Summer care for oily skin. Oily skin care in summer

Owners of oily skin are easier to survive the winter cold, but in the summer it often brings grief. Firstly, it shines, and secondly, it is almost always porous, and in summer the pores are often clogged with dust and dirt.

Therefore, oily skin in the summer has to be washed with soap. It's better to choose liquid soap. The water must be soft room temperature, better boiled. hot water you should not wash your face, as this leads to increased sebum secretion.

Cold water, on the contrary, narrows the pores. Oily skin benefit from contrast washes and compresses.

The best peeling for her is from sea ​​salt. 1 teaspoon salt mixed with a little olive oil and with a swab in a circular motion gently cleanse the skin. Then wash and apply moisturizer.

Or this recipe: 2 tbsp. spoons of warmed cream, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 3-4 tbsp. ground spoons oatmeal, 2 drops of rosemary essential oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply in a circular motion on the face. Wash off with warm water first. Then wash with cool mineral water without gas.

Contaminated oily skin, covered with black dots, is cleaned with salt mixed with baking soda. To do this, a cotton swab dipped in soap suds, dipped in the mixture and rub the contaminated places in a circular motion for a minute. Then they wash themselves with cool boiled water and wipe their face with eucalyptus tincture (sold in a pharmacy), diluted in water - 1 part eucalyptus, five times a day water.

It is useful to wipe oily skin with whey, as well as water acidified with lemon juice, cranberries.

For degreasing areas containing the largest number sebum, use boric alcohol.

Brings tangible benefits and wiping with natural grape wine diluted 1:1 with water.

In the evening, after cleaning, the skin should be wiped with low-fat yogurt. And after it dries, apply an evening cream.

To tighten the pores, rub the skin with a piece of fresh tomato.

Good effect gives a mask of sauerkraut with a few drops vegetable oil. If the skin is thick, then the oil does not need to be added. The mask is kept for 10-15 minutes, then washed with water at room temperature.

Lotions made from natural ingredients can be used daily.

From aloe. Place peeled and chopped aloe leaves in a half-liter jar so that they fill the space for two fingers, pour vodka on top to half the jar. Insist 7 days in a dark place. Strain. Dilute the part necessary for use 1: 1 with boiled water and wipe the face.

Herbal. 1 dessert spoon of horsetail, 1 dessert spoon of yarrow, 1 dessert spoon of stinging nettle pour 2 cups of boiling water and boil for 20 minutes over low heat. Insist 2 hours. Strain, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of alcohol pharmacy tincture of calendula. Wipe face instead of lotion.

With enlarged pores, a mint and chamomile compress is used to tighten the skin. Mix 1 tbsp. mint leaves and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile, mix. Take 1st. a spoonful of the mixture, fill up with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain, moisten a piece of broth terry towel and keep on the face until it cools down, wipe the face with a piece of ice and apply again hot compress. So 4-5 times. Finish the procedure by washing with cool water.

In the heat, before applying a nourishing night cream, it is washed with water acidified with lemon juice or salted table salt. After 20-30 minutes, wash off the cream with a decoction of chamomile or parsley.

During the day, oily skin after applying the cream should be powdered so that dust and dirt do not clog the pores.

Comment on the article "Oily skin in summer. Take care of the face"

See the beginning here [link-1] Now more about the application. Acids are introduced into our menu carefully, at intervals, always monitoring the reaction of the skin. After cleansing, only dry face, it is better to wait twenty minutes after washing, apply a product with acids, after half an hour your favorite moisturizer or nutritious cream. During the next day, we observe the mood of the skin and do not use acid). It is optimal for beginners to start with twice a week, then every other day, with ...

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For the second summer, I am pleased with such an orange wash. [link-1] No pests, with protection against photoaging - thanks to vitamin C in the composition. The volume / price / quality ratio is excellent, it lasts for a long time. The pump is comfortable and doesn't spit. A drop of this transparent, slightly orange-scented gel in a duet with a brandy sponge [link-2] perfectly cleanses the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, leaving the skin radiant without drying out and redness. Daily massage sponge...

The beauty of every girl directly depends on the condition of the skin. On her appearance influences a huge number of factors, often not always favorable, and which can cause problems on the skin. There are many creams to combat them, but in order to apply them correctly and get the expected result, you should know and follow the basic rules. Firstly, the cream will work correctly only when it is selected according to your skin type. There are four in total...

Pores? Wrinkles? Oily skin? Makeup floats? I can suggest miraculous remedy, which perfectly levels almost all skin imperfections during makeup. For a long time I hesitated to buy similar remedy. It seemed that all grouts / bases / primers would clog my pores once and for all and there would be much more problems than good. Missha's latest powder captivated me once and for all, and I decided to buy Missha The Style Art Designing Pore Cover Balm The cutest powder-colored tin...

Be sure to bring wipes for oily skin in the summer, wipe constantly, every 2-3 hours. Necessarily sunscreen For problematic skin.


