Pedagogical styles of communication with parents. Lesson “Communication between teachers and parents. Communication of the teacher with the parents: a memo to the educators of the preschool educational institution

Purpose: to emphasize the importance of the teacher's ability to communicate with parents

1. Game-greeting.

Purpose: to reduce the emotional stress of the participants.

All participants stand (sit) in a circle. The presenter says: "Hello. I am Masha. Today I am like this (shows his state with facial expressions and gestures)."

2. Exercise "Working with parents".

Participants are divided into three subgroups. Each subgroup protects the interest of one of three categories (child, parent, teacher) of the participants educational process.

The first group answers the question: "What benefits do children get if an educational institution systematically works with parents?" The second group explains: "How does this kind of work benefit the parents of preschoolers themselves?" The third group argues the proposition: "Why interaction with parents is necessary for a teacher."

3. Mini-lecture "Interaction between a teacher and parents".

Teachers who work with children are forced from time to time, communicating with parents, to pass on negative information about the child to them. This kind of information, in the future, can become the beginning of cooperation between them, and the beginning of a protracted conflict. It largely depends on the form, manner, on the style of its presentation by the teacher. As soon as the parents feel a note of accusation in the teacher's words, he will either try to go over to "counteroffensive", defending his son or daughter, or "close", humbly agreeing with everything that the teacher says, but without showing any initiative. Having come home, an angry or upset parent, most likely, instead of trying to solve the problem, will arrange a "headwash" for his child, acting out for the humiliation experienced during the conversation with the teacher.

The described situation belongs to the category of typical, in addition, it also has its continuation: after such a "educational" conversation, it is unlikely that a child will develop good relations with his parents.

Of course, negative information should be communicated to the parents who come to see him. To tell the parents about the child's behavior that caused the teacher's dissatisfaction, you can use the "sandwich principle": good information about the child must be preceded by bad information, and the end of the conversation is also on a "good note". The first part of the conversation prepares the emotional background for the acceptance of the second, in the process of which the teacher speaks only about the action, and not about the personality of the child, does not generalize information, does not make a "diagnosis". And the third stage includes identifying the strengths of the child, which can become a support for finding constructive solutions to the problem. In the conversation, you can use expressions such as "Let's think about how you can interest the child:"

The teacher, in communication with the parent, must use the technique "I - statements" - a way of communicating a message about feelings to a partner. It does not contain a negative assessment, accusations of another person. It is effective in situations of conflict with the parent. As it helps to reduce tension and promotes mutual understanding. Instead of blaming the partner (which often happens during a conflict), the speaker expresses in words the problem, the feelings that arise in him in connection with this, the reason for their appearance and, in addition, expresses a specific request to the partner, which is the version of such a solution to the situation , which will further help to improve the situation.

To teach this skill, you need to compose an algorithm for constructing "I - statements":

1. An objective description of what happened (without your own assessment of what is happening). For example: "When Dima, at my request to raise the chair, answered:" I will not: "(Compare:" When Dima, with an insolent grin, refused to fulfill my demands to raise the chair: ").

2. Accurate expression in words of the feelings that the speaker has in a tense situation. For example, if you need to tell your parents about a conflict you have with your child, try not to blame either the parents or the child, but express your feelings: "I was upset:", "I was angry:".

3. Descriptions of the cause of the feeling. For example: "After all, the day before I warned that the chairs are fragile, old:".

4. Expressions of request. For example: "I ask you to check during a week to check (this - this and that - that) and come on Friday, or call me to discuss our joint actions."

Of course, not every parent will be pleased to hear a problem from you, even in this form, and he may have unpleasant feelings. However, this form of communication with parents about the child will cause least resistance and dissatisfaction with your communication, because it shows your interest in solving the problem (and not powerless anger and blame), your (despite the difficulties that have arisen) a positive attitude towards the child, as well as the desire to interact with the parents together.

In communicating with parents, it is also necessary to master the technique of asking questions, because with its help it is possible to obtain the missing information, to find out the point of view from the parent, to make sure if he understood your words correctly. The nature and content of the questions depends on the situation, the phase of negotiations and the personal characteristics of the interacting parties. So, it is better to ask open-ended questions to uncommunicative, withdrawn parents. Such questions are especially important at the beginning of a conversation, when it is desirable to activate a partner: "How can we help you with this?", "What kind of teacher do you think your child needs to work with?"

But in dealing with "complainants" it makes sense to ask counter questions. For example: "Oh, my son doesn't want to study at all. What should I do with him?" - "How can I specifically help?"

4. Exercises "What do I see in the picture?"

Objective: To arouse the interest of educators in obtaining follow-up information on "visuals", "audials" and "kinesthetics".

The presenter asks the teachers to look out the window and in one short phrase say about their impression of what they saw outside the window. Answer the question: "What do you see, or hear, or feel, looking out the window?" The phrase should be as short as possible. Teachers speak in a circle.

Discussion: Usually, the listeners, summarizing the information received, talk about how they can apply it in their daily work when interacting with children and take into account the channel of perception in communicating with parents.

5. Mini - lecture "Visual, audial, kinesthetic".

In neurolinguistic programming, there are three types of people with characteristic features of interaction with other people for each of them: "visuals", "audials", "kinesthetics". "Visuals" are people who perceive most of the information through their eyes. People who perceive most of the information through the auditory analyzer are referred to as "auditors". Those whose leading channel for perceiving information are feelings, sensations, are called "kinesthetics". Some authors also distinguish a fourth type - "discretes". "discretes" are those who perceive information through logical comprehension using numbers, signs, logical arguments.

In life, a representative of the "pure" category is rarely found, most often each of us possesses some traits of both. However, the dominance of the perception of information through one of the channels allows us to talk about a person's belonging to a certain category.

So, "visuals" are most often characterized by a straight, extended posture with a slightly raised head and shoulders, a high and clear voice, fast loud speech, and a look over others. As a rule, at parent-teacher meetings, parents - "visuals" carefully take notes of what the teacher said. If they need to fill out a questionnaire, the teacher should take into account that instructions for filling out the document must be submitted in writing.

Since "visuals" pay more attention to clothing, strive to look neat and wear suitable in style and color, the teacher, preparing to meet them, it is advisable to take this feature into account and dress more carefully.

Parents who are classified as "auditors" are quite rare. They can usually follow the verbal instruction given to them immediately and correctly. In a conversation with them, it is important for the teacher that the parents themselves speak their problem out loud, which, in turn, will serve as a moment for its resolution. Such phrases as "Let's talk:" or "Hear me:" and others can serve to include such parents in the dialogue with the teacher.

Since "kinesthetics" are characterized by energy, restlessness, difficulties, if necessary, to keep attention on one object for a long time, it is difficult for parents belonging to this category to endure long parental meetings, long monologues. If the teacher explains to such a mom or dad the way to perform the exercise, it is better not to give long oral instructions, but to complete 1-2 tasks together.

Communicating with parents "discretes", it is desirable for the teacher to carry out the facts, figures and monitor the consistency of their arguments.

6. Exercises "Communication with a parent is:".

Purpose: Summing up the results of the seminar - workshop, summarizing and consolidating the material.

The group is divided into two teams, and within 15 minutes each subgroup performs the following task: the first one lists the criteria for the effectiveness of communication with the parent, using the first letters of the first phrase "communication with the parent".

For instance:

"about" - the teacher's charm,

"b" - unconditional acceptance of the parent as he is, etc.

The second subgroup lists the criteria using the first letters of the second word - "parent".

The teams then take turns reading out their lists of criteria, and the rest of the participants can, if they wish, supplement the proposed list.

Discussion: Summarizing the workshop, the facilitator should pay attention to the fact that knowledge of the theoretical foundations of communication will help educators win the trust of parents and win them over.

7. Study "Gift".

Purpose: the formation of an emotional positive mood.

Participants sit in a circle.

The presenter's instruction: "Now we will give each other a gift. A gift can be anything. We will give it to you without saying a word, but with the help of facial expressions and pantomime."

Communication of the teacher with the parents.

Workshop workshop.

1. Improving the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents.

2. Optimization of interaction between parents and teachers.

1. Greetings, introductory remarks.

Purpose: to increase the motivation of participants to work, to emphasize the importance of this topic.

As practice shows, communication between teachers and parents can not always be called ideal and cloudless. And although the nature of communication depends on the personal qualities of the participants, both of them make typical mistakes.

Let's highlight the general principles of communication with each other, contributing to the establishment of constructive interaction between teachers and parents. Let's consider them on sketches.

2. Exercise "Drawing by instruction".

Description of the exercise: Participants are paired and sit with their backs to each other. One participant in each pair receives a card with a picture of the picture. His task is to instruct the second participant in such a way that he, without seeing the card, could reproduce its image.

The exercise is carried out in two versions:

With feedback - the drawing participant can ask clarifying questions.

Without feedback- no questions can be asked.

Then a comparison is made of the results obtained in the first and second cases. Typically, these results strongly demonstrate the benefits of communication with feedback.

Discussion : How was it easier? In the first case or in the second?

Conclusion: effective communication supposes a friendly atmosphere and feedback.

Note: after the output, the contour of the face and the mouth in a smile are drawn

3. Exercise "Listening in different positions".

Description of the exercise: Participants are divided into pairs: one is the speaker, the other is the listener. Participants talk for one minute in different positions:

Sitting opposite each other.

The speaker stands, the listener sits.

Both participants stand with their backs to each other.

Then the roles of the speaker and listener change and the exercise is repeated.

Discussion : Which position of the interlocutor made it easier to speak? Is it easier to listen? Why do you think the effectiveness of communication changes when the mutual disposition changes?

Conclusion: communication at the "same level", "eye to eye" is effective.

Note: after the output, the eyes and ears are drawn.

4. Exercise "Meeting on a narrow bridge".

Description of the exercise: Two participants stand on a line drawn on the floor facing each other at a distance of 2-3 meters.

Instruction: "You are walking towards each other on a very narrow bridge thrown across the abyss. The bridge is a ribbon. Whoever puts his foot outside of it will fall. You need to disperse on the bridge so as not to fall, while not communicating with the help of words . "

Pairs are matched randomly. With a large number of participants, 2-3 "bridges" can function simultaneously.

Discussion: Who went through how? What helped, what prevented you from successfully completing the exercise? How did couples who fell "into the water" differ from those who successfully overcame a difficult situation?

It is advisable to lead the participants to the understanding that the winners were not those who tried to pass themselves, but those who first of all tried to help their partner.

Conclusion: any situation is solvable with joint actions of both parties.

