Samara Clinical Hospital. Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after V.D. Seredavina, Samara

  • Registration of a repeated free admission.

    For a second consultation, a referral from the polyclinic at the place of residence is required.

  • Registration of a paid admission (commercial form)

    On a commercial basis, advisory and diagnostic assistance is provided:
    Children living in the CIS countries, near and far abroad;
    in the absence of the guiding documents required for a free consultation;
    if desired, consult and examine the child out of the box.
    Recording at the request of the applicant in person or by phone 9592788, 9592722, 3725166 or via the Internet registry.

  • General nonspecific hypoallergenic diet according to A.D. ADO

    1. It is recommended to exclude from the diet:
    Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits, limes, etc.)
    Nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc.)
    Fish and fish products (fresh and salted fish, fish broths, canned fish, caviar, etc.)
    Poultry (goose, duck, turkey, chicken, etc.), as well as poultry products
    Chocolate and chocolate products
    Smoked products
    Vinegar, mustard, mayonnaise and other spices
    Horseradish, radish, radish
    Tomatoes, eggplants
    Unleavened milk
    Strawberries, strawberries, melon, pineapple
    Butter dough
    Alcoholic drinks (strictly prohibited)
    2. It is recommended to eat:
    Boiled beef
    Groats, vegetable soups (in secondary vegetable broth, vegetarian)
    Butter, olive, sunflower
    Porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice
    Lactic acid products - one-day (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt)
    Fresh cucumbers, parsley, dill
    Baked apples
    Apple compotes
    White uncooked bread

  • Advisory rules

    Patients are admitted on a first come, first served basis in accordance with the work schedule of specialists. If the patient is late for an appointment for more than 20 minutes, the consultation or examination can be postponed to another time if the doctor has free places to book.
    In case of emergency treatment or according to the severity of the underlying disease, the child must be examined by a pediatrician on the day of treatment, after which the issue of the place of his further treatment is decided collectively.

  • Working hours

    The advisory clinic of the pediatric corps is open 8:00 - 15:50 - weekdays,
    Saturday and Sunday are days off.

  • Vaccination

    Since 2000, the Regional Center for Immunoprophylaxis has been operating on the basis of the SOCB.
    In SOKB them. VD Seredavina You can vaccinate children, adults, the elderly, people traveling abroad and people from risk groups.
    In SOKB them. VD Seredavin uses vaccines registered in the Russian Federation, both domestic and imported. The immunoprophylaxis service includes: an examination by a doctor for immunoprophylaxis before vaccination, thermometry, nurse services, monitoring the patient during the entire post-vaccination period.
    Head of the center, immunologist, pediatrician Baldina O.Yu. Reception is conducted by a pediatrician the highest category Mariskina T.S., pediatrician of the highest category Eliseeva N.V., pediatrician of the highest category Koltsova N.S., pediatrician of the first category Zakirov F.I.
    Vaccinations are carried out by doctors and nurses who have extensive experience working with children and adults. Children are vaccinated from birth in accordance with the national calendar preventive vaccinations and recommendations of the World Health Organization.
    Vaccination time: Monday and Friday 9.00 -11.00 and 13.00 -15.00, Mantoux test, Diaskin test from 11.00 to 13.00. Tuesday, Wednesday 9.00-11.00 and 13.00-15.00, Thursday 9.00-11.00 and 13.00-16.00.
    For vaccination, you must have an outpatient card or vaccination certificate with you. Vaccination is carried out only in the presence of the child's legal representatives. For vaccination with vaccines of domestic production, it is necessary to have a referral from a health facility at the place of attachment of the child's insurance policy. Vaccination with imported vaccines is carried out under extrabudgetary activities. Refer to the price list.
    IT IS NECESSARY TO KNOW !!! According to National calendar vaccination we carry out vaccination using prophylactic vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, ("DPT", "Infanrix", "Infanrix Hexa", "Pentaxim") and poliomyelitis ("Imovax polio", "Pentaxim", "Infanrix Hexa"), from hemophilic infection (AKT-HIB, Hiberiks, Infanrix Hexa, Pentaxim). In Russia, the combined vaccine "Infanrix Hexa", which protects against 6 dangerous in childhood infections (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, hemophilic infection, hepatitis B) and the Pentaxim vaccine, which protects against 5 childhood infections (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, hemophilic infection) allowing to reduce the number of injections and additional preservatives. From the age of 12 months, children begin to vaccinate against measles, mumps and rubella ("Priorix"). For early diagnosis tuberculosis, the Mantoux test and the Diaskin test are performed. Taking into account the unfavorable epidemic situation in the Russian Federation, we carry out vaccination against hepatitis B ("Engerix B", "Regevak", etc.).
    We prepare children for kindergarten. Repeated colds, unfortunately, they are often accompanied by visits to children's institutions. Vaccinations against pneumococcal infection("Sinflorix", "Prevenar 13", "Pneumo23"). If you are going to rest in other countries, at sea, in rural areas, you need to take care of additional vaccinations in advance. We can offer both children and adults vaccinations against hepatitis A ("Havrix", "Avaxim"), tick-borne encephalitis ("FSME-immun", "Encepur"), influenza ("Fluarix", "Vaxigrip", "Influvac" and others), meningococcal infection ("Mentsevax ACWY", "Meningo A + C"), from typhoid fever ("Vianvac").
    Great achievement modern science is the creation of vaccines against cervical cancer... At the VD Seredavin Medical Clinical Hospital, you can be vaccinated against the human papilloma virus, which can cause this oncological disease (Cervarix, Gardasil).

