How to start a chat with a girl. What you can talk to a girl about during correspondence. We will briefly describe the order of your actions

Time does not stand still, technology is developing rapidly, and problems are the younger generation remain the same. When the guys were afraid to say a banal "hello". Today they do not dare to start the correspondence first. And, even if the young man managed to get the phone number of his passion, he does not dare to talk for a long time. But you can write an SMS. How to correspond with a girl you like? What to talk about, ask? These are the questions that most adolescents are concerned about.

Good start

For a successful SMS correspondence, it is important to start correctly, in an original way. The girl should receive a message that she has not yet had. A simple greeting or emoticon will not work. The girl needs to be interested. You can show originality in the first message like this:

  • Be witty. Can you make a girl unusual compliment, remark.
  • Be fun. The girl should smile when reading the message. But, jokes should be smart too.
  • Be educated. You can write some interesting fact to a girl, news that you just heard.

To start a dialogue, and not just play "one gate", the girl must receive a question from the guy. How to ask it? It is better to start a correspondence with a question. Then the passion will understand that you expect a reciprocal step from her. It is important that the question is simple and easy. She doesn't have to think about the answer all evening. The simplest, most common option is the question of how your day went.

The message must be free of errors. Before sending an SMS, be sure to check your punctuation and spelling. If the proposal, the question is not structured correctly, you don't have to wait for an answer. When you correspond, you need to be yourself. Do not try to appear smarter, better to the girl. She will immediately feel overwhelming. Busting over humor will also not play into your hands. Everything should be in moderation.

How to keep the attention of your passion?

If the girl, nevertheless, answered your question, started a dialogue with you, you need to keep her interest. If a guy can keep up the conversation in telephone correspondence, he is even more interesting with live communication. The purpose of the correspondence is to let the girl know about your character, interests, hobbies. And, if your wit is to her liking, she will want to meet you sooner. real life.

You can hold attention in the following ways:

  • Share your interests. Football, cooking, martial arts be sure to interest the fairer sex.
  • Find common interests... Find out what the girl is fond of, try to find something in common in your hobbies and preferences.
  • Tell us that you would like to devote more to your hobby. She will understand that you have a rich life, a rich worldview.
  • Be smart. On a funny comment from a passion, do not write a banal "ha-ha". Come up with the same funny, original answer.

Be sure to flirt. If she already answers you, is involved in a dialogue, flirting and compliments will be pleasant to her. This will only spur the conversation. In addition, the object of adoration will clearly understand that you like her. After easy flirting you can proceed to direct action. Try to show her in SMS correspondence that you constantly think about her. Show that you remember everything she talked about, wrote. Ask more questions about her personally.

Successful end of correspondence

To continue in common with a girl you like in real life, you need to know when to stop and end the correspondence. Do not send endless messages to passions. Obsession, excessive persistence will only scare her away. In the end, the girl has her own personal affairs, worries, she cannot answer you all the time.

If your loved one regularly ends the conversation herself, it is better to wait until she writes first. You need to give her time to solve her problems, and not strain even more. The end of the conversation should always be positive. A funny message gives you a reason to write to you tomorrow. You can tell the girl that you are going to a concert, to meet with friends. Then next time you will have a topic for discussion.

The end of the conversation could be like this:

  • Always write good night.
  • Write that it was fun and interesting for you to communicate today.
  • Make it clear what you think of her.
  • Tell us what you plan to do after talking with her.

After the SMS correspondence is regular and successful, you can safely invite the girl on a date. And even this must be done correctly. Avoid official, straightforward standard phrases ("I invite you on a date"). Say that you are going to a bar, cinema, theater, ask if she would like to keep you company. Even if you get rejected, this is not the end of the world. Perhaps the girl already has plans for this evening, and you will be able to meet in real life next time.

What to correspond with a girl on VK?

The modern world without social networks seems impossible. And for teenagers, teenagers, young people, virtual life seems more real than usual. Most of the communication is conducted through Internet mail. Also, social networks - great option dating. How to get to know a girl on VK correctly?

You need to start with correct design personal page in contact. To interest your passion, you need to upload high-quality photographic material. The guy's calling card is an ordinary photo portrait, but in a good enlargement. There should be a minimum of entourage, photoshop, maximum naturalness.

On your page, a girl should find a photo from her personal life, with friends, from vacation. She will understand that you are having fun, richly spending your free time, do you have any hobbies. So you are an interesting person, and you have something to talk about. It is equally important to mark up photos with other girls. The passion will have a question about these representatives of the fairer sex, and you will have a reason to talk about them, to start a conversation.

Before starting a conversation in VK, carefully analyze the girl's page. This will reveal something in common. So, from your profile on the social network, you will learn:

  • Girl's hobby;
  • Her interests by group;
  • How often does she log into VK;
  • How many fans she has;
  • Who are her friends (maybe you have in common).