Note: after output, hair is drawn (smoothed).

5. Exercise "Vera Korkina".

Description of the exercise "To complete this exercise, I need 6 people. One person will stay here, next to me, and the rest will have to go out the door for a few seconds."

Instructions for the first participant: "Now I will read you a text that needs to be passed on to another participant. Your task is to convey the meaning of the text as accurately as possible.


“On January 10, 1996, in kindergarten No. 15, which is located at the intersection of Prof. Popov and Partizan Herman streets, an unusual event took place: a crocodile climbed out of the sewer pipe into the premises of the senior group.

Vanya Petrov, seeing the crocodile, took the easel and began to draw from nature. Fedya Ivanov began to select the crocodile, trying to shove it into Masha Selezneva's jacket. Vera Korkina's dad, who came at that time for his daughter from his 6th marriage, out of fear, forgot to take her home, and was late for his own divorce proceedings, as a result of which his future 8th wife ended up without a husband, without registration, and 7th - my wife - without alimony.

The employees of the preschool educational institution came running to the cry. Someone managed to call 911. But when the rescue team arrived, the children were sitting at the table and drinking aromatic tea. "

Discussion: Compare what remains in common, and what are the differences?

How should the instruction be changed to improve memorization efficiency? (you can write down and ask again).

What prevented you from listening more attentively? What moments were best remembered and why?

Conclusion: let's not distort the meaning of what has been said. If it's not clear - ask again, write it down.

6. Summing up:

General conclusion based on the resulting figure.

So, communication is the ability to hear each other, in a friendly atmosphere, with feedback, at the same level, "eye to eye", and we will not distort the meaning of what was said, but resolve any situation with joint actions.

Exercise "Give a smile."

Kazakhstan, Semey city

KGKP"Nursery-kindergarten No. 7" Ak bota "

Koshanova Ardak Damirovna

Scenario for conducting teacher's council

Topic: Communication of teachers with parents

Intactb: Develop skills effective interaction educators with parents.


To consolidate the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of teachers in working with parents.

O to be aware of the problems of a modern family raising a preschooler.

P get acquainted with new approaches to the interaction of kindergarten and family.

Duration: 60 minutes.

Equipment: Colored cards, simple pencils, the text of the questionnaire. Problem cards, gesture cards, group assignment cards.

Form of carrying out:

Pedagogical council plan:

Organizing time.

Group greeting.

Introductory remarks from a psychologist. Results of the questionnaire survey among teachers.

Diagnostics of the level of communication between the teacher and the parents.

Warm-up "Inner beam".

Intonation of speech. Exercise on the ability to intonate.

Assignment: "What phrases are most appropriate to use to start a conversation with parents?"

Group work. Non-verbal communication.

Exercise "Facial expressions and gestures."

Exercise "Space".

Group work on problem situations.

Pedagogical council progress:


The tables are arranged in such a way that they form three groups, on each table there is a plate with the name of the team. At the entrance to the hall, the teachers draw lots and sit at the table of that team, the name is written on its lot.


Hello dear teachers. Let's start our teachers' council with a greeting. Let's stand in a circle. Now everyone will need to greet their neighbor and give him a compliment.

So, look at how nice it is to get started when you receive a warm and sincere compliment.

Let's take our seats in accordance with the chosen lot.

Before starting our work, we ask you to evaluate your emotional state.

You will now receive blanks with four sets of statements written on them. You will need to choose in each of the proposed sets of judgments the one that most accurately reflects your state now, in this moment... Check the box next to the selected judgment.

Now discuss with your group the results of your responses and one of the group will summarize and present your responses.


Our today's meeting is devoted to an important topic, which reads as follows: “ Communication of teachers with parents».

The purpose of ourteachers' council is the development of skills for effective interaction between educators and parents. We will learn how to have a conversation with parents, how to start a conversation, and what you can do to make the conversation with your parents productive.

This teacher's council will help you to work with parents, in particular when organizing parenting meetings or meetings. Also we are together we will develop recommendations to help you when working with your parents.

It's not a secret for anyone: interaction between the teacher and the parents, the kindergarten and the family is necessary. Working with the child's family is one of the main directions of the teacher's activity, since it is when interacting with the child's parents that educational influences are most effective.

The teacher must remember that raising the ward, he influences, first of all, the educational potential of the family. The object of professional attention is not the family itself or the parents of the child, but family education... It is within this framework that his interaction with parents is considered.

In general, the main task of interaction between teachers and parents is to establish partnerships, create an atmosphere of common interests and educational efforts. Solving this problem requires both sides to high level trust and awareness.

Most effective the form of bringing information about the child's life to the attention of parents is late afternoon conversation... But it is not always possible to establish such confidential conversation. Why?

This question can be answered by referring to the results conducted a survey among teachersour nurserygarden number 7"Ak bota".

This survey showed that reasons for the difficulty of organizing communicationI amwith parents is:

Excessive shyness and shyness of the teacher himself (20%)... Indeed, the educators themselves do not make contact, they often do not know how and do not want to find mutual language with parents, to draw his attention to the child, to interest the life of the kindergarten and how his child manifests himself.

Parents' misunderstanding of the intrinsic value of preschool childhood (13%). Parents often do not consider preschool childhood important period of the formation of the individual, do not attach to it the same importance as school. There are also parents who do not consider themselves fully responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. Thus, shifting the educational function to kindergarten teachers.

Lack of knowledge among the teacher about how to better organize communication with parents ( 6 %). Where to start a conversation like yourselflead, how to speak and other problems can arise for every teacher.But theirmust be overcome. Since even one unsuccessful contact, an unsuccessful conversation between a teacher and a parent can lead to the fact that confidential communication will be lost or simply never even begin.

Regardless of the reasons, it is necessary to try to overcome the current situation. And do it for the sake of the children.

What are the forms of communication with parents?

Referring to the survey conducted, one can single out those forms of communication, Towhich are usedyeayou in your work with parents:

One-to-one communication at the end of the day (54%).

Parents' meeting (40%).

Homework, tea, questioning (6%).

As practice shows, parents are not very fond of meetings. Questionnaires and questionnaires are also not popular. The most productive way of communication, in which mutual respect, trust and interest in interacting with the teacher can be achieved, is frank conversation at the end of the day. Also, confidential communication with parents can be facilitated by the difference between events, holidays that are more domestic than official in nature.

The survey showed that despite the fact that only 23% of educators experience difficulties in communicating with parents, 77% of teachers believe that it is necessary special training educator to work with parents.

Thus, our today's pedagogical council will help to overcome some of the difficulties that arise when organizing communication between a teacher and parents.


So, difficulties in communicating with parents can arise in different ways. reasons.

Now we propose to conduct mini- diagnostics, with which you can determine do you have any difficulties in communicating with your parents and why they arise.

Each of you will now receive a series of questions. Look and opposite each question, you should check the box in the row which answer suits you. You can answer each question: “yes”, “no”, “sometimes”. Work quickly, as you are given 5 minutes for this task.

You will have an ordinary conversation with one of the parents. Does her expectation unsettle you?

Do you feel confused and displeased with the task of giving a report, information to your parents?

Do you put off a pleasant conversation about a difficult child with his parents until last moment?

Do you think that one should not personally talk with parents about the peculiarities of upbringing in a family, but rather conduct a questionnaire, a written survey?

You are asked to prepare a general parent meeting for parents preschool... Will you do your best to avoid this assignment?

Do you like to share your experiences from communicating with parents with colleagues, management?

Are you convinced that it is much more difficult to communicate with parents than with children?

Do you get annoyed if one of the parents of your pupils constantly asks you questions?

Do you believe that there is a problem of "caregivers and parents" and that they speak "different languages"?

Are you ashamed to remind your parents of a communication they forgot to do?

Do you feel annoyed when a parent is asked to help you sort out this or that difficult educational issue?

Having heard a clearly erroneous point of view on parenting expressed, would you prefer to remain silent and not get into an argument?

Are you afraid to participate in the analysis of conflict situations between teachers and parents?

Do you have your own, purely individual criteria for assessing family upbringing and other opinions on this matter you do not accept?

Do you think that it is necessary to educate parents and not only children?

Is it easier for you to prepare information for parents in writing than to conduct an oral consultation.

Now let's calculate how many points you have. For answers "yes" you get 2 points: "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points. The points obtained must be added and received one total number of points.

So now let's read the characteristics different categories, and you listen carefully and determine for yourself which categories you belong to.

If you have 32-30 points. It is clearly difficult for you to communicate with your parents. Most likely you are not communicative at all. This is your problem, because you yourself suffer more from this. But the people around you are not easy either. It is difficult to rely on you in an endeavor that requires a collective effort. You try to keep contact with your parents to a minimum. They are mostly formal. You are trying to pass on the reasons for the difficulties in communication with the parents. You are convinced that the majority of parents are always dissatisfied, picky people who look for only flaws in your work, who do not want to listen to your opinion. Your inability to build communication with your parents leads to the fact that they also tend to avoid communication with you. Try to become more sociable, control yourself.

If 29-25 points. You are closed, taciturn. New job and the need for new contacts unbalances you for a long time. Communication with the parents of the pupils is difficult and not very pleasant for you. You know this feature of your character and are dissatisfied with yourself. However, in unsuccessful contacts with parents, try to blame them to a large extent, and not your own sociability. It is in your power to change the characteristics of your character and you are dissatisfied with yourself. However, in unsuccessful contacts with parents, try to blame them more, rather than your own sociability. It is in your power to change the characteristics of your character. Remember, participation in a common interesting business allows you to easily find a common language with your parents!

If 24-19 points. You are sociable to a certain extent and feel quite confident in unfamiliar surroundings. You can easily establish contacts with the majority of parents in your group, but you do not seek to actively communicate with “difficult” parents. In an unfamiliar situation, you choose the "watching" tactics. Difficulties in communicating with your parents do not scare you, but sometimes you are overly critical of them. These flaws are fixable.

If 18-14 points. You have normal communication skills. You are convinced that you can always find a "Common Language" with any parent. You willingly listen to your parents, are patient enough in communicating with them, you will know how to defend your point of view without imposing it on the other. And individual and collective communication with your parents does not cause unpleasant experiences for you. Rodtels also strive to keep in touch with you, seek your advice and support. At the same time, you do not like multiplicity, excessive emotionality, try to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

If 13-9 points. You can be very sociable. Constantly strive to enter into a conversation with your parents, but often these conversations are meaningless. You love to be in the spotlight, you do not refuse requests, although you cannot always fulfill them. Strive to give parents their own opinion about how they are raising children, in any situation to give advice that can irritate them. You are quick-tempered, but quick-witted. You lack the patience and courage to face tough challenges7 if you want to, but you do know how to build meaningful communication.

