In what week the eyes of the fetus are formed. Development of the child in the womb, changes and tips for weeks. Diagnosis by detecting hCG in the blood and urine of a woman

The gestational age is not calculated in months; for convenience, gynecologists adhere to the obstetric method of calculating the period of gestation by weeks. The first week is the most mysterious of all upcoming. Its calculation is made by a gynecologist purely theoretically, based on the calculation of the first days of the cycle and the estimated day of ovulation.

In medicine, the countdown is from the first to last menstrual period. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to determine the exact day of conception - each woman ovulates on different days of the cycle, depending on its duration and physiological features future mother. For this reason, gynecologists always focus on the obstetric period, and not the embryonic one.

A normal pregnancy lasts 40 obstetric weeks, 280 days or 10 lunar months.

WITH scientific point vision, in the first week of pregnancy, the follicle matures - a fluid-filled vial in which the egg is located. After leaving the shell, she lives from 24 to 48 hours. The inner layer of the walls of the follicle produces estrogen hormones, which contribute to the restoration and growth of the mucous layer in the uterus, preparing its cavity for the upcoming pregnancy.

Are you wondering what rules to follow in each of the weeks of pregnancy?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the detailed pregnancy calendar on our website, which describes in detail what happens to the formation of the fetus at each of the 42 weeks -.

Over time, the egg will be fertilized by the sperm. After the cells merge, they begin to divide and the zygote from the fallopian tube enters the uterine cavity. This is a special cell - it stores the genetic material of the father and mother. The unborn child will acquire genetic characteristics from both parents.

Implantation takes place within 7 days. In the uterus, the zygote will attach to the wall and in the new house it will develop further, gradually turning into a little man.

The embryonic period is the most important. The woman is not yet aware of the onset of pregnancy, and the embryo goes through successive stages of development. At this time, one or more fetuses are determined to develop in the uterus and a chorion is formed, which is involved in the formation of the placenta.

Symptoms and sensations in the early stages

1 week of pregnancy coincides with the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The muscles of the uterus contract, expelling the rejected layer of the endometrium, and the woman's well-being improves.

At this time, the woman does not know anything about her "interesting" position. Accordingly, all the symptoms and signs are still absent - the mammary glands do not swell, there is no toxicosis, fatigue and intolerance to odors. During this period, the nature of vaginal discharge changes slightly, which is considered the norm.

Do not determine pregnancy by donating blood to the level of hCG. The test will not show changes either - if the body is healthy and there are no hormonal disruptions, only one strip will appear on it.

There are a number of symptoms that women rarely experience at 1 week:

  • mucous discharge with thin blood streaks, threads, as evidence of the attachment of the embryo;
  • stretching and pressure in the pubic area;
  • denial of smoking and alcohol - a protective reaction of the body at a subconscious level;
  • emotional instability.

Fatigue increases in the first week of pregnancy. A woman gets tired faster and cannot cope with ordinary physical exertion. The body seems to turn on the “delicate mode” and tries to save strength.

Such symptoms do not appear in all expectant mothers, they can be noticed only if you constantly listen to your own body.

It is impossible to confirm 1 week of pregnancy, despite all the achievements of modern medicine. It remains only to wait until the characteristic signs appear. No gynecologist can determine the onset of pregnancy in the first week.

Video - pregnancy symptoms

Changes in the mother's body at 1 week of pregnancy

Immediately after conception, the female body begins a global restructuring, trying to provide itself and the nascent embryo with everything necessary.

  1. The release of large amounts of estrogen can affect the mammary glands. They increase in size, the nipple halos become darker and swell. The chest becomes painful.
  2. There are changes in the central nervous system. The influence of the vagus nerve increases and the expectant mother becomes inattentive, distracted, taste perception changes, salivation increases. Frequent companion is weakness and dizziness.
  3. Perestroika begins circulatory system: uterine blood flow increases, the volume of circulating blood increases. The woman's body is trying to tune in to the ability to supply a sufficient amount of oxygen to the fetus.
  4. The basal temperature changes and if this method of ovulation control is used during planning, the expectant mother will know about the onset of pregnancy at the earliest possible date.

Nausea and vomiting appear much later. If you are visited by attacks of toxicosis in the mornings or evenings, perhaps your term is already a little longer than you think.

What happens to the fetus at 1 week of pregnancy

The fusion of the ovum released from the follicle with the sperm symbolizes the birth of a new life. This is just one cell that has a long way to go in the womb.

From the moment of fertilization in the zygote, there is an active division of cells, which from an unorganized mass form a hollow ball - a blastocyst.

Despite the fact that the size of the embryo is now only 0.2 mm, the sex of the unborn child has already been determined - it depends on the X or Y sex chromosome received from the father. The rest of the chromosome set contains data in accordance with which all systems and organs of the fetus will develop.

The outer layer of the blastocyst, penetrating the walls of the uterus, begins to synthesize the hormone of pregnancy - chorionic gonadotropin. By hCG level determine the onset of pregnancy in the early stages, this is one of the most reliable indicators.


The menu of a woman planning to become a mother is different from the usual diet. Nutrition should be complete and balanced, saturated with proteins and a moderate amount of fat.

A third of the entire diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits, raw or thermally processed. Be sure to eat oily fish which is of great benefit to the brain.

Obstetrician-gynecologists and nutritionists give some nutritional advice to expectant mothers at 1 week of pregnancy.

Vitamins and minerals, if they are not enough in the products, should be taken in separate complexes. This will reduce the risk of malformations in the development of the fetus caused by deficiency useful substances.

Special attention should be paid to vitamin B9, or folic acid. It is able to reduce the negative impact of external and hereditary factors on the embryo, favorably affect the formation of the nervous system and general state fetus.

Other vitamin preparations will be prescribed by the doctor after examination, test results and registration.

During the first week of pregnancy, it is highly recommended not to adhere to strict diets and severe dietary restrictions. If a pregnant woman is overweight, you should seek the help of a qualified dietitian. The specialist will make balanced menu on an individual basis, taking into account all the nuances.

Very often during pregnancy, a woman begins to eat for two. You don't need to do this! Overeating will only lead to excess weight. Extra pounds will harm the unborn child, and constant weight gain will negatively affect the health of the pregnant woman. last dates.

Medical recommendations and advice on the lifestyle of the expectant mother at this time

Assuming pregnancy, a woman should think about her lifestyle and adjust it according to the recommendations. Tremulous care of yourself even before conception significantly increases the chances of enduring and giving birth to a healthy child.

  1. Mentally prepare for the coming changes. For the next 9 months, unusual processes will occur in your body, most of which are unpleasant. Toxicosis, abdominal pain, changes in figure, drowsiness and frequent urges to urination - natural processes. Treat them with patience, without irritation. After all, in 39 weeks everything will be over and you will have a long-awaited baby in your arms.
  2. Try to rest more and just sleep. Set aside some time for daytime sleep, surround yourself with beautiful things.
  3. Limit communication with unpleasant people, try to avoid conflicts and stressful situations at work and at home.
  4. Refrain from going to the sauna, bath and taking hot baths.
  5. As soon as you find out that you are pregnant, immediately go to the doctor. A specialist with the help of an examination or ultrasound will confirm that there is a fetal egg in the uterus and assess your general condition. If necessary, the gynecologist will prescribe supportive drugs and do everything necessary to maintain the pregnancy.
  6. Take medicines with caution, only as directed by your doctor. Treat the common cold with folk remedies, resorting to pharmacological medicines last. Avoid contact with sick people, do not visit crowded places during epidemics, beware of hypothermia.
  7. Avoid alcohol, smoking and strong psychotropic drugs.
  8. Extreme sports are not for you now - take care of yourself and your unborn child. A sudden burst of adrenaline won't do you any good.
  9. It is forbidden to be irradiated with x-rays and do fluorography.

Dangers at 1 week of pregnancy

In the first week of pregnancy, spontaneous abortions often occur - miscarriages that a woman does not even suspect about, mistaking them for another menstruation.

Another danger is ectopic pregnancy. It occurs when, for some reason, a fertilized cell attaches itself to fallopian tube or go out to abdominal cavity. This condition threatens the woman's life and requires surgical intervention. The first ultrasound is prescribed specifically to exclude improper attachment.

Chromosomal abnormalities are another reason for early self-abortions. The fetus stops developing, and the mother's body rejects it.

Due to hormonal disruptions, inflammation of the endometrium, scars and synechia in the uterine cavity, implantation of the blastocyst is difficult, the embryo dies and is removed during the next menstruation.

Risk factors include taking strong medications or antibiotics. This leads to miscarriage or grave consequences for the fetus during its subsequent development.

ultrasound of fetal development

Ultrasound - first week of pregnancy Ultrasound - first week

In the first week of pregnancy, by performing an ultrasound examination, a thickened layer of the endometrium can be seen in the uterine cavity, which is preparing for the attachment of a fertilized egg.

An examination of the ovaries is also carried out in order to determine in which of them the dominant follicle has matured. It looks like a rounded dark cavity and differs in size from others.

The maturing follicle has an irregular shape, an egg-bearing tubercle appears on it, which is the basis for the future egg.

The corpus luteum looks like a dark spot with irregular contours. It develops in the place where the follicle burst and produces progesterone.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 8 minutes


The obstetric method of calculating pregnancy by week is different from the usual one. A month consists of 28 days, not 30-31. As a rule, the gynecologist considers the period from the first day of the last menstruation. The waiting period for a baby is only 40 obstetric weeks.

Consider how the fetus develops weekly, and also determine what mommy feels at all stages of pregnancy.

1 obstetric week

The fetus is a follicle that appears on the surface of the ovary. Inside it is an egg. The female body does not feel it, but only prepares for fertilization.

There are no symptoms of conception at 1 week of pregnancy. And all because the fetus does not manifest itself. The expectant mother will not even notice the changes.

2 obstetric week

At this stage of development, ovulation occurs. As soon as the egg matures in the follicle, it is released from it and goes through the fallopian tube to the uterus itself. It is during this period that the sperm gets to it and merges together. This forms a small cell called a zygote. She already carries the genetic material of both parents, but does not manifest herself.

The body of the expectant mother may behave differently at 2 weeks after conception: signs of PMS, your mood will change, you will want to eat more, or vice versa, you will turn back on food.

3 obstetric week

On the 14-21st day of the menstrual cycle, the fertilized cell joins the uterine layer of the endometrium and is placed in a special water bag. The embryo in this period is very small - 0.1-0.2 mm. He has a placenta.

In a pregnant woman at 3 weeks, the hormonal background changes. Symptoms of PMS can be noticeably expressed: the chest will begin to swell and ache, the lower abdomen will be pulled, the mood will change. In addition, early toxicosis may occur.

But in many women, such signs were not observed at this stage of pregnancy.

4 obstetric week

At the 4th week of conception, the fetus establishes a connection with its mother - an umbilical cord is formed, through which the baby will eat all 9 months. The embryo itself consists of 3 layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. The first, inner layer is responsible for the creation in the future of such organs as: the liver, bladder, lungs, pancreas. The second, middle word is needed to create the muscular system, the heart, kidneys, circulatory system and gonads. The third, external, is responsible for the skin, hair, nails, teeth, eyes, ears.

In the mother's body, malaise, drowsiness, irritability, nausea, soreness of the mammary glands, improved appetite, and fever may occur.

5 obstetric week

At this stage, the embryo has some inclinations of the nervous and respiratory systems, and the heart and blood vessels are fully developed. The fetus weighs only 1 gram, and its size is 1.5 mm. At 5 weeks after conception, the baby's heart begins to beat!

Symptoms in a pregnant woman are as follows: morning sickness, chest enlargement and pain, fatigue, drowsiness, increased appetite, sensitivity to odors, dizziness.

6 obstetric week

Your baby's brain is forming, arms and legs, eye pits appear, and folds appear in place of the nose and ears. Muscle tissue also develops, the embryo begins to feel and manifest itself. In addition, he formed the beginnings of the lungs, bone marrow, spleen, cartilage, intestines, stomach. At 6 weeks from conception, the fetus is the size of a pea.

Despite the fact that a third of pregnant women do not notice changes in the body, women may experience fatigue, frequent urination, toxicosis, abdominal pain, mood changes, and breast enlargement.

7 obstetric week

At this time, the child develops very quickly. It weighs 3 g, and its size is 2 cm. It forms five parts of the brain, develops nervous system and organs (kidneys, lungs, bronchi, trachea, liver), optic nerves and the retina of the eyes are created, an ear and nostrils appear. Slowly, the baby has a skeleton, the rudiments of teeth. By the way, the fetus has already developed a four-chambered heart and both atria work.

In the second month of pregnancy, everything also changes mood. A woman notices rapid fatigue, she wants to sleep constantly. In addition, performance may decrease, toxicosis may appear, heartburn and bloating may torment. Many pregnant women experience low blood pressure during this period.

8 obstetric week

The baby already looks like a person. Its weight and size does not change. He is like a grape. On ultrasound, you can already see the limbs and head. The baby actively manifests itself, rolls over, squeezes and unclenches the hands, but the mother does not feel it. At 8 weeks after conception, the fetus has already formed all the organs, the nervous system is developed, the rudiments of male and female genital organs appear.

A pregnant woman in the second month may feel discomfort in the lower abdomen, as the uterus will increase and will be the size of an orange. In addition, toxicosis manifests itself, appetite changes, mood changes, working capacity decreases, and frequent urination appears.

9 obstetric week

At the beginning of the third month of pregnancy, the cerebellar region is formed in the fetus, which is responsible for the coordination of movements. In a child, the muscle layer increases, limbs thicken, palms are created, genitals appear, kidneys and liver begin to work actively, the back straightens and the tail disappears.

