Diabetes mellitus in the elderly is caused. Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of DM. Hyperglycemia: causes and symptoms

Ivan Viktorovich. Hello! I recently crossed the 60-year mark. My daughter has, she measured her sugar several times after dinner - it shows from 7.5 to 8.5 - 8.7. I read about the symptoms of diabetes, but I don’t seem to be thirsty and skin itching, appetite is good. My daughter is afraid that I may have diabetes. Can sugar rise so much after 60 years? How are sugar norms ranked according to age?

You did the right thing by choosing to measure your blood sugar level, because. 7.5 - 8.5 mmol / l - rather high levels of sugar after eating (postprandial glycemia).

In general, it is not customary to rank blood sugar norms by age; they are approximately the same for people of all ages. If there are differences, they are minor. In infants, they are slightly lower than in the elderly.

However, the risk of developing diabetes Type 2 increases with age. Diabetes is a condition that occurs when blood sugar levels rise because the body cannot use glucose properly. If you have overweight and age over 45 years - there is a risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Blood sugar levels

What are the blood sugar levels? They change throughout the day. Normal level fasting blood sugar for adults of all ages should not exceed 5.5-5.7 mmol/liter.

Before meals during the day, the norm of blood sugar fluctuates around 3.3-5.5 mmol / l.

Postprandial blood sugar, measured two hours after a meal, should not exceed 7.7 mmol/l. These are normal numbers for people without diabetes, regardless of their age.

If you have diabetes, endocrinologists advise keeping your blood sugar levels between 4.5 and 7.2 mmol/L before meals, and up to 9 mmol/L 1-2 hours after eating.

There is also analysis for (HbA1c), which shows average level blood sugar in the last 2-3 months. HbA1c is expressed as a percentage. The norm of glycated hemoglobin for a person without diabetes is from 4 to 5.9%. The target for diabetics is 6.5%, recommended by the International Diabetes Federation. A diabetic can make it lower if he wants to strictly monitor his glycemia.

It is now becoming more and more popular to believe that diabetics should maintain their sugars. how can closer to the norms of healthy people who do not have diabetes because such control protects against the development of diabetic complications.

For example, Dr. R. Bernstein in his book Diabetes Solution writes that normal values blood sugar in diabetics should be in the region of 75-86 mg/dl. ( 4.16 - 4.72 mmol/l ). In his opinion, an excellent level of glycated hemoglobin should be from 4.2% to 4.6%, which corresponds to the above sugars.

This level of glycemia requires a careful diet and more frequent measurements of blood sugar to prevent it from falling to low level(). Such harsh conditions are quite feasible for most patients. This is very helpful in following a low-carbohydrate diet according to the method.

If your blood sugar level rises to 8.5 - 8.7 mmol / l after eating, then this is a sign of diabetes. Given that you are 60 years old, this is type 2 diabetes. You need to contact an endocrinologist to prescribe additional tests to clarify the diagnosis. In particular, you need to be tested for and pass a glucose tolerance test. If the glucose tolerance test shows a sugar level of more than 11.1 mmol/l, then you will be diagnosed with diabetes.

Lazareva T.S., endocrinologist of the highest category

Diabetes is very dangerous and insidious disease. The first symptoms of diabetes mellitus, people may confuse it with a slight malaise, action infectious disease. For many, diabetes can be secretive. As preventive measure it is necessary to check the blood sugar level every six months, this will help to identify the disease at an early stage, especially people who are at risk. Glucose levels can also be measured at home, for example, using a special device called a glucometer. A blood test in a polyclinic is usually taken from a finger, but can be taken from a vein. At home, a glucometer can determine the level by a drop of blood.

After 5 seconds, the device will show exact result. If the analysis on the glucometer showed a deviation of the sugar level from the norm, it is necessary to take a blood test from a vein in the clinic, in the direction of your doctor. In this way, you can clarify whether you have diabetes or not.

For getting reliable results tests, it is necessary to measure the level of glucose in the blood strictly on an empty stomach for several days. It is best to examine blood from a vein and a finger in the laboratory of a medical institution.

Some men and women make the mistake of drastically changing their diet before the analysis, starting to eat right, “going on a diet”.

You can't do that!

This leads to the fact that the true state of affairs with the pancreas is hidden and it will be more difficult for the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. When testing for sugar, consider your emotional state and other factors.

Fatigue, pregnancy, chronic diseases, all this can significantly affect the level of glucose and its deviation from the norm. It is not recommended for men and women who will be tested to work at night, stay up late. Before the test, you should first get a good night's sleep.

Video: Diabetes. Three early signs


In a healthy person, the blood sugar level is always measured on an empty stomach, with the exception of the delivery of clarifying tests, when blood can be taken after a meal.

Men and women who are over 40 years of age should be tested for sugar, as they are at risk.

In addition, you need to monitor the blood sugar rate for women during pregnancy, as well as overweight people.

