How to keep a guy for life only takes 5 minutes or 12 words. Be faithful to your husband. Is it worth keeping a married man

How to keep your husband from cheating? This is possible at any age and at the most different situations... The world of secrets and tips is now available to you.

It is within the power of every woman to eliminate her husband's infidelity. But for this you always have to do a great job.

If you are ready to work, not accepting laziness and letting things go, then check out a number of tips that will help you not only forget about infidelity, but generally improve relationships within the family.

Do not provoke

Often women themselves give to their husbands green light for treason. To help you understand what this is about, check out the common mistakes:

  • inhibitions in sexual life;
  • constant moral crush;
  • criticism of his male nature (qualities, figure, character, behavior in bed, etc.);
  • discussion of females ("She is so cool ...", "She has such a figure! We all envy her!");
  • your flirting with members of the opposite sex (correspondence, smiles, flirting, hugs, etc.);
  • lack of jealousy - indifference (“Who needs you like that ?!”, “Where are you going to get away from me ?!”);
  • excessive jealousy (he will think that if every time he receives an unreasonable punishment, then maybe it's time to commit a crime).

Do not prohibit hobbies for her husband

To begin with, you must understand that in order to exclude treason, you need to become an excellent friend for him, whom he does not want to betray. And such a person will always respect his interests.

Here it is necessary to understand that it is these hobbies that feed him with additional energy, satisfy him inner world, give you relaxation and get a charge of positive emotions.

It will be great if you share his interests with him. But, since most often this is not possible, do not cut it and give the right to personal space. You just have no way out. Otherwise, your discontent will gradually begin to oppress him, and you are unlikely to be able to save your family.

If his hobby is unacceptable for your standards, try to talk with him as carefully as possible, gently summing up. If possible, offer him Alternative option recreation.

Be present, but not annoying

All the time to be present in his life is necessary in order to minimize the possibility that he will think about others.

It's actually very simple:

  • ask about his affairs, but unobtrusively;
  • leave wishes or love notes on the refrigerator, mirror, etc.;
  • remind of yourself in SMS or MMS;
  • have fun in his company, etc.

But you need to remind of yourself intriguingly, more often in unexpected moments, and this should be done infrequently, otherwise it will look very intrusive.

In order not to quickly bore your spouse, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the above methods should be alternated, come up with something of your own;
  • if you see that your story is boring for him, do not insist that he listen to you (do not be offended - everyone has different interests);
  • do not pester him at inopportune moments;
  • the purpose of their messages is to direct to his personality (complements, sweet words, praise, etc.).

Atmosphere in the house

This is where he should strive after all his deeds. To do this, you need to try very hard, but the main thing is to start, and later all this will become a habit. So:

  • meet and see him off with a kiss and warm words;
  • Be subtly interested in how his day went.
  • food must always be prepared for his arrival;
  • order and comfort are also important requirements;
  • eliminate scandals and hassle;
  • put yourself in order for his arrival;
  • do not whine or complain about problems all the time;
  • if you have children, they should be dressed to look neat.

Learn to understand his psychology

This is necessary in order to become the closest and closest person to her husband. In this case, there are great guarantees that he will not be able to morally betray you.

The following tips will help you achieve this result:

  1. Ask why he does so unambiguously and thinks exactly that. If possible, do not accompany it with unnecessary comments ("And I would have done so", "This is generally wrong"). This is his point of view, and you must respect it. Gradually, you will be able to observe the course of his thoughts and actions.
  2. Don't be stubborn... Do not insist on your opinion. You can express it, but do not drum into your spouse that only you are in a certain situation right. It hits hard male pride which leads to a loss of communication between you.

Pay attention to sex

This factor is very important if you want to keep your husband from cheating. After all, sex is very important for a man. This is why you should know what you can do.

  1. Go for experiments that your husband offers. If it is for you that they are unacceptable, stop and think, because he may start looking for it on the side. Do you need it? Try and surrender to the senses. Think about how pleasant your spouse will be two things: the process itself, and the fact that you go for it!
  2. Improve your skills... For this, video tutorials, articles, forums, etc. are suitable. Surely there you will find many interesting nuances, about which they are not used to talking in society.
  3. Ask him about desires... Perhaps he has long dreamed of something like that, but hesitates to offer you. Having learned his secrets, you can become the most sophisticated mistress for him, which he will not want to exchange for anyone.
  4. Don't refuse sex... Let you quarrel, let you have no desire, let you be busy. The desire of a man should be limited very rarely and for good reasons.

Pay attention to your post-sex activities. It will be great if you just lie there, stroking the man, and will not burden him with problems or immediately run to the bathroom.

Watch yourself

If it is clear about the image and hairstyle, then there are also things that a woman unconsciously does not pay attention to:

Good to know!
Often women like to say: "You loved me like this, so now put up with it." True, but they themselves, most likely, then tried not only to behave a little differently, but also to look very good! It is not clear why some women start themselves after the wedding, because at the beginning family life there was time and desire for everything, everything.

  1. Trust your husband... But this should not be done blindly. For example, do not completely ignore those stories where your husband allegedly flirted with another woman. Do your best to figure out the nuances. But please, no fanaticism.
  2. Don't be overly jealous... No need to run to the phone as soon as he receives an SMS, feverishly follow his every step, etc. He gets tired of it quickly.
  3. Talk to your husband about your torment.... Tell me how much it will hurt you if he cheats, what do you think will happen after that in your life (they say that you leave without talking, your life will collapse, you cannot forgive him). Reinforce this with a pitiful conclusion that your children will suffer in the first place. The whole conversation should take place calmly (!), In the form of reasoning.
  4. Stay a mystery... So that he does not think about cheating, you should always remain ideal, luxurious and worthy woman to which he will strive with all his fibers. It is important to do this throughout your life, so that even in the most desperate period for a man after 40 years, you would be able to keep him.

