How to choose your style. Blouses and shirts must be present in the basic wardrobe of any girl. No basic wardrobe can do without outerwear

IN last years The profession of an image maker is rapidly gaining popularity, more and more new projects dedicated to the intricacies of creating an image appear on the screen. But does the creation of a style, an image, cover the “correct” suit, fashion styling and topical perfumes? What does the image really affect and how to create the desired image? "Passion" decided to find out by sending their correspondent to an image agency for a consultation. This is her story today.

Let's start with the fact that the task of the editors came in handy - for a long time something vaguely did not suit me in myself. In general, I liked myself, but as a perfectionist in the field of appearance, I could not find clothes that were comfortable and “mine” 100%. In addition, I wanted to look as feminine as possible.

For changes, I went to the image agency "Stylish Person".

Irina Pchelina, stylist-image maker and head of the agency:

“Each of us is our own image maker. Consciously or not, we create a certain image for ourselves, built on a combination of elements. visual form(hairstyle, clothes, make-up, accessories, manicure), behaviors (hike, facial expressions, speech, gestures) and habitat (environment, life, home).

Our appearance says a lot about us, regardless of what we think about ourselves. The goal of an image stylist is to help you become an expert in shaping your look. Our goal is to help you realize, perhaps re-remember and update through style your own "I"

Stage 1. Color

A person, perceiving the environment, reacts first to the color, and then to the form. Therefore, when starting to work on your image, you need to start by determining the color type. Based on a common theory, from birth a person belongs to one of them. Color types, conventionally named after the seasons, are divided into warm and cold. Shades of clothing, make-up and accessories are selected accordingly. Spring and Autumn are warm, Summer and Winter are cold.

Spring is a warm type bright sign - thin pinkish-peach skin, always light hair tone, shades - golden, straw, honey. Eyes - light blue, amber, gray, but always - light and transparent.

Autumn- this is also a warm, but more "saturated" color type. Autumn people naturally have red, copper, or bronze hair, possibly with brown tones. The skin tone is not as transparent as in spring, more dense. Eyes can be brown, gray, green.

Summer- cold type. Accordingly, the tone summer skin- cold, light, pinkish-bluish. Hair - from light blondes to dark chestnut, but always with light brown or ashy undertones. summer may be contrasting (this is a more saturated type, with dark hair and eyebrows) and not contrasting (with blond hair).

Winter- This is the coldest and brightest color type. Winter people have dark hair, light skin and bright eyes. Like summer, winter is divided into contrast (bright skin And dark hair) And non-contrasting (dark olive skin tone and dark hair).

In order to determine whether you are warm or cold color type,

bring to your face first warm, and then cold tones of the same color. You will surely notice that against the background of one of the tones, the color of your face will turn out to be healthier, its colors will “play out”. “Not your own” tone, on the contrary, will give the skin an unhealthy, unusual shade.

(While I was learning to match tones according to my color type, I finally understood why some of my clothes seemed to fit my figure perfectly, but I looked “pale” in them).

After you determine your color type, it will become much easier to select the most winning clothes. Incidentally, tone discrimination in no way limits your color choice- any color can be "warm" or "cold". The saturation of the color also does not affect its warmth or coldness, even a bright red hue can be cold.

So, for example, my color type is non-contrasting winter- correspond to cold, pure, bright colors. If the shade is red, then - raspberry, blue - indigo and snow-blue, green - emerald and malachite, gray - graphite and anthracite shades. (Yes, with a yellow blouse, orange turtleneck and brown dress have to say goodbye...)

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

Summer colors: Blue colour- gray-blue, gray-blue, denim, brown - a shade of cocoa, pinkish-brown, yellow - shades of lemon peel and lemon pulp, red - burgundy, cherry, gray-pink shades.

And do not forget that the shades should be cold, without an admixture of yellow in the color (if red, then not orange, but for example, raspberry, pink).

Spring corresponds to a warm light transparent gamma. Shades of Spring: peach, coral, turquoise, lime, pea, honey, violet, coffee, cream. Black spring is best not to use.

Autumn- these are warm saturated dense colors - scarlet, red-brown, orange, blue-green, khaki, plum, coffee, baked milk color - in general, all the colors that nature is saturated with during leaf fall and harvest. Now is the time to take a closer look at her colors in order to clearly see what warm and cold shades are.

Stage 2. Form

Body type and its correction

Each of us is unique, but types female figures only a few (and this is good, otherwise it would be completely impossible to pick up clothes in stores). But there are many ways to correct the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages!

