How to propose a date to a man. Invite the guy to meet in contact. Why does the guy not offer to meet

In the age of emancipation and feminism, women are very often concerned with the question: is it possible to take a step towards a man first? Or is it bad manners and a woman should fold her hands on her knees and wait until the prince deigns to notice her? Perhaps you are all languishing with desire and want to date handsome man, but modesty does not allow to say so. Let's tell you how you can hint to him about your sympathy.

1. Directly in the forehead

If you are brave, determined and used to taking everything you want from life, why not tell him directly: “I like you, I want to meet you.” Honestly, this method is completely not for me, but I know for sure that it often works. You just need to understand that in this case a man can turn out to be a follower, and you can get along if you are ready to always and in everything be ahead.

2. Reply to a compliment

A man compliments you endlessly, but still hasn't decided on something else? There are two options: either he is not interested in you enough to offer you more, or you look snow queen which is scary to approach. The next time he tells you another nice thing, throw him a hook: "I would listen to your compliments day and night."

3. Asking for help

The most innocent and sophisticated way to make a man think that the initiative of the relationship comes from him. Your request for help should not be trifling, but very weighty. For example, ask him to bring a bag of food for your dog from the pet store - 15 kilograms for a fragile girl like you is too heavy. A friend of mine once asked a man she was interested in to help... by donating blood for her sick dog. The man gladly agreed - the blood, of course, was not his, but his Labrador. Now my friend is married to this man.

4. Smile at him

So old but effective way! Maybe you work for the same company or live next door. Smile at him every time - every woman knows how to send an encrypted sign “I like you” with her smile and eyes.

5. Hook him with an extraordinary phrase

Once I was at a master class on cognac blending. We were given cognacs different years release since different flavors and asked about our associations. A master class of amazing charisma was conducted by a man, he spoke so enthusiastically about the art of creating cognac that, having tried it, I thoughtfully said: “This cognac reminded me of the aroma of wild forest mushrooms, and this one reminded me of a man’s skin after rain ...” The man looked at me intently. Needless to say, it was one of my brightest novels!

6. Send an email

Do you remember the correspondence between Bridget Jones and Daniel Cleaver? Write something like this to your desired one: “You won! You're the most eligible bachelor in town, would you like to meet me?"

7. Like his photo on Facebook

Twitter, Odnoklassniki or VKontakte are also suitable for this. In addition to the like, you can write a cute comment.

8. Flirt

Only the most complete blockhead (or already engaged in another woman) will not understand frank flirting. Which method to choose - well, this is such a delicate matter that I will not undertake to advise, but, most importantly, in an effort to lure a man, do not overdo it. It is not at all necessary to show the elastic of the stockings, but verbal sparring with light hints is what you need.

Gone are the days when we had to sit and wait for them to make the first move. In our day and age, we can ask the guys ourselves! Did you like these methods or do you stick to traditional views?

If you go on dates with a guy, then at some point there is a desire to go to the next level and start a relationship. It is likely that you are the only partners for each other or are ready to recognize the importance of this person. Before asking a guy out, you should carefully consider how ready you are for new commitments. The right moment is key to such an offer, so choose right time and place. The conversation should not be tense. Start with positive phrases to get the desired response.


Part 1

How to Know You're Ready

    Determine how committed you are. Such a decision can be very difficult. Regardless of your thoughts, readiness for a strong relationship can be determined by a number of factors. Each case is unique and you may have certain expectations about the relationship. Ask yourself the following questions:

    Consider the length of your relationship. If you propose to meet too early, then in the absence of mutual feelings the guy is scared. Waiting too long can lead to confusion and resentment. Every relationship is different, so there is no specific time period to wait. Trust your intuition. If it seems that right moment has arrived, no doubt.

    Determine if the guy is interested in the relationship. Try to understand how the guy feels about you. The only way find out the exact answer - ask a direct question, but you can also pay attention to external signs.

    Get ready for rejection. Despite all the hopes of hearing a positive answer, it is important to be prepared for rejection. The guy may not be ready for a serious relationship with you or not want to change something. Think about how you should respond to rejection.

    • If you want to build a serious relationship with a person, and he refuses you, then sometimes it's better to just leave. This makes it easier to find a person who also wants a strong relationship.
    • If you are happy with your current relationship, then you can wait until the guy is ready.
    • If you feel for him strong feelings, then it is important to decide whether to continue communication after the refusal. You can remain friends or cut off any contact.

