Psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the research problem. Working with difficult children

Raising a child is never easy. But, nevertheless, some children do not give their parents any special worries, study diligently, obey educators and teachers, do not bully and do not mess with bad companies. Some children, on the other hand, are a constant source of nerves and worries for their parents: either they run away from classes, or they get into a fight, or they are rude to teachers, or they steal money from their parents. So what are the main reasons for the child's difficult upbringing and what are the ways and methods of solving this problem.

As observations show, the main reason for children's difficult upbringing lies in the wrong methods of education used by parents, trying to direct their child on the true path. Many parents, unfortunately, are pedagogically incompetent, and therefore fall into one of two extremes: either they allow their child too much and indulge without measure, or, conversely, they show excessive severity and authoritarianism, trying to suppress the will of the child and impose their own on him. Both of these paths lead to big problems in parent-child relationships and contribute to the formation of undesirable character traits in the child. As practice has shown, the situation is best in families where children have both their clearly defined rights and obligations, and where in the relationship between children and parents there is not only love, but also mutual respect.

The second of the main causes of difficult education is the difficult moral climate in the child's family. The fact is that the receptive psyche of the child is influenced by literally everything that surrounds him, and in particular - the psychological atmosphere in the family. If parents constantly sort things out with each other and quarrel, if an atmosphere of mutual misunderstanding, mistrust, and even hatred reigns between them, all this has the most negative effect on the worldview of the child, causing him a state of constant anxiety, distrust of the world around him and people, and causing deep psychological trauma to his psyche. And here it is not far from social maladaptation. In order to even out the behavior of such a child, it is necessary first of all to create a normal moral climate in his family, and this, unfortunately, is not always possible.

Another reason for difficult education lies in the individual innate qualities of the psyche and character of the child. Difficult children in this category have serious problems in the emotional and volitional spheres. Their will is rather poorly developed, and therefore they easily succumb to various bad influences from peers. They also do not differ in the clarity of moral principles and often cannot distinguish evil from good, and therefore it is difficult for them to give a correct assessment of their own actions. And too great desire cause respect and admiration among peers often provokes them to commit shocking and defiant acts, leading to conflicts with teachers, and even with the law. Sometimes such children are distinguished by aggression and morbid self-esteem, constantly being the instigators of all kinds of activities that violate school discipline and peace of mind around. It must be understood that difficult-to-educate children not only create problems for parents and teachers, but also suffer from their own insoluble internal conflicts and contradictions. Such children constantly experience mental discomfort and, deep down, dream of earning the love of their parents and the respect of their peers and teachers, but do not know how to do it. They are not good at being role models, and therefore they eventually stop even trying to change anything, while losing respect and love for themselves and for the people around them. To align and correct the behavior of such a child, the joint efforts of parents, teachers and an experienced psychologist are needed, which should: firstly, help the child develop his volitional qualities so that he can resist negative influences from the outside, learn self-organization and self-control, learn on his own, without prompts from parents to do homework daily; secondly, to instill in the child the right worldview based on love and respect for the world around him; thirdly, to contribute to the emergence of new interests, hobbies and friends in the child that could positively influence him.

Topic. Difficult children: essence, causes, problems

  1. The concept of "difficult to educate" in social pedagogy;
  2. Typical groups of difficult to educate and features educational work with them,
  3. Forms of manifestation of the difficult to educate and the problems of educating the difficult to educate.


  1. . Kashchenko V P Pedagogical correction Correction of character flaws in children and adolescents M, 2000
  2. Lesgaft P Family upbringing of a child and its significance At 3 hours // Iebr ped. essay / Compiled by I N Rssheten M, 1988 H III
  3. Soroka-Rosinsky VNPedagogical essays M 1991
  4. . Sukhomlinsky VADifficult children // Selected production In 5 tons Kyiv, 1980

1. The concept of "difficult to educate" in social pedagogy

In the history of pedagogy, the first phrase was "children are difficult in educational attitude».

There is currently a conceptdifficult to educate. difficult to educatea child who presents certain difficulties for a particular educator (educators).

This is manifested in the behavior of the child, his attitude to
other children, educator, educational influence.

"Difficult child" is difficult to provide directed development, training and education, due to its characteristics cognitive activity, age development (adolescent).

These definitions do not fundamental difference. Therefore, these concepts will be considered as synonyms.

The first researchers of the problem of difficult children in Russia were doctors. Parents were the first to contact them. With these problems, and they had to solve them (A. Dernova-Yarmolenko, M. Perfilyev).

Scientisteducator, psychologist, lawyer and public figure Dril 1 devoted many years of his life to the study of problems:

Social deviation in children and ways to overcome it;

Causes contributing to the formation of children that require correction;

Introduced the concept of "medical and psychological diagnostics" of children in correctional institutions;

Described the features of educational work in correctional institutions.

Dril Dmitry Andreevich (18461910) scientist, lawyer, psychologist, teacher and public figure. His name is associated with (the formation of domestic criminology and penitentiary (corrective labor pedagogy) He graduated from the law faculty of Moscow University (1873) and underwent medical training there.
department of correctional and educational institutions under the main prison department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Empire Together with V.M. Bekhterev, he is the founder of the Psychoneurological Institute. In the autumn of 1910, he began to lecture at this institute.

The most typical causes (factors) of the formation
children who are difficult to educate, Perfilyev, Kashchenko,
Sukhomlinsky and others pointed out the following:

Parent - 1

Reasons for a potential child - 2.

a) hereditary: the child inherits from his ancestors and parents the psychophysiological characteristics of his body (constitution, temperament);

Birth - 3.

b) peculiarities acquired from birth: prematurity, frailty and weakness of the body, features of the development and functioning of one or another;

Interaction between parent and child 5 (1, 4).

c) idiosyncrasies acquired at an early age due to
a variety of factors that determine the care of him:

artificial feeding;

transmission of the disease from a nursing mother;

living conditions;

diseases and features of their course;

obvious or subtle, but persistent malnutrition;

head bruises, injuries;

d) the inability of parents to observe and see the uniqueness of the child,
in need of special development and education.

e) pedagogical omissions in working with the child.
Conditions for a child's shocks that he cannot cope with:

— lack (absence) of proper education in the early years
(from one year to seven or eight years). The farther from birth the education of the mind begins, the more difficult it is to educate a person intellectually.

In mental education important role belongs to curiosity. Curiosity should lead to discovery. The joys of discovery.

If this does not happen, then the child developsinsensitivity, dullness, dullness,which makes it difficult to train and educate;

injustice,insulting, hurting self-esteem, causing indignation in the child and giving birth in his soul to the most diverseforms of active and passive protest.What causes slight excitement in an adult can become a source of anxiety in a child.
great grief;

rudeness and rudenessin relation to the child, contributing to the strengthening of his excitation. Having experienced such a state
the child often resorts to a completely unexpected form of active protest - actions against evil, antics, clownishing.
It is easier for him to appear in the role of a carefree naughty, even a jester. In the end
in the end, the environment gets used to the fact that he is grimacing and clowning around.
This is a very dangerous state dulling the sense of honor, pride;

indifference in relation to the child, negatively affecting his gentle, sensitive nature. It makes him need
change in attitude, and
tries in various forms
to draw attention.
These can be hysterical manifestations, extraordinary ostentatious actions, aggressiveness towards others;

— the desire of some parents to put education on
"scientific" basis
which leads to the leveling of originality own child in favor of the newfangled tendencies of the chosen "pedagogy". Often such parents use a certain book and try to verbatim implement its advice in education, get carried away
specially selected toys that do not correspond to the interests and needs of the child, create an artificial social circle,
they look for "talents and inclinations" in the child, very often imaginary
or responding to the existing "fashion", and training begins, breaking the mind, feelings and will of the child, reaching true torture and
hard labor for him. As a result, this leads to a deformation of his personality,
up to tragedy;

