Beautiful proverbs and sayings about parenting. Proverbs, theses and sayings about the upbringing of preschool children

Proverbs and sayings about education

A person without upbringing is like a body without a soul.

A child - what a dough: as it kneaded, it grew.

Learning as a child is as solid as engraving on stone.

Man was not born for himself.

Not far from the tree, an apple falls.

You need to study good for three years, and bad - one hour is enough.

One good example better than a hundred words.

Capricious in childhood - ugly in old age.

The vices of a child are not born, but brought up.

Prodding is not upbringing.

Educate with affection, not dragging.

Let the children free, you yourself will be in captivity.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Feed to feed; do not feed in order to make rich.

Proverbs and sayings about self-education, good breeding and etiquette

Envy is poison to the human soul.

Sow a habit, reap character.

Learn the good, then the bad will not come to mind.

Parents gave you life - bring up the will yourself.

Of all passions, envy is the most disgusting.

The greedy does not give himself rest.

It is better to collect around the world than to take someone else's.

Saying idle what to write on the water.

Gol, but not a thief, poor, but honest.

Poverty steals, and need lies.

Poverty teaches, but happiness spoils.

To fight, to fight is not a mind to gain.

God sees who will offend whom.

A thief is like a hare: he is afraid of his own shadow.

Everyone seeks the truth, but not everyone keeps it.

He speaks in secret, but gives out to the whole world.

No matter how the thief steals, the prison will not escape.

Lazy hands are not related to a clever head.

... “Flattery and revenge are friendly.

... “Better your own piece than someone else's pie.

Proverbs begin to be studied in kindergarten... Usually they are selected in accordance with the topic of the lesson in order to consolidate the knowledge gained in children. Also folk wisdom helps in the formation of abstract concepts - goodness, honesty, justice and others. Therefore, even at preschool age, children are introduced to the proverbs about good deeds.

  1. Enrichment vocabulary- children are introduced to outdated words that are now not used at all or are rarely used. Thus, they broaden the horizons of the child.
  2. Improves coherent speech. A proverb is a short and succinct sentence. Children, using their example, learn to make laconic sentences, the meaning of which will be clear to everyone. And due to the fact that the length of the utterance is short, the child must notice the most important thing in an object or phenomenon.
  3. Using proverbs as an example, children learn to explain abstract concepts. It is also a good preparation for further understanding the meaning of fairy tales and stories.
  4. They help to improve diction. Easier to follow clarity small amount words than during retelling. Therefore, teachers often use proverbs in initial stages work on improving the tempo of speech and diction.
  5. Speech therapists also select proverbs in accordance with the sound being practiced. Thus, folk wisdom is wonderful speech material to practice the correct pronunciation.

Of course, preschoolers are introduced not only to proverbs about good deeds. It's just that they begin to acquaint children with the concept of "good" at an early age by reading fairy tales, poems and folk wisdom.

One of the most famous proverbs about good

Some folk sayings about good deeds are so often used in speech that people do not even think that this is part of oral folk art. And of course, people can use such expressions without thinking about whether it is appropriate to use them. This can be seen on the example of one well-known expression.

What is the meaning of the proverb "Good deed is strong"? This means that work done with good thoughts or for a good purpose will be lasting. Because people always remember good deeds for a long time.

Folk wisdom about kindness

Several proverbs about good will be written below. After all, you need to understand what this concept means before deciding whether a person has done a good job.

"Make good money, and get rid of the bad" - this means that you need to remember only good things. And all the bad must be forgotten, because if you only remember it, then a person will not feel happy. And from all good the world and the people around it seem kinder.

"It is good to live with the good" - with good people I always want to communicate. They, like a ray of light, illuminate life. Likewise, the knowledge that a person has done a useful deed warms, because it could make the life of others better.

There are many more proverbs about good and good deeds. But they all help the child to understand that he needs to do good things with all his heart, to take care of others, only then can deeds be considered good.

The importance of good deeds

Of course, adults need to explain to kids what is considered good. After all, children do not yet have a clear understanding of such abstract concepts. Proverbs about goodness and good deeds help to form a clearer idea.

“Life is given for good deeds” - one should strive to do good things in life. Then they will always speak well of a person, and life will become happier from the realization that you have helped others. Proverbs about good and good deeds show the child the importance of such deeds. And so baby with early years tries to take care and help others.

The most important thing is to be a kind person

Proverbs about a person and his good deeds should be one of the supports in education. They are a reflection of the wisdom of the people, accumulated over the centuries. And it is important to acquaint the child with this wisdom.

“A kind person will come - as if he will bring light” - they usually say about such people that they seem to shine from within. Everyone knows that one good thing or any nice little thing able to cheer up a person. People with good, pure thoughts appear beautiful because their inner beauty illuminates them.

“For a good person, every day is a holiday” - such people always rejoice in a new day, because they do good deeds, thanks to which the world becomes a better place. They know how to find pleasure in small things and teach others to do it. Therefore, for them, any day is a holiday.

