How to hold a pen with your left hand. How to overcome the difficulties of teaching left-handed writing: methods, techniques, games

The strict rules of the Muslim East say: you cannot give gifts with your left hand, serve food with it, or congratulate. It is believed that a left-handed person has an “unclean” hand. There are similar ideas in Christianity. And not only in religious rules, but also in fairy tales and even in everyday life. Remember: “If you go to the right, you will find happiness, if you go to the left, you will lose your head”? And over time, the word “left” began to mean various wrong things. Therefore, when a left-handed child appears in the family, some parents begin to seriously worry.

In fact, the fact that a child is not like everyone else is absolutely not scary. It’s just that in raising him you need to adhere to some rules. And these rules are not complicated at all.

To determine your child’s dominant hand, answer the questions and also ask your child to complete the following tasks:

1) Find out if the child has close relatives with a dominant left hand.

2) Remember, under the age of one year, which hand the child used most often (took a rattle, spoon, etc.).

3) Invite your child to comb his hair. In which hand will he take the comb?

4) Pay attention to which hand the child holds a pencil or pen in while drawing.

5) Invite your child to listen to the watch. Which ear will he put them to?

6) Invite the child to clap his hands so that one of his hands is on top. Notice what kind of hand this is.

7) Invite your child to cross his fingers into a lock. Thumb Which hand will go on top?

8) Suggest crossing your arms over your chest. The forearm of which hand will be on top?

9) Invite your child to stomp one foot. Which foot did he stomp?

10) While sitting, put one leg on the other. Which leg will be on top?

11) Invite your child to look into a paper tube with one eye. What kind of eye will it be?

Is it good or bad if your child is left-handed?

Let's say the moments coincide, and you are convinced that the child is left-handed. In this case, you will notice many interesting features in him over time. Left-handers usually tend to fantasize, have an ear for music and good memory. In addition, they are sensitive, original, have excellent spatial orientation and think imaginatively. This happens because in left-handers the right hemisphere of the brain is more developed than the left. Namely, the right hemisphere is responsible for these qualities. The left hemisphere, which is more developed in right-handed people, is responsible for math skills, logical thinking, as well as reading and writing techniques. Lefties often stand out due to all sorts of creative talents. However, there are areas where they are individual characteristics can play a cruel joke, and, alas, not only on them. Thus, studies conducted several years ago among pilots showed that left-handed pilots are much more likely to have accidents. The reason is that modern airplanes are stuffed with a mass of instruments in which you need to navigate very quickly - and all of them are adjusted to the dominant right eye and right hand. A left-handed pilot in such a coordinate system gets tired much faster than his right-handed colleague. Therefore, it is obvious that there are professions that left-handers, for all their flexibility and high resistance to stress, should not master. But left-handers, as a rule, show very high results in such areas as design, painting, photography, cinema, architecture, clothing design, music, sports (especially boxing, tennis, football, fencing, volleyball, basketball, hockey). And the superpowers of left-handers for intuitive insights have given the world the most outstanding personalities. Among them are artists Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo; composers Bach, Beethoven, Paul McCartney; scientists Ivan Pavlov, Albert Einstein, Zhores Alferov. Writers Nikolai Leskov (the same one who wrote “Lefty”), Vladimir Mayakovsky; commanders Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Joan of Arc; Actors Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts, Keanu Reeves. And that's not all! Of course, not every left-hander is a genius. It is a fact. But left-handed people have a better chance than right-handed people of becoming great. This is also a fact. If a left-handed child is born in your family, do not rush to deprive him of this chance. And if he has discovered abilities in different areas of life, be sure to develop them. Enroll him in a section or study group.

How should parents behave with a left-handed child?

Considering the increased emotionality and extreme impressionability of such a child, be very sensitive and friendly with him.
Create a favorable climate for him in the family.
Don’t fight with him because of his frequent stubbornness, but try to translate his stubbornness into a game.
Take the child’s peculiarity for granted and do not try to turn him into a “right-hander”, explaining to everyone and him that there are a lot of “left-handed” people and this is also a type of norm.
Praise for the slightest successes and encourage his artistic or musical gift, but do not strive to “prepare” a child prodigy.
Try to give your baby surprises and gifts more often.
Do not make excessive demands on him and do not contrast him with other, ordinary children.
Under no circumstances should you teach your child reading, writing, or foreign languages ​​before school, i.e., areas where failure awaits him, so as not to lower the child’s level of self-esteem.
Love him for who he is.
If, after the age of five, you notice obsessive aspirations, concerns or fears in your child that you do not understand, contact a specialist immediately.

