Difficult and gifted children. Psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the research problem

Topic. Difficult children: essence, causes, problems

  1. The concept of "difficult to educate" in social pedagogy;
  2. Typical groups of difficult to educate and features of educational work with them,
  3. Forms of manifestation of the difficult to educate and the problems of educating the difficult to educate.


  1. . Kashchenko V P Pedagogical correction Correction of character flaws in children and adolescents M, 2000
  2. Lesgaft P Family upbringing of a child and its significance At 3 hours // Iebr ped. essay / Compiled by I N Rssheten M, 1988 H III
  3. Soroka-Rosinsky VNPedagogical essays M 1991
  4. . Sukhomlinsky VADifficult children // Selected production In 5 tons Kyiv, 1980

1. The concept of "difficult to educate" in social pedagogy

In the history of pedagogy, the first phrase was "children are difficult in educational attitude».

There is currently a conceptdifficult to educate. difficult to educatea child who presents certain difficulties for a particular educator (educators).

This is manifested in the behavior of the child, his attitude to
other children, educator, educational influence.

"Difficult child" is difficult to provide directed development, training and education, due to its characteristics cognitive activity, age development (adolescent).

There is no fundamental difference between these definitions. Therefore, these concepts will be considered as synonyms.

The first researchers of the problem of difficult children in Russia were doctors. Parents were the first to contact them. With these problems, and they had to solve them (A. Dernova-Yarmolenko, M. Perfilyev).

Scientisteducator, psychologist, lawyer and public figure Dril 1 devoted many years of his life to the study of problems:

Social deviation in children and ways to overcome it;

Causes contributing to the formation of children that require correction;

Introduced the concept of "medical and psychological diagnostics" of children in correctional facilities;

Described the features of educational work in correctional institutions.

Dril Dmitry Andreevich (18461910) scientist, lawyer, psychologist, teacher and public figure. His name is associated with (the formation of domestic criminology and penitentiary (corrective labor pedagogy) He graduated from the law faculty of Moscow University (1873) and underwent medical training there.
department of correctional and educational institutions under the main prison department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Empire Together with V.M. Bekhterev, he is the founder of the Psychoneurological Institute. In the autumn of 1910, he began to lecture at this institute.

The most typical causes (factors) of the formation
children who are difficult to educate, Perfilyev, Kashchenko,
Sukhomlinsky and others pointed out the following:

Parent - 1

Reasons for a potential child - 2.

a) hereditary: the child inherits from his ancestors and parents the psychophysiological characteristics of his body (constitution, temperament);

Birth - 3.

b) peculiarities acquired from birth: prematurity, frailty and weakness of the body, features of the development and functioning of one or another;

Interaction between parent and child 5 (1, 4).

c) idiosyncrasies acquired in early age due to
a variety of factors that determine the care of him:

artificial feeding;

transmission of the disease from a nursing mother;

living conditions;

diseases and features of their course;

obvious or subtle, but persistent malnutrition;

head bruises, injuries;

d) the inability of parents to observe and see the uniqueness of the child,
in need of special development and education.

e) pedagogical omissions in working with the child.
Conditions for a child's shocks that he cannot cope with:

— lack (absence) of proper education in the early years
(from one year to seven or eight years). The farther from birth the education of the mind begins, the more difficult it is to educate a person intellectually.

Curiosity plays an important role in mental education. Curiosity should lead to discovery. The joys of discovery.

If this does not happen, then the child developsinsensitivity, dullness, dullness,which makes it difficult to train and educate;

injustice,insulting, hurting self-esteem, causing indignation in the child and giving birth in his soul to the most diverseforms of active and passive protest.What causes slight excitement in an adult can become a source of anxiety in a child.
great grief;

rudeness and rudenessin relation to the child, contributing to the strengthening of his excitation. survived similar condition,
the child often resorts to a completely unexpected form of active protest - actions against evil, antics, clownishing.
It is easier for him to appear in the role of a carefree naughty, even a jester. In the end
in the end, the environment gets used to the fact that he is grimacing and clowning around.
This is very dangerous state dulling the sense of honor, pride;

indifference in relation to the child, negatively affecting his gentle, sensitive nature. It makes him need
change in attitude, and
tries in various forms
to draw attention.
These can be hysterical manifestations, extraordinary ostentatious actions, aggressiveness towards others;

— the desire of some parents to put education on
"scientific" basis
which leads to the leveling of the originality of one's own child in favor of the newfangled tendencies of the chosen "pedagogy". Often such parents use a certain book and try to verbatim implement its advice in education, get carried away
specially selected toys that do not correspond to the interests and needs of the child, create an artificial social circle,
they look for "talents and inclinations" in the child, very often imaginary
or responding to the existing "fashion", and training begins, breaking the mind, feelings and will of the child, reaching true torture and
hard labor for him. As a result, this leads to a deformation of his personality,
up to tragedy;

"strong", "volitional" measures of influence on the child in the family.Obedience and obedience should not be based on fear, which
breeds deceit, hypocrisy, sycophancy;

"device" by the parents of their child in prestigiouschildren's
kindergartens, schools, gymnasiums, without taking into account his individual capabilities
and inclinations. In such institutions, there is often an overload
child, his inability to cope with the curriculum, which
leads to serious nervous breakdowns, irritability and other
negative consequences;

connivance in education"free upbringing"
considering its negative consequences. In this case, education is often
generally absent, and subsequently it leads to lack of control and
complete uncontrollability in relation to the child;

parenting mistakes,contributing to the development of the child
negative positions, interests, habits, attitudes, etc.,

absence public education, parents' desire
isolate the child from external environment. Isolation from real life
forms "artificiality" and limited personality. Such
the child has a very difficult time in subsequent self-manifestation in
school environment, interacting with peers. He doesn't know what's best
behave with them. All this contributes to its isolation, containment
activity, ridicule of peers, and sometimes bullying from their
side or, conversely, his inadequate actions and deeds,
the consequences of which are difficult to predict;

f) family problems affecting the upbringing of the child:

the child who was not expectedand the resulting negative attitude towards him;

humiliated or insufficiently honorable position of the mother in
family.Disrespect for the mother leads to ignoring her educational impact and the formation of an understanding that it is not necessary to obey those who make any comments and instructions.
Boys may develop a negative attitude
to representatives of the opposite sex;

absence of a father or his positive educational influence on a child aggressiveness family life, contributing to the formation
the child has tension, turning into fear with all the ensuing from this phenomenon negative consequences;

parental disengagement from raising a childon various reasons: "official" employment; because of the desire to live for
themselves while young; shifting education to grandparents,
other educators. Such parents often believe that as long as the child
nok is small, he does not understand anything, and when he grows up, that's when
will be engaged in his education, etc.;

lack of unity of requirements, coordination of actions in
the process of education;

lack of internal discipline and order in the family,positive educational examples, actual role models;

Wednesday - 6

g) a book that accidentally came across, a television program is far from
child content that arouses early interest beyond their age
and the search for an answer not from parents, but from acquaintances;

h) street in the broad sense of the word, with all its worldly aspects:

— negative examples of elders;

the circle of new acquaintances is far from the best behavior,joint
looking for adventure, etc.

Specified reasons lead to the appearance difficult children.

Difficult children include:

hyperactive healthy and not, more often "nervous", lively, easily impressionable, restless;

hypoactive usually lethargic, pale, sickly,
sedentary, far from being so receptive, more stubborn, wayward, highly irritable, etc.;

characterized by increased susceptibility.They (especially small children) are excited or paralyzed by the aggressiveness of the school bustle running, noise, screaming, especially the scream of the teacher, even when he does not scream at them. From the cry of the student literally
freezes, freezes. Fear binds the child to such an extent that he
hears even his own name; the teacher's speech loses its meaning, he does not
can understand what he is talking about;

gifted, found themselves in an environment of alienation, rejection. Such
the phenomenon takes place, due to the various possibilities of this child and the bulk of the children's team in cognitive activity and the inadequacy of their manifestation;

mentally retarded(not mentally retarded,
but normal children), in whose upbringing in preschool years mistakes have been made;

found themselves in a state of maladaptation (the beginning of their stay in
kindergarten, transition from kindergarten to school, when moving to another school team, etc.) and the inability of educators to realize
it is provoking inappropriate behavior and negative deformation
personality. This fact is especially negative when
the environment itself turns out to be aggressive towards this child;

Factors contributing to the formation of a child's difficult education: heredity, environment, upbringing. Reason lack of opportunity early diagnosis child's problems. Lack of a system of preventive work.

2. Typical groups of difficult to educate and features
educational work with them

Soroka-RosinskyViktor Nikolaevich, teacher. A graduate of the Alexander Novgorod men's gymnasium. He continued his studies at the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University. After graduating from the university in 1906, he worked at the Military Medical Academy, where he studied the problems of psychology under the guidance of V.M. Bekhterev and A.F. Lazursky. At the same time he taught history and literature in secondary schools in Petrograd (in 1918-20 at the school of the Putilov factory). In 1920-25. headed the "Petrograd Department of People's Individual Education. F. M. Dostoevsky for the hard-to-learn” (known mainly under the name “School-Commune named after F. M. Dostoevsky”, ShKID); in 1925-28 director of a school for difficult teenagers; at the same time methodologist LGPI them. A. I. Herzen at the department of social and legal protection of minors (SPON), which trained educators to work with homeless and difficult children; he taught in classes for the difficult to educate at the Torfyansky technical school, at the school for psychoneurotics at the Pedological Institute (in 1933-36 a researcher at the institute), in secondary schools in Leningrad (until 1942 and after 1948); since 1942 in evacuation, he taught at the Gorno-Altai Pedagogical College, at the Przhevalsk Pedagogical Institute.