Table of norms of blood sugar in women by age

The norm of sugar for women and for men is basically the same, but there are differences.

The result will depend on some parameters:

  1. The analysis was taken on an empty stomach or after a meal.
  2. The rate of sugar changes with age, after 60 years in women and men, the indicator may increase

If a person eats normally, leads an active lifestyle, does not abuse alcohol, is not a drug addict, and the analysis shows elevated glucose levels, then the patient can be suspected of developing diabetes mellitus.

The unit of measurement of this blood parameter is millimoles per 1 liter of blood (mmol / l). An alternative unit is the milligram per deciliter of blood mg/100 ml (mg/dL). For reference: 1 mmol/l corresponds to 18 mg/dl.

Normal glucose levels depend on the age of the patients.

Regardless of gender, both men and women should always take care of their health and monitor the sugar rate, passing prof. examinations, blood and urine tests.

The norm of sugar in older women

Check your blood sugar!

This is especially true of the norm of blood sugar in women after 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 years.

Usually, in older women, the glucose level rises exactly two hours after a meal, and fasting glycemia remains near normal.

Causes of high blood sugar in women

This phenomenon has several reasons that act on the body synchronously.

Firstly, this is a decrease in the sensitivity of tissues to the hormone insulin, a decrease in its production by the pancreas. In addition, these patients weaken the secretion and action of incretins. Incretins are special hormones that are produced in digestive tract in response to eating. Incretins also activate the production of insulin by the pancreas. With age, the susceptibility of beta cells decreases repeatedly, this is one of the mechanisms for the development of diabetes, no less important than insulin resistance. Due to the difficult financial situation, older people are forced to eat cheap high-calorie foods.

Such food has in its composition: an extraordinary amount of fast-digesting industrial fats and light carbohydrates; lack of complex carbohydrates, protein, fiber.

The second reason for the increase in blood sugar in old age is the presence of chronic concomitant diseases, treatment with potent drugs that adversely affect carbohydrate metabolism.

The most risky from this point of view are: psychotropic drugs, steroids, thiazide diuretics, non-selective beta-blockers. They can cause the development of disorders in the work of the heart, lungs, musculoskeletal system.

Causes of hyperglycemia

The norm of sugar can be exceeded due to:

  • Because of junk food when a person abuses sweets
  • alcohol abuse, smoking
  • because of nervous tension, stress
  • due to increased activity thyroid gland and other endocrine diseases
  • diseases of the kidneys, pancreas and liver.

Glucose levels can sometimes increase in the blood after taking steroids, diuretics, some contraceptives. In women, sugar levels rise during pregnancy.

When the analysis showed elevated glucose levels (hyperglycemia), the patient is next given to drink 200 ml of water with sugar, and after 2 hours they are tested again. It happens that a person can rise to the level of glucose in the blood due to the fact that he ate a sweet apple.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia in men and women:

  • thirst
  • dry mouth
  • skin problems severe itching
  • patient loses weight
  • blurred vision
  • troubled by frequent painful urination
  • difficulty breathing, it becomes loud and uneven

For women over 60 years of age, type II diabetes mellitus is most common, which is defined as benign. It mostly comes in a trifling form and is not characterized by severe symptoms. Moreover, a significant part of elderly women do not even assume that they have a disease, which is why it is diagnosed late and most often by coincidence.

A distinctive feature that can lead a doctor to the fact that his elderly patient has diabetes mellitus is her obesity, which indicates violations in the process of lipid metabolism.
Between the onset of the development of the disease and the establishment of a systematic diagnosis, there were years during which the elderly madam experienced the torment of occasional erased symptoms, but did not turn to a medical worker.

The classic symptoms that accompany diabetes in the elderly are:

  • pathology of sensitivity in the limbs;
  • the appearance of pustules on the skin;
  • decrease in visual acuity;
  • the appearance of pain in the heart;
  • swelling of the face and neck;
  • the development of various fungal disorders, etc.

In the interests of older women, the development of trophic changes in the limbs, the appearance of signs of " diabetic foot". Trophic changes develop due to the effect of glucose on the blood walls.

For older representatives of the weaker sex, the development of an unexpected and dangerously flowing diabetic coma is also inherent. Usually, a suddenly developed coma caused by a high level of glucose in the blood ends in death, if we are talking about elderly people.

In more than half of the people whose analysis showed an increase in blood sugar, latent pancreatitis was detected (inflammation of the pancreas. The insidiousness of the disease is that the symptoms of pancreatitis may not give obvious signs, disguise itself as other diseases and gradually destroy the tissues of the pancreas.

How to Lower Your Blood Glucose

Helps significantly reduce sugar levels balanced diet and diets. It is important to follow a diet for those who already have elevated blood glucose levels. Eliminate from your diet: animal fats, sweets, fast foods, juices, bananas, persimmons, figs, sweet soda, alcohol.