How to “not” behave with a “left-handed” child

There is no need to even laugh jokingly about the fact that the child is different from many others, basically doing everything with the help of one left hand.
There is no need to emphasize to people you know that your child is left-handed and different from others.
Under no circumstances should you retrain a child to be “right-handed” and punish him when he cannot be taught.
Do not bring your child to tears or cause other negative emotions with your parenting methods.
Under no circumstances should you be dry and pedantic when communicating with him.
There is no need to strive to bring his talent to perfection, all the time placing excessive demands on him.
There is no need to teach your child reading, writing and foreign languages ​​before school, cursing that he is a complete failure.
Avoid creating such an environment for the child in your family that his self-esteem decreases every day, so that he feels rejected and unnecessary.
Remember, such upbringing is usually fertile ground for the development of neurosis or symptoms of stuttering in a child.

Why you shouldn't retrain a left-handed person

Probably, the above is enough to understand that a left-handed child should not be forced to use his right hand instead of his left. At least, experts strongly recommend not to do this. It is impossible to turn a humanist into a person with a technical mind. Forced retraining can cause the child to become nervous and irritable. He will be lazy and do poorly at school. Moreover, subsequently his body may resist the inconvenience so much that the child develops stuttering, nervous tics, and even enuresis. “Left-handedness” is not a pathology, but an interesting feature.

"Left-handed complex"

The main problem with left-handers is that they are a minority. As you know, in life it is often believed that the one who is stronger or belongs to the majority is right. Lefties may unconsciously worry about this. Moreover, if the child is not told that he is not like everyone else, problems simply will not arise. According to child psychologists, most often the left-handed complex appears due to the fault of parents. Sometimes it happens that a teacher, coach, or just some acquaintance draws attention to a child’s left-handedness. If this happens, you should definitely talk to this person. Most likely, he does this without realizing the consequences. In case of misunderstanding, it is better to simply protect the child from such communication, for example, transfer to another school. If this is not done in time, the child may become withdrawn and uncommunicative. Remember, the child’s health is most important. And yet, in no case should children of right-handers be used as an example for left-handers. It’s better to compare his actions... with his own actions: “Yesterday you did it well, but today you didn’t succeed. But it will definitely work out!”

How to teach?

The leading hand of a left-handed person must be developed with sufficient early age. Have your child place it on the table and have him lift each finger off the surface in turn. The palm itself should lie firmly on the table. You can also ask your child to use a pipette to pour water from one small container to another. The imaginative thinking of a little left-hander can be used when teaching him to read and write. Say that the letter “X” is a walking man, the letter “F” is like glasses, and the letter “C” is like the spout of a teapot. Similar associations can be selected for each letter. Moreover, the child can do this on his own. It often happens that left-handed children write letters in the wrong direction - they “mirror” them. They will help with this special exercises. Fill out a whole line, for example, with the letters “P” and specially draw a couple of letters in this row incorrectly, “mirror-like”. Let the child find these letters. You can “forget” to add some elements in some letters; let the child do it himself. By the way, if for right-handed people the light should fall from the left when writing, then it is recommended for left-handed people to place a table lamp to their right. Most often, the handwriting of a left-handed person has a left slant or does not have it at all. It’s more convenient for him to write this way. It's not scary. Handwriting is one of the strokes in the individual portrait of each person. And individuality needs to be developed. Originality in the actions of left-handers is inevitable. As teachers say, left-handed children add numbers in a special way. Right-handed people count calmly multi-digit numbers in a column and add first the units, and then the tens and hundreds. Lefties do this in an unimaginable way known only to them. For example, when adding 14 and 55, they can first add 5 to 55, then 10, and then subtract one. Left-handers do not like and do not want to solve problems in physics or mathematics using a given algorithm. And, by the way, they often arrive at the correct answer in a completely irrational way. They don’t do this on purpose, it’s just more convenient for them.

What to teach?

Left-handed people tend to be careless when they draw, sculpt from plasticine, etc. This should be tolerated. Remember that this child thinks figuratively, he is a creative person. A creative people always a little reckless. They give higher value content, not form. Many left-handers play tennis well or are excellent fencers. But not every one of them will be able to engage in any type of martial arts. In addition, left-handers enjoy learning to eat using a fork and knife. If it is not easy for “right-handed” children to get used to the fact that the fork must be placed in left hand, then left-handed people don’t need to get used to it. By the way, left-handers quickly learn to type, because both hands are also involved in this process.

What will help you?

To feel more confident with a left-handed child, you can purchase special literature. According to child psychologist Natalia Ulyankina, the most accessible in content and very useful is the book by Ivan Karayev “If your child is left-handed.” It would be good to read the article entitled “So what should we do with left-handed people?” in the book by Stanislav Martynov “The health of the child is in your hands.” You can better understand how your child, unlike others, “works” by reading the book by T.N. Maryutina and O. Yu. Ermolaev “Introduction to psychophysiology.” We could end here, but there is one “but”. It happens that a child writes with his left hand, but the dominant eye and ear are right. This means that, most likely, he has more developed not right, but left hemisphere brain, as in “right-handed” children. In this case, this child cannot be called left-handed, he is simply “left-handed.” It often happens that such children themselves want to learn to write, eat, etc. right hand. It is not recommended to interfere with the child in this. He must make his choice.

