How to visually hide facial imperfections. How to visually hide enlarged pores and create perfect skin

It is believed that the easiest way to hide some facial imperfections is with the help of foundation: just apply to the desired areas - the sides of the face, the wings of the nose or the second chin area - the foundation is several shades darker than usual. However, this trick is only good for photographs - in reality, this technique looks rude and is too obvious to others or does not give desired effect if the contrast is not too high.

Let's try a different technique to optically narrow a wide face:

1. Enlarge your eyes.

The bigger and wider the eyes appear, the narrower the whole face will look. Apply to upper lashes thick layer ink. Just don't put mascara on lower lashes- it will "limit" the eyes, making them a closed space, which means it will reduce them. But false eyelashes glued to outer corners eye. In general, anything that increases the length and volume of eyelashes will do. For example, you can curl your eyelashes with special tweezers. You can use a small brush to apply quite a bit of loose face powder on the eyelashes, then cover them with a thick layer of mascara - the paint will not smear, and the eyelashes will become unusually long and expressive!

Well defined brows will also draw attention to the center of the face and forehead, taking the focus off round cheeks. But do not pluck the eyebrows too high, they should be like one big space with the eyes, and not separate small features faces.

2. Highlight the lips.

The lower lip should be noticeably enlarged, making it as plump as possible. If your mouth is too small, then in comparison with it, the whole face seems much wider than it actually is. Optically enhances lips lip gloss applied over base lipstick and lip contour close to yours natural color lips. Dark lip contours visually reduce them. For additional effect you can apply a shimmery gloss in the center of the lower lip.

3. Highlight your cheekbones.

Well-defined cheekbones give the face some angularity, which is necessary so that the face does not appear too round and flat, a kind of "pancake". It is also desirable to highlight upper part eyelid below the eyebrows. With the help of shadows and blush, highlight the "sinking" areas of the cheekbones and eyelids - hollows on the cheeks and lower part eyelid to crease. Highlight the “protruding” parts with light shimmering powder. Don't go overboard with the shades: if you're a fair-skinned blonde, it's best to stick with tan blush tones. For those with dark skin suitable shade dark clay and even fritters. Don't forget to powder blush on top loose powder- so they look more natural.

To reduce the wide nose.

To divert attention from the nose, it is necessary to draw it either to the eyes, or to the lips, or to both at once. This is for the brave bright makeup eyes and lips. You can also apply a light foundation or powder a few shades lighter than your usual powder along the bridge of your nose. Please note: do not darken what needs to be hidden, but lighten the protruding parts, as, for example, in the photo of Gwen Stefani.

To shorten a long nose.

Visually making a long nose shorter is very simple. First you need to make it as if wider - for this it should become lighter than the entire tone of the face. Apply a smear of a darker tone under the tip of the nose, and make the tip itself peach or pinkish. You can use blush for this, capturing a little wings of the nose.

To correct the shape of the eyes.

"Round eyes" - not so much big disadvantage and besides, it's easy to fix. One has only to apply a strip of shadows from the inner corner to the outer one or make slightly rising "arrows" with a pencil or eyeliner. In this case, the line should expand slightly towards the outer corner of the eye. Eye shadow should be chosen in soft pastel colors.

« bulging eyes» - for adjustment, it is better to choose muted shades of shadows, avoiding shiny mother-of-pearl and too dark colors, which can make the eyelids look heavy. First you need to shade the upper eyelid with a soft shade, rubbing it in the direction of the outer corner of the eye. Be sure to emphasize the edge of the lower eyelid. Under the outer third of the eyebrows, apply either a light shade of eye shadow or a light foundation.

"Deep-set eyes" can be enlarged and made more expressive. Avoid using dark shadows. V this case the best option there will be light, including shiny shadows. On the entire eyelid to the very eyebrows, apply shadows of a light shade in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. The section of the eyes can be emphasized only at the outer corner of the eye.

"Close-Set Eyes" - according to the classical canons of beauty, the distance between the eyes should be equal to the length of one eye. The outer corner of the eye should be either at the level of the inner corner of the eye, or slightly higher. Keep this in mind when drawing arrows.

Shadows should be applied to the upper eyelid, starting from the middle and lightly rubbing upwards and at the outer corner of the eye. But on the bridge of the nose and at the inner corner of the eye you need to impose very light shades. The section of the eyes is shaded a little darker

A face covered with acne is a rather unattractive sight.

The treatment of the disease is long, but you always want to look good, especially at an important event, a date.

Not only do rashes not produce very pleasant impression on others, they also cause moral discomfort, forming many complexes.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Do not worry, because there are several ways to hide acne on the face with makeup and even without makeup at home.

What can be masked

It seems that there is nothing difficult in covering up sore spots on the face in 5 minutes. It can be done.

However, this cosmetic product not intended for such purposes at all.

Tonalka evens out the tone and complexion, smooths out irregularities, traces in the form of enlarged pores, but does not remove acne.


