Integrative approaches in musical education of preschoolers. Report. The use of an integrated approach in the development of musical abilities of older preschool children in the process of musical activity

The use of an integrated approach in the development of musical abilities of older preschool children in the process musical activities.

The main general educational program of preschool education, which is developed and approved by the preschool educational institution, should first of all be focused on solving such important tasks as maintaining health and developing the basic qualities of the personality of children - activity, independence and initiative. In addition, according to the Federal State Requirements for OOP DO (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 23, 2009 No. 655), the program should be based on the principle of integration educational areas in accordance with age opportunities and the characteristics of the pupils, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas 1.

Integration, understood by us as a deeper form of interconnection, interpenetration of different content of upbringing and education of children, covers all types of musical activity of children. It is based on community mental processes, the development of which is necessary for the successful implementation of activities (aesthetic perception, figurative thinking, imagination, emotional attitude to activity, as well as memory and attention).

As T.S. Komarova points out, the integration of the content of aesthetic, artistic activity and different types of art ensures their versatile impact on the child, contributes to the cognition of objects and phenomena from different angles based on the perception of reality various bodies feelings and the transmission of images perceived or created by the imagination of a child in various forms of artistic activity, specific to a particular activity (musical, visual, artistic speech, theater and play).

According to numerous researchers, integrated learning contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children, makes it possible to realize creative abilities, develops communication skills and the ability to freely share impressions.

Target of these classes - to combine various types of artistic activities of children into a holistic pedagogical process the formation of pupils' ideas about the world around them, aesthetic culture and the development of creative abilities by means of art (musical, stage, literary, for visual activity).

The main tasks occupations are:

    the formation of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world;

    introduction to the world of art;

    nurturing emotional and conscious attitude to art, the ability to hear, see, feel and experience various emotional states conveyed in works of art;

    development of the ability to master and transform the surrounding space;

    children's creativity in visual, musical, speech and theatrical activities 2.

The implementation of tasks occurs through cognitive, musical, visual, theatrical, productive activities, familiarizing children with fiction, musical works, works of fine art. The connecting link is the topic (image) considered in the lesson.

Distinctive features.

Clarity, compactness, high information content teaching material, due to which one of the basic principles of preschool didactics is realized - the lesson should be small in volume, but capacious, which is possible with an integrative approach, when a specific subject or phenomenon is viewed from several sides in its various aspects.

Logical interdependence, interconnection of integrated objects. The principle of integration requires the selection of the content of education, ensuring the integrity of the child's perception of the world around him, awareness of the various connections between his objects and phenomena. In such classes, the interpenetration of material from different educational areas through a variety of activities is ensured, for example, considering such a concept as "mood" with the help of works of music, literature, painting. It is important that educational areas are combined with one another and between them there is a connecting element - an image.

Musical abilities in the true sense of the word are properties given for engaging in musical activity.

Necessary conditions for the development of musical abilities in older preschool children, the means of integrating various content and different types of artistic activity are:

    Priority attention to specific children's activities: musical, theatrical, constructive, visual, play, which can, subject to optimal organization, provide all-round development child, create an atmosphere of emotional well-being, fill the life of a preschooler with interesting content;

    The teacher's creative approach to the selection of educational content is built on the basis of integration, as well as to the organization of classes with children and to the use of various methods and techniques of work in this direction.

The main features of integrated music lessons, where the latter is a thematic core, are:

    Perception of music as art when the child obeys his emotional state, actualizes the problem. The composer, imperceptibly for the perceiver, inclines him to dialogue, creative thinking, makes you experience the excitement that you yourself experienced. Harmonization of the individual feeling experienced at the moment of perceiving a piece of music gives rise to aesthetic feelings.

    A child's awareness of his aesthetic emotions and, as a consequence, the development of his artistic taste and aesthetic consciousness. The development of musical taste and consciousness depends on the teacher - the musician, who organizes his work in such a way that the child comprehends the artistic image. As a result, he acquires knowledge, skills and abilities to feel this image and convey it through various types of artistic activity. The integration of different types of art and artistic activity in the aesthetic education of children is based on the child's cognition of the expressive means of each type of art and the gradual understanding that the image of the same object, phenomenon of different types of art is created by means specific for a particular type of art.

    The embodiment of the experienced in creative activity. For a preschool child, as an integral nature, this moment is mandatory and of interest. He mobilizes his perception, synthesizing the existing artistic experience and the new feeling he has just experienced about art. The child feels the need to embody his imagination, to come up with an objective form for him. Moreover, this form is individual every time, which distinguishes the creative type of activity from the performing one.

