What hat to wear with a men's sheepskin coat. What men's hats can be worn under a sheepskin coat? The best material for making hats

As the cold weather approaches topical issue with what to wear a sheepskin coat. Indeed, in winter, outerwear occupies a priority place in creating an image. But to look stylish, you have to make an effort. Fortunately, there is no need to sacrifice comfort for beauty. Modern women's products made of leather and fur are light, comfortable and, of course, beautiful. Different types make it possible to find the perfect sheepskin coat for any figure and for any situation, as can be seen from the photo.

In stores on the eve of winter, a wide variety of types are presented. outerwear.

Celebrity Choice

It is worth knowing how to choose a sheepskin coat. After all, this thing can last more than one season, but only if it is of high quality. In addition, it is important to properly care for her. You should pay attention to such points when buying:
  • The general appearance of this leather product should be neat, without any bald spots and streaks. If there is a water-repellent layer, then it is necessary that it be uniform and not stick to your hands if you rub it. It is recommended to check that the thickness of the skin is the same along the entire length.
  • It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the sheepskin coat. In a quality thing, it is located in one direction, equally thick over the entire surface, with a slight twitch it remains in place.
  • Other details are also important. To check the cut, you need to put on the product and raise your hands up one by one: the second shoulder should remain in place. Edges are better to choose from leather, not leatherette - they are more durable. The corners of the pockets had to be fixed. It is worth giving preference to models without decor, as it makes it difficult to process in dry cleaning. If, nevertheless, you really like the decorations, it is better that they are sewn on, and not glued.

It is not only the quality of the production of sheepskin coats that matters, but also the material. This also affects the ability to warm in cold weather, and on appearance. Women's sheepskin coats have long been popular, this is confirmed by the photo. They are sewn from leather, taken entirely and not devoid of fur. At the same time, types are distinguished depending on which skin was used. For example, merinos look respectable, have good thermal qualities, but are not very durable. In this they lose to products made from Tuscan lamb, the wool of which is very strong and light.

In bright colors

How to wear outerwear of different lengths

In the process of searching, you need to think about what to wear a sheepskin coat with. After all stylish images are obtained only if all the details of the ensemble are successfully combined. To do this, you need to take into account the length and color of the selected item.

Sets with a dress

Toe or medium length

Long women's sheepskin coats look luxurious, as can be seen in the photo, they will protect from any frost and wind. But as a daily wear, they are not very comfortable. It is difficult to drive in them, the floors get dirty in transport and just when walking. The advantage of this product is that you can wear almost anything under it. Including evening dress, it will be a suitable option for a solemn exit.

Much easier to choose stylish female images if you choose shorter sheepskin coats. Models up to the knee or slightly lower are popular, you can see in the photo. They are almost as warm as long ones, but much more practical. You can choose and comfortable option length to mid-thigh. Such outerwear can be combined with different things.

Various models with skirts

In fashion and sheepskin coats. They look good with a fitted bottom. But you can also create a sense of layering by wearing a loose pleated skirt.

runway looks

Sheepskin coats middle length, Tuscany or others, go well with skirts and dresses. Especially if it is a fitted product that emphasizes femininity. You just need to take into account the color scheme and the length of the hem. It looks good if the skirt is shorter than outerwear or peeks out a little from under it. The only exception can be made for a straight-cut sheepskin coat by combining it with a maxi dress.

In this case, the trousers also look harmonious, but not flared and not too wide. It is better to give preference to classic or, conversely, narrow - skinny or jeggings.

Sheepskin coats of medium length have an advantage: it is very easy to change the image, it is enough to beat the outerwear with a belt. For example, a massive leather belt will create an impression of luxury, and a suede one, wrapped several times around the waist, will give the bow femininity. It looks stylish if the belt is not fastened, but tied. Also, if you want to look non-standard, you should pay attention to asymmetric or double-breasted styles.