In the article "The Difficult to Raise" (1924), they are given a fairly figurative and reasoned typification of such children.

At their core, they differ from their peers in self-manifestation and perception of educational work with them. In a broad sense, "difficult to educate" is a deviation from the norm.
At the same time, such deviations are characterized by the author as follows.

Typical groups according to the degree of deviation from the norm: below the norm, above the norm, partially below the norm.

1) A child who is below the norm in his development (does not correspond to the level of normal developed child his own age). Soroka-Rosinsky called this category subnormality (from lat.
sub sub and norma pattern).

2) A child characterized by a certain giftedness, he is distinguished by increased development in a qualitative or quantitative sense. This category has been namedsupranormality(from lat.
Isupra above, above and norma sample). The supranormal are
gifted children who are not able to adequately realize their abilities in the environment of their life.

3) A child characterized by deviation from the norm in the narrow sense of the word. This category is characterized as denormality (from lat. | de a prefix meaning the absence or reduction of something and norma sample). In some ways, this child has not reached the level normal development, which affects his behavior, relationships, opportunities for self-realization.

In practice, it is very difficult to draw a line not only between denormality and supranormality, but even between subnormality and
supranormality. The inability of the educator to understand the characteristics of the child most often acts as the main factor in the formation of his difficult to educate.

The nature of the deviationeach child has his own. Collectively, she
may be influenced by:

BUT) external factorSoroka-Rosinsky called it exogenous
from the Greek echo outside, outside and genos origin) factor.
The originality of the children of this group is explained mainly by the external conditions of the environment and education;

B) internal factorthe result of some organic
features of the mental or nervous nature of the child. This category was defined
endogenous (from Greek endos inside and genos origin) factor. Children of this group are characterized by internal deviations in development that affect their attitudes and behavior. In this case, external factors can weaken the influence of internal ones or, conversely, enhance their negative manifestation.

The foregoing allowed Soroka-Rosinsky to single out three typical groups of difficult-to-educate children.

Selection of groups based on the source of deformation: one group of deformations from outside; two groups are internally deformed.

First group. These are normal children who are under the influence
external factors deformed. Their difficult education is determined by the depth of deformation of the personality, its moral (spiritual)
basics. It takes place in the form:

normally developed children with comparatively superficial
personality formation.This is such a deformation that has not had time yet
change, "disfigure" the moral foundations (spirituality) of the individual;

normally developed children with severe personality deformation.
It manifests itself in significant changes in the child's psyche, de-
formations of moral foundations (spirituality) of the individual, in the form
his negative attitudes, habits and inclinations.

Second group. These are children who, under the influence of internal
factors have mental deviations (emotional excitability, weakness of restraining centers and a strong tendency to all kinds of emotional experiences, etc.), which significantly affect their moral positions, habits, inclinations and manifestations. These deviations are the result of severe heredity, various organic defects in the feather system and psyche. Such children do not need a special medical regimen. These include:

children with general mental instability.They are characterized
poor resistance of the psyche to harmful influences, increased
emotional excitability, weakness of the restraining centers and a strong tendency to all kinds of emotional experiences. Representatives of this group include psychoneurotics, hysterics, neurasthenics, children with various kinds of defects in emotional and

volitional areas. It is very difficult to give a general description of this group in view of the amazing variety of manifestations of mental instability;

children with mental disorders due to bad heredity or due to certain organic defects,leading to more or less permanent damage moral basis personality.

Fix such a child in short term impossible. He needs a special (correctional) educational institution. Working with him, it is quite enough to give him knowledge and instill
skills in the field of some craft, perhaps he will later find it more profitable to engage in it, and not in illegal actions, for example, theft;

children with a general internal deformation of the psyche,preserving
equilibrium. Outwardly, such a child can be all right:
he is able to study diligently, not violate discipline, perform
social assignments, take part in circle activities.

However, he lacks a positive (moral) internal basis (core), decency, a sense of honor. He is characterized by rudeness towards teachers, pointless audacity, only
to show off, brag to comrades, aggressiveness
attitude towards the weak, the desire to humiliate them, force them to serve
himself, unconditionally obey, perform everything, including illegal actions on his instructions. All of this contributes to
environment of peers of leadership position. Such a child is able to actively oppose the work of educators in ordinary educational institutions. He needs a special correctional

Third group difficult to educate gifted children (supranormal). The human psyche is so rich and varied, the laws
its self-organizations are so complex and bizarre that often outstanding
people turn out to be such only because all the energy of their psyche is concentrated in one of its parts, giving it amazing wealth and strength, but impoverishing other parts of the soul. Fate
such a person sometimes depends on mere chance. If the external conditions of life develop in such a way that he manages to realize the strong and rich side of his psyche, everyone will consider him outstanding person and he really will be. Under adverse external conditions, this will be a typical loser. Examples are not far to go: Newton was a very incapable student at school, Bismarck could hardly move forward and was also considered stupid, Linnaeus only by a lucky chance did not finish his career as a shoemaker, Darwin in his youth a typical varmint and lazy person, Rousseau was defective in many ways and yet all these people turned out to be talented largely due to their activity, self-education and self-education.

Gifted natures mean children with characters, in
which are manifested:

a) the ability to creatively process perceived materials, at least in the form of a sufficiently high working capacity;

b) increased giftedness, albeit one-sided;
in) normally developed moral feelings.
In the absence of a child's ability to work or moral
feelings, no matter how richly gifted he may be, it is necessary to recognize his deviations. Confirmation of this fact, emphasizes Magpie-
Vosinsky, life itself stands out. The most typical representatives of difficult-to-educate children among this category of children are:
children with mental instability and a certain giftedness.This category is characterized by hysteria, demonstrativeness and violent manifestation of feelings, disobedience to the rules of discipline. Under certain conditions, they may differ in exemplary behavior. At the same time, they have sufficient talent, which can manifest itself in the relevant field (artistry, artistic creativity, skill in something, etc.), are full creative energy, are always passionate about something and do everything with rapture, inspiration, take their studies very seriously for their age, they have their own interests (for example, literature, politics, etc.). Such a child may not have negative habits, he is very attached both to school and to individuals whom he considers knowledgeable and who satisfy his insatiable thirst for knowledge. The teacher sees in him the highest, chosen and complex individuality;

b) children are physically weak, mentally well, with average
abilities and talents.
They are quite proficient
themselves, are capable of showing talent, have their own style,
originality in activity. One can speak of such a child as
future greatness in a certain field (for example, in literature, art, etc.), unless inspiration leaves him and
conditions will apply. In school activities
he shows laziness, not wanting to study with the class, does not recognize any authority and believes that he himself is better than any teachers
knows what and how to do it. Is fond of reading various literature, any practical activity (for example, drawing, art or other that inspires him), showing
with amazing performance. This is also an example of high talent, coupled with great capacity for work with a fairly developed moral sense.

in) children are mentally and physically healthy, talented, but under the influence of external factors (families or streets) "deformed.
Such children mentally do not show giftedness above
norms. They are corrupted by the environment. This negatively affects their attitude to study, reading, and in general to any higher spiritual
requests. These are practical natures, with narrow utilitarian aspirations. They quickly adapt to the environment, master the situation and know how to subjugate the environment, turning it

as a means of achieving personal (selfish) goals ("slaves" - this is how Soroka-Rosinsky characterized them). It is extremely difficult to overcome the negative impact they create on the environment, since they skillfully
use their “slaves” insolvent debtors who are literally in their slavery and perform all sorts of assignments for
a small fee.

The foregoing indicates a fairly large variety of types of difficult-to-educate.

3. Forms of manifestation of difficult to educate and problems
education of difficult-to-educate

Difficulties in education a multidimensional phenomenon and at the same time
integral. The famous Russian scientist, doctor and teacher P.F. Lesgaft (18371909) singled out the characteristic types of schoolchildren: hypocritical, ambitious, good-natured, downtrodden soft, downtrodden
vicious, oppressed. The reasons for the formation of each of them are determined primarily by those conditions family life, in which
child is brought up. Any type is peculiarly manifested in relations with peers and educators. For the educator, accounting and pedagogical activity to overcome his negative originality presents certain difficulties.

As noted, difficulty in education is characterized by a manifestation of rejection of the requirements of the educator. Practice testifies
what can be distinguished the following forms manifestations:

openly extremist(attempts to block, neutralize the influence of the educator through slander, creating a psychological vacuum, “sticking” mocking nicknames,

demonstrations of non-recognition, etc.);

covert extremist(outwardly supporting the actions of the teacher, especially in his presence, but doing everything to resist
their implementation);

openly aggressivein the form of a boycott of the actions of the educator, by their actions, openly activating others to counteract;

sarcastic, manifested not only in distrust of the educator, but also disbelief in his goals and ways to achieve them;

hidden,outwardly indifferent or supporting the educator, his positive and negative actions,
while inciting others to resist. One of the most
disgusting forms of manifestation of the position of the individual;

indifferent expressed in non-perception and non-reaction
on the actions of the educator;

formal in relation to the personality and activities of the educator,distrustful of him. Both, both the educator and the educated,
in this case, as it were, they live in completely different temporal and spatial dimensions.