At this stage, I mentally weeded out the next part of the wardrobe and even more clearly understood why in some pretty things I was not 100% satisfied with myself, and in others, not at all trendy and seemingly not attracting attention, I felt surprisingly beautiful. It was all in the details.

For example, in the width of the straps (narrow straps make wide shoulders visually even wider); or in the cut of pockets on jeans: the fact is that the direction of the diagonal line (and the edge of the pocket is such) makes any shape (in this case- the shape of the hips) wider and lower or narrower and higher.

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

Girls with broad shoulders vertical fasteners are recommended, no gathers along the shoulder line, narrow long lapels of jackets. For narrow shoulders, a boat neckline, American armhole, large pattern, raglan are suitable.

For wide hips recommended: mid-knee length of dresses and skirts and slightly tapered or slightly flared silhouette, slits or wraps, side seams, muted tones. For narrow hips - yoke skirts, with pleats, wide trousers, multiple vertical stripe on trousers, accents on the waist and hips, volumetric texture of the fabric.

High growth can be adjusted as follows: lengthen the top (jacket, blouse), and bright accents shift down (border, belts, bracelets). low stature corrected, of course, by a heel and a shift in emphasis, on the contrary, upwards - brooches, scarves, large earrings, etc.

big breasts, if necessary, visually corrected with dark tones, narrow cutouts and a high smell. Small breasts can be visually enlarged with blouses on yokes with gathers above the chest, light colors, large patterns and voluminous textures.

In the process of studying the topic, I realized another important thing: our minds are filled with many wrong stereotypes related to clothing. For example, fat people often worn dark tones, believing that the dark slims. To think so is to confuse form and color.

So beloved by many black color visually compacts the shape, creates a feeling of monumentality - which is clearly contraindicated for people with magnificent forms. Their tones, on the contrary, should be light, and you need to adjust the figure with the help of clothing proportions.

Another of our mass delusions is that a vertical strip is slimming. In fact one vertical line (for example, a zipper on a jumper) makes any form narrower and higher, but in the plural - wider and lower! Above and already the form makes the plural horizontal line! (Remember this when choosing clothes).

Stage 3. Accessories

Accessories are additions to the image, which, like clothes, can correct the figure and the perception of people around you. The area that will be highlighted by the accessory will, firstly, draw attention to itself, and, secondly, distract attention from other areas.

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

For example, large beautiful earrings your eyes will immediately highlight, and a flying scarf will highlight your gait. beautiful wrists bracelets are highlighted. The opposite effect: if you don't want to accentuate a part of your body, don't highlight it with an accessory.

When choosing accessories, body proportions are taken into account: for slender figures narrow bags are selected, thin heels and capes of shoes, for "voluminous" figures and bags should be voluminous, heels - stable (this harmonizes general form figures).

Secrets from stylists: the toe of the shoe, the shape of the jewelry and the neckline of the garment should be similar to the shape of the face.

Stage 4. Style

However, the colors, shapes, lines that you use to create an image should obey your individual style direction (sporty, romantic, classic, etc.)

Any of us is a bearer of one or a combination of several (no more than 3) styles. And this means that things, colors, textures, accessories of exactly the style to which your appearance can be attributed to will most emphasize individuality and most fully reveal the “I”.

Your personal style direction is the core, the basis of appearance, knowing which, you will unmistakably choose clothes that will match the occasion, reflect your personality and emphasize unique features. These features - your "zest", giving each of the women a unique charm, are bestowed on us from birth.

Alas, complexes modern views on feminine beauty, generally accepted "ideals", authoritarian views modern society, pressure large companies in the field of fashion, etc. often force us to join in the pursuit of standardized beauty, forgetting about ourselves, our unique history.

The task of real image makers is not just to pick up a pair of outfits for you different cases, but to “pull out” your own “I” from you, emphasize your essence with visual means and, ultimately, help you find yourself.

And a specific image (business lady, shepherdesses, resort girls, vamp women) should fit into your style. Then the clothes will emphasize, and not obscure you.

The most striking confirmation of this was the resolution of my dilemma - the desire to look feminine and romantic and uncomfortable feeling in clothes that, as it seemed to me, creates the desired image - gentle blouses(similar to the one in my BEFORE photo), skirts with frills and dresses with spaghetti straps. Strange, but in these outfits and stilettos, I felt not at all as fragile and delicate as, say, wide trousers with many details and ballet flats.

It turned out that "feminine", in my opinion, frills, floral patterns etc. belong to the direction of naive romance and are suitable for those young ladies whose image initially contains this style. My style - a combination of serious romance and sport - suggested a more mature image, carrying the ideas of mystery, sophistication, hidden sensuality.