Don't start by texting right away. First add a passion as a friend. If she accepts your offer, you can start communicating. It is not necessary to write her a private message. You can start with a flattering comment under the photo, rating the avatar.

Correct communication on a social network

There are several rules for communicating with a girl. Observing them, you will definitely succeed in making a new acquaintance. First, you need to decide on the purpose of communication. You just want to chat, find a new friend, or plan a subsequent construction Serious relationships... Depending on the goal and choose the communication style.

The general rules for online correspondence are as follows:

  1. Be positive. The girl should be having fun, just chatting with you. Appropriate humor is always by the way. But the ridiculous sarcasm will only alienate the fairer sex.
  2. Be literate. Spelling and punctuation errors are simply unacceptable. Believe me, the first thing women pay attention to during correspondence is literacy. In the absence of such, your communication will end before it has begun.
  3. To be polite. Greet the girls with each conversation, and then say goodbye. Elementary politeness, ethics will attract a girl.
  4. Intrigue. To provoke a girl, keep the intrigue. It will be interesting for her to communicate in this spirit. Next time she will start the correspondence herself.
  5. Be interested. Show interest in the girl's hobbies, hobbies, and life. If a young man only talks about himself, few people will like it.
  6. Be different. You can turn from a brutal macho into an incorrigible romantic.

Examples of correspondence

What to talk to a pen-girl about? How to answer her questions? As soon as you write "hello" to her, she will have a lot of questions. And the first is who you are. And this is natural, because the woman does not know you, she hasn’t seen you before. Try to answer yourself this question, and write. Your message may be like this: “Hi, I'm Andrey. I am a cool, funny guy, and I would like to chat with you. "

Also, the girl will definitely be interested in what you need from her. You don't need to play around here, but tell about your goals. Be sure to compliment your passion that she is beautiful, and it is very interesting for you to start a correspondence with her. It is the correspondence, do not try to immediately meet with her. Everything should be gradual, go on as usual.

How to correspond with a girl you like? Here real examples the first messages from which you can start a conversation in a contact:

  • "Hello Kate. My name is Sasha, and I am also fond of this musical group (sport, book). I saw you have the same community. I have plans to attend their concert, but have not yet decided whether it is worth it. Please advise. "
  • “Hello Marina. My sister's birthday is in a week, and I still haven't decided on a gift. So I decided to ask the girls on VKontakte about the presentation options. Please tell me. "
  • “Good afternoon, Christina. I think I saw you at TSUM last night. You are very beautiful both in life and in the photo. So I just decided to pay you a compliment. "

These are all general, approximate phrases that can be adjusted to suit the interests of the girl. But, the message should contain a polite greeting, compliment, question (request). In any case, the girl will give you an answer, and after that the dialogue will start.

Remember that she will not immediately fall in love with you. Don't rush things. Always keep her interested. Send her online rhymes and pictures regularly. They can be both romantic and humorous. It all depends on the woman. Once your conversations are casual and regular, you can ask her for a phone number. After all, chatting with a girl online is just one of the ways to communicate. Already with a live conversation, real love can come.

Every year, acquaintances on the streets and in clubs lose their relevance. It is much easier to meet a girl in social networks without leaving your home. But even such a simple manipulation requires certain skills. After all, to start romantic relationship on the Internet, not everyone will take the risk. And only you can increase the percentage of such risk for the better.

How to start dating a girl on a social network?

There are several classic ways start with the object of your attention. Let's consider the most relevant ones:

  • Evaluation of photo and video materials of the girl;
  • Writing beautiful comments;
  • Sending gifts (paid gifts);
  • Talking about mutual acquaintances (if any);
  • A trick like “I confused you with someone else”;
  • Start a conversation directly "hello, how are you?"
  • The beginning of the conversation with a compliment "could not pass by such a beauty."

The first three methods are the most preferred. All girls love gifts and tokens, even online.

The next 2 options are related to interest attack. Having interested a lady, you can easily get her location.

Beginning a conversation directly or giving a compliment is an easy method for a guy. But girls "don't bite too much" for him. For achievement best effect combine all these options and get a good result.

Acquaintance in social networks. Examples of correspondence

If you want to appear cool guy and ladies man then you can write the following.

"Hello. We just need to get to know each other, because you are a beautiful girl and I am a cool guy. "

Such a daring tackle will provoke a lady. And she will definitely want to know more about you by asking leading questions.

For those who consider themselves a romantic, suitable this version of the first message:

“You are so beautiful that in the whole search for VK there is no one better. Let me get to know you, if only just for communication. "

You can also write a simple text "no curtsies". It will look something like this:

"Hello. Can I meet with you. I know that girls don't meet on social media. networks, but maybe you will be an exception? "

Honestly and frankly. Women often complain about male lies... So the truth might work well.

In addition, you can start with trivial communication, not hinting at a relationship.

“Hi, how about chatting with an interesting person. Not a maniac, I don't offer sex))) ".

Such a humorous approach will definitely be appreciated.