You can often find in proverbs about good deeds and a mention of a kind person. Therefore, it is very good to introduce the child to this part of folk art.

Significance of the word

In the proverbs about good and good deeds, you can find a mention that the word can do good. All writers know that speaking a word correctly and on time can help a person. Of course, the people knew about this, therefore, among the proverbs and sayings about good deeds, one can give an example about the power of a good word.

“Affectionate word that it’s a spring day” - when a person is told good things, he begins to feel that he is being cared for, life begins to play with different colors. Kind word warms people like the sun.

Adults should also show children by their example the importance of good deeds. Wish people well more often, help others. And then the world will become kinder and better.

There are no shortcuts to science.

Every master takes on training, but he does not finish his studies.

A hungry belly for learning is deaf.

Lord, give me the strength to cope with what I can do, give me the courage to come to terms with what I cannot do, and give me the wisdom to tell one from the other.

Has a diploma, but does not understand the case.

Stars will appear - the sky will beautify, knowledge will appear - the mind will beautify.

Knows not the one who has lived a lot, but the one who has comprehended a lot.

With knowledge you will get thousands of swords, but you cannot get knowledge with the sword.

Red is a dinner with pies, a river with banks, and a gathering with heads.

The sage is known for knowledge, not for lineage.

It is easier to punish, it is more difficult to educate.

School will not learn, hunting will learn.

The student and the teacher are judged.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

First I used beeches, and then science.

To ask is a momentary shame, not to ask is a shame for life.

A full belly is deaf to learning.

Teach others and you will learn yourself.

An unlearned person is like an uncut ax.

Aphorisms and quotes about education

A.S. Makarenko“If someone asked how I could define in a concise form the essence of my teaching experience, I would answer that there are as many demands on a person and as much respect as possible for him ... "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky"Giving children joy in learning is the first commandment of upbringing."

W.Hugo"To be useful is only to be useful, to be beautiful is only to be beautiful, but to be useful and beautiful is to be great."

A.S. Makarenko"There can be no self-government without a team and a team without self-government."

Eastern wisdom“Looking back - take off your hat; looking into the future, roll up your sleeves. "

D.S. Likhachev"The greatest value is life."

Cato the Elder"Master the matter, the words will be found."

D. Locke"Nine-tenths of the people we meet are what they are - good or evil, useful or useless - through upbringing."

M.Gorky"Children are very often smarter than adults and are always sincere."

D.I.Pisarev“To educate is to prepare for life ... You have to go to school, but you have to learn much more after leaving school.”

K. Prutkov"Good upbringing brings the best of all fruits."

Plato"Education is the assimilation of good habits."

J-J Russo"The greatest mistake in upbringing is being too hasty."

K.D. Ushinsky"If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first get to know him, too, in all respects."

I.V. Goethe"Youth loves to be encouraged more than taught."

S.Smiles"The best school of discipline is the family."

A. Gramshi"The main function new family there must be a function of educating a person and a citizen. "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky"The main meaning and purpose family life- parenting. Main school parenting is a relationship between husband and wife, father and mother. "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky“Many troubles are rooted in the fact that from childhood a person is not taught to manage his desires, they are not taught to relate correctly to the concepts of“ can ”,“ must ”,“ must not ”.

Proverbs and sayings about education, collected by V. I. Dahl

Literacy will always come in handy.

Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

The book is not red in writing, it is red in mind.

Written with a pen, do not cut down and with an ax.

Anyone who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.

Go to science - endure torment.

There is no science without flour.

Whoever knows more will have books in hand.

The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

This page contains proverbs and sayings of the Russian people about children and parents, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, collected by Vladimir Ivanovich Dal.

Whoever has many children is not forgotten by God.
If there is a C (i.e. a couple), so will there be a C.
In the spring the hare went out alone in the field, and came back on his own.
Babenka is not without a child. We do not live in bachelorhood: God has commanded.
The stomach hurts, and the children will give birth. Bitter motherland, but forgetful.
They took the hodin (grandmother), will there be no homeland.
The grandmother looks like she will help the whole business.
She would not have had the chance to lure the piglet soon (from a fairy tale).
God with mercy, and grandmother with hands.
With the agony of a woman in labor, they circle her three times around the table, dissolve the royal doors, force her husband to harrow sand, etc.
The wife will give birth - the husband harrows the sand (from custom).
Not baptized, so is Bogdan (all the guys before baptism are called Bogdan).
Baka is calling for porridge (i.e. christening).
Kashka on spoons, and the fellow on the legs (sentenced).
Give a penny for porridge, the baby will live.

God forbid to give a drink, to feed, to put on a horse (and if a daughter, to put on a spindle).

As there is fog in the field, so he is happy-talan (words of the midwife over porridge).
Put the woman in labor on the tooth. Gilding, silvering a clove.
Granny for butter (from the custom at christenings).