"strong", "volitional" measures of influence on the child in the family.Obedience and obedience should not be based on fear, which
breeds deceit, hypocrisy, sycophancy;

"device" by the parents of their child in prestigiouschildren's
kindergartens, schools, gymnasiums, without taking into account his individual capabilities
and inclinations. In such institutions, there is often an overload
child, his inability to cope with the curriculum, which
leads to serious nervous breakdowns, irritability and other
negative consequences;

connivance in education"free upbringing"
considering its negative consequences. In this case, education is often
generally absent, and subsequently it leads to lack of control and
complete uncontrollability in relation to the child;

parenting mistakes,contributing to the development of the child
negative positions, interests, habits, attitudes, etc.,

lack of social educationparents' desire
isolate the child from the outside world. Isolation from real life
forms "artificiality" and limited personality. Such
the child has a very difficult time in subsequent self-manifestation in
school environment, interacting with peers. He doesn't know what's best
behave with them. All this contributes to its isolation, containment
activity, ridicule of peers, and sometimes bullying from their
side or, conversely, his inadequate actions and deeds,
the consequences of which are difficult to predict;

f) family problems affecting the upbringing of the child:

the child who was not expectedand the resulting negative attitude towards him;

humiliated or insufficiently honorable position of the mother in
family.Disrespect for the mother leads to ignoring her educational impact and the formation of an understanding that it is not necessary to obey those who make any comments and instructions.
Boys may develop a negative attitude
to representatives of the opposite sex;

absence of a father or his positive educational influence on a child family violence,contributing to the formation
the child has tension turning into fear with all the negative consequences that follow from this phenomenon;

parental disengagement from raising a childfor various reasons: "official" employment; because of the desire to live for
themselves while young; shifting education to grandparents,
other educators. Such parents often believe that as long as the child
nok is small, he does not understand anything, and when he grows up, that's when
will be engaged in his education, etc.;

lack of unity of requirements, coordination of actions in
the process of education;

lack of internal discipline and order in the family,positive educational examples, actual role models;

Wednesday - 6

g) a book that accidentally came across, a television program is far from
child content that arouses early interest beyond their age
and the search for an answer not from parents, but from acquaintances;

h) street in the broad sense of the word, with all its worldly aspects:

— negative examples of elders;

the circle of new acquaintances is far from the best behavior,joint
looking for adventure, etc.

These reasons lead to the appearance of difficult children.

Difficult children include:

hyperactive healthy and not, more often "nervous", lively, easily impressionable, restless;

hypoactive usually lethargic, pale, sickly,
sedentary, far from being so receptive, more stubborn, wayward, highly irritable, etc.;

characterized by increased susceptibility.They (especially small children) are excited or paralyzed by the aggressiveness of the school bustle running, noise, screaming, especially the scream of the teacher, even when he does not scream at them. From the cry of the student literally
freezes, freezes. Fear binds the child to such an extent that he
hears even his own name; the teacher's speech loses its meaning, he does not
can understand what he is talking about;

gifted, found themselves in an environment of alienation, rejection. Such
phenomenon takes place due to various possibilities this child and the bulk of the children's team in cognitive activity and the inadequacy of their manifestation;

mentally retarded(not mentally retarded,
but normal children), in whose upbringing in preschool years mistakes have been made;

found themselves in a state of maladaptation (the beginning of their stay in
kindergarten, transition from kindergarten to school, when moving to another school team, etc.) and the inability of educators to realize
it is provoking inappropriate behavior and negative deformation
personality. This fact is especially negative when
the environment itself turns out to be aggressive towards this child;

Factors contributing to the formation of a child's difficult education: heredity, environment, upbringing. Reason lack of opportunity early diagnosis child's problems. Lack of a system of preventive work.

2. Typical groups of difficult to educate and features
educational work with them

Soroka-RosinskyViktor Nikolaevich, teacher. A graduate of the Alexander Novgorod men's gymnasium. He continued his studies at the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University. After graduating from the university in 1906, he worked at the Military Medical Academy, where he studied the problems of psychology under the guidance of V.M. Bekhterev and A.F. Lazursky. At the same time he taught history and literature in secondary schools. educational institutions Petrograd (in 1918-20 at the school of the Putilov factory). In 1920-25. headed the "Petrograd Department of People's Individual Education. F. M. Dostoevsky for the hard-to-learn” (known mainly under the name “School-Commune named after F. M. Dostoevsky”, ShKID); in 1925-28 director of a school for difficult teenagers; at the same time methodologist LGPI them. A. I. Herzen at the department of social and legal protection of minors (SPON), which trained educators to work with homeless and difficult children; taught in classes for the difficult to educate at the Torfyansky technical school, at the school for psychoneurotics at the Pedological Institute (in 1933-36 Researcher Institute), in the secondary schools of Leningrad (before 1942 and after 1948); since 1942 in evacuation, he taught at the Gorno-Altai Pedagogical College, at the Przhevalsk Pedagogical Institute.

In the article "The Difficult to Raise" (1924), they are given a fairly figurative and reasoned typification of such children.

At their core, they differ from their peers in self-manifestation and perception of educational work with them. In a broad sense, "difficult to educate" is a deviation from the norm.
At the same time, such deviations are characterized by the author as follows.

Typical groups according to the degree of deviation from the norm: below the norm, above the norm, partially below the norm.

1) A child who is below the norm in his development (does not correspond to the level of normal developed child his own age). Soroka-Rosinsky called this category subnormality (from lat.
sub sub and norma pattern).

2) A child characterized by a certain giftedness, he is distinguished by increased development in a qualitative or quantitative sense. This category has been namedsupranormality(from lat.
Isupra above, above and norma sample). The supranormal are
gifted children who are not able to adequately realize their abilities in the environment of their life.

3) A child characterized by deviation from the norm in the narrow sense of the word. This category is characterized as denormality (from lat. | de a prefix meaning the absence or reduction of something and norma sample). In some areas, this child has not reached the level of normal development, which affects his behavior, relationships, and opportunities for self-realization.

In practice, it is very difficult to draw a line not only between denormality and supranormality, but even between subnormality and
supranormality. The inability of the educator to understand the characteristics of the child most often acts as the main factor in the formation of his difficult to educate.

The nature of the deviationeach child has his own. Collectively, she
may be influenced by:

BUT) external factorSoroka-Rosinsky called it exogenous
from the Greek echo outside, outside and genos origin) factor.
The originality of the children of this group is explained mainly by the external conditions of the environment and education;

B) internal factorthe result of some organic
features of the mental or nervous nature of the child. This category was defined
endogenous (from Greek endos inside and genos origin) factor. Children of this group are characterized by internal deviations in development that affect their attitudes and behavior. In this case external factors able to weaken the influence of internal or, conversely, enhance their negative manifestation.

The foregoing allowed Soroka-Rosinsky to single out three typical groups of difficult-to-educate children.

Selection of groups based on the source of deformation: one group of deformations from outside; two groups are internally deformed.

First group. These are normal children who are under the influence
external factors are deformed. Their difficult education is determined by the depth of deformation of the personality, its moral (spiritual)
basics. It takes place in the form:

normally developed children with comparatively superficial
personality formation.This is such a deformation that has not had time yet
change, "disfigure" the moral foundations (spirituality) of the individual;

normally developed children with severe personality deformation.
It manifests itself in significant changes in the child's psyche, de-
formations of moral foundations (spirituality) of the individual, in the form
his negative attitudes, habits and inclinations.