Stage 5 Hair and makeup

Everyone knows that the hairstyle should match the situation. Indeed, careful styling and albeit velvety, but sports suit look pretty silly. Ideally, your hairstyle and hair color, as well as makeup, should match your color type and style.

My hairstyle (you can see it in the photos) did not require any major changes. She remained almost the same, but the details made changes that subtly changed the whole image.

Irina Pchelina: “We decided to shade individual short strands - this will “break” the total mass of hair, bring lightness and freshness, create a game - quite in the spirit of serious romanticism. We also changed the shape of the bangs - it was straight, along the eyebrow. This line is more characteristic of the dramatic style. Also, as you already know, one horizontal line makes the shape wider and lower. With asymmetrical bangs laid to one side, Tanya's face

Results and conclusions

    Once you learn about the rules for creating an image, choosing clothes and accessories becomes even more difficult. But on the other hand, the selected one turns out to be “100% our own”. And over time, less money is spent on clothes and cosmetics - after all, you don’t buy inappropriate things, wardrobe “ballast”

    The best style is your own. Often it is "buried" deep, but the more joyful are the changes that occur as you return to your "I".

    Following standards can make us attractive. But we become beyond competition, emphasizing our natural beauty and unique features.

Thank you for your help in creating the material
image agency "Stylish Person".

We are all girls, women strive to be attractive. Our attractiveness depends on many factors:t of our appearance, from our natural data, from the ability to select clothes, form our basic wardrobe, use cosmetics, from gait, the ability to behave, from our sense of humor. And there are many more that affect our attractiveness.

Attractive women find it easier to find a life partner and build a career. Let's talk today about one of the not unimportant factors influencing the formation of the opinions of others. About style in clothes. How to choose the right clothes for yourself.

Regardless of the wealth and amount of money, a girl can dress tastefully or not. What minimum should be in the basic wardrobe of any self-respecting girl? What things will always be fashionable?

Choosing the right basic wardrobe

1. A business suit is one of the main elements of a basic wardrobe.

Whether you work in an office or not. In everyone's life there are times when you need to look strict and stylish. When I started building my career, I thought: How to choose the right clothes to look decent. Like any girl, I wanted to have as often as possible new look. And I found a way out - I always have a three-piece suit in my wardrobe. This is a skirt, jacket and trousers.

How to choose the right clothes for the type of fabric:

The fabric should contain predominantly natural ingredients. In this case, in any situation you will feel comfortable. Synthetic fabrics, as a rule, look cheap, and it is difficult for the body to breathe in them.

How to choose the right style of clothes

Suit style: Classic cut trousers, straight, slightly widened at the bottom. This form elongates the silhouette. Skirt is better straight cut. Its length is to the middle or below the knee. The jacket is true to size. You should not choose baggy shapes, even if you tend to be overweight. Fitted silhouette always gives femininity to the figure. And what could be sexier as a combination of rigor and femininity? Color palette suit preferably in calmer colors: gray, black, classic stripes. Having this option in your basic wardrobe, you can always look different by changing shirts or blouses. Depending on the weather and situation, you can wear either pantsuit, or the version with a skirt. With or without a jacket.

As we see - business suit required attribute basic wardrobe.

2. Blouses and shirts must be present in the basic wardrobe of any girl.

My weakness is white shirts, there are always several of them in my basic wardrobe: under cufflinks, with a frill, classic, similar to male version etc. But you can start with a couple. White shirt will refresh your image, add style and rigor. It can be worn with a skirt, trousers, jeans. A white shirt is always a win-win. It can be combined with many accessories: brooches, beads, ties and scarves. In addition to the white shirt, you can buy a couple more plain shirts or pretty stripes.

Blouses are a more romantic option. Wearing them with a suit will make you look feminine. It is enough to have a couple of them in the basic wardrobe.

The white shirt is my go-to wardrobe staple.

3. Jeans are simply an indispensable item for any basic wardrobe.

Who doesn't have this versatile item in their basic wardrobe? There probably won't be any! But jeans need to be able to choose the right one.

How to choose the right jeans:

Properly selected jeans will emphasize the dignity of the figure. Poorly matched jeans will only focus on the shortcomings, cut and color are very important, I like deep dark blue, with beautiful scuffs or without them at all. A light version can also look advantageous.