The expectant mother feels discomfort, also quickly gets tired, suffers from toxicosis, does not get enough sleep, but feels better than last week. The chest in this period increases dramatically.

10 obstetric week

The size of the fetus is almost 3-3.5 cm. At the same time, it is actively growing and developing. The baby has chewing muscles, the neck and pharynx are formed, nerve endings, olfactory receptors, taste buds on the tongue. Bone tissue also develops, replacing cartilage.

The pregnant woman also suffers from toxicosis and frequent urination. Weight may increase, pain in the groin and chest may occur, and sleep will be disturbed.

11 obstetric week

The embryo of this period is already clearly moving, it reacts to external stimuli (smell, food). He develops a digestive system, genitals. At 11 weeks from conception, rarely anyone determines the sex of the baby. All other organs gain weight and develop further.

A woman can get upset for no reason, want to sleep or refuse to eat. Many can be tormented by toxicosis, constipation and heartburn. There should be no other unpleasant manifestations.

12 obstetric week

At the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy, the internal organs of a small embryo were formed, its weight doubled, human features appeared on the face, nails appeared on the fingers, and the muscular system developed. The child is already wrinkling his lips, opening and closing his mouth, clenching his fists and swallowing the food that enters the body. The human brain is already divided into two hemispheres, boys produce testosterone.

Mom is starting to feel better. The malaise, fatigue pass, the toilet runs less, but the change in mood also remains. There may be constipation.

13 obstetric week

At 4 months, a human develops a brain and bone marrow, a respiratory system, and thin skin appears. The baby feeds through the placenta, this week it has finally formed. The weight of the fetus is 20-30 g, and the size is 10-12 cm.

A woman in the 13th week may suffer from constipation, cramps and changes in blood pressure. She feels better, stays awake. Some people still have morning sickness.

14 obstetric week

This week, the fetus is rapidly gaining weight, its organs and systems are improving. The baby weighs about the same as an apple - 43 g. He has cilia, eyebrows, facial muscles and taste buds develop. The child begins to see and hear.

Mommy now eats with great pleasure, her appetite appears, her breasts and belly increase. But there are also unpleasant sensations - shortness of breath, pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Stretch marks may appear.

15 obstetric week

At this time, it is already possible to determine the sex - the genitals are formed in the fetus. The child develops legs and arms, auricles, the first hairs grow. The baby is gaining weight, his bones are getting stronger.

The expectant mother feels more cheerful, toxicosis and weakness pass. But there may be shortness of breath, impaired stool. Blood pressure will be reduced. Dizziness will remain. Weight will increase by 2.5-3 kg.

16 obstetric week

At the end of 4 months, according to obstetrical calculations, the fetus already weighs like an avocado and fits on your palm. His organs and especially the digestive system begin to work actively. He already reacts to voices, hears and feels, moves. Those mothers who are pregnant with their second child may feel movements in the tummy.

The expectant mother at the 16th week may complain of pain in her legs. Mood and well-being improves. Skin pigmentation may change.

17 obstetric week

At the beginning of the 5th month, the baby becomes more like a newborn, as it forms subcutaneous adipose tissue called brown fat. He is responsible for heat transfer in the body of the child. Also, the fetus gains weight. And he can also eat about 400 g of amniotic fluid. He develops a swallowing reflex.

Mommy can feel the baby move in the tummy, and the doctor will hear his heartbeat. The expectant mother at the 17th week of pregnancy will feel calm, happy and a little distracted. Some women will only care late toxicosis.

18 obstetric week

The fetus is actively developing, growing, moving, pushing. Fat folds form on the skin. In addition, the child begins not only to hear you, but also to distinguish between day and night. His retina becomes sensitive, and he understands when the outside of the tummy is light and when it is dark. All organs, except for the lungs, function and fall into place.

Mommy's weight at week 18 should already increase by 4.5-5.5 kg. Appetite will increase, as the baby will have to feed. A pregnant woman may feel discomfort in the abdomen, vision may deteriorate. A median line will appear on the tummy.

19 obstetric week

At this time, the nervous system and the fetal brain develop. Respiratory system, the lungs are improved. His kidneys begin to work actively - to excrete urine. The digestive system is also on the verge of completion. The child actively manifests itself, gives signals and gains weight.

There should be no health problems for the mother. In rare cases, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, constipation, heartburn, changes in blood pressure, convulsions and discharge from the chest will appear.

20 obstetric week

The fetus also continues to develop - the immune system is being formed, the parts of the brain are improving, the rudiments of molars appear. With the determination of sex at this stage of pregnancy, doctors are not mistaken.

Half the term has passed. Feeling good should be great. Some points may be disturbing: vision will deteriorate, shortness of breath will appear, frequent urination, dizziness from low pressure, blood from the nose, swelling.

21 obstetric weeks

At the 6th month of the life, all organs and systems have already been formed in the bladder, but not all of them function as they should. The child already lives according to the sleep-wake regime, swallows amniotic fluid, grows and gains weight. The pituitary gland, adrenal glands, sex glands, and spleen begin to work.

A pregnant woman at 21 weeks should feel good, but she may be bothered by pain in her stomach and back. There may be shortness of breath, heartburn, swelling of the legs, frequent urination, stretch marks, increased sweating.

22 obstetric week

The little man at this time actively begins to tactilely study his mother's stomach. He grabs the umbilical cord with his hands, plays with it, sucks his fingers, can roll over and react to food, light, voice, music. The brain stops developing at week 22, but nerve connections are established.

Mom, as a rule, quickly gets tired, feels unwell. Since the baby is always moving, it is difficult for a woman to find comfortable posture for relax. The pregnant woman becomes very sensitive, reacts to smells, food.

23 obstetric week

The child is also actively moving, gaining weight. The digestive system is so well developed that he already eats about 500 g of amniotic fluid. At week 23, the baby can already dream, doctors will record brain activity at your request. The child opens his eyes, looks at the light. He can even breathe - usually takes 55 breaths per minute. But breathing is still unstable. The lungs are developing.

A pregnant woman has contractions at 6 months. They are quite rare and manifest as mild spasms in the uterus. Of course, a woman is gaining weight, and in an uncomfortable position, she may feel pain in her back and stomach. Varicose veins, hemorrhoids may appear. There will be swelling, pigmentation and nausea.

24 obstetric week

In a fetus of this age, the process of development of the respiratory system is completed. The oxygen that enters the baby moves through the blood vessels. A baby born at 24 weeks can survive. The function of the fetus at 6 months is as follows: to gain weight. The future newborn is also in contact with the mother through pushes and movements.

The pregnant woman feels a surge of strength, gains weight sharply. She may be disturbed by swelling of the face, legs, the problem of heavy sweating. And, in general, the state of health is excellent.

25 obstetric week

In the fetus for the 7th month, according to obstetric calculations, the bone-articular system is strengthened, and the bone marrow is finally improved. The baby weighs already 700 g, and its height is 32 cm. The baby's skin acquires light shade becomes elastic. Surfactant accumulates in the lungs, which prevents the lungs from collapsing after the first breath.

A woman may suffer from the following troubles: heartburn, constipation, anemia, shortness of breath, swelling, pain in the abdomen or lower back.

26 obstetric week

The peanut is gaining weight, its muscles are developing, and fat is being deposited. The lungs prepare to take in oxygen. The baby's body produces growth hormone. The rudiments of permanent teeth appear.

The skeletal system is getting stronger. The child is already moving so much that it hurts the mother. And mommy suffers from heartburn, shortness of breath, back pain. Anemia, swelling, vision problems may occur.

27 obstetric week

The bubbler actively trains all organs and systems. It weighs about 1 kg, and its height is 35 cm. The baby also feels extraneous sounds, feels touch, and reacts to light. He has improved swallowing and sucking reflexes. When pushing, the mother may notice the arm or leg of her child.

The health of the mother at the 27th week should be good. She may be disturbed by itching, anemia, convulsions, changes in blood pressure, sweating.

28 obstetric week

At the end of the second trimester, the fetus becomes even more mobile. He has an increase in brain mass, a grasping and sucking reflex is manifested, muscles are formed. The little man lives according to a certain routine - he sleeps for about 20 hours and is awake for the remaining 4 hours. The baby's eye membrane disappears, he learns to blink.

Mom at the end of the 7th month of pregnancy may feel itching, back pain, swelling of the legs, shortness of breath, heartburn. Colostrum comes from the mammary glands. There may be stretch marks on the body.

29 obstetric week

The baby has already grown to 37 cm, its weight is 1250 g. The baby's body can regulate its temperature, its immune system works perfectly. The child gets better, gains weight, accumulating white fat. The baby is almost ready for existence outside the mother's belly, who feels every movement of the little man. In addition, a pregnant woman gets tired of bearing, gets tired quickly, her appetite improves, shortness of breath and bouts of urinary incontinence may appear.

30 obstetric week

At 8 months, the baby is already quite developed. He feels the world listening to mother's voice. The baby lives according to its own schedule of sleep and wakefulness. His brain grows and develops. The fetus is very active. He can turn from the bright light, push mommy from the inside. Because of this, a woman will feel slight pain in the abdomen, back, lower back. The load also goes to the legs - they can swell. Also, a pregnant woman may feel shortness of breath, constipation, bloating.

31 obstetric weeks

At this age, the lungs also improve in the crumbs. Nerve cells are active. The brain sends signals to the organs. The liver lobules are completing their formation. The baby also grows and feels the world around him. His mom gets tired faster now. She may be disturbed by shortness of breath, swelling, late toxicosis and pain in the lower back and abdomen.

32 obstetric week

There are no changes in the development of the fetus. He is gaining weight and weighs 1.6 kg, and his height is already 40.5 cm. The child is also sensitive to smells, food, ambient sounds and light. And by the end of the 7th month, he takes a pose for birth. His skin takes on a light pink hue. The expectant mother may complain only of shortness of breath, frequent urination and swelling.

33 obstetric week

At the 8th month of pregnancy, the child performs an important function - gaining weight. Now he weighs 2 kg, and his height is 45 cm. The nervous system develops in the crumbs, new connections are formed. The immune system is also still being formed. The baby becomes less mobile, as it occupies all the space in the mother's uterus. A woman at 33 weeks feels good. She may experience shortness of breath, heartburn, leg cramps, back pain, and itching.

34 obstetric week

The baby is ready to get out. He gains weight and becomes 500 g more. Its organs and systems are trained to function before going out. If the baby is born at 34 weeks, she will already be able to breathe on her own. And the belly button takes calcium from the mother's body and builds further bone tissue.

Mommy may lose her appetite during this period. Will torment back pain, shortness of breath, numbness, swelling. Many women have contractions, but the pain in the upper abdomen should subside.

35 obstetric week

Significant changes in the development of the fetus are not observed. All organs and systems simply debug their work. Final processes take place in the nervous and genitourinary systems. Meconium accumulates in the intestines. From this week, the child is rapidly gaining weight by 200-300 g. And his mother suffers from frequent urination, edema, heartburn, shortness of breath, and insomnia. Contractions are also weak.

36 obstetric week

At the end of the 8th month, the placenta begins to fade. Its thickness is small, but it performs its functions. The child is less active, sleeps more and gains strength before childbirth. Its systems and organs are developed. And the expectant mother may complain of a feeling of fatigue and possible contractions.

37 obstetric week

The baby is ready to be born this week. His vision and hearing have finally matured, his body has formed. The child is already quite like a newborn and is waiting in the wings. Mommy feels discomfort, pain. Contractions may recur more frequently. But breathing and eating will become easier. Your stomach may drop. This phenomenon occurs a few weeks before delivery.

38 obstetric week

The weight of the crumbs is 3.5-4 kg, and the height is 51 cm. The placenta, which connects the baby with the mother, is aging and losing its fullness. The fetus stops growing because it receives less nutrients and oxygen. The child descends closer to the "exit" and eats through the mother's placenta. He is ready for an independent life.

A pregnant woman feels heaviness in the lower abdomen. Also, she may be disturbed by frequent urination, leg cramps.

39 obstetric week

This week the arrival of the baby will be on time. Girls are usually born before boys. The baby is already viable. Mom is feeling contractions. If they were not observed, in no case should a woman call them on her own. The expectant mother's mood changes, appetite disappears, frequent urination worries.

40 obstetric week

The child is also waiting for the birth, gaining strength. It can grow up to 52 cm and weigh about 4 kg. The bladder does not move much, but still reacts to mom's mood. A pregnant woman, as a rule, is already ready to become a mother. She is worried about irritability, white-yellow discharge, pain throughout the body, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, and, of course, contractions.

The formation of a new life is a real sacrament. This period is happy and at the same time exciting, because a woman will have to face something new. From the moment of conception to the birth of a baby, a whole stage passes, which entails many changes in the body of the expectant mother. To understand what is happening, consider each week of fetal development during pregnancy and the woman's feelings at this stage.

In medical practice, it is customary to use the obstetric (calendar) and embryonic weekly period for the development of pregnancy. This is a simple mathematical calculation. The obstetric period is calculated from the beginning of the last menstruation, taking into account the cycle. Fertilization does not always occur at this stage. It can happen in 14-18 days. It depends on the time of ovulation in a woman. You can find out about the onset of pregnancy by measuring the basal temperature. At the same time, tests and analysis of hCG will not show the onset of conception, since in the woman’s body at this time only preparation for a future pregnancy takes place.

A weekly pregnancy diary is kept from the conception process. The fusion of sperm and egg takes place in the fallopian tube. After the connection of the male and female cells, a zygote is formed. It is the basis for the development of the baby, all his organs and systems. At the same time, the first changes begin in the woman's body. From 5-6 days of fertilization, the hormonal background changes. A woman begins to produce hCG. The immunity of the expectant mother is reduced, which is normal reactions body to protect the fetus from rejection.