I didn't go to the beautician. I pop up periodically on the wings of the nose, on the forehead, on the chin. I cover it with a medical budgetary salicylic stopproblem corrector. It quickly helps to dry out the inflammation, so that it sometimes does not even ripen. It costs 60 rubles. And it camouflages well, so that people can go out.

I had horror-horror until thirty-five years old
doctors/hormones/antibiotics did not help or helped temporarily
saved for a long time by weekly cleanings
my personal problem is solved:
1) caffeine-free diet: removed coffee / chocolate / cocoa, strictly limit tea / cola
it became noticeably better after 3 months of restrictions, now a sip of coffee is equal to a month of problems
You write that in the states the skin has improved. Try to analyze what she ate/didn't eat there,
compared to here.
2) Clinic 3-in-1 system

Switched to skin79 products a couple of months ago. I use their BB cream instead of foundation and concealer and, accordingly, had to take their two-phase cleansing system.
It also works well. Their BB cream is excellent at controlling sebum production.

So I look at all this bacchanalia with cooking creams and, either from envy, or from laziness, I don’t understand))) Well, really, is it really impossible to get by with a store assortment? It’s as if the entire cosmetics industry is sleeping and seeing how to stuff our precious faces with hormones and sulfates (well, how are they there, well, kadosh karoch))) Yes, it’s envy for sure ... Shaw nifiga, I don’t understand about these assets, peptides, molecules and so on.)) Apparently the time has not come to understand or laziness (which is most likely)))) ...


1. Combined.
2. Tonic - only the Teebaum series from the Belarusian Belita. I haven't come across anything better.
HL creams are the best for me.
3. Kat, the question, it seems to me, is incorrect - what did not suit me perfectly suits others, and vice versa.
4. General information only.
5. I don't care :)
6. Yes, on the advice of a beautician, I transfer the moisturizing-nourishing cream with AHA from day to evening, and use a cream with SPF during the day.
7. Wash, tonic, serum, face cream, blepharogel, eye cream, eyelash agent - the last one only in the evening.

1. Combined, 29
2. Morning: Foam for washing with tamarind, Claras, or gel for radiance, also Claras (warm season), thick lotion for moisturizing and shining the face (also Clarans), Eldan serum firming under the eyes, if I don’t forget the cream of clinics with SPF on top 20 (alternating with Clarins gel and serum against dark circles) ; in the evening - dior make-up wash oil, some kind of Korean wash for the eyes, there is no tonic yet, but there will be amphitrite fresh line, Clarence hydraquench moisturizing, eyes - Eldan serum, Clarence gelt over the top or some kind of natural anti-dark circles serum.
Course -serum + cream lierac mesolift
+ peeling -skatka (1 time per week) - some kind of Asia, masks - according to mood, exfoliating wash - 1-2 times a week, mizon bubbles - according to mood
3. Cleanser + biotherm cream, snail myzona, dei wear and some cream from esti lauder, himalaya tonic, tony moth slipping mask
4. General information, look through the composition, + remember negative feedback, well, I generally don’t buy anything without studying what they write on the Internet
5. Stickiness, oiliness, unpleasant odor
6. In summer, lighter textures, mainly + matting wipes, + if possible, I clean my face with tonic more often
7. Washing + tonic + cream + eye serum + eye cream + tone + eyebrow shadow + blush + eyeliner + mascara + lip balm / lipstick, masks, etc. I can’t count, irregularly because)

Hmm .. I'm just an artificial cyborg :))
By the way, in time it all takes 10-15 minutes in the evening and 10 minutes in the morning :)

The plans for the summer are Lancome hydra chota-tam, and a series of angelica from loxitan

What do you think with national cuisine which country should take the example? I'm sure it's from Japanese. The main components of this cuisine are: rice, vegetables (including seaweed of various varieties), fruits and, of course, the freshest seafood and fish. Look at the indigenous people of this country! He is pulled up, he has Thick hair, strong nails, healthy radiant complexion… Is the secret in the geographical location of the country? Perhaps in part. But main secret in nutrition. Thanks to this diet, the Japanese get ...

The skin is an indicator of our health. Looking at her, you can find out everything about our inclinations, bad habits and lifestyle. The skin is easy to injure, but it can be restored, although this will take time. We present to your attention ten rules for skin health. RULE #1: SAVE YOUR NERVES! It has been scientifically proven that all diseases are from the nerves, and skin diseases in particular. After all, between the skin and nervous system there is a direct close connection. The skin constantly provides the brain full information O...

save me, I can't take it anymore. the skin is oily, with pores, sometimes there are black spots and pimples. but at the same time she always reacted badly to soap and cleansers for oily skin ...


Planet! I had a similar situation, the pores were completely clogged and nothing helped, I tried everything that was possible. A friend advised me to use proactive. a month later, the result is tangible, I got rid of any imperfections on my face, if necessary, you can use it for two months, but one was enough for me. try.

I read the entire thread.
I will join those who speak about dehydrated skin.