Baby baptism. Painting by P.I.Korovin

A birthing spoon with salt and pepper (from the custom of regaling a newborn's father with a spoonful of porridge, coolly salted and peppered).
It is salty and bitter to give birth (the grandmother says, giving the father of the newborn a spoonful of porridge with salt and pepper).
If wax with rolled hair drowns in the baptismal font during baptism, the baby will not live.
If children die, they are swaddled after baptism in the place where the baptismal font stood (nizhegor.).
A pregnant woman does not go to kumas (the godson will die).
If the first three months of pregnancy are easy - a boy will be born, difficult - a girl.
If the fetus is on right side if the mother sitting stretches out right leg if he eats all food well, a boy will be born; if she readily listens to songs, puts out her left leg, the fruit is on her left side and there are many quirks - a girl.
The mother steps forward with her left foot - a boy will be born, with her right - a girl.
He was not born: a crow in a bubble just brought him.
A newborn is introduced into the baptized faith from bread and salt.
When the child is carried to be baptized, they put a glass of water on the window, as for a dead man (Kursk).
They walk on the water for baptism without a rocker, so that the godson is not a hunchback.
If you step on your foot, you will be swarmed.
The name of the monk (in baptism) - to the happiness of the baby; the name of the martyr - unfortunately (astrakh.).
Children to wean from the breast on a day when St. martyr.
Granddaughter to health, and grandmother (whisper) pie.
Wash hands (finish the job: from the ceremony at the christening, where the grandmother and the woman in labor wash their hands, serving each other, and the second bestows the first).
This is mine: buy it, you will eat (says the grandmother at the christening, serving porridge).
Giving grandmother for porridge (at christening).
Buy out each his own spoon (from the ceremony of porridge at baptism).
If the guests at the christening do not finish their porridge, then the godson will be pockmarked.
As they saw under the cross, so it would be seen under the crown (godfathers congratulate the parents).
God grant to drink, to feed, to entrust richly (with a newborn daughter).
Stand for him (a newborn) and cheer up, like money sticking out (at christenings they stick money into a pie. Tver.).
So that the godson grows so big (the godfathers say, putting a gingerbread on the shelf. Raven.).
So our Vanka would jump up (they say at christenings, splashing some of the wine on the ceiling. Astr.).
In order for the child to walk earlier, lead him across the floor during Matins of St. Easter.
Do not hang anything on the ochep (lullaby) - the child will not sleep.
To pour water over the children, from screaming, they put stoves (ash) from three stoves in the water: a hut, a maid and a bathhouse (Cherdyn).
From screaming, children are doused with water in their native place (Cherdyn).
Tickle, budiha, here's an onion (or: spinning wheel): play, but don't wake up the baby (from baby cry they put a bow and arrow under his head, a spinning wheel for a girl. Cherdyn).
From the bathhouse to the hole (sentence evil people to the death of the newborn).
Who, having dined and crossing himself, sits down to eat again, his godchildren die.
If the children are not standing, take the first comer in the godfather.
Children do not stand (do not live), so to knock out the jambs (knocking out the jambs with the door, they force the hostess to give birth in the entrance: the grandmother gives the baby backwards into the hut and takes him backwards. Nizhegor.).
Whoever has a child dies does not eat apples until the Transfiguration (so that they can be given to children in the next world).

Nobody should know about a woman in labor.

A puerpera should be tormented for the soul of every person who knows that she is in childbirth (why this should be a secret).
Putting the woman in labor under the pillow.
There should not be a single knot on the postpartum woman (for which even the braid is unwound).

Do not make the tablecloths twice: you will give birth to doubles (twins).

A newborn is taken in a sieve (astrakh.).
Take the newborn into his father's shirt, so that his father will love, and put on a shaggy sheepskin coat, so that he is rich.
A roll on the nipple and a piece of soap (when giving money to the mother).
If the shirt in which the first child is baptized is put on in turn on all subsequent ones, then everyone will love each other (Belarusian).
Doves reproduce and multiply. Boykonko - there are many children.
Guys, that woodlice, get divorced from dampness (about the poor).
There would be a blacksmith and a blacksmith - there will be this dashing (children).
Tom Thumb. Little boy with a finger.
Small guys, slanting patches, hung through the dust cover, drool sour.

A deer in diapers, Nikita is at her tit.
Okulki in cradles, Deer in diapers.
Two seats, two beds, two nuthatches (children).
Pochaski kids eat from one cup.
Kubariki-kubarishki, little children.
The mistress, which is a swan-bird, brought the children out to the village (string).
Tatiana is lame, gave birth to many children.
Previously, one pig was fed, and now with piglets (about the daughter-in-law).
Those who have no children live in sin (so that God forgives, they take a foster child).
Didn't know how to give birth to a child, feed a gray kitten.
Caress the cat too, if you have not given birth to a child.

To give birth to babies is not to break branches.