In the first week, the woman does not feel any major changes. Therefore, it is difficult to accurately calculate the date of conception. It is extremely rare for a future mother to feel signs of toxicosis, a change in taste and smell. In some mothers, the breasts swell, the sensitivity of the nipples increases, there are pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. A woman, as a rule, leads an active lifestyle, drowsiness and a change in the emotional background are not yet available.

  • give up bad habits;
  • switch to proper nutrition, refuse junk food;
  • take any medications or medical procedures only as prescribed by a doctor, informing him of the possible onset of conception;
  • take vitamins, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits;
  • maintain sufficient physical activity;
  • often be outdoors.

A pregnant woman should try not to be nervous, stress negatively affects the unborn child. You can read more about the first week.

Starting from the second week, it is already possible to conduct tests and donate blood for hCG. At this stage, in most cases it is possible to confirm pregnancy.

2 weeks

If we take obstetric terms, then the second week of pregnancy is the period of conception. It is at this time that a woman ovulates. The ovary releases the female cell, which travels to the fallopian tube. There she waits for fertilization within 24 hours. Male cells - spermatozoa, live longer. They remain active for up to five days. When they meet, conception occurs. If fertilization does not occur, after 2 weeks the unfertilized egg is excreted from the body with menstruation.

From the second week of pregnancy, many girls feel some changes in the body. Pregnancy proceeds with such sensations:

  • the appearance of sensitivity to various odors. Familiar aromas can become so aggravated that it greatly irritates the expectant mother;
  • mood changes. Emotional "swings" are explained by a change hormonal background;
  • pulling, even rather painful feelings can occur in the lower abdomen and back area. This happens due to the reduction reproductive organ, because the uterus is trying to get rid of the endometrium;
  • some women develop increased sexuality during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes.

The description of these symptoms does not apply to all women. Sometimes mothers do not feel any changes, especially when it comes to the first pregnancy. More about the second week.

You can find out about the onset of ovulation by measuring basal temperature, using special pharmacy tests, or by a simple calculation if the menstrual cycle is regular.

3 week

It is the third week of pregnancy obstetric term and is considered the time of the birth of a small organism. At this stage, a complex process takes place, giving rise to a new life. After the strongest and most active sperm cells reach the female cell, one of them penetrates the egg cell. Here a fusion occurs, accompanied by the formation of a set of chromosomes of the unborn child. Surprisingly, the sex of the baby is already laid at this stage. Spermatozoa that do not reach the egg die.

A fertilized female cell is called a zygote. Immediately after the fusion, it travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. During this period, the fetal egg feeds on various protein compounds. After attachment in the uterus, a long and hard way fetal development. Often at this time, a woman may notice minor bloody issues but often this symptom goes unnoticed.

A photo of the ultrasound of the fetus can be found below.

After fertilization, the egg begins to actively divide into blastomeres. The next step is to form the morula. Around the fifth day, a hollow ball is formed, which is called a blastocyst. After it reaches a significant size and ruptures the wall due to stretching, the process of hatching (hatching) of the embryo from the shell occurs. Immediately after this, the blastocyst is attached to the uterine wall. As a rule, implantation occurs on the seventh day after fertilization.

In the third week, a woman feels some changes. These should include:

  • drowsiness, weakness, dizziness;
  • change in emotional background, frequent mood swings;
  • many mothers experience nausea, a change in taste preferences;
  • the breast is filled, the shade of the nipples may change (they become darker).

Most young mothers already know about the onset of pregnancy or begin to guess about it. During this period, it is very important to take care of your health, because immunity is reduced, a woman is more susceptible to various diseases. For the normal development of the embryo, doctors advise more rest and proper nutrition. At the same time, it is necessary to use enough vitamins and minerals. It will be useful to take folic acid and other vitamins, for example, such as Vitrum for pregnant women, Elevit pronatal and others. You can learn more about the development of pregnancy at week 3.

4 week

In the fourth week, the active process of the formation of the placenta begins. In addition, amniotic fluid appears. They are necessary for the normal life of the unborn child. During this period, the head and three main layers appear. In the future, all organs and tissues will form from these sheets.

At this stage, the embryo consists of the following parts:

  • ectoderm (tissue from which the brain will form);
  • endoderm (the organs of the digestive system, liver, thyroid gland and pancreas will later form from it);
  • mesoderm (this is the rudiment of the skeleton and circulatory system).

So far, the embryo is very similar to a tadpole, does not have human outlines. Every day, the future baby is actively growing and developing.

Mom's condition at the fourth week remains unstable. A woman often feels mood swings. Drowsiness can be replaced by excitation of consciousness and vice versa. Tastes and smells continue to irritate. For some pregnant women, even ordinary cooking becomes unbearable. Many women suffer morning sickness and malaise.

The tummy still remains the same, but due to increased appetite, some girls may gain weight. The chest increases slightly in size. Sometimes increased sensitivity and appearance of the nipples.

Toxicosis is not observed in all women. Many lucky women are lucky to avoid these sensations altogether.

In the fourth week, you can easily determine the onset of pregnancy. HCG is already produced in large quantities, so the test in 99% of cases will show two strips.

If happy event happened, you should not delay a visit to the gynecologist. At this stage, it will be necessary to pass all the tests, undergo an examination on the gynecological chair. This will help to identify certain diseases in a timely manner, to carry out their treatment. In addition, we must not forget that sometimes it happens. This dangerous state should be diagnosed and treated as early as possible. Read more about the fourth week in.

5 week

In the fifth week, many women who are unaware of pregnancy begin to suspect their delicate situation. Menstruation is absent, which most often acts as a signal of the onset of conception. Besides frequent shifts mood, there are other changes.

Physiological signs:

  • dizziness and fainting. These conditions are explained by a sharp change in the level of glucose in the blood. To avoid such phenomena, a pregnant woman should revise her diet, eat fractionally 4-5 times a day;
  • increase in vaginal discharge. Many mothers notice that the amount of mucus becomes large. This is due to the process of cork formation, which in the future will protect the fetus from various infections;
  • pulling sensations and pain in the lower abdomen may indicate both a natural uterine contraction and a threatened miscarriage. If you experience such sensations, you should consult your doctor.

From the side psycho-emotional state a woman may experience fear, panic, excitement. This is quite normal, because now mommy is responsible for her life and for the life of the crumbs.

At the fifth week of development, the embryo reaches a size of up to 2 cm. At the same time, its body is disproportionate. The head is large, and the body, in comparison, is small. This stage of development is very important. Right now it is being laid neural tube which will later form the spinal cord.

In the fifth week, it is very important to continue to eat right, have a good rest, and avoid stressful situations. A woman should take vitamins and folic acid. Trace elements are necessary for the proper formation of the fetal nervous system. If the pregnancy takes place in the winter, you should try to be in crowded places as little as possible. The transfer of viral and bacterial diseases during this period can lead to serious consequences, up to a miscarriage. You can learn more about the fifth week from.

6 week

At this stage, on ultrasound, you can already see the head of the fetus, tubercles of the arms and legs. Fingers will begin to form very soon. Already, the crumbs are looming cheeks, chin, mouth. At the sixth week of development, there is a change in appetite. A woman can feel constant hunger, or, conversely, she is sick of any food. Associated with this is the weight gain of the pregnant woman. Some mothers lose weight due to severe toxicosis, while others get better. In addition, in some girls, the area in the lower abdomen is slightly enlarged. More often this occurs with repeated pregnancies or with reduced uterine tone.

In the picture you can see the embryo at the 6th week of pregnancy.

The girl should take care of her health and the health of the crumbs. In addition to proper nutrition, good rest and hygiene, she should try to avoid contact with various chemicals. This applies even to ordinary household chemicals. A woman is recommended to often walk on the street, listen to calm music. All information about the sixth week.

If you find discharge with a foreign smell or color, you should tell your doctor about it. Such signs may indicate the presence of a fungal infection.

7 week

This period of pregnancy is accompanied by an important event. The corpus luteum is replaced by the placenta. By this time, it should be fully formed, well protect the fetus. If a woman has had various infectious diseases, the functions of the placenta may be impaired.

The baby is developing rapidly. The weight is already 2 grams, and the size is about 2 centimeters. The fetus actively continues the formation of the nervous system. The placenta provides the fetus with oxygen and essential nutrients. In addition, it protects against pathogenic microorganisms.

Physiological changes in the child:

  • fingers and toes looming;
  • bone tissue is formed;
  • the embryo already bends its knees, elbows;
  • the heart has 4 chambers, thanks to which the blood moves throughout the body of the baby;
  • rudiments of teeth are laid;
  • nose, lips appear;
  • genital organs are formed, but so far it is impossible to determine the sex of the child.

A young mother, in addition to toxicosis, at this stage may experience swelling, frequent urination, and indigestion. Due to the rapid development of the fetus, a woman often feels pressure in the lower abdomen. At the seventh week, the uterus reaches the size of a large apple. From the navel to the pubis, a dark line begins to be drawn, and the nipples also darken. Detailed description.

8 week

If we consider pregnancy by months, then 8 weeks is 2 months. At this time, the woman already clearly understands her condition. Outward signs of an interesting situation become noticeable:

  • the figure is rounded, the gait becomes smoother;
  • changes in the condition of the skin. It is worth noting that for some ladies it becomes cleaner, smoother. Other girls have to deal with the appearance of acne and age spots;
  • the desire to eat something incongruous becomes more and more pronounced.

The first trimester of pregnancy becomes a real test for many mothers. Don't worry. More often, toxicosis disappears by the end of the third month.

The weight of the crumbs is already up to 3 grams. At this stage, almost all systems have already been laid down and continue to be actively formed. The tail, which was present in the coccyx area, disappears, the embryo moves its arms and legs. While these movements are unconscious, chaotic. Every day the bones get stronger. Read more about week 8 at.

Photo of the fetus on ultrasound

In the eighth week, the fetal visual system is effectively formed. The eyes are located closer friend to a friend, the embryo takes on a human form. During an ultrasound examination, you can see the auditory canal, facial features are barely visible. Surprisingly, during this period, the child already responds to touch.

9 week

At this stage, the growth of the baby continues, he passes from the embryo to the fetus. The head is still large, the limbs are well formed. The baby moves freely in the amniotic fluid. Its size does not exceed three centimeters. The genitals are formed, but at the ninth week it is still impossible to determine the sex of the crumbs.

A woman should also be attentive to her health. If any discharge of an uncharacteristic type appears, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Careful attention should also be paid to painful or cramping sensations in the lower abdomen. Often this requires consultation with a geneticist and other specialists. Your doctor may order a chorionic biopsy test to look for possible malformations. All about the ninth week.

10 week

The woman endures this stage more calmly. Mommy is gradually getting used to her new position, fears and excitement calm down. The crumbs have already formed the main internal organs and systems, the brain is actively developing. The weight of the baby is about 7 grams. The head gradually rises from the chest, becoming more proportional in relation to the body.

In the fetal brain, new chains of neurons are formed every moment. The fingers and toes lengthen, but there is still a septum between them. The internal organs are located in their places, continue to improve every day. In boys, testosterone is already beginning to be synthesized, and in girls, the hormone estrogen.

In a young mother, the mammary glands noticeably increase, veins and capillaries become visible on them. The lower abdomen is rounded. During this period, it is necessary to review the wardrobe, put aside cramped things. Clothing should not constrain the stomach and chest. In connection with the rapid growth of the uterus, the girl feels pressure on the internal organs, urination becomes noticeably more frequent. You have to get up to go to the toilet even at night.

Do not worry about the changed shape of the body. A woman should enjoy her position, have positive attitude. Read more about week 10 in this one.

11 week

At this stage of development, the baby already weighs approximately 11 grams, and its size is up to 6 cm. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to determine whether the fetus is developing normally. The heart rate is about 140 beats per minute. The third month of pregnancy is accompanied by the formation of auricles and hair follicles. The baby requires more and more nutrients, because its growth is now very rapid.

Most mothers suffering from toxicosis feel relieved. By this age, morning sickness and malaise gradually disappear. By the end of the third month, the girls literally “bloom”. Feeling better.

If there is no threat of miscarriage, it is allowed to walk a lot, do gymnastics for pregnant women. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the body, you can use special creams or natural oils. Olive, almond, apricot and peach oils soften the dermis well. Find out about this deadline.

Food must be complete. The diet should include cereals, soups, lean meat and fish, vegetables, fruits. Caffeinated drinks and alcohol should be completely avoided. It is also not recommended to consume large amounts of salty foods. This can lead to edema. The list of restrictions includes sweet pastries and pastries in large quantities, sparkling water.

12 week

It is believed that the threat of termination of pregnancy is the highest in the first trimester. At the twelfth week, the expectant mother feels more relaxed, excitement and fears go away. Often girls in position hear that pregnancy suits them. Many ladies really blossom during this period. The hair becomes shiny and thick, the skin is firm, elastic, more even.

Due to the fact that toxicosis by this time ceases to torment the pregnant woman, many forget about the need healthy eating. It's wrong, because healthy food and compliance with the daily routine is the key to the development of a healthy baby.

How much does the fetus weigh? At week 12, the fetus already weighs up to 14 grams. Its growth is about 5-6 cm. Here the respiratory system is further developed, the functioning of the digestive system is being established. The baby is already raising its head, taking a finger in its mouth.

In addition, a small organism already responds well to sounds and bright lights. Read more.