In conclusion, I would like to advise you to save this article and come back to it from time to time. After all, you probably focused your attention only on a part of the moments. And in order to keep your husband from cheating, you need to adhere to as many of these rules as possible.

Nobody says that you need to change your life this minute. Just gradually start to improve over time.

It has long been believed that a woman is and home comfort, therefore, it is the woman who takes care of the preservation of the family and relationships. The main condition is to find an approach to your beloved man, to fall in love with his whims, oddities and habits.

We propose to consider some important points, which should be taken into account to keep the husband around him for a long time.

1. Do not forget that you are a woman!

No circumstances should make you forget that you are a woman! Even if you have long trusted each other completely and completely, you do everything together, you must remember: he is still a man, and you are a woman.

Never tell your spouse about your shortcomings, because he may not notice them until you indicate. If you want to keep your husband close to you, do not draw his attention to the emerging cellulite or split ends.

Always try to look after yourself - hair, clothes, manicure. A man must remember that you are the only one and the best for him.

2. Let him feel like master

As outrageous as it sounds, let him feel like a master and benefactor. This is just a wise psychological trick.

This approach consists in the fact that each person is able to love another person as much as he has brought him good. So, the more strength and attention your husband puts into your relationship, the more it will bind him to his family and to you personally.

It will be very easy to keep your husband if you give him the opportunity to feel like just people, capable of fulfilling any of your whims.

3. Be faithful to your husband

If you firmly decided that your husband is exactly the man you really need, then stay true to him. However, light flirting should not harm your relationship, but, most likely, even strengthen it.

Men are owners by nature, so your casual flirtation will help motivate your husband to continually conquer. He will feel that you are interesting to other men, and he will definitely decide to keep himself in good shape. Thanks to this position, you will be able to keep him forever.

4. Remember about constant self-improvement

Don't make your husband the center of the universe. Don't dwell on it. You must communicate with other people, do your favorite job, have interesting hobby, read books. Constantly develop as a person, and then you will always be interesting to your husband.

5. Keep the mystery to yourself

Many women admit main mistake- spend almost everything free time with husband. Believe me: this seriously destroys your relationship, because your husband does not have time to rest from you. So you can imperceptibly quickly get bored with each other, you will be annoyed even by the smallest flaws.

Be sure to do different things, communicate with by different people, spend some time separately. This will give you the opportunity to develop and have many topics for discussion.

6. Take care of your husband

In an effort to keep your husband near you for a long time, be ready to sometimes submit to his desires, cherish weaknesses and treat even the most elementary cold.

At the same time, he should not think that you are a servant, a cook, a housewife, performing your duties. He must be sure that you cook him sweets, iron his shirt and take a bath, because you show love and care for him, and do not try to keep him by all means.

Men really like it when they are tenderly and sincerely taken care of: they straighten the blanket, do a massage, gently smooth the collar. Show reverent care for your husband - and he will never even have a thought to leave the family.

7. Suppress the authority of your rivals

Carefully and patiently do everything you can to prevent your husband from developing relationships with potential rivals. You should be the only one with him. In no case do not check his mail, do not ask who he spoke to on the phone.

It would be wrong to openly point out the external shortcomings of other women. It is better to indirectly hint at their impartial expressions addressed to your husband. That would be enough for him to hate her.

What if a rival has already appeared?

Unfortunately, it is often not possible to track down in time the moment when the opponent has already appeared. And then the question arises involuntarily: how to keep the family and keep the husband from cheating?

Firstly, it is important to pull yourself together and confidently decide: do you want a divorce or still restore the relationship. You shouldn't think that love and good relationship with a spouse are impossible after betrayal - everything is in your power! Be sure to try to keep your family together.

Getting rid of the homeless woman

Probably, the first desire that will appear in you is to take revenge on the mistress. But here you have to be extremely careful not to endow her with the role of a victim, but to look cruel, angry and jealous herself. Do not even allow the thought to physically harm her!

In such unpleasant situation we suggest using the following tips:

  • You can gain calmness and composure and talk frankly with your rival. Find out what she expects from your husband. It is strongly not recommended to arrange scenes with tears and screams, rudely call your spouse's passion.
  • Do not show your husband and his mistress that you feel humiliated. Remember one thing: they are in a shameful and ridiculous position, because they deceive you and hide their romance.
  • The best way to behave in a fight with a rival- humiliation of her dignity with humor. To do this, it is enough to learn something special about her and put it in an unsightly light. At the same time, you yourself remain calm and cheerful. At this moment, it is advisable to take the husband out of the blow so that he is not humiliated along with his passion. Behave with dignity (as before the betrayal), do not scandal, no matter how difficult it may be.

Many women are sure that the only answer to the question: how to keep a husband in the family is a conspiracy, lapels, love spells and others magical ways... The effectiveness of such methods is quite difficult to assess, but the intervention of otherworldly forces is not best idea v modern society... However, the choice is always yours !!!

Let's summarize

Having analyzed the reasons that provoked the husband's betrayal (or even the intention of betrayal), it is necessary to find the strength and desire to keep the spouse and start building a new relationship.

It is important to try to get rid of negative emotions taking in new life only the warmest, happiest and most pleasant memories.