  • The importance of vaccination

    The child must be protected from everything from which it can be protected (WHO).
    Vaccinations for children are currently the subject of massive controversy and objection. Some parents do not consider it necessary to put them in principle, because they simply do not trust modern medicine. Scary cases with dire consequences stir up blood and forums on the Internet, spreading myths across the territory of our vast country. Unfortunately, very often parents underestimate the benefits and importance of vaccination. For example, mumps transferred in childhood leads to male infertility in 25% of cases, and chickenpox is a real torment for children, especially for newborns. Moreover, on skin it leaves ugly pockmarks that do not disappear over time. Therefore, the rubella, measles and mumps vaccine, as well as many other vaccinations, such as the chickenpox, are able to protect your child from diseases, and therefore from very undesirable consequences for his future.
    But why do experts recommend vaccinating a child as early as possible after birth, before he begins to walk? This question is asked by many mothers. The answer is simple: until the time when your child begins to actively explore the world, which means he gets hurt, picks up various objects from the floor and the street, taste them and communicate with strangers- you have time to protect him with vaccines.
    After all, tetanus can easily become infected even through a small wound, and this disease proceeds with severe complications and often leads to death. Therefore, a tetanus vaccine is given to a child under one year old. Another difficult disease, especially difficult for children, is diphtheria. By the way, in the past cases lethal outcome among children were much more common. The diphtheria vaccine is gradually eradicating the disease from the face of the Earth, and its name disappears from the lexicon of both mothers and doctors. Diphtheria shot, tetanus shot, whooping cough shot, polio shot are the most common and essential vaccines for your little one. “Why should a child be vaccinated against hepatitis B right after birth? After all, this disease is sexually transmitted! " - this is perhaps one of the most common questions. Not a single mom thinks about the fact that everything happens in life. And if there is a need for a blood transfusion for your child, the risk of contracting hepatitis will increase many times over. A little about compulsory vaccinations
    It is widely believed that it is better for a child to get sick with these infections on his own in childhood than to get vaccinated. This is illogical on the one hand and harmful on the other. Since measles, mumps and rubella vaccines are live vaccines, the vaccine is essentially a small infection caused by live vaccine viruses that have been specially attenuated to minimize side effects. Choosing a natural infection instead of a vaccine infection puts the child at unnecessarily greater risk. Natural measles, in particular, causes encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) with a frequency of up to 1 in 1 thousand cases, and unlike encephalitis as a complication of measles vaccination, they are more severe and with significantly more high risk life-long complications up to disability. There are frequent cases bacterial complications after a massive measles rash, leading to various consequences - from life-threatening to cosmetic (scars, pigmentation).
    It will not be superfluous to mention that known for its complications in the male reproductive system mumps is, among other things, the second cause of viral encephalitis after measles. And although rubella encephalitis is much more rare, do not forget that rubella, measles, and mumps pose a threat not only to the child himself, but also to his parents, who, firstly, with a 30% probability do not have the corresponding immunity, and secondly, they will suffer these infections much harder than their children.
    It is also believed that in order to minimize adverse reactions, vaccinations against measles-mumps and rubella should be done separately. The fallacy of this approach lies in the fact that with separate vaccinations, the child and the parents themselves are exposed to 3 times stress, ballast substances are introduced into the child's body 3 times, the immune system"set in motion" 3 times instead of once. Thus, a single vaccination with a combination vaccine is a safer and more convenient solution in all respects. By the way, in developed countries, combined vaccines have long since almost completely supplanted separate vaccines, with the exception of situations when a person has been ill with some of the infections from which the combined vaccine protects.
    Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio
    According to the calendar, vaccinations against these infections must be given by 2 years of age. At the same time, there are often cases when due to different reasons The terms of these vaccinations are postponed, and upon admission to the kindergarten, the question may arise about the availability of all vaccinations that are mandatory for a given age. Here, in a nutshell, are some of the subtleties regarding vaccinations against these infections. Pertussis vaccine is one of the most unpleasant childhood vaccinations, but at the same time it protects against one of the most severe childhood infections, with a high incidence of both short-term (up to life-threatening) and long-term (frequent colds) consequences. Given the continuing relevance of this infection, it is hardly worth neglecting this vaccination, especially before entering the children's team. In addition, the risk of adverse reactions can be significantly reduced by special prophylaxis. It is not uncommon for parents, on their own or on someone's advice, to change the DPT vaccine to its pertussis version of ADS-M. The mistake lies in the fact that vaccines of this class are intended for the immunization of children over 6 years of age and adults. In children younger age these vaccines are not effective enough. In other words, it is better not to vaccinate at all than to do it in vain, especially since this violates the instructions for vaccines. It is also not uncommon for children to be admitted to kindergarten vaccinated with an inactivated polio vaccine (Imovax Polio or as part of Infanrix Hexa and Pentaxim) the question of the 5th vaccination against poliomyelitis arises. And although the administration of the 5th dose is not required when inoculating with IPV vaccines, from the point of view of the Russian calendar, designed for the use of a live OPV vaccine, 5 vaccinations should be given before the age of 2 years. The best way out of this situation is to agree to the “missing” live OPV vaccine, which can be given as soon as needed. This will allow you to save money and not do the fifth IPV vaccination, which is not very necessary from the point of view of immunity, and at the same time once again strengthen the immunity to poliovirus from the intestine.
    Hepatitis B
    Contrary to popular belief, hepatitis B is transmitted not only through direct contact with blood (blood transfusion and other medical manipulations, drug addiction) and sexually. As the epidemic process grows, all greater importance begins to acquire a "household" transmission route, when the virus is transmitted in the smallest quantities of blood through infected household items, toys, sport equipment and it is this route of transmission of the virus that is relevant for preschool children. Taking into account the fact that the number of only detected carriers in certain Russian regions reaches several percent, vaccination against hepatitis B is essentially the minimum necessary for a person of any age. The vaccination course consists of three vaccinations according to the scheme of 0-1-6 months. The vaccine is inactivated, and due to the peculiarities of its production technology, even theoretically, it cannot contain either a live or a whole virus. It contains only one single antigen protein and an immunity enhancer - therefore, the vaccine is extremely easily tolerated and the biggest and most common problem is redness and induration at the injection site.

  • How to prepare your child for vaccination?

