Equipping a treatment room in a hospital. P. Execution of the procedure. I. Preparation for the procedure

Topic: Drug treatment v nursing practice

Prepared by the teacher

A. N. Aforkina

chairman of the CMC

Osmirko E.K.

Orenburg -2015

I. Routes and methods of administration medicines into the body.

Drug therapy is the most important component of the entire treatment process.

Medicinal substances have both local and general (resorptive) effects on the body.

Medicines are introduced into the human body in various ways. The way in which the drug is introduced into the body depends on:

1) the speed of the onset of the effect,

2) the magnitude of the effect,

3) duration of action.

Tab. 1 Ways and methods of drug administration

II. Rules for prescribing, receiving, storing, recording and distributing medicines.

Rules for prescribing medicines for the department.

1. The doctor, conducting daily examination of patients in the department, writes down in the history of the disease or a list of prescriptions the drugs necessary for this patient, their doses, frequency of administration and routes of administration.

2. The ward nurse makes a selection of prescriptions on a daily basis, copying the prescribed drugs into the Prescription Book separately for each patient. The injection information is passed on to the procedural nurse who performs the injection.

3. The list of prescribed drugs that are not on the post or in the treatment room is submitted to the head nurse of the department.

4. The head nurse (if necessary) writes out an invoice (requirement) in a certain form for obtaining medicines from the pharmacy in several copies, which is signed by the head. branch. The first copy remains in the pharmacy, the second is returned to the financially responsible person. The invoice f. No. 434 must indicate the full name of the medicinal products, their sizes, packaging, dosage form, dosage, packaging, quantity.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 23, 1999 N 328 "On the rational prescription of drugs, the rules for writing prescriptions for them and the procedure for their dispensing pharmacies(organizations) "as amended on January 9, 2001, May 16, 2003.

Medicines are dispensed by the pharmacy to the departments in the amount of the current need for them: poisonous - 5 days' supply, narcotic - 3 days (in the intensive care unit), all others - 10 days.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 330 of 12.11.97 “On measures to improve the accounting, storage, prescribing and use of NLS”.

5. Requirements for poisonous (for example, for strophanthin, atropine, proserin, etc.) and narcotic drugs (for example, for promedol, omnopon, morphine, etc.), as well as for ethyl alcohol are written out on separate forms of the senior m / s for Latin... These requirements are stamped and signed by the head physician of the healthcare facility or his deputy for the medical part, indicating the route of administration, concentration ethyl alcohol.

6. In the requirements for acutely deficient and expensive medicines, name and surname are indicated. patient, medical history number, diagnosis.

7. Receiving medicines from the pharmacy, the head nurse checks their compliance with the order. When dispensing ampoules with narcotic drugs from the pharmacy, the integrity of the ampoules is checked.

On dosage forms made in a pharmacy, there must be a certain color of the label:

for external use - yellow;

for internal use, white;

For parenteral administration - blue (on vials with sterile solutions).

The labels must have clear names of drugs, designations of concentration, dose, date of manufacture and the signature of the pharmacist (details of the manufacturer) who made the data. dosage forms.

Rules for storing medicines in the department.

1. For storage of medicines at the nurse's station, there are cabinets that must be locked with a key.

2. In the cabinet, medicinal substances are arranged in groups (sterile, internal, external) on separate shelves or in separate cabinets. Each shelf must have a corresponding indication ("For external use", "For internal use", etc.).

3. It is advisable to place medicinal substances for parenteral and enteral administration on the shelves according to their intended purpose (antibiotics, vitamins, antihypertensive drugs, etc.).

4. Larger dishes and packages are placed at the back, and smaller ones at the front. This makes it possible to read any label and quickly take the right medicine.

6. Medicinal substances included in list A, as well as expensive and acutely deficient drugs are stored in a safe. On the inner surface the safe should contain a list of them indicating the highest daily and single doses, as well as a table of antidote therapy. Inside any cabinet (safe), medications are divided into groups: external, internal, eye drops, injection.

7. Preparations that decompose in the light (therefore they are released in dark bottles), store in a place protected from light.

8. Strong-smelling medicines (iodoform, Vishnevsky's ointment, etc.) are stored separately so that the smell does not spread to other medicines.

9. Perishable drugs (infusions, decoctions, potions), as well as ointments, vaccines, serums, rectal suppositories and other drugs are stored in the refrigerator.

10. Alcohol extracts, tinctures are stored in vials with tightly ground stoppers, as due to the evaporation of alcohol, they may become more concentrated over time and cause an overdose.

11. The shelf life of sterile solutions made in a pharmacy is indicated on the bottle. If during this time they are not implemented, they must be discarded, even if there are no signs of unsuitability.

Temperature and light conditions must be observed. Infusions, decoctions, emulsions, serums, vaccines, organic preparations should be stored only in the refrigerator.

The signs of unsuitability are:

Sterile solutions have a change in color, transparency, the presence of flakes;

For infusions, decoctions - turbidity, discoloration, appearance bad smell;

Ointments have discoloration, flaking, rancid odor;

For powders, tablets - discoloration.

A nurse is not allowed to:

Change the form of medicines and their packaging;

Combine identical medicines from different packages into one;

Replace and correct drug labels:

Store medicinal substances without labels.

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Documentation treatment room

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Functions of a nurse in a treatment room

Treatment room documentation

General documentation for the treatment room




To provide effective and qualified assistance to a sick person, a nurse must perfectly master the necessary volume of deep knowledge, skills, practical skills, that is, be a professional in her field.