To develop musical abilities, such integration techniques are also used as the use of computer technology, audio and MP3 recordings, reading poems, showing illustrations, toys, reproductions of paintings, orchestrating musical works, staging songs, conveying the character of music in motion.

The use of computer technology, audio and MP3 recordings enriches the process of integrated music lessons. Its use is especially effective in comparison with "live" performance. So, the performance of a piece of music by a teacher on the piano can be compared to a recording with an orchestral, with a choir. Show on the monitor a video recording of this work performed by famous pianists, soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, concerts, etc. And this is in this moment is the main one, according to FGT clause II "Requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education" (2.4 - ensuring the unity of educational, developmental and teaching goals and objectives of the educational process of preschool children, in the process of implementation of which such knowledge, skills and abilities are formed are directly related to the development of preschool children), in our case to the development of musical abilities.

Combining different types of art(music, poetry and painting) is always desirable. It is important to accurately and subtly select works for comparison.

Most often, they use reading poems or showing reproductions of paintings, illustrations, similar in mood to the music performed. Reading a poem can be preceded by listening to a piece of music if it is in tune with it in mood. If the teacher wants to compare the poem with music, it is better to read it after the children understand its character.

The synthesis of literature and artistic and speech activity pursues the goal of developing children's interest and need for reading (perception) of books. For its implementation, pupils should be introduced to fiction, form a stock of artistic impressions, develop literary speech, teach emotionally and expressively to convey the content of works. Through fiction, you can develop moral and ethical qualities, primary value ideas. Interesting experience for preschoolers will be the creation of handwritten books.

The integration of painting, graphics, sculpture and visual activity in one lesson contributes to the introduction of children to the visual arts, the development of their emotional and personal attitude to works of art. To do this, it is necessary to form in preschoolers ideas about the types, genres and means of artistic expression, to develop artistic perception and children's creativity in productive species activities (drawing, sculpting, applique work, artistic work), foster an aesthetic attitude towards the world around them.

Display of reproductions of paintings, illustrations before listening to music is undesirable. The picture distracts children from music, directs perception along a specific, predetermined channel, which is not always justified. It is more expedient to use the display of reproductions of paintings and illustrations after repeated listening to a piece of music. In this case, children are placed in problem situation: they must choose from two pictures one corresponding in mood to the music, or from two pieces of music - one similar in mood to the picture. It is possible to correlate two pieces of music with two pictures. Similarly, you can compare and musical works with poems. Examples of such comparisons can be songs by T.Popatenko "Listopad", M.Krasev "cuckoo", plays by S.Prokofiev, etc.

Orchestration pieces of music used not so much for teaching children the skills of playing musical instruments as for creative application to them. Orchestrating a piece means choosing and using the most expressive instrument timbres that match the character its sound, distinguish between individual parts. This technique contributes to the differentiation of perception. To highlight the most vivid expressive means of music (intonation, register, dynamics, timbre, articulation, accents), pictorial moments. The orchestration technique encourages children to listen attentively to the music in order to correlate their ideas about the expressive and pictorial possibilities of the timbres of children's musical instruments with its sound.

The use of orchestration allows you to diversify the structure of a musical lesson, as it combines its separate sections - listening to music and playing children's musical instruments.

It is good to use this technique in the plays "Marching March", "Clowns" by D.B. Kabalevsky, "Sharmanka" by D. Shostakovich, "Little Waltz" by N. Livet and others.

One of the most effective methods of development musical perception children is conveying the character of music in motion(dramatization of songs, creative use of dance, figurative movements).

Listening to music, the child has the ability to convey its features in movements (general emotional attitude, accent, tempo, rhythmic pattern, pauses, dynamics, etc.).

The complex process of developing musical abilities involves methods and techniques.

Visual - auditory method- one of the most important in the development of musical perception. The performer recreates a piece written by the composer. This imposes on him a great responsibility for the quality of reading the author's text. According to B.V. Asafiev, it is the performing intonation that brings originality to each performance, like speech intonation in the performing arts.

Application verbal method in the development of musical perception is also very large. This is not about any retelling of music, but about the need to deepen children's perception of music. With the help of vivid performance and skillfully conducted conversation, the teacher can not only instill in children interest, love for music, expand ideas about certain phenomena of reality, but also enrich them inner world, feelings, to form moral qualities, interests. Children’s perception of it largely depends on the attitude given by the teacher before listening to music.

Techniques for the development of musical abilities must be varied, combined with each other. So, orchestration can be combined with the transmission of the character of music in motion, and the staging of songs (children are divided into two groups - some are orchestrating, others are staging a song). In this case, the sections of the lesson are combined - listening to music, playing children's musical instruments and musical and rhythmic movements. Such options, a departure from the stereotypical structure, give the activity liveliness, spontaneity, contributes to the independence of children, the development of their creative initiative, the manifestation of fiction and fantasy.

