How to sunbathe in a horizontal solarium. How to sunbathe in a solarium. Rules for getting a beautiful tan in a vertical solarium

The cosmetology industry does not stand still, it is actively developing and improving its industries. If a few years ago only horizontal solariums were known, now in beauty salons and tanning studios, it is not uncommon to find vertical and turbo boxes. The latter can be both vertical and horizontal, but their advantage is comfort and protection against burns. The specifics of receiving a dose of ultraviolet radiation in a vertical box differs from a horizontal box, it has its own nuances and rules. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information from which you will learn how to sunbathe properly in vertical solarium for a beautiful tan.

The benefits and harms of vertical insolation

A visit to the solarium is just as good for health as taking sunbathing. Ultraviolet rays stimulate the production of not only melanin, but also vitamin D, which is almost not produced by the body during the cold season. Also, many women visit a solarium before relaxing in hot countries to prepare their skin for scorching heat. sunbeams and prevent burns.

The insolation procedure is fully controlled, depending on the power of the lamps and the intensity of the radiation, the duration of the sessions and their frequency varies.

After a course of visits to the solarium, following changes in the body, which are very beneficial to health:

  • Vitamin D produced by the skin strengthens the immune system skeletal system and prevents the development of osteoporosis.
  • Many skin infections are cured.
  • Removes acne and acne(only if they do not have a hormonal etiology).
  • Dilated blood vessels constrict.

Such results can be achieved if all the rules are followed, and if they are not followed, you risk easily getting burned.

How to sunbathe in a vertical solarium?

  1. Before the first session, it is necessary to draw up a schedule of visits, it can be strictly individual. A beautician or dermatologist will help you figure it out.
  2. Before a visit to the solarium, it is better to take a shower or bath, remove cosmetics from your face and do not use perfumes.
  3. During the session, you need to close your eyes, but it is better to use special glasses. Also, do not forget to take care of your hair by hiding it under a hat.
  4. All jewelry must be removed before the procedure, it is recommended to remove and contact lenses, and pre-treat the skin with a special milk or cream. Apply a moisturizing balm to your lips.
  5. Sunbathing in a solarium is better in cotton underwear, but if you want to go into boxing naked, then intimate parts Still better to cover with disposable pads. For nipples and tattoos, a tanning studio or beauty salon specialist will offer you special stickers.
  6. In a vertical solarium, it is better to move during the session - so the rays will be evenly scattered throughout the body, and the tan will lie evenly. Dance - as a bonus to a golden tan, you will also get a great mood.
  7. It is better to raise your hands in a vertical solarium up - the tan will fall evenly on them inner surface. Some booths are equipped with a special mount, which is convenient to hold during the session. To tan the inner surface of the thighs, it is better to spread the legs slightly so that they do not touch each other.
  8. Do not forget to apply special creams and lotions to the skin after insolation, which will help fix the result and moisturize the epidermis to prevent dehydration.
  9. Some women complain that after visiting a vertical solarium, the tan on their legs is more light shade than throughout the body. Choose a box with a mirror floor, it will reflect ultra-violet rays and the tan will be even.

    Solarium warnings and contraindications

    In the presence of chronic diseases, it is better to consult your doctor before the first insolation session. It is forbidden to visit the solarium in case of oncological diseases, the presence open wounds etc. Menstruation, pregnancy, lactation are periods in a woman's life when changes in the hormonal background occur. It is better to postpone a visit to the solarium at this time, as hormonal changes the tan may not be fixed or may lie in spots. Yes, and for the health of women, as well as the fetus, ultraviolet radiation during pregnancy is harmful.

    Duration of solar sessions

    The time spent in the box is assigned individually, it depends on the type of skin, its color and susceptibility to ultraviolet rays.

  • First phototype, Celtic- it includes fair-skinned girls with blond or red hair, freckles, blue and gray eyes. For the first skin type, the first session should not last more than 3 minutes, maximum duration following procedures- no longer than 10 minutes. The frequency of insolation is allowed no more than twice a week.
  • The second type, European- characterized fair skin, light blond hair, grey, green or blue eyes. Such girls are recommended to visit the solarium no more than twice a week, the duration of the first session ranges from 3 to 5 minutes, and all the rest - 10-12 minutes.
  • Third dark-skinned European type- it includes girls with swarthy or yellowish skin, brown or gray eyes, brown or black hair. The first procedure for such persons should not last longer than 7 minutes, the rest can reach 20 minutes. The frequency of sessions - up to 3 per week.
  • Fourth Mediterranean type- girls belonging to him have dark skin and hair, brown or black eyes. The first sessions are 5-7 minutes, all the rest - 20 minutes each. You can visit the tanning studio every other day.