For this, nursing documentation is being developed and implemented, standards that contribute to a complete analysis of the patient's problems, ways of solving them, allowing to assess the quality of nursing care. Along with this, programs for assessing the quality of nursing care have been developed, as well as a model of the final result with the possibility of economic incentives for the work of a nurse. The functional responsibilities of the nurse in the treatment room are: Correct organization of the work of the room for the implementation of diagnostic and treatment measures, according to the profile of the department. Immediately inform the doctor about complications associated with the procedure. Provision of first aid medical care. Strict adherence to asepsis, antiseptics, infectious safety standards, OST 42-21-2-85 "Sterilization and disinfection of medical devices." Strict implementation of measures for the prevention of serum hepatitis and HIV infection. Compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime of the office in accordance with the current orders.

Timely replenishment of the office with medicines, instruments. Ensuring the correct storage of medicines, serums, monitoring the expiration dates. Clear documentation. Compliance with safety regulations. Improve qualifications and professional skills.

1. Functions of a nurse in a treatment room

I. Implementation of diagnostic and treatment measures:

The introduction of drugs and the conduct of medical manipulations in accordance with the regulation of the types of activities of a nurse;

Blood sampling from a vein for diagnostic studies;

Assisting a doctor with:

a) carrying out manipulations in a serious condition of the patient;

b) determining the blood group and Rh factor;

c) approbation of a new drug.

II. Office work. Logging:


Accounting for the work of the treatment room;

Accounting for intravenous fluids and droppers;

Accounting for intramuscular, subcutaneous injections and antibiotics;

Delivery of bixes to the central sterilization room;

Registration of general cleaning;

Accounting for patients who have had hepatitis;

Complications associated with medical procedures.

III. Relief of complications associated with medical procedures with a doctor's notice.

IV. Organization of work of junior medical personnel.

V. Participation in the preparation of a reserve of nurses in the treatment room.

2. Documentation of the treatment room

In order to comply with the sanitary and epidemiological regime, an order was put into effect, which is used in health care institutions, the order contains the following provisions:

Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 770 of 06/10/1985 on the introduction of the industry standard ost 42-21-2-85 sterilization and disinfection of medical devices. Methods, means and modes (together with the industry standard approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on 06/07/1985)

GOST 42-21-2-85 “Sterilization and disinfection of medical devices. Methods, means, modes ".

Guideline R.3.1.683-98 “Use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation for disinfection of air and surfaces in rooms);

Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 408 of 12.06.89. "On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country"

Order of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 170 of 08.16.94 "On measures to improve the prevention and treatment of HIV infection in Russia."

SanPiN of 06.06.2003 “Hygienic requirements for the placement of the device, equipment and operation of hospitals, genus. houses and other medical hospitals ".

Order of the FGU TsGSEN RME No. 130/84 SE of 1.06.2001 "On improving measures for the prevention of nosocomial infections in health care facilities of the republic."

SanPin "Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from health care facilities."

SP 3.1.958-00. "Prevention of viral hepatitis. General requirements for epidemiological surveillance of viral hepatitis ".

Order of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 170 of August 16, 1994 "On the introduction of
preventive vaccinations against hepatitis B ".

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 25 of January 1998 "On strengthening measures to prevent influenza and other acute respiratory infections."

Regulatory documents governing the accounting, storage and dispensing of medicines of various groups:

Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated 08/30/91. No. 245 "On the standards for the consumption of ethyl alcohol for health care, education and social security institutions."

Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated 2.06.87 No. 747 “Instructions for the registration of medicines, dressings. medical instruments "

Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 720 of July 31, 1978 "On improving medical care for patients with purulent - surgical diseases and strengthening measures to combat nosocomial infections"

Order of the USSR Ministry of Health of 30.0891 No. 245 "On standards for the consumption of ethyl alcohol for health care, education and social security institutions"

Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated 2.06 198. No. 747 "Instruction for the registration of medicines, dressings, medical instruments"

Appendix No. 2 № Approximate consumption rates of ethyl alcohol in the departments of health care facilities "

All medicines are divided into three groups: "A", "B" and "General list". According to the method of application, medicines are divided into: parenteral, internal and external.

Group "A" includes narcotic and poisonous drugs that are kept by the head nurse in a metal safe under lock and key and shot to the floor. On the back of the safe is a white letter "A" on a black background and the word "VENENA" in black letters on a white background. On the left side wall there is an inscription "narcotic drugs", on the right wall of the safe - "poisonous". On the inner wall of the safe door there is a list of narcotic and poisonous drugs, their highest daily and single doses.

All potent drugs belong to group "B" and are stored in lockers with markings: on the back wall there is a red letter "B" on a white background and the word "HEROICA" in black on a white background. List "B" includes 14 groups of medicines, determined by the mechanism of action:

1. Antibiotics

2. Sulfonamides

3. Some digitalis drugs

4. Analgesics

5. Antispasmodics

6. Hypotensive

7. Sedatives

8. Sleeping pills

9. Hormonal

10. Diuretics

11. Anticonvulsants

12. Antiarrhythmic

13. Stimulating CNS

14. Excitatory respiratory center.

In the cabinets they are arranged according to the mechanism of action, according to the application. Internal drugs are separate from parenteral drugs.

On a quantitative basis, there are psychotropic drugs from list No. 3 - 16 names.

Medicines of the "general list" are stored in cabinets with the inscription inside: on a white background in black letters "general list". Parenteral drugs are stored separately from internal and external drugs are located according to the mechanism of action.

3. General documentation for the treatment room

The treatment room should contain:

1. Professional job description.

2. Orders, instruction letters of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, local administration, regulating the activities of the nurse in the treatment room.

3. List of documentation for the treatment room:

Quartz cabinet notebook.

General cleaning notebook

Notebook for accounting for azopyram and phenolphthalein samples.