    Part 2

    How to choose the right moment
    1. Plan ahead. It will be easier for you if you know exactly when the decisive conversation will take place. You can rehearse the conversation in advance or determine the right moment. There is no single right moment to propose a date. Carefully evaluate personal circumstances.

      Get ready to meet in person. Sometimes you just want to send a message to a guy, but such issues are best resolved in person. Face to face conversation allows you to consider different variants relations. If a guy has questions or concerns, then you can immediately discuss them.

      • If you're in a long distance relationship, it's not always easy to meet in person. When deciding to talk during a meeting, it is better to wait until the end of the date so as not to spoil the conversation in case of a negative answer. If there is no opportunity to meet, then you can just call.
    2. Choose a suitable location. One right place there is simply no place to discuss relationships, but the environment should not prevent you from expressing feelings and discussing the future. It is important to choose an option that is suitable for both you and the guy.

    3. Ask a question at right moment. While having fun on the appointed day, focus on relaxing. Wait for the right moment to start a conversation. Such a moment even feels like “right” or “special”. If you find it difficult to choose right time then follow the general guidelines.

      • If a guy compliments you, return the favor and start a conversation about what you like about each other. This is a natural transition to talking about relationships.
      • Start a conversation at the moment awkward silence. Tell me how happy you are now and see if it's worth continuing.
      • At the end of a date or meeting, say the following: “Listen, before you leave, I would like to discuss something.”
    4. Wait until the guy himself offers to meet. If it's not very important for you to call the guy your partner as soon as possible, then wait until he comes to this himself. This will allow you to understand how ready he is for a serious relationship. If you are not sure about your feelings or do not know the guy's plans, then this option is the most suitable.

      • You don't have to wait indefinitely. Set a deadline for yourself. For example, if within a month the guy does not offer you to meet, then do it yourself.

    Part 3

    How to propose a date
    1. Give a compliment. Tell the guy what you like about him. Flattering words allow the guy to relax and prepare for the conversation. By praising the guy's sense of humor, intelligence, kindness, you will show your attitude towards him.

      • Say, “You are very funny. I have never met such funny guys before.”
      • Here is another compliment: “You are so caring. I am very touched by this attitude.”
      • If he smiles, thanks you, or compliments you back, that's a good sign.
    2. Talk about your feelings. By starting the conversation on a positive note, it will be easier for you to express your feelings. If the compliment brought a positive reaction, move on to the more serious part of the conversation. Talk about how you feel about the person. Say that you really enjoy spending time together or confess your feelings.

      • Say, “I feel very good with you. You wonderful person and I thought a lot about our relationship.”
      • On the this stage It's better not to tell a person that you love him. He may be scared or worried that the relationship is moving too fast. Instead, you can say that you "have feelings" or the guy "really likes" you.
    3. Invite the guy to meet. It's best to ask directly if the guy is ready to date you. Depending on the situation, the issue can be approached from different angles.

      • Ask directly: “I would like to date you. Will you be my boyfriend?".
      • If you are not completely sure about the relationship, then ask: “Where do you think our relationship can lead?”.
      • If you are both dating different people, then ask: “How do you look at becoming the only partners for each other?”.
      • If you need to understand how he perceives you, then say: “What should I tell other people when they ask about our relationship? Can I call you my boyfriend?".
    4. Define expectations. People can perceive strong relationship differently. Perhaps he is ready to meet only with you, but not ready to meet his parents. Perhaps the guy wants intimacy, but you are willing to wait. During the conversation, you need to clearly discuss your own expectations.

      • At the beginning of the conversation, you can ask the question: “What does dating mean to you?”.
      • Answer honestly if a guy asks what you expect from a relationship. For example, tell him the following: "I expect a guy to be faithful and honest with me. I'm not ready for marriage yet, but I want to explore the possibility of more serious relationship".
    5. Allow time for a response. The question can put the guy in a difficult position. If he is anxious, nervous, or hesitant, then give him time to think about the answer. It may seem that he is not ready for commitment, but sometimes people just need to weigh the pros and cons.

      • Say, “If you need time to think, that's all right. Say the answer when you're ready."
      • Let the guy be alone. Ask: “How much time do you need to think it over?”. Do not return to the question at least for a while.
      • Don't rush to move on to the next stage after a few dates. Every relationship moves at its own unique speed, but a guy may not be ready for the big step of meeting his parents or living together.
      • Tell what you expect from the relationship so that no one feels hurt.
      • Different relationships develop on different schedules and in different conditions. There is no need to be ashamed or worried if your relationship is not like the relationship of your friends.


