Pregnancy. Signs and course of pregnancy. The body of a pregnant woman. What does “uterus in good shape” mean and is it dangerous during pregnancy? Breast tenderness or mild tenderness

During the first six days after conception, the embryo "travels", moving along the fallopian tube. Then it enters the uterine cavity and attaches to the mucous membrane of its walls (so-called implantation occurs). The first six days of life, the embryo lives autonomously, like a chicken in an egg, feeds on its own reserves and has nothing to do with its mother, its heart will begin to work in 23 days. After the implantation occurs, a connection occurs between the child and the woman through the umbilical cord and the branched chorion, which is formed at the site of attachment fetal egg to the mucous membrane of the uterus. By the 16th week of pregnancy, the branched chorion becomes the placenta.

5th week corpus luteum The ovary, which produces the hormone progesterone to support pregnancy, reaches its peak, and a real hormonal explosion occurs in the woman's body. Because of this, the expectant mother is often whiny, irritable, gets tired quickly, and swelling may appear on her face.

In addition, by the 5-6th week, nausea and vomiting often intensify, the breasts become more sensitive and even painful, the skin around the nipples darkens. The uterus, which until the beginning of the 9-month wait was the size of a tangerine, is actively growing, pressing on the bladder, forcing the expectant mother to run to the toilet more often, and on the rectum, which can cause constipation, and more secretion is released from the vagina.

Gynecologist in the 1st trimester

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, you will meet with an obstetrician-gynecologist from antenatal clinic, which will assess the state of your body, direct you to additional examinations and advice, will advise how to cope with anxiety. In addition, the doctor will give advice on lifestyle, behavior and nutrition.

The first weeks of pregnancy

What health problems can occur during the first weeks of pregnancy?


What to do? Lay the expectant mother so that her head is below the level of the heart, give her a sweet drink strong tea, open the windows in the room. To avoid fainting, your doctor will advise you to walk more (especially before bedtime), avoid stuffy rooms and smoking companies.

Nausea, vomiting, weight loss

What to do? See a doctor, have a urine test for acetone, in the morning without getting out of bed, eat something "small" (for example, cookies), eat often and in small portions during the day.


What to do? Lie down, calm down and dial "03". It often happens that bleeding appears on the days of the expected menstruation. This usually happens in women who, even before pregnancy, had problems with the menstrual cycle (ovulation did not occur in the middle of the cycle, but shortly before "menstruation"). In any case, the obstetrician-gynecologist must find out why bleeding, and prescribe treatment.

If the reason lies in hormonal deficiency, you will need to go through special examination, and then the doctor will prescribe the mini-doses of hormones that are needed to keep the pregnancy going. If this is due to wrong location branchy chorion, which can be found out with an ultrasound examination, you will be advised bed rest and a sedative.

Lower abdominal pain

What to do? Lie down, take it easy, accept comfortable position, you can insert a suppository with papaverine into the rectum. If pain persists or recurs frequently, see your doctor.

Early pregnancy

In order for the child to be comfortable and receive required amount nutrients and oxygen (all this comes to him through the blood), try to lead a correct lifestyle. Remember that you need to sleep at least 8-10 hours at night, spend more time on fresh air for example, go for a walk with your husband before going to bed. If you feel sick in the morning, which is due to low level blood sugar, try eating a cookie or apple before getting out of bed. Eat what you want, often and in small portions. Drink herbal tea (peppermint, ginger) to help relieve nausea. Do not eat spicy and fatty foods, avoid strong odors, smoky and stuffy rooms. At the beginning of pregnancy, do not limit yourself in the choice of food: you can eat almost anything you want, just not very much.

Try to include more dairy products, meat, juices, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Don't forget about foods that contain fiber and help your intestines work. For the health of your baby, give up smoking and alcohol. It is known that alcohol can harm a child and cause alcohol syndrome, which will then become the cause of it mental retardation... Smoking leads to termination of pregnancy, in addition, the baby can be born with a low birth weight.

Infections, working with chemicals or with a computer in large volume on the early dates pregnancy can cause the baby to stop developing. This is due to the fact that in the first eight weeks is coming the laying of all organs and systems of a small organism, and any harmful effect can cause heart disease, a violation in the development of the central nervous system.

Today in the article you can find out what it means: the uterus is in good shape? Women hear this diagnosis quite often, but why is it dangerous? What to do in in this case?

To begin with, let's deal with the concept of “toned uterus”. What does it mean? From doctors you can hear another name for the diagnosis - uterine hypertonicity. It most commonly occurs during early pregnancy. As you know, during childbirth, the uterus contracts, helping the baby to be born. But in some cases, these muscle contractions occur much earlier than expected.

What means increased tone uterus? Sometimes women feel a pulling pain in the abdomen or lower back. In other cases, the diagnosis is made during ultrasound examination... What does it mean - the uterus is toning, what are the reasons? There are an incredible number of them. After all, this female organ able to respond not only to stretching (it occurs as a result of fetal growth), but also to nerve impulses. The latter include the conditions caused by:

  • excitement;
  • fear;
  • joy and so on.

Shouldn't be ignored pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, seek professional help immediately. He will appoint adequate treatment that can save your baby's life. The consequences can be the most dire, up to and including termination of pregnancy.