Unfortunately, when the irritation reaches "the whole face is peeling off, sometimes even some reddish islets", then IMHO - this already needs to be resolved only through a dermatologist. I don’t want to croak, but at the beginning it is necessary to remove the issue with allergies / neurodermatitis and with any evil spirits such as a tick.

And then you will take sedative measures, but it turns out that it was necessary to TREAT. God forbid, of course, it will cost, the ladies in our country usually exaggerate their problems, tk. look in the mirror at a distance of 5 cm :))))

solving such problems by typing, i.e. sorting through some kind of sedatives, WITHOUT DISCOVERING THE REASON - usually, uh .. not very effective.

Good luck! In 30 years - everything will quickly recover !! if you find the reason.. :)

Care mixed skin should be regular. mixed type skin is most common in our time. As a rule, the cheeks, temples, cheekbones and neck are normal or dry skin types, while the forehead, nose and chin are oily skin, which is often shiny and covered with blackheads. Therefore, care for mixed skin should be individual for each of its areas. The forehead, nose and chin should be cleaned with a gel or milk for oily skin. Means should be with a small amount of alcohol with a mild effect. After...

I am 30 years old (if you asked me). Combination skin. (fat in T-zone and otherwise normal) 01/05/2011 16:52:29, rupch.


Dizao masks are sold in pharmacies, you can buy different 1 piece each and try what suits / likes more, and then buy a large package and use it. the course needs 12 pieces daily and then 1-2 masks per week. I do. I like Tibetan herbal masks (nutrition and recovery) and Coral and algae (moisturizing). Didn't like the Golden Protein mask.

They are sold in stores such as Auchan, Letual, Podruzhka, etc. They can be in a box or in separate, individual packages. For oily skin, sauna masks are good, fruit acids, clay and zinc masks. Depends on your needs, start with 2-3 times a week, then move on to 1 cleanse and 1 nourish-moisturize. Cleansing and nutrition-moisturizing use for life :-) Then add hyaluronic acid etc. Yandex knows how they look.

I am 30 years old. The skin is not very problematic, slightly prone to blockage and rashes in PMS, porous in the t-zone. Not greasy.Cleansing with wash and tonic La Roche pose Effaclar...

In the evenings, sometimes I don’t wash my face at all, but wipe my face with a special impregnated napkin (my skin is oilier in summer).


My opinion is probably not relevant - what kind of water we have, Maultash wrote below, the mineral water is resting.
Regarding the temperature: I wash myself cold water- more pleasant and invigorating (especially in the morning). The shower, of course, is warm, in the shower I usually wash my face with foam. But I'm generally a "fish", the more water the better for me :)

Can I have the name of the salon and the name of the beautician you visited? if you don't want to go here - you can go to the podnik :)

Briefly about myself: 32 years old, oily skin (greasy sheen all over the face, and not just in the T-zone), not sensitive, problematic (black dots, 2-3 pimples are always on the face) ...


I love Shiseido tri-color powder

I use the full range of products from Payo. For oily skin. I go to the salon once every 2 weeks to do an ultrasound cleaning and the Detox program from Erickson. The condition of the skin has improved markedly with regular visits to the beautician. The skin is the same as you described. 31g.

It turned out that my T-zone skin, now (after a hormonal surge) becomes very oily in the summer, and standard cosmetics are no longer suitable, cosmetics generally make sense ...


suffered from the same thing last year, also because of the heat. Inga's advice helped (you can find it by searching - it was about a year ago). Smearing the skin with something new will not help much, if the skin is actively greasy, it means that it removes excess. I was helped by frequent, frequent washing in such heat - I washed my face as soon as I felt a sticky-unpleasant sensation on my skin. HELPED. A simple spraying of the skin with water or other "sprinklers" (Avon definitely has it, Oriflame seemed to have it) did not help me - I had to wash my face. The skin of the T-zone turned out to be, now (after a hormonal surge) it becomes very oily in the summer, and standard cosmetics are no longer suitable, in general it makes sense to use cosmetics (not decorative, I mean ;-) only at night.
Regarding the advice below (not to sunbathe), again I can not agree with the Joke - for me personally (because IMHO-IMHO-IMHO) staying in the sun helps. The overall appearance of the skin improves. It is unreasonable to introduce new products during skin problems - how to determine whether acne continues to appear from the heat or is it already new - due to new products?

Salicylic alcohol or chamomile infusion :)

And I will wash my face - summer has come and it will not survive without washing :-). Thank you again! Milk for dry skin Some cosmetologists talk about milk for oily skin - I have not met ...


I'm a little confused reading your posts :)

> if I wash my face, tonic-cream, then my face looks shiny, so I don’t use it.

> the question is whether it is necessary to wash your face 2 times a day if your face in the morning after washing does not have time to absorb the cream and looks greasy :-(

You ask if you need to wash yourself, and the reason that stops you is not at all the consequences of washing, but what you do AFTER it, i.e. put on cream and your face looks greasy.
M.b. do not apply cream or use another one, etc. but what does it have to do with washing, not washing - I, sorry, did not understand.