Second group. These are children who, under the influence of internal
factors have mental deviations (emotional excitability, weakness of restraining centers and a strong tendency to all kinds of emotional experiences, etc.), which significantly affect their moral positions, habits, inclinations and manifestations. These deviations are the result of severe heredity, various organic defects in the feather system and psyche. Such children do not need a special medical regimen. These include:

children with general mental instability.They are characterized
poor resistance of the psyche to harmful influences, increased
emotional excitability, weakness of the restraining centers and a strong tendency to all kinds of emotional experiences. Representatives of this group include psychoneurotics, hysterics, neurasthenics, children with different kind defects in emotional and

volitional areas. It is very difficult to give a general description of this group in view of the amazing variety of manifestations of mental instability;

children with mental disorders due to bad heredity or due to certain organic defects,leading to more or less permanent damage moral basis personality.

Correcting such a child in a short time is impossible. He needs a special (correctional) educational institution. Working with him, it is quite enough to give him knowledge and instill
skills in the field of some craft, perhaps he will later find it more profitable to engage in it, and not in illegal actions, for example, theft;

children with a general internal deformation of the psyche,preserving
equilibrium. Outwardly, such a child can be all right:
he is able to study diligently, not violate discipline, perform
social assignments, take part in circle activities.

However, he lacks a positive (moral) internal basis (core), decency, a sense of honor. He is characterized by rudeness towards teachers, pointless audacity, only
to show off, brag to comrades, aggressiveness
attitude towards the weak, the desire to humiliate them, force them to serve
himself, unconditionally obey, perform everything, including illegal actions on his instructions. All of this contributes to
environment of peers of leadership position. Such a child is able to actively oppose the work of educators in ordinary educational institutions. He needs a special correctional

Third group difficult to educate gifted children (supranormal). The human psyche is so rich and varied, the laws
its self-organizations are so complex and bizarre that often outstanding
people turn out to be such only because all the energy of their psyche is concentrated in one of its parts, giving it amazing wealth and strength, but impoverishing other parts of the soul. Fate
such a person sometimes depends on mere chance. If the external conditions of life develop in such a way that he manages to realize the strong and rich side of his psyche, everyone will consider him an outstanding person, and he will really become one. Under adverse external conditions, this will be a typical loser. Examples are not far to go: Newton was a very incapable student at school, Bismarck could hardly move forward and was also considered stupid, Linnaeus only by a lucky chance did not finish his career as a shoemaker, Darwin in his youth a typical varmint and lazy person, Rousseau was defective in many ways and yet all these people turned out to be talented largely due to their activity, self-education and self-education.

Gifted natures mean children with characters, in
which are manifested:

a) the ability to creatively process perceived materials, at least in the form of enough high performance;

b) increased giftedness, albeit one-sided;
in) normally developed moral feelings.
In the absence of a child's ability to work or moral
feelings, no matter how richly gifted he may be, it is necessary to recognize his deviations. Confirmation of this fact, emphasizes Magpie-
Vosinsky, life itself stands out. The most typical representatives of difficult-to-educate children among this category of children are:
children with mental instability and a certain giftedness.This category is characterized by hysteria, demonstrativeness and violent manifestation of feelings, disobedience to the rules of discipline. Under certain conditions, they may differ in exemplary behavior. At the same time, they have sufficient talent, which can manifest itself in the relevant field (artistry, artistic creativity, skill in something, etc.), are full creative energy, are always passionate about something and do everything with rapture, inspiration, take their studies very seriously for their age, they have their own interests (for example, literature, politics, etc.). Such a child may not have negative habits, he is very attached both to school and to individuals whom he considers knowledgeable and who satisfy his insatiable thirst for knowledge. The teacher sees in him the highest, chosen and complex individuality;

b) children are physically weak, mentally well, with average
abilities and talents.
They are quite proficient
themselves, are capable of showing talent, have their own style,
originality in activity. One can speak of such a child as
future greatness in a certain field (for example, in literature, art, etc.), unless inspiration leaves him and
conditions will apply. In school activities
he shows laziness, not wanting to study with the class, does not recognize any authority and believes that he himself is better than any teachers
knows what and how to do it. Is fond of reading various literature, any practical activity (for example, drawing, art or other that inspires him), showing
with amazing performance. This is also an example of high talent, coupled with great capacity for work with a fairly developed moral sense.

in) children are mentally and physically healthy, talented, but under the influence of external factors (families or streets) "deformed.
Such children mentally do not show giftedness above
norms. They are corrupted by the environment. This negatively affects their attitude to study, reading, and in general to any higher spiritual
requests. These are practical natures, with narrow utilitarian aspirations. They quickly adapt to the environment, master the situation and know how to subjugate the environment, turning it

as a means of achieving personal (selfish) goals ("slaves" - this is how Soroka-Rosinsky characterized them). It is extremely difficult to overcome the negative impact they create on the environment, since they skillfully
use their “slaves” insolvent debtors who are literally in their slavery and perform all sorts of assignments for
a small fee.

The foregoing indicates a fairly large variety of types of difficult-to-educate.

3. Forms of manifestation of difficult to educate and problems
education of difficult-to-educate

Difficulties in education a multidimensional phenomenon and at the same time
integral. The famous Russian scientist, doctor and teacher P.F. Lesgaft (18371909) singled out characteristic types schoolchildren: hypocritical, ambitious, good-natured, downtrodden soft, downtrodden
vicious, oppressed. The reasons for the formation of each of them are determined primarily by the conditions of family life in which
child is brought up. Any type is peculiarly manifested in relations with peers and educators. For the educator, accounting and pedagogical activity to overcome his negative originality presents certain difficulties.

As noted, difficulty in education is characterized by a manifestation of rejection of the requirements of the educator. Practice testifies
that the following forms of manifestation can be distinguished:

openly extremist(attempts to block, neutralize the influence of the educator through slander, creating a psychological vacuum, “sticking” mocking nicknames,

demonstrations of non-recognition, etc.);

covert extremist(outwardly supporting the actions of the teacher, especially in his presence, but doing everything to resist
their implementation);

openly aggressivein the form of a boycott of the actions of the educator, by their actions, openly activating others to counteract;

sarcastic, manifested not only in distrust of the educator, but also disbelief in his goals and ways to achieve them;

hidden,outwardly indifferent or supporting the educator, his positive and negative actions,
while inciting others to resist. One of the most
disgusting forms of manifestation of the position of the individual;

indifferent expressed in non-perception and non-reaction
on the actions of the educator;

formal in relation to the personality and activities of the educator,distrustful of him. Both, both the educator and the educated,
in this case as if they live in completely different temporal and spatial dimensions.

The most important task of various categories of educators is to ensure the most appropriate pedagogical activities forprevention of educational difficultieschildren and teenagers. For these purposes

deep knowledge of the parents of their child, educators distinctive features pupils;

the ability to pedagogically competently take into account the variety of factors affecting the uniqueness of the development and upbringing of the child, the formation of his difficult education;

the ability to most expediently realize their educational opportunities in work with him;

the ability to teach a child to see the world, to develop his mental abilities from the very early childhood;

the ability to pedagogically competently organize the interaction of the main subjects of education.

The teacher has an important role in preventing the formation of educationally difficult children. For achievement
for this purpose, he can involve other educators, the public.

No less important is the task of educators to be able to build educational work with children who are difficult in educational terms, resolving their problems.

In educational work with difficult-to-educate children, special
perseverance and pedagogical expediency. An intensive educational process, the object of which is a difficult to educate, has as its goal a certain harmonization of the student's psyche,
giving it the highest stability. By creating the most optimal conditions for this, educators contribute to the maximum
revealing the gifts of each.

The general way to overcome educational difficulties in the maximum disclosure of individuality "self" of the child (for
himself, parents, educators) and the organization of the unity of the interaction of all subjects and objects to eliminate this phenomenon
based on the transformation of the object (difficult child) into an active subject of this interaction.