After giving birth, a woman stands in a coffin for ten days (that is, she is sick).
God grant, whoever gives birth to children, to that and feed them!
Than to lose, it would be better not (so God forbid) to give birth.
Children are not born to die.
You can't get into a pit of squabbling, you can't give birth to the death of children.
You can't bother with a host of hay, you don't give birth to the death of children.
At the most seven on the benches and all gray hairs. Mal is small is less.
There are many, but there are no superfluous ones. There are many, but there are no superfluous ones.
Take a fish and a duck, but God gives small children.

Children, children, but where am I going to have children?

Good berries with a parting, and children with a promoter.
Children - joy, children and grief.
Without children it is sad, with children it is vodlnvo (fussy).
With children, grief, but without them twice.
Without them, grief, and with them twice.
Dryness without children, dandruff with children.
The first children are falcons, the last ones are heaps.
When my mother gave birth, she trembled for three years (boast).

The first son to God, the second to the king, the third to feed himself.
One son is not a son, two are not breadwinners.
One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.

Whoever has children has worries (and troubles).
You will not get tired of giving birth to children, you will get tired of planting.
To bring up kids is not to count the chickens (pinch).
Go ahead, children: the father is responsible.
Small children are small troubles, and if they grow up, they will be big.
Children - on the hands of iron (or: corn).
Children are small - they won't let you eat, children are big - they won't let you live.
The children have matured - father, mother have matured to a century.
The kids grew up - they shook their father.

Small children will not let them eat, but the big ones will not let them wear them out.

Small ones will weave, but large ones will not let them wear out.
Small children do not allow sleep, large ones do not allow breathing.
With small children grief, with big ones twice.
Children grow up - they will frighten dad.

He knew how to give birth to a child, and be able to teach.

Otnino's (fatherly) word is true according to a fairy tale (that is, it is said about it in fairy tales).
Give, God, children, and give good ones!
Working children for the father of bread.
If you have not nurtured the little, you will not see the old either.
Punish children in youth, calm thee in old age.
The grandfather did not eat the father, the father will not eat you as a fellow (that is, with gruel or as a parasite).
You cannot drive a child into the grave with a rod (you cannot hide it), and you cannot lure a child out with a roll.
Where are the guys, such are the children.
A good uncle (dad) has kind children.
Children are not spoiled by a toy, but by spoiling a thin servant.
The nurse is more fastidious than the lady.
Mother's son. Mother's zapazushnik.
A hatched egg is always a chatterbox (i.e. a darling).
Children for toys, and queens in a quarrel.
The little one by the handle, and the uterus by the heart.

Whatever the mother knocks into the head, the father will not knock it out.

The mother broke her sinus, hide the children, and the children broke the sinuses (or: two) - hide from the uterus.
Go, children, into other people's cages (that is, steal).
Children would be healthy, there is someone to climb into other people's cells.
The third goby (about the darling). Weary at the hem.
Child that a pig. Baby what a foal.
The guys that the rabbits have: two teeth.
He does not know God, but God loves him (baby).
It grows like wheat dough on a dough.
Like dough on a dough sour. It grows - as it comes from the root.
Lezhen lies, but everything grows. It grows as it comes out of the water.
Children grow like fungi (like raincoats).
In babies under one year old, nails and hair are not cut.
The child grows a day by one car, a year by a span (and every time the mother hits him on the head, he sits down on the car, that's why stubborn little plants).
A sucker is not a sucker for a century, in a year a strigun, and then it's time for a yoke.
Son and daughter - red children.
Son and daughter are guests at home.
Son and daughter - day and night (and the day is full).
Son and daughter - the sun is clear, the month is bright.
Son and daughter, and even those cannot be fed.
The son is a guest at home, and the daughter is people will go.
The son will not plant in the passage, and the daughter will not sit in the passage (that is, the son will not be impoverished, the son will not despise).
The daughter is someone else's treasure. Hol and feed, teach and guard, but give it to people.
Feed your son - it will come in handy; feed your daughter - people will be happy.
The mother's daughter is the father's stepdaughter (that is, the mother loves, so the father does not love).

Daughters flaunt, sons live in high esteem.
He who is beautiful in daughters and sons in honor is in grace.
For old age, a sad man, for the repose of the soul (i.e., a son).

The good son is the envy of the whole world.

Which finger you don't bite is all the same: everything hurts (children).
And the snake does not eat its bowels. The fire is hot, and the child is sore.
In a cat, a kitten is also a child. The bitch has a puppy, and then a child.
The princess has a child, a cat has a kitten - such is the child.
At the book of the prince (princess), at the cat, the kitten (kittens) is also a child.
The pig recognized its pig.
Happy daughter- in the father, and the son - in the mother.
Mother's son, but Father's hump (both darling and stubborn).
His child and hunchback, yes sweet. The child is even crooked, but the father, the mother is sweet.
We do not find (resemble) children, they are like us.
I will not laugh at someone else's hump; I won't get enough of my hump.

Your fool is dearer than someone else's wiseacre.