The most important task various categories educators ensuring the most appropriate pedagogical activity onprevention of educational difficultieschildren and teenagers. For these purposes

deep knowledge of the parents of their child, educators of the distinctive features of pupils;

the ability to pedagogically competently take into account the variety of factors affecting the uniqueness of the development and upbringing of the child, the formation of his difficult education;

the ability to most expediently realize their educational opportunities in work with him;

the ability to teach a child to see the world, to develop his mental abilities from the very early childhood;

the ability to pedagogically competently organize the interaction of the main subjects of education.

The teacher has an important role in preventing the formation of educationally difficult children. For achievement
for this purpose, he can involve other educators, the public.

No less important is the task of educators to be able to build educational work with children who are difficult in educational terms, resolving their problems.

In educational work with difficult-to-educate children, special
perseverance and pedagogical expediency. An intensive educational process, the object of which is a difficult to educate, has as its goal a certain harmonization of the student's psyche,
giving it the highest stability. By creating the most optimal conditions for this, educators contribute to the maximum
revealing the gifts of each.

The general way to overcome educational difficulties in the maximum disclosure of individuality "self" of the child (for
himself, parents, educators) and the organization of the unity of the interaction of all subjects and objects to eliminate this phenomenon
based on object transformation ( difficult child) into an active subject of this interaction.

The usual methods and techniques of education that lead to good results in work with the bulk of children, to difficult children
unsuitable. They need other methods and techniques. Each of
they have something special, personal, unlike other difficult children:
their causes, their deviations from the norm, their ways of development. For
pedagogically competent work with difficult-to-educate people is required
first of all, to identify these causes and individual characteristics

Just as a doctor carefully examines the patient's body, looking for and
finds the origins of the disease in order to begin treatment, and the teacher
must be thoughtfully, attentively, patiently examined, studied
mental, emotional, moral development of the child, seek and
find the reason why it became difficult. Thanks to the acquired knowledge, he determines and applies in practice such measures.
educational impact, which would take into account the peculiarities of the individual world of this child.

It is necessary that difficult students be first of all educators for teachers, so that teaching for them becomes a sphere of affirmation of high human dignity. Makarenko emphasized: to beat on beauty, on self-esteem to beat for sure.

In each case, educational work has its own
content. It is almost impossible to reveal various technologies of education and re-education. It doesn't always need isolation.
child from the natural environment, normal conditions in which he
lives. At the same time, in work with individual difficult-to-educate
normal conditions of upbringing are unacceptable. They need special
educational (correctional) institutions, the level of severity in
which, the mode and organization of educational work correspond to
depth of deformation of the personality and aggressiveness of manifestations. Ordinary institutions are useless for them, and for the children around them they

It is believed that you can “pull up” a difficult child by forcing
him to learn certain material. This approach is wrong. Can't be reached qualitative change in mental activity
difficult child by some emergency measures, special means of influencing his will. You can't force yourself to be smarter.
After the use of "strong-willed" means, which must be used and which are the only way out, become powerless.

As an example of educational work, one can cite the technology of practice for overcoming learning difficulties, set out by Sukhomlinsky.

  1. Strengthen the child's faith in his own strength and patiently wait for that
    the moment when there is even a slight shift in his mental
    activities. This shift is essentially very small, from the first
    At a glance, it may seem like just a random stroke of luck. But this luck
    is experienced by the child as a joyful success, from which he draws
    new energy.
  2. From success to success this is the mental (and not only) education of a difficult child.
  3. Support the positive activity of the child, stimulate him cognitive activity. If he failed at something
    today, then do not scold, do not stun him with a “deuce”. You should not evaluate its results, according to the instructions for assessing progress.
    Such a child requires other evaluation criteria. Primary
    stage, his results should be compared with his previous achievements. A weak, frail plant needs special care and
  4. Try not to put your child in a hopeless situation, in hopelessness.
  5. Exceptional attentiveness and patience in the lesson, where
    a difficult child is next to more capable children. Neither
    in a single word, not in a single gesture, can he be made to feel that
    the teacher stopped believing in his future.
  6. Strive to ensure that in each lesson a difficult child does
    some, even the most insignificant, step on the path of knowledge, achieved some kind of success.

Do not be afraid that for several weeks, maybe
Even for months, a difficult child performs assignments not of the same difficulty as the bulk of the students. Let him do tasks specially selected for him evaluate their results.

Consistently, persistently and at the same time patiently and tolerantly treat incomprehensibility baby. In this case
one can hope that he will have what can be called insight. This will be a powerful emotional boost. mental sensitivity,
knowledge of the child's psyche, patience and perseverance - all this contributes to the fact that mental development difficult child gradually levels off, he ceases to be difficult.

These ideas and positions of Sukhomlinsky received their brilliant development in the experience of innovative teachers at the end of XX in. (Sh.A. Amonashvili,
E.N. Ilyina, V.F. Shatalov and others).

So, the causes and factors of educational difficulties are multifaceted and
multilevel. They interact and are interdependent. Knowledge
reasons, the personal level of interaction with the child the main
the path to success in preventing and overcoming educational difficulties.


  1. Expand the essence of the concept of "difficult to educate"

What are the main hereditary causes of the formation of children who are difficult in educational terms.

What are the acquired peculiarities that determine the formation of children who are difficult to educate?

Indicate the mistakes and omissions of parents in the upbringing of the child, causing his difficulties in upbringing.

V.N. Soroka-Rosinsky about difficult-to-educate, characterized by a depth of personality deformation under the influence of external factors, and their features.

As V.N. Soroka-Rosshsky difficult-to-educate, whose behavior is due to the influence of internal factors, and their characteristics.

As V.N. Soroka-Rosknsky difficult to educate, whose behavior is due to giftedness, and their characteristics?

  1. Name the main forms of manifestation of difficult education.

Name the features of the activities of various categories of educators to prevent educational difficulties.

  1. Name the features of the activity of elementary school teachers but the prevention of the formation of children who are difficult in educational terms.
  2. What are the problems of educational work with children who are difficult in educational terms
. Work





I. The main directions of the school's work with "difficult" students

1. Studying "difficult".

2. Planning the work of the class teacher

3. Organization of assistance to "difficult" children

II. Working with "difficult" in the functionalities of school leaders and educators

Head teacher
Deputy Director for academic work
Deputy director for educational work
Classroom teacher.
School psychologist
Subject teachers
Crime Prevention Council
Inspector for juvenile affairs of the Department of Prevention
and prevention of juvenile delinquency

III. An approximate list of activities for the work of the school with difficult children

Difficult child registration card
Brief description of the "difficult" child.

IV. Stimulation of strong-willed efforts of a difficult teenager

Techniques of individual influence
Conditions for the effectiveness of techniques (according to Vertsinskaya)
Differentiation - group approach in the learning process


1. Questionnaire for identifying difficult-to-educate students in the class

2. The plan of the pedagogical council
"Evaluation of students' knowledge and protection of the child from pedagogical
incompetence, mistakes and aggression"

3. Plan of the pedagogical council

Problems of difficult children and difficult childhood

4. Plan of the pedagogical council

"Problems of academic discipline"

5. Plan of the pedagogical council

"legal education: problems, solutions"

The term "hard to educate" means the immunity and resistance of the educated pedagogical influence. The reason for this resistance is most often the lagging of the personality in positive development, hence the emergence of shortcomings, negative traits in character, incorrect attitudes in behavior, unhealthy needs, etc. And as an alarming result - "difficult" children, schoolchildren, adults with persistent manifestations of negative properties and deviations in behavior.

The causes of difficult education arise as a result of the political, socio-economic and environmental instability of society, the strengthening of the influence of pseudo-culture, changes in the content of the value orientations of young people. Unfavorable family and domestic relations, lack of control over the behavior of children, excessive employment of mothers in the field of public production and private business, an epidemic of divorces lead to serious problems family education.

There is also a false opinion of parents that the school is the main educator of children, the student is to blame for the poor academic performance. The teacher is to blame, the street is blamed for the immorality of the teenager. The family withdraws itself from the process of education.

Mistakes of family education are often supplemented by errors of school influence on the child's personality: authoritarian, command-administrative style of relations, excessive pedagogical guardianship, passive and coercive nature of teaching and upbringing methods, insufficient level of technology pedagogical communication. Weakening attention to the student's personality, his life world, experience, interests, personal value orientations, emotional sphere.

Out-of-school education does not offer a free variety of activities to choose from, does not guarantee relative independence from adults, broad opportunities for the development of activity and amateur performance, and the informal nature of relations between associations of different ages.

Social factors exacerbate the disadvantages of family and school education. The lack of educational work with the population and youth at the place of residence, the non-democratic nature of relations in the surrounding life, the contradictions between word and deed, a negative example of adult behavior, the influence of informal groups and leaders, and the temptation of the street are affecting.