Prepare left-handers for school from the age of five.

Left-handers are no different from right-handers; left-handed children have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain. It is responsible for creative thinking. Therefore, in order to remember, for example, the alphabet, left-handed people need to come up with an image: the letter “o” is a wheel or steering wheel. Each child has his own association.
Parents of left-handers often try to retrain their child and force him to write with his right hand. Experts recommend not to do this. A retrained left-hander will have a more difficult time at school; he may even become seriously ill.

Determine the leading hand by 4 - 4.5 years. If the child cannot do this on his own, show him to a specialist. Left-handers often develop dysgraphia (pathological illiteracy) or mirror writing (letters tilted). the opposite side). Therefore, before school, a consultation with a neuropsychologist or medical psychologist is simply necessary.

For left-handed schoolchildren, a gentle regime is important, as they are prone to psychosomatic diseases. With any emotional stress, problems can arise: disturbances in appetite, sleep, and the appearance of fears.

Under no circumstances should you retrain a left-handed child to write with his right hand, as this can lead to various neuroses. And he will not learn to write beautifully with his right hand, just like a right-handed person with his left, because of the different structure of the brain, where leading hemisphere- right. Therefore, a left-handed person should be taught to write at home, preferably before entering school.

How to teach a left-handed child to write correctly

Before learning how to write letters, teach your child to sit at a table, hold a pen and a piece of paper:

  1. A left-handed child writes letters straight or slanted to the left. The correct direction of the letters is created by tilting the paper. Place a sheet of paper in front of the child in a linear stitch so that the top left corner is on top and the bottom right corner is on the bottom, i.e. The notebook should be shifted to the left at an angle of 20 degrees.
  2. Your hand should be under the stitching. A left-handed child writes by covering the previous written letters, so you need to teach him to place his hand under the writing line.
  3. A left-handed child should hold the pen slightly higher than right-handed people, about 4 cm from the shaft.
  4. The handle should form one line with the hand, and not perpendicular.
  5. Install the lamp on the desk with right side child.
  6. Place the book to the child's right. A left-handed person has difficulty perceiving material on the left.

Exercises for lefties

And now about homework that will help your child learn to write correctly:

  • Play school with your child every day for 40-45 minutes: 10-15 minutes – continuous operation, then a short break, etc.
  • Start with easy tasks. Do not move on to another task if the previous one has not yet been completed or is difficult to complete.
  • The classroom environment should be calm; do not scold your child if they spell letters incorrectly. If a left-handed child goes to school, he gets enough unpleasant feedback about his writing from teachers, so his mother is his only support.
  • Follow correct spelling all letters, if an error occurs, immediately correct the child and build subsequent lessons with an emphasis on writing those letters that he writes incorrectly.
  • A left-handed child can write letters in reverse, i.e. the tails of the letters “u”, “d”, “r”, “v”, “b” look in the opposite direction. In this case, write rows of these letters so that their incorrect spelling occurs. Give your child the task of finding mistakes.
  • You can draw the letters listed above without adding their tails, and let the child complete their writing.

Don't be discouraged if something doesn't work out the first time. The main thing is not to put pressure on the child, so that he does not completely lose interest in writing. He will definitely learn to write correctly, but only with your help and after some time.

About the fact that left-handed people are considered more creative personalities who live more by emotions and feelings, who are difficult to force to do something, just because “it’s necessary” or “it’s customary”, I already. Of course, it’s difficult to talk about absolutely all left-handers (and I’m sure that mothers of right-handers can argue with me about the sensitivity and touchiness of each child specifically, regardless of the activity of his hemispheres), but these are the characteristics of left-handers that need to be taken into account both when raising and during training.

And the most difficult (tedious and disgusting) subject that required my increased attention and my son's patience, the letter became. Very slowly, without the required tilt, constantly smudged letters - this is just the minimum that I forgave. But for missing letters and “mirror spelling” I forced everything to be rewritten, to my son’s great dissatisfaction. At the same time, for a long time we could not place the notebook correctly so that the corners did not wrinkle, guess the angle of the notebook so that the letters were in accordance with the slanted rulers, and keep our back straight. It seemed to me that my son was even holding a pen awkwardly, which is why his handwriting was so terrible.

But it turns out that all left-handers (or their parents) have these problems :) The main thing is for parents to understand the reason for such difficulties and react correctly (by showing great patience, without urging and in no way injuring your left-handed, touchy child with unflattering epithets).