Uterus before childbirth

First, let's talk about why the uterus is in good shape before giving birth. What does this diagnosis mean just before the baby is born? Let's start with the features of this stage:

Is hypertonia always observed before childbirth? It is worth remembering that just before the contractions, you can observe the uterus in good shape. What does it mean? Before childbirth, some changes occur in a woman's body, and hypertonicity is normal reaction organism, indicating that generic activity started. During this period, the placenta and pituitary gland produce hormones that can strengthen the muscular structure of the uterus. This is necessary to prepare for the strongest stress in order to expel the fetus. Hypertonicity in the forty-first week is quite normal, the body signals to us that labor activity has begun, and soon mom will be able to hug her long-awaited baby.

What is uterine tone?

But what does the uterus mean during pregnancy before the intended birth? To begin with, we are talking about the smooth muscle genital organ, which consists of three layers:

  • perimetry;
  • myometrium;
  • endometrium.

The myometrium is the muscular layer, which is characterized by contraction. As a result of this, the concept of "uterine tone" arises. Her normal state is relaxation. If the muscles contract, then the myometrium contracts, forming pressure in the uterine cavity.

The most dangerous is hypertonia in the first trimester, as it can cause fetal death.


In this section, you will learn what an increased uterine tone during pregnancy means, and what are the consequences of its occurrence. In case of hypertonicity, an urgent need to consult a doctor, because the consequences include:

  • spontaneous miscarriage (most dangerous consequence which can be avoided by promptly seeking medical help);
  • the tone of the uterus can negatively affect the health of the baby (a violation of the blood supply that occurs as a result of this disease can lead to oxygen starvation baby).

You should not stay idle, because prolonged hypertonicity can lead to premature birth, if it arose on later dates pregnancy. With this disease, children are often born weak and small, because the clamped umbilical cord does not deliver the required amount of oxygen and nutrients to the child.


We figured out the question, what does the uterus mean during pregnancy? Now we propose to talk in more detail about the causes of this unwanted and dangerous disease.

TO natural reasons relate:

  • strong laughter;
  • sneezing;
  • orgasm;
  • performing any physical work etc.

In addition, there are pathological factors that increase the tone of the uterus, which means their correct treatment. Now we will figure it out. Among them:

  1. Deficiency of progesterone, a hormone that prepares the endometrium for implantation. He must relax the muscles of the uterus and maintain a normal tone.
  2. The production of male hormones in a large number... It's connected with hormonal disruption, in this case, the uterus actively contracts to reject the embryo.
  3. Saddle and two-horned uterus. These anomalies are congenital and are quite common. Some women find out about this feature only during the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy.
  4. Severe toxicosis. This can be explained quite simply: during vomiting, all the muscles of the abdominal cavity contract. Toxicosis can cause hypertension only if it causes weight loss and constant feeling unwell women. In this case, urgent hospitalization is required in order to stabilize the woman's condition. If the expectant mother eats well, gains weight, and toxicosis does not bother her much, then hospitalization is not needed.
  5. Rhesus conflict. This problem is relevant for women with negative rhesus factor if dad is positive. There is a chance of conceiving a child with rhesus positive like his father. Then the mother's body perceives the fetus as foreign body, the uterus begins to actively contract, which prevents the ovum from implanting in its cavity. The first pregnancy usually goes well as female body produces a small amount of antibodies. With subsequent pregnancies, everything is much more complicated.
  6. Diseases of the female reproductive system. This problem is accompanied by a mass additional symptoms, including: pain, discharge, itching and so on.
  7. Distension of the uterus (large or giant fetus, twins, polyhydramnios).
  8. Tumors in the uterine cavity.
  9. Stress.
  10. The transverse position of the fetus at the end of pregnancy.
  11. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as with increased gassing and disturbed intestinal motility, the uterus is strongly strained.

As you can see, there are many reasons. That is why you should not self-medicate, consult a specialist. He, in turn, must deal with the cause of hypertension, only after that he will prescribe the correct treatment for you.


You have learned what is dangerous and what the tone of the uterus means during pregnancy. The symptoms of this ailment are our next question, which we will try to deal with right now.

A woman can independently, without the help of a doctor, determine that her uterus is in good shape. The first signal is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, it is similar to those that a woman experiences before menstruation. In addition, discomfort in the lumbar region may be felt. Perhaps the manifestation of pain that women experience at the time of the contraction. In this case, the uterus can be "stone".

There is also next way independently tactilely determine whether the uterus is in good shape. Lie on your back, try to relax as much as possible. Feel the stomach, if your assumptions are wrong, then it will be soft, otherwise it will resemble a thigh in elasticity.

If hypertonicity occurs in the second or third trimester, then you can notice:

  • contraction of the abdomen (determined visually);
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

In addition, the doctor may notice during examination a shortening of the cervix and thickening of the anterior wall.

First trimester

Now we will talk about the danger of hypertonicity in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is important to note that in the first weeks (from the fourth to the twelfth), the woman should not experience any discomfort... This is due to the fact that it is during this period that the probability of termination of pregnancy is high. Ideally, if the doctor issues the following verdict: uterine tone n. What does "n" mean? In medicine, it is customary to denote good condition, which does not threaten anything.