In order to normalize metabolism in the future, in order to maintain normal levels of gluco, it is necessary to include in the menu: seafood, fish, beef, rabbit meat, vegetables, herbal teas, mineral water.

Video: Diabetes in the elderly

Why is diabetes so dangerous for older women?

The reason is that patients tolerate cardiovascular complications unusually poorly, they have every chance of dying from a stroke, heart attack, blockage of blood vessels by a thrombus, and acute heart failure.

There is also a chance to remain an incapacitated disabled person when irreparable brain damage occurs.

A similar complication can also appear at a young age, but a much older person takes it very hard. When a woman's blood sugar rate rises quite often and unpredictably, this becomes the basis for falls and injuries.

Insulin is known to be a hormone of the pancreas. When the glucose concentration rises, the pancreas increases the secretion of insulin. In the case when there is no insulin, or it is not enough, glucose does not begin to transform into fat. If you accumulate a large number of blood glucose, diabetes mellitus develops.

The brain at this moment can begin to actively use excess glucose, partially rid us of excess fat.

Over time, sugar can be deposited in the liver (fatty liver). It is also dangerous when a large amount of sugar begins to interact with skin collagen, which is necessary for the smoothness and elasticity of our skin.

Gradually, collagen breaks down, leading to skin aging and premature wrinkles.

Elevated glucose can lead to vitamin B deficiency. In general, vitamins and minerals are poorly absorbed by the body in diabetes.

High blood sugar speeds up the metabolism, people have problems with the kidneys, heart, lungs.

Diabetes weakens the immune system

Sugar gradually destroys the immune system, a person is exposed to more and more infections, viral diseases, the body loses the ability to effectively fight the infection.

Thus, both in older women and men, an increase in glucose levels is quite common.

In order to prevent the development of diabetes, you have time to pay attention to changes in the indicators in the analysis and take appropriate measures. As a prevention of the disease, it is important to stick to a diet and keep healthy lifestyle life.

Video: blood sugar norm in women, table by age

It is important to understand that usually the blood glucose levels in women and men have the same normal values. The level may vary by age, the presence of a particular disease and feminine characteristics organism. Also, the time of the test and the conditions observed at the same time can affect the indicators of the norm of sugar in the blood..

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is pathological changes in endocrine system, in which there is a violation of the production of insulin or a decrease in the sensitivity of cellular receptors to it, which as a result leads to an increase in blood sugar. This is a dangerous enemy, sparing neither the young nor the older generation.

According to WHO data, diabetes mellitus in older people is diagnosed in almost every second case of treatment. That is why the issue of prevention of its occurrence remains the most relevant in our time.

I and II types of diabetes mellitus: what are the differences

Type I diabetes mellitus refers to an autoimmune organ-specific disease in which destruction of insulin-producing β-cells in the pancreas occurs, resulting in complete insulin deficiency.

For people suffering similar problem daily injections of insulin are vital to prevent the development of a hypo- or hyperglycemic state. The onset of this diabetes is usually always acute.

Type II diabetes is the most common. The incidence rate is 5% of the total number of people from all developed countries.

IN this case insulin is produced independently, but the susceptibility of cells to them is reduced, which means that there is no reaction with it at the cellular level. The main symptom is an increase in blood glucose and a violation of carbohydrate metabolism.

In old age, people are most susceptible to developing type 2 diabetes. After retirement, many people change their diet for the worse.

Food overloaded with complex carbohydrates leads to the appearance of excess weight. Some scientists are inclined to believe that obese pensioners are more likely to develop type 2 disease, and people with asthenic or normasthenic physique have type 1 disease.

The increase in the number of patients begins after the turn of 50 years due to an irreversible decrease in glucose tolerance. Every 10 years, a number of changes in the metabolism of carbohydrates occur in the form of an increase in blood sugar during a fasting state by 0.055 mmol/l, and 2 hours after eating by 0.5 mmol/l.

Thus, we can conclude that in old age, it is the 2nd type of manifestation of diabetes that most often prevails, so it is best to focus on this issue.

Etiology of type 2 diabetes in old age

The risk of developing type II diabetes is largely determined not only by age category but also a number of other factors. This includes a balanced diet physical fitness, presence chronic diseases etc.

Speaking more specifically about the etiological factors, the following can be distinguished:

  1. genetic predisposition. If there is at least one relative with diabetes in the family, the risk of occurrence at a young age or already elderly doubles.
  2. Obesity. It is the second most common cause of the disease in elderly person, because lipid metabolism disorder mercilessly leads to this pathology. This is most often associated with a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition.
  3. stress stimuli. Many grandparents have hypertension, and with excitement of any intensity, an increase in blood pressure occurs, which leads to an increase in the release of cortisol or the stress hormone. The result of constant stress can be the appearance of insulin resistance.
  4. Taking certain prescribed medications. Many people in old age already have a whole "bouquet" of chronic diseases, for which it is simply necessary to take medicines. The most dangerous in terms of provoking an increase in sugar are such drugs:
  • steroids;
  • thiazide diuretics;
  • psychotropic drugs;
  • beta blockers.