Important points of “Left writing”

It is unlikely that any mother has her head in the clouds and believes that the child, as soon as she takes a pen, will immediately write even and neat letters. Therefore, you need to practice actively and regularly, starting literally from birth. This will strengthen the fingers, hand, arm, and will certainly affect general development child.

Next preparatory stage to the letter is

Creating a competent and comfortable workplace for left-handed people

It is important to organize proper lighting and fill working space first-graders, both with furniture elements and with left-handed items.

As for lighting, although it is recommended to do it primarily on the right side and install an additional lamp on the left, I simplified the task. AND desk lamp Ours stands almost in the middle of the table, slightly moved to the left. Thus, the son sees both what he writes and how he writes, and the shadow does not fall on the working line.

The place at the desk also plays a big role when training a left-handed person. Let me give you our own example: all September I was wondering why he was writing and writing, and then suddenly the pen went somewhere... After a short conversation, I realized that my son was sitting on the right side of the desk, so when writing he interfered with his right-handed neighbor, and he, accordingly, nudges my left-hander with his elbow. And as a result, both of them have horror in their notebooks. After the teacher switched their places, everyone felt more comfortable at their desks and the notebooks became cleaner.

Correct posture

Every child, whether right-handed or left-handed, should have a straight back. And the correct posture at a desk or desk depends on the lighting and the height of the table and chair. The child should reach his feet to the floor (or a special stand), his back should rest on the back of a chair or armchair, and the table should be approximately at the level of the child’s solar plexus.

At first glance, everything is extremely simple and clear. But in practice, my son demonstrated miracles of flexibility, and his posture was shocking: his left shoulder was slightly raised and pushed forward, his entire body was tilted slightly to the right, and his head was also leaning toward his right shoulder. Thus, the left working hand lay on the table, the right hand was almost pressed to the body, supporting the notebook, and bending over, he tried to see the letters “coming out of the pen.” Through trial and error, we found a comfortable and correct position, and I constantly controlled it until he got used to it.

That's why, Don’t expect the child to sit upright on his own. It turns out that this is quite serious work. But, after six months of joint efforts, the child’s back “remembers” the level position for a long time, regardless of whether he is right-handed or left-handed. 🙂

How to position your notebook correctly?

A left-handed person's notebook should (although, more logically, it can) be positioned in such a way that the lower left corner of the work page is opposite the child's right shoulder. Please note that the corner is not of the entire notebook, but of the page, which, as it is filled out, is moved by the right hand.

Thanks to this tilt, the child’s left hand will get less tired and he will be able to see what exactly he wrote.

But often there is also a writing option when the sheet is turned 90º, and the movements of the pen are directed from bottom to top (and not the standard left to right), which is also quite acceptable.

How can a left-handed person hold a pen?

Of course, the speed of writing and the handwriting itself depend on how a left-handed person holds the pen. Basically, the teacher at school is not competent in this issue Therefore, the child himself looks for a convenient option for himself. And he needs to adapt in such a way that the letters already written do not smudge, and it is clear what you are writing.

There are several options for left-handed writing:

The inclination of letters when writing on the left

One of the common mistakes made by both teachers and parents when teaching left-handed people to write is to observe the required inclination of letters, because right-angled writing for a left-handed person is extremely difficult and inconvenient. Moreover, if a teacher reduces the grades of a left-handed child just for handwriting, his actions are unlawful.

After all, according to methodological recommendations Ministry of Health (albeit, back in 1985, but not canceled by anyone to this day), it is prohibited to retrain and reduce the grade for calligraphy for left-handed children. The same document also states that left-handed people are allowed both vertically straight writing of letters and left-handed writing.

AND modern requirements Continuous writing does not apply to a left-handed child at all.

Some more features of teaching left-handed people to write

The development of visual-spatial perception, somewhat different from that of right-handers, leads to a mirror phenomenon familiar to many parents of left-handers in various options manifestations. This can be mirror reading, mirror drawing, but most often – mirror writing, when a child can “mirror” whole words (writing with the last letter, for example, instead of “mama” - “amam”) or individual letters.

In general, there is nothing overly significant in this for a left-handed person, but you need to pay attention to this manifestation of left-handedness. You can help your child fix the beginning of a line, conduct a phonetic analysis of the word, pronounce each letter out loud, and always place a sample of letters and text on the right.

Devices for left-handers

Special copybooks, as well as pens and various devices for developing the correct grip of the “writing instrument,” can help teach a left-handed person to write.

Unlike traditional recipes, workbook for left-handers, it helps to master the direction of writing using arrows, does not have a right-hand slant of letters, all samples are located on the right, and auxiliary signs (asterisks, flags, dots, and others) are used to determine the beginning and end of a line.