Reddened areas are hidden with a green masking pencil.

Photo: With the help of green concealer you can hide redness

  • A little means is applied to the center of inflammation and shaded to the edges with a finger or brush, as if drawing the rays of the sun.
  • After that, concealer for 1-2 tones lighter shade skin hide other imperfections: pigmentation, circles under the eyes.
  • And after that, with the help of a thin layer of foundation, they create the necessary perfectly even coverage. Application begins from the center of the face, moving with a sponge, brush or fingers in the direction of hair growth, as if smoothing them. In areas with concealer, the cream is gently driven in with fingertips.

It is important to carefully shade the borders with the hairs on the head and eyebrows so that they do not leave excess funds and there is no obvious transition.

In conclusion, the face is lightly covered with a crumbly light or translucent powder to create the effect of the thinnest veil on the skin and fix the result for a long time.

Can be dispensed with the minimum amount funds, as they did in old days our parents.

  • The center of the pimple is smeared with a drop of moisturizer and sprinkled with loose powder.
  • A small hill is slightly shaded.
  • But still, it is recommended to pre-apply foundation.

How to choose the right

Both caring and decorative cosmetics must be selected according to the type of skin.

  • Problematic covers need vitamins A and E, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components.
  • Also, the product must be hypoallergenic so as not to cause additional irritation on unhealthy skin.

Photo: before you buy cosmetics, you need to carefully study its composition

You should not buy cosmetics if it includes:

  • parabens- preservatives that provoke;
  • mineral oils, designed to create a film that retains moisture, resulting from oil refining;
  • propylene glycol- oil product, dehydrating and provoking (not dangerous if its amount does not exceed 50%);
  • thimerosal- provokes irritation and increases the risk of the formation of cancerous tumors due to the content of mercury;
  • comedogenic substances- the cause of blockage of the excretory ducts of the glands (sodium lauryl sulfate, isopropyl myristate, myristyl myristate, lanolin, glycerin and others).

Mattifying foundation creams have a denser texture, well hide imperfections.

But they are not meant for daily makeup because they prevent air circulation.

There are also products with light-reflecting pigments that make the skin look fresh and healthy. But they can enhance the greasy shine.

If he doesn't cause discomfort, pain when pressed, the skin around it is not red, but the white head sticks out and is almost dry, then this is exactly the case.

  • Hands and face should be thoroughly washed with soap and then wiped with an antiseptic ("Chlorhexidine", "").
  • Gently press with your nails on the base of the pimple from the bottom up, trying to make the pus come out, and not break inward.
  • At the end of the manipulation, the wound is again disinfected.

Therapeutic makeup

Really good medical cosmetics- mineral, with natural oils, allantoin, zinc, mica and others useful for problematic skin components.

There are many brands (Lumiere Cosmetics, Colorescience Pro, Coastal Scents, Heavenly Mineral Makeup, Monave, Lucy Minerals, Sweetscents, The All Natural Face, Joppa Minerals, MilkFancy, Jane Iredale, Colorevolution and more).

  • The Face Value Cosmetics brand is known for producing a very high quality Consealer Clear Blemish concealer in the form of a powder that must be applied all over the face. The only drawback is the high cost, so afford similar means maybe not everyone.
  • Not bad moisturizes and mattifies the skin BB or CC cream (Garnier "The Secret of Perfection", Maybelline Dream Pure, CC Cream Color correcting). Though combined cosmetics also quite expensive, it effectively relieves inflammation, prevents the formation of new rashes and nourishes the integument useful substances especially vitamins. Creams contain reflective particles in a small amount, thanks to which the skin looks natural and literally radiant from the inside.

What can relieve inflammation

  • Rubbing the face can slightly reduce inflammation.

Photo: rubbing ice cubes with chamomile will relieve inflammation

  • The effect will be doubled if in molds instead of plain water freeze a decoction of calendula, or St. John's wort. For this, 2 tbsp. lies. dried herbs are poured with boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes over low heat, insisted and filtered.
  • It is often advised to sprinkle a highly inflamed pimple with a crushed tablet of streptocide, aspirin, and even paracetamol. After 10 minutes, the powder should be washed off with warm water.

It will be possible to pull the pus out by means of a night compress with ointment:

Photo: the use of Vishnevsky ointment will accelerate the release of pus

  • Vishnevsky;
  • ichthyol;

After the procedure, the next morning, the face should be wiped with lotion with salicylic acid to remove excess fat.

Gently treat rashes with a soft sponge massage movements It will help acne to break through faster, and pores to clear. Beforehand, it should be applied a little baby soap with water, lather and sprinkle.

How to get rid of

And although there are many ways to hide acne, it is important to realize that they must be treated. Makeup is only a necessary measure.

First of all, it is necessary to identify acne rashes.

Photo: treatment acne should be done under medical supervision

  • Perhaps it's a matter of hormones, so you will need to consult not only a dermatologist, but also an endocrinologist.
  • It is necessary to exclude the presence of diseases gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, allergies.
  • Acne is also often caused by an overly active demodex skin mite.