Any problem should be consulted with a doctor. If the situation is not serious, then you will be advised to take the No-shpy course on drink. Problems hormonal are solved by taking drugs "Dyufaston" and "Utrozhestan". If other serious violations are identified, then urgent hospitalization is required.

When did you feel aching pain in the first trimester of pregnancy, you need to drink "No-shpu" and rest a little. Try to calm down, chase everything negative thoughts away. If the pain persists, then call ambulance... In the hospital, as a rule, progesterone injections are prescribed. When bleeding is used "Dicinon", "Tranexam" and other hemostatic agents.

2 trimester

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy during this period is a fairly frequent phenomenon. The thing is that the body begins to train, to prepare itself for childbirth. Now in the body women go hormonal changes, starting from the twentieth week of pregnancy, you can periodically observe small painless contractions.

If the situation is serious (pain, bleeding, and so on), then a doctor's supervision is necessary. Urgently seek help from medical institution... Hypertonia in the second trimester can lead to fetal hypoxia. The doctor who leads your pregnancy must be sure to play it safe and prescribe the drug "Magne B6". He is able to maintain normal condition.

If you are indicated for hospitalization, then in the second trimester of pregnancy, doctors can instantly remove the tone of the uterus using the following means:

  • electropharesis with magnesia;
  • endonasal galvanization;
  • eletrorelaxation of the uterus.

These procedures are the safest when there is a threat of miscarriage. Since no drugs are taken, and the effect can be noticed already during the procedure. In addition, droppers are possible:

  • Ginipralol;
  • sulphate magnesium.

Drugs are prescribed that partially block the calcium tubules. Due to this, the uterus cannot contract, the muscles relax. To such medicines include:

  • "Nifedipine";
  • Corinfar.

Additionally, doctors prescribe special vitamin complexes for pregnant.

Third trimester

What does the increased tone of the uterus mean in the third trimester of pregnancy? These manifestations are already quite frequent and strong. This is due to the fact that the baby can provoke himself, since he gets cramped in his mother's stomach, and he rests on his legs and arms.

Doctors in this period it is very difficult to diagnose hypertonicity, as it can be preparatory contractions. Of course, gynecologists are reinsured by sending pregnant women to CTG procedure as often as possible.

It is also important to note that in Europe, hypertonicity does not cause such a violent reaction in doctors. They believe that this is a normal condition of a pregnant woman. However, inpatient treatment is prescribed to women for whom this symptom causes a lot of discomfort or there is a possibility of miscarriage.

  • "Courantil";
  • "Euphyllin";
  • Trental.

They are necessary for hypertonicity, as they contribute to the normalization of blood circulation in the uterus. As a result of treatment, the tone returns to normal, the baby receives the required amount of oxygen and nutrients.

Hypertonicity should not cause panic in the mother, it is a signal that more attention should be paid to your health. Also relevant drugs in this case are:

  • lipoic acid;
  • Actovegin;
  • Riboxin;
  • Calcium Pantothenate;
  • Essentiale;
  • "Hofitol".


We have already said enough about what the increased tone of the uterus means. Now let's talk a little about diagnostics. When contacting a medical institution, the doctor will advise:

  • examination of the abdomen;
  • examination in the gynecological chair;
  • ultrasonography;

With palpation and examination on the gynecological chair, the doctor will be able to assess the condition of the uterus and cervix. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to determine: is the tone increased throughout the muscles of the uterus or in certain areas? Do not self-medicate, immediately contact qualified specialists... Now you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of your baby.


How is a toned uterus treated? What does this mean: tension of the myometrium? With this diagnosis, a woman is individually selected therapy that helps to relax the muscle fibers (that is, the myometrium).

Depending on the degree of danger and the cause, therapy can be carried out at home or in a hospital. If you are allowed to be treated at home, then you should follow all the doctor's recommendations, including mandatory bed rest. As a rule, women cannot fully comply with it, because there is always work around the house. Doctors recommend inpatient treatment. The most common drugs for eliminating increased uterine tone are:

  • "No-shpa" or "Drotaverina hydrochloride";
  • Magne B6;
  • "Valerian";
  • "Motherwort";
  • "Novo-Passit";
  • "Duphaston";
  • "Utrozhestan" and so on.

Hospitalization: Yes or No?

What does the increased tone of the uterus mean? You have learned how the treatment is carried out in the hospital too. Now let's say a few words about whether it is worth going to the hospital, or it is better to choose treatment at home.

In case of hypertonicity, it is very important to observe bed rest, which is almost impossible for a woman to do at home. After all, it is necessary to clean up, prepare food, and it is not always possible to shift these responsibilities onto other shoulders.

If an increased tone is found for a period of twenty-eight weeks or more, then hospitalization is important for a woman. Modern medicine capable of leaving such a baby, he has a chance of survival. Earlier than this date - the chances are extremely small. Therapy is aimed at stopping labor.

By force, no one will send a woman to the hospital, the mother herself should understand that the life of the future baby depends on this. If the threat of miscarriage is high, then you should immediately go to the hospital for treatment.

Disposal at home

Now let's talk about how to remove the tone of the uterus during pregnancy at home. Before contacting a medical facility, a woman can try the following methods:

  • relax;
  • take a pill "No-shpy";
  • perform special gymnastics.