Conventional Methods and methods of education that lead to good results in working with the bulk of children, difficult children
unsuitable. They need other methods and techniques. Each of
they have something special, personal, unlike other difficult children:
their causes, their deviations from the norm, their ways of development. For
pedagogically competent work with difficult-to-educate people is required
first of all, to identify these causes and individual characteristics

Just as a doctor carefully examines the patient's body, looking for and
finds the origins of the disease in order to begin treatment, and the teacher
must be thoughtfully, attentively, patiently examined, studied
mental, emotional, moral development of the child, seek and
find the reason why it became difficult. Thanks to the acquired knowledge, he determines and applies in practice such measures.
educational impact, which would take into account the peculiarities of the individual world of this child.

It is necessary that difficult students be first of all educators for teachers, so that teaching for them becomes a sphere of affirmation of high human dignity. Makarenko emphasized: to beat on beauty, on feeling dignity beat for sure.

In each case, educational work has its own
content. It is almost impossible to reveal various technologies of education and re-education. It doesn't always need isolation.
child from the natural environment, the usual conditions in which he
lives. At the same time, in work with individual difficult-to-educate
normal conditions of upbringing are unacceptable. They need special
educational (correctional) institutions, the level of severity in
which, the mode and organization of educational work correspond to
depth of deformation of the personality and aggressiveness of manifestations. Ordinary institutions are useless for them, and for the children around them they

It is believed that you can “pull up” a difficult child by forcing
him to learn certain material. This approach is wrong. Can't be reached qualitative change in mental activity
difficult child by some emergency measures, special means of influencing his will. You can't force yourself to be smarter.
After the use of "strong-willed" means, which must be used and which are the only way out, become powerless.

As an example of educational work, one can cite the technology of practice for overcoming learning difficulties, set out by Sukhomlinsky.

  1. Strengthen the child's faith in his own strength and patiently wait for that
    the moment when there is even a slight shift in his mental
    activities. This shift is essentially very small, from the first
    At a glance, it may seem like just a random stroke of luck. But this luck
    is experienced by the child as a joyful success, from which he draws
    new energy.
  2. From success to success this is the mental (and not only) education of a difficult child.
  3. Support the positive activity of the child, stimulate his cognitive activity. If he failed at something
    today, then do not scold, do not stun him with a “deuce”. You should not evaluate its results, according to the instructions for assessing progress.
    Such a child requires other evaluation criteria. Primary
    stage, his results should be compared with his previous achievements. A weak, frail plant needs special care and
  4. Try not to put your child in a hopeless situation, in hopelessness.
  5. Exceptional attentiveness and patience in the lesson, where
    a difficult child is next to more capable children. Neither
    in a single word, not in a single gesture, can he be made to feel that
    the teacher stopped believing in his future.
  6. Strive to ensure that in each lesson a difficult child does
    some, even the most insignificant, step on the path of knowledge, achieved some kind of success.

Do not be afraid that for several weeks, maybe
Even for months, a difficult child performs assignments not of the same difficulty as the bulk of the students. Let him do tasks specially selected for him evaluate their results.

Consistently, persistently and at the same time patiently and tolerantly treat the slowness of the infant. In this case
one can hope that he will have what can be called insight. This will be a powerful emotional boost. mental sensitivity,
knowledge of the child's psyche, patience and perseverance - all this contributes to the fact that the mental development of a difficult child gradually levels off, he ceases to be difficult.

These ideas and positions of Sukhomlinsky received their brilliant development in the experience of innovative teachers at the end of XX in. (Sh.A. Amonashvili,
E.N. Ilyina, V.F. Shatalov and others).

So, the causes and factors of educational difficulties are multifaceted and
multilevel. They interact and are interdependent. Knowledge
reasons, the personal level of interaction with the child the main
the path to success in preventing and overcoming educational difficulties.


  1. Expand the essence of the concept of "difficult to educate"

What are the main hereditary causes of the formation of children who are difficult in educational terms.

What are the acquired peculiarities that determine the formation of children who are difficult to educate?

Indicate the mistakes and omissions of parents in the upbringing of the child, causing his difficulties in upbringing.

V.N. Soroka-Rosinsky about difficult-to-educate, characterized by a depth of personality deformation under the influence of external factors, and their features.

As V.N. Soroka-Rosshsky difficult-to-educate, whose behavior is due to exposure internal factors, and their features.

As V.N. Soroka-Rosknsky difficult to educate, whose behavior is due to giftedness, and their characteristics?

  1. Name the main forms of manifestation of difficult education.

Name the features of the activities of various categories of educators to prevent educational difficulties.

  1. Name the features of the activity of elementary school teachers but the prevention of the formation of children who are difficult in educational terms.
  2. What are the problems of educational work with children who are difficult in educational terms

Children with an initial degree of school maladjustment and didactogeny, pedagogically neglected, it is necessary to identify and provide the necessary assistance in time, eliminating the causes of maladaptation, and carrying out the necessary corrective work to address gaps in knowledge and deviations in behavior.

Children with chronic or long-term illnesses and poor health become difficult to educate if they do not eliminate gaps in knowledge that arise due to long absences from classes and due to overprotection by the parents. AT modern conditions such children can be transferred to home schooling or, if they are physically able to go to school, they just cannot be present at all lessons, invited to classes outside of school hours and deal with them in a gentle manner. Otherwise, they should be treated like ordinary children. Some schools open primary classes for sick and weakened children who study in a different mode and under the close attention of doctors. There are schools with a health-improving bias, which are equipped with physiotherapy and water treatment rooms, there is a dental office, etc.

Children with character accentuations. They tend to be socially positive (with correct behavior educators with them and the adequate influence of the entire social environment) or socially negative development. The author of the term is psychiatrist K. Leonhard. Character accentuations - excessive strengthening of individual character traits and their combinations, representing extreme variants of the norm:

Asthenic (asthenoneurotic)- appears in
signs such as fast fatiguability, stimulus
anxiety, tendency to depression, increased anxiety,
suspiciousness, indecision, a tendency to introspection,
constant doubts, obsessive thoughts.

Hyperthymic- are characterized by constantly elevated
structure, increased mental activity with thirst

Activities and a tendency to scatter without completing the matter, contact, talkativeness, energy, initiative and at the same time frivolity, irritability, difficult tolerance for conditions of strict discipline, forced loneliness, feel the distance in relationships, especially with those who are older than them.

demonstrative- its carriers are artistic, bypass
solid, extraordinary in thinking and actions, striving for
leadership, easily adapt to other people and together
at the same time selfish, hypocritical, dishonest in work,

Distimnaya- its representatives are serious, conscientious,
devoted in friendship, rarely conflict, but not to the best of pass
sivny, laconic, prone to pessimism, closed

hysteroid- characterized by egocentrism, a thirst for
attention, deceit and a desire to embellish oneself,
propensity for antisocial acts and leadership in groups.

Conformal- an exaggerated desire for common acceptance
standards, combined with a lack of analytical skills
rovat their own and other people's actions, non-conflict.

Labile-emotional- abrupt change
mood depending on the situation, representatives of her nerve
We are excitable, very emotional and sensitive.

sensitive-associated with traits such as elevated
naya impressionability, a heightened sense of one's own
usefulness, shyness, timidity, timidity, indecisiveness

Schizoid- associated with emotional coldness,
isolation, unusual thinking, prefer about
communication with adults.

Cycloid- characterized by the alternation of phases of good and
bad mood with different periods; during the
rise, representatives of this type behave according to hy-
pertimal type, in the period of recession - according to distimic.

epileptoid- associated with traits such as slope
susceptibility to a maliciously melancholy mood, irritability,
aggressiveness, internal dissatisfaction, show
in the form of anger, anger, rage, cruelty, conflict
resentment, resentment. Often associated with viscosity
niya, scrupulousness, pedantry. great attention
devoted to their own health.