Sometimes the cause of diabetes is previously transferred viral infectious diseases or pathologies in the pancreas (pancreatitis, tumor-like neoplasms, etc.).

Attention: hyperglycemia in people involved in intellectual activity, is detected much more often than when working with a physical bias.

How to suspect a disease in time: symptoms

Difficulty in timely diagnosis type II diabetes mellitus is expressed in its almost asymptomatic course.

Features of the clinical picture are:

  1. There are no clear symptoms. Symptoms often masquerade as other diseases.
  2. If in young people DM is manifested by sweating, thirst and tachycardia, an elderly person will experience weakness, confusion, dizziness.
  3. Due to the weakened function of counterregulatory systems, the hypoglycemic state proceeds for a longer time.

In most situations, symptoms of diabetes are confused with age-related changes and are taken for normal old age. Neither the patient himself nor his relatives can guess to check and find out the sugar content in the blood and timely identify the pathology.

Some of the symptoms that you should pay close attention to can help in this matter:

  • increased fatigue, scandalousness, depression, weakening of mental abilities;
  • problems with blood pressure(in frequent cases hypertension);
  • dizziness and fainting with a sharp rise from the bed;
  • weakening of vision;
  • puffiness lower extremities;
  • dryness skin, resulting in itching;
  • long wound healing;
  • convulsions.

The most important symptom of diabetes is a feeling of intense thirst due to the need for the kidneys to excrete excess glucose in the urine. In older people, the brain center that controls the water balance often works with deviations.

As a result, the pensioner loses the feeling of thirst even in a situation of severe dehydration. A sick person begins to get used to dry mouth. Quite often, patients enter a medical institution already at the last stage of dehydration, when delirium, excitability, confusion develops, after which he may fall into a coma.

Ongoing diagnostics

As we have already said, diagnostic measures are complicated by an erased clinical picture and late visits to the doctor. Most often, diabetes in the elderly is detected by chance, for example, when examining other diseases.

If you suspect this type of pathology, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist, where you will be asked to undergo a series of tests:

Type of analysis Peculiarities
Blood glucose level It is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. Normally, these indicators are in the range of 3.3-5.5 mmol / l. After 50 years, they may increase slightly.
Conducting a glucose tolerance test Performed when diabetes mellitus is suspected due to increased results sugar analysis. On an empty stomach, it is proposed to drink 75 g of glucose, and after 2 hours, blood is taken again. Normally, figures of 7.7-7.8 mmol / l are considered, in case of morbidity they will be more than 11 mmol / l
Analysis of glycated hemoglobin Such a diagnosis allows you to find out the severity of the development of pathology. It is determined by the ratio of glucose and iron
Urinalysis for content ketone bodies and glucose Detection of glucose or ketone bodies in the urine indicates the presence of diabetes.

Attention: one of the features of the detection of diabetes is the correct diagnosis. In older people on an empty stomach, in many cases, hyperglycemia is absent, and after eating it increases sharply. Therefore, the study is best done not only on an empty stomach, but also after eating (an indicator of postprandial glycemia).

What are the consequences of diabetes mellitus in senile and elderly people?

Diabetes mellitus is one of the causes of increased mortality among the elderly, moreover, it often provokes not the disease itself, but complications. The most common are heart attacks and strokes.

It is vascular disorders that develop most clearly:

  1. Microangiopathy. The blood vessels of the lower extremities, kidneys are affected, vision begins to fall.
  2. Macroangiopathy. The main etiology is atherosclerosis. At the same time, there is a progressive development of ischemia, vascular lesions of the brain, an increased tendency to heart attack and stroke.
  3. Polyneuropathy. Starts to suffer nervous system, and this is expressed in paresthesia, decreased sensitivity and reflexes, pain in the limbs.
  4. Diabetic foot. Dryness of the skin on the foot and the appearance of microcracks leads to the appearance of long-healing wounds. If you do not follow this point, gangrene may develop and, as a result, amputation of the foot.

Approximate percentage possible complications expressed in the following numbers:

  • Ischemic heart disease or in other words IHD - 30%;
  • neuropathy and CNS damage - 15%;
  • vascular disorders on the legs - 30%
  • vascular lesions of the eyes - 20%;
  • proteinuria - 5-10%;
  • renal failure in the chronic stage of the course - 1%.

Attention: the most dangerous in diabetes is not the heart attack itself, but the lack of the possibility of intravenous infusions of glucose to maintain the work of the heart. Therefore, therapy and recovery are the most difficult, and sometimes end in death.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of diabetes in the elderly is complicated by the presence of concomitant chronic diseases, low learning ability of the patient, social factors(poverty, helplessness, loneliness), senile dementia, etc.