All this undermines the child's self-confidence, his ability to self-regulation, self-affirmation in vital situations. A feeling of insecurity and loneliness is formed.

The variety of prerequisites for educational difficulties, often combined in an unpredictable interweaving into a complex of causes, makes it possible to classify this socio-pedagogical phenomenon as follows.

By type of launch:

Pedagogically neglected (underachieving and undisciplined);

- socially neglected (disorganizers - passive and active);

Offenders (vagrancy, theft, hooliganism);

Deviating from the norm in health (mental and somatic diseases).

In the field of mental disorders:

By position:


By type of neglect

pedagogically neglected (underachieving and undisciplined)

socially neglected (disorganizers, passive, active)

offenders (vagrancy, theft, hooliganism)

deviating from N in health-mental and somatic

with a passive attitude

(lack of will, indifference, distrust)

with inadequate response
(selfish, stubborn)

with antisocial behavior
(cruel, antagonistic, immoral)

in the field of mental disorders:

by position

The task of the school in these conditions is to create a special pedagogical space heightened attention educational impact, polygon social experience for those children who were not understood, not loved, not taught, not defended in this complex world. The fate of these children today depends on the integrated efforts of professionals: teachers, educators, circle leaders, social educators, their close contact with the family and peers of adolescents.

Prevention and overcoming of educational difficulties is a holistic process carried out within the framework of a systematic approach. It involves pedagogical diagnostics, the inclusion of the pupil in social and intra-collective relations, in the system of responsible dependencies with society and the team, involving the “difficult” in socially valuable activities, taking into account the positive qualities, strengths and abilities, normalization and regulation of relations between educators and educatees, the use of all the positive opportunities of the school, family, community, the creation of common pedagogical positions in relation to "difficult" children, the formation of an objective self-esteem, training in the method of self-stimulation of positive behavior.

The school program "Difficult Children" is dedicated to organizing a system of preventive work with children, strengthening positive principles in a child, and adapting him in a peer group.

The main directions of the school's work with "difficult" students

The study of "difficult" students involves the research activities of the educator. The moral guidelines of the individual, the educational potential of the family and the team are studied, errors are identified in setting goals, choosing methods and forms of education. The causes of difficult education, educational opportunities of the environment and methods of re-education are determined.

Diagnostic card "difficult"

1. Identification of "difficult" students from grades 1 to 11, drawing up cards for each of them, taking into account: last name, first name, year of birth, class, health, study, behavior, social activity, family composition, pedagogical environment, emotional relationships in it , family problems.

2. Carrying out the questionnaire "Identification of difficult children in the classroom."

3. Establishing the nature of pedagogical neglect, attitudes towards learning activities, lagging behind, manifestations of volitional qualities.

4. Determination of collective manifestations, attitudes towards others, towards oneself, towards one's family, towards the groupings of the microdistrict.

5. The study of useful interests, abilities and professional intentions.

Age pedagogy in work with "difficult"

"Difficult": primary school age

In junior school age the consequences of improper family and kindergarten upbringing are manifested. Children do not know how to play with their peers, communicate with them, manage themselves, work together, diligently do the job. Hence - failures in the game, labor actions, self-doubt, resentment, stubbornness, capriciousness, rudeness, incontinence, lethargy, inertia.

It is very important at this stage to identify children who are lagging behind in development, with a difficult character, pedagogically neglected, poorly prepared for school. Pay attention to the difficulty of assimilation of a new mode of life and activity, the specifics of relationships with the teacher, changes in relationships with the family, difficulties in learning activities and doing homework.

Teach yourself to prepare lessons, overcome difficulties, know "what is good and what is bad." Creating a "success situation", involve the child in activities (play, work, study, leisure), teaching the right attitude to failures, correcting mistakes, respecting comrades and adults, teaching to forgive each other's weaknesses and shortcomings. The child should not feel his backwardness, it is necessary to remove the "loser syndrome".

"Difficult": middle school age

In adolescence, educational difficulties are stimulated not only by a lag in mental development but also lack of life experience. Adolescents copy the behavior of adults, are not independent, grow up prematurely. This is how behavioral deficiencies arise: rudeness, lack of restraint, pugnacity, arrogance, a negative attitude towards learning, conflicts with others.

Educational influences that are inadequate to the age characteristics of schoolchildren cause resistance in them, negative experience accumulates, which exacerbates personal shortcomings.

It is necessary to emphasize the adulthood of a teenager, his responsibility for himself and his activities, teach him to distinguish between the true and false beauty of a person, cultivate immunity to a negative act, form collectivism and prevent selfishness, forming adequate self-esteem. It is extremely important to choose the right assignments in the classroom, taking into account the interests of the child and the peer community.

Teenage laziness is a special object of attention of the educator, which devalues ​​many positive personality traits and more clearly emphasizes disobedience, dishonesty, indiscipline, rudeness: it is necessary to help the child choose an interesting business, focus on it, show perseverance and organization. Creating a situation of success in the educational process, organizing evaluation activities, preventing neurotic disorders and pathological inclinations - these are the concerns of the educator in working with adolescent "difficult" childhood.

"Difficult": senior school age.

Older teenagers, growing up, are drawn to independence. But there is still no social experience, many practical skills, the necessary strengths and abilities. A conflict is brewing between understanding the norms of behavior and their implementation, feelings and reason, plans and opportunities. The gap between the knowledge of the world and self-knowledge deprives the child of the possibility of self-regulation and self-education. Interests are extinguished, irresponsibility prevails, an idle way of life triumphs.

It is necessary to communicate in microgroups of the immediate environment, activities aimed at self-knowledge and self-determination, the formation of the need for constant self-education, active involvement in work for personal and social purposes. The main condition for this is a high culture of communication and pedagogical tact of the teacher, patience and faith in the strength of a teenager.

Implementation of the teacher's personal approach.

by the most general principle pedagogy of educational difficulties is a humane-personal approach to the child. It was developed in the works of the largest teachers and psychologists of the world (Amonashvili Sh.A., Korchak Ya., Sukhomlinsky V.A., Rogers, Frenet, Steiner, etc.). In the implementation of the personal approach by the teacher, the following features of its application to difficult children can be distinguished.

ore children.

For happy children

For difficult children

1. To see in each student a unique personality, respect her, understand, accept, believe in her.

2. To create such an environment for learning, communication, work, in which each student would feel like a person, would feel attention to him personally

3. Eliminate coercion, as well as any highlighting of the child's shortcomings; Understand the causes of children's ignorance and misbehavior and address them without harming the child's personal dignity

4. the atmosphere of "success", help children learn "victoriously", gain confidence in their own strengths and abilities.

5. To teach the student to see the personality both in himself and in each of those around him; to develop consciousness in belonging to one's collective and to the social whole.

6. Win the respect and trust of students, for which you treat yourself as a person and be an interesting and significant person for your students.

Limits of application of the personal approach to the difficult.

Despite the fact that in the provisions of the personal approach there are mainly motives of kindness and gentleness, love and respect, it cannot be turned into permissiveness, forgiveness, lisping and fawning before students or familiarity. The extremes of the educational style are contraindicated in pedagogy.

Certain boundaries and steps (degrees) of a personal approach must be respected.

For a large range of personal qualities between positive and negative I, the most effective is an optimistic approach, encouragement, success. In the presence of a negative self-concept, coercion is absolutely contraindicated; a search for the positive in the personality, faith and understanding of the child's state of mind is required.

When burdening the difficulty with states of frustration or bitterness, compassion, forgiveness, a gentle approach, help should be shown.

In the case of a transition to an even lower level of the self-concept (I am an aggressor and I am an egoist), which begins to be harmful and dangerous to others, the personal approach should be replaced by inhibitory techniques, coercion and punishment are legitimate.

An egoistic complex can also develop from a positive self-concept (conceit grows, turning into the self-most-most); In this case, braking techniques are also applicable.

Definition of the concept of "difficulty in education"

One of the most difficult periods in ontogeny is adolescence. Growing up is always a very complex, multi-stage and dangerous process in its own way. One of the main difficulties is that growing up as a socio-pedagogical process includes many different aspects. The main, or leading, mechanism of growing up is the assignment by the child of various categories of values, patterns of behavior, etc. The role of adults in demonstrating such patterns (both positive and negative) is the leading one. During this period, not only a radical restructuring of previously established psychological structures takes place, new formations arise, but the foundations of conscious behavior are laid, a general direction in the formation of moral ideas and social attitudes emerges. Adolescence is a risk group. Firstly, the internal difficulties of adolescence affect, starting with psychohormonal processes and ending with the restructuring of the self-concept. Secondly, the borderline and uncertainty of the social position of the younger generation. Thirdly, the contradictions caused by the restructuring of social control mechanisms: childish forms of control based on compliance with external norms and obedience to adults no longer work, and adult methods that involve conscious discipline and self-control have not yet taken shape. Therefore, most often teenagers fall into the category of "difficult".