But in the case of a light tone, multiple abrasions can give the appearance of "consumer use". Never buy jeans smaller than your own. If due to top edge jeans will show parts of the body that are wider than the belt; this will definitely not play a plus in your image. Baggy wide jeans also not an option. The best styles these are classic straight or slightly flared to the bottom. Gum jeans also look very advantageous. They are convenient to tuck into boots and in combination with short jacket the image will look stylish.

No girl's basic wardrobe can do without jeans.

4. Dresses are the most feminine attribute of a girl's basic wardrobe.

Until recently, I did not pay special attention this comfortable and beautiful solution in your basic wardrobe. Good dress can be your trump card in solving both personal and business issues. Moreover, it is very comfortable shape clothes. Now in my basic wardrobe there are always a few knitted dresses on winter weather and a few lighter options on summer period. A dress is a piece of clothing that emphasizes your figure and creates an integral feminine look.

It is the girl in the dress that men pay the most attention to. Tested on personal experience more than once!

So, we want to attract the attention of men, then dresses simply must be in the basic wardrobe!

5. Blouses and sweaters are comfortable basic wardrobe items.

Sweatshirts will also help diversify the image and warm you in the cold season. In this case, it is better to turn your attention to brighter, more saturated colors. Then, in combination with a calm skirt or trousers, they will draw attention to you.

Lovely to the heart and caring gizmos of the basic wardrobe are blouses and sweaters.

6. The necessary elements of the basic wardrobe are accessories, they will add uniqueness and completeness to the image of a girl.

Every woman loves to adorn herself jewelry. If you do not have funds for expensive options, in this case, too, there is a way out.

Even a small thread river pearls will look very elegant. In addition, this stone can be suitable for both business and romantic looks. But remember pearls must be worn in pairs. Those. if there are beads, get also small earrings, you can use studs. Imitation pearl it’s better not to buy, it costs almost the same as a natural river one, but it looks much more losing. You just need to learn to distinguish natural pearls from artificial.

You can choose beautiful silver jewelry. They sometimes look no worse than gold.

Pearls and silver are jewelry that will add sophistication to the look and are desirable for the basic wardrobe.

7. Outerwear will not do without any basic wardrobe.

  • Demi-season coat - the best option This fitted coat Italian dinas(slightly below the knee) from a good plain fabric. I once bought this black coat and combined it with bright scarves and bags. It served me 7 years. And that year, when I was going to buy a new one, one of my friends met me on the street and asked: “Zhenya, where did you buy this fashion coat? Just the trend of the season. The Italian length will allow you to wear the coat with both dresses and trousers. I even wore my black coat with jeans, and this option also looked stylish.

Jacket. There are so many for sale now. fashion options short demi-season jackets that will be comfortable and beautiful. A well-chosen jacket can be worn not only with trousers, but also with dresses and skirts. The jacket can be leather or made of other material. The main thing is her model. Fitted jacket just below the waist solid color can be worn with a skirt and with trousers and with a knitted dress.

Winter clothes. Of course, we all dream of a fur coat, preferably a mink one, for those who have higher requests, this article is not relevant at all. But if there is no money for a fur coat, but you want to look luxurious? When I didn't have the opportunity to buy myself mink coat, I bought silver fox fur, came up with a stylish style and ordered a coat with a collar made of this fur from the atelier. The coat was unique and very beautiful. I noticed how many turn around to follow me.

Well, a down jacket for weekend walks in winter does not hurt at all.

In conclusion, I want to say that the right approach to shopping will also help you create the perfect basic wardrobe, and at the same time you will not spend a lot of money.

How to choose the right clothes when buying:

Going to the store, first of all, clearly formulate for yourself what you are looking for. I used to want to buy white demi-season coat. Not just white, but also my favorite Italian length. In my case, it is generally very difficult to find the right option, because. I short stature and many models just do not suit me. I went to different departments, they offered me options for red, black and other colors, but I needed white, and I still found it! And now I enjoy wearing it.

Even when I try on any clothes, I always adhere to the principle, if you don’t want to take it off, then this is my option. And if there are doubts, then you shouldn’t even think about it, I don’t need this thing!

I hope my article was useful for you and now when you go to the store you imagine what things should be present in the basic wardrobe, and which, in the absence of funds, you can ignore))).

And most importantly, now you can answer the question: How to choose the right clothes.

And do not forget about such a feminine and fashion accessory like a fashionable scarf or shawl.