All this puts enough difficult task before the doctor, therefore, before therapy, some data are clarified:

  • the possibility of prescribing drugs and their interaction with each other;
  • what is life expectancy;
  • whether there are cardiovascular complications;
  • tendency to hypoglycemia;
  • Are there any complications?

Based on the results obtained, the data is assigned whole line medical measures individually with consideration of each specific case.

Medical therapy

The most commonly used drugs are:

  1. Metformin. This is the number 1 drug in the treatment of type II diabetes. Use it in the absence of renal disorders and other pathologies in which there is oxygen starvation renal structures and cells. It well lowers the level of sugar in the blood and has a beneficial effect on the patient.
  2. Mimetics. These are subcutaneous injections that provoke weight loss.
  3. Thiazolidinediones. These drugs increase the susceptibility of cells to the effects of insulin.
  4. Askorboza. This medicine, which reduces the processing of complex carbohydrates, resulting in a smaller release of sugar into the blood.

In addition, insulin replacement therapy can be prescribed, which significantly improves the well-being of an elderly person.

Compliance with the diet

Balanced proper nutrition is an essential part of the treatment of DM. You can not take pills and eat them right there with a cake.

  • monitor weight indicators, prevent further obesity and lose extra kg (500 g per week is considered the norm);
  • reduce salt intake;
  • eat seafood, because they increase insulin production;
  • refuse fatty, sweet, smoked, spicy foods.

It is best to refer to the existing diet number 9, designed specifically for diabetics.

Performing physiotherapy exercises

In old age, it is not necessary to do push-ups from the floor and do complex acrobatic stunts. To normalize health, it is enough to start with half-hour walks and gradually increase the intensity of the exercises.

At the same time, you should always remember that such events are carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, taking into account existing chronic diseases. Physiotherapy increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, normalizes blood pressure and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

  • ketoacidosis;
  • stages of DM decompensation;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • vascular damage to the eyes;
  • angina.

Treatment methods will be prescribed directly by the doctor, so we will limit ourselves to only a few recommendations:

  1. Be sure to follow the established treatment regimen. If you have memory problems, keep a record of each medication you take. You can also set an alarm for the time of the next medication.
  2. Get started physical therapy. To begin with, the load should be minimal, and then for health reasons and expert advice.
  3. To lower blood sugar, limit your intake of high-carbohydrate foods. It is best to stick to an established balanced diet.
  4. If you have bad habits, be sure to give them up.
  5. Get a glucometer with which you can control your sugar levels yourself.

It is also possible and folk therapy, but it is worth consulting with a specialist in advance.

Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of diabetes

You can’t exactly prevent the onset of SD, but you can try to prevent it, especially if there is a predisposition to its occurrence.

To this end, you must follow a number of very simple rules:

  1. Keep a balanced diet. Do not oversaturate with complex carbohydrates on an ongoing basis. When excess weight appears, immediately begin to fight it.
  2. Try to avoid contact with virus carriers, because. viral infections are one of the leading causes of diabetes.
  3. Going in for sports, it has a positive effect on the whole body as a whole.
  4. Refuse bad habits right now, by doing this you will extend your life for several years.

Often older people suffer from loneliness, are in social isolation, in poverty and helplessness. All this provokes psycho-emotional deviations.

Especially the course of diabetes mellitus can be aggravated by memory impairment, which makes it difficult to take medications in a timely manner. In this case, the main task is not to compensate for diabetes mellitus, but to organize proper care and general medical care.

Diabetes mellitus in the elderly, symptoms and treatment

Diabetes mellitus is a lack of insulin in the human body, this disease belongs to the group of endocrine diseases. In diabetes, a large amount of glucose is formed in the blood, which negatively affects vitality.

Today in medicine there is an acute issue that affects the magnitude of the incidence of diabetes mellitus. These problems are acute in all countries of the world, this disease affects people of all ages, from the smallest to the elderly.

Greater distribution occurs in people of the older age generation, more often after 60 years.

A significant increase in patients with diabetes is directly related to the characteristics physiological changes in aging human body, there is a violation of the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Risk of developing diabetes in old age

IN age group, older than 50 years, almost irreversible changes occur, which are accompanied by a decrease in glucose tolerance.

This means that there is a gradual increase in the presence of sugar in the blood on an empty stomach, after eating, the process of concentration of glucose in human blood occurs. Also, do not forget about the heredity of this disease.

All changes in the human body are individual, each in different ways. For some, the processes are faster, for others much slower.

The incidence of diabetes in the elderly is much higher than in the younger generation

The changes are influenced by the lifestyle that the pensioner leads, what is eaten, physical exercise.

And in old age, the secretion and action of hormones such as incretins significantly decrease and weaken, the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin decreases. All this leads to not very good results health begins to deteriorate.