To prepare an extraordinary child’s hand for writing, you can use special simulators for proper writing. Made in the form of a toy, they are an attachment for any ballpoint pen, helping the child to correctly position his fingers when grasping the handle.

For left-handers, there are also special pens, which most often have special indentations for fingers and are filled with quick-drying ink, preventing letters from smearing. But, in addition, pens for left-handed people also have a special rod with a tip, thanks to which the pen (which a left-handed person pushes forward when writing, and does not pull behind him, like a right-handed person) does not pierce the paper and provides easy way out ink.

When sending a left-handed child to school, every parent, to a greater or lesser extent, faces certain difficulties in difficult educational process penmanship. After all, a right-handed mother simply cannot take the baby’s hand and show how to draw this squiggle, which will soon become a letter. But “” is probably the most large-scale science, and a parent simply needs to know how to teach a left-handed person to write. Fortunately, it’s not all that complicated, but there’s no need to let it go to chance. The main thing is not to “go too far” in pursuit of beautiful handwriting and clean notebooks, because hardly any parent will say that he loves his left-handed miracle solely for beautiful letters. Therefore, any training, both left-handed and right-handed, should bring only positive emotions!

The human brain is a complex multifunctional organ, each part of which regulates a specific operation. As you know, in most people the left hemisphere is responsible for the ability to write - the distribution of brain functions occurs crosswise, i.e. the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the right hand, right leg and processes signals from the right eye.

However, there are exceptions to all rules, and in about 15% of people, the writing function is taken over by the right hemisphere of the brain rather than the left.

It is believed that such people are very sensitive, creative people with a rich imagination. Often among left-handed people there are talented people endowed with a special gift.

Left-handedness usually becomes noticeable from childhood, when the child more actively uses his left hand for games, holds a spoon and pencils in it. Even by the hand in which a newborn baby holds his, you can notice his peculiarity - he is left-handed.

However, our world is oriented towards the majority, that is, right-handers, therefore subsequently, already in kindergarten or school, such unusual baby Difficulties may arise in mastering writing. What to do in this case and how to teach a left-handed person to write? How to organize a child’s studies so that he acquires knowledge with minimal discomfort?

Left-handed or right-handed - how to determine

First you need to accurately determine whether the child is left-handed. How to find out? To do this, you often do not need to contact a specialist; sometimes a couple of simple tests are enough, which can be easily carried out with your child at home. Don't tell him that he's about to be tested. Let it be a game. So, how to determine that a child is left-handed:

Ask him to cross his fingers. Which finger was the highest? Then let him pick up the toy from the floor, take the object you held out, draw with a pencil without your supervision, and eat. If the child does these actions with his left hand, the conclusion is clear: you are growing up left-handed.

Teaching left-handed people to write - where to start

A left-handed child must be prepared to master writing long before he picks up a pen and begins to write letters. WITH early childhood develop fine motor skills of the hand and fingers. This will determine how successfully your little left-hander will be able to reproduce letters optimized for right-handed writing in the future.

How to hold a pen correctly for a left-handed person

When the child will go to school, take the time to check if he is holding his pen correctly. Not correct position fingers when writing leads to rapid fatigue and, as a result, to a deterioration in writing skills. If a left-handed child does not know how to hold a pen, explain to him, show and monitor how he learned to do this. When choosing left-handed handles Make sure that it is not very thick in girth, and that you do not smear the ink - otherwise your fingers will be constantly stained with it. You may need to buy a special pen designed for left-handed children. Today there is even a self-taught pen for left-handers on sale.

Teaching writing to left-handed children - organizing the work environment

Due to the nature of writing, left-handed people need a unique, individual organization desktop, convenient for him, and not for you or the teacher.

The same applies to the direction of light, the angle of the notebook and the position of the hand. Ideally, the desk should be located near a window so that the child, at least in daylight, has the opportunity to comfortably write.

Do not ask a left-handed person to tilt the notebook at a classic angle of 20-30 degrees - this can be extremely uncomfortable for him.

The problem in teaching left-handed people to write is mirroring

Usually, left-handed people learn letters and writing without problems, but sometimes parents encounter difficulties such as left-handed people “mirroring” when writing individual letters or entire words. Dealing with this takes time and patience. At the very beginning of learning writing, special copybooks for left-handers. Help your child, work through problem letters at home, praise him for success, and practice writing. Gradually, writing will become automatic and the child will remember how the letters look correctly.

Advice to parents: praise your child, participate in his development and learning, play together and do homework. Besides emotional contact and pleasure from joint activities with your child, you will be able to notice in time if a left-handed person has problems in learning and correct them together.

Taking into account the characteristics of left-handed children and following all the recommendations described above, it will become more clear to you how to teach a left-handed person to write It is right that in the future he will not have problems with studying at school or university. Good luck to you and your child!