Sterilization control log for instruments and soft inventory.

Treatment room appointment log.

Notebook for recording intravenous blood sampling for biochemical analysis, HbSAg, blood group Rh factor.

Intravenous blood sampling record book on RW.

Notebook for recording intravenous blood sampling for HIV infection.

Fridge temperature control notebook.

Register of prof. Vaccinations.

Hepatitis vaccination register.

4. List of equipment, equipment for the treatment room.

5. List of the sequence of the workflow.

6. List of medicines required for emergency assistance.

7. List of medicines, a list of measures to be taken in case of anaphylactic shock.

8. List of medicines, expiration dates.

9. Instructions for the storage of drugs.

10. Higher single doses of narcotic drugs.

11. Table of antidotes for drug poisoning.

12. Higher single and daily doses of potent and poisonous medicines.

13. Incompatibility of medicines.

14. List of medicines stored in the refrigerator, the sequence of their placement.

15. A complex of anti-epidemic measures for the prevention of HIV / AIDS, hepatitis in the treatment room.

16. Precautions when working with disinfectants and detergents.

17. First aid for poisoning with disinfectants.

18. Methods of sterilization.


Treatment room equipment standard;

Standard for equipping a treatment room with solid inventory

Antibiotic dilution standard;

Intramuscular injection standard;

Subcutaneous injection standard;

Intravenous injection standard;

Blood sampling standard for biochemical research;

General cleaning standard;

Current cleaning standard;

Sterile table cover standard;

Bix stacking standard;

The standard for the preparation of 10% of the original clarified solution of bleach.

treatment room nurse document


The quality of medical care is determined, first of all, by the health care organization system as a whole and by each of its branches separately. The functioning of the health care system is determined by laws and regulations.

In the treatment room of the healthcare facility, all the appointments of the attending physicians are carried out. In the office, everything should be provided for carrying out various medical procedures: performing injections - subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous; taking blood from a vein for laboratory research; providing emergency assistance in emergency situations.

The procedural nurse is responsible for: the correct organization of the work of the procedural room around the clock; For the timely fulfillment of the doctor's prescriptions for the procedures; For the implementation of the sanitary and epidemiological regime at their workplace, the rules of asepsis and antiseptics; For providing the office during the day with the required number of instruments, drugs, solutions, sterile material for performing procedures; For compliance with the conditions and rules for storing medicines, inventory, tools, cabinet equipment; For the high-quality documentation of the office and making notes on the procedures performed. For the correct organization of the work of the nurse's office.


Agkatseva S.A. Teaching practical skills in the system of secondary medical education. Algorithms of manipulations in the activities of a nurse. Phoenix, 2006 - 168s.

Fundamentals of nursing: Textbook Weber V.R., Chuvakov G.I., Lapotnikov V.A., et al. - M .: Medicine, 2001- 496s.

A Nurse's Guide to a Treatment Room. Chernova O.V. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2006 - 15p.

Handbook for nurses in the treatment room Grinenko A.Ya. WORD ,. 2005 - 20s.