The term difficult to educate means the immunity and resistance of the educated pedagogical influence. The reason for this resistance is most often the lagging of the personality in positive development. Hence the appearance of shortcomings, negative properties in the character. Wrong attitudes in behavior, unhealthy needs, etc., and as an alarming result - difficult children, schoolchildren, adults with persistent manifestations of negative properties and deviations in behavior. It is wrong to equate them with the category of pedagogically neglected students. Pedagogical neglect is a cause, not a characteristic of a child's personality.

Difficulty in education is a manifestation of the negative in human behavior, a conflict state born from the rejection of the proposed attitudes. Sometimes this conflict is a natural clash of contradictions, caused only by a misunderstanding of each other. How their future fate will turn out largely depends on the school.

Deviance - defines as a deviation from the norms accepted in society. The scope of this concept includes both delinquent and other behavioral disorders (from early alcoholization to suicidal attempts). The category of difficult to educate includes such children and adolescents whose behavioral disorders are not easily corrected. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between the terms "difficult" and "pedagogically neglected children". Pedagogical neglect of adolescents is understood as a persistent, clearly expressed distortion of moral ideas, bad manners of feelings and social behavior skills, due to the adverse influence of the microenvironment and shortcomings of educational educational process. All difficult children are pedagogically neglected. But not all pedagogically neglected children are difficult: some are relatively easy to re-educate.

Under delinquent behavior is meant a chain of misdemeanors, minor offenses that are different from crime, that is, not punishable by the criminal code. Delinquency usually starts with school truancy. This is followed by joining an asocial group of peers, petty hooliganism, mockery of the younger and weak, taking away pocket money, stealing bicycles, motorcycles in order to ride. Less common are fraud, light illegal speculative transactions, causing behavior in in public places. This may include theft. small amounts money from home. Children's delinquency in the overwhelming majority has social causes - primarily the shortcomings of education. Delinquency is not always associated with character anomalies, however, with character accentuations, there is less resistance to the adverse effects of the immediate environment.

The main reasons for the appearance of difficult-to-educate children.

Many educators attribute the peculiarities of the family environment, the work of the school, the influence of the street, informal communities to the causes of difficult education. However, a variety of behavioral disorders in adolescents are due to many factors. The most typical, according to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, are the following:

A) Hereditary: a child inherits from his parents the psychophysiological characteristics of his body that affect his development, contribute to the formation of character traits, deviations that are not always quickly detected by parents and teachers. However, modern psychologists deny the decisive influence on the behavior of difficult children. hereditary factor, genetic burden of their consciousness and actions. There are, of course, natural prerequisites for certain features of the psyche. But they do not act directly, but through social factors.
b) Acquired from birth: prematurity, weakness of the body, features of the development and functioning of organs, and many others that significantly affect the subsequent development of the child, the formation of certain negative qualities and personality traits;
c) Acquired at an early age due to the variety of factors that determine the care of a child:
In some cases, the causes are not detected immediately, but gradually accumulate, which subsequently affects the child's psyche and the course of his individual development;
d) the inability of parents to see the problems of a child in need of special education. These children include:
e) family problems affecting the upbringing of the child:
e) street in the broad sense of the word.

Features of the personality and behavior of difficult-to-educate children

Identification of difficult-to-educate, according to Michael Rutter, is impossible without knowledge about the personality traits of this category of children. difficult child basically the same personality traits and age characteristics that are inherent in all his peers. However, when difficult education occurs, a special system of motives that supports and justifies it is formed. The presence of antisocial motives of behavior contributes to the formation of bad habits and negative qualities.
Michael Rutter believes that the motivational environment of difficult children includes:
Leading motives that determine the negative orientation of the personality;
household motives that mainly regulate the relationship of the child with other people, determining his situational behavior.

Among the negative qualities of difficult-to-educate children, there is always one that is the main, leading, determining all the behavior of a teenager. Egoism is characteristic of many difficult-to-educate children. Most often, it manifests itself in the form of consumer inclinations and personal attitudes. Spoiled children mostly suffer from selfishness. Unscrupulousness is another common feature of difficult children. There are no firm moral standards for such children.

Difficulty in education is always associated with the presence of deviations in the child's behavior, the range of which is quite wide - from passive resistance to the requirements of the educator to delinquency. Therefore, the category of "difficult" adolescents often includes juvenile delinquents and pupils of special schools who did not violate the law; and children on juvenile records and regular students who are difficult for teachers to educate.

Difficulties in education and the process of re-education itself are associated not only with a change in behavior, but also with the transformation of the entire motivational sphere of a difficult teenager. When difficult education arises, a special, supportive and justifying system of motives is formed. The presence of antisocial motives of behavior contributes to the formation of bad habits and negative qualities. But it also happens the other way around: the commission of actions, improper behavior lead to the search for motives with the help of which the teenager, as it were, justifies himself, consoles that nothing bad happened, that he could not do otherwise.
The motivational environment of difficult teenagers includes:
- leading motives that determine the negative orientation of the personality;
- worldly or everyday motives that regulate mainly the relationship of a difficult teenager with people around him, determining his situational behavior.
Determining the motives of the behavior of difficult adolescents, it is impossible to judge the similarity of motives for the same reasons or similar conditions. Even in committing group misconduct, each teenager acts for different motives. It is precisely because of the difference in the motivational sphere that the difficult adolescent reacts in a very peculiar way to various educational influences. And it is possible to determine the direction of re-education only when the motives for the behavior of each particular teenager are clear.
All difficult adolescents are characterized by the need for vivid impressions, emotional experiences.
Consequently, re-education should restructure the motivational sphere of the adolescent and switch his feelings and experiences to socially useful deeds.
Among the negative qualities of a difficult teenager, there is always one that is the main, leading, determining all the behavior of a teenager. For many difficult teenagers, for example, selfishness is characteristic. Most often, it manifests itself in the form of consumer inclinations and personal attitudes.
spoiled children mostly suffer.
is another common feature of difficult children.
There are no firm moral standards for such children. To re-educate such a teenager, it is necessary to restore uniform requirements in the family and school, to create hard rules, a clear regime, traditions.
The behavior of some teenagers can be determined by a frivolous attitude towards life. The personality of a difficult teenager is formed depending on the type of nervous system, temperament, all biological and mental components. For example, a sanguine person experiences failure more acutely, protests more passionately against injustice, mistakes of teachers, more actively fights for the realization of his desires. The phlegmatic does not react to the “little things in life”, but it is difficult for him to experience long-term conflicts with others, etc.
Studies show that extreme opposites often coexist in the character of a difficult teenager: a developed mind and almost undeveloped feelings (or vice versa), a limited outlook and a rich negative experience in everyday life, etc. All this creates internal tension and inconsistency of desires, feelings, which is expressed in the contradictory actions of a teenager. This is the first feature of the behavior of those who are difficult to educate, which the teacher must take into account when organizing re-education.
The second feature of the behavior of difficult children
- conflict long-term relationships with others. Initially, conflict relations arise, as a rule, against the will of a teenager with one of the parents or teachers. Then the conflict environment expands and ends with completely damaged relationships with most adults and peers.
The third feature that characterizes the behavior of those who are difficult to educate is their egoistic position in life: they evaluate everything from the point of view of whether it is beneficial to them or not; what they will get for themselves if they fulfill the requirements of their parents or teachers. The pursuit of pleasures, often unhealthy (wine, tobacco, cards) at a high stage of educational difficulties becomes the main stimulus for behavior. In this case, it comes to theft, malicious hooliganism.
Fourth Feature
- extreme instability of their interests and aspirations, change of moods, desires (2 - 3 times higher intensity).
Fifth Feature
the behavior of those who are difficult to educate is a counteraction to educational influences.
Features of the development of a difficult child:
- the main deviations in the development of the psyche, which gave rise to incorrect behavior;
- a system of leading motives and incentives for the behavior of difficult children;
the main relationship of a difficult teenager with the outside world.
Especially often difficult teenagers reject the demands of unloved teachers, that is, those who accidentally or deliberately offended them, humiliated their personal dignity.
If a teenager has taken the path of deliberate opposition to the educational influences of teachers, this indicates the complexity of difficult education and serious mistakes in the educational process.

Features of the application of methods of encouragement and punishment in the upbringing of difficult-to-educate children.
Most teachers and psychologists (A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, Kh. Bektenov, M. A. Galaguzova, I. P. Podlasy) note that the use of reward and punishment methods in the upbringing of difficult-to-educate children also depends on the specific pedagogical situation, as well as the child's attitude to punishing and encouraging.

The general requirement for the methods of encouragement and punishment is their application through the collective. A close-knit children's team provides the educator with the involvement of peers who are authoritative for a difficult teenager in the implementation of a particular method. In this case, the requirements of the teacher act in unity with the requirements of the comrades, the penalty is perceived as the condemnation of the comrades, the encouragement is perceived as the approval of the actions by the team, the control of the teacher develops into the control of the team. This approach increases the impact of any method.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky argued that punishment has a triple meaning. First, it must correct the harm caused by the negative behavior. Secondly, punishment helps to ensure that such actions are not repeated. And the third meaning is to remove guilt. A negative act is a certain barrier, uncertainty in the relationship with the pupil. Punishment should neutralize this guilt. Thus, an element of higher justice is seen in punishment, which the child recognizes and accepts. Punishment is relatively successful only when the undesirable behavior has not yet become a habit, and the punishment itself comes as a surprise to the child. Rudeness, offensive language, physical punishment are unacceptable.