In order to pick up your basic wardrobe, it would be useful to learn how to understand what are

When fashion began to change too quickly, in order to somehow adapt to the incredibly accelerated time, they replaced it with style, although today it is already obvious that a static personal style in modern realities- the concept is outdated! Lovely tom an example is Ulyana Sergeenko and her charming images of a “peasant lady”. Having soared to the top of the fashionable Olympus, Ulyana did not last long there, the fashion changed and her style lost its relevance. However, despite the obvious changes in fashion and the world as a whole, most women still believe that the most important thing for building an optimal and functional wardrobe is the ability, ability or desire to find your style, but I will please you, you don’t have to look for a style! But what is needed?

To begin with, simple and clear as a brick questions regarding women's wardrobe - Does the thing fit or doesn't fit?, over the past 10-15 years, overgrown with so many all kinds of husks, it is not surprising why elementary concepts were lost in a pile of “images”, “expressing oneself through clothes”, “matching or inappropriate colors”, “basic wardrobes” and other things like that!

You need to look for YOUR things, and not something else! Their fit, silhouette, length, volume, color, finally! Suitable or “own” things will be combined with each other without any problems, because most of the difficulties with combining clothes arise because of the clothes themselves, and not for some other reason!

Most recently, another flash mob on the topic “two weeks without repeats” ended on Instagram, the essence of which was as follows: to dress for specified period only in ten (or fifteen) selected things, never repeating the outfit.
The images of some participants were analyzed by practicing stylists, but that's bad luck, the guru comments on an outfit consisting of a skirt with a top:

“All the lines are in their place, you didn’t “break the figure” anywhere. Perfectly stretched the silhouette with a pendant!, and you look at the photo of the participant and cannot understand which pendant, if none of the things is elementarily matched in size and length?

Another image: the trousers in the crotch hang with a bubble, the shirt is large, and this is obvious from the folds formed at the seams of the sleeve, but talk only about the basic wardrobe (in its most concise version), shades and scarves!

In general, accessory fuss is very confusing for women. In a short period of time, the following thoughts took root in the heads of women:

-clothes can be inexpensive, the main thing is a bag and shoes
- accessories - scarves, pendants, necklaces, etc. that can refresh any look

which is generally true, but cheap clothes and clothes that are inappropriate in size / length / volume are not the same thing!
And no strap will emphasize anything if the trousers do not fit or make the figure look fuller due to an inappropriate fabric pattern!

The rooted tendency to go from the general to the particular - from understanding oneself, one's inner self, which supposedly needs to be demonstrated, to things that embody this task, invariably fails, because the average woman does not need to express anything! She needs to have matching clothes in her closet that will be folded in actual time sets, and this can only be achieved through the acquisition of “her own” things and nothing else!

This topic puzzled me after I analyzed my latest images. Incredibly, but far from the traditional base, clothes - a pink coat, an oversized shirt with elongated cuffs, a straight-cut dress with a tiered hem, went well with other things from my closet and took center stage in my wardrobe.

How did it happen?

- things fit well
- they suit me in length, silhouette, volume and color
- models solve problems for body shaping
- these are fashionable things, so any combination with it gives actual sets
- things are sewn from a pleasant fabric, I practically do not feel them on myself, despite the original or unusual style for me

Does a pink coat or an oversized shirt with elongated cuffs fit the standard definitions of a basic wardrobe? No, but for me they serve as basic units because they are 100% my stuff!

The same can be written about any other thing bought in the last year.

The bow blouse just suits me in terms of style (especially the collar), volume, length, fit, etc., so it was easy to pair with jeans that matched my model and fit,

a well-chosen hat, despite the stereotype “short people should not wear wide-brimmed hats”, on the contrary, builds a vertical image, corrects proportions and visually adds height,

A oversized sweater masks feminine hips and, as strange as it may sound, optically lengthens the legs.

And so with all things, shoes and accessories!

Don't look for your style, look for YOUR stuff! This makes much more sense and benefit. When you learn to find your things, the style will take care of itself.

Have a good day!

As you know, fashion is changeable, but style is not. Despite the trends of capricious fashion, each modern woman should know how to choose the right style of clothing for events different kind and the society in which it is supposed to be. How to do it - advice from professional stylists collected in this article.

Test for girls and women: the ideal image style

Before you find your style, you need to decide on the color type of appearance, a new look and type of figure:

  • color type depends on appearance - Colors of hair, skin, eyebrows. To find out yours, you need to daytime go to the mirror without makeup and put on a fabric or clothes of peach and pink flowers. If your color is peach, then you have warm color type am - "Spring" or "Autumn". If vice versa, then cold - "Summer" or Winter. Accordingly, when buying clothes, it is better to give preference to warm shades if you have a warm color type and vice versa;
  • Lifestyle- Another factor on which the choice of style directly depends. Active girls that are constantly on the move fit style sports - casual, country, military. Women who have connected their lives with business can opt for business casual. Girls who follow all the latest trends should definitely look at pajama and lingerie styles. As for the natures who go against the current, they should choose a style of clothing for themselves from such trends as grunge or boho, which express the unusual inner world in the best possible way;
  • body type- the last factor, but almost the dominant factor that you need to focus on when choosing clothes and style. Find out how to do this below.

