe you do not feel anything new, especially at the very beginning. All the same, it is better to turn to the doctor to the doctor Akuster-gynecologist, which will help you determine whether everything is fine, will give tips on nutrition and regime, prescribe the necessary examination.

In addition, you and your doctor will determine the term of pregnancy.

The doctor will advise you to fully eat, take vitamin and mineral complexes, not overwork at work, refuse harmful habits (smoking, alcohol) and without having to do not take drugs.

With normal uncomplicated pregnancy, exercise is not only safe, but even useful for the future mother and child, because physical exertion helps strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation and blood supply to all internal organs, increasing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients Fruit. But the exercises should be without fanaticism! What kind of sport during pregnancy will be the ideal option For you - Pilates, Yoga, Dancing, Pool - Defines your doctor based on your health status. Do not go on an independent appointment.

Second trimester of pregnancy

Most women have a condition improving - pass early toxicosis, exhausting nausea and vomiting. The body adapts to pregnancy.

Appetite appears. It is necessary to use more products rich in proteins (fish, low-fat meat, bird, cottage cheese, dairy products), vitamins and minerals (vegetables, fruits, greens), if possible, limit sweet, oily, smoked, fried, sharp, eliminate canned foods.

In terms of 17 to 20 weeks, future mothers feel the movement for the first time.

During this period, the load on the heart increases, it is not surprising, because the "third" circle of blood circulation, which supplies the blood of a child.

In this period, the future mother should understand that the physical activity for it is selected individually, since excessive loads will only harm the future mom, and not every familiar and popular training will suit it. The decision on each exercise, be it pilates, yoga or dancing, is solved individually with a doctor and physical activity instructor for pregnant women.

Third trimester of pregnancy

By 28 weeks of pregnancy, the child weighs about 1,000 g and has a height of 35 cm. ultrasound exam It can be seen that the baby can smile, suck the finger, grab yourself behind the leg. This period of pregnancy is celebrated intensive growth Child, formation of his muscles. Many mothers note that the movement has become more active.

However, if the childbirth will happen so early, then the child's own will not be able to live yet - its lungs are not mature enough, and special equipment is needed for sticking. Therefore, do not ignore any pain, consult a doctor immediately.

In the third trimester, the future mother should receive sufficient number Protein, so it is necessary to eat dairy products, meat, limit yourself in sweet.

Be sure to drink vitamin complexes For pregnant women, the need for trace elements grows every day.

IN III trimester Pregnancy change dairy glands. They increase in volume, swell, sometimes lightweight liquid is distinguished from the nipples.

The doctor decides the issue of physical exertion, given the state of the woman, because period Pregnancy The uterus increases in size and does not allow to fully breathe. Exercises are recommended to perform at a slow pace, in the volume in which the load does not cause unpleasant feelings from a woman. Special attention Training should be given different types Respiration, ability to relax muscles, relaxation exercises, providing pain relicing and efficient rest during the generic act.

Physical exercises It is recommended to all women with normally flowing pregnancy, but in each case the question of choosing exercises, intensity and duration of physical activity is solved individually with an obstetrician-gynecologist and an instructor based on the state of the woman.

Normal pregnancy - pledge successful birth Healthy baby. "

By the way, we invite you to take part in the new competition

Dance classes are very popular among women today, because it is not only a way to spend time, but also the way to beautiful Figure, plasticity and grace. However, learning about her pregnancy, many are afraid to continue choreographic activities, believing that now the rhythm of life should be measured and smooth. So is it possible to dance in the "interesting" position? Will this future baby hurt?

The benefits of dancing during pregnancy

Concerning dances during pregnancy in society still there are banal stereotypes. First, many women in the position are associated with climbing and slowness. And secondly, the opinion is not located that the future mother should take care exclusively about the health of the baby and not to think about their desires and "whims."

Of course, both are a big misconception. Pregnancy is not a disease, but relatively calm dances that do not breathe female organism, can bring a future mother and baby a lot of benefits - both in physiological and psychological plan:

  1. Being a full-fledged moderate physical activity, the tone of the body increases, give energy, vitality.
  2. Strengthen the muscles of legs, pelvis, back, vagina - that is, they are kind of preparation for childbirth. In addition, due to such classes, a woman is physically restored faster and after the appearance of a baby on the light.
  3. Training the breathing system. BUT proper breathing It is also very important for a prosperous delivery.
  4. Improve blood circulation. As a result, pregnant woman stabilizes pressure, the risk of development of varicose varicose and late toxicosis is reduced.
  5. Regular classes improve the mood (with physical activity, pleasure hormones are produced), help prevent depressive condition (including after childbirth).
  6. Fruit on a certain stage Its development begins to respond to sounds that are coming from the outside. He feels them in the form of vibrations, and if the mother is dancing for a pleasant melodious music, it acts on the baby soothing.

Dancing for pregnant - wonderful way quickly raise the mood and avoid disturbing thoughts

How to dance in pregnancy to not harm yourself and the fetus

Concerning specific terms Pregnancy, then the first trimester of any physical exertion, including dancing, better limit. You can do - but only with maximum caution, carefully evaluating your state of health. This is the period of adaptation of the female organism to its new position. In addition, many future mothers at the beginning of the baby tooling are suffering from toxicosis, and at this time they will be simply not up to dancing.