Contributing factors for the development of diabetes

  1. Lack of physical activity of a person;
  2. Decreased muscle mass;
  3. Poor quality;
  4. Wrong carbohydrate metabolism.

With an increase in blood sugar levels, the body experiences a serious lack of energy, and this is the problem of developing diabetes in ubiquity.

Types of Diabetes

There is a division of diabetes into two groups. If there is a lack of insulin in the body, it is considered type 1 diabetes.

And when there is a violation of excessive exposure to insulin - this is type 2 diabetes mellitus. Let's consider all types of the disease in more detail.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes mellitus, also called juvenile diabetes, the disease manifests itself at different ages.

Video: Type 1 diabetes

A feature of this type of disease is insulin deficiency, which has a lifelong character, accompanied by the destruction of beta cells.

The first type of the disease has differences, autoimmune and idiopathic.

type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a defect in insulin secretion, the background for which is insulin resistance. It is associated with metabolic disorders.

At the same time, an increase in insulin is observed in the blood, which affects the metabolism.

Video: Signs of type 2 diabetes

Having considered the main types of the disease, it should be borne in mind that several more forms of diabetes mellitus have been additionally identified, these include:

  • Defects in the genetics of insulin;
  • Diabetes due to medication use;
  • Diabetes, transformed after infection enters the body.

Decrease in insulin secretion with age

Dangerous insulin resistance, with a significant, manifests itself even with normal amount insulin produced in the pancreas.

When a person eats foods high in carbohydrates, there is an increase in the amount of glucose in the blood, which leads to the production of insulin by the pancreas.

This process takes place in two phases:

  1. Intensive production of insulin by the pancreas this process about 10-15 minutes;
  2. Smooth filling of the blood with insulin, this moment proceeds for one to two hours after eating.

all sorts of medical research proved that a person with increasing age has a significant decrease.

If old man It has normal weight body, there is a decrease in glucosinase activity.

This gene contributes to the sensitivity of beta cells in the pancreas, while stimulating the effects of glucose. As a result of this nuance, there is a decrease in insulin secretion in old age.

Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms

That segment of the population that suffers from type 2 diabetes mellitus feels a lack of insulin in the blood, which forces people to become insulin dependent throughout their lives.

As a result of a lack of insulin, an increased content of glucose in the blood is observed, which adversely affects the condition circulatory system and other internal organs.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes are:

  • Constant thirst, the person is always thirsty;
  • Increased urination, the patient constantly visits the toilet, exceeding the number of times from usual;
  • Unjustified loss of body weight;
  • Increased;
  • Constant weakness;
  • Unreasonable nervousness and;
  • Vomiting reflex and nausea.

If a person has these symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist for help.

When a person delays contacting a doctor, there is a risk of getting a number of complications that can manifest themselves in diseases of the renal system, disorders in neurological manifestations, there is a special risk, it may even arise.

Type 2 diabetes is a dangerous disease that can lead to death.

Diagnosis of diabetes in the elderly

When you go to the hospital, the first thing the doctor will prescribe is to donate blood from a finger for analysis, where the sugar level is determined. It is recommended that all people over the age of 40 get tested for sugar at least once every two to three years.

  1. Blood test for hemoglobin;
  2. Urinalysis for the presence of protein;
  3. When a person complains of fatigue;
  4. Significant deterioration of vision;
  5. Problems with the lower extremities.

Sometimes the diagnosis of the disease is difficult due to the absence of symptoms. It is especially problematic to identify the disease in the elderly.

This is due to age-related fatigue, memory problems, dizziness, many people conclude that senile dementia is coming, and do not go to the doctor on time.

When a person does not treat diabetes, the disease progresses, and the consequences are unpredictable.

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Type 2 diabetes is difficult to treat, but still treatable.

Unfortunately, patients over the age of 45 have a large number of comorbidities that do not allow treatment to the full extent necessary.

There are several ways to carry out treatment:

  • Therapy without drugs. Such a course of treatment includes finding a person on a constant basis, accompanied by physical activity. When dieting, food containing animal fats and carbohydrates is limited. It is strictly forbidden to use sugar-containing products, sweeteners will help with this. The diet should be constant over time, you can not skip eating food. Also paid attention physical condition, to maintain which you should do a simple one, and will do;
  • Medical methods. There are many drugs available to lower blood sugar. The main groups of medicines used are: biguanides, derivatives of thiazolidinone, acarbose, inhibitors, incritins and others. All medicines are used only as prescribed by the attending physician;
  • insulin therapy. This is a set of necessary measures, which involves balancing the disorders of carbohydrate metabolism that occur as a result of the introduction of insulin into the patient's body.

A disease such as diabetes mellitus often leads to irreversible processes in the body, thereby significantly reducing life expectancy.


From all of the above, it should be understood that the sooner you go to the hospital, having the slightest symptomatology, the more likely it is to start treatment on time.