Rules for choosing a style of clothing in accordance with the physique

Depending on the type of figure, the features of choosing clothes have certain differences.

Type of figure "Triangle"

The distinguishing features of the Triangle figure are narrow shoulders and wide hips. In order to look stylish, girls with such a figure should emphasize their shoulders, neck and arms.

Therefore, you should pay attention to:

Inverted Triangle Body Type

Girls with an “inverted triangle” figure should focus on the lower part of the silhouette.

Suitable for this purpose:

  • blouses and skirts with peplum;
  • fluffy skirts and free cut, it is possible with a pattern;
  • sweatshirts and jackets with set-in sleeves;
  • blouses with raglan sleeves.

Stylists recommend choosing trousers and skirts with decorative elements or opt for clothes in horizontal stripe. Such a pattern will visually increase the volume of the hips.

As for colors, when choosing a kit, you must follow the rule “dark top, white bottom”.

Shape type "Circle"

The owners of the “circle” figure have narrow shoulders and slender legs, but the body resembles the letter “O”. Such a figure is possessed by girls with lush breasts and hips.

To emphasize the dignity of the figure, girls should choose:

The chosen clothing should be slightly tight, and not tight silhouette.

Shape type "Rectangle"

Girls with a “rectangle” figure have the same width shoulders and hips and a slightly defined waist. In order to visually give this shape the ideal hourglass, girls have to change their wardrobe.

Basic in the wardrobe should be such things as:

Sweatshirts and blouses should be worn loose. On such a figure, clothing with short sleeves is appropriate.

Hourglass body type

Girls with a figure hourglass” very lucky, as the whole world is striving for their ideal forms. They have approximately the same volume of the chest and hips and a pronounced "wasp" waist.

Owners of a chiseled figure can afford such clothes as:

Girls with an hourglass figure can afford massive or, conversely, miniature jewelry. Their clothes can be decorated with flounces, ruffles and other decorative elements.

Basic things in the wardrobe of stylish girls and women

business suit

The suit must be trouser, preferably black, but you can safely choose another neutral color - gray or blue. You can wear it to work wearing a white shirt under your jacket.

But no less elegant evening version when the image is complemented by a string of pearls. The shirt should be safely replaced with a T-shirt or top with decor.

Blouses and shirts

The basic wardrobe should have several blouses, shirts and T-shirts without a pattern and neutral colors such as white, beige and black. One of them must be in a masculine style in a calm shade, for example, blue, light pink.


Jeans dark blue and straight cut universal thing which is suitable for any occasion. They can be easily combined with a shirt, jacket and pumps for work or sneakers for a walk. Also, nothing prevents you from combining them with some trendy thing.

It is worth saying a few words about classic trousers separately. It can be straight or flared models with a high or medium fit. Like other elements of the basic wardrobe, they should be neutral, dark in color.


A dress that should definitely settle in the wardrobe is a black case. When choosing it, the cut is important - it must be perfect, without an extra fold.

In addition to the dress, you need to purchase a pencil skirt. It can be not only black, but also another neutral color. For example, gray, blue or beige. Such a skirt can be worn not only with a jacket, but also with a jacket or oversized sweater.

Jackets and sweaters

For cool weather, it is important to have in the wardrobe such things as:

  • turtleneck or sweater with a neck without unnecessary decorations;
  • jacket, cardigan or jumper V-neck dark neutral color
  • a light-colored jumper, such as beige or gray.

The cut should be close-fitting, but in no case should it fit the silhouette. A couple of elements must be a free model.


The main role of accessories is to add the missing touch to the ensemble. They can be both unusual and classic. The main thing is that the image looks harmonious.

But, as in clothes, accessories have their own base, which every girl and woman should have:


For cool windy and rainy days, be sure to purchase a neutral-colored trench coat - beige, gray, blue. Availability wide belt with buckle turn-down collar, coquettes, pseudo shoulder straps, straps and a slit at the back are a must.

For cold winter days a double-breasted cashmere coat below the knee is suitable. It should not have unnecessary details and decorations, except for the belt. Like a trench coat, it should be discreet universal color. For example, blue.