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    At the end of each month, the head nurse submits to the accounting department of the institution a report on the movement of medicines subject to quantitative accounting in the form 2-MZ, which is approved by the head of the institution. The head of the department is responsible for the storage and consumption of drugs, as well as for the order at storage sites, compliance with the rules for issuing and prescribing. The head nurse is the direct executor of the organization of storage and consumption of medicines. The storage of medicines in the departments should be organized in lockers in strict accordance with toxicological groups : - List A - poisonous and narcotic substances; - list B - potent substances; - common list. By way of application: "External", "Internal", "Injection", "Eye drops". By pharmacological groups: hypotensive, cardiac, gastric, etc. Cabinets where poisonous and ADV are stored must be technically strengthened in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 330 dated 11/12/1997 "On measures to improve the accounting, storage, prescription and use of narcotic drugs" .: metal door (or lined with metal) , there is a lattice on the window (rod 16mm; distance between rods 15 cm; installation into the wall at a depth of at least 8 cm). Poisonous medicines should be stored in safes or metal cabinets attached to the wall or floor. On the inside of the cabinet door (safe) there should be an inscription "A" "VENENA" in black and a list of products indicating the highest single and daily doses, as well as a table of antidotes for poisoning. Strong medicines(list B) should be kept in a separate (wooden) cabinet under lock and key. On the inner side of the door there is an inscription "B" "HEROICA" in red, a list of SDV with an indication of the highest single and daily doses; storage for parenteral, internal and external use should be separate. Keys to cabinets "A" and "B" are kept only by persons who are responsible for the storage of poisonous and potent medicines. At the post in the offices, accounting for the transfer of keys is kept in special magazine, laced, numbered and sealed with the seal of the head of the healthcare facility, which indicates the list and number of medicines in the safe at the time of transfer. The journal "Registration of the transfer of duties, potent, poisonous drugs" is carried out in the form of the order of the Ministry of Health of the OO No. 16/5 dated 05/12/2006 "On some aspects of the turnover of narcotic poisonous agents the PKKN list on the territory of the Omsk region ". The accounting of nuclear substances and SDV, subject to quantitative accounting, is kept in journals numbered, laced and signed by the head of a health care facility in the form of order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 330; storage of the accounting book after the end - 3 years. The account of narcotic drugs is kept in the register of transactions related to the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in accordance with Appendix No. 1 PPRF No. 644 of 04.11.2006"On the procedure for providing information on activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs, and registration of transactions related to the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors." The pages of the magazine must be numbered, the magazines must be laced and certified by the signature of the head. The journal is kept for a calendar year, kept for 10 years. Accounting for expensive, acutely deficient medicines, dressings is carried out according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 523, the accounting book after the end is stored for 3 years. The first page lists medicinal products subject to quantitative accounting. For each dosage form, dosage or packaging of the medicinal product, separate sheet(reversal). The units of account are indicated for each drug (tablets, ampoules, etc.). Corrections are crossed out and certified by the signature of the financially responsible person. The registration of used drugs is carried out after providing assistance to the patient. Oral administration of narcotic drugs should be carried out only in the presence of a nurse. Parenteral use of narcotic drugs, as prescribed by a doctor, is performed by a procedural or ward nurse in the presence of a doctor with a note about the injection in the medical history and prescription sheet. The dispensing of narcotic drugs is carried out separately from other drugs. Used ampoules from under narcotic drugs are handed over on the same day, with the exception of weekends and holidays, deputy head for the medical department. The destruction of used ampoules is carried out by a commission chaired by the head with the execution of an appropriate act in the prescribed form (1 time in 10 days). A permanent commission is created in institutions, authorized by order of the head of the institution, to conduct, at least 1 time per month, the feasibility of prescribing narcotic drugs, as well as the state of storage, accounting and consumption of poisonous, potent, narcotic drugs. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 892 dated 06.08.1998 "On Approval of the Rules for Admitting Persons to Work with Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances", persons are allowed who, due to their official duties, have direct access to narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances. The admission of persons is carried out by the head of the institution, provides for familiarization of these persons with the legislation of the Russian Federation on narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as inclusion in labor contract mutual obligations of the administration and persons associated with the circulation of narcotic and psychotropic substances. Not allowed: persons under 18 years of age; - having an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for crimes of average gravity, grave, especially grave crimes, or related to the illegal circulation of narcotic and psychotropic substances; - drug addicts, chronic alcoholism... For violation of the rules of storage and for theft of narcotic, psychotropic, poisonous and potent medicines medical staff bears criminal responsibility. Medicines of the General List stored in a lockable cabinet in a dedicated, black-marked location. There should be a list of medicines of this group on the cabinet door. Dressing stored in a cabinet on a separate shelf (or in a container) with the appropriate marking. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 377 dated 11/13/96. "On the approval of the instructions for organizing storage different groups medicines and medical products ”. The first rule of storing medicines is to keep them in such conditions and for so long that the possibility of spoilage is excluded. Otherwise, many medicines will lose medicinal properties and become useless, and in the worst case, harmful to the body. It is not recommended to keep medicines in the light. Light is an active accelerator of chemical reactions, contributes to the deterioration of many medicines. All active medicinal products, depending on the physical and chemical-physical properties, the effect on them, various factors external environment divided into: - requiring protection from exposure high temperature; - requiring protection from exposure to low temperatures; - requiring protection from light; - requiring protection from moisture. Features of storage of medicinal products requiring protection from exposure elevated temperature These medicines include: a group medicinal substances requiring protection from volatilization and drying; low-melting substances; immunobiological drugs; antibiotics; organopreparations; hormonal drugs; vitamins and vitamin preparations; preparations containing glycosides; medical fats and oils; fat-based ointments and oils, other substances .. Medicines requiring protection from exposure to high temperatures should be stored: - at room temperature (+ 18 ° + 20 ° C); - cool (or cold + 12 ° + 15 ° С) temperature; - a lower temperature (+ 3 ° + 5 ° C), These designations are indicated on the label or in the instructions for use of the drug. Immunobiological preparations should be stored in industrial packaging by name, at the temperature indicated for each name in the instructions for use. UPSs of the same name are stored in batches, taking into account the expiration date, separately from medicinal products. Antibiotics should be stored in industrial packaging when room temperature unless otherwise indicated on the labels. Optimum temperature storage of medicines in the refrigerator + 4 ° + 6 ° С, controlled by a thermometer, accounting is kept in the journal "Accounting temperature regime in fridge". Features of storage of medicines requiring protection from exposure to reduced temperature. These are drugs that, after freezing, change physicochemical characteristics and upon subsequent warming to room temperature, it is not restored (40% pharmaceuticaldehyde solution, insulin). During storage, insulin must not freeze. Features of storage of finished dosage forms. All finished medicinal products should be installed with the label outward only in the original factory packaging with instructions for use: - toxicological groups (poisonous, ADV, general list); - on pharmacological (analgesics, antispasmodics, etc.); - by methods of application (external, internal, injection, eye drops), on separate shelves, which should be marked accordingly. Odors and dyes should be separated into a separate cabinet. Psychopharmacological drugs are isolated separately (antipsychotics, antidepressants, normotimics). Liquid dosage forms (Almagel, Cordiamine in drops, etc.) should be stored in a cabinet on a separate shelf marked "internal" at room temperature, unless otherwise indicated on the package. Plasma-substituting and detoxifying solutions are stored isolated at temperatures ranging from 0 to + 40 ° C in a dark place. In some cases, freezing of the solution is allowed, if this does not affect the quality of the drug. Storage of most medicines in aerosol containers should be carried out at temperatures from + 3 ° to + 20 ° C in a dry, dark place, away from fire and heating appliances. Protect from blows and mechanical damage... When storing, they must be highlighted with an inscription Aerosols. Order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR No. 471 dated 09/17/1976 Appendix "Memo medical professional on the storage of medicines in the departments of health care facilities ". The departments do not allow the manufacture of medicines, packaging, moving from one container (package) to another and replacing labels. It is forbidden to dispense a medicine without a doctor's prescription, replace some funds with others. Medicines containing poisonous and narcotic drugs should be dispensed to patients only separately from other medicines. In order to avoid mistakes, before opening the ampoule, packaging - you should read the name of the drug out loud, check the dosage with the appointment and then lower it to the patient. Long-term storage medicines: medicines of factory production, factory production are numbered by a series, where the last two digits indicate the year, and the two previous ones indicate the month of release.
    Ser. 140509 expired 06.2011 Ser. 50208 valid until 03.11
    Ser. 2460609 valid until 07.11 Ser. 0902 2009 valid until II 2011
    In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 214 "On quality control of medicines manufactured in pharmacy organizations (pharmacies)" following dates storage: 1. For aqueous solutions containing benzylpenicillin, glucose - 1 day 2. For injection solutions - 2 days, after opening are used immediately. 3. For eye drops - 2 days. 4. For infusions, decoctions, mucus - 2 days. 5. For emulsions, suspensions - 3 days. 6. For other drugs - 10 days. Medicines, upon expiration of the expiration dates indicated on them, are subject to withdrawal. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 245 of 30.08.1991 "On the standards for the consumption of ethyl alcohol for health care and social welfare institutions." There are two types of ethyl alcohol from the pharmacy: 70 ° - for treating the skin before injections, processing honey. instrumentation and equipment; 95 ° - for azapyram samples. The release of ethyl alcohol is made on demand in triplicate in Latin, underlined in red ink, certified by the head of the institution. Released in weight measurement. It is taken into account in the department in the magazine in the form of order No. 330 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 11/12/1997. Alcohol is stored in a metal cabinet or safe separately from medicines. Marking: "Ethyl alcohol 70° "" Outside " in black. Elder sister monitors the correct receipt, storage and use of ethyl alcohol. Prepares a monthly report on the consumption of ethyl alcohol, taking into account the performed manipulations carried out in the departments using ethyl alcohol. Medical devices should be stored separately by groups: - rubber products; - plastic products; - metal products; - dressings; - honey products. technology. Disinfectants should be stored in a hermetically sealed container, protected from light in a cool place, away from plastic, rubber, metal products (they are aggressive). Do not store together with medicinal products. Literature: "Collection of technologies and standards for the organization and execution of work procedural nurses". Omsk-2001
      Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 330 of 12.11.1997 "On measures to improve the accounting, storage, prescription and use of narcotic drugs."
      Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 205 of May 16, 2003 "On Amendments and Additions to Order No. 330".
      Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 523 of 03.07.1968 "On the procedure for storage, accounting, dispensing and use of poisonous, narcotic and potent medicines."
      PPRF No. 644 of 04.11.2006 "On the procedure for providing information on activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs, and registration of transactions related to the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors."
      PPRF No. 964 dated December 29, 2007 "On approval of the lists of SDV and poisonous substances for the purposes of Art. 234 and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as for the large size of SDV and toxic substances for the purposes of Art. 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
      PPRF No. 892 dated 06.08.1998 “On approval of the rules for admitting persons to work with narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances”.
      PPRF from 30.06.1998, No. 681 "On approval of the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, subject to control in the Russian Federation."
      Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 377 dated 11/13/96. "On approval of instructions for organizing the storage of various groups of medicines and medical products."
      Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 214 "On quality control of medicines manufactured in pharmacy organizations (pharmacies)".
      Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 747 of 06/02/1978 "On the approval of the instructions for the registration of medicines, dressings and medical products in the health care facilities of health care that are on the state budget of the USSR."
      Order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR No. 471 dated 09/17/1978 Appendix "Instruction to a medical worker on the storage of medicines in the departments of medical institutions."