Tatyana Bronitskaya, especially for the children's site.


First, take a test that will determine your affiliation in relation to the leading hemisphere. Ask someone you know to quietly push you from behind and see which foot you put forward.

Get at least one more confirmation - cross your arms over your chest. The hand on top is the leading one. If both tests indicate that you belong to a figurative thinking people, then you should be patient - restructuring is not easy.

If you use your right hand to a minimum, i.e. If you do not belong to the category of those people who skillfully operate both of them in their activities (for example, pianists or croupiers), then you should begin to develop it gradually.

To begin, change your left hand to your right while washing dishes, wiping dust, combing, etc. After a week, you will feel much more confident when performing simple household tasks. Also, get used to the idea that learning to do something is uncomfortable hand It's still possible.

Buy several copybooks and notebooks with diagonal curved lines. Get ready for daily classes and never miss them - only with constant practice can you “teach” your right hand and learn to write with it quickly and beautifully.

Take a position at the table so that the light falls from the left side.

Take a pen and hold it between your index finger and thumb, using your middle finger as a stand. While working, the brush should lie on the table; as you write lines, it should be moved to the right. Practice on a piece of paper, evaluate how comfortable you are with the pen.

Open the copybook - at first it will be difficult for you to trace the letters, but a few weeks of practice will teach you how to draw straight lines. First, practice performing individual elements of writing, various hooks. Only after this do you proceed directly to writing letters, then words, and then sentences.


  • write with the other hand

Left-handedness for a long time was considered a developmental defect, left-handers were retrained from childhood, often with very harsh measures that affected the psyche much more than working with the left hand itself. However, an obsession with the predominance of the right does not always lead to good result: Right-handed people have less developed right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for intuition, creativity and a number of other qualities. As a result of learning to write left-handedly, you will be able to develop these properties in yourself and discover some talents.


Spend a few simple tests. First, cross your arms. The upper forearm is an indicator of the dominant side. Interlace your fingers in the same way and look at the top finger; clap your hands (dominant hand on top again). Please note that the more indicators that indicate your right-handedness, the more difficult it will be for you to learn and, therefore, the more patience you will need.

Video on the topic


Please note that the position of your left hand when writing is different from the position of your right.

Make sure that your hand is free and that the handle is in line with your hand.

It is very easy to switch to mirror writing with your left hand. It is necessary to strictly control every element of the letter.

Helpful advice

The pen should be the same as that of any first grader. Take the simplest standard pen.

Start writing with the simplest elements. You are learning to write all over again, so the methodology is not much different from the one used to teach children to write. But since you already know how to write, learning will go much faster.

First, write at a table in a comfortable writing position. This is necessary at first, even if you are used to writing while sitting on the steps or on the train.

Don't be discouraged if the writing pace seems too slow. This is normal. Even those people for whom the left hand is the dominant hand write more slowly at first to right-handed people.


  • how to learn to write with your left hand to a right-handed person in 2018

Some people believe that authorship is a gift from nature, and people either have this gift from birth or do not have it at all. But what should those who dream of learning how to write beautiful, competent and fascinating texts do, without possessing innate skills? In fact, every person is capable of learning to write originally and express their thoughts in a quality manner. In order for your texts to be of interest to potential readers in the future, follow simple tips.


The first tip is very simple - the more you read good books, the better you will develop the ability to beautifully, easily and clearly express your thoughts and put them into artistic form. Read more - it will expand your lexicon, will allow you to feel the different authorial manners belonging to different writers.

Another tip is that you practice as much as possible and before you start any new text, made a plan. Always make a plan for your future publication - this will allow you to structure your thoughts and ideas, distribute them, sort them, determine what exactly you will say at the beginning of the article and what at the end. Your text should describe the scene of the action, the reasons for the action, the action itself, and finally, the action or the conclusions you draw.

Learn to structure your texts competently and logically - only then will they be beautiful and interesting. Don't deviate from the main topic you're writing about, and don't overdo it with complex terms and long sentences. Write concisely and try to talk only about the main thing, avoiding secondary and unimportant points.

Strive to achieve maximum content and completeness with a small volume of the finished article - readers prefer brevity and do not like to spend a lot of time reading certain texts.

Keep your tongue clean. Do not use colloquial or abusive language in the texts, write stylistically correctly, follow grammar and spelling. Maintain a detached author's position in the text, but do not highlight your own opinion as the only truth, do not try to lecture or condemn readers, and also avoid rudeness. The text should be beautiful, polite and simple, attracting the attention of any person.

Avoid excessive repetition of interjections and the pronoun “I”, as well as tautologies. To avoid repeated words (tautologies) in the text, look for synonyms and construct sentences without repetition. And finally, to be effective, practice regularly - start a blog and constantly publish new notes in it, communicating with readers and observing their reaction to your texts.