What do you need to meet a girl?

The better your page is optimized, the more likely you are to receive a positive response from the subject of attention. To get a lady interested, you will need:

  1. Put the most successful, but not fake, photo on your avatar;
  2. Delete all photos where you don't look your best;
  3. Put romantic status, like "a lone wolf is looking for his she-wolf";
  4. Fill your profile with engaging notes: Interesting Facts, sayings of celebrities;
  5. Write about yourself in detail, where you studied, where you were baptized, etc.

It is also worth paying attention to the writing style and language of communication. If you misspell and speak the local dialect, the girls will stay away. Therefore, it is worthwhile to behave culturally, to be moderately assertive and interesting. This is the key to winning the heart of any beauty.

What shouldn't you do?

Do not try to attract attention of other people's photos. Also, do not pretend or wear psychological masks. Be yourself. After all, any deception is always revealed.

Try to chat with girls who don't have a lot of attention. If a lady is already bathed in likes and comments, then your chances are significantly reduced. Although ... you may be able to bypass everyone.

Don't be overly persistent. Feel the moment. If you write about your romantic or sexual intentions at the wrong time, you can get blacklisted without warning.

It is impossible to tell everything about how to meet a girl on social networks. Situations are different. And everything here depends only on you. Don't be afraid to take your first steps and plan every action. Then the opposite sex will have no chance.

Generations replace each other, and the difficulties of young people do not change. If before the guys did not know how to say hello to the young lady on the street, today they are embarrassed to start communicating on the network.

Thus, new technologies did not in any way facilitate the problem of dating, but, on the contrary, added another burning question: how to start a correspondence with a girl. Maybe dedicate to her touching poems to make a good impression?

Let's give specific examples correct communication with the fairer sex on social networks.

Communication in real life is significantly different from dating on Vkontakte. In a personal meeting, a young man is able to impress a young lady with worthy appearance, charm her with refined manners.

The conversation is in the social. networks depends, first of all, on the guy's ability to interest a potential interlocutor with information on his profile, the ability to communicate and look after beautifully (in the virtual world).

That is why, before that, you need to analyze your own page for provocative information and try to look at it from the point of view of a young lady sitting in front of a computer screen.

What needs to be done before direct communication?

The first most important thing is to correctly design the page on the site so that it does not seem empty. Required condition- uploading high-quality photographs, For example:

  1. Personal photo portrait, made in high quality resolution, with minimum amount Photoshop effects.
  2. Captured moments of your life - playing sports, viewing sights in various places of the country and the planet.
  3. Pictures from various girls so that after the first message you have a reason to tell who these young people are to you.

Don't forget to join various groups VK and indicate a variety of hobbies. However, do not start a conversation, being in such controversial communities as, for example, "Features of a pickup", "Pickup for macho", "Breeding girls for sex."

Before you enter into communication in VK, imperceptibly "scan" her page in order to obtain certain information that facilitates acquaintance. This will help you avoid mistakes in the first message and find different points of contact. On the site you can find out:

  • how often a potential interlocutor sits on the Internet and Vkontakte;
  • in which communities it is registered;
  • how many online fans she has;
  • alleged hobbies.

Before you meet a girl on the Internet and start a full-fledged communication, offer her friendship on VK. So you will get the opportunity to better study her profile (see personal albums, contact information) and add a preliminary opinion on how to conduct a conversation.

You can start communication not only with a personal message, but also by leaving comments under girls' photos and posts on the wall. Pickup experts advise to arouse interest in women with various provocative remarks, but without offensive hints.

So, your profile is complete, information has been added, it's time for direct communication.

At this stage, a man is faced with a variety of questions: how to communicate correctly and correctly with a young lady, what to write to a girl so that she can answer. Let's talk about this in more detail.

To ensure constructive communication on the network, decide for yourself what the purpose of the upcoming acquaintance is: to correspond for “ overall development", Pickup and subsequent sexual contact, a serious connection.

So, how to get acquainted on the Internet correctly?

  1. Radiate positivity. Communicate with a woman with humor, but do not use sarcasm in relation to the interlocutor. More often joke, moderately use emoticons in the message, do not burden the girl at the beginning of dating with sad stories.
  2. Write correctly. The absence of errors is perhaps the first thing that many representatives of the fairer sex pay attention to during correspondence. Before sending a message, check it for literacy through various services that can be found on the network.
  3. Be polite... Don't forget to say hello,. Greetings - required element messages, as well as the absence of obscenities, swearing and vulgar words. Pickup experts advice: do not forget to call the young lady by name during communication, since the name is the most favorite word for every person.
  4. Intrigue your interlocutor. Pickup followers recommend changing communication tactics. For example, after making sure that the girl is interested, try to disappear from Vkontakte for several days, ending the conversation at the most interesting place.
  5. Be different. If your first words were extremely brutal, in the process of communication surprise the young lady, for example, by sending her romantic poems... Or inadvertently indicate in the message that you once took up dancing.
  6. Take an interest in the girl. Communicate with an unknown girl rather difficult, but pickup masters recommend asking the young lady more often about her hobbies, being interested in her desires and plans for the future. Talking about your interlocutor is a good move.
  7. Communicate via SMS. Communication in VK is, of course, wonderful, but if you want to meet in real life, after some time, go to SMS. IN phone message you will be able to send verses and greetings in the morning, and generally stay in touch. Of course, you don't need to insist on switching to SMS.