The main rules for combining clothes

By cut

If you don’t know how to choose a style of clothing for yourself in terms of cut, then, first of all, you should focus on your type of figure and the cut that is allowed for it. But you should also follow universal rule- if the bottom is tight, then the top should be free and vice versa.

Also, stylists allow a combination of original top and bottom, if this is implied by the style. Otherwise, you can get not a stylish, but a shapeless image.

By lenght

The wrong combination of length in clothes can lead to an imbalance of proportions and, as a result, instead of slender, the legs will become shorter and the torso too long. In order not to be mistaken with proportions, with a dress and a skirt or classic trousers with a high waist, a cropped or fitted jacket should be worn.

Cardigans and oversized sweaters should be worn with moderately fitted trousers. In no case should you wear a cardigan below the buttocks with a knee-length dress - such an ensemble will visually shorten the legs. The exception is long cardigans to the ankle - their ensemble, both with a dress and with trousers, will look great.

by color

To look stylish, it is important to remember a few rules for combining colors:

For clothes with patterns

Many girls avoid clothes with prints. Stylists note that this is absolutely the wrong step, since the right one is able to radically change the image from an ordinary to a stylish one.

Options for combining things with a print:

By texture

When combining things in texture, one simple rule should be taken into account - thin fabrics make up an ensemble with thin ones, and dense ones with dense ones. For example, fine silk or chiffon are appropriate in summer sets, and wool and velvet - in winter.

But the exception to the rule is spring-autumn period when an opaque blouse made of satin, silk or chiffon can be worn with trousers or a skirt and complement the look with a jacket or cardigan.

Examples of body shaping with clothes

It's no secret that with the help of a properly selected ensemble, you can become slimmer or, conversely, visually add a couple of kilograms if the figure is too thin.

In order not to look fuller, you need to exclude from the wardrobe:

You can get slimmer by wearing:

  • fitted clothes with an elongated neckline;
  • clothes without voluminous pockets, stripes and other voluminous decor;
  • knee-length skirts and dresses with a couple of pleats in front, but in no case on the sides.

Girls who want to look fuller need to follow these tips, just the opposite.

Table of combinations of basic colors in the wardrobe

Fashion designers believe that the basic wardrobe modern girl should be kept in neutral shades. To make it boring, the basic shades need to be diluted with other colors that combine with them. Table right combination colors in the wardrobe will help you choose the style of clothing for yourself in right colors and shades.

Tips from professional stylists to create the right bow

Do not copy other people's images

Images of stars are created taking into account the features of the figure and taste preferences. Therefore, it is incorrect to copy it completely. Such tactics do not allow revealing individuality and creating your own individual style, based on the features of appearance and figure.

Therefore, it would be more correct to analyze the bow you like, highlight the individual elements that are right for you, and then recreate a similar image, taking into account your own characteristics.

Clothing should be as comfortable as possible.

Stylish clothes are not only beautiful, but also comfortable. Moreover, not only physically, but also psychologically. It is hardly possible to look confident in trousers or a dress that are too tight. Or at high heels if a girl wears ballet flats most of the time.

When choosing clothes, you need to stick to the golden mean - beautiful and comfortable, and not just beautiful.

Of course, this is not a call to refuse, for example, from high heels. They can also be worn, but from time to time, as it is not so much beautiful as harmful.

Buy clothes according to your body type

No wonder stylists came up with a formula perfect figure- "hourglass". This does not mean that other types of figures are ugly. Vice versa, correct selection clothes will only emphasize this beauty and individuality, and will not flaunt figure flaws.

When updating your wardrobe, you should definitely take into account the type of figure and the clothes and proportions that correspond to it.

Try bold ideas and novelties

The beauty and fashion industry does not stand still, and what seemed like a fantasy for many years is now a reality. Therefore, you should boldly take into service and try on everything that a capricious lady offers, from clothes to the latest in cosmetology. The latter will allow you to stay young and beautiful for a long time to keep up with the times.

Fashionable bows and trends 2019

Cruise style

Despite the name, cruise style is clothing not only for leisure, but also for ordinary everyday life. It will always look stylish girls of any complexion.

Before trying on this image, it is worth checking out the closet, as you may already have some of the style elements:

pajama style

Dresses in flowing fabrics with lace, spaghetti straps and loose suits reminiscent of sleepwear are all pajama style. According to the latest fashion shows, this style is not going to lose ground for a long time.