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  • how to write beautifully and quickly

One of the tasks primary school- teach children calligraphy, but not even all adults master this skill. You can learn to write calligraphy on your own using certain rules.


To begin, take the correct body position. To do this, sit straight in a chair, tilt your head slightly forward. If you are right-handed, then place your left hand on the table and transfer part of your body weight to it, while at the same time holding the paper with this hand. If you are, then move the fulcrum to your right hand. The hand you write with should barely touch the surface of the table.

Take a writing instrument - a pen or quill - in working hand. Thumb Press the pen against the nail phalanx of your middle finger. Bend your index finger slightly and hold the handle on top. Hold writing instrument You need to hold it in your hand without tension.

Relax and straighten the remaining two fingers - excess tension in them will interfere with the smooth movements of your hand. Check that the handle is in the correct position by using your other hand to pull it out at the top end. If it glides freely, you're done.

Start practicing calligraphic writing of letters by drawing random lines on paper. First write at an angle of 30 degrees, then at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees. It is important to maintain the slope at a given angle. Follow the sequence: only from top to bottom and left to right.

Practice writing “o”, draw each line one at a time and carefully connect the touching lines. This is necessary for writing round characters. While writing, do not change the position of your hand as the angle may change.

Learn to write strictly strokes. When writing a stroke, do not focus on the previous one; if its angle of inclination is changed, the entire stroke may tilt. Follow your breathing and draw strokes as you exhale. Avoid too fast or too slow movements, choose a writing rhythm that is comfortable for you.

Calligraphic writing requires a certain determination from the author and is the result of persistent training.


At first, do the exercises slowly and methodically; the speed will increase natural process.

Helpful advice

Progress to writing complex letters gradually as soon as you master the technique simple exercises.

Today you don't often have to handwrite - keyboards have replaced pens, and it's much faster and easier to type something than to write it. But when the need arises handwritten text, a common problem appears: illegible handwriting. If you have repeatedly heard reproaches that you write illegibly, learn to write letters beautifully.


Find calligraphy courses. Lack of free time or money will, of course, prevent you from taking your handwriting seriously. But if possible - even with small restrictions, do not make excuses for yourself. Thanks to calligraphy courses, you will begin to write not just beautifully, but surprisingly neatly; your handwriting can be graded. A few months of training is worth it. Don’t be lazy, if there are similar courses in your city, sign up for them.

Get back to basics. Do you still remember how to write all the letters correctly? If the program of the first one is irretrievably lost for you, buy the copybook. There is nothing stupid or meaningless about this: who said that accurate writing of letters is only necessary? Look at the example letter and, as in school years, print line by line. From one letter, of course. When you master it, move on to the next one. Special attention Pay attention to letter connections.

Take your time. Do you remember how diligently you wrote out the words in the first one? Now you need to do something similar. You may not really like the handwriting suggested in the copybooks. But it is better to imitate him first - he is the most understandable and simple. Master all the letters (by writing them all really well), all types of connections, write several simple words and sentences in the copybook.

Find handwriting that you like. You can find examples of writing letters on the same websites of calligraphy courses - they are displayed there as examples. See what you like best. Consider whether you could cope with writing letters this way. Try to imitate. Write an entire alphabet for yourself in the writing style that you like. You may want to add some more elements to the letters, or simplify some things.

Exercise every day. And always try your best when writing. Even regular practice will not yield results if, the next time you need to write a text by hand, you again quickly scribble something illegible.

The key to possession in football is holding it for a long time. An exercise like hitting a ball leg will help the player develop coordination and reaction. So how can you learn to kick?


Choose a good one comfortable shoes for training. Don't buy one that's too narrow. Also, it should not hang on leg. It is best if these are fairly hard sneakers or regular boots. Be that as it may, they should fit your feet exactly.

Buy a hard leather ball. Train right away on good professional equipment so that it will help you during an official game or performance. Make sure the ball is well inflated before training.

Choose a place to train. Let it be any free or field. No coverage special significance. Train with friends or like-minded people. As a rule, when joint activities, progress in hitting the ball is achieved much faster as the gambling confrontation comes into force.

Practice maintaining body balance for a long time. Before kicking the ball, do the following simple exercise. Stand on your right leg, bend your left knee and lift it up, keep your hands at chest level. Try to hold this for a few minutes. Do the same with your left leg. This simple one will help you concentrate and maintain balance for a long time.

Stuff with both feet at once. Now it's time for the stuffing itself. Bend slightly back leg, straighten the front one and fill it several test times. Keep your back straight and set the pace with your arm movements. Watch carefully how the ball moves. Try to hit the middle of the ball with your foot so that it flies up and does not go to the side. This is where many newbies get confused. Use the other leg as well, even though you can only use one. This will give you an advantage over your opponents in competitions.