In recent years, in the psychological and pedagogical literature, so-called non-standard children: losers and outcasts, shy, left-handed, children with character, slow children.

shy kids are constantly embarrassed, anxious, indecisive, they have difficulties in communication, caused by thoughts of their inferiority and negative attitude interlocutors, excessive reflexivity, self-centeredness. Often, others consider a shy person to be unfriendly, arrogant, not interested in communicating with others. On the one hand, one must take into account this feature and not force the child to perform actions and deeds that require publicity and various contacts. Often such children are embarrassed to answer at the lesson at the blackboard, knowing the material perfectly, it is more expedient to ask them in writing, to invite them after lessons for oral answers, but gradually they must be led to overcome their shyness at least in relation to classmates. On the other hand, it is necessary to constantly strengthen their faith in themselves, gradually expand the circle of their communication and contacts, supporting the slightest success of the child in this direction.

Lefty- a child with a functional predominance of the left hand over the right. In addition to obvious left-handedness, there is a hidden one, when in unusual conditions or a stressful situation, a left-hander retrained in childhood switches to left hand or by nature, a person uses his hands equally (ambidexterity). still exists deeply erroneous opinion that left-handed bone is a pathology. Left-handed people, according to scientists, are over 10% of the world's population. There are many great people among left-handed people, they fully master even fine motor skills (writing, drawing), they normally go through all stages of physical and mental development and are absolutely full-fledged personalities. A left-handed child has developmental features that must be taken into account in the process of education and training: they are characterized by excessive motor restlessness, restlessness, inattention, increased excitability, or vice versa - refusal to work. But all these manifestations cannot be removed by punishments, shouting and the educator's own irritation. Left-handers are vulnerable, require careful and attentive attitude to yourself. The retraining of left-handers should be strictly prohibited, because it attempts to change the activity of the brain. For example, right-handed

For some people, the speech center is in the left hemisphere (90%), while for left-handed people it is in the right hemisphere (70%), but it can be located symmetrically in both the right and left hemispheres. Retraining leads to mental trauma and neurosis, speech disorders.

gifted children- children who show general or special talent (for music, drawing, technology, etc.). It is customary to diagnose giftedness by the rate of mental development - the degree of advance by the child, all other things being equal, of their peers (tests of mental giftedness and IQ are based on this). The value of such an indicator should not be exaggerated, since the creative side of the mind is of paramount importance. Before others, one can detect the artistic talent of children (in the field of music, then in drawing). In the environment of science, giftedness in mathematics is most quickly manifested. Children with unusually early mental development or with especially bright, extraordinary achievements in any activity are called geeks. Why did gifted children fall into the group of difficult-to-educate children? Because problems often arise with them more than with other categories of difficult children.

Features of the Gifted children:

Non-standard behavior;

Dislike for school (quite often);

Interest in complex games and problems;

High personal standards and a constant feeling of


Hyper-vulnerability, vulnerability and heightened feelings

The desire to bring everything to perfection (per-


All-consuming curiosity.

Gifted kids tend to skip grades, leaving school at 12 or 13. This gives rise to difficulties in their socialization, since they fall into a different age category (a junior schoolchild among teenagers or high school students, a teenager among adult students). The first way to work with such children is, first of all, to teach them in special classes with a faster and higher level of learning or in gymnasiums and lyceums, which

initially focused on more capable and developed children. There are experimental schools for gifted children, for which non-standard training and development programs are being developed. Abroad, there are special models for teaching gifted children: a free class, three types of enrichment of the curriculum, etc. Not every teacher is suitable for such children, he must have a high level of intellectual development, have a dynamic character, a sense of humor, a positive self-concept, personal maturity and emotional stability.

Underachieving children. There are many different approaches to the classification of causes of failure. First of all, it may be pedagogical neglect. With weak intellectual abilities, the lack of help and control leads to deep gaps in knowledge and persistent underachievement. However, there is a category of children with the so-called relative underachievement, at which the real level of knowledge lags behind the actual abilities of students. This is most often caused by a discrepancy between the potential capabilities of the child and the underestimated requirements placed on him. In such cases, an excellent student in elementary school turns into high school into a troechnik, and even into an underachieving schoolchild with high level intelligence development.

The researcher of poor progress L.S. Slavina identified the following groups of underachieving students: children with wrong attitude to teaching; difficult to digest material(low learning ability); children, at who have not developed the skills and methods of educational work(can't learn) students, unable to work; children who have lack of cognitive and educational interests. At the same time, the failure of individual students can be episodic (control has weakened, active interests have arisen outside the school, etc.), be partial, but relatively stable in basic or individual subjects (weak student ability to the subject and lack of interest in it, conflicts with teachers and others), to wear a general and deep backlog in teaching in many subjects for a long time.

Overcoming poor progress is individual in each case: from purely educational measures to help overcome difficulties in mastering the material and gaps in knowledge that have arisen to transfer to correctional classes and even auxiliary schools. Common in working with unsuccessful

Thus, it is quite obvious that the child is a subject in pedagogical process which makes it very difficult, but also infinitely interesting for the teacher.

Questions and tasks

1. The paragraph gives a description of far from all groups of difficult
fed children. Select relevant literature and prepare
speeches in class.

2. Visit a class at school and observe how the teacher works with
more able and less successful students. Rate and
your suggestions.


Anufriev A. F., Kostromicha S. N. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children. M., 1997.

Bezrukikh M. M., Efimova S. P. Do you know your student? M., 1991.

Bezrukikh M.M., Efimova S.P., Krugloe B.V. Why is learning difficult? M., 1995.

Bityanova M. R. Adaptation of the child at school: diagnostics, correction, pedagogical support. M., 1997.

Wiseman N. Rehabilitation Pedagogy. M., 1996.

Gilbukh Y. 3. Attention: gifted children. M., 1991.

Diagnosis of school maladaptation. M., 1993.

Dorovskoy A.I. Didactic foundations for the development of gifted students. M., 1998.

Drobinskaya A. O. School difficulties of non-standard children. M., 1999.

Zimbardo F. Shyness. M., 1991.

Kashchenko V.P. Pedagogical correction. M., 1994.

Kondratiev M. Yu. Teen in vicious circle communication. M.; Voronezh, 1997.

Kruchinka M. A child with character. SPb., 1996.

Leaver Betty L. Whole class teaching. M., 1993.

Ovchinnikova I. G. These native non-native children. M., 1983.

gifted children. M., 1991.

Rutter M. Help for difficult children. M., 1987.

Difficulty in education and its features.

1. Negative phenomena in the spiritual world of the individual.

main external causes.

The idea of ​​social conditioning dominates in pedagogy and psychology

negative phenomena in the psyche of the individual, by no means connected with the social nature. On the contrary, any manifestation of immorality, delinquency and crime is the result of a break in the healthy ties of the individual with society, distortions, deviations in its social development.

Already in the 1920s and 1930s, three groups of reasons were identified that determine

educational difficulties and deviations in behavior: social depravity,

pedagogical neglect and abnormal pathological deviations in mental development. These reasons in those years were mass orphanhood, the homelessness of millions of children, the low level of spiritual development of parents, the conservatism of teachers, mistakes in school and family education.

Negative external phenomena, combined with weaknesses and deviations in

psyche, create internal causes incompetence and immorality.

Arises negative attitude personality to the environment.

By the age of 60, rates of child delinquency and crime change. There is a clear trend: if in the 20s and 30s negative phenomena in the inner world of children were the result of poor living conditions, want and hunger, then in the 60s the child's psyche is disfigured by material excesses and an unhealthy lifestyle (the cult of pleasure, easy, beautiful life).

Significant changes have also taken place in the psychology of those who are difficult to educate: before, such negative qualities as cruelty, anarchism, theft, and distrust of Soviet power prevailed. In difficult children of the 60s, selfishness, envy, deceit, laziness, the ability to maneuver, to take advantage of the weaknesses of others, and a sense of impunity were primarily striking.

The forces involved in re-education also changed: in the 1920s and 1930s, re-education was carried out in special institutions, and in the 60s - through the efforts of the general population, the public, schools, families, industries, police, etc. There are more opportunities for effective solution re-education problems.

