Makeup secrets for women 40 years old. Elimination of bruises and bags under the eyes. Eyebrow makeup colors

In our series of pre-New Year's beauty lessons, we could not help but allocate a place for a video of rejuvenating makeup for women over 40, which, of course, has its own characteristics. The master class will be held by star makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury.


First of all, you need to prepare the skin and give it fresh and healthy look... Charlotte usually applies her “Magic Cream” to her face, neck and even décolleté, which has an anti-aging and lifting effect. You can also use your favorite moisturizer. And do not forget to monitor the water balance of the body, because you can fill the skin with moisture from the inside.

If the skin has redness or dark spots, then you cannot do without foundation and primer. Choose a cream that is lighter than your skin tone (this is youthful!) And apply it in a thin layer using your fingers or a brush. When the skin is well hydrated and nourished, the cream lays down very easily, and the primer will prevent it from clogging up pores and wrinkles. Eye circles and imperfections on the skin are additionally masked with a concealer. Fixing the creamy textures of foundations will help compact powder. Uniform application a special domed brush will provide.


For the eyes, you need to create a decent frame, but since the skin of the eyelids after 40 years loses its elasticity and becomes a little flabby, then about sophisticated techniques better to forget. Our main task is to open our eyes and give it a natural expressiveness. Charlotte suggests curling your eyelashes first and then applying smokey ice makeup using delicately shimmery shadows. natural shades... After that, line the upper and lower eyelids with a soft pencil and paint over the lashes with black mascara.


Use a bronzer or sculpting blush to work on the line of the cheekbones and chin. For a youthful glow, apply the highlighter to the most high points cheekbones. In addition to a seductive shine, it will also allow you to achieve the visual effect of a face lift.

Do not forget about the blush. With age, the apples of the cheeks do not lose volume, and blush of any shade looks good on the face. For this image choose sand shade blush.


Since lips become thinner with age, lip liner to match the lipstick will help give them a plump look and shape. Apply it with soft, abrupt lines around the outline. Then use the brush to paint over the lips with a soft natural shade and gloss for a volume effect.

You will learn the secrets of performing anti-aging makeup for women over 40 years from a video tutorial. Take note practical advice make-up artist and do makeup according to all the rules on our own for the next holiday.

What will help a woman to disguise her age without resorting to injections, plastics and expensive cosmetic procedures? Makeup done right, of course. Often mature ladies, having crossed the border of 40 years, make the mistake of continuing to paint in the same way as a dozen years ago. With age, makeup acquires features that must be taken into account in order not only to visually lose years, but also not to look funny.

Features of makeup in adulthood

After 40, the skin begins to dull and lose elasticity. Closer to age 50, it becomes more and more difficult to hide. Therefore, in order to stop the fading of beauty, it is necessary to use high-quality, hypoallergenic cosmetics that are appropriate age category... Also, we must not forget about some of the nuances.

  • Blush. Applying a natural blush significantly refreshes the face. Choose pale pink, peach, beige shades... Bronze and dark tones only add years.
  • Foundation. To make your skin look fresh and radiant even after 40, you need to choose a cream that is lighter in tone. A product with a light texture will lay flat and will not create a mask effect. Give preference better cream on the water based with high level UV protection. Not worth applying a lot foundation... Otherwise, the skin will acquire greasy shine... A special corrective cream will make reddish blood vessels less visible. It is applied under the base. Pigmentation and wrinkles are masked with concealer.
  • Powder. It is used to dull oily sheen. It is enough to apply it on the forehead and wings of the nose with wide tassel... For masking wrinkles better fit loose powder... If the skin is dry, which is closer to 50 years is not uncommon, then the use of powder is not recommended.
  • Shadows. The first wrinkles after 40 appear in the eyes. Therefore, you need to choose light shadows. The darker the shadows, the more visible the wrinkles will be. Blue and purple shades will enhance the effect of bruises under the eyes. It is also best not to use white shadows.
  • Black mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, pencil should be replaced with softer gray and brown. If the eyelids have a lot of wrinkles, they look edematous, then it is better not to use eyeliner. The depth of the look will be given by neatly shaded shadows or a pencil.
  • Do not get carried away with dyeing the lower eyelashes. It is enough to select a third at the outer corners.
  • Do not pluck your eyebrows too thin.