After completing the course of procedures and obtaining an even tan, it is necessary to re-insolate every 7-9 days to maintain skin tone. But such regularity is relative, it can be regulated by a solarium specialist or a cosmetologist.

Now you know how to sunbathe in a vertical solarium. So hurry up to sign up for the first session to look flawless and irresistible!

A tanned body looks more well-groomed and toned. Going to the solarium is a common procedure for people of different incomes and ages. So you can easily get a healthier and more attractive appearance.

To tan beautifully, you must follow a series of simple rules: how to sunbathe in a solarium.

Rules for tanning in a solarium

  1. You can not sunbathe while taking some medicines. In this case, the photosensitivity of the skin increases, which can lead to allergic reaction.
  2. On the day of the procedure, you can not sunbathe in the open sun.
  3. During the procedure, it is necessary to protect moles and tattoos with special stickers. Stickini must be glued to the nipples. Lips should be protected with a balm with a UV filter, and special glasses should be worn on the eyes.
  4. The interval between procedures should be 2-3 days.
  5. It is important to observe the time spent in the solarium.
  6. Any session should not be longer than 15 minutes.
  7. Do not use perfume before the procedure.
  8. All cosmetical tools should be removed from the skin before tanning in order to obtain an even color.
  9. Do not sunbathe with jewelry and contact lenses.
  10. It is better to take a shower a few hours before the procedure, without using alkaline products. They are able to wash off the protective film from the surface of the skin, which can lead to micro burns.
  11. Experts do not advise going to the solarium immediately after physical activity. The procedure in this case will be an additional burden on the body.
  12. Tattoo fades during tanning. Therefore, places with a tattoo should be protected with a cream with a high UV filter.
  13. Newly made tattoos and piercings must be covered with stickers before starting the procedure.
  14. It is good to use special tools before the session. They stimulate the production of melanin in the skin and enhance the tanning effect.
  15. It is impossible to use any moisturizer that is not specifically designed for tanning in a solarium before and during the session. The moisture in the composition of the product acts as a lens for the rays, which can lead to burns of the dermis.
  16. After the session, you can not go to the bath. The skin is in need of restoration. A tan may appear unevenly and to a lesser extent.

Interesting fact! UV radiation in solarium lamps is 12 times stronger than in natural solar radiation. Therefore, only 15 minutes of sunbathing in a solarium is equal to 4 hours of insolation under direct sunlight.

From the procedure in the salon, you can easily and quickly achieve the desired skin tone.

Indications and contraindications

The indications for the procedure are:

  • struggle with the syndrome chronic fatigue and depression;
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, oily seborrhea, acne);
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • hardening;
  • activation of hematopoiesis;
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • skin preparation for the summer season.


  • cardiac and respiratory failure, asthma;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • infectious diseases of the skin;
  • increased body temperature;
  • tuberculosis and blood diseases;
  • any neoplasms;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • spasmophilia;
  • CNS lesions;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • taking certain medications;
  • individual intolerance to UV rays;
  • birthmarks and the presence of large numerous moles;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • rash of any etiology;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • light sensitive skin;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • 2 days before and after depilation;
  • after the peeling procedure, you can not sunbathe for a month.

Experts advise how to properly sunbathe in a solarium to get a tan.

It is necessary to follow the rules on how to properly sunbathe in a solarium in order to tan evenly

First, you should exclude all risk factors in the form of contraindications and find out your photo skin type.

How many minutes do you need to sunbathe in the solarium

Information on how to properly sunbathe in a solarium in order to tan effectively is presented in a convenient table:

skin type Appearance Features First tanning time (in minutes) Time increase interval (in minutes) Maximum amount of time (in minutes) How often

you can sunbathe

Sensitive (Celtic type) Very fair skin, natural blondes and redheads, light color eye, freckles You can't sunbathe. Exposure to UV radiation can easily cause burns.
Normal (Nordic and Central European types) Blonde hair from a light shade to chestnut, eyes of any color. Light skin of beige or pink shades. 3 2 10 2-3 times
Swarthy (Mediterranean type) dark skin, dark hair and eyes. 5-7 3 15 In one day

After obtaining the desired skin tone, it will be enough to maintain the effect by repeating the procedure once a week.

How to sunbathe in a solarium

Must be done a few days before the peeling procedure. You should take a towel, slippers and linen with you.