During therapy, you should adhere to healthy lifestyle life and properly care for the integument to speed up their healing:

  • exclude bad habits ( , );
  • remove flour from the diet, and chocolate, instant coffee, smoked, fried and soda;

Photo: foods that are useful to include in the diet

  • enter into daily menu vegetables and fruits, natural juices, sour milk, clean water(2 liters per day), cereals and lean meats, sea fish;
  • wash your face twice a day using a special gel for problem skin (for example, Pure Calmille by Yves Rocher, Effaclar by La Roche-Posay, Avene Cleanance by Pierre Fabre, Planeta Organica, IMMUNO Propeller, Clean Line "Perfect Skin"), or tar soap;
  • shrink pores without alcohol green mom from enlarged pores and blackheads, Natura Siberica cleansing, "Belita-Vitex" whitening);
  • be sure to remove decorative cosmetics before going to bed, as even the most natural remedies do not contribute good rest skin. Micellar water copes well with this, absorbing particles of pollution (, Green Pharmacy, Nivea);

Photo: before going to bed, be sure to remove makeup from the face

  • try to get enough sleep, go to bed more often fresh air to limit situations as much as possible.
  • Even if a single pimple pops up on the face, for example, on the forehead or on the nose, in no case should it be squeezed out immediately. This will inevitably lead to tissue injury and the spread of infection. The next day, you can find not one, but several inflamed elements, which will be much more difficult to eliminate.
  • Before applying cosmetics, the covers must be degreased with a tonic, and then apply the foundation. There are makeup products with reflective components. However, they can be replaced with a light moisturizer. Just let it soak in well before applying concealers and toners.
  • No makeup is complete without a toner. Therefore, it is important to choose correct shade by smearing a drop of the product on the area under the chin. The color should not be too different from the skin, not look too dark or white. It is better to give preference to warm shades with yellow pigments than red ones. They will not emphasize inflamed areas.
  • Blush should also not be applied pink or orange. (This rule also applies to the choice of lipstick). Peach, light brown look more natural. To not be dark spots on the cheeks, put them a little on the "apples", which stand out clearly if you smile broadly. It is important to carefully shade everything with a clean brush.
  • But the eyes are not only possible, but also need to be highlighted more clearly. Such an accent can divert attention from the imperfection of the skin. For several years in a row, smokey ice makeup has been in trend, for which you can use not only black shadows, but also brown, purple, green, beige.
  • It should be taken into account that what brighter eyes, the more you need to emphasize the eyebrows. So the face will look more harmonious and natural.
  • After the makeup is finished, you need to wash and dry all the brushes, sponges and other tools so that they do not leave any residue of cosmetics and pathogenic bacteria. Disposable devices must be discarded.
Pimples significantly spoil not only appearance skin, but also mood.

Instead of being nervous, it is better to try to find out the causes of their occurrence, undergo an examination by specialists and receive adequate therapy.

And well-chosen and skillfully applied cosmetics will help temporarily hide skin imperfections and not aggravate the problem of rashes.

Video: "Masking skin imperfections"

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Chubby cheeks are always cute. However, fashion has its own rules: clearly defined cheekbones, slightly sunken cheeks and a chiseled chin are the main established trends. recent years. It is easy to reduce cheeks and stretch your face without the help of plastic surgeons, you just need to choose suitable makeup, correct hairstyle and accessories.

site I have collected some tips for you on how to visually stretch your face and make it narrower than it really is.

1. Choose the right hair style that suits you

Forget high ponytails, buns and straight bangs. by the most best solution will layered haircut- it will add volume to the styling and visually narrow the face. Ideal Options styling - careless waves and lungs curls, which will help to visually hide the cheeks.

2. Try to grow moderately thick eyebrows

thick beautiful eyebrows will make the face visually thinner and more expressive - they will help to switch attention from the cheeks to the area around the eyes. In the daily correction of the shape of the eyebrows, special pencils, gels and shadows will help you. To visually stretch the face, slightly draw the length of the eyebrows towards the temples.

3. Coloring "ombre" will help visually narrow and stretch the face

An excellent option to divert attention from the cheeks is staining with the ombre technique. Light colors attract more attention than dark ones, so you should make the ends of the hair lighter than their roots, thus drawing attention to the ends, visually lengthening the face and making it narrower.

4. Embrace cat eye makeup

Qualitatively made "smoky" will create the effect of an inverted triangle on the face - all attention will be transferred to the area of ​​​​the eyes and eyebrows. To create such a makeup, you need “pull out” the corners of the eyes with eyeliner, pencil and shadows- in this way you will lighten the lower part of the face, so that it will appear narrower.

5. Improve facial features with shading

Shading will help create subtle shadows on the face, thus hiding facial imperfections. When choosing a powder, focus on soft peach and golden hues , and in order to emphasize the cheekbones, apply bronzer in the direction from the temples to the lips and blend thoroughly.

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