13 week

The thirteenth week is the beginning of the second trimester. During this period, doctors recommend that a woman follow proper nutrition, get plenty of rest, and often be in the fresh air. The tummy becomes more and more rounded, the waist increases in volume. If a woman is carrying twins or triplets, the tummy is quite large. Often multiple pregnancy occurs with IVF ( artificial insemination). At this stage, mom should already be thinking about changing her bra. The chest is quite large, so the usual underwear can squeeze it.

Going to the toilet in the thirteenth week becomes less frequent. This is explained by the rise of the uterus. If you notice pain, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. We must not forget that the threat of miscarriage persists at any time. Vaginal discharge should normally remain without bad smell and pathological color.

The baby is actively developing inside the womb, its weight is about 20 grams, and its height is up to 7 cm. The small organism reacts to music, touch, bright light, voices. At this stage, the following physiological changes occur:

  • the eyes move more and more to the bridge of the nose;
  • muscles develop, bones become stronger;
  • the auricle acquires a normal shape;
  • the baby is already sleeping for several minutes;
  • the child randomly moves the arms and legs, but the knees still do not bend.

The size of the fetus is still so small that the woman does not feel its movements. The gender of the child has yet to be determined. Read about this term.

14 week

19 week

  • weight at 25 weeks is about 700 grams, while growth is approximately 35 cm;
  • strengthening the skeletal system;
  • improvement of muscle tissue;
  • the baby constantly moves its limbs, turns its head;
  • a grasping reflex develops;
  • the leading hand is determined - right or left.

Due to the fact that the child has already formed inner ear, he is well oriented in space, takes a comfortable position for himself.

26 week

Every day of pregnancy, the tummy becomes larger, the load on the legs and spine increases. During this period, you should already think about maternity leave. Gait future mother more and more like a pendulum. The total weight gain ranges from 8-9 kilograms. If an increased uterine tone has been diagnosed, the pregnant woman can be put on hold.

The height of the baby is approximately 35 cm, and the weight is up to one kilogram. Due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, the baby becomes lighter, the skin evens out. The little body is getting better every day. Pushes with arms and legs become more tangible and even painful for mom.

At this time, you need to continue to eat right, watch beautiful films, listen to calm classical music. This will help improve the emotional state of the mother and baby.

27 week

The usual things for a woman are becoming increasingly difficult to perform. Difficulties may arise at this stage of pregnancy when putting on shoes, tying shoelaces, undressing. Many mothers go on maternity leave at this time. This time can be devoted to your favorite activities, hobbies, walks, watching films about the development and upbringing of children.

In the seventh month, the changes in the fetus are as follows:

  • there is a laying of such important processes as memory, thinking;
  • at this stage, the temperament of the little man is formed;
  • bone tissue continues to strengthen, so a woman should not reduce the amount of calcium consumed;
  • there is a further increase in adipose tissue.

In the formation of primary immunity. In the future, it will protect the baby from various diseases.

Many mothers at this stage of pregnancy gain quite a lot of weight. This makes them clumsy, clumsy. In addition, excess body weight provokes drowsiness, fatigue. It is very important to monitor your diet, eat a lot of vegetables, herbs, fruits and cereals.

Discomfort in the lumbar region becomes frequent companions young mother. To alleviate them, doctors recommend exercising special gymnastics wearing a bandage.

The following happens during development:

  • the thickening of the layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the baby continues;
  • the rudiments of intelligence appear in the brain, convolutions are formed;
  • to any irritants, the baby frowns, grimace, moves his arms with legs, turns his head.

With a Rh conflict, the introduction of immunoglobulin is necessary. This helps to avoid many serious complications.

29 week

The child continues to grow, and in the womb he becomes uncomfortable, because there is not enough space for him. The growth of the crumbs at the 29th week of pregnancy reaches approximately 40 cm, and the weight is 1.5 kg. The optic nerves are well developed, which allows the baby to better distinguish light, squint at bright glare. Many mothers feel the hiccups of the baby, his movements. The organs are well formed, the muscles and respiratory organs are being improved.

Most girls are forced to change their wardrobe, as the tummy no longer fits in old clothes. Do not be upset, because soon you will be able to bring yourself back to normal.

Changes in a pregnant woman:

  • the skin becomes drier, pigmentation is noticeable;
  • drawing pains are increasingly felt in the back area, the woman quickly gets tired;
  • the expectant mother often feels annoyed. Due to the fact that during sleep she can only lie on her side, fatigue accumulates.

Despite fatigue and mood swings, mom should remember the need to continue to eat right, monitor weight gain, you can keep a personal detailed nutrition diary, attend scheduled examinations. Pregnancy should be managed experienced doctor. If you do not visit the hospital, the outcome can be the most negative.

30 week

is seven and a half obstetric months. By this time, a woman is gaining up to about 10 kg, some mothers even more. At this stage, the baby is fully formed, continues to train breathing. It draws in and pushes out fluid, thereby preparing its lungs to draw in air.

Here begins the active interaction of a tiny man with his mother. He worries if a woman raises her voice, calms down when stroking her tummy. The weight of the fetus is approximately 1.5-1.6 kg. Before giving birth, he will need to gain about two more kilograms. The hairs covering the baby's body begin to gradually disappear, but sometimes they remain for some time after the baby is born.

The furrows of the brain, which have formed by this period of development, become deeper. Mommy feels that the baby is not just moving randomly, but can consciously respond to different kinds irritants.

At the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby is increasingly lacking space. Every now and then he tries to straighten his arms and legs, which is clearly felt by the pregnant woman.

31 weeks

The fatigue and discomfort of the young mother is increasing more and more. The uterus grows and puts pressure on the internal organs. Back pain occurs while sitting, walking, even lying becomes uncomfortable. Seizures often occur at night. To alleviate your condition, you should do yoga, relaxing massage helps a lot. At this stage, doctors recommend reducing the amount of fluid consumed, adhere to proper nutrition, and limit the amount of salt.

Physiological changes in the child are as follows:

  • weight is approximately 1.7 kg;
  • growth reaches 40-45 cm;
  • the crumbs improve the basic senses (hearing, sight, smell);
  • more and more neural connections develop;
  • the period of wakefulness becomes longer.

The closer the term of the upcoming birth, the more the excitement of the pregnant woman grows. Fears and worries are quite normal feelings, which relatives and friends should help to cope with.

32 week

At this stage of pregnancy, the growth of the baby is up to 47 cm, and the weight is approximately 1.8 kg. Many babies are still in the feet-down position, but they soon roll over into correct position. The coordination of movements is improving, the brain is developing better. In the last stages of pregnancy, many doctors advise mothers to read books, listen to calm music, and recite poems to the child. It is believed that this helps to improve the development of the crumbs, to make his psyche more stable.

Feelings of a woman at this stage of pregnancy can hardly be called pleasant. The uterus increases, presses on the stomach, heart, diaphragm. It becomes harder to breathe, a woman is tormented by belching, heartburn, and finding a comfortable body position is becoming increasingly difficult.

Many women can feel contractions, but more often they are false. They are called Braxton-Higgs contractions. This is a kind of training before the upcoming birth.

33 week

The weight gain of a pregnant woman at this time is up to approximately 12-14 kg. Because of the fear of the upcoming birth, the irritability of the young mother increases. To avoid various problems, a girl is advised to remain calm, communicate more with loved ones, watch films about the birth and upbringing of children.

The child often turns head down. If this did not happen, do not be upset. Doctors will help control the birth process. The baby is rounded, cheeks, skin folds appear, the skin brightens.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, the musculoskeletal system is actively formed. A woman should not forget about the sufficient intake of calcium during this period.

34 week

Thoughts about the birth of a baby at this stage of pregnancy become more and more frequent. The meeting with the baby is more and more desirable. The body weight of a girl, as a rule, increases by 10-15 kg, her breasts fill up and continue to grow. Areoles become darker.

The baby weighs up to 2.5 kg. The growth of the fetus is up to 49 cm. The baby's skin brightens, becomes smoother, but is still covered with a protective lubricant. It is designed to facilitate its passage through the birth canal, protect against pathogenic microorganisms. If a child is born prematurely, he will be able to breathe on his own without a special chamber and rehabilitation.

35 week

At this stage of pregnancy, mothers should take special courses that will tell you how to behave during childbirth. In addition, it is important to think about choosing a maternity hospital and a doctor who will control the birth process. Many women decide to have a partner childbirth. At the same time, a husband or other close person can stick in the delivery room.

When walking, fatigue and shortness of breath occur due to a rather large abdomen. Doctors recommend not to overeat during this period. If the fetus is too large, the birth will be quite difficult.

At the 35th week of pregnancy, all the reflexes of a small person (sucking, swallowing, grasping) are improved. The amount of amniotic fluid becomes smaller, which causes discomfort to the baby. This becomes one of the first signals for the onset of labor. In the third trimester, the development of the respiratory, nervous, endocrine and other systems improves.

The fruit descends. At the same time, the woman feels pulling pains in the back and lower abdomen. Shortly thereafter, breathing is relieved and discomfort in the back area is reduced.

36-39 weeks

At this stage, the child is fully formed. All organs and systems function in the right order. The body of a pregnant woman at this time is already completely ready for the birth of a new life. At this time, a woman should be able to distinguish false contractions from true ones. The following signs indicate the onset of labor:

  • increased appetite;
  • contractions are regulatory in nature;
  • often there is vomiting, diarrhea;
  • amniotic fluid leaves;
  • the cork (mucus that covered the uterus) departs.

If a pregnant woman develops such signs, she needs urgent hospitalization. The baby at that stage of pregnancy weighs from 3 to 3.5 kg. The height of the baby is up to 55 cm.

The baby is formed and ready to be born. It is impossible to calculate the date of birth and the sex of the child exactly. The date of birth of the baby can be calculated by knowing the first day of the last menstruation. This is the so-called obstetric period.

40 weeks

At this time, most mothers expect a long-awaited acquaintance with their baby. All organs and systems of the crumbs are fully formed, he is waiting for a meeting with the outside world. The further growth and development of the child will depend entirely on the care of the parents for the little man.

On many sites and forums about pregnancy, you can find a variety of graphs for the development and weight gain of the baby in the womb. We propose to consider one of these development lines.

The data in the table are approximate, may vary depending on the characteristics of the development of the fetus.

Correspondence of weeks and months of pregnancy: table

The ratio of weeks and months of pregnancy in the table.

Trimester Month A week
First 1 1-4
2 5-8
3 9-13
Second 4 14-17
5 18-21
6 22-26
Third 7 27-30
8 31-35
9 36-40

The onset of labor is calculated by the doctor. The date of the appearance of the crumbs into the world can be determined with an error of 2-3 weeks according to the obstetric period. In addition, there are special calculators with which you can approximately calculate the date of birth of the baby.

Video about intrauterine development

This video will help you learn more about the development of the fetus.

The onset of pregnancy is the beginning of an amazing time for the expectant mother. Seeing two cherished stripes on the test, I can’t wait to find out what lies ahead on the upcoming path of bearing crumbs. Today we will tell you how the fetus develops by weeks of pregnancy, what the mother feels at the same time, and at what stages all the organs and systems of the baby's body are formed.

Starting point: how to find out when the pregnancy began

The obstetrician calculates the start date for the expectation of a baby in a woman during the first visit to the antenatal clinic.

  • The doctor performs a manual examination to determine the size of the uterus. This will help him understand what gestational age the uterus corresponds to.
  • Also, the local doctor must specify the date of the first day of the last menstruation. This moment is taken into account, because. the uterine mucosa begins to prepare for pregnancy precisely from this period of time.
  • You can find out the most reliable information about the gestational age with the help of an ultrasound examination. An ultrasound study can tell, to the day, when little life began. Examination even at the earliest stages (starting from 4-5 weeks) evaluates the size of the embryo, which allows the obstetrician-gynecologist to calculate the exact date of the onset of pregnancy.

In the first week after conception, the embryo is actively moving through the fallopian tube. After six days of active “journey”, it enters the uterine cavity. Under the action of progesterone (it is also called the hormone of pregnancy), the unborn baby is attached to the uterine mucosa, this process is called implantation.

If the attachment of the embryo has successfully taken place, then the next menstruation will not happen - the pregnancy has begun.

Intrauterine development of the child

The development of a baby inside the mother's womb, from the moment of conception to the moment of birth, is usually called a miracle, and there is every reason for this. Fortunately, medicine has studied quite well all the stages of the most important event in a woman's life - pregnancy. Every expectant mother can accurately imagine what will happen to her and her baby during all nine months.

There are three periods of intrauterine development of the baby:

  1. blastogenesis- begins with fertilization and lasts 15 days;
  2. embryonic period- starts from the 16th day and ends by the 13th week of pregnancy;
  3. fetal period- from 13 weeks and lasts until the very birth.

Each period has its own chronology of events. The formation of the child's organs, vital systems in his body and his direct growth naturally move in each period of intrauterine development. You can find out how this happens, what and when is formed in the summary table. It will be informative for expectant mothers who are interested and important information about the development of the child at all stages of pregnancy.

The development of pregnancy by week

The expectation of the birth of a baby in obstetrics is usually divided into three conditional parts:

  • I trimester - from the beginning of pregnancy to the 13th week;
  • II trimester - from the 14th to the 26th week;
  • III trimester - from the 27th to the 40th week.