Burberry Models

Cropped outerwear

It is worth knowing and with what to wear a short sheepskin coat, photos will help with this. Such female models are most convenient if there is no need to stay in the cold for a long time. This style is not in vain called "autolady". Indeed, for girls who travel by car, it is well suited. A shortened thing does not restrict movement, besides, it will not wrinkle, because they will not sit on it.

Black short models

Of course, not only motorists choose such models of sheepskin coats. It is with them that you can create a variety of winter female images, because they are much less demanding than elongated ones. Examples can be seen in the photo. They are allowed to wear any skirt. For example, warm and dense.

Skirt options

This combination has been relevant for several seasons. Probably because this way the girl looks especially feminine and romantic. But any trousers, wide or narrow, and dresses will look no less harmonious.

urban images

Lightweight versions of leather sheepskin coats compete with coats. They are suitable for autumn or spring, choosing a set for them, take into account the same principles as in the case of winter models.

In shades of brown

Color combinations

The color of the product also matters. For example, a black sheepskin coat, like a white one, goes with almost everything. It can be safely combined with any wardrobe items, taking into account the features of the style and figure, as in the photo. It will perfectly complement both an office set and an evening outfit. Models decorated with fur, primarily from Tuscan lamb, look especially impressive.

Extended options

A white sheepskin coat, although not so practical, pleases the eye with its cleanliness and freshness. Like , it neutral color, so that it can be combined with the entire palette with little or no risk of error. Such a product has a significant drawback - soiled. Therefore, before deciding on such a purchase, it is worth weighing the pros and cons.

White models

Probably the most popular options are beige or brown sheepskin coats. These colors suit the majority, unlike black and white, which are quite demanding on the shape and skin condition of the girls' faces. Shades of brown are appropriate in various styles- from casual to grunge, examples are easy to find in the photo. Beige looks very elegant. In addition, they make it easy to choose suitable combinations. The material of manufacture can be any, Tuscany looks especially impressive. The contrasting color of the fur on the lapels will enliven the bow.

Of course, it is not necessary to be limited only to these calm colors. In stores you can find blue, green, pink women's sheepskin coats. It's worth seeing the photo. So if you wish, you can add colors in a gloomy winter.

In shades of blue

Which shoes and hat to choose

Special attention should be paid to accessories for a sheepskin coat. Shoes can be chosen both in tone and in a contrasting color. In the latter case, it must be combined with any part of the kit.

Boots and ankle boots with heels look best. But with a sheepskin coat of medium length or ankle length, it is not recommended to wear stilettos - the legs will seem unnaturally small. But for short products there is no such restriction. Also, with the help short models it will turn out to create in which insulated sneakers will be appropriate. When choosing a bag, it is worth considering the intended image as a whole. It could be volumetric model and "postman" on a long handle.

Shoe options

In winter, it is important to think not only about beauty, but also about warmth. It is good when these two factors are combined. Therefore, a hat for a sheepskin coat should fit. Of course, it is impossible to say which one is compatible with any model of a sheepskin coat. It is necessary to take into account the features of outerwear.

With a sheepskin coat you can wear scarves and neckerchiefs. Just choose not too voluminous, so as not to overload the image.

gray models

One of optimal solutions- women's fur hat. The style can be any, but the shade must match the color of the fur on the collar, if any. The shortened model looks good with a headdress with knitted trim or leather inserts. For a casual look, you can let your imagination run wild. For walks in the air worth choosing knitted hat With fur pompom decorated with embroidery or appliqué. Or bulky. original and feminine bow It works if you wear a hat with a wide brim.

When choosing which set will look harmonious with a sheepskin coat, you need to focus on its style and color. A white sheepskin coat Tuscany requires a different approach than women's demi-season lightweight ones. But if you approach the matter with taste, you will look really stylish.


Fur hats not only serve to protect against the cold, but are also an accessory that fits any outerwear, including a sheepskin coat. Many eminent couturiers have decided to include them in their collections. Looking attractive in winter is not so problematic. It is enough to purchase a beautiful hat made of natural fur.