Currently leading position among external causes difficulties in education are occupied by mistakes and shortcomings in school and family education. Since the family and school are social cells, and education is a social process, the causes of difficult education are still of a social nature.

The socialist system has eliminated the root cause of immorality, delinquency and crime. But in the minds of people, there are still remnants of the past in the form of petty-bourgeois psychology, greed, parasitism, etc.

Alcoholism, masquerading as traditional hospitality, persists also because material well-being is increasing, free time. First of all, people with a low cultural level, weak-willed, degraded suffer from alcoholism. An important pattern can be traced here: if favorable for the flourishing of personality social conditions are not combined with the spiritual development of people, the growth of their education and culture, then such remnants of the past as greed, speculation, drunkenness, protectionism, philistinism appear.

Another reason for the appearance of negative phenomena in the inner world of people is shortcomings in economic and cultural construction, in the organization of labor in production, and in the sphere of public services.

In our time, the upbringing of a new person is a task of national importance. The pace and level of transition to new social relations ultimately depend on its solution. Meanwhile, the school does not fully satisfy the sharply increased demands of children, does not always provide qualified guidance for the aesthetic and technical development of children. According to numerous pedagogical research, school life does not satisfy many students. This leads to the alienation of some children from school, complicates the management of their moral education. A significant difficulty is the inconsistency and inconsistency of educational influences, associated, firstly, with the lack of unity of the requirements of teachers, and secondly, with the inconsistency of the actions of the school and the family. An unstable educational environment arises in which the master of the situation is a child who does not have any moral sufficient

maturity or life experience.

The instability of educational influences and their inconsistency lead to

instability of behavior, to the fragility of the formed positive qualities,

give rise to lack of will, easy suggestibility and excessive conceit - qualities that

characteristic of most difficult children.

Pedagogical science has established that:

1. No single reason can lead to complex

negative change in the psyche. Difficult to educate, delinquent,

criminals, a person becomes an asocial personality only under the influence

set of unfavorable causes. Therefore, the system of re-education

should be aimed at preventing various negative influences and unfavorable conditions from uniting and acting in a complex. AT

In this case, individual personality shortcomings enter in a milder form and with

active participation of labor, educational teams, the most successfully educated

are eliminated.

2. Alteration, restructuring, of the inner world of a person - a process

natural, necessary in relation to all people without exception. In his

the basis is the unified processes of restructuring consciousness and behavior. Moreover, it is important

so that the scientific foundations of re-education as an organic part of

education systems.

Internal preconditions.

It often happens that people live in identical conditions, experience the same

events experience the same negative effects. But one person

comes out of life's trials hardened, the other - spiritually broken, without

faith in oneself and people is degrading. Therefore, unfavorable conditions

circumstances, harmful influences some are perceived and assimilated, others

are rejected. The inner world of the individual or contributes to education

negative qualities, or has a sharp resistance to evil, activates

human struggle with negative phenomena.

In science, predisposition to the negative and resistance to it

are explained differently. Bourgeois scholars, for example, determined

predisposition to crime according to the constitution of the body, the length of the limbs,

face oval, head size, etc. The absurdity of such reasoning soon

became clear to everyone. But the idea still lives in bourgeois science

hereditary conditionality of immoral behavior. Unlike her

Soviet pedagogy distinguishes four main groups of internal prerequisites,

contributing to the formation of negative phenomena.

The first group - factors of positive personality development, distorted in

the result of a wrong upbringing.

These include:

a) The orientation of the personality, which gives stability

life position of a person, helps him to distinguish moral from

immoral, brush aside any attempts from outside to destroy spiritual values

personalities expressing its social essence.

b) The level of general development of the personality. Research shows

that erudition, mental development and other indicators of general development help

pupils to distinguish between real moral values from the imaginary

make the right choice of the ideal, critically assess the actions and

people's actions. General development contributes to the intensive growth of consciousness and

self-awareness, on the basis of which an objective self-assessment is formed is an important

factor in the struggle of the individual himself with the existing shortcomings.

c) The dialectic of the formation of the inner world of the individual.

The core is the process of development. The dialectic of any development is based on the emergence and resolution of internal contradictions, the struggle between the old and the new, the positive and the negative. To prevent the occurrence

negative phenomena in the spiritual world of the individual, it is necessary to take into account

the complexity and inconsistency of the education of individual qualities, their relationship.

d) Increasingly atypical personality. This phenomenon

progressive: society creates the prerequisites for ever more complete flourishing

individuality of a person, for the manifestation and development of talents and abilities

for personal and social self-affirmation in various spheres of life and work.

Atypical personality is clearly manifested in adolescence when by

According to many studies, sustainable professional

interests, physiological maturation is completed, sexual

features, individuality becomes unique due to talents and

abilities. In general, positive development factors are the basis

education of personality resistance and overcoming its negative properties.

But for this, the educational process must comply with the basic

principles and requirements of education.

The second group is the factors of negative personality development that have arisen in

as a result of gaps and deviations in mental development.

Children with mental retardation react exacerbated only to

negative, weakly notice and perceive the positive in the world around them.

Sluggish and lethargic, they cannot study hard and work hard.

Deviations in the psyche with proper treatment and education can be

eliminated. Positive social and pedagogical influences in this case

play a decisive role.

Gaps in mental development. As a result of omissions and mistakes in education

there may be deficiencies in mental development, gaps and distortion

which are an internal prerequisite for the negative in the spiritual world of the individual.

If a mental states connect with psychological mistakes, inevitably

the appearance of rudeness, disrespect for people in general. On this basis, a


Often, as a result of a difficult family atmosphere, a child develops neuroses.

Hysteria, irascibility lead to pugnacity, scandalousness,

quarrelsomeness, generally to shortcomings in the development of the will, and then to

negative willpower.

The third group is already formed negative qualities.

In accordance with the principle of determinism, the internal changes under the influence

external, and any new external influence is refracted through spiritual world

personality. And how the person will accept these external influences, what will he learn, and

what will drop depends on the result of external influence. already formed under

the influence of external internal education, the level of development become

the most important factors for further changes in the spiritual world of the individual, more

Moreover, they have the property of self-development. In this case, a person seeks and creates

their needs, to apply their strengths and abilities.

The fourth group of internal prerequisites for educational difficulties -

unformed socially valuable individual experience. basis

the formation of positive qualities is a socially valuable life experience. He

creates resistance to negative influences. No wonder where the school is

works hard on creating a healthy lifestyle, including children in

socially useful affairs, where there is an enrichment of individual experience based on

the traditions of the people.

In the system of education, individual life experience must be combined with

socially valuable experience collective, with the traditions and customs of the people.

The existing system of educational work at the school does not take into account the diversity

development of a certain category of children, does not give them the opportunity to express themselves,

their positive qualities. There is a backlog of the general and moral

development of some adolescents.

The school and the community have an important task to organize

diverse practical experience of children. Otherwise, all verbal

educational influences will turn out to be useless, ineffective, devoid of

real practical basis.

Weaknesses and shortcomings of positive experiences lead to negative ones: deception

parents and teachers, aimless pastime, hooligan

actions, drinking alcohol, etc. Asocial experience of activity

and behavior always results from pedagogical errors, shortcomings in work

schools: the student loses interest in learning due to his failures, inability to learn,

think and act independently, be critical of the negative

experience of some adults. Asocial experience includes neglected

behavior, disobedience, self-will, aimless pastime,

stable conflict with others, unhealthy lifestyle.

At the heart of antisocial experience lies an unhealthy lifestyle. Not by chance

offenses in 9 cases out of 10 are committed by adolescents when they do not

study, are not engaged in socially useful work. 80% offenders, first time

offenders were intoxicated.