It is important to keep pride and self-esteem at a sufficient level, while remaining, above all, a person and a woman worthy of respect. In no case should you blow the dust off your husband, he should feel that you are confident in yourself and do not intend to cry, humiliate yourself and worry.

Keeping a husband in the family - sometimes difficult task but at great desire everything becomes real and feasible !!! Be happy.

It's easy to charm a man. It is much more difficult to keep him close to you. Why it happens? How to keep the right man? Psychologists will help you understand how to become one, desired and unique for your loved one.

Should you keep a married man?

Did you like it? Are you ready for anything for him? Is he worth it? Not every woman understands how to keep married man... Psychologist's advice helps a lot.

When a man is married, he feels responsible for his family. Therefore, he is in no hurry to look for problems on the side. Yes, sometimes he can afford too much, invite the woman he likes to a restaurant or hotel for love pleasures. However, as practice shows, this is where the romance ends. Is it worth then thinking about how to keep a man? Probably not.

A married man can rarely decide to leave his family for the sake of fleeting hobby... Therefore, a woman should be ready for this. However, there are exceptions. After all, if a married man falls in love, then he can be kept. In order not to fade away the passion between you, you must adhere to certain rules.

  1. Surprise a man all the time. He is tired of everyday life, the monotony of family life, so try to do so that he comes to you like on a holiday. Create romance, comfort, surprise him as often as possible.
  2. Don't make scandals. A man gets tired of such a relationship, especially if he is married. He has enough domestic problems, reproaches and discontent from his wife. Make him feel comfortable and calm with you.
  3. Don't put him in front of a choice. A man doesn't like ultimatums. When he is ready to leave the family, you will be the first to know about it.
  4. Watch yourself. Meet your loved one well-groomed and tidy. After all, wives most often forget about looking good at all times. Therefore, married men look with pleasure at well-groomed women.
  5. Compliment. Men love not only with their eyes, but also with their ears. Therefore, if you tell him about good qualities, he will strive to become even better.

Never confuse temporary love and real feelings. If you just like a man, no more, you should not destroy the family. Perhaps you yourself will later regret what you have done. Therefore, before wondering how to keep a married man, read the advice of a psychologist and think about whether you need such happiness.

To make your dream come true, you need to strive for a goal and achieve it. The same applies to men. If you do not know how to fall in love and keep a man, psychologists give advice.

  1. Remain a mystery. Men love to solve women. Therefore, never tell about yourself in all the details. After all, then your beloved will become uninteresting. He wants to notice something new in his companion every day.
  2. Always be seductive. You understand that first of all men love with their eyes. Show him your charm every day.
  3. Cheer up. Men don't like sad women... Even if you are in trouble, but you decide to meet with your loved one, try to be always cheerful, happy life and a little humor. Remember, a smile is your weapon. If a man sees you cheerful, he understands that you feel good in his company.
  4. Do not be angry. A woman should be kind, harmless and not rude. When a man sees hypocrisy, rudeness, cynicism in his companion, he quickly loses interest in a woman.
  5. Find common interests. The stronger sex loves when his companion is interested in the same thing as he is. When a couple has the same hobbies, they will always find something to talk about and there will be no reason to break up.
  6. Show your loved one an enchanted look. He must see and feel your love, charm. The look should be meaningful, then the man begins to fantasize. Most likely, you can charm him.
  7. The gentle touch of any man does not leave indifferent. Try to use all your softness.
  8. Don't be easily accessible. As a rule, a man is fond of a woman in the event that he cannot conquer her. Try to keep your loved one at a short distance for a while.

Not all women understand how to attract and retain the right man. However, if you listen to the advice of psychologists, most likely you will be lucky and everything will work out.

Relationships that a man needs

For a loved one to be always there, a woman needs to try. As practice shows, love and passion pass over time. Therefore, some women ask the question: "How to keep a man for life?" Psychologists say that, first of all, the stronger sex does not like the pressure of others. He needs freedom.

A woman should know what kind of relationship a man wants. He may love fun and carefree days or a quiet, measured life. Much depends on the weaker sex in a relationship. How to keep a man? Very simple. You have to be natural.

If you want to have fun with your loved one in a restaurant, think, maybe he doesn't want it. Then arrange romantic dinner at home.

If your man loves, on the contrary, fun and noisy companies, do not burden him with quiet family evenings... Go with him to friends or to a disco, have fun. You must understand what your significant other wants and how he will react to the next surprise.

Understanding is what every man needs. Representatives of the stronger sex want from their beloved not only warmth and love, but also friendly relations that not everyone can give. Typically, a woman needs more than just friendship. It is because of this that many couples quickly break up.

If you learn to guess the desires of a man, then the question will never arise before you: "How to understand and keep a man?"

Freedom is an important criterion in relationships

A man cannot devote all his attention to his beloved. He has friends, colleagues, comrades, hobbies where there is no place for a woman. If you claim all of his attention, nothing good will come of it. If you want to understand how to hold a man, try to let him go. Every person needs freedom.

A man needs to be distracted from weekdays not only with a woman. Often he just needs to go with friends for a beer, sauna or football.

You do not need to limit him, and even more so to make scandals, because you will only push him away from you.

Almost every man loves to go fishing or go to football with friends. Often women arrange scenes of jealousy about this. They rarely believe in fishing. This is in vain. A man needs to be trusted. If he loves you, then he will not be interested in entertainment on the side.