Even out the tone of the face and hide the wrinkles

Rejuvenating makeup is, first of all, an even foundation. 15-20 minutes before applying the foundation, the skin should be cleaned and lubricated with a moisturizer. Vessels, unwanted pigmentation, bruises are hidden by concealer. After that, foundation is applied. Finally, you can powder a little.

At the age of 50, unfortunately, it will not work to get rid of wrinkles with the help of a tonal foundation. But you need to work out the problem areas near the mouth and eyes. It is necessary to apply a light base and with short strokes, gently "drive" the foundation in the area of ​​the folds.

Draw the eyebrows

By the age of 50, the hairs become lighter and thinner. Eyebrows lose their beauty, becoming invisible. First you need to give them correct shape... "Threads" are not relevant for a long time, and too wide eyebrow arches create unkempt... The ideal thickness is medium. The color of the eyebrow pencil should either match the hair color or a little lighter. Comb the hairs and apply strokes with neat light movements where they are lighter or thinner. Then comb the eyebrows again and blend the pencil, achieving the desired shade and density. And now a few recommendations for eyebrow dyeing.

  • The eyebrows should be in the form of a comma. Mature woman does not go round form... The expression on the face becomes silly.
  • The outer edge of the brow arch should not be below the corners of the eyes. Otherwise, the expression on your face will be sad.
  • Do not draw a clear line on your eyebrows. It is better to do this with strokes, trying to repeat the natural line.
  • Shadows will help you achieve better effect than a pencil.

Bringing back youth to the eyes

In order not to emphasize the wrinkles that have appeared, ladies over 40 should not paint their eyes too intensely. Makeup should be calm. Avoid oily eyeshadows. Blocking in the folds of the skin, they create a sloppy look. You also need to forget about sparkles, pearlescent and very bright shades shadows.

For the eye contour, it is better to use gray or brown pencil... It is worth forgetting about the bold lines of the eyeliner. A thin arrow is enough. Shadows pastel shade should be applied in one layer, you can lightly powder. With age, the eyelids begin to overhang a little, so the eyelashes should be painted in one layer so as not to make the look heavy.

Now about some of the nuances of age-related eye makeup.

  • It is better to replace the eyeliner with shaded shadows or a pencil. They look more neat and give the look more expressiveness and depth.
  • Avoid reddish brown. It makes the eyes sore and tired.
  • All lines must be ascending. Otherwise, the eyes will be dull. To visually lift the eyelid, its outer corner must be emphasized with a darker shade.
  • It is advisable to apply the tonal foundation also under the eyes and on the upper eyelid, especially on inner corners eye.
  • Light matte shadows applied under the eyebrow will help restore freshness to the look.

Choosing a lipstick for age-related makeup

Those over 50 are familiar with the problem of small wrinkles in the lip area. Therefore, the lipstick should be chosen very carefully. Better stop at matte texture and natural shades.

If the wrinkles near the lips are small, you need to apply foundation, affecting the outline of the mouth. After that, carefully emphasize the contour and apply lipstick with a brush. The pencil should match the color of the lipstick.

At deep wrinkles that are difficult to mask with foundation, contour pencil you should not use, and replace the lipstick with a natural shade of gloss.

To create a youthful look, it is best to use coral or pink. Too pale tones will make the face expressionless, and bright ones will focus on wrinkles.

Makeup instructions

In order not to miss anything, we suggest step by step instruction applying makeup at home for women over 40 years old.

  • Masking problem areas... We apply tonal basis without forgetting about the eyelids, earlobes and neck. There should be no sharp transition boundaries.
  • With pencil strokes or shadows, we emphasize the line of the eyebrows and shade.
  • We select shadows. Stylists recommend at the age of 40-50 years to use beige pale pink, silvery green, light gray, golden, pearl. To keep the eyes expressive, the shadows should be chosen so that they do not repeat the iris of the eyes. Brown-haired women with brown eyes golden shades, light turquoise, cold brown will do. Ladies with fair skin and with your eyes it is better to choose a pastel scale - blue, gray-blue, lilac. Brunettes can give up shadows altogether. They just need to look up. Blondes with dark eyes can try bronze, brown, beige tones... Apply to the upper eyelid light shade from the beginning of the growth of eyelashes to eyebrows. After that, apply a dark shade to the movable eyelid. To make the look expressive, you need to emphasize brown or gray pencil lower eyelid.
  • We paint the eyelashes with brown or black mascara in one layer.
  • Blush in the form of a cream shade better. They are applied to the cheekbones from bottom to top and shaded.
  • Cover the area near the lips with foundation, draw a contour and apply lipstick with a brush. IN everyday makeup it is better to use glitter.