Creams and protective equipment can be purchased in the salon.

How to sunbathe in a solarium to get a tan:

  1. It will be correct to take a shower a few hours before the session without peeling and washcloths. In this case, you can only use shower gel.
  2. It is necessary to wash off cosmetics in order to tan evenly.
  3. Do not use any perfume before the session.
  4. You need to sunbathe in the solarium without decorations.
  5. You should cover your hair with a special hat or scarf
  6. Apply a high UV filter cream to lips, tattoos and moles.
  7. Linen should be made from natural materials.
  8. If there is no underwear, stikini should be attached to the chest.
  9. It is also recommended to protect the piercing with stickers.
  10. And the eyes are special glasses.
  11. Dermatologists and cosmetologists consider it mandatory to use specialized cosmetics before and after sunburn. So the tone will appear quickly and evenly.
  12. It is necessary to observe the procedure time.

How to sunbathe in a vertical solarium

It should be borne in mind that the power of UV lamps in such a box is higher compared to other types of solarium. Therefore, the radiation dose in them is greater and the procedure takes less time.

You can start a session on a vertical platform from 3 minutes. Over the next 2 days, the skin continues to produce melanin and vitamin D. And the hydro-lipid balance of the dermis is able to fully recover.

During the session for effective tanning, it would be better to spread your legs shoulder-width apart and raise your hands up. The position of the hands can be alternated: hold on to the handles on the top of the booth or put your palms on your belt.

A bonus of modern vertical boxes is the presence of a radio inside. Therefore, various dance movements can become a useful and enjoyable activity during the session.

How to sunbathe in a horizontal solarium

The intensity of tanning on a horizontal platform is much lower. Therefore, the procedure time can be safely increased by 2 times compared to a vertical box.

It is worth starting the session from 6 minutes and gradually increase the time spent under the rays to 20 minutes.

Before starting the procedure, you must make sure that the surface of the site is thoroughly treated with a disinfectant.

You should alternate between lying on your back and on your stomach for more even tan. And it is important to ensure that the light from the lamps evenly hits the inner surface of the arms and legs.

How to sunbathe in a solarium for the first time

Before the first trip to this procedure, you should consult with your doctor about the presence of contraindications and characteristics of the body.

For such advice, it is better to consult a therapist or your doctor.

A dermatologist will help you find out your skin type and give recommendations on how to properly sunbathe in a solarium in order to get a good tan.

An endocrinologist and gynecologist, if necessary, will give an opinion on the level of hormones based on the results of the blood. Their level is important because if there are problems, the tan will go unevenly. Or the procedures will lead to more serious violations in endocrine system organism.

Before the first session, you need to familiarize yourself with the operation of the device and learn how to use the control panel. Cabin doors should open easily from the inside.

It is necessary to check with the salon administrator when the lamps were last changed. Maximum term lamp life is estimated by experts in the average range of 500 hours.

In the case of a procedure under expired lamps, there is a risk of getting a high degree irradiation and minimal tanning effect.

The time spent under the rays of artificial insolation for the first time is 3 minutes. After 2 days, the procedure can be repeated. Each time you can add 2 minutes to the session.

Experts claim that tan develops gradually during the first 8 hours after the procedure.

At this time, redness on the skin may become normal manifestations. They must be painless. The presence of such manifestations depends on the type of skin.

Important to remember! If during the procedure there is a burning sensation on the skin, general malaise or any other discomfort, then it is better to stop the session immediately. Such symptoms may be signs of individual intolerance.

How to sunbathe in a solarium without a face

Note! The skin of the face tans faster than the body. In a horizontal box, you can use the function to turn off the lamps in the face and décolleté area.

Dermatologists advise using a specialized cream with high level UV filter. Or you can just cover your face with a napkin during the session.

How to get a tan in a solarium with fair skin

How to sunbathe in a solarium for owners of fair skin in order to tan safely: experts focus on the time of tanning in this case. It would be better to start the first sessions from 2 minutes.

And until the skin stops reddening, do not increase the time. Then add 1 minute each subsequent time. The regularity of visits to the solarium should not exceed 2 times a week.

Doctors insist on the use of special tanning products in the solarium, taking into account the type of skin.

For fair skin, you should choose gentle products without components that stimulate the production of melanin. This nuance should be observed in order to gradually get used to light skin to UV rays.

How to quickly and well tan in a solarium to a chocolate color

To achieve a quick and lasting effect from visiting a solarium, you must follow the well-known rules of tanning. You should use bronzers and other cosmetics designed for tanning in a solarium.