Another domestic teacher, A. S. Makarenko, argued that a reasonable system of punishment helps to take shape in a strong human character, instills a sense of responsibility, tempers the will and human dignity.

Types and forms of encouragement and punishment

Rewards and punishments are a set of means of regulating relations that make up the content of the pedagogical situation, in which these relations must be noticeably and quickly changed. The main feature, according to which we consider it appropriate to classify the types and forms of encouragement and punishment, is the way to stimulate and inhibit the activities of children, the way to make changes in their relations:
1. Rewards and punishments related to the change in children's rights.
2. Rewards and punishments associated with changes in their duties.
3. Rewards and punishments associated with moral sanctions.
Within each of these groups of rewards and punishments, there is a wide variety of forms of their use, however, they can also be divided into the following main forms:
a) rewards and punishments carried out according to the logic of "natural consequences";
b) traditional rewards and punishments;
c) rewards and punishments in the form of impromptu.
In recent years, views on the content of the educational process have changed rapidly and radically. Universal compulsory secondary education means an increase in the responsibility of school employees and parents for the fate of those students who, for various reasons, become pedagogically neglected. It is these students who are most susceptible to antisocial influences, and this most often causes them to commit offenses. Proceeding from this, the prevention and overcoming of the pedagogical neglect of schoolchildren is an important direction in the fight against the antipodes of morality in the minds and behavior of school youth. Humanism, optimism, intensification of the harmonious development of personality, maximum use educational opportunities social environment, children's associations, advancing the development of positive qualities in the fight against negative ones - all this makes up the general strategy of education and re-education. The method of re-education involves the creation and accumulation of socially valuable life experience by including a difficult teenager in socially valuable activities, in a system of responsible dependencies in a team of peers, and other socially healthy associations of children and adults. Activity is the main tool for restructuring the spiritual world of the individual, the team is the main educational tool in the hands of the teacher.
The upbringing of difficult adolescents is provided by the whole system of public education in our country. In addition, those general preventive measures, which should not allow the appearance of those who are difficult to educate. But it was the school that was and remains the main social educational force that organizes the process of raising difficult children.

The concept of difficult to educate is found both in special literature and in the everyday vocabulary of educators. In the first half of the XX century. used the expression - "children, difficult in educational terms." Until now, the concept of "difficult" children has no generally accepted interpretation. This is due to the multidimensionality of the phenomenon called educational difficulties. The historical-pedagogical approach makes it possible to single out the most significant in the problem that has developed in its understanding.

Under difficult to educate is understood as such a child who, for a particular educator (educators), presents certain difficulties in pedagogical work. These difficulties are manifested in the negative (deviant) behavior of the child, his attitude towards other children, the educator and educational influence.

One of the first problems of difficult-to-raise children in Russia was studied most often by doctors. It was to them that parents turned with problems of difficult education of children and they had to solve them. At the end of XIX - beginning of XX century. ns rarely in articles, individual brochures, it was doctors who analyzed the difficulty in education and gave recommendations to parents. Children's doctor M. Perfiliev, who worked with difficult children and their parents, wrote that at first, parents “notice any peculiarities or oddities in the child that they cannot cope with on their own and therefore sometimes even very early seek clarification from a doctor (much more often, however, this does not happen). ); then the child enters the school period and shows his peculiarities or oddities to an even greater extent, and the teachers either do not notice or ignore them at all, or reinterpret them in their own way, and, finally, when the evil is already launched or even irreparable, they turn to the doctor, they are looking for his omnipotence."

Among teachers and psychologists who published works on problems of educational difficulties, those who directly worked in the system of correction and re-education predominated. In particular, such authors include D. A. Dril, V. P. Kashchenko, V. N. Soroka-Rosinsky, A. S. Makarenko and others.

D. A. Dril devoted many years of his life to the study of the problems of social deviation of children and ways to overcome it. He paid considerable attention to the study of the causes of the formation of children who require correction, one of the first to introduce the concept of medical and psychological diagnosis of children in correctional institutions and the features of educational work with them.

V.P. Kashchenko noted that a physically healthy being born has natural opportunities full development in favorable conditions. In practice, such conditions do not exist and the development of the child is accompanied by unfavorable factors, including diseases that inhibit his physical and intellectual growth, distort his emotional constitution, make his abilities insufficient and inadequate reactions to surrounding phenomena. In such cases, they talk about difficult children. This emphasizes salient feature in their life manifestations (as well as in the pedagogical plan), associated with persistent deviations from the norm of certain aspects of the emerging personality, due to physical or mental disabilities and manifested in a complicated form of behavior.

M. Perfilyev, V. P. Kashchenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky and other researchers as the most typical reasons(factors) of the formation of children who are difficult in upbringing, indicated the following.

1. Hereditary. The child inherits from his ancestors and parents the psychophysiological characteristics of the organism, one way or another necessarily affecting his development and the entire warehouse of the future "I", contributing to the formation of character traits, deviations that are not always quickly and clearly detected by parents and teachers.

2. Peculiarities acquired from birth(prematurity, frailty and weakness of the body, the originality of the development and functioning of certain organs), which significantly affect its subsequent development, the formation of certain negative qualities and personality traits.

3. Identity acquired at an early age Consequently:

artificial feeding;

- transmission of the disease from a nursing mother;

- living conditions;

– diseases and features of their course;

- obvious or subtle, but persistent malnutrition;

- head bruises, trauma.

It is impossible to list the whole variety of factors that determine the care of a child, which may affect its development. This is sometimes not immediately detected by anything, but gradually accumulates and affects the child's psyche, subsequently determining the originality of his individual development.

4. Caused by the inability of parents to observe and see the uniqueness of a child in need of a specially directed development and education, and take this into account in education. In particular, not all parents are able to distinguish such phenomena as:

hyperactivity often "nervous", lively, easily impressionable children, fidgets;

hypoactivity, manifested in lethargy, soreness, inactivity, difficult susceptibility, stubbornness, waywardness, irritability;

plasticity of the psyche and increased susceptibility. As V. A. Sukhomlinsky pointed out, such (especially small) children are excited or paralyzed by the aggressiveness of school bustle - running around, noise, screaming, especially the teacher's cry, even when he does not shout at them. From the cry, the student literally becomes numb, stiff. Under the influence of fear, he cannot develop normally for a long time. The most precious time is lost for full-fledged mental development;

giftedness, found itself in an environment of alienation, rejection. This phenomenon occurs due to the unrealized capabilities of the child in cognitive activity and the inadequacy of their manifestation;

retarded mental development- not mentally retarded, but normal children, in the education of which mistakes were made in the preschool years;

state of disadaptation(the beginning of stay in kindergarten, the transition from kindergarten to school, when moving to another school team), which is aggravated by the inability of educators to realize this, provoking inappropriate behavior and negative deformation of the personality. This fact is especially negatively manifested when the environment itself turns out to be aggressive towards this child.

5. Caused by upbringing, educational actions without taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, pedagogical omissions in working with him. baby heart easily hurt. In teaching, in general in all school life with an inattentive or indifferent attitude towards the child, many sharp corners and pitfalls appear, creating conditions for shocks that the child cannot cope with. These factors include the following.

Firstly, lack (absence) of proper upbringing of the child in early childhood(from one year to seven or eight years). The farther from birth the education of the mind begins, the more difficult it is to educate a person intellectually. This is manifested either in the erroneous opinion that in order for a child to learn, before entering school, his consciousness must remain like a blank slate (you do not need to teach him to write and read), or in the inability to create an environment conducive to the development of the child’s desire for knowledge in preschool and primary school period. If this is not the case, there is essentially no mental education and mental retardation is formed.

Curiosity plays an important role in mental education. It awakens in the child imperceptibly to those around him. The origins of curiosity are in the nature of man himself. Research by experts convincingly shows that it can be developed, slowed down, and even "plugged up". By opening certain things, objects, phenomena to the child, the educator ensures his directed development. And the more discoveries, the more new questions a child has, the more he is amazed, rejoices. If this does not happen, then the child develops immunity, incomprehensibility, stupidity, which makes it difficult for him to learn and educate.

Secondly, injustice that offends and wounds self-esteem, causes indignation in the child and gives birth to the most various forms active and passive protest. What causes slight excitement in an adult can become a source of great grief in a child.

Thirdly, rudeness and tactlessness towards the child, contributing to the strengthening of his arousal. Having survived such a state, he often resorts to a completely unexpected form of active protest - actions for evil, to antics, clowning. It is easier for him to appear in the role of a carefree naughty, even a jester. In the end, the environment gets used to the fact that he is grimacing and clowning around. This is a very dangerous condition - a dulling of the sense of honor, pride. We must not allow the child to stop respecting himself, to value his own honor, stop striving to be better than he is.

Fourth, indifference towards the child, which negatively affects his gentle, sensitive nature. It causes the child to change his attitude towards himself and he different ways trying to get attention. These can be hysterical manifestations, extraordinary ostentatious actions, aggressiveness towards others.