If you do not know how to keep a man, the advice of a psychologist will help you figure it out. Experts recommend not to take away your personal space from your loved one. Try not to put a man in front of a choice who is more dear to him - his beloved or friends. These feelings have no comparison. Most often, a man chooses friends. After all, they are devoted comrades. And after parting with the woman who takes his space, he will only feel relief and will not regret his choice.

Of course, a couple should spend a lot of time together, but do not forget about personal life everyone. After all, if you are together for days, the second half cools down faster to your loved one. Therefore, to prevent such an incident from happening, try not to take freedom from your beloved and not completely give yourself to him.

A woman is a self-sufficient person

You can't focus on a man. A woman who completely devotes her life to a boyfriend loses herself. She ceases to be interested in herself, pays more attention to her beloved, tries to always be near him. This attitude usually turns the man off. He becomes uninteresting to communicate with a woman who does not have her own point of view and thoughts, that is, she lives only for the sake of her beloved.

If a woman is too intrusive and does not leave her man a single step, she will soon bore him. In such cases, men prefer to end the relationship quickly. If a woman is independent, has her own point of view, does not impose on her beloved and can express her opinion, he respects her and values ​​her self-sufficiency.

Not sure how to keep a man? First of all, psychologists advise to be individual and self-sufficient person, with which it will always be interesting. Then he will already think how to keep you for life.

Femininity is a dream come true

Sometimes the weaker sex does not behave quite correctly in relation to men. If you want to know how to keep a man, listen to specialists. They advise to be feminine, because the stronger sex dreams of such a companion. This refers not only to outer beauty but also behavior.

Pay attention to your gait, which should be feminine and seductive. To such a representative of the fair sex men's views chained by themselves. Voice is an integral part of femininity. It should be soft, gentle, quiet. Such a voice evokes masculine admiration. The stronger sex sees a fragile and helpless woman who wants to protect her all her life.

Today, many women follow the example of men. For them, career is first and foremost. It doesn't have to be that way. Try to create coziness, romance for your loved one, pay attention to everyday life, so that there is variety. Only then will a man always want to return home to you.

A woman should not prioritize work, colleagues, or career. After all, her future depends on it. If you don't feel feminine in yourself, develop it. Only then will you succeed.

Love and fidelity

A man always feels the attitude of a woman to himself. Therefore, if you want to know how to win and keep a man, be faithful to him. This does not mean that you have to be with him all the time. However, do not give cause for jealousy. If a man sees that you have fans, he will appreciate you even more. When he notices that you are flirting with other men, he will not like this behavior.

When a woman has many admirers, the beloved will be proud that only he got her. Therefore, you should not hide the fact that you may be liked by someone else. However, try not to flirt with your loved one, because you can cause not only jealousy, but also anger. Then you will only push the chosen one away.

Psychologists advise not to show your great love to the second half too often. However, taking care of him will tell everything herself. When a man sees and knows that you are worried about him, worried, he will know and understand, you love him and are devoted to him. Bigger man no need.

How to keep a man at a distance

Many do not believe that this is possible. There is an opinion that it is impossible to remain faithful at a distance. However, if you know the secrets of fidelity, you can keep love. Today, young people have to part for different reasons... Some often travel on business trips, while others work abroad to provide for their families. How can we maintain love and loyalty?

Psychologists give some tips on how to keep a man at a distance:

  • Chat as often as possible. Today, you can talk at a distance with the other half. Tell your loved one about the painful thing, how the next day went, take an interest in his life and constantly say that you are really looking forward to him.
  • Don't push yourself. You should not call your loved one many times a day, because he may be busy. Call each day in the evenings when the work day is over.
  • Trust. You don't need to think that if your loved one is far away, he will immediately begin to cheat on you. Better think that he has no time for entertainment. He went to work, so try not to talk about cheating. You can push him to this step.
  • Wait. During the absence of your beloved, take care of useful deeds... If you have not had time to meet with your friends before, then you should sit in a cafe or just read your favorite book. When you are constantly busy with business, you do not have time to yearn and think about bad things. In the evening, boredom can overwhelm, but do not escalate the situation. Communicate in moments of longing with a loved one or with close friend that can distract you from unnecessary thoughts.

Psychologists say that separation brings people closer together. After parting, both the guy and the girl will yearn for their soul mate. This is only if there really is love in the couple.

If the young people survived the separation with dignity, then the meeting will be bright and unforgettable. Your love will flare up with a vengeance.

Conspiracies: how to fall in love with a man and keep him

Many girls and women believe in mysticism, fortune telling and miracles. Sorcerers argue that if you speak to a man, there is every chance to keep him. If you really believe in the power of words, then try it, most likely you will succeed.

How to keep a man, conspiracies, they are also prayers, will prompt. Words can be like this: “Lord, I ask that my young man love me as I love him. If I want a lot, then let him want to be with me, like grass with water. Lord, help open my beloved eyes. I want him to see in me a beautiful, feminine, loving girl, not just a good friend. Help me keep my beloved for life. I want a good and beautiful couple to come out of us. "

Remember, prayer should be read from the heart. After all, if you pronounce words without feelings, they will not help you win your beloved. Whenever you read a prayer, say the names (yours and the guy you need). Only then will the Lord know exactly whom to direct to you.

Prayers can be anything, not necessarily memorized. After all, if a person says the right words from the heart, then God will hear them and help in the problem. Now you know how to keep a man. Conspiracies are not always helpful. Most likely, you need to change yourself so that your loved one will pay attention to you.


The article discusses options for how to keep a man. It turns out that you cannot completely give your life into the hands of your partner. You need to have your own areas of interest that do not touch the other half. When a person dissolves in his partner, over time, serious problems... Such a companion bothers the other half, and he has no idea how to live on.