They increase the effect of UV radiation and stimulate the production of melanin in the dermis. A beautiful tan will also be facilitated by rubbing oils into the skin before the procedure.

Solarium cosmetics

Solarium cosmetics are divided into developers, activators and fixatives. Developers stimulate the production of melanin in the dermis. Their use is advisable in the first few sessions.

The next step is to use activators. They are able to enhance blood circulation and other metabolic processes in upper layers dermis. Therefore, the skin tans faster. The color becomes more saturated.

Fixatives contribute to the preservation and prolongation of color retention on the skin. These include bronzers, which help to quickly achieve the desired shade.

Such cosmetics are designed to get the best result from a visit to the solarium and protect the skin from the adverse effects of UV radiation. Similar funds take care of the dermis, moisturize and nourish it. They also activate and fix the tan.

Specialized tools are fundamentally different from conventional ones. beach funds for Tan. The use of the latter in a solarium is meaningless.

All products for use in the solarium contain antioxidants to prolong the youthfulness of the skin. Such products should be selected individually according to the type of skin and applied evenly over the entire surface of the body.

American brand Emerald Bay offers the consumer wide choose products based natural ingredients.

Russian company products Estel supplemented with formic acid. It helps to eliminate bad smell from the skin after insolation.

Another local company Solbianca produces products with shea butter and cocoa in the composition. These cosmetic products provide good hydration dermis and enhance the effect of UV fluxes.

American company Australian Gold offers to use lotions, creams, bronzers with organic oils.

It is advisable to use all tanning products of the same brand. They complement each other's actions and compensate for the adverse effects of insolation.

Sunburn with coconut oil

Coconut oil can lighten the tanning process and enhance the effect of it. Before the session, cosmetologists recommend applying a mixture of tanning cream in a solarium and coconut oil to the skin in a ratio of 3: 1.

If the insolation lasted more than 10 minutes, then 40 minutes after the end of the session, apply the mixture again for more deep nutrition and manifestations of a persistent uniform tan tone.

If you are prone to an allergic reaction, you should choose refined coconut oil.

Why do the legs tan badly in the solarium?

In a vertical solarium, the legs sunbathe less relative to the rest of the body. Therefore, manufacturers produce modern vertical boxes with mirror floors for intense reflection of UV rays and enhancing tanning on lower parts body.

In which solarium is it better to sunbathe legs

On a horizontal platform, the body tans more evenly than in a vertical solarium. The lamps of the horizontal box are located at the same distance from all parts of the body.

Therefore, cosmetologists proper tanning It is recommended to use both horizontal and vertical platforms alternately in order to tan evenly.

How to sunbathe in a solarium to tan your legs

Cosmetologists advise to give the skin on the legs Special attention in preparation for a session on a vertical platform. It is necessary to apply a lot of cream on the legs with coconut oil.

In the chamber during insolation it is better to be in dynamics: change body position or dance.

And after the procedure it will be better to use a bronzer.

How often can you sunbathe in the solarium. Is it possible every day?

You can sunbathe in the solarium only with an interval of 2 days. This is the time needed to recover. protective functions skin.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without glasses?

You can stay in the artificial insolation chamber without special glasses. In this case, the eyes should be tightly closed.

UV rays have a negative effect on the tissues of the eye and can lead to a decrease in visual acuity.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without a cream?

Dermatologists recommend using specialized cosmetics in the solarium. But on different reasons this is sometimes impossible, for example, an allergy. In this case, the effect of tanning will be much less. Absence protective cream will cause dry skin and premature aging.

Therefore, if you are intolerant to specialized cosmetics, you should consult with a specialist about choosing an alternative in the form of any refined vegetable oil.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without underwear?

It is undesirable to sunbathe in a solarium without underwear. Delicate intimate parts of the body must be protected from aggressive impact UV radiation. In the absence of laundry, it is recommended to cover these areas with stickers.

Women over the age of 30 must use underwear in a solarium. It is dangerous to expose the mammary glands to insolation without protection in the form of a bra or swimsuit top. The risk of developing breast tumors increases.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium during menstruation?

The increased temperature inside the box of artificial insolation leads to an increase in body temperature, which contributes to the expansion of blood vessels and an increase in secretions during menstruation.

The hormonal background of a woman changes during this period. And the tan can appear unevenly. Overheating of the body critical days in a woman can lead to serious malfunctions in the endocrine system.