      • After a rejection, it's natural to feel sad, sad, or overwhelmed. Spend time with friends and do things you love to take your mind off sad thoughts.
      • Do not chase the guy and do not impose. If he doesn't want to date you, then it's best to just move on.
      • Don't get mad if the guy doesn't want to date you. Rejection can be due to many reasons. Perhaps he is not ready for a serious relationship or you are not suitable for each other.

Girls from a very young age want romantic relationship with boys. They dream of kisses, long walks and hugs of a loved one. It also becomes noticeable that guys are a little shy and shy. Then thoughts appear to take the very first step.

First you need to go through a few simple and effective steps on the way to victory:

  • Make sure your affection is mutual. After all, otherwise the guy will refuse. Try to smile at him, to speak. If he communicates with pleasure, tries to show signs of attention (opens the door in front of you, skips ahead), then you can be calm.
  • Let me know you're free. It's best to say this directly, because guys have a hard time understanding hints.
  • Invite him somewhere. You can just take a walk or sit in a cafe. By the behavior it will immediately become clear whether he wants to be with you. If you can clearly see it, but just understand that he is a little shy, then go for it.

Three simple steps passed, you understand that he is interested in him, you are perfect for each other, now it's time to propose to meet.

In this case, there are several successful and win-win options:

  1. This can be done at the end of the walk. The evening time is perfect, when it is already not crowded and calm. This environment will help you relax before important event. Collect your thoughts, take a deep and slow breath and say: “I like you for a long time. Let's meet".
  2. Ask young man do something to help. There are a lot of options for helping him: bring heavy bags, set up a computer, tighten up your studies. You can come up with something of your own. When he finishes helping you, take a moment and ask: “Are we already dating?”.
  3. If you have any offenders, then ask the young man to intercede. Say you're scared. From your helplessness and sweet face, he will not be able to resist. The guy will definitely want to appear bold and strong in front of you. In the end, when you thank him, kiss him on the cheek. At this time, the most opportune moment will come to propose dating.

In a sense, your friends can serve as "tools". Find out if anyone knows this young man from your environment. Does your girlfriend talk to him personally? Wonderful! Try to gently hint through a friend that you want to date him. If she does everything right, then this guy will take further steps himself. Mutual acquaintances can also help, through whom you can be in his campaign. You will begin to communicate more and have the opportunity to talk about your feelings.

There are more tools on the Internet. You can send him a song that sings about love.

Only in the statuses of any records that all people can read, specifically the name of the guy should not be.

Confessions are best left in personal correspondence.

Invite him to meet by correspondence in contact

It is much easier to talk about your feelings when you do not see a person live, you do not look into his eyes. Therefore, it is very easy to offer to meet on VK.

Start a conversation with the guy you like. But do not write messages that do not need to be answered.

It is necessary to make your proposal to meet if you see that the guy does not hold any grudges against you, that he did not spoil his mood during the day. This will help the boy to accept the right decision. For in bad mood he can give a negative answer in the heat of the moment, which he will regret for a long time.

Ask if he has a girlfriend. You won't ruin someone's relationship. When you are completely convinced that all the conditions are met and that very moment has come - write about your sympathy. Write immediately: "Let's meet". Do it quickly, so as not to start involuntarily dissuading yourself.

The most suitable moment is night or evening.

Just be sure to make sure that the young man is still awake. Otherwise, he will only get mad at you. If you're a little scared or nervous, then make your offer quick and without further ado. Don't keep the conversation going for an hour or you might forget what it's all about. Write to him immediately that you want to meet. This is the most efficient way. A little later, the answer will come. And you will see for yourself how easy it was.

This is where you need to be brave. At first, you can just chat about how the day went, ask questions of interest. casual conversationgreat option. Then slowly move on to the topic of relationships.

And even more appreciate the praise in their address. Tell a young man that anyone would envy his athletic training.

After all the eulogies, the time for frankness will come. Ask: "Do you like me?". Talk a little about your mutual sympathy, about how you would like to build relationships with just such a person. And then ask him to meet. A shy guy will be indescribably happy with this turn.

To do this, you must be one hundred percent sure that he also wants this. Nothing else will work. Ask if the guy is single. If you recently broke up with a girl, then it may be difficult for him to build a new relationship. After all, the guys in young age very vulnerable and illegible in girls. Then support him warm words. The guy must make sure that the relationship with you will not be a mistake, as with the previous girl.