And I also have a question, what do you mean by "wash"? There are 2 similar, but still different concepts: to wash and cleanse your face.

"To wash" is not a strict concept :)) What meaning do you put into it? Just water?

"To cleanse the face" - already implies the use of cleaning products. For someone it is a gel or foam, or milk (depending on skin type), then a tonic or a cleansing mask, ... the arsenal of cleaning products is great.

Now about the cleansing of combination skin :))

Firstly, there is no mandatory requirement to wash your face with water for any type of skin! Because, there is
- water intolerance,
-our water is known for its bad quality,
-not all cleansers require water, etc. to be removed.

Secondly, classically, the purification stage is divided into 3 main parts.

1. Cleansing that removes dust, dirt, makeup - foams/gels/milk/cream/eye makeup remover/etc.

2. removal dead cells from the surface. Usually it is a scrub mask, which is done depending on the type of skin, the absence of inflammatory processes and the speed of metabolic processes - 1-2 times a week.

3. Toning. This is the final stage in cleansing, which already includes the functions of not only refreshing, but also nourishing the skin (TONIC, after all!) with vitamins, useful extracts, etc. which tones the skin. Hence the name.

You should proceed from the needs of your combination skin. Do not watch that the oily is cleared all year round, and that the dry is just refreshed.

If you see the need to cleanse your skin in the morning full program- clean it, if rubbing it with a tonic is enough for you (of course you need a cream, but not the one that shines and is poorly absorbed, but the one that moisturizes without shine) - then you can do that. Only in the evening it is necessary to wash off the daily accumulation of fat and dust with your cleansing, then with a tonic. But you do it :)

If combi skin is not cleaned enough, it will suffer from rashes associated with clogged pores. It's not necessarily the T-zone that's more greasy. It can be over the entire surface, because. dust settles everywhere, the skin sweats, etc.

I hope I didn't confuse you completely :))

If a person is often in a heated room, or in an air-conditioned room (the same aircraft cabin), then this can also be called a change climatic conditions. And it is also stressful for the skin.

Usually, the warning of cosmetologists that it would be necessary in spring or autumn to revise the care line is perceived as ... uh ... to put it mildly, extortion.

Arguments that we do not wear in the summer winter clothes, and in winter - sandals also somehow disappear into the sand :))) It is customary to buy a new cream when the old one is over, and not when the season has changed, or for some reason the skin type has changed.

Well, what can you do about it? I don't even know, to be honest.

I recommend in the fire order to put aside what does not fit on this moment, I tell you that with my dry skin - I have a complete line at home (from cleansing to tone) for combination skin. But so far, frankly, only a few are worried in winter about what they will use in summer. Probably, somehow it is not customary yet, for example, to have several moisturizers at the same time: ((

The second main reason for changing the type of skin, I would call care. Mistakes in the selection of care on their own are not rare. Who doesn't make mistakes? We are all humans! And often a lady, with all the signs of dry skin, is the owner of oily but severely dehydrated skin, and vice versa - oily skin can choose such a "thermonuclear" line that it can easily dry itself out (especially in winter) and acquire peeling, lack of shine, etc. EXTERNAL signs dry skin.

Again, there is only one recipe (the above and "extortionate") - to change the line.

Please don't be intimidated by the words "change line". It is possible that especially "odious" means should be removed from the line. For example, for dry skin turned into oily - replace the moisturizer with a lighter one. But not for oily skin! And on a cream for normal, or combined (summer is ahead). Etc. There are a lot of options here, you need to look at what the lady uses, how long ago, in what period, what changes have occurred during this time, etc.

The third main reason is hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy + lactation, ovarian failure, puberty, thyroid problems, and other diseases). But cosmetics can't fix it. It needs to be understood and accepted as it is.

Everyone who has read up to this point has probably already guessed how I will end :)) ... you are not mistaken, the standard advice - IT WOULD BE GOOD TO VISIT A COSMETOLOGIST TO FIND OUT YOUR REAL SKIN TYPE.

Good luck! and don't be upset! Everything is fixable if you do it on time :))

This is what happened to me as well. I can’t call my skin oily now, but it’s definitely not dry. She does not shine much, in some places - mainly the nose and forehead, especially if it's hot. Perhaps a combination? And what, now all care needs to be changed?

Gives a good effect mask from sour cabbage with the addition of a few drops of vegetable oil. If the skin is thick, then the oil does not need to be added. The mask is kept for 10-15 minutes, then washed with water at room temperature.

Can be used daily natural lotions.

- from aloe. Place the peeled and chopped leaves in a half-liter jar so that they fill the space for two fingers, pour vodka on top to half the jar. Insist 7 days in a dark place. Strain. Dilute the part necessary for use 1: 1 with boiled water and wipe the face.

- Herbal. 1 dessert spoon of horsetail, 1 dessert spoon of yarrow, 1 dessert spoon of stinging nettle pour 2 cups of boiling water and boil for 20 minutes over low heat. Insist 2 hours. Strain, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of alcohol pharmacy tincture of calendula. Wipe face instead of lotion.