The skin under the influence of hormones during the days of menstruation becomes sensitive. Sunburn can cause burns and age spots Therefore, doctors recommend postponing a visit to the solarium until the menstruation stops.

Can pregnant women sunbathe in a solarium?

This ban is due to changes hormonal background And negative influence UV radiation to the developing fetus.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after a solarium?

In one day, combining a beach tan and artificial insolation is unhealthy. The skin is exposed to excessive UV radiation. This can lead to general overheating of the body, dry skin and burns.

Is it harmful to sunbathe in a solarium?

Tanning in a solarium in the absence of contraindications is useful procedure, which has many indications for use.

Any impact on human body should be moderate. Artificial sun exposure can help to cope with many problems and improve mood. But with excessive visits to the solarium, the consequences can be negative for the body.

How to sunbathe in a solarium safely?

During the procedure and after it, it is important to monitor the general well-being and condition of the skin.

In the cabin of the solarium, the control panel must be in good working order and ventilation must work well.

Doctors' advice - how to safely sunbathe in a solarium:

  1. At first for unprepared skin will be correct use photo protection for the skin.
  2. You can not increase the time of one visit to tan faster.
  3. Before the session, you must familiarize yourself with the act on the replacement of lamps in the solarium booth. It is worth considering that the new lamps give the intensity of tanning much higher. Therefore, the procedure time in this case should be reduced. The average lamp life is up to 700 hours.
  4. Turbo solarium should be chosen for tanning only by owners of well-prepared skin, which already has a dark tone.
  5. Between sessions it is necessary to take a break of at least 1 day.
  6. It is important to use special products while tanning in a solarium. And after the procedure, it is advisable to moisturize the skin nourishing lotions and creams.

Sunburn in a solarium - how long does it last. How to save for a long time.

The duration of the tan is individual. Tanned skin tone lasts up to 2 weeks. You can extend it by visiting the solarium once a week for 15 minutes.

Tips from cosmetologists to extend the life of a tan:

How to sunbathe in a solarium in order to tan beautifully: for this, you must follow all the recommendations of specialists. It is easy to achieve an even and attractive skin tone. A visit to the solarium can bring real pleasure, visually make the body toned and elastic. A beautiful tan is synonymous with youth and health.

How to sunbathe in a solarium. Video

In this video, I'll show you how to use a tanning bed to get the right tan according to your skin type:

In the next video, a specialist will tell you how to sunbathe in a solarium in order to tan without harm to the skin:

Disputes over which solarium to prefer have been going on online for a long time. Almost everyone who regularly visits the solarium already has their own preferences. For those who have not yet become regulars in solariums, we offer the following information to help them make the right choice.

How it works

There are several indicators that directly affect the intensity of tanning and the number of minutes / sessions that will need to be spent in the solarium to get the result:

  • types of lamp radiation and their percentage;
  • lamp power;
  • lamp pressure;
  • the number of hours worked by the lamps;
  • solarium type.

Types of radiation

  • Ultraviolet A (UVA).

Ultraviolet A rays act most gently, triggering the production of melanin in the skin.

  • Ultraviolet B (UVB).

More aggressive radiation that causes the same reddening of the skin that precedes the appearance of a rich tan.

  • Ultraviolet C (UVC).

This type of radiation should not be in a solarium, since their effect on the skin with high probability leads to cancer.


Normal values ​​for a solarium: UVA - 97-99%, UVB - 1-3%. UVC rays from the sun block the ozone layer. UVC rays from lamps (if lamps are used high pressure) must be blocked by the special glass used to manufacture these same lamps.

Lamp power

It depends on the power how quickly you can tan under the solarium lamps. For comparison, lamps for a mini-tanning bed have a power of about 100 watts, because average duration session is 20-40 minutes, and get saturated chocolate tan You won't be able to do it without bronzers.

Lamps for industrial (salon) solariums have a power of 160-180 watts, so you should not stay in such a solarium for more than 10 minutes.

New lamps are distinguished by more powerful radiation. But those lamps that have already worked for many hours and their resource is almost exhausted, give less intense radiation.

Therefore, if the lamps have been changed in the solarium where you have been going for some time, it is necessary to reduce the session time by half, otherwise there is a high risk of burns.

If you don’t want to reduce the time spent in the solarium so radically, then you can ask the administrator of the solarium how much to sunbathe safely, taking into account new lamps.

Video: Hapro Luxura x3 sunbed

Device value

It is believed that the radiation that is given by vertically located lamps is more intense. Therefore, sessions in a vertical solarium are recommended to be twice as short as in a horizontal one.