If 8 - 4 points. You are overly sociable. Strive to become a “friend” to each parent, to be aware of all their problems. Enjoy taking part in all disputes and discussions. You are always willing to take on any business, although you cannot always successfully complete it. You have your own opinion on any issue and always strive to express it. Perhaps for this reason, parents and colleagues treat you with apprehension and doubt. You should consider these facts.

If 3 points or less. Your sociability is painful. You are verbose, intervene in matters that have nothing to do with you. You undertake to judge the problems in which you are completely incompetent. Whether you want to or not, you are often the reason different kinds conflicts, including among parents. When communicating with your parents, you can be rude and familiar. You are distinguished by bias, resentment. You strive to bring any problem for general discussion. Serious communication with your parents is not for you. It is difficult for others around you. Try to think about why, despite your best efforts to communicate with your parents, nothing comes of it? Cultivate patience and restraint, treat people with respect.

We have just with you, we looked at what problems you may have in communication and with what it may be connected.

Today at the seminar we will take the first step towards overcoming the difficulties you have in communicating with your parents.

Warm-up "INNER BEAM"

Purpose: relieve fatigue, gain inner stability.

In order to tune in to serious work, I suggest you complete a task called "Inner Ray".

Sit in a position that is comfortable for you. Relax. Close your eyes and imagine that inside your head, the upper part of it, a light ray appears, which slowly and consistently moves from top to bottom and slowly, gradually illuminates your face, shoulders, hands with a warm, even and relaxing light.

As the beam moves, wrinkles are smoothed, tension in the back of the head disappears, a fold on the forehead is weakened, eyebrows fall off, eyes "cool", clamps in the corners of the lips are loosened, shoulders are lowered, neck and chest are freed. The external appearance of the trenny ray, as it were, forms a new appearance of a calm, liberated person, satisfied with himself and his life, profession and pupils.

Tell yourself mentally: “I have become a new person! I became young and strong, calm and stable! I will do everything well! "

Now open your eyes.

Was it pleasant for you?

How did you feel when the inner ray acted on you?

You can do this exercise on your own to relax, relieve fatigue.


Intone speech, t.e. to create an intonation pattern means to be able to change the speed of pronunciation, to be able to lower and raise the tone of voice, correctly place pauses, color a sounding thought with timbre, creating its character and emphasizing one's attitude to what is being expressed.

How important it is to master this art! After all, we live in a land of intonation. For us, the main thing is not what is said, but what is said.

For effective interaction with parents, we must learn intonation with you.

Now I will distribute cards to each room on which the task is to pronounce a certain phrase using a certain shade of intonation.

On this task, you will have 1 minute, you need to familiarize yourself with the card and choose one person from the group who will present us a phrase using different shades intonation.

Card number 1: Phrase: "I am not indifferent to the success of your child," pronounce with shades of reproaches, exactingness.

After the speech, the question:

Do you think this tone will help you achieve your goal?

What tone will help you achieve your goal?

Card number 2. The phrase: "I would like more frankness in our conversation", with shades of irony, challenge.

After the speech, the question:

Do you think this intonation will help you achieve your goal?

With the help of what intonation can you achieve your goal?

Card number 3. The phrase: "I need to tell you something", with shades of indifference, irritability.

After the speech, the question:

Will you be able to make your parent listen to you with these intonations?

What shade of intonation do you think is the best way to tell the parent some information about the child?

Yes, indeed, everything will depend on what kind of information we want to communicate about the child, our tone and our intonation in communication will depend on this. We need to know that the tone we have chosen is not always correct in communicating with parents; we need to be able to choose the correct intonation to communicate some news or information to parents.

Any speech interaction- struggle, clashing intonations. We convince each other not only with arguments, but also with the music of words. The intonational struggle creates an intensity of interaction.

Your audience strategy is not based on eye contact or methods of "involvement" - it is based on the search for a common sound. When such is found - the exciting element of the struggle disappears and cooperation begins. At the same time, the overall sound does not deny the individuality of each. This is exactly what happens during negotiations or telephone conversations. The first minutes are a search for a common tone. If the diologue is directed at conflict, then this can be easily heard. Because the interlocutor sounds on different floors and pronounces the phrase in different frames. This music of speech is about people more than they themselves, perhaps, would like.


Purpose: to develop the ability to "feel" in the SMSL verbal address to the interlocutor.

We now know that effective communication, conversation depends on our intonation, but we also need to read what phrase is best to start communication with parents.

I have an assignment for you. These cards contain 17 phrases with which you can start a conversation with your parents.

Your task:

Find five "unfortunate phrases that should not be used when starting a conversation with parents" in the proposed list.

Those. out of these 17 phrases, you should only select 5 that your team thinks are unfortunate for starting a conversation with your parents. Justify why.

I will now distribute to you a card with phrases and a form for recording these unsuccessful phrases.

This is set, you have 3 minutes.

Phrase options:

sorry if I interfered ...

I would like...

you probably haven't heard of this yet ...

you will be interested to know about ...

I would like to hear again ...

I find it interesting that ... \

I came to the conclusion that ...

you walk ...

I think your problem is that ....

let's quickly discuss with you ...

As you know...

although you do not know ...

please, if you have time to listen to me ...

of course you don’t know about it yet ...

but I have a different opinion on this matter ...

of course you already know ...

you've probably heard about this ...

so let's start a discussion. Which team is ready?

Now you will pronounce one phrase at a time, we all listen to it carefully, if your choice is correct, then we post this phrase on the board, if not, then you are mistaken, because I have the correct answers, and we can know exactly which phrases it is undesirable to start with. You should be sure to explain why you think this phrase is not good.

Bad phrases:

“Excuse me if I interfered”, this phrase is unsuccessful because you immediately start the conversation with an apology, and then also say “if I did not interfere”, i.e. here you have the position of an insecure person. A parent may immediately feel superior to us, and you will not be able to convey the information that you wanted to communicate.

“I would like to hear it again,” this phrase is unsuccessful because you start the conversation with your own interest, very often parents do not care much about what you would like, more often parents are in a hurry, and this phrase can irritate them.

“Let's have a quick discussion with you,” this phrase sets the parent up for not serious talk since the word "quickly" is spoken, the parent may not attach any significance to this conversation.

"Please, if you have time to listen to me", also the words of an insecure person, the phrase begins with a request, the parent can be intuitively alert, and in response you will hear: "I do not have time, we will talk another time"

But the mench has a different opinion on this matter ”, the phrase is not correct in relation to the parent, because you declare your opinion, and do not say that everyone has their own opinion and your view on this problem or situation is different from that of your parents.

And now the second task.

From the same list, you need to find "undesirable" phrases in communication with parents and semantic pairs to them ("desirable"). Those. those phrases that we have selected with you as unsuccessful, you will no longer choose. Now you choose the phrases that you want to use in conversation with your parents, as soon as you find a phrase that you think is undesirable, you need to select the desired phrase for this phrase, i.e. the meaning of this phrase will be one, but the words or appeal will be different.

Undesirable phrases paired with desirable ones:

"I would like" - you want "...

"You probably haven't heard about this yet" - "You've probably heard about this already" ...

"It seems to me interesting that" - "It will be interesting for you to find out ..."

"I came to the conclusion that" - "I think your problem is that ..."

“Of course you don’t know about it yet” - “As you know ...”

Why do you think they are undesirable?

It is undesirable to start a conversation with parents with these phrases, because say "I", "Me" you are talking about yourself, and the parent does not perceive this information as relating to his child. Saying "you", "you", "your" you are addressing directly to the parent, and pointing out his problems, what he needs to know, be more interested in the child, using these We have determined which phrases are "unsuccessful" for conversation with parents, and also highlighted those phrases that we very often say when talking with parents, but they are “undesirable”, and now we know that there are “Desirable” phrases that convey the same information to the parents.


In addition to verbal communication there is also non-verbal.

Non-verbal communication plays huge role in human interaction. It was found that in a conversation, verbal communication takes up less than 35%, and more than 65% is transmitted through non-verbal means.

Non-verbal means of communication include gestures, facial expressions, pantomime. Knowing sign language can also give you rich information about the interlocutor, for example, you can understand how he relates to what you say, or to what he says himself.

Now we want to offer an exercise that will help you review and deepen your knowledge in the field non-verbal language communication.

I will give each group a description of the gestures, you ask yourself, then show the gestures and tell them what they might mean.

The first group we listen to you.

Indeed, touching the nose means that a person doubts, is in a difficult situation. This gesture also means that the person is inclined to say no.

Gesture - tightly clasped hands means suspicion, distrust.

In fact, when a person covers his mouth with his hand, it also means that the person does not trust what you are saying. If the speaker covers his mouth with his hand, he is most likely lying.

All these gestures can be attributed to one group - the group of distrust, doubt, disagreement.

What do you think these gestures will mean if your parent uses them in conversation with you?

Having seen such a gesture from a parent, you need to find out his opinion on the issue to be solved, perhaps he does not share your point of view. Give other reasons to support your point of view if necessary. Thank you.

Turning to the second group, what are your gestures?

Gesture - the extended index finger along the cheek and chin in the palm of the hand indicates that the person is evaluating. If at the same time the person deviates from the partner, then the tone of assessment is critical, cynical, negative.

That's right, a head tilted to one side indicates that a person is interested.

No, not true, a gesture - head in hand means that a person is bored.

Gesture - rubbing, stretching the earlobe means that the person has already heard enough and wants to speak out.

This group of gestures can be called - gestures of assessment of what has been said.

What will these gestures tell you if you see them at your parents, for example, in a meeting?

These gestures will help you understand how the parent relates to what you are saying, perhaps he is criticizing. Or, for example, you are carried away by a topic and many begin to get bored, but someone really wants to speak out.

And let's listen to the third group.

Yes, gestures - arms crossed on the chest mean that the person is not in the mood for communication, or negative.

Gestures associated with crossing arms, when people pick up a watch, a handbag, or a bracelet, also means that a person is not open, not ready for a conversation, perhaps feels insecure, insecure.

Gesture - clenched fists means unwillingness to make contact, this gesture strengthens the defensive position.

Crossed arms with vertically exposed thumbs indicates a negative, defensive attitude, plus a feeling of superiority expressed by the thumbs.

What will the gestures tell you if you see their parents?