AND low options, And tall models called hats are usually made from fluffy fur raccoon, fox, and polar fox. Luxurious sheen of fur is able to emphasize the lightness of this headdress. Such a thing will emphasize your style and become a symbol of wealth and luxury. Another model that is ideal for a sheepskin coat is a hat with earflaps. Such a thing will fit into both classic and sporty styles. It is indispensable during frosts and will serve you for more than one season. Despite its arrogance and some audacity, such a thing looks incredibly feminine.

In the collections of fashion designers and on the streets of cities can be found on girls fur berets. Such models will look great with both sheepskin coats and fur coats. They will suit any woman, emphasize her fragility and sophistication. Designers also offer small hats, like Anna Karenina. Such things are usually made from astrakhan fur, as well as mink. You can also find among young people various models made of velvet, leather and suede. They look quite feminine and romantic.

Energetic and active girls who want to emphasize their style and high status, direct attention should be paid to fur models called "gogol" and "". Unusual cut, rigid base, luxurious shine fur - all this makes the models very stylish. Also, fashion designers present to the attention of girls models made of arctic fox. Such options will look great with sheepskin coats.

Due to its texture, karakul can allow models to sparkle with new colors. Also out of competition is mink fur in classic tones: black, dark gray, and also brown. However, designers are advised to pay direct attention to bright colors. For example, on models made of bright red fur. Hats that can be worn with a sheepskin coat are distinguished by a variety of models and colors, you have plenty to choose from. Couturiers recommend not to stop at one model. You can pick up a few options you like and wear them with a sheepskin coat.

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Even primitive people wrapped themselves in the skins of dead animals - this is how the prototype of the modern sheepskin coat was created. However, in the form familiar to us, the sheepskin coat first appeared in Rus', and was called the Romanov sheepskin coat. IN Soviet years sheepskin coat was an indispensable attribute successful life. Behind her stood in queues and brought from abroad. Today, everything is different - the choice of sheepskin coats is simply huge.

Manufacturer country

When choosing a sheepskin coat, you need to pay attention to the country of origin. Italian sheepskin coats are recognized as the most expensive and most elegant. But they have a very significant disadvantage - they are designed for the Italian winter, when the temperature rarely drops below zero. In our Russian climate in such a sheepskin coat, you can easily freeze. The situation is similar with French, German, American sheepskin coats.

Finnish and Canadian sheepskin coats are recognized as the best, that is, from those areas and regions where they know a fierce cold. As an economy option, you can purchase a Turkish, Yugoslav or Romanian sheepskin coat. But since the sheepskin coat still serves several seasons, it is better not to save.

Subtleties of choice in the store

Particular attention must be paid front side sheepskin coats. It should not have stains, streaks, scratches, paint or glue residue. (for low-quality models this often happens) It is not so difficult to understand how well a sheepskin coat is made. It is enough to run your hand over it. If the trace remains, then it is well made.

It will be useful to check the quality of the color of the product. To do this, it is worth holding a wet handkerchief over the sheepskin coat. If there are no traces left on the scarf, then the sheepskin coat is painted well. If you want to know if the sheepskin coat can withstand wet snow, drop some water on it. If the drop rolled off and the surface did not get wet, you have an excellent sample in front of you. good quality goods.

Then you need to carefully examine the inside of the sheepskin coat. All elements must be stitched neatly, the fur should not fall into the seam. On all the details of the sheepskin coat, it should go in one direction - from the bottom up. If the fur goes the other way around - from top to bottom, then such a product will not survive the first dry cleaning.

The smell emanating from a sheepskin coat is very important. If it is pronounced, caustic or specific, then it is better to refuse such a product - too much chemistry was used in its production, and how this chemistry will behave in real winter conditions no expert will tell you.

Now - a sample. Remember the main thing - you should be comfortable in a sheepskin coat. She should not hamper movements, so buttoning her with all the buttons, squat in her, wave. When you remove the sheepskin coat, the fur should not wrinkle.