How to start a chat?

Find a nice interlocutor in the social. networks and specifically in VK is quite simple. However, the following problems immediately appear: what to write to a girl in contact in the first message, how to start a conversation, what should be avoided in communication, and how to translate the dialogue into a real meeting.

The first rule of a pickup truck is no platitudes! Always put out of your mind the standard messages "Hello, how are you?", "Let's meet?", "Hello, beauty."

Many guys start chatting with girls with just such phrases. But if a young lady is cute, such messages in VK come to her regularly.

The first message should be short and concise. Pickup experts recommend that before sending a message, check whether it answers three important issues that appears in every pretty girl's head after the young lady reads your capacious "hello".

Here are the following questions for dating and chatting on the Internet:

  1. Who are you? I mean, your name.
  2. For what purpose did you start communication? Your tasks: just communicate, learn something from the girl, invite her out on a date, etc.
  3. Why did you choose her from a large female company in VK? Perhaps you found common ground, noticed something on her page, etc.

The first messages and male greetings should interest a potential interlocutor, make her start and continue communication.

Do you need to invent a complex greeting or write a huge text? Another pickup rule is that the first message can consist of two or three sentences, but they must be catchy.

Do not forget to say hello and insert in your greeting given name- you need to introduce yourself, even if you have personal data on your page. Do you want the interlocutor to form a positive opinion of you? Moreover, in decent societies, they accept to voice their name when they meet.

If you don't know what excuse to use as a reason for communicating, don't worry. Your desire to communicate, have a conversation and just meet a pretty young lady is already a sufficient excuse to send a message. Of course, you should not indicate in the first phrases that you dream of having children with her and going down the aisle next Sunday.

So, the first message should be original and creative. It is necessary to do without vulgarities and all sorts of sexual innuendos so as not to be included in the black list of unreliable users. Even if you are a pickup trucker, you don't need to immediately demonstrate the true purpose of communication.

We offer the following phrases for dating as a greeting and communication:

  1. “Hi, Katerina. I saw you in a group (the name of the community the girl is a member of). I wanted to get to know you, because they are also fascinated by this problem. Yes, my name is Sergei! " The first message shows shared hobbies and interests.
  2. “Svetlana, hello! My sister has a birthday in a couple of days, and I still don't know what to give her. I decided to ask girls of her age in VK what gifts they prefer. Maybe you can help? " The first message indicates a request for help, and young girls love to give advice.
  3. "Hello, Maria. My name is Alexander, and I am fond of the work of the group (name of the musical group). I saw a video file on the network that you posted to the community (name of the group in VK), and I want to ask, did you go okay? I am planning to attend their concert, but I don’t know whether to go or not ... ”Not a bad option, in which you immediately point out the community of interests in the first message and ask for advice.
  4. “Greetings, lovely stranger. In today's dream I saw a girl who very, very much resembles you. And suddenly today I met you in VK. Do you believe in such coincidences? " Although some conditions are not respected here, however, they are the rules, so that they are occasionally violated. This first message also has the right to "live" because it shows your romantic mood.
  5. "Hello, Elena. It seems that it was you that I met yesterday in the city center. In real life, you are even more beautiful than in your wonderful photographs. " In a first message like this, you express, and also "throw a rod", forcing the girl to find out where you could see her.

Of course, these are only approximate phrases for acquaintance, unique examples and landmarks that you can use to strike up a conversation and start communicating on the Internet. Perhaps you have more powerful options for greeting and a competent pickup in your arsenal.

Let's say you succeeded, she decided to keep the conversation going and answered the message addressed to her. What are the next steps? Continue to communicate in VK, periodically sending her poems and beautifully courting in the virtual space?

If your goal is in real life, it's not worth delaying with an invitation to a date and taking a phone number. Pickup experts recommend immediately pulling the interlocutor from the network to the meeting, since you do not need to drag out the communication at all.

The girl does not agree to communicate via SMS and does not want to meet in real life? You should not immediately dismiss her, try to practice communication and tackling with the fairer sex. In addition, perhaps after one or two messages, the young lady will still change her mind and go on a date with you.

If you really serious intentions, and not just a pickup, then there is no specific time frame for dating and communicating on the Internet with the girl you like.

Maintain a conversation, send poems and pictures to the lovely young lady, in general, show yourself good conversationalist... Then, when it opens, you can switch to SMS communication. And there it is already close to a real meeting.