These gestures give you the opportunity to understand that the parent is not currently in the mood for a conversation, and you need to win him over. It's best not to communicate at this point bad information as this could turn the parent against you.

This group of gestures can be attributed to gestures that interfere with communication.

In general, there are open and closed gestures.

Open gestures - here the hands are natural, the movements are relaxed and harmonious. Usually such gestures are constrained, movements are uncertain, sometimes this is how the desire to get away from the conversation is manifested.


Now I propose an exercise called "Mimicry and Gestures." Each team receives 1 message, which must be delivered to the parent using only non-verbal forms of communication. You need to send a message in three ways:

Only three help hands,

Only with the help of facial expressions

With the help of facial expressions, gestures and posture.

Each team must have 3 people. You show us a message in three ways, and then we try to guess which message you wanted to convey.

Please, the first group (all groups are performing).

When did you manage to guess what message you wanted to convey? What movements could you guess?

In what way was it easier for you to convey the message?

Do you think your facial expressions and gestures can influence the establishment of friendly relations with your parents?


Now you see that it is difficult to convey information using only facial expressions. In order for us to be understood correctly, it is better to use everything in a complex, that is, there must be an appropriate posture, gestures and facial expressions, supported by expressive speech.

It is important to remember that every tin is like a word, gestures accurately indicate the actual state, mood and attitude of a person.

Taking these gestures into account when communicating with your parents will help you to improve your relationship with us.


Around each of us there is a space that we strive to keep intact. And if someone violates it, then it becomes unpleasant for us, tension and anxiety increase.

The distance that partners observe when communicating affects our well-being. The emerging tension in the process of communication can be an indicator of a violation of space.

The success of your conversation may depend on what kind of space you observe when communicating with your parents.

Now I will give you the task cards, and you will have to act out the situations. (I give time for the teachers to get acquainted with the text and prepare the situation. 3 min.).

Task for 1 table:

You need to choose 2 participants from the group: one parent and the other a caregiver. The teacher needs to tell the parent about the child's success. You need to lead the diologist at a distance of 0.5 meters.

Task for the 2nd table:

You need to choose 2 participants from the group: one parent and the other a caregiver. The teacher needs to tell the parent about the child's success. You need to lead the diologist at a distance of 1 meter.

Task for the 3rd table:

You need to choose 2 participants from the group: one parent and the other a caregiver. The teacher needs to tell the parent about the child's success. You need to lead the diologist at a distance of 2 meters.

Now I suggest that 2 people go out on each table and play out the situation.

Did you feel comfortable talking?

How did you feel when talking at a distance?

What do you think is the best distance for communicating with parents?

There are valid limits:

0-0.5m - an intimate distance at which only close people communicate.

0.5-1.2m - interpersonal distance for conversation between friends and good acquaintances.

1.2-3.7m - business relations zone.

Indeed, the distance we choose for communication largely determines the success of our conversation.

When communicating, you need to take into account and individual characteristics parents. There are people who feel comfortable when they are talking at a very close distance or, conversely, at a very distant distance.

And if you notice that the parent "moves back" when communicating, it means that you need to keep a more distant distance, otherwise it can lead to nervousness and tension.


Dear pelagogues, in your practice there are many situations, from which you cannot always find correct exit or a way to solve.

Now I offer you two problem situations. You should think 3 min. and take turns telling us what you would do in a given situation.

Problematic situations:

“I have long wanted to tell you about bad behavior your son, ”says the educator of the mother of one of the boys, seeing her at the door of the group. The mother replies that she is in a hurry and leaves.

What will you do in this situation? What mistake did the teacher make?

(Firstly, the mistake is that the teacher started the conversation incorrectly, and secondly, you need to start the conversation with a good one, for example, praise the child for some success, then say about existing problem, and end the conversation again about the good).

While getting ready for a walk, the child takes out a note from his coat pocket, addressed to the teacher, asking the mother not to temper her child after daytime sleep(no reason given).

Will you fulfill the mother's request? What will be your actions in the future? (Fulfill the request, find out the reason, if the child is sick, then bring a certificate. Mom should say this herself, and not send notes through the child)

At one of the meetings with the parents, the teacher explained the undesirability of the children being late for morning exercises and breakfast. Misha appeared at the door of the group when breakfast was already over. “Feed him, please,” said the mother in a categorical photo, hastily disappearing out the door.

(Say you can't feed your baby because you didn't apply for breakfast)

Predict the options for your reaction to the situation.

The mother came for the child with a great delay.

What are the options for your behavior, taking into account following conditions.

A) In the family, there has long been an inconsistency between adults about who will

pick up a child from kindergarten

B) The mother first came for the child so late

(No complaints, but warn that your working day is the same as everyone else's)

The teacher, having read a book about seed pedagogy that is relevant from his point of view, invited parents to familiarize themselves with individual chapters.

How will you approach your parents with this proposal?

(At the parent meeting, tell about the book, tell about the chapters that exist in it, about their benefits in raising children).

The teacher decided to talk to the mother of the five-year-old pupil about his behavior - fights and almost.

How do you start a conversation with your mother?

(You know, we have problems, your child offends children in a group, and offends not with words, but with physical force. I am telling him about correct conduct but my words are not enough. I ask you to influence him).

After each situation, I ask the teachers whether they agree with the chosen option or whether they can suggest another way out of the problem situation.

You can ask questions:

Did it happen to you similar situations?

Thus, also how to start a conversation with parents about some problems, you should understand the situation well, find out the reasons.

We had no doubt that you would handle these challenging situations so easily. Surely in your practice there were much more serious cases, some of them you knew how to solve, with some difficulties arose. We hope that the knowledge you received today at the seminar will help you in various difficult situations help improve relationships with parents.

During the seminar, we have developed recommendations that you can use in communicating with your parents.

We hope you will rely on them when interacting with your parents.

It is better to start a conversation with parents with phrases.

"Do you want to"...

"You've probably heard about this ..."

"You will be interested to know ..."

"I think your problem is that ..."

When communicating with your parents, pay attention not only to words, but also to gestures.

Never start a conversation with your parents by pointing out negative points in the behavior of their child. (Note positive facts in his life.)

Listen to the comments, complaints of parents, their doubts, objections carefully and patiently.

If there is a need to point out the mistakes of the parents, do it tactfully.

It is advisable to give precise, specific answers, sound advice.

It is necessary to instill in parents faith in their child.

Avoid scientific terminology when talking to your parents.

How to deal with angry parents:

    Show your parent your respect for him, noting the fact of the existence of irritation, anger (“I see you are angry”), and give him the opportunity to speak out.

    Avoid hasty conclusions, such as "you are always like this", "all the time you are like this."

    Offer the parent such actions that would help him cope with his own condition (offer to sit down, drink water)


What's new I learned at the seminar

In my work, I will use

At the seminar, I liked it better when


At the beginning of the lesson, we will assess our condition with you. Now let's once again conduct such an assessment and see if it has changed for you.

So, I remind you once again what you need to do. You will need to choose in each of the pre-set sets of judgments the one that most accurately reflects your state now, at the moment. Check the box next to the selected judgment. Work at a fast pace.

Now, discuss with your group the results of your answers, and someone from the group will summarize and present your answers and make a conclusion about the name of your condition.

So let's see if your emotional state has changed in comparison with the beginning of the lesson? If it has changed, then your seminar was not in vain. Thank you very much for your active participation and Good work!

So, today at the seminar, we learned about the intonation with which one should talk with the parents, with which phrase it is better to start the conversation, talked about non-verbal communication methods. We hope that the knowledge gained will come in handy when interacting with parents. Thank you all for your presence. Thanks to all.

Pedagogical council decision:

Strengthen and develop a close relationship with the family.

Create conditions for joint activities pedagogical

kindergarten team with parents.

Ensure the continuity of the work of the kindergarten and the upbringing of children in

Continue to hold parent-teacher conferences.

To increase the competence of parents in the issue of family education for

through the promotion of pedagogical knowledge, the inclusion of parents in the sphereinteraction with the child.

Organize a weekly newspaper for parents on issues

family education.

In order to improve the professional skills of teachers in

the interaction of the kindergarten and the family to continue to work on providing methodological assistance through consultations, open events, self-education.

Involve parents in various types of joint activities with

children: drawing, making crafts from natural materials, manuals, elementary experimentation.

Strength of the people- v his intellectsgentia.

A. P. Chekhov

We consider it appropriate to talk about this topic as well, since everywhere we observe blatant tactlessness and lack of culture in the dialogue of teachers and parents of students. First of all, the teacher must learn well that in school the parents of the students are not called, butare invited(until now, according to the tradition developed in Soviet times, people are summoned to the police, state security agencies, prosecutors, legal proceedings, tax inspectorates and dermatovenerologic dispensaries, and in the stamp

messages usually contain a threat in the event of failure to appear to deliver the addressee "driven"). The school is the center of knowledge and culture. Therefore, the communication style must be appropriate.

It is necessary to remember in advance the name and patronymic of those persons whom you invite, which is easy to do by looking in the class magazine. So, a guest parent came to school. You will never find your assistant in him if you start by exposing his child, and even more so with reproaches or threats to transfer the case to the student to another authority (for example, to the headmaster of the school or, even more so, to the children's room of the police). The conversation with the parents of the students should begin:

    with a greeting, addressing by name and patronymic;

    with non-binding phrases about the weather, health or their mood;

    apologizing for bothering you about the invitation;

    with the praise of the children, a story about their positive qualities, about the uniqueness of the child, about the fact that he is "the very best ...";

Because sometimes their child is characterized by "weaknesses".

And only after that you can gradually move on to the planned essence of the conversation. Look for a helper, an advisor in the parent, tell them that you are concerned, not outraged.

It is well known that nothing separates people as much as a TV screen, and nothing brings people together like a tea party. Most of the teachers have laboratory rooms or peculiar corners of everyday life at classrooms, where there is always an opportunity to boil tea. Start a conversation with the invitee only with tea. Let the person take a little rest from the road, come to their senses, relieve stress from waiting for an unpleasant conversation. He will be imbued with sympathy and trust in you if you start the reception with informal notes, and even with a glass of tea.

In the process of communication, try to adhere to the recommendations set out in section 2.3. Be open to the interlocutor and accept him as he is. When communicating, take a position at a distance of 1.2-1.5 meters. A large distance, as it were, removes you from a visitor, a smaller one can cause him discomfort due to the overlapping of bioenergy fields. Your attention to the interlocutor should also be physical. Sit facing him, look into his eyes. Conduct communication in such a way that your postures, gestures and facial expressions reinforce your words. Create an environment so that the interlocutor feels free and uninhibited.