Exercises will help in the last paragraph:

  • "Kitty" (up to fifteen repetitions);
  • relaxation of the muscles of the face (the chin is lowered to the chest, and the muscles of the face and neck are as relaxed as possible);
  • deep breathing through the mouth;
  • take a knee-elbow position, linger a little, then lie down and relax.

What does the uterus mean in pregnant women: prevention

  1. Calmness nervous system.
  2. Rejection of bad habits.
  3. Sparing work schedule.
  4. Healthy, full sleep.
  5. Compliance with diet and daily regimen.
  6. Listen to relaxing music.
  7. Avoid contact with sick people.

These tips will help you avoid many health problems of the future baby and mother.

Signs of pregnancy are usually subdivided into doubtful (presumptive), probable and reliable.
Doubtful signs of pregnancy based on subjective data (feelings of the woman herself). These signs are characteristic of pregnancy, however, in different women may be expressed to a greater or lesser extent, or may be absent altogether. Also, these signs can be symptoms of another condition or disease, that is, they are not specific (characteristic only for pregnancy). TO dubious signs pregnancy include:

  • vomiting or nausea (especially in the morning);
  • change in appetite or food preferences, perversion of appetite (desire to eat inedible substances - clay, lime, chalk, earth);
  • intolerance to certain odors (tobacco smoke, perfume, alcohol);
  • dysfunction of the nervous system (drowsiness, frequent shifts mood, dizziness, malaise, irritability);
  • increased urination;
  • enlargement and engorgement (hardening) of the mammary glands, their increased sensitivity;
  • discoloration of the skin on the face, in the nipple area, along the midline of the abdomen (a vertical line dividing the abdomen into two equal halves);
  • the appearance of scars (stripes) of pregnancy ("stretch marks") on the mammary glands, thighs, abdominal skin.
Likely signs of pregnancy are more specific (characteristic of pregnancy), are detected during an objective examination (examination of the patient by a doctor). The presence of probable signs in the absence of pregnancy indicates serious violations in the woman's reproductive system (diseases). Likely signs pregnancy are:
  • cessation of menstruation;
  • discharge of milk or colostrum (a thick, yellowish liquid) from the mammary glands;
  • swelling, cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs, vagina and cervix;
  • symptoms detected during a gynecological examination: an increase and softening of the uterus, its asymmetry, mobility, a change in consistency with mechanical irritation (touch);
  • positive home or lab test for raising hCG level (chorionic gonadotropin person). At home, an increase in the level of this hormone is determined using various tests to determine pregnancy, in laboratory conditions hCG is determined in the blood or urine.
Signs of pregnancy there is evidence of the presence of an embryo (fetus) in the uterus. These are:
  • probing through the abdominal wall of small (arms, legs) and large (head, back, pelvis) parts of the fetus, its movements;
  • listening to the fetal heartbeat;
  • sensation of fetal movement by the mother;
  • detection of the ovum, embryo (embryo) or fetus with ultrasound (ultrasound) of the uterus;
  • detection of parts of the fetal skeleton on an X-ray or tomogram (when performing an X-ray examination of a pregnant woman, in addition to her bones, the bones of the fetus are displayed in the abdomen).

Incubation period

As a rule, dubious (sensations that appear in women that are characteristic of pregnancy, but are not guaranteed to confirm its presence, since they can also occur outside of pregnancy) signs of pregnancy begin to appear at 3-4 weeks of gestation. The first day of a missed period usually corresponds to 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, however, sometimes menstruation can occur even with the onset of pregnancy, and a significant decrease in volume is usually observed menstrual flow... In rare cases, menstrual function does not stop throughout pregnancy, but this is not the norm, but indicates hormonal imbalance(violation).

An increase in the level of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin - "pregnancy hormone") is observed from the moment of implantation of the fetus, that is, its attachment to the uterine wall (8-12 days after conception), and therefore modern highly sensitive tests to determine pregnancy can determine the change in the level of hCG already from the first day of delay in menstruation.

Reliable signs of pregnancy, with the exception of ultrasound signs, are determined in the second trimester of pregnancy. Ultrasound detection of pregnancy is possible from the 5th obstetric week with a transabdominal study (the sensor is applied to the abdomen), and with a transvaginal study (the sensor is inserted into the vagina), pregnancy can be detected as early as 4-5 weeks.


Uterine pregnancy can be singleton (there is one embryo in the uterus (up to 10 obstetric weeks of pregnancy) or a fetus) and multiple (more than one embryo (fetus) in the uterus).
At multiple pregnancy twins can be identical (occur when a fertilized egg is completely divided in two and have the same genetic data) or fraternal (implantation (attachment to the uterine wall) of two or more different fertilized eggs occurs).

Pregnancy is conventionally divided into two periods:

  • embryonic (embryonic) - up to the 10th obstetric week. During this period, fertilization, cell division, the movement of a fertilized egg from the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, implantation (attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus), the development of germ layers (bookmarks - building material for future organs) and the formation of organs and systems.
  • fetal (fetal) - from the 11th obstetric week to childbirth. During this period, there is an increase in the size of the fetus, the development and improvement of its organs and systems.
Also, pregnancy is usually divided into trimesters (1, 2, 3), respectively, three months each (up to 12 weeks, 13 - 28 weeks, 29 - 40 weeks).