Finally, on the inside of the sheepskin coat there should be a label telling about the rules for caring for the product. If you bought a sheepskin coat in a company store, you will even be given a certificate and a guarantee.

Such different sheepskin coats

With a sheepskin coat depends on its model. For example, a long sheepskin coat to the floor does not include jeans and, moreover, sneakers. A long sheepskin coat is more suitable for going out. For example, in such a sheepskin coat you can go to the theater by car. In this case, the shoes can be summer, for example, stilettos. Accordingly, it is better to wear under such a sheepskin coat Evening Dress. However, if you wear a long sheepskin coat all the time (showing miracles of resisting dirt and slush), you should think about choosing boots for enough high heels. This is necessary to give elegant look completeness.

Hats with such a sheepskin coat should be worn only from natural fur, and gloves should be on the hands. The latter can be both made of leather and suede, under the shade of a sheepskin coat. The bag should be chosen from genuine leather. Remember that a long sheepskin coat is still a luxury, and it is highly undesirable to combine it with leatherette.

A sheepskin coat to the middle of the knee is much more democratic. She can have a hood, and then you don't have to worry about a headdress. However, thick coarse knit hats and the same massive, coarse scarves are suitable for a sheepskin coat up to the middle of the knee. Gloves can also be knitted. Even jeans have a place in this look. As for shoes, you can use any comfortable one: on wedges, on low heels Or no heels at all.

Finally, the last type of sheepskin coat is models that reach only the middle of the thigh. This is the favorite clothing of motorists, because such a sheepskin coat does not hinder movement. In addition, the car has a heated seat, and there is no need for long outerwear. However, even a pedestrian can put on such a sheepskin coat. The main thing is not in the most severe cold. The best companion of such a sheepskin coat will be jeans, and as a bag you can use a backpack fashionable this season.

Shoes can be any, but it is quite acceptable flat sole. This type of sheepskin coat is perfect not only for young women, but even for girls, high school students.

For some, the idea of ​​wearing a sheepskin coat will seem too expensive. Such people, as a rule, do not change their down jackets. But it is worth remembering that in our climate a sheepskin coat is not a luxury, but a means of salvation from the cold. When this tool also decorates and informs the status of the owner, then everything falls into place - you simply need a sheepskin coat.

IN modern world recently began a real boom in knitted hats. Today, almost everyone chooses them: celebrities, schoolchildren and students, sellers, housewives, top managers, etc. The secret of popularity lies in the versatility and convenience of the headgear.

Universal headdress

A knitted hat is a very democratic thing. As a rule, its cost is much less than a headdress made of leather or fur. But related product also perfectly warms and effectively combined with almost any clothing.

Often knitted hats are chosen by fans of sports style. This headdress goes well with puffy and wide jackets, vests, down jackets. The style of the hat can be almost anything: from a laconic smooth "stocking" to a product with large pattern And . As an effective addition, use knitted scarf and mittens.

Knitted hats can also be worn with a coat. Here you should stop the choice on products of fine textured knitting. They can be crocheted or crocheted. Great for pairing with a coat. feminine models hats, decorated with beads, rhinestones, beads, ribbons, etc.

Today, knitted hats are often worn even with fur coats. This combination looks simple and very impressive. It also allows you to visually reduce the figure, which is impossible to achieve when wearing fur hats. Best for coat fit hat simple smooth knitting without any decorations.

You can also wear a knitted hat with cropped leather jackets and sheepskin coats. This casual look is very popular among young people. As a rule, in addition to a hat from accessories, there is a voluminous scarf-snood, big bag, leather gloves. Sometimes the ensemble is complemented by sunglasses.

How to match a knitted hat

Modern people are trying in every possible way to take care of their health. Therefore, practical warm accessories become very popular at the slightest cold snap. This trend, popular all over the world, has not bypassed celebrities.