TO distinctive features relate:

Stylists note that in order to look fashionable, you should definitely pay attention to impeccable makeup and styling. Otherwise, the image will be not only not stylish, but simply careless.

Linen style

Lingerie style is similar to pajama, but it still differs from the latter:

Style, despite the veil of intimacy, closed. Therefore, when choosing, you need to be modest so as not to look vulgar.

One of the successful images of lingerie style fans is a dress with a voluminous sweater and boats.

Military style

Military or military style is the best suited for urban life due to its practicality and convenience:

Hair should be simple. Short hair is welcome.

Bohemian style

Bohemian style or "boho" is usually preferred by creative, open-minded individuals. One of the reasons is the opportunity to reveal your individual taste. The other is convenience. In style, according to the history of fashion, the city of Bohemia, where many gypsies lived, became the source of style.

Clothing in boho is characterized by the presence of:

But when creating such an image, it is important to remember the sense of proportion so as not to look too pretentious.

Casual style

Casual is a great style choice for those who don't know how to style themselves. This direction allows both business women and young girls to realize themselves and is located between strict classics and contemporary styles.

This direction is different:

  • the absence of such shiny details as rhinestones, sequins or glitter;
  • a combination of both branded and ordinary things;
  • a wide selection of colors and shades.

Casual is divided into several areas:

  • sports in which the presence of elements of sportswear is mandatory: sneakers, T-shirts;
  • street, which is characterized unusual combination various styles, such as denim trousers and a classic jacket;
  • business or chic, thanks to which you can combine comfortable and luxurious clothes. In this direction, a combination of simple clothes and prestigious jewelry is welcome.

Country style

Country style came from the West when European settlers flooded the continent. Their life was hard, as they left their native lands and explored new, unfamiliar places and customs.

Therefore, the clothes are distinguished by convenience and comfort:

A hat and Cossacks with spurs will make the image especially stylish.

grunge style

Grunge is a style of rebels who want to stand out from the crowd and protest against established norms and rules. They express their position to the world through clothes, boldly violating fashion rules established styles.

It is characterized by:

The image must be supplemented with shabby flat-soled shoes or high platform, as well as various headdresses. For example, a hat, a cap. Various massive accessories are also welcome.

Professional image makers note that you can choose a good style of clothing if you follow these tips. It is important not only to know how to do it, but also not to be afraid of experiments, so that the created image will please not only the owner, but also delight those around.

Video on how to choose a style for yourself

Features of choosing clothes by type of figure:

How to choose jeans according to the type of figure:

Tastefully selected wardrobe emphasizes the individuality of its owner. But sometimes it is not at all easy to find your style in clothes. After all, things should be not only comfortable, practical and fashionable, but also inner world their owner.

The style in which you first of all feel comfortable and at ease suits you. This means that clothing should correspond to the appearance, behavior and lifestyle. It is also worth considering the occasion in connection with which you plan to put on a particular outfit. When choosing a style of clothing, remember that each outfit obliges you to adhere to a certain demeanor. A strict classic suit implies restraint and calmness, Evening Dress With open neckline requires some coquetry and sexuality, and jeans with a T-shirt or a sweater symbolize looseness and ease. It is unlikely that you will feel comfortable wearing formal suit for a party or evening dress for work. When choosing clothes, a lot depends on the characteristics of the figure. If you have ideal proportions, then you can afford everything your heart desires - from classic to avant-garde. If the figure requires correction, then you should be more careful about choosing an image. Evaluate yourself from the outside, highlight your strengths and weaknesses. Think about what models and colors suit you, what clothes you get compliments on. And then follow the elimination method: what doesn’t suit you, immediately put it on the farthest shelf. From the remaining options, choose what is closer to you and best suits your character and lifestyle. If this causes some difficulties, then seek the help of a stylist or those people whose taste is beyond doubt. It is necessary to select clothes in such a way that it masks flaws and emphasizes advantages. The choice of clothing style also depends on your age. There are styles that suit women of any age category. For example, classic style or sports. youth fashion would look ridiculous on a respectable lady. Conversely, an outfit that emphasizes the elegance of a mature woman will look at least strange on a student. Appearance and character also determine your wardrobe. Feminine and sophisticated ladies prefer romantic style clothes. Energetic people love sport style. Classics are inherent in conservatives and careerists. Oddly enough, but the choice of style may also depend on the region in which you live. The villager chooses comfortable and functional clothes. Residents of the sunny coast will suit an outfit made of light fabrics bright color. No matter what style you prefer, it is recommended to expand the wardrobe palette. If you have not yet worn classic clothes then try it out. Suddenly this is what you need!