Pregnancy results from the fertilization of an egg by a sperm, which occurs in the upper third of the fallopian tube.
Further, the fertilized egg moves along the fallopian tube and enters the uterine cavity, where it attaches to the wall of the uterus (this happens on the 20th - 22nd day of the cycle). From this moment, changes begin to occur in hormonal background women: the corpus luteum (temporary formation) in a woman's ovary, formed during ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), begins to produce the hormone progesterone, and the resulting chorion (the organ responsible for attaching the embryo to the wall of the uterus) produces hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin. The woman's body adjusts to carrying pregnancy, and signs of pregnancy begin to appear gradually.
If, for some reason, implantation (attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus) did not occur, then the mechanisms of pregnancy do not start, the ovum dies without food and goes out during menstruation.

Most favorable period for conception - the middle of the cycle (2 - 3 weeks menstrual cycle) when ovulation occurs (the release of an egg from the ovary). However, due to the fact that male and female germ cells have a certain lifespan (the lifespan of an egg cell - 24 hours, sperm - 2-5 days), as well as due to disruptions in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy can occur at the beginning or at the end of the menstrual cycle but less likely.


A doctor can diagnose pregnancy based on:

  • analysis of woman's complaints - delayed menstruation, nausea, vomiting, general malaise, weakness, drowsiness, engorgement and soreness of the mammary glands, etc.;
  • analysis of menstrual function (date last menstruation, average duration menstrual cycle, date of estimated next menstruation, possible conception, etc.);
  • results home test to determine pregnancy. These tests are based on the determination of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is excreted in the urine after implantation (attachment to the wall of the uterus) of the ovum. These tests, subject to the technique of their conduct, are quite accurate and can determine an increase in the level of hCG from the first day of missed menstruation (especially in morning urine, which is the most concentrated);
  • data gynecological examination(the gynecologist can detect an enlarged uterus and other gynecological signs of pregnancy);
  • data of ultrasound (ultrasound) of the pelvic organs. An ultrasound scan earlier than 10-11 weeks is usually prescribed if the doctor has doubts about the localization (location) of pregnancy (uterine or ectopic) or if a frozen pregnancy is suspected (a condition in which the embryo or fetus in the uterus stops developing and dies );
  • indicators of the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood.
Also, the doctor prescribes a number of tests for the pregnant woman (blood, urine, tests for some infections - toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, chlamydial, mycoplasma infections, herpes simplex virus type 1.2, etc.) and specialist consultations (,) to identify concomitant diseases that can complicate the course of pregnancy.

Complications and consequences

Complications of pregnancy can be:

  • - a complication that usually manifests itself in the first half of pregnancy and can manifest itself as dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting), salivation, liver dysfunction (hepatosis);
  • - complication of pregnancy, characterized by dysfunction of vital organs and systems, which usually occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy. Gestosis can be mild medium severity and heavy. Preeclampsia is manifested by an increase in blood pressure, edema, excretion of protein in the urine (proteinuria);
  • and . Preeclampsia is a condition of a pregnant woman's body that occurs against the background of the development of severe preeclampsia, which is characterized by increased blood pressure, dizziness, flashing flies in front of the eyes, clouding of consciousness. If you do not take any measures to help the pregnant woman and lower blood pressure, then preeclampsia can turn into eclampsia - serious condition threatening the life of mother and child. An attack of eclampsia manifests itself in the form of a convulsive seizure with loss of consciousness, which lasts from several tens of seconds to several minutes. After the attack, the woman is unconscious or coma. The development of eclampsia can lead to the death of the mother and the fetus and therefore may require urgent operative delivery (caesarean section) regardless of the gestational age;
  • spontaneous interruption pregnancy up to 37 weeks. Termination of pregnancy before the 20th week is called a miscarriage, from 20 to 37 weeks - premature birth. If a woman has three or more miscarriages, then in this case they speak of habitual miscarriage pregnancy;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy (threatening) - an increase in the tone (tension) of the uterus, the appearance of pulling, cramping pains in the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman. Bloody or profuse may also appear. transparent selection from the vagina (bleeding, premature effusion amniotic fluid). All these symptoms require immediate hospitalization women;
  • threat - the appearance of signs of incipient labor (increased tone of the uterus, pain in the lower abdomen, contractions, discharge of amniotic fluid) in the period from 28 to 37 weeks of pregnancy;
  • premature pregnancy () - the birth of a child between 20 and 37 weeks;
  • - the birth of a child for a period of 42 weeks or more;
  • - termination of the development of the embryo (up to 10 weeks of pregnancy) or the fetus and its death;
  • intrauterine fetal death (after 28 weeks of pregnancy);
  • - incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the fetus for the Rh factor (Rh-conflict) or blood group, as a result of which the mother's body begins to produce antibodies (protective substances) that attack (damage) the erythrocytes (red blood cells that carry oxygen) of the fetus, as a result what hemolytic disease of newborns can develop;
  • gestational diabetes - a disorder in endocrine system women, similar to (high blood sugar) that occurs during pregnancy in some women and usually resolves after childbirth;
  • - dysfunction of the placenta (an organ that provides the supply of nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the fetus), decreased blood flow through the placenta and impaired nutrition and oxygen supply to the fetus);
  • - attachment and further development a fertilized egg not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube ( tubal pregnancy) or in the abdomen (abdominal pregnancy).