Fifth, the desire of some parents to put education on a "scientific" basis, which leads to the leveling of the child's originality in favor of the newfangled tendencies of the chosen "pedagogy". Often such a parent uses a certain book and tries to verbatim implement its advice in raising a child. At the same time, they are often carried away with specially selected toys that do not correspond to the interests and needs of the child, create an artificial social circle, they seek out "talents and inclinations", often imaginary or corresponding to the existing "fashion", training begins, breaking the mind, feelings and will, reaching true torture for him. Ultimately, this leads to a deformation of the child's personality, up to tragedy.

At sixth, "strong", "volitional" measures of influence on the child in the family. Obedience and obedience should not be based on fear, which breeds deceit, hypocrisy, sycophancy.

Seventh, "device" by the parents of their child in "prestigious" kindergartens, schools, gymnasiums, without taking into account his individual abilities and inclinations. In such institutions, there is often an overload of the child and, as a result, his inability to cope with the curriculum, which leads to serious nervous breakdowns, irritability and other negative consequences.

Eighth, connivance in education- "free education" without taking into account its negative consequences. In this case, there is often no upbringing at all, and subsequently this leads to lack of control and complete uncontrollability in relation to the child.

Ninth, educational mistakes that contribute to the formation of negative positions, interests, habits, and attitudes in the child.

Tenth, lack of public education, the desire of parents to isolate the child from the external environment. Such an approach forms "artificiality" and limited personality. The child has a very difficult time in the subsequent self-manifestation in the school environment and communication with peers. He does not know how to behave better, he has no experience of communication, self-manifestation of activity. The whole ego contributes to isolation, restraint in activity, ridicule by peers, and sometimes bullying on their part, or, conversely, to inadequate actions and deeds, the consequences of which are difficult to predict.

6. Caused by family problems that affected the upbringing of the child. It:

the child who was not expected and caused given fact negative attitude towards him;

the absence of a truly human environment in childhood. There is a saying "with whom you will behave, that and you will be typed". Not the best environment contributes to the assimilation of the experience of appropriate behavior and attitude;

humiliated or insufficiently honorable position of the mother in the family. Disrespect for the mother leads to ignoring her educational impact and the formation of an understanding that it is not necessary to obey those who make any comments and instructions. In boys, this can contribute to the formation of a negative attitude towards the opposite sex;

the absence of a father or his positive educational influence on the child;

family violence, contributing to the formation of tension in the child, turning into fear with all the negative consequences arising from this phenomenon;

parental disengagement from raising a child for various reasons: "official" employment; because of the desire to live for themselves while they are young; shifting education to grandparents, other educators. Such parents often believe that while the child is small, he does not understand, and when he grows up, then they will take up his upbringing;

lack of unity of requirements and coordination of actions in the process of education;

lack of internal discipline and order in the family, positive educational examples, actual role models.

7. Caused by accidentally falling into the hands of a book or watching a television program content that is far from childish, prompting early interest beyond age and the search for answers not from parents, but from acquaintances.

8. Due to the influence of the street in the broad sense of the word, with all its worldly aspects:

negative examples of elders;

- the circle of new acquaintances is far from the best behavior, the joint search for adventure.

The foregoing shows how many factors can contribute to the formation of a child's difficult education. Everyone is difficult to educate in their own way. The reasons for this are their own. Some of them are characterized by the peculiarity of the child's growth, his restlessness and activity, others are the result of negative upbringing, the influence of the environment, and others are the result of developmental disorders and deficiencies in education.

3.Typification of "difficult" children and adolescents.

In pedagogy and psychology, there is no unambiguous interpretation of the concept of "difficult teenager", and there are no unified approaches to the typology of difficult teenagers, diagnosis and correction of their behavior and personal development. Some scholars and practitioners consider it difficult for anyone who has impairments in psychological development, including mentally retarded children and children with physical development disorders (L. S. Vygotsky, L. V. Zankov). Others classify as difficult only those who systematically violate the rules of behavior in and outside of school, and also have serious problems with study. So, I. A. Nevsky defines difficult children and adolescents, based on the causes of difficult education. Difficult he calls pedagogically and socially neglected, as well as those with deviations in health.

Difficult schoolchildren are also singled out in connection with the peculiarities of the development of the psyche, which give rise to the child's incorrect behavior, the system of leading motives and incentives for behavior, attitude towards the world around him and himself.

Psychologists and educators have proposed several systems for typing difficult children. One of the most developed systems belongs to Professor AI Kochetov. He identifies the following types of difficult children:

1. Children with communication disorders

2. Children with increased or decreased emotional reaction (with increased excitability, acute reaction, or, conversely, passive, indifferent)

3. Children with mental deficiencies

4. Children with wrong development volitional qualities (stubborn, weak-willed, capricious, self-willed, undisciplined, unorganized).

V. M. Soroka-Rosinsky, a teacher who devoted all his activities to working with those who are difficult to educate, drew attention to the fact that a child is difficult to educate “because of the complexity and richness of his nature: after all, young wine always ferments strongly; strong and talented natures often develop rapidly, and on the other hand, moderation and accuracy, so dear to the hearts of many teachers, do not always speak of something spiritually valuable.

At their core, they differ from their peers in self-manifestation and perception of educational work with them. In a broad sense, "difficult to educate" is a deviation from the norm. At the same time, such deviations are characterized by the author as follows:

1. A child whose development is below the norm (not corresponding to the level of a normally developed child of the same age) V.M. Soroka-Rosinsky called this category subnormality (from Latin sub - under and norma - sample).

2. A child characterized by a certain giftedness, he is distinguished by increased development in a qualitative or quantitative sense. This category was called supranormality (from Latin supra - above, above and norma - sample). The supranormal include gifted children who are not able to adequately realize their abilities in the conditions of their life activities.

3. A child characterized by deviation from the norm in the narrow sense of the word.

This category was characterized as denormality (from the Latin de - a prefix meaning the absence or reduction of something and norma - a sample). In some areas, this child has not reached the level of normal development, which affects his behavior, relationships, and opportunities for self-realization.

The foregoing allowed V. M. Soroka-Rosinsky to identify three typical

groups of difficult children

First group. These are normal children who are deformed under the influence of external factors. Their difficult education is determined by the depth of deformation of the personality, its moral (spiritual) foundations. It takes place in the form:

Normally developed children with relatively superficial deformity

personality. This is such a deformation that has not yet had time to change, “disfigure” the moral foundations (spirituality) of the individual;

Normally developed children with a profound deformation of the personality.

It manifests itself in significant changes in the child's psyche, deformation of the moral foundations (spirituality) of the individual, in the formation of negative attitudes, habits and inclinations in him.

Second group. These are children who, under the influence of internal factors, have mental deviations (emotional excitability, weakness of restraining centers and a strong tendency to all kinds of emotional experiences, etc.), which significantly affect their moral positions, habits, inclinations and manifestations. These deviations are the result of severe heredity, various organic defects of the nervous system and psyche. Such children do not need a special medical regimen. These include:

Children with general mental instability (psychoneurotics, tantrums,

neurasthenics, children with various kinds of defects in the emotional and volitional spheres). It is very difficult to give a general description of this group in view of the amazing variety of manifestations of mental instability;

Children who have deviations in the psyche due to bad heredity, or because of certain organic defects that have led to more or less permanent damage to the moral basis of the individual. Correcting such a child in a short time is impossible. He needs a special educational institution.

Children with a general internal deformation of the psyche, maintaining balance. Outwardly, such a child can be all right: he is able to study diligently, not violate discipline, carry out public assignments, and take part in circle activities. However, he lacks a positive internal basis, decency, a sense of honor. He is characterized by rudeness in relation to educators, pointless insolence, only in relation to the weak, the desire to humiliate them, force them to serve themselves, unconditionally obey, perform everything, including illegal actions on his instructions. All this contributes to occupying a leadership position among peers. He needs a special correctional facility.

Third group difficult to educate - gifted children (supranormal).

The human psyche is so rich and diverse, the laws of its self-organization are so complex and bizarre, that often outstanding people turn out to be such only because all the energy of their psyche is concentrated in one of its parts, giving it amazing wealth and strength, but impoverishing other sides of the soul. . The fate of such a person sometimes depends on mere chance. If the external conditions of life are so. That he will be able to realize the strong and rich side of his psyche, everyone will consider him an outstanding person, and he really will become one. Under adverse external conditions, this will be a typical loser.

F. G. Ilyin identifies four groups of difficult adolescents, but uses other criteria to determine their "difficulties" - these are the features of educational activities, behavior at school and public places, the complexity of educational work with such students.

To first group he does not classify students with disabilities in mental, physical and mental development. Such children study in special correctional boarding schools, however, they are quite common in ordinary schools. Problems in working with these adolescents are associated with ignorance of their psychological and individual typological characteristics, inability to adequately organize educational work, and difficulties in school and social adaptation.

second group were teenagers with a slow pace of development, they hardly master the material of elementary school, in the middle level they become persistently underachieving, and they compensate for difficulties in educational activities with regular violations of discipline and antisocial forms of behavior.

To the third group students are included whose physical and mental development is normal, but they show deviations in behavior and differ from others in a kind of resistance to education. Succeeding in all disciplines, they systematically violate discipline at school and beyond, constantly conflict with teachers, classmates and parents, live unhealthy interests, etc.