Demonstrate your interest and trust in the invitee. Give him the opportunity to fully express his point of view. Don't interrupt the other person. Sit loosely during conversation with your head tilted slightly, which emphasizes special attention to your partner.

Communication with the parents of students, like the lesson, has three distinct structural parts: greeting, dialogue, conclusion. When you say goodbye to your invited parent:

    invite him again to the future;

    express hope for further pedagogical cooperation;

    apologize for having to tear him away from everyday worries;

    walk to the nearest staircase or to the exit of the school building.

If you have observed this uncomplicated etiquette, do not hesitate - success in pedagogical cooperation with parents is guaranteed. Today it urgently demands to strengthen the assistance to the family and at the same time to raise its responsibility for the upbringing of the younger generation. A teacher should know the parents of his students not only by personal data. He should know about the peculiarities of the pupils' home life, about the nature of family relationships, about the attitude of parents to the successes or failures of children in school, circle, section, know the claims of parents and their orientation regarding the unborn child.

It must be remembered that love for children makes the views of parents on the actions and requirements of teachers subjective. Many demands make them dissatisfied with the teacher, and if tactlessness was allowed in something, then the school.

The teacher needs to build his relationship with the parents in such a way as to remove all negative in their assessment of the teacher and the school, direct their love, tenderness, care for their children to the implementation of the school's requirements.

As children grow older, the activity of parents decreases, they almost do not attend the meetings to which they are invited. Typically, the teacher divides these parents into two categories:

    indifferent to the fate of children;

    over-employed at work.

There is some truth in this reasoning, but ... analyze how the meetings are going, what you say. Are your parents getting the information they need and want from you about

Sometimes the teacher is shy about the age and position of the parents, does not know how to conduct a secular conversation. And contact arises just in an abstract conversation, and this conversation can give the teacher much more information than a conversation strictly on the "school" topic. Effective communication of the teacher with the parents in home environment, if, of course, the visit is agreed in advance and does not cause negative emotions: "What else have you done?"

Do not seek to immediately lay out all the complaints in a conversation. This will annoy the parents not only with the child, but also with you. Be very careful. Find out the views of parents on the problems of upbringing, their assessments, requirements, wishes. Try to get as much information as possible about the child from the parents: his environment, daily routine, habits, character traits and relationships with elders. A conversation dominated by a question, request, advice is psychologically well received by the parents. They will understand that you are interested in the results of working with their child. They will have a desire to help you, they will work for you and tune their child to an adequate attitude towards you. If there is a need to give advice, recommendation, never do it in a categorical, peremptory form. Give advice as an example, use the existing positive experience, but at the same time leave the parents room for thought and doubt. If the parents disagree with you, argue, do not get irritated, do not express impatience, show discretion, caution in your statements, otherwise you will lose both these parents and your student for a long time (if not forever).

There are situations when parents are removed from the upbringing of children, have a decomposing, harmful effect on their physical and moral health. Where measures of persuasion are powerless, they need to be backed up by concrete actions, calling for help from the force of the law.

When teachers and parents are happy with each other, the child learns well and behaves well. Such families are also not allowed

neglected, since diligent children often have overload with extracurricular activities, underestimation of physical education, release from household chores, which leads to a certain deficiency of education. The teacher's task is to delicately help to rectify the situation.

Many parents tend to praise the teacher. Praise can be deserved and always enjoyable. But here, too, one must be careful. Taking all compliments seriously can dull the vigilance of their own shortcomings and the shortcomings of those who praise.

Business relationships between teachers and students' parents do not develop automatically, by themselves. They are always the result of a conscious, purposeful, creative work of the teacher himself, his desire to join the circle of communication with parents, not only for professional duty, but also as with interesting, erudite interlocutors. Various forms of contact with parents - an indicator pedagogical culture teachers. As a rule, in communicating with parents, the teacher has no choice: I want - I communicate, I want - no. For the sake of the well-being of the student, his psychological comfort, this choice appears to the teacher unambiguous, and here one cannot do without the art of human communication.

Teacher relationship culturewith students as the basis of education

Truth cannot forcea person to be unkind orself-confident.

L. N. Tolstoy

The communication of the teacher with the students is always fraught with a lot of the unexpected. Constant spiritual growth, character formation (from calm in primary school age to sharp jumps and breakdowns in adolescence), mood swings (from lightness and freedom to harshness and irritability), which do not lend themselves to momentary analysis, do not give the teacher the opportunity to calm down even with visible successful communication with students,

for in each specific case, the teacher must find the only correct direction of communication.

The socio-psychological characteristics of the personality of a teenager (taking into account some age variations) are quite definite. The teenager was formed in a fairly stable system of the so-called "cloudless childhood." Favorable growth factors (accelerated physiological maturation, significant awareness, rather high material security of parents, small families, high educational level of parents) had a significant negative effect on the life of adolescents, since the majority of schoolchildren have a significant delay in their civic development, they are characterized by consumerism. attitude to life, pragmatism. It is simply impossible not to take this into account in communication with the teacher.

The change in social relations in our country posed new problems for the teacher.

The beginning democratization, publicity, entry into the market, stratification of society and other social processes significantly affect the family and, consequently, the children. The change in attitudes broke the established propaganda school dogmas, debunked the former authorities, but did not form a new model of the social system, a new model of a person, a new model of a student, a graduate. But all this was reflected in the worldview, attitude of the schoolchild, adolescent. Their behavior at school, on the street, at home, relationships with adults became free, sometimes even unnecessarily relaxed.

Situations often arise when the authoritarian, forceful methods of influence habitual for teachers not only cease to work, but also cause resistance. It is necessary to be extremely careful and extremely careful about the confusion of the student's thoughts. This requires a teacher to communicate with his pupils a high pedagogical culture, endurance, tact, and most importantly - an understanding of what and why is happening with his wards.

Communication of a teacher with his students is a chain of interrelated and interdependent contacts, carried out in various forms and circumstances. The subject taught by the teacher has a special role in this chain.

Any subject contains certain grounds for educational influence, but so that the content of the lesson could result in a memorable and vivid communication between the teacher and the students,

constant work on the quality of teaching is necessary. The process of mastering the subject and the disposition to the teacher who teaches this subject have one common basis - an interest in communication.

Interest is always the focus and concentration of our mind and feelings on something definite, meaningful to us. Interesting is everything that excites, affects our intellect and feelings, captures the imagination. Everything mysterious, mysterious, unknown, everything that goes beyond the ordinary can be interesting. Any academic subject will be fascinating if ideas, topics, and the meaning of training are presented interestingly. For this purpose, it is necessary to structure the communication process in teaching the course in such a way that it contains as many search situations as possible, in which unusual, original examples, questions, tasks are necessarily present.

The learning process will become attractive for the children if the teacher uses hypotheses presented in discussion, contrasting assumptions, fantasies, fairy tales, legends, different versions of reading the material (where possible).

Methodological support of teaching on the formation of interest in the studied subject is impossible without knowledge of some of the features of the psychology of communication in the classroom.

Lesson- this is the transfer of information (knowledge) and at the same time - the refraction of this information from the angle of educational impact on students. There is no information that would not have a semantic meaning for practice, would not carry educational functions. For example, mathematics or drawing subordinate the attention of students to logical beauty, awaken and develop thought, train the mind, instill a sense of beauty, proportionate, harmonious, form accuracy and clarity.

The educational possibilities of lessons in literature, history, social studies are obvious.

The content of science is the information that the teacher communicates to children through communication with them in the lesson. Habit to work Even when it is not interesting and difficult, only adults are characteristic. To maintain students' interest in the lesson, the teacher must take care of a variety of forms of classes (lectures, seminars, Disputes, press conferences, excursions, workshops, tests, competitions, business games - everything that can be found in life, in diverse forms of human relationships). Very important, whatthe lesson would always carry creativity.

The lesson is, first of all, business communication between the teacher and the class as a collective, where a common, common for everyone (both teacher and students) atmosphere of joint search, work, where the excitement of joint efforts should arise. But the lesson should also be a business communication between the teacher and each student or a small group of students separately.

Building communication in the classroom so that it engages all students is a very difficult task. It is realized primarily in laboratory or practical work, but this form of communication is possible in other types of lessons, and one should strive for it.

In the organisation business communication in the lesson, in ensuring its educational impact, an optimal measure is needed. The task of the teacher is to determine the threshold beyond which proven ideas, fair thoughts, words seem to be depreciated in the eyes of students, and even the best intentions of the teacher cause apathy or even opposition.

Apathy and opposition also arise where there are many empty declarations, there is no deep and versatile analysis of life situations, speech is replete with cliches and platitudes, the presentation suffers from dryness and schematism.

It quickly gets boring that it is oversimplified, chewed, and repeated several times.

I would like to remind you that, according to psychology, approximately 10% of what he heard, 50% of what he saw, and 90% of what he did, remain in a person’s memory.

Interest as a relatively stable concentration of attention on something necessary for a person at every moment, as a rule, evokes and supports everything that emotionally excites and requires imagination, mental tension. If the teacher delivers the material dispassionately, unemotionally, monotonously, then no novelty of information will save the lesson. For helpthe teaching methodology of the lesson is drawn by the teacher carefully thought outorganization of communication. Forms of communication need to be diversified.

The rigid scheme "interrogation - explanation of the new - consolidation", continuous (pedantic) repetition of one and the same, the absence of one's own thoughts or, conversely, their excess, when too much mental strain is required, generate boredom and inertia of thinking. In order to stimulate interest in the academic subject, the studied material, it is appropriate to use a variety of games, filmstrips, slides, books - in general, everything that revives the general

in the classroom, it is surprising, attracts attention. The lesson should not be overloaded, as the intensity leads to fatigue, but the lesson should not take the form of lax, prolonged idleness - the children should be constantly busy. It is necessary to skillfully break the lesson into parts, because after 7-10 minutes the attention of any audience decreases. The brain wants to take a break from the strictly logical, therefore, various methods of activating thinking should be used: a joke, a colorful example, an unexpected and vivid comparison, a small parable, aphorism, a metaphor, a drawing, music, etc. The selection of these methods must be made in advance, they must be well aligned with the topic.

For the audience of schoolchildren, unlike adults, it is not so important what the increase in knowledge is in the lesson, but here it should be remembered that the introduction of new material should be gradual and consistent, for it is necessary to take into account both the usual laziness and the psychological barrier of novelty. Experienced teachers, when presenting new material, simultaneously carry out repetition. The transition from one type of work to another should not be abrupt, in order to exclude the threat of a "deuce" for inattention.