Prevention of pregnancy

In order for a child to be born healthy, and to prevent the development of complications during pregnancy, a woman must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • planning pregnancy. A planned pregnancy creates best conditions for the conception and development of the child. A couple planning a pregnancy should consult with (), be examined for genital infections and, if necessary, treat them. It is also advisable to undergo medical genetic counseling, especially in the presence of hereditary diseases in relatives. When planning a pregnancy, a couple needs to eat right, give up smoking and alcohol, take a course of vitamins;
  • examination for TORCH infection. For a woman planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to undergo an examination for (a latent infectious disease that can be dangerous to the fetus, especially if it is infected before 12 weeks of pregnancy), the presence of antibodies to the virus (if a woman has not had rubella before pregnancy, she must get vaccinated), research on and. These infectious diseases (,) are combined into a single concept of TORCH infections - infections that are most dangerous for a woman if they become infected during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester;
  • observance of principles by a pregnant woman rational nutrition... During pregnancy, a woman's need for nutrients, vitamins and minerals increases. The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be balanced, varied and provide a woman and a child with all essential substances... There are two key points to keep in mind:
    • everything that the mother ate passes through the bloodstream in the placenta to the baby;
    • if a child needs something, but with food this substance does not come enough, he can "borrow" a deficient substance from the mother's body (for example, calcium). Of course, a pregnant woman should exclude alcohol, toxic (poisonous) and psychostimulating substances from the diet, it is advisable to limit substances containing caffeine (coffee, tea, cola) to a complete rejection;
    • all medications, herbs, "folk remedies" can be used only after consultation;
  • regular observation of a woman, timely examination and analysis, strict implementation of all recommendations. When the condition of a pregnant woman worsens, the appearance alarming symptomsunscheduled appeal to the doctor;
  • observance of the rules of personal hygiene by a pregnant woman, exclusion of exposure to poisonous and strong-smelling substances on her. It is advisable for a pregnant woman to give up hair coloring and perm... Cosmetics for pregnant women must be hypoallergenic (do not cause allergic reactions);
  • wearing comfortable clothes and shoes. Clothes for pregnant women should preferably be made from natural fabrics, not squeezing the stomach, comfortable and functional. Shoes should be chosen comfortable, lightweight, always stable and non-slip. During pregnancy, a woman needs to give up shoes with a heel or platform, as it increases the load on the spine;
  • maintaining physical form pregnant. Pregnancy, if it proceeds without complications, is not a disease, and therefore does not serve as a contraindication for moderate physical activity, performing homework... It is only necessary to exclude weight lifting, excessive stress on the abdominal muscles and situations that create a risk of injury to a woman. In late pregnancy physical activity women are slightly reduced. To prepare the body for childbirth and maintain muscle tone of a pregnant woman from an early stage, it is recommended to perform gymnastics for pregnant women, which may be recommended by a doctor or a specialist in preparing pregnant women for childbirth. Daily walks in the fresh air are also recommended;
  • psychological preparation for childbirth and support. A woman during pregnancy is very vulnerable, susceptible to stress and negative emotions, needs support and protection. It is necessary to exclude stressful situations, to postpone the solution of all conflicts and problems indefinitely. It is important to receive positive emotions, rejoice in your condition, drive away disturbing thoughts inherent in pregnant women, especially if the pregnancy is the first. With a difficult family situation or an inability to cope with anxiety on their own, you should seek help from or.


Pregnancy planning

Planning for pregnancy is the key to its successful course. If, for any reason, pregnancy is currently undesirable, there are different methods protection from unwanted pregnancy(contraception). These include:

  • biological method:
    • interruption of intercourse;
    • calendar method (exclusion of intercourse or protection during ovulation);
  • barrier method:
    • chemical (spermicidal suppositories, gels and tablets);
    • mechanical (condoms, vaginal rings, caps and diaphragms);
  • hormonal contraception:
    • combined oral contraceptives(COOK);
    • gestagens (mini-drank);
    • hormonal patches, rings, subcutaneous implants, hormonal intrauterine device;
    • hormone injections;
    • emergency (postcoital) contraception;
    • intrauterine contraceptives (spirals).

Protein in urine in pregnant women: norm and pathology (proteinuria). What does it mean and what is dangerous increased protein in urine during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is one of the awesome moments when a woman is preparing to become a mother. But not all and always it runs smoothly. Every woman is obliged to donate urine for proteinuria in order to identify pathologies. The norm of protein in urine during pregnancy is zero, but the appearance of its traces does not necessarily indicate any deviation from the norm. Such indicators can appear after eating foods rich in protein (cottage cheese, eggs, etc.).

In addition, proteinuria can be observed after an infectious disease and an increase in body temperature in a pregnant woman.

This short-term condition does not require treatment and goes away on its own.