The data listed above, methods and techniques are well combined, complement each other. But at the same time, we must not forget that all methodological techniques will be effective only if musical activity is based on the competent performance of a piece of music, and will cause empathy, emotional response in children, touch their hearts, and encourage statements.

Thus, the integrative involvement of different types of art contributes to the implementation of the synthesis of multiple intersubject connections, the identification of common artistic patterns and is aimed at activating and developing musical abilities.

Thus, for the development of musical abilities of older preschool children in the process of musical activity, it is necessary to create certain pedagogical conditions:

    To specially organize the types of musical activities that will be built on the principle of integration, which determine the active positions of the child;

    Use tasks of a creative nature to create a new synthetic musical and artistic activity, in accordance with the task set in the FGT p.3.3.10;

    Use personality-oriented techniques that reveal the cognitive and aesthetic meaning.

And so, the problem of developing musical abilities is one of the ideas of many progressive teachers and psychologists. The success of the perception of music in children depends on their level of development of musical abilities. The most favorable period for the development of musical abilities is preschool age, and only active training in musical perception, taking into account the age, psychophysiological and individual abilities of children, can contribute to the successful solution of this problem and the tasks facing modern society.

1 E.V. Avdonin, Art. teacher of the State Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 868", Moscow

2 E.V. Avdonin, Art. teacher of the State Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 868", Moscow

An integrative approach to musical education preschooler

Valitova Larisa Vladimirovna
Description: the article informs readers about the importance of an integrative approach, as one of fundamental principles FSES and promotes its importance in the overall development of the child.
Target: development creativity baby
Tasks: - develop the horizons of children;
- develop the creative abilities of children;
- to motivate children and teachers for a variety of creative activities.
The focus of attention today should be on the Person, the personality with developed feeling self-dignity and self-esteem, having access to various forms of cultural expression. Georgy Aleksandrovich Struve in his article "Spirituality is unselfishness" considered culture as a way of life-creating of the people. He emphasizes that one should not master the culture formally, in a detached manner.

The assimilation of our national culture by the young generation must correspond to its very nature: it must be active - a creative life in culture, a living, creative immersion in it. Only then will its traditions and values ​​not be perceived as a museum property, but will be understood and accepted as the ideals of creative activity. Only then will it be possible to educate a person - a creator.
A truly whole person can be called a person who has a fully developed emotional and intellectual beginning. To bring up such a whole person is not an easy task for a teacher. This requires two conditions: the presence of a teacher-master and the creation of an environment that causes a positive emotional response in the child.

Music acts as one of the possible languages ​​for familiarizing children with the world around them, the world of objects and nature, and, most importantly, the world of man, his emotions, experiences and feelings.
The range of tasks of musical education and development of the child in preschool childhood.
These are tasks related to the child's entry into the world of music, the tasks of developing musical erudition and culture of preschoolers, value attitudes towards music as an art form, musical traditions and holidays. These are also tasks related to the development of the experience of perceiving musical works, empathy with musical images, moods and feelings; the tasks of developing sensory and intonational experience.

FSES of preschool education identifies a number of principles that must correspond to the preschool program educational institution and solve, among other things, the tasks of musical education. One of the most important is the principle of integrating educational areas in accordance with their specification and capabilities.
In pedagogical science, the concept of "integration in the field of education" is defined as a means and a condition for achieving the integrity of thinking. It is the integrativeness of education that introduces into the content of education (through the integration of knowledge) the assimilation of fundamental ideas and concepts, which are the basis for the formation of a value attitude towards the surrounding world.

An integrated approach allows:
to ensure the unity of educational and developmental goals and objectives of education, in the process of implementation of which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that contribute to development;
to build the educational process taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age characteristics of the development of children, the specifics and capabilities of the main directions of the child's development;
be based on a complex - thematic principle of building the educational process;
provide for the solution of program problems in the joint activities of adults and children, the independent activities of children, not only within the framework of the GCD.

The effectiveness of this approach is evidenced by studies carried out under the leadership of T. S. Komarova at the department aesthetic education At the Moscow State Technical University. M. A. Sholokhova. In this case, high efficiency is ensured, in her opinion, due to:
integration of different types of art and various types of children's activities, which contributes to the formation of connections between different areas of education, the formation of visual - figurative and logical thinking, intellectual - aesthetic development;
the interconnection of various material and content, which increases the motivation for assimilation, makes it personally significant for every child;
the formation of deeper, more versatile knowledge in children, a holistic view of the world and the relationship of all its components;
inclusion in the process of aesthetic education of various types of art and the corresponding artistic activity (which predetermines the development of various artistic ability);
more effective formation of the aesthetic qualities of the child's personality;
reducing the number of classes and the time of their conduct, which has a large pedagogical significance, since it prevents overloading of children, frees up time for independent activities;
conscious formation of generalized ideas, knowledge and skills, increasing the effectiveness of upbringing and development of children.