It is very important to determine and maintain the optimal pace of communication. The teacher should remember that a skillfully set tempo and its transitions (from extremely fast, as in a chess blitz tournament, to slow, with pauses, arrangements) in communication in many ways contribute to the transformation of uninteresting into interesting.

Interest is largely formed and consolidated due to independent action, an active attitude towards the subject of interest, transferring it to the sphere of specific everyday affairs, the daily duties of a schoolchild, his relatives, and acquaintances. For example, calculate the cost of a consumer basket for a family, the cost of materials used to renovate an apartment, classroom, school, etc.

One of better ways the organization of active communication in the lesson is considered a business, or situational-role, game (press; conference, symposium, consultation). In such a game, offered and organized by a teacher, students imitate some of the professional functions of adults. The game reproduces actions and relationships that develop in real life situations.

In such games, a variety of goals are pursued, but first of all, the formation of positive attitudes towards mastering and practical testing of students' knowledge is carried out,

the work of certain skills and abilities. Games enliven the lesson extraordinarily as a form of communication. They carry out the mental adaptation of students to each other, which contributes to the improvement of the psychological climate in the team; a spirit of competition and mutual assistance, mutual support is formed. The essence of the game as a type of communication is that new knowledge is acquired as a result of constant dialogue, clash of different opinions and positions, mutual criticism of assumptions, their justification and consolidation. Such games:

    include almost the entire class in the work;

    give everyone the opportunity to try themselves in different roles;

    can be carried out both orally and in writing;

    can be carried over to another lesson;

    left for homework etc. In addition, game situations:

    develop the communication process itself;

    make improvisation into it;

    develop imagination, ingenuity;

    give the opportunity for the manifestation of creativity;

    reveal individuality.

In order to successful holding of the educational game, the teacher must follow one essential rule: questions and all thatwhat constitutes the content itself, the conditions of the game must be realmi, as close as possible to a specific life situation, that is, it is necessary to preserve the logic of the existence of the subject area of ​​the game, to provide a certain degree of freedom for the players (otherwise the game will not be a game for them). Each game must comply with the conditions: it must be slim, convincing, consistent and necessarily attractive.

We must not forget about visual and technical teaching aids that activate attention in the lesson, contribute to the memorization of educational material and perform the functions of regulating and varying the teacher's reasoning. But it should be remembered that there should be a measure in everything.

The teacher should start and finish the lesson on time. Compliance with this condition noticeably affects the attitude of students to the teacher. Accuracy is not only the courtesy of kings, but much more of the courtesy of educators. Interest must be stimulated, supported, that is, developed. Have

teachers have a large arsenal of interest support, in which grade plays a special role.

Mark - important tool, with the help of which the student's knowledge is measured; this is a stimulus that fixes his attitude to the subject being taught, this is the most important factor influencing the relationship of parents with your student and you, his relationship with other children, because it can affect his prestige in extracurricular situations. Grading is a delicate matter. One should not rush to give a bad grade, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the unprepared assignment, it is necessary to be very attentive even to very timid successes, not to infringe on the pride of the student. We must learn not to be afraid to praise the teenager, approve, support.

A student who is praised has a special sense of trust in the teacher. Words of approval enhance self-esteem, build self-confidence, and build kindness. Judgments and evaluations must be fair and as accurate as possible.

Rewards and punishments act when they are defined, associated with a specific case, situation. You should avoid generalizations like: "How bad you are, you don't do your homework, you behave badly" or "How stupid you are, you cannot solve a simple problem." It is unlikely that the child will be disposed towards the person who humiliated him, insulted him.

The censure must be correlated with the individual characteristics of the student. For one, a reproachful glance is enough, and for another, even the invitation of the parents may not have any effect. A teenager always has a certain reference group (friends, acquaintances, whose opinion he values). When choosing a punishment, it is necessary to proceed from the attitudes of this reference group or the characteristics of the student's personal self-conceit in the event that the socio-psychological environment does not solidarize with his offense. And, of course, in no case should one emphasize flaws in character or external data (height, fullness, etc.), because the teenager himself knows them and experiences some discomfort. Experience shows that adolescents always have a number of virtues. Poorly successful in mathematics, physics, chemistry, they draw beautifully, dance, sing. The teacher needs to know everything about his student and not so much punish him as I oppose the offense to the positive, show that the perfect deed is not characteristic of him as an athlete, musician, artist.

nickname. Behavior assessment should not be overwhelming. The teacher should be rather surprised by what happened(no pretense). By doing this you show faith in the student, a huge degree of respect for him.

The teacher chooses the form and place of punishment (individually or publicly) depending on the nature of the punishment and the personality of the punished.

Vowel forms, of course, are needed, but it is better to carry out disciplinary measures individually, face to face. To direct reproaches, reprimands in the presence of other students, most often there is a reverse, undesirable reaction - rudeness, provoking behavior.

If you are not satisfied with the student's behavior, do not rush to conclusions and punishment, allow the student to independently feel his flaws. If, nevertheless, it became necessary to make a remark in the lesson, use a joke, irony, sarcasm, a practical joke.

The remarks submitted in the form of aphorism, statements, sayings taken from literary works, folklore: both the teacher is not annoyed, and for the class there is relaxation. Witty remarks are not forgotten, appreciated, an apt word evokes respect and some "fear" - who wants to get into the tongue of a witty teacher? The teacher should read a lot, have a large supply of aphorisms so that they do not repeat themselves.

Maximum exactingness, adherence to principles and consistency in the implementation of work discipline and order in the lesson and outside it contribute to the development of a business spirit in the class, mobilize all students to complete the learning tasks.

The exactingness of the teacher in the lesson should proceed from the rule: there are no trifles in the classroom - everything is important, everything is subordinated to work. Without an external order, there is no class, collective, definite rules of work. The teacher should not forget about the socio-psychological pattern: the external becomes internal. Therefore, it is very important:

    how the teacher enters the class;

    how he greets;

    how it determines the readiness of students for the lesson;

when he lets you sit down and start work.

    exactingness should not turn into petty pickiness;

    the manner in which the teacher's demands are expressed must be dignified and tactful;

    the requirement should be laconic, extremely clear, consistent, and the unity of requirements should be observed from lesson to lesson;

    effective requirements in the form of proposals, requests ("Could you ...").

If you are not understood, you should always explain your claims and requirements in detail, why it is so, and not otherwise, why it is needed. This teaches you to be thoughtful, mindful.

In communicating with a class, a group of students, situations often arise that, as it were, specifically test teachers for restraint, patience, and the ability to control themselves. Hot temper can help, but victory will come at a heavy price. “A cry is the surest sign of the absence of a culture of human relations,” wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Restraint is an essential psychological property in teacher-student communication. This quality is characterized by a stable, even, calm, but not indifferent, not cold attitude to various situations of life. Restraint involves neutralizing emotions and feelings (anger, rage, discontent, hatred, contempt). If such emotions take over consciousness, they poison the mind, cause psychoses, neuroses and other concomitant conditions and diseases.

To get rid of mental tension, it is necessary to change the attitude towards objects, people, situations that cause anxiety. It is necessary to initially destroy the old and create a new psychological setting.

Installation is a relatively stable system of ideas (and associated emotional and sensory states) about an object, predisposing to a certain response. In other words, a social attitude is always a readiness, a predisposition to act in a certain way. Change of attitudes is a powerful means of psychological neutralization of unwanted, negative emotions (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Change of attitudes in a situation when the student interferes with the lesson

Controlling the emotional-volitional sphere is the ability to play in advance in the mind possible maximum failures, exclude unexpected situations, and translate negative into positive.

The mechanisms of suggestion and persuasion influence the formation of attitudes. To consolidate this or that installation, it is necessary to put new information in connection with the existing one every time. Mood is of great importance in the formation of the attitude, as well as of communication in general.

Mood as a stable emotional state, as a certain direction of feelings, plays an important role in the process of activity. Mood has different dynamics, manifests itself individually, depends on many factors (state of health, sleep, nutrition, weather, environment, temperament of a person); is determined by a specific situation, environment, relationships with each other; changes due to a change in setting.

The teacher must monitor his mood. Guys, like adults, most of all are drawn to people who are characterized by an elevated, cheerful, cheerful mood, they are constrained by the mood of sadness, depression of adults. It is good for a teacher to master the art of reincarnation so as not to bring to school the mood that has arisen as a result of the dissatisfaction of some requests and aspirations.

To optimize communication, it is also necessary to monitor the mood of the children in the lesson, break, excursion. It is better for a student with a depressed mood to be disturbed less, to delicately find out the reasons and to do everything possible to calm down and provide real help.

The most important type of professional communication of a teacher, along with a lesson, is an extracurricular event - an evening, an excursion, a cultural outing, Classroom hour etc. These types of communication should not resemble a lesson, the educational efforts of these types of communication should be "hidden", they should not be detected by students, they

should become a form of communication for the students themselves. The teacher does not withdraw himself from these types of communication, but his decisive, leading role becomes, as it were, "shadow". The optimal psychological situation - the teacher does not feel the difference in years, is tuned in to the same wave of events, lives only by it.

When carrying out extracurricular activities, he can use social and psychological mechanisms (infection and suggestion) and such techniques as secrecy, expectation of a surprise, a catchy, bright announcement, a well-thought-out method of conducting (music, poster, picture, wall newspaper, stand, tea party). The event should be in the nature of improvisation. We need to give the guys the opportunity to organize communication themselves and choose its form, not to stifle the initiative, not to predict failure in advance.

In pedagogical communication, situations often arise when, regardless of the teacher, a stereotype of attitudes towards a particular class or student develops. V Everyday life we tend to distinguish this or that person, seek or show friendship, love, sympathy.

In professional activities, especially pedagogical, it is better to exclude the visible manifestation of likes and dislikes, if you want to maintain the respect and trust of your pupils. It is a difficult task - to treat exactly everyone and at the same time satisfy the desire of each child to be loved separately, to see the individual characteristics of his students, not to "comb" everyone with the same brush.

Individual communication (school or out-of-school) teacher with students can be carried out for any reason and in different forms. The most commonly practiced forms of communication: conversations after class, intimate conversation in an informal setting, individual consultation, a short exchange of views after an event. The most traditional form is a conversation, in which the teacher's claims and wishes for a particular student are quite rightly expressed, but they, as a rule, do not leave a noticeable mark in the child's soul, only the feeling of fear of punishment makes him formally obedient for a while. An unkindly conducted conversation can lead to conflict situations, resentment, anger.