The child is thin, but the father, the mother is cute.
Your own harrow is more expensive than someone else's worker.
Sweet is the conversation of their children. Every child is dearer to him.
Whoever has children has berries.
Whatever the son, but all his little parts.
Disease of my womb (son or daughter).
A son was born like white cheese.
Everyone will have a firstborn: there is a bright month in the forehead, the stars are clear behind the ears.

Who praises the girl? Father and mother.

Who's the girl is good at? - At the uterus. - Who's the son is smart? - At the daddy.
A good daughter, Annushka, is her mother and grandmother who praises her.
An unpunished son is a dishonor to the father.
Smooth head (dandy) is not a breadwinner for a father-mother.
Children steal, father hides. Children steal, mother grieves.

Narodila, but did not teach. Gave birth, but did not teach to teach.

The mother's son will lie, but the old woman will not lie.
Beloved son with a rod. God gave a son, and gave an oak.
One child, and even then one. From the son of a fool, not bread kolob.
I didn’t teach my son when I was feeding, but you will not be able to teach me that way.
They did not teach when I lay down across the bench; but at full length, you cannot teach.
Not the father, mother, who gave birth, but the one who gave drink, nurtured and taught good.
We live - not people, but we will die - not parents.
He himself is drunk, and the children are hungry. The connecting rod itself, the children of the shake.

The prodigal son is an early grave for his father.

Old man with a hump (made it), and son with a throat (lived).
Father's children beat, graze on themselves.
They will not live out their days, others will anger their father and mother.
Rest the mother does her will of God.
Do not leave your father and mother in old age, and God will not leave you.
The parental word by (to the wind) does not say.
At least in the old way, at least in a new way, but everything is a father older than son.
There are two joys in old age: one son is a thief, the other is a drunkard.
Neither to his own delight, nor to people for service (gave birth).

To the father-mother dishonor - obedience to the clan-tribe.

A child was born older than grandmother(clears up).
A mother's heart is in children, and a child's heart is in stone.
Children are about chips, and the uterus is about children.
Children for the cells, and the uterus for the branches.
Children for cells, uterus for children, and daddy for uterus.
The uterus cries for her daughter, and the daughter jumps on the board.
A chicken has hatched ducklings, and cries with them.

Children are good - for a father, a crown for a mother, thin - for a father, a mother's end.

May God bless the father of health, and the children are all in the trade.
Whoever has children, that one has trouble.
Mother to children - but I rarely see them: they sit in different cages.
Mother has disfigured that the earth is not a primate.
My mother disfigured that even the pit will not accept.
The son will sing - and the father will not stop. My son, and he has his own mind.
What kind of order, so that father, mother would not be appeased?
God gave the father that he would not listen to his own son either.
He was born - neither a mother nor a father, but a passing fellow.
Brothers sudariki, help with the tank to fight!
Our Anton does not grieve about that: his mother is dying, and he is dying with laughter.
He buried his father as if he had gotten out of the field.
He hid his father-mother, wilted into his head.
The pig is not up to the piglets, if they are scorching (smoldering).
What is the father, if he is a fine fellow.

Feed your son for the time being: the time will come - the son will feed you.

He fed him to his mustache, to feed him to the beard (from a fairy tale: the son said to his father, that is, feed him to maturity).
In a stupid son, even the father is not free.
A foolish son is not helped by inheritance (wealth is not for the future).
A foolish son will not sew a mind for a stupid son.
It will be with us, not our children; and the children will - they will get it themselves.
The heirs cry that little is left for them.
The father cries for his son that he left little money.
Graze to feed; do not graze in order to make rich.
Children can live with their father's mind, but they cannot live with their father's money.
He does not die, who does not leave children.
The Lord cleans up the father and mother, and gives the children an attorney.

God is the intercessor of the sire and the widow.
The gray and the widow cry, but for the orphan and the widow God is on guard.
For the orphan, God himself with a pot.
God gave a mouth to the orphan, and will give a piece.
To live in orphanhood is to shed tears.
Little orphans do not want to feed (they will not work soon).
Orphan, go to a foreign land! There is a light on the orphans.
Do not go outside the gate, if there is an orphan of yours.
Don't build a church, add an orphan!
Give pity to your own, and then to others! His own unwilling friend.

You will find everything in the world except your father and mother.

Well, just like in old age, father.
You can buy everything, but you cannot buy a father-mother.
There is an old (father) - would have killed him; if there is no old one, I would buy it.
You will find bird milk even in a fairy tale, but you will not find another father-mother in a fairy tale.
If the tank died, and the mack is out of place.
A mother with her son is not an heiress (not a fiefdom).
Without a father, half an orphan, and without a mother, all an orphan.
There are many fathers, but the mother is one (that is, it is easier to replace the father).
If there was a uterus, there would have been a snatch (that is, food).
Bees without a queen are lost babies.
Orphans live like peas on the road: whoever walks by will snatch.
Then the orphan and the holiday, when the white shirt is given.
There is no friend like dear mother.
With the sun it is warm, but with the mother it is good.
As God is before people, so is the father before children.
God is before people, and the father is before children.
Hold on like own father!
The bird rejoices in the spring, and the baby is the mother.
Whoever has a uterus has a smooth head.