These trimesters contain 10 obstetric months. Conditional split table:

obstetric monthWeekly pregnancy period
First monthFrom the first to the fourth week of pregnancy (1-4)
Second monthFrom the fifth to the eighth week (5-8)
third monthFrom the ninth to the twelfth week (9-12)
fourth monthThirteenth to sixteenth (13-16)
Fifth monthFrom the seventeenth to the twentieth (17-20)
Sixth obstetric monthTwenty-one to twenty-four (21-24)
seventh monthTwenty-fifth to twenty-eighth (25-28)
eighth monthTwenty-ninth to thirty-second (29-32)
ninth monthThirty-three to thirty-six (33-36)
tenth monthThirty-seven to forty (37-40)

Before a detailed study of the process of fetal development in the mother's abdomen, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the table of changes in the growth and weight of the future fetus:

week of pregnancyFruit sizeFetal weight
3 0.15-0.2mm
4 1 mm
5 1.25-1.5mm
6 2-4 mm
7 4-5 mm
8 1.6-2 cm.1 year
9 2.3 cm.3-4 years
10 3-3.1 cm.5 y.
11 4.1 cm7 y.
12 5.4-6.3 cm.13-14
13 7.4-8 cm.20-23
14 8.7 cm35-43
15 10-11 cm.50-60 g.
16 11.6 cm.80-90
17 12-13 cm.100-110 g.
18 14.2 cm.150 g.
19 15.3 cm.200-210
20 16.4 cm.260-270
21 19-20 cm.300-310
22 21-22 cm.350 g.
23 23 cm450
24 24 cm550
25 25-26 cm.680-700
26 33 cm800
27 34 cm950
28 36 cm1-1.3 kg.
29 37 cm1.4 kg.
30 38 cm1.5 kg.
31 39 cm1.6 kg.
32 42 cm1.7 kg.
33 43 cm1.9-2 kg.
34 44 cm2.2 kg.
35 45 cm2.4-2.5 kg.
36 47.5 cm.2.6 kg.
37 48.5 cm.2.9 kg.
38 50 cm3.1 kg.
39 51 cm.3.3 kg.
40 52 cm3.4 kg.

Now let's move on to describing the development of the baby in the womb for each week of a woman's pregnancy:

1 Week

There is no talk of a fetus as such, since pregnancy has not actually occurred yet. The main sign that fertilization has occurred can be implantation bleeding. This phenomenon manifests itself as slightly spotting spotting approximately 6-7 days after conception.

2 weeks

This week from an obstetric point of view is considered as possible for conception. The egg in the female body matures by the 14th day of the cycle and is theoretically ready for fertilization. If, according to your calculations, the moment of conception has already taken place, then the second week is marked by the attachment of the fetal egg to the uterus. This moment is important, since from the moment of attachment the fetus begins its full development.

3 week

The embryo is similar in appearance to a microscopic berry; in the third week it is still only a set of cells. The size of the embryo is negligible, the maximum diameter by this time is 0.2 mm. But just during this period, the formation of sexual characteristics at the cellular level begins. Having gained a foothold in the uterus, the most important process of intrauterine development of the baby begins - the formation of the placenta. Before the formation and development of the basic systems of the body of the unborn child, there is very little left.

4 week

Obstetric 4th week - the period at which the expectant mother discovers two cherished strips on the test. The functional distribution of cells is in full swing in the embryo. Its size can be compared this week with poppy seeds. The weight is still quite insignificant and does not exceed 0.5 g, but the process of cell division occurs every minute and the unborn baby grows very quickly.

5 week

The embryo has already passed several stages of its development - the zygote, morula and blastocyst. Cells continue to divide rapidly, and by the end of the fifth week, the baby will already weigh at least 1 g, and the size will reach as much as 1.5 mm. On the fertilized egg it is already possible to discern the emerging sense organs - eyes, ears and mouth. The blood type of the unborn child was formed just in time for the 5th week of intrauterine life. Education begins thyroid gland, as well as the intestinal and urinary systems.

6 week

At this time, the largest parts of the body - the torso and head - are clearly distinguished in the unborn child. In the form of tiny processes, legs and arms are distinguishable with tiny fingers outlined on them. The weight at the sixth week of the embryo is up to 2 g, and the average size about 4 mm. Cartilaginous structures are actively developing, the thymus gland is being formed. The main organs continue to develop: the heart, liver, lungs, stomach and pancreas. The baby develops muscle tissue, the external genitalia are outlined.

7 week

With the beginning of the seventh week, the embryonic period ends. The future baby is now called by another medical term - the fetus. At this time, the facial features of the crumbs are already slightly distinguishable. The rudiments of the nose, eyelids are formed, the ears and upper lip are visible. Outwardly, “unnecessary” organs are still present - gills and a tail, which will disappear a little later. The hemispheres of the brain are formed, cartilaginous tissues are continuously developing. The liver at week 7 is already capable of producing blood cells.

8 week

At week 8, the weight of the fetus is 1 g, and the length reaches 20 mm. If you look at an ultrasound examination, then the future baby will look proportionately like a grape. But every day the fetus looks more and more like a real man. The baby's face is already better defined, the nose has small nostrils, and the olfactory recipes are actively formed. His heart becomes four-chambered; in future girls, ovaries are formed, in boys - testicles; the arms and legs of the fetus at this time can already bend / unbend.

9 week

Many systems and organs are formed by the 9th week of pregnancy, but they do not yet fully function, but continue to develop. Palms are formed, the membranes between tiny fingers disappear. Lymph nodes are laid. The first reflex begins to develop - swallowing. The eyelids of the baby are formed and can involuntarily open and close. The fruit in size already resembles a large cherry berry - weight 4 g, height about 30 mm.

10 week

At week 10, the baby is actively moving and pushing. But these movements are so weightless that the expectant mother simply does not feel them. The muscles of the face, neck and pharynx begin to develop. The face is already formed, and in a few weeks the appearance of the unborn child can be seen on ultrasound. The rudiments of milk teeth develop. The cerebellum “acquires” neural connections that are subsequently responsible for reflexes. A small heart makes at least 150 beats per minute. Now the fruit weighs already 5 g, has grown by about +12 mm and resembles a strawberry.

11 week

The organs and systems of the crumbs have already formed by this time, some are working at full strength, while others continue to mature. The bronchi, lungs, trachea are actively developing; liver; intestinal tract; blood vessels; irises of the eyes. At 11 weeks on an ultrasound scan, you can see the outlines of the unborn baby.

12 week

The kid is already actively using some reflexes - imitating breathing and swallowing movements, involuntarily clenching and unclenching his palms into fists. The first contractions of the intestinal muscles (perylstatics) appear. The pancreas is formed and is already “learning” to produce bile. A unique pattern appears on the fingertips. The baby develops facial expressions, he can smile or wrinkle his face. Weight - up to 13 g, and height - up to 62 mm.

13 week

A week of active growth spurt for the unborn baby. The brain is already able to give the first commands to the reflex movements of the fetus. Sense of smell develops, vocal cords are formed. The body begins to grow faster, and the growth of the head, on the contrary, slows down. Digestive villi appear in the intestines of the crumbs. The baby's skin is still very thin, and riddled with blood vessels. The weight of the fetus increases to 20 g, and growth - up to 80 mm.

14 week

At week 14, all organs and systems of the unborn baby are being improved and continue to grow actively. The chest can rise and fall, as if breathing, this is how the lungs are trained. The process of hematopoiesis is formed, sweat glands, neck muscles become stronger every day. Baby's weight this period- about 27 g, and height - 110 mm. The lifestyle, nutrition and well-being of the mother are very important - if these indicators are in order, then the baby feels good and does not experience any discomfort.

15 week

This week, the fetus has already formed vision and the necessary nerve endings to be able to see after birth. From the 15th week, ossification of the skeleton gradually occurs - a long-term process that requires a large amount of calcium. In toddlers, boys begin to produce the male hormone - testosterone. The kidneys excrete the first amniotic fluid. The muscles of the child are improved and strengthened. Fetal weight - 50 g, height - up to 104 mm.

16 week

At week 16, the future baby grows actively from the top of the head to the very heels. The weight is already about 80 g, and the height can reach 117 mm. The systems of the body function to the best of their ability, some of them are already “working” quite smoothly. Swallowing the amniotic fluid, it passes through digestive tract and kidneys, and turns into urine. The skeleton becomes ossified, the child's legs lengthen. The baby is actively moving in the uterus.

17 week

The auditory formation of the unborn baby by the 17th week is smoothly completed. Weight approaches 100 g, and height becomes about 12 cm. The system of blood vessels develops and branches. The most important components of their own immunity appear in the baby's blood - interferon and immunoglobulin. In female children, the uterus is formed in utero. The strength of the child's tremors increases during this period, they become frequent and tangible.

18 week

The development of the fetus in this period of the second trimester is very intensive. The baby is growing so fast that it could already fit in the palm of your hand. The movements are palpable, the baby moves very actively at week 18. Often swallows amniotic fluid, which can lead to hiccups - this moment the expectant mother can notice by a slight twitching of the abdomen. Gradually, a layer of subcutaneous fat forms in the fetus, muscles develop, and the mineralization of the skeleton continues. Weight - about 150 g, height does not exceed 14 cm.

19 week

The child inside the uterus is actively growing, improving and gaining weight. By the way, by the 19th week the baby weighs about 200 g, and the height is about 14-15 cm. The body emphasizes the development of the brain, the improvement of the five basic senses. The amount of subcutaneous fat increases. The respiratory system continues to develop and strengthen. The period of wakefulness alternates with a period of activity, the baby can sleep up to 16-18 hours a day.

20 week

Outwardly, your baby has already become a real little man, and on an ultrasound scan you can already see the sex of the child, his facial features, watch facial expressions (which sometimes also show the character traits of the future child). The weight of the crumbs at the "equator" of pregnancy is approximately 250-270 g, and the average height is 16 cm. The child is active, turns his head, sucks his fingers, opens and closes his mouth.

21 weeks

At this time, you can already be sure that the child distinguishes sounds and hears what is happening outside the uterus. In terms of body proportions, the baby already almost resembles a newborn. The weight of the fetus is about 300 g, height is 19 cm. At this time, taste buds are actively formed, the composition of the blood is improved.

22 week

The twenty-second week is the period when the unborn child prefers to spend most of his time in a dream. But, nevertheless, in a dream, the baby actively turns over, the size of the uterus still allows you to change position. The baby is spinning, pushing, pulling the umbilical cord. Weight at this stage is about 350 g, and height is 20-21 cm.

23 week

The next week meets with the usual movements, although many babies prefer to “calm down” by 23-24 weeks and make their mothers worry about rare movements. The baby still has enough space in the uterus, so many of his pushes are simply not felt, so you should not worry. The weight is already moving towards the mark of 450 g, and the height is more than 22 cm, although it is worth remembering: all of the above parameters are individual.

24 week

Under the mother's heart, the unborn baby grows and gains weight - the indicator for many future children at this time is at least 550 g. This week, the development of the bronchi in the baby is completed, which is very important for the child's respiratory system as a whole.

25 week

From the 25th week, the child in the womb begins to produce pigment in the hair, giving them the color that is due to heredity. It is this color that the mother will see in the baby at his birth. Weight reaches 700 g, height - 23-25 ​​cm. Nerve connections and brain cells continue to form. In the fetus, training respiratory movements can be observed.

26 week

Tremors for a period of twenty-six weeks become strong, distinct, and many mothers may even complain about their intensity. The weight of the child is already at least 800-850 g, and the height is already more than 33 cm. The active strengthening of the bones of the skeleton continues, the rudiments of milk teeth in the gums are mineralized. Nails and hairs begin to grow.

27 week

The growth of the child at this time is about 34 cm, and the weight is approaching 1 kg. The baby becomes cramped in the uterus, and the legs can no longer be stretched out, so the baby takes the optimal position: it pulls small crossed legs and arms to the chest. From the twenty-seventh week, the baby is already gradually assuming the correct position in the uterus, but if he lies across or “sits on the priest”, then there is still time to roll over.

28 week

From the beginning of the 28th week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is up to 1300 grams, and the height is up to 37 cm. The development of muscle tissue continues intensively in the child. New convolutions are formed in the cerebral cortex. A Rh conflict between the mother and the fetus is possible, and at this time the obstetrician-gynecologist must take special measures.

29 week

The weight of the fetus is about 1500 kg, and the body length is at least 38 cm. It is time for the expectant mother to master the method of counting movements.

30 week

Full height the fetus reaches 36-38 cm, weight reaches 1.5 kg. The expectant mother may have several fears that are associated with future childbirth.

31 weeks

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus will be about 1.6 kg, the full height is about 39 cm. pain sensitivity. There may be disturbances in the night's sleep of a pregnant woman due to active and strong fetal tremors. It's time to explore the issues of anesthesia during childbirth.

32 week

The weight of the fetus is about 1.7 kg, the size from the crown to the heels is 40-42 cm. jerky movements can cause dizziness and nausea in a pregnant woman. It's time to think about possible presence at the birth of a loved one.

33 week

The weight of the fetus by week 33 is approximately 2000 g, height is 42-43 cm. The mineralization of the bones of the fetus is almost complete. The expectant mother should from time to time count the movements of the fetus.

34 week

The growth of the fetus is on average 43-44 cm, weight 2.2 kg. The baby becomes very crowded in the uterus, and physical activity decreases. It is time for mom to discuss with the doctor the method of delivery: natural childbirth or caesarean section.

35 week

Fetal growth 45-46 cm, weight 2300-2500 grams. The fetus is almost completely ready for childbirth, but the lungs are not yet ready to perform the respiratory function. It's time to pack your things for the hospital. If the baby in the uterus has not yet taken the correct position, special exercises will help.

36 week

The weight of the fetus is approximately 2.5-2.7 kg. Full height is about 45-47 cm. At this time, the indicators of each crumb can differ greatly from the average, up or down. It's time for parents to make a list of things to plan and complete before the baby is born.