The main responsibility for the state of health is borne by people themselves. Take care of your health and your loved ones.

Video: Diabetes mellitus - symptoms

From this article you will learn:

    How does glucose enter the body?

    Why Older People May Have High Blood Sugar Levels

    How to take a blood test to detect blood sugar levels

    How dangerous is reduced level blood sugar in the elderly

    How older people can lower or raise their blood sugar levels

Any man to provide for himself long life must take care of their health. This statement is especially true when it comes to such terrible diagnosis like diabetes mellitus, the occurrence of which is often impossible to predict. No one is immune from this disease. Those over the age of 60 are especially susceptible to it. Therefore, it is so important to regularly - every 12 months - take tests that show how high blood sugar in the elderly is.

How does sugar get into the blood

The sugar level is an indicator of the concentration of glucose that saturates the blood of a living organism. This carbohydrate is important element, which is involved in the production of energy necessary for the normal operation of all systems and organs.

When eating sweet foods (sugar, honey, fruits, sweets, cakes, etc.), people saturate their body a certain amount glucose. It can also be released from amino acids through various chemical reactions. The storage site for this carbohydrate is the liver.

A person may suspect that he has low blood sugar if he notices a state of lethargy, the so-called loss of strength, weakness in the muscles, decreased mental activity, some lethargy, impaired concentration, poor performance of the body as a whole. On the other hand, excess glucose leads to the development of diabetes.

Insulin, glucagon, glucocorticoids and other hormones are responsible for maintaining optimal blood sugar levels, including in the elderly. Work failures hormonal system entail such serious diseases as hypoglycemia caused by a lack of glucose, and hyperglycemia, caused by its excess.

How to determine blood sugar levels in the elderly

To determine the level of sugar in the elderly, it is necessary to donate blood for special analysis. For these purposes, capillary blood can be used, which is usually taken by piercing a finger, or venous (most often it is taken from the vein of the elbow).

Depending on which blood is taken to determine the concentration of glucose - venous or capillary - the data will differ, since the sugar content in the first case is always higher (the difference is about 10-12%).

Special attention is given to such type of analysis as a glucose tolerance test. During this study, two indicators of glucose levels are determined - data taken on an empty stomach and after a meal. Such a test allows you to understand the dynamics of blood sugar saturation, including the elderly, and find out whether the body responds adequately to the ingestion of an additional amount of this carbohydrate with food.

For people who have not reached old age, the following results of a sugar test are considered normal:

    blood from a finger: 3.3-5.5 mmol / l;

    blood from a vein: 4-6 mmol / l.

If the level of glucose concentration during capillary blood sampling (from a finger) is from 5.6 to 6 mmol / l, the analysis is repeated. When the results of the first study are confirmed, the doctor diagnoses prediabetes. The diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" can be made if the level of this substance in the blood is above 6.1 mmol / l.

It is especially important to monitor this indicator for pregnant women. At the slightest suspicion, it is necessary to carry out a glucose tolerance test in order to be able to detect the appearance of gestational diabetes already on early stages fetal development. The sugar level after a glucose load should be no more than 7.8 mmol / l. High rate indicates metabolic disorders.

Blood sugar levels for the elderly

The normal blood glucose level changes with age. At the age of 50, the upper limit according to the results of a study of venous blood is 6.0 mmol / l. Starting from the age of 60, this bar increases to 6.4 mmol / l. For older people over 90 years old, 6.7 mmol / l is already considered an extreme indicator of the norm. To date, there is no exact understanding of the reasons for this change. Perhaps this is due to a gradual decrease in the functionality of the systems of the human body, including those that are responsible for the processes of formation and excretion of sugar.

Type 1 diabetes manifests itself in early age. Elderly people often suffer from type 2 diabetes, also called non-insulin dependent. This disease goes unnoticed. To respond in a timely manner to dangerous changes in the body, after the age of 45 it is advisable to check the level of sugar in the blood every two years.

Causes of occurrence this disease are, first of all, a metabolic disorder, often leading to obesity, and a genetic predisposition. Therefore, people who are overweight, as well as those who have relatives with diabetes, should donate blood for a sugar test at least once a year.

So, now it is clear why blood sugar in the elderly needs to be monitored regularly.

Patients with diabetes should constantly monitor their glucose levels.

Analyzes that determine this indicator, in this case, must be taken:

    every day on an empty stomach and at bedtime;

    when prescribing insulin, measurements are also needed in the daytime;

    when feeling unwell;

    against the background of various diseases;

    when taking medication.

Some pathologies and drugs can provoke an increase in blood sugar levels, which is why patients diagnosed with diabetes should be tested more often.

Modern technologies help to simplify the process of measuring glucose: today there is no need to go to the medical laboratory several times a day. It is enough to purchase a convenient and easy-to-use portable glucometer that will allow older people to control their blood sugar on their own at any time and in one place or another.