A blind puppy is crawling to his mother.

My steep mountain is high, the white stone wall is strong (father).
In the afternoon, my sorrowful woman, in the night, the night worship (mother).
Mother is righteous - the fence is made of stone.
The mother cries (for the child) not over a handful, but over a handful.
The young wife cries until the morning dew, the sister until the gold rings, the mother forever.
Wife for advice, mother-in-law for greetings, but not dearer to his own mother.
Parental blessing does not sink on water, does not burn on fire.
Parents are alive - read it, died - remember!
He who honors his parents will never perish.
A father's oath dries up, but a mother's roots.
Mother's prayer takes out (takes out) from the bottom of the sea.
At the father-mother in the groove (that is, in the parental home).

The beatings do not hurt matter. The mother does not beat the bey.

My own mother swings high, but does not hurt.
The mother will raise her high, but her hand will not hurt.
The hired hand beats the child well, but caresses poorly.
Its own uterus beats, but it does not pierce, but someone else's stroking will iron it.
The mother beats, so strokes, and a stranger and strokes, so beats.
With a fist and in the back - then a dove to his son.
A smart son is a substitute for a father, a stupid one is not help.
As the grass grows in the field, so would your good grow (says the father, blessing and endowing his son, which is always done on the new moon).
In his family, everyone (father, uncle) is big himself.


Whoever is without a watcher from the cradle is not in business all his life.

A child - what a dough: as it kneaded, it grew.

Both for the worse and for the good they are accustomed from a young age.

What you teach a child, you get from him.

I fed the snake on my neck.

What Vanya has not learned, Ivan will not learn.

As you go to bed, you will sleep.

What goes around comes around.

Bend the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys.

Teach your son, when it lies across the bench, stretches along - it will be difficult.

Rot the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys.

Whoever learns from a young age does not know hunger in old age.

That's why the guy fell off the horse because his father put him crookedly.


Punish children with shame, not a whip.

It is easier to punish, it is more difficult to educate.

Good example Is the best sermon.

A sure pointer is not a fist, but a weasel.

Drove by the handle - got a little white-handed.

The beatings torment, not teach.

Do not feed with a roll, but do not hit with a brick.

A dumb reproach is heavier than what was said.

Unreasonable care is worse than homelessness.

Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

You can't raise a puppy without rigor.

Let the children go at will, you yourself will be in captivity.


When children stand on their heads, parents stand on their ears.

The best way to make children good - to make them happy.

Love is not necessarily children, but children are necessarily love.

Children's questions usually require non-childish answers.

It is not easy to get children back on their feet - especially in the early morning.

Born yourself - help someone else.

Happy parents- sleepy parents.

Son! Obey your mom and do as dad said!

It's good when nature rested on children, worse when it laughed.

Theses on the upbringing of preschoolers by domestic teachers and psychologists

There are two difficult things in the world - to educate and manage.

(Immanuel Kant)

If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher.

(Lev Tolstoy)

Education is the assimilation of good habits.


Adults should not be angry with children because it does not fix it, it spoils it.

(Janusz Korczak)

When you think about children's brain, can you imagine delicate flower rose, on which a drop of dew trembles. What care and tenderness are needed so that, after picking a flower, not to drop a drop.

(V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Only that in a person is firmly and reliably, that is absorbed into his nature in his first period of life.

(Comenius J.)

The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems to almost everyone to be familiar and understandable, and to others it is even easy, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it theoretically or practically.

(Ushinsky K. D.)

The teacher must behave in such a way that every movement brought him up, and he must always know what he wants in this moment and what he doesn't want. If the educator does not know this, whom can he educate?

(A.S. Makarenko)

True parenting is less about rules than exercise.

(J.J. Rousseau)

Education should not only develop a person's mind and give him a certain amount of information, but should ignite in him a thirst for serious work, without which his life can be neither worthy nor happy.

(K.D. Ushinsky)

Target benchmarks preschool education, designated in the FSES DO , suggest the formation in children preschool age prerequisites for learning activities subject to the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the program. Today, according to the requirements of the Standard, the learning process is not a ready-made outline, but a search and co-creation, in which children learn to plan, draw conclusions, acquire new knowledge through their own activities. The fuller and more diverse the children's activity, the more significant it is for the child, the more successful its development is, and the potential opportunities are realized.

The successful formation of educational activity depends on what motives are motivated by it. If a child does not want to learn, he cannot be taught. Outwardly, the activity of children in class may be similar, but internally, psychologically, it is very different. Often it is prompted by external motives that are not related to the acquired knowledge and what the child is doing. The kid is not interested in mathematics, but in class he tries to complete tasks so as not to displease the teacher. Or the child does not like to draw, but makes a picture to give to grandmother for her birthday. In kindergarten, children are often engaged, because "it is necessary", "so they say", "so as not to be scolded."