    Before vaccination All dads and moms know about vaccinations. But when vaccination day comes, many are lost. Many questions arise: is preparation for vaccination necessary? How to minimize the risk of complications? How do you know that the procedure went without complications? You will find the answers here.
    It’s not time to introduce new types of food. Mothers with babies should also stick to their usual diet. Talk to your doctor about how you can prepare for vaccination if your child has a chronic illness, such as an uncontrolled one. bronchial asthma with frequent exacerbations in the form of attacks.
    In fact, it is very important for your little one. But it must be carried out even before coming to the medical office. After all, the fear of an injection can become stronger. It is necessary to explain to the child why vaccinations are needed. Tell them that they are done to all the kids so that they are always healthy. Never scare your little one with vaccines.
    How to prepare for vaccination? You don't need to do anything on purpose. Well, except that in every possible way to avoid experiments in relation to food - do not give any new products. Remember: prepare healthy child it is impossible to vaccinate with any medications. Any drugs that supposedly facilitate the tolerance of vaccinations: "vitamins" homeopathic remedies, herbs "for blood vessels", beneficial bacteria, droplets "for immunity", etc., etc. - all these are popular methods of psychotherapy for mom and dad, an attempt to implement the widespread mental principle "well, you have to do something" and business of manufacturers (distributors) of these drugs. the less the load on the digestive system, the easier the vaccine is tolerated. Never force your child to eat. Do not offer food until asked. The day before vaccination, if possible, limit the amount and concentration of food eaten; do not feed (anything) for at least an hour before vaccination; when going to the clinic for a vaccination, try very, very much not to overdo it with clothes. It will be highly undesirable if the vaccine is given to a heavily sweated baby with a lack of fluid in the body. If you still get sweaty in the clinic, wait, change your clothes, give them a good drink; 3-4 days before vaccination, limit the child's communication with people (children) as much as possible. Don't look for infections: if possible, avoid crowded events, shops, public transport etc.; being in the clinic, restrain your sociability. Stand (sit) on the sidelines, cut contacts. Ideally, put your dad in line, and walk with your baby in the fresh air.
    Assess your baby's health with your doctor. It is important to make sure once again that he has normal temperature... Remember: if you have any doubts, check the expiration date of the vaccine and read the instructions for it. We recommend that you keep the package leaflet for the vaccine you are using. Before the first DTP vaccine, you must do general analysis blood and urine, as well as obtain permission from a neuropathologist for vaccination (children with a burdened neurological history). If the child has allergic disorders (diathesis, etc.), discuss with the doctor in advance the scheme for the prevention of exacerbation of allergies. Usually it is taking antihistamines (suprastin, fenistil) within 2 days before vaccination and 2 days after. If you haven't already, buy a baby paracetamol antipyretic. It is better to buy candles, since the flavors in syrups themselves can cause adverse reactions... ON THE DAY OF VACCINATION First, assess the general condition of the child. If he has a fever, reschedule the vaccination procedure for another day. To soften psychological reaction baby, prepare a surprise for him, plan a walk or other activity. Take your child's favorite toy and a vaccination certificate for the doctor. If you cannot bring the child in person, send him with someone who has full information about his health. Do not enter new complementary foods or new types of food. If the child is on breastfeeding- do not introduce new foods into your diet. Be sure to take antihistamines and other medications that your doctor has prescribed. Make sure you have analgin at home (especially in the case of DPT vaccines) and paracetamol suppositories for children (efferalgan, panadol). Don't rely on homeopathic medicines alone - they can be used, but they won't help with severe vaccine reactions. If the child is old enough - never, even jokingly, scare the child with the vaccine. If a child asks about an injection, be honest, say that it can be a little painful, but it's only for a few seconds. Before leaving home Measure the child's body temperature. If you have a vaccination certificate in which vaccinations are entered, take it with you. Be sure to bring your child's favorite toy or diaper with you.
    Before vaccination, you need to inform the doctor about allergies and diseases that the child has. Be sure to discuss the scheme for preventing possible reactions. If you are going on a trip with a child, it is better to get the vaccine 1-2 weeks before the planned trip.
    Check with the doctor that the child does not have a fever at the time of vaccination. This is the only universal contraindication to vaccination. Ask your doctor what and what kind of vaccine the child will be vaccinated against today. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor questions if you have any doubts about the vaccine. AT THE MOMENT OF THE INJECTION Do not worry. Your excitement and anxiety is transmitted to the child. Be calm and confident - and the child will tolerate the vaccination much easier. Don't worry that you are worried, just translate your excitement into a constructive channel. To distract the child (and yourself) - communicate with him, play, sing songs, look at interior items, play with a toy taken from home. Smile and be affectionate to the child. During the injection, the child should be in your arms - this way he and you will be more comfortable. Let your child cry after the injection. Do not force the child to "be brave", do not say that it is embarrassing to cry. If the child says that he is in pain, "blow out" the pain. Take a deep breath and slowly blow out the pain. Repeat this exercise several times.
    Do not forget and hesitate to ask your doctor your questions. Be sure to ask about what and when reactions to the vaccine may occur and when to seek medical attention. Take your time to leave the clinic or medical Center... Sit for 20-30 minutes near the office. Firstly, it will help calm down, and secondly, it will allow you to quickly provide assistance in case of immediate allergic reactions for vaccination. If the baby is breastfed, breastfeeding will help him calm down. If the child is old enough, please him with some pleasant surprise, reward him with something, praise. Tell him everything is okay. Actions after vaccination: Try to underfeed a little (if you have appetite) or feed only on your appetite (if the appetite is reduced or absent). Drink more - mineral water, dried fruit compote, green, fruit, berry tea. Clean cool moist air. Limit communication with people as much as possible - the child develops immunity, his body is busy. Other microbes are now undesirable to us. And the source of these other microbes is other people. With an increase in body temperature and a significant violation general condition- examination by a doctor, but paracetamol in any form (suppositories, tablets, syrup) can be given. The higher the body temperature, the more relevant the rules set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.
    ON RETURNING HOME AFTER VACCINATION In case of DPT vaccine: Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, give the child a dose (suppository or syrup) of antipyretic. This will avoid unpleasant reactions that occur in the first hours after vaccination. If the child does not have a fever, you can swim as usual. The presence of reactions at the injection site is not a contraindication to bathing, and even vice versa.
    Most often, temperature reactions to inactivated vaccines(DPT and others) occur on the first day after vaccination. In the case of DPT vaccines: prophylactically, be sure to give the child an antipyretic at night, even if the temperature is this moment normal. If strong temperature reactions occur (38.5 ° C and above), give the child one quarter of 0.5 g of an analgin tablet once. In children over 2 years of age, the dose can be increased to one third of the same tablet. In case of temperature reactions, do not neglect rubbing the child warm water... Do not use vodka for rubdowns - it irritates and dries baby's skin. Do not forget that the daily dosage of paracetamol is not unlimited. In case of an overdose, severe complications are possible. Carefully read the instructions for the drug you are using (Panadol, Efferalgan, Tylenol). Never use aspirin. Its use in young children is fraught with serious complications.
    FIRST TWO DAYS AFTER VACCINATION (inactivated vaccines - DTP, ADS, hepatitis B, HIB vaccine, IPV)
    Take whatever medications your doctor has prescribed to prevent allergic disorders. Continue to take antipyretics as directed on your medication if your fever remains elevated. DTP vaccines. Monitor your baby's body temperature. Try to keep it below 38.5 ° C (under the arm). In some children, against the background of an increase in temperature, the appearance of the so-called. febrile seizures. Take antipyretics without waiting for the temperature to rise. You can and should walk with your child, you can and should bathe him. The exception is when the child has a fever due to or regardless of the vaccination. If the Mantoux test was carried out, when bathing, try to prevent water from getting into the place where the sample was taken. Remember that sweat is also liquid, so make sure your baby's handle does not sweat. Do not introduce new foods into the baby's diet (and your own if the baby is breastfed). This can be done on the 3rd day after vaccination and later. In the case of DTP, ADS, hepatitis B and ADS-M vaccines. If there are strong reactions at the injection site (swelling, induration, redness), apply a warming compress or simply periodically apply a cloth dampened with water. If you are not already taking anti-inflammatories, start giving them.
    In the case of vaccination with live vaccines (drops of polio vaccine OPV, measles, mumps, rubella), adverse reactions usually occur 5-12 days after vaccination. If there is any reaction, but the vaccine was not given with a live vaccine, then the vaccination with 99% probability has nothing to do with it. Most common reason temperature and some other reactions in young children are teething, in older children - colds.