With enlarged pores, a mint and chamomile compress is used to tighten the skin.
Mix 1 tbsp. mint leaves and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile, mix. Take 1st. a spoonful of the mixture, fill up with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain, moisten a piece of terry towel in the broth and keep it on your face until it cools down, wipe your face with a piece of ice and apply a hot compress again. So 4-5 times. Finish the procedure by washing with cool water.

In the heat, before applying a nourishing night cream to the skin, it is washed with water acidified with lemon juice or salted table salt. After 20-30 minutes, wash off the cream with a decoction of chamomile or parsley.

During the day, oily skin after applying the cream should be powdered so that dust and dirt do not clog the pores.

Text: Julia Butt; Photo: school-studio FOTOTREND

With the onset of summer, owners of oily problem skin begin to experience particular discomfort. After all, the number negative factors, negatively affecting its condition, increases in hot weather. It does not improve the situation and the fact that patients who do regular cosmetic procedures, with the advent of vacation time, they visit their beautician less often.

Remember when we went on vacation, at school we were given assignments for the summer? So, in order for your clients to be able to survive this warm pause and return after the holidays beautiful and rested, without consequences on their faces, we suggest giving them homework.

We did not go through this, we were not asked this
Small doses of UV radiation are necessary for the body, and those with oily skin like that inflammatory processes become less noticeable when the skin is covered with a tan. There is a misconception that Sun rays help eliminate acne. This is wrong. Excessive oiliness of the skin, acne and seborrhea - such disorders of the sebaceous glands occur with remissions precisely in summer period. Sunbathing should not be taken as a cure. Excessive insolation only enhances the function of the sebaceous glands, increases the adhesion of corneocytes, which leads to blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands and thickening of the stratum corneum. In addition, the bactericidal properties of the sebaceous secretion are suppressed and conditions are created for the development of pyococcal infection, which leads to skin irritation and inflammation of acne. Do not forget that UV radiation can suppress skin immunity, since the skin is the main site of immunological activity, and one of the causes of seborrhea is precisely the influence of negative factors. external environment on the skin and body!
When choosing a strategy for the care of oily skin, you need to evaluate the degree of oiliness, skin tone, heredity, tendency to allergic reactions, photoreactivity, the state of the water-lipid mantle and turgor. After that, a professional care technique is prescribed. The number of procedures recommended for oily skin in a conventional beauty parlor is from one to three per week, depending on its condition and availability. inflammatory processes. Regardless age group, a brief protocol of the procedure can be reduced to solving the following tasks:
. regulation of keratinization (removal of dead cells)
. removal of excess sebum
. cleansing and narrowing pores
. restoration of the skin barrier
. relief of irritation and inflammation
. prevention and correction of age-related changes

Remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, cleanse and reduce pores, relieve inflammation - cleaning in the cabin copes with these tasks. Traditional procedure mechanical cleaning using a vaporizer whole line restrictions and contraindications. In particular, vaporization can further disrupt the barrier properties of the skin and increase transepidermal water loss, leading to dehydration. alternative mechanical impact atraumatic cleansing of the face has now become on the skin, during which peelings of various composition and mechanism of action alternate with lotions, masks and creams.
In summer, when carrying out salon procedures for oily skin, the question of using peels becomes acute. The opinions of cosmetologists differ: someone believes that peeling can be done in the summer, someone refuses this procedure. But everyone agrees on one thing: during the period of solar activity, you should not conduct deep, medium peels and laser resurfacing, since such procedures can provoke an increased photosensitivity of the skin.

Summer assignment
As noted above, visiting a beautician in the summer is reduced to a minimum, so the main bet has to be made on proper home care. Ideally, in any salon or medical center must be sold for home care the same brand on which the procedures are carried out. Manufacturers professional cosmetics provide huge selection lines aimed at correcting certain aesthetic flaws. The beautician must select and develop a home care program in the summer so as to minimize all the adverse factors that we talked about.
The first stage of our homework - correct procedure purification. Trying to get rid of oily sheen and redness, clients often turn to concealers and color cosmetics. AND sebum, mixing with cosmetics, like a sponge absorbs various pollutants. Therefore, extra effort must be made to clean the skin well. Cleansing should be carried out no more than twice a day, more frequent washing will only increase the production of sebum. In this case, gels, foams and mousses based on soft surfactants can be used as active ingredients their composition should include natural essential oils of lavender, rosemary, extracts of sage, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn, chamomile, marshmallow, mud and minerals.
Cosmetologists often have to deal with total degreasing of the skin in adolescents. They seek to get rid of the oily sheen of the skin, fanatically wiping it with products containing alcohol, salicylic acid, soap. In this case, the task of the cosmetologist is to draw the attention of parents to this and choose a gentle means for washing and toning the skin. Toning as the final stage of the skin cleansing procedure has importance. The tonic treatment enhances the skin's natural ability to retain moisture. Therefore, soft lotions are suitable for toning, which well regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands, tighten pores, promote the regeneration and renewal of epidermal cells and maintain the acid balance of the skin, and have an antiseptic effect.
Once or twice a week, you can use a gentle grinding peel. It has a keratolytic effect, frees oily skin from the keratinized layer of cells. You can use soft peels and scrubs, which contain grain particles, minerals Dead Sea, seaweed, babassu, calendula, jojoba oils, plantain, pineapple, citrus, echinacea, cucumber, aloe and chamomile extracts, glycerin. Such procedures have an effective keratolytic, sebum-regulating, comedonolytic and antiseptic effect, tighten pores.
When choosing masks for oily skin, you need to pay attention to pore-constricting agents with high content menthol. Their pleasant cooling effect is aimed not only at shrinking pores, absorbing excess sebum, smoothing skin texture, but also at reducing inflammation.
Nobody canceled moisturizing and care either: today there is a whole arsenal of products on a light gel basis. They help maintain the hydro-lipid balance of the skin and allow it to breathe.