A conversation with students in the presence of parents is possible and a new one is even necessary, but, of course, the teacher must showspecial care:

    the punishment, if it is necessary to apply it, must be specific and cannot be prolonged in time;

    it is necessary to remember about the ranking of the punishment.

To do this, you need to know the child, parents, home situation, needs, interests, hobbies.

Beforehand, it would be nice to consult with the class or friends of the offender ("What would you do in my place?"). The conversation can be held at school, but it is better to visit your student's home, having previously warned the parents that the visit has a purely control function.

Conversations are held not only because of poor academic performance and discipline, but also to consolidate friendships, awaken curiosity, frankness, but in this case, beware of insincerity, which the teenager sensitively recognizes and withdraws.

In individual communication with students, the teacher always has an initial psychological attitude: it is necessary to unravel this student, discover his talents, discover the valuable that is inherent in his character, aspirations, and everything superficial that prevents him from expressing himself. This requires an individualized style of communication that promotes the formation of trusting interpersonal relationships.

It is not out of place to remember:

    information received from the child must be kept confidential;

    do not use the services of talkative children who like to gossip behind the back of their comrades.

An important psychological condition for optimizing communication with any student is attentiveness, penetration, and slowness. If a child is drawn to you, and the answer to him is: “Wait, there’s no time, then,” then later do not be surprised at alienation and loss of curiosity. If you really have no time, you need psychological rehabilitation of your behavior.

An individual conversation should not be based on the principle: question - answer. This is a conversation in which you need to:

    be able to listen and hear;

    not be afraid of admitting that you are wrong;

be able to express surprise and gratitude to the interlocutor for the acquisition of new valuable information;

Do not impose your position, it is better to convince, suggest, offer a solution in several options “Choose

In a conversation, you can use facts from your biography, your experience, the opinions of friends, acquaintances. It raises interest in the teacher's personality, shows trust, but ... use this technique very carefully. Do not over-praise yourself by remembering your own behavior in such situations, do not overestimate your past experiences. It should be remembered that new mustacheConditions and situations put forward different criteria and other assessments.

Attention should be paid to the recent obvious reluctance of children to go for advice or, in general, with some of their problems to the teacher. The teacher has ceased to be an authority for parents and students. There are many reasons, both objective and subjective, and the task of today is to develop, in relation to our reality, a democratic, benevolent style of communication - as a dialogue of participants equal in their initial conditions and principles of organization.

Today, the power of the teacher is manifested in balanced, evidence-based and qualified judgment; authority is in knowledge and experience. The initiative in seeking contact with students must come from the teacher. And let the teacher not be discouraged by the absence of an instantaneous subsequent result of such attempts. Only relentless expenditure mental strength, informal perseverance, perseverance of spiritual searches of the teacher will be able to "create a child's heart."

A special, tense communication develops between the teacher and the “difficult” students, who have experienced a shift in the scale of values ​​since childhood. The key to successful communication with the "difficult" is a constant objective and self-critical analysis of their relationships with children. It is necessary to constantly “play” versions of conversations, meetings, conversations, to look for and find allies and real helpers in the struggle for the soul of the child. And, of course, the most important thing is a team united for smart, bright school work; and in such a team there is always a way to influence each student.

School psychologists can be of great help in communicating with children. Today it is difficult to find a city school without such a specialist. With the opening of the faculties of school psychology in a number of pedagogical universities, there is a hope of equipping rural educational institutions with such specialists.

institutions. The psychologist must have an idea of ​​the status structure of each class, the level of well-being of relationships in classrooms, the level of students' self-esteem. If there is no position of a psychologist at school, every class teacher is able to perform simple sociometric studies. Such an analysis of the psychological climate in the classroom can be an excellent basis for the formation of a teacher's relationship with all students, including the “difficult” ones.



1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of establishing contacts with the student's family.

2. Conducting a conversation with parents at the initiative of the teacher.

3. Conducting a conversation by the teacher at the initiative of the parents.

4. Psychological foundations of the parent meeting.

5. Psychological qualities teachers in professional activities (practical part)

1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of establishing contacts with the student's family

One of the most important tasks teaching activities the teacher is to establish contact with the parents of the students (or a specific student). This problem especially relevant for class teachers, as well as teachers who are just starting their professional activity... The problem of a lack of mutual understanding between parents and a teacher and, as a consequence, the inability to come to a solution to any important problem, can complicate the process of education of a child at school, as well as aggravate psychological condition all participants in the educational process (child, teacher, parents). Very often, the communication process turns into a monologue of one of the parties (teacher or parents), consisting of complaints about the child or scolding the parent for him. Negative feelings of a parent arising from such "communication" do not contribute to the emergence of a desire to cooperate with the school in the education and upbringing of his own child.

In this regard, it is extremely important to understand what psychological and pedagogical methods a teacher (novice teacher, class teacher) should possess, so that interaction with parents becomes a means of solving many problems that arise in the process of teaching a child.

Contact between the teacher and parents is possible when both of them realize that they have a common goal - good upbringing and the education of children, which can only be achieved through common efforts.

To do this, the teacher needs to show the parents that he loves the children as they are, with all the pros and cons, and, like the parents, is concerned about their fate.

The main means of establishing contact with parents for a teacher is himself, or rather his psychological - pedagogical competence, which includes professional knowledge, the ability to use them in practice, as well as personal qualities, the main of which is empathy towards children (unconditional acceptance of children as they are).

In order to achieve mutual understanding with parents, as well as to establish promising relationships focused on the joint solution of the most important tasks of teaching and upbringing, the teacher must be guided by following rules interactions and ways of making contact with family.

First rule. At the heart of the teacher's work ( class teacher) with the family there should be actions and activities aimed at strengthening and increasing the authority of the parents. A moralizing, edifying, categorical tone of a teacher in the process of communicating with parents is unacceptable in work, as this can be a source of resentment, irritation, and awkwardness. The parents' need for advice may disappear, after they hear from the teacher "must", "must" - disappears. Only correct rate the relationship between teachers and parents - mutual respect. Then the exchange of experience, advice and joint discussion, a single solution that satisfies both parties becomes a form of control. The value of such relationships is that they develop, both among teachers and parents, a sense of responsibility, exactingness, and civic duty.

Second rule. Trust in educational opportunities parents. Raising the level of their pedagogical culture and activity in education.

Psychologically, parents are ready to support all requirements, deeds and undertakings educational institution... Even those parents who do not have pedagogical training and higher education very often relate to raising children with deep understanding and responsibility.

Third rule. Pedagogical tact, inadmissibility of careless interference in the life of the family. The teacher, the class teacher is an official person. But by the nature of his activity, he must touch the intimate aspects of family life, often he becomes a free or unwitting witness to relationships that are hidden from strangers. A good homeroom teacher is no stranger to a family. In search of help and understanding, parents can entrust him with personal advice. No matter what the family is, no matter what kind of educators the parents are, the teacher should always be tactful and benevolent. He must keep all knowledge about the family in strict confidentiality and use it in order to help the child, as well as parents in education.

Fourth rule. Life-affirming attitude in solving upbringing problems, reliance on positive traits child, on strengths family education. Focus on successful personality development. The formation of the character of a pupil is not complete without difficulties, contradictions and surprises. They should be perceived as a manifestation of the laws of development, problems should be reformulated into tasks, then difficulties, contradictions, unexpected results will not be called negative emotions and confusion of the teacher.

Very often, special difficulties arise in the process individual communication a teacher (class teacher) with parents, the organization of which requires taking into account special conditions.

Individual communication

When communicating with parents, the teacher should structure the conversation in such a way that the parents are convinced that they are dealing with a professional who loves and knows how to teach and educate children.

Therefore, when preparing for a conversation with parents, the teacher should think carefully:

3) demeanor, style of speech, dress, hairstyle.

Every detail should contribute to the creation of the image of a real specialist.

There are two options for such communication:

1) at the initiative of the teacher;

2) on the initiative of the parents.

2. Conducting a conversation with parents on the initiative of the teacher

1) Setting a psychological goal

It is important for a teacher to understand and answer to himself the question: "What do I want from meeting my parents?"

When answering these questions, the teacher can understand that the purpose of the conversation can be the following: for example, to pour out his irritation on the child; punish the child with the hands of parents; show parents their pedagogical inconsistency.

With all these options, you should not call the parents, since such psychological goals indicate the teacher's professional helplessness and will negatively affect the communication between the teacher and the family.

2) Organization of the beginning of the dialogue

Welcome ceremony.

When greeting parents, you need to leave your business, stand up, smile, kindly say words of greeting, introduce yourself (if you are meeting for the first time), address them by name and patronymic.

3) Establishing consent to contact

This means that the teacher necessarily discusses the time of the dialogue, especially if he sees that the parent is in a hurry, it is necessary to clarify how much time he has. It is better to postpone the conversation than to carry it out in a hurry, because it will not be absorbed anyway.

4) Create an environment of dialogue

Creating a dialogue environment means that the teacher thinks over where and how the dialogue will take place. It is unacceptable for the teacher to sit and the parent to stand, or for the teacher to sit at his desk and the parent at the student's.

You need to make sure that there is no one in the class, no one interferes with the conversation. Having seated the parent, you need to ask if he is comfortable, pay attention to him and your gestures and postures.

Gestures and postures of the teacher should demonstrate openness and benevolence (arms crossed on the chest, hands on the belt - "hands on hips", head thrown back, etc. are inadmissible).

To relieve the parent's stress and move on to discussing the problem, you should correctly and specifically state the purpose of the call, for example: “I wanted to know better ( baby's name) in order to find an approach to it "," We need to get to know you better in order to act together "," I don't know very well yet ( baby's name), I need your help to understand it better ”, etc.

When calling a parent for a conversation, the teacher should not forget that the conversation implies a dialogue, therefore, he needs to think over not only his message, but also what he wants to hear from the parent, so he needs to formulate his questions to the student's parents and give them the opportunity to express themselves ...

5) Conducting a dialogue

The beginning of the conversation should contain positive information about the child, and these are not value judgments: “You good boy, but ... "(then there is negative information for 10 minutes), and the message about specific facts, specific achievements of the child, characterizing the child with positive side... This beginning testifies to the teacher as observant and benevolent, that is, a professional.

Facts about student behavior or performance, worrisome from a teacher, must be presented very correctly, without value judgments, starting with "not": "He is disobedient, disorganized, ill-mannered, etc."

Also, after the positive information about the student, you should not continue the story about negative facts through the conjunction "but": "Your son is neat, tidy, but disorganized."