There are differences in the quality of tanning in different solariums. In the vertical, the upper part of the body tans more. And in order not to form white spots in the armpits, you need to keep your hands up for the entire session, or at least most of it.

In a horizontal position, you can relax and lie down, but there is a risk of getting light spots in those places where the skin strongly takes root to the glass, for example, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades. Better in an upright position, it is the legs that sunbathe.

Given this difference in the intensity of tanning the upper or vice versa lower body, some regular visitors to solariums use different ways even out skin tone

  • you can alternate sessions in vertical and horizontal solarium;
  • different intensities of exposure to tanning creams can help smooth out the tone of the body (for example, for tanning in a vertical solarium for the body, you can use regular cream, and for legs with a tingle effect);
  • also help to get a more intense tan of the legs in a vertical solarium with a mirror bottom.

The horizontal solarium has one more drawback: it must be disinfected after each client, since during the session the client is placed on the glass with his whole body.

There are those who take special disinfectants, there are those who ask the administrator to clean the surfaces immediately before the procedure. In any case, the issue of hygiene is significant for most visitors.

How to sunbathe

The rules of tanning are practically the same for vertical and horizontal tanning beds. Everywhere you need to use a hair cap, goggles, clean the skin before the procedure from cosmetics and perfumes, remove jewelry, apply sun protection. Regardless of the form, in a new salon, you need to ask the administrator about the power of the lamps, how long these lamps work, and how much time it costs to not get burned.

Also, you should not extend your session in a new solarium (add another 5 or 10 minutes after the first 10 minutes). It is better to see what the reaction of the skin will be and only from the second or third procedure “to break away to the maximum”.

Video: Sonnex Lux Diamant

Price comparison

In most Russian cities, prices for 1 minute in a solarium start at 10 rubles. The maximum price is 20 rubles. Moreover, there is no clear dependence of the price on the type of solarium (horizontal, vertical, turbo). 10 rubles - this is if you buy a certain number of minutes in the subscription. If the procedure is one-time, then one minute can cost up to 15 rubles.

In Moscow, on the contrary, there is a clear gradation of prices depending on which solarium is installed in the tanning studio. A minute in vertical will cost about 10 rubles, in horizontal 15 rubles, turbo - 20 rubles. The patency of the salon will also have a value: the more visited the salon is, the more expensive the procedure will be, respectively.

The debate about whether tanning in a tanning bed is harmful or beneficial to health, in Lately subside. Experts say with confidence that if all the rules of use are followed and there are no contraindications, the client will not have problems. And this means that everyone who wants to find skin after consulting a doctor can safely sign up for tanning sessions. And here the question arises: what to choose, a solarium horizontal or vertical?

Vertical and horizontal solarium: what's the difference?

A solarium is a special medical device made in the form of a shower cabin or a horizontal capsule. Lamps are installed on its walls, which, during operation, emit enough ultraviolet rays to produce melanin, a pigment that makes the skin darker. It is believed that the course in its effectiveness can be compared with a trip to the southern countries. At proper conduct such procedures are extremely beneficial to health. It remains only to understand Fundamental difference- in the position of the client's body during tanning. A horizontal solarium is a capsule with a rising lid, in which you need to lie down, after which the master of the salon lowers upper part and turns on the lights. In the vertical version, the client enters the cabin and enjoys the procedure. There are many more important features solariums, rather than the type of construction. Namely, the number and power of lamps, the manufacturer, the presence of additional options.

Advantages of a horizontal solarium

Many people find it natural to sunbathe while lying down. And this is perhaps one of the most important advantages of a horizontal solarium. Do not think that in such a capsule you will have to lie still. During a tanning session, it is quite possible to move, turn sideways, which means that the tan will lie flat. It is believed that it is the horizontal solarium that will help to find the ideal even tan on foot. Indeed, the lamps are installed along the entire length of the walls. If you do not forget during the session to expose the inner surface of the thigh to the artificial "sun", bend your legs a little, and then change position - the result will be perfect tan from fingertips to waist. In many horizontal solariums, you can separately turn off the "face" lamps. This option is useful for customers who want to keep their natural shade skin. And do not think that a horizontal solarium is boring, many modern appliances allow for aromatherapy during a tanning session, equipped with music systems, fans and other additional options.