Woman in her 40s usually looks quite attractive... However, certain age changes still make themselves felt.

The correct makeup, taking into account age characteristics, will help to emphasize the beauty and hide some defects.

How to prepare aging skin?

First of all, before makeup, the skin, and especially if it already has signs of aging begin to appear must be properly moisturized.

Start the procedure with lung day cream suitable for your skin type.

Also, the product must have a sun protection factor of at least 30. This will help prevent early aging.

If a cream of dense texture is suitable in the evening, then in the afternoon it will be enough light emulsion, especially in the warm season.

IN winter period need to use nutritious fat creams to help hide small wrinkles when using foundation. After forty years, it is recommended to use lifting creams.

Use moisturizer sparingly. If there is any excess, wipe it off with a dry soft cloth.

If the skin is oily, mattifying creams can be applied zonally. They will help get rid of oily sheen. It is also recommended to always have matting wipes on hand.

Step-by-step instruction

After you moisturize your skin, be sure to apply. Use a palette of color correctors to hide imperfections (greenish for redness, orange for dark circles under the eyes).

Then apply your foundation.

For a rejuvenating make-up, you can apply a foundation all over your face warm tone, which will create the effect of a beautiful natural tan.

And around the eyes you can apply lighter base for . However, if your circles are light, skip this step. After the face is ready, proceed to the makeup of the eyes and lips, which will suggest the following sequence:

  1. Take white or light blue shimmery eyeshadow and blend it around the eyes near the base of the upper and lower lashes.
  2. In the area under the eyebrow, apply a matte shade of shade Ivory.
  3. Now you need to take more dark shadows brownish-gray tone and apply them to the crease of the eyelid, blending carefully.
  4. On the base of the upper lashes, you can gently apply black pressed eyeliner... TO outer edge her eyes should get thicker.
  5. On the inner edge of the lower eyelid, apply white pencil.
  6. Accentuate your cheekbones with crumbly blush coral or pinkish.
  7. For lips can be used pink color corresponding to their natural tone... If you wish, you can add some pearlescent shine to the middle.

This is just one of the options, but the anti-aging tricks recommended by makeup artists are worth adopting all women over 40.

You can learn how to properly do makeup for women after 50 years of age from ours.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, Special attention it is worth giving to the creams that you use. Scary figure - in 97% of creams famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance... But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial office conducted an analysis natural creams, where the first place was taken by funds from the Mulsan Cosmetic company - a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics... All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Daily make-up rules

Day makeup for women over 40 should look as natural as possible and does not take much time, but its task is to hide flaws and emphasize advantages. The rules for its creation will be as follows:

  1. Cleanse and moisturize your skin first.
  2. Apply to the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and under the eyes corrector.
  3. A darker tone powder can be used for light sculpting the face... Use it to darken the hairline, the area under the cheekbones and the distance from the chin to the neck.
  4. Highlighter can be used to highlight certain areas. Apply it to the middle of the chin, the bridge of the nose, the area above upper lip and above the cheekbones, as well as under the eyebrows.
  5. Eyebrow line it is better to draw with a soft pencil, after combing them.
  6. Don't use charcoal black. For blondes, grayish-brown tones are suitable, for brunettes, black-brown ones.

  7. For day makeup better use brown rather than black mascara.
  8. Apply shadows pastel shades... You can make your look more open and expressive by applying some white shimmery shadows to the inner edge of the eye. The waterline of the lower eyelid can be drawn with a beige pencil.
  9. Contour the lips with a pencil, as much as possible close to natural color , blend it.
  10. Finish up with applying nude lipstick.

Such makeup does not imply an emphasis on either the lips or the eyes. His zest- in perfectly clean and smooth skin.

What should be the evening look?

evening make-up should be more expressive than daytime, but an abundance of cosmetics and bright colors still not allowed. You can use warm pastel shades to create beautiful transitions.

  1. To mask the vascular network on the face, you can use greenish tint corrector.
  2. The skin needs to be perfectly clean, so take care of masking imperfections and creating tone.

  3. Highlight the cheekbones with peach or beige blush, which have creamy texture.
  4. For eye makeup, you can use golden brown or ash gray depending on the color type. Take three shadow colors that are close to each other. The lightest will be located at the inner edge of the eye and under the eyebrows, the middle one - in the center of the eyelid, and the darkest one should highlight the edge of the eye.
  5. Can be used smokey ice makeup, but it is better not in black tones, but in the same gray or brownish ones.
  6. Eyelashes can be painted black... You can curl them or use invoices if you don't like your own.
  7. IN evening makeup allowed emphasis on the lips. But please note that dark lipstick can visually add several years, therefore it is important correct selection shade.