It is not so difficult to get acquainted with a pretty young lady in VK, but only if you adhere to certain rules and are not afraid of numerous "pitfalls".

It is important to understand that the first message is the main key for subsequent communication and further development of relations. Avoid platitudes, use original phrases and write compliments to the girls. Perhaps it is an ordinary conversation on the network that will become the beginning of a passionate romance and love!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising babies. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.

Communication with a girl on the Internet is somewhat different from communication in real life. The main advantage of the interlocutor is that they do not see him and do not rush to answer. Remote communication takes place more easily and naturally, the person is less worried and worried. Chatting with a girl on the Internet is, of course, interesting, but first of all, you need to arouse her interest and desire to communicate. If a girl has a pleasant appearance, chances are that she receives dozens of messages a day from strangers who want to start a relationship with her. In order for her to respond exactly to your message, you need to know a few tricks on how to please a penpal girl.

Internet communication rules

For guys who are not too confident and have low self-esteem, a big problem how to start virtual acquaintance... As practice shows, women first of all give preference to interesting, energetic interlocutors, and not to “handsome men” with a sporty appearance. Communication with a girl on social networks, dating sites or various forums should be relaxed and easy.

Create your profile correctly

Everyone knows how to create a personal page on social networks, you should not focus on this. The profile should be filled out in such a way that the girl has a desire to correspond with you further. Your photo is business card worth giving great attention... Don't post a photo of you standing next to an expensive car (especially if it's not yours). Photo with fun, where you are in alcoholic intoxication... Pick up a photo where you are in adequate condition. First, the lady will look at the photo, and then decide whether she should continue dating or leave your message unanswered.

When filling out the profile, indicate about yourself as much as possible more information where you have to look like a versatile person with a lot of hobbies. Write about your favorite films, books, places you have visited. The more about you interesting information, the more attractive the interlocutor you look in her eyes.

Analyze her profile

To be liked by a penpal girl, you need to know as much information as possible about her. For example, study her favorite books, maybe the girl is a fan. healthy eating or is a fan of Zenit. If the girl you like in the photo is against the background of an easily recognizable area, develop this theme. She will certainly love your observation and non-standard approach to acquaintance. While everyone will write to her "hello, how are you?", You will get a good chance to continue the virtual acquaintance.

First message

Don't be trite, come up with interesting message, which will catch, and provoke a response. If the answer is still received, this is a good chance not to be missed. It is necessary to write to a girl competently and interestingly, avoiding bland expressions.

How to communicate with a girl correctly

So, the answer to the first message has been received, and now the main thing is not to miss your chance. Now, based on her interests, think about a plan for the next conversation. If one gets the impression that she “ cool girl»And makes acquaintances only with wealthy guys for further material relations, decide for yourself whether you need such an acquaintance or not. You only need to write to a girl with such requests about yours. material goods, who your parents work, and which countries you fly to vacation.

How to chat with a girl on the Internet if she is not interested in your financial situation, and looking for an interesting interlocutor and an extraordinary personality? This is where you need to use your brains. Talk, for example, about travel, tell about yours, and be sure to ask where she has been. Let your conversation be mutual, not just narrative on your part. Talk about your plans for the future, perhaps they will be somewhat similar. Every girl is interested in a man who has reached certain heights in his life and is moving towards his goal.

Do not lie

Often young people, in order to increase their worth, begin to lie and invent stories about their lives with inspiration. Sooner or later it will come to light. Do not expose other people's photos, do not attribute zeros to your salary, in general, do not embellish reality. If you are planning early or meeting in reality, don't lie. It is not necessary to write to the girl all the details about her personal life, keep silent about something, but do not lie.

How to start dating on the Internet and not be disappointed? It is not uncommon for a girl to like a photo from a photo, but in the process of communication you understand that this is not the person you need. First of all, decide what you expect from online dating. Perhaps you just want to chat without further meeting in real life, or are you looking for a girlfriend for one night? Or maybe you want to find in world wide web one's soul mate?

Correct communication with girls on the Internet means:

  • Be positive. Even if you have problems, you shouldn't dump them on a new acquaintance. WITH a positive person it is always easier to communicate and perhaps your beginning correspondence will grow into something more.
  • Be a real man. Women do not like the stronger sex, who constantly complain about the lack of money, a strict boss, and about life in general. Solve your problems without the help of strangers.
  • Keep yourself with dignity. You should not run after a woman and beg her to talk to you. Ladies quickly lose interest in obsessive men.
  • If you often hang out on the Internet on dating sites, do not dwell on just one person. Write to several girls at once, so you will get a rich experience of virtual communication. Be moderately self-confident, and women themselves will seek your attention.
  • Follow her new photos, celebrate new hairstyle or unusual color hair, stylish clothes and fashionable accessories... Every lady will love it if her outfit is appreciated.
  • Learn to listen. Your interlocutor will tell you a lot of interesting things about herself, the main thing is to show interest in this. Communication is not a one-sided game, but a mutual exchange of information. If you only talk about yourself, it is unlikely that communication with a girl will last long.