Cons of a horizontal solarium

Like any other cosmetic device, the solarium-capsule has its drawbacks. You should not even try to sunbathe in it for people suffering from claustrophobia, and for everyone who is uncomfortable in a limited space. While taking sun lamps, the client's skin is in contact with the surface of the walls. Therefore, if your choice is a horizontal solarium, give preference to salons with a good reputation. In such establishments, disinfection of equipment should be carried out after each session. It is believed that the sides sunbathe best in however, during the course of sessions, you probably will not notice the difference and any problems.

Rules for tanning

In order for the skin to become even dark shade take time for her high-quality cleaning. It is best to do a peeling the day before, and take a shower before the procedure. Be sure to remove all jewelry, but sunbathing in underwear or without it is already a matter of taste. If you choose the second option, do not be too lazy to purchase nipple protectors. The horizontal solarium has approximately the same recommendations for use as its vertical counterpart. Be sure to apply special agent Before sunbathing, protect your eyes, it is also useful to use lip balm. Before starting a course of procedures, it is useful to consult with a beautician. By determining your skin type and knowing desired result, a specialist will help you make the right tanning schedule. Usually, it is recommended to start your acquaintance with the solarium from 5-10 minutes, increasing the duration of the sessions over time.

Solarium contraindications

If you decide by, be sure to read the contraindications before signing up for the procedure. It is strictly forbidden to visit a solarium of any type during pregnancy, such an effect on the body can be very harmful expectant mother and her baby. It is also not recommended to schedule tanning sessions on the days of menstruation. A large dose of ultraviolet radiation can provoke an increase in secretions. Before asking about how to properly sunbathe in a horizontal tanning bed, make sure that your skin does not have too many moles and that they all look healthy. Also, refuse the procedures for the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The best choice for home use

A horizontal solarium is considered equipment for a beauty salon. But real tanning fans prefer to purchase it for personal use. Today on sale you can find devices of this category, designed for home use. And these are not only professional capsules that have a high cost. A home horizontal solarium can be compact in size. Some models even fit under a standard bed. Do you want to be able to sunbathe always, but no excess funds? Consider purchasing a one-sided horizontal tanning bed. The lamps in it are located only on one side, however, to achieve good result you will have to sunbathe on each side of your body in turn.

Horizontal of those already tanned

Which is better - decide on an ultraviolet irradiation procedure in the cabin or wait sunny days? Solariums are quite common today, and in our country every fourth inhabitant has used them at least once. Many people like salon tanning sessions, because it is relatively inexpensive and natural way get a tan at any time of the year, which is important for residents of central Russia and the northern regions. There are also those whom the solarium has disappointed. When signing up for a procedure, you need to remember that the lamps affect our skin in the same way as the sun. And that means you can't ignore simple rules security. Do not listen to those who are already burned. If you choose a horizontal solarium, the salon administrator will definitely tell you. Use special cream, correctly calculate the time of the session, and then you won’t have to wait for problems!

Light tan gives the skin well-groomed appearance, hides minor defects, visually slims. Before the beginning beach season achieve desired shade solarium will help. But before signing up for a session, you need to weigh the pros and cons of the procedure and prepare for it.

From our material you will learn many useful tips for women about how to properly tan in a solarium (vertical or horizontal, tanning rules for those who go for the procedure for the first time), how often you can do it, what contraindications exist.

What is useful and what is dangerous artificial tanning

Solariums have many advantages. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the body produces serotonin, which improves mood. At the same time, the amount of vitamin D increases, which improves the absorption of calcium.

With moderate dosed consumption, it normalizes arterial pressure, increases immunity, reduces the risk of colds.

After several sessions, the skin acquires a pleasant shade, becomes more dense and well-groomed. Ultraviolet cures some types skin diseases, slows down the development of eczema and psoriasis.

A big advantage of solariums is the speed of tanning. After just a couple of visits, the skin becomes golden, gradually the depth of color increases. The tan turns out to be perfectly even, such an effect cannot be achieved on an ordinary beach. In addition, the risk of burning is significantly reduced.

Despite the advantages, solariums also have disadvantages. That is why they are not recommended for children and people under 18 years of age.

Among the main disadvantages:

  1. Premature aging of the skin. People who are fond of artificial tanning complain of dryness, peeling, the appearance of fine wrinkles.
  2. Slow down cell regeneration. This problem arises when visiting solariums with old lamps that have served their time.
  3. Increased inflammation and ulcers. People suffering from acne frequent visits tanning beds can exacerbate the problem. The number of subcutaneous acne increases, they become larger and more painful.
  4. risk of skin cancer. Artificial ultraviolet rays provoke the appearance of melanoma - one of the most dangerous malignant neoplasms.