37 week

The thirty-seventh obstetric week of pregnancy is the time when the mother must be mentally prepared for the birth of the child. Especially it concerns multiple pregnancy and the birth of children, starting with the second child. The weight of the child reaches 2.9 kg, and the height is within 50 cm.

38 week

The thirty-eighth week may be the last week of your pregnancy. The child gradually becomes heavier. The baby weighs about 3 kg, and the height is already 48-50 centimeters. Childbirth can begin at any time, so loved ones must be within reach at all times.

39 week

At the 39th week, the mother is not only physically, but already mentally prepared for childbirth. The baby weighs about 3 kg, and its height is about 48-50 cm. In size, the child at this time is similar to a miniature watermelon.

40 week

At the end of this week, the expected date of the birth of the baby may fall. The weight of the baby is already about 3.5 kg, height is about 51-55 cm. The baby is completely ready for birth. It remains to wait for the moment when he will make the newly-made parents happy with his birth.


This is how 40 weeks of pregnancy goes. happy start new life - watch the video of how the baby develops in the mother's stomach:

Pregnancy development by months: how the mother's body changes and the baby grows

1st month

Mum. The chest becomes sensitive, touching it is painful. The uterus begins to grow gradually.

Child. So far, the future baby is called an embryo. For the first six days of pregnancy, he swims in the amniotic fluid, lives “autonomously” and is not yet connected with his mother. Outwardly, the embryo resembles a tiny auricle measuring 5 mm in size. By day 21, his heart begins to work; in parallel, at the same time, important organs are formed: the spinal cord and brain. By the end of the 1st month, the umbilical cord appears, connecting the baby with the future placenta.

2nd month

Mum. Pregnancy is outwardly not yet noticeable to either the expectant mother or others - the uterus is in the small pelvis, and its size is small. Changes continue to occur in the breast, it swells and increases in size.

Child. This month, changes are coming in the appearance of the unborn baby - facial features are emerging, the outlines of the eye sockets appear; there is the formation of tiny arms, legs and even fingers on them. The weight of the embryo at this time is up to 8 g, and the size is about 4 cm.

3rd month

Mum. An intensive growth takes place in the uterus, it develops, it already fills the small pelvis in size and almost reaches the womb. Very soon everyone will see that you are in position!

Child. By medical standards, your baby has already passed the embryonic stage and is now becoming a fetus. Its weight can reach 65 g, and its length varies from 10 to 12 cm. An important point in development is that in the 2nd month, the child has an inner and outer ear. The baby behaves very actively, moves its arms and legs, nods its head and clenches its fists. The growing child already has eyelids, and thanks to them he can open and close his eyes.

4th month

Mum. A rounded tummy is already looming, the waist begins to gradually “blur”. The mammary glands cause considerable discomfort due to their growth and sensitivity - you have to pick up for a long time suitable posture for sleep.

Child. Your baby already has quite a tangible weight - up to 250 g. Most of the time the child spends swimming in the amniotic fluid, their renewal occurs every 3-4 hours. A fluff appears on the baby’s head, eyebrows and eyelashes appear on the face. In the intrauterine process of development, the first feelings and sensations begin to form in the child. The baby reacts to loud sounds and a bright light source.

5th month

Mum. Almost every day, the belly of the expectant mother becomes larger and clearly protrudes forward. The uterus is located about 8 cm below the navel. Starting from 17 weeks, most expectant mothers begin to feel new sensations in the stomach - so far weak, but very pleasant jolts and movements of their baby.

Child. In the fifth month, the child's brain is actively growing, the nervous system is developing. The heart beats more often 2 times than that of the mother. The weight of the crumbs by this period can be up to 650 g, and the height is about 30 cm. By the 20th week, the baby is already able to suck his fingers on his hands, and at 24 weeks he can open his eyes and react to light.

6th month

Mum. The waist of a pregnant woman by this time becomes 8-10 cm larger. The size of the uterus increases so much that now it reaches the navel. The state of health and mood are good, the weight has not grown too much and nothing limits the activity of the expectant mother.

Child. It is time for the maturation of the respiratory system of the baby. The lungs begin to mature after 24-25 weeks of pregnancy. The child has already formed sensations of light and noise - when a sharp sound is heard, the baby may shudder. The first reflexes (hiccups, swallowing and sucking reflex) also appear and actively develop.

7th month

Mum. The size of the uterus by the seventh month of pregnancy reaches 24-28 cm in height, it continues to grow and increases with the child.

Child. The baby is already less active than at an earlier date. In most cases, the baby settles in the uterus head down, and sleeps for a long time. The weight of the child is already 1-1.2 kg, and the height is up to 37 cm. He is already learning to breathe, but the lungs are not yet mature enough - they will finally be ready for the breathing process at about 34 weeks, which is important for premature birth. By this time, the baby has already learned to recognize the mother's voice, and recognizes it when he hears it.

8th month

Mum. The body of the expectant mother continues to change - the uterus rises already by 30 cm, contracting from time to time, as if “rehearsing” the upcoming contractions. Colostrum appears in the breast. In the third trimester, the load on the female body increases many times over, and existing chronic diseases may worsen.

Child. The baby is growing and gaining strength. For bone mineralization, the baby needs a large amount of calcium, which comes to him from his mother. The skin of the child becomes pink, smoother. From time to time, a mother can observe protrusions and “bumps” on her stomach at those moments when the baby is tossing and turning.

9th month

Mum. The body of a pregnant woman begins active preparation for childbirth. The uterus, together with the baby, weighs about 6-7 kg at this time, and its height is measured within 33 cm. In the third trimester, pain in the pubic joint, swelling and increased blood pressure are not uncommon.

Child. After the 38th week of pregnancy, the development of the intrauterine development of the baby can be considered complete. The baby is ready to be born. In the last month, the baby is gaining 10-15 g daily. Amniotic fluid is becoming less and less, the child is growing by leaps and bounds, and it becomes crowded in the uterus. In girls, the large labia cover the small ones; in boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The fluff on the body completely disappears, and little original lubrication remains. At the time of birth, the child weighs approximately 3-3.5 kg, and the height varies from 50 to 55 cm.

And finally, photos and recommendations from a young mother. Look at the photo of the growth of the abdomen during forty weeks of pregnancy. Have you photographed your belly week by week?

When a new life is born in a woman's stomach, this process can only be compared with magic. The body of the expectant mother is being rebuilt in a different way, so it makes sense to consider pregnancy by weeks in detail. The development of the fetus occurs gradually, at the same time, the sensations of the woman also change.

Description of pregnancy by week: what does a woman feel, how does the fetus develop?

Below we describe all the aspects that affect the development of the fetus by week of pregnancy. We will give a complete description of the changes in the body of the expectant mother.


This period refers to the last day of the menstrual cycle. But do not mistakenly believe that conception occurs during this period.

The birth of a new life varies depending on ovulation and can occur after 2-3 weeks. You can find out that the long-awaited event has happened by the changed basal temperature.

You should not hope for a test at home, pregnancy during this period cannot be detected even by a blood test for hCG. All signs of the birth of the fetus in the womb are absent, the lady can only rely on her intuition.

How does fertilization take place?

In the fallopian tube, the sperm and the egg merge, this process gives rise to fertilization. Due to such changes In a woman's body, only one cell is created, which is called a zygote. It is the basis for the formation of all the most important systems and organs over the next 9 months.

In the body of a woman, changes begin to occur. On days 5-6, an increase in the synthesis of hCG hormones can be detected. The woman's immune system is drastically reduced in order to keep the embryo intact.

Below we will describe the pregnancy by week, indicate how the fetus develops and find out the feelings of the woman. After fertilization future mother unlikely to notice significant changes. In terms of physiology, they will be seen later. However, weakness, irritability, drowsiness may be felt.


If we consider pregnancy from the point of view of obstetrics, this particular week is considered the period of ovulation. The body prepares for reproduction, the egg is released by the ovaries. For some, multiple conceptions occur at this time. Over the next 22-24 hours, the egg is waiting for conception, while the sperm can live for about 5 days.

If the cycle includes 28 calendar days, the ovulation period relies on the middle of this period. Conventionally, we can say that on the 14th day the egg matures. In cases where conception has not occurred, an unfertilized egg will be released during menstruation after 2 weeks.

The symptoms of pregnancy and the sensations of a woman include changes in the hormonal environment, hypersensitivity to various aromas and tastes. Some ladies feel that they are pulling the lower abdomen, and sensitivity is also developing in terms of sexual desire. These signs cannot be called accurate, usually a woman does not notice them in the early stages.


Conception occurs according to the following scheme: the strongest sperm make their way to the egg in just a couple of hours, the remaining "losers" die under the influence of the reproductive activity of the female body.

The zygote enters the uterus and prepares to attach to the uterine walls. The process of implantation itself is accompanied by discharge from the vagina, the expectant mother in normal cases does not notice them.

As for the feelings of a woman, everything depends on her susceptibility to physiological changes. Some after fertilization feel dizziness, apathy, vomiting, general depression.

At week 3, it is extremely important to ensure that the body is saturated with protein, iron, potassium and folic acid. All this mineral-vitamin complex can be purchased at a pharmacy. You can not overwork, so as not to face complications.


The fourth week gives rise to the formation of amniotic fluid and the placenta. They protect the fetus from damage and regulate its proper development.

In addition, the head of the child begins to emerge, and a foundation of three layers is formed for the further development of the most important organs and systems. The father's genes are responsible for them.

Weekly pregnancy includes the development of the embryo (fetus). We will describe its appearance, and indicate the sensations of a woman. At this stage, the formation of the skeleton of the infant, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the thyroid gland, the liver, and the brain begins.

Mom suffers from toxicosis in the morning, she feels dizzy, her mammary glands enlarge, her nipples become painful and sensitive.

At the same time, there is a sharp change in behavior and mood, a surge of strength and vigor, or, conversely, a drowsy state. It is also worth mentioning the weakening of the immune system and high susceptibility to viruses, irritability, nervousness.

You can identify the birth of a fetus in the womb by visiting an ultrasound room or by doing a pharmacy test. In the fourth week, it is important to switch to proper nutrition, rest more, give up crowded places in order to avoid illness, try not to catch a cold.


During this period, a woman can already feel her delicate situation, because there is a delay in menstruation, they no longer go for a whole week. In addition to the unstable psycho-emotional background, there is another symptom of pregnancy - physiological.

Some kind of protein-like mucus comes out of the vagina chicken egg. It is at this stage that a cork is formed, which is designed to protect the fetus from infectious infections.

If there are problems with the concentration of glucose in the blood and the level of hemoglobin, pregnancy by weeks (week 5) is accompanied by the correct development of the fetus and unstable sensations of the woman. Namely, there are dizziness, in some cases - fainting.

Also, the expectant mother may experience soreness in the lower abdomen, as if “pulling” it. This is a natural process, but it is imperative to consult a doctor.

The woman experiences changes in the emotional environment. She feels responsible new life in the womb, experiencing excitement and some fear for the baby.

Pregnancy by weeks, the development of the fetus with a photo will seem impressive. The fetus has already reached its first impressive size, about 1.6-2.1 cm. appearance a small head and an elongated body resemble a tadpole.

mom in without fail should drink vitamin B9 (folic acid), which will ensure the maintenance of the psycho-emotional background and comfort during the fifth week.


Weekly pregnancy implies that in order to determine the development of the fetus, it is necessary to do an ultrasound, starting directly from the sensations of the woman. To understand that the fetus is formed correctly, the measurement of the coccyx-parietal size (KTR) will help. If the indicators are within the normal range of 5-6 mm., Everything is in order.

There is a kind of legs and arms of the baby, as well as fingers. At this stage, the cheeks, mouth, jaw line and chin are still being formed.

The mother-to-be is also going through changes. Hormones are raging, which leads to a change in eating habits. A woman suffers from a brutal appetite, sometimes on the contrary, food causes vomiting.

Toxicosis may or may not be. There is also no noticeable weight gain. Vaginal discharge can smell bad and cause discomfort, which indicates a fungal infection (you need to see a doctor).

At the sixth week, some girls are already noticeably rounder Bottom part belly. You can determine this by the usual tight clothes, under which everything is visible.

In order not to aggravate your condition and not harm the fetus in the womb, we advise you to refuse to visit the sauna, swimming pools, solarium. Do not stay in smoky rooms, do not contact with household chemicals.


At the seventh week of gestation, the placenta is already sufficiently formed, and therefore it can correctly perform the tasks of enriching and nourishing the fetus. The baby grows quickly, reaches a weight of 2 grams. and in the amount of 1.7-1.9 cm.

Pregnancy by weeks (week 7), more precisely, the development of the fetus occurs systematically and the woman's feelings change. The child has already formed both hemispheres of the brain, the central nervous system and the skeleton are developing.

The body is equal in size to the head, a small tail is visible in the coccyx area. The blood circulation is quite well regulated, the placenta performs its tasks of enriching the fetus with oxygen. It also protects against the penetration of infection and toxic substances.

The heart muscle has 4 chambers, which ensures the correct blood flow through a small organism. The skin consists of 2 layers, the top of which is called the epidermis.

During the ultrasound, the mother may already notice that the baby's fingers are visible, and the embryo adapts and bends the elbows with the knees for convenience.

The tissues of the musculoskeletal system are transformed into full-fledged bone tissue slowly but surely. And if you look at the face, you will notice the upper lip, nose with small nostrils. In the mouth, the laying of the first teeth begins, the formation of the auditory system takes place.

Pregnancy by weeks, namely by the end of the 7th week, the development of the fetus is gaining momentum and the woman's feelings from this change. A tubercle appears between the legs of the child, subsequently, with the help of ultrasound, the sex of the baby is revealed on this basis.