There is an opinion that women are more cunning and wise than men. That is why they are considered the keepers of the hearth. If you do not trust your loved one, at least pretend that everything is fine. When a man realizes that a woman sees in him a knight on a white horse, he seeks to match this image. From then he is unlikely to be capable of treason. Try to use your wisdom.

A woman should maintain a vital interest, not dwelling on her beloved or children. She must have her own hobby, a favorite job. When the weaker sex stays at home in a dressing gown and no hairstyle, a man soon gets bored with it.

So that you and your loved one are not bored in weekdays, try to diversify them. On the first night, go to the movies, on the second, cook a romantic dinner, on the third, invite friends over, and so on. Only variety will help keep your relationship alive.

Be not only a couple but also good friends... Share problems, help with advice, be sincerely happy for your partner. Such an understanding will preserve the relationship for many years, if not for life.

In the article, I will tell you, dearie, how to keep a man "next to you" (tie to yourself) forever.

First of all, when I say hold (I mean not forcibly holding / holding, etc.? - this is just the essence). Keep in quotes. You can only "hold" a man with yourself. No stamp in the passport (marriage), children, etc. will not "hold" it if you yourself cannot. Remember this. as our father.

Council number 1. Upgrade yourself to the level of a high ranked woman

Most of the women are low to medium rank. These ranks = extremely difficult to keep a man. They don't know how. Can not. Does not work. Etc. etc. they are thrown, cheated on, etc. etc.

When a man leaves a woman, the woman is to blame. Not a man. And vice versa. If a woman leaves a man = the man is to blame, not the woman. Don't shift responsibility.

Nobody just leaves nobody else. There was something wrong - with you. In you. This is logical. It is logical that you do not suit him in some way, i.e. you do not satisfy with something, you do not satisfy by some criteria. Natural selection is at work (the fittest win), so everything is logical.

And what was already wrong there is another question. There are a lot of reasons. We will talk about them later ...

Worthy high-ranking women = know how and know how to keep their men close to them. Although, in fact, they do not keep them - men themselves want to be with them. So think about what level it is. What kind of woman does one need to be for a man to want to be with this woman all the time ...

OUTPUT: you need to pump yourself to the level of a high-ranking woman. Pump over. Work on yourself. Plow. Working. Daily. Systematically. Is it difficult? Self-improvement = never easy. It is a fact. What did you think you got into a fairy tale? Nothing comes easy. At the snap of a finger = neither ...

But! If you want the man himself to want to be near you. I myself wanted to live with you all my life. If you want long-lived, happy harmonious relationship= you must be the appropriate woman! Not like the vast majority of girls / women. Understand?

You must be a unique, worthy, high-ranking woman. Here is an article - Study it inside and out and work on yourself. Otherwise, do not expect anything good.

So. Look. Your main task in terms of choosing a partner is MINIMIZE RISKS IN LIFE! Remember, this is like our father! This is your main task.

In order to minimize the risks in life = you must take a WORTHY and HUSBAND!

Not a boy. Not a guy. Not my mother's snot. Not a teenager. Not a kid. Not a little man. Babu with eggs between your legs, etc. these categories = because these are huge risks for you, and be sure - nothing good will come of them with them (in terms of serious, long-term, happy relationship). 100% guarantee.

A serious relationship should be built between a MAN and a WOMAN. With young guys who have not walked up, who have no knowledge, no experience, no wealth (business, attendants), correct values, beliefs, etc. things = nothing will come of it. It is a fact! We need a man.

Within this category = no man. There is no pumped strong, powerful, internal state... No rod. There is no character. No hardening. There is no self-confidence. Relics. Energy. No knowledge, no experience, nothing. He has no attendants, no business, no wealth. There is nothing. He's a ragamuffin. In short, he is still nobody and there is no way to call him. Loser. Jonah. He has not yet taken place as a person even ...

By the way, many will remain so until the end of their days .. besides (in addition to what was said above) he is still young, he is not walking around, and we are polygamous men, we want a lot of girls, a lot, the number, to grind everyone, to plant everyone, well, imagine - what kind of relationship can there be?

What kind of relationship is there? Today he is with you, in the evening purely by chance he met a girl who is not averse to having fun = and that's it, game over. And tomorrow he is still there with someone, nothing holding him back next to you when he is young, and hormones are not childish. What the hell is a serious relationship? ...

I'll even tell you so. You can try for him in everything, just for wear, be perfect woman, ideal, give him everything - that a woman should give in full, etc. etc. in general, it is clear that there are no ideal ones at all, everyone has their own shortcomings, but in general I say, so, attention: in the end, he is still young, and he may want FEMALE, MORE. As much as possible. He has not walked up yet. Understand. It has nothing to do with you. This is what can happen to a boy ... even if not at first, but after years - for many it happens. As a result, they change / abandon ...

Besides, what kind of relationship is there when he has nothing? No attendants. What is this man, without attendants?)) This is not a man. The main function of a man is to be a breadwinner. I've talked about this a hundred times already. Imagine where you will live? It is the man who must decide. But, he doesn't have a home. And maybe there is no money at all, even for renting an apartment. How will you live? Making ends meet? Do you need it? And who will feed you, clothe you, protect you, etc. etc. Who? And who will take care of the offspring when it will be? Yet more money it will be necessary, because there are already three of you. ... in short, think about all this ...