Basic Rules

In beauty salons and tanning studios, 2 types of solariums are installed: vertical and horizontal. It is believed that the first option is more suitable for tanning the upper body, the second is ideal for providing saturated shade abdomen, thighs and legs.

But more often the choice is made due to personal preferences. In the horizontal model, you can relax and lie down, but the vertical one provides a more even tan without white spots.

It is much more important to clarify the power of the lamps, the degree of their pressure and the time of replacement. The newer the lamps in the solarium, the brighter and more durable the tan will be. It is desirable to have turbolamps that provide an even and beautiful complexion.

It is much more comfortable to use a solarium with a built-in cooling system. The conditioner guarantees a pleasant temperature and prevents overheating during the session.

Before entering the cabin, you need to make sure that the staff has disinfected the panels and the pillow with a special solution.

The time spent in the solarium depends on the type of epidermis. For Celtic-type girls with white or pinkish skin, on which a tan practically does not hold, it is better to refuse a tanning bed altogether or limit your stay in a booth to 3 minutes.

People with light brown hair and yellowish skin, belonging to the Central European type, can sunbathe for 3-5 minutes, gradually increasing the sessions to 10 minutes.

Representatives of the southern European type with dark hair and skin susceptible to tanning can start from 7 minutes, after 3-4 sessions the stay in the solarium is doubled.

The least risky are dark-skinned and brown-eyed representatives of the Mediterranean type.. Their olive skin practically does not burn, you can start from 7-10 minutes, after a couple of sessions, such people are allowed to bask under the lamps for up to 20 minutes without a break.

In between sessions, it is worth using tinted creams and body powders. They even out the tone, give the skin light shine and well-groomed look.

How often can the procedure be performed

After completing the course, you need to take a break of 2-3 months. Representatives light color type it is worth reducing the number of sessions to 1 per week, the break between courses should be 6 months.

A little trick will help to make the tan brighter. At the same time as going to the solarium, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice (0.5 cups per day). Fresh must be supplemented with a spoonful of cream or a few drops vegetable oil. Replacement carrot juice- tablets or drops with beta-carotene, which are taken according to the instructions.

Special cosmetics will help to strengthen the tan and ensure its durability. At the first visit, a special moisturizing milk is applied to the skin, which enhances the production of melanin and prevents dryness. Girls with very fair skin can use a special tanning oil that forms the thinnest protective film on the skin.

The oil not only enhances the tan, but also preserves normal level humidity. After a few sessions, you can use activators that enhance the color. They contain bronzing components that cause blood flow to the skin.

After the session, you need to use a fixer. This soft cream soothes the skin, relieves redness, eliminates peeling, itching and dryness. The body becomes smooth, velvety, pleasant to the touch. It is better not to save on cosmetics, experts recommend purchasing drugs from the same line that enhance the effect of each other.

If there are tattoos on the skin, regular sunscreen is applied to them. high SPF. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the tattoo may turn pale, the filters will retain the brightness of the colors.

Possible contraindications

To reduce the risk of complications, you must strictly follow the safety rules. In the solarium, eye protection is mandatory.

Special glasses are issued in salons, but you can also buy your own comfortable pair.

Breast protection with nipple and areola stickers, they can be replaced by ordinary cotton pads. Some girls prefer to sunbathe in a bikini, so the tan looks more natural, and the risk of getting skin problems is reduced.

Before the solarium you need to take a shower without using soap and shower gel, drying skin.

Remove all of your face decorative cosmetics, lips cover hygienic lipstick With sun filters. Hair is tucked under a hat.

The solarium cannot be visited when:

  • gynecological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • tuberculosis;
  • neoplasms of any nature;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • a large number of moles on the body and face;
  • the constant use of antibiotics and other potent drugs.

Artificial tan is prohibited after plastic surgery, procedures for , and , application permanent makeup and tattoos.

People who have chronic diseases Before visiting the solarium, you should consult your doctor. Some ailments can worsen, but sometimes ultraviolet rays help to achieve a stable remission.

Several Yet interesting facts You can learn about the benefits and dangers of a solarium by watching this video:

Now you know how to properly start sunbathing in a solarium, how to achieve an even and beautiful shade skin, in what terms it is possible and whether it will be possible to quickly tan with the help of procedures.

For everyone who decides to try fake tan, you need to take into account the contraindications and benefits of solariums. In order not to harm yourself, you need to start with just a few minutes, do not neglect the means of protection and carefully care for the skin after the sessions.