  • Preparing for kindergarten

    Sooner or later, we are faced with the need to send a child to a kindergarten. Admission to kindergarten is not only the first exit of a child into society. It is also a clash with all the variety of microbes and viruses that surround a person. If you do not perceive vaccinations as something that is necessary exclusively for kindergarten nurses and the head of the polyclinic, then vaccines can do a good job, having previously taught the child's immunity the skills of living in the microcosm.
    Mandatory vaccinations included in the vaccination calendar of the Russian Federation protect against the most severe and fatal infections - tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, etc. So, which of the additional vaccinations can be done in order to better prepare the baby's body for an encounter with the most common microbes?
    Calendar of additional vaccinations when preparing a child for kindergarten.
    For 2 months. before visiting the kindergarten Hemophilic infection (AktHIB, Hiberix) Meningococcal infection from the age of 18 months, once. (Meningo AS) Under unfavorable epidemiological conditions - from 6 months, twice with an interval of 3 months. For 1 month. Pneumococcal infection (Sinflorix, Prevenar 13) From 2 years old, once a year, in September-October Influenza (Influvac, Fluarix. Inflexal, Vaxigripp)
    Comments. This indicative calendar has been drawn up taking into account the fact that the question of preparing a child for kindergarten arises shortly before the start of the visit, so vaccinations must be done as soon as possible. At the same time, this calendar also takes into account the fact that the development of immunity after vaccinations takes some time, which means that some vaccinations must be done by the time they arrive at the kindergarten.

  • Vaccination before school

    The child must be protected from infections, which are especially relevant at the age of 5-7 years and can cause significant damage to the child's health.
    These include:
    chickenpox (Warlrix)
    pneumococcal infection (Pneumo 23)
    flu (Fluarix, Grippol Plus, Influvac)
    hepatitis A (Avaxim, Havrix)

    The most common infectious pathology is acute respiratory disease (ARI). Beyond the epidemic rise viral infections, more than 50% of acute respiratory diseases in organized children's groups are caused by a bacterium - pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae).
    Pneumococcal infection is characterized by diseases of the ears (otitis media), lungs (pneumonia), other organs, blood poisoning (sepsis), and affects the meninges (meningitis). Immunization is recommended for: children attending kindergartens and preparing for school, children of the first years of life .; children and adults with chronic diseases lungs, diabetes mellitus, people with a removed spleen, with cancer, chronic renal pathology, HIV infection.
    Vaccination is indicated for patients who are often ill, for children with enlarged adenoids, with bronchopulmonary pathology, with repeated diseases of the upper respiratory tract, infected with tuberculosis.
    There is another infection from which it is advisable to protect your child going to school - this is the disease of "dirty hands" - hepatitis A. All children have different hygiene habits, at school they first start using the public canteen and public toilets on their own and this determines the increased risk of development intestinal infections, which include hepatitis A.
    Thus, collecting the baby to school, buying everything he needs, considering whether to give mobile phone, it is advisable to remember about how to protect it from infections. And for this, think over the daily routine, free up time for walks, rest, regularly and fully feed the child. And be sure to check whether all the necessary age-related vaccinations have been made, revaccination at 6 years old against measles, mumps (mumps), rubella, at 7 years old against diphtheria and tetanus, conduct a Mantoux reaction to make sure that the baby is protected from tuberculosis, and also additionally protect his pneumococcal infections, hepatitis A, chickenpox, influenza. In time, when the child is out elementary school will move to middle and senior, new worries will arise, and other problems associated with infections will appear, do not forget then to think again about vaccinations and protect an already grown person from them.
    Make school happy for both the child and the whole family, and reduce the risk of infections as one of the conditions for this.