  • Pathological causes
  • What does the appearance of protein in urine in pregnant women mean?
  • Physiological causes
  • The upper limit of the norm and permissible numbers
  • Daily protein loss: norm and pathology. Collection of daily urine during pregnancy
  • Protein traces in urine: what it means
  • Why high protein is dangerous
  • Symptoms
  • How to reduce proteinuria
  • Treatment
  • Diet
  • What you can do yourself at home

Protein in urine in pregnant women: causes

Protein in urine is not a disease, but most often the result of development pathological process in organism. Protein should not be allowed to enter the urine, as the kidneys filter it thoroughly. But if any malfunction has occurred in the body and it enters the urine from the blood plasma, then it is necessary to look for and eliminate possible reasons such a state.

Protein in urine during pregnancy appears for the following reasons:

  • pyelonephritis - an inflammatory process in the kidneys that affects the tubular system of the organ;
  • glomerulonephritis - a kidney disease characterized by inflammation of the glomeruli of the organ (glomeruli);
  • inflammatory disease Bladder;
  • nephropathy - damage to the glomerular apparatus, transformation of the medulla and cortex of the kidneys;
  • - a formidable complication, manifested by edema, increased blood pressure and proteinuria.

Sometimes, if the rules of personal hygiene are not followed, others will get into a clean container along with urine. biological materials containing protein. Hence, a false positive reaction to protein is obtained. That is why the collection of biomaterial should be carried out exclusively after thorough washing of the genitals in a clean plastic container. During gestation, there is an increased discharge from the genitals. Therefore, during the collection of urine, the entrance to the vagina is closed with cotton wool.

What does protein in urine mean during pregnancy?

Have healthy woman, who is preparing to become a mother, there should be no abnormalities in the body. When pathologies appear, you must try to get rid of them as soon as possible. Proteinuria speaks of a variety of possible diseases that have a negative effect on the woman's body and the fetus. So what does protein in urine threaten a child with during late pregnancy? The fact is that with the development of gestosis, the uteroplacental circulation suffers and as a result, the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to the child is disrupted. As a result, there is an intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus, a developmental anomaly internal organs crumbs and stillbirth. But the appearance of a protein is not always a situation when you need to sound the alarm.

Why does protein appear in urine?

After a woman finds out about her excellent position, it is necessary to register with the antenatal clinic as soon as possible. This must be done before. Along with other analyzes, the doctor writes out a referral to the clinical, in which the specific gravity, color, environment, presence of mucus, bacteria, protein, etc. An increase in protein in urine during pregnancy can indicate the following pathophysiological processes:

  • changes in the walls of the vessels of the glomerular filter, which lead to the fact that the renal membrane begins to pass large particles, and protein including;
  • change in the strength of blood flow in the kidneys by various reasons, which causes stagnation of blood in the organ, provoking the appearance of protein in the urine;
  • pathological changes in the kidney tubules, when the mechanism of protein reabsorption is upset.

At elevated level protein in the analysis results, a repeated urine test is prescribed, while it is preliminarily excluded physical exercise, stress, protein food... On the eve of a woman, it is necessary to wash the external genitals well and only after that collect the middle portion of urine. If a repeated study confirms the excess of the permissible norm, then it is necessary to start the study as soon as possible. genitourinary system pregnant in order to identify foci of inflammation.

Table 1. The norm of protein in urine in pregnant women by trimester

If a protein is found in the morning urine of no more than 0.033 g / l, then this is called traces of protein. With such indicators, the expectant mother may not worry about anything.

The concentration of protein in one serving of urine does not provide complete information on daily protein loss. Have healthy person Normally, no more than 120 mg should be released.

Daily urine analysis for protein during pregnancy

Exploring the Morning Portion in general analysis urine helps to identify the presence of protein, but not the degree of impairment of the filtration capacity of the kidneys. This method does not allow the determination of protein fractions (it is important that large molecules or small ones get into the sample for analysis). After OAM has shown the presence of protein, the doctor needs to understand where, in what way, and which protein enters the urine. For this, an analysis is prescribed that will assess the work of the kidneys during the day. Daily protein in urine during pregnancy should normally not exceed 80 mg / day. A daily protein loss of more than 150 mg is considered proteinuria. There are several degrees of it, depending on the amount of lost protein:

  • up to 300 mg - microalbuminuria;
  • from 1-3 grams per day - moderate or moderate proteinuria;
  • more than 3 grams - severe proteinuria.

In order for the test results to be reliable, it is necessary to do correct collection urine for daily protein.

24 hours before collecting biomaterial, pregnant women need to give up protein and salty foods, take vitamin preparations, diuretics, acetylsalicylic acid... Be sure to carefully produce morning toilet external genital organs of a woman and start collecting analysis. A three-liter jar or other clean container is used for, where urine will be drained every time after a woman has urinated. Store a container with a tightly closed lid at a temperature of 8-10 degrees away from straight lines. sun rays... After the end of the collection, the amount of fluid drunk and discharged must be taken into account (the data is recorded in the direction). The contents of the jar are mixed and urine is poured from it for research in a volume equal to 100 ml.

Traces of protein in urine during pregnancy: what it means

Traces of protein in the urine of pregnant women is a concept in which the protein content in the biological fluid does not exceed 0.033 g / l.