Hone your skills on a regular basis. When you understand how to hit correctly, maintain coordination and trajectory of the ball, begin to constantly strengthen your skills on the field. Do this constantly and record the results of how much you were able to kick the ball with each foot. All this will lead you to rapid progress in kicking the ball.

An important point preparing a child for school is the development fine motor skills hands Most children begin to eat, draw, and develop writing skills with their right hand. But practice shows that often a child has poor writing skills by the time he enters school. Therefore, the development of motor skills and precise movements right hand very important for children preschool age.

You will need

  • - copybook;
  • - pencil;
  • - lacing game.


Copybooks and all kinds of shading perfectly prepare the hand for the writing process. The child not only learns to draw lines, dotted lines and shapes. It also trains your arm and muscle endurance. Eat different kinds shading. For example, buy your child a notebook “Draw by cells.” This will help you master the skills spatial orientation on a sheet of checkered paper, will teach you how to copy drawings and figures using. Hatchings are produced in various age categories. The simplest ones teach the child to draw parallel, horizontal and oblique lines in the form of a game. A child will draw grass, paths or hedgehog needles, without even suspecting that this is how he is being prepared for writing. Use a soft pencil to draw. Also follow correct posture and the correct holding of the pencil with the fingers of the right hand.

To paint, you need at least 2 brushes with rounded edges: a thin one for drawing details and a thick one for drawing basic lines. The bristles of the brushes can be made from goat or marten, but synthetic products are not suitable for drawing sumi-e. Soften new brushes first. Dip them gently into a saucer of water several times. After use, rinse brushes thoroughly and dry only in horizontal position. They can be used for drawing again only after they have completely dried.

Traditionally, mascara is ground in suzuri - a specially processed stone in the shape of a circle or rectangle. Rub the mascara stick over the surface of the stone with droplets of water. Fill the depression at one of the walls of the suzuri with water. Suzuri is very rarely on sale even in specialized art salons; instead, you can use a ceramic saucer that is not varnished.

Ink for sumi-e painting comes in the form of rectangular blocks, which are made from pine charcoal, ground into powder, and an adhesive substance. Ink rubbed on the suzuri surface is mixed with water to form paint. For drawing on rice paper, liquid ink, which is sold in bottles or ordinary watercolor paint. When mixing ink or black paint with different amounts water is obtained various shades from light gray to deep black.

When everything is prepared, start the exercises. Place the brush in clean water so that it gets completely wet. Then dip it vertically in medium-tone paint. And then the tip - in dark mascara.

Place the brush on the rice paper and make an inclined line with equal pressure on the brush, you should get a line with different shades. Then try to draw lines with stops, with your hand lifted, and with pressure on the brush. To increase the width of the line, press the brush harder as you move. To make the line lighter, lift the brush so that the bristles just touch the paper. Draw the main lines of your painting, and then paint in a few details with a thin brush.

Thanks to good teachers You will be able to perfectly master the basics of Argentine tango within 1-2 weeks. But even more important is that during this time you will become more confident and even more attractive to others, learn how to properly hug the person you are dancing with, and move sensually and beautifully. Hugs should be passionate, but at the same time gentle and light, not interfering with the dance. In Argentine tango, the man does not block the woman’s movements, forcing her to perform certain figures and not giving her the opportunity to choose. The woman, in turn, does not cling to her partner with a death grip, forcing him to overexert himself and literally “dance with weights.”

While dancing, you need to maintain your tone and at the same time be relaxed, although at first glance this may seem too difficult. Partners move easily and freely, while constantly monitoring their balance and maintaining contact to avoid mistakes during the dance. Important role plays every element, including posture and gait. Having learned this art, you will learn how to seduce members of the opposite sex with your movements. Even small gestures will become more attractive and sexy, and others will undoubtedly notice it. In this case, of course, there will be no vulgarity in your movements.

To learn how to dance beautifully and sensually, like real Argentines, you can try to close your eyes and completely surrender to the sensations. This will allow you to “hear” your partner with the help of your body, catch his movements, and deeply feel the hug. As a result, a truly strong and mysterious connection arises between a man and a woman. Having felt it once, you will subsequently be able to more easily establish non-verbal contact and guess the emotions of other people. Thus, a few tango lessons will be enough to change your life a little. Later, you will be able to consolidate the effect by continuing your training and starting to attend milongas.

Thanks to Argentine tango, you will learn not only to hug your partner correctly, but also to walk beautifully, making your steps smooth and graceful, and your posture truly royal. Long weeks of exercises with weights on the head, rulers attached to the back, and corsets will not help achieve the results that Argentine tango training will give. At the same time, you will also receive incomparable pleasure from dancing, and you will also be able to open up and stop being shy. own body and become tight-lipped, hiding your natural advantages.