The main enemy of oily skin in summer is active UV radiation, and an indispensable friend and helper is sunscreen. When choosing such a product, it is better to give preference to products with physical filters based on titanium dioxide, zinc oxide (it also has a drying effect) or with a combination of chemical and physical filters.
The main task of the cosmetologist in preparing the client for summer vacation- cultivating a culture of skin care. If you choose the right care and systematically implement it, then many troubles with oily skin can be avoided. After all, despite her capricious disposition, one cannot but recall the main advantage of oily skin - it remains young for a very long time.

Experts advise
Natalya Minina, dermatocosmetologist, leading cosmetologist at ADINA COSMETICS (Yekaterinburg):

Under the influence of the sun, wind, sea ​​water the natural balance of skin moisture is disturbed, it begins to peel off, irritations appear. If the problem of dry skin is not solved, then its ability to regenerate will be impaired. Owners of oily skin have a very hard time, but many believe that moisturizing their skin is not necessary. This is a common misconception. Oily skin often lacks moisture.
Creams for oily skin are used in the following cases: when there are signs of dehydration, a feeling of tightness that does not go away within 10-15 minutes after washing; after exposure to the open sun, in case of seborrheic, solar dermatitis, increased hyperkeratosis, exacerbation of acne and other problems. A moisturizing cream for oily skin should not contain oils, so as not to increase oily sheen and provoke the appearance of a pimple, it, ve, d in fatty acids, stinging with, red bacteria multiply even more intensively.
In the ADINA COSMETICS EXCLUSIVE series, we have created a moisturizing cream with a unique combination of active ingredients. Its composition allows you to achieve the best result in a short period. The cream is quickly absorbed and enriches the skin with vitamin and antiseptic components. Its unique bioactive complex of natural extracts makes the skin supple, improving its tone. Also an important element in a moisturizer for oily skin can be vitamin E, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and can slow down the appearance of acne on the skin. In addition, vitamin E has the power to give the skin a radiance.

Experts advise
Zhanna Katanaeva, dermatocosmetologist, trainer-technologist of the International Society "Biomedicine":

Problematic skin with seborrhea is defenseless against the merciless UV radiation and is prone to the development of photodermatosis and keratosis. Therefore, exposure to the sun should be strictly dosed, and cosmetic care should be regular. For skin of any type, but for oily skin in the first place, in the summer the correct cleansing technique becomes extremely important. If you do not have the opportunity to visit beauty salons often, I advise you to use the NEOLEOR application of the international company "Biomedicine" in home care programs, which delicately and effectively frees the skin from dead cells, detoxifies the skin of the face or other parts of the body. The novelty and originality of the product, protected by an international patent, allow deep cleansing of the skin in the summer without any risk. First of all, these are the cases when it is undesirable to postpone treatment for many weeks. The nanomaterial of silica and chitosan in the NEOLEOR application perfectly adsorbs toxins and pathogens and inhibits the growth of bacteria, causing inflammation. The inclusion of a glycosaminoglycan complex in the preparation immediately compensates for the lack of moisture, creates an additional hydroreserve and improves the water-protein balance of the skin. skin on long time acquires security, strength, firmness and elasticity.

Experts advise
Irina Kiseleva, PhD, dermatocosmetologist at Beauty World:

As an alternative to peeling or in between peels, we suggest using the new generation Mesoceutical VC22 serum developed by Medicaland (Japan). It is suitable for all skin types but best result achieved precisely on fat. It is well known that the ingredients of conventional serums do not penetrate through water and fat, which is why they are not absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin. As a result, the active ingredients do not reach the melanocytes of the basal layer and fibroblasts.
Mesoceutical VC22 serum contains glycerin, ascorbic acid, PG-prostaglandins, PEG-8. The penetration of the agent into the deep layers of the skin is due to the combined mechanism of action of its ingredients.
Ascorbic acid promotes cell growth, improves the absorption of calcium and iron, is involved in the synthesis of collagen and procollagen. As an antioxidant, ascorbic acid improves carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, blocks free radicals. Vitamin C, which is part of the serum, does not mix with water, which maintains the pH level that is most acceptable for the skin. And the concentration of vitamin C in the serum formulation (22?%) allows you to achieve the maximum clinical effect, which is realized due to deep penetration into the layers of the dermis. Physiologically active substances PG-prostaglandins are derivatives of polyunsaturated fatty acids, have vasodilating properties, stimulate smooth muscles, regulate lipid metabolism and cellular metabolism. Serum is combined with comprehensive care mesoceutical.