Taylor Swift has been spotted wearing various knitted hats. The girl put on a mustard-yellow product with a lapel with a dark coat and brown bag on long belt. She paired a pink and red headdress with a graphite black set of leggings, a sweater dress and a short leather jacket. Complemented the image Wellingtons and roomy bag.

Actress Jessica Alba is also a fan of knitted hats. Black bulk product coarse knit the girl put on with an elongated coat of a classic cut, dense fishnet tights and boots. On another occasion, Alba paired a gray sock with a light beige straight coat with a fur collar and wide black trousers.

Often, paparazzi catch Sarah Jessica Parker in knitted hats. Most often, the actress chooses textured knitted hats with pompoms, combining them with the most ordinary things. For example, puffy coats and designer skinny jeans with scuffs. The star received a simple and convenient set, adding a white knitted hat black coat fur-lined, gray velvet pants and beige uggs. recognizable face star hid under big dark glasses.

P.S. Please correct the title!!

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Sheepskin coat is one of the most popular outerwear options for women. Unlike a natural fur coat, it is less bulky and more affordable in price, but it warms just as well in cold weather. Having acquired this thing necessary for the Russian winter, you will probably face the question of what to wear a sheepskin coat with.


Sheepskin coat - great option for millions of women working in the office, because it can be worn with a business suit. A long sheepskin coat looks good with classic trousers, and with a strict skirt. It is better to choose shoes not on a hairpin, but on a wide stable heel. These clothes are quite bulky, and a thin heel will bring disharmony to your image.

Sheepskin coat is not just warm clothes necessary in our area, but also a fashionable and stylish piece of clothing, which is quite common among both the weak and the strong half humanity.

Having settled on a specific style and model of outerwear, it remains to decide which men's hats under a sheepskin coat are relevant today. After all, a headdress should not only be warm and comfortable, but also complement the chosen style. An incorrectly chosen hat will make you funny or ridiculous, instead of unique and self-confident.

How to choose the right headdress, based on the color and style of the sheepskin coat.

Let's see, combined with a men's sheepskin coat.

  1. If the sheepskin coat is of calm tones, then the hat can be of the same color, differ by several tones, or have an absolutely opposite, but harmonizing color. For example, a white hat goes well with a black sheepskin coat.

Advice! If the hat is different color scheme from outerwear, then to maintain style and emphasize the image, it should be combined with other accessories - a bag, scarf, gloves.

  1. Sheepskin coat with fur collar implies a hat made of the same, but short-haired fur.
  2. If, for example, the collar is a stand, then it is quite possible to purchase a knitted or a hat with earflaps.
  3. Short sheepskin coats have more youth style. Therefore, they are boldly worn with hats trimmed with natural or faux leather th, fur, suede, or knitted hats large knit.

For reference! Every day the number of opponents of killing animals for the sake of fur clothing is growing. Thereby artificial fur almost as popular as natural. Its basis lies in the attachment of fibers of textile or natural origin to artificial leather or knitwear. The pile may have different length, color or imitate the fur of a particular animal. In appearance, such fur is not inferior to natural fur, one can even say that it outperforms it in ease of care.

  1. Longer sheepskin coats (approximately to the middle of the thigh) already belong to the classic style. Image business man in this case add Felt hat similar color.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

In the world of fashion, in this regard, it is such that a sheepskin coat and a fur hat are an inseparable union, suitable for almost any type and situation. It is also worth focusing on the more minimalist style outerwear has, the more extravagant hat you can choose for it. Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to remain in the spotlight.

What kind of hat should be worn by men with different types of faces.

Choosing a hat is almost always a laborious and painstaking task. In order not to buy the first one that comes to hand, you need to figure out what kind of hat to wear with a sheepskin coat for a man c certain form faces.

  • Caps with vertical patterns;
  • Perfect fit mink hats, the so-called "tricks", which do not have the ability to lower their ears down. It goes well with a collar of the same material;
  • Fur cap finished with suede or genuine leather.