  • Vaccination for adults

    Recommended for:
    Adults 50 and over
    Everyone over the age of 6 months. up to 50 years old, suffering from heart diseases, lungs, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, blood diseases, immunodeficiency,
    living in long-term care institutions.
    Caring for or living with people listed above
    Pregnant women with chronic diseases, regardless of the duration of pregnancy
    Healthy pregnant women, 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy will fall into flu season
    Medical and social workers, as well as those employed in socially key industries
    Travelers traveling to regions with an increased incidence of influenza, or in contact with those arriving from such regions
    Anyone who does not want to get sick with the flu Annually
    The optimal time to get vaccinated is from October to November Vaccination can also be given at any stage of the influenza epidemic Flu vaccination can be combined on the same day with all vaccinations
    Pneumococcal infection Recommended for: Adults aged 65 and over Persons aged 2 to 64 with chronic diseases or other risk factors, including chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, living in special social conditions(including the indigenous population of certain regions). At risk for mortality due to pneumococcal infection: persons with asplenia or blood diseases, immunocompromised, including HIV-infected, malignant tumors, chronic renal failure or nephrotic syndrome, receiving immunosuppressive therapy (including corticosteroids), transplant recipients Pregnant women with the listed risk factors may be vaccinated if not done before. Usually given as a single dose; vaccination is carried out if the fact of vaccination is not established or not proven A single revaccination (re-vaccination) is recommended after 5 years from the first for persons at risk of death due to pneumococcal infection or those who may have a rapid loss of antibodies (kidney disease) , for those who at the time of receiving the first vaccination were under 65 years old, and 5 years have passed since the first vaccination Can be combined on the same day with any vaccinations, but as a separate injection
    Hepatitis B
    Recommended for: Everyone. Adults at high risk, including those who are HBs-positive in household contacts and / or sexual partners; using intravenous drugs; have had more than one sex partner in the past 6 months; men with sexual relations with men; persons who have recently been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease; patients undergoing hemodialysis and with chronic liver disease who will require hemodialysis; recipients of blood products; health and safety workers who come into contact with blood; patients and employees of institutions for persons with developmental disabilities; prisoners. Vaccination is recommended for all carriers of the hepatitis C virus. Notes: Preliminary serological testing is recommended in cases where there is reason to suspect contact with the carrier of the infection. Immunological testing may be required for those arriving from endemic regions, as well as those who are with them in a household or sexual contact Three doses on a 0-1-6 month schedule, or on an alternative 0-2-4 or 0-1-4 month schedule. The interval between 1 and 2 vaccinations must be at least 4 weeks, between 2 and 3 vaccinations - at least 8 weeks. There should be an interval of at least 16 weeks between 1 and 3 vaccinations.If the interval between vaccinations is large and not observed, the vaccinations should not be restarted, but continued in accordance with the scheme Can be combined on the same day with any vaccinations, but as a separate injection /
    Diphtheria, tetanus
    All adolescents and adults After completion of the primary vaccination course, revaccinations are carried out every 10 years. B individual cases, in particular in the case of injury, revaccination may be required after 5 years from the last dose / Revaccination every 10 years For those who have not completed the primary vaccination course or have not completed it, it should be completed (based on the scheme 0, 1-2, 6 -12 months). The series of vaccinations is never restarted, regardless of the time since the last vaccination Can be combined on the same day with any vaccinations, but as a separate injection
    Recommended for: Women of childbearing age who are not immune to rubella; and adolescent girls. One or two vaccinations, depending on the situation If a second vaccination is indicated, it should be given no earlier than 4 weeks after the first one Can be combined on the same day with any vaccinations, but as a separate injection, if the combined measles-mumps vaccine is not used - rubella If the woman is pregnant at the time of the visit, the vaccination is carried out after the birth of the child
    Measles, mumps, rubella
    Recommended for: Adults under 30 who have not had measles, mumps, and rubella and are not vaccinated against these infections Adults in high-risk groups, such as healthcare workers, college students, or college students postgraduate education
    One or two vaccinations, depending on the situation If a second vaccination is indicated, it should be carried out no earlier than 4 weeks after the first one Can be combined on the same day with any vaccinations, but as a separate injection
    To whom it is recommended: Vaccinations over the age of 18 are generally not recommended. At the same time, adults can receive a single revaccination in some cases (travel to an endemic region, preparation for pregnancy) Can be combined on the same day with any vaccines
    Hepatitis A
    Recommended for: Travel (excluding USA, countries Western Europe, New Zealand, Australia Canada and Japan) Persons with bleeding disorders, chronic liver diseases, including infection with hepatitis B and C viruses; intravenous drug users; homosexuals; working in laboratories with hepatitis A virus; food handler
    Note: Pre-vaccination immunity testing is warranted for persons aged 40 and over Two doses at least 6 months apart. Can be combined on the same day with any vaccines Meningococcal disease
    Recommended for: Travelers to the so-called regions. "meningitis belt" (Central Africa and parts of South America), including pilgrims on the Hajj Single injection Can be combined with any vaccine on the same day

  • Vaccination before pregnancy

    In preparation for pregnancy
    Months before planned pregnancy Vaccination
    -4 months chickenpox
    -3 months hepatitis B ** (1), rubella
    -2 months hepatitis B (2), poliomyelitis (IPV)
    -1 month diphtheria-tetanus (ADS-M ***),
    influenza **** 1 month after childbirth hepatitis B (3)
    * - based on the relevant recommendations adopted in the USA (see Routine Prenatal Care Guidelines, 2004), recommendations of the World Health Organization and some European countries.
    ** - if it is not possible to start a course of vaccinations against hepatitis B (see below) for 6 months. before the planned pregnancy, i.e. complete vaccination before starting
    *** - if the scheduled vaccination date has approached (once every 10 years, after the age of 16) or the previous vaccination was missed
    **** - if the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy coincides with the annual flu epidemic
    Pregnant women whose 2-3 trimester coincides with the influenza epidemic, in accordance with the current US recommendations, should be vaccinated against influenza 2-3 months before the epidemic. These recommendations are based on evidence of higher exposure in pregnant women severe complications flu. In addition, the vaccine is especially strongly recommended for pregnant women (as well as other adults and children) with chronic diseases. It is better to get the flu shot before the planned pregnancy if updated vaccines are available at that time (usually they appear in September), to protect in the current epidemic season. Nevertheless, modern inactivated influenza vaccines belonging to the classes of split (split) and subunit drugs are not contraindicated and are even recommended for use during pregnancy. If you cannot decide on your own whether you need a flu shot or not, then consult your doctor about antenatal clinic and a vaccination center specialist.