Therefore, the asocial life experience of the individual is the main

source of immoral acts and actions. It is in the presence of such

experience in the spiritual face of the personality acquires a tendency to self-development, to

further spiritual transformation. All previous groups of internal prerequisites

the formation of negative phenomena in the spiritual world of the individual, as well as external

causes do not operate in isolation from each other. Interaction

unfavorable internal factors is carried out on the basis of asocial

experience. This experience is also a consequence of other negative phenomena in the spiritual

world, and in conditions of their further aggravation. The primary negative

phenomena arise from failures in activities and relationships due to

unpreparedness, insufficient development of positive personality traits.

2. Who are they - difficult children?

Until recently, the statement was very fashionable: there are no bad students,

there are bad teachers, and since this is so, there are no difficult children, their

came up with unfortunate teachers in order to somehow explain their inability

bring up.

The difficult child is small man, which, by virtue of the most

various reasons, abnormalities, some deviations in mental

development. The usual methods and techniques of education that lead to good

results in working with the bulk of children, to apply to difficult children

to no avail, you need to look for some other, special methods and techniques


Difficult children are a complex concept. Each of them has something special,

individual, not like other difficult children: its own reason, its own

features of deviation from the norm, their own ways of education. It must be remembered that

problem child, whatever it may be, we must put on the road

civil, labor, spiritual life.

Every year mental education plays an increasingly important role in shaping

spiritual, moral, civil image of a person. It cannot be allowed to

at school there was a group of children who felt like failures, no matter what

capable. One of the causes of delinquency among minors and among

youth in general is just what some teenagers experience

the bitterness of his own intellectual inferiority. If to this

the unfavorable situation in the family is added, then the danger of breakdowns in

the moral behavior of difficult pupils increases even more.

The main reasons why a child becomes difficult, unsuccessful,

lagging behind, the vast majority lie in education, in conditions

surrounding the child during early childhood. Parents and caregivers

preschooler and primary school student are dealing with the most subtle, most sensitive, most

gentle, which is in nature - with a child's brain. And if the child has become difficult,

if everything that is feasible for other people is not feasible for him, then in childhood he did not

received for his development from the people around him what he should have received.

A difficult child becomes precisely at this age - from a year to seven - eight

years. And if the teacher did not see, did not understand this, did not understand the reasons,

origins of deviations from normal mental development, the difficulties of its

further mental life are further exacerbated. If these reasons

the origins are clear, studied, researched, a powerful

strength - education, built on the same strictly scientific foundations as

patient treatment.

3. Personality characteristics of the difficult to educate.

The implementation of re-education is unthinkable without a deep analysis of behavior

difficult children (features of their psyche that caused this behavior). difficult

adolescents are characterized by basically the same personality traits and age

features that are common to all his peers. At the same time, it is the general

that which is inherent in all prevails over the special, specific, characteristic only for

difficult teenagers.

This means that re-education should be carried out on the basis of general

principles of the educational process, taking into account specific features

hard-to-educate. This requires a comprehensive and objective analysis

characteristics of the behavior of difficult children. Meanwhile, the behavior of difficult

children is, first of all, a kind of reflection of unfavorable external

influences. Therefore, the typical features of difficult adolescents indicate typical

mistakes in their upbringing. One such mistake is the lack of

attention to the motives of actions and behavior of difficult adolescents.

Difficulties in education and the process of re-education itself are connected not only with

behavior change, but also with the transformation of the entire motivational sphere

difficult teenager. When educational difficulty arises, it is formed and

a special, supporting and justifying system of motives. Availability

antisocial motives of behavior contributes to the formation of bad habits

and negative qualities. But it also happens the other way around: doing things

misbehavior leads to a search for motives by which a teenager

as if justifying itself, consoling that nothing bad happened, that otherwise

he couldn't do it.

The motivational environment of difficult teenagers includes:

Leading motives that determine the negative orientation of the personality;

Everyday or everyday motives that regulate mainly

the relationship of a difficult teenager with the people around him, which determines his

situational behaviour.

Determining the motives for the behavior of difficult adolescents, it is impossible for the same reasons

or similar conditions to judge the similarity of motives. Even in group

each teenager acts for different motives. Precisely because of

Differences in the motivational sphere Difficult teenager reacts in a very peculiar way

to various educational influences. And determine the direction of re-education

possible only if the motives of the behavior of each

specific teenager.

All difficult adolescents are characterized by a need for vivid impressions,

emotional experiences.

Therefore, re-education must restructure the motivational sphere

teenager and switch his feelings, experiences to socially useful

Among the negative qualities of a difficult teenager there is always one that

is the main, leading, determining all the behavior of a teenager. For many

difficult adolescents are characterized, for example, by selfishness. It most often appears in

the form of consumer inclinations and personal attitudes.

Egoism suffers mainly from spoiled children.

Unscrupulousness is another common feature of difficult children.

There are no firm moral standards for such children. To re-educate such

teenager, the restoration of uniform requirements in the family and school is required,

creation of firm rules, a clear regime, traditions.

The behavior of some adolescents may be determined by a frivolous attitude towards

life. The personality of a difficult teenager is formed depending on the type of nervous

system, from temperament, all biological and mental components. To

For example, a sanguine person experiences failure more acutely, protests more passionately

against injustice, mistakes of teachers, more actively fights for the implementation

your desires. The phlegmatic does not react to the “little things in life”, but is very worried

long-term conflict states with others, etc.

Studies show that in the nature of a difficult teenager often coexist

extreme opposites: a developed mind and almost no developed senses(or

vice versa), limited outlook and rich negative experience in everyday life

etc. All this creates internal tension and inconsistency of desires,

feelings, which is expressed in the conflicting actions of a teenager. That's what it is

the first feature of the behavior of difficult to educate, which is obliged to take into account

teacher, organizing re-education.

The second feature of the behavior of difficult children is conflict long

relationships with others. At first, conflicts arise, as a rule,

against the will of a teenager with one of the parents or teachers. Then conflict

environment expands and ends with a completely damaged relationship with

most adults and peers.

The third feature that characterizes the behavior of those who are difficult to educate is

is an egoistic position in life: they evaluate everything from the point of view of

whether it is beneficial to them or not; what will they get for themselves if they do

requirement of parents or teachers. Pursuit of pleasures, often unhealthy

(wine, tobacco, cards) at a high stage of educational difficulties becomes the main

stimulus for behavior. In this case, it comes to theft, malicious hooliganism.

The fourth feature is the extreme instability of their interests and aspirations,

change of moods, desires (2-3 times higher intensity).

The fifth feature of the behavior of those who are difficult to educate is opposition to

educational influences.

Features of the development of a difficult child:

The main deviations in the development of the psyche that gave rise to

wrong behavior;

The system of leading motives and incentives for the behavior of difficult children;

the main relationship of a difficult teenager with the outside world.

Especially often difficult teenagers reject the demands of unloved teachers,

i.e. those who accidentally or deliberately offended them, humiliated their personal

dignity. If a teenager has taken the path of thoughtful opposition

educational influences of teachers - this indicates the complexity

educational difficulties and serious mistakes in the educational process.

4. Diagnosis of educational difficulties.

I. Advanced pedagogical experience shows that an important condition

warning maladjustment is the elimination


For this you should:

1. Strengthen the formation of positive motives and incentives for learning, education

interest in knowledge, respect for science, love for school. Work in this

direction is diverse: the constant connection of learning with labor, the application

knowledge in practice, the belief in the need to study a particular subject

(material), showing the importance of knowledge in the leading professions of our days, meetings

with representatives of popular professions, etc. Of course, the formation

positive motives cannot be limited only to the satisfaction of cognitive

interests of difficult teenagers. Gotta turn Special attention to achieve

success in learning, to some extent satisfy the vanity of a teenager.

There is a general rule: without constant success in learning, interest in knowledge

do not educate.

2. Establish the causes of repetition and gaps in knowledge. Need

permanent diagnostics learning activities all teenagers.