If you have already fully decided that you are ready to propose a guy to meet, then choose the moment when you are both serious. Don't do this if the conversations are too funny. It is better to choose a time when no one is around. You can gently whisper your proposal into his ear. Take all this into account, and he will definitely agree.

by the most suitable phrases, which will help you make your proposal relevant and correct, will be the following:

  • “I like you for a long time. I wanna be with you"
  • “You are so athletic. Let's meet, we can go to the gym together"
  • "You have such strong hands. I want only these arms around me. We shall be together?"
  • “I'm so tired of being alone. I miss male care. Let's be a couple"
  • "I'm crazy about your eyes. I want to look at them forever. Let's meet"

Say these words at the right time and the guy will become yours.

This is a very memorable way that speaks of the rich inner world. Any romantic will appreciate such an offer. You can offer to meet in verse both on the Internet and live. Do you want to surprise your chosen one? Then focus on what you have planned, find a convenient place and time to write poetry. Settling down comfortably, rhymes will come to your mind. Write everything down on paper or on a computer. Then you need to re-read and edit everything. Pay attention to correct grammar and punctuation. It is necessary to compose your confession in such a way that it turns out romantic and harmonious.

The guy will be delighted and shocked at good sense from the offer to poetic form. Make him a pleasant surprise with his confession. He will simply have to agree. Your work will cause admiration and respect.

First, think about whether you are ready for a relationship. After all, youth is given for entertainment. Relationships require loyalty and honesty. But if you understand that you are experiencing strong feelings, then you need to do something. Tell the guy directly what you want and what you dream about. He must immediately understand that he must make a serious decision. Offer to meet a young man not in comic form, but well thought out.

Check with your girlfriends if that guy is worth your time and effort. Suddenly someone already talked to him before you. Or ask your mom for advice if you have trusting relationship. native person always helpful with good advice.

In this case, the main thing is unobtrusiveness. Give the guy time to think things through. After all, this decision is not easy. You shouldn't call every hour and ask what he's up to. If there is no news from the guy for a long time, then only in this case should you ask. Although, when the guy immediately gives an answer, then all the torment and questions about his favor disappear, because everything immediately falls into place.

Be polite and nice to your boyfriend. Boys don't like rude girls. Tell him little but nice compliments. Young people love flattery. Smile more often and try to control your emotions. Do not be offended over trifles. If all this is foreseen, then the guy will see his ideal in you.

Common mistakes are the following:

  • Wrong wording his proposal to meet. The guy might misunderstand. Use the phrases above.
  • Haste. It is not necessary to stun the guy on the third day of dating. Wait a little, get to know each other better.
  • Chatting with other guys. You can’t walk with other boys if you have already offered to meet someone. After all, if he sees this, he will think that it will always be so, which is fraught with refusal.

Psychologists advise making such an offer in the evening, when it is already dark. It doesn't matter where and how it happens: near the house or on the phone. In the evening or at night it is much easier to collect your thoughts, weigh everything and make the right decision. Evening time is the best time for revelations. But in no case should such proposals be made under the influence of alcohol intoxication. The guy may have a false impression of you. Offer to meet with clear thoughts.

Believe me, you do not need such a guy. You will spend a lot of energy so that he leaves his girlfriend. And in the end, over time, such a guy will be able to do the same in relation to you. And it's always nice when a young man tries to win you over, and not vice versa. But if you have already firmly decided, then show the guy your advantages so that he himself wants to quit his passion. Offer to meet so that later that same girl does not become your enemy. Do everything carefully so that she does not guess anything.

In this situation, you need to be quite careful and careful not to spoil the relationship with the two guys. If you offend a friend and start dating another boy, then this may end badly.

Therefore, in this situation, you should try to explain to your friend that you have already chosen a guy, and you can continue to communicate with him in a friendly way. The main thing here is not to spoil your relationship with both guys and maintain their friendship.

You just need to interest the young man. Be sure to find common topics and interests. If he goes swimming, then you go too. If you go to the gym or somewhere else, then try to visit these places if possible. Common interests very close. Don't forget about appearance. You should always look rested and fresh. When you see that he is interested in you, start flirting and flirting.

Also, through acquaintances, you can try to hint that he liked you. If you are still going to wait for the first step on his part, then nothing else is worth doing. The main thing is to show that you are not indifferent to this guy either. He must clearly understand given fact. Only in this case, the guy will offer to meet first.

You already know about poetry. But what to do if there are problems with imagination and eloquence?