Intrinsic motivation is caused by cognitive interest child: "interesting", "I want to know (be able to)." In this case, knowledge is not a means of achieving some other goal ("so as not to be scolded", "it is necessary to give it to the grandmother"), but the goal of the child's activity. The results of educational activity are much higher if it is prompted by internal motives. An important didactic principle on the basis of which the methodology of classes with children of the 2nd year of life is based is the use of visualization in combination with the word.

Teaching children early age should be visual and effective. Organization educational work involves education and training on special classes, v regime moments and in joint activities a teacher with children throughout the day. Classes are entirely in the form of a game. Game tricks ensure the dynamism of the learning process, maximally satisfy the child's needs for independence - speech and behavioral (movements, actions, etc.)

At the age of 3 kids need to start teaching, developing. Classes in younger group kindergarten already differ from what was in the nursery. But still, they pass in game form... The assimilation of program material by children is largely determined by work aimed at developing the skills of educational activity. It is important from the first lessons to develop in children the ability to practice, systematically teach them to carefully observe the actions of the teacher and at the same time listen to his instructions. Most difficult to teach children given age listen to the task to the end. “Put the toys back! I haven't said everything yet! " - the teacher stops the children, not allowing them to act ahead of time. The teacher constantly encourages children to listen carefully and remember the task, willingly and accurately perform it, observing a certain sequence of actions. Children must learn to start and finish work at the same time, to act independently, not to interfere with each other, to bring things to the end. When asked to the group, they learn to answer one at a time. "I will ask questions to everyone, and the one whom I call will answer," he says this requirement teacher. However, in individual cases to activate the children, he resorts to choral answers: "Let's name (count) everything together!" Children learn to address answers to their comrades. ("Tell it out loud so everyone can hear!")

The development of the ability to closely monitor the actions and responses of comrades requires special care. Children are offered to help a friend: to clarify, supplement, correct the answer. At the same time, they maintain a benevolent attitude towards each other.

Constantly evaluating the results of children's work, the teacher teaches them to control their actions, compare what they did with what needed to be done (according to the model), notice inaccuracies, mistakes, and strive to correct them.

Middle group. They continue to devote to fostering careful handling of benefits and the ability to use them correctly. The ability to control their attention in children of 5 years old is just beginning to form. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage them to be attentive. The teacher approves of those who try, work with concentration, keep up with their comrades and bring the matter to the end. When summarizing the results of the lesson, they evaluate not only how the material has been learned, but also the behavior of children in the lesson.

Senior group. Explaining to five-year-old children how to behave in class, they rely on their consciousness. The teacher constantly emphasizes that those who carefully listen to both him and his comrades, who work without distraction, are always ready to answer the question, remember well and correctly perform the tasks. Showing the dependence of the result of work on how the children listened to and remembered the task teaches them to appreciate the instructions of the teacher and act exactly in accordance with them. V senior group children are often given tasks that, along with solving an educational problem, train voluntary attention and memory. For example, play exercises“What has changed?”, “Who will remember?”, “Silent woman”, etc.

Great attention devote to the development of self-control. The main means of developing self-control is the teacher's assessment of the actions and results of the work of children. After listening to the child's report on the completed task, he gives an assessment, helps to find the causes of mistakes and correct them. In some cases, children are offered to exchange work and check the correctness of the assignment by a friend. Self-control is nurtured by presenting a sample after completing a task. Checking whether he did so, as given on the sample, the child finds and corrects mistakes. Children are taught to evaluate the results of their work and that of their peers fairly.

Controlling their own actions in the process of work makes it difficult for five-year-olds, so they are first taught to control each other's work. For example, to follow the actions of a comrade working at the teacher's table (at the blackboard), to evaluate not only the result, but also the way of completing the task. Children are taught to listen carefully to a friend's answer, not to repeat, but to supplement and clarify it. ("Did he say everything? Is it clear?") They organize the work in pairs, when one child completes the task and the other controls it. Assessment of the teacher, control over the actions of a comrade allow children in the future to master the ability to control their own activities.

In the older group, they continue to form the skills of organized behavior in the classroom, children are taught to be restrained, to raise their hand only when they know how to answer a question, to wait patiently when called, to prepare their own workplace, keep the manuals in order throughout the lesson.

In the classroom in mathematics, use a large number of allowances, therefore it is important to provide for the order of their placement. It is advisable, in preparation for the lesson, to arrange the manuals in such an order that at the top are those that will be required first, and at the bottom - the last. First, they are placed on the table to the left of the child, and in the course of work, he puts the used aids to his right. Children now take small counting material from a common tray. In each specific case, it is determined what the duty attendants for the lesson should do and what each of the children should do. This also applies to the organization of the workplace, and the cleaning of benefits after class.

Thus, in the older group, not only the initial mathematical representations children, but also significantly restructured work in the classroom. Much attention is paid to the formation of voluntary, attention and memory, development mental actions(analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization), ingenuity and ingenuity, the development of interest in the acquisition of knowledge.