    Technology code

    Technology name

    Subcutaneous administration of drugs and solutions


    060101 Medicine

    060102 Obstetrics
    060109 Nursing


    Before and after the procedure, you should wash your hands with soap or treat them with an antiseptic. Use of gloves during the procedure.

    Outpatient Inpatient


    Urgent care at home

    Treatment Rehabilitation

    Prevention (including vaccination)

    Material resources

    Manipulation table 1 pc.

    Daybed 1 pc.

    Tray - 2 pcs.

    5.2. Reagents Absent
    5J And mmunobiological preparations and reagents Vaccines
    5.4 Blood products Absent
    5.5 Medicines Antiseptic for the treatment of the injection field Antiseptic for the treatment of hands
    5.6 Other consumable material Napkins -3 pcs. Liquid soap... Gloves Dispensary with disposable towel
    6. Algorithm for performing subcutaneous drug administration I. Preparation for the procedure.

      Prepare a syringe.

      Offer / help the patient to take comfortable position: sitting or lying down. The choice of position depends on the condition of the patient; injected drug

      Wear gloves.

    II. Procedure execution

      Treat the injection site in one direction with an antiseptic.

      Gather the skin with one hand in a triangular fold with the base down.

      Take the syringe with your other hand, holding the cannula of the needle with your index finger.

      Insert the syringe needle with a quick movement at an angle of 45 °.

      Slowly inject the drug into the subcutaneous fat.

    III. End of the procedure.

      Press a napkin to the injection site or cotton ball with a skin antiseptic or dry wipe.


    After injection, the formation of a subcutaneous infiltrate is possible (the introduction of unheated oil solutions), therefore, when injecting oil solutions, it is necessary to preheat the ampoule in water at 90 ° (ampoule in a dry beaker). When injecting heparin subcutaneously, it is necessary to hold the needle at an angle of 90 °, do not aspirate the blood, do not massage the injection site after the injection. in a long course, 1 hour after it, apply a heating pad to the injection site or make an iodine mesh. 15-30 minutes after the injection, be sure to ask the patient about his state of health and about the reaction to the injected drug (identification of complications and allergic reactions).


    The drug was administered to the patient.