It is best to move on to hard-hitting facts in the form of asking for advice: “I don’t know Petya very well yet, could you help me figure it out (the following is a description of the fact)” or “I am worried ...”, “I want to understand what is behind this ... ".

The teacher must constantly emphasize common goal his and his parents in relation to the unborn child, therefore, one should not use the expression "your son", that is, oppose oneself and the parents. V in this case it is better to call the student by name.

The most important thing in a conversation is the parent's statement, since it is this that makes the conversation a conversation, a dialogue.

The teacher is required to be able to listen and hear what the student's parents are talking about. After the teacher finishes his message with a question to the parent regarding this problem, he, using the techniques active listening, can learn a lot of important and necessary things about the student and his family. To do this, the teacher needs to show with all his appearance that he listens carefully to the parent.

The teacher can express his participation in the dialogue through the reflection of feelings about the parent's story: "I am glad that we have the same views on ...", "I was surprised ...", "I am upset ...", etc. The fulfillment of this condition prevents the occurrence conflict with a difference of opinion and promotes mutual understanding between the parties.

Specific advice should be given by the teacher only if the parent asks him for this advice.

They will be effective only when they are specific in content, available in execution, and simple in form of presentation.

6) Ending the dialogue

The teacher is recommended to summarize the conversation based on the method of reflective listening - "summarizing": "If we now summarize what you said, then ..." and outline ways for further cooperation, agree on the purpose, place and time of the future meeting.

The conversation with the parents should end with a farewell ceremony.

Saying goodbye to a parent, the teacher should, referring to him by name and patronymic, thank him for the conversation, express his satisfaction with it, see the parent out and say goodbye words kindly and with a smile.

3. Conducting a conversation by the teacher at the initiative of the parents

1) Establishing consent to contact

When establishing consent to contact, the participants in the dialogue negotiate the time of its course.

Imagine the situation: The visit of the mother of one of the students was unexpected for you. You don't have time to talk to her. What will you do?

Having shown maximum attention and courtesy to mom, the teacher, instead of avoiding dialogue, should inform her that he did not know about her arrival and planned a very important matter that cannot be postponed, and has time in ... minutes, if mom is satisfied with this, then you can talk if no, then he will listen to her at any time convenient for her and the teacher.

Thus, the teacher makes it clear about his desire for dialogue, despite the unfavorable circumstances.

2) Conducting a dialogue

Listen to your parent. Let the parent blow off steam. Remember that the aggression is not actually directed at you, but at the parent's image of the situation. You should mentally separate yourself from this image and, observing the conversation as if from the outside, try to understand what lies behind the aggression, what worries the parent? It is important not to respond with aggression to aggression, because otherwise the situation may become uncontrollable.

It is important to monitor your facial expressions and posture.

It is very important to express sympathy on the part of the teacher, understanding the feelings of the parents: "I see that you are concerned about the progress of (child's name)" I will try to understand you ... "," Let's figure it out together. " Using these phrases will give the conversation a constructive character, which will help to find out true reason addressing the teacher.

In the process of talking with parents in order to determine the degree of validity of certain facts (for example, when a child has committed a specific misconduct related to a violation of discipline, a fight), the teacher needs to use convincing arguments. The teacher's ability to use objective, well-founded arguments increases his competence in the eyes of parents.

All parent's questions must be answered. This helps to transfer the conversation to the business level of communication and to clarify all aspects of the so-called "pain points" of the parent in the field of education and upbringing of his child.

The conversation should be finished according to the rules described above.

4. Psychological foundations of a parent-teacher conference

Almost always the purpose of a parent meeting is to inform parents. Consequently, the teacher acts as an informant at the meeting.

It would seem that the role of the teacher is familiar. But this is only at first glance. Teach and inform - the tasks are completely different and involve different methods.

Very often the teacher, without noticing it, makes a substitution: instead of transmitting information to adults in the form in which it would be convenient for them to perceive it, he begins to influence with the help of information, that is, to teach parents. And few adults like this.

As a result, information is not only not accepted and not comprehended, but also generates, regardless of its content, the resistance of listeners.

1) Starting a conversation

· The main requirement is that the beginning of a conversation should be short, effective and clear in content.

· Think well and write down the first 2-3 sentences of your speech on a piece of paper. They should sound as calm and clear as possible, even against the background of your understandable excitement.

· If this is your first time, introduce yourself correctly. Briefly, but emphasizing those aspects of your status and role in relation to children, which will form the basis of your authority and importance in the eyes of your parents.

· Never start with an apology, even if the beginning of the meeting is delayed; v different situations any overlaps and misunderstandings may arise. One can simply state that the meeting did not start as planned.

Why shouldn't you apologize? Apologies will immediately put you in a bottom-up position and diminish the subjective relevance of your information in the eyes of your listeners.

· It is important to start the conversation in silence. Find a way to get attention to yourself. It is advisable to do this so that the method you have chosen does not resemble a lesson.

· Start the conversation with a statement of the very logic of the meeting, its main stages: "First, we are with you ...", "Then we will consider ...", "At the end of the conversation, you and I have to ...".

· Identify the place of questions and remarks of parents during the meeting. For example, you might say that it is better to ask questions right away, as the information is presented. Alternatively, ask your parents to listen fully first and then ask questions.

You can say that you will answer all the questions that will be asked during your monologue later, but for now you will record them for yourself on a board or sheet of paper.

2) Presentation of information.

· How and where to stand during your monologue? If the class is small or there are not many students, it is better to sit in general circle or on the side of your own table.

· The teacher should not sit at the teacher's table during the parent meeting! This position instantly revives in the teacher himself and his students (and they are all former students) quite specific associations and behavioral stereotypes.

· If the class is large, you will have to stand. Again - next to the table, moving a little from time to time. Moving around the board allows you to control the attention of the audience.

· If you are saying very important things, move a little forward, to the very desks.

· It is necessary to use the skills of rhetoric that you apply in the lesson:

- repetition of the last words,

· Verbal information should be presented in a measured, consistent and clear manner.

· Watch for pauses. There must be pauses, since it is during the pauses that parents have the opportunity to comprehend the incoming information.

· Watch for non-verbal information that you voluntarily or involuntarily broadcast using your gestures, posture and facial expressions.

When worried, it is difficult to control facial expressions, and yet it must correspond to the content of the transmitted information and change in time with it.

It is advisable to use postures and gestures mainly open, benevolent: for example, hand movements during gesticulation - from oneself, and not towards oneself.

· Do not allow yourself to be distracted by details and to the side during the conversation.

· Define the topic clearly and stick to it.

· Parents should make sure that such meetings make sense: they are held promptly and end with a certain result, in this regard, at the end of the conversation, it is necessary to return to its beginning and summarize.

· When summarizing, let the audience think and reflect a little, step back to the board.

One of contemporary problems preschool education is the communication of the teacher with the parents. The profession of a preschool educational institution is extremely important, because he must explain to the child his position in society in the process of communication, help and support, if necessary, outline moral norms. To some extent, the teacher even helps maintain family relationships.

Exists various forms communication of the teacher with the child and his parents in the preschool educational institution. At the same time, typical difficulties may arise from time to time, which must be eliminated. Of course, adults have their own set of character traits, there are bad and good mood, problems in different areas life, misunderstanding of the principles of ethics. But they must follow certain rules of communication for the benefit of the child and to maintain an even atmosphere among themselves.

Big mission

Effective communication between a teacher and parents should be positive and comply with the laws of ethics. If a preschool educational institution educator allows himself a demanding tone or, God forbid, shouts, then this does not open him up from the very beginning. better side... It is quite possible to talk calmly, explain the current situation, suggest typical ways of solving difficulties, or serious problems pupils, if any. The teacher should be affable and benevolent both in communication with children and with other family members. Often, children are taken by grandmothers, aunts, sisters, acquaintances - be sure to make sure that the person can be trusted, look at the child's reaction to the person who picks him up.

The competence of the teacher is really extremely important, because his duties include:

  • establishing communication with family members of each of his pupils and students, if we are talking about the preparatory group;
  • providing all kinds of support, conducting typical consultations on raising a child;
  • an initiative in uniting the efforts of the educator and the parents so that the child gains all the skills he needs to enter school and later in life;

You cannot do in this profession without a purely human understanding. It is important to be able to adapt to the mood of another person, somewhere to cheer, somewhere to sympathize. Communication is the main tool in dealing with people.

If you plan to conduct any seminars with parents pupils of preschool educational institution, then teachers should carefully prepare for the event, post information on. It is necessary to think over the style of your communication, select typical information that will be interesting and useful to adults. Remember that parents do not have a pedagogical education - they may not understand the psychology of their daughter or son, so it is important to clearly explain to them various features their child. In the future, this will help to control discipline and establish rules in the daily routine for those already studying in elementary grades.

Communication of the teacher with the parents: a memo to the educators of the preschool educational institution

There are several simple rules to follow when communicating with parents:

  1. Don't judge. Often educators make the mistake of blaming parents for not raising their children on their own. Believe me, if the family is happy, then they try to devote the maximum of their time to the baby. It's another matter if there are problems. Communication between a teacher and parents should be limited to gaining maximum understanding while minimizing unnecessary advice and mutual reproaches. First of all, determine the form of communication, let it be individual with each parent in the preschool educational institution.
  2. Statements like "I would be in your place ..." rarely lead to the establishment of friendly relations between parents and teachers. It is better to abstain from them altogether.
  3. Do not try to find out from adults what does not concern them. pedagogical process within the family. This is neither ethical nor correct. Difficulties in the family can happen due to different reasons... If only you notice regular traces of beatings on the child, he himself complains to you, he has an atypical wardrobe in the cold season, then you can talk to your parents or contact the guardianship authorities with an alarm signal.
  4. Of course, you cannot take all the problems and difficulties out of the walls of the preschool educational institution. The exceptions are the aforementioned cases when it is necessary to contact the police or guardianship authorities. Remember, the future and health of your pupils depends on this.
  5. Trust me, conflict can be avoided if you want to. We are all human - can't we find a common language? Try to be more tolerant, more restrained, more ethical, less emotional, because you wear high status preschool teacher - in a sense, you are responsible for the psychological state of pupils, as well as students in preparatory circles. Use your human qualities as the main argument in communication.

Try to control yourself even in the most difficult situations and the biggest difficulties. People are different, sometimes parents have to solve not only the problem of their child, but also conflict situations that arise with his peers, at work, in personal life, in society or even politics. In this situation, you become an intermediary, bear a certain responsibility - from correct communication a lot depends. Patience and strength, dear teachers!