In the educational areas indicated in the standard, the tasks of musical education and child development are revealed.
Socialization and communication:
1. To form an idea of ​​musical culture and the art of music, to develop skills in playing activities, to form gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community.
2. Develop the freedom to communicate with adults and peers about music.
3. To form the foundations of the safety of one's own life activity in various types of musical activity.

Cognitive development.
1. Expand the musical horizons of children about music as an art form.
2. Develop sensing skills.
3. To form a complete picture of the world by means of musical art, creativity.

Speech development.
1. To develop oral speech in the course of statements by children of their impressions, characteristics of musical works.
2. Teach children to practically master normal speech.
3. To enrich the "figurative" dictionary.

Physical development.
1. Develop physical qualities in the course of musical and rhythmic activity.
2. Use musical works as musical accompaniment for various types of children's activities and physical activity.
3. Maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of children.
4. Form ideas about healthy way life, relaxation.

The mechanism of integration in integrated music lessons is the image created with the help of different types of children's activities:
(as the main type), communicative, musical, motor, visual.
Such activity meets the definition: the use of data from different areas of knowledge to form a holistic, unified view of an object, phenomenon, process.

Requirements for the structure of integrated lessons:
clarity, compactness, conciseness of educational material;
thoughtfulness and logical interconnection of the studied material of the sections of the program in each lesson;
interdependence, interconnection of the material of the integrated objects at each stage of the lesson;
large information capacity of the educational material used in the lesson;
the systematic nature and availability of the presented material;
the need to comply with the time frame of the lesson.

Most effective methods and integration techniques: comparative analysis, comparison, heuristic activity (mental, creative nature of thinking), problematic questions, tasks like “how did you know”, “explain”, various speech didactic games for getting acquainted with the cultural speech standard, activating the vocabulary, fostering a sense of self-confidence.
The priorities may be different each time. Integration can also be within one type of activity. For example, five types of musical activity (perception, singing, music and movement, elementary music-making, children's musical creativity) will help the child to become aware of such means of musical expression as rhythm and melody. Topics of such classes: "Meter and rhythm are the heart of music", "Melody is the soul of music."
A child in the classroom should not just sit, listen and obediently carry out the teacher's assignments. The joy of creativity, active interaction between the teacher and the child (pedagogy of cooperation) takes children from the position of passive assimilation of knowledge, skills, and abilities to the position of creative activity, initiative, and independence. Only such a principle in pedagogy will help develop creativity in every child.

Without rote learning, stimulating independence and initiative, the teacher clarifies the knowledge of each child, supplements the knowledge of children with new information, introduces means of artistic expression in music and other types of art, and seeks techniques that lead children to a creative position in practical activity.

This form is a creative, lively immersion in culture, in the broadest sense of the word. Children develop a steady interest in art, expand and deepen their knowledge of the world around them, form the experience of moral behavior, the experience of communication. Emotionally - volitional sphere develops, conditions are created for creative manifestations, for emotional and social development.
In addition, the tasks of upbringing a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities are being solved, the prerequisites for educational activities are formed, ensuring social success, maintaining and strengthening health, correcting deficiencies in physical or mental development.

UDC 45.01 BBK 784: 8

Danilova Elena Yurievna

graduate student

Department of Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy Khakass State University named after N.F. Katanova

Krasnoturansk village Danilova Elena Yurievna graduate student Department of Pedagogy and the history of education Khakassia State University. N.F. Katanov Krasnoturansk [email protected] Integration in the musical education as a factor of a complete image of the world

in preschool children

The article analyzes the concepts of “holistic image of the world” and “picture of the world”. The article considers the necessity of an integrated approach in music education and upbringing of preschoolers as the main element of the formation of a holistic image of the world in children.

This article analyzes the concept of "holistic image of the world" and "world view". Addresses the need for an integrated approach to music education and upbringing of preschool children as a basic element in building a holistic picture of the world of children.

Key words: image of the world, picture of the world, integrity, integration, harmony, cognition of the world by a preschooler, musical activity, musical education of preschool children.

Key words: image of the world, world, integrity, integration, harmony, knowledge of the world preschooler, musical activities, musical education of children of preschool age.