Errors in creation

In the process of creating makeup, you can make mistakes that will not rejuvenate you, but, on the contrary, will add several years. The most common among them are the following:

  • too much thick layer foundation... Looks heavy and focuses on flaws. In age-related makeup, one layer is enough. Excess it can be blotted with a paper towel;
  • too much bright colors ... They will look ridiculous and can emphasize age;
  • pearlescent shadows... After 40 it is recommended to use matte dry eyeshadow;
  • colorless lip gloss... Better to choose matte gloss or lipstick;
  • black eyeliner... It must be used very carefully, and it is better to replace it with gray or brown;
  • an abundance of powder. It should be used only when necessary to hide the oily sheen;
  • abundance of mascara... Paint lower eyelashes not necessary at all;
  • When painting over the upper ones, try to blink a few times - this is enough to a small amount of paint remained on the lower eyelashes.

  • too much thin eyebrows ... The unnatural thread only emphasizes age. Too thick and too "drawn" eyebrows, believe me, will not decorate you either.

In addition to all that has already been said for women over 40 who want look young and attractive, makeup artists advise the following recommendations:

  1. Your makeup bag should contain BB cream.

    Also, thanks to them, you can hide certain skin imperfections, for example, fine wrinkles and adjacent vessels.

  2. One more necessary remedylifting effect corrector... It will help both tighten the skin and mask imperfections.
  3. Whiten Eye Cream That Helps fight wrinkles and moisturizes the skin. Moisturizing is irreplaceable at your age.
  4. Don't forget about makeup base... It will help fill in wrinkles, make the skin smoother, and make your makeup look better.

Smartly crafted anti-aging makeup will make you look younger, fresher and more attractive. It is not that difficult to make it. The main thing is to remember about moderation and know what exactly suits you personally.

You can learn how to properly apply makeup after 40 years from the video:

Rejuvenating makeup over 40 - shocking video

You will be surprised how much makeup can transform appearance... In this video, right before your eyes, there are several transformations of the tired and not quite young women(not just over 40, but much further) into self-confident and irresistible beauties. This is really amazing. Step by step, every brush stroke, every movement of the makeup artist - all this, like magic, reveals to us the full power of cosmetics. Below, after a few tips, you can see the process itself in more detail - anti-aging rejuvenating makeup for someone over 40 - a photo step by step from Angie.

Correct anti-aging skin treatment

The skin of a 40-year-old woman needs special care - constant hydration and nutrition. The main principle of choosing a cream is to maximize products for your skin type and your age.
For 40-year-olds, some companies are developing a whole line of products, which includes day and night creams, milk for removing makeup, eye cream, various tonics, etc. It is very important to understand that a cream for young skin no longer works, but also not needed yet.

It is important to remember: you need to apply makeup on well-moisturized skin, otherwise any base or foundation will stick to the wrinkles and only accentuate them.

Creating the right makeup for women over 40 - step by step photo

Correct face contouring can significantly hide imperfections, thereby reducing you at least ten years. On the Internet, there are many step by step instructions, however, Angie, who has stepped over her 50-year milestone (, did the best with this task on her blog - she got an excellent step-by-step detailed instructions with photo and detailed description- a real treasure for women over 40. Photos before and after makeup can be found at the end of the article.

Properly applied makeup can:

  • Visually remove a sagging chin,
  • Tighten saggy cheeks
  • Reduce nasolabial folds,
  • Smooth the contour of the nose,
  • Raise your cheekbones
  • Reduce bags under the eyes.
  1. Angie uses NYX Cream Highlight & Contour Palette in Light. If you don't have a contour palette, you can use 3 base shades to achieve the same effect. If you're just starting out, the NYX palette is an inexpensive way to experiment (but Angie finds gel bases a little stiff and not as easy to mix as she would like).

  2. Before applying the contour, Angie recommends using a primer and letting it brew for a few minutes. Each face is different, but the basic shape is the accentuated heart shape from the eyes to the point of the chin.
    Then we move on to contouring, and start with a selection, using a pale (matte) shade with right side palette and the first brush from the left.
  3. To reduce eye sacs: Paint a line from the inner corner of the eye along the dark side and up to the cheek. Better to avoid applying heavy makeup right under the eyes, where we have wrinkles, because it makes us look older.
  4. To tone the nose: draw a line in the center of the nose and along the edge to the cheek, leaving a gap between them, as in the photo below.