In addition, 2, what kind of relationship is there when a man does not know anything, there is no knowledge, experience, etc.? The man should be the main thing in the relationship. He must be the leader. The main one. Leader. # 1. And what are we talking about if there is a teenager, a boy, a woman with eggs, snot, etc.? We need a man. Point.

You have no right to be wrong about your partner. If you are wrong = you will pay for it. You will be used, just fucked and thrown. As a result, you will walk from hand to hand. And in the end, you will no longer be needed by anyone. Because natural selection is at work. And you are already second-class meat, not fresh prescription, with wild walking distance. Understand?

I'm not even talking about the fact that in our time it is very important to spend * without protection and give birth to a child as young. This is generally the edge of idiocy. And then, the little boy (as it most often happens) gives a run back because it’s not childish, and you yourself with a trailer in life = only now you are looking for the man’s standards.

We need a man right away! And a worthy man. Here's an article for you - Study it. There I tell you what a worthy high-ranking man is. The one you need!

But! I draw your attention right away. To be with such a worthy man = you yourself must be a worthy woman. For each creature has a pair and they receive what they themselves are. There is no other way. That's why, at the very beginning - I said (gave advice) to pump myself to the level of a high-ranking woman.

No. 3. Cover men's needs efficiently and regularly

If a woman is very competent with a man, behave correctly = the man will be with her himself. He will choose you. 98% of the time it's yours. Fact!

We men have needs. Here's the main article for you:. Study it up and down. There, I tell you what the vast majority of girls do not know / do not understand, namely: what a man needs (what needs we have, what is important to us), how to behave with a man, so that everything is great, so that long-lasting harmonious and the most important thing is a happy relationship.

In short, here they are (male needs):

  • 1) Qualitative regular (over time, varied) s * ks
  • 2) 100% loyalty (devotion) to a man
  • 3) Support. Care. Weasel. Tenderness. Faith. Inspiration. (femininity is capable of all this)
  • 4) Attention to a man
  • 5) The value of a man
  • 6) Maternity function
  • 7) Mistress function
  • 8) and all that he lacks (lacks). You already know better what is there and how. You should feel it, know it, see it. But! At least (in mandatory), efficiently and regularly cover those 1-7 needs.

The rule is that if you give your man everything he needs, he will not go anywhere from you. He is yours. That's why, relationships are a daily job. But, on the other hand, it would never occur to the peasant to abandon you, look for something on the side, cheat on you, look for another woman, etc. because he will have everything with you in abundance. Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine. Understand?

This is the first thing. And secondly, a woman needs to make sure that this man of hers - felt like a man - next to her.Your man should feel like a MAN - next to you.

To do this, you must be a FEMALE WOMAN. This is one of the key rules of the relationship between m and f. it key rule- allows a man to want to be with this woman himself.


Success in relationships in many respects (I would say, first of all) depends on how partners evaluate each other! How will your status be relative to each other?

In short, you are a woman = you should not invest a lot of resources in a man (time, money, effort, energy, etc.). Simply put - a lot of things to do for him / for him, if this man of yours doesn't really invest anything in you. This is called a one-sided game (relationship imbalance).

Imbalance in relationships - puts an end to these relationships. 100% guarantee for you. Therefore, the game (relationship) should take place in two gates: you somehow invest in it (you do something) = it somehow invests in you (did something) = and so on ad infinitum. There should be uniformity. Balance. 50/50.

In no case should you invest and invest FREE OF CHARGE = otherwise your significance (value) for a man is lost and over time = everything, he does not value you, does not respect you, in fact he wipes his feet about you, etc., in general , this is game over. Think about it ...

I talked about this in more detail in the main article:

No. 4. Your uniqueness (as a person) for a man ...

This point, in my opinion, is the most important. No. 1,2,3 - extremely too (don't get it wrong), but this one = the most decisive ( eventually).

Over time, as the relationship develops = partners get to know each other more and more. This allows you to start, in a sense - to be friends. And they don't abandon their friends. It is comfortable and good with them.

Another thing is that there is nothing in common between men and women. We are completely different. Really with different planets... Read more in the article: Therefore, it is quite difficult (to be friends). But! It is imperative that you, darling, must be the appropriate woman. It should be interesting with you. You must be well developed. Smart. Wise. Interesting. Etc.

High-ranking men are = smart men... Trust me. They need a female that matches themselves. With some kind of "tp" that has nothing on its mind except instragram and gulek, no one will build anything. They only do these dolls that they eat and throw away because there is nothing more to "catch" with them ...

You are important here. Like a woman. As a person. Who are you. What are you. What are your worldviews in life, views, interests, hobbies, do you have a passion (hobbies), what do you do, how do you live, what are you, are you smart, your intellect, your upbringing, IQ (social, emotional, logical), thinking, behavior, etc. etc. do you understand how important all this is? Work on yourself. Work!

There are women, both beautiful and feminine = but, inside they have puuuustoooota. BLACK HOLE! They are not interesting, there is nothing to talk about, really, about something serious, important, etc. there are no brains, or thinking, logic, brain is insufficiently developed, and you feel it - that it is far from you, and everything is not sooooo ...

And there are also quite smart ones = but at the same time with a man = completely different values, interesting, hobbies, occupations (in general, different personalities) and, accordingly, even in this case = it is unlikely that anything will come of it.

A worthy man = wants a suitable female. Point. Because if on initial stage relationships, those all needs, incl. cool s * ks is the main tool for binding a man, then over time, the same s * ks loses its colors, and something else is needed. Something bigger. Understand? Something else is this point. It's you, as a person! If you "as a person" will not be = game over. That's all.