    The informed consent form of the patient when performing the technique and

    Additional Information for the patient and his family members

    The patient receives information about the upcoming treatment. The doctor obtains consent to the treatment and informs the medical staff. Written agreement the patient is required in the case of the use of medicinal products undergoing trials or requiring special performance regime moments(duration of use, implementation of methodological J recommendations for norms healthy way life).


    simple medical services




    Simple medical service execution technology

    Intradermal administration of drugs

    Technology code

    Technology name

    Intradermal drug administration

    Requirements for specialists and support staff including requirements


    specialties / who is involved in the performance of the service

    A specialist with an established diploma of graduation from a secondary vocational medical educational institution in the following specialties:

    060101 Medicine

    060102 Obstetrics
    060109 Nursing

    Additional or special requirements for specialists and auxiliary personnel

    Thematic improvement in vaccine prevention

    Requirements for ensuring the safety of medical personnel

    Occupational safety requirements when performing

    Before and after the procedure, carry out hygienic treatment of hands. Use of gloves during the procedure.

    Use of a puncture-proof container for used needles.

    Conditions for performing a simple medical service

    Outpatient polyclinic


    Ambulance transportation medical care»


    Functional purpose simple medical service



    Material resources

    Devices, instruments, medical products

    Manipulation table 1 pc. Daybed 1 pc.

    Non-puncture-proof container 2 pcs.

    Container for disinfection - 2 pcs.

    Disposable syringes (according to the number of prescribed drugs).

    Tray - 2 pcs.

    5.2. Reagents Absent
    5.3 Immunobiological preparations and reagents Absent
    5.4 Blood products Absent
    5.5 Medicines Vaccines Allergens Antiseptic for the treatment of the injection field. Antiseptic for the treatment of hands.
    5.6 Other consumable material Napkins - 3 pcs. Gloves. Dispenser with disposable towel Liquid soap.
    6. Characteristics of the methodology for performing a simple medical service

    Algorithm for performing intradermal drug administration

    I. Preparation for the procedure.

      Make sure that the patient has informed consent for the upcoming drug administration procedure. In the absence of such, please clarify next steps at the doctor's.

      Wash and dry hands (using soap or antiseptic)

      Prepare a syringe.

      Draw up the drug into the syringe.

      Offer / help the patient to take a comfortable position: sitting or lying down. The choice of position depends on the condition of the patient; the injected drug.

      Select and examine / palpate the area of ​​the intended injection to avoid possible complications.

      Wear gloves.

    II. Procedure execution

      Place one hand on the patient's forearm. Stretch the skin slightly on the front surface.

      Treat the injection site with an antiseptic.

      Take the syringe with the other hand, holding the cannula of the needle with the index finger, the needle with the cut up.

      Insert the needle with a quick motion at an angle of 10 ° -15 ° into the skin to the depth of the needle cut.

      Slowly inject the drug into the skin until a papule appears, indicating that the solution has entered the dermis.

    III. End of the procedure.

      Press a tissue or cotton ball to the injection site.

      Dispose of syringe and used material.

      Remove gloves, place them in a container for disinfection.

      Wash and dry hands (using soap or antiseptic).

      Make an appropriate record of the results of the execution in the medical records.


    additional information about the features of the methodology

    When carrying out an injection into the skin (dermis), it is necessary to choose an injection site where there are no scars, pain when touched, itchy skin, inflammation, hardening. 15-30 minutes after the injection, be sure to ask the patient about his health and about the reaction to the injected drug (identification of complications and allergic reactions). After performing the procedure, do not massage the injection site with a napkin. Intradermal injections for children are performed in the middle third of the inner surface of the forearm, the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder


    Achieved results and their assessment

    The drug was administered to the patient.


    The patient receives information about the upcoming treatment. The doctor obtains consent for the treatment and informs the medical staff. The written consent of the patient is required in the case of the use of drugs undergoing trials or requiring special implementation of the regime moments (during vaccinations).


    Parameters for evaluating and controlling the quality of the methodology

    Absence of deviations and defects at the stages of the technique. Execution of the technique without complications. Patient satisfaction with the quality of the provided medical service.


    Graphical, schematic and tabular presentation of execution technologies

    simple medical service



    Formulas, calculations, nomograms, forms and other documentation (if necessary)


    Simple medical service execution technology


    Technology code

    Technology name

    Intramuscular drug administration

    Requirements for specialists and support personnel, including requirements

    List of specialties / who is involved in the performance of the service

    A specialist who has a state diploma on graduation from a secondary vocational medical educational institution in the following specialties:

    060101 Medicine

    060102 Obstetrics
    060109 Nursing

    Additional or special requirements for specialists and auxiliary personnel


    Requirements for ensuring the safety of medical personnel

    Occupational safety requirements when performing the service

    Before and after the procedure, you should wash your hands with soap or treat them with an antiseptic. Use of gloves during the procedure. Use of a puncture-proof container for used needles.

    Conditions for performing a simple medical service

    Outpatient polyclinic


    Ambulance transportation


    Emergency home care

    The functional purpose of a simple medical service



    Material resources

    Devices, instruments, medical products

    Manipulation table 1 pc.

    Daybed 1 pc.

    Non-puncture-proof container 2 pcs.

    Container for disinfection - 2 pcs.

    Disposable syringes (according to the number of prescribed drugs).

    Tray - 2 pcs.



    Immunobiological preparations and reagents


    Blood products



    Antiseptic for the treatment of the injection field.

    Antiseptic for treating hands.

    Other consumable material

    Napkins -3 pcs.


    Liquid soap.

    Dispenser with disposable towel

    Characteristics of the methodology for performing a simple medical service

    Algorithm for performing intramuscular drug administration

    I. Preparation for the procedure.

      Make sure that the patient has informed consent for the upcoming drug administration procedure. If there is none, check with your doctor for further actions.