3. To carry out individual work with weak students in the classroom.

The experience of individual independent knowledge justifies itself for difficult

children. Must be done skillfully individual approach. Tact, attention

careful attitude to any independent thought of lagging adolescents,

encouragement of each, albeit small, success is an important condition

preventive work with underachieving students.

4. Conduct regular extracurricular work with the underachievers and

repeaters. An important place belongs to individual consultations (according to

graphics), group lessons.

5. When implementing the prevention of repetition, we should not forget

special work directly with repeaters. Working with repeaters

and the prevention of repetition, as mass experience shows, sharply

reduces the number of difficult children at school, normalizes mental development


II. The lack of supervision is a school-wide and social problem. Need

a system of measures to strengthen the educational influence of the environment and take under

natural impact control. For this you need:

1. prepare for work the educational asset of the public in the microdistrict

schools (staff of community educators, chefs, sports instructors or

tourism, etc.)

2.determine the structure, functions and program of various types of institutions

public education (public children's libraries, sports

complexes, sections of teenagers at DSO clubs, etc.);

3. coordinate educational work at school and at the place of residence with

activities special organizations working with difficult children.

opportunities of the surrounding social sphere, on the diagnosis of the impact

"streets"., groups of teenagers, simultaneously strengthen the management of free

adolescent time.

III. A family.

Investigating the factors that negatively affect the child in the family, scientists

found that the most dangerous are: spoiled family

relationships leading to family discord, and incorrect pedagogical

parents' attitudes that are contrary to the requirements of the school. Educator in the fight

against difficult education, one must know and take into account the causes of depravity

family relationships. Without pedagogical knowledge, without permanent connections with

school, even a family that is good in all respects cannot count on success in

raising a child.

A difficult child becomes influenced by many reasons:

damage to family relationships

Wrong educational attitudes

· imperfection of influences, etc.

It is necessary to analyze the process and results of the influence on the child all the time, in time

eliminate the causes that give rise to difficult education, do not allow them to combine

As already mentioned, difficult teenager becomes when it coincides immediately

several unfavorable factors and reasons: neglect and repetition,

pedagogical errors and the unhealthy influence of the family.

topic:Difficult-to-raise children and methods of working with them»

Dreko Nadezhda Fedorovna

Master of production


Saint Petersburg 2017

In relation to a teenager, the term "difficulty in education" means immunity and resistance to the pedagogical influence being brought up. This is usually due to a lagging personality in positive development, hence the manifestation of developmental deficiencies, incorrect attitudes in behavior, negative character traits, unhealthy needs, etc. And, as a result, first “difficult” children and schoolchildren, and then adults with persistent negative qualities of character and deviations in behavior.

We single out typical groups according to the degree of deviation from the norms:

1. A child whose development is below the norm (not corresponding to the level of a normally developed child of the same age). This category called subnormality (from Latin sub - under and norma - sample).

2. A child characterized by a certain giftedness, he is distinguished by increased development in a qualitative or quantitative sense. This category has been namedsupranormality (from lat. Isupra - above, above and norma - sample). The supranormal include gifted children who are not able to adequately realize their abilities in the environment of their life.

3. A child characterized by deviation from the norm in the narrow sense of the word. This category is characterized asdenormality (from - a prefix meaning the absence or decrease of something and norma - a sample). In some areas, this child has not reached the level of normal development, which affects his behavior, relationships, and opportunities for self-realization.

In practice, it is very difficult to draw a line not only between denormality and supranormality, but even between subnormality and supranormality. The inability of the educator to understand the characteristics of the child most often acts as the main factor in the formation of his difficult to educate.

The nature of the deviation each child has his own. Collectively, she

may be influenced by:

a)external factor - Soroka-Rosinsky called itexogenous from the Greek echo - outside, outside and genos - origin) factor.

The originality of the children of this group is explained mainly by the external conditions of the environment and education;

b)internal factor - the result of some organic feature of the mental or nervous nature of the child. This category was definedendogenous (from the Greek endos - inside and genos - origin) factor. Children of this group are characterized by internal deviations in development that affect their attitudes and behavior. In this case, external factors can weaken the influence of internal ones or, conversely, enhance their negative manifestation.

Re-education methods

One of the main methods of re-education ispersuasion method.

Its main purpose is to change the motives for justifying wrong behavior, the formation of socially valuable motives of behavior in students. Using the method of persuasion in working with a child, it is necessary to be guided by the following techniques:

- creating a positive public opinion;

- persuading the child with a word and concrete activity;

- creating conditions for the child to acquire a positive life experience.

Another method that gives good results isretraining method.

The purpose of this method isovercomingnegative habits of students, unhealthy needs, wrong actions of the student, change in his life experience. To use this method positively, you need to use the following tricks:

- The inclusion of the student in an active socially valuable activity in which he had not previously participated due to his bad habits.

- Assessment and support positive manifestations on the part of the student.

- Control and verification of compliance with the requirements for it.

- The presentation of clear prohibitions on the negative manifestation of the student.

Interesting in educational work with difficult to educate isexplosion method.

The purpose of the explosion method is to rapidlydestructionnegative qualities and habits in the student's behavior, negative stereotypes of the child's behavior.

Specific approaches are:

- bringing the negative experiences of the child to the highest emotional beginning.

- creating a situation of deeply emotional experience, which leads to emotional and moral satisfaction and calm.

After successful use of the explosion method, good results are obtainedreconstruction method. When a child is ready to accept help, he is able to adequately assess and realize irrevocably his problems in behavior.

The purpose of the method isintroductioncertain adjustments to the spiritual world of the student, while maintaining the uniqueness and uniqueness of the child's personality. Receptions:

- creating a positive outlook

- use of leading positive qualities of a child,

- keeping diaries of self-observation and self-development,

- drawing up programs for the self-development of the individual as a whole or individual qualities of the child.

All of the above methods will not have results if not used in your activity.reward and punishment methods.

The purpose of these methods isstimulationpositive behavior of students, the content of negative behavior.

Positive educational influences can be:




Encouragement entries in diaries,

Participation in festive events etc.

When working with difficult children, I often use the method of praise.

Praise should follow directly on behavior

Praise often enough.

Praise the child even for small steps in the desired direction.

Try to find in the behavior of the child more positive than bad.

It is also necessary to explain to the child the reason why this behavior is desired.

Of great importance in the formation of the character of the child is the methodself-correction.

aimthis method isactivity developmentthe child and teaching him to understand the need to change his personality traits, his character.

To use this method, it is necessary to actively apply techniques that can be effective in working with students:

Self management,



The main condition of these methods is a systemic clearly built upbringing in a team, the organization of mutual education and self-education.

The effectiveness of individual work with students depends on the level of competence, professionalism and pedagogical excellence teacher. In addition, every teacher working with a difficult child must be patient, consistent, demanding and flexible, otherwise all his efforts will not only not lead to a positive result, but may also aggravate the situation of the child and lead to unpredictable consequences, as well as affect the authority of the child himself. teacher.

To work on the formation of personality, it is necessary to determine the level of upbringing.

In this way,endurance and patience are especially necessary when working with "difficult". The process of upbringing, and the process of re-education especially, like any work, encounters material resistance, in this case, the resistance of a difficult-to-educate teenager to educational influence. As a rule, “difficult” adolescents have chronically complicated relations with teachers at school, at home with their parents, and many in general there is no elementary experience of normal, calm, friendly relations with adults.

This circumstance obliges social workers in relations with these adolescents, strictly adhere to the principle of A. S. Makarenko: "as much respect for a person as possible, as much exactingness to him as possible."

This article covers the following provisions:

The concept of difficult education is disclosed;

The reasons for the appearance of difficult education and classification by types of neglect are determined;

“A difficult child is an unhappy child. He is at war with himself, and therefore with the whole world. »It is very important for a difficult child to find himself, to believe in his strength in order to live in harmony with the world around him and with himself.

List of sources:

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