Another way is suitable during the winter, when the snow has already fallen. You can trample your offer in the snow under the guy's windows. Then write him an SMS with something like this: "Look out the window." It is very romantic and beautiful. This can be done on asphalt as well. But in this case, you need to get paint. Yes, in case of refusal, it would be better if there were no traces left. But this is hard to resist.

It does not matter. It is generally accepted that guys should say such words. But now you will not surprise anyone that the girl herself is taking the first steps. If you don't want to miss the guy, then you better act first. And then suddenly there is another girl who will be more courageous. It is better to propose first and get an answer, whatever it turns out to be. But you will immediately know whether it is worth waiting for his favor and some actions related to the proposal to meet.

There may be several reasons for this:

  1. He is too shy. In this case, you just need to wait. If you see signs of attention from the guy and accept them safely, then soon he will dare and the offer will come.
  2. Thinks you already have a boyfriend. He may have seen you with other boys as well. It can be friends, brothers, and classmates. There are a lot of options, but the guy could come up with something more. Let me know you're free.
  3. He thinks that you are not suitable for each other. Now this is more serious reason. If the guy decided so, then it will be difficult to convince him. But it's worth a try. Prove to the boy that you are a good girl.

That's all. At first it may seem that it is not so difficult and scary to propose a meeting, but in fact you have to try to get an agreement. Gather courage, focus and take the first step. Tune in for the best. After all, the subconscious also bears fruit if you program yourself in advance for a favorable outcome. Do not give up and remember: if one guy refuses, then there will be millions of others in the world who will definitely like you.

Today, the modern young lady can make her own choices and win her sympathy. different ways. And men are not always bold and decisive, as they seem. Most of them are very shy and timid, which prevents them from taking the first step to start a relationship. Such guys need an external push, which the girl should make if the sympathy is mutual. But girls in this case need to act carefully, otherwise they may hurt the feeling dignity men.

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Approaches to different men

Everyone wants to get a positive response to their proposal to be together, so you need to carefully look at your chosen one. To study his character, tastes, preferences, hobbies, and only after that develop a strategy of action and behavior in order to achieve what he wants. An important role plays the age and type of women that he likes. It should be determined who he is at the time of the proposal of the relationship:

Who has toAn approach
FriendIf he's just a friend for now, it's easier to act. During the period of friendship, there are already some observations of what he likes and what not, which girls attract his attention and make him want to meet. By behavior, it becomes clear whether he simply treats the girl with respect or shows mutual sympathy, but is afraid to cross the line so as not to lose friendship. It is better to act carefully, flirt a little, build eyes and flirt. So he will notice in his girlfriend a woman who may like someone else and begin to conquer her
Familiar young manThe young man is overwhelmed with a variety of emotions, a thirst for adventurism and adventure. When a boy who is sympathetic to a girl is in her close circle (a group of friends, a classmate, a classmate, an employee, or just a neighbor), there are a number of advantages for taking the initiative. With such a gentleman, you should not be afraid to show your feelings first and ask a direct question after easy communication. During the conversation, his facial expressions and gestures will give out true attitude to your girlfriend. They still do not know how to fully control emotions and will definitely give themselves away if they experience unfriendly interest.
grown manAn older man is harder to get to. Due to their age and life experience they are more difficult to open. Hot, youthful passions have already subsided, they prefer a more relaxed lifestyle and stability in relationships. It is harder for them to open up to new relationships, especially after 40 years, when they have an internal crisis and a reassessment of values. They no longer like windy and eccentric young ladies, but are looking for a relationship for the soul. It is important for them to have a good companion capable of listening and understanding. Therefore, you should not rush to offer to meet at the beginning of an acquaintance, but rather draw intrigue and show your seriousness. The faster an adult man begins to trust and appreciate a girl, the more likely he is to receive a positive response when it is decided to take action.

The collected information about the chosen one (his routine of life, character) and their analysis increase the chances of a positive response from the guy. You can get closer to his friends and spin in the environment to get Additional information about him. Do not be surprised that the data obtained can radically change the opinion about this person and discourage the desire to start a relationship with him. But if all the information turns out to be as expected, then the girl should take the risk and be the first to offer a relationship.

What kind of relationship does a man need?

Depending on what kind of relationship a woman needs, the ways to implement them will also be very diverse. If you are not interested in serious flirting, you can safely invite nice guy take a walk on a romantic date.