Normally, it should not be, however, with an increase in indicators, this is also not considered a serious pathology. This condition only indicates the beginning of the development of complications of pregnancy and the need for comprehensive survey future mother. Monitoring is required throughout the entire gestation period.

When the protein in the urine exceeds the value of 0.033 g / l, then we are talking about pathological proteinuria. But what is the danger of high protein in urine during pregnancy? The fact is that the appearance of protein in the urine indicates overload in the body, and if measures are not taken in time, various complications... The most common and dangerous of them are: the addition of a secondary infection with the formation of a focus of suppuration, sepsis, kidney failure, fetal hypoxia, infection of the placenta, amniotic fluid and child, fetal malformations, death of the mother and unborn child.

The course of pregnancy is influenced by the attitude of the woman herself towards her. If the expectant mother does not ignore the signals of the onset of the development of pathologies, then with almost 100% certainty it is possible to endure and give birth to a healthy baby on time.

Signs of protein in urine during pregnancy

A woman in anticipation of the birth of a child may not feel in any way that she has proteinuria. Unless the appearance can help to suspect a problem in the body.

But if any pathology occurs, then the signs of protein in the urine during pregnancy may be as follows:

  • constant feeling of tiredness and lethargy;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • soreness in the bones of an aching character;
  • decreased or lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting;
  • discoloration of morning urine (it becomes whitish or green tint, white flakes may appear).

Of course, all of these symptoms can be present in future mother without the presence of proteinuria, because gestation is one of the most difficult processes that require a lot of effort. often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, profuse salivation, dehydration. All this leads to a disorder of the water-salt balance and metabolic processes. In the early stages, there is often an increase in protein in the urine, which cannot be ignored. To find out the cause and eliminate the problem, you must immediately contact a specialist.

How to lower urine protein during pregnancy

Before starting to carry out activities to prevent the loss of protein in the urine during pregnancy, it is necessary to re-pass urine for analysis.

This is necessary to exclude an error. After confirming proteinuria, the following measures should be taken:

  • follow up blood pressure so that its values ​​do not exceed 135/80 mm. rt. Art .;
  • observe a home regimen in order to prevent hypothermia or colds that provoke the onset of the inflammatory process in the body;
  • adhere to a salt-free diet and adjust your diet.

It is very important to temporarily reduce the consumption of meat and fish, eat more vegetables and fruits. Introduce into your diet as many different cereals as possible, raisins, dried apricots, pumpkin, etc. Reduce or completely eliminate salt intake, as well as smoked, fried food... It is better to cook food in the oven or cook on the stove.

Another important point is the control of the drunk and secreted fluid of the pregnant woman. At proper nutrition protein is reduced to acceptable values or disappears altogether. If it is not possible to reduce the protein in urine, and outpatient treatment does not give positive results, then we are talking about gestosis, which requires emergency hospitalization. In any case, it is very important to follow all the doctor's prescriptions in order to prevent the development of complications that can threaten the health of not only the expectant mother, but also the baby.

With severe proteinuria, a pregnant woman should have a urine sample every week. You should not panic when detecting protein in it, but you definitely need to see a specialist: after all, an obstetrician-gynecologist is responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of the baby.

After the doctor received poor test results, he prescribes treatment for the causes that led to the increase in protein. The therapy is aimed at eliminating traces of protein in the urine and preventing complications. Depending on which diagnosis was initially made, treatment is based on the following principles:

  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs;
  • and diuretics;
  • medicines that lower blood pressure;
  • full vitamin complex;
  • rest at the resort;
  • adjustment of nutrition and drinking regime.

Following all your doctor's orders will help reduce or eliminate all traces of protein. Therapy should be carried out on time, only then can we talk about successful treatment.

Diet to lower urine protein levels

Playing important role in the prevention and treatment of proteinuria. First of all, you need to figure out which foods increase protein in the body, and which, on the contrary, reduce it. By eliminating the former and consuming others, you can significantly improve your condition, and the loss of protein in the urine will begin to decrease.

In most cases, proteinuria is caused by overuse protein products, in particular milk, cottage cheese, eggs, meat, etc.

Therefore, it is worth limiting yourself in their use in order to prevent unnecessary stress on the urinary system. You also need to be careful with foods rich in phosphorus and potassium.

It is imperative to include in the diet foods containing a lot of calcium: chocolate in small amount, raisins, dates, oranges and cabbage.

Approximate menu for a day:

  1. Breakfast - a few dough pancakes without added salt.
  2. Second breakfast - an apple baked in the oven or a glass of kefir.
  3. Lunch - soup with vegetable broth, seasoned with sour cream. Garnish: durum wheat pasta with vegetable salad tucked in vegetable oil... Dried apricot or dried fruit compote.
  4. Afternoon snack - apple jelly, a few dates.
  5. Dinner - vegetable stew with tomato sauce, a small slice of baked turkey and a decoction of wild berries.

Important! Fish or poultry meat can be consumed no more than 50 grams per day, milk no more than 100 grams, and kefir 200 grams.

How to reduce your daily protein loss on your own

Protein in urine in pregnant women can be reduced and folk remedies... Of course, you must first consult with your doctor and get his permission. The most proven traditional medicines are:

  • cranberry juice;
  • broth of parsley;
  • infusion of birch buds;