  • Vaccinating travelers

    When planning a trip to distant countries, do not forget to take care of your safety and health. Vaccination is considered one of the best ways protection against various infectious diseases... Vaccinations for tourists should be considered not only before traveling to tropical regions, but also to countries with poor hygienic and sanitary conditions. And also, in places where you can face the threat of meeting with "exotic" microbes or infections associated with poor hygiene and low level health, regardless of the climate.
    Vaccinations are divided into mandatory and recommended. Mandatory vaccinations are primarily intended to protect the country from the spread of infectious diseases and epidemics. When planning a trip, it is advisable that all compulsory vaccinations age appropriate. It is advisable to get the last vaccination no later than a month before the intended trip. Sometimes it is permissible to vaccinate at a shorter time (shorten the intervals between shots) in order to have time to complete the vaccination. Some vaccines can be given slightly earlier than the recommended age (for example, measles vaccination). In this case, revaccination may be required later. Older, incompletely vaccinated children are given all the missing vaccines at the same time. The same applies to children adopted by foreigners.
    Please note that: Vaccinations must be performed preferably 6 to 8 weeks before travel, or no later than four weeks before travel.
    Vaccination is especially advisable if you are planning a trip to the countryside, forest or where there is a lot of contact with nature. In accordance with international rules, when entering some countries, vaccination is compulsory. Failure to vaccinate tourists can lead to stopping at the border before entering the country.
    Mandatory vaccination:
    Yellow fever - viral dangerous disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Illness often leads to death. Territory: South America as well as Africa.
    Meningococcal vaccination - Armenia.
    Diphtheria, tetanus, polio - Gabon.
    Vaccination is recommended: Northern Europe - vaccinations against tetanus and diphtheria, tick-borne encephalitis, hepatitis B.
    Southern Europe - hepatitis A and B, tetanus and diphtheria, typhoid fever, poliomyelitis, meningococcal infection, rabies, tick-borne encephalitis.
    North America - diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B.
    Central America - hepatitis A and B, tetanus and diphtheria, typhoid fever.
    South America (tropics) - meningococcal disease, yellow fever, tetanus and diphtheria, typhoid fever, hepatitis A and B.
    South America - hepatitis A and B, tetanus and diphtheria, typhoid fever.
    South Africa - hepatitis A and B, tetanus and diphtheria, typhoid fever, poliomyelitis.
    North Africa - hepatitis A and B, tetanus and diphtheria, typhoid fever, polio, rabies.
    Sub-Saharan Africa - yellow fever, hepatitis A and B, tetanus and diphtheria, typhoid fever, polio, rabies.
    East Asia - hepatitis A and B, tetanus and diphtheria, typhoid fever, poliomyelitis, meningococcal infection, rabies.
    Southeast Asia - hepatitis A and B, tetanus and diphtheria, typhoid fever, poliomyelitis, meningococcal infection, rabies.
    South and central Asia- hepatitis A and B, tetanus and diphtheria, typhoid fever, poliomyelitis, meningococcal infection, rabies.
    Southwest Asia - hepatitis A and B, tetanus and diphtheria, typhoid fever, poliomyelitis, meningococcal infection, rabies.
    Vaccination is contraindicated:
    Leukemia Metastatic tumors Lymphoma Chemotherapy Radiation therapy High doses of steroids Bone marrow transplant Organ transplant Pregnancy Adverse reactions after a previous dose of the same vaccine.
    Vaccinations for tourists can be done at sanitary-epidemiological stations or other specialized medical centers.
    Special vaccination of children of tourists. Vaccination against hepatitis A, cholera, yellow fever. Hepatitis A is widespread in most developing countries in Asia, Africa, South and Central America. Infection occurs alimentary (through contaminated water and foodstuffs) or by contact. Children under 2 years of age usually carry hepatitis A easily, while older children and non-immune adults can develop severe infections. Therefore, a child over 2 years of age must receive one dose of one of the two licensed hepatitis A vaccines before travel. The second dose of the vaccine is given 6-12 months later. If before departure there is less than a month, together with the first dose of the vaccine, the child is injected intramuscularly with normal immunoglobulin. Children under 2 years of age are given only normal immunoglobulin, which provides protection against hepatitis A for 4-6 months.
    Meningococcal infection. On a short trip, the risk of contracting Neisseria meningitidis is generally low, but in some countries (especially West, Equatorial and South Africa, South America, in the Middle East and Nepal) it is high enough to warrant vaccination. In the United States, the only meningococcal vaccine is tetravalent, which protects against meningococcal serogroups A, C, W135 and Y, but it is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age. The intensity of immunity created by vaccination against different serogroups of meningococci is not the same, as is its duration in children from 2 to 4 years old. Parents should be advised that, under certain circumstances, they may be required to obtain a certificate of vaccination against meningococcal infection - for example, during the Hajj to Mecca.
    Diphtheria and tetanus - immunization against these infections is carried out for children who have not completed the primary vaccination course, if necessary, shortening the time between vaccinations or shifting them by more early dates(for example, start vaccination at 2 months, and not at 3, so that by 4 months the child is already fully vaccinated). Vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus should be given when traveling to any country.
    Poliomyelitis - Persons traveling to areas where poliomyelitis is still endemic or epidemic must complete full course primary vaccination, and if this course is completed, then receive a booster dose of polio vaccine (revaccination). For children, if necessary, you can shift the timing and shorten the interval between vaccinations (as in the case of diphtheria and tetanus)
    Measles and mumps - all persons who have not received at least one dose of the appropriate vaccine and have not been sick must be vaccinated before leaving, regardless of the country.
    Tuberculosis - recommended for all persons (especially doctors and teachers) traveling for long periods of time to work among the population of countries with high rates the incidence of this infection. Before the trip and after returning, it is desirable to have a tuberculin test (Mantoux), which is especially important for people working in the field and children living with them.
    Yellow fever - vaccination against this disease is mandatory for entry to some countries in Africa and South America (Angola, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burundi, Venezuela, Upper Volta, Gabon, Guyana, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Gambia, Honduras, Zaire , Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Panama, Panama Canal Zone, Paraguay, Peru, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Somalia, Suriname, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, French Guiana, Central African Republic, Chad, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia). Vaccinations must be taken care of in advance: a month, at least 10 days before departure. A yellow fever immunization certificate is valid for 10 days to 10 years after vaccination.
    Hepatitis B - vaccination against hepatitis B is recommended for people traveling to endemic regions (Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Amazonia). In this case, the following circumstances should be taken into account: the trip will last more than 6 months; professional factors - contact with blood or secretions of the local population (especially important for medical personnel). The primary course should be completed 6 months before departure; if this is not possible, it is completed abroad.
    Hepatitis A - Recommended for people traveling to developing countries (especially doctors and teachers). The disease is more common in countries and regions with warm climates.
    Typhoid fever - people who travel to developing countries (North Africa, India, Central Asia, etc.) are vaccinated for long term(more than 4 weeks).
    Meningococcal disease - vaccination is indicated for persons traveling for a long time to countries with a high risk of infection (Sahara region, United United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia).
    Tick-borne encephalitis - the disease is relevant in the following countries and regions: Austria, Czech Republic, Karelia, Ural, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk region, Novosibirsk region and the Volga region.

  • Vaccines

    Vaccine diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis AaKDS (Infanrix)
    Vaccine for the prevention of six infections (Infanrix Hexa)
    Vaccine for the prevention of pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, acute otitis media (Synflorix)
    Vaccine for the prevention of hemophilic infection (Hiberix)
    Vaccine for the prevention of poliomyelitis (Poliorix)
    Vaccine for the prevention of measles, rubella and mumps (Priorix)
    Vaccine for the prevention of meningococcal infection (Mentsevax ACWY)
    Vaccine for the prevention of viral hepatitis B (Engerix B)
    Vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis A (Havrix)
    Vaccine for the prevention of human papillomavirus (CERVARIX)
    Vaccine for the prevention of chickenpox (Varilrix)
    Vaccine for the prevention of influenza (Fluarix)

  • State healthcare institution "Samara Regional clinical Hospital named after M.I. Kalinina "is one of the most authoritative medical institutions in the Volga region. Annually in the in-patient department of the S. M.I. Kalinin hospital, more than 50 thousand people are hospitalized, more than 370 thousand people apply for consultations, an average of 17 thousand are carried out surgical operations, every third operation is performed using minimally invasive (sparing) technologies.

    The uniqueness of the hospital lies not in bed capacity, but in its versatility. Therapy, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology - doctors of 70 specialties work in the hospital. Medical care is provided here for both adults and children, including obstetrics. A closed cycle of examination allows solving all issues of human health from the moment of his birth and throughout his life.