When the goal is a long-term, serious relationship, more deliberate behavior must be chosen. It is advisable to follow tactics that lead a man to the fact that he independently offered to meet. You need to turn on all your charm and mystery, interest in communication, surround with care. You should not be very intrusive - call a hundred times a day, follow you everywhere. It will only repel and cause aggression. It is important for him to feel freedom and personal space, where you can be alone with yourself.

How to present yourself well

A girl is more likely to receive a positive response when she can create an aura around herself. desired woman for all men, but at the same time she herself chooses with whom she should be. Such a woman is subconscious level awakens the instinct of conquest. Even the most shy guy join this game and involuntarily manifest itself. To create such an aura, you must follow some simple rules:

First, interest your chosen one in positive, relaxed communication. This strategy allows you to more flexibly adapt to circumstances and choose good time to open.

How to find the right conditions

The right environment for a conversation is the key to success. It is best to start such a conversation in calm conditions and good mood. So that the guy does not refuse, you do not need to offer to meet when he has serious problems of a personal nature or he is angry about something. AT best case he will leave this information without attention, at worst, he will not want to continue to communicate.

There are a number of conditions in which it would be incorrect and inappropriate to make an offer to a gentleman:

  • He "burns" at work and is completely immersed in worries. At such moments, the work of the opposite sex comes to the fore, and only then everything else.
  • He had grief in his family. In this case, it is better to be close to him and support him morally, over time he will come to his senses and appreciate the care.
  • He has just separated from his other half (wife). This is unprofitable for the young lady herself. Since, under such circumstances, she is used for the pleasure of her broken heart. In order to get a long-term result and not become a "bargaining chip", you need to wait a while (2-3 months), but do not lose sight of the object, that is, communicate with him as a close friend.
  • If he is widowed. The key here is patience. In no case should you push and actively jump in front of your lover's eyes. It is advisable to try to become an understanding interlocutor. It is necessary to very wisely wait out all the memories of the deceased woman, and when he begins to see the world around him and get involved in everyday worries, slowly bring him to the relationship with the help of hints. You can keep him busy and show that he is needed, that without his help it will not be possible to do something.

The most fortunate circumstances develop when a series of positive events occur in a man's life. You can use the convenient cases:

  • Holiday - New Year, birthday, February 23, etc. There is an opportunity to approach the gentleman in a good mood, flirt, give a gift and unobtrusively get down to business. On a day like this, he will definitely not refuse immediately.
  • He is on vacation - a vacation, a joint company at a picnic, a concert, a city holiday, a movie, friendly gatherings with a girlfriend in a cafe. The main thing is not to get confused and in the course of a positive conversation to offer a relationship. If you refuse, you can always turn the topic into a joke to avoid an awkward situation.
  • At the moment of success. A woman can always advise to celebrate this event - coffee, ice cream, whatever. Just to keep this wave going happy emotions and pay attention to yourself. And then you can accidentally invite a guy to meet.

The most ideal and effective way is to create such conditions for him so that he offers to meet himself. Psychologists advise to carry out underground active actions that lead to the initiative on the part of the man. It is necessary to smoothly lead him to the idea of joint relations and provoke an instinctive desire to woo the girl.

Ways that get results

There are several reasons why girls have to devise a strategy to ask a guy out. The most common of them are:

  • when communicating, he makes it clear that the woman is not indifferent to him, he himself makes attempts to show feelings, but he does not dare to declare openly about the relationship;
  • he has very little free time, because it all goes to work, study, sports training And so on;
  • the man came up with a complex for himself that he is unable to please someone;
  • previous relationships were a very bitter experience, he cannot open up to another person, as he has lost faith in the sincerity of people;
  • never had a serious relationship or it was a very long time ago, so he became comfortable being alone.

When the reason for this behavior of a man is clear, then it is worth placing him in a relationship, hinting or asking a direct question. Here are some proven ways to help you take the first step:

  • A sweet smile on her face when meeting him and flirtatious looks. Always need to send non-verbal cues at every meeting, when you accidentally cross paths with him.
  • Use in a conversation extraordinary or ambiguous phrases with humor to bring him to revelations and determine the reciprocity of feelings. For example: “I have a business for you that you cannot refuse! Will we meet? "," Oh, you will agree with me ... So you will bring me to the registry office! ”, “I can consult with you about one guy, I want to make him an offer to meet, by the way, it’s you. So how do I do it? »
  • Eye to eye reception. It works when a man does not understand hints. One of the most effective techniques, because visual contact and a question asked directly in the eye helps to immediately determine the attitude of a person towards himself. In order not to fold at a crucial moment, you can rehearse phrases and demeanor.
  • Start a conversation with a subtle and beautiful flirtation. You can charm your betrothed women's things. Each girl has her own style of behavior and arsenal of techniques. The main thing is not to spoil everything with vulgarity and obsession. It is worth starting with light compliments and a flirtatious look, and then move on to the essence of the conversation.
  • You can take initiative when writing. In the message, the girl can open up more and pick up more interesting words and phrases that can hook a loved one. In SMS, you can invite a guy on a date yourself and not be afraid of rejection in public. The dialogue will remain in private messages.
  • Beat the compliments that a man makes to a woman. You can answer him something like "I would listen to you every day if we met."
  • Ask for help. To pick up a weighty reason so that only a man can do it, and for a girl it was simply an impossible task.

There is a tradition according to which the role of the initiator of the relationship falls on the guy. It is men who usually offer girls to meet. However, more and more often this established rule fails. Sometimes a guy does not dare to take the first step or simply does not notice a girl who shows an increased interest in him. And what to do in this case? Wait, reconcile, or perhaps pay attention to someone else? Why not take the initiative in your own hands and invite the guy to meet?

Make him guess

This is, of course, the longest, but also the most preferred scenario. If a guy categorically does not want to notice you or simply does not know about your feelings for him, it is still advisable to start by opening his eyes to this. The situation in which the guy says the phrase: "Let's meet" is still more comfortable for both, so do not lose hope that it will still sound.

To do this, you need to make it clear to the young man that you really like him. This will come in handy in any case, even if he turns out to be so modest that he cannot offer you a relationship. Phrases that will be appropriate in each separate case, depends entirely on the situation. As an example, the following options can be given:

  • “Can I stay a little near, see what you are doing, I am so calm with you that I don’t want to leave.” Perfect for situations when a guy is busy with something. If he does not ask to leave and not interfere with him, the conversation can be continued.
  • In response to any of his petty requests, respond in the style of: “Of course, you know that I can’t refuse you anything” or “For you, everything you want.”
  • It is advisable to defiantly single him out from among the other guys. To do this, you can periodically use wording like: “I don’t care about the opinions of other people on this issue, if I ask someone, it’s only you” or “Most of all I like dignity in men, good upbringing and honesty; Too bad not everyone is like you."

At the same time, do not forget to always be nice and friendly with this young man. It will be useful to demonstrate a couple of times how your mood changes for the better when it appears. For fidelity, you can make it clear to your mutual friends that you are not indifferent to him. Almost certainly at least one of them will inform your chosen one about it.

Try to be as often as possible within the reach of a young man. As if by chance, be “at hand” at the right time so that he has the opportunity to utter the cherished phrase, or at least its uncertain counterparts like: “Can I walk you out?”, “What are you doing tonight?” or “Did you have lunch? Maybe we can eat together?"

If, despite all your efforts, the young man has not paid attention to you, it means that he is either not interested in you and is silent on principle, or is still unsure of himself and is shy. In both cases, ask yourself the question: “Do I really need this guy?” And if so, then move on to more decisive action.

Invitation to action

Many are embarrassed to pronounce the phrase "let's meet" in its literal form. But this is not necessary. There are many formulations that will serve great alternative; in addition, they will allow you to simulate a convenient situation, conducive to continuation. Such phrases can be called an invitation to action. Here are just a few examples:

  • “I haven’t gone anywhere for so long, I really want to go to the cinema, but there is no suitable company. Can we go together?"
  • “So I just want to walk around the city in the evening! Make a company, please - I can’t wander alone. ”
  • “Do you already have plans for the weekend? Can I break them down a bit? I really want to get out of the city, but I won’t go without you.”
  • "On the next week I'm going to choose my puppy. This is a very responsible choice, I'm afraid to make a mistake. I need advice and support smart person. You won't refuse me, will you?"

All this must be said with irony, as if joking, gently, but insisting on your request. For example, if a guy says that he doesn’t understand anything about dogs, you can confidently answer: “Believe me, it doesn’t matter at all, the main thing here is flair. I need you to give advice based on your intuition."

This is just the principle by which an invitation to action is built, in fact, the phrase can be anything. Here one should take into account the character of the guy, and the list of his possible hobbies, and the peculiarities of the situation. For example, if a guy is inactive, spends more time doing quiet activities, perhaps he is afraid of heights, it is better not to offer him a joint parachute jump. You don't have to put it in awkward position. The simpler and less burdensome the offer is for him, the easier he will accept it.