Each epoch gives birth to its own image of the world, which appears in the minds of mankind in the form of a kind of single holistic representation. Let's turn to scientific sources. “The image of the world is an integral, multi-level system of human ideas about the world, other people, about himself and his activities” - we read in the electronic library: “The concept of the Image of the world embodies the idea of ​​integrity and continuity in the origin, development and functioning cognitive sphere personality. The image of the world and concepts close to it - a picture of the world, a model of the universe, a scheme of reality, a cognitive map, etc. -

have different content in the context of various psychological theories ”.

In the philosophical dictionary of G. Schmidt, the interpretation of the concept of a picture of the world sounds like this: "Picture of the world (eNYL)" - ... represents the sum of visual knowledge about the world brought into coherence, a set of subject content that a person possesses. At the heart of a holistic picture of the world, the world of nature, phenomena, objects of the surrounding life is presented in abstract verbal judgments of a person about his own “I” and social relations. " A.N. Leontiev believes that: "The picture of the world is a kind of methodological tool for constructing an integral problem field of modern knowledge, serves as a way of structuring it." “The key function of the integral image of the world is the self-reflection of the world by the subject, that is, knowledge of the world through their own activities. " In other words, the formation of an integral image of the world is the discovery of the world for oneself through one's own

actions. Such actions in preschool childhood are sensations, perceptions, representations.

Modern children develop their own "image of the world" quite early, and how much this image turns out to be integral depends on the adults who surround them. An image of the world is formed in the mind of the baby as a result of the search for the causes and effects of the phenomena of the world observed by him, as well as explanations of their meaning. The desire to comprehend the unclear puts the child in the position of research, in the position of search. The thirst for knowledge leads to an adult who, in the minds of a small person, has all the knowledge about the objects of reality, and therefore can solve any problem that arises. As a result of beneficial communication with an adult, a vague diffuse idea of ​​the world acquires clarity of ideas, consistency and integrity in the child. This allows the preschooler not only to differentiate and establish relationships and interdependencies in the world around him, but also contributes to the development of interest in further knowledge. Therefore, one of the most important tasks

preschool education - providing a child's vision of a holistic image of the world, which we understand as meaningful primary knowledge about it.

Integrity is closely related to harmony and integration. Harmony is defined by S. D. Sazhina as "harmonious, consistent coherence of the whole and its parts, components." Hence, strict the right combination parts has as a result a single monolithic, clear and attractive image. “Integration in education,” writes A. Ya. Danilyuk, “is what unites different-quality and different-level components of education, therefore, the integration process is not limited to one or even a plurality of specific forms". However, integration in education is not only a union, but also a harmonious mutual fusion, interpenetration of components that carry information about the same object from different sides. Integrity appears as a synthetic result of "... the interaction of qualities and properties that are not inherent in individual parts of the system, but that act in a single new formation." MN Berulava writes about the interconnection of these concepts: “Integrity and harmony are substantively correlated with integration - unification into a whole, the unity of any elements, the restoration of any unity”.

The idea of ​​integration in teaching originates in the writings of Ya. A. Komensky (1592-1670), who asserted: "No one can be educated on the basis of some pure science, regardless of the rest of the sciences." Analyzing the reasons for the fragmentation of students' knowledge, he came to the conclusion that: “This lack of learning can be overcome if the teacher teaches everything in the same connection in which objects and phenomena are in natural state, in nature" .

The most complete and comprehensive understanding of pedagogical integration, in our opinion, is given by V.S.

positive results in scientific and pedagogical activity); ... process (direct establishment of connections between objects and the creation of a new holistic system in accordance with the intended result). and the result (the form that objects acquire when they interact with each other, for example, an integrated lesson). " Thus, we can conclude that integration, as interaction, the interpenetration of elements into each other, leads to a holistic representation of the image of the world in preschoolers.

The psycho-physiological basis of integration, according to scientists I. M. Sechenov, I. P. Pavlov, N. A. Menchinskaya, G. G. Saburova, A. N. Leontiev, etc., is: nervous activity- the formation of temporary nerve connections. Temporary neural connections arise under the direct influence of the object of reality or verbal stimuli on the sense organs. The temporary connections thus formed are a system of associations, which, according to Yu. A. Samarin, is ultimately a system of knowledge. Intersystem associations as the basis for integration ties - higher stage mental activity of children. They cover different systems knowledge, generalize them, allow you to look at the subject from a different angle, which gives a holistic view of it. "

The theory of the interaction of all body functions and their relationship with the environment, which was developed by I.P. Pavlov and I.M.Sechenov, confirms that the world is perceived by the subject as a whole, if in the process of studying it, all available analyzers are connected. The studies of famous physiologists P.K.Anokhin, V.M.Bekhterev, S.V. Kravkov are also based on the theory of interaction of analyzers developed by M.V. Lomonosov. In these studies, we also receive confirmation that a holistic image of the world arises in the process of interaction of all analyzers available to a person.