But the next three months are best suitable for choreographic classes. Toxicosis is already behind, the stomach is not too big, a woman is still not particularly disturbed by the back pain, the severity in the legs.

Most favorable time for dancing - the second trimester, when the body has already adapted to its state, and the stomach is not too big

IN last trimester Dance will not be very convenient because large sizes belly. Loads, as at the beginning of pregnancy, have to be reduced.

At all, optimal option For a woman, engage in special groups for pregnant women, where the process controls a professional instructor. For future mothers, special programs are being developed, where potentially dangerous movements are excluded, suitable rhythm is selected, the degree of load. But unfortunately, such choreographic studios are not everywhere (only in large cities), so going to the usual dance hall or moving at home for rhythmic music, pregnant should take into account the following important recommendations:

  1. Dancing should not include sharp movements, rapid turns, rotation, jumping, too tall hands. In addition, it is necessary to avoid load on abdominal muscles: It can provoke a tone of the uterus. It is best to choose slow uncomplicated dances, because in the "interesting" position is not important, but the pleasure received from the classes.
  2. Before the lesson, it is necessary to make a warm-up: this will avoid potential injury to muscle and stretching ligaments.
  3. If a woman did not do before pregnancy or only recently began to do it, the load should be increased gradually.
  4. It is advisable regularly, but not more three times in Week. The duration of each lesson is 20-30 minutes. However, if the woman felt fatigue or any unpleasant symptom (heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness), the lesson needs to stop immediately. Dancing should bring only joy, and not to be in a burden.
  5. It is necessary to take a bottle of water to the dance hall to fill the moisture loss. Only you need to drink not a volley, but small sip.
  6. Since dancing is physical activity, they "take away" additional calories for the future mothers. Therefore, it is necessary to eat a woman especially well, so that the energy is enough for everything.
  7. At the end of the lesson, it is advisable to lie down, raising the legs higher. This will improve blood outflow from lower extremities And will avoid echoes.
  8. For classes you need to choose comfortable clothes from natural fabrics. From synthetic fabric It is better to refuse, besides the outfit should not be too tight belly. If heels are needed for dance, then you need to choose only a low option (4-5 cm).

Each dance occupation should begin with a warm-up, and at the end it is desirable to lie down with the legs raised to improve blood outflow

Video: Pregnant Dancing Houses (a kind of dance gymnastics for rhythmic nice music)

Video: Pregnant woman performs houses oriental dance

Is it possible to dance during pregnancy: contraindications to choreographic classes

It is important to take into account that any physical activity is shown only to women with uncomplicated pregnancy. And there are certain states in which the classes of the future mother are contraindicated:

  1. Increased uterus tone, placenta pathology, when pregnancy is under threat.
  2. Strong toxicosis with periodic bits of vomiting.
  3. Gestosis with pronounced edema, blood pressure jumps.
  4. Multi-way.
  5. If a last pregnancy ended in miscarriage.
  6. Multiple pregnancy (it is often accompanied by elevated risks).
  7. Available chronic diseases in a woman: bronchial asthmaViolations in work thyroid gland, cardiac pathologies, gastritis in the stage of exacerbation, problems with muscles or joints.
  8. Acute viral and colds.

Specific types of dancing during pregnancy: allowed and prohibited

There are many species of various dances, and not all of them will be equally useful during pregnancy. The options are suitable where sharp movements are excluded, there is no significant load on the abdominal muscles, but there are smooth movements with hands and legs, backs and necks.

  1. Rumba. Smooth sliding dance. The main movements are the steps forward-back, the body weight is transferred from the foot on the foot, and the steps are accompanied by swaying the thigh.
  2. Salsa. The main drawing of the dance is also associated with the steps. The only one - pregnant need to reduce the pace of honey movements.
  3. Flamenco. Spanish dance is full of passion and femininity. He remarkably strengthens the back muscles, which is important for the future mother. The emphasis is also done on spectacular movements with hands, which is completely safe for pregnant. The main thing is to choose the average pace of execution.
  4. Indian dance. This is not just a set of beautiful movements, and every time your little story. The basis of dance - light movements of hands, neck and even eyes. Each gesture is important.
  5. Oriental dances (no wonder they are called women's fertility dancing), the most popular of which is the belly dance (Bellianans). Extremely plastic movements make the spiner of the future mother more flexible. The risk of the appearance of stretch marks in the abdomen is reduced, the muscles, moving joints in the pelvis area, as well as the muscles of the crotch (this will be very important in the process of childbirth), improves the work of the intestine (many eliminate the problem of constipation, heartburn). Some only beautiful outfitsdesigned for such choreography, capable of raising a woman's mood and self-esteem. Build a pregnant dance need on the movements of the hands, shoulders, backs. But the characteristic shaking and spectacular prescription of the eight of the hips are not needed.

Oriental dances will bring a pregnant weight of use, will prepare the body for childbirth, the main thing is to avoid strong shaking and energetic eight of the eight

Video: Eastern dance - an exclusive program for pregnant women

Video: Belly dance for pregnant women

Under the ban in the gestation period there are modern club dancing (for example, strip dance) and street styles (For example, known to all hip-hop). They are full of sudden movements that can provoke disastrous consequences during pregnancy.

Naturally, the future mother is not a place on disco and in nightclubs, even if she loved to dance there before pregnancy. Nothing but overwork, such a leisure will not bring.