No need to write to a girl with a dry scientific text, dilute your written speech with emoticons, funny speech patterns. The usual boring phrase: "What are you doing today?" may be ignored, but the more emotional version “Beauty! I invite you to a place where only the most go pretty girls on weekends!" Thus, you made a compliment and at the same time intrigued your interlocutor.

How to go from a virtual acquaintance to a real one

So, you are actively texting and have learned a lot of interesting things about each other. Based on the results of the surveys, it can be concluded that if a virtual acquaintance did not take place in real life after three months, the situation is unlikely to change in the future. The meeting in real life does not always justify the expectations of the two parties, here a deception about external data and other inflated information emerges.

The first real date is much more difficult than virtual correspondence. Here you do not have time to think over each answer, instead of emoticons you need to show real emotions, joke, in a word, be relaxed and easy to communicate. To avoid an embarrassing situation, think ahead about what you will be talking about. Topics of problems at work, world financial crisis, it is better not to touch your ex-girlfriends. Agree, it will not be very pleasant for you if the girl tells how ex-husband chatted with other women on dating sites.

Communication with the opposite sex on the Internet always raises a lot of questions: how to start a conversation, how to please a girl from the first message, so that further virtual acquaintance grows into a real relationship. Psychologists and experienced users social networks recommend starting a correspondence non-standard messages to stand out from the crowd. If you want long and open relationship, do not start them with lies and deceit. Make sure you write your messages correctly, use quotes from famous films and books, and this way you will show yourself only from the best side.

Nowadays, young people are increasingly making acquaintances with girls on social networks, believing that this gives them a number of advantages. This is not to say that online dating is undoubtedly better dating in "real" life, but if everything is done correctly, then obvious advantages this is.

How to start a conversation with a girl in contact

Original greeting in the first message

The greeting can be picked up without special labor, but the original has a better chance of getting a response. Banal phrase"Hi, how are you?" most girls are not enthusiastic. An exception may be when you actually have interesting page, a lot of photos that can attract many web users without further ado. Otherwise, it will be better to show resourcefulness. For example, you can write: “Hello! Finally I found you! " Then you can clarify why you were inspired by this fact (compliment any side of her personality, appearance). You can also immediately show a serious attitude: “Hello! You are very interesting! Do you want to take a walk, meet? " Of course, a rare girl will immediately agree to a meeting, but, for sure, it will be noted that you are not writing with the aim of just "getting worn out on the Internet", but have real intentions for a meeting.

What to talk about with a stranger you like

It will be best if you start a conversation about the girl herself. Show interest in her person, ask a few questions, make compliments, comment on some of her photos (not under the pictures themselves, but in private messages, so that you can definitely count on a response).

What you can ask during the correspondence to get to know it better

Ask what she is doing - working to study or something else. Find out if she has any hobbies, what places in your city she likes, where she would like to visit (both in your city and in any other).

Questions not to be asked in SMS

You should not be actively interested in her at the first stages of correspondence. personal life... Often, information about the presence or absence of a lover can be found on the girl's personal page. In any case, if the interlocutor willingly answers you and is clearly interested in the dialogue, then you hardly need to worry. Be that as it may, the first meeting or rejection of it will clarify everything. Of course, you should not ask those questions that are, in principle, rather tactless, if people are not close - about the size wages, on the availability of property and the like.

What to tell interesting about yourself to impress her

Tell us about your achievements - perhaps you have any in your sport or career. It is possible that you are interested in some hobby - this may also interest her. If you don't have any special hobbies, then it makes sense to find them! This will increase your chances of being interesting companion, and in general, a new step in self-development will never be superfluous.

What to write to make her feel good and she smiles

Most girls are very fond of compliments, and, of course, they help to raise their mood. It is important that they are not trivial! She, of course, will be pleased to read that she has “ beautiful eyes"," Gorgeous figure "and the like, but it is better if you really pay attention to its features. Example: "You have such an unusual eye color, like amber" (appropriate for light brown eyes).

Examples of dating messages

Let's consider a few examples of messages at the initial stages of dating: "You have a very cool playlist," stole "several masterpieces from you", "Add new photos more often, it's nice to look at you!" etc.

How to interest a girl you like

Comment on her personal photos or like If a girl posts on her page in social network photo, it is obvious that she wants them to be noticed and appreciated. Tag the photos in which she appears regularly. In order not to get the impression that you like everything in a row, mark neutral pictures selectively, but do not deprive those where she is present. Also, some photos should be commented on - especially those that she puts on the ava. For example, in VK it is absolutely not necessary to leave verbal comments of the same type under the picture. You may well attach, instead of words, some cute gif expressing your delight or a musical composition hinting at the train of your thoughts. Compliments about your favorite music on her page Surely, any girl will be pleased if her musical tastes are appreciated. In general, any person likes it when his choice is considered interesting. If a girl attaches her favorite composition "on the wall" (for you or for yourself), be sure to like the entry, you can add a suitable comment. If you saw interesting songs in her playlist, then mention it. Build a simple dialogue with questions so she can answer easily If you want the interlocutor to be comfortable communicating with you, then build the dialogue so that it does not cause ambiguous feelings in her. That is, forget about tactless questions... Perhaps you are in doubt whether this or that question is tactless - in this case, consult with a more experienced friend or girlfriend. Many girls don't like questions about weight, family problems or past relationships, and so on. Try to communicate with her on those topics that are close to her - you will probably be able to find out about her interests on your personal page (in information about yourself or using posts on the "wall").