Closer to the eighth week, a woman begins to experience all the hardships of bearing. In addition to the fact that she is tormented by toxicosis, apathy and fatigue, swelling of the limbs and face, frequent urination, and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, heartburn, increased gas formation) are added to this.

Due to the accelerated development of the child, the uterus takes on the size of a large apple or orange. Therefore, the expectant mother feels that the stomach pulls down, there is some pressure and heaviness. Nipples gain more dark shade, from the navel to the lower abdomen there is a dark line.


Even if a woman is extremely inattentive, according to the signs expressed at week 8, she will definitely guess that she is pregnant (if the delay in menstruation is not taken into account due to distraction). The main features include a rounded belly, which is clearly visible.

The lady's gait becomes systematic, her breasts swell and round slightly, her hips become splendid. Depending on the condition of the skin, it can become imperfect or, conversely, perfectly smooth and radiant.

Particular attention is paid to taste buds and food preferences, this is what characterizes pregnancy for weeks over the eighth. The development of the fetus is rapid and the sensations of the woman are replaced by others.

Very often there is a desire to eat something that is clearly not seasonal. Sometimes thoughts flash through the head of a pregnant woman about how delicious it would be to eat a banana with pickled cucumber. Some, on the contrary, become very selective in food.

A child in the womb is growing rapidly, its weight reaches 2.1-3.2 grams, and its size is equal to or exceeds 2 cm. Almost all the most important organs and systems have already been laid down, they just need to develop and function.

There is an ability to move your fingers, clench and unclench your fists, the tail on the coccyx disappears. Articular and bone tissues are getting stronger with each passing day.

The embryo in the womb no longer has a clear resemblance to an alien creature. The formation of the visual system begins, the eyes approach each other.

If at this stage you are examined and undergo an ultrasound, you will consider the auricles that have appeared and the contour of the face, on which facial expressions are not yet so clearly visible. It is at week 8 that the baby shows some kind of reaction to touching the mother's stomach.


At this crucial time, weekly pregnancy (week 9) is characterized by the fact that the embryo has grown sufficiently. The development of the fetus proceeds quickly and the sensations of the woman replace each other.

The baby has formed legs with handles, the head is still large and round in size, located on the chest.

The size of the baby is approximately equal to a grape, which moves randomly in the liquid. The first sexual characteristics appear, but this cannot be detected by ultrasound, you will have to donate blood for analysis.

An extremely important period for a future mother. It is important to monitor the secretions: if they acquire a greenish or yellowish tint, a doctor's consultation is urgently needed.

A pregnant woman should be alerted by painful cramps that appear in the lower abdomen or lower back. The doctor may order a biopsy to rule out malformations in the fetus.

It feels like a woman can suffer from constipation, heartburn, digestive problems. Worth giving up junk food. To cope with vomiting with toxicosis, you need to drink green tea or a decoction of wild rose.

WEEK #10

This time is considered more or less calm, because the pregnant woman's body has already adapted to the changes. The fetus has formed organs and systems, the development of the cerebral hemispheres continues. The weight of the "grape" is approaching 6.8-7 grams, the head rises and is no longer so clearly adjacent to the chest.

The description of pregnancy by weeks is so good that you can observe the rapid development of the fetus and measure the sensations of a woman. During this period, it is considered surprising how the brain develops. Due to the rapid process, many neural circuits are formed during each minute.

The child's fingers are getting longer, but there are still webs between them. Thanks to correct location the main internal organs (kidneys, liver, respiratory system, intestinal tract) continue to develop.

At this stage, another important event occurs - sex hormones are synthesized (testosterone or estrogen, depending on gender).

As for the sensations of a pregnant woman, the lady feels heaviness and an increase in the mammary glands, veins are clearly visible on the chest. The stomach is already decently rounded, so it makes sense to buy clothes that are more comfortable.

The pressure on the pelvic organs increases due to the development of the fetus and the corresponding increase in the uterus. A woman's psycho-emotional environment may change due to changes in weight and body shape, but do not despair. Relax more and pamper yourself with beautiful underwear.

WEEK #11

When 11 weeks of pregnancy comes, the development of the fetus has already reached a size of about 5-6 cm, and its weight varies between 10-11 grams.

At this time, pregnancy by weeks must be considered from the point of view of the correct development of the fetus and the sensations of the woman. If you come for an examination, the doctor will identify the gender and measure the correctness of the development of the gestation period.

During the examination, you can hear the heart rate, which is approximately 135-140 beats per minute. Due to the rapid development, the baby needs more nutrients, blood vessels begin to grow in the placenta.

At week 11, hair follicles and auricles are formed. The fetus is less and less like an alien.

The expectant mother also feels better, the toxicosis gradually subsides, it will completely disappear closer to the 14th week of gestation. But there is still intense urination, which is quite normal for pregnant women.

To reduce the burden on the urinary organs, it is recommended to drink more water, but refuse salty foods. Caffeinated drinks are a must.

During this period, it is already worth thinking about applying to the stomach and chest. natural oils from stretch marks. We also recommend visiting sports section for pregnant women to always be in shape and ensure the correct formation of the baby.

WEEK #12

When 12 weeks of pregnancy is reached, the development of the fetus is even faster. At the end of the third month of gestation, the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced. The woman is quite accustomed to and accustomed to her "delicate" position, so she can relax.

The expectant mother lies quietly and reads about pregnancy for weeks, studies everything regarding the development of the fetus, but the woman's feelings must also be taken into account. There are huge changes in appearance.

The face becomes bright, the skin tone is even. Hair looks shiny and thick, which indicates right course pregnancy. During this period, there is a risk of constipation and heartburn, so you need to follow the recommendations.

Despite the improvement in health and appearance, we still recommend that you give up fast food and other unhealthy foods. Continue to do fitness, walk more, lean on protein meals.

If we consider the development of the fetus, its size has already reached 6.5 cm, and its weight is 13 grams. The lungs and the entire respiratory system are noticeably strengthened, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract stabilizes, the head rises higher and higher due to the efforts of the baby. He even tries to suck his thumb. It is worth being more careful, because the child is already able to respond to voice and sounds, as well as feel pain.

WEEK #13

This period of pregnancy by weeks gives rise to the second trimester, respectively, the development of the fetus and the sensations of the woman are gaining momentum. Continue to follow the advice about the intensity of physical activity and proper nutrition.

Concerning external signs women, the waist line blurs, the chest increases by an order of magnitude (in some ladies up to 2 sizes). We recommend buying a supportive bra.

Colostrum will be released from the nipples, the uterus rises, thereby eliminating discomfort. The frequency of urination decreases, so the woman feels much lighter, despite the rounded tummy.

There should be no pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. But if you notice similar symptoms, be sure to visit your doctor. As for the secretions, they should be white without a sharp unpleasant odor.

In growth, the baby has reached 7 cm, its weight varies between 16-20 grams. The baby quickly develops sensitivity, he reacts extremely violently to mom's mood swings, noisy exclamations, pain, temperature, light.

The fetus has changed in terms of physiology, its ears are clearly visible on ultrasound, the bone tissue becomes solid, and the muscle tissue is still being formed. The eyes are closer to each other, so the resemblance to an alien creature is minimal.

Weekly pregnancy in the second trimester is good because the development of the fetus is interesting and the woman's feelings change, respectively. At the beginning of the second trimester, the baby already sees dreams, but they can only last 1-2 minutes.

But the propulsion system is being improved. In addition to bending and unbending the knees and elbows, the baby is already waving its limbs to the fullest, crossing its legs, and raising its head.

WEEK #14

By this moment, the future mother is already so accustomed to her interesting position that she is not at all afraid of responsibility. The waiting period begins. A woman finds harmony with the body and soul, sets priorities.

The chest grows rapidly, the hips become wider, the uterus rises higher and higher. Be sure to wear loose clothing that will not restrict movement.

For the proper development of the baby, it is necessary to give up sweets and introduce more protein foods into the diet. Weight begins to slowly arrive, so follow the scale arrow and do not overeat.

The fetus has already reached a height of 10 cm, its weight is about 50 grams. On ultrasound, you can see not hidden, but distinct facial expressions. The respiratory system works smoothly and continues to improve. Insulin production begins, a certain mode of wakefulness and sleep appears.

Weekly pregnancy in the second trimester determines the development of the fetus, or rather its heart muscle, which depends on the behavior and feelings of the woman. Mom should not be nervous so as not to provoke a rapid heart rate in the child.


Despite good health, one should still not forget about an active lifestyle and a balanced diet. As for other sensations of a woman, there may be some discomfort associated with the teeth. If there is soreness or caries, contact your dentist in time to prevent the development of infection.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, immunity drops sharply, so try to avoid crowded places and friends with respiratory diseases. If the first signs of SARS appear, immediately see a doctor!

Hormonal changes occur in the same mode, which entails drowsiness and apathy. Do not worry, rest more, because after the baby is born, this will become an unaffordable luxury for you.

Don't panic if it appears mild soreness in the lower abdomen. Due to the growth of the uterus and the development of the fetus, the ligaments and muscle tissue are stretched, which leads to some soreness. But with severe attacks, run to the doctor.

Already appears in the second trimester varicose veins veins, so it makes sense to pick up comfortable shoes and compression stockings if necessary. To relieve fatigue and heavy legs syndrome, the limbs must be massaged several times a day.

Yes, pregnancy by weeks is characterized by the rapid development of the fetus and the sensations of a woman that she does not always like. But you will have to be patient until a more stable and “quiet” period.

By the 15th week of pregnancy, the child has already grown enough, its size is commensurate with an apple. He still actively moves, crosses his legs, turns his head.

Dreams are short-lived, the eyes are still closed, but the formation of the optic nerves is in full swing. The baby is able to react to darkness or bright light. His sweat glands begin to work, the first hairs appear from the follicles.


Finally, the time has come when the fetus turns into a baby. He looks more and more like a baby, the skin is still thin, but the vessels are already visible. In growth, the baby reaches about 12-14 cm, and its weight is as much as 100-110 grams.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, changes occur in the composition of the blood, platelets are produced with erythrocytes and lymphocytes. Accelerated synthesis of hemoglobin begins.

By ultrasound, you can see what facial features are inherent in the baby, he has cilia and eyebrows. The whole body is covered with lubrication whitish color, which will protect thin skin until the very labor activity.

It feels like a woman is gaining weight, and rapidly. Therefore, it is important to follow the daily diet and not overeat. Otherwise, there will be pressure surges.

Weekly pregnancy (week 16) is characterized by a gait like a duck, this is all due to the accelerated development of the fetus, and the woman experiences other sensations. Non-primiparas can already feel the baby moving.


A woman loses her ability to work, her psycho-emotional environment suffers, her nerves are “naughty”. The support of a loved one, communication with friends and relatives will be most welcome.

Body weight is rapidly increasing, painful spasms and heaviness in the sacrum appear. A pregnant woman quickly overworks, body temperature jumps (fever, chills). Feelings include mood swings, which are the result of fatigue.

At this time, the baby is developing in full in the womb of the mother. His height has already reached 13 cm, the baby devotes more time to sleep than to wakefulness. After waking up, he makes faces and pulls his hands.

The baby clearly hears sounds, reacts to touch, darkness and light. Loud exclamations frighten the child, so the soothing voice of the mother will come in handy.

The child actively develops and improves the adrenal glands and pituitary gland. At week 17, the organs of the reproductive system are formed in girls.


The description of pregnancy by week affects the development of the fetus and the woman's feelings at 18 weeks. The expectant mother can no longer sleep comfortably due to a rounded belly, so during the rest she has to excel in every possible way.

A brutal appetite appears, which must be fought in order to avoid recruitment overweight body. It is at week 18 that a woman noticeably gains weight. When consuming carbonated drinks, snacks and other “nasty things”, heartburn, flatulence, and constipation appear.

There may be problems with the teeth, they begin to crumble due to a lack of calcium. Be sure to introduce milk, fish, meat, cheese and eggs into your daily diet.

The areolas expand and darken, the chest acquires a strong sensitivity, which is not always comfortable. A woman increases in size, feels like a "hippo", this provokes depression.

But do not despair, it is enough to consider the development of the baby in the womb. He reached 0.2 kg. weight and 18 cm height. It is important for a child to hear the mother's voice, so constantly talk to him for the stable development of the central nervous system.

During the period of activity of the baby, the mother sometimes feels kicks in the stomach, this indicates the improvement of the musculoskeletal system. The baby's fingers are developed, the first prints appear on them.


Pregnancy by weeks (19 weeks) is characterized by the fact that heartburn and vomiting with toxicosis have already receded. The development of the fetus is rapid and the woman's feelings from this change. The skin begins to itch due to the rapid rounding of the tummy, it is necessary to use pregnancy creams to reduce sensitivity.

Seizures may occur lower extremities, heavy leg syndrome and edema. Doctors in such cases prescribe medicines for Magnesia.

There is fatigue and heaviness in the back, it is enough to do light gymnastics. Pregnant women at this time are advised to measure physical activity with rest. In the absence of deviations in the development of the baby, you should do business and walk more.

Never put yourself on bed rest. Otherwise, the muscles will weaken, childbirth will take place with complications. As for the baby, he has already reached 230-250 grams in weight, he sleeps almost constantly, and kicks after waking up.

When the mother walks, the child feels motion sickness. When a woman lies down, tremors are felt in the abdomen. The baby's sebaceous glands are still working intensively, covering it with a white film.

WEEK #20

At this stage of pregnancy, a period of rest begins for the expectant mother. You feel better than ever and simply blossom. The tummy will be visible, but will not interfere in the usual affairs. You can move without problems.