  • Volumetric fur hats from elite species - arctic fox, sable;
  • Woolen hats with a large knit lapel.

  • Hat - earflaps with ears down;
  • Felt hat with small brim.

  • Hat with ear flaps;
  • Knitted hat from any material.

Important! Whatever face shape you have, very important point is that the headdress must be matched to the sheepskin coat and certainly in front of the mirror. No outside opinion can replace your inner feelings!

Fashion trends are constantly moving forward. The same goes for headwear. Those that were not worn a few years ago are now an indicator of style and wealth. Do you know what fashionable hats are appropriate to wear with a men's sheepskin coat?

Do you wear a hat with a sheepskin coat?


  1. A classic knitted hat with or without a lapel. Tight-fitting and covering the ears, suitable only for representatives of a short haircut.
  2. The hat that occupies the first place among the youth choice is a sock hat. It also covers the ears tightly, and at the top of the head gathers in folds or remains elongated. Some time ago, such headwear was considered informal. Now the combination of a hat-sock and a sheepskin coat is an indicator of modern style.
  3. The most perfect hat for the Russian winter, this is a hat - earflaps. This is not just a popular and warm headdress, but also a great option for any type of face. The main thing is that it is in harmony with the rest of the accessories.
  4. Wool cap gray color is stylish and popular. But not the best for severe frosts the right decision. This accessory is suitable for all types, except for men with a round face.


The question “do I need a headdress for a sheepskin coat?” has an unequivocal answer - of course yes! Since such outerwear is worn not in the warm, but in the cold season, then the accessories for it must correspond to such a function as keeping warm.

In conclusion, I would like to say that thanks to the fierce and snowy winters, a sheepskin coat and a warm stylish hat will be a popular tandem for many more years.

Today there is a huge range of hats. And it is very difficult to find a suitable option from the heap various styles. Since many women prefer such outerwear as a sheepskin coat, the question arises, how to choose a hat for a sheepskin coat?

TO great happiness, there are many fashionable hats, which will suit not only the shape of the face, but also other female types. If you don’t like anything, or the girl doesn’t know what to choose, you should immediately attach importance to this and find out what type of face yours belongs to. So it will be possible to get rid of half of the options that do not fit the form.

Choosing a hat according to the shape of your face

For girls who have oval shape faces, most ideal option any model will become, it does not matter if it is simple or with non-standard solutions. They can wear hats with a voluminous fur layer, or beret with asymmetry.

A woman with a circle face, you first need to pay attention to the vertical models of hats, but under no circumstances should be considered round options. Also, the dress should not be tight and tight, this will make the face even rounder. If you still want to avoid this, you should pay attention to hats with pom-poms, and with visors, or triangular hats Cossack.

Models with asymmetry and rounded lines that follow the contour neatly are designed to square type faces. triangular type fit tight-fitting hats on the head. For example, a beanie hat perfectly complements the shape of the face, and also makes it wider. lower part faces. A woman with such a uniform is strictly forbidden to wear a hat with earflaps, on which a large number of fur. After you have decided on the shape of the face, you can begin to choose a hat. Since we are talking about a sheepskin coat, a headdress made of furs such as mink, arctic fox and others is perfect for it. In addition, berets and hats will look perfect in sports style.

With what headdress to wear a sheepskin coat?

Hats are very diverse, but not every option is suitable for a sheepskin coat. To choose the right one, you need to go shopping in a sheepskin coat and try on more suitable options. Under it, you can wear sports-style hats, knitted, fur and beautiful berets. The main thing is to choose the right color so that each thing complements each other and creates a unique beautiful image which every woman needs.

We select a hat for a black sheepskin coat

A hat in white with a dark sheepskin coat will look very nice, this combination has always been fashionable and popular. These colors are in perfect harmony and complement each other.
Under a brown sheepskin coat the right choice headdress will become universal color, since it can, combined not only with dark shades, but also with light ones. In the coming season, hats with funny textures won the peak of popularity. That is why, with brown sheepskin coat, you can safely wear a hat of the same color, and combine it with leather or suede.