The process of measuring glucose levels at home does not require special skills and experience. The kit, along with the glucometer, includes special test strips and a finger pricking tool - a lancet. It is necessary to make a puncture, put a drop of blood on the test strip, place it in the device, and after a while you will see the result on the monitor.

Why blood sugar drops in older people

In addition to the serious risk of exceeding the permissible levels of blood sugar in the elderly, there is a danger of its deficiency, that is, hypoglycemia. Due to the lack of glucose in the body, the organs do not receive the necessary nutrients, as a result of which, first of all, the brain suffers. This can lead to seizures and even a stroke. At a critically low level of sugar (below 1.9 mmol / l), people plunge into a coma. If glucose falls to 1.5 mmol / l or below without emergency medical intervention, a person may die.

Therefore, in addition to knowing about the factors that increase blood sugar levels in the elderly, it is also important to understand what are the reasons for the rapid decline in this indicator. A person must not only control, but also clearly know why their glucose content is less than normal.

The first reason is starvation. If our body does not receive the amount of food necessary for its full functioning, it is depleted, it lacks nutrients that are no longer available in sufficient quantity. The blood loses the amount of sugar it needs. Thus, people who adhere to strict diet are putting themselves in serious danger.

Prolonged exercise also helps lower blood glucose levels. Therefore, people who regularly engage in sports or heavy physical labor, must ensure that, along with food, their body receives enough Sahara.

Bad habits - eating a large amount of sweets, smoking, addiction to carbonated and alcoholic drinks - also provoke a decrease in blood glucose. The fact is that immediately after taking a contraindicated product or smoking a cigarette, its level drops sharply, and the blood ceases to be saturated with sugar.

A person often experiences a lack of glucose in the morning, when he wakes up with difficulty, cannot get out of bed, feels weakness and aches all over his body, drowsiness, dizziness. Therefore, even in healthy older people, blood sugar levels in the morning are usually low and can range from 2.2 to 3.2 mmol / l. However, healthy person just eating breakfast is enough to saturate your body necessary quantity glucose and not feel unwell until next appointment food.

There is a reverse option, when patients measure their sugar levels after eating and find that it has become even lower. This result may indicate that they have diabetes.

How to Lower Blood Sugar in the Elderly

Metabolic processes in the body of the elderly are slower than in young people. Their speed decreases more and more with age, as a result of which diabetes mellitus can begin. That's why this category population is at risk for this dangerous disease and should monitor the level of sugar in the blood, regularly monitoring its indicator.

It must be remembered that a normal diet must be observed by everyone, but older people should especially carefully monitor the diet, quantity and quality of food, and give up bad habits. It is noted that reducing the consumption of carbohydrates helps to normalize blood sugar levels in a fairly short period.

Another serious danger leading to negative consequences, attempts at self-treatment. This approach to one's own health in a situation of dealing with diabetes is no exception. Especially often, attempts to self-select drugs and make a diet are made by older people, which often leads to big problems. Only a doctor should prescribe methods and means of treatment, as well as develop a special dietary regimen for the prevention or treatment of diabetes.

The body of older people tends to accelerate the aging process of cells. The work of all systems slows down, as a result of which the activity of glucose is blocked, it begins to interact and affect protein compounds, enters into a complex biochemical reaction with protein amino acids, which subsequently leads to colossal destructive phenomena. Thus, a high blood sugar index can cause serious illnesses, such as glycemia, blood clots, visual impairment up to complete blindness.

At elevated content blood sugar in older people is usually prescribed:

    course of insulin therapy.

    Special medical devices.

    medicinal plants and complex preparations of them.

    Gentle but regular exercise.

    Non-traditional remedies that the doctor may also recommend as additional treatment in combination with the methods of official medicine.

Prevention of diabetes in the elderly

To maintain health, older people must constantly monitor the quantity and quality of their food. A complete rejection of bad habits, control of the consumption of foods containing carbohydrates, exclusion from the diet of fatty, fried, starchy, sweet and salty foods are necessary. It is important to drink enough water (at least 2 liters per day).

Many elderly people have noted significant benefits from taking various decoctions based on medicinal herbs. Combined with therapy medicines they also help lower blood sugar levels.

With rich content useful substances that control glucose levels useful products should include string beans. IN medicinal purposes a healing decoction is prepared from it.

About the need attentive attitude to your health, visits to doctors, the importance of regular examinations and testing should always be remembered. This is especially true for older people over 60 years old, when the body's struggle at the expense of its own reserves is steadily weakening.

It is also important for elderly people to remember the benefits hiking at a leisurely pace for long distances. walking on fresh air will not only help the elderly to reduce blood sugar, but also cheer up, calm the nerves, bring the body into tone.

Elderly people should carefully monitor their diet and physical activity. All this will allow them to enjoy a healthy life for a long time.

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