Feels like you can already understand how the child develops. If you feel strong shocks, this is a signal that the baby does not have enough oxygen. Ventilate the room or take a walk outside if possible.

It happens that tremors can appear after physical activity. In this case, it is better to lie down and rest. Pregnancy is a crucial period, you need to sleep on your side for such a period. From week to week, the development of the fetus can be felt differently. Therefore, the sensations of a woman will be slightly different.

Rest on your side will help avoid squeezing the veins and tubes of the internal organs. Also at week 20, you need to eat more foods that are rich in iron and calcium. Among these, buckwheat, prunes, beef, spinach and cottage cheese should be distinguished.

At this stage of pregnancy, the growth of the fetus reaches about 23 cm, and its weight reaches 300 grams. The baby can already somersault, play and yawn. The limbs begin to form correctly, become proportional to the body. The head gradually decreases. Hair and fingernails begin to grow.

WEEK #21

At this time, experts assure that the mother is able to form the future taste preferences of the baby. If you regularly eat sweet, spicy, salty and spicy foods, in the future the child is unlikely to want to eat lean foods or vegetables. You will have to try hard to get him.

Unfortunately, you will also experience flatulence and frequent hunger. The load on the veins does not disappear anywhere. If you do not restrain yourself, you will quickly gain extra pounds. It will also increase the size of the fetus. This can cause problems during childbirth.

During pregnancy, it is better to eat often, but in small portions. By weeks, the development of the fetus will proceed much better. The baby is changing. And the woman's feelings will improve, some discomfort will disappear. The child already reaches about 26 cm in height, and the weight will be 340 grams.

Outwardly, the baby is almost like a newborn. It remains for the fetus to grow and gain weight. A special fluid in the womb allows the baby to recognize what mommy ate. When the baby begins to move at such a time, bumps can be seen on the stomach.

WEEK #22

The belly becomes visible. Even with the help outerwear changes are hard to hide. If the specialist has not identified any abnormalities, you can continue to lead a normal life. At the 22nd week of pregnancy, you will bloom, the skin will noticeably improve.

Pay attention to the manifestation of swelling of the extremities. Similar phenomenon occurs due to fluid retention in the body. In this case, you need to consume less salt. If you have anemia, you need to pass additional tests. Get a full examination and ultrasound.

Weekly pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the development of the fetus at such a period occurs quite quickly. The baby weighs more than 400 grams, and the height can reach up to 30 cm. The large size of the child makes it difficult to lead an active lifestyle and the woman's feelings become more pronounced. In the meantime, the nervous system is being formed in the fetus.

WEEK #23

23 weeks pregnant still allows you to enjoy your vacation. You will no longer be bothered by toxicosis or heartburn. At this time, it is important to try to keep your own weight within the normal range. The development of the fetus is quite active. By this time, girls, on average, gain up to 7 additional kilograms.

The belly starts to rise. Soon you will feel tension and fatigue in the lumbar region. If the deadline falls on a period of hot summer, swelling of the limbs cannot be avoided. Try to drink a little less water and avoid salty foods.

When resting, place a pillow under your legs so that they are slightly higher than the body. If you regularly began to show convulsions, forget about the shoes on the rise for a while. Include foods rich in tocopherol and calcium in your diet.

The development of the baby continues actively. Its weight can reach 420 gr. The fruit itself will look shriveled. This feature will pass as soon as the child accumulates a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat. The baby at this time is busy only with the absorption of nutrients.

Pregnancy week by week is very interesting. The development of the fetus is based on its formation of the respiratory organs. The child tries to do trial exercises. The baby sleeps most of the time, he is already able to see long dreams and the sensations of a woman can be varied.

WEEK #24

The 24th week of pregnancy is manifested in the form of an increase in the child along with the abdomen. There is a risk of stretch marks. After childbirth, with proper physical training, you can get rid of them. Fetal development continues actively.

At 24 weeks, the expectant mother feels very well. The first trimester is considered the most dangerous. It's too early to think about childbirth. At such a time, you need to calmly do your usual things, walk, relax, communicate with loved ones and go out into nature. The main thing is to follow the diet.

Often, a specialist during the examination can make a diagnosis - breech presentation fetus. Do not panic or be upset, this phenomenon is absolutely normal. The baby will change its position closer to birth. The weight of the fetus can already reach 0.5 kg.

At this time, the baby learns to exhale and inhale, but the main oxygen comes through the umbilical cord. The child continues to develop the brain. The number of neural connections is significantly increased. A baby in the womb sucks a finger, can grimace, play with the umbilical cord, and even frown.

WEEK #25

The 25th week of pregnancy visually manifests itself differently for everyone. Therefore, the size of the abdomen can be larger or smaller than the rest. The uterus is greatly enlarged. From this feature there is pressure on the gastrointestinal tract. Often there is heartburn. The development of the fetus continues according to the scenario.

In order not to face a common problem in the form of constipation, it is strongly recommended to include various cereals and fresh vegetables in your daily diet. Pregnancy by weeks can already be painted. If necessary, you need to start taking drugs with a high iron content.

This procedure will eliminate the development of iron deficiency anemia. It is also recommended to regularly wear a special bandage. It will reduce stress on your back. As for the baby, the development of the fetus should not bother you and the sensations of the woman will already be familiar.

In rare cases, preterm birth occurs. A child at this stage of development is quite viable. The baby will be placed in special conditions. The child will ripen up to 40 full weeks. In the womb, the baby weighs 0.7 kg. Growth can reach 35 cm.

At normal course pregnancy in the baby is strengthened skeletal system. Muscle fibers are actively developing. The child is already quite capable of grasping something. The child clenches his hands into fists. Thus, the leading hand is determined.

WEEK #26

26 weeks of pregnancy - the woman's body continues to be subjected to even greater stress. In this case, you should go on maternity leave. The development of the fetus does not stop. Often at this time absent-mindedness and forgetfulness are manifested. It also makes it harder for you to walk, especially if you are overweight.

Normal is considered recruited up to 8 kg. weight. When walking, a large load is placed on the lower back. Carefully monitor your own condition. With the tone of the uterus, bed rest is put. If you begin to feel contractions and bleeding occurs, call an ambulance immediately.

The mass of the fetus inside the womb can reach 1 kg. The baby's skin color begins to change. It becomes lighter due to the accumulated subcutaneous fat. Muscles are getting stronger every day. Therefore, when pushing a child, you will feel unpleasant pain and discomfort.

WEEK #27

Pregnancy week by week makes itself felt. During this period, it becomes more and more difficult for you to perform ordinary tasks. The development of the fetus continues rapidly and the sensations of a woman during such a period are diverse. You get tired quickly, you need more time to rest.

Week 27 needs a vacation. Take up a hobby you love that won't be a hassle. Believe me, after giving birth you will not find so much time. Watch your nutrition. During this period, it is very easy to gain excess weight. Control yourself.

When the uterus begins to enlarge, various consequences appear. Heartburn and shortness of breath develop. The child is actively growing at this time. The brain is developing rapidly. The foundations are laid in the form of attention, memory and even character.

At this time, it is necessary to continue to eat foods containing enough calcium. The baby is actively improving the skeletal system. Subcutaneous fat also continues to accumulate. Skin pigmentation changes. Immunity is formed thanks to the placenta.

WEEK #28

Feelings may change depending on how many pounds you have gained. If you have gained more than 9 kg., Movement becomes much more difficult. You become clumsy. Drowsiness and fatigue are more pronounced. Digestion problems may occur.

Weekly pregnancy will be easier if you regularly arrange fasting days after consultation with a doctor. The development of the fetus should not disturb you, because the baby is already in the correct position. You can notice about 10 interpretations in a couple of hours and the sensations of a woman become quite interesting.

WEEK #29

The baby begins to show increased activity, it becomes cramped in the womb. It will feel like he has become much stronger. The height of the child reaches 36-40 cm, and its weight can be about 1.5 kg. The visual system begins to react to light flashes.

The baby may hiccup and cough. You will definitely feel it. Actively developing emotional sphere. The child is capable of crying. At this time, the baby's internal organs are practically formed. The respiratory organs continue to improve, the muscles get stronger.

At this time, it is highly recommended to practice yoga. Proceed to similar practice only after consultation with the doctor. Be sure to master the Kegel technique. Such procedures help to control your body more easily. At week 29, increased irritability and fatigue are felt.

WEEK #30

The abdomen visibly grows and stretches the thin skin. Stretch marks also appear in the thigh area. Proper nutrition helps to avoid swelling of the limbs and frequent constipation.

Rest if you become more prone to weakness and dizziness. Learn a special technique that helps you relax.

Pregnancy is getting more interesting every week. The development of the fetus continues, the relationship between mother and baby is getting better.

And the feelings of a woman are greatly exacerbated. You may be annoyed by stuffiness in the room. You become very nervous when you smell a faint unpleasant odor.

WEEK #31

At this time, you can feel all the unpleasant sensations that were before, only to a greater extent. Breathing becomes noticeably worse, you are increasingly faced with shortness of breath. Such consequences occur due to the fact that the uterus displaces all internal organs. Edema and convulsions appear more often.

You often start to suffer from insomnia. To cope with such troubles, it is important to have a positive attitude. Regular relaxing massage and systematic yoga classes will help. Try to drink less fluids. Also, if necessary, limit walking. Eat right.

The height of the baby can reach 43 cm, and weight - 1.6 kg. The child learns to control the 5 basic senses. Neural connections begin to grow at an incredible rate. The baby sleeps less and is more awake. You can tell he's minding his own business.

WEEK #32

The female body prepares itself for the birth process. In some cases, false contractions may occur. The abdomen at this time is quite large and often pulls down. Therefore, it is highly recommended to wear a bandage.

Your usual actions become clumsy and slow. You simply become uncomfortable doing something. Pregnancy by weeks at such a period makes itself felt. Do not deny yourself the desire to relax more. The development of the fetus can be felt due to strong shocks.

You will have to choose a suitable position for a longer time to get settled, to fall asleep. And the feeling of a woman is not the most pleasant. The height of the baby can reach up to 45 cm. As for the weight, it is about 1.8 kg. The baby can turn head down, as it should.

During this period, it is recommended to talk with the baby. His brain is quite developed. Read books aloud, turn on classical music, compositions. At this stage, the child can be greatly influenced. Meanwhile, his muscles continue to strengthen. There is coordination of movements.

WEEK #33

A woman is allowed to gain up to 12 kg. total weight. Keep in mind, at this time, the hormonal background is greatly increased. The gums sometimes bleed frequently. Due to the fact that you begin to be afraid of childbirth, irritability increases significantly.

try to live joyful emotions and positive self-discipline. Don't forget to do regular exercise for pregnant women. This practice keeps the muscles in good shape. Otherwise, you will not be able to control your body during childbirth.

At 33 weeks, the baby should take the correct position inside the womb. His weight is approximately 2.3 kg, and his height is approaching 46 cm. The child continues to actively develop the musculoskeletal system. The fetus becomes like a baby.

WEEK #34

Pregnancy week by week becomes more and more difficult in terms of mobility and the inconvenience of performing habitual activities. Fetal development is felt more strongly and a woman's feelings can be unpredictable. As for the hormonal background, it is stabilizing.

You leave anger and negative thoughts behind. Appears good location spirit, you are simply looking forward to the baby. The total body weight can increase up to 15 kg. The chest continues to grow. The areolas of the nipples and the line from the navel to the lower abdomen become noticeably darker.

The growth of the baby at this time is 47 cm. The weight can range from 2.1 to 2.4 kg. The skin of the child is smoothed and becomes light. The epidermis is covered with a protective composition. If the child is born at this time, he will be able to breathe on his own.

WEEK #35

A rather responsible period begins. It is necessary to prepare for childbirth. Do not be lazy and take special courses. Visit the relevant consultations. Try to choose suitable partner for childbirth. The husband does not have to be suitable for such a role.

At this time, the stomach grows to the maximum. You start to get tired quickly when walking. Swelling cannot be avoided. It is forbidden to overeat. Otherwise, the baby will noticeably grow up. Childbirth can be difficult.

The weekly pregnancy is nearly over. The development of the fetus is at the final stage. The baby continues to train the respiratory system. Swallowing, sucking reflexes develop and a woman's sensations can be ambiguous.

In the body of the expectant mother, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases. For the baby, this contributes to the manifestation of discomfort. Instinctively, the fetus understands that it is time to get out into more appropriate place. At the same time, the nervous, endocrine and immune systems continue to actively develop in the child.

WEEK #36-40

During this period, the mother's body is already fully prepared for the appearance of the baby. 14 days before the due date, the abdomen noticeably drops and becomes very hard. This phenomenon indicates that the uterus comes into tone. You can face contractions at any time. They can be false (training) or real.

At this time, a woman can gain up to 16 kg. weight. Closer to childbirth, this figure decreases. Be sure to visit your doctor once a week. He must supervise the condition of the child. From weeks 36 to 40, you will feel a significant increase in appetite.

Sometimes there is discomfort in the lower abdomen. Soon you will feel quite unpleasant sensations. Contractions often start with spasms. They happen at the same frequency. About 5 times in 1 hour. Also diarrhea and vomiting are not excluded. The body begins to cleanse itself.

Immediately before childbirth, the mucous plug comes out. The water starts to flow. Childbirth has begun, hospitalization is immediately needed. At such a moment, the child can already reach 54 cm. The average weight reaches 3.5 kg. The baby is fully formed and ready to see the light.

If you have read this article to the end, you can safely say that the weekly pregnancy lesson has been mastered. Now you know everything about the development of the fetus and the feelings of a woman. Do not forget to monitor your health, compare the mode of wakefulness and sleep, eat right.