How to choose a hat for a sheepskin coat?

When choosing a hat, do not forget that it should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable to use, while it should give warmth and convenience. Also, you can choose a dress based on hair color and face shape, the main thing is that all elements complement each other. Thanks to this, an amazing result and an unsurpassed effect will be achieved.

Fashion hats

by the most fashion options this winter, there will be scarves made of silk fabrics, fur hats and a hat with earflaps, you should also pay attention to the models knitted headwear. You can choose absolutely any of the options. by the most trendy colors become bright orange, beige, fuchsia, black and white.

For an image for every day, you need to give preference to more neutral tones, but if you want to add zest and bright colors, use bright colors With different elements decor. The choice is yours, and the mood under which the purchase is made.
A fur hat will be perfect for a sheepskin coat, in a classic style. The main thing is to choose more accurate models, and not to consider volumetric options.
Is it possible to wear a hat with a sheepskin coat?
In fact, a lot depends on the style and length of the sheepskin coat itself. For a more feminine style, you need to combine with a sheepskin coat with wide-brimmed hat from felt. This set will be very original and will add a touch of elegance to this look. These hats are best worn under fitted outerwear.

Lovers of new products should follow the fashion all the time and match the outfits that have replaced them. The main thing is that the owner should like the chosen hat or hat first of all and make her happy every day. By following these tips and tricks, you can choose the most the best option from those presented. Undoubtedly, your choice will be the best.
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With the approach of cold weather, the question becomes relevant, with what to wear a sheepskin coat. Indeed, in winter, outerwear occupies a priority place in creating an image. But to look stylish, you have to make an effort. Fortunately, there is no need to sacrifice comfort for beauty. Modern women's leather and fur products are light, comfortable and, of course, beautiful. Different types make it possible to find the perfect sheepskin coat for any figure and for any situation.

Leading designers present a choice of several fashion trends. One thing unites the variety of styles and design ideas: the most fashionable sheepskin coats fit perfectly into the main trend of this season. They allow you to look respectable, stylish, but at the same time elegant. These models are not in vain considered the “golden mean”: they look much more advantageous than the most rustic down jackets, but much more organically than fur coats fit into urban looks. The division of styles this season is quite obvious. From feminine and romantic styles to rocker jackets and bomber jackets, this season's collections even include boho styles and, of course, the most actual style- urban minimalism.

Sheepskin coats that are relevant today, with all their appearance, are reminiscent of boho and the 70s, which, however, does not at all oblige us to include them in images strictly in this style. Sheepskin coat will successfully fit into both laconic casual and grunge (in this case it is better to choose a shortened model), and even find mutual language with sneakers.

Features and benefits of sheepskin coats and hats

In fact, a sheepskin coat is a type of outerwear made from the skin of an animal, the fur side of which is the inner insulating layer. The most traditional and common material for the manufacture of sheepskin coats is sheepskin, the skin of lambs is especially appreciated, which is super elastic. There are sheepskin coats sewn from goat skins, kangaroo skins.

  • Thanks to a special dressing, the sheepskin coat is not afraid of moisture, which will not allow it to get wet.
  • The naturalness of the product will allow you not to be afraid of the occurrence allergic reaction people suffering from this disease.
  • Positive characteristics regarding temperature retention, will not allow freezing at fairly low temperatures.
  • Animal advocates will find the outfit in models made of artificial materials.

A hat is an accessory that completes and complements the image. Choosing a hat is a rather difficult task, since with the help of a headdress you can make your image unique and memorable or ridiculous and funny. First of all, when buying, you need to consider a number of requirements.