What is important is ... points of contact. How well you fit together, do you have shared values, interests, hobbies, are your thinking, outlook on life similar, etc. whether you are approximately equal to each other, or are you t * share, and he is smart, or vice versa, he is a healthy lifestyle (and you are not), etc., there is no other way, if you are completely different = what kind of relationship can there be ? It is impossible to converge when different values, interests, you are different, incl. your traits such as intelligence, IQ, etc.

  • Do not shine IQ intelligence (intelligence) = goodbye
  • Acting like TP = goodbye
  • Not sociable (nothing to talk about, you don't know how to keep up a conversation, etc.) = goodbye
  • You drive like a cattle - goodbye
  • Swearing (already said earlier) - goodbye
  • You smoke (already mentioned earlier) - goodbye
  • Boring, not funny (emotional iq is not pumped) = bad, not that ...
  • Passive in life (no hobbies, interests, etc.) = bad, not the same ...
  • No common interests, values, etc. = you don't fit, alas ..
  • Etc. all this is so, I look at it superficially, without delving directly into everything (the main thing is to understand the essence)

No. 5. Ordinary (routine, boredom, longing, predictability)

This is the last point. In addition to the man, the woman, too, in many ways must show initiative in everything. Diversity. No routine. Boredom. Longing. Ordinary. In no case should it be.

Relationships need to be constantly worked on. (in addition to meeting each other's needs, working on oneself, developing trust and other components), work constantly, constantly, even if the man is already yours. And vice versa, the woman is yours. Do you understand? In a relationship, everything should not be boring, everything is banal and everything is predictable, otherwise failure, parting, quarrels, betrayal, etc. will end.

Don't just exist next to each other.

In a relationship, there should always be something new, unusual, etc. even if not every day (I think everyone understood the point), but it should be! Vital. Everything should not be boring, dreary, predictable, routine, melancholy, etc. Always be creative-active, not passive.

With SW, administrator.

Sometimes I read articles on the Internet, the topic "How to survive betrayal" is in rather great demand. I can not advise anything on this topic. However, as in any business, it is much easier and cheaper to prevent something than to worry and analyze the consequences later. And it doesn't matter if it's about relationships and how to keep your husband in the family, about work, cheating or the condition of your teeth. Prevention is much cheaper than cure.

In general, if you brush your teeth twice a day and cut back on sweets, then your teeth will be fine, at least the expenses for dentists will be significantly reduced.

Based on this principle, you can deduce the rules on how to build a relationship between a man and a woman, and how to keep a husband from cheating. I will present my suggestions based on my experience and the experience of my friends, and you can adjust them for yourself.

Such a man, if a woman is changed every week, will accumulate stories of "victories" under several hundred in his life. Because of their enormous outward show and "activity", the impression is created that all men are "goats", and so on. Sometimes such Don Juans get together, at the same job, etc. (and they are drawn to each other, like any people with similar views). And then a woman long time working among the "Don Juan", nothing can be persuaded.

But I assure you, there are about 1 in 40 such men, or even less. My article does not apply to them. The rest of the overwhelming majority of men cheat on women when women themselves push them in one way or another. So, how to keep your husband from cheating and keep the family?

Rule one. There is no need to provoke treason.

I already wrote about this once, but since the topic hurts many women, I will repeat it briefly. I sometimes get the impression that some women just need their husband, or man, to cheat with another woman.

Otherwise, it is very difficult for me to explain the following real life examples.

A classic example. The woman invites, or at least does not mind, that a pretty (or even not very pretty, it doesn't matter) girl came to stay at their house for a few weeks, or even months. This is usually best friend or " poor relative”, Who came to enter the institute. Well, of course, it doesn't have to go to college. This may be the need for treatment, caring for a relative, looking for work and housing, which for some reason is not and is not located, etc. etc.

I understand that many women by nature love to take care of the weak. And yet a person has something that is unnecessary for happy life quality like guilt. How can she refuse someone, even under the threat of the collapse of family life? Even if after that it will not work to keep the husband in the family? But, at least, then do not be surprised if you find out about your husband's betrayal with this very “poor relative”.

From my point of view, this is a real provocation. I myself have heard of several cheating in such situations. Moreover, men themselves were not inclined to seek other women. They lived with his wife for decades and did not take any active steps to find other women. And maybe they would never have done it.

As I said, this is a pretty classic situation. Either at the beginning of a relationship, when they have not yet taken root, a woman introduces her man to her friends, or friends (relatives, etc.) are invited to live home. Sometimes there are even cases when a wife sends her husband to a sanatorium to rest for one month. (The movie "Love and Doves", you may remember).

Women, well, explain why you are doing this? Do you want to keep your family together? Do you want to avoid cheating in your family? Then I don't understand you all the more, honestly.

Cut off similar situations and you will save yourself a bunch of problems. Always look at the consequences of your decisions, especially when friends or relatives ask you to stay with you. Is it really a couple of days? Or is this just an excuse to stay for another couple of days and more?

How much will the presence of a stranger in your home affect your relationship with your husband? I assure you that nothing good will come of it, even if no cheating is foreseen (for example, if it is your mother or grandmother).

The second rule. Please do not touch a man's hobbies.
A man and a woman began to meet. The woman turned a blind eye at the man's hobby for fishing, skiing, breeding pigeons, etc. However, after the wedding, quite often the wife begins to gradually restore her own order in the house. And sometimes, in the first place, under the innovations, in her opinion, “useless” occupations of men, from which there is no sense in the family, and even family money, are spent.