Experts advise
Ksenia Samodelkina, dermatologist-cosmetologist, trainer at Salon Cosmetics:

In summer, as well as throughout the year, oily skin needs thorough cleansing, toning, protection, but do not forget about intensive care: masks, home express massage, serums.
Cleansing is recommended to be carried out daily in the evening using a mild cleansing foam or gel. Modern cosmetical tools, containing non-aggressive surfactants, are gentle on the hydrolipid mantle of the skin, but at the same time carefully remove dirt, dust, urban smog and excess sebum.
Deep cleansing. In summer, it is better to prefer peelings containing AHA acids. soft scrub containing polyethylene granules. If you still decide to use ANA peeling, then do not forget about sunscreen before going outside.
Toning. Refreshing tonics deserve special attention. Firstly, restoring the pH of the skin after washing is a mandatory process; secondly, you will feel how easily the skin breathes. Tonics specially designed for oily skin care contain extracts of herbs such as calendula, chamomile, yarrow, which soothe the skin, prevent the formation of inflammatory elements, and have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. Special tonics in a spray pack will help refresh the skin throughout the day.
Intensive care. Contrary to popular belief, you should not ignore the use of creams in the summer. Choose creams that are suitable specifically for oily skin, on light basis, giving a sebostatic and mattifying effect during the day and soothing in the evening. Also, it is not necessary to refuse foundation. Modern tonal creams allow the skin to breathe freely, give an additional matting effect and protect against negative impact ultraviolet. For intensive care, sebostatic serums and masks containing white clay, sapropelic mud, extracts are recommended. tea tree, azulene, anti-inflammatory complexes.

Experts advise
Elena Myagkikh, dermatologist-cosmetologist, leading methodologist at Profkosm LLC, certified trainer of ANNA LOTAN (Israel):

Insolation, sweat and dust are three conditions for exacerbating oily skin problems in summer. Quite often, they are joined by an irrational choice of a product with a UV protection function and an increased enthusiasm for absorbent day products. Without proper cleansing the problem gets even worse. And darkening of the skin due to sunburn - only masks the inflammatory elements.
That is why sebum-balancing and anti-acne treatments and programs are no less relevant in summer than in other seasons. Also needed salon procedures, aimed at moisturizing oily skin, soothing and anti-inflammatory procedures. It is highly preferable not just to eliminate hyperkeratosis, but programs aimed at normalizing physiological desquamation and preventing dyskeratosis.
ANNA LOTAN laboratory offers an effective and safe oily skin care program based on the use of natural vegetable gels, which will quickly and deeply moisturize the skin, eliminate redness and discomfort, and concentrates based on safe plant extracts provide complete rehabilitation of the skin after photodamage.
In addition, the ANNA LOTAN laboratory has developed a set of preventive programs for such clients. Focusing on the individual manifestations and the degree of sensitivity of oily skin, you can create a wide range of home care programs and choose the most effective set of corrective and preventive drugs.


Season Theme

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Let New Year will be the year of prosperity for your business, will bring ingenious ideas that will turn the world upside down, and your capital will triple and begin to bring big dividends.

As soon as the first rays of the sun wake up after the winter cold, the body is rebuilt and often beriberi occurs in all people. No less noticeable spring affects the skin, which also needs to be replenished with vitamins.

It is very useful to welcome spring with a change in skin care. For example, start washing your face in the morning not just with water and cleansers, but useful decoctions from chamomile, sage or nettle.

Oily face skin in summer - summer face care

With the onset of heat and increased sweating, more dirt, sweat and dry skin cells are clogged into the pores of oily skin, which means that care for oily skin in the summer should be appropriate. In addition, oily facial skin itself becomes more weathered due to sweating, and most of the dead cells remain on your skin and need to be removed periodically, allowing the skin to breathe better in summer.

It is useful to refresh oily skin in the summer with low-fat yogurt, wash your face with a cool decoction of sage after that. And to give the skin moisture, fixing the beneficial result, you can moisturize well light cream for oily problematic skin.

Decoctions of herbs, for example, St. John's wort, as well as juices of fruits and vegetables - tomatoes, watermelon, grapes and, of course, cucumber, well refresh and tone up oily skin in the summer.