      Wash and dry hands (using soap or antiseptic)

      Prepare a syringe.

      Draw up the drug into the syringe.

      Offer or help the patient to get into a comfortable position. The choice of position depends on the condition of the patient; the injected drug.

      Select and inspect / palpate the area of ​​the proposed
      injections to avoid possible complications.

      Wear gloves.

    P. Execution of the procedure

      Treat the injection site with an antiseptic in one direction.

      Pull the skin tight with a large and forefinger one arm (for a child and an old person, grab the muscle in a fold), which will increase the muscle mass and facilitate the introduction of the needle.

      Take the syringe with the other hand, holding the cannula of the needle with your little finger.

      Insert the needle with a quick motion at an angle of 90 ° for 2/3 of its length.

      Pull the plunger towards you to make sure the needle is not in the vessel.

      Slowly inject the drug into the muscle.

    III. End of the procedure.

      Press a tissue or cotton ball with a skin antiseptic to the injection site.

      Dispose of syringe and used material.

      Remove gloves, place them in a container for disinfection.

      Wash and dry hands (using soap or antiseptic).

      Make an appropriate record of the results of the execution in the medical records.


    Additional information about the specifics of the technique

    When injecting into the muscles of the thigh or shoulder, hold the syringe in right hand like a pen, at an angle so as not to damage the periosteum. When prescribing injections for a long course, 1 hour after it, apply a heating pad or make an iodine mesh to the injection site. 15-30 minutes after the injection, be sure to ask the patient about his health and about the reaction to the injected medicine (identification of complications and allergic reactions).


    Achieved results and their assessment

    The drug was administered to the patient.


    The informed consent form of the patient when performing the technique and additional information for the patient and his family members

    The patient receives information about the upcoming treatment. The doctor obtains consent to the treatment and informs the medical staff. Written consent of the patient is required in the case of the use of drugs that are being tested or requiring special performance of the regime moments (duration of use, implementation of guidelines for a healthy lifestyle).


    Parameters for evaluating and controlling the quality of the methodology

    Absence of deviations and defects at the stages of the technique. Execution of the technique without complications. Patient satisfaction with the quality of the provided medical service.


    Graphical, schematic and tabular presentation of execution technologies

    simple medical service



    Formulas, calculations, nomograms, forms and other documentation (if necessary)


    1. Methodological recommendations for organizing and holding a competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Vologda region (can also be used for holding a competition for filling a vacant position in a municipal service)


      As rightly emphasized in the scientific literature: “ Public service needs an influx of new people capable of managing in a new way in accordance with the requirements of market relations.

    2. Methodological recommendations for the preparation and conduct of the municipal August meetings


      Methodological recommendations for the preparation and holding of municipal August meetings were drawn up by teachers of TOGIRRO in accordance with the main directions of the educational initiative "Our new school", Long-term target

    3. Methodological recommendations for the preparation for the final certification in the Russian language in grade 9 Dear colleagues!


      I am familiar with the difficulties that Russian language teachers face when preparing 9th grade students for the exam presentation. This is a large amount of material offered for independent work(the collection contains 73 texts,

    4. Methodological recommendations for the preparation and conduct of state (final) certification of graduates of IX and XI (XII) classes of educational institutions


      Concise presentation is the most difficult form of presentation, because when writing condensed presentation it is necessary to achieve the construction of such a text in which the necessary meaning is maximally expressed when minimum cost speech means.

    5. Methodological recommendations for the preparation and conduct of the exam at the points of the exam Contents


      Students who have mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (complete) education in having state accreditation educational institutions regardless of their organizational and legal form and subordination (hereinafter