    The hospital's specialists were the first in Russia to master bone marrow transplantation operations for patients with acute leukemia and multiple sclerosis... SOKB them. M.I. Kalinina is the only clinic in the Volga region where they perform surgeries for endoprosthetics of large joints and joints of the hand, carry out reconstructive maxillofacial surgeries, surgery vertebrospinal pathology.

    SOKB them. M. I. Kalinina has many honorary awards, among them:
    - International awards: "Golden Palm" (1997), "Golden Cliché" (1997), "Grand Prix" (1998),
    - The hospital staff is a laureate of the All-Russian competition "Labor Glory of Russia-2000"
    - Honorary title awarded by the World Health Organization "Baby-friendly hospital" (2002),
    - Letter of the Government Russian Federation"For achievements in the organization social work"(2002),
    - Award of the international programs "Partnership for Progress" (2003), "Grand Prix" EFFI "(2003),
    - International Prize "Profession - Life" in the field of medicine, industry, health and preservation of the human environment (2005),
    - Gold Medal of the French Association for the Promotion of Industry (2006),
    "European Grand Prix for Quality" (2007).

    Reception - modern structural subdivision polyclinics with automated workstations, multi-channel telephone connection, both external and internal, which allows you to record patients for appointments with specialists in real time with direct contact, and to make a preliminary appointment. All workstations of the registrars are equipped with a personal computer, the information desk, the issuing window sick leave... Up to 800 people apply to the polyclinic every day.

    Consultative reception is conducted by specialists of the highest category, doctors and candidates medical sciences, honors in health care, honored doctors of the Russian Federation.

    Up to 200,000 tons of people receive advisory assistance per year, 38% are residents of rural areas, 22% are residents of small towns of the Samara region, 40% are residents of Samara. Up to 4% of applications for consultative appointments are made by residents of other regions of Russia, the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Orenburg region, Ulyanovsk region, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Saratov region, etc.), and the number of consultations increases from year to year, which is associated with the development specialized types assistance and the growing needs of the population for them. ...

    A feature of the work of specialists consultative clinic integration with all hospital services. The presence of a powerful diagnostic base allows diagnostics at the most modern level in as soon as possible

    On this stage further specialization of services is carried out, the creation of centers and offices for specialized reception.

    The work of the cabinet was organized " Diabetic foot". The purpose of the cabinet is the early diagnosis of complications of diabetes mellitus - diabetic angio and polyneuropathy using modern equipment, selection of treatment for this category of patients with diabetes. Up to 1200 people visit the office annually, half of them are residents of rural areas of the region. In 92% of cases in this category of patients, it is detected on early stage complications such as diabetic polyneuropathy and diabetic foot syndrome.

    Timely diagnosis and treatment of complications improves the quality of life of patients with diabetes mellitus, prevents the development of formidable complications leading to disability - amputation of limbs.

    Specialists neurologists admit patients with complex neurological pathology - myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, select patients for hospitalization using modern methods treatments such as gravitational blood surgery and thymectomy for patients with disseminated and myasthenia gravis.

    The number of patients admitted by neurologists for the year increased from 5706 to 14502 2.5 times.

    In 2007, an office for early diagnosis of polyneuropathies and extrapyramidal disorders was opened in the polyclinic, which is equipped with a VNS-spectrum apparatus, which allows early stages to diagnose autonomic polyneuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus, in patients with alcoholism.

    The volume of specialized consultative and diagnostic assistance to the population with disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, diseases has increased. thyroid gland, diseases of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, hypothalamic disorders, eating disorders (obesity, weight deficiency). In three years, the number of visits to endocrinologists has increased from 5840 to 12500. In addition, the endocrinologists of the polyclinic conduct dispensary observation patients with gross endocrine pathology from districts and cities of the region.

    On the basis of a multidisciplinary hospital, consultative reception of cardiological patients with concomitant pathology was organized: rheumatic diseases, endocrine disorders, kidney disease.

    In addition, there is a center for the diagnosis and treatment of secondary arterial hypertension; at a consultative appointment, the cardiologist selects patients for inpatient treatment with secondary arterial hypertension, their dispensary observation, provides consultative reception of patients with lipid metabolism disorders with the selection of adequate therapy. The number of patients attending a cardiologist is increasing annually: in 2007, 1,071 patients visited, 2.7 times more than in 2006.

    As part of the activities of the center of vertebrolysis and reconstructive microsurgery, consultative reception of patients with injuries is carried out,

    inflammatory diseases, tumors and deformities of the vertebrae, as well as injuries and post-traumatic injuries of the hands.

    As part of the activities of the center for endoprosthetics and joint reconstruction, patients are consulted on the selection for arthroplasty, as well as dispensary observation of patients after this unique operation.

    At the reception, traumatologists consult patients with complex injuries of the limbs, select patients for surgical treatment using unique techniques, which make it possible in the shortest possible time to restore all motor functions injured limb, and also carry out dynamic observation of patients who have received given view treatment in the conditions of the trauma department.

    In total, more than 4,000 people visited traumatologists - orthopedists in 2007.

    Consultative clinic specialists great attention they pay prophylactic medical examination of patients with severe forms of diseases, which require highly qualified specialists in the process of dynamic observation, the use of complex medical examination technologies, and treatment corrections. Registries of this category of patients with a total number of 3500 people have been created.

    The specialists of the consultative clinic accept Active participation in the implementation of PNP "Health" in 2006-2007.

    In 2006, they took part in an additional medical examination:

    1. Citizens working in the public sector at the age of 35 - 55 years

    a total of 1734 people were examined, diseases were detected in 1324 people;

    2. Working citizens were examined in total 854 people, diseases were detected in 573 people;

    3. Citizens employed in jobs with harmful and hazardous production factors, a total of 524 people were examined, 422 people were diagnosed with diseases.

    During the clinical examination, 16 people were identified with suspected malignant neoplasms with diabetes mellitus 16 people. In addition, the specialists of the polyclinic carried out a lot of work in the regional health care facilities to provide assistance in carrying out additional medical examination (endocrinologists, neurologists, urologists, ophthalmologists). In 2006, 20,174 people were examined at the healthcare facility in the Samara region. In total, the specialists spent 368 days on business trips. In addition, immunization of the attached population was carried out - 142 people completed vaccination against viral hepatitis "B", 860 people were vaccinated against influenza.