How to complete the first communication-acquaintance, so that there is a desire to communicate in the future

The main rule: do not delay the first communication, trying to find out everything that is possible about the interlocutor and "load" her with a lot of information about yourself. Let the girl have at least some space for thoughts and guesses about you. It is important to show that you are interested in her, but you should not write yourself down as insane admirers, who almost like a wedge converged on a new acquaintance. These guys quickly fall into the friend zone. After talking a little with the girl, and arousing reciprocal interest, write that, unfortunately, you need to leave the Network, but you hope for further communication. Better to mention that you're heading off to workout now, bike ride going to the water park with friends or something like that. So the girl will fixate in the consciousness that now something interesting will happen to you, and, probably, in this case, you yourself are quite interesting person, and you will not get bored. If you notice that there is clearly mutual sympathy on the part of the interlocutor, then it will not be superfluous to ask her for a phone number. If she does write it to you, be sure that she is considering the likelihood of meeting you, and if you start delaying this event, her interest may fade away. Also, do not be upset if the interlocutor does not give the number, arguing that she would like to first get to know you better by correspondence or something like that. For many girls, this is really important.

How often should she write

If she's online all the time In this case, as in others, it is important not to be intrusive. If you do not have one hundred percent certainty that a girl is on VK solely for the sake of communicating with you, then you do not need to constantly write her messages. Note that she may not be online for the sake of dialogues at all - perhaps she just listens to music, reads information of interest to her in a group. It's easy to check. Write a message and wait for an answer. If there is no answer, then you should not follow up: "Are you ignoring me?", "Hey, why aren't you answering?", "Ay!" etc. This can be very annoying! An exception is a question of primary importance, which requires an answer within a few minutes, and at the same time you have no other way to contact the interlocutor. Note that this is rare or never happens. If you want to get a response to your message, make sure that it has at least some meaningfulness. Some guys may write in response to a joke: "Ha-ha!", And wait for an answer from the interlocutor. At the same time, many girls do not at all believe that something needs to be answered. Subsequently, the guy may even be offended by such "inattention". If you recognize yourself in such a scheme, then try to get rid of the habit of "artificially maintaining a dialogue." you need to correspond with interest, and not play ping-pong with meaningless phrases, emoticons, etc. Many girls gradually get tired of such communication and try to avoid it. If she practically does not surf the Internet If a girl rarely sits on VK or another social network, then, of course, with all your desire, you will not have time to tire her with your messages. However, this feature of the girl reveals a certain trait of her character. Apparently, she is of little interest virtual communication or she does not consider it to be something significant and serious. Then special development in this direction you should not wait. This suggests that you should transfer the communication with the interlocutor to a different format - ask for a phone number or arrange a real meeting.

What to do if a girl doesn't reply to messages

First, try to determine for what reasons this might be happening. We propose to consider several possible options similar behavior. 1. She has no time Perhaps she needs VK exclusively for business communication, and she simply does not have time to communicate with friends and acquaintances. However, if so, then the girl is likely to inform you about it. 2. She is not interested in communicating with you Alas, such an option is not excluded, and there may be many reasons for it. Maybe she was initially not very interested in you, and over time you did not manage to change this situation. It is possible that at first she considered you as a serious fan and had some far-reaching plans, but for some reason you could not keep her interest. 3. She is passionate about others Many girls prefer not to be wasted on communicating with several young people at once, and focus on one chosen one. If a girl is seriously carried away by another person, then, most likely, she will answer you rather rarely and in monosyllables, and, perhaps, she will not see any sense at all in further communication. Of course, it may be that soon she will lose interest in another object of sympathy and pay attention to you. Often, girls are very vulnerable when parting with young people, and they often try to drown out disappointment by communicating with another guy - it is quite possible that it will be you. 4. She is offended Think about whether the reason for the chilling of the interlocutor could be that she is offended by something. Analyze your last correspondence with her. Were there tactless jokes on your part, inappropriate questions, incorrect remarks, unnecessary information about another person. Perhaps by some direct or indirect signs the girl concluded that you have an interest in another person.