  5. To raise the cheekbones: paint with a brush (using the same light tone) the outer V from the top of the cheekbone, starting from the pupil outside the corner of the eyebrow and up to its top (as in the photo). Adding highlighting helps to improve the appearance and remove facial fatigue that comes with age.
  6. To reduce nasolabial folds: Paint along the deepest part of the fold, following the outline from the nose to the corner of the mouth.

    If you have deep mimic wrinkles, today many companies produce wrinkle fillers (not to be confused with the base), which do an excellent job of eliminating this deficiency.

  7. To reduce wrinkles: paint over pale shade in the deepest part of the wrinkled line from the corner of the mouth to the chin.

    As a result, you should get the following:

  8. To lift the chin, draw a line along the chin from ear to ear under the jaw - this is a clear line for the jawline.

    On the this moment it looks scary, but we are going to combine the colors and apply foundation to natural effect... For this we need to use the wide brush from the set.

  9. First, with gentle round movements, blend the lighter areas, then wipe the brush and proceed to the dark ones.
    For those who want to round their cheeks, use the same brush to pull part of the tip of the cheekbone forward and align it to the nose, but do not bring it to the very nostril (see photo below).

  10. The next step is to apply a foundation - not dense, but not liquid either. To do this, we use a sponge, which will help not to mix the traced contours and perfectly cope with the task.

    After application tonal face already looks more natural, but now looks a bit like a mask.
    The last steps are powder, blush and bronzer.

  11. Apply blush with a special brush, starting high on the cheekbone and pull out a line to the center of the eye, then shade it (blush line) with a contour.
    The problem area - the part of the cheek between the nasolabial fold and the cheekbones - has lost its shape and does not look very good (sagging skin), and this does not need to be emphasized! However, blush will reflect light and optically "blur" problem areas (including sagging skin), making them fuller and visually lifting.
    You can add a little blush above each eyebrow, in the center of the nose, and also in the corners of the lips.

    An optional last step is to darken the contours with a bronzer.
    Makeup is complete. Compare the before and after photos.

Young girls use makeup to add expressiveness to the image, to emphasize their merits. For women literate makeup after 40 years is an in a great way hide some age-related manifestations, become younger, more charming. To achieve excellent result not difficult. You just need to learn for yourself a few rules that I will share in the post, carefully choose decorative cosmetics and do your makeup carefully, thoroughly. And so that useful tips for applying age-related makeup are always at hand, I recommend that you save this post to your bookmarks or on your page in social networks!

Distinctive features of anti-aging makeup

What should be a make-up that will rejuvenate your face and hide your true age? If you are already 40, try to keep it according to the following rules:
  • Shades are exceptionally light, from pastel colors (beige, gray, olive, ivory).
  • No bright colors shouldn't be.
  • The lines are soft, the tone transitions are imperceptible, a slight combination of muted shades, the absence of clear contrasts that will only emphasize wrinkles.
  • Cosmetics are light and airy (not dense in structure).
  • No glitter, shimmer, mother of pearl.
  • Use of BB or CC-cream is obligatory.
  • Particular attention is paid to eyebrows, which must be painted over after 35-40.
  • The contouring for clearer lines of the face oval should be flawless.
  • Multi-layer application techniques are excluded.

But this is just the basics. If you want to look perfect even in balzac age, you will have to delve into the technique of applying it a little deeper.

Study the rules written for separate parts faces. This will allow you to select those postulates that need to be accepted in the first place. For example, age-related pigmentation needs to be masked tonal means, bags under the eyes - with concealer, blooming lips - with the appropriate contouring.

Use concealer first to remove bags under the eyes.
If necessary, pigmentation, spider veins and skin irregularities can be hidden with a corrector.
Instead of foundation after 40, it is better to start using BB cream.
The powder should be translucent and match natural color skin. Do not apply it to the eye area, otherwise crow's feet clogged with its microparticles and appear even stronger.
Choose a blush in pastel shades and carefully blend them on the cheekbones.

Rejuvenating eye makeup after 40 excludes any mother of pearl.
The ideal shade of eyeshadow is linen. They can be applied to the underbrow and the movable part of the eyelids.
Draw the arrows with a liquid liner. Leave the pencil in the past. It is also better not to use black for eyeliner.
The lower eyelid can be painted on with shadows or liner only in evening style.
Highlighting outer corners, try not to touch crow's feet, which instantly appear under decorative cosmetics.