    In 2007, within the framework of the PNP "Health", an in-depth examination was carried out for citizens employed in work with harmful production factors: a total of 130 people were examined, and 121 people were diagnosed with diseases.

    Assisted in carrying out additional clinical examination in 10 rural areas of the region (endocrinologists, urologists) - a total of 3794 people were examined, 61 days were spent on business trips. Work on immunization continued: 108 people were vaccinated against viral hepatitis "B", 1070 people were vaccinated against influenza.

    Samara Regional Clinical Hospital. M.I. Kalinin is a state healthcare institution, its abbreviated name is SOKB, the official full name is State healthcare institution “Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after V.I. M.I. Kalinin ", established by the order of the health department of the Administration of the Samara region dated March 30, 1995 No. 69 and the decision of the Committee for Property Management of the Samara region dated June 13, 1995 No. 397.

    At the turn of the XIX - XX centuries the city of Samara has progressed very strongly in its development. He grew up. And there was a need for effective medical care, funds were needed for the construction of a hospital. And here well-wishers and patrons helped a lot. In 1907-1908. At the expense of the Samara merchant of the first guild, Anton Nikolaevich Shikhobalov, the People's Hospital with 60 beds was built. At that time, the hospital had a surgical, neurological and women's department, an electro-treatment room-laboratory with electrical and X-ray devices, two operating rooms, and a hydropathic hospital. The x-ray machine used in the hospital was at that time the last word technology. So the tradition of introducing everything new has been going on since the foundation of the clinic.

    Since 1918, the Shikhobalovskaya hospital has become the Soviet city number 2, and since 1923 the name of Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin has been added to the name.

    For a long time, the hospital was both a physiotherapy institute and a numbered Soviet hospital. But the most serious period for the hospital began in the 50s of the last century, when the medical institution became a landmark. All stages - from the first to specialized medical care - were implemented within the framework of one hospital. And where there were 60 beds, 350 were opened in the same areas. Here, assistance was provided to the entire population of the Kuibyshev region.

    By 1975, it became clear that new capacities were needed. And then, by the decision of the regional executive committee, it was decided to build a new hospital. Six years later, a polyclinic was opened, and in 1982, specialized specialized departments began to open.

    On the territory of our region, it turned out that three regional medical institutions - a clinical hospital for adults, maternity hospital and a children's hospital were built in parallel. With the beginning of the difficult 90s, all three of these regional medical institutions merged into one - the Samara Regional Clinical Hospital, becoming a unique medical institution that provides medical assistance, from birth to the end of a person's life.

    The activities of the SOCB are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Health and social development RF and Samara region, the Charter.

    The purpose of the SOCB is to ensure the rights of citizens to medical care.

    The subject of SOCB activity is the provision of qualified specialized outpatient, inpatient medical care, emergency specialized medical care based on the use of advanced medical, economic and organizational and legal technologies that ensure the fullest satisfaction of the needs of the population within the framework of the program of state guarantees for the provision of medical care to the population.

    The hospital's specialists were the first in Russia to master bone marrow transplantation operations for patients with acute leukemia and multiple sclerosis. SOKB them. M.I. Kalinina is the only clinic in the Volga region where they perform surgeries for endoprosthetics of large joints and joints of the hand, reconstructive maxillofacial surgeries, and surgical treatment of vertebrospinal pathology.

    The most modern equipment allows you to treat patients with various pathologies of the blood systems. In the Department of Vascular Surgery, endoscopic intravascular interventions with stents are performed in patients with vascular pathology. Treatment of diseases of the aorta and great vessels, pathologies of the carotid arteries and other vessels of the neck, aneurysm of the aorta and great vessels, symptomatic hypertension, adrenal tumors, post-thrombotic and varicose veins, vascular tumors and congenital pathology vessels.

    More than 11 thousand children annually go through the hospital's pediatric service. The branches are equipped with the most modern equipment for the provision of high-tech medical care. Since 2006, the hospital's audiologists have been collaborating with leading specialists - audiologists of the Federal State Institution of the Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology (Moscow). On the basis of the SokB them. Kalinin is undergoing cochlear implantation. Children with hearing impairments do not need to travel to Moscow or St. Petersburg for surgery.

    On the basis of the obstetric and gynecological complex in 1989, the Perinatal Center was created and is successfully operating. Obstetricians-gynecologists, anesthesiologists, neonatologists, therapist, pediatric neurologist, optometrist. Annually in Perinatal Center up to 3000 births take place. On the basis of the departments of the complex, there is a center for menopausal pathology, a center for reconstructive plastic surgery.

    Mobile teams of doctors are working to provide assistance in districts and cities of the region, both to women and children (Air Ambulance Service).

    On the territory of the hospital, there is a Clinical Center for Cell Technologies, which has no analogues not only in the region, but throughout Russia. Here they take placental or umbilical cord blood of women in labor for a bank created in order to treat the most serious diseases.

    Currently, the Samara Regional Clinical Hospital named after M.I. Kalinina is the largest specialized multidisciplinary hospital complex in the Volga region.

    1545 beds are deployed in three medical buildings. On the basis of 52 clinical departments, 32 treatment and consultation centers function. The hospital staff is over 2,400 people (including 8 honored doctors of the Russian Federation, 33 candidates of medical sciences, 43 excellent health workers, 1 honored health worker, 32 labor veterans)

    Every year, patients of the S. M.I. More than 4,200 people become Kalinin, more than 135,000 people seek consultations, an average of 17,000 surgeries are performed, every third operation in the hospital is performed using minimally invasive technologies.

    The uniqueness of the SokB them. M.I. Kalinina in her versatility: medical care is provided here for both adults and children, including obstetrics. A closed cycle of examination and treatment on the basis of one hospital allows you to track and maintain a person's health from the moment of his birth and throughout his life.

    In 2008 SOKB im. M.I. Kalinin turns 100 years old. At this advanced age, the hospital develops and lives in constant search new optimal types of diagnostics and treatment.

    For 14 departments of Samara state university it is a training and medical base. The union of science and practice plays an important role in the development newest methods diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diseases, advanced training and professional skills of hospital staff.

    The development of high medical technologies is a significant achievement in the social sphere of the region. With the support of the Administration and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Samara Region, the most advanced methods of treatment are being introduced into practice, and targeted programs for the treatment and rehabilitation of socially unprotected segments of the population are being implemented.

    Participation SOKB them. M.I. Kalinin in international program“Partnership for Progress” has brought recognition of foreign colleagues. The hospital staff was awarded with distinctive signs and prizes: "Golden Palm", "Golden Cliché", "Grand Prix" and "Grand Prix" EFFI ".