    Drug therapy is one of the most important treatment measures... The success of the treatment largely depends on how skillfully and skillfully the nurse administers the prescribed patient medications. Medicines are used strictly certain quantities... The same drug, depending on its amount, the age of a person and the state of his body, can have curative action or cause severe harm to the body, being poison, and even lead to death. Allocate solid (powders, tablets, dragees, pills), liquid (solutions, infusions, decoctions, potions, drops, emulsions), soft (ointments, pastes, suppositories) and gaseous forms of medicinal media g.
    The action of medications can be aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease (etiotropic), correcting the dysfunction of the body (pathogenetic), eliminating individual symptoms (symptomatic). In order to drug therapy was successful, the patient should receive sufficient information about the medicines he is receiving.
    Statement of a claim for a medicinal product. Target. Obtaining a medicine at a pharmacy.
    Indications. The need for medicines in nursing posts and in treatment rooms. The need to replenish the supply of medicines from the head nurse.
    Contraindications Adequate supply of medicines and dressings at the head nurse of the department.
    Equipment. Forms of claims to the pharmacy in four copies.
    Execution technique. I. The senior nurse writes out the claims in the department and fills in the claims for medicines and * pharmacies according to the list submitted by the ward nurses. The lists are compiled by the ward (sentry) nurses on an ordinary sheet of paper. The list includes those medicines that have run out or are on duty in insufficient quantity as well as newly prescribed drugs.
    Requirements are filled in four copies in Latin, signed by the senior nurse and the head of the department. The method of using the drug is indicated (order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 23, 1999 No. 328 "On the rational prescription of drugs, the rules for writing prescriptions for them and the procedure for their dispensing by pharmacies (organizations)".
    Separately, on the claim forms, four copies are written out:
    narcotic drugs;
    poisonous agents;
    potent drugs;
    expensive medicines;
    acutely deficient drugs;
    dressing material (cotton wool, bandages, gauze).
    When prescribing acutely deficient and expensive medicines, it is necessary to indicate the full name of the patients to whom they are inflicted. and their medical record numbers. The list of acutely deficient and expensive medicines was established by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 19, 1996 No. 346 "On the nomenclature of some narcotic, potent and poisonous substances" and by order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated December 22, 1989 No. 673 "List of medicines subject to specific - quantitative accounting in pharmacies and medical and prophylactic institutions ”.
    Narcotic and poisonous drugs are written out in Latin on forms with a hospital stamp, seal and signature of the head of the healthcare facility.
    The head nurse receives the finished medicines on the day the request is made, and those prepared at the hospital pharmacy the next day.
    The senior nurse checks the correctness of the registration of the medicines received from the pharmacy, the presence of labels on the packages, the designation of the dose, the date of manufacture, the expiration date and the signature of the person responsible for the manufacture.
    Notes. The supply of medicines should be enough for 10 days. In four copies, the requirements are issued to medical institutions that do not have their own pharmacies. If the hospital has its own pharmacy, then the request is written out in duplicate (spine and request).
    Storage rules for medicines. Target. Correct location medicine in the closet allows the nurse to quickly find necessary medicine and provides accounting and control over the consumption of drugs.
    Equipment. Medicines for external and internal use) and sterile solutions in ampoules and vials for parenteral administration.
    Execution technique. 1. Medicines for external and internal use are laid out in a cupboard on different shelves marked “For external use” and “For internal use”. Medicines for external use have a yellow label, for internal use a white one.
    Medicines for internal use The baby's sister groups it as follows: in one cell of the cabinet she puts drugs that lower blood pressure, in another - diuretics, in the third - antibiotics, etc.
    Strong-smelling drugs (iodoform, lysol, etc.) are stored separately. Also, flammable substances (alcohol, ether, etc.) are stored separately.
    Alcoholic, ethereal solutions, as well alcoholic tinctures and the extracts are stored in vials with tightly ground or well-screwed stoppers.
    Medicines that decompose in the light (preparations of iodine, bromine, silver) are stored in a place protected from light.
    Perishable products (water infusions, decoctions, potions, serums, vaccines) are stored in refrigerators at a temperature of +2 ... + 10 ° C.
    All sterile solutions in ampoules and vials (blue label on the vials) are stored in the treatment room.
    A nurse has no right to:
    change the form of medicines and their packaging;
    put the same medicines from different packages into one;
    replace and / or correct the label on medicinal products;
    store medicines without labels;
    write labels myself and make your own inscriptions on the packaging of medicines.
    For violation of the rules for recording and storing drugs in lists A and B, medical personnel are brought to administrative and head responsibility.
    Storage of narcotic, poisonous and potent medicinal substances. Target. Ensuring the unavailability of medicines of these groups.
    Indications. Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 23, 1999 No. 328.
    Equipment. Safe with compartments "A" and "B".
    Execution technique. Narcotic, poisonous and potent medicines are subject to special storage and accounting.
    Medicines included in lists A and B are stored separately in special lockers-safes, in which separate lockers with locking doors are provided. On the inner surface doors of the safe there should be a list of drugs belonging to list A (narcotic analgesics and idiotic drugs) and list B (potent drugs), indicating the highest single and daily doses. Stocks of narcotic drugs should not exceed 3 days (by special decision, a stock of 5 days is possible), stocks of poisonous drugs - 5 days.
    In the place of storage, light and temperature conditions must be observed.
    The safe must always be closed. The key to it is kept by the person responsible for storage, who is appointed by the order of the chief physician.
    In places of storage and at the post of a nurse, there should be tables of the highest single and daily doses of poisonous and narcotic substances, as well as a table of antidotes.
    Poisonous, potent and narcotic drugs are subject to quantitative accounting in a special journal, in which all sheets are numbered, laced and sealed and signed by the head physician of the healthcare facility.
    Filling out the register of narcotic drugs. Target. Accounting for narcotic substances to avoid careless or malicious use.
    Indications. Consumption of the drug (administration to the patient). Transfer of duties.
    Equipment. Narcotics register.
    Execution technique. 1. Narcotic drugs are subject to quantitative accounting in a special journal, laced, numbered and sealed by the healthcare facility.
    In the register of narcotic drugs, a certain amount of leaflets are allocated for each name of the drug or a separate journal is given for each drug, in which its name, concentration, amount, date of administration, patient history number, the amount entered and the remainder are indicated. Empty drug ampoules are not thrown away, but left in the safe.
    Empty ampoules of drugs are destroyed by a special commission appointed by the chief physician of a medical facility, whose task is also to control the consumption of drugs and the correctness of keeping a register.
    Every day, when changing shifts, the following is transmitted:
    number of full ampoules;
    number of empty ampoules;
    an entry is made in the journal about the reception and transfer of each drug, the signatures of the nurses are put.
    ] I teeming with a medical facility doctor appoints a person responsible for the storage and use of drugs.
    b. For violation of the rules for storing and spending narcotic drugs, as well as for errors in keeping a journal of their registration, the nurse is criminally liable.
    In addition to narcotic drugs, poisonous, potent, acutely deficient and expensive drugs are subject to quantitative accounting.
    Notes. A nurse has the right to inject drugs only with the appointment of a doctor indicated in the medical history.
    In the medical history of the patient to whom drugs are prescribed, a "Drug Registration Sheet" is pasted. The nurse opens the ampoules, injects drugs in the presence of a doctor, and makes a note on the Drugs Register Sheet. After that, the nurse and the doctor sign their signatures, their signatures are certified.
    The patient takes drugs orally in the presence of a nurse and a doctor. A note is made in the "Drugs registration sheet", confirmed by the certified signatures of the nurse and the doctor.