It is striking for many owners of oily skin that when recommending the use of a cream, it seems to them that oily skin in the summer from the cream becomes even more oily. But remember that the oily skin of the face, deprived of additional moisture and protection, is exposed to the wind in summer, which dries it, brings in dirt, creams contain antioxidants and useful material. Overdried oily skin will shine mercilessly, trying alone to resist dryness. The sebaceous glands in this case will start to work "for wear", and you will suffer from sweating and shine.

Summer care for oily skin during the day

In the summer, one wants to rid oily skin of drops of sweat and dirt by wiping it with paper or ordinary handkerchiefs. Do not do that. Take wet cosmetic wipes or apply on paper napkin powder before touching your face.

Choose the right skin care products for oily skin in summer. Alcohol-based lotions can be very harmful to you and your skin in the summer, frequent peeling and a heavy day face cream. If in the summer the cream is not absorbed in the morning, then you either washed your face with the wrong one, or the cream is not the right one. Cream for oily skin - weightless, light, very liquid or has a gel texture.

Summer care for oily skin

How to harden the skin in summer and strengthen its natural protective functions? Wash your face in the morning with cool water, lowering the temperature. You can wipe oily skin with ice cubes made from pure or even mineral water with lemon juice. In addition, immediately after sleep, you can cut a vegetable or fruit: tomato, cucumber, watermelon (not citrus fruits) and wipe the skin of the face with halves of the fruit: forehead, cheeks, temples, nose, chin (except for the eyes). After such a procedure, it will be useful to wash, and the skin, while being cleansed of the fruits, will have time to get enough of their benefits.

Do not forget about masks for oily skin. In summer, masks are a dream for the skin. Choose products for masks in summer home cooking in the market or in your own garden. In general, where the fruits are grown for sure without the addition of chemicals and in natural natural conditions. Any cooking in the summer can be a great vitamin boost for your skin. Before you start preparing the salad, wash your face, and in the process of cooking, you can wipe your skin with all the vegetables and fruits that have been under your knife. So you combine the benefits for the body with the benefits for oily skin.

Enjoy summer time so that the supply of vitamins of natural origin is enough for your skin for the winter, but do not overdo it, allergies have not benefited anyone yet. Beauty to you!

© Text: Olga Ivanova
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If you properly care for your skin in the summer, the problem of oily sheen can be avoided.

Probably, each of us noticed how the action of sunlight is reflected on the skin: in addition to age spots, early wrinkles and signs of dehydration, it often begins to "shine".

It is in summer that the problem of oily sheen worries us much more than in winter. What is it connected with? We asked dermatologist, candidate medical sciences and Vichy training manager Elena Tikhonova tell you how to properly care for oily and oily skin in the warm season.

Vichy training manager Elena Tikhonova

We all know that under the influence of ultraviolet rays sebaceous glands begin to produce more sebum, which is secreted to the surface of the skin, giving it a greasy sheen.

Of course, oily skin has a number of advantages, in particular, it retains elasticity longer and ages more slowly. But there is also a reverse side of the coin: enlarged pores and oily sheen are visible on oily skin. In order to cope with the problem of oily sheen, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for caring for problem skin: regularly clean it, moisturize it and protect it from ultraviolet radiation.

  • 1 Twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, cleanse the skin with special alcohol-free products (washing foam, gels, milk) designed to care for oily and combination skin.
  • 2 Never wash your face with hot or strong warm water! High temperatures provoke the sebaceous glands to secrete fat. It is better to give preference to cool water or do a contrast shower for the face.
  • 3 Make it a rule to carry special matting napkins in your purse in the summer (these are now produced by most cosmetic brands). They can refresh the face during the day or touch up makeup. The wipes contain moisturizing ingredients that absorb sebum and prevent its appearance.
  • 4 Buy tonic lotions without alcohol (!), Which have a pore-constricting effect. Wipe your face with this lotion not only at home, but also during the day at work. By the way, in the office you can alternate the use of lotion with thermal water.
  • 5 In summer, use creams, emulsions or gels of light texture with a mattifying and moisturizing effect. They are quickly absorbed and do not leave a shine on the skin. To avoid acne, apply night cream to the skin no later than an hour before bedtime. Always blot the rest of the cream with a napkin.
  • 6 If possible, avoid summer foundation creams. Or use the ones that have the manufacturer's mark "Shine control during the day" - they do not clog pores. It's better to prioritize light compact powder for oily and problematic skin.
  • 7 Protect your skin from the sun! It is the sun's rays, causing additional activity of the sebaceous glands, provoke the appearance of oily sheen. In the conditions of the city, it is enough to use creams with SPF filter 15, for the beach SPF must be at least 30.
  • 8 Use a cleansing clay mask every other day. Clay perfectly absorbs sebum, exfoliates dead cells, tightens pores and improves complexion.
  • 9 Fight acne and excess fat on the face and help folk remedies. For example, here is a mask: you will need some brewer's yeast, a tablespoon of milk, a few drops of lemon juice. Dilute yeast in milk, let stand for 20 minutes, then add lemon juice. Apply the resulting mass on the face and stop for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. You need to make such a mask every evening for a week.