5. You are too intrusive It is possible that the interlocutor is not happy with the style of communication you have set. Consider if you are being over-intrusive. This option is likely if there is much more message on your part, if the girl does not ask you any questions to support the dialogue, if she does not write first, does not read your messages for a long time (being on the Web), tries to give monosyllabic answers that do not imply further development dialogue. Having identified the reason for the girl's silence, act on the basis of this information. If you understand that you are not interested in the girl, then from the demonstration of resentment or an abundance of additional messages, the situation will not change. You need to interest her in other methods. Gradually stop texting her (she will probably notice the missing fan), and do something really interesting. You can visit Beautiful places or unusual institutions, by posting a kind of photo report in VK, you can also find an exciting hobby, and also show your friends on the network its fruits. The main thing is that it was not a "one-time action". Complete your news feed interesting events and you will attract the attention of not only this girl, but many others as well. Note that some girls, even with high degree interest, do not write to the guys first, especially after a long pause in communication. After the described personality changes, write to the girl yourself, just asking how she is doing. From her answers, you will understand whether she has developed an interest in you. If this has not happened, then it is better to pay attention to the other person. Also, in order not to get lost in meaningless guesses, you can directly ask the girl why she does not answer you. There is a high probability that she will give you a sincere answer to this question. Many guys pay attention to the fact that some girls prefer not to start a dialogue, but only respond to their initiative. It is important to understand that this is not always a sign of low interest of the interlocutor. It just so happened that a significant number of girls are convinced that to write young man first, almost bad taste... What arguments are they guided by in this? "Decent girls don't chase boys." Often, this is the attitude that many mothers instill in their daughters from childhood. Based on their experience, which often corresponds to reality, young women explain to girls that young people often do not value persons who “walk into their own hands” and “hang around their necks”. Also girls with young years hear the assertion that "men are by nature hunters," which means that they can only truly be attracted to something that still needs to be fought for. It is for this reason that some girls not only do not write to young people first, but also do not call them, do not initiate meetings, and the like. They are simply afraid, thus, to lose the interest of the chosen one. If this is indeed the case, then, probably, at the moments of your initiative, she will react vividly. She doesn't like you. Sadly, this option is quite possible. The girl did not see a potential boyfriend in you, and therefore simply does not see any reason not only to initiate some kind of communication on her own, but sometimes she supports him rather sluggishly. It is possible that she initially indicated her attitude towards you, but you continue to be persistent, but it may also be so that, out of politeness or for some other reason, do not clarify this point, believing that you yourself will guess about it. She doesn't want to be in the crowd. The girl assumes that you have enough penpals without her, and she is unlikely to stand out for you as something special. Most of the girls want to feel "chosen", and do not agree to the role of "extras". It is quite possible that she is mistaken, and you do not have an abundance of interlocutors at all, but this does not change the essence - she really believes that you already have someone to communicate with, and she does not plan to sit on the “bench”. It is possible that you yourself have created the appearance of your popularity. Some people are spurred on by this, but there are those who, on the contrary, are "hindered" by this state of affairs. Humiliation. Surely, many guys will find this strange and stupid, but some people actually believe that writing to the first young man is something akin to humiliation. It is difficult to say where such thoughts come from in the head of this or that person. Most often they are dictated by negative experience experienced earlier with another guy. Perhaps the girl often wrote to someone, showed clear interest, and ended up being humiliated in some way. The girl who treats the manifestation of initiative in this way is not often met, but still they do happen. Resentment. If a used to be a girl nevertheless periodically initiated a dialogue with you, but gradually it came to naught, then there is a high probability that she simply takes offense at you for something. Surely, you can guess yourself what could be the reason for the offense - for this, read the last correspondence or put the question directly. Considers himself intrusive. Perhaps the girl used to write to you often first and gradually she began to get bored with this state of affairs. She felt she was acting too intrusive towards you and did not see enough interest from you. Not wanting to look in an unattractive light anymore, she decided not to initiate communication anymore, and thus check your true attitude To her. You are not her type. She may like you as a person and as a friend, but she does not want to give you unnecessary hope for possible relationship... Many girls in their thoughts have their own idea of ​​what their ideal chosen one should be, and they try not to deviate from the intended "course". Be that as it may, on initial stage do not focus the girl's attention on the fact that you do not like her lack of initiative. Until you become her boyfriend or potential boyfriend, and you are not of great value to her, so such claims will most likely only alienate her. Just let her know that you always expect messages from her, and you are pleased when she writes to you. Subsequently, if the relationship goes to a serious level, then, of course, it makes sense to raise this topic and find out the reasons for the lack of initiative.

Pickup phrases and topics for dating a girl on the Internet

If you want to hook a pen-girl "at the start" of your communication, then you can use some of the phrases below.
    "I like you! And you will like me, do you want to prove it? " - then bring the girl to a personal meeting. “I can't understand - are you really so beautiful or is it still photoshop? Just kidding, you can't create this with Photoshop "- then develop the topic, describing what impressed you in the girl." Finally I found my muse! Whether you like it or not, you will be my inspiration ”- such a passage will certainly be appreciated by a potential interlocutor.