But after you finally find yourself together (at the cinema or for a walk), you can continue your soft attack. After all, the ultimate goal of this whole event is a personal relationship with a young man. Therefore, we must let him know that this meeting is not the only one, but the first in a series of many others that are waiting for you ahead. In other words, this walk can be considered the beginning of a relationship, unless, of course, he is categorically against it. Phrases such as:

  • “I really enjoyed this evening, thank you. But he's not the last one, is he? Are we going somewhere else together?"
  • “In fact, I have long wanted to be alone with you, I didn’t know what reason to come up with. Promise me that I won't have to rack my brains for so long again."
  • “If I had my way, I would never let you go for a minute. How great it would be if everything free time I spent with you!
  • “When you get home, call me so I don’t worry about you. Till tomorrow".

Then follow a couple of days to observe the changes in relation to the guy. To speed up this process, you also need to change your behavior a little. At the next meeting, you can allow yourself a more calm and confident attitude, you can even show a small degree of care. If the guy remains a stranger and aloof after that, then you really got a “tough nut” or “hard case” - you know better. And again ask yourself the question: “Do I need such a guy?” If the answer is still yes, move on to a decisive offensive.

Direct formulations

This is an extreme measure, but if all the previous ones have not led to success, you will have to resort to it. Of course, there is a risk of rejection and everything connected with it, but, in any case, clarity will come. Then you can set yourself the following tasks, for example, forget this guy, find another, or still achieve this. In addition, a decisive offensive has other advantages.

Firstly, the guy will no longer be able to evade and imitate misunderstanding, he will have to, one way or another, answer the question posed. Secondly, in case of a positive answer, you will get what you wanted. Your relationship will start right from this minute. Which phrase to prefer as a proposal to meet, each girl decides for herself, as well as the tone in which she will be pronounced. It is desirable that it correlates with your image. Among the possible options:

  • cute, soft;
  • timid, shy;
  • playful;
  • rectilinear;
  • defiant, rude;
  • calm, reasonable, etc.

It is necessary to take into account the character of the guy. If he is too closed and shy, then it is better to avoid excessive pressure, and even more so rudeness. You can choose the simplest phrases, for example:

  • “For a long time I wanted to ask, do you have a girlfriend? Maybe I'll come over?"
  • “I must confess that I like you. How do you feel about us starting to date?”
  • “Of all the guys I know, you are the most suitable for me in character. I would like us to start dating. What do you say?"
  • "Such interesting guy and suddenly one - a mess! Can I be your girlfriend before someone beats me to it?"
  • “Listen, today is your day! I'm sure you appreciate your luck. I want to invite you to meet!”
  • “I’m finally tired of giving you hints. Tell me straight, do you agree to meet with me or is it impossible for some reason?
  • “Listen, well, we are adults, can I save my time and nerves, I will ask directly - will you meet with me?”

If he answers “yes”, then everything is fine, you can be congratulated. However, try not to remind the guy every now and then that he owes you the very fact of your relationship. It is better to smooth this moment out altogether and try to forget it, because this will not bring joy to a young man, even if he does not show it.

In the event that the guy refuses, do not let him know that this hurt you a lot. It is better to respond with a phrase uttered in the most ordinary tone, for example: “It’s a pity, of course, but no, it’s not like that” or “Well, good luck to you, if you change your mind - let me know”, etc. Do not turn into enemies or intentionally avoid then this young man. It is advisable to behave as if nothing had happened, just deprive him of signs of attention, nice words and tender looks. Talk to him like a good friend, but no more. Perhaps he will soon appreciate your balanced, adult position and reconsider his attitude towards you.

However, external calm is sometimes not easy. It will certainly not be easy for a girl to survive the rejection of a person she likes very much. But hide your true feelings necessary in order not to demonstrate to others the new " weakness”, where it is so convenient to hit at each suitable occasion. In addition, it will greatly facilitate your further maneuvering, wherever you go.

If you start a relationship with another guy shortly after rejecting it, no one will accuse you of "just trying to forget your unrequited love and just use the new guy.” Even if someone comes up with such a thought, you can always answer with surprise: “Forget? Whom? That young man? Yes, I forgot about him at that very second, isn’t it visible?

Even attempts to win over the guy who so boldly refused you will be more successful if they are made from the position of a girl who is calm, prudent and self-confident. Nothing repels men so much as an obsessive, aching all the time, head over heels in love with them woman.