A number of scientists (L. S. Vygotsky, E. Claparede, J. Piaget) write in their works about the syncretic nature of children's perception, which is expressed in the indivisibility of the sensory image of the studied object of reality. Preschool children do not distinguish internal connections and components of objects and phenomena. According to L. S. Vygotsky, “syncretism has great importance for the further development of children's thinking. " At the same time, the scientist emphasizes that it is very important “to develop all types of perception: visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, gustatory, olfactory”, in order, ultimately, to get a “understanding” child as a result of education. “An understanding child is, first of all, a child who is able to see the whole in all the richness of its connections and relationships, to see elementary connections and interdependencies between phenomena, as well as the consequences arising from the actions of these connections and interdependencies; this is a child who begins to possess the ability to feel, realize, experience the "unity of everything", "the connection of everything with everything."

It should be noted that a preschooler does not need a large number detailed knowledge. But in order for the image of the object or phenomenon under study to acquire an integral form in the child's mental operations, it is necessary to identify the main internal connections of the research components, to make them more prominent in his eyes. This gives the child the depth and strength of new knowledge and creates new opportunities for future cognitive actions. Opening the world to the child, teaching him to perceive it more widely and diversely, using sounds, words, movements, gestures, smells in unity for this is the main task of a preschool teacher, including a music director.

Musical classes at the preschool educational institution consist of different types of musical activity: musical perception, musical play creativity, musical rhythmic movements, singing and playing children's musical instruments. As you can see from the above, the lesson itself contains a

different kinds of musical activities, and each child can enjoy something more attractive to him. In our understanding, the task of the teacher is not only to teach the child to sing and develop his musical abilities, but also, first of all, to interest, captivate, lay in a small personality an irresistible desire to learn a huge unknown world for him - the world of bewitching melodies, musical images, new feelings and sensations. To do this, we conduct music lessons in an integrated form based on a thematic principle. A single topic runs through the core from the beginning to the end of the lesson, combining all types of activities.

Based on the already existing musical and auditory experience of children, the teacher gradually expands their horizons and knowledge about the world around them on an artistic and imaginative basis. Moreover, each new stage music lessons involve the child's perception, sensory perception, imagination, speech, fine motor skills and thoughts. All this is organized against the background of a positive emotional atmosphere created by the music director. He does not overload the pupils with verbal explanations of the music, since this gives little to children. given age, but includes them in direct integrated musical activity, thereby creating a special motivation corresponding to the cognitive goal.

For the development of a child's sensory experience, the perception of music is closely associated with the perception of close, in tune with the character and mood of the paintings of artists. In this case, we use the resonant-associative method developed by N.P. Shishlyannikova. Its essence lies in the fact that not a single picture of the artist is selected for a certain piece of music, but several. Among them there are pictures that are in tune with the music, and clearly do not correspond in character and mood. In the process of sounding music, children look at the pictures and choose the one that, from their point of view, corresponds to the music. "When imposing auditory and visual images going on

their fusion in the perception of children. resonance effect. Music acts as an associative clue, a way to "revive" painting, a symbol of its emotional and semantic fullness, as a synthesizing core on which various impressions of children are strung, which then add up to a holistic artistic-figurative picture of the living world. At the same time, children are given the freedom to choose what resonates with their inner hearing and vision. "

For example, when getting acquainted with the music of a pictorial nature, we draw a direct parallel between the music of E. Grieg and the world of butterflies. It all starts with musical perception. It is necessary to let children feel all the beauty and uniqueness of the work of the Norwegian composer E. Grieg Etude "Butterfly", directing the attention of children to the bright intonational melodic turns. At the same time, it is possible to expand the knowledge of children that there are more than a hundred thousand different species of butterflies in the world of butterflies and that there is not a single butterfly exactly like another. The nature artist tried her best and painted butterflies in such a way that you will not find two alike in the whole world. All this is confirmed and discussed with the children using an associative series of art paintings. By replenishing vocabulary children, you can think of many epithets for comparing the musical and artistic image of a butterfly: light, airy, beautiful, graceful, charming, playful, etc. For the sake of completeness, we suggest children “turn into” such small transparent insects: “fly” or “dance” around the hall to the music; touching with "paws-fingers" tickling "crawl" on each other's head; inhale the "flower aroma" and eat the "dew drop". To do this, the teacher will have to work hard enough, preparing elements of costumes and creating objects and attributes of a flower meadow. But the most important thing in the lesson is a mesmerizing voice, which, with a twink of an eye, can "turn" even the most restless tomboy into admiring and pliant spectators or participants. All children love magic. And, creating a "magical" environment on

musical lesson, the teacher, through the surprise of the child, his feelings and comparison, will always achieve the result that he expects. We consolidate new knowledge and feelings with creativity on paper, inviting children to draw that beautiful butterfly that they just felt like.