Representatives fourth group due to certain living conditions in the family and for other reasons, they systematically lag behind in their studies, refuse to attend school, do not want to study, often miss classes, leave classes and are prone to violation of discipline.

Based on the social activity of adolescents, following groups difficult to educate:

a) positively oriented, but unstable, easily amenable to one or another influence; diligent, but undeveloped children, chronically lagging behind their peers in their studies; b) passive, lack of initiative, lazy; c) disorganized, uncollected, with unstable attention, motor disinhibited; d) undisciplined, disobedient, rude, active disorganizers, violators of discipline, negatively affecting peers;

d) spoiled wrong example parents with a difficult quarrelsome character;

f) impulsive, with an unstable, often changing mood, with difficult to predict behavior, disharmonious.

Tracing the psychological and pedagogical pattern of deviant behavior, experts distinguish four groups of difficult teenagers:

1. Difficult children - indifferent to learning periodically violate discipline, rules of conduct (truancy, fights), show some negative qualities(rudeness, deceit, dishonesty);

2. Pedagogically neglected teenagers have a negative attitude towards educational and socially useful activities, systematically violate discipline and moral standards. They allow misconduct (absenteeism, fights, smoking, drinking wine), constantly show negative personality traits (rudeness, laziness, dishonesty, cruelty);

3. Adolescent offenders - difficult to educate or neglected pedagogically, commit offenses (petty theft, hooliganism, etc.), violate administrative and other norms, are registered with the juvenile affairs inspection or are sent by commissions on juvenile affairs to special schools and special vocational schools;

4. Juvenile delinquents - pedagogically neglected teenagers who have committed criminal offenses, violated legal regulations and referrals by the court to educational and labor colonies.

The results of N. Wiseman's research on the behavior of difficult adolescents are interesting. To first group refers to "mentally unstable adolescents who lagged behind their peers in physical and sexual development." They are suggestible, irresponsible, their interests are unstable, their emotions are superficial. “At school, such students clowned around, defiantly disobeyed, skipped classes.”

To the second group Wiseman refers to adolescents "with accelerated sexual development and with increased affectivity, excitability, aggressiveness" . They react violently to any prohibition of their parents or caregiver.

In the third group adolescents "disinhibition of drives prevailed: sexuality, vagrancy, drug use" . Most often they are from families where parents lead an asocial lifestyle, where conflicts are constant. They are vicious, cruel, aggressive, irritable.

This is a characteristic of deviations in behavior that arise as a result of pedagogical neglect. But there are teenagers, violations, more precisely, deviations in the behavior of which is the result of an anomaly in the development of the body.

Let us turn again to the study of N. Wiseman. He writes that adolescents with residual organic pathology have reduced working capacity and unstable attention. They are irritable and emotionally unstable, their knowledge is limited, they study at home with a tutor. At school, they reach grades 5-7, they cannot work perfectly, they cannot study at vocational schools either, since they need individual training. As a result, they constantly change jobs. Only 25% of adolescents with organic pathology were subsequently able to organize a family, work, behave reasonably in everyday life, and study at technical schools.

Similar information.

Peculiarities of work with difficult-to-educate children (teenagers) in boarding schools. Experience of the regional state public educational institution.

The experience of the Regional State State Educational Institution for orphans and children left without parental care serves as a practical material for disclosing the issue of the peculiarities of raising difficult-to-educate children (teenagers) in this article.

With handicapped health of the Kostroma region.

Boarding schools were created for round-the-clock stay of pupils in order to provide favorable conditions for their development and education.

The school trains children who are recommended to study in a special educational program of the 8th type. The placement of a child of 7-8 years old in a boarding school is based on the decision of the guardianship authorities, at the request of the parents or persons replacing them. For educational work outside of school hours, pupils are united in groups-classes.

The specificity of the educational process is associated with the characteristics of the contingent of students. Among the students of the boarding school, 40% are children left without parental care, of which 6% lost care due to the death of their parents. The remaining 60% of students are children brought up in families different categories, of which 42% are children from nearby areas. These children, as well as those left without care, are at the boarding school around the clock, but they can leave the school on weekends and holidays. The remaining 12% of students live in the village and are visiting.

The main task education and upbringing of children with special educational needs, who are in special (correctional) boarding schools, is the development of their potential cognitive abilities, behavior correction, instilling in them labor, physical, sanitary and other socially significant skills and abilities. The ultimate goal of education and upbringing is to involve students with intellectual disability to the socially useful work available to them and the acquisition of social experience by them.

The educational work of the boarding school includes the following areas: "Me and my home and family", "Me and the world around me", "Me and my land", "Me and my work and profession", "Me and my health" . The educational system of the school implements the following goals and objectives of educational activities.

Purpose: formation harmoniously developed personality pupils, taking into account their psychophysical development.


To form cognitive interests and a conscious attitude to learning;

Develop learning knowledge, skills and abilities;

To form the ability to orientate in information world.


To educate universal moral qualities;

Cultivate a responsible attitude towards environment;

Cultivate a sense of community.


Develop mental processes: attention, memory, speech, thinking, perception;

Develop socially adaptive and self-care skills;

Develop the emotional-volitional sphere.

The construction of the educational process is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils and with a focus on the possibilities of their socialization and integration into society (career guidance, mastering social and everyday skills and abilities, mastering the skills of gender role behavior, organizing a health-saving environment, etc.).

In the course of the educational process, the following programs are implemented: "Spiritual and moral education", "Law and law", "Adaptation of pupils in the socio-cultural environment", "Health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle". Because the distinctive feature Since the school contingent are children with certain behavioral deviations, the content of the programs is focused on the prevention and correction of manifestations of deviation.

Since the majority of students are brought up in families with low educational potential, where often the method of education is only physical punishment or self-removal of parents from their duties of upbringing, and incoming orphans sometimes have only negative life experience, an educational institution is faced with the problem of difficult education, especially in adolescent environment.

The difficulty of educating these children is manifested in the following points:

The children are indifferent to the remarks of the educators, ignore the punishments and demands on their part. They allow themselves to use profanity, smoke in the presence of adults, etc. At the same time, the behavior of pupils is distinguished by aggressiveness, inability and unwillingness to admit their guilt, sometimes by affective forms of behavior.

In the conditions of life without parental care children develop a boarding “we”. They jointly isolate themselves from strangers, show aggression towards them. They have poor communication with peers and younger children. This is expressed in the form of bullying, insults, humiliation, coercion to fulfill unpleasant or indecent desires, physical and sexual abuse. They are more prone to delinquency and crime.

Vagrancy and running away become the norm for them, a way to get away from total control from the performance of duties and compliance with the rules and regulations of the educational institution.

culture of behavior, appearance, care for own health is not the norm for them.

Adolescents do not want and do not try to observe subordination, they show familiarity.

All of the above testifies to the peculiarities of the work that is built and carried out by teachers of an educational institution. The work aimed at the prevention and correction of educational difficulties in students is divided into the following stages:

The study of "difficult" children and adolescents, which involves the study of their moral guidelines, the educational potential of the team, the causes of difficult education, the educational opportunities of the environment and ways of re-education, including the teenager himself in the process of resocialization.

Organization pedagogical assistance.

Creation of optimizing conditions for the development of the personality of a "difficult" child: constant monitoring of achievements, learning difficulties, organization of additional classes with subject teachers. Concern about strengthening the position of children in the social structure of the class and the team of pupils as a whole, organizing assistance to the "difficult to educate" in the performance of public assignments.

Formation of a positive self-concept, through the creation of a situation of development, approval, support, goodwill, analysis of each stage, the result of the pupil's activity, his achievements; encouraging positive change. Implementation of a pedagogy of cooperation and care.

Organization of medical care.

Carrying out a systematic dispensary examination of "difficult to educate" in order to fix the aggravation or improvement of the deviation, taking into account the psychophysiological and neurogenic nature.

Provision of medical, psychopharmacotherapeutic assistance.

Formation of a mindset for a healthy lifestyle, prevention and elimination of bad habits through showing negative consequences, suggestion and self-hypnosis.

Solving problems of gender identity

sex education

Organization psychological help.

Psychological counseling to help the child deal with their problems, show ways to solve them.

Individual conversations and trainings with "difficult" children in order to help them realize the need to make meaningful actions, overcome uncertainty in communication.

Correction of the positive educational impact of the chosen means, methods and forms of education and training by teachers working with children.

Conducting seminars for the teaching staff in order to reveal the issue of educational difficulties and ways to overcome it.

Organization of free time for “difficult-to-educate” schoolchildren. Free time is urgent problem this category. It is necessary to help the child acquire the experience of self-affirmation in useful activities, the skills and abilities of self-organization, planning their time, forming interests, and the ability to achieve their goals. This direction of activity is implemented through the inclusion of children in club activities, sports sections, attracting children to participate in creative competitions organized at the school, in the district, region. The organization of Timurov's work and socially useful activities (labor actions for cleaning the monument, territory) are widely used. Assignment of public affairs in the classroom and school, involvement in the organization and participation in extracurricular activities, organization of summer and off-season recreation in the health and wellness centers of the region.

So, in this educational institution, educational work with "difficult" children and adolescents is purposeful and systematic.