The length of the eyebrows should be the same golden mean: the long ones will add a couple of years to you, the short ones will create a comical effect.
Be sure to paint your eyebrows to match your hair with tint powder, eye shadow or pencil.
Mascara can be of any color and with any additional effect(volume, elongation). The main thing is to apply it in 1 layer and not on the lower eyelashes (this will emphasize dark circles and bags under the eyes).

Contouring is a must, but it should be invisible. To do this, take a pencil, the color of which will match the natural shade of the lips.
At this age, cosmetologists insist on the use of moisturizing tint balms.
If it is lipstick, then it should be matte.
If you want gloss - drip it exclusively into the center of the lips, and then blend.
Make-up artists claim that ladies after 40 years old need to re-learn how to apply make-up. After all, from this moment it becomes necessary to hide age-related changes.

Typical mistakes

In addition to all the previous nuances, we reveal the secrets of rejuvenating makeup: try not to repeat annoying and typical mistakes.

After 40 you cannot use:

  • carrot lipstick;
  • dark contour lip liner;
  • bright shades of lipstick and eye shadow;
  • sequins;
  • mascara on the lower eyelashes;
  • long, feline arrows;
  • lower eyeliner;
  • dense matting concealers;
  • too light foundation;
  • several layers of makeup;
  • foundation for masking wrinkles.
If you continue to apply similar funds and makeup techniques, it can hardly be called rejuvenating. But as soon as you gradually begin to break these habits, you will notice that people will begin to give you much less years than it really is.

Top 10 makeup mistakes that age

Makeup photo for 40 year olds

Video tutorial: age-related makeup for women after 40 steps

The older a woman gets, the simpler, lighter and more airy her makeup should look. Irina Starkova, the official make-up artist of L "Oréal Paris in Ukraine, shows how to correctly perform makeup for women after 40. The image will turn out to be delicate and elegant.

1. Let's start with the tone: we will use the L "Oréal Paris Nude Magique CC cream in a soft purple shade to even out the complexion, as well as correct the skin tone, relieve it of dullness and make it more uniform and radiant. CC cream is a unique hybrid a product that has the ability to color correction and care for the skin.

2. Next, use the L "Oréal Paris Alliance Perfect Concealer, which is also a must in this type of makeup. It will help to cope with dark circles under the eyes, even out the tone, and will also take care of the delicate area around the eyes. Apply the corrector also to the nasolabial area. folds, as if filling them, as well as around the contour of the lips and on the chin.This way we brighten the central part of the face and visually make wrinkles less noticeable.

3. Fix the result with Alliance Perfect Powder from L "Oréal Paris, which perfectly adapts to skin tone and, moreover, allows makeup to last longer.

4. Now let's slightly refresh the face with the help of blush from the same line, shade 140. Apply on the apples of the cheeks - the face will become fresh, as after a good rest.

5. Let's move on to eye makeup. The first step is to correct the shape of the eyebrows. Eyebrows often thin and grow worse with age. The Color Riche le Sourcil pencil from L "Oréal Paris will help to cope with this. Irina uses 302 shades for blondes so as not to darken her eyebrows too much.

6. Use the new E1 palette of natural shades of eyeshadow Color Riche Quadro from L "Oréal Paris. Use your finger to apply a light shade to the entire eyelid. Then soft terracotta to highlight the area above upper eyelid- in this case it is more convenient to work with a brush. Draw an arrow on the upper and lower eyelids in a beige-gray shade. To make the look even more expressive, we will fix it with a Color Riche Le Khol pencil from L "Oréal Paris in shade 111. No pressure, the movements should be soft and confident. Avoid too bright or dark shades, because the makeup should be very gentle.

7. But you don't have to save money on mascara and apply it in several layers. Mascara Volume Million Eyelashes will give the necessary volume and will not glue the eyelashes.

8. The final stage is the lips. First, draw the outline transparent pencil Color Riche, which will soften the lips and prevent further lipstick from spreading. We will use Lipstick Color Riche Caresse from L "Oréal Paris in a delicate pastel shade 02. Apply it with your finger to create the maximum natural effect... Can also be used special brush... Makeup complete!

Confidence in own beauty, a radiant look and a happy smile perfectly complement the anti-age makeup. And remember, after 40, life is just beginning.