Preparatory group. Children of the preparatory group must independently carry out individual assignments: organize a group of peers to repair books, act as an assistant during a walk, conduct outdoor game... For the successful completion of the assignment, the child must be encouraged.Leading the development of independence in children, the educator teaches them to solve the task without reminding, help and control, to consciously relate to the work performed, to control their actions.The development of independence is associated with the complication of the motives of activity. V preparatory group her motivation is manifested, for example, in the fact that the child not only wants to complete the task well, as the teacher teaches, but also to get a high mark, to establish himself in the correct solution of the problem.Children evaluate their performance by comparing it with the performance of their peers. By the end of their stay in kindergarten, they acquire sufficient experience in analyzing the completed assignment, and are able to critically approach what has been done. In the preparatory group for school, increased requirements are imposed on the organization of children's activities in the classroom. Therefore, children are taught to prepare a workplace, depending on the content and nature of the upcoming activity. Correctly use aids and equipment, plan your work, follow the sequence of its implementation, use time rationally, work at a certain pace, etc. The requirements for the behavior of children in the classroom are also increasing: sit correctly, be fit, listen carefully, do not interrupt others, supplement the answer of a friend, etc.

Program execution physical education children provides not only the solution of its general tasks, but also the formation of stable habits to different types hardening, the need for morning exercises and physical exercise, the desire to improve movements, the ability to carry them out with their peers.

If a child at preschool age masters the types of physical exercises available to him, he will love sport games and entertainment, then this will be a prerequisite for the fact that in school years he will do them during his leisure hours. This will serve as a rest from mental work, and a means of further healing the body. Teaching children sports physical exercise is a special section of the work, which is carried out by a physical instructor.

The fundamental principle modern teaching in preschool is educational and educational training, which involves the development of children cognitive processes, interest in knowledge. In the implementation of this in kindergarten, especially important role belongs to classes, during which the elementary educational activity of children is planned and systematically improved. This allows them to form their understanding of the educational task and readiness, the desire to complete it, the ability to act according to the plan and instructions of an adult, to use the previously acquired knowledge and skills in new activities, mastery of ways to perform tasks, the ability to self-control, assessment and self-esteem.

The teacher takes care of the mental upbringing and development of each child, puts him in front of the need, solving mental problems, to spend some effort. Gradually, in the learning process, children develop conscious attitude to tasks, the ability to listen attentively, delve into explanations, the desire to achieve good results not for praise, but for satisfaction from the results of labor. Preschoolers develop the ability to work with concentration, at a certain pace, and increase their efficiency.

Great importance in the implementation of the principle of developmental learning, the adult guides the process of completing the assignment, its assessment. When evaluating the work, he should be interested not only in its result (drawing, applique, composed story, etc.), but also with the mental efforts expended by the child, his diligence, independence, passion for the work. Correct assessment is always educative. It is also important to take into account the level of the child's mastery of this type of activity in order not only to better see his progress, but also to tell him about it. Deliberate analysis, conducted in a tactful tone, will help the child understand his successes and mistakes, to achieve better results.

Analysis and evaluation of work together with the performer contributes to the formation of important skills necessary for learning activities at school (comparison, juxtaposition, self-control, etc.).

The organization becomes more difficult. collective labor... Children work in teams under the guidance of a foreman appointed by the educator or chosen by preschoolers. Correctly delivered labor education contributes greatly to the success of teaching in the primary grades.

But we must not forget that the main activity of children is still play. It is recommended to purchase board games, contributing to the development of attention, memory, orientation in space, the development of sensory organs, thinking, speech, contributing to the clarification of ideas about surrounding reality and do not forget to read books to children by age.

Ekaterina Gordeeva

Proverbs and sayings about parenting can be used to work with parents in counseling, parental meetings to improve pedagogical knowledge parents.

1. Good children are the crown of business, and bad kids- business is over.

2. One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.

3. Small children are heavy in their knees, and large ones in their hearts.

4. Small children are not allowed to sleep, but they grow up, and you yourself will not fall asleep.

5. Man without upbringing - a body without a soul.

6. Do not boast about your father - boast about your son well done.

7. He knew how son give birth - be able and teach.

8. To whom give birth to children, so grow them.

9. He who is without a watcher from the cradle is not in business all his life.

10. Rot the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys.

11. I didn’t teach when I was lying across the bench, but I was stretched out at full length - you cannot teach.

12. The mind will come and the time will pass.

13. Do not expect a good tribe from a bad seed.

14. What roots, such branches, what parents, such and children.

15. From a pig, beavers will not be born, but the same piglets.

16. Apple from the apple tree will be born, and from the tree cones.

17. My son, ah he has his own mind.

18. I lost money - I did not lose anything, I lost time - I lost a lot, I lost my health - I lost everything.

19. You ruin your health - you can't buy a new one.

20. Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm.

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