Thus, integration in music education is preferable, because the integrated influence of educational components on pupils is many times more active than the influence of each of them separately. Music, more than any other art form, is attractive and accessible to a small child. In the process of listening to and perceiving music, children form imaginative representations, which has a beneficial effect on the development of mental operations. When learning songs, hums, speech and other games, the child's vocabulary is enriched. And the variety of activities in the same lesson has a beneficial effect on the motivational sphere, certainly awakening interest in knowing the world in its entirety.

Scientists have proven that music, with its onomatopoeic effects, reflecting the phenomena of the surrounding world, most directly affects the human body and its state. Special combinations of sounds, the speed of alternating sounds or their swaying can cause changes in blood pressure, affect the pulse rate, promote relaxation or, conversely, muscle tension. How younger child, the more he is susceptible to both musical sounds and sounds environment... Musical works containing different images nature or images of fairy-tale characters (etc.) always have a bright emotional color. The influence of such intriguing images directly induce the child to empathize, reflect on certain situations in life, arouse interest in knowing them, creating, as a rule, specific visual representations in young children. Trying to express the impressions of what he heard, the child puts it into words or expresses his emotions through his own artistic creation.

quality, can be shown in motion or correlated with schematic line sketches.

All this has a direct bearing on the integration of music lessons with other types of educational activities. T.S. This happens on the basis of the perception of reality by various senses and the transmission of images perceived or created by the child's imagination in various forms of artistic activity using means of expressiveness specific to a particular activity (musical, visual, artistic speech, theatrical and playful). "

As a result, the considered content of the general theoretical support of integration allows us to draw a conclusion about the relationship between the integration of the content of music education and the formation of the children's image of the world as a whole, meaningful and systematized primary knowledge about the world. An integrated approach in the music education of preschoolers, based on the idea of ​​the universality and unity of the laws of nature, the integrity of the child's perception of the world around him, acts as the leading principle of designing the content of preschool music education and upbringing. It allows you to provide conditions for organizing the knowledge of the world by a child within the framework of a holistic process, to master basic categories from different points of view in different educational areas.

An integrated approach to conducting music lessons in kindergarten leads to an important cognitive result - the development of a persistent interest in learning about the world around, which directly contributes to the formation of a holistic image of the world in a preschool child.

Bibliographic list

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12. Komarova, TS Integration in the aesthetic education of children / T. Komarova // Kindergarten from A to Z. - 2004. - No. 6. - 14-24 s.

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1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Kolosok" in the village of Volodina, Krivosheinsky district Integrated approaches in musical education of preschoolers

2 The emotional sphere of the personality is the leading sphere of the psyche in preschool childhood. It plays a decisive role in the formation of the child's personality, the regulation of his higher and mental functions, as well as behavior in general. According to the teachings of L.S. Vygotsky, only a full-fledged formation emotional sphere the child makes it possible to achieve harmony of personality, "the unity of intellect and affect." We can say that a child in preschool age is EMOTION itself, and therefore, the importance of his encounter with highly artistic music can hardly be overestimated. Music, in addition, contributes to the formation of the cognitive and moral spheres, forms "creativity" as a quality of the personality. Music is called “a mirror of the human soul”, “emotional cognition” (BM Teplov), “a model of human emotions” (VV Medushevsky), since it reflects a person's attitude to the world, to everything that happens in it and in the person himself. And our relationship is, as you know, our emotions. Consequently, emotions are the main content of music, which makes it one of the most effective means of forming a child's emotional sphere (K.V. Tarasova). The work of a music director in a preschool educational institution at the present stage is filled with new content to raise a person capable of independent creative work, an active, seeking personality. The musical activity of children is not only creative in nature, but has an impact on the development of all aspects of the personality and the sphere cognitive development... Music is a source of special children's joy, and the use of various pedagogical methods solves the most important problem of early musical education of children. This, in turn, contributes to the formation of the leading component of musicality, emotional responsiveness to music. From us, teachers, the formation of the ability of preschoolers to perceive, feel, understand the beauty in life, in art, to strive to participate in the transformation of the world around us according to the laws of beauty, to join artistic and creative activities depends on us. To solve the problems of aesthetic education, new programs and technologies are used in the work. Intensive changes in the surrounding life, active penetration of scientific and technological progress in all its spheres dictate the teacher the need to choose more effective means training and education based on modern methods and new integrated technologies. With the introduction of new programs on musical education, such as "Elementary Music Making" by T.E. Tyutyunnikova, "Musical Masterpieces" by OP Radynova, "Synthesis" by T.G. Ruban and K.V. Tarasova, Karl Orff's method - there was also an opportunity to vary the ways, means of cognition of musical art by children, with the help of which general development is also carried out. 2