My advice is, don't touch his hobbies. Better, of course, if you share them with him at least as
a spectator admiring the big fish he has caught and how much a man can ski. (Well, accordingly, you are not). And if it is impossible to divide, then they tried badly.

The minimum advice, just do not touch the man's hobbies and turn a blind eye to any expenses for them.

Rule three. Be present, like a wife, in all areas of your man's life, just do not bother him.

For example, be sure to wear wedding rings(if you are married, of course). Ask your husband to wear a ring too. Indeed, for many women (not all), a married man is not suitable candidates as a partner.

Give your husband a joint family photo to place it on his desktop. There is a photograph on my desk in my office where my wife and I are together. At first when I look at my picture with my wife, I concentrate on pleasant and happy moments. Secondly Seeing how I hug my wife in the photo, I want to see her in reality and hug. And thirdly, by themselves, some situations and questions disappear if a new employee appears.

Once every couple of months, visit your husband at work, maybe even get to know his colleagues, or go to a party (corporate), if it is customary to invite wives there.

These techniques alone are not very powerful in isolation from others, but I recommend using them, as they are very simple and do not take much time and attention.

Once I read one of Litvak's books, where he writes about myths about men. In his opinion, a man is a lazy animal who likes to come home after work, eat and sit on the sofa to watch TV, or read the newspaper. And if a man is cheating on a woman, then the first question he asks a woman who comes to him for a consultation sounds something like this: “What did you do to make this lazy animal leave home, take risks, spend money, etc. to find another woman?”.

In many ways, I agree with him. The vast majority of men will never go looking for another woman if everything is fine at home.

And even more, if everything is good and even satisfactory at home, then they will not go anywhere.

And even if it is satisfactory, and sometimes bad, it will not work either.

Ideally, a man's home is a place where he rests from outside world, in which he runs after prey, and sometimes the prey runs after him.

I jokingly called the property of a woman's character to create an intolerable atmosphere in the family - "bitchiness." I note that "bitchiness" is sometimes the strongest in those women who are confident in their charm and good manners... From famous examples main character in film " Love affair at work". (In the first episode).

How do you make your relationship good? There are a lot of articles about this on our website " Sunny hands", Read. In short, work on the habit of "joking" and subtly ironic over a man, arguing with him about or without, teach him, how and what need to do, criticize, etc.

The fifth rule. Learn to communicate with a man and understand the psychology of men.

Let's try to present this science of communication with men in one sentence. A man should feel like a hero with his woman.

Communication should be such that you can communicate a lot, on almost any topic and both of you were interested, you should often say the same thing at the same time, often guess what the man thinks or wants.

And a little more. A man is not a woman. Women - study men and the psychology of men - they are different. Not better or worse, others. If you know them well, or rather even one man, then problems with infidelity will bypass your family.

Rule six. Pay attention to sex.

This rule seems obvious, but nevertheless, there are quite a large number of women who violate it. (We are not talking about illness, etc., when this is really impossible).

I am not saying that a wife must necessarily be a super lover. However, if a man does not have sex for months due to the woman's fault, then most likely he will involuntarily begin to look at other women,
even if he is a committed family man. And the question of how to keep the husband from cheating when the family is absent intimate relationship becomes rhetorical. Sex is important for a man. By the way, the same as for many women.

The only difference here is in the psychology of men and women. If advice for a man to establish sexual relations With a woman, they usually boil down to the fact that a man has learned to talk and communicate with a woman in general, and about love and sex in particular, then advice for women may be the opposite. You can build relationships with a man starting with sex, and then gradually move on to communication. In general, in men, a lot is arranged upside down.

It happens that women complain that their husband does not stick to them and does not show attention. Here also read articles on the site, or even better buy a book “How to make a man fall in love with you for life? The most intimate male secrets and secrets " and try to understand the reason for this behavior of your man. Perhaps you criticize him a lot and constantly for everything he does. Perhaps you are making fun of his hobbies or some of his male qualities... A lot of things are possible, but more on that in another article.

The seventh rule. Take care of yourself, develop, watch your weight and appearance.

I thought whether to write this rule or not. I never want to write only in unilaterally... After all, many men by the age of 30, and I'm not talking about 40-50 years old, have acquired a belly of decent size. And, nevertheless, if you want to keep your husband from cheating, watch your weight and figure. This will boost your self-esteem, improve your health, and reduce your risk of cheating on a man by far.

There are men who like overweight women. This is easy to spot. If when you met, you already had a decent weight, then your man most likely likes your figure.

But if you were slim when you got married, then chances are your husband likes slender women... Play sports, follow your diet, and everything will be fine.

And yet, many women do a typical mistake... Over time, they stop taking care of their lives, stop paying attention to themselves. In no case should you do this, even if your man convinces you that you are interesting to him for who you are. Yes, maybe now he is interested in you, but if you do not develop for several years in a row, do not constantly grow and change, and at the same time if your man strives for something, then sooner or later he will become bored with you. It happens the other way around, but more on that another time.

So, dear ladies, take time for yourself - your beloved. Go dancing, study English, do yoga, develop your needs and talents. If you have no time to get bored, you will not nag your husband either, and besides, you will become an example and inspiration for him in many ways.

After all, in order to keep SUCH a woman, you want your man or not, but you will have to correspond. When is it already here to look at other women, when to show your own.

These are, perhaps, all the rules. Maybe you have your own observations on this issue, then you can present them in the form of an article and send them to the address of the site administrator [email protected]... If the article is interesting, correct and if it does not contain sweeping criticism and generalizations about women or men, then we will publish it.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.