Fashion little things 2017

How to choose a hat for a sheepskin coat

  1. First of all, a hat should be multifunctional, comfortable and match the style of outerwear. When choosing a headdress, your main adviser will be a mirror. It will show you in real time how the headdress looks on you and whether the hat fits your image, style and, of course, your sheepskin coat, for which you are planning to buy a hat.
  2. You need to buy a hat in a sheepskin coat. Try on a few models and take a close look in the mirror. If the style, image and color are combined, you can safely make a purchase.
  3. Fur hats made of mink, polar fox, fox, knitted berets And sports caps. If the sheepskin coat is not decorated with a fluffy collar, you can safely pick up a knitted or fur hat. If there is a fluffy collar, pick up a hat from the same fur as the sheepskin coat is decorated with.
  4. Pay special attention to the color of the headdress. It can be a little lighter, darker or in harmony with the color of the sheepskin coat. For example, if you have a black sheepskin coat, you can buy a white hat, but in this case, all steel accessories must be combined with the color of the headdress.
  5. In addition to choosing a hat for a sheepskin coat, do not forget that you need to take into account the shape of the face. TO oval type faces are most suitable berets, flat-top fur caps, asymmetrical hats and knitted patterns tight shape.
  6. Chubby people should avoid pill-shaped hats and bulky hats. People with square shape faces, you should pay attention to hats with earflaps, asymmetric hats and sports knitted hats. For owners triangular face the most suitable headwear is in the form of a scarf, headscarf or hat with a small brim.

Fashionable sheepskin hats

Best of all, silk scarves, earflaps, fur hats and knitted beanie hats are combined with sheepskin coats. All these options are in fashion this winter, so you can safely choose any of them.

This winter the most trendy colors are: white, black, fuchsia, mint, turquoise, bluish gray, brown and beige, as well as azure and orange.

For the relaxed everyday look fit well bright hats with ornament or decor - pompoms, appliqués, embroidery.

The most popular prints this season are: graphic (stripes, plaid, polka dots), animalistic (leopard, zebra, tiger), ethnic (Aztec, Indian, Roman patterns) and abstract.

So, with what hats to wear a sheepskin coat?

Fashionable fur hat under a sheepskin coat

A fur hat and a sheepskin coat is the perfect tandem for winter period accompanied by bitter cold and strong winds. Headdresses made of silver fox, arctic fox and, of course, mink look especially impressive. They always look feminine and elegant with classic fitted or trapezoid sheepskin coats below mid-thigh length. But there is a nuance here. If the style of your outerwear suggests the presence of a fluffy collar, then the hat must be selected from fur of a similar color and texture. High and low hats, fur berets and youth options called Muscovite and Gogol look great with classic sheepskin coats.

With short sheepskin coats, fur hats trimmed with knitted jersey, suede or leather. Such accessories will ideally fit into a classic strict bow. But here, stylists recommend adhering to one simple rule: the more concise the appearance of the sheepskin coat, the more intricate headdress you can choose for it and, conversely, a simple, restrained cap will look advantageous with originally designed outerwear.

Fashionable knitted beanie hat under a sheepskin coat

One of the most current models hats in the new season - a beanie hat. This model is very versatile, it can be worn by both men and girls, especially those who adhere to the style of sport-chic or street style. This style will suit not only young girls- for women who have reached a certain position in society, it will help to add playfulness, perkyness and piquancy to the image.

How to wear a beanie Definitely not to be paired with clothes. classical style, but in a casual wardrobe, such a model will fit perfectly. Concerning color solutions, you can pick up a hat, scarf and gloves in one shade - this set looks cozy and fits a fashionable sheepskin coat. And you can make a hat the main accent of the image - choose a model of a bright neon or aniline shade - you will definitely not go unnoticed!

Fashionable silk scarf under a sheepskin coat

Every girl (woman) wants to look stunning. That is why she devotes a lot of time to choosing clothes before going out. However, no matter how beautiful the outfit is, it will not look complete and complete without accessories.

And one of the main decorations for girls under a sheepskin coat has long been silk scarves. Made from the softest fabric they are able not only to protect from the vicissitudes of the weather, but also to become bright accent V business suit or evening dress.