3 Integration into teaching activities helps to minimize traditional forms organization of educational activities in preschool educational institutions and serves as a guarantee of successful development and effective teaching of preschoolers. This makes it relevant in music lessons. Music lessons occupy a special place among all the others in preschool education. It is on the basis of music, in communication with it, that a child's development follows a qualitatively different path. The teacher is faced with questions: how to make classes more interesting, richer, give children the opportunity active participation during the lesson. Therefore, integrated lessons become a characteristic of musical life in kindergarten. The purpose of this type of activity is the formation in children of an idea of ​​the specifics of various types of art (music, painting, theater, choreography, poetry), about the features of their artistic means, about the possibilities of conveying thoughts and moods in different types of children's artistic activities with their original language. A distinctive feature of this type of activity, involving the synthesis of various types of art, is unusual shape his organization. She meets the needs of modern children. Therefore, it is important not formally, but thoughtfully to combine different types of artistic activity, alternate them, find features of closeness and differences in works, means of expressiveness of each type of art, transmitting musical image... Through comparison, juxtaposition of artistic images, children feel more deeply the individuality of the work, come closer to understanding the specifics of each type of art. During the integrated lessons in creative process the child's own creation is switched on, his creativity, the product of which is drawings, plastic movements, verbal creativity. When choosing the content, the teacher focuses on the child, on what is close and dear to him: the natural world, close people, games, Russian folklore and various types of art. A general creative atmosphere reigns in such classes. Children and the teacher become partners. The logical, natural transition from one type of artistic activity to another makes these activities very dynamic and exciting for children of all ages. The constant change of activity does not allow children to get tired. New music education programs provide an opportunity to teach children to hear highly artistic music. To convey her character in dance and figurative movements, pantomime, playing musical instruments, in drawings, using comparisons of musical works with poems, reproductions of paintings, etc., that is, use an integrated approach to organizing classes. The design method, a modern method of integrating activities, allows you to solve a complex of tasks subordinate to one topic, 3

4 different techniques and methods, gradually and in the system. The method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to synthesize the knowledge gained in the classroom, develop creativity and communication skills. In addition, project-based activities allow children to form research skills and cognitive interest. Conducting this type of work, children discover new knowledge not only for themselves, but also tell other children about something new, useful, interesting. At the same time, there is an integration between general methods of solving different problems and types of activities. Project activities help connect learning with life, develop communication and moral qualities. The innovative technologies used in the work of the music director are focused on full development the child as a person, on the desire to help him enter the modern world, to join his values. They provide the practical embodiment of emotionally comfortable conditions conducive to the development of personal potential, activate the child's desire to explore the world around with joy and surprise, develop emotional responsiveness, the ability to self-experience. The analysis of musical education shows that the method of integration and variability in the use of innovative programs and technologies allows increasing the level of musical development in children. Based on the results of statistics of applicants to the Children's School of Arts, it can be noted that graduates of the preschool educational institution enter every year, successfully study, and continue the competitive and concert activities begun in the kindergarten. It is important for the teacher to make music for the child become his world of joyful experiences. To open the door to this world for him, it is necessary to develop his abilities, and, above all, emotional responsiveness, which is facilitated by integrated music lessons. The use of all types of musical activities available to preschool age, as well as the child's creative capabilities, achieves the solution to the main goal of musical education in kindergarten to teach children to love and understand music. Literature: 1. Merzlyakova, S.I. The role of integrated lessons in the development of preschoolers // "Music Director" S. Radynova OP. Preschool age - tasks of musical education // "Preschool education", pp.

5 3. Radynova, O. P. Preschool age: how to form the foundations of musical culture "//" Musical leader ", P.3 4. Skopintseva, O.A. Development of musical and artistic creativity of senior preschoolers / Skopintseva O.A. - Volgograd, Tarasova, K.V. The development of musical abilities in preschool childhood // "Music Director", 2010 S Tyutyunnikova, T.E. Simple, fun, easy // "Musical director", P.4 5

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Integration as a factor in the comprehensive education of children and the development of their creativity The effectiveness of the implementation of aesthetic education and the development of artistic and creative abilities are determined by the interrelated